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Danger and Violence Extreme [CV2007]

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Back In Black Quick Results:


1) Eddie Peak over Chris Caulfield - DaVE Unified

2) Eric Tyler over Shawn Gonzalez

3) The NJ Devils over The McWades - DaVE Tag

4) Jack Giedroyc over Joey Minnesota

5) Big Cat Brandon over Travis Century

6) Adrenaline Rush & Johnny Martin over The Latino Kings - DaVE Brass Knuckles

7) Acid over Art Reed



  • It is being reported that DAVE are in negotiations for a new pay-per-view deal, it is unknown if any carriers are interest in picking them up.

  • In a bid to recapture the success of days gone by DAVE have reached out to various international superstars to make an appearance in the near future, how this will bode for their already unstable bank balance is unknown.

  • Apparently, the ever self-aware Phil Vibert has hired a new member to the creative team, working alongside Phil, Nemesis and Mitch - it is hoped that the "outside perspective" can provide insight on the way the viewers perceive the show.

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Main Event


Upper Midcard




Lower Midcard




Enhancement Talent




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DaVE Unified


Champion: Eddie Peak

DaVe Brass Knuckles


Champion: Jack Giedroyc

DaVE Tag Team


Champions: The New Jersey Devils

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This week on DAVE.com


  • Nathan Coleman revealed he is working for a "major name" in professional wrestling and plans to destroy DaVE from the inside by taking the Unified Championship when he gets the opportunity.

  • DaVE have announced they will now have national pay-per-view coverageon U-Demand.

  • Carl Batch has been offer deals from both SWF & TCW - DaVE have said that Batch is free to choose either or the promotion - or stay with DaVE, however he will not be offered improved terms to stay.

  • Emma Chase has been granted a match for her client Big Cat Brandon against Eddie Peak on Danger Zone TV this Friday - the match will be non-title.

  • DaVE have formally announced that they are looking to sign some "international talent" for occasional appearances with the promotion.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV


Location: McGaw Arena

Attendance: 5,000

Rating: 0.46


[The show begins with a series of still images from "Back In Black" with a voiceover, while not announced the voice was clearly that of Danger and Violence Extreme legend Nemesis.]


This past Monday on DAVE went all out and produced an event that you won’t find anywhere else. The East Coast Today Network have branded DAVE’s major events “too extreme for TV” and as a result we can’t show any footage from this Monday's
Back In Black
event. The only way to find Extreme content like it is to head on over to
and buy the latest DVDs and to find out when Danger and Violence Extreme is coming to an area near you. Otherwise welcome to a new year of Danger Zone TV on East Coast Today!


Mitch Naess:
Good evening and welcome to the Danger Zone. Coming off of a great
Back in Black
event, we’re back for another episode of Danger Zone TV.

Phil Vibert:
And if you missed that show please keep checking on the website for the DVD. You will
regret it! But first we’re going to the back where The New Jersey Devils are with their partner Johnny Martin ahead of their match with The Three Latino Kings!



[The three are in the locker room. Johnny Martin is taping his wrist and is sat on a bench in the cold looking locker room of the McGaw Arena. Tank Bradley pats Alex Braun on the back as he steps forward into the camera.]


Alex Braun:
Kings, you boys have come in and caused hell in the DAVE, I don’t know why you’re here or what you’re doing taking people out, but tonight, if you’ve decided to make DAVE hell then you’ve played right into our hands because you’re playing with The New Jersey Devils and hell, it's our playground boys!


[Tank Bradley walks up to the camera and stares down the camera and barks! Johnny Martin then stands up and rips of the end of his wrist tape.]


Johnny Martin:
This Monday I got revenge along with my boys The Adrenaline Rush, but that wasn’t quite enough for me because I’m not done with you.


See I came into this business and I showed the veterans respect and I earned my stripes. I’ve been in DAVE since day one and there’s no way I’ll see this empire which I helped to build crumble to a group of young punks who don’t deserve [expletive] from us. I’ve been here 15 years, you’ve been here 15 minutes and tonight I hope to beat some respect into you kids.



Johnny Martin & The New Jersey Devils vs. The Latino Kings

The match went on little over 5 and a half minutes as the six men went all out, abandoning the regular tag team match rules and brawling throughout the arena, going through the crowd while Jesus Chavez & Johnny Martin brawled in the ring. After about 3 minutes everyone was back in the ring and The Latino Kings took control.


Hector & Rudy clotheslined the tag team champions over the ropes as Jesus Chavez lifted Martin over his head and threw him into his partners out of the ring. When they got back on their feet Rudy hit a suicide dive to the three who all moved out of the way leaving him to crash into the guardrail. Hector then followed up jumping on the top rope (but botched and fell back), he then got back up to the rope and hit a senton over the top rope taking out Johnny Martin. This offence for The Kings actually left them at a disadvantage with only the big man Jesus and The New Jersey Devils on their feet.


Johnny Martin & The New Jersey Devils



An eventful, chaotic opener there and if that is a sign of things to come this year then we are in for another crazy year, in Danger and Violence Extreme.

Speaking of which Emma Chase is backstage with her client Big Cat Brandon ahead of his non-title match against the DAVE Unified Champion, Eddie Peak.



[The camera cuts to the back where Big Cat Brandon is pacing back and forth, cracking his neck and knuckles as he does. Emma looks to the camera.]


There is one reason why I requested this match against the champion tonight. Most people would say we’re crazy for wanting to step in the ring with The Hardcore Assassin with nothing to gain, and for most people that assumption would be correct. But when you look at Big Cat Brandon… he is a ruthless animal. Carl Batch can talk all he wants because I am so confident tonight that, I don’t need to try and intimidate the competition; I am so confident that I won’t even try and motivate Brandon because 2007 is our year, 2007 is his year where he will reach his apex. This is the year of the Cat and he will become the DAVE Unified Champion by the end of this year. Signed, Emma Chase, 2007.


Huge claims from Chase there and they have a huge task ahead of them to take that championship off Eddie Peak.

Speaking of huge claims and huge tasks, Nathan Coleman this week revealed on DAVE dot com that he has been in contact with “a major wrestling name” and is now working as an infiltrator within the promotion and is reporting back to the “major name” as he also tries to close down the promotion which he has described as “a leech on the business”. Tonight he faces the Brass Knuckles champion in a non-title match.



Jack Giedroyc vs. Nathan Coleman


This match started with Nathan trying to wrestle with Jack G, but Jack soon turned this into a real DAVE style brawl with Jack Giedroyc taking control over Coleman. This went on for a few minutes until at about the 4 minute mark Coleman chopped the back of Jack’s leg and started stomping into it. He continued to do this and tried to apply a Boston Crab.


However, before he could turn Jack off his back he has been projected into the ropes and back into a small package from the Brass Knuckles champion. Nathan couldn’t get out of the package and lost the match. He protested the result but the referee wasn’t having any of it and called for the bell.


Jack Giedroyc



Naess: Not a great start to the “mission” for Coleman.



[We cut to the scene of a military style assault course. The New Wave are on the course in front of the camera. They are stood covered in mud and are sweating from head to toe. Guide is packing away some gear, and Scout has taken the forefront.]


Thom, I never knew there were devils in New Jersey, did you?




Me neither. Alex, Tank, you are just a pair of posers. We live this [expletive], we’re out on here every single day busting our asses, and that’s why we are the best conditioned tag team in all of professional wrestling. Ain’t that right?




You think you can hold those titles and dodge the best tag team around. That’s why we’re taking it into our own hands, challenging you Alex, you Tank to a match at Counter Culture. Your time is up, you’ve played the field long enough, we are next!


Right, let’s go!


Let’s go !


[The New Wave walk off camera as we come back to the arena.]


Well the challenge is set, it’s now up to The Devils to respond.

Up next it’s Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler, these wrestlers have a great history and their contrasting styles always provide an interesting match.



Chris Caulfield vs. Eric Tyler


Another case of a clash of styles but this time it was the technician who took control but not after hitting a low blow on Chris who dropped to his knees. Eric dominated the next few minutes with some suplexes and worked over the arm of the Hardcore American.


“The Traditionalist” then locked in a cross face which actually served as the table turner in this match as Chris rolled into a pinfall which shook Tyler, who only realised he was getting pinned at the last second. This allowed Chris back to a vertical base for the first time in quite a few minutes.


He started to brawl with Tyler and as a result he began himself to gain a footing in the match, eventually even allowing him to go to the outside and get a kendo stick from underneath the ring. He swung the stick and hit “The Traditionalist” right between the eyes, and he fell directly backwards and leant against the ropes in a momentary daze before getting back up and taking a shot to the back. Chris then lifted Eric up and went for a Kendo Stick assisted Danger Drop only to be attacked from behind by The Latino Kings.




Not this again, this team have now attacked Chris, Vin Tanner, Johnny Martin and The Adrenaline Rush. What is this all about?

These three have been nothing but trouble since they debuted and told their trainer Shawn Gonzalez that The Latino Kings will take over DAVE.


They attacked Chris like a pack of thugs while Eric Tyler sat terrified in the corner. The referee could do nothing other than eventually get them out of the ring. By now Tyler was back up and hit his Tyler Arm Breaker, which is an Arm Wringer, into Hammerlock Leg Drop for the victory.


Eric Tyler



[After the match The Latino Kings come back in the ring and continue their attack on Chris Caulfield. Pushing the referee out of the ring and stomping him in. Rudy picks up Chris Caulfield hitting him with a cutter which sprung back up was met with a Neckbreaker from Jesus Chavez. Hector Galindo went up to the top rope and hit a Shooting Star Press to him before the three left up the ramp throwing up gang signs.]


[We cut to the back where Eddie Peak is ready for his main event match. Carl Batch is stood beside him.]


You confident Chase, I don’t know why because my man here is a killa'.


[Peak steps forward.]


You think you’ve ever felt pain Brandon? You’ve never felt [expletive]in' pain like I’m going to dish out tonight. I won’t need tables, or chairs, I won’t need barbed wire because I’m going to tear you into 2 [expletive]in' pieces and leaves you on the floor like the piece of [expletive] you are!


So, still think you’re going to be a champ do ya? Well hear this, there ain’t no [expletive]in' way you or anyone else is taking this belt away from me. You ready to go bitch? Cos' I’m comin’ for ya'!


[Peak leaves the locker room and heads to the ring.]


Vibert: Huge words from both sides sets up a huge main event tonight!



Big Cat Brandon vs. Eddie Peak


This match was an all-out brawl between these 2 who immediately took this brawl to the outside and went over the guardrail into the crowd with Brandon using various weapons on each other completely destroying each other in the process. Peak stuck to his words and didn’t use any weapons and as a result came off worse in the battle.


They got back to the ringside area and Big Cat Brandon continued to beat on Peak and threw him into the steps at ringside and then against the guardrail. Peak continued to attempt to get back in it but a determined and rampant Big Cat Brandon stayed on top. As he rolled Peak into the ring Carl Batch grabbed his leg. Peak came over and began stomping in the back of Brandon as Emma Chase came over and got in Batch’s face but by now Peak had taken control and absolutely decimated Brandon after taking such abuse and eventually got the victory hitting his finisher The Peak of Perfection Crucifix Powerbomb, winning the match.


Eddie Peak



[After the match Carl Batch and Eddie Peak walked up the ramp, while Eddie Peak continued Carl Batch stayed gloating, not realising his client had gone. Having been cost the match by that very man, Carl Batch, Big Cat Brandon is near boiling point, he and Emma make their way towards Batch who turns to realise that his back up Eddie Peak isn’t there. He tries to get away but by now he has been caught by Brandon who drags him into the ring.


As he gets up Emma Chase hits a low blow to Carl Batch, causing Carl to drop to his knees before being lifted up by Chase into the corner, as Brandon gets a table. She tells Batch he has made a huge mistake. Brandon sets up the table and Irish Whipps Batch into the ropes, hitting a Spinebuster through the table smashing it into pieces. The camera focuses on the unconscious Batch as the first episode of Danger Zone TV in 2007 goes off the air.]


Overall Rating:

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This week on DAVE.com


  • DaVE have announced that they have signed Buring EXILE, a Japanese superstar who has been fired BHOTWG & WLW for attitude, DAVE.com gave a short blurb describing him as "one of Japan's most controversial figures".

  • The New Jersey Devils have recorded a video response to The New Wave, expect to see that aired on Danger Zone TV!

  • Carl Batch was discharged from hospital after a 5 day stay following the Spinebuster from Big Cat Brandon that sent him through a table.

  • The Latino Kings have told DAVE.com that they are not done with attacking members of the roster following the attack on Chris Caulfield this week.


DAVE news from elsewhere

  • Dark Angel and Koshiro Ino have both rejected approaches from DaVE this week, according to various wrestling news websites.

  • Carl Batch has signed a contract with the world's largest promotion SWF.

  • The following matches were taped at the Thursday taping of Friday's Danger Zone TV
    [Non-Spoiler Version]

Danger Zone TV! Matches

  • "The School Of Tradition" Acid & The New Wave w/ Eric Tyler vs. Art Reed & The New Jersey Devils

  • Rudy Velasquez vs. Vin Tanner

  • Jack Geidroyc vs. JD Morgan

  • Chris Caulfield & Big Cat Brandon vs. Eddie Peak & ???


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DAVE Danger Zone TV


Location: McGaw Arena

Attendance: 4,159

Rating: 0.40


[A series of clips from last week’s show are shown, before focussing on the main event as a voiceover dubs over the events.]


Last week the two meanest brawlers in Danger and Violence Extreme went head to head, and the brawl ended with an unlikely victim.


Carl Batch was driven through a table after helping Eddie Peak defeat Big Cat Brandon, who last week made a claim for the DAVE Unified Championship. All the fallout from last week and more, this week on Danger Zone TV!


Mitch Naess:
And that was quite the ending to last week’s episode. Batch has been in hospital and was only discharged on Wednesday.

Phil Vibert:
That’s right Mitch, and we’re going straight into the action now with JD Morgan taking on the Brass Knuckles champion Jack Giedroyc.



Jack Giedroyc vs. JD Morgan

This match saw Jack G more than happy to try and match Morgan hold for hold, in what became a very solid technical between these 2. Morgan took control of the match, by surprisingly turning it into a brawl. His dominance didn’t last too long and Jack G got back into the match by matching the brawling style that JD Morgan had adopted. JD in a last ditch tried to take Jack to the top rope, but was overpowered and dropped to the ground by Jack who followed up with a top rope elbow to the heart of Morgan. He then waited for Morgan to come around and hit him with his Crashing On finisher for the victory.


Jack Giedroyc




[After the match Nathan Coleman ran down to the ring and attacked Jack Giedroyc and stomped him in the back repeatedly shouting “you didn’t beat me” at the downed Brit.]


Coleman isn’t done with Jack it would seem.

Up next, we’ve got the response from The New Jersey Devils, regarding the challenge laid down by The New Wave last week.


[The camera cuts to a dark underpass presumably in New Jersey. Tank is in the background with a lighter in his hand.]


No Devils in New Jersey? You’re looking right at them. You wanna challenge us to a match at Counter Culture; you wanna try and take these championships from us? What do you say Tank? [Tank nods] Well you know what, we’ve not been dodging anyone and we never will. You wanna face us then my god, you’ve got it! Counter Culture – New Jersey Devils versus The New Wave, you’ve [expletive]ing got it – but you aren’t getting near these championship.


Well there is confirmation – at Counter Culture, which remember
be broadcast on pay-per-view The New Wave will challenge The New Jersey Devils with the tag team championship on the line.

And remember on that very pay-per-view we will see the debut of the BURNING Exile, Japan's most controversial junior heavyweight.

Speaking of controversy, one of the most controversial figures currently in DAVE, Rudy Velasquez is up next against the returning Vin Tanner, who was attacked last month, at his very hands along with the rest of The Latino Kings.



Rudy Velasquez vs. Vin Tanner


This match started off vicious with an angry Vin Tanner going after Rudy. It wasn’t long however, until the other Latino Kings came down to the ring and turned this into a beatdown.




They began beating down Tanner and threw the referee out of the ring. Tanner looked hopeless until Adrenaline Rush ran down the ramp.




The Adrenaline Rush came into the ring and began brawling with The Latino Kings; they hit a double dropkick to Jesus Chavez knocking him out of the ring and onto the mat below. Hector then runs at them but is dumped to the outside. Despite the lack of one on one in this match it soon came to an end when a double superkick turned Rudy into position to be hit with a V for Victory, giving Vin the win!


Vin Tanner



[After the match Tanner celebrated with The Adrenaline Rush, until The Latino Kings regrouped and launched another attack, this led to a full blown six man brawl in the ring. Vin Tanner and The Adrenaline Rush seemed to be taking control when Hell’s Bouncer appeared at the top of the ramp.]




[He walked down the ramp and entered it, heading straight for Vin Tanner who he hit with a big boot, causing him to fall out of the ring. He then followed up with simultaneous clotheslines to Teddy Powell and Sammy Bach as they ran at him. The Latino Kings hovered around Hell’s Bouncer celebrating Bouncer’s help, while trying to seem like tough guys by throwing up their, now infamous, gang sign, despite the fact they played little role in taking the three out.]


More and more carnage from The Latino Kings, and as if they weren't dangerous enough, it looks as though Hell’s Bouncer has joined their… “cause”.

But this just increases the questions that I have... anyway, switching gears let’s head to Eric Tyler in the back with his “School of Tradition”.


[in the locker room of the School of Tradition Eric Tyler stands with Acid and The New Wave, with a “tactics board”, plenty of nutrition and many, many books on a table beside him. He is talking to them before he turns to the screen and acknowledges it. He nods and smiles.]


Will these people ever learn? [Guide steps forward, pats Eric on the back and shakes his head.] If they insist on stepping in with us, they will continue to be taught lesson after lesson after lesson by The School of Tradition. Tonight, Art Reed once again learns that he will
defeat Acid, and the New Jersey Devils face their big test against the best conditioned tag team in the world today, The New Wave.


In summary you three can try all you want because you simply will not make the grade against faction in wrestling history. Let’s go.


Let’s go!



Acid & The New Wave vs. Art Reed & The New Jersey Devils


This match started with a great exchange between the more than familiar Acid and Art Reed who took it to the outside with some high flying before settling in the ring for some technical action which displayed the great athleticism of both especially that of Reed.


Acid then slowed the match down before tagging in Guide of The New Wave. His power kept Reed grounded for large portion of the match, tagging in both of his partners to help in the process. Art did eventually get a tag out to Tank but he soon found himself in a similar predicament until he got Braun into the ring whose veteran hand served much better for the task. He remained in control of Scout and made sure that he was dealing with a one on one situation, due to the condition of his partners.


Unfortunately, this plan came undone when thanks to Eric Tyler at ringside causing Braun a slight delay to Braun continuing his offence, which in turn allowed Acid back into the ring; his lightening quick offence caught Braun off guard and put him into the same predicament as his partner’s, Scout then came in a dominated Bradley. This was the end of the match, as Scout hit his Danger Ahead (Seated Neck Plant) finishing move to Tank.


Acid & The New Wave




[After that match Eddie Peak came down to the ring look pissed off with a microphone in his hand.]


Carl Batch I’ve been calling you all week, I’m supposed to have a partner for this main event. The match is up next so you and my partner better get your asses out here now!


[From the entrance way a heavily bandaged man comes out, with a pair of crutches. It is Carl Batch. He makes his way to the ring slowly and awkwardly enters the ring. Some fans chant “you sold out!” to the man who is soon to depart to SWF.]




Yo, big dog, I’ve been in hospital all week and I ain’t had no time to get you a partner... [Peak is not happy] but I’ll make it up to you, because once I’m healed, I’m leaving this [expletive] dump and I’ll bring you with me, we can dominate that place together! [Expletive] these people, we’re going to make millions. Just drop that title and we’ll be out of here!


[Peak looks at his belt, and then looks at Carl Batch. The crowd boo Batch. Peak looks at Batch and walks towards him, Batch steps back. The look on Peak’s face changes, he is much more intense than before. Batch senses something is wrong and tries to run away, but his injuries limit him. Peak grabs him and pulls him back… Peak then holds his hand out to Batch.]


Is he siding with Batch. Is he heading to the SWF?


[batch smiles before trying to head off. Eddie refuses to let go of the hand. He pulls Batch back once again and hits with The Peak Of Perfection. The crowd cheer Eddie. He picks his microphone up and turns to the crowd.]


Shut the [expletive] up! [He then turns to the back] Somebody better get the [expletive] out here now.


[Out from the back comes Travis Century.]




Calm down Eddie, please, I will team with you tonight. In fact this could be the start of a great friendship, Peak. We have a lot in common.


Just get in this ring now!



Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield vs. Eddie Peak & Travis Century


This match was an all-out brawl with the much more prepared team of Big Cat Brandon and Chris Caulfield taking control of the early goings before it evened out and Travis Century and Caulfield settled into the match. Chris Caulfield took control over the match and had Century grounded and he tagged in Big Cat Brandon and the assault continued.


Century eventually tagged in to Peak and we got a small fight between the two until the fresh Eddie Peak took control and Brandon tagged Caulfield in. The two went back and forth again and both were worn down after some heavy hitting action. And as if to highlight how close they were, it was a clash of heads which knocked both man down and led to them tagging in their respective partners.


Century came in and lunged at Big Cat Brandon who ducked under the clothesline and out of nowhere hit a “Big Cat Pounce” to Travis Century for the victory!


Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield



And Brandon sending a huge message to Eddie Peak tonight.


[After the match Eddie Peak makes his way up the ramp as Big Cat Brandon celebrates his victory on the ring with Emma Chase. As he reached the top of the ramp Eddie Peak turned around and he and Brandon engaged in an intense stare down as another episode of Danger Zone TV went off the air.]


Overall Rating:
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This week on DAVE.com


  • DaVE have announced that they have signed Jungle Jack, a global name known for his time in GCG, DAVE.com gave a short blurb describing him as "one of wildest brawlers in wrestling today".

  • Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler have agreed to wrestle at Counter Culture, their last match was tainted by interference from The Latino Kings, hence the rematch.

  • DAVE.com have announced that the first opponent of Burning EXILE will be, one half of The Adrenaline Rush, Sammy Bach at Counter Culture.

  • The website also featured a piece on Shawn Gonzalez, who hasn't been seen in two week, nobody has seen Gonzalez, who despite being a "Lone Wolf" has aroused suspicion as he is not known to miss shows.


DAVE news from elsewhere

  • DAVE have signed Jungle Jack to a 9 month deal.

  • Carl Batch has officially left DAVE and reported to the SWF.

  • Apparently there was an incident between Eddie Peak and Sammy Bach at the Danger Zone TV taping. It is being reported that Peak began spreading a rumour about Bach, which turned out to be fabricated.

  • The following matches were taped at the Thursday taping of Friday's Danger Zone TV
    [Non-Spoiler Version]

Danger Zone TV! Matches

  • JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell

  • Chris Caulfield vs. Guide

  • Jungle Jack vs. Rudy Velasquez

  • DaVE Brass Knuckles Championship Match: Jack Giedroyc © vs. Joey Minnesota

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