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USPW: We Have Faith!

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


The Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and The Towers Of Power) vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma


Andre Jones vs. The Force


Non Title Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Java


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. A Wrestler Of Sam Strong's Choosing


Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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  • Replies 104
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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: as great as Belle is, she's getting into that 'retirement zone' for women


The Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and The Towers Of Power) vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: All the overness is on the face side


Andre Jones vs. The Force

Comment: Jones is better in the ring, but The Force is an USPW icon


Non Title Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Java

Comment: As much as I love Dusty, he isn't winning matches anytime soon.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. A Wrestler Of Sam Strong's Choosing

Comment: Sam protecting his investment by feeding easy wins to Faith


Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Nicky is the immediate future of your company. Baine is not.

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USPW American Wrestling Preview

January Week 3 2013


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Just as Dragonmack said, Bryden is entering that retirement age for women, so she's no longer someone to build the division around, where as opponent very much is the centrepiece of the division- even when she's not holding the belt.


The Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and The Towers Of Power) vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: Too much combined starpower for the Sneer Corporation to handle. I know that Jackson is a main eventer in USPW- but I just feel Sneer Corp could do with another big name within the ranks to feel like a more legitimate top card threat, rather than midcard bullies.


Andre Jones vs. The Force

Comment: Jones is a career midcarder in whatever promotion he ends up at, even if he dropped down to say an FCW- he'd still end up in the midcard. The Force isn't really main event material either- but he is a USPW icon, and that matters alot in USPW.


Non Title Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Java

Comment: More chance of a 3-2-1 revival with Ted Rogers, than there is of Dusty Bin (he's still Dusty Bin to me) getting the 1-2-3 on Java.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. A Wrestler Of Sam Strong's Choosing

Comment: Faith with an easy win...the big question is who will Sam Strong choose as the opponent....


I'm going to go for Darryl Devine- you could set it up as Devine, whining about being held down and not getting any opportunities.....Strong listens to his whining and gives him the title match against Christian Faith.


Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: It's a T.V main event, where you want to keep both wrestlers looking strong- this has schmozz no contest draw written all over it.

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Alicia is the one with the title shot coming so she´s picking up the win too.


The Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and The Towers Of Power) vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: I would love to go with Sneer Corporation but sadly their opponents are just too over so it will be bad day for the bad guys.


Andre Jones vs. The Force

Comment: Like other´s have said Force is icon and that´s enough in this case.


Non Title Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Java

Comment:Dusty Ducont? Who? Oh, it´s Bin, he almost got me fooled there. Sorry but I just can´t go with Dusty Bin even if he´s changed his name.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. A Wrestler Of Sam Strong's Choosing

Comment: No title change since Faith just won it and there´s no build-up anyway.


Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

Comment:Ok Baine, this is your last change, you lost twice now so you better start winning or I´m picking someone else next time. :p

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 January 2013

Location: Plum Park (Tri State)

Attendance: 12,189

Overall Rating: 62

TV Rating: 3.02




[This week's USPW American Wrestling show takes place in Plum Park in the Tri State region. This rabid band of USPW fans are on their feet as the camera pans around the building. Many people rise to their feet when the camera is on them, raising up signs and trying to get on camera as Danny Jillefski, Emily McQueen and Brock Cornish welcome us to the show and talk about what a main event we have this evening!]


[Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of a motorcycle revving up. The crowd looks to the top of the ramp where a Harley Davidson Iron 883 is perched and ready to be driven down the ramp by it's rider, the USPW World champion Christian Faith! Christian revs the engine two more times before he speeds down the ramp, swinging around the ring in a circle around the squared circle before he stops at the bottom of the ramp. He cuts the engine and climbs off, moving from the bottom of the ramp to the ring wearing a black leather jacket, tank top and leather pants with the USPW World title belt strapped around his waist. He is offered up a microphone and then moves to the center of the ring as the 'We Have Faith' chants begin.]


Christian Faith

"USPW wrestling fans, let me hear it!"


[The roar of the crowd gets louder for the USPW World Champion! He smirks for a moment, taking in the 'We Have Faith' chants, which grow louder and louder with each passing moment. He slowly lifts the microphone back to his lips.]


Christian Faith

"Last week, I went face to face with the USPW owner Sam Strong. As everyone here knows, he and I have a history going back to another promotion. We have fought side by side before. But now he is an owner and I am still here in the ring. I am sure that that eats at him. Every wrestler and former wrestler wants to go out here and entertain the fans. That's what we live for. At the end of the day I am here in the ring. You Faithmakers give me the Faith to live each and every single day. You are the ones who prove that this is my yard and I am the big dog that runs the yard. With that being said, I want to know who is coming out here to be my opponent tonight. Who is Sam Strong's choice? Come out here and you'll have some Faith."


[There is a pause as Christian waits in the ring, waiting to see if his opponent is going to come out. He does not have to wait too long, though. Some unfamiliar music begins to hit. Christian looks up the ramp where an unfamiliar face shows up.]




[This man is known by some of the more savvy internet fans. He is a former wrestler in Pittsburgh Steel, allowing the fans here in the Tri State area to really know him. He walks with a confident, arrogant gait as he comes right down to the ring. He steps up the stairs and into the ring, coming face to face with Christian Faith. He has a microphone of his own.]


Unknown Man

"For those of you who do not know who I am, my name is Matthew Keith. I am the son of..."


Christian Faith

"I know who you are. You used to run around backstage when you were in your diapers, didn't you? You made some messes all over the backstage area."


Matthew Keith

"I did NOT! My name is Matthew Keith and I am the BEST second generation wrestler of all time. I have paid my dues in the smaller leagues and now here I am in this promotion. And tonight I have a shot at the USPW World title."


Christian Faith

"Tonight, son, I'll make you famous."


Matthew Keith

"I am counting on it. The youngest wrestler ever to win the USPW World title."


Christian Faith

"Don't count on that, kid."


Matthew Keith

"I'll see you here later on, grandpa."


[Matthew turns and exits the ring, looking supremely confident as he heads up the ramp. Christian looks after him and then exits the ring, heading to the back as well]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/AliciaStrong.jpg

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


[The matches portion of the show begins as it does many weeks, with women in action. Something that neither Supreme or Total offer and we have two of the best womens wrestlers in the world in Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong. The action in the ring is back and forth, with both women sharing the advantage at seperate times. Belle shows that she can still handle in ring action, bringing Alicia down with a flying forearm. She focuses in on the knee with Alicia on the ground, yanking the knee and then hooking on a knee bar for a near submission. Alicia manages to get the ropes to break the hold. Belle remains in charge until she goes for the Blonde Ambition, her version of the Figure Four Leglock. Alicia shows some strength when she sends Belle into the corner instead. Alicia gets fired up with the crowd behind her. She climbs in the corner and begins raining down punches on the head of Belle Bryden. She gets to nine and then raises her fist in the air, looking toward the sky and chanting her name. The tenth punch comes as an Alicia Strong Punch! She drops down and Belle Bryden is dazed. She bounces off the ropes and then charges at Belle Bryden -- Strong Arm Tactic! The running elbow to the temple connects and Alicia makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A clean victory for the #1 contender!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 5:30)

Match Rating: C




[The ring is cleared during a commercial and then the crowd raises on their feet as out comes the newly fan favorite Darryl Devine and Seduction! Darryl walks down to the ring in his usual confident swagger and holds the ropes open for Seduction. The two enter the ring and Darryl stands in the center, pausing and then raising up his hand. A microphone comes down from the ceiling and Darryl takes it.]


Darryl Devine

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I come to you tonight hailing from Seattle, Washington! Darrrrrrryyyyyllllll Devinnnnnnnnne! Now, I want to get right down to business here. We have a major pay-per-view coming up in a little over a week called Stars, Stripes And Slams. I am planning to be on that pay-per-view. Therefore, I am going to be the one to answer the open challenge put out for that pay-per-view. Bruce The Giant, you and I have met inside a USPW ring about 568 times and every single time I've been looking up at the lights after a Giant Choke Slam. But not this time, you Australian jerkface! This time, at Stars, Stripes And Slams, I end your bid to be undefeated for an entire year. I end my own losing streak. I move right to the top of the list. Why? Because I am the best. I am the top of the list. I am..."





[seduction smiles and leans against her man as Darryl Devine's music begins to play. The microphone moves back to the ceiling and the two exit the ring with Darryl high fiving a few fans.]




[A replay of what occured earlier this evening is shown via still pictures. Christian Faith is shown on his motorcycle driving down the ramp. He is shown in the ring. Then the entrance of Matthew Keith is shown. The two men are shown in the ring and Danny Jilllefski lets everyone know that later tonight these two men will do battle for the USPW World title!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/JumboJackson.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ShaneSneer.jpg



The Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and The Towers Of Power) vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma


[The members of The Sneer Corporation come out at the same time showing a sense of unity to this heel group that is not quite echoed by the singular entrances of their opponents despite this feud going forth. A pier six brawl starts the match out with all six men doing battle both inside and outside the ring. As things calm down, Enygma is left inside the ring to represent his team and Danny Rushmore represents the Sneer Corporation. Enygma is taken down with a big slam and the unity of The Sneer Corporation shows as they make quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring. Enygma gets worn down by all three members of the Sneer Corporation and Shane Sneer from the outside. When the referee's back was turned, Shane Sneer got a good rib kick to Enygma as Enygma was on all fours outside the ring. Back inside the ring, Jumbo Jackson sends Enygma crashing into a turnbuckle. He charges -- Jumbo Avalanche! Enygma staggers forward and falls to the mat. Jumbo makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken Up By Chris Caulfield! The match continues! Mick Muscles gets tagged in and continues the beating that Jumbo and Danny started. Mick squeezes Enygma in a bear hug. Enygma struggles in the hold. The crowd gets behind him and the former USPW World champion begins fighting back, boxing the ears of Mick Muscles! Enygma lands back on his feet -- Enygmagiri Kick! Both men lie on the mat. The crowd gets behind Enygma as he begins crawling toward the corner. Mick Muscles crawls to his corner and tags in his partner Danny Rushmore. Enygma tags in the Hardcore American!]


[Chris Caulfield and Danny Rushmore come into the ring and exchange rights and lefts in the center of the ring. 'Mount' Rushmore throws a clothesline but Chris ducks! Chris catches Danny with a kick to the gut. He sets him up for a double underhook slam but in comes Jumbo Jackson, striking Chris from behind! The ring fills with members of The Sneer Corporation and Enygma and James Justice. Enygma and Mick Muscles fall outside the ring in their brawling. James Justice catches Jumbo Jackson with a Liberation Slam! He bounces off the ropes -- Atomic Boot by Danny Rushmore! He strikes James with the Atomic Boot! Shane Sneer tosses a chair inside the ring and Danny turns back toward Chris Caulfield -- WHAM! He nails Chris over the head with the chair, causing the referee to call for the bell. That will end this match by DQ as Danny Rushmore stands in the center of the ring.]


Winners: James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Enygma (Via Disqualification @ 6:52)

Match Rating: C+




[We head back to the locker room area where Nicky Champion is settled on a bench with a towel covering one half of his face, the burned half. Standing a few feet away from him is Alicia Strong. She is slightly scantily dressed but is definitely covered in a grey jogging bra and a pair of shorts. Her hair is up in a towel as it seems she just finished with a shower.]


Alicia Strong

"Hey Nicky. How's it going?"


Nicky Champion

"You would not believe it. Look here."


[He drops the towel from his face and he seems fully healed from the burn scars that he had last week and the week before from the fireball thrown at him by Tyson Baine. Alicia's mouth drops and she releases a happy squeal.]


Alicia Strong

"That's great! Congratulations! Tonight, though, you will be getting your revenge against Tyson Baine."


Nicky Champion

"Yes, I will, Alicia. In fact, I'm supposed to have a meeting with your dad about some things. I'll see you later."


[Nicky stands up and turns to exit the locker room. Alicia leans into him as he walks off but again he seems absolutely oblivious to her flirting. She watches him walk away and releases a whistful sigh.]




[We move from there to another backstage area. This one focuses in on the catering table where our USPW World champion Christian Faith pauses, grabbing a bottle of water. Then he turns and comes face to face with another new wrestler to United States Pro Wrestling.]


Christian Faith

"Just who do you think you are?"


Unknown Man

"Me? My name is Greg Black. And since you're handing out title shots, I thought that I would find you back here and get my title shot next week. That is, if you're gonna last until next week, old man."


Christian Faith

"Trust me, I will still be World champion next week. You want a title shot? You want to come into my yard? You've got it."


Greg Black

Smirking "Good. Remember, always bet on Black."


[No physical confrontation occurs between these two wrestlers. But Greg does get right up in the face of Christian. The two men look like they might come to blows but security steps in to make sure that nothing happens.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/JimForce.jpg

Andre Jones vs. The Force


[Time to go back to the ring where two former USPW Television champions do battle. Andre Jones comes to the ring first and does five jumping jacks and five pushups. The Force does his usual run toward the ring where he brings Andre Jones down with three straight clotheslines. This match mostly shows the dominance of The Force, though the match is rather short. The Force catches Andre with a gorilla press slam and then a splash for a two count. He picks up Andre and lifts him up -- Standing Spinebuster! Andre grabs his back in pain. The Force grabs Andre and lifts him into a suplex position -- Full Force! The Suplex Powerslam brings Andre down and The Force makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 4:34)

Match Rating: C-




[After that match, Danny Jillefski tells everyone that something has occured in the backstage area. We arrive in the backstage area where a multitude of people can be seen grouped around one area. Backstage staff members, a few wrestlers and EMTs are shown looking down at one area. As the camera zooms in, the area is revealed to be holding the USPW owner Sam Strong! Sam is on the ground, leaning against the wall. His face is covered in blood and he is unresponsive to the EMTs as they try to get him to talk. The sound of an ambulance's siren wailing in the distance can be heard and Danny Jillefski says they will bring updates on Sam Strong's condition whenever they can.]




[but the show must go on and what a main event we have this evening! The storyline between Tyson Baine and Nicky Champion is shown in still videos, including the fireball that was thrown by Tyson Baine a couple of weeks ago. Nicky Champion will be getting his opportunity for revenge tonight as he takes on Tyson Baine in one on one competition.]




[We move to the backstage area one more time. This time it is to a backstage interview area where the USPW Womens champion Melody is standing and waiting for her interview time. As the camera focuses in on Melody, she flashes a smile.]



"Good evening USPW fans! First of all, I want to wish Sam Strong a get well soon. I hope that he recovers quickly. Speaking of Strong, in a little over a week at Stars, Stripes And Slams, I will be facing a Strong. Alicia, I have a lot of respect for you. Alicia, you're a former three time womens champion. You're the first woman to ever hold the title three times. But that also means that you lost the belt three times. That means you're not invincible. At Stars, Stripes And Slams, I intend on walking in with the belt and leaving playing a vicious melody."


[Melody smiles sweetly again and bows her head almost shyly. She makes a hand motion for the camera to stop rolling and we head back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/DustyDucont.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ElizabethCartier.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/Java.jpg

Non Title Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Java


[A pretty short match this evening as Dusty Ducont comes down with Elizabeth Cartier in his corner against the USPW National champion Java. The crowd doesn't really get too into this match, though, as it goes back and forth. Java nearly gains a submission with a nerve pinch but Dusty fights back. Dusty strikes out with a punch to the gut of Java and then a bear hug. The crowd is surprised as Dusty nearly brings Java out with the bear hug. But the crowd gets behind him and Java is somehow able to break free. Dusty goes for a clothesline but Java ducks. Java steps back and runs toward Dusty -- Greetings From The Island! Dusty is down on the mat as Elizabeth is seen waving toward the back. Java makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Java (Via Pinfall @ 4:55)

Match Rating: D-




[The USPW National champion Java picks up the win but he gets struck from behind by Peter Valentine as soon as he stands to celebrate the victory. Peter hooks Java -- Russian Legsweep! The crowd boos! Peter helps Dusty to his feet and the two of them begin striking the USPW National champion with kicks to the ribs and the head. Elizabeth Cartier enters the ring and begins directing traffic, motioning to Peter. Peter picks up Java and raises him in a power bomb position. Dusty steps in -- Spiked Power Bomb! Java is left down and out on the mat as Elizabeth raises the arms of both Peter Valentine and Dusty Ducont! The boos just grow ever louder for these two.]




[The USPW World champion is shown in the backstage area stretching and getting ready for his match tonight. He leans back for a moment, stretching his back and then stretching out his right leg. The man known as the Iron Man suddenly winces. He draws in a breath and stands, grabbing a locker to keep on his feet. He shakes his head and limps from the locker room. His match is next!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ChristianFaith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/MatthewKeith_zpsf34b4da5.jpg

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Matthew Keith


[Our semi main event is a USPW World title match as Christian Faith takes on the debuting Matthew Keith. The legendary iron man has to limp his way down to the ring and before the bell rings he is assaulted by Matthew Keith. Matthew pushes Christian back in a corner and rams shoulders to the gut before turning his attention to the right knee of Christian Faith. The next few minutes have Matthew dominating the contest with a focus on the right knee, including a knee pull. He drags Christian over to the corner and rams Christian's knee against the ring post! Christian cries out in pain, shaking his head when the referee asks him if he wants him to stop the match. Matthew lifts Christian to his feet and catches him with an inverted atomic drop that he obviously learned from his father. Matthew hooks an indian death lock and Christian cries out in pain, stretched to the limit by the younger man. It looks like Christian might have no choice but to tap! Christian raises his right hand -- and gets to the ropes! Matthew releases the hold and raises his arms like he scored the victory. The referee informs him that this is not so. Matthew turns back to Christian and lifts him up -- Neutron Plex! The head and arm suplex invented by Sam Keith has Christian landing hard on the mat. Matthew makes an arrogant cover, laying with his back on top of Christian Faith. He counts with the referee: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd pops!]


[The Iron Man somehow is still in this match! Matthew Keith lifts him up and sets him on the turnbuckles. He climbs up and prepares a superplex but Christian begins fighting back! Christian throws punches and shoves Matthew off the top turnbuckle! Christian waits for Matthew to get to his feet -- flying double axe handle! Christian winces and grabs his knee from the way that he landed. He yanks Matthew to his knees -- Machine Gun Faith Hammers! Rapid fire bionic elbows to the head of Matthew Keith! He yanks Matthew back up and sends him to the turnbuckle. He draws in a few deep breaths and then charges in -- Leap Of Faith! He connected with that high angle avalanche in the corner. Matthew falls to the mat and Christian makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Christian wins! A successful defense of the USPW World title!]


Winner: Christian Faith (Via Pinfall @ 9:30; Christian Faith retains the USPW World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: C-




[As Christian Faith celebrates the victory in the ring, we are shown a split screen of Tyson Baine and Nicky Champion walking backstage and toward the ring. Ladies and gentlemen, this explosive main event is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/NickyChampion.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion


[This is our main event! Tyson Baine has been on a slight low tide since throwing the fireball at Nicky Champion. He looks to turn things around against his rival tonight. Nicky Champion makes his entrance and he looks a little concerned about what happened with Sam Strong earlier tonight. A distraction occurs when Nicky is about halfway down the ramp. This distraction is in the form of flames exploding from all four corners. This leaves Nicky open as Tyson Baine comes down from behind and attacks Nicky Champion! Tyson throws forearm shots to the back of Nicky and then rams him head-first into the guardrail! He picks Nicky up and drops him crotch first onto that same guardrail. A single punch sends Nicky into the first row! Tyson is quick to grab Nicky and drag him back over the guardrail. Nicky throws some punches, getting some seperation before moving down toward the ring and sliding inside. Tyson stalks Nicky down the aisle like some horror movie monster. Tyson enters the ring just as someone else comes down the aisle.]




[T-Rex, Tyson Baine's monster partner, comes down to stand at ringside in the corner of his partner. Inside the ring, Nicky throws some punches and then bounces off the ropes -- leaping shoulderblock! Nicky has Tyson rocking! Standing dropkick -- Tyson swats Nicky away! Tyson drops an elbow on Nicky Champion and makes the cover: 1 -- Shoulder Up! The man known as 'The Demon From The Deep' picks up Nicky Champion -- Backbreaker! He doesn't release Nicky. Instead, he raises him back up -- Backbreaker! He does release Nicky following that second backbreaker and he rolls him out of the ring. Tyson gets the referee's attention and T-Rex rams Nicky into the ring post! The crowd boos this interference but T-Rex steps back and looks as innocent as the monster can look. The referee begins the count with Nicky lying on his back on the floor. He gets to a 7 and then an 8. The referee counts to 9 but Nicky rolls back inside just at the nick of time.]


[Tyson Baine yanks Nicky Champion to his feet and then moves behind him -- Devil's Hammer! A clubbing blow to the back that sends Nicky to the mat once again. Tyson looks to the crowd, who fill the arena with boos. Tyson looks down at Nicky Champion and then bounces off the ropes -- big legdrop! Tyson makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Tyson cannot believe it! Nicky sits up to his knees and looks toward Tyson with wild wide eyes! Tyson throws a punch but Nicky no-sells! Nicky takes another punch from Tyson and then stands to his feet. He blocks a third punch and throws one of his own! Punch! Punch! Punch! The punches are rocking Tyson Baine! He sends Tyson to the ropes -- powerslam! Nicky smiles, the crowd roaring their approval! Nicky moves to a corner and leans down, getting ready for that Hawkeye Hammer. The crowd cheers, watching and waiting as Tyson Baine slowly begins getting toward his feet. Nicky suddenly falls to the mat?!?! What in the world?!?! It's T-Rex! T-Rex grabbed Nicky from outside the ring, tripping him up. He yanks Nicky back, crotching him on the ring post! The referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Disqualification @ 9:39)

Match Rating: C


[Nicky Champion is going to pick up the win but he definitely doesn't look like a winner. T-Rex enters the ring and motions to Tyson Baine. The members of the team known as The Titans yank Nicky Champion to his feet and Tyson grabs him around the throat -- Hades Bomb! Nicky's body contorts violently on the mat. T-Rex bends over and picks up Nicky -- Jurassic Crush! The swinging full nelson has Nicky Champion in a lot of pain! The crowd boos the two men in control in the ring but then cheer when someone else comes down.]




[it's the USPW World champion! Christian Faith is not coming alone. He has a metal folding chair in his right hand. He is limping down toward the ring, running as fast as he can on the injured knee. He enters the ring and smashes Tyson Baine with the chair! T-Rex releases Nicky and exits the ring quickly, seeing discretion as the better part of valor. Another chair shot to Tyson Baine! Christian bounces off the ropes -- chair shot -- hits Nicky Champion! Tyson Baine avoided the chair shot but Nicky Champion could not as he was standing behind Tyson Baine almost out on his feet. Now Nicky Champion is slumped down on the mat. Tyson Baine exits the ring to safety and Christian throws down the chair. He looks surprised and upset about hitting Nicky with the chair shot. These two men will meet at Stars, Stripes And Slams a week from Saturday. Christian calls for some help as he checks on the fallen Nicky Champion and we're out of time! We'll see you next week!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Thank you to everyone who predicted. It is truly appreciated.


Only one perfect score this week! Congratulations to Dragonmack, who pulls into first place!


1. Dragonmack=2 Wins

2. Sco xY2Jx=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Win

Zergon=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

CamillePunk=1 Win

7. 3rdStringPG=0 Wins

ohiodevil=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

Tigerkinney=0 Wins

MidnightNick=0 Wins

Emark=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

Timber=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling Preview

January Week 4 2013


Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine



The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice



USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black



Tyson Baine vs. Enygma



Fun Fan Signs:

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Perhaps Devine can pick up the upset win now.


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Maybe the Big Problem needs a slightly bigger push as he's the youngest in this foursome...


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: S-Q-U-A-S-H.


Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: The ladies are evenly matched, but Justice is way too over to job to Mick Freakin' Muscles...


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Faith over Groucho. Surprised Greg Black's an immediate World Heavyweight contender, though...


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: I figure it's high time BLZ Bubb gets a win...


Fun Fan Signs:





(Yeah, I know The Force isn't wrestling this week, but J Silver's Mr. Pizzles is classic!)

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And I missed a week, ugh.


Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Always glad to see someone pushing Darryl Devine.


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Coin flip!


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: This match looks familiar...


Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: I love me some Mick Muscles, but Justice is just too good (and too over).


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Looks like a competitive squash to me.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: Interestingly enough, this match is most likely going to be happening in my run with USPW very soon.


Fun Fan Signs: And Justice For All!

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine



The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice



USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black



Tyson Baine vs. Enygma



Fun Fan Signs: I Came to see The Force

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: It pains me to pick Thatches over Devine but truth is that Devine is a jobber in USPW until proven otherwise.


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: I go with the team that I know better.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: Squash


Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: Little bit of a coin flip but Justice is higher than Muscles in my books.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Black is good guy but he isn´t getting the title.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: Sorry Baine, but you have failed me once too many times so now I pick someone else until you have proven yourself again. Of course, now that I don´t pick him he´s going to win right away, isn´t he? :p

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USPW American Wrestling Preview

January Week 4 2013


Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Devine is the better wrestler again, but Thatcher is more over


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: I see Tribal Warrior taking the loss, as he's fallen well below Java


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: Belle approaching retirement and Justice being higher than Muscles


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Change in promotion doesn't change the difference in their respective popularity levels


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: torn on this one as Enygma is one that needs momentum to produce, as his actual skills aren't stellar. Plus Baine makes more sense as a challenger for Faith.


Fun Fan Signs:

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine



The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice



USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black



Tyson Baine vs. Enygma



Fun Fan Signs:

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: If Devine is to challenge Bruce this upcoming PPV, he's going to need a win in his pocket. If not, he'll have a loss... and then another loss at the PPV. ;) Not looking good for ole' Devine though. Bruce? We all know how that's going to go.


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: I love those guys.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: He's more relevant.


Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: Personal choice here. Mick has never really been an interesting person for me. That said, the pairing of Justice & Robinson is!


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: The positioning of World Heavyweight Championship matches, as of late, appear to be somewhat odd. It's tradition to see the champ wrestle last. That said, debunking tradition can be an act of freshening up. Either way, Faith steamrolls Mr. Black.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: Personal choice here.

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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine



The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice



USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black



Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


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Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: I was going to go with Thatcher, because Devine though having more talent, is pretty much treated as job fodder in USPW- but then Eisenverse pointed out he does have a match coming up against Bruce The Giant and if you want people thinking he even has a slither of a chance, he should go over here. He won't go over all that convincingly but he'll find a way to win.


The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Coin flip of a match between two mid-card hoss teams....I'll go against the grain here and tip the Cold Warriors.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: Jackson's a recent USPW World Champion- easiest pick of the card.


Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice

Comment: Justice is more relevant than Muscles, and that's the difference maker in this mixed tag.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Another c0cky young upstart (though Black isn't all that young) comes in to challenge Faith, and another one fails.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: This could honestly go either way- you could try to keep Baine looking strong- as his feud with Champion still isn't resolved or you could catapult Engyma back into relevance with a strong win here. In that case I'm tipping an Engyma win, but one which comes about because Baine is distracted by Champion.

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<p>Charlie Thatcher vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong>Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Cold Warriors</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jumbo Jackson</strong> vs. Running Wolf</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. <strong>Raven Robinson and James Justice</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong> defends vs. Greg Black</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Enygma</p><p>


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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 January 2013

Location: Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 14,123

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 2.90




[This week's American Wrestling doesn't begin by panning the crowd as the show normally does. Instead, we begin with a video recapping the arrival of Christian Faith to USPW and the subsequent title match where he won the USPW World title in a three way battle that included then-champion Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine. After showing Christian celebrating, the video transitions to the scene last week where Nicky Champion is being assaulted by The Titans. Who comes to his aid? The USPW World champion Christian Faith! He floors Tyson Baine and then swings the chair again, striking Nicky Champion! Did he just heat things up as their rematch comes in less than one week at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Stay tuned as we move into the go-home show to the pay-per-view to find out.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/CharlieThatcher.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/Seduction.jpg

Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine


[Danny Jillefski, Emily McQueen and Brock Cornish use the entrance of Charlie Thatcher to welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling. The fans stand on their feet as they get as much attention from the cameramen as Charlie does. One of the fans signs held up in the crowd that is focused on is: 'MR. PIZZLES IS THE ECROF!!!' and, of course, the announcers have no idea what to make of that. Darryl Devine makes his usual entrance, announcing his own name before he climbs into the ring to face off with Charlie.]


[One of the better things to be said about this match is that it's extremely short. Anything else? Well, probably better off left unsaid as this is definitely NOT the way USPW wrestling fans wanted to start off the night. Charlie dominates the early goings of the bout, taking the smaller Darryl down with moves like a gutwrench powerbomb and a gutbuster. Charlie keeps Darryl on the mat, rubbing Darryl's face into the mat and then taunting the crowd. Seduction yells encouragement to Darryl from outside the ring. This encouragement seems to help as Darryl fires back with punches to the gut of Charlie Thatcher! Darryl gets to his feet and, a few minutes later, surprises everyone when he hits Charlie Thatcher with the facecrusher called the Devine Dream Drop! Darryl slides into the cover and scores the three count victory!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 5:23)

Match Rating: D




[seduction slides in the ring to celebrate with Darryl Devine. She gives him a hug and then raises his arm as the crowd cheers the victory. The microphone is dropped down in front of Darryl but before he can announce his victory, he is interrupted by a large man on the video screen, clapping. That large man is none other than Bruce The Giant!]


Bruce The Giant

"One victory, Darryl. One win. Come to me when you've held the World title. You see, your opponent tonight? Charlie Thatcher? He is not a living, breathing, fire-breathing giant like I am, mate. In less than a week, you are going to have to step into the ring with me, you Dipstick. And you will be lucky to go in the ambulance to the hospital and not to the morgue. For I am the Giant!"


[bruce releases a roar, raising his right hand in the air to punctuate that he plans on giving Darryl Devine a Giant Chokeslam. Darryl looks a little worried in the ring and begins talking to Seduction for a moment before the two exit the ring and head to the back as the screen fades to black.]




[We move backstage where the USPW owner Sam Strong is shown...walking! Could he be headed to the ring? He pauses to talk to one of the backstage staff members by a set of shelves. Suddenly, boxes come flying off the shelf landing on Sam Strong and sending him to the ground. Heavy weight tools are shown sliding across the ground, spilling from the boxes. Sam is shown down from the way the boxes struck him and the backstage staff member is quickly calling for help. Sam seems unconcious so he won't be heading to the ring. Instead, we'll have our next match!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/KrusherKarloff.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/PetrNovak.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/TribalWarrior.jpg

The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury


[Tag team encounter here on USPW American Wrestling as the top contenders in The Cold Warriors take on a team that both have singles titles in the USPW National champion Java and USPW Television champion Tribal Warrior. The match is extremely short but pretty open in the offense. Java got stuck in the corner of The Cold Warriors and quick tags were made by Krusher Karloff and Petr Novak to keep the USPW National champion down. Java was tossed out of the ring and he landed at the feet of two men he probably did not want to see.]




[Dusty Ducont and Peter Valentine stand at ringside, along with Elizabeth Cartier, their manager. Petr distracts the official as Peter Valentine picks up Java and whips him into the steps at ringside. The large athlete moves the steps with his girth when he slams into them. Java is sent back into the ring and Petr grabs a two count. Java is able to fight his way back into the match and make the tag to his partner, Tribal Warrior. Petr also tags in Krusher Karloff. Both Krusher and Petr take headbutts from Tribal Warrior and with this momentum it looks like the veteran tag team is going to take the victory. But this discounts the interference of Peter Valentine and Dusty Ducont. As Elizabeth Cartier distracts the official, Dusty Ducont trips Tribal Warrior from the outside. Moments later, Krusher Karloff hits Tribal with the Kremlin Krush and makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Cold Warriors (Via Pinfall @ 4:50)

Match Rating: D-


[The bell sounds but the action is not over as into the ring come Peter Valentine and Dusty Ducont. The two men go after the two members of Savage Fury with Peter setting up Java for the Heart Breaker and connecting. The crowd boos with an intensity as Tribal Warrior is crushed in the corner by a Dusty Ducont avalanche. Even The Cold Warriors chip in with stomps to the fallen Savage Fury until the odds get even as two men come running in from the back.]




[Natural Storm hit the ring with their belts, swinging them wildly! They manage to get control against the four men in the ring for long enough for Java and Tribal Warrior to recover. This starts an eight way brawl between these four tag teams! The crowd is definitely on the side of Natural Storm and Savage Fury. The brawl seperates into Savage Fury against Peter Valentine and Dusty Ducont and The Cold Warriors against Natural Storm. The Cold Warriors are sent outside the ring by Natural Storm. Following them are Peter and Dusty, leaving only the victorious faces in the ring. Will we see the same at Stars, Stripes And Slams?]




[We head from the ring to the backstage area where James Justice is standing in front of the infamous USPW soda machine. James places a dollar bill in the machine and is looking at his selection of sodas when the cough of Greg Black can be heard behind him. It takes a few more times of Greg clearing his throat before James turns around to look at him.]


James Justice

"Dude! Cover that cough! You don't want to spread your germs out here, do you?"


Greg Black

"Actually, I am looking to spread the wealth. You see, tonight, I have the opportunity to take on the USPW World Heavyweight champion. Tonight I am going to walk away with that belt around my waist but I don't have a match for Stars, Stripes And Slams where I would be defending that title. Instead of issuing an open challenge like a lot of you old folks do, I am just going to tell you. You and me at Stars, Stripes And Slams."


James Justice

"I have no problems with that, dude. Stars, Stripes And Slams James Justice versus Greg Black. That sounds like the match of the night."


Greg Black

"Yeah, it will be. But remember always bet on Black."


[Greg reaches out and hits a button on the soda machine. The soda comes down and it's Minute Maid lemonade. James grabs it and looks at it for a moment, holding it up to the camera. He shrugs and walks off with Greg watching him go.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/JumboJackson.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/RunningWolf.jpg

Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf


[Running Wolf makes his 2013 debut here on American Wrestling against a very tough competitor in Jumbo Jackson. Another extremely short match that sees Running Wolf barely get any offense in aside from a few early tomahawk chops during a Native American dance around Jumbo. Once Jumbo gets ahold of the Native American, he is squashed again and again. Jumbo picks up Wolf and slams him to the mat before dropping an elbow to the chest. He picks up Wolf and sends him to the ropes -- Jumbo Avalanche! Running Wolf is down and out! Jumbo makes the cover and the three count is academic!]


Winner: Jumbo Jackson (Via Pinfall @ 4:43)

Match Rating: D+




[We cut to the backstage area where Nicky Champion is pacing in the locker room. He definitely looks agitated but then who wouldn't be when their mentor was injured earlier in the evening. He finally looks up toward the camera with a more fierce expression on his face than usual.]


Nicky Champion

"Good, you're here. First of all, I want to say a get well soon to Mr. Strong. I can tell you that he has been taken to the hospital for evaluation and his daughter is with him. Which brings me to my point of this interview. Tonight I want to look face to face with Christian Faith. Ever since Mr. Strong took him to task, he has been attacked over and over again. Is it a coincidence? Tonight I want you to look me in the eye, Christian, and tell me that you are not behind these attacks on our boss and my friend and mentor Sam Strong. I will be in this ring at the end of the night. I trust that you will be as well. Thank you."


[Nicky turns and punches a locker before slipping off-camera. The sound of a door opening and closing can be heard off-camera before we head back to the ring for our next matchup.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/BelleBryden.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/Liberty.jpg

Belle Bryden and Mick Muscles vs. Raven Robinson and James Justice


[A fairly good bout that has some good action and average heat from the fans in attendance. The women are only able to wrestle the women and the men only wrestle the men in this bout. This leads to a lot of action between Raven Robinson and Belle Bryden, surprisingly. At one point, Belle has Raven's neck on the bottom rope and is stepping on her, choking her with the bottom rope as she checks her hair. The referee nearly calls for a disqualification. Belle goes for the Dish Of The Day but Raven ducks and catches her with a neckbreaker. Both women look to make the tag to their partners and both women do so.]


[Mick comes running in and catches a series of punches from James Justice. James winds up and gives a Justice big left hand that floors Mick Muscles! James sends Mick to the ropes -- reversed! Mick catches James with a spinebuster and scores a two count! Mick whips James into the corner and follows in but gets a big boot to the mush for his trouble. James brings Mick down with a DDT and then looks to the crowd. He bounces off the ropes -- SSSSTTTTAAAALLLLLLLLSSSS -- Dude Knee Drop! James gets the 'Dude' chant going with the crowd as he waits for Mick to get to his feet. A fan raises up a sign in the background that reads: 'And Justice For All!' Mick staggers around and walks right into James -- Liberation Slam! James makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Raven Robinson and James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 8:03)

Match Rating: C




[We move to a split-screen showing Christian Faith and Greg Black...walking! Greg has a noticable swagger to him as he walks. The veteran Christian Faith, however, has a slight limp and an ice bag taped to his right knee. The Iron Man is shown pausing and removing the ice bag, tossing it in the garbage as he continues. These two men will do battle next right here on American Wrestling!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/ChristianFaith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/GrouchoBling_alt2_JS_zps0e5fb66a.jpg

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black


[Our semi main event and the match for the USPW World title as Christian Faith defends against the younger Greg Black. The match is truly back and forth in the beginning with the faster Greg Black seemingly able to out move the legend Christian Faith at every turn. Greg catches Christian with a hot shot and scores a two count on the savvy veteran. Greg quickly ascends the turnbuckles, waiting for Christian to rise to his feet -- missle dropkick connects! The crowd does enjoy the moves of Greg Black, though not his attitude. He sends Christian outside the ring and chokes him on the guardrail. An atomic drop on the guardrail has the crowd booing and the men wincing in pain. He brings the action back into the ring and Greg looks at Christian Faith for a moment. He signals to the crowd and tucks Christian between his legs. He lifts him up in a crucifix power bomb position -- he falls backward, slamming Christian's face and chest into the mat! He used to call that 'Pity The Fool.' He looks down at Christian for a moment and plays to the crowd before making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot on the ropes!]


[The next momentum swing comes when Greg Black heads for the top turnbuckle once again after flattening Christian with a drop toe hole. Greg looks for the frog splash but all he catches is the mat as Christian rolls out of the way! The crowd cheers and the 'We Have Faith' chants begin as the man known as the Iron Man uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. He strikes out with a punch to Greg and another! He ducks a punch from Greg and strikes with the Faith Hammer! The strike floors Greg Black and soon Christian has him mounted and is firing those Machine Gun Faith Hammers rapid fire into the skull of Greg Black. The announcers are wondering where Christian gets the energy for this! Within a few minutes, Christian maintains the advantage and sends Greg to the corner -- Leap Of Faith! The high velocity avalanche in the corner sends Greg Black down to the mat. Christian makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Christian Faith (Via Pinfall @ 9:05; Christian Faith retains the USPW World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: B-




[We move from the ring to a video where we hear the sound of a heart monitor. The constant beep, beep, beep fills the background as we are shown Sam Strong laying within a hospital bed. As the camera pans out, we see Alicia Strong standing beside her father wearing only a sports bra and a pair of shorts. It's obvious she just came from a work-out when she heard the news of her father. Her face is pained as she holds his hand. She slowly looks up and looks toward the camera.]


Alicia Strong

"You want a statement? Is that what you want? My father, obviously, has a concussion from the boxes falling on his head tonight. He is sleeping right now, resting which is as it should be. His status for Stars, Stripes And Slams is undetermined at best. He has to do whatever the doctors say. But I can tell you that I will be looking for revenge. Whoever attacked my father will pay for it, BROTHER. I don't care who it is. Christian, if it is you, then we will have no mercy. Now get out of here."


[Alicia turns her attention back to her father. She holds his hand and he moans slightly from pain. She has a worried expression on her face as the cameraman turns to exit the room. The cameraman slips out and we head to our main event!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%202013/Enygma.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


[We are left with our main event here this evening as the two men who headlined the first ever USPW pay-per-view event look set to resume their former feud as Tyson Baine takes on Enygma. The match begins with Enygma making the mistake of trying to fight Tyson Baine in a brawling manner. Tyson clears this up quickly with a major clothesline that sends the masked man right down to the mat. Tyson lifts Enygma up and holds him against his chest -- fallaway slam! The crowd boos as Tyson stands over Enygma, laughing and motioning toward the back.]




[shane Sneer leads T-Rex out to the ringside area. This definitely does not look good for Enygma. Tyson tosses Enygma outside the ring and then raises his arms in the air. He brings them down, sending fire exploding from all four turnbuckles. T-Rex looks to interfere but the referee steps in, making sure that the Jurassic Power does no such thing. The distraction leaves Enygma open and Tyson brings a chair crashing into the skull of the masked former USPW World champion! Tyson tugs Enygma back in the ring makes a cover as the referee rolls back in the ring: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd pops huge when Enygma kicks out! The crowd gets behind Enygma as Tyson Baine lifts him up and tucks him between his legs. Tyson raises Enygma in a power bomb position but Enygma turns it into a victory roll: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[shane Sneer and T-Rex do not look happy outside the ring as Enygma starts to take control! Enygma shocks the big man with a dropkick that staggers him. Enygma brings Tyson back in the corner and lands three straight kicks before lifting him up on the turnbuckles! Enygma secures Tyson Baine -- Superplex! Unbelievable! Enygma strikes Tyson Baine with the superplex! It takes several long moments for Enygma to recover enough to make the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The monster Tyson Baine seems almost unstoppable! Enygma waits for Tyson to get to his feet -- Enygmagiri Kick! Tyson drops to his knees. Enygma bounces off the ropes and charges Tyson -- double goozled! Tyson grabs Enygma by the throat with both hands as he stands to his feet. He lifts Enygma in the air -- Hades Bomb! Tyson makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 10:02)

Match Rating: C


[A big victory for Tyson Baine as he has not been on a roll this month here on American Wrestling. T-Rex enters the ring as the match is called and he picks up Enygma -- Jurassic Crush! The swinging full nelson is locked in tight on Enygma! The crowd boos as Enygma struggles but cannot break free. After suffering a Hades Bomb, Enygma does not have the energy to break the hold. T-Rex slams Enygma down to the mat with the full nelson slam and then looks down at the masked man. He gives an evil look and lifts Enygma -- Extinction! The spinning Argentine Backbreaker Drop is rarely used but it crushes Enygma to the mat. Shane Sneer raises the arm of T-Rex as Tyson Baine exits the ring and walks to the back.]




[As soon as the ring is cleared, 'Gonna Fly Now' begins to play. Nicky Champion, who is usually so good with the crowd, comes out and walks directly to the ring. Normally he gives the fans some high fives but he seems focused as he climbs the stairs and enters the ring with a microphone in hand.]


Nicky Champion

"Alright, Christian, you knew I was going to call you out. So let's have you out here right now."


[A few moments pass with Nicky pacing in the ring. Then the sounds of a motorcycle's engine revving begins in the background. Driving down to the ring is the USPW World champion Christian Faith! Christian circles the ring and comes to a stop at the bottom of the ramp. Christian doesn't even look toward the ring as he turns the motorcycle off. He sits on it for a few moments, looking around at the fans. He picks up the USPW World title belt and raises it above his head, drawing in some cheers from the fans. He climbs off the motorcycle and high fives some nearby fans as Nicky seems more and more agitated, pacing in the ring. Several fans at ringside are a little upset as several Force signs can be seen in the crowd: 'FEEL THE FORCE, BUY MY MERCHANDISE!' and 'I Came to see The Force!' are among them. Christian finally climbs the stairs and enters the ring, coming face to face with Nicky Champion. Christian has a microphone and he raises it to his lips.]


Christian Faith

"To answer your question, Nicky, no, I did not attack the USPW owner at any point tonight or last week. If I want a piece of someone, I do it right here in this very ring, in MY yard."


Nicky Champion

"What if I said that I don't believe you? What if I said that I have proof?"


Christian Faith

"Then I'd tell you to show me and all these Faithmakers out here the proof that you think you have."


Nicky Champion

"Roll the videotape."


[The action from earlier on is shown where Sam Strong was struck in the head with boxes. The backstage staff member is shown running for some help but this time the camera remains rolling. The camera moves from Sam Strong to several feet away to show someone in all black leather and a motorcycle helmet running off and jumping on a motorcycle helmet, driving off into the night. We go back to the ring where Christian is shaking his head.]


Christian Faith

"I'm not the only guy that drives a motorcycle around here, Nicky."


Nicky Champion

"That looked like your bike, Christian. That looked like you."


Christian Faith

"I don't have to stand here in my yard and be insulted like this. I am the USPW World Heavyweight champion. You need to show me some respect. Or maybe we don't need to wait for Stars, Stripes And Slams. Maybe we can get this done right now?"


Nicky Champion

"Maybe we can."


[both men drop their microphones and very soon the brawl is on between these two athletes! Punches are thrown from both men with Christian very quickly turning to those Faith Hammers to try and gain an advantage. He bounces off the ropes and Nicky catches him with a scoop powerslam! Nicky moves off into a corner, stalking Christian and warming up that Hawkeye Hammer. Christian starts to get to his feet and then drops back down, sliding out of the ring. He grabs the title belt and stares up at Nicky Champion from outside the ring. The two men stare each other down for several long, tense moments. Christian grimaces for a moment and looks down at his right knee. He rubs it for a moment and then leans against his motorcycle. What is going to happen at Stars, Stripes And Slams? Stay tuned to find out!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Thank you to everyone who predicted. It is truly appreciated.


Only two perfect scores this week! Congratulations to 3rdStringPG and flaviooooo!


1. Dragonmack=2 Wins

2. Sco xY2Jx=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Win

Zergon=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

CamillePunk=1 Win

3rdStringPG=1 Win

flaviooooo=1 Win

9. ohiodevil=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

Tigerkinney=0 Wins

MidnightNick=0 Wins

Emark=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

Timber=0 Wins

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USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Faith over Groucho. Surprised Greg Black's an immediate World Heavyweight contender, though...


Fun Fan Signs:





(Yeah, I know The Force isn't wrestling this week, but J Silver's Mr. Pizzles is classic!)


Even though he lost, I see Greg Black as definitely being one of the key components of the future of USPW. A loss to someone as high profile as Christian Faith, I would hope, would not destroy him in the eyes of the fans.


I agree with your comments about J Silver's diary/diaries. He is an amazing writer and one that I aspire to be like one day.


And I missed a week, ugh.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comment: This match looks familiar...


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: Interestingly enough, this match is most likely going to be happening in my run with USPW very soon.


I am definitely behind on a lot of diaries right now, yours included. It doesn't help that I have been on and am still on vacation right now, having gone back to S.C. for a visit. Plus I have school beginning Monday. However, I look forward to getting caught up on your diary. It's always great to see how someone else books USPW.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: Sorry Baine, but you have failed me once too many times so now I pick someone else until you have proven yourself again. Of course, now that I don´t pick him he´s going to win right away, isn´t he? :p


And, of course, it happened that the one time you selected against Tyson Baine, he wins. Sorry about that! lol. But I am looking to keep him relevant, not to mention the whole Enygma/T-Rex feud.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: torn on this one as Enygma is one that needs momentum to produce, as his actual skills aren't stellar. Plus Baine makes more sense as a challenger for Faith.


I was a little torn on making this match as I know that both are main eventers and it was the initial pay-per-view match for TEW 2010. But I hope that I kept both men strong in the match and both can move forward with their feuds.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: The positioning of World Heavyweight Championship matches, as of late, appear to be somewhat odd. It's tradition to see the champ wrestle last. That said, debunking tradition can be an act of freshening up. Either way, Faith steamrolls Mr. Black.


I agree that the positioning of the World Heavyweight title matches was definitely odd. The reasoning for that is my concern about his competition and if they would drag the match grades down. Of course, this week in particular, I lost out as Christian and Greg drew a better rating than the two main eventers in Tyson and Enygma. Who knew, right?


Charlie Thatcher vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: I was going to go with Thatcher, because Devine though having more talent, is pretty much treated as job fodder in USPW- but then Eisenverse pointed out he does have a match coming up against Bruce The Giant and if you want people thinking he even has a slither of a chance, he should go over here. He won't go over all that convincingly but he'll find a way to win.


Darryl does pick up the win here. Now the question is, does anyone think he has a snowball's chance in hades against Bruce The Giant?


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Greg Black

Comment: Another c0cky young upstart (though Black isn't all that young) comes in to challenge Faith, and another one fails.


This is definitely becoming a trend. I wonder what my viewers (fans) are thinking about this?


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Comment: This could honestly go either way- you could try to keep Baine looking strong- as his feud with Champion still isn't resolved or you could catapult Engyma back into relevance with a strong win here. In that case I'm tipping an Engyma win, but one which comes about because Baine is distracted by Champion.


There were definitely many ways I could have gone with the main event. Hope that it went a way that perhaps you weren't expecting but that you enjoyed.

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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams Preview

January Week 4 2013


USPW Women's Title Match

Melody defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb



USPW National Title Match

Java defends vs. Peter Valentine



Greg Black vs. James Justice



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Natural Storm defend vs. The Cold Warriors



Tyson Baine vs. The Force



Matthew Keith vs. Running Wolf



T-Rex vs. Enygma



Open Challenge Match

Any Member Of Sneer Corporation vs. Chris Caulfield



Bruce The Giant vs. Darryl Devine



USPW World Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Nicky Champion



Fun Fan Signs:

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USPW Women's Title Match

Melody defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb



USPW National Title Match

Java defends vs. Peter Valentine



Greg Black vs. James Justice



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Natural Storm defend vs. The Cold Warriors



Tyson Baine vs. The Force



Matthew Keith vs. Running Wolf



T-Rex vs. Enygma



Open Challenge Match

Any Member Of Sneer Corporation vs. Chris Caulfield



Bruce The Giant vs. Darryl Devine



USPW World Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Nicky Champion


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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams Preview

January Week 4 2013


USPW Women's Title Match

Melody defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: Cherry is getting old as well, and is probably there to take the loss so that Melody and Alicia can continue to feud.


USPW National Title Match

Java defends vs. Peter Valentine

Comment: dq or countout win so Valentine doesn't win the title. Fortunately, Strong won't be in charge for very long, so you can get rid of any 'Keeping Valentine above his station' goals


Greg Black vs. James Justice

Comment: tough choice, but Justice has always been in the main event picture whereas Black still needs to build that credibility


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Natural Storm defend vs. The Cold Warriors

Comment: this is a title I see changing hands


Tyson Baine vs. The Force

Comment: Baine just beat Enygma, it would be a step back to lose to Force


Matthew Keith vs. Running Wolf

Comment: higher ceiling


T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: Enygma can't afford to lose two big matches in a row, especially to a Baine lite


Open Challenge Match

Any Member Of Sneer Corporation vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: thinking a new member debuts here( too much to hope that you somehow snagged Eddie Peak. He's getting wasted as a perennial upper mid in TCW)


Bruce The Giant vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Only real question is the over\under on 5 min on match


USPW World Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: He just won this title, too soon to be moving it back unless he suddenly announced retirement ( unlikely as he's your user character)


Fun Fan Signs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After another long break, I return to predict your shows My friend :) I knew that there had to be a new Angel USPW diary on TEW 2013 :)


Nice going with the Sam Strong attack angle. Even though I am quite certain about how it will turn out ;)


And did you actually fire Redwood? Dude!


USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams Preview

January Week 4 2013


USPW Women's Title Match

Melody defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: I will say that Melody will win this time. But I have a feeling that Alicia will get it down the line. Especially if you're building up the storyline I have in mind :)


USPW National Title Match

Java defends vs. Peter Valentine

Comment: Valentine will always be the man who should hold the National title. I was actually hoping that he still would hold the belt in the new game :)


Greg Black vs. James Justice

Comment: Please no. Black should not be even close to beat the man who's already legendary in USPW.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Natural Storm defend vs. The Cold Warriors

Comment: I really don't see Natural Storm as being a huge deal in a promotion like USPW. The Cold Warriors is much more what a tag team in USPW should be.


Tyson Baine vs. The Force

Comment: Baine is such a bigger star than Force.


Matthew Keith vs. Running Wolf

Comment: Running Wolf is pretty much a jobber, so a no brainer.


T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: I don't see all the heels win the main matches, so I'm going with Enygma.


Open Challenge Match

Any Member Of Sneer Corporation vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: This really depends if it's a new member of the corp or just one of the Towers. I'm betting it's Rushmore or Muscles, so I go with Caulfield.


Bruce The Giant vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Bruce should not be losing to anyone. Do you have any plans on turning him face Angel? I'm pretty sure I will at some point in my game :)


USPW World Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: I actually see Champion winning the belt back at some point. But not yet.

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USPW Women's Title Match

Melody defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb



USPW National Title Match

Java defends vs. Peter Valentine



Greg Black vs. James Justice



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Natural Storm defend vs. The Cold Warriors



Tyson Baine vs. The Force



Matthew Keith vs. Running Wolf



T-Rex vs. Enygma



Open Challenge Match

Any Member Of Sneer Corporation vs. Chris Caulfield



Bruce The Giant vs. Darryl Devine



USPW World Title Match

Christian Faith defends vs. Nicky Champion



Fun Fan Signs: Champion is a Chump!!

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