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Ollie Freedman's Wrestle Report

Sunday, Week 1, January 2010


Welcome wrestling fans, to the only wrestling blog

that matters in this vast universe! I'm your host Ollie

Freedman and to be quite honest, I'm excited. Why?

Well let me tell you why... three words my friends.




And not only am I excited as an Australian wrestling

fan but I am excited because I am please to announce

that yours truly, Ollie Freedman will be “The Voice” of

Murder City Wrestling as I have officially as of today

signed a contract with them to do color commentary.


And I have to say, MCW is looking to nail the Australian

demographic on the head with their product... so if you

will, allow me to get into the details of Murder City Wrestling.





MCW's key feature will be Mainstream with a

heavy influenced Comedy product featuring medium

Cult and Risque aspects with low Hardcore tendencies.


What does that mean...? Well, let me break it down.


...will attract a vocal fan base to MCW shows.

...will mean wrestlers are rated much more on popularity then performance.

...will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

...will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

...will attract fans who like their gimmicks to be simple.

...will attract fans who will not “get” subtle gimmicks.

...will mean that fans will expect to have storylines to follow.

...will prevent MCW from getting Afternoon TV slots on some networks.

...will prevent MCW from getting Early Evening TV slots on some networks.

...is favorable towards getting sponsorship.

...will allow MCW to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

...will mean that the “young lion” system will not be taken into account.


[ Match Intensity: 20% | Match Danger: 40% ]


Things are looking pretty awesome for Murder City and

Australian wrestling in general... I'll be back with a full report

on the official MCW roster and show when I get all the details.


:eek: Ollie “Landslide” Freedman, signing off.

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Ollie Freedman's Wrestle Report

Monday, Week 2, January 2010


What's up Murdaholics! The Voice of Murder City is back and

I got you guys exactly what I promised. The official Murder City

Wrestling roster including everyone, even road agents! Well...

technically there is only one road agent but that's all we need!


Murder City Wrestling Roster


The Good Guys




The Bad Guys




The Announce Team


Ollie Freedman (Color) and Bill Olliver (Announcer)




Lew Rose and Glen Lee


The Murder City Girls


Jaime, Melissa and Ceri


Road Agent


Gregg Michael


And while I was typing this I was just informed that the first

MCW show will be Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010... I've gone

ahead and attached the match card to this post, feel free to make

your predictions on who you think will win... I can't wait, it's going to be great!


Ollie “Landslide” Freedman, signing off.



Murder City Wrestling

Headlock, Episode 1 Card


Jack 1.0 [vs] Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle



Maurice Jackson [vs] Milton Hittlespitz



The S&M Connection [vs] The Next Big Things




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Jack 1.0 [vs] Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle


I'm not usually a big fan of Jack Avatars in diary, but the wrestling robot gimmick did make me chuckle. If I recall how his stats and popularity line up he should be the top guy in this promotion.


Maurice Jackson [vs] Milton Hittlespitz


Mo-Jax takes this one.


The S&M Connection [vs] The Next Big Things


Coinflip on this one. The Next Big Things have a lot more potential, but the S&M connection have more starting popularity and team experience, so I go with them.

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MCW Headlock, Episode 1




Murder City Wrestling

Headlock, Episode 1

Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010

LOCATION: MCW Arena (Central Australia) ATTENDANCE: 2



Angle: Ollie Freedman and Maurice Jackson (E+/34)

not on screen Jack 1.0, Milton Hittlespitz and Bob Shrunkle


Ollie Freedman:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Headlock, Episode 1! Tonight

we have three great matches for you and all three of them will be

championship tournament matches! That's right folks, were not waiting

around or playing any kind of games here in Murder City... tonight in

the main event we will see the debut of someone, something no one

has ever seen in the history of professional wrestling, the “American

Made Wrestling Machine” Jack 1.0 will do battle with the 400 pound

Australian monster Bob “The Blob” Shrunkle in a first round match for

the MCW Championship. Also the winner of that match will face the

winner of the next tournament match for the title, next week... and

that match will be “Crazy Blue” Milton Hittlespitz taking on what some

people are calling the future of the new era of Australian wrestling,

Maurice Jackson... also we'll see the...


Maurice Jackson's music hits interrupting Ollie as he comes out

with his own microphone to make his own declaration...


Maurice Jackson:

Yeah, that's right... the future, so take a good look because it won't

be long before you see Maurice Jackson on TV screens all across

Australia... hell, the world! So hey, fat boy... why don't toss that mic

aside and let the real talent get in the ring... it ain't the 90's anymore

Ollie, you had your time and tonight you get the privilege of watching

the future unfold right before your beady little eyes... now bring out

the little blue haired midget so he can get his ass whoopin' done with.


Hittlespitz' music hits and he appears at the entrance way swinging

around his trusty steel chair, finally pointing it at Jackson as he comes

marching down to the ring ready for action...



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Alright folks, looks like the action is about to get going here in the

MCW Arena... this Bill Olliver along side the self proclaimed voice of

Murder City Wrestling, nice blog by the way... Ollie Freedman.


Ollie Freedman:

Yeah, it's great to see you too Bill... anyways before I was so rudely

interrupted out there in the ring, we also have The S&M Connection

taking on a very talented and up and coming team in The Next Big

Things... and whoever wins that match will go on to fight for the MCW

Tag Team titles in two weeks from tonight.


Bill Olliver:

That is correct Ollie and as this match is just about to get going we

would like to remind everyone watching at home that all matches in

MCW will be fought under “Murder City Rules” which means that

there are no disqualifications and no count outs... matches can only

end by pinfall, submission or referee stoppage, here we go folks!



Maurice Jackson vs. Milton Hittlespitz

Result: Maurice Jackson beat Milton Hittlespitz in 7:50 (E-/20)


Jackson took early advantage in the match using his strength over

Milton's quickness as he attacked him as soon as he got in the ring,

but Hittlespitz seemed to turn things around after Jackson missed

a splash in the corner allowing Hittlespitz to start on the offensive

with some chair shots sending Maurice to the outside where he would

manage to wrestle the chair away from Hittlespitz and deliver a

devastating rolling DDT onto that same chair to secure the 1-2-3.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Wow, what an exciting first match... Hittlespitz really showed

us he can take a beating out there and keep going.


Ollie Freedman:

Yeah I was surprised, I thought that Milton might have been able

to actually pull that one out and win but it seemed to little to late

for Crazy Blue... hang on a second, what's that? I'm getting word

from the back that we are going to a live feed outside the arena...



Angle: Rusty Mills and The Bat Men (E/27)

not on screen Donovan Boon


The scene cuts outside where we see a shadowy figure standing in

the darkness, holding something in his hand... it's dead silent when

we hear him whisper something to the camera.


Rusty Mills: (whispering)

Are we rolling...?


Donovan Boon:

Yeah... but I still don't think this is a good idea.


Rusty Mills:

Attention, Murder City! It is I Rusty Mills one half of The Duo

with my worrisome tag team partner behind the camera, the

one, the only Donovan Boon. And tonight, we shock the wrestling

world to it's very foundation with some never before done...


Donovan Boon:

Come on man, hurry up.


Rusty Mills:

Alright then... I'll make it quick. We are currently outside of the

home of Syrus and Slugger, collectively known as The Bat Men.

And yes... they live together but I digress because as you see in my

hand I have a brown paper bag but this no ordinary bag, it is filled

with a surprise for our new friends... and in my other hand, a lighter.

I think we should get this party started Donovan... let's go.


Donovan Boon:

Come on man... you can't be serious!


Donovan yells out to Rusty as he goes running off, Donovan

continues to shakingly film as Rusty approaches the front door

where he gently places the bag and proceeds to light it on fire

then begins wildly beating on the front door before he dives off

into the near by bushes... calling for Donovan.


Rusty Mills:

Donovan! Over here, the bushes man, the bushes!


Donovan quickly jumps into the bushes and repositions the

camera to the front door as Syrus and Slugger are stomping

out the flaming bag before realizing what was inside...



Syrus... is that, is that... is that poop?



No you idiot it's SH#T! Wait right here...


Syrus runs back in the house and comes out with his trademark

baseball bat and starts screaming into the darkness of night...














Syrus just stares at Slugger while shaking his head before shoving him

out of the way and heading back inside as Slugger quickly follows. The camera

then turns back to Rusty Mills as he is lying still in the bushes with a huge

glowing grin on his face... he whispers into the camera...


Rusty Mills: (whispering)

The Duo rules.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Um... honestly, I'm at a loss for words right now Ollie, take it away.


Ollie Freedman:

Well... I can honestly say that was a first. If my memory serves me

correctly, I do believe that is the first time I've ever seen a flaming bag

of poop involved in wrestling... The Duo may not have been scheduled

tonight but they definitely let there presence be known. Switching gears

now... we have The S&M Connection taking on The Next Big Things.



The S&M Connection vs. The Next Big Things

Result: The S&M Connection beat The Next Big Things in 8:05 (E/26)


The S&M Connection came out of this match definitely looking like

the more experienced team... keeping Sullivan on their side of the

ring delivering punishment throughout most of the match scoring

several near falls in the process... until Sullivan finally dodged a

big clothesline from Smasher and followed up with a solid power slam

allowing himself to make the hot tag to Gilbert who came in like a

house of fire but couldn't keep up with the two on one attack which

after a low blow from Mauler they were able to hit there Ménage à Trois

spike piledriver to get the 1-2-3 for the victory.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Well it looks like The S&M Connection showed those kids how to wrestle

a tag team match tonight! But the future does look awfully bright for

Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan, The Next Big Things.


Ollie Freedman:

I'm going to have to agree with you there Bill... in a year or two these

guys will be a force to be reckoned with but S&M got the win tonight.



Angle: Jaime G, Melissa Abernathy and Ceri Dordevich (D+/49)


The lights begin to dim in the arena as a fast-paced techno track starts

to play out of the arena's PA system and The Murder City Girls make there

debut heading out to the ring wearing revealing attire and performing

“stripper like” dance moves in the ring, finally they head over to the only

two people in attendance and lucky for them get all the attention of the

three women who then face the camera ripping off their shirts revealing

“Main Event, Next!” painted on their bodies... AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!


All two of them...



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Now this is the kind of entertainment I can get into... more ladies and less

poop jokes, did you hear that Gregg, we want more Murder City Girls!


Ollie Freedman:

Alright Bill, keep it in your pants man... because we still got the main event and

it's going down right now! We got a monster of a man, weighing in at over 400

pounds... “The Blob” Bob Shrunkle taking on a first of it's kind, a robotic wrestling

machine named Jack 1.0 imported straight from the USA to Murder City Wrestling!


Bill Olliver:

Alright, alright... I'm good now, just got a little excited, that's all. I'm very intrigued

to see this wrestling robot as he faces on hell of challenge in his debut match

against Bob Shrunkle, I mean has this Jack 1.0 been tested for bug and everything?

What if he just crashes in the ring...? And he has to be being controlled by someone

or something I'd imagine, right Ollie?


Ollie Freedman:

Well I suppose your right Bill... but who could it be? If Jack 1.0 is being controlled

by someone they obviously haven't informed anyone hear at MCW or at least to my

knowledge they haven't. I guess we'll have to get to the bottom of that situation

but for now, we get to see him go one on one with The Blob right now!



Jack 1.0 vs. Bob Shrunkle

Result: Jack 1.0 beat Bob Shrunkle in 12:57 (D+/49)


The match started off slow with Shrunkle trying to lock up

with Jack in the middle of the ring but much to his dismay Jack

was just to quick dodging each attempt he made... causing Bob

to roll out of the ring in frustration. Eventually things would pick

up and surprisingly Shrunkle finally locked up with Jack throwing

him across the ring into the turnbuckles, visibly shaking the “machine”

who stopped to reboot before locking up again with The Blob and

delivering and beautiful scoop slam which shook the entire ring...

not used to being slammed with such ease Bob would walk right into

a kick in the gut and get planted with Jack's 404 Error (a double

under hook piledriver) and get pinned for the 1-2-3.



Angle: Jack 1.0 and Maurice Jackson (E+/31)


After winning the match Maurice Jackson's music comes blasting out

of the PA system instead of Jack's who doesn't seem to notice anyway

as his hand is being raised in victory... Jackson appears from behind

the curtains of the entrance way making his way down to the ring...

Jack slowly turns to face him and the two competitors go nose to

nose in the middle of the ring with Maurice talking smack to Jack 1.0

who is staring back at him without emotion or even flinching.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Ollie Freedman:

Well Murdaholics, unfortunately that's all the time we have tonight...

it looks like this will be settled next week when Maurice Jackson goes

one on one with Jack 1.0 for the Murder City Wrestling Championship!


Bill Olliver:

Don't miss it! We got wrestling robots and half naked women!


The screen slowly fades to black as the Murder City skull appears...



© 2010 Murder City Wrestling. All Rights Reserved.


Final Show Rating: D-/40

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1. Tiberious4 3-0

1. Midnightnick 3-0

2. Jingo 1-2


Thanks again for the predictions, I'll figure something out for the #1 spot

after I get a few shows in and the ball really rolling, possibly something

like making the stipulation for a match or something like that.


Headlock, Episode 2 Card


MCW Championship Title Match

Jack 1.0 vs. Maurice Jackson


MCW Commonwealth Title Match

Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle vs. Milton Hittlespitz


Winner Faces The S&M Connection for the Tag Team Titles

The Duo vs. The Bat Men


As always, feel free to leave your predictons for

the upcoming matches for Headlock, Episode 2

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Nice first show, really enjoyed the Duo's segment.


MCW Championship Title Match

Jack 1.0 vs. Maurice Jackson

MCW Commonwealth Title Match

Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle vs. Milton Hittlespitz

Surely you cant put the strap on Crazy Blue!?

Winner Faces The S&M Connection for the Tag Team Titles

The Duo vs. The Bat Men

I'm rooting for The Duo!!!

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MCW Championship Title Match

Jack 1.0 vs. Maurice Jackson


Mo-Jax can't handle the robot!


MCW Commonwealth Title Match

Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle vs. Milton Hittlespitz


Size trumps talent.


Winner Faces The S&M Connection for the Tag Team Titles

The Duo vs. The Bat Men


The earlier promo made me think the Duo are heels and The Bat Men are face, so I'll take the faces to win.

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MCW Championship Title Match

Jack 1.0 vs. Maurice Jackson

Jackson is the top guy on your roster so might as well put the title on him, not that Jack would be a bad choice, I just personally don´t like to have user character as main champ.


MCW Commonwealth Title Match

Bob "The Blob" Shrunkle vs. Milton Hittlespitz

Close one, I like Hittlespitz more so I´m tempted to go that direction but I go with bigger guy instead.


Winner Faces The S&M Connection for the Tag Team Titles

The Duo vs. The Bat Men

I just think they are the better team.

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Murder City Wrestling

Headlock, Episode 2

Tuesday, Week 4, January 2010

LOCATION: Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia) ATTENDANCE: 11



Angle: The Bat Men and Rusty Mills (F+/14)


The Bat Men's music plays over the PA system as

Syrus and Slugger make their way to the ring visibly

upset, carrying their trademark baseball bats.



Rusty Mills... we saw your little video from last week.

That was a real great idea, now wasn't it... let's just

go ahead and film everything we do because everyone

is just going to love it and we are going to superstars!

I bet you didn't count on that little video you made

leading to your eventual ass kicking by the hands of

The Bat Men now did you boy... now putting sh...



It... it was poop, Syrus.


Syrus shoots an intense glare at Slugger as The Duo's

music plays out of the PA system and Rusty Mills is seen

standing at the entrance way with a microphone of his

own, with a ridiculously huge grin on his face, he seems

to have some sort of remote control in his way, he nods

to The Bat Men allowing them to continue what they

were in the middle of saying before the interruption...



Oh... you got balls Rusty...


Syrus is cut off by the sound of flatulence coming from

the ring in which they are standing, Syrus and Slugger

both shoot quick glances at each other shrugging their

shoulders, not knowing where the sound came from...


Rusty Mills:

Gentleman... please, try and be professional.



But that wasn't us... it, it...


Slugger is then cut off as the sound appears again

leaving both The Bat Men confused in the ring as Rusty

Mills in seen in the aisle leading to the ring laughing

hysterically at The Bat Men's misfortune, which angers

Syrus and Slugger who start hurling insults at Rusty

off the microphone so it's not heard by the crowd...

Rusty then holds the controller in front of the camera

which reads “Fart Machine” on it. Syrus throws his bat

out of the ring barely missing Rusty and almost hitting a

fan in the process... both men jump out the ring and chase

Rusty out of the arena as we cut to Ollie and Bill.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Well it looks like Rusty Mills is up to his pranks again.


Ollie Freedman:

It sure does Bill... I'm just glad I wasn't out there to

kick off the show tonight, that would have been

embarrassing to say the least, Rusty must be crazy.


Bill Olliver:

Yeah or have a death wish... I mean he has to face

those psychopaths tonight, under Murder City Rules.

But before that match takes place we have the losers

from the MCW Championship Tournament going at it

tonight for the MCW Commonwealth title... do you think

Milton Hittlespitz stands any chance against The Blob?


Ollie Freedman:

Well obviously Milton is no Jack 1.0 but he is going to

have to try and use his speed to his advantage tonight.



Match: Milton Hittlespitz beat Bob Shrunkle in 8:02 (E-/18)


Bob Shrunkle dominated this match but on a night

that Milton's heart was bigger then Bob's immense

400 pound frame we saw “Crazy Blue” steal a victory

and win the MCW Commonwealth title after catching

The Blob with a quick roll up from behind... Shrunkle

was visibly tired by the end of the match which also

seemed to have lead to his downfall.



Angle: Bob Shrunkle, Milton Hittlespitz and Glen Lee (D+/47)


Bob Shrunkle is still in the ring, visibly upset after

losing his match against Hittlespitz tonight. Out of

nowhere to blindsides referee Glen Lee with a massive

clothesline and is heard shouting “it's all your fault” at

the defenseless referee... he drags him outside the ring

clearing off the announce table, setting Lee up to be

powerbombed right through it, luckily for Lee we see

Hittlespitz on the top rope come flying off trying to save

the referee but is instead caught in mid air and slammed

violently through the table instead. Bob Shrunkle is

finally seen standing victorious over the broken bodies

of Glen Lee and Milton Hittlespitz, security escorts him out.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

What a match... I can't believe the little guy pulled

that one off but it looks like he paid for it afterwards.


Ollie Freedman:

He sure did Bill... the medical staff is currently out here

now helping Hittlespitz out of the arena along with Glen

Lee who was just doing his job and paid for that as well.



Angle: Jaime, Melissa and Ceri (D+/51)


The Murder City Girls make their way out getting the

crowd pumped up for the rest of the card performing

there stripper like moves tossing out t-shirts to the

people in attendance. Bill Olliver is seen dancing from

the announce table as Freedman is shaking his head.



Match: The Duo beat The Bat Men in 8:13 (E-/22)


This match turned into an all out brawl throughout

Marv's Sports Central with both teams seeming to

be on an even level during the match until they

eventually made their way back to the ring where

we saw Syrus grab his baseball bat and misfire hitting

Slugger instead of Rusty Mills, allowing The Duo to

hit their Two Faced (Double Superkick) finisher

knocking out Syrus and allowing Donovan Boon to

make the cover and get the 1-2-3 for the victory.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Ollie Freedman:

Wow! That match was all over the place...


Bill Olliver:

I would have put my money on The Bat Men but it looks

like the anger they had for Rusty Mills backfired and

maybe that was his plan all a long who knows...


The S&M Connection's music plays and they emerge

from behinds the curtains of the entrance area making

there way to the ring with microphones in hand...



Angle: Smasher and Mauler (E+/30)

not on screen Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan



Take a good look people... before you stands the next

MCW Tag Team champions and there is nothing

anybody in this promotion or Australia, for that matter

that can anything about it... just ask The Next Big Things.



Yeah, last week... you saw what we did to your so called

future, Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan will never... never

be the dominant tag team that stands in this ring before

you idiots and next week we will win the titles, easily.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Well... it looks like they made their point, loud and clear.


Ollie Freedman:

Your right Bill, next week The S&M Connection will take

on The Duo for the Tag Team Championship but coming

up next we got the MCW Championship match where

Maurice Jackson will take on Jack 1.0 so get ready...



Match: Jack 1.0 beat Maurice Jackson in 12:57 (C/62)


A great back and forth match between both competitors

we saw Jackson take it to the outside early in the match

trying to use the “Murder City Rules” to his advantage

using a plethora of weapons and even destroying the ring

steps after slamming Jack into them on several occasions

but it wasn't long before Jack would “reboot” and get his

bearings about and fire back with some offense of his

own taking it to Maurice, showcasing his brawling,

technical and aerial skills which seemed to be too much

for Jackson to handle before finally sealing the deal with

the 404 Error sending Jackson crashing to the mat for the

1-2-3 crowning Jack 1.0 the new champion of MCW.



Play-By-Play: Bill Olliver and Ollie Freedman


Bill Olliver:

Jack 1.0 has done it! The first ever MCW champion has

been crowned tonight and he is The American Made

Wrestling Machine, Jack 1.0! Congratulations, Jack!


Ollie Freedman:

What a great match! Kudos to Maurice... even though

he is an outright jerk he gave Jack everything he had

out there tonight and for a second it seemed like he

might have actually been able to pull out the victory

but alas Jack's superior skill set proved to be the factor

tonight... what's in store for next...


Bill Olliver:

Hold on Ollie, Maurice just blindsided Jack with a chair!



Angle: Jack 1.0 and Maurice Jackson (D+/48)


Following the match as Jack 1.0 was awarded the belt

and having his hand raised in victory Maurice Jackson

seized the opportunity in blindsiding him with a steel

chair knocking Jack to the mat... after kicking him while

he was down Maurice would pick up the title, waiting for

Jack to get back up before delivering a shot with the belt

right between the eyes of Jack sending him back down

to the mat as Jackson is heard screaming how he

should be the champ and not some robot freak... the

screen starts to fade as Maurice Jackson is standing over

the fallen Jack 1.0 raising the MCW Championship

in the air as the Murder City skull appears ending the show.



© 2010 Murder City Wrestling. All Rights Reserved.


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This is awesome, using a lot of the Oz cast that never get any air time. Keep it up, it's excellent fun.


Thanks! I don't play in Australia that much but it's growing on me, a lot of young talent... not the best but I like the characters in general.

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1. Midnightnick 4-1 (0.800)

2. Tiberious4 4-2 (0.666)

3. Jingo 2-4 (0.333)

4. Zergon 1-2 (0.333)


Midnightnick, I didn't count your prediction for Jack/Jackson

as you only had the "vs." bolded and I wasn't sure if it was a

mistake or possibly meant you thought it'd be a draw.


I'm currently getting the next card in order and I will post the

full card for Episode 3 on the next installment of Ollie's blog...

Thanks again for the views and predictions!

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Very cool seeing talent that doesn't get much love being the foucs of a diary game. And I love that you have Bob Shrunkle. When I've used the guy, I've found him to be a good strong main eventer for a company of this stature. Like the fact he looks like he's heading into a feud with Hittlespitz. Blobs need love too.
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Very cool seeing talent that doesn't get much love being the foucs of a diary game. And I love that you have Bob Shrunkle. When I've used the guy, I've found him to be a good strong main eventer for a company of this stature. Like the fact he looks like he's heading into a feud with Hittlespitz. Blobs need love too.


Thanks for stopping by and checking this out... hopefully I can keep you "tuned" in for the next episode. And I think Bob is great, I mean his menace stats for this level are great, the only thing is I put him in an 8 minute match and get road agent notes saying he was "visibly tired" so I'm just gonna try and push him to his limits, see what I can get out of the big man.

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Ollie Freedman's MCW Wrestle Report

Monday, Week 1, February 2010


Fear not my fellow Murdaholics for it is I, the voice

of Murder City and I have returned to you to bring

all the news for the upcoming show tomorrow night!


Alright... enough of that holier than thou speak, I mean

who am I after all, Maurice Jackson? Haha. Anyways, it

seems like each show keeps getting bigger and bigger

every week and everyone is trying to one up each other

which is great for MCW and the fans... THIS JUST IN!!!


I have received word that the owner and creator of MCW

will be kicking off the show tomorrow night and addressing

the fans of Murder City Wrestling. Personally, for me this is

great news as I've been answering to his "people" for weeks

and have yet to actually got to meet the man who is paying

me to do the job I'm doing now. So be there at opening bell

tomorrow night because who knows what's going to happen!



MCW Headlock, Episode 3 Card


Jack 1.0 and Milton Hittlespitz vs. Maurice Jackson and Bob Shrunkle


The S&M Connection vs. The Duo


The Next Big Things vs. The Bat Men




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Jack 1.0 and Milton Hittlespitz vs. Maurice Jackson and Bob Shrunkle

Bob could use a win after two straight losses so that´s the way I´m going here.


The S&M Connection vs. The Duo

S&M Connection is more over at the start of the game and though the difference isn´t that big, I believe it´s big enough for Connection to get a win.


The Next Big Things vs. The Bat Men

Personal preference.

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