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Babes of Sin City

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My biggest question (which is addressed in the year review, I assume) is how much money you have/are making per month. You've done a brilliant job building your promotion off of very few talents. It's truly an example of them carrying the company. And, of course, crazy-good angles.


How are your stripping angles getting above a 70? I thought sex appeal would hit its cap by then...

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We get shut out on the awards again

Fuyuko Higa won female wrestler of the year again


Candy Floss

Dharma Greg

Eve Grunge

Amber Allen

Tamara McFly


all have 90+ popularity


Alexis Lee Littlefeather 58

Alma Goodridge 49

Britney Hollywood 42

Christy Higgins 62

Coco De La Soleil 44

Deborah Young 32

Jane Jarrett 26

Jen Neptune 71

Kathy Neptune 72

Lindsay Sugar 43

Nurse Hope Daye 37

Roxy Kitten 45

Sprite 39

Susan Turner 28

Thea Davis 52

Vampella 54


The performance rating (which is usually what i use to push workers)

Eve Grunge 76

Candy Floss 73

Tamara McFly 72

Amber Allen 70

Thea Davis 66

Alexis Lee Littlefeather 63

Christy Higgins 63

Britney Hollywood 61

Vampella 61

Sprite 59

Jen Neptune 57

Kathy Neptune 55

Dharma Gregg 54

Deborah Young 53

Jane Jarret 52 (90 selling)

Roxy Kitten 51

Alma Goodridge 50

Nurse Hope Daye 50

Lindsay Sugar 47

Coco De La Soleil 45

Susan Turner 43


We have no next big things

Our hot prospects-

1-Jane Jarrett

2-Thea Davis

3-Christy Higins

4-Lindsay Sugar

5-Susan Turner


Talk the Talk

1-Dharma Gregg

2-Jen Neptune

3-Kathy Neptune

4-Thea Davis

5-Jane Jarrett


Show Stoppers

1-Eve Grunge


Ring Generals

1-Eve Grunge


Time Decline nobody


The hidden gems list is

1-Joanne Rodrigues

2-Cahterine Quine

3-Grace Harper

4-Geena The Warrior Princess



none of them are young up and comers


I did manage to get all the contract titles

taken care of


In order for me to go Global I would want 12

girls who are 90+ popularity and at least 4

solid tag teams.If i was a men's promotion

I would want 80+ performance ratings but that

isnt going to happen here


I dont know of any KC Glenn or Josh Jones that

are coming but I will keep my eyes open.


I am also looking to open up a dojo in the near future


Eidenhoek- We are at 300k and make about 15k a month

The stripping angles only work with Dharma Gregg 100 popularity 91 sex appeal I am guess i could try one with Amber Allen who has 92 sex appeal

but she does fine without. It is kinda an old habbit. Every time i have tried

to run BSC Dharma Gregg is the most over so she usually holds the title and

features pretty much in all my angles every show trying to "rub off" on the

other workers.


I also am afraid of using other promotions talent and making them better. I want to focus on my girls till i can sign written contracts. Just an FYI my

user character started with 10 in negotiations and 10 in Leadership. When i

get to add points i will be adding them into motiviation.

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We have a new highest paid worker with 800 per show for Tamara McFly


BSC January 2012 attendance 622


Jen Neptune interview 97

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic and Native Beauty 60 (title match)

Candy Floss interview 97

Candy Floss over Amber Allen and Christy Higgins 88

Eve Grunge interview 100

Eve Grunge over Tamara McFly and Vampella 79 (title match)


Final Rating 84


we have a new best match and the first time we tried leaving the casino.



Taking a second look at the stripping angles the 2 attackers are rated on entertainment and that allows us to go over the cap with just Dharma shooting Tshirts i get like a 70 I guess its time to move on from sex appeal


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How the...




You're going to have to do maybe a bit better to increase to National, but holy what the **** you made an 84 with BSC!


features pretty much in all my angles every show trying to "rub off" on the

other workers.




Leadership improves backstage morale...does BSC really have a problem with that anyway? Dammit, gotta start a new game because someone erased my BSC save (it was me).

I got 84.8 default; 80.8 when making the backstage rules as painful as possible. Amber Allen's nice backstage, and I think a few others are...eh, motivation just lets people not have off nights, as I recall, so not really a huge issue either way I guess.

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BSC: February 2012 attendance 843


Dharma Gregg Interview 95

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 58 (title match)

Candy Floss interview 95

Candy Floss over Amber Allen and Thea Davis 81

Eve Grunge interview 100

Eve Grunge over Tamara McFly and Christy Higgins 80


Final Rating 83


Thea Davis and Christy Higgins may very well become prime time players for us.

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SWF fall to cult and Peter Michaels is removed as booker.


Thea Davis and Amber Allen will be going on tour with 5SSW


Alicia Strong is now on a PPV contract with USPW I break my rule

and bring her in cause she is a pretty awsome talent and i think she

will help me more than having her around will help USPW. Belle

took over as owner of USPW.


BSC: March 2012 attendance 1000


Neptune Twins interview 92

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 60 (title match)

Candy Floss interview 96

Tamara McFly over Candy Floss and Thea Davis 84

Eve Grunge interview 98

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen and Christy Higgins 78 (title match)


Final Rating 82

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BSC April 2012 attendance 996


Neptune Twins interview 92

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 61 (title match)

Alicia Strong interview 97

Candy Floss over Alicia Strong 79

Eve Grunge interview 99

Eve Grunge over Tamara McFly 79


Final Rating 82


Amber Allen and Thea Davis were in Japan


We make an offer to a regen Michelle Carter who has surprising high ratings

except for pyschology and flying skills

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KingOfKings- I have 4 weekly shows were i try to get my top girls to 100 popularity. Have Eve Grunge, Amber Allen, Candy Floss and Tamara McFly

hit 100 asap now i am trying to get Dharma Greg Alexis Lee Littlefeather Kathy and Jen Neptune there along with Alicia Strong. They are my top 10 priorities at this point. Squash matches and highly rated angles is what I use on the cards. Back in the day in the "golden age" of wrestling for me all you saw was "superstars" squashing jobbers and doing interviews about how they were going to beat up so and so promoting the "big" show that was coming that month. I brought that philosophy to TEW and it works exceptionally well.

I may have 4 shows rated in the 60's and then 1 80+. I want to work on the entire roster so we can get 80+ rated shows and a 90+ monthly but there is a skill gap i am not sure i will be able to breach which is the challenge of BSC.

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I want to work on the entire roster so we can get 80+ rated shows and a 90+ monthly but there is a skill gap i am not sure i will be able to breach which is the challenge of BSC.


Give the man a prize for understatement of the year :p


I have no idea how you'll cope when your most over workers start coming up for renewal... but I suspect with five shows a month, you must be shooting up the popularity charts at speed in any case. Do you run all your shows in the same region, or are you expanding at all?


I'm enjoying the simple format, and the idea that you were at all conflicted about bringing in Alicia Strong :D

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James Casey - thanks for reading and the comment! (you are the best storyteller). I keep it at home for now. I am going to get our home popularity as high as possible. The contracts are not an issue till i start expanding. My plan to expand is switch to internet and start touring the country. The goal is to get on PPV. The real issue will be the ability to reach national in this period. As my top girls will think they we are too small to work for.
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Even though she is a project i sign Bobbie Dylan.


With Amber Allen and Thea Davis in Japan we have a show


BSC: May 2012 attendance 1000


The Neptune Twins hype match vs Hollywood Magic 79

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 80 (title match)

Candy Floss interview 97

Candy Floss over Tamara McFly 86

Interview Alicia Strong 100

Alicia Strong over Eve Grunge 80 (title match)


Final Rating 84


5SSW has a 61 popularity and 59 prestiage We have 41 popularity 38 prestiage it is going to be a while before we pass them they are putting on 70+ rated shows.

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we have everyone so lets see what we can do this month


BSC: June 2012 attendance 1000


Neptune Twins interview 93

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 60 (title match)

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen 81

Eve Grunge interview 96

Alicia Strong over Candy Floss 76 (title match)

Jane Jarrett destroys Alicia Strong 100


Final Rating 80


have to say i was disapointed with that show

Native Beauty i guess need more tag experience

Strong vs Floss i was expecting our best match rating yet

Jane Jarrett's menace is a positive to come out of that show

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BSC July 2012 attendance 1000


Neptune Twins interview 95

Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 67 (title match)

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 82

Alicia Strong interview 100

Alicia Strong over Eve Grunge 80 (title match)

Jane Jarrett destroys Alicia Strong 100


Final Rating 84



Our main even got dinged for title prestige, pyschology and

Alicia Strong inconsistanty (the title has 87 prestige)


Alicia Strong and Tamara McFly are going on a Japan Tour


In a regular game I would get the girls with the best star quality

and put them against the girls with the best selling to create a

PPV job squad to wrestle against the girls who can carry. The

problem we have here is nobody can carry. If Alicia

spends the next couple years in Japan she has a shot.

Even if she does NOTBPW could sign her to a written deal tommorrow


I will just keep doing what i am doing working on tag team exp

and trying to make the girls i have as good as they can be.

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BSC August 2012 attendance 1000


(Alicia Strong and Tamara McFly are in Japan)


Neptune Twins interview 96

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 69 (title match)

Candy Floss over Christy Higgins 74

Eve Grunge interview 91

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen 81

Jane Jarrett destroys Amber Allen 95


Final Rating 83


I know we can get better tag match rating because i am

currently pretty much ignoring their overness


We need to be able to get enough workers to crank out at

least 80 rated matches even if we are missing Alicia Strong

Christy Higgins is not ready to step into the spotlight yet

I dont think Thea Davis is either our 3rd best heel. As it stands

right now i am terrified if Tamara Eve Candy and Alicia decide to

retire. Amber is good but after that we have Chrissy Higgins

Thea Davis and Jane Jarrett and we will struggle to be a national

sized promotion with how good they are now. They are young

and improving but how much improvement can we expect.

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BSC September 2012 attendance 2000 (we moved to a bigger place)


Neptune Twins interview 97

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 71 (title match)

Eve Grunge over Tamara McFly 81

Alicia Strong and Candy Floss argue 100

Alicia Strong over Candy Floss 84 (title match)

Jane Jarrett destroys Alicia Strong 100


Final Rating 87


Our best show yet we went with our veterns and most experienced

tag teams I have been zeroing in on try to improve the rosters

actual wrestling ability instead of just getting purely building for the

Big show of course there is some overlap there.


We sign Joanna Silver "the pirate of mens pants" she has a 2

pychology so she wont be a go to girl anytime soon if ever.

She does have some charisma star power and sex appeal

and is a good girl backstage. To be honest i just think she is

made for BSC.

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right now we are regional we can could go to cult basically anytime i want to.

I am not trying to get to cult until i get 70+ popularity in the southwest maybe even 80. I currently am in no rush I want to build up 12 million in profits to build a dojo and sign written deals when we do get to cult.


my plan is to get our roster as good as we can then work towards getting a ppv deal then hold weekly ppv to rush to national so we try to avoid the workers thinking we are too small for them to work for when they get over nationally.


I have to say that while i sometimes wish i had Steve Flash, Chris Caufield, KC Glenn and Josh Jones providing my card some backbone I am enjoying trying to do more with less.

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Then again, and I fully believe this in life as well as this product, always, always, always, give the chick with the best jiggle physics the most attention.


Pay this man no mind. :p


KingOfKings- I have 4 weekly shows were i try to get my top girls to 100 popularity. Have Eve Grunge, Amber Allen, Candy Floss and Tamara McFly

hit 100 asap now i am trying to get Dharma Greg Alexis Lee Littlefeather Kathy and Jen Neptune there along with Alicia Strong. They are my top 10 priorities at this point. Squash matches and highly rated angles is what I use on the cards. Back in the day in the "golden age" of wrestling for me all you saw was "superstars" squashing jobbers and doing interviews about how they were going to beat up so and so promoting the "big" show that was coming that month. I brought that philosophy to TEW and it works exceptionally well.

I may have 4 shows rated in the 60's and then 1 80+. I want to work on the entire roster so we can get 80+ rated shows and a 90+ monthly but there is a skill gap i am not sure i will be able to breach which is the challenge of BSC.


You will. In fact, you already have two workers who can hop that gap as if it were a curb. Amber Allen and Thea Davis are good enough (overall) to carry BSC to International. The problem is keeping them when NOTBPW and USPW and 5 Star are lurking. The biggest danger I've seen (and what tends to happen when I run BSC) is NOTBPW hitting National. One of their first signings (besides Art Lawson and DWN) is Tamara. There was one game where Cherry Bomb's contract came due and USPW didn't have the momentum to sign writtens. NOTBPW jumped to National, signed the Bomb and Tamara and then USPW had a surge and took Candy Floss. So I had to rebuild around Amber. I feuded her with the Neptunes and brought in Zoe Ammis to be her backup/partner and rode that to low Cult.


The problem you're running headlong into at the speed of sound is your workers' skill levels. These are the levels when psychology becomes a god (at least if your matches are over 10 minutes long).


Great results. But the most important part is, are you having fun figuring this stuff out and doing all the problem solving you've been forced to do? :)

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I'd think retirement would be one of the biggest problems for him. McFly retired in about 8 months in one of my games (I think my RtG); Grunge can't have much longer for her career.


One thing that many don't realize is that a worker's relative success has a lot to do with whether they retire "early" or not. This is especially true with the women. In my (sorely neglected) diary game, I'm in 2014 and Grace Harper is almost 40, Vixxen is 42, and they're both still active. They're also 'International Superstars' with 2+ world title reigns and thisclose to qualifying for the Hall of Immortals. I had been banking on them retiring (which is why Angelic Goth and Devil's Daughter are main eventing CWWF) but that hasn't happened as of yet. I also have anecdotal evidence that leads me to believe the 'driven' personality trait plays some role in worker retirement odds. Besides, when she announces her retirement, he has a month to bleed her overness to someone else. With the domination note, he shouldn't need a full month to do that.

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