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PWM: Pro Wrestling to the MAX

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An all new wrestling experience comes to California if you like the daredevils of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling and the out and out wrestling of Total Championship Wrestling mixed together with adult based comedy then you’ll love Pro Wrestling MAX, started by several wrestlers including Art Reed and Fox Mask. Pro Wrestling MAX will soon be holding it’s first show, PWM MAXIMUM Impact live from The Green House Nightclub in Los Angeles. Talent scheduled for the show includes “The Amazing” Jacob Jett, “Remarkable” Steve Flash, The Ring Generals, Fox Mask and Art Reed.


Are you ready to take Pro Wrestling to the MAX?


Quick Picks


Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson


The Stalwarts(Greg Rayne & Roderick Remus) vs. The New York Connection(Joey Apollo & Sammy Shark)


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker


PWM Championship Tournament semi-finals

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash



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Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson


The Stalwarts(Greg Rayne & Roderick Remus) vs. The New York Connection(Joey Apollo & Sammy Shark)


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker


PWM Championship Tournament semi-finals

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash

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Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson


The Stalwarts(Greg Rayne & Roderick Remus) vs. The New York Connection(Joey Apollo & Sammy Shark)


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker


PWM Championship Tournament semi-finals

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash

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Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson


The Stalwarts(Greg Rayne & Roderick Remus) vs. The New York Connection(Joey Apollo & Sammy Shark)


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker


PWM Championship Tournament semi-finals

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash

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Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson


The Stalwarts(Greg Rayne & Roderick Remus) vs. The New York Connection(Joey Apollo & Sammy Shark)


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker


PWM Championship Tournament semi-finals

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash

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Taped live for DVD

From The Green House Nightclub

In front of 303 people




Pre Show


The Young Americans defeated Ant-man & Mark Smart


Your Announcers.


Remmington Remus and Sara Silver



SS: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Pro Wrestling MAX where taking wrestling to the MAX is a Minimum requirement. I’m Sara Silver and with me tonight is Remmington Remus.


RR: Hello Sara and the folks at home, We’ve got an action packed show for you tonight as we have the Semi-finals of the PWM Championship tournament as Art Reed takes on Fumihiro Ota whilst Fox Mask battles it out with Steve Flash. We also have some great tag team action coming up as my brother Roderick Remus and his new tag team partner Greg Rayne face of with Joey Apollo and Sammy Shark.


SS: Sorry to interupt you Remmy but I believe the guys watching the DVD might possibly want to watch the action listen to you run down the card. Coming up first we have Natural Storm, DC Rayne and Eddie Howard taking on The Ring Generals, Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler.



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals





The Ring Generals enter the ring area to a chorus, whilst Natural Storm walk out with the fans trying to give them their bottles of beer. DC Rayne starts things off against Marv Statler, Rayne connects with a few hard clotheslines before Statler dodges a punch and pulls out a massive northern lights suplex and both men are laid out in the centre of the ring. Statler is up first and he tags in Dean Waldorf who pulls Rayne away from his corner, Waldorf is being extremely tactical here as he starts working on the left knee of DC Rayne locking in a single leg boston crab before dropping it down into a STF and Rayne looks to be excruciating pain. The submission is finally let go when Waldorf tags in Marv Statler but not before telling the crowd to go f**k themselves. The crowd are really behind Natural Storm after the comment by Dean Waldorf, Rayne finally gets the upper hand when Statler is distracted by someone in the crowd allowing Eddie Howard to rush in and hit a Backbreaker/Neckbreaker combo, before DC Rayne gets the tag to his partner. Following a few more back and forth technical moves the referee calls for the bell as we reach the time limit in the first match in PWM in history.


Winners - N/A

Rating - E+


SS: What a great opening match, it’s a shame we couldn’t have had 5 more minutes.


RR: Your right Sara, but you can’t always get your own way, coming up next we have Samoan Machine battling it out with “The Marksman” Kirk Jameson.


SS: I’ve been lucky enough to catch some of Samoan Machine matches in Japan with INSPIRE and more recently with Golden Canvas Grappling, and the guy really is a machine.


Samoan Machine vs. Kirk Jameson



Both men are in the ring and they both lock up in a test of strength, Samoan Machine proves to be the stronger of the two as he just throws Jameson across the ring like a rag doll before hitting an impressive rolling splash on to his downed opponent. Samoan Machinestands over his opponent grabbing his neck before unleashing a overhead suplex across the ring. Kirk Jameson rolls out of the ring to catch his breathe, The big Samoan is still on the attack and he dives through the ropes with a huge forearm smash to Jameson who falls back and he takes out several rows of fans with him. The Samoan rolls back into the ring and starts taunting the people in attendance. Kirk Jameson never stood a chance here as Samoan Machine hits a massive package sit-out power bomb for the three count.


Winner - Samoan Machine

Rating - D-


RR: You wasn’t kidding was you when you said he was a machine…


Please be our bodyguard


*Remmington Remus is interrupted by the sound of live guitars played by Ryan Rotten & Filth Sylvain*




RR: Samoan Machine, Samoan Machine man, me and Filth Sylvain like your style. What we want to know is do YOU want to be the official bodyguard of Pro Wrestling MAX number one rock band Counter Culture?


FS: Yeah man! A group with our talent need a big son of a bitch to crack some skulls for us.


SM: Crack some skulls you say? I like that sound of that.




*Ryan Rotten & Filth Sylvain start to rock out with their guitars*


SM: I said I was going to crack some skulls I didn’t say who’s skull I was cracking.


*Samoan Machine Attacks Counter Culture breaking their guitars over their heads*


Rating - E+


SS: Whoa! Whoa! What a beat down that turned out to be, Counter Culture really did just get rocked.


RR: Aww! Samoan Machine ruined that awesome guitar solo.


SS: Awesome?!?! Do you know anything about music kid? That was awful.


RR: Shut up Sara, let’s just get back to the wrestling shall we? Up next we have The Stalwarts taking on the New York Connection.


The Stalwarts vs. The New York Connection





The New York Connection come down to the ring dressed like a couple of 1920’s gangsters complete with zoot suits, tommy guns and smoking cigars down to the ring. The Stalwarts on the other hand are far more serious as they run down to the ring and jump their opponents from behind laying into the downed New York Connection. When the referee finally gains some control of the situation the match starts with Joey Apollo and Roderick Remus in the ring lots of athletic ability being shown by Remus as he flips and dives past every attack Apollo tries to hit him with. Apollo finally takes advantage of the match when Sammy Shark hits Remus as he bounces of the ropes before being on the opposite end of a spine buster when is then turned into a cloverleaf submission. Remus breaks the submission as he gets to the ropes and then catches Apollo with a super kick as both men then make a tag to their tag team partners. Both Rayne and Shark run into centre of the ring but Shark ducks under a punch and slides out of the ring before running around the ring as Apollo takes out Rayne with a big cross body of the ring steps. Shark then attacks Remus which gets the attention of the referee which in turn allowed Apollo to hit Rayne with steel chair before sliding him into the ring, The New York Connection proceed to hit St Valentine’s day massacre(Gringo Killer/Ghetto Stomp combo)


Winners - The New York Connection

Rating - E+


SS: I can’t believe the underhanded tactics of the New York Connection.


RR: Well they are a couple of underworld thugs would you expect any less really?


SS: When you put it that way I guess not Remmy, coming up next we have Ford Gumble taking on “The Future” Steven Parker.


Ford Gumble vs. Steven Parker



Ford Gumble is already in the ring sipping a bottle of Rocky Mountain Brew as Steven Parker makes his way to the ring and the referee gets things under way after finally getting Ford Gumble to put down his beer. Gumble who looks physically out of shape since his appearances in TCW doesn’t look too bothered about the match and keeps looking over at this beer as Parker is getting frustrated with his opponent’s lack of commitment. Parker starts to get an advantage over his opponent when Gumbles stops fighting and slides to the outside to take a swig of his beer before coming back into the ring and spraying beer into the face of Steven Parker and then hitting the Savate Kick for the pin fall victory.


Winner - Ford Gumble

Rating - D


SS: How dangerous did that kick look…


RR: I’ll answer you in a minute Sara it looks like Ford Gumble as something to say.


Where‘s my beer?



FG: Somebody get me a beer so I can celebrate my victory…



FG: Did nobody here me I said get me a beer.



* Ford Gumble is then attacked from behind by Angel De Mexico*




AM: Ford Gumble, you’re a disgrace the way you cheat another man out of victory like that I’m here to cleanse your soul, exorcise you of your demons. Next month at Take it to the MAX, we will meet one on one.


Rating - E+


RR: Who was that masked man who promised to exorcise Ford Gumble of his demons? And what does he mean by that.


SS: I have no idea but I can’t wait for next month’s show now.


RR: Me niether, coming next we have Art Reed taking on Fumihiro Ota in the first semi-final of the PWM Championship Tournament.


Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota



In a match that featured two of the top wrestlers in PWM, Art Reed battled it out with Ota, Ota bring his fasted paced Japanese junior style of wrestling with lots of aerial moves, whilst Reed was always trying to keep the ninja grounded with his technical style of wrestling with both wrestlers getting a good amount of offence including Ota hitting a springboard shooting star press for a 2 count. Art Reed got the win with a the dread lock after reversing a frog splash.


Winner - Art Reed

Rating - C-


RR: What a fantastic match that was, as Art Reed qualifies for the final and will take on either Fox Mask or Steve Flash in the final.


SS: And I can’t wait for the main event as the high flying Fox Mask takes on “Remarkable” Steve Flash and that’s coming up right now folks.


Fox Mask vs. Steve Flash



Steve Flash is living up to his nick name here as he beats down on fox mask with vicious lefts and rights as Fox Mask tries to fight back but is shunted at every opportunity. Flash really seems to want that shot at the Championship. Flash hits a series of german suplexes before connecting with the flash bang for the victory.


Wnner - Steve Flash

Rating - D


SS: So that’s it ladies and gentlemen next month at take it to the MAX Art Reed will meet Steve Flash for the PWM Championship.


RR: And Talking off Art Reed, here comes the man now.


Reed and Flash Staredown



Art Reed comes down to ring and gets in the face of Steve Flash and the two men have a staredown to end the show.


Rating - D-


SS: Unfortunately folks that’s all we have time for , we’ll be back next month at The Green House Nightclub for Pro Wrestling MAX Take It To The MAX!


RR: Goodnight people.



Final Rating - D

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Pro Wrestling Max Predictions




donLarsson 3/6

Boltinho 3/6

Jaysin 3/6

MidnightNick 4/6


MidnightNick as the winner of the predictions, you can now ask any member of the Pro Wrestling MAX roster a question about life in PWM.


Thank you to everyone that took like to predict. hope you enjoy the show.




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Following last month’s debut show Pro Wrestling MAX returns once again to The Green House Nightclub in Los Angeles for PWM Take It To The MAX as we will crown the first ever PWM Champion as Art Reed takes on Steve Flash. On the same show we will see the first Tag Team Champions by crown as The New York Connection take on Natural Storm and The Ring Generals. Following his disappointing loss last month to Ford Gumble, Steven Parker faces off with “The King of Sleaze” Justin Sensitive. Whilst Angel De Mexico who promised to cleanse the soul of Ford Gumble takes on the man himself in singles action. The Stalwarts are in Tag Team action as they take on the debuting team of Jonnie Perez and Mikey James, The Cali Pitbulls. After their losses at MAXIMUM Impact Fox Mask faces of with Fumihiro Ota in what should be a great high flying match between the two.


Quick Picks


Samoan Machine vs. Counter Culture(Filth Sylvain & Ryan Rotten)


PWM Tag Team Championship Match

Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals vs. The New York Connection


Steven Parker vs. “The King of Sleaze” Justin Sensitive


Ford Gumble vs. Angel De Mexico


The Cali Pitbulls(Jonnie Perez & Mikey James) vs. The Stalwarts


Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota


PWM Championship Match

Art Reed vs. Steve Flash



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Samoan Machine vs. Counter Culture(Filth Sylvain & Ryan Rotten)


PWM Tag Team Championship Match

Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals vs. The New York Connection


Steven Parker vs. “The King of Sleaze” Justin Sensitive


Ford Gumble vs. Angel De Mexico


The Cali Pitbulls(Jonnie Perez & Mikey James) vs. The Stalwarts


Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota


PWM Championship Match

Art Reed vs. Steve Flash

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I almost started picking based on the prior set of quick picks. Would have been embarrassing when I still got them all wrong.



Samoan Machine vs. Counter Culture(Filth Sylvain & Ryan Rotten)


PWM Tag Team Championship Match

Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals vs. The New York Connection


Steven Parker vs. “The King of Sleaze” Justin Sensitive


Ford Gumble vs. Angel De Mexico


The Cali Pitbulls(Jonnie Perez & Mikey James) vs. The Stalwarts

Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota


PWM Championship Match

Art Reed vs. Steve Flash



To be honest I need to brush up on my North American workers. It's funny I know plenty about Europe, the UK, and Australia, but I've never actually played a US promotion for any sort of length.

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Samoan Machine vs. Counter Culture(Filth Sylvain & Ryan Rotten)


PWM Tag Team Championship Match

Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals vs. The New York Connection


Steven Parker vs. “The King of Sleaze” Justin Sensitive


Ford Gumble vs. Angel De Mexico


The Cali Pitbulls(Jonnie Perez & Mikey James) vs. The Stalwarts


Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota


PWM Championship Match

Art Reed vs. Steve Flash

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