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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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So I love stables love them apparently I just can't help it.


I signed


The Second Sons Of Wrestling


Ash Campbell

Brett Star

Cameron Vessey

Casey Valentine

Greg Keith

Matthew Keith


The Kings of Samoa


Arthur Dexter Bradley

Akima Brave


Rhino Umaga

Samoan Machine


(Toma won't sign doesn't like the risque and I'm just waiting for Tana's contract to be up)


Nice...a fellow stables fanatic! :D The second-gen stable sounds cool, as I also love hiring those younger relatives of famous C-Verse workers (except Brett Starr). I suggest giving them an Entourage-style cocky youth gimmick.

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Nice...a fellow stables fanatic! :D The second-gen stable sounds cool, as I also love hiring those younger relatives of famous C-Verse workers (except Brett Starr). I suggest giving them an Entourage-style cocky youth gimmick.


I did just that and basically the first few months was just them popping up and attacking an escalatingly more popular array of superstars. As for Brett Star even with his negative personality my backstage is still at 88%. Also I hired Runaway Trains daughter as their manager, Lisa Bowen. I gave her the Daddy's Little Girl gimmick and anytime the stable would get in serious trouble she get her famous father to step in on their behalf.

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Yeah, it seems taxes are collected every other month. I don't have my game open in front of me but I remember seeing that myself.


Yes it's not the taxes I'm concerned with, it's that I paid 1 million in taxes one month then NOTHING the following month. Is the game trying to get me thrown in jail? :o

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I did just that and basically the first few months was just them popping up and attacking an escalatingly more popular array of superstars. As for Brett Star even with his negative personality my backstage is still at 88%. Also I hired Runaway Trains daughter as their manager, Lisa Bowen. I gave her the Daddy's Little Girl gimmick and anytime the stable would get in serious trouble she get her famous father to step in on their behalf.


I like the idea of Lisa Bowen turning to her father in times of trouble. I can already see her playing the obnoxious heel who thinks she can stand toe-to-toe with even the toughest; however, later squeals to 'daddy' when things get a little too tough for her liking.


I'm not sure if Runaway Train can play a babyface off the top of my head but it also opens to the possibility of Lisa eventually turning on her Father when he gets too 'preachy' about needing to fight her own battles. From there, you've got the little girl trying to get her Father wiped off the map with the use of up-and-coming superstars.

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I'm starting to think Steve Frehley was just made SWF Champ by Adam to troll anyone who wanted to play with the SWF. I mean the guy is useless. I can run mid 80's shows if I'm not trying to book him as champ, but with Frehley? Well, in my 4th attempt at an SWF, at WHFO Frehley and Remo in an angle rated on overness pulled a 68 (Frehley had 82 overness, and Remo 85), and the Main Event pulled a 72. I had five matches on the card that were better than that (only the tag title match was worse). He is the sole reason I haven't got anywhere with an SWF game to date.


I know I could just pull a quick switch, but that seems cheap... and I know I'd just job him down to the midcard before ditching him entirely, which seems wrong for a guy who's obviously being booked to be the future of the company. Am I missing something, because I really can't get anywhere with him. Has anyone got him to pull decent grades against anyone other than Rich Money, who is the only guy who can drag him above 80 as far as I can tell? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :o

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I'm starting to think Steve Frehley was just made SWF Champ by Adam to troll anyone who wanted to play with the SWF. I mean the guy is useless. I can run mid 80's shows if I'm not trying to book him as champ, but with Frehley? Well, in my 4th attempt at an SWF, at WHFO Frehley and Remo in an angle rated on overness pulled a 68 (Frehley had 82 overness, and Remo 85), and the Main Event pulled a 72. I had five matches on the card that were better than that (only the tag title match was worse). He is the sole reason I haven't got anywhere with an SWF game to date.


I know I could just pull a quick switch, but that seems cheap... and I know I'd just job him down to the midcard before ditching him entirely, which seems wrong for a guy who's obviously being booked to be the future of the company. Am I missing something, because I really can't get anywhere with him. Has anyone got him to pull decent grades against anyone other than Rich Money, who is the only guy who can drag him above 80 as far as I can tell? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :o


WTF? What does the dirt sheet say? Are you getting absolutely smashed for backstage rating on every segment or something? I run Remo and Frehley in a very simple angle - Person 1 rated on Entertainment on-screen minor win, talking about Person 2 off-screen rated on Overness. I run either guy on the mic on that one and the other as the subject and its 90+ each time. I have a few User Options turned off and the backstage rating is pretty strong. But take a look and see what is tanking the segments.

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WTF? What does the dirt sheet say? Are you getting absolutely smashed for backstage rating on every segment or something? I run Remo and Frehley in a very simple angle - Person 1 rated on Entertainment on-screen minor win, talking about Person 2 off-screen rated on Overness. I run either guy on the mic on that one and the other as the subject and its 90+ each time. I have a few User Options turned off and the backstage rating is pretty strong. But take a look and see what is tanking the segments.


My backstage was 72 at the time, so shouldn't be a problem. It fell flat after Money beating up on Jungle Lord in a throwaway match, and I think a poor gimmick note as well, but both had high momentum and decent overness so it should have worked. Like I said it's only Frehley I have problems with. I've run 4 different SWF games, and I've had him face Remo, Faith, Remo & Faith, Remo Faith & Vengeance at WHFO... basically every possible combination of that opening storyline, and I haven't had the world title match break 80 yet (I think Faith/Remo/Frehley got 78 as the best). I'm not expecting him to be Rich Money or Jack Bruce, but I just expect him to offer something.

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I'm starting to think Steve Frehley was just made SWF Champ by Adam to troll anyone who wanted to play with the SWF. I mean the guy is useless. I can run mid 80's shows if I'm not trying to book him as champ, but with Frehley? Well, in my 4th attempt at an SWF, at WHFO Frehley and Remo in an angle rated on overness pulled a 68 (Frehley had 82 overness, and Remo 85), and the Main Event pulled a 72. I had five matches on the card that were better than that (only the tag title match was worse). He is the sole reason I haven't got anywhere with an SWF game to date.


I know I could just pull a quick switch, but that seems cheap... and I know I'd just job him down to the midcard before ditching him entirely, which seems wrong for a guy who's obviously being booked to be the future of the company. Am I missing something, because I really can't get anywhere with him. Has anyone got him to pull decent grades against anyone other than Rich Money, who is the only guy who can drag him above 80 as far as I can tell? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :o


As much as I love Steve Frehley, he is quite difficult to book it seems. I've pulled decent grades with the two (Remo vs. Frehley that is). I believe their "WHFO" match was a "B"? Not entirely sure off the top of my head though. Angle-wise, he tends to do really well; however, I'm almost always matching him with the likes of Remo, Money, and Vengeance. In that way, he pulls anywhere from a "B" to an "A" in segments.


He's at a B+ overall in my game & does pretty well. That said, I understand what you're saying about wanting someone stronger at the top.


Are you getting these kind of scores even when matching him with Bruce? I think Bruce could probably pull anyone over 80 as well.


EDIT: Scratch that. It was a "B-" at "WHFO" between Frehley & Remo. I must admit, that's not SWF World Heavyweight Championship caliber for me.

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Are you getting absolutely smashed for backstage rating on every segment or something?


Is this something that can happen?


My backstage morale is hovering between 58-68%. Could I be penalized during shows because people are unhappy backstage? If so, who did you hire (BigPapa42) to generate such a positive environment?

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If you're having trouble booking them, don't forget that Remo can pull excellent ratings with his 90 menace and I believe Frehley has menace in the high 70s as well. It always combines very well for me since I book nearly every confrontation between the two as a big blow up since they hate one another in SWF canon.
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Is this something that can happen?


My backstage morale is hovering between 58-68%. Could I be penalized during shows because people are unhappy backstage? If so, who did you hire (BigPapa42) to generate such a positive environment?


Yeah you'll be getting hit with a negative note every match. Easiest way to avoid this is to start paying for things. Pay for that chiropractor, pay for that masseuse, pay for those corn dogs and chips. You start with 25 mill in the bank, and can still turn a profit paying for these 'perks'. You've got to spend money to make money, speculate to accumulate etc.


Check a couple in the backstage rules section and you should see the backstage morale raise up above 70% (which I believe is the threshold you have to stay above to avoid the note).

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Yeah you'll be getting hit with a negative note every match. Easiest way to avoid this is to start paying for things. Pay for that chiropractor, pay for that masseuse, pay for those corn dogs and chips. You start with 25 mill in the bank, and can still turn a profit paying for these 'perks'. You've got to spend money to make money, speculate to accumulate etc.


Check a couple in the backstage rules section and you should see the backstage morale raise up above 70% (which I believe is the threshold you have to stay above to avoid the note).


I actually have the majority of those things already checked. The only ones I don't is allowing Alcohol & drugs backstage. Also, the SWF doesn't pay for travel arrangements or make them either. I suppose I could bend on that but I'm not sure how much that would run me?

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I grab a couple positive influences, the Keith brothers, adjust the rules, and hope for positive incidents. As long as I don't get smoked with anything negative happening, it can be up over 80 after the first PPV if its successful. It also helps that I add an extra point or two into Leadership in user talents, which gives a decent boost off the start as well. I wouldn't worry too much about the costs of that stuff, EV.


As Steve Frehley, he isn't an ideal champion but he is far from unworkable. Similar to Eric Eisen last year or even Rocky Golden, but easier than either in my experience thus far. You do need to be a bit careful on who you match him against in singles matches but with careful matching, he should be able to pull consistent B grades, which usually means keeping the show grade at B or above doable. B+ or better will grow the promotion faster but isn't absolutely necessary. If you are going to shoot for nothing but B+ and A shows, you will have limited main event options.


Remo and Frehley should deliver solidly in the ring. Especially if you can raise the popularity of both and get their momentum up. I would probably avoid having Frehley in singles action against Vengeance. Faith versus Frehley should deliver, despite face-vs-face, unless Faith is declining badly. Keep in mind that Frehley only starts at B popularity. Without being too cheap, I had him rolling into A by late February. And his combo of age and Star Quality means he should improve. One of those ways I try to help him with that is give him a quality semi-regular tag team partner. In 2010, I always used Faith and dubbed them Badass Inc. Someone like Gilmore or Lobster Warrior should help him along and get a rub as they do so. Or go further and bring him in a personal jobber to work dark matches on any shows he isn't on the card proper.

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I started a save with SWF for the first time in 2013 (I hate playing as them so I doubt that this save will last long) but I was surprised when I was able to get them to International within my first two shows. I am going to try to get them to global but we shall see.


I hope things are different in 2013 than they were in 2010 because in 2010 I didn't like playing as them because I sucked at it so we shall see if I like them in this version and like I said earlier how long the save lasts becaus I am pretty sure that it will not last very long.

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I grab a couple positive influences, the Keith brothers, adjust the rules, and hope for positive incidents. As long as I don't get smoked with anything negative happening, it can be up over 80 after the first PPV if its successful. It also helps that I add an extra point or two into Leadership in user talents, which gives a decent boost off the start as well. I wouldn't worry too much about the costs of that stuff, EV.


As Steve Frehley, he isn't an ideal champion but he is far from unworkable. Similar to Eric Eisen last year or even Rocky Golden, but easier than either in my experience thus far. You do need to be a bit careful on who you match him against in singles matches but with careful matching, he should be able to pull consistent B grades, which usually means keeping the show grade at B or above doable. B+ or better will grow the promotion faster but isn't absolutely necessary. If you are going to shoot for nothing but B+ and A shows, you will have limited main event options.


Remo and Frehley should deliver solidly in the ring. Especially if you can raise the popularity of both and get their momentum up. I would probably avoid having Frehley in singles action against Vengeance. Faith versus Frehley should deliver, despite face-vs-face, unless Faith is declining badly. Keep in mind that Frehley only starts at B popularity. Without being too cheap, I had him rolling into A by late February. And his combo of age and Star Quality means he should improve. One of those ways I try to help him with that is give him a quality semi-regular tag team partner. In 2010, I always used Faith and dubbed them Badass Inc. Someone like Gilmore or Lobster Warrior should help him along and get a rub as they do so. Or go further and bring him in a personal jobber to work dark matches on any shows he isn't on the card proper.


Odd, I never really had issues with Eisen on TEW10. I could run a 6-8 month title reign with him pulling B+ on most PPV's, as long as you avoided pairing him with Bruce 1 on 1. I'm only really looking for 'B' matches from Frehley, but haven't been able to work him out yet. I'm stuck indoors today because of the snow, so I may have another go at Supreme, and see if I can do any better with him this time around.

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Is this something that can happen?


My backstage morale is hovering between 58-68%. Could I be penalized during shows because people are unhappy backstage? If so, who did you hire (BigPapa42) to generate such a positive environment?


On my new game I've just started with the default data, I have the following backstage rules:No Smoking, No Drinking, No Drugs, Provide Catering, Provide Masseuse, Provide Chiropractor, Organise Transport (not pay), Organise Accommodation (not pay).


I also called up Kristen Pearce, as she almost always moans about being in development and she is related to Jessie. This bought my backstage up to 70% on Monday W1, which will bump to 72 for Supreme TV with no Khoklov language barrier.

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Is this something that can happen?


My backstage morale is hovering between 58-68%. Could I be penalized during shows because people are unhappy backstage? If so, who did you hire (BigPapa42) to generate such a positive environment?


Chloe Dean and Joanna Silver are both great to bring in as managers due to excellent personalities. Search for my positive/negative influences thread (on phone so can't link) for more ideas.


Edit: Link to the thread.

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Ok i am having trouble now. I can regularly get B rated shows and i get the occasional one at B+ and the occasional one at B- but on the whole i am happy with that. Except i don't seem to be improving by pop and i regularly get told that i have increased in 3 but would have lost in 6 (as an example). In fact i went to international and the very next day fell back to National again... that was very strange.


I now have two TV shows although i think i kinda did it wrong as i was hoping to have a show like NXT where i could use more of the Openers, Lower mids and midcarders but i think effectively i got a second show. If anyone understands the TV situation, please let me know.


I am thinking of splitting the roster but has anyone else done this? Good idea or Bad Idea? I have now a massive roster as i signed too many development guys who wanted calling up real early so thought i could work it quite well but then don't really like the idea of 2 world titles etc.


Another question i have is that i have just hired Rocky Golden but want to introduce him at Supreme Challenge in my favourite current storyline.


Essentially i have had a storyline running since Master of Puppets between Lobster Warrior and Khoklov. At Master of Puppets Khoklov beat Lobster easily sending Lobster to doubt himself and beg Khoklov for a rematch at Times Of Trouble where it was Career vs Mask on the line. Khoklov won again with help (not that he particularly needed it) from Eisen de-masking Lobster. Since then i have had Eisen (who is kinda in control of Khoklov) mock Lobster (who feels like he has lost his identity) until a match was set at Supreme Challenge where Lobster has to pin Khoklov in a no DQ match to regain his mask or he is gone from SWF forever. The only condition was that Eisen was banned from ringside.... And this is where Golden comes in as i want Lobster to put up a great match against Khoklov and Golden to help Lobster get the win on his debut.


To keep Golden off screen for a month would probably hurt his morale so is the best thing to do send him on Holiday until that point?


In case anyone is interested Its looking like my Main Events for Supreme Challenge are as follows:


Remo © vs Angry Gilmore - World Title


Jack Bruce vs Rich Money (No1 Contender)


Lobster Warrior vs Marat Khoklov (No DQ)


My plan is that either Valiant or Rocky Golden is going to win the Battle Royal at Welcome to the Jungle allowing then a title shot at any PPV within 6 months.

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Ok i am having trouble now. I can regularly get B rated shows and i get the occasional one at B+ and the occasional one at B- but on the whole i am happy with that. Except i don't seem to be improving by pop and i regularly get told that i have increased in 3 but would have lost in 6 (as an example). In fact i went to international and the very next day fell back to National again... that was very strange.


You rise to international when you become national in another country and when you have over a certain importance in a certain number of regions (for the US its over 71 in 8 regions) so what probably happened is you dropped below that 71% some where in the US that's what happened to me.


I now have two TV shows although i think i kinda did it wrong as i was hoping to have a show like NXT where i could use more of the Openers, Lower mids and midcarders but i think effectively i got a second show. If anyone understands the TV situation, please let me know.


What you're looking for is a B show which you can usually only get on a channel where you already have an A show. I couldn't get one my first SWF game because the wrestling industry was so down that my carrier didn't want another show. But the second time I got it.


I am thinking of splitting the roster but has anyone else done this? Good idea or Bad Idea? I have now a massive roster as i signed too many development guys who wanted calling up real early so thought i could work it quite well but then don't really like the idea of 2 world titles etc.


It can work out but I found my first go through that because I got the second show so early and I had to split my workers my main eventers just weren't as over as I need them to be, except for the ones who were main eenters before international and before the brand split. And it made my shows tank because i had to feature them. I would suggest building up the overness of some of your top upper midcarders so that when you do get the bigger roster you'll need for a brand split and they become Main Eventers they'll actually be Main Eventers


Another question i have is that i have just hired Rocky Golden but want to introduce him at Supreme Challenge in my favourite current storyline.


Essentially i have had a storyline running since Master of Puppets between Lobster Warrior and Khoklov. At Master of Puppets Khoklov beat Lobster easily sending Lobster to doubt himself and beg Khoklov for a rematch at Times Of Trouble where it was Career vs Mask on the line. Khoklov won again with help (not that he particularly needed it) from Eisen de-masking Lobster. Since then i have had Eisen (who is kinda in control of Khoklov) mock Lobster (who feels like he has lost his identity) until a match was set at Supreme Challenge where Lobster has to pin Khoklov in a no DQ match to regain his mask or he is gone from SWF forever. The only condition was that Eisen was banned from ringside.... And this is where Golden comes in as i want Lobster to put up a great match against Khoklov and Golden to help Lobster get the win on his debut.


To keep Golden off screen for a month would probably hurt his morale so is the best thing to do send him on Holiday until that point?


Yeah Holiday is the way to go it worked for me when I need some one off screen and didn't want them mad. And you can still use them in off screen roles in angles if you need to.

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You rise to international when you become national in another country and when you have over a certain importance in a certain number of regions (for the US its over 71 in 8 regions) so what probably happened is you dropped below that 71% some where in the US that's what happened to me.


Another possibility is that importance of the regions have changed. This happened me once as I was barely international and then the importance of British Columbia dropped from 85% to 84%. After that I didn't qualify as international promotion anymore and dropped back to national.

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Eric Eisen is such a pain in the ass. He's been involved in two fights with fans (first fined then suspended), played a practical joke on Aaron Andrews (fined, and forced to job and give up the NA title to the much less over Andrews cleanly on Supreme TV), and twice has generally been getting a lot of heat from the rest of the roster (stern warnings). Since he is an upper midcarder I have decided to depush him and have started jobbing him out to my midcard faces (Des Davids, Squeaky Mc Clean, Aaron Andrews, Captain Atomic). The only problem is, his overness is not budging, even slightly. At the start of his depush in August he was sitting at 79-82 overness across the USA, Canada and Mexico. It's now October and he's still sitting at around 79-82 overness and has lost every TV and PPV match, mainly against the above mentioned midcarders. I suppose I should be happy, free overness for my midcard faces, but it still isn't stopping Eisen being a total jerk. The only good thing is that I resigned him to a 2 year contract without creative control before his depush so he is much more willing to take a defeat (though he has complained a few times). I would fire him for his next backstage incident but I don't want to get on the wrong side of his father.
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Eric Eisen is such a pain in the ass. He's been involved in two fights with fans (first fined then suspended), played a practical joke on Aaron Andrews (fined, and forced to job and give up the NA title to the much less over Andrews cleanly on Supreme TV), and twice has generally been getting a lot of heat from the rest of the roster (stern warnings). Since he is an upper midcarder I have decided to depush him and have started jobbing him out to my midcard faces (Des Davids, Squeaky Mc Clean, Aaron Andrews, Captain Atomic). The only problem is, his overness is not budging, even slightly. At the start of his depush in August he was sitting at 79-82 overness across the USA, Canada and Mexico. It's now October and he's still sitting at around 79-82 overness and has lost every TV and PPV match, mainly against the above mentioned midcarders. I suppose I should be happy, free overness for my midcard faces, but it still isn't stopping Eisen being a total jerk. The only good thing is that I resigned him to a 2 year contract without creative control before his depush so he is much more willing to take a defeat (though he has complained a few times). I would fire him for his next backstage incident but I don't want to get on the wrong side of his father.


What is your backstage like because mine started at 82 and is now up to 90 and Eisen has only given me one problem in two months. I also got one from Brandon James and one from Jerry Eisen. And Brandon and eric both responded well to a light touch while Jerry is just a dick I can't fire.

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What is your backstage like because mine started at 82 and is now up to 90 and Eisen has only given me one problem in two months. I also got one from Brandon James and one from Jerry Eisen. And Brandon and eric both responded well to a light touch while Jerry is just a dick I can't fire.


You can always try to dump him into development. Even as a trainer. He might not go and can block it due to creative control. But its worth trying...

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What is your backstage like because mine started at 82 and is now up to 90 and Eisen has only given me one problem in two months. I also got one from Brandon James and one from Jerry Eisen. And Brandon and eric both responded well to a light touch while Jerry is just a dick I can't fire.


It's currently sitting at 84. I let Brandon James go when his contract expired (he's now a lower midcarder for PGHW) and signed some good influences. Big Smack Scott went to dev for a while then was jobbed out of the company, Laramee got similar treatment but actually managed the odd win on Uprising. Everest was sent to dev then I just let his contract expire. Jerry has actually been good for me, no incidents yet fingers crossed.

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It's currently sitting at 84. I let Brandon James go when his contract expired (he's now a lower midcarder for PGHW) and signed some good influences. Big Smack Scott went to dev for a while then was jobbed out of the company, Laramee got similar treatment but actually managed the odd win on Uprising. Everest was sent to dev then I just let his contract expire. Jerry has actually been good for me, no incidents yet fingers crossed.


I cut Laramee, Scott, Everest and DuBois on day one. My backstage rules have a positive effect and when I hit international I brought up Kristen Pearce, Spenser Spade and Lenny Brown who both wanted to come up anyway. So with two positives even low on the totem pole positives, the positive relationship between Jessie and Kristen and the fact Joe Sexy (now Joespeh Lust) took Marshall Dillon as his protege I'm sitting pretty with morale.

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