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Week Status Update

The 'week status update' is something I'm going to do when a card has been up for a week; however, results have not yet hit the board.

More or less, it's a way of saying "I know that the card has been out for a bit now and here's where we are before you can read the results'.


"Awesome Impact" only has 2 segments left to write before being finished. With that said though, one of those segments is the "Awesome Impact" battle royal itself. I plan to write out said match in a way that presents 'themes' within the match versus a 'fleshing out of everything that happened'. For me, it would be too time consuming for the latter. Also, I feel as though these kind of matches are more about the stories within the match than who eliminated who at what time.


This week, as every week, looks to be a busy one for me with school & work. I have A LOT of reading, note taking, a few papers and field observation all this week. With that said, I'm hoping to have the results done at some point this week. I'll give you a 24-hour notice at that time; so, you know when to expect it on the boards.


All in all, thank you for your continued support!

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I've avoided predicting so far because of my complete lack of any knowledge to do with SWF, hopefully I've seen enough of this now to give it a go.



All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?

Difficult one here but I agree with the people that don't really think The Truth have been built up enough yet




[standard Singles Match]

Question: Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?

It's too early for Cap Atomic here. I expect him to put up a small resistance, but ultimately get smooshed by 'The Demon'.

I've enjoyed Atomic so I'm going to give myself someone to cheer for



The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Question: Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?


Angry Gilmore, might be my lack of knowledge showing but I always got the impression he was one of your biggest guys



"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

Question: With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?


I've always liked the old heel gm/owner, especially when they can actually go in the ring.



Also on a side note, just two questions about presentation. 1) How do you do the black line? (like the one at the bottom of the recent powerhouse article) and 2) how do you do it so quote boxes don't fill up the whole page?


I've actually managed to do both, but it took quite a lot of coding and I'm assuming there is an easier way than how I did it. (Making a transparent box, reducing it's width and then putting the quote inside it)

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All-Americans© w/ B.J. O'Neil vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]



[standard Singles Match]


The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Winner: Jack Bruce


"YOU 'AINT NOTHIN'" Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

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"Awesome Impact" results to hit the board in the next 24 hours!


I've finished writing the show & only have a few more images that I have to develop before it's all done. That said, the results should be up sometime tomorrow night (Wednesday). I'm thinking close to 7:00 PM Mountain Time.


Writing a PPV is FAR harder than Supreme TV (as there are SO many more segments than the TV show). That said, I know it's been a little longer as it pertains to turn around (card to results). Thank you to those who have predicted & are reading. Truthfully, you're making this a very enjoyable process for me (booking the SWF).


Just to reg-job your memory, this is the card for "Awesome Impact" 2013...


w/ B.J. O'Neil
vs. The Truth

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Will the TRUTH come out at "Awesome Impact"?



Captain Atomic vs.

[standard Singles Match]

Will "The Demon" devour yet another soul looking to end his reign of terror?



The "Awesome Impact" Battle Royal

[40 Supreme Superstars* via for a main event slot at "Supreme Challenge 33" to via for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship]

Which Supreme Superstar will defy logic and overcome the rest of the field? Who will make an "Awesome Impact"?



Steve Frehley© vs.
Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

With the odds stacked against him, is there ANY way that the "Dark Destroyer" can walk out of "Awesome Impact" with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Will Money have it all after the end of the night; the company AND the belt?

* It should be noted that Captain Atomic, Vengeance, Steve Frehley and Rich Money will
be competing in the "Awesome Impact" battle royal.
Atomic is already the "New Year's Revolution" winner dictating that he can challenge, one-time, for ANY title he likes in 2013. Vengeance has an apparent allegiance to Money (who is in the main event and viaing for the title already). Finally, Money and Frehley are already competing for the belt at the end of the night.

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Thursday, 2nd Week of March 2013

New Hampshire Garden || New England








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
It’s the night we’ve ALL been waiting for, the moment-in-time where anyone, and everyone, can make… an “Awesome Impact”! Hello folks, as always, I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen. Boy, Oh, Boy… Do WE have a show for ‘yall.

Duane Fry:
That’s right, Peter. “Awesome Impact” is shaping up to be one of THE hottest pay-per-views of 2013! We’ve got Frehley defending the SWF World Heavyweight Championship against our boss, Rich Money, Captain Atomic standing before the unstoppable “Demon” in Vengeance, and the “Awesome Impact” battle royal which is guaranteed to give us ONE/HALF of the main event at “Supreme Challenge 33”! If you ask me, that’s one HELL of a show right there!

Jerry Eisen:
I’ve got to ask you two, Who do you think is going to walk away with the win tonight in the “Awesome Impact” battle royal?

Duane Fry:
Jack Bruce…

Peter Michaels:
Christian Faith…

Jerry Eisen:
For me, I don’t know how ANYONE eliminates Marat Khoklov! He HAS to be THE most dangerous guy in the mix tonight.

Duane Fry:
You’ve got something there. Khoklov IS here tonight, Eric Eisen has vowed that he WOULD return to the states, but one has to wonder if his recent blood-feud with Angry Gilmore COULD hurt his chances! You KNOW Gilmore is gunning for him…

Peter Michaels:
Believe me, I’m as big of a fan as you can be for Gilmore. He’s a tough, intense, grade-A talent… but that’s Khoklov we’re talkin’ about. Intensity can’t trump a hoss like the “Russian of Mass Destruction”!

Duane Fry:
I guess we’ll have to see WHO can rise above the rest… WHO will walk out of here… and into “Supreme Challenge 33” as the coveted challenger for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! We’ll found out WHO it is… here… tonight!





Rich Money, Steve Frehley© and ????



[“Awesome Impact” opens with a lead-in video that paints the event as a LIVE comic book presentation. At it’s close, filled with intense coloring throughout, we transition toward the sight of the sold-out New Hampshire Garden in the midst of chaotic celebration. Fireworks explode left-and-right, the Money tron flashing in a seizure-starting manner, as a rebellious theme overtakes the space in a dominating fashion. Truly, it looks-and-feels like an iconic rock concert… that is… until HE decided to crash it all.]


[Within moments, the profound opening is halted as Rich Money’s theme music begins to overtake the scenario at hand. The fans, once overtly excited, have firmly transitioned toward a state of pure hatred; booing as if their lives depended upon it.]


[The controversial SWF Owner slowly walks through the “Supreme Gate” with an air of extreme arrogance. The smug look upon his face tells of a man who believes himself to be THE most important person to ever live. None the less, as the GQ-looking, All-American beefcake, strolls into the ring wearing a sleek modern suit, it appears as though he’s completely unfazed by the negative response.]


[Rich Money]:
Tonight is the night… The night that I, Rich Money, SAVE the Supreme Wrestling Federation from the monstrosity that is Stephen… Frehley.
[Crowd boos]
For too long, this classless, talentless, gutter-rat has ushered in a state of decay for this great company. His brand of sheer idiocracy has placed his peers… himself… and the SWF… at risk…
[Crowd boos]
Destroying the very fabric of our existence in the process…
[Crowd boos]
Did I lose you, yet?
[Cracks a smug smirk]
YOU’RE the reason…
[Pointing to the crowd]
that someone like Stephen is ABLE to succeed. YOU…
I blame… EVER… last…one of YOU… uneducated… uncivilized… incompetent… morons.
[Crowd boos; Money smirks]
You cheer him on, as if he actually MEANS something, and, in doing so, people start to take notice… They start to believe the excrement YOU’VE been providing!
[Pauses; shakes his head]
No more… That ALL ends… tonight…
Your beloved gutter-rat is about to be sent BACK to where HE belongs… The slums of…


[before Money can finish, the defiant tone of
begins to overtake the ringside area. As expected, Money looks annoyed about being interrupted; rolling his eyes as he sighs to himself.]



Comin' for a fight


Duane Fry:
Tonight’s the night you’re going to send the man you call a ‘gutter-rat’ home? Well, here he is… What are you going to do NOW?!


Jerry Eisen:
Go get ‘em, Steve!!


[With little wait, Frehley is shown stomping through the “Supreme Gate” with his trademark devilish smirk upon his face. His every mannerism tells of a man who’s ready for a chaotic fight; projecting a loose-cannon vibe straight away. As he holds the SWF World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder, the rebellious champ is shown starting to stomp toward the ringside area when…]


[Rich Money]:
Stop… right… there…


[Frehley’s music quickly cuts out. That said, Frehley doesn’t show any interest in slowing down; still stomping toward the ring.]


[Rich Money]:


[Frehley continues to smirk in a devilish fashion; unafraid by Money’s verbal threat.]


[That said, as Frehley makes it to the ringside area, a figure is shown leaping over the guardrail, out of Frehley’s line of view, and attacking him from behind with a vicious collision.]


Duane Fry:
Who was that?!??!


Peter Michaels:
It looked like… Yea… I think it’s Laramee..


[stomping viciously, the camera man is finally able to focus the lens well enough to show that said attacker is Kurt Laramee.]



Didn't see THAT coming...


[Rich Money]:
Don’t say I didn’t WARN you…
[slight snicker]
Stephen, let me introduce to you, your ‘warm-up’ match for tonight… The “King of the Streets”… Kurt… Laramee…


[The crowd boos like crazy as the SWF Owner, Rich Money, stands proudly in the ring; smirking in a smug fashion.]


[Meanwhile, Kurt Laramee continues to stomp the living HELL out of the fallen SWF World Heavyweight Champion; potentially injuring him in the process.]



Jerry Eisen:
He’s got a ‘warm-up’ match? Where’s Money’s warm-up match then? This is ridiculous!

Peter Michaels:
Does it really surprise you? This is right in Rich’s wheel-house… He wants that belt… He’s going to do whatever he can to GET that belt… Fair or not…

Duane Fry:
Frehley has to get up and get up quick! Laramee’s got him in a BAD place right now… This could ALL be done in a matter of minutes here, folks…




Kurt Laramee vs.

"A hit on the champ…"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • It’s obvious that Kurt Laramee isn’t out to ‘play fair’. As he stiffly stomps Frehley down to the canvas, he’s shown disregarding Darren Smith’s cautions. At one point, he’s even show pushing past the SWF referee to continue his assault.

  • Frehley explodes to his feet and meets Kurt in a wild brawl early on; spilling out to the outside floor in the process.

  • An Irish whip into the nearby ring post by Laramee sends the SWF World Heavyweight Champion reeling though. The elbow to the back of his head, again having him collide with the pole he attempts to keep himself up with, sends Frehley crashing to the ground; obviously hurt.

  • While Laramee impressively attacks the champ early on, Frehley does regain his composure later; catching Laramee with a Lou Thez press followed by a round of spirited strikes.

  • After dominating for a good 45 seconds, Frehley finds his match once again as Laramee lands a low-blow on the “Dark Destroyer” as he kneels before him. Darren Smith misses the strike due to his placement.

  • Laramee staggers out of the ring and folds up a nearby steel chair. Upon re-entering the ring, Darren Smith attempts to stop him; however, the “King of the Streets” doesn’t listen for a second; never taking his eyes off of the champ.

  • As Frehley slowly pulls himself to his feet, Laramee is shown blasting the “Dark Destroyer” with a wicked chair shot square over his head. Frehley collapses to the canvas and Darren Smith quickly calls for the bell.


<hr color="black">
Steve Frehley via DQ

Steel Chair Shot from Kurt Laramee on Steve Frehley




Duane Fry:
Kurt Laramee never came into this match with a win in mind. Money probably paid him off to come out here and devastate the champ! This is just ANOTHER sick plan put forth by Rich Money to better his chances at becoming the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Jerry Eisen:
Frehley never stood a chance. Laramee used EVERY trick he could to slow down the champ. Then, BAM… that steel chair shot would have sent lesser men into a full-on coma!

Peter Michaels:
You have to wonder if Steve Frehley will be healthy enough to compete tonight?

Jerry Eisen:
Also, will we EVER be able to look at Kurt Laramee the same again? He’s not out here to wrestle. He’s out here to HURT people…

Duane Fry:
What a disgusting way to open a HUGE pay-per-view event…[/FON T]





Steve Frehley© and Kurt Laramee

“Here comes the Comet!"


[The bell continues to ring frantically as Kurt Laramee stands over the fallen SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Seconds later, the “King of the Streets” is shown slamming the bridge of the chair square across the chest of the lying, Frehley. 3-strikes later, Frehely rolls over onto his stomach; coughing aggressively due to the impact.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
He’s going to shatter his rib cage!!


[Darren Smith attempts to talk a sense of reason into Laramee; however, is quickly scared off by a simple cold stare from the brutish brawler.]


[Kurt now stands waiting for Frehley to return to his feet as the champ struggles to pull himself up using a nearby ring rope. Just as it looks like he’s almost to his feet, Laramee stomps toward him. In doing so, a light seems to go off in Frehley’s head as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion springs into action, using whatever energy he has left to execute his signature “Frehley’s Comet”!]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
What awareness by the champ! He’s practically unable to breath, in intense pain, and YET… he’s able to KO his attacker with a “Frehley’s Comet”. THAT’S why he’s on TOP of the SWF right now…


Jerry Eisen:
He may not be for long if Laramee just destroyed his rib cage & whatever organs lie underneath it. Rich Money looks like he may have gotten his way with this one…


[Laramee crashes to the canvas; dropping the chair.]


[in the end, Frehley is, somehow, able to muster up enough strength to once again stand in the ring. Darren attempts to hold his hand up as the victor; however, the “Dark Destroyer” pulls his hand away; almost collapsing onto a nearby ring rope. Upon leaving, Frehley is shown landing one vicious stomp the face of the fallen Laramee in passing.]

B -


Jerry Eisen:
You really have to wonder what kind of impact has been made on Steve Frehley here tonight. He may have got the best of Laramee with the “Frehley’s Comet” but you’d have to be a blind man not to notice that the World Champ is in A LOT of pain right now.

Duane Fry:
He’s a tough guy; won’t show his weakness. So, whatever injury he IS showing right now, there’s probably much MORE of it under the surface. It’s terrible to think that Rich Money could walk out with the belt tonight simply because he paid off “The King of the Streets” to do his dirty work.

Peter Michaels:
Money wants the belt THAT bad… he doesn’t care HOW he gets it. As the SWF Owner, he can see to it that he gets his way in the end…

Jerry Eisen:
Not to mention, I’m sure we’ll be seeing Vengeance in the main event tonight as well… Frehley may be screwed…

Duane Fry:
All we can do is HOPE that the “Dark Destroyer” is able to drop his head down, raise a shoulder, and PLOW through Money for the win!








Angry Gilmore

“What it means to me..."


[A black-and-white production is shown displaying several memorable moments in the career of Angry Gilmore. Beaming with intensity, said compilation sets the tone for the rabid technition; projecting him as somewhat of a hot-head.]


[As the initial video package comes to a close, we witness the sight of a black-and-white Angry Gilmore seated before a prominent steel SWF logo in the background. Several artistic camera angles are given of the snarling Gilmore as the whole production feels rather unique in tone. In a sense, it feels more like an indy documentary versus a wrestling segment of any type.]


[Angry Gilmore]:
[snarls as the camera angle switches to a side shot of the seated Gilmore]


[Gilmore presents his voice in his typical, forceful, harsh, extremely fervid vocal tone. More or less, as he barks through his teeth, snarling throughout, it’s a sign of pure, unadulterated, anger.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Gilmore snarls toward the camera lens; a fact that would normally signify the end of his promo. That said, someone off-camera is heard interjecting a pointed question at Gilmore with the hopes of pulling an authentic answer out of him.]


[Off-Camera Voice]:
What about Marat Khoklov? You’ve said it yourself, You’re coming into tonight with your eyes fixated on the “Russian of Mass Destruction”… Won’t that hurt your chances?


[Gilmore’s snarl grows larger as he drops his head slightly more; a fact that makes him look that much more menacing.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[With that, turning toward the idea of Khoklov in tonight’s battle royal, there’s a shred of doubt forming as to whether or not Gilmore is 100% focused on the match at hand. In a way, it looks as though, underneath it all, when push comes to shove, he’ll be focusing ALL of his energy on gaining revenge on Marat for previously placing him in a hospital bed.]


[None the less, the video comes to a close with a few more artistic views of the raging Gilmore; all in black-and-white. Each angle showing a new perspective of how fuming one man can be.]



Duane Fry:
When we came around to “Awesome Impact” this year, Angry Gilmore was one of those guys that I felt could walk out with the win. He’s athletic, hard-headed, and can do just about anything in that ring. Even with 40 other Supreme Superstars in his face, he’s the kind of wrestler who knows how to manipulate the situation & come out on top. That said, his intense need for revenge has made him a marked man. He’s coming for Marat Khoklov tonight and I’m not sure that’s a great strategy for ANYONE. There’s a good chance he’ll fall victim to his own hatred…

Jerry Eisen:
Big-men like Khoklov REALLY have an advantage in these kind of matches. I know Gilmore wants his revenge but I’m almost positive that he doesn’t have the right amount of power to throw the “Russian of Mass Destruction” over the top rope…

Peter Michaels:
Exactly. Plus, Khoklov has had one hell of a track record in this match. Like in years past, it may take a number of people comin’ together to throw him over the top rope.

Duane Fry:
You can guess that Gilmore will be one of those men in that group of people no doubt…

Jerry Eisen:
That’s if he GETS to Khoklov though. Gilmore is the #1 entrant… Khoklov doesn’t show up until 20! There’s a good chance that he may not even GET there!

Duane Fry:
I guess we’ll have to see… Something tells me Gilmore will do EVERYTHING he can to stay in the match until Khoklov comes in.





Ms. Chase

“What it means to me..."


[We transition into yet another “Awesome Impact” documentary video as we witness the sight of a the high-powered agent, Ms. Chase, seated in a black leather executive chair. Projected in a black-and-white, overtly artistic, manner, Ms. Chase looks straight toward the lens with a cold-sense of confidence. As several camera angles capture the slender-framed negotiator, Ms. Chase presents her trademark cold-hearted, emotionless, all-business persona throughout the documentary interview.]


[Ms. Chase]:
I expect success…
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or how you go about obtaining said success…
When you’re under my roof… There is to be nothing less.
“Awesome Impact” is the one night a year where anyone can rise up from the shadows or the ashes… but it also stands as the night where those in the penthouse can remain in their lofty position. There will be several who hunger for the opportunity, war as though their life depended on it; however, hunger doesn’t always bring about success. There must be skill present or else you’re just another nameless Joe fighting with directionless grit.
My clients understand this truth; they know that a win tonight is the ONLY acceptable outcome.
The “Chase Agency” WILL be in the main event at “Supreme Challenge 33”… I can guarantee you that.
It’s GOING to happen…


[several artistic camera angles are presented in which to show Ms. Chase in a new light. That said, while strikingly beautiful, no angle seems to humanize the power-agent. If anything, she appears just as emotionless, just as robotic, as ever before; seated in a purely formal fashion.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Remo… Rogue… and Paul Huntingdon; one of these men will be your winner tonight. To believe anything less is purely idiotic. Tonight, we have nothing to prove to the fans… the wrestlers in the back… or Rich Money for that matter. Tonight, the “Chase Agency” furthers the narrative we’ve known since day one; my clients are peerless… Above all…
and tonight, that will be on FULL display…
It doesn’t matter if it’s Frehley or Money who walks out tonight… In 4 months, it will be a “Chase Agency” client who walks into “Supreme Challenge 33” as the unstoppable challenger…


[With that, the produced video comes to a close with a close-up image of the insanely beautiful, Ms. Chase. In said close-up, it’s obvious that she’s as confident as ever. There’s no wandering eye, no sign of fear whatsoever, as she expects nothing short of success tonight.]



Jerry Eisen:
She really paints a picture, doesn’t she? No wonder the “Chase Agency” clients ALL have lock-solid contracts here in the SWF. She could talk ANYONE under the table in negotiations.

Duane Fry:
Will it be a “Chase Agency” client who walks out with the win tonight? Remo? Rogue? Paul Huntingdon? Who knows! That said, will these guys get along in one ring? They MAY have a connection with Ms. Chase as their agent but there’s no friendships here. These guys are on their OWN island; mercenaries to the core.

Peter Michaels:
It’s going to be interesting to see if they CAN work as one… I guess we’ll see, folks… I guess we’ll see…







All-Americans© vs. The Truth

"You can’t stop the Power!"


Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Darren Smith

B.J. O’Neil w/ American Machine


  • The opening stare-down between Des Davids and John Greed in the center of the ring previews the glaring size different in competition. That said, it’s Greed who levels the first strike; poking Davids in the eyes almost immediately. Darren Smith calls for the bell, instructing Greed toward a warning, but the damage is already done. Davids can’t see.

  • Immediately after the poke, the pairing of John Greed & Squeeky McClean focus their attack upon the right knee of Des Davids. He’s unable to see due to said poke; so, it makes it easier to focus their attack.

  • Before you know it, Davids is barely able to stand; the first sign of weakness in his short SWF career. He attempts to fend off his attackers, even standing up to fight at points, but his right knee is obviously weakened. All it takes is one kick and the big-man staggers back to the canvas.

  • Davids is able to push through, dropping Greed with a HUGE Powerslam; however, seconds after Greed hits the canvas, so does Davids.

  • The Truth does their best to keep the injured Davids in the ring; tagging in and out quickly in which to keep the All-Americans at bay.

  • Eventually, Davids is able to floor Squeeky with gut-wrench slam off the ropes. In doing so, the big-man is able to stagger his way toward the corner & tags in the American Machine.

  • As is tradition, the new legal babyface (American Machine) floors BOTH McClean & Greed in an output of grandiosity.

  • With Davids unable to make a quick break though, the speedier tag-approach by the Truth eventually slows down American Machine as well.

  • Machine continues to roar but is obviously being worn down.

  • In the end though, Davids powers himself to form & explodes back into the ring as the legal man; throwing McClean from the ring in a thunderous fling.

  • With a staggered Greed alone, the All-Americans focus in on him & eventually drop him with their signature “All-American Driver”.

  • Despite being physically depleted, looking somewhat weak for the first time in a LONG time, the All-Americans overcome another challenger… once again.


<hr color="black">
All-Americans via pinfall

“All-American Driver” (Belly-to-Back-Side-Suplex w/ Neckbreaker combo)


This marks the All-Americans 13th successful title defense of the SWF World Tag Team Championships.



Duane Fry:
The Truth gave them a push BUT it wasn’t enough. The All-Americans come away with ANOTHER BIG win. Honestly, I don’t know how you could EVER keep them out of the picture as one of THE top tag teams in wrestling history!

Jerry Eisen:
Hands down. They’re up there with THE top names our industry has EVER seen. The Lords of WAR, The Demons of Rage and the Amazing Bumfholes, the All-Americans rank up there with the BEST of them.

Peter Michaels:
The sky’s the limit with these two. We could see ANOTHER full year with the belts at this rate…

Duane Fry:
Well… The Truth is… McClean & Greed don’t have what it takes to stop the All-Americans!





The All-Americans©

“Blue-Collar Powerhouses!"


[The final bell tolls as the beaten-and-bruised All-Americans slowly rise as one in the center of the ring. Two brutish, blue-collar, All-American athletes, Des Davids and the American Machine force themselves upright, wincing through the pain, as they proudly display their championship belts to the crowd. In the end, the segment is rather short; however, gives the fans the ability to show their support for the All-Americans.]



Jerry Eisen:
Who can STOP the All-Americans?

Duane Fry:
No one from what it seems…

Peter Michaels:
They’re unstoppable; that’s quite obvious. Someday, somewhere, there will be a team… are they on the roster right now? I’m not really sure. Until then, the profound story that IS the All-Americans… continue!





Ana Garcia, Christian Faith, ???? and ????

“New Alliance?"


[We transition backstage in which to see SWF LIVING LEGEND Christian Faith slowly shuffling through a backstage hallway. His mannerisms are intensely stern, brutish, and blue-collar in nature, as his sheer presence carries an immense level of jaw-dropping respect. He’s a spectacle more than a man in wrestilng.]


[As the crowd pops at the sight of him on the Money tron, Faith is shown slowly coming to a halt. As the camera man pans out slightly, we all expect a rival to be standing across from him; however, instead, it’s none other than the dainty frame of SWF Underground Commentator, Ana Garcia.]


[With a microphone already in hand, Ana appears to be looking for a scoop.]


[Ana Garcia]:
Faith… can I get a quick word with you?


[Christian accepts in a stern fashion by simply nodding his head slowly.]


[Ana Garcia]:
Your return this week to Supreme TV was the FIRST TIME we’ve seen you in a month! Everyone wants to know… Where were you during that time?


[As with everything he does, Faith takes his time before speaking; however, when he does, he continues to project that stern nature we’ve come to expect from the “Iron Man”.]


[Christian Faith]:


[Ana Garcia]:
The SWF Medical Team cleared you for action a good 2-weeks before we finally saw you on TV once again. Are you telling me that you, Christian Faith, the “Iron Man”, the man who didn’t miss a Supreme TV in almost a decade, simply was… around?


[Faith continues to pause before speaking; however, before he can say anything, the sound of Ms. Chase’s voice peering from off-camera is heard.]


[Ms. Chase]:
That’s EXACTLY what he’s saying, you dimwit.



Cold-hearted B...


[The crowd boos like crazy as Ms. Chase slowly strolls onto the scene dressed in her typical power-pant-suit. Her stare is equally as cold as Faith’s; however, with more of a focused point to them. Faith, a man who has seen and warred through everything, looks more like a man who’s simply not emotive due to a blue-collar mentality.]


[Ms. Chase]:
That’ll be enough, Ana. You’re miserable excuse for an interview is over with…


[Ana slowly staggers away in a defeated, saddened fashion, as Ms. Chase never breaks here eye-contact from Faith.]


[Christian Faith]:
What do you want, Chase?


[Ms. Chase]:
Take your own advice… Walk away…
You’re taking valuable time away from REAL wrestlers… Men who can ACTUALLY offer something… Men… in the “Chase Agency”…


[Faith stairs directly into Ms. Chase’s eyes. She doesn’t back down. Meanwhile, Faith has crossed his arms now in a brutish fashion; sighing even.]


[Christian Faith]:
Your boys can’t cut it in the ‘bright lights’ and you want to blame me?
You’re delusional to think that I’m the one holdin’ them back.
It ‘aint my fault that your little “Agency” is full back peddlers. They get toward the top… and then back peddle their way down…
You tell ‘em… If they want a fight… if they want to prove just how ‘tough’ they really are… They know where to find me…


[Faith starts to shuffle forward as if to walk past Ms. Chase; however, no such exit ever comes to pass.]


[Ms. Chase]:
They DO know where to find you…


[Faith barely looks over at Ms. Chase as she makes her final remark. That said, as he shuffles past, a blurred figure attacks Faith from behind with a vicious full-speed collision.]


[As the camera man focuses in on the action, we now see that the attacker is none other than the SWF North American Champion and self-proclaimed “Mr. SWF”, Eric Eisen.]





Duane Fry:
Eric Eisen?! Is Eisen working with Ms. Chase?


Jerry Eisen:
This was ALL a trap!


[stomping on the fallen Faith in a stiff fashion, Eisen eventually KO’s the SWF LIVING LEGEND with a wicked punt square to the “Iron Man’s” head.]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
Damn coward; attacking Faith from behind!


Jerry Eisen:
Faith may have a concussion here guys…


[Faith isn’t motionless; however, it’s obvious that he’s reeling as he lays on his back on the cold cement. Meanwhile, with a smug smirk upon his face, Eisen slowly starts to walk off scene with Ms. Chase stride-by-stride with him the whole way.]



Duane Fry:
Is Eric Eisen NOW part of the “Chase Agency”? Was this a symbol of what’s to come? He walked off with Ms. Chase after attacking Faith in what appears to have been a trap of sorts. This doesn’t look good…

Jerry Eisen:
It takes a snake to know a snake…

Peter Michaels:
You better watch ya back, Eisen… What you did here didn’t put Faith down for the night. He’s comin’ for you tonight in the “Awesome Impact” battle royal that’s for DAMN sure. Let’s see how ‘tough’ you are when your opponent is face-to-face with you…

Jerry Eisen:
He’ll just do what he always does… He’ll hide behind Marat Khoklov or any other bumbling idiot who’s stupid enough to do his bidding. You can NEVER get a clean crack at my brother, and believe me I know this, because he always has plan A-B-C-D-E-and-F already planned out in his mind. He’ll find a way to bend the rules, motivate someone to do his dirty work or all-out run away if he needs to. He’s an a$$ but he knows how to get his way… it’s always driven me crazy…

Duane Fry:
Eisen may have bitten off TOO much this time around though… pissing off Faith? Yea… That’s a one-way-ticket to a hospital bed…





Jack Bruce

“What it means to me..."


[We transition into a produced video in which to see a black-and-white vision of Jack Bruce leaning up against a faded cinderblock wall. Shot in an indy documentary-styled fashion, we’re treated to several camera angles; all depicting the rebellious rocker in an overtly artistic manner. Projecting an arrogant smirk, still wearing his sunglasses at this point as well, Bruce reeks of celebrity.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Another year… another “Awesome Impact”…
[Pauses; smirks]
What does that mean to ole’ Jack Bruce? Well, it’s really quite simple. It’s just another show…
[Jack pauses to add confusion]
To others here in the SWF, it’s a night centered around opportunity… focused on the HOPE that they’ll FINALLY make something of themselves. That’s not a worry I have. I don’t carry the burden with me week-in-and-week-out. Why? Because I’m Jack… [CENSOR]… Bruce… that’s why…


[several additional camera angles are shown as the ragged attire of Jack Bruce instantly catches your attention; torn jeans, an open buttoned-down shirt exposing his chest, close to a million (jokingly) bracelets on either wrist, a pair of designer sunglasses and a ridiculous headband that appears quite busy to say the least.]


[Jack Bruce]:
I’ve built a LEGACY around ALWAYS comin’ out… on top…
Whether it’s in the bedroom, in the backseat of a limo, on stage… or kickin’ some a$$ in the ring, I ALWAYS… come out… on top…
[Pauses; laughs to himself in an arrogant fashion]
Why should tonight be any different?
There’s nothin’ holding me back here tonight; nothing in the slightest. I’m going to head down to that ring, deliver like I ALWAYS do, get those fans off their a$$es & then bring the party with me LONG after I’ve walked out as the “Awesome Impact” winner! I mean, think about it… There’s NO ONE in this entire industry who’s better served to be in the main event of “Supreme Challenge 33” than me… NO one… Not one single person…
It’s my stompin’ ground, the where I can ALWAYS be found… the top of the mountain… drinkin’ from that GOLDEN fountain… YEEOOOOOWWWWW… I can’t be stopped… I’m the man that you ALL flocked… to see… I’m Jack [CENSOR] Bruce… and I’m about to give you ALL the SHOW… of a lifetime! YEEEEEEOOOOOOWWW!!


[bruce flings his hair back as he lets loose a rebel yell of sorts. Meanwhile, as he does so, he’s shown flashing the trademark ‘rocker’ symbol on his right hand; not entirely above his head but alongside it in height.]


[We’re given several camera angles, all very artistic in nature, as we witness the rebellious rocker himself; strutting away from the camera with a walk only fit for THE most arrogant of all. Meanwhile, as the video comes to a close, as Bruce walks away from the camera in black-and-white, we hear the SWF ICON singing out in a raspy tone. What song might you ask? His recent single “Easy E”; the song written about the power-agent, Emma Chase.]



Duane Fry:
You either love him… or you hate him… He’s Jack Bruce. That’s just who he is.

Jerry Eisen:
I love the guy. He’s everything the SWF is ALL about. He’s brash, arrogant, polarizing… YET… he can back it ALL up. Arrogance only drives everyone away when you can’t do that… when you can’t get the job done when it’s expected.

Peter Michaels:
He really goes into an extra gear when the lights get the brightest… Tonight, “Awesome Impact”, the battle royal, the lights couldn’t be brighter! The winner will walk into “Supreme Challenge 33” with a guaranteed SWF World Heavyweight Championship shot. You KNOW Bruce is gunnin’ for it…

Duane Fry:
If he were to win tonight, go to “Supreme Challenge 33” and beat the champ, Bruce would be the ONLY man to EVER be a 5-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. That’s more than Faith, Strong, Bruce the Giant, Sam Keith, Dread, Micky Starr, Rip Chord… More than ALL of them. It’d instantly make Jack Bruce THE greatest figure in SWF history!

Jerry Eisen:
… A fact that will only bloat his ego that much more.

Duane Fry:
For good reason though. 5-time champ? That’s insane!!

Peter Michaels:
We’ll see if Bruce can take the first step to the belt, here tonight, in our “Awesome Impact” battle royal!







Captain Atomic vs.

"Through the darkness"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Captain Atomic explodes out of his corner, throwing everything he has, using his body as a missile in the process, but, for all of his effort, Vengeance doesn’t seem to budge.

  • At one point, as Captain Atomic attempts a speeding cross-body-block, the “Demon” is able to catch him in mid-air; slamming him forcibly down upon the canvas in the process.

  • Despite the uphill battle, Atomic never seems to slow down. If anything, as he gains signs of injury, his intensity grows stronger… and stronger…

  • At one point, Vengeance looks like he’s about to score an easy, early, victory utilizing a vicious one-handed Chokeslam. That said, somehow, someway, Atomic is able to kick out at the 2 ½ mark. The crowd pops loudly. Atomic looks weakened severely though.

  • Shockingly, for the FIRST TIME in a VERY long time, Vengeance is taken off his feet. As he stomps in a speedy fashion (speedy for the big-man), looking to execute a corner splash, the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” is able to slip out of the way. The impact upon Vengeance’s chest sends him slightly reeling. In doing so, he’s taken off guard as Captain Atomic shocks the world by lifting the “Demon” off of his feet and slamming him down with a HUGE Powerslam!

  • The crowd erupts but, despite the grandiosity of the moment, Vengeance is back on his feet 2 seconds later; sending Atomic to the ground in a thunderous fashion utilizing a jaw-shattering big-boot.

  • Vengeance continues on with his cold, calculating, yet intensely powerful, onslaught; beating Atomic to an inch of his life it seems.

  • A throat drop on the top rope, additional big boot, and a standing Powerslam, all keep Atomic reeling. That said, the “Demon” isn’t able to keep him down for a three count. Then again, said failure may be more about the one-foot pinfall attempts put forth by “The Demon” than anything else.

  • Eventually, Vengeance is shown chokeslamming Captain Atomic onto the apron for where he stands in an exhausted fashion. Slowly, “The Demon” follows himself outside of the ring.

  • After a number of clubbing strikes to the back of his head, Vengeance places a dazed Atomic up against a nearby ring rope; sizing him up as the EVIL monster looks to ram his boot square into his opponent’s head. A fact that would almost certainly KILL him due to the boot pushing Atomic’s head into the steel pole in a sickening fashion.

  • Again, somehow, someway, Atomic regains his composure in JUST enough time to execute a shocking Spinebuster square upon the protective mat outside of the ring. Again, the crowd pops like crazy.

  • This time, Vengeance doesn’t get up right away. Meanwhile, Atomic slowly staggers his way back into the ring; under the bottom rope.

  • The Spinebuster took place around the 7th count administered by Darren Smith (Count-out).

  • Atomic returns to the ring at the 8th count.

  • Before Darren can get to the 9th and 10th count, the lights go out in the arena.

  • Lightning strikes above, plumes of smoke forming every which way, and the sound of thunder overtakes the ringside area.

  • As the lights return, Vengeance is standing in the ring; looking as though nothing had happened before. Atomic spinning around, has no chance to stop “The Demon’s” onslaught as the supernatural powerhouse flips him inside-out with ANOTHER big-boot.

  • Seconds later, pulling an almost lifeless Atomic off the canvas, Vengeance is shown KO’ing his opponent in a very public manner using his signature “Skull Krusher”.

  • As you would expect, there’s no kicking out from Atomic this time around.


<hr color="black">
Vengeance via pinfall

“Skull Krusher” (Reverse tombstone piledriver/opponent faces out)




Duane Fry:
HOW can ANYONE compete… with THAT?!?! Vengeance looked like he was ACTUALLY hurt for a second and then BAM… lights out… and he’s back in the ring as if NOTHING ever happened? What the HELL is it going to take?!

Jerry Eisen:
Captain Atomic is the FIRST MAN to actually take Vengeance off of his feet in what’s been almost a YEAR now!!

Duane Fry:
And he did it TWICE!!

Peter Michaels:
Wasn’t THAT a sight to be seen…

Jerry Eisen:
But it didn’t mean anything… not when you’re matched up against whatever Vengeance is. Seriously, I don’t know if we’ve EVER seen someone so… or should I say some-THING… so unstoppable! You’re going to need an exorcist… not a wrestler… to put “The Demon” away…

Peter Michaels:
Someone call the Vatican… This ‘THING’ ‘aint stoppin’ on his own…





Vengeance and Captain Atomic

“It all goes... BOOOOM..."


[Captain Atomic is a lifeless figure as Vengeance reaches down and pulls him off the canvas with one hand. In one violent throw, Vengeance casts his motionless opponent over the top rope as he crashes upon the unforgiving floor at ringside. Slowly, methodically, with no real sense of urgency, the towering “Demon” shuffles out of the ring as he, once again, grabs Atomic by the throat. This time though, he literally drags the unconscious Atomic up the steel ramp-way; clenching his gigantic hand around the throat of the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”.]


Duane Fry:
GOOD GOD… He’s just… dragging Atomic up the ramp by his throat… The POWER you would need to do something like that…


Jerry Eisen:
It’s a horrific sight…


[Once at the top of the ramp, standing upon the steel stage, Vengeance is shown lifting the STILL motionless Atomic up to his feet by his throat. Holding him in a Chokeslam kind of manner, Vengeance pulls his victim inward in which to look him dead-in-the-eye. After the message is sent, it looks as though he’s about to Chokeslam Atomic off the steel stage & through a number of waiting tables; exactly what he did to Christian Faith LAST MONTH at “Nothing to Lose”. However, before he does so, Vengeance slowly looks over to the other side of the steel stage…]


Jerry Eisen:
Oh no… What is he thinking now?


[His eyes fixate on a large generator positioned just off the steel stage. This generator, connected to the Money Tron above, is often hidden with black cloth; however, for some reason, it’s quite visual at this point.]


[With EVIL thoughts, Vengeance now drabs Atomic away from the tables & over toward the side of the steel stage that houses said generator. The crowd is booing like crazy, terrified of what may happen, as it looks like “The Demon” may cast his victim off onto the power-source below; a fact that would most certainly KILL Atomic.]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
Someone NEEDS to get out here… NOW…


Jerry Eisen:
I can’t believe my eyes… This CAN’T happen..


[breaking the Chokeslam maneuver, Vengeance now forces Atomic downward & sets him up for what appears to be a powerbomb!]


Duane Fry:
Oh no…


Jerry Eisen:
He’s going to POWERBOMB Atomic onto the generator! There’s NO way he could survive this! The voltage will fry him!!


[“The Demon” looks out upon the crowd, adding an extra level of menace to the scenario, as he reaches down to initiate said powerbomb. That said, before he can do so, somehow, someway, Atomic pulls together ALL of the remaining strength he has left. In doing so, he forces “The Demon” into a back-body-drop!]


Jerry Eisen:
Wait… OH NO…


[Vengeance’s massive frame flies through the air as he eventually lands ON TOP OF THE GENERATOR]


[The Money Tron instantly goes out, the lights in the arena as well, as we are all cast into thick darkness. All that can be heard is the screams of the crowd & the jarring sound of overpowering electricity. Sparks fly everywhere from where the generator stood, lighting the darkness, as a major light show takes place; one that generates a level of smoke in the arena as well.]


[in the end, the back-up generator takes hold; however, as the arena comes back into the light, there is an ominous sight awaiting all of us.]


Duane Fry:
The back-up generator is up now, folks. We’re back on the air. Good GOD… What horror… This is just… I can’t believe what just happened here…


[A number of nearby ring techs shower the explosive generator with fire extinguishers as if they were attempting to save their own home from fire. As the smoke literally clears, this is the horror that can be found…]


[Lying on top of the shorting generator, sparks still flying, smoke still overtaking the area, is Vengeance’s black ring attire. It’s sizzling, a shell of it’s former self, as there no longer stands a man within said clothing. Furthermore, the menacing mask that he’s worn for quite some time now no longer has a man behind it. It too is sizzling, a small flame forming on the corner of it’s forehead, all with the sign that Vengeance is no longer there.]


[Atomic, still reeling from their earlier match, is barely able to get himself upright as he sits against the steel-looking wall that houses the Money Tron & “Supreme Gate”. He’s breathing heavily, blinking his eyes in a grand fashion, as he looks to be barely gripping onto consciousness.]


[Meanwhile, his opponent is nowhere to be seen… potentially electrocuted to the point that his body no longer exists.]



Jerry Eisen:
Vengeance is no longer…

[silence is heard for a few seconds; shock]

Duane Fry:
Maybe he was human underneath it all… Just as scarred as he ever was… Now, he’s gone… fried on top of a generator…

Peter Michaels:
In that moment it was going to be either Vengeance or Atomic… Luckily, for Atomic, he was able to work his way out of it.

Jerry Eisen:
We just witnessed the END… of Vengeance… I just can’t… I can’t… get my mind around this. What we just saw… What this means…

Duane Fry:
His reign of terror has ended… Sadly enough… it was ended in the same manner he orchestrated. If there’s someone up there… May you have mercy on his tortured soul…

Jerry Eisen:
He WAS “The Demon”… I don’t see him going anywhere but…

Duane Fry:
Yea… My god… What’s just happened…






“What it means to me..."


[We transition backstage once again in which to see a black-and-white vision of the SUPER-Babyface Valiant seated on a rusted steel chair before a prominent steel SWF logo. The produced video captures the light heavyweight in a purely artistic fashion as it feels more like an indy documentary than a wrestling promo. Several camera angles are presented, showing the up-and-coming babyface in several directions, all with the hopes of generating this ‘indy’ story-telling approach.]


For quite some time now, it’s been said that MY time was just on the horizon.
[Pauses; pensive as he speaks]
I’ve been dubbed the next ‘face’ of the company by many, some have even likened me to men like [Christian] Faith and [sam] Strong, but the thought has always been that I’m still a few years away. Still too green. Still not… weathered enough.
[Pauses; pensive]
Tonight, I change all of that…
[Pauses; looks up at the camera]
“Awesome Impact” is the one night where everything can change… where someone like myself… can take the reins and make it… MY time after all…
Hannah deserves a real man; a man who can stand before great odds & never flinch. A man who can topple his enemies… support his allies… and produce nothing short of greatness on the grandest stage of them all. She needs me to take that place… She needs that more than ever.
[Again, appears pensive]
I’ve let my values, my morals, slip in the past year; losing my identity in the process. Blood spilled from my fists… Violence… became the norm.
I began to slip into something that I was not; blackened by the hearts of those who wanted me gone…
Tonight, I change all of that. Tonight, I walk into that ring, against 40 other Supreme Superstars, and put forth a right effort… a fair effort… a valiant… effort.
It’s my time…
It’s my time to stand in the bright-lights & bring respect… honor… and pride… BACK to the Supreme Wrestling Federation.
Tonight, I will make… an “Awesome Impact”…
[Pauses; looks up to the camera]
The main event at “Supreme Challenge 33”… That’s where I’m heading…


[With that, Valiant seizes to speak; however, still appears intensely deep in thought. His eyes fixate on the ground, squinting with focus, as his hand rests firmly under his chin. More or less, as the produced video comes to a close, we’re presented several artistic shots of Valiant deep in thought; adding a new layer to his persona altogether.]



Duane Fry:
In a day-and-age of rebels, extremists, monsters and deviants, Valiant really stands out from a generation once thought lost. For a man in his early 30’s, he seems to have been influenced greatly by the old-school mentality of former wrestlers. He’s tough, honorable, and all about respect. More or less, he’s quite a valiant figure…

Jerry Eisen:
We thought this kind of wrestler was being phased out; lost in the sands of time. Even Valiant himself will be the first to say, as he did in this interview, that he ‘lost his way’. He became influenced by the current culture and hindered his morals… this ethics… his very being. It looks like he’s discovered this and is making the change to return to the ‘honorable way’… It’s a great thing to see.

Peter Michaels:
Mark it down right now. Valiant is going to be a FORCE in tonight’s battle royal. He’s got it all and I believe him when he says tonight will be his moment…

Duane Fry:
Let’s hope so, Peter…




“Awesome Impact” Battle Royal

40 Supreme Superstars In Action

"Rising above the rest…"


40-Man Battle Royal

Main Event Slot at “Supreme Challenge 33”;

vying for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Darren Smith



The “Awesome Impact” battle royal is one of <b><u>THE</b></u> most important matches in an SWF calendar year. In one night, and most importantly one ring, 40-Supreme Superstars wage an all-out WAR with their peers in hopes of coming away with the coveted prize given to the victor: <b><i>A guaranteed SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at Supreme Challenge 33!</b></i> With this in mind, no man, no alliance, no friendship, is safe. For, when faced with an opportunity for sheer supremacy, it’s every-man-for-himself.


Here are the themes/stories/scenarios that formed during the almost hour-long match.


  • Angry Gilmore & Rogue are entrant # 1 & #2:
    The match opens with Angry Gilmore & Rogue square off against one another. Gilmore overwhelms the British brawler rather early, utilizing his explosive in-ring style to overwhelm him; however, with time Rogue is able to even-the-score with a number of stiff strikes. Sadly, for Rogue, it’s another babyface that comes in #3 (Marshall Dillon); so, his moment ‘on top’ quickly begins to fade.

  • Gilmore looks to the “Supreme Gate” every time:
    With every new entrant, Gilmore is shown looking to the “Supreme Gate” in a state of fervid focus. It’s expected, and touched upon by the SWF commentary team, that Gilmore is most liking looking for Marat Khoklov; the man for which Gilmore is focused on getting his revenge upon.

  • Eric Eisen is hated by all:
    As the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen, appears around the 15-man mark, the crowd instantly showers him with absolute hatred. Equally, as he enters the ring, a number of Supreme Superstars appear to focus their attention on the weasely champion. That said, Eisen, as always, appears to be one-step-ahead of them all; using other wrestlers nearby to keep himself ‘safe’.

  • Remo is a FREAK of Nature:
    The alarming combination of size, speed, and athleticism, Remo may embark upon the scene in his typical stoic fashion; however, it’s not long before the heavyweight begins to dominate. Fighting much like a hard-hitting UFC fighter, Remo starts to work his way through the crowd; throwing around undercard babyfaces like they were ragdolls. At one point, even Lobster Warrior takes a violent bump as the “Alpha Dog” throws him halfway across the ring with a fall-away-slam. As you can expect, the crowd dislikes him greatly but stands in complete awe of his ability in the ring as well.

  • Big Cat Brandon comes for Remo:
    The Big Cat, entering the ring around the 18-man mark, instantly brings his brand of wild warfare to his recent rival in Remo. The two big men clash almost immediately; flooring a number of Supreme Superstars in their way in the process (before clashing in the center of the ring). Neither man looks to really gain an upper-hand; however, both throw haymaker punches that would easily KO any lesser man. With these two though, both remain standing as they only stagger slightly; absorbing the impact but not falling down in the process.

  • The fans love Christian Faith; Eric Eisen does not:
    When Faith enters the battle royal around the 20-man mark, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen is already in the match. That said, as Faith slowly shuffles toward the ring, obviously slowed down by years of injury, Eisen appears to be formulating a plan from the get-go. As Faith enters the ring, he attempts to keep the “Iron Man” at bay; however, is ultimately overwhelmed by Faith’s brutish onslaught. Before you know it though, Faith is unable to get a good extended ‘hit’ on Eisen as SWF newcomer, Hammer, is shown interfering on their brawl almost immediately (if planned). The sheer power of Hammer leaves Faith reeling.

  • Hammer appears to be Eisen’s henchman of sorts:
    As the match progresses, Eisen picks-and-chooses his spots. He’s seemingly awarded that fact due to the towering presence of Hammer at his side. More or less, it’s as if Eisen had planned this out from the get-go; standing aside as the big-man powers through a number of babyfaces (Faith included). Meanwhile, Ms. Chase, someone who ALSO seems to have a new alliance of sorts with Eric Eisen, watches on with her arms crossed; emotionless but focused.

  • Faith eventually roars back:
    You can never keep Faith down for too long. The “Iron Man” looks hell-bent on getting his revenge on Eric Eisen; however, for awhile now, Hammer has stood in the way of that. Well, that was the case until Faith eliminated Hammer with a stiff closeline over the top rope. Knowing he’s ‘alone’ now, Eisen tries to take advantage right after the elimination of the big-man; however, is caught by Faith. Before you know it, “The Iron Man” is throwing Eisen around the ring like a rag-doll. In connection, a number of the Supreme Superstars in the ring appear to stand by and allow it to happen; almost like prison-justice in a way. No one wants to stop Faith from ‘getting his’.

  • PARTY; Bruce Style!!:
    As Jack Bruce hits the ring around the 22-man mark, the crowd absolutely roars with sheer excitement. The rebellious rocker, as always, storms the ring in a larger-than-life fashion as he flings his hair around in a wild-fashion while also displaying his trademark rocker hand gesture throughout. As he climbs into the ring, several undercard heels are shown trying to take him out; however, seconds later, a “New York Minute” is given to every one of them; eliminating them shortly after to much fanfare.

  • Remo, Big Cat Brandon and Jack Bruce clash immediately:
    Shortly after Bruce made his explosive entrance, the trio of Remo, Big Cat Brandon and Jack Bruce are shown clashing in a vicious fashion. Actually, Remo was eyeing Bruce from the very start; slowed down by a number of babyfaces who originally try to ‘take him down’ (for which they were eliminated for their troubles). More or less, their exchange is rather awkward (seeing how there are three of them coming at one another) but equally violent in nature. It’s obvious that they ALL want to win tonight & they would LOVE the added ability to eliminate their recent rival in the process.

  • As Marat enters, Gilmore explodes:
    Clenching his fists, gritting his teeth, snarling like a rabid wolverine, Gilmore watches on as Marat Khoklov slowly stomps his way toward the ring (the 23rd entrant). As he steps over the top rope, the crowd erupts due to Gilmore INSTANTLY coming at the big-man with fists of sheer intensity. Gilmore does force Khoklov on his heels slightly; however, a good 10-seocnds into Gilmore’s onslaught, he’s brutishly floored with a BIG hip to the stomach of Angry Gilmore. This doesn’t keep him down though. Despite in pain, Gilmore jumps back to his feet and goes after Khoklov again. This time, he sends Khoklov reeling slightly once again; however, as before, Khoklov is able to floor Gilmore (this time in a more vicious fashion) with a powerful chop to the top of Gilmore’s bald-head.

  • Marat Khoklov eliminates the most Supreme Superstars:
    In a display of immense power, Khoklov appears like some of the great giants of folk-lore past; eliminating 12 wrestlers in the process. Most of them are undercard wrestlers; however, he does go on to eliminate people like: Christian Faith, Valiant, Lobster Warrior, Des Davids and the American Machine. As you can expect, Khoklov appears unstoppable to say the least; using his overwhelming power to squash the competition like directionless ants.

  • Marat Khoklov is eliminated by Angry Gilmore; who is also eliminated in the process:
    A number of babyfaces begin to band together; however, even their attempts to eliminate the big-man are feeble at best. The good thing is though, as Khoklov is shown eliminating them all, Gilmore takes to the air to hopefully eliminate his gigantic foe. Leaping off the top rope, and ill-advised approach in a battle royal, the rage-filled technition collides with the massive framed Khoklov; utilizing a cross-body-block as his chosen spot. Since he hits Khoklov high enough, mostly the shoulders & the head, Gilmore is able to force the big-man into a back-peddling fashion, instantly taking both men over the top rope & crashing to the floor. The impact of said fall looks to hurt Gilmore MUCH more than Khoklov though; as Khoklov looks to land atop the much smaller Gilmore.

  • Gilmore WAS the Iron Man of the match:
    Even though he was eliminated, a fact that he forced upon himself with such a risky dive, Angry Gilmore proves to be the true iron man of the match. He started at the #1 entrant spot & was ultimately eliminated at the 36th spot.

  • The Final Four: Jack Bruce, Big Cat Brandon, Remo and Eric Eisen:
    The three-way brawl between Bruce/Remo/Big Cat has taken a toll on their bodies; however, shockingly, it hasn’t brought about elimination for any of them. With this in mind, they continue to war with one another in a brutish fashion; slamming into one another in an overtly violent fashion. Meanwhile, Eric Eisen has done EVERYTHING to stay off-the-radar since Christian Faith was eliminated. Often sliding out of the action, Eisen is most likely 90% physically at this point (which is FAR better than Remo, Bruce and Big Cat due to their heated brawling with one another). With this in mind, the SWF North American Champion continues to stand aside as much as he can; allowing the three-way brawl to continue to weaken those within it.

  • Eisen is eliminated by Big Cat Brandon:
    Eric Eisen WAS utilizing a successful, but controversial, approach… UNTIL… Big Cat Brandon got a hold of him. As Bruce and Remo take one another out, Big Cat slowly returns to his feet after a short rest period (following a “New York Minute” from Bruce; one that he was not able to capitalize on due to Remo’s interfering hand). Eisen tries to get away; however, the Big Cat quickly pounces; overwhelming the much smaller Eisen in the process. Before you know it, the SWF North American Champion is eliminated by a wild guerilla-press-slam from the Big Cat; throwing Eisen onto the floor in a harsh fashion. The crowd pops. Eisen is overtly pissed. Ms. Chase turns her attention toward Remo in the ring.

  • Remo is in control:
    With Jack Bruce, Big Cat Brandon and Remo the only 3-remaining Supreme Superstars in the ring, there’s a short rest period where the three stare one another down; adding a sense of grandeur to the moment. This doesn’t last very long and ultimately gives into the same brand of violence seen between the three earlier. Before you know it, one man seems to pull away. Remo looks unstoppable despite being in the match for quite some time now. He’s seemingly injured Big Cat Brandon and has Bruce on his heels. The “Alpha Dog” looks prime for the victory.

  • The Final Elimination is a crazy one:
    As Remo & Big Cat brawl near the ring ropes, throwing haymaker punches at one another again (they’re still able to absorb the impacts but now look more weak legged in the process), a once though KO’ed Bruce (Remo planted him with an Olympic slam that practically shook the ring) springs to his feet. Speeding toward his enemies, Bruce recklessly takes flight; slamming into BOTH Big Cat & Remo with a wild double-closeline. Before you know it all, ALL THREE MEN HAVE GONE OVER THE TOP ROPE!!

  • One Holds On:
    As the three rivals fly over the top rope, colliding viciously with the ring apron in the process, there’s only ONE man who seemingly has the ‘second-nature ability’ to grab the top ring rope upon his descent. Jack Bruce is shown BARELY hanging on by one hand, his feet dangling near the ringside floor, as his two opponents (Remo & Big Cat Brandon) crash upon the unforgiving outside floor. The bell is officially rung as Bruce collapses onto the ring apron; slowly rolling back into the ring (exhausted & obviously depleted physically). Meanwhile, Remo & Big Cat Brandon lay semi-motionless outside of the ring; obviously reeling from the impact with the lightly padded cement floor outside of the ring.


<hr color="black">
Jack Bruce via elimination

Double Closeline to Remo & Big Cat Brandon



Jack Bruce, Remo, Big Cat Brandon and Eric Eisen

Angry Gilmore

Marat Khoklov



Jerry Eisen:

Duane Fry:

Peter Michaels:
As I said, when the lights are the brightest, you can always count on Bruce to come up big!

Duane Fry:
He was a marked man but even THAT didn’t slow him down. He’s Jack Bruce and, once again, he’s on TOP of the world!

Peter Michaels:
A big win for an even BIGGER ICON…
I reckon we may have our first EVER 5-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion in front of us, right here… right now, folks.

Duane Fry:
He can BARELY stand; he’s obviously exhausted. But, through it all, Jack Bruce found a way to come out on top! As he said tonight, he always finds a way to do EXACTLY that…

Jerry Eisen:
Big Cat & Remo look to be reeling as well. Their fall was pretty harsh! Remo may have dislocated his shoulder on impact! Man…Oh… Man… What an ending! It could have gone ANY WAY as they tumbled to the floor. We could be celebrating a win by either Remo or Big Cat, easily, if Bruce didn’t have the super-human ability to hold onto that top rope. WHAT a finish!!





Jack Bruce and Ms. Chase

“Going to Supreme Challenge 33!"


[The final bell tolls as Jack Bruce is barely able to stay upright. He’s using a nearby ring rope as a crutch of sorts as he celebrates in a weakened fashion by flinging his hair back while tossing up a rock-star hand gesture. As you can expect, the crowd is absolutely beside themselves with excitement as their beloved degenerate rocker is going to “Supreme Challenge 33” to challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.]


[The final image of this segment is that of Jack Bruce stepping away from the ropes, still weakened in an extreme manner, as he throws both hands up displaying rock-n-roll gestures. Meanwhile, as he throws his hair back one more time, the depleted rocker almost falls over due to extreme exhaustion.]


[Through the depletion, Bruce is still able to flash an arrogant smirk toward Ms. Chase as she stands at ringside with her arms crossed in a cold manner. He even goes as far as to flash an inappropriate gesture toward the calculating sports-agent; a fact that doesn’t move her emotionally in the slightest. That said, Bruce gets a kick out of it.]



Jerry Eisen:
Whoever walks out of tonight’s main event, we KNOW that Bruce will be going to “Supreme Challenge 33”!

Duane Fry:
You KNOW this HAS to be eating Ms. Chase up inside. If she was, somehow, able to get Remo & Big Cat on the same page when they were BOTH under her roof, there’s a chance that ONE of her men would have walked out with the win tonight. Now, it’s her hated rival that has taken ALL the glory. Once again, the “Chase Agency” is forced to watch on as ANOTHER celebrates…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s rude… crude… crass… and lude… He’s Jack Bruce… and he’s the man who’s going to “Supreme Challenge 33” with a chance at a RECORD… 5th SWF World Heavyweight Championship reign!

Peter Michaels:
He certainly is knockin’ on the door of history, ‘aint he? A win there would put him over names like Faith, Keith, Bruce the Giant, Strong, Chord, and Starr. He would go down as THE ONLY 5-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion with a win at “Supreme Challenge 33” so this win tonight means THAT much more.

Duane Fry:
Bruce ALWAYS finds a way to produce when the lights get the brightest…

Jerry Eisen:
It’s the mark of a LIVING LEGEND no doubt…








Steve Frehley© and Rich Money

“How we got here..."


[An extended video is shown capturing the heated rivalry between the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley and the SWF Owner Rich Money. In this video, several high-points are covered: Money defeating Steve Frehley in a non-title main event match on Supreme TV, Money buying the SWF, Frehley defeating Remo in two heavily contested bouts in January and February, Vengeance attacking Frehley backstage & throwing him in the trunk of a waiting car driven by Money, Money mugging the champ, stealing his belt, and leaving him for ‘dead’ on a cold New York Street & Steve Frehley returning the following week to recapture his belt by executing his signature “Frehley’s Comet” through the “Supreme Gate”. All in all, utilizing a building war anthem theme in the background, the stage is set for an epic showdown; one that we’ve ALL been waiting for for quite some time now.]



Jerry Eisen:
The stage is set… the WAR is on… We’re only SECONDS away from the match you’ve ALL been waiting for: Steve Frehley… Rich Money… for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship!

Duane Fry:
That’s right, Jerry. It’s the ONLY World Heavyweight Championship that means ANYTHING. It’s widely considered to be THE top crown in ALL of professional wrestling & is a possession that will instantly make you FAMOUS around the world. Steve Frehley has held the belt for 8 months now; defending it 6 times prior & raising a WHOLE bunch of HELL in the process. Now, Rich Money, the man who recently purchased the SWF from it’s longtime patriarch in Richard Eisen, has set his sights on THE prize his company has to offer… Who will walk out with the belt? Who will walk out with… the glory?

Peter Michaels:
… And we’ve got that match… right… now!







Rich Money

"M.I.A. leads to K.O."


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Darren Smith



  • The crowd is buzzing as the champion and challenger stare at one another from across the ring. As they meet in the center of it, Frehley is shown smirking in a devilish fashion as the GQ-beefcake that is the SWF Owner, Rich Money, begins to verbally rip into the champion in a smug manner.

  • Before you know it, Frehley has exploded with energy; taking the SWF Owner off of his feet, slamming him to the ground with a modified Spinebuster, and wailing away on his forehead with fists of intensity.

  • Money eventually gains freedom by pulling himself under the bottom rope & crashing onto the floor outside. He staggers off, catching his breath, arguing to himself under his breath, as he tries to ‘walk it off’.

  • Frehley doesn’t allow his boss to just walk away. Instead, he dives out of the ring quickly and hits Money from behind with a stiff closeline that sends him into the nearby guardrail.

  • Slamming his head on the steel steps, the steel guardrail, and finally the steel post, the champion looks to be taking Money to town rather early in an explosive, brutish, fashion.

  • Eventually, Money is able to even-the-score with a harsh hip to Frehley’s gut. Seconds later, the champion is thrown over the guardrail and into the 1st row of SWF fans in the process. Money is shown muttering something in a frustrated fashion as he takes a second to collect himself.

  • The two would eventually make their way back into the ring before the 10-count; however, both appear to be reeling already; Money worse than Frehley.

  • After getting the better of Frehley with an array of standard wrestling moves (ie: back-body-drop, headlock takedown, piledriver, etc.), Money follows up his onslaught with a number of rest-holds; keeping the explosive champion grounded.

  • Whenever Frehley would regain composure, the crowd excited to see him rebound, Money would eventually take the champion BACK to the canvas with a submission/rest hold. This drives the crowd nuts as Money actually mocks the crowd as they slowly dwindle in excitement with each hold.

  • Again, Frehley looks to regain composure… but… Money thwarts it rather early with a stiff closeline in return. Seconds later, a camel clutch is used to potentially place further injury on the champ’s back.

  • This approach keeps Frehley at bay for most of the match, hindering his momentum at every turn, but, with time, even Money isn’t able to slow down his explosive, unorthodox, onslaught.

  • Over time, Money’s slower style falls apart as the “Dark Destroyer” begins to overpower his oppressor. At one point, it looks like Frehley may even pick up the win after he plants his opponent with sidewalk slam off the ropes. That said, Money is able to break the fall with a simple flick of his foot (landing it on the bottom rope).

  • Then it happened… both men, growing exhausted after continuous beating, collide violently as they both hit the ropes. Diving at one another, Money & Frehley collide head-first; forcing both to crash to the canvas in a motionless fashion. The announcers are talking about potential concussions, that neither man may be able to get up, as the camera man zooms in on both of the competitors. They look dazed, confused, and wincing with a potential headache.

  • As they return to their feet before Darren Smith’s 10-count, Frehley is seemingly able to overcome his opponent; flooring him a few more times with an array of high-impact moves (ie: diving shoulder block, speeding closeline and a diving forearm elbow).

  • The camera man zooms in on Money following the final impact as he lay on the canvas. Slowly trying to roll back to his feet, Money is shown attempting to speak in an unknown language in between coughing. The announcers focus on this moment saying that Money is calling for Vengeance.

  • He continues to speak in said unknown language as he staggers to his feet…

  • But nothing came of it…

  • As Money gets upright, barely able to stand, he spins around in a shocked fashion as it’s rather obvious that Vengeance is nowhere to be seen.

  • As he spins around, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion speeds across the ring and PLANTS the SWF Owner violently upon the canvas with his signature “Frehley’s Comet”!

  • The crowd roars as Frehley slowly musters up enough energy, following his signature move, to roll atop his fallen opponent. All that’s left is a standard three count as Rich Money is simply unable to break the count; obviously KO’ed from the impact.


<hr color="black">
Steve Frehley via pinfall

“Frehley’s Comet” (Spear)


This marks Steve Frehley’s 7th successful title defense of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.



Duane Fry:

Jerry Eisen:
He REALLY did!

Duane Fry:

Peter Michaels:
Rich couldn’t rely on Vengeance this time. After what we saw earlier, we may NEVER see Vengeance again! He could be GONE forever… So, if Money wants to become the champ, he MAY have to do it the respectful way by BEATING Steve Frehley. Tonight, he couldn’t!

Duane Fry:
If it’s NOT Vengeance, he’ll find ANOTHER hitman to help him ATTEMPT to take the belt off of Frehley. I wonder though, whoever that could be, if they will be HALF as impactful as “The Demon” was? NO matter what, it looks like Money’s going to NEED that help to beat “The Dark Destroyer”. HUGE win for Frehley! HUGE!

Jerry Eisen:
After ALL that Money put him through, sicking “The Demon” on him, leaving him for dead on a cold New York street, stealing his championship belt, and EVEN putting him in an opening bout that was designed to put him in a hospital bed, Steve Frehley does the unthinkable… He KO’ED the SWF Owner in route to his 7th successful title defense!

Peter Michaels:
You KNOW Money won’t take this lightly… He’s bound to make Supreme TV a livin’ HELL for Frehley…

Duane Fry:
That MAY be true but, for tonight, there’s no worrying about Supreme TV! We’re closing OUR PPV with a REAL Champion! “The Dark Destroyer”… Steve… Frehley!





Steve Frehley© and Rich Money

“STILL on top!"


[“Awesome Impact” closes with the iconic vision a beaten & bruised Steve Frehley holding the SWF World Heavyweight Championship on high with pride. With his signature devilish smirk upon his face, the retaining champion looks as though he’s walked through hell & somehow made it out on the other end victorious. He’s obviously exhausted, physically depleted, but mentally as defiant as ever. He stands tall, displaying HIS championship to the crowd as he mouths about his greatness off microphone.]


[Meanwhile, the final image of Rich Money is that of pure sadness. Lying on his side, holding his stomach in pain, coughing as he breathes rather heavily from the jarring impact that is the “Frehley’s Comet”, Money appears to be overtly frustrated with not walking out of “Awesome Impact” with the belt. He slams his fist down upon the canvas with as much strength as he has left; however, in doing so seems to hurt his hand. More or less, nothing seems to be going the SWF Owner’s way tonight.]



Duane Fry:
Oh… Boo-Hoo, Money! Boo-Hoo! You didn’t get the job done, did you? As Frehley would say, he ‘punked your a$$’, didn’t he? There’s a lesson for you to learn. You can BUY the SWF… but you CAN’T BUY the MOST important piece of the company… the SWF World Heavyweight Championship!

Jerry Eisen:
He came, he bought, he got his a$$ kicked!

Peter Michaels:
There’s bound to be one HELL of a firestorm coming this Tuesday. Money is going to SEE TO IT that he gets the belt one way or another…

Duane Fry:
Well, now he has his LONG-TIME hated rival to contend with because Jack Bruce is looking for the SAME thing after walking out of here as the “Awesome Impact” battle royal winner!

Jerry Eisen:
Could we see Frehley vs. Bruce at “Supreme Challenge 33”? What a MAJOR match that would be!

Peter Michaels:
He’d have to survive whatever hell Money is about to throw at him first… It could very well be Money vs. Bruce at “Supreme Challenge 33” knowing how vile our new boss is.

Duane Fry:
Either way, we’re only 4-months away from THE biggest night in Pro Wrestling and, with Bruce winning the battle royal and Frehley toppling Money, there’s a GOOD chance we’ll see Bruce/Frehley clash in one of THE MOST anticipated matches in SWF history!

Peter Michaels:
Tune into Underground this Saturday to see how the backlash from “Awesome Impact” has inspired our up-and-coming Supreme Superstars. From there, don’t miss Supreme TV as there’s BOUND to be one HELL of a WAR on the horizon… What will Rich Money have in-store for the reigning World Heavyweight Champion? How will Jack Bruce celebrate his “Awesome Impact” victory? ALL of this and MUCH… MUCH… MORE… Goodnight, Folks!










<hr color="black">



30,000 (out of 30,000)

PPV Buy-rate:
4.09 (Best of 2013)


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Totally dug it, E-V! REALLY enjoyed the cel shading on the pictures, comic book indeed! Happy for Cap as well; he may not have won the match but it seems that he ended up beating the Demon. Awesome job with Jack as well, totally looking forward to him at Supreme Challenge.


Awesome show, man.

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SWF.com articles on their way...


There is always next year to win the battle royal, Remo.


Then again I might just be partial to him at the moment given one of my current diaries.


I am sure he will still find plenty of asses to apply his boot to.


I'm a BIG fan of Remo as well.


Honestly, at one point, Remo was in high consideration to win the "Awesome Impact" battle royal. In the end though, I didn't like the 'path' leading up to "Supreme Challenge 33" with him being the #1 contender.


You'll see though, in the next month or so, there will be PLENTY of focus on Remo.


Fantastic show! I think I did pretty poorly with my predictions but I'm glad that Captain Atomic managed to be somewhat the hero in the end, great balance of putting on an important show but also hyping up the future.


The best way to define Captain Atomic post-"AI" is as a hero no doubt. I really wanted him to walk away with this tone (but didn't want him to beat Vengeance for specific reasons that will come to light in the future). As you'll see, in upcoming Supreme TV episodes, being a 'hero' can come with challenges as well; especially when you 'killed' a vile demon.


Totally dug it, E-V! REALLY enjoyed the cel shading on the pictures, comic book indeed! Happy for Cap as well; he may not have won the match but it seems that he ended up beating the Demon. Awesome job with Jack as well, totally looking forward to him at Supreme Challenge.


Awesome show, man.


Thank you, Mit!


I wanted to capture the 'comic book feel' and I'm pretty happy with the image shading. As you've probably seen with my PPV's, I always want to produce a unique vibe for each. "AI" was just another example of this.


I, too, am excited to see what Jack Bruce does leading up to & at "Supreme Challenge 33" as well!


I had to get caught up on the last few shows (the first one after the last PPV actually) but none of them disappointed. Really a great show.


Thank you for catching up, Showtime! I know it can be a daunting task; so, it's great to hear that you took on the challenge.


I appreciate the 'nod' though. I was REALLY happy with the lead-up for this PPV. Now, I just need to find a way to do it again with the April PPV -- "The World is Watching".

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First off, Awesome Impact was a great show.


Overall, though, this is the diary that made me try SWF. I tend to prefer small hardcore-based promotions, but reading your ideas for each character gave me an idea for how to picture them and thus how to run SWF myself. I'm doing quite well in my SWF game now and just wanted to say thanks for opening a new part of TEW up for me. I'll readily admit that I often look back here for character ideas and booking thoughts. Stoked for the next show.

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Pretty awesome show E-V and not in name only.


Rich Money continues to be a stand-out character in this. The warm-up match *cough* assault *cough* worked well and added into the mix of Money's experiencing that unfamiliar concept of failure as despite his extra measures, he still couldn't get the job done against Frehley. Lots of potential from here on with this storyline as I could easily see Money getting more and more desperate in his mission to get the title to the point it's all-consuming for him. Short-term however, I'm guessing Captain Atomic has some flak coming his way for taking out Vengeance (heavily implied as Money's back-up in the main event).


As echoed by others, I thought you handled Atomic vs Vengeance well. Given Atomic's lot in the SWF (despite you building him well so far), it really would have undermined not only Vengeance, but his more high profile victims had Atomic gone over him. Dumping him onto the generator (great scene BTW) meant Atomic ended on a high and I'm curious to see how and in what form Vengeance's inevitable return takes (perhaps a character repackaging of sorts?).


The AI Battle Royal did a solid job of keeping all your storylines so far flowing. Lots of potential winners would make for an intriguing run of shows going forward, but since you plumped for Bruce, I suspect Chase isn't going to make his route to Supreme Challenge 33 an easy one. The only other observation I would make of that Battle Royal would be that there didn't seem to be any 'highlight' for any of the SWF lesser lights (unless you count Rogue getting a whuppin' from Gilmore at the start). Not necessarily a "Maven" moment, but a little extra/bonus focus. I wouldn't say the match was lacking due to it (most WWE Rumbles follow the same main superstar-specific approach), but I'm just wondering if you were considering any?

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First off, Awesome Impact was a great show.


Overall, though, this is the diary that made me try SWF. I tend to prefer small hardcore-based promotions, but reading your ideas for each character gave me an idea for how to picture them and thus how to run SWF myself. I'm doing quite well in my SWF game now and just wanted to say thanks for opening a new part of TEW up for me. I'll readily admit that I often look back here for character ideas and booking thoughts. Stoked for the next show.


I was once in your shoes exactly. I really only found interest in underground, cult-based, hardcore-slanted companies. I found that their product fit what I was looking for; however, then I shortly realized that it wasn't so much about 'hardcore wrestling' I was looking for but something with an 'edge'. With the SWF, there certainly IS a darker-vibe to their product than most really perceive at first. Sure, they are the Cornellverse version of the WWE; however, their products are actually quite different. For me, the SWF is what the WWF was when the "Attitude Era" was strong. Risque is high, cult is noticeable & the characters were more rigid/rebellious/crazed. There was still rumor for humor (as the WWF had a lot of it as well) but the overall product felt really "guys TV".


It's great when people stop by and say "Hey, I didn't like the SWF but after reading this I'm giving it a try". It's cool to know that the SWF 'came to life' for you (and others in the same boat). For me, if you like 'character booking' you can't go wrong in the SWF. TCW doesn't offer that. USPW DOES but it's about 20-years ago. The SWF is the one who gives you the ability to book a character-based, uneasy risque at times, rebellious tone that creates a truly unique environment.


"Anything can happen" is something I like to remind myself while booking because, in the SWF, anything CAN happen & anyone CAN succeed.


Sorry for the rambling. ha. Thanks though for the 'nod' & I look forward to the challenge of keeping you entertained (despite not being a 'mainstream' guy admittedly).


Pretty awesome show E-V and not in name only.


Rich Money continues to be a stand-out character in this. The warm-up match *cough* assault *cough* worked well and added into the mix of Money's experiencing that unfamiliar concept of failure as despite his extra measures, he still couldn't get the job done against Frehley. Lots of potential from here on with this storyline as I could easily see Money getting more and more desperate in his mission to get the title to the point it's all-consuming for him. Short-term however, I'm guessing Captain Atomic has some flak coming his way for taking out Vengeance (heavily implied as Money's back-up in the main event).




Thank you for the 'nod', man. You've stopped into a number of my projects in the past; so, it's great to know that you're still interested in what I'm producing.


@Rich Money:
He really stands off of the screen for me as well. Truthfully, He was one of the first characters I began to craft when I thought I'd be crazy enough to jump at the SWF again. I really wanted to produce a version of Money that felt 3-D (Versus the boring, 2-D, basic concepts I had in the past for him). He's a combination of a high-powered executive, GQ Model, Man who's ALWAYS gotten what he wanted & one who, while he may NEVER say it, WANTS to be known as the best of all-time. His arrogance gets the best of him almost always (as we will see going further).


As you guessed it, there will be a considerable wave of of retaliation set for both Frehley & Atomic.


No one takes ANYTHING from Money & gets away with it...


(Vengeance or the title)


As echoed by others, I thought you handled Atomic vs Vengeance well. Given Atomic's lot in the SWF (despite you building him well so far), it really would have undermined not only Vengeance, but his more high profile victims had Atomic gone over him. Dumping him onto the generator (great scene BTW) meant Atomic ended on a high and I'm curious to see how and in what form Vengeance's inevitable return takes (perhaps a character repackaging of sorts?).


I really mulled over the ending of this match. Honestly, I think I had a few other endings that were in there originally. Fittingly enough, none of them had Atomic going over Vengeance in their match. As you said, having Atomic beat Vengeance at this point, when Vengeance has DOMINATED the likes of Faith/Frehley/Bruce/etc., would actually HURT the main event scene considerably. It WOULD give Atomic a heavy boost but the story for Vengeance doesn't end there; not losing to Atomic at this point in this story.


I will say, without a doubt, I DO have his eventual loss already booked in my head; however, it's going to be quite some time.


Atomic was able to take Vengeance off his feet twice, a feat that NO man has been able to accomplish recently, and that alone stands as a 'victory' to me. Others have been steamrolled (as Atomic was at points) but no man was able to really put him on his heels; even if it was only twice.


As for the generator segment, I really wanted Atomic to come out of this match looking heroic. However, from what we saw, 'heroic' against Vengeance isn't in the same manner you would see with other Supreme Superstars. I didn't want Atomic to walk in, beat down Vengeance, lift him high above his head & guerrilla press slam him onto the generator. I think we all would agree that THAT would be rather Hulk Hogan'esque (overpowering others) &, while Atomic is a throwback kind of persona, dominating Vengeance would have KILLED "The Demon's" persona.


With that in mind, Atomic was able to get the 'upper-hand' on Vengeance (electrocuting him into thin air) but it was in an almost 'fluke' fashion. He was able to reverse a powerbomb, flipping him over onto the generator; sizzling him in the process. Hell, Atomic was barely able to sit upright against the stage wall following the bump; a sign that it took EVERYTHING to even attempt such a move. Also, if Vengeance would have just gone with his original idea, chokeslamming Atomic off the stage & through a number of waiting tables as he did to Faith one month prior, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Atomic would have gone for the ride & probably been out of action.


I guess, through my novel of a response (you can see this match/segment was something I really put a lot of time & thought into), I want Atomic to grow into his role as a true threat in the SWF. He's the overly energized, Ultimate Warrior-esque, entertainer who can really push the dial. That said, now is not the time. Vengeance is not the competitor (at least... for now... maybe...)


The AI Battle Royal did a solid job of keeping all your storylines so far flowing. Lots of potential winners would make for an intriguing run of shows going forward, but since you plumped for Bruce, I suspect Chase isn't going to make his route to Supreme Challenge 33 an easy one. The only other observation I would make of that Battle Royal would be that there didn't seem to be any 'highlight' for any of the SWF lesser lights (unless you count Rogue getting a whuppin' from Gilmore at the start). Not necessarily a "Maven" moment, but a little extra/bonus focus. I wouldn't say the match was lacking due to it (most WWE Rumbles follow the same main superstar-specific approach), but I'm just wondering if you were considering any?


Jack Bruce was one of a few guys that I looked at winning. In the end, he felt like the best person to usher in the main event at "Supreme Challenge 33"; regardless of who the champ is at that time. The storyline practically writes itself too; as one more SWF World Heavyweight Championship win for Bruce puts him at his 5th (no one, in history, can say that). As you can expect, it's going to be a HUGE event to say the least.


I do believe, like you said, that I dropped the ball in giving a less than worker some spotlight. I was so fixated on the big storylines going into the match that I didn't really look into someone proving themselves who was once thought as a lesser. Did I have anyone in mind that WAS to walk away with the win/or an impact? To be honest, no I didn't. To me, it was always between Bruce, Remo, Valiant & Faith. I jumped around between all of them at some point. However, other storylines leading into "Supreme Challenge 33" kept me eye on Bruce more than the others.


Part of the reason why I feel as though their may not have been a spotlight moment is due to the rise of Captain Atomic. He's really the undercard wrestler who's been pushed more heavily as of late. He STILL has the "New Year's Revolution" contact, granting him a title shot against ANY SWF title in 2013, and to have another 'up-and-comer' make an impact may have been deterred due to his focus. I can't tell you for sure.


In the end, to be honest, I don't see 'a lot' of promise in some of my undercard workers right now. There are some great guys who are at the BOTTOM of the barrel (Enhancement Talents & Openers) but it's too far away until they actually do something 'worth while'. Meanwhile, people like Rogue have shown me to be REALLY inconsistent when booked against bigger names. He pulled a great match out with Atomic (B+) due to chemistry; however, in matches against Faith & James he's produced nothing more than a "C"; sadly.


Really interested to see how things shape up for TWIW. I usually use that as the 2nd biggest PPV on the Supreme Calender because the name just begs for an epic event.


I could see why you would place "TWIW" as the #2 PPV throughout the calendar year. For me, I think "Awesome Impact" just became that due to the royal rumble-esque kind of match. That said, as you'll see, I DO have BIG plans for "TWIW" as an event. Could it become the #2? Possibly. In theory, it's certainly going to be unique in tone & will possibly bridge a new tone for the SWF as a company going further. I guess we'll have to see.....

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Steve Frehley did it.


He walked into “Awesome Impact” with a mountain of challenges before him…


Walked into a match designed specifically BY his opponent…


Walked into an event & a company for which his opponent OWNS…


… And still walked out with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.


If there was EVER any doubt whether or not “The Dark Destroyer” was a worthy champion, those whispers have now all but been silenced. For months now, 7-months to be exact, Frehley’s critics have claimed that he’s not ‘Championship material’. Even Rich Money, the new Owner of the SWF, went as far as to label the devilish brawler as a ‘gutter rat’ & ‘unworthy’ of the top spot. Well, through all of that, through all the negativity & disdain, Steve Frehley has made us ALL a believer…


There’s no doubt that Rich Money will turn this upcoming Supreme TV episode into his own personal torture chamber. Steve Frehley beat him, in turn humiliating him in front of the masses, and the controversial SWF owner will not stand for that. As you’re reading this right now, he’s most likely developing a sickening scenario for which HE can put an END to Frehley’s reign; if not his career all together.


Can he do so?


You’re damn right he can. He’s the Owner of the Supreme Wrestling Federation; a fact that makes any, and all, wrestling events his own personal playground of sorts.


This time around though, he may have a long-time foe standing in the wings; just as eager to make an impact of his own.


We’re only 24 hours removed from “Awesome Impact” and, outside of Frehley, the buzz is circling around THE most buzzworthy figure in SWF History, Jack Bruce.




The rebellious rocker walked into “AI” with a laundry list of enemies gunning for his head. Despite their hatred, none were able to derail his destiny. In one night, he overcame 40 other Supreme Superstars, 2 of them standing as rabid rivals, and walked out with a guaranteed main event opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”; a fact that COULD make him the ONLY 5-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion in wrestling HISTORY!


Jack Bruce has vowed to ‘shake things up’ on Supreme TV this week, nothing new to the rebellious rocker, and one has to expect that this scenario will have him collide violently with the SWF Owner, Rich Money, in the process.


Both men are gunning for the same thing… The SWF World Heavyweight Championship… There’s no TELLING what either will do to get it.


However, first, TO get it, they’ll have to beat the defiant “Dark Destroyer”…


… Something that we’ve seen is
easier said than done




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Ding… Dong…


… The Demon… is DEAD?!


Vengeance’s reign of absolute terror may be an unsettling scenario of the past. While victorious by supernatural means, beating a 10-count within the blanketing darkness, our final image of the towering monster was viciously electrifying to say the least as the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” reversed a powerbomb attempt & ultimately sent the “Demon” tumbling. Upon impact with a nearby generator, Vengeance was no more…


All that remained was his sizzling ring attire & a stark white mask with a burning flame compromising it’s forehead.


For too long now, the SWF Nation has lived in constant fear; reliving a true horror on a weekly basis.


Men were destroyed…


Souls tortured…


Lives changed forever.


However, those days appear to be gone now; all thanks to Captain Atomic.


The “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” has slayed the vile beast that is “The Demon”. In doing so, he’s become one of THE most celebrated figures in SWF History. For, in one night, he was the proud hero we’ve ALL been waiting for. He made the ULTIMATE Awesome… Impact…




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TV RATING: 0.98 (+ 0.06)




  • The show opens with
    Lobster Warrior
    coming to the ring; celebrating with the crowd. He’s beloved. A true “After School Special” if there was one. That’s why the crowd showers
    Joseph Sexy
    with absolute disdain as the newly promoted SWF Head Scout rips into Lobbie; piggybacking on Rich Money’s previous statements – Calling Lobbie a “joke” amongst other things. Despite the recent run of disrespect, Lobbie still stands strong; comically proud. In the end, Joseph Sexy says he’s booked Lobbie against one of his “hottest up-and-coming talents” here tonight. Lobbie looks ready for the challenge!

  • Remmy Skye
    in 5:49 via a “Skye Driver”.

  • The Truth
    (John Greed & Squeeky McClean) holds a promo backstage about being ‘robbed’ at “Awesome Impact”. They feel as though the All-Americans CHEATED; stating that the duo is nothing more than a walking hypocrisy. In the end, The Truth makes it known that THEY will win tonight’s #1 contendership match for the SWF World Tag Team Championships. Why? Because they speak the truth…

  • Lobster Warrior
    Spencer Spade
    in 8:22 via “Shell Fish Shock”.

  • OM-F-G
    (Spencer Spade & Lenny Brown) attack
    Lobster Warrior
    post-match; leaving him down & out. In connection, OM-F-G insults Lobbie as he’s down.

  • A menacing video is shown depicting
    as destructive force; utilizing “Awesome Impact” footage to prove this. In the end, the video also leaves a question: Is Hammer working with SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen?

  • The Truth
    Boogie Fights
    the Awesomeness
    , and
    Platinum Blondes
    in 9:42 as John Greed pins Jefferson Stardust due to a run-in attack from
    Jungle Lord
    . The Truth is once again the #1 contenders to the SWF World Tag Team Championships.

  • The wild-natured
    Jungle Lord
    appears to have joined “The Truth” as the trio stands united in the ring.
    John Greed & Squeeky McClean
    raise both of the Jungle Lord’s arms into the air as he snarls like a rabid pitbul.

  • Zim-ME
    Randy Bumfhole
    in 9:10 via using the bottom rope for leverage.

  • Zim-ME
    rubs in the victory with a post-match promo as he back-peddles up the steel rampway. More or less, he points out that ‘Just like tonight, Randy is ALWAYS a loser…”.


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Wow. Jungle Lord heel turn on the B-show! Jungle Lord BAD! :p Must admit I didn't see that coming...


Jungle Lord is a great character but him turning was more of a B-Show segment than taking time on Supreme TV. That said, I look to "Underground" as a 'proving ground' for less over talent; however, also as a place where the lower-midcarders/midcarders can have their cake as well (hence the #1 contendership match to the SWF Tag Team Championships taking place on the show & The Bumfhole main event).


So, "Underground" results do matter in the grand scheme of the SWF. You won't be too far behind if you don't catch them but it will set-up scenarios for Supreme TV from time-to-time.


Awesome that you caught it (and that it was a surprise)!

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As is customary, post-PPV, I've gone through and re-situated the roster page in which to better show where people stand as of right now. In which to do this, I simply use 'auto push" to set the new parameters for each Supreme Superstar going into the next PPV event (The next being "The World is Watching"/April PPV).


  • There have been several moves; the two most obvious being Angry Gilmore & Big Cat Brandon are now perceived as 'Main Eventers'.

  • Secondly, the likes of Frederique Antonio Garcia, Jungle Lord, Joseph Sexy & Squeeky McClean are now perceived as 'Upper Midcarders'.


This will change after every PPV; however, for the end of March/Early April, this is how the SWF Landscape has come together.


There is another midcarder coming into the ranks; however, his push can't be calculated just yet (as he's not part of the company yet). In addition, there's a big contract coming up from a competitor in the next month; so, I'm hoping to pull them into the SWF at some point as well. I guess we'll see. When either make it to the roster, they'll be added to the list once it's 'known' that they are there.


Some additions you'll know about in the form of a 'wrestling insider' post breaking the story (a la 'real life'). However, there are some where I will reserve the creative licensing to keep their signing 'in the dark'; until I'm able to have them debut. In reality, people like Jericho (at Royal Rumble) has shown that such an instance can happen if heavily protected.


For those who don't know, the 'Roster' section can be found on the 2nd page of this dynasty. Even easier, if you go up to the "Underground" results on this page, there's a link to the 'SWF Roster' there as well.

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Just thought I'd let you know there's an extra pic of Mainstream Hernandez as an enhancement talent after Lenny Brown. Confused me a bit


Also, Randy Bumfhole is listed as King of the Streets...


Other than those two, great job with the roster update!


But Randy IS the King of the Streets :p


It was bound to happen. Haha. On my best day, I can still be pretty absent-minded. :) I'll make the changes later on today. Thank you for the heads up though!

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