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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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; it’s where Rich Money hopes to force Captain Atomic.


Angered by the shocking destruction of HIS “Demon”, the controversial SWF Owner appears fixated upon revenge; vowing that the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” will see the same, unsettling, end.


How fitting though. If Money gets his way, Atomic could join the man he destroyed in the fiery pits below.


The coming weeks are expected to be torturous for Atomic. There’s simply no way around this fact. If we know ANYTHING about our Supreme Dictator it’s that he will find any avenue to get what he wants. In this case, what he wants is Captain Atomic to pay for removing his greatest asset for domination; Vengeance.


With the additional hit placed upon Jack Bruce, many feel as though Rich Money has abandoned any notion of ruling with an objective hand. He’s turned the Supreme Wrestling Federation into his own, personal, playground of sorts. With this in mind, what’s to stop Money from dragging Atomic through the dirt in the process? His power is absolute. His reach untestable. This IS Rich Money’s company to book.


The thing is though, much like Bruce, Captain Atomic is seemingly unfazed by Money’s threats. He’s never been known as a ‘thinking man’. A ball of sheer intensity, exploding from the seams, Atomic appears physically capable of steamrolling whatever is thrown in his direction. Mentally, there’s little analysis on his end. Instead, it’s more of unadulterated action; a fact that could prove to be extremely beneficial given the scenario at hand.


Will Rich Money have his way? Can he destroy Captain Atomic just as the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” did to the towering Vengeance?


You know, damn well, that he’s going to move heaven-and-earth to do so.


No one steals from Rich Money and gets away with it…




SupremeTV Episode #12
is available on the previous page! It was posted Yesterday (3/29).

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Joseph Sexy has long thought of himself to be GOD’s gift to women. As of late though, it appears that the sleazy lothario believes this also can extend to the SWF as a whole.


Recently appointed as the HEAD SCOUT of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, Sexy has been entrusted with the future direction of our great company. Whether he possesses any skill as it pertains to pinpointing true talent remains to be seen; however, thus far, what we have witnessed nothing that would be explained as atypical for the self-absorbed veteran.


Finding his home base on “Underground”, Joseph has created quite the tumultuous work environment already. Overtly disrespecting Lobster Warrior before his adoring Kid-taceans, playing favorites with Zim-ME over his floundering brother Randy, and booking several matches to ultimately hinder some of the SWF’s hottest up-and-coming talents, the Money-appointed figure appears to be MORE SO interested in furthering his OWN agenda versus what’s best for the youngsters as a whole. In a sense, much like we currently reside in “Money’s SWF”, “Underground” is quickly following suit; Joseph Sexy making sure it all goes ‘to plan’.


This week; however, the one-sided perspective growing in the SWF (Money’s perspective; orchestrated further by Joseph Sexy) became that much more evident as Sexy pinpointed the “Honorable” Valiant for ridicule.


Valiant has been groomed for the upper-echelon of the SWF since his celebrated debut. Despite being wide-eyed at that point, overtly green as well, the hard-nosed youngster was quickly perceived as someone to watch. As the years went on, the young bruiser grew into a tough, respectable, powerhouse of a talent. Before we knew it, comparisons to the “Iron Man” were impossible to ignore. Valiant was on his way to the top; there was no doubt of that.


Recently, Valiant has struggled to force himself to the forefront; however, a lengthy blood-feud with “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Rogue certainly kept his personal aspirations at bay. During that time, it was more about ‘righting the wrongs’ set forth by his former tag team partner. In doing so though, Valiant was equally pulled into Rogue’s world of extreme violence.


Ultimately, he exited his war with Rogue as a battle-tested warrior; bruised, battered and yet still standing.


Despite all of this, Joseph Sexy claims that Valiant is nowhere NEAR the persona we’ve claimed him to be. This past Supreme TV, the SWF’s Head Scout made it known that he felt the battle-tested warrior was more hype than actuality. That said, when they entered into the ring, it was Valiant who proved himself to be the greater of the two; reaffirming what we had always thought of him.


Through all of this, one thing we have learned is that Joseph Sexy is unafraid to voice his opinion about SWF talent. In reality, his position DOES warrant him such an ability; however, when he’s seen stepping out of “Underground” & verbally attacking someone of Valiant’s caliber, one has to wonder what his motives may really be?


Something tells me, going forward, this is NOT the last time we’ve seen Joseph Sexy ‘call out’ a talent; placing his own SPIN on the matter.


Next time, maybe he’ll think TWICE before he goes after someone like Valiant…




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Everything continues to move a long at pace, Bruce, Chase, etc. Wondered if we might see a Zim-ME appearance, but Rogue really doesn't need any outside involvement to go over Randy Bumfhole.


Whilst I'm looking forward to seeing Money's campaign against Atomic escalate, it's shows like this that make me sad characters like BSS and Laramee are tied down to written contracts in C-Verse canon when their only real roll is playing the job-squad, especially now Knuckles and Shady K are gone. Nothing wrong with the way you've been booking them, I'm struggling to get anything much/fresh going in the C-Verse this installment.

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SWF "Underground" results due up later.


From there, I've got some heavy school work this week but hope to have Episode #13's card up sometime early this week. Sadly, after booking the show, a combination I was banking on didn't quite work out as I had planned. It doesn't derail my booking plans for the next few months entirely but it DOES force me to re-evaluate my long-term focus as it pertains to this feud.


Everything continues to move a long at pace, Bruce, Chase, etc. Wondered if we might see a Zim-ME appearance, but Rogue really doesn't need any outside involvement to go over Randy Bumfhole.


Zim-ME certainly could have reared himself important in the outcome of the match, due to their recent feud; however, I wanted the focus to be more so on Rogue & his dastardly ways (ie: Lobbie's mask). By adding Zim-ME in there, this narrative may have been lost.


The good thing, for Zim-ME, he's got a busy schedule ahead of him...


Whilst I'm looking forward to seeing Money's campaign against Atomic escalate, it's shows like this that make me sad characters like BSS and Laramee are tied down to written contracts in C-Verse canon when their only real roll is playing the job-squad, especially now Knuckles and Shady K are gone. Nothing wrong with the way you've been booking them, I'm struggling to get anything much/fresh going in the C-Verse this installment.


After so many installments, It's hard to really set yourself apart, every week, every show, and every character. That said, coming into this project, I told myself that I wasn't going to 'rock the boat' with the SWF; at least not initially. My sole focus was to make this project AS SWF as possible; not adding a billion names & pet projects to take over SupremeTV but rather focus on the big-guns. That said, over time, I know that this will change once I feel as though I've done enough grunt work to be 'true' to the SWF (and evolve it, quite possibly, in my own direction once I feel it's best to do so).


This means a lot of the same names, feuds, etc. I just hope that I can add at least something small to them all to create a unique/interesting perspective.


BSS/Kurt are two guys who just, sadly, aren't high on my priority list. "Someone needs to lose for another to win". In their case, they're not good enough to beat the All-Americans in my mind but still not 'garbage' enough to simply let go. With this in mind, I'm trying to find ways to make them relevant without really having to give them a solid push (at least at this point). BSS has hurt himself as well with backstage antics & simmering tension with me (Duane Fry). Between the two, Kurt has something on the horizon that I'm working on; however, it may not be for a few weeks. BSS, on the other than, I'm just looking to see where I want to go.


Also, Death Row IS back in the SWF. I hired them a few weeks back. As you'll see on "Underground" this week, they're not just here to job out too.

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TV RATING: 0.97 (+ 0.09)




  • Randy Bumfhole
    is shown talking to the SWF's Head Scout,
    Joseph Sexy
    , backstage. Randy wants his brother
    in a match tonight. He's obviously frustrated. Sexy toys with him before ultimately denying Randy the match. Instead, he books him against the man who just walked into the room;
    Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase
    . A heated stare-down exists between Huntingdon & Randy Bumfhole as Sexy smirks off in the corner.

  • Death Row
    defeated the
    Johansen Brothers
    in 6:01 as Shady K pins Markus Johansen via a "K Killer".

  • A hype video is shown depicting what recently happened between
    Lobster Warrior & Rogue
    on SupremeTV. Their initial match is highlighted; followed by the attack & mask theft by Rogue. Also, Rogue's celebration with the mask, post-win, this week on SupremeTV is also shown.

  • The Awesomeness
    conducts a simple promo backstage where they highlight their comically-cool rock-n-roll personas. It's more slapstick than Jack Bruce's persona. That said, they come across as pretty entertaining and vow to 'climb to the top' of the SWF tag team division.

  • The Awesomeness
    in 6:16 as Huey Cannonball pinned Lenny Brown with a "Cannonball Run".

  • In a shocking debut moment,
    Donnie J
    appeared on "Underground" alongside his long-time tag team partner,
    James Prudence
    . The two quickly slid into the ring & assaulted
    the Awesomeness
    ; leaving them down-and-out rather quickly. In the end, the seemingly reunited duo exit the ring while celebrating their attack.

  • Kris Cage
    holds a promo backstage where he touts his recent success in the SWF; claiming it's a far-gone-conclusion that he's headed for greatness. He casually insults everyone while keeping the focus on himself the entire time.

  • Kris Cage
    Gino Montero
    in 6:47 via pinfall; using the nearby ring ropes for leverage. Gino looks strong though.

  • Paul Huntingdon
    holds a promo, in-ring, with
    Ms. Chase
    helping him throughout. It's a rather simple promo; mostly centered on how great Paul is. In the end, they make it known that the "Blue Blood" is coming away with the win tonight; no questions asked.

  • Paul Huntingdon
    Randy Bumfhole
    in 8:20 via a school-boy-roll-up; Zim-ME is shown distracting Randy at the point of pinfall.

  • The show closes with
    laughing at his brother from afar; atop the rampway. Meanwhile,
    Randy Bumfhole
    looks to be growing increasingly frustrated. His angered face is the final image we see before the episode ends.


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Hmmm...do I detect Freddy G., Jimmy P. and Donnie J. forming a midcard stable? I'm used to seeing Donnie J. used as a babyface, so seeing him as a heel is a pleasant surprise.


You most certainly are.


The Platinum Blonde tag team seemed like a great idea; however, could never really get behind it full force. That said, A reunited Fly Boyz w/ Frederique is a nice little trio that I can't pass up. I'm working on a valet to go into the group as well; total "Beautiful People"-style but with caddy, self-absorbed, metrosexual men. The name is still in the works right now.


Also, I agree. Donnie always gets booked as the generic, bland, veteran babyface flier. In this case, he's got some room to be a little more interesting. With this in mind, I'm using this altered version of his pic so that he can work with the 'blonde theme'...




In the end, it's bound to be Frederique, Jimmy P, Donnie J and Krissy [Angelle]. They'll most likely stay rooted in "Underground" but add some depth to the show overall.
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You got a copy of that without the black borders? :p


Sadly, I forgot to save it before doing so. That said, I can crop it in a few minutes. Check back in a bit and I'll edit it into this post!



There you go!

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Episode #:

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

The Dust Bowl (South East)

Main Event:
Jack Bruce vs. Remo;
Steel Cage Match


Rich Money is not a man of patience. Results are to be expected today; this instance. Not tomorrow.


With this in mind, the controversial SWF Owner has set a plan into motion that speaks to this fact.


While no official contender has been named for Steve Frehley’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship, it’s expected that Rich Money will, once again, elevate himself to the main event at “The World is Watching”. One could generate a tizzy all they want, speak to Money’s dictatorship as the ultimate downfall of this great company, but such a statement is simply mute at this point. This is HIS company; he’s going to run it as HE wants to be to run.


Knowing this, Rich Money has developed a devious master plan to ensure his success. Step 1) hinder Steve Frehley physically leading up to the April PPV, Step 2) eliminate all other rivals in the hopes of limiting any outside influence (ie: Jack Bruce, Captain Atomic, etc.) and Step 3) utilize the brutish hands of others to do his dirty work the entire way; keeping himself fresh-and-ready-for-success (ie: Remo). It really is a simple recipe; however, one that could prove to be beneficial for the polarizing figure; sadly.


The recent release of the impending SupremeTV card shows this scenario to be moving full-force-ahead as Jack Bruce will square off against Money’s ‘inspired hitman’ in the “Alpha Dog” Remo. Such a match would be daunting enough; however, it’s the addition of an unforgiving steel confine that sparks the opportunity for further violence.


Can Jack Bruce overcome the “Alpha Dog” when SO much is at stake for both of them?


Will Remo bring an END to Jack Bruce within the torture chamber that is a Steel Cage Match?


Two men will enter. One MAY exit. Both… could pay the ultimate price.


This IS SupremeTV… Brutal. Explosive. Supreme!


Captain Atomic vs.
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?


Christian Faith vs.
Paul Huntingdon
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?


Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?


Jack Bruce vs.
“The Alpha Dog”
w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?

This is one of those could go either way matches but Atomic is the one who is getting heavy push to the top so I go with him.


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?

Huntingdon is good and all but he isn´t going over Faith.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?

Zim-ME has bitten more than he can chew here.


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

This is interesting match espesially since it´s in TV and not PPV where I would expect to see this type of match. I guess draw is little bit unlikely here so I go with Bruce once again coming on top like he has been doing so far in this diary.

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?

Atomic by DQ but getting quite a beating from Rogue


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?

Faith is Faith


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?

Frehley is the World Champ


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

I think it's time for Bruce to feel some retribution from his actions even if they don't keep him down for long.

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?

Ditto. I think Atomic via DQ sounds plausible.


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?

Whatever Ms. Chase has in store for the "Iron Man" won't be enough for Faith to lose this match.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?

Zim-ME ain't nothin'. Or as Frehley would say in my diary game, Zim-ME ain't s---. Loving the Zimmy Bumfhole heel turn, though...


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

Jack Bruce will survive and will win this one after a whole lot of punishment from Remo.

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?

I'm seeing a DQ or a straight win for Atomic, While Rogue is on a roll, Atomic needs the win so he can move on to face Money.


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?

It's Paul, he's not gonna win, no matter what Easy E does to interfere.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?

Zim will put on a good show and i think have a few 2 counts, but Frehley is too much for him to handle.


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

I'm going with Remo on this, it'll blunt Bruce's monenteum, but really boost Remo and the trade off is worth it.



Great stuff E-V.

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?


Bruce will be down, but not out.

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[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rich Money continues to push Captain Atomic through hell; placing him in competition with a man KNOWN for his vicious ways (a man who also houses a 2-1 record over Atomic; currently). Can Captain Atomic overcome Rogue’s brand of intense violence?


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After brokering this match on behalf of her clients (Paul Huntingdon and Eric Eisen©), what does Ms. Chase have in-store for the “Iron Man”?

“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Stepping out of the “Underground”, will the obnoxious Zim-ME have what it takes to slow down the steamrolling brawler that is our SWF World Heavyweight Champion? Furthermore, how does this match factor into Rich Money’s master plan as it pertains to wearing Frehley down leading into “The World is Watching”?


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

Question: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF, the “Alpha Dog” will receive the rebellious rocker’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With this in mind, victory may be the least of Jack Bruce’s worries leading into SupremeTV. Can Jack Bruce simply SURVIVE the torture chamber that is an SWF Steel Cage Match?

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The results for SupremeTV (episode #13) will be up within the next 24-36 hours!


Thank you to those who have predicted thus far. Also, an additional thank you to those who have voted for this project in DOTM and the 'Memorable Moment' polls. There are many worthy writers/projects in both; so, it means a lot to know that you're enjoying what you've read in here.

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[standard Singles Match]


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. “THE BLUE BLOOD” Paul Huntingdon w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley vs. Zim-ME

[standard Singles Match]


Jack Bruce vs. “The Alpha Dog” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[steel Cage Match]

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Tuesday, 1st Week of April 2013

The Dust Bowl || South East








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
[Pyro is heard going off in the background]
That’s right, folks. The GREATEST, most IN-YOUR-FACE, wrestling action only comes from one show and you’re watching it! I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen.
Boy, do we have a show for you!

Duane Fry:
That's right, Peter. We’ve got one of THE most EXPLOSIVE main events in SupremeTV history as Jack Bruce will go one-on-one with Remo… All… in a STEEL… CAGE!! Man-o-Man, it’s bound to be one HELL of a barnstormer!

Jerry Eisen:
Money wants Bruce ‘out of the picture’ and will NOT rest until that’s done. If Remo can put Bruce away for good, he’ll take Jack’s guaranteed title shot at “Supreme Challenge 33”. With that in mind, there’s no telling what the “Alpha Dog” will do here tonight. He smells blood; and it’s already on his hands…

Duane Fry:
We ALSO have the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, in action as he takes on Zim-ME in what’s expected to be a HUGE opportunity for the ratty youngster.

Peter Michaels:
Zim-ME looks to be on the inside with the head SWF Scout, Joseph Sexy. That’s a relationship that should take him pretty far. Sexy & Money are pretty close.

Duane Fry:
Hence the match against Frehley tonight. There’s no doubt in my mind that Zim-ME’s going to come into tonight’s match with EVERYTHING ‘ablazin.

Jerry Eisen:
Before we get to ANY of that, we’ve just received word that SWF Owner, Rich Money, has an important announcement to make.

Duane Fry:
Is he coming out here?

Jerry Eisen:
Nope. We’re going BACK to his personal suite for this one…

Duane Fry:
Must be nice to have a personal suite…





Rich Money

“The ascent to success"


[supremeTV opens with a tight camera angle of the SWF’s controversial owner, Rich Money, as he stands before a tan wall. The pompous look upon his face is rather typical for the GQ-looking beefcake as ‘overtly arrogant’ is his most common state. None the less, with his hair perfectly gelled back in a power fashion, the custom-suit wearing authority figure projects an air of absolute power; dictator in fashion.]


[Rich Money]:
Success is all I’ve ever known. I was bred for it, raised within it and conquered it’s existence as many of you were fumbling around like directionless bottom-feeders. Taking from everyone and everything… Wading in the seaspool that is the modern American society.
[shakes his head; chuckles to himself]
As I was studying at Oxford, brokering business deals, making millions all under the age of 20, YOU were all basking in the ugliness of mediocrity. Drinking, smoking, skipping out on and impregnating your worthless trash of a girlfriend as you carry out the ‘American Dream’; overpopulating an already doomed society.
[shakes his head; laughs some more]
I know… I know… It’s not YOUR fault you’re a failure. It’s EVERYONE ELSE’S FAULT…
[Nods his head; smirking]
It’s Stephen Frehley’s fault…


[The crowd boos as Money continues to smirk in a smug fashion.]


[Rich Money]:
He’s made it so you THINK it’s OKAY to be mediocre; to be a STAIN on our society. It’s ALARMING how much you adore Stephen; the classless… talentless… morally inept… thug.
[Crowd boos]
Then again, why am I shocked? He’s the very same bottom-feeding rodent that you ALL are. He was HANDED the SWF World Heavyweight Championship by Richard Eisen and then continued to DRAG this great company through the dirt, for the last 9 months, as he cheated his way to remain on top. He’s a cheater… a bum… a drunken malcontent…
… And he’s not MY champion. Never was; never will be. The Supreme Wrestling Federation NEEDS a respectable figure atop it’s ranks; someone we can celebrate… someone we can adore.
Don’t worry. I’ll take the guessing game away from you as I’m sure it’s turning whatever you have IN that head of yours into mush…
[Pauses; smirks]
The SWF, MY SWF, deserves a REAL Champion… It deserves… ME…


[The crowd boos; Money smirks]


[Rich Money]:
And that’s why I am officially announcing that I, Rich Money, the true SAVIOR of this great company, will challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at “The World is Watching”!
[Crowd boos]
What better time to bring a little CLASS BACK to the SWF than now? The world will TRULY be watching… Watching as I… climb yet another ladder… of success…


[With that, the camera man slowly pans out in which to see an opened ladder situated behind the SWF Owner. Due to the tight camera angle utilized before, It was ultimately hidden from view; however, now stands as a dominating vision of what’s to come. In the end, we transition on into the show with the sight of Rich Money smirking in a smug fashion before the towering ladder; overtly confident about his chances at the SWF’s April PPV extravaganza.]



Duane Fry:

Jerry Eisen:
A re-match between Money and Frehley is ENOUGH to cause a stir but a LADDER MATCH?!?

Duane Fry:
That’s going to be one HELL of a Barnstormer!!

Peter Michaels:
You got that right…

Jerry Eisen:
We’ve got our main event for “The World is Watching”… NOW, though, we just have to hope that Steve Frehley can do it again!! That he can BEAT Rich Money to retain the belt!

Duane Fry:
You KNOW Money’s going to do EVERYTHING in his POWER to ensure that he walks out with the belt…

Peter Michaels:
That shouldn’t shock ANYONE by now.

Jerry Eisen:
If ANYONE can put up with Money’s bull, it’s Frehley. He’s got a knack for, as he would say, ‘punkin’ b*tches’…

Duane Fry:
You sound like an idiot when you say it…

[The SWF commentary teams laughs as one]




Captain Atomic vs.

“Distraction; to the rescue!”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Rogue


  • Rogue attempts to get the upper-hand on Captain Atomic before the bell rings; diving into his corner with fists of fury. That said, Atomic’s unadulterated intensity allows him to fight his way out of said corner; steamrolling the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” repeatedly in the process.

  • A running bulldog out of another corner sends Rogue reeling; however, it only generates a 2-count. All in all, the crowd is growing with excitement as Atomic explodes with energy; shaking a nearby ring rope following the bulldog/pin scenario.

  • Rogue eventually evens the score with an unseen poke-of-the-eye. In doing so, “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” stiffly beats his way into a momentous climb.

  • Rogue looks to break down his opponent from limb-to-limb; leaving no inch un-stomped. Easily, it looks like he’s trying to keep his opponent grounded.

  • Atomic would gain in the match again; however, not to the ‘steamrolling’ ability that he had early on.


    Hiding behind a towel



  • Lobster Warrior is shown shuffling out of the back with a black towel hanging over his head. He attempts to keep said towel down, holding it in the process, as he staggers toward the ring. The crowd pops at the sight of him.

  • After flooring Atomic seconds earlier with a side Russian leg-sweep, Rogue dives out of the ring and instantly goes after Lobbie. He can tell that he’s on his way to the ringside area to grab his mask; sitting on the floor of the ring.. underneath a nearby turnbuckle.

  • Lobbie holds onto his towel tightly as Rogue lands a few heavy shots to his clothed head; ultimately throwing him into the nearby guardrail.

  • Rogue snarls as he walks over to the fallen Lobbie; grabbing at the towel in which to take it off (Exposing him once again). That said, before he can do so, Captain Atomic is shown exiting the ring & attacking his opponent from behind.

  • A short brawl later and Atomic is shown reversing an Irish Whip & ultimately KO’ing Rogue with a spinebuster on the lightly padded ringside floor.

  • Shaking out his own ‘cobwebs’ from their fight, Atomic surges back into the ring JUST before Darren Smith gets to his 10th count. In doing so, Atomic is declared as the winner via count-out. Meanwhile, Rogue is struggling to get back to his feet; obviously rocked by the spinebuster from earlier.


<hr color="black">
Captain Atomic via count-out

Spinebuster onto the lightly padded floor at ringside




Jerry Eisen:
It’s uncommon for Rogue to lose his train of thought.

Duane Fry:
I guess it depends on if you look at this as one of those moments. In reality, Rogue probably cares MORE about keeping Lobbie’s mask than anything else.

Jerry Eisen:
But to take a loss over it?

Duane Fry:
A loss will damn you either way; that’s true. That said, Rogue’s looking to piss off as many people as he can. It’s his nature. What does that more? A win here or making sure he keeps Lobbie’s mask from him?

Peter Michaels:
A win’s-a-win. This ‘aint no rocket science. Whether he cares about beating Atomic more or holdin’ onto the mask, he SHOULD be worried about taking a loss here. Mask or no mask; losing will get ya on the fast track OUT of the SWF. That’s for damn sure.

Duane Fry:
Now that Rogue’s down and out though, this COULD be Lobbie’s moment to finally get a hold of his mask again!

Jerry Eisen:
Go Lobbie!!






Lobster Warrior, Rogue and Ms. Chase



[Lobbie returns to his feet, making sure to hold the towel down upon his head to hide his identity, as he shakes out the attack put on him previously by Rogue. Seconds later, more coherent than before it seems, the toweled warrior slowly staggers over toward the corner of the ring where his mask lies upon the canvas. He reaches out… touches it with his fingertips… Even pulls it close to his body with excitement; however, as he does so, his body tenses up…]


[slowly, he falls to the ground. In doing so, we see that Ms. Chase was standing behind him seconds before & had kicked him mercilessly below the belt (from behind). This forces Lobbie to collapse to the ground & ultimately drop his mask in the process.]


[in the end, Ms. Chase and Rogue exit the squared circle with Lobbie’s mask STILL in the hands of the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”.]


[snarling as he back peddles up the ramp, Rogue continues to toy with the crowd; using Lobbie’s mask to do so.]

B -


Duane Fry:
Well… He WAS close…

Jerry Eisen:
He ALMOST had his mask. ALMOST had his identity back. Right now, he’s just a man with a towel on his head…

Peter Michaels:
The man looks dejected. He’s not himself. It’s a sad thing to see…

Duane Fry:
You just hope he gets his hand on the mask before Rogue is finally able to expose his TRUE identity to the world…





Rich Money, Remo, Ms. Chase and ????

“You did WHAT?!?!"


[shortly after a brief promotional break, We transition backstage once again in which to see the ominous sight of Rich Money, Ms. Chase and Remo all standing in conversation. Their positioning, and all-around body language, speaks of a comfortability between the three; a fact that should drive immense fear in the hearts of all in the SWF.]


[As always, projecting a sense of smug arrogance, Money appears to be energized about something.]


[All in all, as they stand before an idling black armored car, it’s back end directly behind the three recent allies, it’s expected that the ‘three headed monster’ may be developing a strategy of sorts for tonight’s main event.]


[Ms. Chase]:
If it’s a conversation you’re looking to have, I’m going to dismiss my client. As you already know, he has far more important matters to tend to.


[Ms. Chase states in an emotionless, all-business, fashion. Her arms crossed; as always.]


[in connection, Money is heard blurting out a small stint of confident laughter under his breath.]


[Rich Money]:
Do what you will…
… but I’m positive he’ll want to see this as well…


[Money grows a devious smirk upon his face as it appears he has something to unveil.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Go on…


[she responds almost immediately.]


[Rich Money]:
To lead is to pinpoint challenges in the road, address them and ultimately eliminate said challenges to ensure success. It’s a basic truth; something I’m sure you’re well aware of Ms. Chase.
[Chase nods]
With that said, I’ve gone ahead and done exactly that. I’ve eliminated a potential challenge ALL with the hopes of your client FINISHING the job here tonight & putting Jack Bruce on the shelf for good.
I give you… THAT challenge…


[Rich Money opens the back door of the waiting black armored car. In doing so, within the darkness of the back chamber, we witness the sight of the brutish Big Cat Brandon seated in a lifeless manner. Hunched over as he sits, thick chains keeping him in place, wrapped around his legs, arms, and hands, the wild extremist looks to be absolutely incoherent. Breathing heavily, almost in a primal-like fashion, it’s obvious that he’s still alive; only badly sedated and restrained.]



Drugged & Restrained


[Ms. Chase]:
How did…


[Ms. Chase actually appears speechless; shocked.]


[Rich Money]:
Oh, nothing a tranquilizer… or three… couldn’t solve…


[Remo grows a slight smirk upon his face; crossing his arms in a confident fashion. Meanwhile, Rich Money is grinning from ear-to-ear.]


[Rich Money]:
You see, with Big Cat Brandon no longer in the picture, there’s NO excuse possible anymore.
[smirks; pauses]
The ball is in your court, Remo.
Go out there & rip Jack Bruce to shreds; put him away FOR GOOD and it’s YOUR title shot at “Supreme Challenge 33”.


[Ms. Chase]:
You have nothing to fear. Jack Bruce will find his END in a steel cage tonight…
[slight smirk forms on a normally emotionless face]
… I’m confident of that.


[Rich Money]:
That’s what I like to hear, Ms. Chase.
I knew I could trust in you…


[Remo nods his head; smirking himself.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Pleasure doing business with you.


[Rich Money]:
Oh, the pleasure is ALL mine…


[A devious smirk continues to form upon Money’s face as, in connection, Ms. Chase returns the favor. The idea of ENDING Jack Bruce has taken the typically emotionless power-agent & turned her rather giddy; well, at least as giddy as one could expect from a cold-hearted machine.]


[in the end, the segment comes to a close as Rich Money slams the back armored car door shut. In doing so, the vehicle speeds off into the night; taking Big Cat Brandon with it.]



Jerry Eisen:
Rich Money had Big Cat Brandon tranquilized?!?! That HAS to be against almost EVERY employee/employer law out there!

Duane Fry:
Is THAT where we are in the SWF these days; that you can be tranquilized by your boss? Richard Eisen was one tough figure but he NEVER drugged another individual like this. What does he plan to do with the Big Cat once he comes back too?

Peter Michaels:
I don’t think ANY of us know…

Jerry Eisen:
The chains are probably there to keep him at bay for as LONG as possible… WE could be talking days, weeks… MONTHS until we EVER hear from the Big Cat again. You KNOW he’s going to have a whole security staff making sure that he goes nowhere. He wants Bruce gone and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that NO ONE stops that!

Duane Fry:
Just when you thought you’d seen everything…

Peter Michaels:
Believe me… There’s ALWAYS somethin’ you ‘aint never seen around here…





Eric Eisen© and Christian Faith

“Mr. SWF"


[A short hype video is shown capturing the heated rivalry between SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen© and the Wrestling LEGEND Christian Faith. With this in mind, highlighting previous altercations between the two, said video ultimately projects the overarching theme of their hatred; Eisen believing he’s the NEW “Mr. SWF” and Christian Faith standing in silent, brutish, defiance of such a fact. All in all, it has a “to be the man, you’ve got to beat the man” kind of scenario. In the end though, given what we’ve seen, Eisen may be the one who FINALLY backs up his word in ending Christian Faith. Why? He’s got Hammer. That’s why.]

B -


Duane Fry:
There’s nothing Eric Eisen would want more right now than to see Christian Faith no longer in an SWF ring. He WANTS to be known as the NEW “Mr. SWF” but, as long as Faith’s still around, it’s going to be hard to sell that fact.

Jerry Eisen:
Not to mention there are OTHERS who deserve the name MORE if Faith were to EVER walk away…

Duane Fry:
He DOES have one hell of a selling point on his side though. Hammer’s a freakish FORCE!

Peter Michaels:
Freakish but nothing Faith hasn’t overcome in the past.

Duane Fry:
The word that sticks out there, though, is ‘past’. That’s what Eisen’s whole point is; that Faith USED to be “Mr. SWF”. You know, deep down, Eisen won’t rest until he’s proven his point.

Jerry Eisen:
Hopefully, in trying to do so, Faith will put him in his place…

Peter Michaels:
That’s what he’s good at…

Duane Fry:
We can only hope!




Paul Huntingdon

“Doing what he does best”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Paul Huntingdon


  • Paul Huntingdon doesn’t respect Christian Faith. That’s obvious. Sadly, for him though, Faith doesn’t really give a damn. After a cheap-shot right-hand at the opening bell, Huntingdon finds himself on his heels almost immediately; put there by a string of heavy-handed strikes from the “Iron Man”.

  • The “Blue Blood” is extremely overwhelmed at first. Christian Faith’s brand of stiff/brutish warfare leaves him hitting the mat over-and-over-again.

  • It looks as though Faith is about to pick up an early win, dropping his opponent with a ring-rattling gut-wrench-powerbomb; however, the pinfall attempt only gets to 2 1/2 due to Ms. Chase pulling her client’s foot onto the bottom rope.

  • Faith pulls his lifeless opponent off the canvas and continues his beatdown; however, eventually, Huntingdon is able to halt his opponent’s momentum with a simple Irish Whip over the top rope. This is done in a reversal format and sends the “Iron Man” crashing to the ringside area.

  • Huntingdon would wait to continue his assault, first posing in the ring, but does a good job of keeping the Wrestling LEGEND at bay; an Irish Whip into the steel steps (shoulder first) brings a level of drama as to whether or not Faith will be able to rebound.

  • Huntingdon poses through his moments of greatness; a fact that proves to be his downfall. As Huntingdon celebrates outside of the ring, Faith is able to pull his opponent trunks-first into the nearby ringpole. This fact has Paul’s head collide mercilessly with said pole. This also gives Faith enough time to rebound & toss his equally staggered opponent into the ring.

  • After some brutal impacts, Faith eventually forces his opponent into his signature “Leap of Faith”. The crowd pops as the Wrestling LEGEND looks out upon them, holding his opponent upside down, before planting his head firmly upon the unforgiving canvas.

  • As expected, Ms. Chase watches on with an emotionless gaze, arms crossed, as her client is pinned for a standard 3 count.


<hr color="black">
Christian Faith via pinfall

“Leap of Faith” (Leaping Piledriver)




Peter Michaels:
How’d THAT feel, Huntingdon?
The “Iron Man” just dropped ya’ on your head! Good Ole’ Fashion justice!

Jerry Eisen:
The “Blue Blood” looked impressive at points but simply not on the same level as Christian Faith. Strong win for the “Iron Man”.

Duane Fry:
You KNOW Eric Eisen HAS to be watching this via satellite. They were looking for Huntingdon to embarrass Faith here tonight; put a loss on him leading into April. That said, they forgot one thing… It’s DAMN hard to beat Christian Faith; especially one-on-one. You NEED an army to keep him at bay!

Peter Michaels:
Take note, Eisen… This is the end YOU’RE going to see at “The World is Watching”. I can garun-damn-tee you that!

Jerry Eisen:
GOD, I’d love to see that…






Eric Eisen©, Hammer, and Christian Faith

“The END of an Era"


[Christian Faith rises to his feet in a strong fashion despite wincing through the action itself. He’s overtly stiff as he slowly raises his right arm high into the air; celebrating but in a no-thrill kind of fashion. That said, the crowd is eating up the “Iron Man’s” victory; showering him with a response fit for THE most respected in the industry.]


[That said, this moment of blue-collar celebration comes to a screeching halt as the Money Tron quickly flashes into existence.]


[There, on the Money Tron, stands the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen©, standing behind a grandiose black podium; one that projects the SWF’s steel logo proudly. As lights flash left-and-right, signifying a plethora of journalists before the champion, Eisen looks out as if he’s staring direction upon Christian Faith within the ring.]


[With a pseudo-tough-guy look upon his face, Eisen begins to speak into the collection of microphones atop said podium. All the while, his championship belt gleams in the bright lights before him.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
For too long, the Supreme Wrestling Federation has been without a true cornerstone. Several have stepped before the challenge; however, all, at some point, floundered under the immense weight that is such a lofty position. At one point in our history, Christian Faith stood as the proud cornerstone of the SWF. He WAS the physical personification of everything Supreme. Sadly, those days are long behind us… Nothing but a faint memory… A day-and-age lost in the sands of time.
Now, as the SWF stands before a new era in it’s illustrious history, we must, once again, confide in another cornerstone; another proud figure to LEAD us all into a new age of Supremacy.
I know times are tough… darkened to the core even… but as we embrace the world around us… It’s time that we ALL look to our new cornerstone for guidance…
That new cornerstone… is ME… “Mr. SWF”… and North American Champion… Eric… Eisen…


[Eisen proudly projects his chin outward in a pseudo tough-guy fashion. As he does so, a wave of flashes can be seen bouncing off of his face.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
That’s right, Christian…
[Looks straight ahead; a smirk forms upon his face]
The day for which LED this company is no longer here. You’re a shell of what you used to be. A broken-down has-been with little to offer, you’re not fooling ANYONE anymore, “Iron Man”.
[Pauses; smirks]
Just as I showed you last week, you’re nothing more than a victim now. The modern day SWF needs someone like ME, the NEW face of Supremacy, to SAVE US ALL from the mediocrity that is your dwindling career. Simply put, we’re in a NEW industry now… ‘Rasslers like yourself are not only outdated but a dying breed.
[Pauses; smirks]
A breed that I plan to put an END to when I do the unthinkable; leave the Immortal Christian Faith unable to go on…


[Again, camera flashes follow as Eisen looks on with confidence.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
As I stand here in the United Kingdom, carrying my brand of greatness around the world, I want you to remember this one thing…
Do you have your hearing aid up? I’d HATE for you to miss this.
[Pauses; smirks]
Good. In a few weeks, we’ll return to pay-per-view for “The World is Watching”. At that time, I’m going to see to it that I not only BEAT you… but humiliate you… Leave you without a SHRED of dignity… and, in doing so, there will be NO denying the truth anymore. I… Eric Eisen… the SWF North American Champion… will BE… the NEW cornerstone of this great company… the NEW… “MR.SWF”… Whether YOU, or those idiots back in the states, like it or not…


[The crowd boos as we now see that Christian Faith has secured a microphone during Eisen’s press conference promo. With said microphone in hand, Faith peers toward the Money Tron with a stern sense of confidence.]


[Christian Faith]:
You’ve got a lot to say…
… but very little of it means anything.
[Pauses; crowd pops]
You’re not the first person who said they were going to END my career. I’ve had monsters, giants, warriors and fiends all attempt the same thing. In the end, they all fell at my feet. They all… failed.
[Pauses; crowd pops]
Boy, you can talk a big game all you want but, when push comes to shove, you don’t have what it takes to keep me down. It’ll take more than a silver spoon up your a$$ to finish me off…


[Eric Eisen©]:
Oh, Christian …
[Pauses; smirks]
Your threats are empty. You should know that by now. Last week, I showed you, first hand, that you were no longer feared in the NEW SWF. Your years of dominance are WAY behind us now. If anything, you’re more of a laughing stock today than the dominating warrior you once were.
I’ve said it before, HELL… I’ve said it here tonight, and I’ll continue to say it from here on out, as it’s the truth,… You’re nothing but a victim, Christian. You can’t muster up enough grit in that failing body of yours to be anything MORE than that…


[Christian Faith]:
We’ll see about that, boy…


[Eric Eisen©]:
Eisen… It’s Eric… Eisen… Not ‘boy’. I’m not your son. I’m not your friend. I’m the SWF North American Champion and it’s about DAMN time that you show me some respect.


[Christian Faith]:
You get what give…
[Pauses; stern stare]
It’s as simple as that…


[Eric Eisen©]:
You’re wasting my time with your macho, ‘tough guy’, bull…
These reporters have BETTER things to cover; my arrival in their country for one.
I’ll return to the States; however, in the meantime, try to stay upright, Gramps. I’d HATE for you to fall apart before we even GET to “The World is Watching”. Believe me, I want, nothing more, than to END your career before an international audience. In one night, I’ll shatter the American façade of a proud warrior; leaving you, Christian, once again… a victim…


[Christian Faith]:
Bring everything you’ve got… It STILL won’t be enough. I have Faith in that…


[With that, Christian Faith drops his microphone upon the canvas below; sternly staring toward the Money Tron. In doing so, the feed from the UK press conference cuts out; leaving the “Iron Man” all alone in the ring. All in all, the fans shower the SWF LEGEND with an immense show of support; firmly behind their beloved Faith.]



Duane Fry:
The war is set for “The World is Watching”. Eisen… Faith… one-on-one… I can’t WAIT for that one!

Jerry Eisen:
It’s certainly not the first time these two have gone at it but, after all we’ve seen recently, this battle seems more personal than ever!!

Duane Fry:
Can’t get more personal than someone trying to END the career of the other…

Peter Michaels:
Eisen’s biting off more than he can chew. He don’t want Faith. He may THINK he does but he don’t…

Duane Fry:
I THINK He does… BUT… The real thing is… As to what you’re alluding to, I don’t think he has what it takes to break down the Immortal Christian Faith. He really IS the last of a dying breed here in the SWF. He’s a ‘Rassler’ from days gone by and, knowing this, and knowing Faith himself, he’s not going to simply ‘walk off into the sunset’ under anyone else’s direction. He’s going to fight until he can’t fight no more… Give ‘em HELL until his last breath…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s the TRUE “Mr. SWF” and always will be…

Peter Michaels:
Damn right…

Duane Fry:
There’ll never be another…





Angry Gilmore and Marat Khoklov

“Reckless Anger"


[A lengthy hype video is shown centered around the notion of Angry Gilmore traveling to Russia in hopes of confronting the mythical giant that is Marat Khoklov. Within said video, blaring a screamo anthem in the background, one dripping with pure emotion/anger, Gilmore is documented as he encounters a nearby airport, travels by air, and ultimately lands in the ice cold, snowy, landscape of Mother Russia.]


[Throughout it all, Gilmore looks intensely focused. He’s radiating PURE anger; practically shaking throughout raw energy throughout his travels.]


[The music eventually fades into the background as an additional scene is shown within said video package. In this scene, Gilmore stands fortified in a ritzy hotel conference room. Gold statues, ruby red carpeting and a number of proud Russian artwork; an image of pure old world power & money.]


[Across from the clenched fist of Angry Gilmore stands a collection of 4 Russian businessmen in suits. They appear stern yet confident. This is THEIR home; that’s obvious in the way they stand.]


He will not see you. Go home.


[Gilmore snarls in a greater fashion; looking upon said businessman over his brow with anger.]


[Angry Gilmore]:
Wrong answer…


[With that, Gilmore sparks into action; literally taking each man to the ground in a matter of 10 seconds with an array of intense strikes. The sequence looks like an epic fight scene straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster.]


[in doing so, overwhelming those who once stood before him, the towering golden doors to their right spring open and several security officers walk into the room. That said, they’re held-off by the fact that Gilmore has one of the Russian businessmen in a kneeling arm-bar of sorts; seconds from snapping his arm.]


[The Russian businessman yells out in pain; however, does his best to hold it back. Meanwhile, Gilmore is snarling like a rabid wolverine as he barks toward his captured victim; spit flying from his mouth with intensity.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Gilmore pulls a cellphone out of his back jean pocket; dropping it next to the captured Russian businessman. With one free hand, said businessman dials the phone; yelling out as Gilmore wrenches back in a vicious fashion. Meanwhile, the security staff is still standing aside; ready to strike.]


[The businessman is heard speaking into the phone in Russian as he, and it, lay upon the ruby red floor below.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Gilmore wrenches back again; the businessman yells out in pain.]


[Obviously in pain]


[Gilmore’s vile snarl slightly turns toward that of a smirk; getting what he wanted. In doing so, he shoves the businessman’s arm down upon the ground; slamming it upon the floor in the process. In doing so, the businessman rolls over onto his stomach; crawling away in pain.]


[in the end, the scene comes to a close with the sight of Angry Gilmore slowly standing up from his kneeling position. In doing so, his fists clenched, his teeth grinding on themselves as he snarls, Gilmore looks like he could be preparing for an all-out fight with the security staff before him; and enjoying that notion thoroughly. That said, the final image WE see is that of Gilmore laughing to himself in a mad-man-like fashion; still snarling throughout though as he radiates PURE aggression.]



Jerry Eisen:
Angry Gilmore has LOST it!

Duane Fry:
That’s an understatement, Jerry…

Jerry Eisen:
I mean… He’s gone full-blown, out of this world, psycho! What’s he planning on doing? Fighting ALL of Russia?

Duane Fry:
He’s got what he wants though… Khoklov. That’s why he left here, traveled thousands of miles, and put himself in dangers path. He wants the “Russian of Mass Destruction” and he wants him BAD!

Peter Michaels:
There’s a chance Gilmore won’t EVER leave Russia again…
He may be a political prisoner before all of this is done…

Duane Fry:
This goes BEYOND wrestling… This is… just… GOOD GOD…

Jerry Eisen:
Has ANYONE heard from Gilmore since this was filmed? What happened to him? Was he taken into custody? Is he on the run? Has he seen Khoklov? We NEED to know these things…

Duane Fry:
No word from corporate. Then again, I’m sure this is the LAST THING on Rich Money’s mind right now. He may have received word about Gilmore’s status but simply didn’t care enough to report it.

Peter Michaels:
Hang in there, Gilmore… wherever you are…
[slight chuckle]
You crazy bastard…





Rich Money and Zim-ME

“Make an Impact"


[We transition backstage in which to see the scrawny modern rat/punk in Zim-ME standing across from our controversial owner, Rich Money, in his conservatively decorated personal suite. While they couldn’t seem more opposite of one another (dress, personality, characteristics), there appears to be an air of comfortability between the two. With that said though, despite their sense of ease, it still feels as though Money is naturally looking down upon the ratty Zim-ME; presenting this in an overtly smug manner as he crosses his arms in an emotionally deflecting fashion.]


[Rich Money]:
New look… new attitude…
[smirks; nods]
I like it.
I can respect a man willing to dig-down-deep and pull himself up by his own boot straps.
This world is FULL of bottom-feeders wanting a hand-out. We SHOULD celebrate those who have the fortitude to make something of themselves.
[smirks; pauses]
… Tonight, you have the opportunity to do EXACTLY that…


[ZIm-ME nods; smirks in a devious fashion as he rubs his hands together. All signs of eagerness.]


[Rich Money]:
I’m not going to lie… When I look at you… I see a Bumfhole…
But you can change all of that.
You can free yourself from the confines of your own laughable genetics but, to do so, you’ll have to do something SO jarring… SO impactful… That you FORCE the masses to respect you.
[Pauses; smirks]
Don’t let those mindless idiots define your life any longer; This is YOUR time…
YOUR moment…
[Pauses; smirks]
YOUR… destiny…


[Zim-ME nods his head once again; still rubbing his hands together in an eager fashion.]


Damn right it is…


[Rich Money]:
That’s what I like to hear…
It’s all really quite simple, Zim-ME. I want, for you, to see to it that Steve Frehley doesn’t walk out of SupremeTV on his own two feet. I don’t care what you need to do. All I care is that you get the job done.
Do you understand?


Loud and clear.
Frehley won’t be a problem for you any longer…


[Rich Money]:
[smirks; pauses]
I trust that you know what failure means to me…
[Pauses; looks into Zim’s eyes]
… and to your success going forward…


I won’t fail; I’ve seen failure for FAR too long.
[Pauses; smirks]
I’ve been tethered to it my entire life but NOW… I’ve finally cut the cord.
Believe me, Money… I’m going to do EVERYTHING in my power to put Frehley down for good… and when I do…
[Arrogant laughter; rubbing his hands together with an eager stare]
The WORLD will know… We’ve entered into the ‘Era of ME!”


[Money projects a smug grin upon his face; nodding his head in approval.]


[Rich Money]:
It may be an “Era of ME” but it’s all happening in MY world…


[He couldn’t resist. Money’s ego is far too large to allow anyone else to think that they’re on top of the world; a world (SWF) that he controls.]


Whatever floats your boat…


[The two share in a collective state of arrogance.]


[Rich Money]:
Go out there…
[smirks; pauses]
Prove to those idiots that you’re MORE than just a Bumfhole…


I’m no Bumfhole; never again…


[Rich Money]:
That remains to be seen…


[With that, Zim-ME chuckles to himself in a “Fine. Whatever” kind of fashion. Seconds later, the scrawny modern punk arrogantly shuffles out of Money’s personal suite. In doing so, leaving the final image of the segment to be a smirking Rich Money; watching his most recent ‘hired gun’ (even if only momentary) exit with a hefty chip on his shoulder.]



Duane Fry:
Whether you like him or not, tonight’s a HUGE night for Zim-ME. He wanted to go solo, to rid himself of the ‘dead-weight’ he says his brother has placed upon him, and make something of himself as a singles competitor. Well, there’s NO greater opportunity for that then to step into the ring with THE SWF World Heavyweight Champion. He puts on a good match here tonight, pushes Frehley to the brink, possibly scores a HUGE upset win, and we could be witnessing the rise of a NEW star in Zim-ME.

Jerry Eisen:
He’s got a HUGE chip on his shoulder; that should bode well for him. Overall though, do you REALLY think he can score a win over Frehley? The “Dark Destroyer” has dominated the SWF for the last 9-months, carrying the strap proudly the entire way, and yet no one has been able to put him down for good. What makes you think Zim-ME can do that; what Remo, Faith, and even Money couldn’t?

Duane Fry:
Oh, believe me. I don’t know if he can walk out with the win tonight but, from what we just heard, a win may not be the ultimate goal for tonight’s match. Money wants Frehley stretchered out of here. If Zim-ME can deliver on that then there’s a good chance he’ll be rewarded for his dubious nature.

Peter Michaels:
Duane’s spot on here. Zim-ME isn’t being asked to BEAT Frehley. He’s being asked to HURT him; put him out. The real question may be… Does Zim-ME have the JUICE to hurt someone like Frehley?

Duane Fry:
It’s bound to be one intense affair; that’s for sure.




vs. Zim-ME

“Rippin’ tendons; making and impact”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Zim-ME acts as though he’s unstoppable. The little smirk upon his face tells of this fact. Sadly, for him, that smirk would be all but erased in the first few seconds as the “Dark Destroyer” beats it off of his face with an array of haymaker punches.

  • Really, Zim-ME looks like a rag-doll early on; thrown around the ring as if he weighted only ounces. At one point, a running shoulder-block from the champion is shown to send his opponent half-way-across-the-ring; almost falling through the ring ropes with force.

  • Zim-ME looks to be unaware of where he is as he gets back to his feet; staggering around as he flings his hair back out of his face. Seconds later, the scrawny flier is shown being KO’ed by a running closeline that sends him flying over the top rope. In doing so, taking a nearby camera man with him. The crowd loves it. Frehley smirks devilishly.

  • It looks like the match is in Frehley’s bag when Zim-ME pulls out a desperate maneuver. Catching Frehley’s leg as he goes for a standing kick, Zim-ME drops his body quickly in a DDT like fashion. Twisting his body slightly, it causes Frehley’s foot to hit the lightly padded floor in a weird fashion; obviously hurting his right knee in the process.

  • Frehley tries to walk off the pain but is hobbling pretty bad. As he does so, Zim-ME dives in with a spinning-heel-kick to the jaw that sends the SWF World Heavyweight Champion crashing to the ground.

  • Eventually they would re-enter the ring before the dreaded 10-count; however, in doing so, Zim-ME continues his assault on Frehley’s injured right knee. Stomping, elbowing, diving on, twisting, turning, and stretching that knee, Zim-ME looks to cause as MUCH damage as possible.

  • The “Dark Destroyer” would regain his composure, flooring Zim-ME with an array of powerful strikes; however, would eventually crash back to the canvas once again as Zim-ME lands a desperate chop-block seconds after hitting the deck. As expected, this drops the World Heavyweight Champion in pain once again.

  • A figure-four-lock by Zim-ME would test the champ; however, despite the pain, Frehley is able to work his way back upright (sitting up) and breaking the hold by punching away at his opponent.

  • Hobbled, and barely able to move around at a normal pace, Steve eventually forces his way into victory by catching a speeding Zim-ME with his signature “Frehley’s Comet”. In this scenario, it’s not the champ who runs full-speed to administer the blow. Instead, he catches a running Zim-ME; flooring him with a basic tackle/take-down versus a full-fledged spear.

  • The impact on the back of Zim-ME’s head is enough to keep him down for the 3-count. That said, it’s obvious that the damage has already been done to the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. He does his best to hide any semblance of said pain; however, it’s obviously there. Impossible to hide outright.


<hr color="black">
Steve Frehley via pinfall

“Frehley’s Comet” (Spear)




Duane Fry:
He willed his way to victory here tonight folks but it’s quite obvious that Steve Frehley is NOWHERE NEAR 100%. He can barely put any weight on that right leg of his. There’s no telling what could be wrong in there…

Jerry Eisen:
It all stems from that DDT-like maneuver by Zim-ME on the champ’s leg. He could have tore EVERY tendon… every ligament in his right knee after something like that.

Duane Fry:
If that’s the case then we’re looking at 6-months MINIMUM recovery. He’ll need extensive surgery & rehab before he could EVER compete in a wrestling ring again. You KNOW this is EXACTLY what Rich Money was looking for. “Make an impact”. More like “Go out there and injure Steve Frehley”. It’s just sickening to see someone resort to THIS kind of level…

Peter Michaels:
Zim-ME sure made an “Impact”, alright… That little rodent may have just put our CHAMP on the shelf!

Duane Fry:
You know, as we all do, injured or not, Frehley’s not slowing down. He may NEVER walk again but that’s not holding him back. He won’t quit. It’s not in him to do so…

Jerry Eisen:
He can barely stand… This isn’t good guys…

Duane Fry:
Doesn’t look like it…





Rich Money and Steve Frehley©

“You should get that looked at..."


[A shaky camera catches up with Steve Frehley backstage; however, it’s not in a celebratory kind of fashion. Witnessing the SWF World Heavyweight Champion fumbling to walk, it’s rather obvious that Frehley’s right knee is severely injured. He can barely put any weight on it before collapsing back to the cement below. Through it though, he seems like a man possessed; unwilling to simply ‘stay down’.]


[breathing heavily, pushing himself through the pain, Frehley staggers, and consistently falls, all the way down an undisclosed hallway. In doing so, he ultimately comes to the open loading-dock area.]


[As the camera man captures the scene from behind the World Heavyweight Champion, we witness the sight of a black stretch limo waiting in the wings. As exhaust shoots out of the idling vehicle, the back passenger side door is ultimately opened by it’s driver. In doing so, Rich Money, dressed in his typical GQ, custom-fitted suit, slowly strolls toward his exit for the night.]


[Growing with anger, Frehley tries to force his way toward the scene; however, eventually collapses to the ground; a good 20-feet away from the limo.]


[Looking over at his fallen rival, Money barely breaks his stride as he throws a comment his way. In doing so, he doesn’t even make eye contact with the struggling Frehley.]


[Rich Money]:
That knee of yours looks pretty bad…
You should get it checked or something…


[With that, with a slight stint of laughter under his breath, Money slides into his waiting limo. Seconds later, said limo is shown driving off into the night; slowly rolling away from the fallen Frehley.]


[The scene ultimately ends with Steve Frehley continuing to crawl toward the direction of the leaving limo. Angered, breathing heavily, and hell-bent on trying to reach his rival; however, in reality, having no chance due to his injured knee.]

B -


Duane Fry:
What an a$$hole…

Jerry Eisen:
Money HAS to be happy with what Zim-ME was able to do here tonight. He’s right about one thing, Frehley’s knee DOES look pretty bad…

Duane Fry:
Just ANOTHER punk to do his dirty work. If THIS is how Money’s planning to run HIS company than we may as well change the name to Money Wrestling Federation…

Peter Michaels:
I’m sure he’s already got it in the works, boys…

Jerry Eisen:
Money got what he wanted; Frehley wasn’t able to walk out on his own two feet tonight. Now, you’ve got to wonder, will he ALSO see the demise of Jack Bruce tonight as well?

Duane Fry:
Also… Just how BAD is Frehley’s knee?
If he has any substantial damage then there’s a chance he’ll have to VACATE the belt. If that happens, you know EXACTLY who’s going to swoop in and grab it for himself. This is just getting ridiculous…





Jack Bruce

“Eliminate THIS!"


[standing before a tarnished steel SWF logo background, one that screams absolute strength, the rebellious rocker himself, Jack Bruce, appears energized for tonight’s main event. The over-confident, bad-boy, smirk upon his face tells of a man who’s unafraid of what’s before him. He looks, as always, prime and ready for action.]


[Dressed in a torn rocker fashion, Bruce lazily gazes upon the camera lens before him as his pair of aviator sunglasses reflect the light from atop said camera.]


[Jack Bruce]:
All this talk of elimination got me thinkin’…
[Lazy smirk]
Maybe it’s time I slow things down; play it safe for once. I mean, I’ve had this GIANT target on my back for GOD knows how long… Maybe… JUST maybe… It’d be nice to sit back, relax, and take in the breeze…
[CENSOR] that!
[Over the top laughter from Bruce; arrogant in nature]
I’ve got fans to entertain, championships to win and a LINE-UP of ‘Jackies’ lookin’ to get the RIDE Of a lifetime.
I ‘aint slowin’ down in the slightest…
Remo or no Remo… HIT on my head or not… There ‘aint NOTHIN’ that can slow Jack Bruce down! YEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!


[Jack flings his head back in a dramatic fashion; throwing his hair in the process. Sticking his tongue out in a rock-n-roll fashion, Bruce looks to be ALWAYS in a state of celebration.]


[Jack Bruce]:
You can throw me in a cage, push me against the wall, throw a giant in a rage and HOPE, OH You can HOPE, to make Ole’ Jack Bruce fall… BUT… there ‘aint NOBOD-AY who does it like me…
[smirks; pauses]
I’m the crudest, the rudest and the down-right lewdest… I’ve been here… I’ve been there… I’m the MAN who’s EVERYWHERE…
The greatest… the latest… The undying force… And the MAN who will ALWAYS give you the source… Of PLEASURE unseen…
That’s right folks, the LEGEND they call obscene… BUT… who really gives a [CENSOR]?
[Devilish grin; pauses]
I’m Jack… Motha-[CENSOR]-Bruce… But you already know that. And tonight, there ‘aint no denying that the “Alpha Dog” is BOUND to fall-flat.
Best of luck to ya, Remo… Chase… Money…
I’m not lying down for ANY of you…
[Pauses; smirks]
I’ve got a match to win… a date with a bottle of gin… and a stripper named Brandi to do!


[Jack projects an over-the-top stint of arrogant laughter as he slowly shuffles his way past the camera lens. In doing so, it’s expected that he’s on his way to the ring for tonight’s main event steel cage match. All in all, the rebellious rocker looks ready to go; as always.]



Duane Fry:
Do you think there’s an ounce of humility in Jack Bruce?

[Fry starts to laugh]

Jerry Eisen:
If humility is a bottle of liquor then I’d say there’s a good chance of it. That’s about the best chance of it though.

Peter Michaels:
He’s ALWAYS done it his own way. Some people love him… others hate him… It doesn’t really matter to Jack Bruce. He IS who HE is… No apologies for it.

Duane Fry:
He’s going to need ALL he’s got here tonight though. A steel cage match against the “Alpha Dog”? That sounds like a recipe for HELL!

Jerry Eisen:
It’s coming up now! I can’t wait!





“Survival at a cost”


Steel Cage Match; First Pinfall/Submission/Cage Escape


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Remo


  • Jack Bruce, as always, generates an entrance much like an epic rock concert. The fans are on their feet, singing along to his theme music, collectively flinging their hair around in which to ‘be like Jack’, and ultimately having a crazed time. More or less, Jack knows EXACTLY how to get his fan-base amped up. Knowing this, the image of the rebellious rocker standing atop a nearby top rope, gripping onto the cage wall while looking out upon the crowd with a devious smirk upon his face, really sets the stage for something CRAZY to happen.

  • In contrast, Remo is no showman. Stomping heavily, gazing upon the ring with a stoic sense of strength, the muscle-bound heavyweight produces his own epic entrance simply by existing. His sheer size, menacing stare, and ability to do ANYTHING in the ring makes him a spectacle to be seen. As always, his presence feels more like a UFC fighter preparing for battle; not a pro wrestler.

  • As Remo steps through the ring ropes, Bruce quickly dives upon him; splashing in his corner. The crowd pops. Bruce throws a number of fast-punches. It all keeps Remo at bay for a brief second. That said, in one simple throw, Remo is able to lift Bruce underneath his arm-pits and fling his body square into the cage wall. The impact is so unforgiving that Bruce bounces off said steel and crashes to the canvas; flopping like a fish out of water. The crowd instantly boos; equally shocked by the sheer POWER of Remo.

  • This is really how the match unfolds. Bruce, diving around the ring like a mad-man, attempts to use every inch of the squared circle to utilize his ‘flashy’ wrestling style. Flipping closelines, spinning heel kicks, cross-body-blocks, tornado DDT’s; you name it. The added addition of the cage actually helps the rebellious rocker to create a new scenario for diving off of; at one point hitting a tornado DDT by pushing his feet off of the cage walls. Again, in contrast, Remo uses the caged squared circle much like a torture chamber; using said steel walls as a weapon.

  • As expected, while Bruce’s onslaught may be more SE-friendly, more excitement-based, it’s Remo’s unforgiving brutality that eventually leaves him wounded & staggered.

  • At one point, Remo is shown throwing Bruce like a dart, head-first, square into the cage wall. The impact sends Bruce crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Seconds later, a 2nd and a 3rd dark-like throw is utilized. That said, there’s no pinfall attempt from Remo. Instead, he continues his assault with an array of power-moves; slamming Bruce down with a sidewalk slam followed by a throat-closing leg-drop.

  • Actually, throughout their ENTIRE match, Remo only attempted a pinfall once; after a guerilla press slam into the cage wall is utilized. Bruce is able to kick-out; somehow. That said, the lack of pinfall attempts shows that Remo isn’t SO much interested in a win versus literally HURTING Bruce.

  • This is even more evident as Remo practically chokes the LIFE out of Bruce using the bottom rope as a weapon of sorts. Bruce’s neck draped across it, Remo grabs onto the ropes & the nearby cage wall as he stands atop his opponent. In doing so, the rebellious rocker appears to lose consciousness due to the sickening submission-like maneuver.

  • Later, extremely depleted from the assault he’s taken, Bruce would regain a 2nd wind of sorts. Bouncing around the ring as if he were super-human; obviously not 100% but pushing through the pain in his typical flashy fashion.

  • At one point, a top rope elbow drop from Bruce ignites the crowd into full-on excitement. That said, it wasn’t enough to put the big-man away; only generating a 2-count.

  • In the end, Ms. Chase is shown calling for Darren Smith to ‘open the cage’ as Bruce looks down-and-out. In doing so, Ms. Chase calls to Remo, emotionless in her voice, to walk out; securing the win. That said, Remo doesn’t look interested. Instead, he lifts the lifeless Bruce off the canvas.

  • Another dart-throw into the nearby cage wall leaves Bruce like a rag-doll. At this point, Bruce is bleeding from his forehead; a fact that the SWF announcing team hypes incessantly.

  • Picking Bruce off the canvas again, Remo throws his depleted opponent into the ring ropes. Ducking down, Remo sends his opponent over his shoulder with an epic back-body-drop. Shockingly enough though, after flipping in the air, Bruce, somehow, someway, lands on his feet. Not in a cat-like manner but in a way where he’s actually doesn’t take the brunt of the drop.

  • Where does he land? Inches from the cage door…

  • Remo’s back is still turned, standing up from his back-body-drop, as Ms. Chase realizes that Bruce is only inches from the door. She steps toward said steel cage door, tries to slam it shut but simply doesn’t have the power to do so.

  • Bruce collapses through the ring ropes, pushing the door open in the process, a fact that guides Ms. Chase backward and out of the way, as he crashes to the ringside floor. It looks awkward but it’s effective. The bell is rung in his favor. He’s depleted, obviously beaten badly, but was able to turn a fluke scenario, for which some would call skill, into a match-winning scenario.


<hr color="black">
Jack Bruce via cage escape

Back-body-drop from Remo; Bruce lands on his feet. Dives through the opened cage door


Jack Bruce and Remo have poor chemistry as opponents and it showed in their match

B -


Duane Fry:

Jerry Eisen:

Peter Michaels:
He’s a damn cat!!

Duane Fry:
Remo thought he had Bruce right where he wanted him! That back-body-drop could have put the rebellious rocker away after ALL he endured. What he DIDN’T realize is, though, that Bruce LANDED on his feet!! He got himself out of there in ANY WAY HE COULD!

Jerry Eisen:
Remo looked REALLY strong out there guys. I mean, he took it to Bruce & bloodied him along the way. That said, in the end, it’s Bruce who survives the cage & comes away with the win! He may be beaten & bruised but he’s STILL on his way to “Supreme Challenge 33”!

Duane Fry:
Halfway through the match there, I thought we were witnessing the END of his journey. Now, he’s STILL on track!

Peter Michaels:
I don’t think Remo’s done quite yet boys…

Duane Fry:
He’s heading for Bruce… GET UP!! GET UP JACK!!





Remo and Jack Bruce



[Jack Bruce is struggling to get back to his feet; outside of the unforgiving walls of the steel cage. That said, as he finally gets upright, Remo is shown steamrolling him in a brutish manner; slamming his head square into the cage wall in a stiff fashion.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
Enough is enough, Remo!! Jack’s ALREADY lost A LOT of blood!! You’re going to KILL HIM!!


[bruce throws punches like a drunken sailor, obviously reeling and losing blood as we speak, but it really doesn’t do much to stop the carnage. Instead, the “Alpha Dog” continues his assault with little regard for his victim’s health.]


[A dart-throw into the cage wall YET again forces Bruce to collapse to the lightly padded floor outside of the cage.]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
… Jack’s blood is all around the ringside area. He needs medical attention; now…


[Jack Bruce looks to be in terrible shape; bleeding, barely moving, and seemingly delirious at this point.]


Duane Fry:
Jack doesn’t know where he is right now… that’s obvious… This is REALLY bad folks… Someone NEEDS to stop this…


[The “Alpha Dog”, instead of backing down, slowly lifts his lifeless victim off the ground once again. This time, with Ms. Chase watching on, emotionless, her arms crossed in a cold fashion, Remo is shown lifting Bruce off the ground in a power-bomb position. Seconds later, the “Alpha Dog” throws Bruce outward; slamming his back & the back of his head square into the cage wall.]


Jerry Eisen:


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
Well heavens…


[upon hitting the cage wall, Bruce drops from apron-high; bouncing off the unforgiving steel and slamming violently upon the lightly padded ground below.]


[With Jack motionless, lying as if he had just been cast from a speeding car, bloodied and seemingly broken, SupremeTV closes with the sight of Remo standing over his fallen victim. Stoic, peering down upon his victim with a slight smirk upon his face, there is an unsettling sense of calm radiating from the “Alpha Dog” despite the carnage he’s just levied. Meanwhile, Jack Bruce MAY have seen his last SupremeTV episode with this heinous attack; he looks as though he’s barely gripping to life.]



Duane Fry:
This HAS to be one of the bloodiest one-sided beatdowns we’ve seen in SupremeTV history. Jack Bruce has lost A LOT of blood here since he was cut open during their match in the cage. Now, after all that Remo’s put him through, there’s no telling what kind of damage has been done!

Jerry Eisen:
Oh good, the SWF medical staff is on it’s way out…

Peter Michaels:
They could end up as victims too…

[sWF Medical staff tends to Jack Bruce as Remo simply walks away from the carnage; stoic in nature]

Duane Fry:
Do we have a doctor in the house?

Jerry Eisen:
We do. He’s on his way out too…

[silence is heard from the commentary team; shock sets in]

Peter Michaels:
Well folks, this is NOT how we were hoping SupremeTV would close tonight. That said, it’s exactly how Money wanted it to.
This all is just too damn sick for me. He’s stooped to a new low & is using Remo as his new ‘hitman’ now that Vengeance is M.I.A.
There’s a special place in HELL for people like Rich Money…
This is just sickenin’…







<hr color="black">



14,835 (out of 15,000)

13.15 (- 0.54)



5,000 (out of 5,000)

7.35 (+ 0.13)


SWF – 13 vs. TCW – 0


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Haven't read the show yet but I just have to say the way you personalize the announce crew really makes me wish we had those three in real life. EXCELLENT job with them. Just had to say it; I hadn't seen anyone else mention it.


And now that I've read the show: Bravo. I'd rather read your dynasty than watch WWE or TNA.

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Sad thing to see bad chem with Bruce and Remo, but at the same time it is nice they are both good enough to still pull out a B- despite of it. I guess at least it isn't something where it is two of your younger core of ME people having bad chem like Frehley and Remo where you would have to keep that in mind for many years to come. That kinda bit me in the ass with Ricky DeColt and Trent Shaffer in my CGC game. The two guys I would really want to push as the new generation once Alex, Eddie, etc retire and they barely pull a C- because of awful chem.
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Haven't read the show yet but I just have to say the way you personalize the announce crew really makes me wish we had those three in real life. EXCELLENT job with them. Just had to say it; I hadn't seen anyone else mention it.


And now that I've read the show: Bravo. I'd rather read your dynasty than watch WWE or TNA.


Thank you!


@Commentary Team:
It's always a goal of mine, regardless of what company I'm booking at the time, to create a strong commentary team. In this case, at first, I was a little thrown-off, as I'm used to a two-man commentary team; however, I'm growing pretty comfortable with how things have progressed as of late. I went with Peter Michaels as the old southern straight man (to the point commentary). Meanwhile, Duane is a little more of the nerdy/excited type & Jerry Eisen is kind of the opinionated persona. All in all, I think they flow pretty well together!


@SWF over TNA/WWE:
That's a huge compliment! Thank you! I'll be the first to say that I don't follow the current landscape very much. I mean, I catch highlights from RAW here and there, mostly when I read something on Wrestlezone that pulls me in about a recent show, but I wouldn't see myself as an avid fan these days (mostly due to the lack of cable).


These characters are really real to me by this point; I can see them in my head (mannerisms, voice tamber/intonation, etc.). In the end, I try to produce a show, without as much detail as I can given my time constraint, for which it seems like you're ACTUALLY watching it. With this in mind, knowing that you'd rather 'watch' SupremeTV over RAW or Impact means a lot to me!
It says that I'm doing my job.


Sad thing to see bad chem with Bruce and Remo, but at the same time it is nice they are both good enough to still pull out a B- despite of it. I guess at least it isn't something where it is two of your younger core of ME people having bad chem like Frehley and Remo where you would have to keep that in mind for many years to come. That kinda bit me in the ass with Ricky DeColt and Trent Shaffer in my CGC game. The two guys I would really want to push as the new generation once Alex, Eddie, etc retire and they barely pull a C- because of awful chem.


@Remo/Bruce Bad Chem:
You're spot on. At least it's not a Remo/Frehley or Valiant/Remo combination that doesn't really 'click'. Those are the long-term matches/feuds that will make up the SWF for the future (and it would SUCK to limit myself in not having them face-off very much; if it all). That said, I have to say it was a major letdown to see the 'bad chemistry' note show up between Bruce & Remo.


The Remo/Bruce storyline (ie: If Remo can eliminate Jack Bruce from the picture than he gets his World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at 'Supreme Challenge 33') is a major storyline that I was planning to use in which to get Remo over (while giving him something 'important' to focus on in the mean time). That said, knowing that they have 'bad chemistry' forces me to re-think how I'm going to book the scenario overall. If anything, I guess it'll push me to be more creative about it & ultimately not rely on their matches to tell the story only.


I still plan to go ahead with the angle though. Since neither is the World Champion, meaning (at least to me) they won't be closing any PPV shows, that allows me to work around the notion that they wont' deliver a stellar match grade. Again, it just forces me to think more clearly about WHERE to place them on the card if they DO go up against one another (one-on-one). If anything, I'm happy that I was able to work Big Cat Brandon into the mix (making it a three way feud a month or so ago); which, at the time, I had no idea Bruce/Remo had 'bad chemistry'.


I guess we'll see how things go from here.

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You can subdue ‘the beast’…


Restrain him in chains…


And force him into a state of exile…


… But, in reality, it’ll only be a temporary fix.


Rich Money thought he had devised the perfect plan and, to his credit, his original desired outcome was met. He wanted Jack Bruce alone; free from any sense of cavalry. In doing so, the rebellious rocker was decimated by the “Alpha Dog”; closing SupremeTV in a jarring bloodbath of sorts. That said, what was done to secure such freedom is what could ultimately bite Money in return.


Big Cat Brandon was tranquilized, restrained in chains and ultimately exiled in the back of a steel armored car. Barely conscious, appearing much like drugged predator, ‘the Beast’ was shipped off by the controversial SWF Owner; however, such an instance didn’t take very well.


Only a few days removed from the action and we’ve received reports indicating that the Big Cat is loose and on the prowl once again.


The once impenetrable steel armored car was located off a deserted highway early this morning. There was no sign of the driver. No sign of Big Cat Brandon. The only thing that remained was a towering plume of smoke coming from the vehicle’s engine.


At this point, several tips have been passed along to us as to Big Cat Brandon’s whereabouts. Some have placed him deep in the woods of Tennessee. Others, claim that he’s hitchhiking across the country; covered in dirt and blood as he follows the SWF to it’s next location.


Either way, one thing is for certain… ‘The Beast’ is bound to return to the SWF and, when he does, will be coming from Rich Money; no doubt.


Tune in THIS WEEK on SupremeTV, the final broadcast before “The World is Watching”, to witness the possible return of Big Cat Brandon. In connection, witness the potential maiming that is to follow…




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TV RATING: 0.88 (- 0.09)




  • Lobster Warrior
    comes out wearing a black towel over his head. His mannerisms are rather sunken; dejected. He talks about "losing his identity" and how a hero is "nothing without it". He's obviously depressed over the loss of his mask. That said, a few minutes later,
    Ms. Chase
    comes out of the back with
    at her side. The "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel" has gone as far as to WEAR Lobbie's mask as they come out of the back & stand atop the rampway. In the end, after a back-and-forth, Lobster Warrior agrees to put his mask on the line (for good) with the hopes that, if he wins, they will return his mask to him. This match is set to take place at this month's PPV, "The World is Watching".

  • Clark Alexander
    Spencer Spade
    in 6:06 via a "Hawaiian Breaker". Lenny Brown interfered and attacked Clark; however, it wasn't enough to secure the win for his OM-F-G partner.

  • Big Smack Scott
    is as douche-ian as ever while conducting a promo within the ring. He promotes himself, digs at the crowd, and the entire SWF. In the end, he claims that he's about to "Make History Tonight" by beating his opponent in record time.
    (C -)

  • The debuting
    Kill Switch
    Big Smack Scott
    in 5:32 via a "Your Nightmare" submission.
    (C -)

  • SWF Head Scout,
    Joseph Sexy
    , comes out with a weird look on his face; fighting back laughter. In doing so, he rips into the debuting
    Kill Switch
    ; calling him "Nowhere NEAR SWF Material". More or less, Sexy looks like a bully; part of the establishment in the process. Meanwhile, Kill Switch stands silent; brooding. In the end, Kill Switch simply walks away; a fact that drives most fans CRAZY as they were hoping Kill Switch would KO him for his antics.

  • A hype video is shown depicting the
    Fly Boyz
    as a formidable veteran tag team. While TCW footage isn't shown, somehow, CZCW footage is. That said, said footage covers up any sort of company affiliation to the west coast promotion. All in all, the video is simply here to re-introduce the Fly Boyz to a new generation. That said, this version of the group seems far less 'slap-stick' and more serious in nature.

  • The Truth
    (John Greed & Squeeky McClean) defeated the
    Lords of Xtreme
    (Masked Cougar & Snap Dragon) in 5:40 via pinfall. During the match, Jungle Jack is shown steamrolling both Cougar & Dragon.
    (C -)

  • Randy Bumfhole
    holds a promo backstage where it's obvious that the youngster is overtly frustrated with what's happened as of late. He's pissed at his brother, annoyed that he's 'lost his way', and is bound-and-determined to walk away with the win tonight. All in all, Randy seems to have adopted a new 'mean streak'; one rooted in absolute frustration.
    (C -)

  • Kris Cage
    Randy Bumfhole
    in 8:53 via a "Can't touch this". Randy Bumfhole looks strong in the match. In connection, Zim-ME interferes on the match; however, attacks teh referee from behind (no wrestlers); a fact that interrupts a pinfall attempt for Randy.

  • Randy Bumfhole
    loses it post-match (ala Chris Jericho/WCW meltdown). He dents the hell out of a steel chair as he slams it into the ring-post several times, the commentary table, and the steel gaudrail itself. In the end, Randy practically destroys the ringside area during his explosive outburst; all as
    laughs from afar (atop the rampway).


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