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WWE: It's All About The Wrestling

Guest KingOfKings

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Guest KingOfKings

OOC: This diary will start on the RAW after Hell In a Cell. I won't be doing any crazy avatar backstories, or backstage soap opera drama. I wasn't personally hired by Vince McMahon, I don't have a crush on the bosses daughter, I wasn't former wrestler turned booker. I'm just a guy, reporting on the WWE. Shows, notes, rumors, trying to keep a semblance of real life here. Hope you enjoy!


WWE Hell In a Cell!




It’s WWE’s annual PPV, based around the demonic structure known simply as, Hell In a Cell! There was a multitude of great matches taking place this year, and boy did they not disappoint.


In the first match of the evening we saw Kofi Kingston successfully defend his Intercontinental championship against former champion, The Miz. It was a great opening matchup between these two evenly matched competitors, but in the end Kofi proved that he can hang with the best of them and picked up the 3 count after a trouble in paradise. Where does this leave the Miz? And who will be Kofi’s new challenger for his IC title?


In the evenings second match we saw a hellacious battle for the Unified Tag Team Championships. The team of Daniel Bryan and Kane (Team Hell No) took on Rhodes schalors (Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes) in a hellacious back and forth tag title match. In the end, Kane and DB once again learn how to use teamwork to successfully defend their titles with Kane picking up the pin on Sandow after a brutal tombstone piledriver. After the match Rhodes looked less than happy with Sandow. This leaves a wrinkle in the newly formed tag team, and the current champions without challengers.


After a Sheamus interview, stating on how he wouldn’t disappoint the WWE Universe and lose his title to Big Show, that’s exactly what he did. Sheamus fought a valiant effort, but in the end The Big Show was just too much for Sheamus. After blocking an attempted Brouge Kick, Big Show hit Sheamus with the biggest knockout punch ever thrown and down the champion for good. A new era is starting on Smackdown! And that’s the era of the Big Show.


This one was personal, this one was going to brutal, it was going to be a fight, and a fight it was. Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio had a good ol’ fashioned rivalry going on. They wanted to just hurt one another, and they would have their chance at HIAC. It was a back and forth match the entire time, but in the end, Orton caught Del Rio with a surprise RKO and picked up the 3 count. After the match, Ricardo Rodriguez hit Orton in the back with a steel chair, leaving him down and out. Rodriguez and Del Rio hightailed it out of the ring before Orton could come back to his senses.


In the main event, CM Punk was defending his WWE Championship against undefeated newcomer, Ryback in the demonic cell structure. It took 36 long minutes, but somehow CM Punk walked out of the cell with his WWE Title. Ryback dominated most of the entire match, until Punk got a steel chair, the ring bell, a kendo stick, a 2X4, the steel steps, the steel structure itself and a GTS from the top of the cell, through the roof and onto the mat below. Even then, it took Punk locking in the Anaconda Vice while about to be put in the SHELLSHOCK from Ryback. Ryback never tapped though, he just passed out from the pain and the referee was forced to call the match. When Ryback eventually regained consciousness, he received a standing ovation from the crowd. I doubt we’ve seen the last of this rivalry.


Quick Results


Kofi Kingston d. The Miz to retain the Intercontinental Title

Team Hell No d. Rhodes Scholars to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles

The Big Show d. Sheamus to win the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton d. Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk d Ryback to retain the WWE Championship

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Guest KingOfKings

WWE Makes Developmental Call Ups!




The WWE have called up a few of its developmental workers from NXT. It’s being rumored that the WWE would like to make the brand split more relevant, so they need to add some meat to the rosters. Below is a list of call ups and the brands they’ve been assigned to. One thing we can tell you is that Sara Del Rey has been called up as an active womens wrestler and she will make her debut on this upcoming Monday Night RAW!


Sara Del Rey (RAW)


Tenille Tayla (RAW)


Kenneth Cameron (RAW)


Kassius Ohno (SMACKDOWN)


Dean Ambrose (SMACKDOWN)


Seth Rollins (RAW)


We’ll keep you updated on when these workers will debut, and in what capacity!



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Guest KingOfKings



Monday Night RAW Preview!


It’s the fallout from Hell In a Cell! Did CM Punk escape with the WWE Championship? Did Dolph Ziggler do as he promised and cash in his MITB on whoever won the Sheamus/Big Show match? Did Team Hell No learn how to work together to defeat the formidable opponents of Rhodes Scholars? What will John Cena have to say about not being able to participate at the PPV? So many questions to be answered, so you better tune in at 9/8CT to find out what happened!


Quick Picks


Cody Rhodes Vs. Rey Mysterio

Kane Vs. Dolph Ziggler

Layla Vs. Sara Del Rey


Plus much more!

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Guest KingOfKings
This is cool! BTW, If anyone's intrested, Predict on TWF- Total Wrestling Federation......Go to page 2 for the most recent matches.......Please? Good job KoK.


Yeah no. Don't pimp your diary in my thread..


K thanks...

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Guest KingOfKings



Monday Night RAW

Live! From AllState Arena In Illinois

9/8CT on USA


This weeks edition of Monday Night RAW opened with, of course, the still reigning WWE Champion CM Punk, accompanied by his business associate, Paul Heyman. The two of them were all smiles coming down to the ring, and why shouldn’t they be? Punk did what everyone thought impossible last night, he withstood Ryback in brutal, 30 minute hell in a cell match to keep his title. It looked as if Punk was worse for the wear though, heavily bandaged and taped around his waist, arms, face and almost every other area of his body.


Heyman took the mic first, and no matter how loud the fans booed, he just kept that grin on his face. He proclaimed that Punk had done everything that was asked of him, he had done everything that people said he couldn’t do. He went into the cell and took on the WWE’s fiercest competitor, in the most dangerous match there is to offer, and he came out on top. He told the fans that he accomplished this by being the best in the world, and if they were too stupid to see that now, then there is no hope. He said there are no challengers left for Punk, he had beat everyone, no one was on his level and that now, he was simply bored.


Punk then took the mic, soaked in the boos, hoisted the WWE Title over his shoulder and started to speak. He told the fans that no matter what they thought of him, no matter how they felt about him being champion, they now HAD to respect him because of what he accomplished last night. He defied the odds AGAIN. He’s been defying the odds his entire career and the cell was no different.


Just then, the music of John Cena starts and the roof almost comes off the building. Heyman and Punk look less than pleased with Cenas arrival as he sprints down the aisle, slides into the ring, plays to the crowd and grabs a mic. He paces the ring for a while, never taking his eyes off of Punk before finally opening his mouth. When he finally opens his mouth, he does the unthinkable. He actually gives Punk credit for what he did last night. He admits that he did what most thought he couldn’t by beating Ryback. He says that Ryback is an ass kicking machine, and that Punk took his whipping like a man, dished it back, and still came out with the WWE Championship! He then states the obvious, Punk has no contender to his belt and he’d like to throw his name in the hat.


Punk does nothing but laugh at this. He tells John that he’s tired of being chased by him. He’s tired of the nonsense “prove yourself against me” tirades, tired of the Superhero Cena story. He simply says NO, he’s not giving him another shot, he doesn’t deserve it. Punk says that he no longer has to prove anything to Cena. He’s proved that he’s the best in the world, he’s proved that he’s the best WWE Champion to ever grace this company, he’s proved that he’s the BEST IN THE WORLD and that NOW, no one can EVER deny that. He takes his title belt and holds it up to Cena, the two go nose to nose and the familiar, “Excuse ME!” of GM Supervisor Vickie Guerrero can be heard through the arena.


Vickie comes out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp. She congratulates Punk, but then drops a bomb. She tells Punk that as acting GM, he hasn’t proven enough to her. She feels like he has yet to face his greatest challenge, and that the only reason she beat Ryback last night was because he had his environment to help him. With that said, she books the main event of RAW for tonight. It will be John Cena Vs. Ryback for a chance to fight CM Punk at Survivor Series for the WWE Championship!


Punk is irate in the ring as Heyman tries to calm him down, while John Cena looks genuinely worried. I don’t think either one of them know what they just got themselves into!


The opening match of the evening saw one half of the tag team champions Kane, who successfully defended their belts last night at HIAC, against the WHC Money In The Bank Winner, Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler had promised to cash in his MITB Briefcase last night, but once the WHC match was over, Ziggler was nowhere to be found. He explained before the match that he had better things to do that night, and The Big Show just wasn’t worth his time. He will cash in when he’s good and ready, and when he decides to, he’s gonna back up his promise of becoming the next champion.


If this match was any indication, it’s a good thing that he hasn’t cashed it in yet. He’s been on a bit of a cold streak lately and this was no different. He put up a valiant effort, but in the end the Big Red Machine was just too much for the smaller Ziggler. He put him away with a chokeslam and Team Hell No continues their hot streak. After the match, Ziggler just lie there on the mat, staring at the ceiling. Probably wondering where his career went wrong.


After we see Layla warming up for her next match, we come back to see a new competitor to the WWE already in the ring. If you’ve ever paid attention to the indy circuit, you already know who Sara Del Rey is. She was new to most WWE fans so none of them expected this match to go the way it did. You could tell Del Rey was ALL business as Layla was coming down to the ring. As soon as the match started, Del Rey took it to Layla and never let up. She dominated from start to finish before finally giving her a stiff kick to the head, and finishing her off with the Royal Butterfly. The match was over as fast as it started and Sara Del Rey had sent a clear message to the rest of the WWE divas.


Coming back from commercial break, the WWE Universe was joined by the new World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show. At which point he tells everyone that he proved last night Sheamus stood no chance against him, that no competitor in the WWE could EVER take him down. He said he would never lose this title, and if anyone stood in his way, he would do to them what he did to Sheamus last night. He holds up his hand in a fist and shows the camera his massive hands. Just then, the man he beat last night, Sheamus comes down to the ring.


Sheamus congratulated Show on beating him the ring fair and square last night. But incase he forgot he did have a rematch clause. A clause that he would be invoking this Friday night on SMACKDOWN! Show didn’t look all too happy, and neither did the next man that came out to join them in the ring, Alberto Del Rio.


Del Rio stated that since Sheamus was no longer champion, he should have the first shot at Shows belt. Both Show and Sheamus laughed him off and continued to bicker back and forth. That is until Del Rio joined in the screaming match and the music of the Apex Predator, Randy Orton hit the arena speakers. Orton came down to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He joined the three men in the ring and made a point to Del Rio specifically about beating him last night, so how does he think he’s next in line for a title shot. Orton makes his case to be the number one contender.


The party wasn’t over yet, though. Christian, making his long awaited return from injury also made his way down to the ring. He told the 4 other guys in the ring, that if they wanted a shot at Show, they would have to go through him. He’s sick and tired of being put aside for the rest of the roster, it’s his turn to show that he can really shine with the WHC around his waist. Before when he was champion, he hadn’t realized what that responsibility had meant, but now, he’s more than ready to prove himself.


As the 4 challengers continue bickering, Big Show had had enough. He knocked out Sheamus for the second night in a row with a huge right hand! The other competitors stood in shock and awe as Big Show proclaimed that he would be facing Sheamus again on SMACKDOWN this Friday. He said he would beat him again and Orton, Del Rio and Christian can do all the fighting they want to see who the next challenger would be. He didn’t really care, because when they get in the ring with him, it’s gonna be lights out for whoever.


We’re back in action as Heath Slater was taking on Alex Riley. Slater picked up the W in a fun midcard match with the help of his band mate, Jinder Mahal. Surprisingly, Drew McIntyre was nowhere to be found. This doesn’t bode well for the newly formed 3M stable.


After returning from commercial break, the camera caught Cena backstage warming up for his match with the dangerous, Ryback. Ryback decided to join Cena in his locker room, not saying anything, just merely going nose to nose with the former WWE champion. Cena does all the talking, telling Ryback that it’s going to be an honor to face him tonight, that he’s going to hold nothing back, and that he hopes the best man wins. Ryback just gives him that look, that look of desire, that look of passion and anger and utters 3 simple words. FEED ME PUNK, and leaves the room, leaving Cena looking anxious and confused.


Our semi-main event of the evening saw one half of the losing tag team last night, Cody Rhodes, taking on one half of the team he beat to reach the Tag Title match last night, Rey Mysterio. As always, these two put on an excellent match that did not disappoint the crowd. In the end, the desire of Cody Rhodes was too much as he cleanly put Mysertio away with the cross Rhodes to pick up the pinfall victory. You could really tell Cody was all business tonight.


The main event was a brawl plain and simple. John Cena Vs. Ryback, with enormous implications. Whoever won this match would be facing CM Punk at Survivor Series for the WWE title next month. This was a brawl if there ever was something to describe the word. These guys just went blow for blow in the middle of the ring, it looked like a boxing match. Punch after punch, strike after strike, slam after slam. At one point the action even spilled out of the ring and into the crowd.


Just when it looked like Ryback had Cena beat with him on his shoulders for the shell shock, CM Punk ran in through the crowd and delivered a huge chair shot to the back of Ryback, he then picked up Cena and delivered the GTS leaving him down and out. By the time Ryback got up, Punk was halfway up the ramp laughing about how he caused the match to end in no contest. Ryback was in the ring fuming, begging Punk to come face him in the ring, but of course Punk was too smart for that. RAW closes with questions unanswered. Will Punk pay for what he did? When will we crown a new number 1 contender? And will Cena or Ryback even get another chance to prove themselves!?!?

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Guest KingOfKings


Friday Night Smackdown emanates from the Nationwide Arena this Friday night on SyFy! We’ve got a huge night in store for the WWE Universe as the fallout from Hell In a Cell continues! New World Heavyweight Champion Big Show makes his first title defense against the man he beat for the belt, Sheamus.


Also, Alberto Del Rio takes on Christian and Randy Orton takes on Wade Barrett in what could have huge implications for the World Heavyweight Championship picture. These two matches could shape the very landscape of the main event scene here on SMACKDOWN!


Tune in this Friday at 8/7CT to see all the great action from your favorite WWE Superstars!


Quick Picks


The Big Show Vs. Sheamus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Wade Barrett Vs. Randy Orton

Christian Vs. Alberto Del Rio

David Otunga Vs. Daniel Bryan

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You should sign Jessie McKay to a dev deal :p

The Big Show Vs. Sheamus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Big Slow gets his head smashed in by a brogue kick.

Wade Barrett Vs. Randy Orton

Orton probably has CC

Christian Vs. Alberto Del Rio

I really hate ADR.

David Otunga Vs. Daniel Bryan

NXT Jobber loses to NXT Success Story

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