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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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Through hellfire and brimstone, a monster still stands. He was once thought man, a tortured soul radiating with intense emotion; however, at this point, there’s very little humanity left within him. Slowly and with great ugliness, this masked villain has descended into the frigidity of evil. The frame that once housed a twisted soul, now holds nothing of the sort. Nothing but blackness. Nothing but pure EVIL.


Many have tried to halt his deadly reign but most found a vicious end instead. Most recently, the famed “Iron Man” stepped before the frigid blackness; fist clenched, teeth gritting, and thoughts of defiance in his mind. While he had been victorious with others giants in the past, the masked figure himself in previous years, this time around there was no sense of victory. Faith came, fought, and failed…


A new challenger now stands in his wake. An explosive, mind-bending, radioactive wrecking machine , this untested warrior appears to stand at the ultimate crossroads of his career.


To be victorious would mean instantaneous glory. His name would be synonymous with ‘Hero’. He would be celebrated from door-to-door, city-to-city, country-to-country as the man who silenced the “Demon” himself.


To not be victorious means his potential unraveling. In one night, he could go from potential hero to casualty of war. He would become, yet another, victim for the “Demon” to devour.


Their battle is set for “Awesome Impact”; the first, and quite possibly the last, encounter the two have had with one another.


Who will prevail?


Will the radioactive hero succeed; ending the “Demon’s” reign of terror?


Will the blackened, frigid, source of pure EVIL claim another victim?


We’ll find out this Thursday, LIVE on Pay-Per-View as we ALL witness the clash of the century…







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That was totally awesome! Fantastic job EV!


High points:


-I love how you are building up Rogue in this! It's really subtle and I get the image of him biding his time, collecting wins...leading to him coming into the title picture with a ton of momentum!


-Jack freaking Bruce! Seriously. I love the character...the arrogance...he's the cocky face with the rockstar attitude you just have to love...he's like if Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho had a love child...he doesn't care who he pisses off, as long as he's having fun doing it!


-The new owner of SWF, Rich Money. This is a great storyline. I loved Money's 'Go ahead...I'll fire you', directed at Smith. Really sets up the whole 'How is Frehley walking out with the title?' story.


-Captain Atomic being a total bad ass! He is not backing down from Vengeance...and even made him stumble a bit! I'm looking forward to their match at Awesome Impact!



And some minor low points:


-I'm hoping this will change, but it seems like Big Cat Brandon has really fallen down the importance scale. I'll wait till after AI though, because a 40-man rumble gives you plenty of storyline advancement options. But so far it's Remo vs Jack Bruce...oh, and Brandon is there as well...


-This could be the smark in me, but so far I want The Truth to beat The All-Americans in their feud so far. I don't know if this is your intention, but I'm thinking it probably isn't. I just can't cheer them. (I will commend you on your ability to give 'The King of Bland' Steve Frehley a character, though...)


-MOAR LOBBY!!! (Less of a criticism, more of a request :p)



I cannot wait to read Awesome Impact...there are so many different possibilities for the rumble...and at least five to ten guys who could legitimately win.


So much love for this!

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That was totally awesome! Fantastic job EV!

Best show so far, E-V, honestly.
Great show


Thank you guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the show!


It took a little while to write but I'm really happy how it came out. Even MORE so happy with where the project is going from here.


High points:


-I love how you are building up Rogue in this! It's really subtle and I get the image of him biding his time, collecting wins...leading to him coming into the title picture with a ton of momentum!


I must admit. Rogue has actually lost considerable overness since I started my game. It pains me to say that as I actually really like the guy. That said, I see him as a "B-Villain". He's great in his role ("Dirty Rotten Scoundrel") but I never had any intentions of making him a main eventer.


That said, he DOES have a storyline program coming up after "Awesome Impact" that I feel will make many readers happy.
I'm really excited for that to start as it'll add a lot of depth to both of the feuding parties.


-Jack freaking Bruce! Seriously. I love the character...the arrogance...he's the cocky face with the rockstar attitude you just have to love...he's like if Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho had a love child...he doesn't care who he pisses off, as long as he's having fun doing it!


Exactly! Spot-on!


Jack Bruce, to me, is the 90's HBK style of babyface. He's crass, rude and crude. Overall, a rock-n-roll GOD & overall degenerate. In a way, he's the driving force behind the SWF having their risque level at "High"; at least that's how I've perceived it. Sometimes, a single person can shift the overall feel of the company (Stone Cold being a great example of that). He's been shifting the SWF project for years now as he IS the top guy on the roster; THE man.


It's been A LOT of fun to write for him. He's taken me out of my comfort zone every once in awhile BUT I like that about his character. He keeps things wild & I like that a lot.


-The new owner of SWF, Rich Money. This is a great storyline. I loved Money's 'Go ahead...I'll fire you', directed at Smith. Really sets up the whole 'How is Frehley walking out with the title?' story.


"Go ahead... I'll fire you" is Money's whole perspective on ownership. He's a bully. A grade-A douche. He's made a success out of himself, made some money because of it, and now feels superior to everyone & everything. With that in mind, he feels he can do whatever he wants. The SWF is now his sandbox so to speak.


As for their title match at "Awesome Impact", that was a match I had A LOT of fun booking. Normally I enjoy the writing process more but, this time around, I found the actual booking of the match to excite me.


-Captain Atomic being a total bad ass! He is not backing down from Vengeance...and even made him stumble a bit! I'm looking forward to their match at Awesome Impact!
GREAT buildup on Atomic who is rapidly becoming one of my favorite SWF superstars. Can't wait to read Awesome Impact!


Yay! Captain Atomic is getting over


Sadly, the game doesn't entirely agree. He's been stuck at a "C+" for awhile now. I'm hoping this campaign with Vengeance will change that though.


Overall though, Atomic is easily one of my favorite characters as well. He's a lot of fun to write for and gives me that ability to write a Ultimate-Warrior-esque person with a twist. In no way is he a carbon copy in my mind. He has layers to him that will continue to come out & it's my perspective that these layers will make him more 3-D in the end.


Good to hear that he's 'taking off' thus far though!


And some minor low points:


-I'm hoping this will change, but it seems like Big Cat Brandon has really fallen down the importance scale. I'll wait till after AI though, because a 40-man rumble gives you plenty of storyline advancement options. But so far it's Remo vs Jack Bruce...oh, and Brandon is there as well...


I have to be honest. Much like Rogue, I just don't see Big Cat Brandon (or Big Money) anywhere near the upper-echelon of the SWF. Can he work as a serviceable main eventer? Yea. Would he be in higher demand if there weren't bigger names, with more interesting characters, already above him? Totally. That said, I've never perceived him to be much more than an awesome Upper-Midcarder and a low-level Main Eventer.


I guess, to put it in a way, he's North American Championship to me. Not World Heavyweight Championship.


That doesn't mean that he won't 'mean anything'. While yes, he's somewhat of a back-burner to the Remo/Bruce storyline; however, that's more so because he just came into that dance. Remo/Bruce have been going at it for a bit now. Implementing Big Cat into that fold has been a more gradual process but, I will say, that's the destination I'm heading with him. Bruce vs. Remo vs. Big Cat.


Right there though, it shows his lack of star power in my mind. Against the likes of Bruce & Remo, he's just a second-rate main eventer. That doesn't mean, again, that he won't go over them a time or two but he's also not the 'next big thing' that many book him to be (at least in my mind).


-This could be the smark in me, but so far I want The Truth to beat The All-Americans in their feud so far. I don't know if this is your intention, but I'm thinking it probably isn't. I just can't cheer them.


I'm having a hard time finding a real tag team that can contend with the All-Americans; truthfully. I've built them up so much, both overness & in my mind, that to have them drop the belts to just anyone seems tough. So, for awhile now, I've just been booking them in a stop-gap manner; winning in which to prove that their great (if not one of THE greatest tag teams in SWF history) but not giving them any REAL competition.


The truth is a little different as I don't see them as a push over. That said, It remains to be seen if they can walk out of "AI" with the straps...


(I will commend you on your ability to give 'The King of Bland' Steve Frehley a character, though...)


Here in lies my GREATEST source of happiness in this WHOLE project.


I'm one, again to be honest, who never knew how to book Frehley. That said, TEW'13 forced me to look at him again & find a way to do so. Now, Frehley is one of my FAVORITE people on the roster. No joke. I love this guy. Plus, his persona is a lot of fun to write as well (especially when paired up against someone of his opposite like Rich Money).


The Frehley/Money program is what made me love him though. That's where I feel he finally gained a persona/voice that he was lacking before in this project. From here, it's only going to get better... I know I've already said this but I'm REALLY excited where this storyline is going.


-MOAR LOBBY!!! (Less of a criticism, more of a request :p)


Your prayers will be answered on the Supreme TV following "Awesome Impact"! He's got something on the horizon...


I cannot wait to read Awesome Impact...there are so many different possibilities for the rumble...and at least five to ten guys who could legitimately win.


It was REALLY hard to book the "Awesome Impact" battle royal but I finally decided on my direction for the next few months leading into "Supreme Challenge". It was such a challenge because it wasn't a stand alone booking. In this case, the winner goes on to challenge for the WHC at the BIGGEST PPV of the year; so, I knew I had to get it 'right'. I think I did. I'm happy with my decision & I'm interested to see how the winner interweaves with the championship over the next few months (without actually viaing for it as I want that to happen at Supreme Challenge itself).


Christian Faith is back like he never left (sort of) lol.

Really like you portrayl of vengence. I dont think anyone can stop him.

The bonus of your booking strategy is there are new fueds n mini fueds being brought to light


He'll always be "The Iron Man". 'Dead' one second & then on top of the world the next. He's a warrior's warrior but sometimes that means he'll bite of something too big to chew (even for a LIVING LEGEND). That said, he'll ALWAYS come roaring back.. time and time again. That's how I think the SWF would have booked him for all of these years. The hero that ALWAYS goes at it and never backs down; always coming back for more (regardless of how badly they've been beaten prior).


Thank you! He's one of those characters that instantly pulled me into the idea of an SWF Project. This version of him, "The Demon", is about to get amped up a bit too. I know, sounds crazy given that he's been so dominate as of late. That said, there's a lot of evolution for him on the horizon. This most likely means terrible things for the SWF...


@Booking Perspective:
I'm one to always weave my storylines. There are several stand-out stories that I focus on; however, they are not immune to being dragged through the middle of others' storylines as well. In a way, I've always believed that, to make things more organic, I like to make my characters & stories always in a state of crossing one another. I feel as though it adds an extra level of depth to the characters,the storylines and the overall 'world' for which the company resides within.

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There is no other event that carries the same kind of opportunity that “Awesome Impact” does. It’s the ultimate stepping-stone, the moment-before-the-moment, the point in time that ANY Supreme Superstar can rise above the rest and cement their place amongst the greats of this ICONIC company. In one night, 40 men will climb into one ring and wage a WAR for the Ages. Bodies will be bent, bones broken, muscles torn and minds altered during the carnage but it’s all for good reason. For, the winner of the “Awesome Impact” battle royal will go onto challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at THE BIGGEST wrestling event of the year, Supreme Challenge!


With this in mind, we here at SWFwrestling.com have decided to give OUR top 5 Supreme Superstars that WE think could walk out of “Awesome Impact” with such a lofty championship opportunity. Here are our choices in order of possibility:




5. Christian Faith

The SWF Nation was in a state of euphoria this week as the “Iron Man” Christian Faith made his return to action LIVE on SupremeTV. Roaring back onto the scene like a weathered muscle car, Faith still looked labored but brought forth his brand of stiff justice to the likes of the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen. In one night, he PROVED that he truly IS “Mr. SWF”, a point that Eisen still challenges, and quickly became a favorite of many to walk out of “Awesome Impact” with the battle royal victory. While I would never count the LIVING LEGEND out, I mean he IS “Mr. SWF” for a reason, there are still those who have looked past the excitement of his return & feel that he’s not physically capable of defeating 40-other men in one night. Whether that’s true or not, we ALL know that the “Iron Man” will give EVERYTHING he has; and then some. He always does.




4. Rogue

Looking for a dark-horse pick for “Awesome Impact”? Look no further than “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”, Rogue. 2013 has been an up-and-down year for the rugged brawler but there’s something rather special about Ms. Chase’s vile hitman. There’s an air of sheer aggressiveness radiating through his veins. He’s the kind of Supreme Superstar who doesn’t mind getting ‘down and dirty’ in which to provide the outcome he’s looking for. We know he hasn’t really broken-out yet but that’s EXACTLY what the “Awesome Impact” battle royal is all about; every man has his chance to make a HUGE statement. With fellow “Chase Agency” members in the battle royal already (Remo and Paul Huntingdon), something tells me Ms. Chase is going to have the dubious group work as one; cementing a win for at least ONE of them. In your mind, Rogue has a great chance to steal a HUGE unsuspecting victory with this approach. Mark it down, right here-right-now, Rogue is going to be a force in this match.




3. Remo

It’s been an up-and-down year for the “Alpha Dog” in 2013. He opened the year with a big victory over Christian Faith on SupremeTV; however, then failed to claim the SWF World Heavyweight Championship form Steve Frehley on two separate occasions. Reeling and slightly injured, the brutish powerhouse found a new sense of direction when he was coached into becoming a client of Ms. Chase. Since then, the muscle-bound heavyweight fighter has torn through a number of challengers; all but Jack Bruce. Coming into “Awesome Impact”, it’s rather obvious that Remo will be gunning for Bruce but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s doomed (as it would with a lesser fighter). There’s a good chance that the “Alpha Dog” walks into “AI”, steamrolls the competition as he’s been known to do in the past, and ultimately walk out with the coveted spot at Supreme Challenge. There are others we feel have a BETTER chance of this but there’s no WAY we could count Remo out here. His unique mixture of size, speed, power makes him a dangerous opponent for ANY man; even 40 of them. We COULD witness the rise of Remo once again at “Awesome Impact”…




2. Jack Bruce

Jack Bruce always finds a way to come out on top when the lights are most bright. He’s built a legacy around it. Why should this Thursday be any different? Despite generating a laundry list of hated foes, all salivating at the notion of revenge, Bruce easily fits into our #2 spot due to his ‘closer’ mentality. For years now, it seems as though, when Jack’s back is up against the wall, that’s when he produces his very best outcomes. This time around, he has BOTH Remo & Big Cat Brandon breathing down his neck. To most, this would signify a definite NO when it comes to victory at “Awesome Impact” but, for Jack, it’s just another obstacle to overcome. To bet against Jack is to admit you’re not too fond of your money anyways; he’s THAT good. So, what wouldn’t be MORE ICONIC than having THE guy, winning THE match leading up to THE biggest pay-per-view of the year? There’s a good chance he’s already planning his outfit for Supreme Challenge as we speak.




1. Marat Khoklov

While it ate at every fiber of his being, Angry Gilmore did NOT lay a finger on SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen this month. With that in mind, Eisen has guaranteed that the “RMD” (Russian of Mass Destruction) would travel from his home country to compete at “Awesome Impact”; a fact that has Gilmore salivating with revenge. Even with a bulls eye on his back, Marat HAS to be the front-runner to walk out of “Awesome Impact” this Thursday night with the opportunity of a life-time. In history, we’ve seen many people try to topple the giant but most all of them have endured lengthy hospital stays for their attempts. Why would this Thursday be any different? Who’s going to throw him from the ring? Would it take the ENTIRE group of 40-Supreme Superstars to eliminate the “Russian of Mass Destruction”? There are all very REAL questions. Either way, when push comes to shove, we don’t believe there’s a person (or persons) alive that can beat Marat Khoklov in an over-the-top battle royal. He’s our #1 pick to be victorious; even if it does scare us to death to say that.





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Great show E-V, although in truth, the difference between the peaks and troughs so far haven't been that remarkable as you've been booking and writing consistently well from the outset. It amazes me that despite this being your what... third or fourth SWF diary, this still reads with a freshness and distinction from your previous work, even if some characters have maintained their traits throughout. Top to bottom, there's plenty going on, but just a couple of things that jump out at me...


Rogue. Perhaps it's because he's no longer Geidroyc saddled with Valiant, but I've been keeping my eye on him and I'm glad you've got something in the pipeline for him. Of course in the SWF, he's swimming against the tide of bigger names and bigger characters/gimmicks, but he's got solid stats and there's the potential there for him to stand out in his own right, even if he's a long, long way away from mixing it at the top of the card.


For some reason (to me), Captain Atomic going up against Vengeance echoes of the Hardcore/Bob Holly vs Brock Lesner mini-fued that the WWE ran years ago when Holly returned from injury. Obviously there's a supernatural/comicbook twist to yours, but I'm still getting the same feeling of seeing Atomic stepping up to a plate that seems well beyond him and expecting him to get smeared across the canvas at AI, only for him to find another level come the night. Naturally, I still see Vengeance going over, but yeah, enjoying this one.


I'm glad you disposed of 'Big Money' Brandon. Nothing wrong with the gimmick as such, but there was always a feeling of 'meh' about it. That said, I think he may be due with a momentum pick me up at AI.


And finally Jack Bruce. You've found a good blend for him so far. He's skirting the lines of being a charismatic, uber cool face you can rally behind and a complete tool, with douche-bag lines and an unqualified ego. Sometimes all in the same night. It works for him though, because you've got characters who are sitting at the extremities of the face/heel spectrum and this is keeping Bruce a main focus, with his own niche in proceedings.


So yeah, keep on truckin'. :cool:

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Great show E-V, although in truth, the difference between the peaks and troughs so far haven't been that remarkable as you've been booking and writing consistently well from the outset. It amazes me that despite this being your what... third or fourth SWF diary, this still reads with a freshness and distinction from your previous work, even if some characters have maintained their traits throughout. Top to bottom, there's plenty going on, but just a couple of things that jump out at me...


Thank you, Sebs.
You know your feedback is always appreciated on my end. You've got a great eye for writing/characters/stories; so, it's great to have another set (of eyes) on my project as well.


I believe this comes down to my 4th attempt at SWF. The first three, as you know, were all projects I really wanted to do; however, eventually felt overwhelmed by the grandeur of the company. In a sense, I loved them so much that I hated the fact that I couldn't book them well enough to keep SWF afloat (at least to the level that I wanted them to be). This time around, it's different.


USPW paved the way for WAR. From there, WAR paved the way for the SWF. Truthfully, I don't think I could be where I am now without those two previous projects as they taught me a lot about booking & time management (on my end). Thankfully, I picked up on those things as, this time around, I'm having more fun than ever crafting the SWF.


Rogue. Perhaps it's because he's no longer Geidroyc saddled with Valiant, but I've been keeping my eye on him and I'm glad you've got something in the pipeline for him. Of course in the SWF, he's swimming against the tide of bigger names and bigger characters/gimmicks, but he's got solid stats and there's the potential there for him to stand out in his own right, even if he's a long, long way away from mixing it at the top of the card.


Even though I've said that I don't feel Rogue is 'Main Event Level', I have to equally admit that I love his persona as well. To me, he feels like he has the grittiness of a former ECW wrestler. No one in particular but he has that gritty nature matched with a vile, self-serving, troublemaker, mind-set.


His next storyline will really shine a light on his persona that much more. We've already seen him push Valiant to an extreme and now it's time for him to generate a new level of hatred with a beloved SWF wrestler. I feel, in the end, he'll jump off the page much better with this next feud (as the two are polar opposites of one another & will better define themselves by who (or what) they are not).


For some reason (to me), Captain Atomic going up against Vengeance echoes of the Hardcore/Bob Holly vs Brock Lesner mini-fued that the WWE ran years ago when Holly returned from injury. Obviously there's a supernatural/comicbook twist to yours, but I'm still getting the same feeling of seeing Atomic stepping up to a plate that seems well beyond him and expecting him to get smeared across the canvas at AI, only for him to find another level come the night. Naturally, I still see Vengeance going over, but yeah, enjoying this one.


I could totally see that. I was loosely watching the WWE at that point but I do remember the storyline. As you stated, Atomic/Vengeance could follow that line as it feels much the same (as Atomic tries to measure up to Vengeance; especially after Faith was unable to).


"Awesome Impact" will really add something extra to their feud though going forward. Plus, there are a few "B" and "C" storylines that can branch off of what happens at "AI" as well; so, there could be some additional scenarios added to the fold as we progress.


I'm glad you disposed of 'Big Money' Brandon. Nothing wrong with the gimmick as such, but there was always a feeling of 'meh' about it. That said, I think he may be due with a momentum pick me up at AI.


I actually quite liked the vision of "Big Money" being the Cornellverse's Kevin Nash. That said, I couldn't get over the gimmick name of "Big Money" (as it felt too close to Rich Money). With Rich getting a HUGE storyline (becoming the owner of the SWF), I didn't want there to be any sort of confusion; or hindering either character due to the fact. That said, I wanted to add Big Cat back into the fold as I didn't feel there was anything else on the roster like him. Sure, there are primal brawlers characteristics in a few Supreme Superstars but not to the extent of the Cat.


And finally Jack Bruce. You've found a good blend for him so far. He's skirting the lines of being a charismatic, uber cool face you can rally behind and a complete tool, with douche-bag lines and an unqualified ego. Sometimes all in the same night. It works for him though, because you've got characters who are sitting at the extremities of the face/heel spectrum and this is keeping Bruce a main focus, with his own niche in proceedings.


So yeah, keep on truckin'. :cool:


Jack is a polarizing figure....


... but that's why I love him.


As you said, he does teeter on that line; almost in a tweener way. He's more of a "Bad Bay" persona, the one who 'always gets the girl' kind of thing, and the man who can 'back up what he says he's going to do'. In a way, it's a lot like 90'S HBK... He'll say he's going to beat you... make fun of you in the process... maybe beat you down (or get beaten down for whatever reason)... but then ALWAYS come back out on top when the time comes to produce. He's so good, so consistent, yet so controversial, that some people just don't want to see him succeed even if he IS a babyface. That said, for the SWF's audience (high risque), Bruce is a GOD amongst men & one who has changed the overall landscape of the Cornellverse in the last few years.

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<p><strong>AMAZING</strong> show! There's absolutely NO discussion about it! It's incredible how perfect you book your key players like Jack Bruce, Steve Frehley and so on, and seeing Christian Faith finally coming back to Supreme TV was an absolute mark-out, especially when he scored the win in the main event. Very good decision there!</p><p> </p><p>

I can't agree with the perspective of Big Cat Brandon only being the third wheel in the feud of Remo and Jack Bruce. I see him like a connection between the two of them, since he has an important history with Remo, will probably have one with Bruce due to the recent actions - and while he's got a major face turn, he still certainly can't be declined a babyface (he's more of a tweener to me). However, he definitely adds another layer of intensity to that feud and therefore is, at least in my opinion, a very important part of it.</p><p> </p><p>

I CAN'T wait for Awesome Impact - I'm sure that will be one hell of a show and it certainly will be amazing!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Xendarii" data-cite="Xendarii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34928" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>AMAZING</strong> show! There's absolutely NO discussion about it! It's incredible how perfect you book your key players like Jack Bruce, Steve Frehley and so on, and seeing Christian Faith finally coming back to Supreme TV was an absolute mark-out, especially when he scored the win in the main event. Very good decision there!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Thank you, Xen!</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Christian Faith's return was something I even marked out about while writing. That's the first time I've EVER had that happen while writing a dynasty! </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> The battle for "Mr. SWF" is on now as Faith & Eisen struggle to prove who's THE face of the company.</div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> As you may have expected, there's A LOT that's going to muddy the water coming up REALLY soon...</div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Xendarii" data-cite="Xendarii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34928" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I can't agree with the perspective of Big Cat Brandon only being the third wheel in the feud of Remo and Jack Bruce. I see him like a connection between the two of them, since he has an important history with Remo, will probably have one with Bruce due to the recent actions - and while he's got a major face turn, he still certainly can't be declined a babyface (he's more of a tweener to me). However, he definitely adds another layer of intensity to that feud and therefore is, at least in my opinion, a very important part of it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Big Cat is a great bridge for Bruce/Remo. As you said, he's more of a tweener (but leaning more babyface than anything). No matter what though, most times that another babyface stands opposite of Bruce, you're bound to look like a tweener in a way. </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> He's going to be right in the mix of that storyline for the considerable future too. </div><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Side note, Thank you for the vote on "Spotlight of the Month" with "Big Money" becoming "Big Cat". It's much appreciated! </div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Xendarii" data-cite="Xendarii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34928" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I CAN'T wait for Awesome Impact - I'm sure that will be one hell of a show and it certainly will be amazing!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">I'm slowly working through the imagery right now (in my limited free time). I've booked the show & have the results ready; however, have not started writing it all. Realistically, It could be a little bit before it hits the boards but that's to be expected given the size of a PPV (18 segments or so I believe). It's much larger than Supreme TV (12-13 segments); so, with school/work/family in between, it may take a bit to get it all ready (at the level I want it to be). </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> All in all though, I'll have little things a long the way to keep the show fresh in your mind!</div><p></p>
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The card for "Awesome Impact" will be up sometime tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 27th). I'm home sick with the norovirus (fun, right?); so, I should have some time to post the card in between some school work.


I don't believe I've commented on this at all...but good god that was a great show.


SWF has never really been my cup of tea, but I almost want to play as them now.


Thank you, Jaysin!


I can completely understand why some don't find general interest in the SWF. They tend to be big, full of talent (which makes you have to decide WHO you want to push over having just a couple people who are good enough to push as in the Indy's), and the current "SE" product put forth in the real world is uninteresting at best. That said, the SWF really does offer a lot of great opportunities with it's initial in-game roster. Some big names, some up and coming superstars on the verge of the main event scene (Valiant, Rogue, Des Davids, etc.) and a World Champion that makes it a challenge (But a ridiculously fun challenge if you ask me).


All in all, thanks for the 'nod'.
I don't get to the project as much as I would like with school but I try to stay as 'checked in' as possible.

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There comes a point in a man’s life where it’s time for put-up-or-shut-up…


The time for talking has passed. The call for gloating has subsided. Celebration is a mistress out-of-reach to most.


In one night, one match can catapult the career of one man… Opening the door of grand opportunity… cementing their place amongst the newsworthy for months (if not years) to come.


“Awesome Impact”; the name says it all.


In one night, 40 Supreme Superstars will collide violently in ONE ring with the hopes of stepping onto the grandest stage of them all (Supreme Challenge 33 in July 2013).


In one night, bodies will be bruised… bones broken… lives changed forever…


Who will make… an “
Awesome Impact


w/ B.J. O'Neil
vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?



Captain Atomic vs.

[standard Singles Match]

Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?



The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?



Steve Frehley© vs.
Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

* It should be noted that Captain Atomic, Vengeance, Steve Frehley and Rich Money will
be competing in the "Awesome Impact" battle royal.
Atomic is already the "New Year's Revolution" winner dictating that he can challenge, one-time, for ANY title he likes in 2013. Vengeance has an apparent allegiance to Money (who is in the main event and viaing for the title already). Finally, Money and Frehley are already competing for the belt at the end of the night.

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?

All-Americans have been so dominant that I believe that it´s need to be either a well established team or two main event/upper midcard guys who finally take the titles off from them and The Truth right now, isn´t either.



[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?

Vengeance is going to lose sooner or laiter. I expected Faith to be the one who tops him but it seems that Faith have moven to feud with Eisen so perhaps it´s Atomic who will eventually overcome the demon. However it isn´t happening in first encounter.


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?

Tough one and pretty much all the top guys who could win this are in feuds that could easily cost them this kind of match. Faith, Bruce and Remo would be my top choices and I go with Christian Faith since Remo and Bruce are currently feuding with each other´s.


"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

With Money being the owner he has to win the title eventually as there is only so many time Frehley could escape with the title without making Money look weak.

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]



[standard Singles Match]


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]


Angry Gilmore He's too valuable for not being in the main event.


"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

I'd be 100% on Davids and Machine, but there's that pesky E-V and Greed connection.



The fact you've been able to build up Atomic is impressive, but he isn't beating Money's ultimate weapon.


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

This is such a tough call. Several candidates from Bruce to Vengeance to Remo but I'm going to go with Big Cat Brandon.


"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

I'd love to see a reverse of the Austin-McMahon dynamic with Frehley going after Money's belt for the time being. Either way, Money is overall better than Frehley and you can do more with an owner champ than Frehley.

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?




[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?



The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal- Remo

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?



"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money-via DQ

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?


I want the Truth to win, but The All-Americans won't lose it until you build up a legitimate threat of a team...



[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?


Atomic will manage to knock Vengeance down, which is victory enough at the moment, but Vengeance will still win.


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?




"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?


Money has to have a short run with the belt if this story wants to move further.

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?




[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?



The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?


Marat Khoslov



"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]


The Truth haven't really been built up as much of a threat, an annoyance sure but I'm not seeing them winning the belts here.



[standard Singles Match]


Captain Atomic will give Vengeance a run for his money but in the end he'll be beaten.


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]




Picking a dark horse for this one.


"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]


I don't see Frehley's reign continuing, the deck is massively stacked against him.

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?

The All-Americans are so meh. I think 'The Truth' gimmick would work great as Heel champions.



[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?

It's too early for Cap Atomic here. I expect him to put up a small resistance, but ultimately get smooshed by 'The Demon'.


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?

Jack Bruce

Bruce vs Money at Supreme Challenge is your money match (if you'll pardon the pun). Makes sense to have your two biggest stars face off on your equivalent of Wrestlemania.



"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

Frehley has the deck stacked against him, and Rich Money as owner has been entertaining so far. Money as champion is usually a great way to go, and it furthers the current storyline perfectly.

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RUMOR: Big Spot Coming For Captain Atomic/Vengeance match at "AI"





Reports from inside the SWF states that creative has developed a scenario between Captain Atomic and Vengeance that could ‘steal the show’.


It’s being rumored that SWF Head Booker, Duane Fry, and SWF Owner, Richard Eisen, have been planning the scenario for quite some time now & are hoping that it could elevate the Atomic/Vengeance storyline leading into the coming months.


Sources claim that Captain Atomic has quickly become a favorite of the SWF Head Booker & his newfound storyline stands as glaring proof of that fact. Many have said that Fry is unafraid to throw Atomic out there; seeing if he will ultimately “Sink or Swim”.


Thus far, it appears as though the young entertainer has encountered mix reviews from fans & critics.


In the end, while the outcome of their match is still unknown, it’s quite obvious that SWF officials are hoping to place a bright spotlight on the Captain Atomic/Vengeance match at “Awesome Impact”.


SWF – Captain Atomic – Vengeance – Duane Fry – Richard Eisen


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