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Kayfabe is Dead: Battle of the Brands

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WWE: 2012


This is a couple of friends and mine first diary, so we hope you enjoy it. Each authority figure portrayed in the diary is an actual different person playing the game, so the competition between brands is very much real.


It will follow WWE a month prior to Night of Champions 2012, however with a few significant changes...


After a rather forgettable Summerslam, Vince has grown disheartened with the company and so as part of his retirement plan, recreates the brand split by handing control over RAW to Shane and Smackdown to Stephanie, splitting the roster.


Vince has also lost faith in his creative team and believes he can only trust the opinion of his family and the fans. Understanding that for many fans Kayfabe is dead, he creates an account on the forum of a wrestling game to try and discover the fan's opinion. As to not destroy Kayfabe entirely he acts as a normal forum member, under the guise of christmas_ape, (his personal favourite Troy McClure film). His intentions are to ask the other members to vote on certain things which then directly affect the running of the show.


The WWE is currently at a pivotal time, the four weeks leading up to Night of Champions will feature partial drafts each week, making that month crucial for wrestlers trying to impress their new GMs. The championships belts however will not be aligned to either show until after NoC, this makes that PPV extra important to determine what belts will be where come October.




Current Champions:

WWE- CM Punk

World Heavyweight- Sheamus

Intercontinental- The Miz

United States- Antonio Cesaro

Tag Team- Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Divas- Layla


RAW Roster:



CM Punk

Dolph Ziggler

Antonio Cesaro

The Big Show



John Cena

Kofi Kingston


Tyson Kidd




Smackdown Roster:



The Miz


Alberto Del Rio

Daniel Bryan


Cody Rhodes




Randy Orton


The Great Khali

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card?


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds?


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder?


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan?


Answers to any or all of these would be appreciated.

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card?


I'd go with the US title to make new stars with. Letting it become something that the lower card guys fight over would be good, even letting them use it as a number one contenders title could work well.


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds?


Divas are just useless in the WWE, they are a side show joke at this point. Either a complete revamp or kill the division. Use the ones with good camera skills and fire the rest.


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder?


I always thought that Swagger should have a push. He's a former champ and his losing streak just isn't right.


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan?


No idea on this one.

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card? This sounds like a two-parter. I'd say the US title should be used to build young stars, while the tag division can be pushed higher up the card and give some upper mid card/main eventers who aren't in the world title picture something to do. But these two roles can be interchanged as the need suits.


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds? Depends on the diva. The eye candy divas who don't have much wrestling skill should be used strictly in a non-wrestling capacity. You'd have to go on a hiring spree to fill out a legit division of skilled female wrestlers, but the likes of Beth and Natalya offer a nice start if you go that route.


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder? Tyson Kidd. I'd love to see that guy get a legit shot as a singles wrestler. I think WWE had a chance to do something with him around MITB this year, but did not pull the trigger.


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan? I've seen NOvaKANE mentioned elsewhere, and found it pretty clever.

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card? I'd use the tag titles to develop younger stars and use main eventers to give the US title the credibility it had back in the day.


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds? Own division with two or three standouts i.e. Beth, Natalaya, SDR etc. with unknown females from the indy circuit showing up for one off jobs.


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder? Jack Swagger as the goofy Kurt Angle-esque face/heel we all know he could be!


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan? I think Team Friendship is perfect for Kane and Bryan.

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card?

US title by far should be used as a stepping stone for the younger stars. Tag titles for the upper mid-carders and the like.


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds?

Some Divas (the ones that are actually wrestlers to begin with) should wrestle/have fueds/have own storylines. The models could be used as managers until they are deemed worthy enough to be wrestlers. I think that's what they are doing already though LOL.


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder?

Tyson Kidd--I got a thing for High Fliers with ground game. Swagger is a close second because I also have a thing for collegiate style wrestlers.


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan?

Flaming Dragon! (Tropical Thunder reference FTW!) Nah, but seriously, The Final Countdown's name fits: NOvaKANE.

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card?

Tag Team would be given a push up, US would be to develop the young stars

2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds?

Depends...I think they should wrestle occasionaly...

3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder?


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan? NO Fear

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1- If both the Tag Team Titles and the United States Title were going to be revamped, which one would you prefer to be used to develop young stars and which should be given a push up the card?

-The Tag Titles are solid for developing young stars as you can get more guys involved in the matches and more overall growth.


2- What is your view on how the Divas are used? Should they be just managers and used in storylines with the male wrestlers? Should they wrestle occasionally? Or wrestler more and have their own feuds?

-I've never really cared about the Divas division or women's wrestling in general. If they're dropped or relegated to managers, I wouldn't complain.


3- Which of these wrestlers most deserves a push? Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, David Otunga or Zack Ryder?

-I would love to see more from Tyson Kidd, but wouldn't object to Swagger either. Ryder had some time in the spotlight and I wasn't a fan, and Otunga is just annoying unless he gets a new character.


4- What name should be given to the newest Tag-Team of Kane and Daniel Bryan?

-In the vein of NOvaKANE but more explosive, VolKANENO (spelling variable)

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1. Use the US Title as a low-card belt, and the tag titles as an NXT-type of title, where a veteran teams with a young star. This gets the youngster over while he learns from his partner.


2. Fire them all.


3. Jack Swagger, although depending on the mod, Tyson Kidd has great stats. Develop him, and he could be the best wrestler on the roster.


4. Team Friendship is, by far, the greatest name since Demolition.

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Preview for week 1




Shane and Stephanie choose which out of the current title holders they want on their show. The available draft picks are; Sheamus, CM Punk, The Miz, Antonio Cesaro, Layla and Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (the tag champions come as a pair). Note that when a wrestler is picked he brings the title to the respective show, but if he is to lose the title before the drafting period ends at Night of Champions, then the belt but not the wrestler changes show. Only after NoC does the draft lock in, until then, all wrestlers are on all shows.


Pre-Scheduled matches:

#1 Contenders for WWE Title- Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Title Match- The Miz Vs Sin Cara




Shane and Stephanie choose their first two draft picks from the remaining roster.


Pre-Scheduled matches:

Tag Team Titles- Kofi Kingston + R-Truth Vs Kane and Daniel Bryan

#1 Contenders for the WHC Title- Rey Mysterio vs Tensai


Will be running a prediction contest, there will be a weekly and monthly winner. Currently there are a few wrestlers which are barely hanging on to their jobs at the WWE, so for this month, each weekly winner will be given a choice of two wrestlers and must decide which to fire and which to keep. The monthly winner has a much more positive reward, just as there are some wrestlers maybe leaving, there are also some wrestlers maybe joining. The monthly winner gets to choose from a list, which wrestler to hire. This wrestler will be deemed ‘The People’s Choice’ and so will receive a generous push.


As a bonus for the first week, this weeks winner will also get to choose between the two most suggested names for Kane and Daniel Bryan's new team. A) Novakane or B) Team Friendship.


Thanks for the great responses, keep them coming!

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Pre-Scheduled matches:

#1 Contenders for WWE Title- Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Title Match- The Miz Vs Sin Cara




Shane and Stephanie choose their first two draft picks from the remaining roster.


Pre-Scheduled matches:

Tag Team Titles- Kofi Kingston + R-Truth Vs Kane and Daniel Bryan

#1 Contenders for the WHC Title- Rey Mysterio vs Tensai

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Pre-Scheduled matches:

#1 Contenders for WWE Title- Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Title Match- The Miz Vs Sin Cara




Pre-Scheduled matches:

Tag Team Titles- Kofi Kingston + R-Truth Vs Kane and Daniel Bryan

#1 Contenders for the WHC Title- Rey Mysterio vs Tensai

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1- US Title predominantly for the up-and-comers with the tag titles cross-brand and pursued by all comers, unless you want to put the Divas title on one brand, and the tag belts on the other.


2- Talent = push. You have Beth and Natalya who can wrestle, and the others... Well, there's a mix. If the talent of the women in the mod allows it, then a gradual transition to a wrestling-oriented division would be welcome. Otherwise, in a diary at least, they have little place in a wrestling company.


3- Anyone but Otunga - although arguably he's the most comfortable on the mic. Kidd and Gabriel have a fun team and can help rebuild that division. Swagger needs to recover from his long losing streak, and that could be a slow process. Ryder could probably be pushed from the start without it seeming out of place, although probably not at main event level from day one...


4- NovaKane sounds good to me, too. Team Friendship is funny, but as a long-term team it seems a bit daft to me.

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Week 1


*For the first month leading up to the brand split, the RAW and Smackdown posts will be more story-like in form, after Night of Champions it will still be geared around story-lines but will take a simpler form, more like the show reports on TEW itself but with some more depth when needed.





- The show starts with a rare appearance from Vince Mcmahon. He announces that after Night of Champions, the brand split will be properly enforced and so RAW and Smackdown will be in direct competition. This competition will be for both T.V ratings and online polls, with consequences each month for the winning and losing General Manager. He then introduces the two new GM's, Shane and Stephanie Mcmahon. Vince explains that he feels sympathetic for Booker T and A.J as he did wish to give them longer to prove themselves but ultimately, when it comes to a battle over brand supremacy, the only people he can rely on, to offer the fans sheer ruthlessness, are his own family. Vince informs Shane that he will run RAW, and his Sister; Smackdown. The draft for the new brands will occur each week, and finish at Night of Champions. As for tonight, the only superstars available for choosing are the ones with a championship belt. Vince reminded them that although the wrestlers bring the belt with them, it is only after Night of Champions that the belts lock in and belong to either show.



Stephanie goes first for Sheamus, the World Heavyweight Champion, citing her Husbands great respect of him as the reason.


Shane seemed relieved to hear of his Sisters pick and brings CM Punk, the WWE Champion to RAW, stating 'who wouldn't want the best in the world'


Stephanie then choses The Miz, Intercontinental Champion.


Shane picks the U.S champion Antonio Cesaro next, he says that he has faith in Antonio to keep the belt for the full month.


Stephanie then makes the shock pick of Layla, over the Tag Champs. Stephanie says the poor state of the Tag division puts her off wanting them on her show. Vince seemed to perk up, remembering what he had read on the forum and informs Stephanie that although he respects her choice, the Diva's division needs a complete revamp. He tells her she has three months to make the division worth watching, or it will be cut.


Shane yet again seems relieved at his Sisters pick, happily taking Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.


-Shane announces that to kick off RAW there will be a star studied tag team match. He walks down to join the commentary team in order to scout for his next draft pick



-John Cena and Sheamus Vs CM Punk and The Big Show

Match ended in a draw when both teams failed to make a count out due to the match descending into a chaotic brawl in front of Shane.



-Stephanie comes down to the ring to scout the next match

-Tensai Vs Zack Ryder

Tensai wins in a very one sided and short match, Stephanie looks clearly impressed with Tensai.



- Tag Team Title #1 Contenders match

Kane and Daniel Bryan Vs Primo and Epico

Daniel Bryan gets the pinfall after dominating the match, Kane was never even tagged in.



-Intercontinental Title Match

The Miz Vs Sin Cara

The Miz wins after hitting the Skull Crushing Finale




Kane is backstage throwing chairs and smashing anything he can find, Daniel Bryan is trying to calm him down, he asks what is his problem, after all they have won the right to face Kofi and R-Truth on Smackdown for the titles. Kane suddenly stops and grabs Daniel, Kane explains that he doesn't care about titles, he just wants to inflict pain and suffering. He tells Daniel that if he prevents him from hurting his opponents again he will have to hurt his partner instead. Daniel tries to back out the door, as he does Kane looks to the ground and says that 'one day, you will understand, you will learn that you have to embrace the hate'. The angle ends with the camera on a worried looking Daniel Bryan.



- Ziggler comes down the ring clutching his briefcase, followed by Vickie. Only this time with a determined gleam in his eye rather than the arrogant one he is used to having. He gets in and grabs a mic. He announces that he will cash in the contract against Sheamus at Night of Champions. Ziggler says that he wants to win the title with honor.



- Ryback Vs Drew McIntyre

Rybacks wins without breaking a sweat



-Orton cuts an interview on CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio, saying that he is going to be the next WWE chamption after winning his #1 contendership match.



-#1 Contenders match for the WWE Title Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

Orton manages to get the pinfall despite the involvement of Ricardo Rodriguez, The show ends with CM Punk coming to the top of the stage to sarcastically clap Orton.







The show opens with the #1 contenders match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Tensai Vs Rey Mysterio

Tensai wins via submission with a clawhold STO, after the match Stephanie is shown backstage watching the match with Shane. She grins proudly as she informs him that Tensai is her first pick of the night.



-Damien Sandow Vs Santino Marella

Sandow picks up one of his biggest wins to date by pinning the former US champion.



-Shane McMahon comes down to the ring to welcome his first draft pick for RAW, John Cena. Shane calls it a safe bet that Cena can manage to end the month with a title.



- Stephanie then interrupts Shane by reminding him that Randy Orton is the number one contender for the WWE Title, she brings the Apex Predator out as her next draft pick.



-Cole and Matthews announce that the main event will be The Big Show Vs Christian Vs Alberto Del Rio. Cole notes that both GM’s have said they will be closely watching the match to help them decide who to pick next week on RAW.



-United States Title match

Antonio Cesaro Vs Brodus Clay

Cesaro pins Clay to retain the belt.



Stephanie calls a meeting with all the WWE Divas, she informs them that she over the next few months some radical changes need to take place in order to keep the division alive. She says that this month there will be a weekly divas match where the loser is fired



-Loser is fired Diva’s match

Beth Pheonix Vs Tamina

Beth gets the pin in less than 2 minutes, Tamina leaves distraught to the sound of the fans chanting goodbye



-Tag Team Title match

Kofi Kingston and R-truth Vs Kane and Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan dominates the match again, but this team remembers to tag in his tag team partner. Once Kane is tagged in he uses the ropes to choke Kofi Kingston and fails to stop after the referees count. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth win by D.Q,


-The Miz comes down to the ring carrying his Intercontinental Title. He declares smugly that due to his successful defence against Sin Cara on RAW, he doesn't have to compete tonight on what he calls the second rate show. The Great Khali and his personal interpreter come out to the stage. Rajin Singh informs The Miz that he should enjoy the rest he has, as next Monday, his next challenger is Khali.


-Ziggler Vs Tyson Kidd

In a very fast paced, exciting match Ziggler manages to get the upper hand and win with the Zig Zag. Shane comes down after the match to congratulate both wrestlers on the performance. He raises the hand of Dolph and announces him his second and final draft pick of the night.



-Big Show Vs Christian Vs Alberto Del Rio

Both Shane and Stephanie came out to watch this match and neither were disappointed with The Big Shows dominance. Big Show wins after hitting the WMD.


The show ends with the two new GM's arguing over who gets to pick first next week. All the while, The Big Show, stands in the ring impressed at his work.



Prediction Contest

The Miz Vs Sin Cara

Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

Tensai Vs Rey Mysterio

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth Vs Kane and Daniel Bryan


Monthly and Weekly Scores

The Final Countdown- 4/4

Rayelek- 3/4

Psycho Sam- 3/4


The Final Countdown, your two choices are Ezekiel Jackson and Yoshi Tatsu, which do you believe most deserves to keep his job?

Also you can choose which of the two most popular names should beused for Daniel Bryan and Kane either Novakane or Team Friendship

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Week 2 Preview




The two general mangers choose their next two draft picks each, both currently seem to desire The Big Show after his impressive performance on Smackdown.


Pre-Scheduled matches:

Intercontinental Championship match- The Miz Vs The Great Khali

WWE Title match- CM Punk Vs Randy Orton






Once again, Shane and Stephanie pick two more draft picks each.


Pre-Scheduled matches:

World Heavyweight Championship Title match- Sheamus Vs Tensai

Loser is Fired Diva's match -Alicia Fox Vs Kelly Kelly




Once again, the weekly prediction contest winner can choose which out of two wrestlers to fire, and which to keep.

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Intercontinental Championship match- The Miz Vs The Great Khali

WWE Title match- CM Punk Vs Randy Orton




Pre-Scheduled matches:

World Heavyweight Championship Title match- Sheamus Vs Tensai

Loser is Fired Diva's match -Alicia Fox Vs Kelly Kelly


Can Ryback become a main-eventer? If so, how long would you book his winning streak to run for? If you stretch his streak out for a bit, I don't see why he wouldn't be able to hit the main event, or upper mid card at the least. I would stretch his streak out at least until he challenges for a championship.


Does the WWE need a new stable? If so, should this consist mostly of main eventers/ upper midcarders or be a rather low level stable? I'd hold off on any stables for a few months at least. Give the reset rosters some time to get established before you start up that kind of story. If and when you do form a faction, I'd make it a mixture of established names and up and comers/developmental callups.

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Intercontinental Championship match- The Miz Vs The Great Khali

WWE Title match- CM Punk Vs Randy Orton





World Heavyweight Championship Title match- Sheamus Vs Tensai

Loser is Fired Diva's match -Alicia Fox Vs Kelly Kelly


Can Ryback become a main-eventer? If so, how long would you book his winning streak to run for? Maybe, but I don't think it's necessarily soon. His winning streak ends when he runs into a Main Event level talent who needs the boost.


Does the WWE need a new stable? If so, should this consist mostly of main eventers/ upper midcarders or be a rather low level stable? No new stable, things look pretty good the way they are.

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Intercontinental Championship match- The Miz Vs The Great Khali

WWE Title match- CM Punk Vs Randy Orton





World Heavyweight Championship Title match- Sheamus Vs Tensai

Loser is Fired Diva's match -Alicia Fox Vs Kelly Kelly


Can Ryback become a main-eventer? I don't see it happening. In TEW terms he'll become a main eventer through the use of the dominate Monster push but his streak will end at the hands of a proven main eventer to set up a program.


Does the WWE need a new stable? If so, should this consist mostly of main eventers/ upper midcarders or be a rather low level stable? A low level comedy stable would be fun to see. Or a midcard stable who try to push the older generation out by any means necessary.

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Week 2





The show begins with The Big Show in the ring, he knows that he is currently both Shane and Stephanie’s desired pick for tonight.


“What you have here, is the MVP of the WWE. I am 7 foot tall, 500 pound monster. I see people like Dolph get picked, I see people like John Cena get picked and I think to myself, are these people crazy? Do these people know what I am capable of? You see I can learn to forgive Shane or Stephanie’s mistake in not picking me, it is a chaotic time right now in this company. Titles being defended left right and centre, nobody knowing when or where they are going to be wrestling come October. Hell, nobody even knows what belt will be where. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. I know where the belts are going to be. The belts are going be wherever I am. If I want a belt, I will get that belt, and I will keep that belt for as long as I want. Shane and Stephanie know that, they saw what I did to Christian and Alberto last week on Smackdown, so I’ve come here to find out where I will be taking my belts after Night of Champions”


Shane Mcmahon makes his way down to the ring.


“Well Big Show, I can proudly say that after this month is over, RAW will be your home. Me and Steph have made a deal, you are my only allowed draft pick tonight, but Steph is allowed 3. I agreed to this because I know you’re going to win more gold for my brand than any 3 men could. So now the only question is which title should we try and get you. RAW is in a great position at the moment. We already have the WWE Champion, CM Punk. And Dolph Ziggler is cashing his money in the bank briefcase in on the World Heavyweight Champion at Night of Champions. Now I have confidence in Dolph’s ability but I want to be certain that RAW will have both world titles so I have an idea. My dream is to go in to Night of Champions not only holding both the belts, but having the number one contenders all belonging to RAW, that way it’s win win for me. So what I’m going to do is book a match for the RAW before Night of Champions. Whoever is the World Heavyweight Champions Vs The Big Show. How do you like that?”


Shane and The Big Show shake hands and walk out together.


Alberto Del Rio Vs Sin Cara

In a close contest, Del Rio gets the pinfall in the 12th minute. He capitalised on a mistake after Sin Cara attempted a shooting star press but landed horribly.


After the match Stephanie announces that Del Rio is her first of three picks for the night. She then announces that she doesn’t want Smackdown to lose the Intercontinental Champion when The Miz faces The Great Khali, next. So she picks Khali as her second choice. He then comes down to the ring ready for his title shot.


The Miz’s music plays but no entrance is made, Khali stands in the ring looking bewildered. After 2 minutes of confusion Khali gives up and leaves.



The Funkasaurus makes his usual entrance but the dancing is cut short when Sandow emerges with a microphone. Sandow proclaims that he is here to save the children from being coerced into the ring by a man who clearly holds no childcare credentials. He advises all the parents to try and prevent their children from emulating this dancing ignoramus.


Brodus Clay Vs Damien Sandow

Sandow gets the pin after just 5 minutes, he then proceeds to give dictionaries out to children in the audience. Brodus is visibly angry at the match.



Backstage Josh Matthews interviews CM Punk about his upcoming title match against Randy Orton.


“You’re asking me do I doubt that I will manage to keep the title on RAW? What matters is not where the titles are, but where CM Punk is. After Night of Champions, RAW will be the only show worth watching, because that’s where you can all watch the best in the world do what he does best. I don’t care if little Randal thinks differently, I don’t care if John-boy thinks differently, I don’t care who wants this title I guran-damn-tee I will be your WWE Champion at the end of this month”



Tag Team Title’s #1 contenders match-

Primetime Playas Vs The Uso’s Vs Primo and Epico Vs Hunico and Epico

The match features some pretty exciting stuff between Hunico and The Uso’s but other than that the PTP managed to keep on top throughout. They get the win after Darren Young gets a roll-up on Primo after 12 minutes



Daniel Bryan is shown backstage outside Kane’s locker room, he finally musters up the courage to knock. After hearing no answer he walks in to find Kane getting ready for his match. Daniel shows Kane the monitor which has the PTP still celebrating.


“The only reasons that’s not us is because of your crazy choking last week…! What? You have nothing to say? How are we going to get the belts while your acting like a mad man?”


Kane stands up and walks off ignoring Daniel.


Kane Vs Kofi Kingston

This match was made after a request from Kofi to get revenge for last week. Sadly no revenge was involved in a brutal win for Kane. Kane is looking a dangerous combination of crazy but focused.


Stephanie comes down to the ring tentatively as Kane is leaving to announce that although she doesn’t appreciate his methods, he is her final draft pick of the night.



Cena is shown backstage watching the show with his GM, Shane. As Punk and Orton make their entrances Shane promises John that his show at the title is coming as next RAW there will be a #1 contenders match.



WWE Title Match

CM Punk Vs Randy Orton

This match was a great main event for the show with a lot of crowd heat. CM Punk didn’t seem fully at his best though and seemed sloppy almost to the point of looking careless. Despite this however he retained the title after hitting Orton with 2 consecutive Go to Sleeps.






The show starts with both Ziggler and Christian in the ring ready for their match.


Ziggler Vs Christian

In a great bout with high level wrestling throughout Ziggler gets the win with a superplex. After the match he asks for a mic.

“Last week me and Tyson Kidd put on the match of the night, and I know for sure that no match will beat this one tonight. For all of you that are watching to see how Sheamus does tonight, it doesn’t matter. Whether Sheamus wins, or Tensai wins, or even if The Big Show wins his title match before Night of Champions, all you need to know is that I am bringing that title to RAW with me”



Daniel Bryan and Kane are shown backstage. Daniel congratulates him on his win on RAW against Kofi. There is a knock on the door as Stephanie walks in to tell Daniel that he is her first draft pick of the night and to let them both know that if he manages to beat R-Truth tonight then Novakane get another shot at the tag champs, whether it be Kofi and R-Truth or the Primetime Playas.


Diva’s Loser is Fired Match

Kelly Kelly Vs Alicia Fox

This match was really poor and could be used to argue that both of these Diva’s should be fired. Nevertheless Kelly Kelly got the win and so earned a place in the new Diva’s division.



A video package is shown where Sheamus is in a sushi restaurant trying ordering ‘Tensai’s favourite meal’. He then tries to eat the meal when it comes but decides to bin it and walks out without paying muttering that the meal was worse than his Auntie Patrick’s homemade soup. He smirks at the camera and tells Tensai that he can forget Sushi as the only thing he will be eating at Smackdown is the bottom of his boot.



Daniel Bryan Vs R-Truth

After a long beginning working the crowd with Little Jimmy and NO chants and some good in ring action the match ending elicited a great response from the crowd. Bryan seemed distracted through most the match and at one point by accidently elbowed R-Truth in the groin, he stopped his offence to check if he was okay which lead to R-Truth winning with a roll-up. Daniel storms off furiously.



Josh Matthews is backstage interviewing Stephanie Mcmahon about The Miz's no-show on RAW. Stephanie re-books The Great Khali's title match and she informs The Miz that if he doesn't turn up and wrestle then the Title goes to Khali. She begins walking away but then turns back.


"Actually Miz, not only will you be facing Khali, but it will be a Triple Threat match where you will have to defend your title against both Khali, and my second draft pick Cody Rhodes"


Ryback Vs Tyson Kidd

Kidd pushed Ryback right until the end but failed to be the first person to defeat Ryback. He was however the first person to last over 10 minutes and the first to be genuinely close. After the match Shane picks Ryback as his first pick but also picks Kidd as his second because despite losing two matches he has impressed him in the first half of September.



Ryder is shown backstage with Santino in which the two agree that Antonio Cesaro is too grumpy to be the U.S Champion. Asksana overhears and tells them that her man is the greatest champion in the WWE and so will fight them both next week.



World Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Sheamus Vs Tensai

These two seem to have a natural chemistry and so put on a match which would be considered very good for both of them. Sakamoto distracted the ref allowing Tensai to use claw at Sheamus’ eye. Sheamus managed to kick out to a very late two count. Moments later he hits the Brogue kick and retains his title.



Weekly Prediction Contest


Intercontinental Championship match- The Miz Vs The Great Khali- No contest as match never started

WWE Title match- CM Punk Vs Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Championship Title match- Sheamus Vs Tensai

Loser is Fired Diva's match -Alicia Fox Vs Kelly Kelly



The Final Countdown- 3/3

Rayelek- 1/3

MichiganHero- 2/3


Monthly Contest

The Final Countdown- 7/7

Rayelek- 4/7

Psycho Sam- 3/7

MichiganHero- 2/7


This weeks winner is The Final Countdown.

Your two choices are JTG or Michael McGillicutty

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I'd go with King of the Ring. I always thought the KOTR tourney win, when given to the right guy, was one of the best ways possible of setting someone up as a future main eventer (see: Stone Cold, HHH, Brock Lesnar.) I guess Cyber Sunday would be fun too, but since this diary is very interactive as is, I don't think it would feel as novel as it would in most other diaries.


Maybe the focus of One Night Stand could change each time it's run? For instance, one time ECW, the next time WCW, the next time Attitude Era or 90's New Generation WWF, etc.

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