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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Family Ties

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On the last Friday of the month, Mid Atlantic Wrestling's biggest spectacle of the year returns to Stanley Hall. It's the 5th Annual Rip Chord Invitational, and we've brought in talent from across the continent! For those of you who will be attending, we've brought you the initial seedings for the big tournament event, with the winner taking home the glory of being the best wrestler in the world!


1. Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot

2. PSW Representative "The Future Steven Parker

3. CZCW Representative Frankie Perez

4. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey

5. "The Southern Wrecker" Findlay O'Farraday

6. "Mean" Jean Cattley

7. NOTBPW Representative C.H. Threepwood

8. "The Prodigy" Jay Chord

9. FCW Representative "The Marksman" Kirk Jameson

10. NYCW Representative Larry Vessey

11. Citizen X

12. 4C Representative Rajah

13. CGC Representative "The Stud" Christian Price

14. "Hollywood" Brett Starr

15. RIPW Representative Kentucky Bill

16. Casey Valentine

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Rayelek Diary FAQ


Are you just going to flake out again?

I can't say for sure. One thing I want to do with this game is keep it short. I'm probably going to do roughly what Jingo does with his SAW game and break it up into seasons, with breaks in between for me to recharge and get ahead in the writing again, if it makes it that far.


What happened to [insert diary name here]?

In this case, it's my SWF one with Allison Sarel as the user character. I had a few promos in there that I really felt were worth posting, but the rest of the game had no luster and SWF shows are long and I didn't want to write them. Before that was EDC and I stopped playing that save because once I had a champion, I wasn't really sure where to go with the company.


So what's going to be different?

I dunno. There are things in my life that are different, so we'll see if that helps.


Diary Specific Information

I'm booking MAW. The data is the default aside from one thing which is that Larry Vessey is on a PPA with NYCW and not an Exclusive PPA as I really wanted him on this show and I don't start with anyone over enough to trade for him. My user character is The Grand Avatar and he's not gonna matter. The diary is pretty much just gonna be shows with backstage stuff mentioned when there's incidents and stuff...maybe. It'd have to be pretty significant. There's no backstory, it's just picking up where MAW may or may not have left off at the end of 2009. Hope you all enjoy reading, I'm gonna enjoy writing.

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For all you bracketologists out there longing for March Madness, here's your warm-up. Presented in front of you are the brackets for this year's Rip Chord Invitational, so start your pools, fill out your brackets and get your picks in now!



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As the Rip Chord Invitational approaches, we went backstage and got some interviews from all of the participants, many of whom were more than happy to oblige.


#1. Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot: I entered this tournament not just for my own sake, but for the honor of this country. I may be the champion, but tonight, I'm just one of sixteen other men from different walks of life vying to prove that they're the best and make it to the top. And isn't that what the American Dream is all about?


#2. PSW Representative "The Future" Steven Parker: Rip Chord may have done a lot for me, but in Pittsburgh, I've taken it to the next level. I never got to take home the gold when I was here, and so tonight is my chance. I hope everyone's ready, because in MAW, the future is now!


#3. CZCW Representative Frankie Perez: I'm pretty sure I'll be working an entirely different style than everyone here. In the Zone, we don't worry about alliances and who the fans like. We just go out there and tear the roof off the place night after night. I hope the floors at Stanley Hall are clean, because the fans are going to be picking their jaws off of them after I'm through.


#4. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey: I got all four members of the Succession into this tournament, and when I meet Jay or Casey or Brett in the finals and they lay down for their boss to make me RCI Champion again, it'll all be worth it. I won this thing last year and if you doubt me, you're in for a real shock.


#5. "The Southern Wrecker" Findlay O'Farraday: Ain't nobody gonna stand in my way. I'm taking this thing home 'n anyone tryin' to stop me is gonna get my foot up their ass.


#6. "Mean" Jean Cattley: For five years now, I've been here to be Rip Chord's whipping boy, putting over whatever loser kid he thought was the future of this business. Tonight, I'm gonna take what is rightfully mine and that's a shot at the top as the RCI Champion.


#7. NOTBPW Representative C.H. Threepwood: I know you all were expecting the fun loving Irishman Jason O'Connor, but that isn't me. Tonight it's all business when I show that hard work beats pure talent. Rip Chord may be good at training these young kids but I'm Acid taught and Stone trained and that trumps any punk here.


#8. "The Prodigy" Jay Chord: How is it that in two years, I haven't won my father's tournament? I mean, he seeded me 8th. 8th. This year, he wants me to prove myself, it's clear. Because after I wipe the floor with my opponent, I get the champ and after I beat him, then I'm in line for a title shot and my time finally arrives. Because no one can stop The Prodigy when his time comes.


#9. FCW Representative "The Marksman" Kirk Jameson: Tonight's task is very simple. I'm gonna pick apart each man that steps in front of me one by one until they're easy prey. Tonight, I've got my eye on the prize, and The Marksman never misses.


#10. NYCW Representative Larry Vessey: I guess The Stomper thought I was the best guy to come over here and teach these kids a lesson. So tonight, I'm gonna show how things are done in Japan. I'm gonna hit hard, hit fast, and bring that trophy back to what will one day be my company.


#11. Citizen X: A tournament? How archaic. The structure of this company is decaying from within and tonight, I will win my series of matches and be the one to destroy this company from within, not any one of these outsiders.


#12. 4C Representative Rajah: Tonight I'm in a tournament in Stanley Hall. Everyone knows Rajah's the man on the ball. Gonna beat all these other posers tonight. That trophy on my wall is gonna look so right. So try to stop me if you think you can. After tonight, the world will know Rajah is the man.


#13. CGC Representative "The Stud" Christian Price: MAW really is the right kind of company for me. A young star about to make his name before he takes on the world. Tonight, I'm not just going to win this tournament and start making my name. Tonight, I'm going to show why I belong in Mid Atlantic Wrestling.


#14. "Hollywood" Brett Starr: Half of the guys in this tournament aren't even from this company. Half. I don't know what Rip's thinking, but tonight I'm gonna plow through all of these outsiders and show that Mid Atlantic is where the best wrestlers come from. And the best of the best is me, Brett Starr. Tonight, a Starr is born.


#15. RIPW Representative Kentucky Bill: For quite a few years now, I've been working with the best and brightest as they work their way up to the biggest league there is. And I've worked out some skills in that time. Tonight, I'll show y'all those skills put to great use. Oh my gravy!


#16. Casey Valentine: My uncle Peter is one of the best wrestlers in the world, I'm sure you all know that. I'd say he's the best, but, I mean, have you seen me? And I get to prove that starting in Round 1 when I take out the champion. You guys thought my uncle was great? Wait till you get a look at me.


Be sure to show up at Stanley Hall for Mid Atlantic Wrestling this Friday Night!

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Not to be a downer, but you might have mixed up Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine. The latter got brought into MAW thanks to his Uncle, Peter Valentine.


Regarding Casey saying that is Uncle is a great wrestler? No, that was intentional. Peter is pretty over in the States, which to marks translates to having gotten some big wins and thus being good.


EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't read the bios properly and actually thought Casey was Peter's son. Fixing now.

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Val		AmPat				
Jameson				Chord		
Price		Vessey				
Rajah					Chord	
				Cit X	Cit X

Starr		Perez				
	Cit X				
Cit X				Cit X		
Vessey		Vessey				

Go X!

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Mid Atlantic Wrestling Presents...

The Rip Chord Invitional V

From Stanley Hall in the Mid Atlantic on the 4th Friday of January

Held in front of 274 People






#1 American Patriot vs. #16 Casey Valentine


Patriot started this one out hot and tossed Casey around the ring with his power. Valentine was able to come back after a thumb to the eye and attempt to work on the back of the bigger man, but he wasn't able to weaken him enough and the Backdrop Driver ended Valentine's run in the first round.


Winner: American Patriot





#2 Steven Parker vs. #15 Kentucky Bill


Kentucky Bill gave a good effort, but a mixed reaction from the crowd seemed to throw him, with Steven Parker being an MAW alum and Bill representing RIPW. In the end, the distraction may have been his downfall as a Future Shock put him down for the three-count.


Winner: Steven Parker





#3 Frankie Perez vs. #14 Brett Starr


Starr came into this match very arrogant, but Perez was all business, driving a leaping knee strike into Starr's back as he laid his sunglasses underneath the turnbuckle. Perez followed with a flurry of high-impact, quick-strike offense and it wasn't long before a big Hook Kick ended the match.


Winner: Frankie Perez





#4 Cameron Vessey vs. #13 Christian Price


Price looked nervous out there facing off against "The Second Generation Superstar" and Vessey capitalized on that, offering the kid a handshake before the bell, then using that for a knee to the gut. Vessey brutally attacked Price throughout the match, finally ending it with a Vessey Driver.


Winner: Cameron Vessey





#5 Findlay O'Farraday vs. #12 Rajah


Rajah rapped on his way to the ring, but Findlay wasn't having any of that as he tossed the former Craig Green around the ring before polishing him off with a devastating Atomic Spinebuster.


Winner: Findlay O'Farraday





#6 Jean Cattley vs. #11 Citizen X


Cattley was up to his veteran schemes in this match, but X was having none of it, instead just leaving the ring and getting counted out rather than compete in the structured tournament event.


Winner: Mean Jean Cattley





#7 C.H. Threepwood vs. #10 Larry Vessey


Threepwood went straight to work on the back of Vessey, setting him up possibly for his Stretch Plum submission hold. However as he went to lock in the devastating Abdominal Stretch variant, Vessey spun out and rolled him up, and the craft veteran picked up the three count!


Winner: Larry Vessey





#8 Jay Chord vs. #9 Kirk Jameson


Jameson came out strong in this one, taking the fight straight to The Prodigy, targeting the right leg with a series of kicks, then a leg dragon screw straight into a figure four. But Jay was able to turn the leg lock over, forcing Jameson to get to the ropes. After that, it was all Chord, and a DDT his daddy would be proud of put The Marksman away.


Winner: Jay Chord





#1 American Patriot vs. #8 Jay Chord


No rest for the wicked as Jay is in action right away and against the Mid Atlantic Champion, who immediately rushes the ring and a huge shoulder tackle sends Chord to the outside. Jay takes his time as the match hasn't officially begun yet, and when he does get into the ring, Jay Fair holds Patriot back, allowing Chord to get in a cheap shot which gives him the early advantage. But the Champion's power is what gives him a chance to fight back and the Backdrop Driver wins it for the second time tonight.


Winner: American Patriot





#2 Steven Parker vs. #10. Larry Vessey


Parker took it to Vessey right from the get-go in this match up, battering around the veteran and working on the injured ribs that were weakened in his earlier match with C.H. Threepwood. Finally, Parker set up Larry for the Future Shock, but once again the wiley veteran instincts were enough to spin out and roll up his opponent. While this time wasn't good enough for a three count, when Parker got to his feet, a devastating Sick Cycle nearly knocked him out of his shoes to end the match.


Winner: Larry Vessey





#3 Frankie Perez vs. #6 Jean Cattley


Perez comes out striking with a series of attacks aimed at Cattley's arms and ribs, trying to weaken the veteran and keep him off of his best moves, but Jean is able to take the blows and even shrug a few off before turning the tide, grounding Perez and weakening him with a vicious Boston Crab. Perez was able to get to the ropes, but he tried to come off the ropes with a springboard kick and Cattley used his momentum perfectly to flatten him with a violent Mood Swing for the victory.


Winner: Jean Cattley





The Succession Strikes!


Backstage we see Findlay O'Farraday on his way to the ring when he is blindsided by the three eliminated members of the Succession. Jay Chord, Brett Starr and Casey Valentine deliver a series of right hands each to Findlay to finally drive him down to the floor where the three put the boots to him. The commentary team wonders if this was arranged by Cameron Vessey, as Findlay's match against the Second Generation Superstar is up next!





#4 Cameron Vessey vs. #5 Findlay O'Farraday


Findlay eventually makes it to the ring but Vessey quickly takes advantage and scores with a Vessey Driver before Findlay has a chance to get his wits about him, providing a big win for the leader of the Succession.


Winner: Cameron Vessey





Calling Off The Dogs


Cameron Vessey walks backstage and waiting for him in the Gorilla Position is the rest of the Succession.


Jay Chord

Good job, Cam. Next you've got the champ, do you want us to get him too? With a win over the Patriot, there's no way that you could get turned down by my dad for a title shot.


Cameron Vessey

What? No, guys. Look, I won this thing last year, remember? It's when we all first came together, and we stormed through the tournament and got me the win. And where are we? We look strong, but I'm only seeded fourth this year. Casey, Brett, you guys are in the bottom three. This year, I'm going to win this thing on my own and then we'll get the respect we deserve. Thanks for the offer, Jay, but tonight is about The Second Generation Superstar, not The Succession.


And with that, Cam shoves past Jay and walks to the back. Casey Valentine moves to go after his long-time C-V-2 tag team partner but Brett Starr puts his hand on his shoulder as if to say, "Let him go."





#6 Jean Cattley vs. #10 Larry Vessey


Cattley offers a handshake at the onset of the match but Vessey shakes it off. This is a very fun match to watch for fans of the old-school style and each wrestler's veteran tricks are easily blocked or reversed by the other. Finally Cattley tries to go new school as he climbs to the second rope but that was just the moment that Larry needed to get himself set and a Sick Cycle counters Cattley's Axe Handle and gets the three-count.


Winner: Larry Vessey





#1 American Patriot vs. #4 Cameron Vessey


Cameron Vessey comes to the ring first for this match, glancing to the back as he does so, making sure that nobody from The Succession is following him. The fans seem to want to cheer for the current Succession leader, but its nowhere near the level of cheers that come for the Mid Atlantic Champion, American Patriot. Patriot comes out trying to use his power, but Vessey is ready for that, using as little effort as possible to keep out of Patriot's reach and to side-step as the bigger man charges him. As Patriot starts to look tired from his third match of the night, Vessey dazes him with a Spinning Back Fist that Marv Earnest compares to his father's Sick Cycle. With Patriot worn and reeling, he's easy prey for the Vessey Driver and Cameron Vessey has pinned the Mid Atlantic Champion!


Winner: Cameron Vessey





Father Versus Son


Before his father Larry comes to the ring, Cameron Vessey asks for a microphone to say a few words.


Cameron Vessey

Well dad, it looks like it comes down to you and me. Now don't get me wrong, I've been watching you all night and you don't look too bad. Nothing like Uncle Bryan, but then, that's why he's in the big leagues and you're waiting for one old coot to retire so he can pass his company down to another old coot like you. So why not just lay down for me, Dad. It's my time, I'm the young one, I'm in the prime of my career, I'm the next Rip Chord Invitational Champion. Make it easy on yourself, dad. Just lie down.






#4 Cameron Vessey vs. #10. Larry Vessey


Cameron starts out by motioning to his father that he should just lie down, but Larry shakes his head vehemently. Cameron offers a handshake to start out the match and Larry accepts that, but Cam quickly lifts him into the air and tries for the Vessey Driver, but Larry is ready and slips down the back. What follows is a very back-and-forth match, as again, both men seem to know the other's tricks. Finally, Larry goes for the Sick Cycle but Cameron ducks, only to score with his uncle's move, the Vessey Plex for the three-count!


Winner and Rip Chord Invitational Champion: Cameron Vessey!



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Prediction Scores

Jaded 12/15

Hyde Hill 10/15

Eidenhoek 10/15

Emark 8/15

Astil 8/15


Booker's Notes

So I realized as I was booking/writing Wrestling Classic (preview card to be up later today) that Larry Vessey was a heel and I wanted him as a face and that brought ratings down. The highest rated match on the show was Jean over Frankie at a 58 and the lowest was Findlay over Rajah at a 29, though some of the angles scored worse because the product doesn't have enough Mainstream in it (which I might change, undecided). I liked the style of the big RCI, and it still felt a little cramped in 150 minutes which is probably a good thing for next year as expanding to 3 hours as a Small (Regional? :) )company could be cool.

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Rip Chord's Mid Atlantic Wrestling returns to Stanley Hall on the last Friday of February for MAW Wrestling Classic! After scoring not one but two huge wins last month at the 5th Annual Rip Chord Invitational, "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey has more than earned a shot at the Mid Atlantic Championship and gets it against the American Patriot, and tag team champions The Awesomeness will also be in action for the first time this year, facing The Atlantic Connection of Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus. With none of these four men in the Invitational this year, they'll surely be vying to get in next year and we know Rip is always on the look-out. Also be sure to be on time as kicking off the show will be Citizen X facing off against The Succession's Casey Valentine.


Prediction Key

Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. ???

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & ??? w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3?

2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new?

3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI.

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Prediction Key

Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. ???

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & ??? w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3? Kirk Jameson, Steven Parker & Kentucky Bill

2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new? Hollywood Brett Starr

3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI. Antix

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Prediction Key

Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Rajah

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & C.H. Threepwood w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3?

Larry Vessey How the hell did I forget he starts in NYCW?

Kirk Jameson


Christian Price

Frankie Perez

C.H. Threepwood

Steven Parker

Kentucky Bill

^Those are the options; I've bolded my picks.


2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new?

Brett Starr (see brackets)


3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI.

Mainstream Hernandez (Kirk Jameson)

Antix (Rajah)

Al Coleman (Mean Jean Cattley)

Acid (C.H. Threepwood)

Crockett Tubbs (C.H. Threepwood)

Mikey James (Frankie Perez)

Bryan Vessey (Larry Vessey)

Marshall Dillon (Kentucky Bill)

^That's the list of teammates of everyone in the Invitational who are not already in MAW, along with the teammate. Last Two are ineligible contractually, and I'm sure it's going to be someone ese, mentioned in the profile but not in a team. Oh well.

Mainstream Hernandez, from Donnie J. Even though technically it'd be a step backward.

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Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. ???

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & ??? w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3?

NYCW Representative Larry Vessey

FCW Representative "The Marksman" Kirk Jameson

PSW Representative "The Future Steven Parker


2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new?

Findlay is ...


3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI.

Antix sounds good.

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Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. ???

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & ??? w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3? Vessy, Jameson, Perez

2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new? Brett Star

3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI.


Antix as its former ally.

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Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. ??? Kirk Jameson

Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Ricky Douglas & ??? Steven Parker w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey; Mid Atlantic Championship


Bonus Questions

1. 3 visiting workers remained on the MAW roster after the RCI. Which 3?

Kirk Jameson, Steven Parker & Larry Vessey

2. Only 2 of those workers are in action this week. Which wrestler is facing someone completely new?

Findlay O'Farraday

3. Who is the completely new worker? HINT: His former ally was in the RCI.

Antix-seems reasonable...

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Citizen X: The tournament is over, it's time for me to be me. The man who destroys the foundation of organisation, who brings chaos to the company. Tonight I start with the Succession.


Casey Valentine: Citizen X is an idiot. He's got talent, sure, but he got himself eliminated from one of the biggest tournaments in the country because he doesn't like tournaments? Give me a break. I'll beat some sense into his stupid head.


"The Southern Wrecker" Findlay O'Farraday: Don't care who I'm facing tonight. Anyone who crosses me gets my boot up their ass.


"Hollywood" Brett Starr: I don't care who I'm facing, all I know is that he isn't from MAW. We really kept some of those losers from the Invitational? Cam won and that's all we need to remember about that stupid night. Time for some revenge on those idiot outsiders.


"Mean" Jean Cattley: Keith has a lot of talent, but tonight is about getting on the right track to becoming champion of this company like I always should have been. Keith, tonight you're just a stepping stone to me. I'm not sorry.


Keith Vegas: Jean's taught me a lot, but tonight I show that I've got more tricks than just the ones he taught me.


Ricky Douglas: I found a great partner to team with me tonight, and I think we're going to go far in the tag team ranks. As he said, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.


"The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey: I beat Patriot last month and tonight I'm going to do it again and become Mid Atlantic Champion. If anyone thinks that tonight isn't the night of the Second Generation Superstar, they're in for a real shock.


American Patriot: Cameron Vessey has a lot of talent and plenty of family pedigree but tonight is another night when I prove that the Mid Atlantic Championship is right where it belongs.


Who will leave Wrestling Classic the champion?! Be sure to come to Stanley Hall this Friday and find out!


Show ought to be up tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><em>Pardon the delay, got fired and went on quite the bender. Short version, not touching tequila for the next couple of months. On an unrelated note, here's the show:</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW.jpg</span><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a great opening match, Casey brought the fight to Citizen X, but the anarchist was up to the task, putting away Valentine with the Flaming Anarchy with no interference from the Succession.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Citizen X</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chasing A Former Friend</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Coming out of the crowd and into the ring is a wrestler who few recognize around here, but he is quick to yank a microphone away from the young ring announcer and slide into the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Yo all. My name is Antix and I'm here for one reason. I heard my old running buddy Rajah was down here making some trouble and I'm here to put him in his place. So where's the old man at? I'm gonna get my match with "Rajah" one way or another.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>With little wait, Rip Chord steps out onto the stage and uses his own microphone to speak.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rip Chord</strong></p><p>

Listen you punk. I don't care who you are, but Rajah doesn't work here anymore. He came down for the Invitational last month, and he was invited because unlike you, he has a contract for a reputable company. But if you're here to wrestle tonight, you can face the man he failed to beat and if you win, I'll give you a shot down here in the Mid Atlantic.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>And from behind the curtain and behind Rip, to great applause, steps "The Southern Wrecker" Findlay O'Farraday.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Antix vs. "The Southern Wrecker" Findlay O'Farraday</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In an absolute squash, Antix is barely able to put up any resistance as Findlay rampages through the smaller wrestler, putting him away with the Atomic Spinebuster.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Findlay O'Farraday</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Insiders' Agenda</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Jay Chord and Brett Starr are the next wrestlers we see as they step through the curtain, with Starr's match scheduled next, and he is the one with the microphone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Hollywood" Brett Starr</strong></p><p>

Ladies and gentlemen, for the briefest time in your pathetic lives, let me welcome you to Hollywood, California, brought to you by me, Brett Starr, our tag team of Generation X, and most importantly, The Succession. I'm out here tonight to talk about Christian Price, my opponent for the night. Price says he's here to learn from Rip and guys like Jean. Well first off, if he thinks he's gonna learn anything, the fact is that he can get in line. Not only is he barking up the wrong tree because the Succession contains the best wrestlers in the company, and probably the world, but we wouldn't teach some smarmy DeColt reject if he paid us.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Abruptly, Jay takes the microphone from Brett.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Prodigy" Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

This is <em>my father's</em> company and in a year or two when he quits the business and goes to live on a farm somewhere with his old buddy Sam, it's gonna be mine. Is Christian Price the kind of wrestler I want in my company? Hell no. I'm a wrestling prodigy and the son of a legend and I demand better competition than this. If Cam weren't cashing in his title shot tonight, you better believe I'd be in that main event facing the champion. Everyone knows he blindsided me last month. I had to wrestle two matches in a row with no rest, while he was the most rested man in the tournament. That's called favoritism and it's wrong. Tonight, Brett's gonna make an example of this loser and show all of you <em>normal people</em> what it means to really be special.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. "The Stud" Christian Price</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Price showed a few sparks in his second outing for MAW but Starr was out for blood and after a distracted referee failed to see a low blow, a Hollywood Hammer decked Price to cap off the match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: "Hollywood" Brett Starr</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Keith Vegas vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cattley was in control in this match, mostly dominating. Despite Vegas's skillset, he surprised a few people when he pulled Jean to the mat with a Drop Toe Hold and smoothly transitioned it into a leg lock that we called the Pocket Aces, only for Cattley to reach the ropes, get up, make a great angry face and drill Vegas into the mat with a Mood Swing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: "Mean" Jean Cattley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Anarchy Reigns</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Apparently determined to prove his superiority to Jean Cattley after walking out on their RCI Match the month prior, Citizen X ran down and delivered a sick springboard forearm that knocked the veteran down, before hoisting him up for a Flaming Anarchy that left Cattley lying in the ring. Smirking over him, X delivered a light kick to ensure that he wouldn't be moving for a bit before heading up the ramp.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Awesomeness © vs. The Atlantic Connection</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

A great back and forth match here where Jenkins and McManus seemed to have the match won at a few different times, only for the teamwork of Huey and Stardust to save the match. Finally Stardust took the win as a devastating Cannonball Run left McManus positioned perfectly to receive a Stage Dive.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners and Still MAW Tag Team Champions: The Awesomeness</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>A Mystery Partner Revealed</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

Ricky Douglas comes out to the ring shortly after with a microphone (not his forte) but Ernest Forthdyke-Hume is giving him pointers in his ear as he brings the microphone up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricky Douglas</strong></p><p>

Tonight, my partner is a man who felt he underperformed last month and is staying to prove something. We're both guys with something to prove, that is. And that's that this a company about hard work, and around here, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Without further umm... <em>(he turns back to Forthdyke-Hume to get the word right)</em> ...without further adieu, C.H. Threepwood.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/CHThreepwood.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Threepwood & Douglas vs. The Aces of Mayhem</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Threepwood was the ace on this match as he took first Youngblood, then Mayhem apart, stopping their high flying antics with solid strikes and keeping both of them grounded. Then he tagged out to Douglas to pick up the scraps, and he did that and then some, finishing Ace Youngblood with his signature Figure-Four Leg Lock, all with a huge smirk on his face.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: Threepwood & Douglas</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/MAW%20Diary%20I/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>American Patriot © vs. "The Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

A great back-and-forth match here between Patriot and Vessey, who wasn't cashing in his RCI shot here, but rather earned this shot having beaten Patriot in the tournament. Patriot's strength was largely mitigated by Vessey's technique here and after a violent Chop Block put the champion on the mat, Vessey's confidence started to become evident, causing his father Larry to run out and attempt to admonish him about getting cocky. Apparently taking his father's advice in heed, Vessey picked up Patriot for the Vessey Driver, but hit referee Jay Fair with Patriot's boot as he spun him around. The momentary distraction allowed Patriot to climb down the back and the two began exchanging rights. Larry Vessey slid into the ring to help his son, but a Sick Cycle was ducked by Patriot and the devastating spinning back fist took down Cameron! Moments later, Larry was flying out of the ring over the top rope, and Patriot was finishing things off for a successful title defense with the always impressive Backdrop Driver.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and still MAW Champion: American Patriot!</strong></p><p> </p><p>



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Prediction Scores</span></p><p>

Emark 18/27</p><p>

Hyde Hill 16/27</p><p>

Eidenhoek 16/27</p><p>

Jaded 12/15</p><p>

Astil 8/15</p><p>

serotonin187 7/12</p><p>

Jingo 7/12</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booker's Notes</span></p><p>

AmPat vs. CamVes was probably the longest match I've written for a diary game so far, but that's because the finish mattered. I'm still trying to get the knack of short match writing. The promos, especially the GenX one took much longer to write than I wanted, but I'm really happy with how Jay & Brett's piece turned out. How is everyone liking the format of the shows?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Key for Super Showdown</span></p><p>

Citizen X & Findlay O'Farraday vs. Generation X</p><p>

The Atlantic Connection vs. Threepwood & Douglas</p><p>

The Aces of Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness ©; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles</p><p>

Larry Vessey vs. Casey Valentine</p><p>

American Patriot © vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley; Mid Atlantic Championship</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>Citizen X & Findlay O'Farraday</strong> vs. Generation X</p><p>

The Atlantic Connection vs. <strong>Threepwood & Douglas</strong></p><p>

The Aces of Mayhem vs.<strong> The Awesomeness ©</strong>; Mid Atlantic Tag Titles</p><p>

Larry Vessey vs. <strong>Casey Valentine</strong></p><p>

<strong>American Patriot ©</strong> vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley; Mid Atlantic Championship</p>

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