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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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Haven't been here in a while, but I must say I am really enjoying your SWF. Been reading you since you started and while I enjoyed all of your diaries, this one is really sticking out for me. Keep it up. I really want to see the payoff for the Rich Money angle. Could be interesting.




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For decades, the Supreme Wrestling Federation has endured absolute success under the guidance of one Richard Eisen. Over the years, a small New England development quickly grew to the upper echelon of our industry and, in that time, history was continually made. Stars were spawned, LEGENDS brought to life, and champions were crowned all with the air of superiority at their back. With such a mountainous platform, Mr. Eisen singlehandedly brought the wrestling world to it’s knees; overtaking the love & support of the greater public.


After so much success under one man, the question now presents itself…


Can the Supreme Wrestling Federation continue to dominate with another at the helm?


In this case, more specifically, can Rich Money continue our Supremacy – OR – Are we witnessing the point for which Rome is set ablaze?


This week, at “Nothing to Lose”, we all witnessed the unsettling truth that Rich Money is now the new Owner of the SWF. In a purchase that still remains a mystery, the always smug ‘Money Man’ now controls the very company that has come to define the industry.


What are his plans with the SWF? Can he separate personal vendettas from good business? More importantly, can he remove his OWN success from that of the company’s?


These are all questions in need of an answer; however, the more lingering thought, the dark-horse question itching in the background, has to be about his relationship with “The Demon” Vengeance.


It appears as though Money, somehow, someway, controls “The Demon”. This was evident after the main event as he ultimately used Vengeance to crush the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, square in the middle of the ring. Utilizing a ‘dead-language’ our experts have claimed, the ‘Money Man’ summoned true EVIL & ultimately used it to his advantage. Believe me when I say this folks, this is a scary thought.


Who needs to govern fairly, in which to gain respect, if you can govern with brutality? Scarily enough, it appears as though Rich Money’s newly established tenure could rival the vile oppressors of our world’s history. Only in this case, an army isn’t need when you have the supernatural power of “The Demon” himself.


What is Rich Money & Vengeance’s relationship? Only time will tell. That said, I’m not excited to learn of the answer to this question.


This week on Supreme TV, we will witness the first broadcast under the rule of Rich Money. In the end, we can only hope that Supreme Power will ultimately inspire the ‘Money Man’ to deviate to the center. In reality though, none of us are that stupid.


The Supreme Wrestling Federation will most certainly suffer under the reign of Rich Money. That’s bound to be a given.




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“The Iron Man” has begun to rust.


I know it sounds sacrilegious to say, and I understand the backlash that will most certainly come my way for stating such an opinion, but it’s impossible to move on past the elephant in the room: Christian Faith is no longer the unstoppable warrior that he once was.


For two long months, Faith has waged a war with a “Demon” for which can’t be expelled. However, at this point, the greatest ill may not stand before the SWF LIVING LEGEND… but within.


There’s no faulting any man when it comes to warring with a supernatural being such as Vengeance; however, Faith is not ‘any man’. For decades, “The Iron Man” has continually met the challenge of chopping down the biggest & baddest men in all of professional wrestling. Big-man after big-man, giant after giant, they all came with the same goal: To END Christian Faith. Unluckily for them, that never came to pass.


Christian Faith ALWAYS stood taller than even the biggest giants of the world.


Fast-forward to yesterday though and the narrative appears to be shifting. For the first time in his illustrious career, Faith was unable to ‘chop down yet another giant’. This time, it was the big-man that left the LIVING LEGEND motionless en route to a nearby hospital.


Christian gave his all & had shades of his former ‘Giant-Killer’ self. There were points where the age-old narrative appeared to be alive & budding. That said, a deadly chokeslam from atop the steel stage turned all of that upside down.


Descending rapidly, Faith was ultimately left in the dust of broken tables as he lay motionless in the debris. A 3-count was just an afterthought at that point as no one expected “The Iron Man” to ever return to his feet. This may be a thought that lingers…


Christian Faith of his 20’s, even his 30’s, would still be present on Supreme TV the following week. Bandaged, bruised, scraped & possibly bloodied, but there would be no holding the LIVING LEGEND back. He’d come stomping into the new area with theoretical ‘guns a blazing’. There would be NO holding him back &, by the end of the now, he would have conquered his foe in a grandiose fashion.


This isn’t that Christian Faith…


For the first time in almost a decade, Christian Faith will not be in attendance at Supreme TV this week. The impenetrable “Iron Man”-like streak ended. Instead, he’ll most certainly spend the remainder of the week, if not longer, in a medical facility.


I feel we’ve witnessed a REAL Super-Hero finally come back to earth.


“The Iron Man” is nothing but a name now. A name that touches upon history & tells of what ‘used to be’.


I suppose even LEGENDS will eventually fail you… no matter who they are…




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Still moving... Just at a slower pace (for now)!

Classes start this week

Classes start once again this Tuesday (January 22nd) and this marks a ‘slow down period’ for myself and this SWF Dynasty.
That doesn’t mean that I’m going away or that this project is coming to a close, far from it really, but it does mean that the rate for which results come out will be slowed down.
During break, I was able to jump out close to 2 shows a week. That certainly won’t be possible during my Spring semester. I have 10 graduate credits on my plate and will be nose-deep in reading material during the majority of my week. That said, I still feel that I could pump out a show in a week (or slightly over). This will be more like my previous WAR dynasty (as I was running about a show a week at that time as well).


This SWF project has been a wonderful creative outlet for me & I intend on keeping that present in which to ‘keep me sane’ while in the throws of academia. Truthfully, this is what I plan on doing in my free-time (SWF); well, at least when I’m not with my Wife.


As expected, the ‘sped-up period’ will most certainly come in Mid-May. Once classes are done, I intend on returning to this speed; however, for the time being, that’s just not going to happen.


In closing, I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful support thus far. I’ve written a number of dynasties in my GDS-tenure; however, this one is already standing out as one of my favorite. The characters have become very real to me (most likely due to the extended planning period I put in place before even starting it) & it’s made for a very easy write. That said, to state again, I’m committed to keeping this going during my Spring semester; just on a more limited schedule. I hope that you continue to follow along!

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Hey Eisen-verse,


it's amazing how you make me dip into your dynasty over and over again. Your last shows have been breathtaking and in certain ways surprising - especially the revelation of Rich Money as SWF's new owner. Honestly, I HATE that development and that's great, because it one more time shows how well done your characters, storylines, show reports and news stories are. Your dynasty is a completely rounded piece of work and very, VERY enjoyable to read.


I totally love the character of Jack Bruce - although guys like him are red rags to me in real life - 'cause he's extremely entertaining and he makes me kinda mark out whenever he "bullies" Ms. Chase.

Please keep up your great work (longtime at best). Everyone should understand that you have to slow down a bit ('cause real life is simply way more important), and you can be sure I'll be waiting excited for more to come (:

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Hey Eisen-verse,


it's amazing how you make me dip into your dynasty over and over again. Your last shows have been breathtaking and in certain ways surprising - especially the revelation of Rich Money as SWF's new owner. Honestly, I HATE that development and that's great, because it one more time shows how well done your characters, storylines, show reports and news stories are. Your dynasty is a completely rounded piece of work and very, VERY enjoyable to read.


Thank you, Xendraii!


My goal is to make Rich Money detestable. I know he's a beloved character to many who book the SWF. He's talented, pulls great grades, and can easily be booked as a Triple H-like character. That said, in my version, I really wanted people to walk away saying "Man, that guy is a d*ck!". He's pompous, self-indulgent, 'out of touch' with reality and rather cut-throat to his own beliefs. In a sense, he's the kind of guy (character) that you just want to punch because he thinks he's better than you in every way (and the success he's had -- Money-wise -- gives it that much more depth as he's a d*ck but, more annoyingly, he's been successful while being a d*ck).


His feud with Steve Frehley has, and I believe will more so, turn heads in the coming episodes. There are some segments that I have planned that will REALLY show the difference between the two & ultimately paint Money as absolutely detestable (at least I believe). It should be interesting to see how readers/viewers perceive the feud


I totally love the character of Jack Bruce - although guys like him are red rags to me in real life - 'cause he's extremely entertaining and he makes me kinda mark out whenever he "bullies" Ms. Chase.


That's great to hear as I know Jack Bruce's persona has turned some the other way. To me, he's the ultimate Anti-Hero and has come to define the risque nature that the SWF currently has (on high I believe). Especially next to someone like Christian Faith, he had to pave the way in a different way to become interesting to the crowd (if not surpass the popularity of the "Iron Man").


I'm hoping that, thus far, I've been able to paint Ms. Chase as not the continual victim of Jack though. I want her to seem strong & just as in-control as her characters should (as she's a perfectionist and 'always gets her way'; ie: her success). That said, the storyline is about Jack Bruce taking the one thing she values MOST away from her; control. His crazed persona is the ultimate X-factor and keeps her on her toes; if not unsuccessful at points for the first time in her SWF tenure. So, in a way, she has to seem like the victim (losing control of her empire) so that she can ultimately fire-back with some emotion for once...


Awesome to know that you 'mark out' for Bruce though. I try to envision him as a walking, talking, Rock-Show (Attitude-Style); so, it's great to know he's resonating. I agree though, in real-life, he's the kind of guy who I would 'stay away from' and make sure my friends & sister would as well. That said, in wrestling, that kind of character can go over pretty well (see the Attitude era).


Please keep up your great work (longtime at best). Everyone should understand that you have to slow down a bit ('cause real life is simply way more important), and you can be sure I'll be waiting excited for more to come (:


I appreciate the continual support, Xendraii.


My program is extremely important to me and my family. That said, I would be a fool to take my focus away from that. So, sadly, a dynasty like this must become the 'hobby' it is during this time period. Luckily though, given the speed of my writing, as well as the planning I've done a month or so out, I should be able to keep things moving rather consistently.

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Don't worry E-V, you had classes and real life when you did the WAR dynasty and we all know how awesome that came out. I can wait for this, well, it'll be tough to way but i shall. I like the SWF now and that's new for me. I couldn't get into it in the last game but now i'm seriously looking at the Promotion.



It makes sad though to read the Christian Faith post. He's like Steve Flash in that you expect him to go on forever and to see that he's getting long in the tooth is sad. Still, i know that when you have to put him out to pasture that he'll go out like a Champ.



Keep up the writing and i'll keep reading. Great stuff bud.

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Don't worry E-V, you had classes and real life when you did the WAR dynasty and we all know how awesome that came out. I can wait for this, well, it'll be tough to way but i shall.


My semester will be even busier than when I was writing WAR but I still plan on putting in as much free-time as I can. Luckily, it'll force me to sit back and plan more than being in a constant state of writing. This will only prove to be beneficial for the dynasty going forward (as sometimes it's best to slow me down as a writer so that I can ultimately plan said writing. ha).


Good to know the 'WAR speed' doesn't effect your interest in the project though!


I like the SWF now and that's new for me. I couldn't get into it in the last game but now i'm seriously looking at the Promotion.


It can be a daunting company to run. Plus, if you're not all that interested in the WWE (and am more of an indy guy) then it can seem somewhat 'evil' to take a stab at the top promotion in the world. That said, there are SO many great characters on the roster that it's hard not to give them a go at some point. This time around, more so than ever before, I feel as though the roster is so well put together. Plus, there's some obvious challenges already set for you; so, if you like a little difficulty (as I do) then it's a great place to go!


It makes sad though to read the Christian Faith post. He's like Steve Flash in that you expect him to go on forever and to see that he's getting long in the tooth is sad. Still, i know that when you have to put him out to pasture that he'll go out like a Champ.


It was hard to write as well; however, there are several reasons why I'm pushing this perspective of Faith. Before I do that though, I must admit that I'm a HUGE Christian Faith fan. His persona is what initially made me interested in booking the SWF as I could visualize him without much difficulty. He's easily the most 'fleshed-out' character, at least in my mind, that I've got and feels insanely 'real' (as the 'Old School Bad Ass' that he is).


I chose to push this perspective as A) he literally is 'on the decline' as TEW has stated and B) for storyline perspectives. With the 'A' insight, I feel Faith can still play an HBK role (shortly after coming back to the WWE) without really needing the belt to justify his position. He's slowing down, showing signs of injury more often (writing wise), and is starting to show signs that he's a 'real man' and not the super-hero-like "Iron man" we've known him as. With the 'B' insight, it's this new vision of him that will ultimately lead into a storyline that best sheds light on the 'end of his career'; so to speak. It started with the Vengeance matches, pushed further by the website content, and will go another step from here starting this upcoming episode of Supreme TV with a new feud. In reality, I see the Faith character at the point of the final Rocky movie (if that gives any insight to his aged persona).


All in all, thank you for your support, Timber!

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SWF To Re-Work The Tag Team Division





The Supreme Wrestling Federation has recently gone on a hiring spree in which to flesh out the main roster leading into the “Underground” TV development. It’s being reported that Duane Fry has been extremely selective about new talent and has looked out for those with strong untapped star quality.


Slowly, via tweeter, a number of wrestling performers have verified their signing. These people are none other than: Clark Alexander, Shady K, Knuckles, Kirk Jameson and Steven Parker.


It should be noted that SWF insiders have claimed that the new signings are a sign of Fry bolstering the SWF Tag Team Division. The return of “Death Row” is certainly a powerful sign of that. Meanwhile, the indy combination of Jameson & Parker are said to be in-line for a gradual tandem push as well.


Despite all the recent signings, no one expects to see any of the ‘new talent’ premiere on Supreme TV anytime soon. It’s said the majority of them will be housed on the SWF’s B-Show, “Underground”, for quite some time in hopes they can adopt the “Supreme Way” of wrestling.


More information to come…


SWF – Knuckles – Shady K – Kirk Jameson – Steven Parker – Tag Team Division


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WHOA...Death Row is BACK??? Never liked those guys. But it would be interesting to see what kind of role they'd play in their SWF return.


Like the Jameson and Parker signings...still relatively young, with great potential. Clark Alexander, not too sure since he's getting up there with age, but he's got skills.


Anyway, I'll still be following this dynasty, slower pace or not. This is, for me, the best of the SWF diaries out for TEW 2013, in terms of content and presentation. Good luck with the grad school classes! May be taking post-grad studies myself for 2013-14, so I can relate with what you're going through... :D

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WHOA...Death Row is BACK??? Never liked those guys. But it would be interesting to see what kind of role they'd play in their SWF return.


I was always a fan; however, really never knew how to book them (as I was positive they would kill my grades in '10). That said, with my B-show coming, "Underground", they fit in pretty well with what's going on there. They can build up their work together & hopefully be a player in the tag team scene.


Like the Jameson and Parker signings...still relatively young, with great potential. Clark Alexander, not too sure since he's getting up there with age, but he's got skills.


Jameson & Parker were youngsters that I was looking for from day-one. Clark is here simply to help develop "Underground". He's probably not making it any farther than there (unless he can wow me). That said, He's one of those guys who is dependable and can help the youngsters of "Underground" look good.


Anyway, I'll still be following this dynasty, slower pace or not. This is, for me, the best of the SWF diaries out for TEW 2013, in terms of content and presentation. Good luck with the grad school classes! May be taking post-grad studies myself for 2013-14, so I can relate with what you're going through... :D


Good luck in '13-'14. It can be a daunting task, a lot of work, but it's certainly worth it in the end (especially given the economy the way it is).


As for being the 'best on the board for SWF', I really appreciate that. We all have our strengths & hopefully can tell some great stories.

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Some of your signings are really amazing! I'm not as familiar with the C-Verse as most of this forum's members are, although I managed to in a way read up on it, and I'm really excited how far especially Remmy Skye can go on your roster.


Oh, and I've found a negative aspect of your dynasty - you always call me "Xendraii" :D (it's not that it would annoy me, I just wanted to let you know ;D)

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Some of your signings are really amazing! I'm not as familiar with the C-Verse as most of this forum's members are, although I managed to in a way read up on it, and I'm really excited how far especially Remmy Skye can go on your roster.


Remmy is a personal favorite of a lot of people. I think it's because he's perceived as the Cornell-verse's Jeff Hardy. That said, I'm excited to see how he does in the SWF. So far, in a dark match, he pulled a "C-" with Marc DuBois (beating him; that that DuBois. ha); so, he's certainly on the cusp that he could make the main roster at some point here.


He's playing a "Plug Out" persona who is looking to get others to 'break free from the confines of society'. In a sense, 'break away from the machine'. It's a babyface persona; however, could turn pretty easily.


Oh, and I've found a negative aspect of your dynasty - you always call me "Xendraii" :D (it's not that it would annoy me, I just wanted to let you know ;D)


ha! I'm sorry about that! I didn't even notice. I'll make the change from now on, Xendarii!

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Just wanted to say EV - although I'm a stated SWF skeptic this is a seriously good read.


I'm normally put off by the scale of the company [playing-wise and reading diaries] but this keeps things snappy.


Whisper it but I'm even tempted to have a play with them myself for the first time since I first got TEW2008...


Now if you want to keep my attention when are Adam Matravers, Sergei Kalashnov and UK Dragon going to turn up?

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Just wanted to say EV - although I'm a stated SWF skeptic this is a seriously good read.


I'm normally put off by the scale of the company [playing-wise and reading diaries] but this keeps things snappy.


Whisper it but I'm even tempted to have a play with them myself for the first time since I first got TEW2008...


I can totally understand why the SWF wouldn't be a point of interest for a lot of people. I, myself, have had moments where it felt too big, too over, and too visible. In a way, I was more interested in indy companies; however, always found myself coming back to the SWF in some way mentally (as it's hard to completely push aside the 'big dog' in the room). I think, once you break it down and look at the characters alone, it becomes easier to find overall interest in the company. It's in the characters where things are interesting & rather fun to book.


It's awesome to hear that this dynasty has pushed you to explore the SWF for yourself. Honestly, they really have a lot of potential (which sounds funny given it's the #1 company in the world). There's just so much possible when it comes to stories, character interpretations & trends for which you want to utilize. Good luck with your game!


Now if you want to keep my attention when are Adam Matravers, Sergei Kalashnov and UK Dragon going to turn up?


I honestly have looked into the international market; however, am somewhat limited as I'm still only at "National" (which makes it harder, if not impossible, to pull people away from other countries). Currently, I've been looking more so down south (Mexico) but the British Isles is another region for which I have interest; especially now since I have PPV coverage in both areas.

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Episode #:

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Main Event:
Remo & Rogue vs. Jack Bruce & ????


"Nothing to Lose" brought forth an air of extreme violence unseen in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. For one night, the wrestling world staggered to a standstill to watch THE greatest wrestlers in the world compete for their own reasons. Whether it was championships, hatred, respect, pride or legacy, these exclusive few put forth a night NO ONE will EVER forget.


In it's aftermath, the fallout is bound to be chaotic at best.


While many rose to greatness this past Thursday, there were many who fell accordingly. With this in mind, the Supreme Landscape has quickly become a true powder-keg ready to blow. Who will be the one to ignite the flame?


Historically, this will also mark the FIRST Supreme TV broadcast with Rich Money no longer in the shadows as the new SWF Owner. What will this mean for our great company? Will the 'Money Man' shock the world and develop a sense of diplomacy - OR - will we witness the slow digression of the Supreme Wrestling Federation?


The only way to find out is to tune in THIS week as Supreme TV overtakes the Illinois State Park LIVE on C.A.N.N.!!


Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win?



Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight?



Enforcer Roberts vs.
Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer?



Remo & Rogue
w/ Ms. Chase
vs. Jack Bruce & ????

[Tag Team Match]

Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"?

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Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Question: Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win?



Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

Question: After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight?



Enforcer Roberts vs. "YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer?



"THE CHASE AGENCY" Remo & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & ????

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"?

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Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Question: Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win? Sexy at 40-41 is best used as a jobber to the stars. Zimmy's up for bigger things.



Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

Question: After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight? Everest = Tensai of the SWF. He's getting squashed by the far smaller, yet far more over Angry Gilmore.



Enforcer Roberts vs. "YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer? Yes. And speaking of jobbers to the stars...



"THE CHASE AGENCY" Remo & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & ????

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"? Valiant would be too obvious so I'm guessing...Lobster Warrior?

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Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Question: Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win?

I could see this one going either way but so far Sexy have had slighly more going on so I go with him.


Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

Question: After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight?

Not much of a question, Gilmore just won´t lose to useless fatty like Everest no matter what.


Enforcer Roberts vs. "YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer?

I like Roberts but there´s no way he goes over your main champ.


"THE CHASE AGENCY" Remo & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & ????

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"?

Bruce just don´t seem to lose at all and this doesn´t seem to be any differend since that mystery guy is likely going to be big name with this being the main event and all.

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Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Question: Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win?



Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

Question: After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight?



Enforcer Roberts vs. "YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer?



"THE CHASE AGENCY" Remo & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & Valiant

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"? Going with the obvious choice on this one...

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Joe Sexy vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

[singles Match]

Question: Can Joe Sexy get back on the winning track or will Zimmy Bumfhole pull off the upset win?

Zimmy can be a project if you want, but i see Sexy getting some wins in the future.



Angry Gilmore vs. Everest

[singles Match]

Question: After being crushed by the Russian Monster at "Nothing to Lose" for a second time in 2-months, will Gilmore fair better against another overpowering super-heavyweight?

Angry gets a win.



Enforcer Roberts vs. "YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: Can Frehley survive the stiff brutality of Enforcer?

Roberts will shine but he won't win here



"THE CHASE AGENCY" Remo & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & ????

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Who does Jack Bruce have in mind as his partner leading into battle with "The Chase Agency"?

Captain Atomic and Jack Bruce, the nuclear powered rock band.


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