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Detroit Championship Wrestling

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Feb 3, 2010 article on PWIndyWorld.com


Carl Batch was on Sirius FM Sports Talk's Headlock Hour today, stating his intention to run a new wrestling promotion in Detroit, Michigan.


"I only work one weekend a month (with FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling)," noted Batch. "I saved a bit of money from DAVE and feel the time is right to invest some of it into going into business for myself."


The company, dubbed simply Detroit City Wrestling, is noted by Batch to be a chance to utilize some of his own ideas. "I always tried to get the book, from Mitch (Naess, owner of PSW) or Phil (Vibert, former owner of DAVE) but they had their own mindset. Some of my ideas didn't gel with theirs, so they stuck to their own stuff and people who thought their own way."


"The problem with PSW is that their roster now looks more or less like it did in 2000. Mitch is stuck in the hardcore mindset and fans don't want to see it anymore. PSW has their fans, yeah... but they're all former DAVE diehards. PSW's product won't draw any new fans. There's no where to go with it."


He claims he wants to bring what he felt DAVE should have done in 2005. "You started to get guys like Acid who didn't need to put people through tables to get over. I plan to bring some talent like Acid was at the time, talented but never properly utilized. Guys like Nomad and Happy Elwood."


He also wants to bring in younger talent too, naming Detroit native Zachary Inc (who he says is getting a babyface-friendly character facelift), as well as a protege of Johnny Bloodstone.


The first show, titled DCW Chapter One, will take place March 27 at Stinky's Bar.





From: Hell, Michigan

Theme Music: "Slave To The Dark" by Iced Earth

Finisher: Ashes to Ashes (Moonsault Double Knee)

Brimstone was once a man, who sold his soul for wrestling fame. Now a servant of the underworld, he utilizes suicidal high flying moves to overwhelm his opponents.



Jared Johnson

From: Charlotte, North Carolina

Theme Music: "Lights Out, Guerilla Radio" by Rage Against The Machine

Finishers: Carolina Crossface (Arm trap crossface), MDK (Corner Flip Powerbomb)

A fantastic technician, "Double J" is a talented young athlete who lives a strict drug-free lifestyle, and that discipline shows in the ring.



Nigel Svensson

From: Stockholm, Sweden

Theme Music: "Heroes of Our Time" by Dragonforce

Finishers: Hyper Extension Arm Lock (Jim Breaks Special), Running Knee

Trained in the infamous Wigan Submission Wrestling Dungeon, Nigel is a classic British-style technician who can break your jaw with an uppercut and stretch you in every way you can be stretched.




From: Beyond the Horizon

Theme Music: "Troubled Dreams" by Testament

Finisher: Drift Shift (Spinning Reverse STO)

A mysterious wandering loner who is usually seen in a cloak covered in trail dust, Nomad is a well-rounded athlete with an unpredictable style.



Patrick Elwood

From: Des Moines, Iowa

Theme Music: "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" by The Offspring

Finisher: Superkick

The young cruiserweight Patrick "Happy" Elwood is one of the only graduates of the USPW Wrestling School. His optimistic attitude and goofy charisma make him a fan favorite.



Richie The Cleaner

From: Chicago, Illinois

Theme Music: "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen

Finishers: Body Bag (Tombstone), Rat's Smile (No-arm-trap crossface)

A former football player who got kicked out of college for (allegedly) fixing a game and (alleged) bouncer for a gentlemen's club (allegedly) run by the mob. Never seen without Allison Capone, who he calls his "Boss".



Roy Edison

From: Huntington Beach, California

Theme Music: "Bloodsport" by KMFDM vs SKALD

Finishers: Armbar, Kneelock

Former ALPHA-1 fighter and 3rd degree blackbelt in Judo, Roy Edison takes his skills to the world of pro wrestling. Underestimate him and you'll end up on your back with your leg being pulled out of it's socket.



Skull Kid

From: Vancouver, British Columbia

Theme Music: "Teenagers From Mars" by The Misfits

Finisher: Skull Cap (Brainbuster)

He may look like he got lost on the way to an ICP concert, but Skull Kid is a quick high flyer with an arsenal of daredevil moves.



Stan Manna

From: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Theme Music: "Juke Box Hero" by Foreigner

Finisher: Rockin' Roller (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)

After finding out about a new wrestling promotion in Detroit Rock City, Stan "The Man" and his girl Heather headed down to Motown. A well rounded athlete with training by the legendary Rip Chord.



The Big Problem

From: None Of Your Damn Business

Theme Music: "Ten Deadly Plauges" by Six Feet Under

Finisher: Choke Slam

The nearly four hundred pound monster is the biggest man in DCW and one of the biggest in all of the indies. With veteran manager Herb Stately in his corner he will be a huge threat to overcome.



Thomas Morgan

From: Calgary, Alberta

Theme Music: "Requiem (The Fifth)" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Finisher: STF

Gimmicks? Valets? Ripping muscles? "Trademark" Thomas Morgan doesn't have any of those. What he does have is one of the most dangerous STFs in the business. Don't believe us, ask him. He'll be glad to slap it on you.



Zack Ink

From: Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music: "I Am The Bull God" by Kid Rock

Finisher: Ink Blot (Implant DDT)

Detroit's native son, Zack Ink was trained in the 4C academy in Canada, and now returns to the US to make his hometown proud.



DCW Chapter One Card

High Flying Action: Brimstone vs Skull Kid

Tag Team Attraction: Jared Johnson and Zack Ink vs Nomad and Richie The Cleaner

Technical Warfare: Nigel Svennson vs Thomas Morgan

DCW Title Tag Team Qualifier: Patrick Elwood and Stan Manna vs The Big Problem and Roy Edison


(OOC: Sorry if the bios seem short, I had a power outage and the wordpad file got totally corrupted to I had to start from scratch. Also, the "qualifier" stipulation and how I'm determining my first champ will be explained in the first show)

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High Flying Action: Brimstone vs Skull Kid

Tag Team Attraction: Jared Johnson and Zack Ink vs Nomad and Richie The Cleaner

Technical Warfare: Nigel Svennson vs Thomas Morgan

DCW Title Tag Team Qualifier: Patrick Elwood and Stan Manna vs The Big Problem and Roy Edison

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I like these smaller promotion diaries.


High Flying Action: Brimstone vs Skull Kid


Well they are both crap, but having used Brimstone in the past I know he is complete and utter crap.:D


Tag Team Attraction: Jared Johnson and Zack Ink vs Nomad and Richie The Cleaner


Tough call on this one yeah Zack will probably get tired just walking to the ring but I think Jared's talent should be enough to carry them to the victory.


Technical Warfare: Nigel Svennson vs Thomas Morgan


DCW Title Tag Team Qualifier: Patrick Elwood and Stan Manna vs The Big Problem and Roy Edison

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High Flying Action: Brimstone vs Skull Kid


Dammit, I hate Skulltullas.


Tag Team Attraction: Jared Johnson and Zack Ink vs Nomad and Richie The Cleaner


So...a decent guy, Mr. Gas, a druggie, and crap. Great.


Technical Warfare: Nigel Svennson vs Thomas Morgan


And Johnson isn't in this why? WHYYYYYYYYy also Cptn. Morgan


DCW Title Tag Team Qualifier: Patrick Elwood and Stan Manna vs The Big Problem and Roy Edison


Another druggy and a non-talented MMA guy. At least I have a soft spot for Billy Russell, dangly eye and everything. Also, why am I voting against the obvious dominant/brute/menacing team?

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High Flying Action: Brimstone vs Skull Kid


Brimstone is awful...push him to the moon.


Tag Team Attraction: Jared Johnson and Zack Inc. vs Nomad and Richie The Cleaner


Zach Inc. wins. Not JJ and Inc. Just Inc.


Technical Warfare: Nigel Svennson vs Thomas Morgan


Because he's younger.


DCW Title Tag Team Qualifier: Patrick Elwood and Stan Manna vs The Big Problem and Roy Edison


Roy Edison snaps Stan in half.

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DCW Chapter One


The show begins right away with some action Skull Kid facing off against Brimstone. It was a high-gear, non-stop aerial showcase for ten minuites, highlighted by Brimstone doing a running somersault plancha onto Skull Kid and knocking over some empty seats in the process. However when Brimstone looked for his Ashes to Ashes, Skull rolls out of the way, hooks Brimstone up, and dumps him on his head with the Skull Cap for the pinfall.


After the ring cleared, DCW owner and color commentator Carl Batch took a house mic.


Batch: "Sup everyone! Welcome to Detroit Championship Wrestling. Now as you all just witnessed, we bring to all of you the best action that the other companies don't want you to see. Now most companies, they hold battle royals or tournaments to determine their first champ. We're gonna do somethin'... a little different. By the end of the year, we're going to have a four-way elimination match. The winners of tonight's main event, they get the first two spots. Our next show in June, we're gonna have a battle royal to determine the next man in. And we'll have other matches in June too, that will qualify the winners for a scramble match to get that final slot. But for now, it's time for some more action, featuring Detroit's own Zack Ink!"


And sure enough Zack Ink and Jared Johnson would head down the ramp to face the mysterious Nomad and the thuggish Richie The Cleaner. Jared took a beating from Richie and Nomad for a long time until finally getting a tag to Zack, who was a house of fire until Richie threw him over the top rope to the floor. However when Richie looked for the Body Bag, Zack slipped out and spun Richie around, kick to the gut, and an Ink Blot! Alison Capone tried to get in the ring to help her charge but to no avail as the ref made the three count.


When the ring cleared, the ominous guitars of "Ten Deadly Plagues" by Six Feet Under played throughout the bar as The Big Problem headed to the ring with Herb Stately right behind him. Big Problem went over the ropes and Herb demanded referee Wilson Carlisle open the ropes for him as he took a mic.


Herb: "Let's see if any of you mutants have cleared the carbon monoxide out of your brain yet..."


Crowd boos.


Herb: "I'm going to give you all a very simple riddle: What does a six foot nine, three hundred-ninety pound man do in a wrestling ring?"


Lone Fan: "Suck ass?"


Herb: "No, that's what your mom does on the corner to pay for your remedial education."


Crowd boos again.


Herb: "The RIGHT answer... is whatever he damn well pleases. This man right beside me, The Big Problem, the real star of this promotion, is the next Bruce the Giant. And let's face it, he's only here until Ricky Eisen gives me a call and we get out of this godforsaken city."


Crowd starts a "Shut the F--- Up" chant.


Herb: "I'm done talking when I say I'm done tal-"


So he started rockin', ain' never gonna stop,

Gotta keep on rockin', someday he's gonna make it to the top!

And be a JUKE! BOX! HERO! (He's got stars in his eyes!)

"Jukebox Hero" hails the arrival of Stan Manna, followed by Heather. Both wearing street clothes; Stan in beat up jeans and a leather jacket, Heather in skinny jeans and a Ramones T-shirt, prompting one of the more buzzed patrons to start a chant of "Gabba Gabba Hey!", and Manna has a mic in hand.


Manna: "You know, gotta be honest, I don't think any of these people WANT you here."


Crowd cheers in agreement with Manna.


Manna: "Now, you talk about how the star of DCW is your boy the Math Problem..."


Herb: "BIG Problem!"


Manna: "Whatever. Well, way I see it, if he's the star, where's his gold belt?"


Herb: "It's just a matter of time, he's going to get that belt! Just you wait!"


Manna: "Alright... then I guess we all know what that means. Since he won't be able to compete for the belt if he doesn't qualify for it, me and Elwood just got to make sure he doesn't qualify. What do you people think?"


Crowd cheers in approval.


Herb: "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK! You just wait Manna, later tonight, Big Problem here is going to BREAK YOU IN HALF!"


Manna: "We'll see about that, Herbie. Till then, keep on rockin, Detroit."


Manna smirks and heads to the back with Heather, Herb and Problem leave with Herb giving a pep talk to his client.


With the ring cleared, Nigel Svensson came out to face fellow technician Thomas Morgan. As expected of the two this was a back and forth chain wrestling affair, occasionally broken up by exchanges of chops and European uppercuts. Thomas looked for a German but Nigel backed him up into the corner, then used it to set up a charging European Uppercut. Thomas stumbled to the middle of the ring, Nigel looked for the knee, but Thomas recovered to deck Nigel with a lariat! He put Nigel right in the STF, and with nowhere to go Nigel was forced to tap out.


Next came the main event, with Stan Manna (with Heather by his side) teaming with Patrick Elwood, then Herb Stately led Big Problem and Roy Edison to the ring. It was a back and forth battle between the two sides, spilling out to the floor and to the back of the bar, Stan Manna whipping Roy Edison into the bathroom! Big Problem complained about Heather at ringside as Patrick Cool got blindsided by Herb splashing a beer into his eyes. Patrick rolled into the ring and Big Problem put him in a sidewalk slam, spinning with Patrick twice before planting the USPW alumnus onto his back. One, two, but Stan makes the save! Patrick recovers long enough to tag in Stan, and Big Problem tags out to a returning Roy Edison so he can confer with Herb, who tells him to "stick to the plan,". Roy nearly forces a tap with an armbar but Stan gets to the ropes. Stan makes a big comeback and goes for Rockin' Roller, but didn't see Big Problem get a blind tag in, and before he can flip Roy onto his back, Problem grabs him by the throat! Edison gets out of harm's way as Herb Stately grabs Patrick's ankle behind the ref's back, Big Problem planting Stan with the chokeslam! The cover was an academic three count.


Big Problem wasn't done there though, as Patrick got free of Herb and entered the ring... but Big Problem grabbed him and launched him over the ropes and back to the floor! Heather was in the ring checking on Stan, Problem turned to her and yelled "GET OFF HIM!" and Heather rolled under the ring out of fear. Problem pulled Manna's lifeless body by the hair and pointed at the third row, then Roy Edison steped into the ring and shoved Problem. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" Edison yelled. "WE WON, IT'S OVER." Problem let go of Manna and shoves Edison back. "WELL I'M NOT DONE YET" Edison threw punches at Problem, who shrugs them off and throws Edison to the floor! Edison recovered quick however, and gets a mic.


Edison: "Hey punk! You want to pick on people who are already down? You think anyone's gonna be impressed by that? Tell you what... you and me next show, and we'll see who ends up on their back then."


Carl Batch would get on the mic to address the crowd one last time tonight.


Batch: "Alright there you have it folks, come back to Stinky's Bar this June for DCW's next show, where Roy Edison will face Big Problem, and we'll have a ten man battle royal! Until then, check DCWWrestling.com for more info, and also subscribe to Youtube.com/dcwwrestling to hear more from your favorite DCW wrestlers. Until then, drive safe everyone!"


Quick Results

Skull Kid O [10:08- "Skull Cap"] Brimstone X

Jared Johnson/Zack Ink O [8:40- "Ink Blot"] Nomad/Richie The Cleaner X

Nigel Svensson X [11:52- STF] Thomas Morgan O

Patrick Elwood/Stan Manna X [15:22- Chokeslam] Big Problem O/Roy Edison

DCW Where The Beef Is Card

Scramble Qualifier Singles #1: Skull Kid vs Richie The Cleaner

Scramble Qualifier Singles #2: Patrick Elwood vs Nomad

Scramble Qualifier Six Man Tag: Nigel Svensson, Thomas Morgan and Zack Ink vs Brimstone, Stan Manna, and Jared Johnson

Title Contenders Collide!: Roy Edison vs The Big Problem

Main Event: 10 Man Title Qualifier Battle Royal

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On Youtube.com/DCWWrestling, the first hype video was posted a week after DCW Chapter One.


The video opened with Carl Batch in an office, chomping on a cigar.


Batch: "Sup everybody? Welcome to DCW's first YouTube Promo Package. You're gonna hear from some of DCW's stars in this video, and every show we're gonna keep getting their thoughts and posting them right here on this channel, so enjoy and check out DCW Where The Beef Is, June 26 at Stinky's Bar!"


Then, Brimstone was in a darkened room with a Satanic pentagram banner behind him.


Brimstone: "On the sixth month, the Master's Month, my conquest of the den of vice and desperation known as Detroit begins... all feel they are above me due to my setback against the Skull Kid... they are fools. My battle with Skull Kid showed me his soul... his heart is that of the Beast, the same as mine. Skull Kid! Your path is meant to merge with mine... to follow the ways of the Master... obey if you are willing... resist if you must... but the Master claims his own in the end. Ave Satanas...."


Then, we went to a much brighter atmosphere and a well-lit room, with Patrick Elwood in front of the camera.


Elwood: "Ol' Happy didn't get the best'a luck in last week, did he? Well, that wasn't much fun, but there's always a tomorrow and there's always another chance. Heck, got two chances! I beat that Nomad fella, I can be inna scramble'n September. Or, I can win the battle royal, and be goin' for the title that way too. No worries then, because sooner or later I'm gonna earn my shot at that belt. So Nomad, pal, get ready for a fun ol' time with Patrick Elwood, cause I'm gunnin for the gold!"


Elwood gives a thumbs up, then we shift to a gym, where Roy Edison is taping up his fists.


Edison: "Not much for talking. Prefer fighting. But they wanted me to talk, so I'll talk. Big Problem... you're a bully. I'm not a fan of bullies. Never really had a bully problem per se, but there was one kid. Last day of school, he dumped blue paint on my sister from the floor above. Thought it was funny.


"That summer I started taking judo. First day of the next year, he was there again, and he was picking on my sister again, calling her 'The Smurf'. I stepped in. He took a swing at me, I sent him to the floor and put him in a choke. He apologized to her, bought her new clothes to replace the ones he ruined, and never bullied anyone again.


"And I'm going to teach you the same lesson, Problem. You like to throw people around when they're defenseless... lets see how well you do that after I snap your arm in half."


Finally, we switch to a corridor where Herb Stately and Big Problem are standing.


Herb: "What did I tell you? What did I tell everyone? Big Problem is the star of DCW. He is the best, the baddest, the only wrestler in this company who matters. Some people want to know why Big Problem threw Patrick Elwood into the third row at Chapter One. And those people are complete morons, because I already told them why. Big Problem does whatever he wants to do in that ring, because NOBODY can stop him. Roy Edison, you're going to learn that the hard way, because by the time Big Problem is done with you Roy, the title match four way is going to have to be a three way."


(OOC: Just something to hype up the next card, an interlude if you will)

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DCW Where The Beef Is


The show started with Skull Kid making his way to the ring for the first qualifier...


He walks warily down the street, with his brim pulled way down low...


"Another One Bites The Dust" hits signalling Richie The Cleaner making his way down the ramp with Alison Capone behind him. Richie isn't dressed to wrestle, instead in slacks, shirt, suspenders and a fedora. They both enter the ring, Alison takes a mic.


Alison: "Look, Skull Boy, whatever yer name is. We don't have a problem with you. You don't have a problem with us. So let me make a business proposition with you. I will give you..."


She reaches into her pocket, and produces a wad of bills.


Alison: "Five thousand dollars... right now... to just walk away from this. Richie gets the win. And both him and you will be that much fresher for the battle royal. Or... Richie can make sure you don't make it to the battle royal. So what's it going to be?"


She holds out the cash, and Skull Kid pauses for a bit... before tacking Richie and punching him as Wilson Carlisle rings the bell! Skull Kid presses the advantage on Richie but the devious alleged mob goon used cheap shots to get back into it and took control. Skull made a comeback, but when he looked for the Skull Cap Richie thumbed him in the eye, scooping him up for the Body Bag and a three count.


The second scramble qualifier would happen next, with Patrick Elwood facing the mysterious Nomad. This was a fast paced high flying affair, but it was cut short when "Ten Thousand Plagues" hit, and The Big Problem headed down to the ring in street clothes followed by Herb Stately, Big Problem hitting Nomad with a lariat! Patrick Elwood looked to superkick Big Problem, but Problem caught the kick and chokeslammed Elwood! Wilson Carlisle fled the ring and ruled it a no contest. While Carl Batch contemplated how this would effect his scramble match...


Roy Edison ran in from the side entrance, hammering Big Problem with punches! Problem headbutted him and hit a boot to Edison's face, but Edison got to a knee and dared him to bring more, but Stately called his monster to the back. Edison paced in the ring until Big Problem headed back, yelling and warning Problem that they're going to have to fight eventually.


Edison eventually made his way out and the six-man tag began, with Nigel Svensson, Thomas Morgan, and Zack Ink partnering up against Brimstone, Stan Manna (with Heather in his corner) and Jared Johnson. It was a chaotic affair with lots of near falls, both sides wanting to secure a spot in the September scramble match. However, maybe it was his sloppy brawling or his not putting much effort into his character, the crowd was booing the hell out of Zack Ink, despite the fact that he was supposed to be the hometown hero. After several finisher teases, Brimstone would get caught by Thomas Morgan, who hit a kneebreaker, held on and lifted him back up for another kneebreaker, then put him in the STF for the submission.


After a slight intermission, Roy Edison headed down to the ring a second time, this time as scheduled as it was time for his showdown with The Big Problem, who had Herb Stately giving him last-minute instructions. Big Problem was dominant at first due to his sheer power, but Edison came back with martial arts striking. When he tried to bring Problem to the mat, though, Problem moved away and hooked his arm on the ropes to force Edison to break. Eventually Edison resorted to trying to pull guard, but Problem simply clamped him in a bear hug. Edison struggled, elbowed Problem in the back of the head a couple times, then clamped on a guillotine! Problem was still on his feet though, and before he went down he ran to the corner crunching Edison into the buckles!


Problem shook off the cobwebs and looked for the chokeslam, but Edison caught his arm for a flying armbar! Problem would have tapped had Stately not pulled his leg under the ropes. The damage was done though and Problem was favoring his right arm. Stately got on the apron and Edison took a swing at him, but this allowed Problem to recover and nail him with a chokeslam using the left arm! He then hooked his arm for the three count.


Big Problem and Herb Stately stayed at ringside to join the announce crew of Dane O'Hara and Carl Batch for the ten man battle royal to determine who gets a guaranteed spot in the championship four way. The crowd popped when Zack Ink was the first eliminated by Thomas Morgan, triggering a "ZACK INK SUCKS" chant. Brimstone would climb to the top rope, and paid for his mistake when Nigel Svensson nailed him with a jumping European Uppercut sending him to the floor. Nomad try to send over Skull Kid but Richie The Cleaner would try to dump them both over, though Skull Kid hung onto the ropes. Patrick Elwood dropkicked Thomas Morgan over as Jared Johnson lariatted Stan Manna to the floor as well. Richie would get pummeled by Nigel Svennson, but Alison Capone handed him some knuckle dusters and he ducked an uppercut and clocked Nigel, the force sending the Swede over the ropes.


Skull Kid would go after Richie Riggins while Jared and Patrick Elwood exchanged offense. Skull Kid managed to take Richie's knucks, but when he went to put Richie away, he ducked down and pulled the rope to make Skull Kid tumble to the floor. Patrick hit Jared with the superkick, but as Wilson Carlisle was arguing with Skull Kid, Big Problem got on the apron and dragged Patrick out of the ring, throwing him into a pile of empty chairs. Wilson Carlisle saw Elwood and figured Jared (who was picking himself up with the ropes) somehow sent him over, and ruled him eliminated.


Richie was ready to finish off Jared, but he couldn't get him over. He looked for the Body Bag but Jared floated over, trying to drag him down for a Carolina Crossface, but Richie raked the eyes and threw Jared into the corner. He went for an avalanche, but Jared moved out of the way. Jared then set up Richie on the corner, side facing the ring, and Jared went between the ropes and climbed up... flipping over Richie and landing his feet on the steps... MODIFIED MDK TO THE FLOOR! Jared's feet were still on the steps so he wasn't eliminated, but Richie was!


As "Guerilla Radio" hit and Jared celebrated, Carl Batch would also head to the ring, and the music would die down so Batch could talk.


Batch: "Jared, my man... congratulations for being the third man in the four-way title match. But well, I don't know if you noticed, but there was a lil bit of controversy goin' on. Patrick Elwood got screwed over by Big Problem in this battle royal. And, when Pat was facin' Nomad, the big man stuck his nose in that too. Now, it ain' your fault what happened in the battle royal, so I can't punish ya for that... but Patrick, Nomad... I decided that in September, both of you will be in the scramble match to determine the last man in the four-way. Meanwhile... I want to keep the rest of you guys on your toes. So you, Roy Edison, Big Problem... and Brimstone, Skull Kid, and Stan Manna... are going to be randomly drawn into matches against each other. Nobody is going to know who faces who until their name is called. So join us in three months, September 25th, for Scramble Madness!"


Quick Results:


Skull Kid X [5:53- "Body Bag"] Richie The Cleaner O

Patrick Elwood /\ [5:43- No Contest]Nomad /\

Svensson/Morgan O/Zack Ink [8:16- STF] Brimstone X/Manna/Johnson

Roy Edison X [10:08- Chokeslam] The Big Problem O

Jared Johnson Wins A Battle Royal [13:49]

-Eliminations (and who eliminated them) in order: Zack Ink (Thomas Morgan), Brimstone (Nigel Svensson), Nomad (Richie The Cleaner), Thomas Morgan (Patrick Elwood), Stan Manna (Jared Johnson), Nigel Svennson (Richie The Cleaner), Skull Kid (Richie The Cleaner), Patrick Elwood (Interference by The Big Problem), Richie The Cleaner (Jared Johnson)

Scramble Madness Card

Three Randomly Drawn Singles Matches!

Scramble Match For Final Spot In The Contendership Four Way: Richie The Cleaner vs Nigel Svensson vs Thomas Morgan vs Zack Ink vs Nomad vs Patrick Elwood


(Note: If you want to do predictions, pick who wins the random drawn matches)

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DCW Promo Montage


We start with Herb Stately standing with The Big Problem.


Stately: "People want to know why The Big Problem decided to lay a couple beatings on that brain-dead hick Patrick Elwood. Apparently the mutants that DCW calls their fans haven't understood what I've been saying yet: The Big Problem IS UNSTOPPABLE. And since he can't be stopped, he will do whatever he wants to do. And he wants to put Patrick Elwood in his place. Elwood, you're not worthy of being in the same building as Big Problem! And if you have a single brain cell that hasn't been destroyed by inhaling crop dusting chemicals, or paint, or whatever the hell rednecks like you do to forget that you are just pathetic wastes of humanity, you won't even try to win the scramble match, because if you do... you'll regret it, boy. You. Will. Regret. It."


The screen changes now, showing Thomas Morgan by himself.


Morgan: "I don't have much to say about Scramble Madness. But apparently the people of DCW want my words on my odds of getting the title match. Well, I believe I have very good odds coming into it. In fact, I daresay I am probably the favorite not only to win the scramble, but to win the belt. And I have three reasons for being so confident, three very simple reasons. (Holds up one finger) S. (Holds up a second) T. (Holds up a third) F."


The screen wipes to a darker set, where Richie The Cleaner is with Alison Capone.


Richie: "So, boss, whassa deal with this Scramble match thing anyway?"


Capone: "...I told you, if you win the Scramble, you'll get to be in the title match."


Richie: "I get that boss, but how does a Scramble work?"


Capone: "Well, it's going to be fifteen minutes long, right? And the six of you will be trying to pin each other in the ring. You get a pin on someone, you're 'It' if you will. But if someone else gets a fall, even if it's not on you, that person becomes 'It'. Whoever's 'It' at the end of the match, is going to go on to the title match."


Richie: "So I just gotta get one pin?"


Capone: "No, you got to get the LAST pin. Or submission. As long as you're the last one to beat someone."


Richie: "Alright, I think I got it boss."


Capone nods and puts a cigar in her mouth, which Richie lights for her.


Richie: "So, boss... ain't we supposed to be talkin' bout how we gonna win this thing?"


Capone: "...You know what, nah, I don' feel like it. Let's go Richie."


They walk off-camera, and then we go to a normally lit set where Patrick Elwood is standing.


Elwood: "That big fella done try to screw around with ol' Happy coupla weeks ago. Guess maybe I should be angry about that, but I ain't. Nah, see, Big Problem, what he wants in the end is to be DCW Champion. And he just wants me out of the way... maybe he's worried ol' Happy can be a spoiler to him. So, way I figure it, why get mad, when I can just get back at him. I got the Scramble match... I win that, I get to the title match in December. What goes around comes around big guy... and what'll come around to you is ol' Happy's superkick."


He gives a thumbs up and a goofy grin as the montage ends.

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DCW Scramble Madness


We open with Carl Batch reminding everyone that our early matches have been drawn at random, with every competitor drawing a number from 1 to 6 at random, and asks for the first entrant to come out...


Cuing "Teenagers From Mars" as Skull Kid makes his way down the ramp with little fanfare, sitting in the corner as he awaits his opponent...





"Bloodsport" played to signal the arrival of Roy Edison, who is putting in his mouthpiece and slipping his gloves on as he makes his way to the ring. Unbeknownst to Edison or Skull Kid, Brimstone appeared from the side entrance, standing behind the fans and watching Skull Kid intently.


The match begins with Skull Kid getting an early advantage, flying around the ring using his body as a weapon. Edison managed to make a comeback quickly though, and then dominated with a series of smooth judo throws and devastating punches, ending the match with an uranage followed by an armbar forcing Skull Kid to tap out.


Brimstone watches as Edison and Skull Kid leave, then when Carl Batch asks for competitor number three to come out... he enters the ring, sans his music. When Carl asks for number four, "Ten Deadly Plagues" by Six Feet Under hits as The Big Problem comes out, Herb Stately behind him and holding a microphone, but before he can talk...


Brimstone runs to them and leaps to the third rope, springboarding off for a flying tope! He gets right back in the ring and perches on the top rope and Big Problem rolls into the ring as well... Brimstone leaps off, crossbody... but Big Problem catches him, and runs to the turnbuckle to skewer him into the corner, still holding on as he hits a Fallaway Slam to follow up! Big Problem continues to dominate Brimstone, until he tries a lariat and Brimstone ducks, springboarding into a dropkick! It only sends Big Problem stumbling backward, Brimstone does a running dropkick but only knocks him into the ropes, Brimstone springboards off again... but Big Problem catches him by the throat... CHOKESLAMMING BRIMSTONE OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE FLOOR! Dewey Libertine (DCW's new official), instead of opting for the count out, heads to check on Brimstone... and calls for the bell, it's ruled as a knockout!


While Brimstone is being carried to the back, Big Problem holds the ropes for Herb Stately, still holding that microphone.


Herb: "And announcing your winner by way of pure domination, the soon-to-be-crowned Detroit Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion! The BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG PROBLEM!"


The crowd boos.


Herb: "We don't care what any of you think! Because at the end of the day, Big Problem leaves here with the winner's purse, I leave with my ten percent, and what do you have? A house under power lines! A football team that can't win a game even if the other team doesn't score! A basketball team that's a complete afterthought! A joke of a baseball team! And hockey, well... nobody cares about hockey, so they're losers just for playing that sport!"


Crowd chants "Shut The F--- Up" at Herb, who does a 'crybaby' sign with his free hand.


Herb: "Detroit is a city of LOSERS! And THAT is why you hate Big Problem... because he is a WINNER. And he will ALWAYS win here in DCW. Three months from now... A Champion Will Be Crowned... and Big Problem will leave not one, but THREE people laying in a heap. And if you don't believe me... ask that Todd McFarlane reject when... if... he wakes up."


Herb and Problem leave through the side entrance as the last two contenders are ready to come out. Batch doesn't bother calling their number as it's obvious who is coming out at this point, as Jared Johnson and Stan Manna (with Heather) would make their respective entrances. They had a back and forth encounter trading near falls, Stan Manna nearly getting the win with the Rockin' Roller but Jared reversed it by hitting a modified neckbreaker. Jared then went for the MDK but Manna held on to the ropes and after a couple punches executed a textbook hurricanranna for a very close nearfall. After an exchange of rollups and counter-rollups, Manna threw Jared into the corner looking for a high knee, but Jared made him eat his boot instead, climbing to the second rope and hitting a bulldog, immediately transitioning into a Carolina Crossface! Manna had no chance but to tap out, leaving Jared Johnson to roll out of the ring. He then rolled out of the ring and celebrated by buying soda for every designated driver in the bar before taking his leave.


And now it was time for the DCW Scramble, where after fifteen minutes the last person to have scored a fall will be the winner, and get the fourth spot in the DCW Championship Match. Everyone tried to score an early rollup in the opening moments but always got it broken up. Eventually Thomas Morgan, Richie the Cleaner, and Patrick Elwood tried to execute Irish whips in three different directions at the same time, then tried to run in the opposite direction, ending up with all six men accidentally colliding in the middle! Richie took advantage of the confusion by pinning Nomad, but Zack Ink got up as soon as Richie celebrated, and Richie turned around, right into an Ink Blot, getting a three count, causing the crowd to violently chant "**** ZACK INK". The next series of falls would occur a few minutes later, Patrick Elwood getting a rana on Thomas Morgan, but before he knew what was what, Richie The Cleaner got hit by Nomad's Drift Shift for a three count as well. Elwood would Superkick Nomad but Nigel Svensson rolled him up from behind for the fall, stopping Zack ink from getting the fall on Nomad by blasting him with a European Uppercut to the fans approval.


Nigel kept in front for a while until Patrick Elwood got him with a crossbody for the three count, but Nigel won it right back by floating over on Elwood and holding his legs like a small package. Nomad hit the Glittering Magician on Nigel, covering him for a three count, and the mysterious warrior would manage to maintain his advantage until we were fourteen minutes past, when Alison Capone would spray Febreeze in Nomad's eyes, blinding him so Richie The Cleaner could bring him down for the Rat's Smile and force the submission... but as soon as Nomad tapped, Thomas Morgan managed to clamp on the STF to make Richie The Cleaner tap out! Thomas Morgan would eat a Nigel Svennson high knee... but Nigel ate a Superkick from Patrick Elwood! One, two, three! And with only a few seconds left, Zack Ink would be the only man standing other than Elwood... kick to the gut... Ink Blot! Ref started counting, but only got to two when the bell rang!


Zack Ink thought he had it but Dewey Libertine held up two fingers, Zack in shock, as the crowd chanted "ZACK'S A LOSER *clap clap clapclapclap*" Patrick would recover and and offer a hand to Zack, who accepted it, while Carl Batch got on the house mic.


Batch: "Alright everyone, there you have it! Patrick Elwood is the final competitor in the four-way match! I hope you all had a great time tonight, and I hope to see you all December 18th for A Champion Will Be Crowned, where one of Patrick Elwood, Jared Johnson, The Big Problem, and Roy Edison will become our very first DCW Heavyweight Champion!"


Quick Results:

Skull Kid X [8:04- Arm Bar] Roy Edison O

Brimstone X [5:31- KO] The Big Problem O

Jared Johnson O [12:11- "Carolina Crossface"] Stan Manna X

Patrick Elwood wins the scramble match. Last fall @ 14:53 via Superkick to Nigel Svensson


DCW A Champion Will Be Crowned card:

Mysterious vs Dangerous: Nomad vs Thomas Morgan

Tag Team Special Attraction: Zack Ink and Stan Manna vs Brimstone and Skull Kid

Tough Guys Brawl: Nigel Svennson vs Richie The Cleaner

Championship Four-Way Elimination: Patrick Elwood vs Jared Johnson vs Roy Edison vs The Big Problem

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Promo Package:


We begin with Stan Manna and Heather on the street with Stinky's Bar in the background.


Manna: "I can't stress enough how much I love Detroit Rock City, but there's one thing about Detroit that's kind of bugging me and my girl Heather, and that's the way Zack Ink has been treated in DCW. He's here working his ass off, representing this city and trying to make it proud, and the crowd just hate him. I don't get it. But Zack, bro, don't give up now man. Me and you, December 18, I'm going to help you win the crowd over. Skull Kid, Brimstone, you two Hot Topic rejects better get ready, because we're turning the ring into a four-man mosh pit."


Next was Thomas Morgan behind a blank wall.


Morgan: "I have to be honest, I'm a little disappointed with myself after the scramble. I came so close to winning... but Patrick Elwood won the match fair and square, and even though I'm not in the championship match, I believe I'm in the running for..."


Richie The Cleaner and Allison Capone enter the shot.


Alison: "Why don't you go take a walk, my boy Richie has something to say."


Morgan: "Then he can say it on his own time, this is my spot."


Richie gets in his face and snarls at him.


Richie: "The Boss told you to leave. So leave."


Morgan: "And am I supposed to be scared of you, you two-bit comic book character? Especially after I made you tap out to my STF and I barely even had it on you? Why don't you get lost, before I slap it on you again, for real this time."


Richie starts taking off his jacket, but Alison steps in between them.


Alison: "Ferget it Richie, he ain' worth our time."


Richie: "Anniversary show."


Alison: "Yeah, yeah, I like that... Thomas Morgan, you want a fight with Richie, I hear DCW's next event will be the anniversary show, so how about we do it there?"


Morgan: "Fine by me."


Alison and Richie walk off as the screen fades to Jared Johnson, drinking a bottle of water.


Jared: "My name is Jared Johnson and I'm DCW's Designated Driver. I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't make these choices for any moral reasons, I just choose not to partake in them. Other people do, but that's none of my business. All that being said, I don't go to bars much, with Stinky's being the exception of course. Ironic then, that at Stinky's Bar, I will have the greatest moment in my life so far, when I win the DCW Heavyweight Championship. Wrestling is my drug, and December 18th, Patrick Elwood, Roy Edison, and The Big Problem are going to be my enablers."


Lastly we go to an MMA gym, where Roy Edison is sitting down with a towel over his head.


Edison: "How do I feel about December 18? Confident. How confident? Well, I don't like to be flowery so I'll just spell it out. If I don't walk out of Stinky's Bar with the DCW Championship... I won't come back. If anyone wants that in writing, I'll put it in writing. But that's my guarantee and anyone who knows me knows I don't back out on my word."

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DCW A Champion Will Be Crowned


We open with the ominous guitars of "Ten Deadly Plagues" as Herb Stately leads The Big Problem to the ringside area with a microphone in hand.


Stately: "I want to open this show in the exact same way that it is going to end... BP, in the ring please..."


Big Problem climbs on the apron then goes over the top rope and stands in the center of the ring, hands raised.




Crowd boos as Herb now enters the ring.


Stately: "I just wanted to do that little rehearsal, because let's be honest, tonight is a foregone conclusion..."


Stately stops as you can faintly hear "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga from the ring as he gets his phone out.


Stately: (To the phone) "Herb Stately, Manager of the Stars ...Really? ...Alright, I'll be right there."


Stately hangs up. Big Problem is like WTF.


Stately: (In the mic) "This promo is over!"


Stately leaves the ring, Big Problem following him, still confused as are the rest of the onlookers.


Nomad and Thomas Morgan would make their entrances next to do battle with each other. A back and forth struggle between the two as Nomad looked to use his agility while Morgan stuck to his chain wrestling and matwork. Thomas Morgan worked Nomad over with a Full Nelson for a while, Nomad tried to make it to the ropes but Morgan would fall back and roll Nomad into the middle of the ring, applying a body triangle to the hold. It seemed Nomad would be done but he managed to get enough slack on his arms to elbow free of it and undo the body triangle to escape! Nomad looked for the Drift Shift but Morgan slipped under and and executed an atomic drop before following up with an STF to force the submission.


Next up Stan Manna and Zack Ink (with Heather behind them) would come out to face the duo of Skull Kid and Brimstone, the latter of which was carrying a black box with him. It was a back and forth encounter with the crowd constantly booing Zack every time he did... well... anything really. Manna and Ink were easily working together, but Skull Kid and Brimstone were having problems finding a rhythm until late in the match, where Kid dropkicked Zack in the face while Brimstone dropkicked him in the back of the leg, setting up for the Ashes to Ashes for a three count.


Manna and Heather would help Zack out of the ring and to the back, Skull Kid was about to exit the ring too, Brimstone opens his box, producing an amulet, and getting a microphone.


Brimstone: "Skull Kid! ...The Master is waiting for you... you have the potential to be a fearsome warrior... but you must accept the Master's guidance..."


He holds out the amulet.


Brimstone: "Take the Master's Eye... and you will see the truth."


Skull Kid turns around and looks at Brimstone, but hesitates.


Brimstone: "You are uncertain... I see the doubt. I was unsure myself. The Master is willing to wait... meditate on this Skull Kid... take your time... you will know you are destined for this. Give me your answer at the Anniversary Show... Ave Satanas."


Brimstone puts the amulet away and heads out from the side entrance, Skull Kid makes his way to the back from the regular entrance, but occasionally looked where Brimstone made his exit.


Nigel Svensson would come out next to face Richie The Cleaner (who appeared with his boss Alison Capone) in one-on-one action. This was a hard-fought brawl that spilled out to the floor on more than one occasion. Richie looked for an axe handle off the top, but Nigel would avoid the smash, bounce off the ropes, and hit a big European Uppercut for a two count. Richie looked in pain and started limping, prompting Nigel to work over Richie with a grounded hammerlock. Eventually Richie would make it to his feet gingerly and elbow free. Nigel rocks him with another European Uppercut and looks for the big knee to finish it, but Alison Capone gets on the apron, making him stop before he runs into her. Richie then rolls him up from behind with the tights to get the three count. Richie doesn't end up looking a winner though as Alison has to help him to the back.


Finally it was time for the DCW Heavyweight Championship Match. Roy Edison made the first entrance, followed by Jared Johnson, then The Big Problem (with Herb Stately, wearing a "DCW CHAMPION BIG PROBLEM" T-Shirt) and finally Patrick Elwood. The match started as chaotic as one would expect before the wrestlers would split between Roy and Problem brawling on the outside while Johnson and Elwood went at it in the ring. Eventually Edison and Problem went back in the ring and it became a chaotic mess again, with Big Problem being attacked by all three of his opponents at once before making it to the ringside area again... Patrick Elwood would then launch himself at the big man with a plancha! Jared would reverse an Edison judo throw and throw him into the corner, setting up for the MDK... but Edison wrapped his legs around the neck of Johnson for a triangle choke! Jared had no hope to escape and tapped out!


Elwood and Edison would again team up to battle Big Problem, but the monster would make a comeback and deliver brutal punches and lariats to both of them before throwing Elwood over the ropes and to the floor. Edison would launch a flurry of punches and kicks on Big Problem, but Herb Stately would get in the ring and started attacking Edison! It had little effect and Edison whipped around, flooring Stately with a single punch! The distraction was enough for Big Problem to recover, and Edison turned back to him... and Problem put his hand on Edison's throat... CHOKESLAM! One, two, three, and Edison is eliminated and leaves the DCW ring for what may be the final time.


Patrick Elwood made his way back in the ring now, as Herb Stately rolls out of the ring and complains about Edison's assault to referee Dewey Libertine. Dewey goes out of the ring and threatens to kick Stately out of the building for the run-in, Stately then demands to see Dewey's referee license.


Meanwhile, Big Problem goes for a chokeslam but Elwood ducks under his hand! SUPERKICK! But Big Problem only reels from it! Elwood hits a second superkick, but Problem only drops to one knee. Elwood goes to the corner, stomping his feet to get the crowd hot before he throws one more kick...


When ZACK INK runs into the ring and intercepts Elwood with a spear! The crowd is livid as Ink kicks him in the gut and plants him with the Ink Blot before rolling out of the ring. Stately finally relents on his protests, and Big Problem chokeslams Elwood for good measure! One, two, three!


"Ten Deadly Plagues" hits again as Stately and Ink enter the ring, Ink holding the DCW Heavyweight Title belt and putting it around the new champion. The trio stand over the knocked out Patrick Elwood to the crowd's boos, closing the show with Carl Batch asking everyone to come back to see Big Problem defending the title at DCW's first Anniversary Show.


Quick Results:

Nomad X [8:01- STF] Thomas Morgan O

Stan Manna/Zack Ink X [9:04- "Ashes to Ashes"] Brimstone O/Skull Kid

Richie The Cleaner O [13:28- School Boy] Nigel Svensson

DCW Championship: Big Problem Wins [15:25- Chokeslam] a four-way elimination match. Eliminated in order: Jared Johnson, Roy Edison, Patrick Elwood


On DCWWrestling.com:

Richie The Cleaner's injury at DCW A Champion Will Be Crowned has fortunately turned out to be merely a sprained ankle.


Roy Edison and Alison Capone have been released from their contracts. We wish them both the best in their future endeavors.


We welcome Kamikaze Christian Vars to the DCW roster.



Kamikaze Christian Vars


From: Toronto, Ontario

Theme Music: "Living In A Whirlwind" by Warbringer

Finishing Move: Reverse 450 Splash

"Kamikaze" is a fantastic rookie high flier who is wowing the Canadian indy scene with his incredible agility and reckless stunts. A champion gymnast in high school, he utilizes those skills and his amazing athleticism to launch his body at his foes in ways that most people never even think of.



DCW Anniversary Show Card:

Debut Match: Brimstone vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Tag Team Attraction: Stan Manna and Nigel Svensson vs Skull Kid and Nomad

Revenge: Patrick Elwood vs Zack Ink

Grudge Match: Thomas Morgan vs Richie The Cleaner

DCW Heavyweight Championship Match: Jared Johnson vs Big Problem©

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Promo Package:

We open with Brimstone in a darkened area.


Brimstone: "The Master has felt the need to impose his request upon the Skull Kid... so upon his demands, I have sent the Master's Eye to the Skull Kid so he may reflect upon it. His choice is simple, as my Master said... he can wear the Eye, and learn the Master's truth... or he may return it to me, and reject the Master... but know Skull Kid that if you dare insult the Master, he will have his pound of your flesh. Choose wisely, Skull Kid. Ave Satanas."


We then go to a gym area with Herb Stately, with The Big Problem (with the DCW Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder) and Zack Ink, who was wearing a suit.


Stately: "Stately Promotions is proud to introduce to you, the best damn wrestler in the world, The Big Problem. DCW Heavyweight Champion. And of course, my new client, Zachary Ink. See, Zachary is sick and tired of the abuse he's gotten from you mutant fans. He has potential to be a champion... a champion almost on the level of Big Problem. And you people turn on one of your own, tell him he shouldn't even be in the ring? Well, he's going to prove you all wrong. Just like Big Problem is going to break Jared Johnson in half at the Anniversary show, Zachary Ink is going to humiliate Patrick Elwood and prove that he is better than each and every one of you."


Stately looks over to Zachary.


Stately: "Hey, kid, why don't you get me some coffee. Me and BP got some things to discuss between us."


Zachary nods and heads off...


We transition to what looks like the same gym area, Nigel Svensson is talking on a cell phone.


Svensson: "Look, I've got this interview to cut, so don't worry about it... just get here when you can, alright? Alright. Looking forward to it, I want to see you take them down too..."


And Zachary Ink walks by, bumping into Nigel, who looks up at him.


Svensson: "Do you mind?"


Zachary: "Yeah, I mind when assholes are in my way. You got a problem with that?"


Svensson: "I was making a phone call, I didn't see you."


Zachary: "Too bad. Now apologize to me, before you get hurt."


Svensson answers him with a European Uppercut, Zachary firing back with right hands. Eventually Stan Manna comes in to separate them.


Zachary: "I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!"


Svensson gets back on his phone.


Svensson: (on his phone) "Sorry about that, Zack Ink thinks he can push people around now... Really? Are you sure? Alright, go talk to Mister Batch, I'll tell him."


He hangs up and puts his phone away.


Svensson: "You want to fight me, Zacky boy?"


Zachary: "My name is ZACHARY, and yes I want to fight you."


Svensson: "Good, because I was talking to Patrick Elwood. He says he doesn't mind kicking your head off another time... and said if I want to teach you not to be a bully on the Anniversary Show, that I can."


Zachary: "WHAT? That's bullshit!"


Svensson: "He's talking to Carl Batch about it right now. I hope you aren't planning to be eating solid foods my friend, because I'm going to break your jaw."


Zachary fumes and storms off, Svensson smiling as he goes. We then pan to Richie The Cleaner, who is by himself this time.


Richie The Cleaner: "Apparently my boss Ms. Capone gots more important things to do then help me train here in Detroit. She's back in Chicago. Why, even if I knew, none of your business why. All you need to know, is that Richie The Cleaner gets to do things his own way now. And that... means bad things for Thomas Morgan. I don't like you Morgan. Never did. And Ms. Capone didn't want me to put you out. But she ain' here to hold me back anymore. So now, there's nothin' stoppin' me from breaking your neck. Now getouttahere."

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Debut Match: Brimstone vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Tag Team Attraction: Stan Manna and Nigel Svensson vs Skull Kid and Nomad

Revenge: Patrick Elwood vs Zack Ink

Grudge Match: Thomas Morgan vs Richie The Cleaner

DCW Heavyweight Championship Match: Jared Johnson vs Big Problem©

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DCW Anniversary Show


We open to "Slave to the Dark" by Iced Earth as Brimstone makes his way to the ring, followed by the fast-paced guitars of "Living In A Whirlwind" as Kamikaze Christian Vars sprints to the ring and slides in, slipping off his longcoat and shades before climbing on the top rope, doing a backflip while rotating his body so he lands on his feet facing Brimstone. The match would be a nonstop high spot fest, with both Brimstone and Kamikaze launching themselves in the air both in and out of the ring. After Brimstone hit a rolling cutter he looked for the Ashes To Ashes, but took too long getting up, allowing Vars to elbow him in the back to stop him, then climbed up for a top rope inverted hurricanrana! Vars would then put him in position for the Reverse 450 and nail it perfectly to get the three count for a win on his DCW debut.


"Teenagers from Mars! And we don't care!"


As the chorus of the Misfits' "Teenagers from Mars" played over the PA, Skull Kid came out with the Master's Eye amulet in hand. He held it up and waited for Brimstone to recover so he could see what was going on, then Skull Kid dropped it and stomped on it, smashing the amulet. Brimstone started screaming and clutching his head before collapsing.


Skull Kid makes his way to the ring (with Nomad right behind him) as Brimstone is being carried out by staff. Meanwhile Stan Manna and Patrick Elwood (followed by Heather) made their way to the ring for the tag match. After a nice back and forth encounter Stan Manna would brawl with Skull Kid on the floor as Patrick and Nomad exchanged near falls in the ring. Patrick looked for the Superkick but Nomad moved away and nailed the Drift Shift for the three count.


Once the ring was cleared, "Heroes of our Time" played as Nigel Svensson made his entrance... only for Zachary Ink to rush out behind him and club him with a chair! He picked Nigel up and then threw him into the ringpost before rolling him into the ring. RefereeDewey Libertine checked on Nigel as Zachary slowly got into the ring, and reluctantly rang the bell, commentator Carl Batch guessing that Nigel probably wanted the match to go on.


Zachary pressed his advantage, working over Nigel with chinlocks and a camel clutch, but eventually the European grappler made it to his feet and fought Zachary off, hammering him with European uppercuts before taking Zach to the mat and working him over instead. Zachary would manage to get out of the ring to recover, Nigel would go after him but Zachary would grab a beer and take a drink, spewing it in Nigel's face! He rolled Nigel back in the ring, then hit him with the Ink Blot for the three count.


Next up, Richie The Cleaner went into the ring to face off against Thomas Morgan. Richie looked in a real bad mood today, and wasn't even wearing his entrance gear. Richie stuck to brawling tactics while Thomas Morgan's strategy would be wear down the muscular Chicagoan's legs with his simple yet efficient matwork. Morgan would gain a lot of sustained offense near the end and after a big backdrop suplex looked for the STF but Richie got to the ropes, then reached into his tights. He then clocked Morgan with the foreign object he grabbed and "adjusted" his tights again to hide it from Dewey Libertine. After that he hit a Body Bag on Thomas Morgan, but then turned him over and applied the Rat's Smile for good measure. Morgan was already out cold, Dewey Libertine checked his arm three times, and called for the bell.


"Another One Bites The Dust" played but Richie kept the Rat's Smile on, Dewey eventually having to pry Richie off of Morgan. Richie shoved the ref off before heading outside the ring, grabbing a steel chair and bringing it into the ring. Richie then picked up the still-unconscious Thomas Morgan... BODY BAG ON THE CHAIR! Richie then got up and spit on Thomas Morgan before making it to the back, and Thomas Morgan would be sent off on a stretcher.


After a brief intermission, Jared Johnson would head to the ring to challenge DCW's Heavyweight Champion The Big Problem, who was flanked by his agent Herb Stately as well as Zachary Ink. Problem started out strong as usual, hammering Double J with brutal punches and throwing him around the ring. Jared would answer with kicks to the midsection and running dropkicks, but the monstrous man just wouldn't fall down. Jared would go to the top rope for a cross body, but Big Problem catches him and slams him down violently.


Big Problem kept on the offensive but Jared would manage to float over from a Samoan drop into a sleeper hold, bring the big man to his knees. Dewey Libertine checked on Problem but he didn't stay down. Problem hoisted himself up and Jared let go, heading to the top rope again, this time delivering a dropkick, and the big man went down! Jared pins him, but only gets a two count.


Jared keeps on the offensive, applying a figure four. Problem claws to the ropes, and Herb Stately pushes them to Big Problem's hands. Dewey Libertine tells him off but meanwhile Big Problem was getting back to his feet, albeit gingerly. Jared tries a kneelkick but Big Problem brings up his arms to deflect it, then picks Jared up and drills him with a shortarm lariat. Big Problem picks Jared up by the hair now and signals for the end, hand around the throat, lifts Jared up... JARED LANDS ON HIS FEET HOLDING BIG PROBLEM'S ARM! Trying to drag him to the mat! The big man won't go down easily, so Jared swings the heel of his foot backward into Problem's knee! The damage from the figure four makes the big man collapse, and Jared gets the leverage to get Problem on his stomach! CAROLINA CROSSFACE! Big Problem reaches for the ropes, but he's trapped in the middle of the ring... and he's forced to tap!


Herb Stately is in shock as Jared Johnson collects the DCW Heavyweight championship, celebrating with the fans. He signals to the bartender who tosses him a couple bottles of water, which he opens and drinks them both at the same time as Carl Batch invites the DCW faithful for DCW's next show on July 23rd!


Quick Results:


Brimstone X [5:53- Reverse 450 Splash] Kamikaze Christian Vars O

Skull Kid/Nomad O [8:17- "Drift Shift"] Stan Manna/Patrick Elwood X

Nigel Svensson X [7:24- "Ink Blot"] Zachary Ink O

Thomas Morgan X [9:21- "Rat's Smile"] Richie The Cleaner O

DCW Championship: Jared Johnson O [10:02- "Carolina Crossface"] The Big Problem© X


DCWWrestling.com news:


DCW has come to terms with the releases of The Big Problem, Patrick Elwood, Thomas Morgan, Nigel Svensson, and Brimstone. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.


DCW is happy to announce the signings of Paranoia, Roger Monteiro, Ricky Turner, Syd Collier and The Pilgrim.


PWIndyNews.com news:


Upstart indy promotion Detroit Championship Wrestling's mass firings were, according to owner Carl Batch, mostly a cost-cutting measure. However, The Big Problem's release was for an entirely different reason, as the day before DCW's First Anniversary Show, he was caught in possession of illegal human growth hormone.


According to Mr. Batch, the original plan was for Big Problem to win over Jared Johnson, and eventually losing the title to Patrick Elwood. Financial situations and Big Problem's arrest forced him to drastically alter his plans.


Batch's replacement plans were to mostly hire young talent who were happy to wrestle more for the experience than the money. He also hired Ricky Turner and Syd Collier from MAW (Turner wrestles as Ricky Douglas in MAW) with the hopes of forging a friendly relationship with the promotion.




From: San Diego, California

Theme Music: "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath

Finishing Move: Freak Out (Rolling Cutter)

A graduate of the CZCW's Coastal Resort training center, the high flying Paranoia is an exciting youngster who hasn't gotten much work since his one-and-done stint in CZCW. He hopes to kickstart his career here in DCW.



Roger Monteiro

From: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Theme Music: "Indians" by Anthrax

Finishing Move: Eagle Chop (Springboard Brain Chop)

Quarter-Comanche on his mother's side, Roger embraces his Native American heritage with pride, who wears a hide vest that belonged to his ancestors in his entrance. A high-flyer in the ring who attacks with fearless abandon.



The Valedictorians (Ricky Turner and Syd Collier)

From: Providence, RI (Turner); Boston, MA (Collier)

Theme Music: "March No.1 In D Minor (aka Pomp and Circumstance)" by Sir Edward Elgar

Finishers: Cram Session (Wheelbarrow facebuster/double knee facebreaker combination), Figure Four Leglock (Turner), Texas Cloverleaf (Collier)

"Straight A" Ricky Turner and "Class Act" Syd Collier are college-educated and students of the game, having learned from the legendary Rip Chord. Both men employ an old-school technical style and are also proficient in scouting their opposition.



The Pilgrim

From: Plymouth, Massachusetts

Theme Music: "Rock of Ages" by Def Leppard

Finisher: Plymouth Rocker (Spinebuster)

The Pilgrim is all about two things: 80's rock, and hard hitting brawling. A lot more athletic than his pudgy frame suggests. Has expressed interest of teaming up with Stan Manna to form "The Classic Rock Connection".


DCW Times They Are A Changin' Card:

A High-Flying Debut Match: Roger Monteiro vs Skull Kid

Another High-Flying Debut Match: Paranoia vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Number One Contender Match: Nomad vs Zachary Ink

Tag Team Action Ahoy: Classic Rock Connection (Stan Manna and The Pilgrim) vs The Valedictorians (Ricky Turner and Syd Collier)

DCW Heavyweight Championship Match!: Richie "The Cleaner" Riggins vs Jared Johnson ©

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A High-Flying Debut Match: Roger Monteiro vs Skull Kid

Another High-Flying Debut Match: Paranoia vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Number One Contender Match: Nomad vs Zachary Ink

Tag Team Action Ahoy: Classic Rock Connection (Stan Manna and The Pilgrim) vs The Valedictorians (Ricky Turner and Syd Collier)

DCW Heavyweight Championship Match!: Richie "The Cleaner" Riggings vs Jared Johnson ©

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Promo Package:


We start with a visibly angry Herb Stately with Zachary Ink in the background.


Stately: "I don't know what kind of lies and shenanigans happened. Not only was The Big Problem falsely arrested for 'steroid possession'... I'll have you know, he was delivering groceries to his 87-year-old grandmother who sewed clothes for veterans during Vietnam... but after he was CHEATED out of his DCW title, Carl Batch goes and fires him. Well, I still have the little engine that could. Zachary Ink here, he's going to make a statement by putting down Nomad at The Times Are A Changin'. Then, he'll prove to the world that Jared Johnson's reign is a sham. Bank on it."


Screen fades into Stan Manna, The Pilgrim, and Heather.


Manna: "Hey everyone, you know me and my girl Heather, this dude beside me is The Pilgrim, and you can call us the one and only Classic Rock Connection. We're gonna rock Stinky's Bar at The Times Are A Changin', and teach the Valedictorians that school's out forever!"


Now we segue to Jared Johnson, who is wearing the belt around his waist.


Johnson: "Let me start by saying that it feels great to have earned my first championship belt. The first of many to come, knock on wood, and validation of the dedication I put to my training. Now on to business. Richie The Cleaner and I have had a bit of history here in DCW. He's tried to get one over on me on more than one occasion. Both times... didn't work out for him now, did they? Am I afraid that what he did to Thomas Morgan will happen to me? Not really. I'm on to his dirty games, and he's going to learn that cheaters don't prosper."


Finally we go to The Valedictorians, both of them wearing mortarboards.


Turner: "Valedictorian!"


Collier: "Noun, from the Latin valedīcere!"


Turner: "ONE: The highest ranking member of a graduating class!"


Collier: "TWO: A speech relating to a farewell!"


Turner: "THREE: One-half of the best tag team Detroit has ever seen!"


Collier: "FOUR:... Ricky Turner and Syd Collier."


Turner: "We're the Valedictorians, and at The Times Are A Changin', you're all going to learn that knowledge is power..."


Collier: "And that makes us... superhuman strong."


The two smirk at the camera as we fade to black.

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DCW The Times Are A Changin'


We start right away with our opening contest, as newcomer Roger Monteiro squared off against Skull Kid. It was a fast-paced high flying encounter between the two, with Monteiro getting a lot of the offense near the end, hitting a flying crossbody and when Skull Kid retreated to the floor Roger went through the ropes for a suicide dive! However when he rolls Skull Kid back in the ring and looks for the Eagle Chop, Skull Kid catches him with a knee to the midsection, setting him right up for the Skull Cap and a three count.


"He walks warily down the street, with his brim pulled way down low..."


As Skull Kid and Montiero are leaving the ring, Richie The Cleaner comes out, instead of wearing his mafia-movie-character get-up, he was wearing a more modern business casual suit. He also had a mic in his hand.


Richie: "First things first. I'm not Richie The Cleaner anymore. That was the nickname Alison Capone gave me, and since she left me on my own in Detroit Championship Wrestling, I'm going to be doing things my own way. So now, I will be going by Richie... "The Crippler"... Riggins. Why "The Crippler"? Well, why don't you ask Thomas Morgan? Oh wait, you can't ask him, because he's in a hospital room in Canada right now. Guess he's lucky for their health care system."


Crowd boos as Richie smirks at his own sick "joke".


Richie: "Jared Johnson, you ran your mouth on the company's YouTube page... well, you were dealing with Richie The Cleaner. Now, you're going to be facing the REAL Richie Riggins. And we're going to see how much you talk after you end up beaten so bad they'll have to give you a feeding tube."


He drops the mic and heads to the back, cocky smirk still on his face, and after he makes his exit, a visibly unhappy Paranoia comes out to face Kamikaze Christian Vars. Like the previous contest it was a back and forth spotfest, Paranoia however blew a couple spots getting the crowd to turn against him in the process. The end came when Paranoia looked for the Freak Out but Vars used his flexibility to knee Paranoia in the head to allow him to escape, nailing Paranoia with a double underhook DDT and put him in position for the Reverse 450 and the three count.


The number one contender's match was next as the mysterious wandering warrior Nomad faced off against Zachary Ink, who was accompanied by Herb Stately this time around. Zach used dirty tactics to get an early advantage, but Nomad's agility allowed him to overcome the strength of Zachary. The finish came when Zachary looked for the spear in the corner, but Nomad dropped prone and Zachary ended up eating the ringpost! Nomad then hit the Drift Shift and hooks the leg for a three count.


Next up was the sound of "Rock of Ages" as The Classic Rock Connection, Stan Manna and the debuting Pilgrim followed by Heather, made their way to the ring to face the also newcoming Ricky Turner and Syd Collier, the Valedictorians. The CRCs got a good chunk of momentum in the early going but the Valedictorians would stay competitive by constant tags and solid chain wrestling. Turner would complain about Heather, saying she grabbed at his leg, causing an argument between her and referee Dewey Libertine. The CRCs decked Stan Manna off the apron and then hit the Cram Session on the Pilgrim, but by the time they got Dewey's attention again to count the fall, Stan Manna would manage to break it up. Pilgrim would manage to tag out to Manna, who would make a big comeback as Pilgrim was holding his neck and resting on his stomach on the apron. Stan would throw Turner into the ropes, not seeing the blind tag as Stan hit the kitchen sink on Turner, setting up for the Rockin' Roller, but after he hit it Syd Collier nailed him with a stiff boot to the face! Turner managed to make room for Syd to apply the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win.


The Valedictorians grabbed their mortarboards and threw them in the air in celebration before heading out to the ring... though they were stopped by Herb Stately. Stately shook their hands and offered them his business card as he walked past them to join Dane O'Hara and Carl Batch at the announcers desk. The Valedictorians conferred with each other as they made their way to the back...


And now it was main event time as Richie Riggins came down to the ring, wearing a (cheaply made) robe tonight, taking his time before entering the ring and demanding Dewey Libertine take it off for him. Cue "Guerrilla Radio" as Jared Johnson came out through the crowd, wearing not only the DCW title but also a "Big Problem DCW Champion" T-shirt (much to Stately's chagrin), taking off the shirt and blowing his nose in it before tossing it in Stately's face before rolling in the ring.


The opening moments were very even but Richie's mean streak would result in him hitting a lariat on Jared that sent them both to the floor. The two brawled around the ring, Richie ramming Jared's back repeatedly into the edge of the apron. A jubilant Herb Stately approved of Richie's dirty tactics, while reminding people that that part of the apron is basically just a big steel rod. Richie brought Jared back in and applied a camel clutch further working Jared's back. Jared managed to get to the ropes, Richie dragged him in the middle of the ring, winding up for an elbow drop right on his spine, rolling him over for a two count.


Jared evaded a second winding elbow drop and rolling to the corner, pulling himself up. Jared would catch Richie with a high knee then applied a seated headscissors, while at the same time messaging his own back. Richie would pop out of it and look for yet another elbow drop but again Jared rolled away and applied another headscissors. Richie popped out this time and only faked the elbow drop, and we have a standoff.


Locking up now and Jared gets the upper hand with a headlock. Richie using his strength hoists him up but Jared doesn't go over for the backdrop. Richie shoots him off instead and nails a lariat, Jared gets back up but eats another lariat. Richie then nails a scoop slam for a two count. Richie sets up for a Samoan drop, Jared floats over to his back, reverse DDT! Two count for DCW's Designated Driver!


Jared recovers and throws Richie into the turnbuckle chest first, hoisting him up and looking for MDK... but Richie counters by putting him in a fireman's carry position... FIREMAN'S CARRY SLAM OFF THE TOP ROPE! Richie takes a long time before he can put an arm over Jared... one... two.. NO!


Richie uses the ropes to get back to his feet, waiting for Jared to get up as well... looking for the Body Bag now... Jared floats over, school boy, but only gets two! Jared looks for the Carolina Crossface, but Richie makes it to the ropes before Jared can lock it in! Richie now with a gutbuster... RAT'S SMILE! RAT'S SMILE! Jared drags himself to the ropes... can he get to them... he does!


Richie is furious and goes to the outside to grab a chair... Dewey Libertine warning him not to do it, but Richie doesn't seem to care... Jared gets to his feet as Richie slides back in with it... JARED DUCKS THE CHAIR! Jared catches Richie from behind by the waist, RELEASE GERMAN! Richie rolls onto his stomach, Double J drags him into the middle of the ring, Carolina Crossface! Richie tries to make it to the ropes, but he's forced to tap!


Jared Johnson gets up and collects his DCW Heavyweight Championship... but before he can leave the ring, Zachary Ink rushes in with a SPEAR! Zachary then takes the chair that Richie Riggins brought into the ring and sets it up, looking for an Ink Blot onto the chair...


When NOMAD slides in from the crowd in his dust-covered cloak, taking Zachary down with a lariat! Stately gets up and orders his charge to get out of there, and Ink doesn't need telling twice as Nomad picked up the DCW Heavyweight Title and looked like he was going to use it on Zachary's skull. Jared gets to his feet, as Nomad looks at the title belt, then to Double J... he tosses the belt to Johnson and heads out the ring, as Carl Batch reminds everyone that the two will face off in three months' time as the show ends.


Quick Results:

Roger Monteiro X [6:26- "Skull Cap"] Skull Kid O

Paranoia X [6:11- Reverse 450 Splash] Kamikaze Christian Vars O

Nomad O [7:49- "Drift Shift"] Zachary Ink

Stan Manna X/The Pilgrim [9:47- Texas Cloverleaf] Ricky Turner/Syd Collier O

DCW Heavyweight Championship: Richie Riggins X [13:39- "Carolina Crossface] Jared Johnson © O


DCW No Brooklyn Till Sleep Card:

Singles Debut Go!: The Pilgrim vs Richie Riggins

Why Not Have A Four Way!: Stan Manna vs Zachary Ink vs Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Roger Monteiro

Tag Team Action!: Skull Kid and Paranoia vs The Valedictorians

DCW Heavyweight Championship!: Nomad vs Jared Johnson ©

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Promo Package:


We start this time with Skull Kid, who was wearing a Misfits hoodie, with the hood over his head.


Skull Kid: "I guess that Brimstone is finally out of my life, and I'm glad for it. Now I can focus on my future. Being Roger Monteiro was just the beginning for me. People think I'm a joke just because I wear face paint and call myself Skull Kid. But now you all will see, I'm no joke. This September, me and Paranoia, we're taking on the Valedictorians. Two of MAW's brightest prospects. When I pin someone trained by the great Rip Chord, you'll all see I'm not a joke. And after that, it's all the way to DCW gold."


We fade into Herb Stately and Zachary Ink


Stately: "It was bad enough that Zachary here was CHEATED out of a title shot by that mute freak Nomad... but Jared Johnson had to taunt me over his unfair 'victory' over Big Problem. When my boy Zachary came to set that straight-edge punk straight, there's that Nomad again! NOMAD! ...Listen well boy. You made yourself a powerful enemy. Mark my words, I'm going to make you pay for these insults. Stately Promotions is taking over DCW, and you will be the first example of what happens when you cross me. Bank on it!"


We now segue into The Valedictorians.


Turner: "Success!"


Collyer: "Noun, from the Latin successus!"


Turner: "ONE: The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors!"


Collyer: "TWO: The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like!"


Turner: "THREE: A person or thing that is successful!"


Collyer: "FOUR: The Valedictorians."


Turner: "We've already proved that we are a success for DCW. We will once again demonstrate our dominance when we dismantle the makeshift tandem of Paranoia and Skull Kid."


Collyer: "Because knowledge is power.... making us superhuman."


Finally we go to Jared Johnson, wearing the DCW Heavyweight Title around his waist.


Johnson: "Nomad, huh? Well, let me tell you all about Nomad. He's the real deal. Underneath that cloak that I don't think has been clean since Jimmy Carter was president, he's a hell of an athlete and will be my toughest challenge yet. But I wouldn't have become the first successful DCW Heavyweight champion if I couldn't take on tough challenges. I'm looking forward to it, Nomad, because wrestling is my only addiction... and you're going to give me my fix."

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Singles Debut Go!: The Pilgrim vs Richie Riggins

Why Not Have A Four Way!: Stan Manna vs Zachary Ink vs Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Roger Monteiro

Tag Team Action!: Skull Kid and Paranoia vs The Valedictorians

DCW Heavyweight Championship!: Nomad vs Jared Johnson ©

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DCW No Brooklyn Till Sleep

"You know it's better to burn out... then fade away!"


We open with the sound of "Rock of Ages" as The Pilgrim comes out for his first singles match in DCW, but he's got a tough test in Richie Riggins. The Pilgrim wasn't afraid though and got an early advantage, his roughhouse brawling allowing him to go toe to toe with the fellow fist fighter. Richie Riggins wouldn't go down easily however, and when The Pilgrim looked for his Plymouth Rocker, Richie pushed away landing on his feet, then accidentally-on-purpose shoved Pilgrim into referee Dewey Libertine! This allowed Richie to hit The Pilgrim with a low blow, and then Richie clamped on the Rat's Smile to force the submission.


Next was the four-way dance, with The Pilgrim's tag partner Stan Manna (with his girl Heather) coming out first, followed by Zachary Ink (who was oddly out by himself), Kamikaze Christian Vars and finally Roger Monteiro. It was chaotic action with everyone trying to get a surprise fall only for someone to end up breaking it up. Zachary Ink excused himself from the action when he got a phone call (his phone in his entrance jacket). Seeming upset with what he heard, he got on the apron. Stan Manna turned to bring him into the ring... Ink smacked hims with the cell phone! Christian reversed a Roger Monteiro backdrop into a DDT, but Roger ended up rolling out of the ring. Christian saw the KO'd Manna and shrugged... going to the top, Reverse 450! Zachary Ink was already heading to the back as Dewey Libertine counted the fall, Vars having no clue about what happened.


Next Skull Kid and Paranoia would head out for their tag team match, when Herb Stately would out with a microphone.


Herb Stately: "Morons and mutants, Stately Promotions is proud to present my newest clients, the premier tag team of DCW, THE VALEDICTORIANS!"


"March in D Minor" played as the Valedictorians made their way through the curtains, shaking the hand of Herb Stately as they headed to the ring. They started off strong, toying with the high fliers and working them over with submissions and suplexes. Their arrogance got the best of them however, a double hip toss on Paranoia ending up with Paranoia landing on his feet, springboarding and delivering a cross body to both Turner and Collyer! Skull Kid and Paranoia made a huge comeback, sending the Valedictorians to the floor... DOUBLE PLANCHA!


The action became a back and forth battle now with both sides getting their share of near falls, however when Ryan Turner reversed a Skull Cap attempt into a seated front suplex, Syd Collier would get in the ring and hit a running knee on Paranoia making him tumble violently to the floor, allowing the Valedictorians to hit the Cram Session for the three count.


And now it was time for the main event, as Nomad would make his way down the ramp, filthy cloak and all, followed by the champ Jared Johnson. As Jared took off the DCW Championship Belt, he was approached by Nomad, who offered a handshake... and Jared took his hand, a great display of sportsmanship before the bell rings!


The two lock up and spend the first few minutes chain wrestling with each other. Jared gets the upper hand, applying a figure four leglock on Nomad, but the mysterious warrior manages to roll over and get to the ropes. Nomad however goes to his A-game with high flying and leaping kicks, but the damage to his leg stalls him when he tries for a moonsault, allowing Jared to get the knees up and pin him for a two count.


Nomad reverses an Irish Whip and hits a kneelkick using his good leg, getting back to his feet and picking up Jared for a DDT and a two count. Nomad puts him in position for Drift Shift... but instead he hit Jared with an STO, hooking his leg for another two count.


Nomad looks again for a moonsault, but Jared gets up again, this time clubbing Nomad in the back... heading to the apron then climbing on the top rope... MDK! ONE, TWO, NOMAD KICKS OUT OF THE MDK! Jared picks Nomad up looking for a Tiger Suplex, but Nomad frees himself, elbowing Jared in the back... then spins to face Jared... DRIFT SHIFT! Nomad drapes an arm over Jared, one, two, JARED GETS A SHOULDER UP!


Nomad put Jared in a sleeper hold now for a couple minutes until Double J got to his feet and elbowed Nomad in the stomach, setting up for a bridging backdrop suplex! One, two, Nomad kicks out!


The two of them then got back to their feet, trading elbows and chops at each other, Jared with a series of chops... and Nomad with an enzuigiri kick to drop Jared! He then pulls Jared up, full nelson, looking for a slam... JARED SLIPS FREE, GETTING TO NOMAD'S SIDE, DRAGGING HIM DOWN... CAROLINA CROSSFACE! Nomad crawling to the ropes... can he make it... inches away... just shy of his fingertips... and Nomad has to tap out!


"Guerilla Radio" hits and Jared is handed the DCW Heavyweight Championship, and he sits down in the corner, resting the belt on his waist and asking for a microphone.


Jared: "Nomad... that was a hell of a match... you ever want another shot at me, you got it man... but right now, I'm looking to December, and far as I know I don't have anyone in line for my title belt... I'm looking for another title defense... I will take anybody in the back on. First guy who comes out here..."



Jared: "Well that didn't take long!"


The fast-paced guitars of Warbringer heralded the arrival of Kamikaze Christian Vars, who also had a mic in hand.


Kamikaze: "No disrespect to you or Nomad, Jared... but I'm so far undefeated here in Detroit Championship Wrestling. Three matches... three wins. I think that gives me fair reason to believe that I can be the man who ends your reign. See you at December, Double J. Keep that belt nice and shiny for me."


Jared: "Cocky little dude, aren't ya? I like that. And I'm a man of my word. So let me just check with the bossman..."


Jared looks over to the announcers table, and Carl Batch gives a thumbs up.


Jared: "Guess that settles it. You're my enabler in December."


Jared gets up and straps the title belt around his waist as Carl Batch plugs the YouTube page to end the show.


Quick Results:

The Pilgrim X [8:19- "Rat's Smile"] Richie Riggins O

Kamikaze Christian Vars O [10:08- Reverse 450 Splash] Stan Manna X/Zachary Ink/Roger Monteiro

Skull Kid X/Paranoia [12:27- "Cram Session"] Ricky Turner O/Syd Collier

Nomad X [14:47- "Carolina Crossface"] Jared Johnson © O


DCW With A Rebel Yell:

Opening Match Of Justice!: Richie Riggins vs Roger Monteiro

We Lost, So Now We Fight!: Skull Kid vs Paranoia

Six Man Tag-A-Go-Go!: Nomad and The Classic Rock Connection vs Stately Promotions (Zachary Ink and The Valedictorians)

DCW Heavyweight Championship! Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Jared Johnson©

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Opening Match Of Justice!: Richie Riggins vs Roger Monteiro

We Lost, So Now We Fight!: Skull Kid vs Paranoia

Six Man Tag-A-Go-Go!: Nomad and The Classic Rock Connection vs Stately Promotions (Zachary Ink and The Valedictorians)

DCW Heavyweight Championship! Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Jared Johnson©

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Promo Package:


We open the promo package with Paranoia.


Paranoia: "I haven't had the best of starts here in DCW, but this December, I plan on changing all that. Skull Kid thinks he's destined to go to the top, but let's face it, if he was, he wouldn't be facing me at With A Rebel Yell, he'd be facing someone like Jared Johnson or Richie Riggins or Nomad. I'm not delusional. I know I'm at the bottom. But I'm going to work my way up, and it starts with taking Skull Kid's ego down a notch. Skull Kid, remember... I am Paranoia, and I am out to get you."


We now segue to the Classic Rock Connection, with Heather behind them.


Manna: "Alright, last time, those Valedictorians got the better of us."


Pilgrim: "Yeah, but last time, they had the experience of having trained together longer. We're more in sync now, and we'll be ready for them this time..."


Manna: "...Well, if we could find that Nomad guy..."


Pilgrim: "Yeah, what's the deal with him? How are we supposed to team with a guy who doesn't even talk to us?"


Manna: "You know what, it's fine. Nomad's done tag matches before. We'll make it work, we'll keep rockin' and rollin' with the punches, and we'll show Stately Promotions that just because they have an angry little nerd in your corner doesn't make them better than anyone."


Pilgrim: "Hells yeah man."


The CRC hi-five each other before we fade to Stately Promotions, with Herb Stately in front, flanked by the Valedictorians, with Zachary Ink in the background.


Stately: "Look at what you see here, morons and mutants! Look! Do you know what we represent? SUCCESS! TALENT! CHARISMA! We are the BEST of what independant wrestling has to offer, and you all should be kissing our feet in gratitude for gracing this piece of crap town! But don't take my word for it, listen to my clients...."


Zachary: "Nomad, I-"


Stately: "No, no, Zachary, them first. Save the best for last..." (whispering to the camera) "I love it when they do this bit..."




Collyer: "Adjective, from the English phrase 'Standing Out'!"


Turner: "ONE: Prominent, conspicuous, striking!"


Collyer: "TWO: Distinguished by superiority or excellence!"


Turner: "THREE: Ryan Turner!"


Collyer: "FOUR: Sid Collyer!"


Turner: "FIVE: Herb Stately!"


Collyer: "SIX: ...Stately Promotions."


Zachary: "What about..."


Stately: "Be a team player, Zach! Let them finish, then you get your turn." (To the Valedictorians) "Sorry guys, continue"


Turner: "There is no manager more brilliant, more savvy, than Herb Stately. Stately Promotions is going to take over DCW, take over all of wrestling."


Collyer: "Because knowledge is power... and that makes the four of us superhuman strong."


Stately: "Man, I could listen to you guys recite the dictionary all day! See, DCW! THAT is how you make money, THAT is how you get people's attention. Charisma! Showmanship! And thanks to my experience leading fine young athlete like these..."


Zachary: "Ahem..."


Stately: "Oh, right, right, sorry Zachary, got carried away there. Go ahead, the floor's all yours..."


Zachary: "Nomad! This December, I..."


Stately looks at his watch.


Stately: "Oh! I'm sorry Zach, but we got to cut this short, I reserved the gym for our workout session but we got to be there in twenty minutes!"


The four file out stage left, as we fade not to the DCW champ Jared Johnson, but to his opponent, Kamikaze Christian Vars.


Vars: "I've been hearing from friends and family that I'm crazy for thinking I can beat Jared Johnson. And you know what... yeah, I am a little crazy. I mean, they don't call me Cautious Christian Vars, do they? In the ring I live and die by reckless abandon. But that's the thing... that's the thing that sets me apart from Jared's other opponents. I will do whatever it takes, put my body on the line in any way I have to, to get the DCW Heavyweight Championship. Jared Johnson... you say wrestling is your addiction. But we both know that that's not true. The championship.... THAT is your addiction. Consider With A Rebel Yell your intervention, Jared... because you're about to go cold turkey."

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