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NYCW: Hail To The King

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New York Knockout Qualifiers

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler © - I love Smith, he will make a good Midcard champ....just wish he would be willing to work for PSW in my diary. :p


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage © - I can see Cage retaining even if he does leave for SWF, mainly because Bailey can't do matches longer than 5 minutes.

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New York Knockout Qualifiers


KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark


Gotta be Flash vs Joey in the final, surely?


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler © - Mauler's a solid hand, BBS is a great future guy but it's not his time yet.


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage © - Pull the switch! Pull the switch!

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New York Knockout Qualifiers

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark


I see the finals being Minnesota vs Flash, as that is your guaranteed best matchup


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler ©

Mauler is actually decent in the last couple of versions but his greatest value is in tag ranks. Smith will make for a strong midcard holder


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage ©

unless the offer is SWF, then it really doesn't matter. If its SWF, then hes gone


I fully endorse Dragonmacks picks for this show.

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New York Knockout Qualifiers

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler ©


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage ©

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New York Knockout Qualifiers

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

Now this is an opener I want to see.


"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Sanders needs a victory after last shpw.


Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

I can't stop my man love for Steve Flash


Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark

Easiest pick on the night


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler ©

Mauler's solid, but Smith is a star.


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage ©

I can't go against what Cage said last show, though if Cage was leaving Bailey wouldn't be that bad of a choice.

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New York Knockout Qualifiers

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith (debuting in NYCW)

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy The Shark


I see Minnesota taking this as well, but possibly over Keith instead of Flash in the finals.


NYCW Tri-State Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler ©


A good title for Smith to have and allows Mauler to focus on the Tag titles with Sanders.


NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage ©


I can't see Bailey going over as he can not carry a main any longer, Thinking Cage's first offer is from GSW, so you are OK for now.

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[OOC NOTE: I'm going to put the Joey backstage segments in italics, just to distinguish it from my own diary ramblings.]


Show day started with more excitement than usual, though that's not saying much.


In January at Rush Hour, I was the first to show up to the building - mostly by requirement, as I have to get the keys to the building from the Owner of The Ministry, let in the ring crew, and do a billion other things before most of the talent, let alone the fans, show up. Today, however, Roger Cage was waiting by the locked front door of the gymnasium.


"Joey!" he said in an overly energetic voice - not too different from the voice he used in the ring, "We gotta talk bro."


I felt my heart sink. Roger had been associated with SWF rumors for years, and while I would never begrudge someone for going after their big break - after all, I spread my wings and flew myself - I had hoped he would be around longer than two months into my tenure.


"I have a few minutes before the guy from the building unlocks the place," I said, hunching up in my pea coat for warmth in the frigid February weather.


"I got a call from another promoter..."


Here it comes.


"I'm gonna be splitting time between here and GSW - you think it'll be safe going into that warzone in SoCal? Cuz' Brother Grimm gave me a call and offered me a pretty sweet deal."


I exhaled, trying to keep myself from appearing too relieved


"Nemesis is not to be screwed with, but it's business and he'll respect your decision. Besides, the idea of the boys going after one another because they're on the other side of a wrestling war died with the territories."


"So I have your blessing?" Cage asked.


I shrugged. "None of my business - you're one of the guys I'm counting on to run this company, but I'm not a moron: if Eisen, Strong, or Tommy come calling, I know you're gone and I can't blame you for it."


"Yeah..." Roger said, not nearly as loquacious as he is when holding a live mic while surrounded by a few hundred people. "Thanks for understanding Joey."


Roger joined The Keith Brothers and KC Glenn in branching out this month, as those three all went on tour with BHOTWG - a hell of a break for a trio of talented young guys who'd all thrive in Japan, where their incredible ring work is likely to be appreciated.


GSW, on the other hand, their growth expansion has been interesting to say

the least, as Brother Grimm is pushing all in, hiring some high level, high price tag indy talent: in addition to Cage, they've inked Steven Parker and Ash Campbell from PSW and The Guru from CZCW.


But enough about other places, I need to worry about...



New York City Wrestling Presents

Big Apple Brawl

Live From The Ministry In Bronx, NY



Matthew Keith Came To The Ring With A Warm Response


With the Tri-State fans knowing the more Americanized of the Keith/Gauge twins from the work he's done with PSW, the talented second generation star was greeted warmly, though the crowd politely quieted down when he grabbed the mic.


"It's great to be here in NYCW!"


As designed, the crowd popped big for a mention of the company.


"You know, I'm still on my way up the ranks of this sport, and at this time, it's incredibly important for me to gain the most experience I can, to branch out and spend as much time in the ring as possible - and there are so many great veterans to learn from here - Steve Flash and the crew."


The gracious youngster's smile turned into a frown.


"It's a shame everyone can't be so respectful."


Without mentioning his name, the entire crowd boos, and a "Joey Sucks" chant begins.


"Joey Minnesota."


The actual mention of the name stirs more intense boos.


"Joey, shame on you. Shame on you for forgetting where you came from. This is New York City Wrestling - this is the place where tradition lives in pro wrestling! Jack Bruce, Emma Chase, Jumbo Jackson... even you Joey, I'll give you your due - the people who have walked through these hallowed halls, it sends a chill down my spine to think I'm standing in the same ring they learned their craft in."


Given NYCW's production budget, it probably was the same ring Jack Bruce wrestled in in the mid 1990's.


"I hope I get by KC Glenn tonight, and Joey, if I do get to see you next month in the New York Knockout match, it will be an honor - I may not agree with your attitude, but I respect you."


A wry smile developed on Keith's face.


"And I might just get a chance to beat some of that respect into you."


Rating: D+



Monty Trescarde vs Greg Keith

The world's toughest urban professional darted across the ring and began to pummel Keith before the bell, knocking Greg into the ropes and pushing down on the back of his head to choke him along the second rope. A savvy rule bender, Trescarde broke the hold at four and pulled Keith by the leg out to the middle of the ring, where he dropped an elbow onto his chest.


It looked like an easy win for Monty before he miffed a clothesline after an Irish whip, only to turn around just in time to eat a flying forearm. Keith segued into a fast paced sequence of dropkicks and armdrags before slowing things down with a half crab, which Ernie Turner interepeted as Keith softening Trescarde up for the Proton Lock.


Indeed, Keith went for the family's trademark submission, but Trescarde had it well scouted and was able to pull himself away and into the ropes. Keith went back to work, but Trescarde was well prepared for the Proton Lock, able to slither out before the hold was fully applied every time - eventually retreating into the corner. When Keith came over to press the attack, Trescarde caught him with a thumb to the eye, rolled him up, and threw his feet up on the ropes in the classic "Memphis Cradle" for the three count.


Winner: Monty Trescarde

Rating: D



New York Knockout Qualifying Match

KC Glenn vs Matthew Keith

Looking to succeed in light of his brother's defeat, Keith got the better of a collar and elbow tieup to start the match, backing Glenn into the corner and peppering him with a quick series of lefts and rights until Glenn ducked under the top rope, begging off. Keith stepped back to allow a clean break, but Glenn hit him right above the kneecap with a push kick, sending Matthew to one knee, giving Glenn a perfect opening for a Shining Wizard (Glenn picked some stuff up touring with BHOTWG) for an early two count.


Glenn, looking for the upset, stayed on Keith, scoring a few more close twos, but made a big mistake when he whiffed on a springboard moonsault, eating nothing but canvas. Keith was able to procure a Proton Lock dead center, which was good enough to earn him a submission victory and the first spot in March's New York Knockout match.


Winner: Matthew Keith

Rating: C-



Monty Trescarde Hit The Ring...

And blindsided Keith as he was getting his hand raised. Trescarde delivered a few vicious kicks to Keith before driving his head into the mat with a DDT. Greg Keith was out before further damage could be done and Trescarde fled.


Rating: E



New York Knockout Qualifier

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "Marvelous" Marv Statler

As always, Sanders was greeted with "Tricky Dick" chants from the crowd, egged on by Marvelous Marv. A decent technical sequence to start as the two worked counters around a wristlock, ending with Sanders securing a headlock and insisting that Statler was pulling his hair, though Michael Bull didn't buy it. Statler shot Sanders into the ropes, dropped down to his stomach to avoid the collision, and then hit Tricky Rick with a textbook dropkick off the rebound.


A basic match followed, with neither man scoring the definitive advantage for long. The big mistake came around the ten minute mark, when Statler went for a clothesline off the top, but the savvy Sanders simply dropped down and the Ring General sailed harmlessly (well, to Sanders) overhead. The opportunistic Tricky Rick was quick to secure a piledriver, leading to the pinfall victory.


Winner: "Tricky" Rick Sanders

Rating: D-



NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler©

There was a definite buzz in the air during the opening introductions as the fans at the Ministry sensed a title change in the air, and the Dozer played into their expectations early, wrecking the Mauler's neck with a running clothesline just after a bell. Brandon Smith continued to be a house of fire, putting on a simply dominant performance early in his bid to regain the Tri-State title.

The champion wasn't here to lay down and die, though, as the Mauler was able to get out of the way of an attempted avalanche and rolled up the Bulldozer (grabbing a handful of tights to boot) for a two count. The Mauler was able to work a slower pace from that point, subduing the powder keg of a challenger.


The Mauler wound up getting the big Bulldozer on the top rope, in perfect position for a superplex, but Smith used his incredible strength to push the Mauler to the canvas with one hand. Smith proceeded to come off the second rope with a shoulder block, and then tried to follow that with the Dozer Driver, only to have the Mauler wiggle free and slide out of the ring.


The Mauler, deciding he had wrestled enough for one night, grabbed the Tri-State title and walked to the back while Michael Bull reached a ten count.


Winner, by countout: Bulldozer Brandon Smith (The Masked Mauler retains the NYCW Tri-State Regional title)

Rating: D



Backstage, Rick Sanders Had Found Honest Frank

And neither one noticed NYCW's cameraman, whose feed was projected onto a wall of The Ministry.


"Good luck with Flash," Sanders said.


"Don't need luck," Frank said with a sneer, "that white bread little punk is mine."


"You know, it's in my best interest if you win this match. If you beat Flash, then Minnesota beats that little punk Sammy, Keith and Minnesota will kill each other while you and I sit back and watch. We pounce on whoever survives, and then it's you and me left, and may the worst man win," Sanders explained, a gleeful grin on his face.


"Deal?" Honest Frank asked, extending his hand. Sanders shook.




Both men stopped shaking hands long enough to see the Masked Mauler run by them as fast as his two legs could carry him. Frank and Sanders stared at each other, shrugged, and went their separate ways - Brandon Smith running through the now empty hallway moments later.


Rating: D-



New York Knockout Qualifier

Honest Frank vs Steve Flash

The classic 'no frills street fighter vs master technician' matchup seemed to go the way of the technician first, with Flash blocking one of Frank's overhead right hands, quickly moving behind him and applying a rear waistlock, which Flash used to maneuver Frank to the ground. Flash was able to dip into his bag of tactical tricks long enough to maintain an early advantage - though a rare tactical error, attempting a flying headscissors, only to be driven to the mat with a power bomb, would lead to Frank taking over and scoring a two count.


The middle of the match belonged to Honest Frank, who was able to slow the pace and turn the match into a bit of a slugfest, using his superior striking and edge in power to maintain control. A pendulum backbreaker by Frank earned a two count, but Frank's attempt at a Death Valley Driver was turned into a DDT by Flash for a two count.


Seeing their plot going south, Rick Sanders hit the ring, where he distracted referee Michael Bull while The Masked Mauler - a large object bulging out his mask between the eyes - hit the ring. Frank grabbed Flash, holding him by the arms to restrain him while the Mauler took a headfirst charge. Flash broke free at the last second and moved out of the way, the loaded headbutt catching Frank point blank. A dropkick sent The Mauler over the top and out to the floor. Bull turned around to count Franks's shoulders to the mat.


Winner: Steve Flash

Rating: D



Honest Frank and Rick Sanders Had Words After The Match.

Jaw-jacking was rampant - Sanders blaming Frank for losing the match and wrecking their plan, Frank blaming Sanders and The Masked Mauler for the loss. Words became actions when the Mauler came back in the ring, attacking Frank from behind, with Sanders joining in to make it a 2-on-1 beatdown.


Rating: E

Honest Frank is now a Face. The Turn Was A Complete Success



NYCW Empire Title

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Cage ©

Old Black Hat isn't as spry or as much of an athlete as he used to be, but he still commands a presence and used every bit of experience to stretch this matchup out to the expected parameters - even with that, Bailey slowed down to almost immobile toward the end, with Cage sucking wind himself.


It was the champ's match to start, with Cage setting the tempo and showboating after every big move, his gestures pumping up the crowd, which in turn fired Cage up. Bailey almost got back into it, catching an attempted Cage clothesline, which he tried to turn into a sidewalk slam, only for Cage to counter the counter with an arm drag.


Bailey finally caught Cage late, stopping an attempt at a flying double axe handle with a headbutt, then hitting a running kneedrop for two. Bailey, exhausted, followed up with a looooooooong headlock sequence, with Cage getting the comeback afterward, elbowing out, then coming on a house of fire - big lefts and rights, leading to a big clothesline over the top rope to the floor.


Bailey regrouped on the floor... and got a foreign object that Boss Man Brayfield had hidden under his white cowboy hat. Bailey stepped into the ring and took a wild swing - Cage ducked a delivered the Cage Rage to Bailey for the pinfall victory.


Winner, and still NYCW Empire Champion: Roger Cage

Rating: D-



New York Knockout Qualifier

Sammy the Shark vs "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota

Fullfilling his contractually obligated main event slot, Joey was faced with an unhappy Sammy The Shark, who clearly felt his partner Roger Cage, as Empire Champion, deserved the honor of going on last. Sammy showed great fire in going after the King, leaving Minnesota reeling and keeping the rabid crowd of old school wrestling fans on the edge of their seats, visions of a monumental upset dancing in their heads.


Minnesota is not one of the most decorated and respected wrestlers in the sport for nothing, though, and showed his mettle by turning an attempted Thesz press into a spinebuster for two and a half. Minnesota decided to keep the pace low to follow, trying to kill Sammy's momentum and the crowd's fervor with a Camel Clutch. The Shark was able to display incredible strength for a man his size, slipping out of the clutch, getting under Minnesota's legs and lifting him off the mat and back down hard with an Electric Chair Drop for a close two count.


Things were tight down to the wire, with Sammy giving the former TCW World Heavyweight Champion all he could handle and then some. Minnesota seemed to have things in control toward the end, looking to deliver a crushing back suplex, but Sammy deadweighted him, maneuvered Minnesota's head into Stunner position and delivered just that - a move called The Ace In The Hole.

Unfortunately for Sammy, the move only garnered a two count.


Sammy went for another Ace In The Hole, but Minnesota shot him into the ropes, delivering a jumping leg lariat on the way back. Minnesota followed up by bringing Sammy to his feet and going for the Empire Spiral, but Sammy slipped out and went for the Ace In the Hole, only for Minnesota to power himself up and drive Sammy into the mat with the Spiral for the pinfall.


Winner: Joey Minnesota

Rating: C


Overall: C-


Not as good as last month, but it was a lower budget show, and we actually made money for the month.


The news wasn't as good for TCW, who went down to Cult, having lost one of their big stars when Joey Minnesota bought NYCW.


Annnnnnnnnnnnd speaking of NYCW, here's the card for the March 2013 show: New York Knockout


Monty Trescarde Has Promised A Bombshell Regarding The Keith Family


KC Glenn vs Honest Frank


6-Man Grudge Match

Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon


Title vs Title

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion)


New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York

"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash

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KC Glenn vs Honest Frank

KC still paying dues


6-Man Grudge Match

Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon

Bailey makes the difference


Title vs Title

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion)

I'm assuming a title unification, although NYCW hits regional fairly quickly in the past, so you'd have enough meaningful bodies for two titles soon enough


New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York

"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash

Joey isn't going to be losing for a long time to anyone currently on the roster

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<p>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank</strong></p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Grudge Match</p><p>

<strong>Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</p><p> </p><p>

Title vs Title</p><p>

<strong>The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion)</strong> vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion)</p><p> </p><p>

New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p>

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p>

<strong>"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Midnightnick" data-cite="Midnightnick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34939" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank</strong><p> </p><p> 6-Man Grudge Match</p><p> <strong>Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</p><p> </p><p> Title vs Title</p><p> <strong>The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion)</strong> vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion)</p><p> </p><p> New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p> Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p> <strong>"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with these picks.</p>
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<p>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Dragonmack said, Glenn is still paying his dues</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Grudge Match</p><p>

<strong>Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Now this could go the either way, but I feel there is more long term potential with the face trio, Bailey must be thinking about retirement real soon and the Yukon Boys, suck pretty hard. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Title vs Title</p><p>

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs <strong>Roger Cage (Empire Champion)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>I'm guessing with no build, this is a champion vs champion non title match and not a title unification match- even if that wasn't the case, I'd still pick Cage. </em></p><p> </p><p>

New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p>

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p>

<strong>"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Minnesota's the biggest star in the promotion</em></p>

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<p>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank</strong> - One of my favs and he is still too big to put Glenn over</p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Grudge Match</p><p>

Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</strong> - Agree with DM here, Bailey is the wildcard and he is a better thrid wheel than Waldorf</p><p> </p><p>

Title vs Title</p><p>

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion) - With Cage still not scooped up by one of the big three, is a better two belt champ than Mauler</p><p> </p><p>

New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p>

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p>

<strong> "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash - Sets up a Minnesota title run and leaves Cage with at least one title before he is stolen by a bigger company and the Tri-State is much easier to have vacant if that happens than the big belt.</p>

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<p>TCW fell to Cult? That gives me hope!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34939" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank </strong><p> </p><p> <em>As Dragonmack said, Glenn is still paying his dues</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> 6-Man Grudge Match</p><p> <strong>Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</p><p> </p><p> <em>Now this could go the either way, but I feel there is more long term potential with the face trio, Bailey must be thinking about retirement real soon and the Yukon Boys, suck pretty hard. </em></p><p> </p><p> Title vs Title</p><p> The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs <strong>Roger Cage (Empire Champion)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>I'm guessing with no build, this is a champion vs champion non title match and not a title unification match- even if that wasn't the case, I'd still pick Cage. </em></p><p> </p><p> New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p> Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p> <strong>"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash</p><p> </p><p> <em>Minnesota's the biggest star in the promotion</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with TK.</p>
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<p>KC Glenn vs <strong>Honest Frank </strong></p><p>

Frank is still an important main eventer at this point</p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Grudge Match</p><p>

Dean Waldorf & The Southern Stars vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey & The Boys From The Yukon</strong></p><p>

Bailey needs the win as he's a big name, need to keep him on top for now</p><p> </p><p>

Title vs Title</p><p>

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Regional Champion) vs <strong>Roger Cage (Empire Champion)</strong></p><p>

Mauler is a tag guy at best</p><p> </p><p>

New York Knockout Match - Elimination Rules</p><p>

Winner Gets an Empire Title Shot at Kings of New York</p><p>

<strong>"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota</strong> vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash</p><p>

Should be a good match. Minnesota is your biggest name though.</p>

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NYCW Presents

New York Knockout


Matthew Keith Opened The Show For The Second Month In A Row

"Well, here we are. It's nearly time for the New York Knockout match, a shot at the biggest prize in professional wrestling on the line, and it's an honor and a thrill to be a part of this."


Polite applause for that.


"And as a proud second generation wrestler, as someone who appreciates what NYCW means in professional wrestling, I feel like I have a big mission tonight: to beat Joey Minnesota."


That made the crowd pick up.


"Of course, I want to win and go to Kings of New York, I definitely don't want to see a scheming cheater like Rick Sanders in that main event, but if I can take out the self-proclaimed King and a man like Steve Flash gets the better of me, I can live with that - being in the ring with him tonight is like having a masters course in professional wrestling, and I'm eager to see if I can pass the test."


Matthew Keith points at the portion of the Ministry Wall where we occasionally project videos.


"And unlike what we saw on this screen last month, I have to say one thing: May The Best Man Win!"


Good reception for that.


"And now, if it's all right with Samuel Curran, I'd like to take over his duties as ring announcer and call to the ring one of the most talented young guns in pro wrestling today: my brother, Greg Keith!"


Generic rock music hit, bringing out the mirror image of the young man standing in the ring -the only way to distinguish them being the fact that Matthew wore long tights while Greg sported traditional short wrestling trunks. The brothers hugged and Matthew went on his way while Greg waited for his opponent.


Rating: C


Monty Trescarde vs Greg Keith

Still hot over last month's questionable loss to the World's Toughest Urban Professional, Keith was the aggressor early, foregoing the holds and takedowns that usually made up his impressive arsenal for kicks and punches. Keith made the mistake of being too aggressive, though, and Trescarde ducked under a clothesline, allowing Keith to sail over the top to the floor (not a DQ, as Keith propelled himself over).


Trescarde got some heat on Keith, laying in stomps on the outside and choking Greg against the guard rail, drawing a stern warning from Michael Bull. The action went back into the ring, where Trescarde controlled things for a while before Keith was able to slide out of an over the shoulder backbreaker, making it a Sunset Flip for a two count. Keith showed incredible ring savvy by keeping hold of one of Trescarde's legs as he kicked out, allowing him to secure the Proton Lock and a submission victory.


Winner: Greg Keith

Rating: D


Incensed and Embarrassed, Monty Trescarde Grabbed A Microphone

"Don't you go anywhere!" Trescarde barked as the victorious Greg Keith was halfway up the entrance aisle.


"I bet you think you're on top of the world, you little punk. You just won this match with an illegal joint lock that ought to be banned, you're wrestling royalty, your name carries weight in this business: well, not anymore buddy! My firm has had a look at the financial records for the Confederacy of the Territories and in particular, Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and we found some discrepancies."


Keith inched closer to the ring, looking at Trescarde as if he thought the man was insane.


"I found large amounts of money missing. I also found that your father has been making some abnormally large cash purchases. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that Sam Keith is an embezzler and should be brought up on federal charges!"


Greg Keith had heard enough and ran into the ring, only for Trescarde to bail, escaping through the crowd.


Rating: E+


Brayfield Inc. (Black Hat Bailey, Whitehorse Whitaker, & Howlin Mad Mort) vs The Southern Stars & "Deadly" Dean Waldorf


Whitaker & Tennessee William started off, with Whitaker getting the early advantage by overpowering William in a test of strength, bringing him over into a hammerlock, adding injury to injury by bombarding William in the back of the head with forearms. Brayfield's men did a good job of cutting the ring in half early, with all three men taking turns beating on William, though the bluesman was finally able to get free from a much slower Black Hat Bailey in time to make a tag to Animal Harker.


The big southerner Harker faced off against all three men, taking them all out with an array of clotheslines and shoulder tackles. Things wound up with Harker and Howlin Mad Mort as the legal men, with the fresher Harker staying a step ahead of Mort most of the way, tagging out to Dean Waldorf when his gas tank started to run low.


Bailey and William wound up the legal men late, when a thumb to the eye brought William's partners in, which quickly degenerated into all six men brawling. In the midst of the fracas, Bailey caught William with a kick to the gut out of nowhere, delivering a running powerslam for the pin.


Winners: Brayfield Inc.

Rating: E+


KC Glenn vs Honest Frank

The classic battle of youth vs experience took an interesting turn early, as the young Mr. Glenn made a seemingly obvious tactical error by asking for a test of strength, only to deliver a boot to the Honest One's gut just before the lock-up happened. Glenn then went to his usual fast paced, quick striking tactics, hitting some leg kicks to bring Frank with a knee, where he delivered a basement dropkick to the NYCW mainstay.


Glenn's inexperience finally showed when he shot Frank into the ropes and went for a leapfrog, but mistimed the jump and took a spinebuster, which Frank earned a one count from. Glenn tried to get back into the match, but Frank kept control for most of the latter stages, scoring a victory with a Frank-N-Hurter.


Winner: Honest Frank

Rating: D


Honest Frank Grabs A Microphone

"Sanders!" Frank screams.


"You and that masked goof you pal around with cost me a shot at the New York Knockout, and I gotta be honest with ya, that Empire title isn't the first thing on my mind right now."


Frank shook his head to accentuate the point.


"So listen up and listen good Tricky Dick, no matter how many tricks you have up your sleeve, I don't see you winning the New York Knockout match tonight, so if I'm right and your dance card is empty at Kings of New York, it's gonna be you and me, and I promise you one thing: payback is gonna Frank-N-Hurt!"


Rating: E+


The New York Doll vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

The Dozer looked extra mean tonight, which was like saying a James Cameron film was extra successful, and the Doll looked understandably tentative. Stall tactics from NY Doll to start, as he led Smith outside the ring for almost a full lap around before rolling back in under the bottom rope, with the Doll laying stomps in on his adversary as he got back into the ring. The Doll followed up with a kneelift as the Bulldozer tried to get up, rocking Smith back into the corner.


The Doll charged at Smith, but the Bulldozer charged forward as well, flooring the wrestler formerly known as Spike with a clothesline. It was all Bulldozer from there, as he mauled the Doll with punches, kicks, and various slams - tossing him around the ring for a while before finishing him off with the Dozer Driver for the victory.


Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Rating: D+


Title vs Title

The Masked Mauler (Tri-State Champion) vs Roger Cage (Empire Champion)

With both belts on the line, the crowd was hot for this one - Cage a house of fire to start, pounding the Tri-State champion with a few left jabs before shooting him into the ropes and delivering a backdrop. The Mauler took a powder, as he is apt to do, but the Empire champ offered no respite, stepping out onto the ring apron and coming down onto the Mauler with a double axe handle.


Cage grabbed Mauler by the mask and hit him with a few more rights, and then took a beverage from one of the fans at ringside, which he drove into the Tri-State champ's face, much to the approval of the crowd. Cage then tried to throw the Mauler back into the ring, but the hooded hooligan dropped to the floor of the Ministry, pulling Cage forward, leading the Empire champ to smack into the apron face first.


Mauler had the edge for a while, but Cage fought back late, fighting furiously and sending the Mauler through the top and middle ropes after a kneelift. Mauler used the spill from the ring as a cue to run away, just as he did against Brandon Smith the month before, but Cage gave chase and both men wound up under the ring as Michael Bull's count reached three.


At the count of six, Cage emerged from under the ring, the Mauler's mask in hand, eliciting a hearty roar from the crowd. Roger rolled into the ring, earning a countout victory as Rick Sanders ran to ringside with a towel, emerging with the Mauler, who was hiding his face as he retreated to the back.


Winner by Countout: Roger Cage (The Masked Mauler retains the NYCW Tri-State Title)

Rating: D


Roger Cage Asks For A Mic

And puts on the Mauler's mask as Samuel Curran hands him the house microphone.


"I'm gonna be watching this next match extra close, folks," the masked Cage declared, "And whether it's Tricky Ricky Sanders, who is protecting his special friend's beautiful face right now, or if it's Matthew Keith, the future of this sport, or it's Steve Flash, the backbone, the heart and soul of this company - the kind of man who makes professional wrestling great..."


One man left.


"Or if it's you Joey. I'll be waiting.”


“And Joey - as much as Steve Flash is everything a wrestler should aspire to be, as many World titles as Matthew Keith has in his future - I hope it's you Joey. This title means the world to me, but to knock that smug so-called king off his hill would be the highlight of my career."


Cage rips the Mauler's mask off and throws it into the crowd.


"And I'm up to the task Joey, don't doubt that for a second."


Rating: C-



New York Knockout Match: 4-Way Elimination Rules

Winner Receives An Empire Title Shot At Kings Of New York

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota vs Matthew Keith vs Steve Flash

The opening of the match saw the four men pair off into Flash vs Minnesota and Keith vs Sanders, with both of the "good guys" getting the early upper hand, resulting in a good looking spot where Minnesota and Sanders both fell to the mat in the center of the ring. Flash and Keith both climbed to the top turnbuckle, diagonal from each other. When the baddies got to their feet, Flash & Keith hit them with stereo dropkicks, resulting in dueling two counts.


Sanders and Minnesota were able to rally back into the match not long after, Sanders via a low blow to Matthew Keith and Minnesota by countering out of a Steve Flash Russian Leg Sweep with a snap mare and a vicious kick to the spine. Back and forth action followed, with no one really able to establish themselves as the front runner, at least until Matthew Keith intercepted an attempted Rick Sanders kick, leading to a Dragon screw and a Proton Lock right in the center of the ring, leading to a submission and the first elimination of the match.


Joey Minnesota, like a shark smelling blood, pounced on Keith before he could even get to his feet, pounding him with shots to the back - clubbing forearms and double axe handles mostly - Minnesota tried to follow up with a bulldog, but Keith threw him off right into a flying leg lariat from Steve Flash, with the NYCW Icon covering for two and a half. Keith, sensing an opportunity, charged at Flash after the kickout, flipping over with a Rolling Cradle for a surprise three count.


Matthew Keith, having eliminated both Sanders and Flash from the match, tried to make it a trifecta, and looked like he could when he clasped the Proton Lock on the King of New York, though Minnesota managed to fight to the ropes. "Keith" chants rang off the walls of the Ministry as the second generation star made easy work of the King for a while, including a near submission with a second Proton Lock, though Minnesota just barely got to the ropes a second time. Keith picked Minnesota up, prying him away from the ropes, but Joey caught him with a thumb to the eye as he rose up. Smelling one last opportunity, Minnesota delivered the Empire Spiral for the pinfall and the top contendership.


Winner: Joey Minnesota

Rating: C


Overall: C-


Up next, hopefully before the New Year, it's the big one: Kings of New York.



Notorious vs The Ring Generals


Monty Trescarde & The New York Doll vs The Keith Brothers



KC Glenn vs Ace Youngblood


NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Boys From The Yukon vs The Southern Stars©


Grudge Match

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Honest Frank



Battle of the Veterans

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

No Disqualifications, No Countouts

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler©


NYCW Empire Title

"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota vs Roger Cage©

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Notorious vs The Ring Generals


Monty Trescarde & The New York Doll vs The Keith Brothers



KC Glenn vs Ace Youngblood


NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Boys From The Yukon vs The Southern Stars©


Grudge Match

"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Honest Frank



Battle of the Veterans

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

No Disqualifications, No Countouts

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs The Masked Mauler©


NYCW Empire Title

"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota vs Roger Cage©

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  • 3 weeks later...

So yeah, that's probably the last time I project a post date for a show.


Holiday obligations, inclement weather, and influenza can delay NYCW, but we can not be stopped!


New York City Wrestling Proudly Presents

Kings of New York

Live From The Ministry in Bronx, NY



Special Attraction: CZCW vs NYCW

Notorious vs The Ring Generals

Our first usage of the territorial loan system is less about infusing star power and more about taking a look at some young talent who could figure into NYCW's future as newcomers Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera make the cross-country trek to take on the NYCW mainstays Deadly Dean and Marvelous Marv.


The match itself wasn't bad, but I don't think Notorious will become a fixture in NYC yet - though no one knows what will happen when they get a little more experience under their belt. Decent action all around, with the Generals taking command early and never finding themselves in too much danger, finishing off Bullet Rivera with their "Dishonorable Discharge" - a Superplex by Waldorf followed immediately by a big splash from Statler.


Winners: The Ring Generals

Rating: E+



The New York Doll & Monty Trescarde vs The Keith Brothers

Monty Trescarde, like a good heel, took residence on the ring apron to start, allowing Greg Keith and The Doll to start things off, with Monty only inserting himself in the match once the Doll had established a clear advantage. Trescarde came in, laid into Greg with some hard rights, and then deposited him onto the mat with a shoulder breaker before tagging back out. The fact that the Keiths are identical twins was played down by Greg wearing short trunks and Matthew wearing long tights - something we probably wouldn't do if they were heels; however, the twin switcheroo probably isn't something a babyface should do.


Trescarde and the Doll cut the ring in half, with Matthew Keith doing a phenomenal job of being the guy on the outside freaking out over his partner being beaten - Greg was a good face in peril as well, and when the inevitable hot tag was made, Matthew did a bang-up job of cleaning house, with Greg joining in once recovered, leading to the brothers Keith finishing up Trescarde and the Doll with Proton Locks in stereo and a double submission.


Winners: The Keith Brothers

Rating: D+



Victorious & Vindicated, Matthew Keith Grabs a Microphone

"That's what happens when you mess with the Keith family," Matthew said, staring directly at a retreating Monty Trescarde, "Don't make the same mistake again."


Trescarde limped away while Matthew turned around and gave his brother a big high five.


"It's been a privilege and an honor teaming up with my brother - maybe we should watch that tag title match a little later tonight: I think we could give the winners a run for their money, what do you say?"


The crowd roared in agreement.


"But as much as I love teaming up with my little brother..."


"Twin brother!" Greg shouted, loud enough to be heard on the mic.


"Greg doesn't like to admit he's six minutes and twenty-eight seconds younger than me, but that's beside the point," Matthew continued with a smile, "but as much as I enjoy teaming with him, I have my eyes on that main event tonight. Roger Cage is a great champion, and it would be an honor to share the ring with him. And Joey Minnesota -- we both know how close I got last month, and if it's you that comes out on top tonight, I want a chance to take that one extra step up to the top of the mountain."


It wasn't poetry, but it got the crowd fired up.


Rating: D+



NYCW vs Mid-Atlantic Wrestling

KC Glenn vs Ace Youngblood

Another showcase for the Confederation of the Territories, as MAW's Native American took on our own Southern Fried Super Junior. Glenn got the edge to start, thanks to a quick thumb to the eye on a lockup, which KC turned into working a headlock, with Ace shooting him off and the whole thing turning into a quick back and forth battle that ended up with Glenn taking a shoulder tackle and rolling out of the ring.


Youngblood was eventually able to break the stalemate between the two by slowing things down and taking the match to the mat, where he continually worked over Glenn's right arm and shoulder with some very technically fluid holds. Ace looked to have things wrapped up pretty well when he went to the top and delivered a flying tomahawk chop to the shoulder. Youngblood went to the top again to deliver another, but this time, Glenn knocked him out of the sky with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band superkick to score a quick, surprising three count.


Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: E+



Honest Frank Gets Some Promo Time

"I have to be honest with all of you," Frank said, his likeness plastered via projector onto the wall of the Ministry, "I made a big mistake a couple of months ago - I convinced myself there was honor among thieves."


Frank shook his head.


"Won't make the same mistake again. And Sanders, Tricky Dickie himself, he's going run out of tricks tonight. There are a ton of old sayings out there, and one of them stands true for me tonight: you can't BS a BSer, and you can't pull a fast one on a hustler like Honest Frank."


"See folks, when they call me 'Honest,' it's like calling a big, fat porker 'slim' or 'tiny' or when the center on the basketball team is called 'short stuff' by the guys riding the bench - I'm as dirty and slick as they come, brother, and you can't think of a scheme I haven't perfected."


Pregnant pause from Frank.




Rating: E



NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Boys From The Yukon (challengers) vs The Southern Stars (champions)

The rematch from January got to an early start with Brayfield's Boys From The Yukon jumping the Stars before the bell, with Tennessee William being tossed from the ring soon after the ambush, leading to a two on one beatdown on Animal Harker until Michael Bull assumed control and forced one of the Boys - Whitehorse Whitaker to be precise - out of the ring, leaving the monstrous Howlin' Mad Mort to pound on Harker.


Mort's attack mainly consisted of clubbing forearms and other slowish strikes, though Harker was able to duck under a clothesline and race over and make a tag to Tennessee William, who entered the ring in style, vaulting over the top rope and knocking Mort backward (but not down) with a flying shoulderblock. A Polish hammer and a dropkick later, and Mort was off his feet, where he scuttled back into the corner and tagged Whitaker.


Both teams had the advantage in spots, with the champions taking hold late. All four men were involved in a fracas when a double headbutt from the Southern Stars sent Mort reeling back into the corner, where he fell and his arms were tied up in the ropes. Boss Man Brayfield jumped up onto the apron to free the larger of his charges,with Michael Bull ordering him to get down. The Southern Stars whipped Whitaker into the ropes across the ring from Mort, hitting a double spinebuster off the rebound. Harker made the cover while William got the referee's attention - three counts of Michael Bull's right hand later, and the Stars had retained their gold.


Winners, And STILL Tag Team Champions: The Southern Stars

Rating: E-



Boss Man Brayfield Enters The Ring, Only To Find Himself Cornered!

With Mort tied up and Whitehorse Whitaker knocked out, things were not looking good for the Boss Man.


That is, until The Ring Generals hit the ring! Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf took the Stars completely by surprise, pounding the exhausted champions and then whipping them with their own tag team titles, much to the dismay of the fans.


Rating: E-

Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler are now heels. The turns went well.



"Tricky" Rick Sanders vs Honest Frank

These two guys are solid, savvy veterans, but unspectacular overall - code for "the only old guy in NYCW who can still work is Steve Flash." Stalling from Sanders to start, but the Honest One finally got hold of him a few minutes in, and it was brawling, brawling, and more brawling from there - not that the fans packing the Ministry seemed to mind.


Frank punched himself out (psychology wise and quite literally) and slowed the pace down a few minutes later, slapping full nelson onto Sanders, who squealed and winced while Frank walked around, giving fans on all sides of the building a chance to see Sanders's pained expressions. Frank wound up close to the corner, allowing Sanders an opening to backpedal quickly, driving Frank into the turnbuckles and forcing him to release the hold.


Sanders seemed to have things in control late, finding an opportunity to eye gouge or low blow whenever it seemed like Frank had a comeback in store. Tricky Rick tried to finish things off with a pile driver, but Frank backdropped out. Sanders turned and tried to hit Frank with a roundhouse right, but Frank ducked, lifted Tricky Rick up, and hit his Frank-N-Hurter running DVD for the pin.


Winner: Honest Frank

Rating: E+



Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

Short, sound match that really showcased how much of an athletic marvel Steve Flash is. The man is approaching fifty, and worked circles around his similarly aged counter part. This match was kept short for Bailey's sake, but the crowd never really got into it, and seemed to want more by the end, when Flash finished things with his Flash Bang.


Winner: Steve Flash

Rating: D-



Joey Minnesota Appears On The Wall Of The Ministry

"Here we are, loyal subjects." Minnesota said to boos.


"Roger Cage has had an eye on me since I walked back through the doors in January, and I can't say I blame him. Roger - you had to know this night was coming - you had to know that your days of being a medium sized fish in a tiny pond were over because the King came back to reclaim his throne."


Great passion from Minnesota.


"Tonight's the night Roger. Tonight's the night you come to terms with the new NYCW. See, I'm raising the bar tonight, and when Michael Bull raises my hand and I strap that Empire Title around my waist, it's a new era - a new beginning. Your prancing and preening and posturing - that act ain't good enough no more: there's only one king... and you're looking at him."


Rating: D+



NYCW Tri-State Regional Title: No DQ, No Countout

Bulldozer Brandon Smith (Challenger) vs The Masked Mauler (Champion)

If it's possible express trepidation and abject fear through a wrestling mask, the Mauler did it in the pre match announcements. Brandon Smith lived up to his name and bulldozed the Mauler early, knocking the champion down with a big strike, with the Mauler getting up and being knocked back down repeatedly until he decided to take five and retreat to the outside.


Smith gave the Mauler no quarter, coming right back after him and driving him over the guardrail with a double axe handle to the back. The fight went through the crowd, but the two refrained from the weaponry for the most part, lest the match delve into DAVE/PSW levels of chaos. Mauler did gain a measure of an advantage by grabbing a metal crutch from a fan (not a plant, but a longtime fan) and popping Smith in the face.


The Mauler went back into the ring, where he tried to put an exclamation point on things with a Piledriver - but Smith stood up, not with a backdrop, but keeping hold of the Mauler's legs, and firing him forward with an Alabama Slam. Smith followed up with a pair of running shoulder blocks before mercy killing the Mauler with a Dozer Driver for the pin, the win, and the title.


Winner, and NEW NYCW Empire Champion: Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Rating: D



Main Event Time: The Champion Comes Out First

And he's carrying a microphone.


"Well, it's just about time," Cage declared. Roger generally came out with his oversized blackout sunglasses and his glittering red ring jacket, but tonight he came out with no music, no Cheerleader Nicki, no fanfare: just a man and his title (and wrestling tights & boots, of course – this is a family show).


"Some people didn't think this match was ever gonna happen," Cage said, "when people saw me in the street, they didn't always ask when I was going to fight Joey Minnesota -- there was a lot of that, but there were just as many people asking me if I was going to let Joey rule the roost without a fight - I couldn't go a week without 'hey, Roger, when are you going to show up on TV on Tuesday Night,' or 'Roger, you and Jack Bruce would make one heck of a tag team, don't you think?' or some such talk.


"Joey Minnesota, I've never walked away from a fight in my life and tonight will not be the first time. You want to be the king? You want to ascend to the throne tonight, big man?"


Roger cracked the slightest smile.


"Over my dead body."


Rating: C+



NYCW Empire Title

"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota (Challenger) vs Roger Cage (Champion)

This one started before the bell, as Cage darted across the ring and peppered Minnesota with left hands, backing the international superstar into the ropes before shooting him a few forearms to the face. It was all Cage to start, and it was all basic, realistic offense, giving off the vibe of a legitimate fight. There wasn't much in the way of traditional mat wrestling until Cage went for an Irish Whip, which was a mistake as Minnesota roared back with a big clothesline.


Minnesota kept the edge for a bit, working over the right leg of the champion, starting with a football style clip tackle - fifteen yards in the NFL, perfectly legal in NYCW - followed by a few boots to the back of the knee to soften up some ligaments. Things almost ended when Cage countered a figure four leglock attempt with a small package for two and a half. Both men took their feet after that, with Minnesota wisely going back to what brought him to the dance with a dropkick to the bad knee.


Minnesota kept the pressure on the leg for a long time, then looked to end things with the Empire Spiral, but Cage escaped and delivered a bulldog to bring the crowd to their feet. The one legged champion took over - peppering Minnesota with punches again and relying on moves that didn't need to use leg strength - DDT's, strikes, and the like, scoring a huge cheer and a near fall after a stunner.


The champ looked to follow up with his "Cage Rage" TKO, but his knee buckled as he tried to lift Minnesota onto his shoulders and Minnesota slipped behind him and delivered the Empire Spiral for a razor close two count. Minnesota went to pick Cage up only to be caught in another small package for an even closer two count. Joey caught Cage with a knee trembler as he tried to get up, and then delivered THREE Empire Spirals for the victory.


After the match, Joey Minnesota celebrated in each corner of the ring as the crowd jeered: the king had been crowned.


Winner, and New Empire Champion: Joey Minnesota

Rating: C+ (Match & Celebration)




Overall Rating: C



The Reign of Minnesota Begins with Tradition Begins Anew, NYCW's May effort, with the following matches announced:


NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Ring Generals vs The Southern Stars©


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

KC Glenn vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©


The Old School Principals (Masked Mauler & Rick Sanders) vs Honest Frank & Steve Flash


Roger Cage vs A Mystery Opponent


NYCW Empire Title

Matthew Keith vs "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota©



Some notes about the mystery opponent.


-It's not a one off or an alliance loan. This guy is going to be in NYCW's long term plans -- unless he gets poached, which is always a possibility.


-For long term GDS Dynasty fans, the mystery guy was never a part of my original NYCW diary, but he was a pretty central figure in one of the most beloved (and one of my personal favorite) older diaries.


-He's got a buttload of talent and I'm jazzed to have him on the roster: definitely could be the #2 or #3 guy in the company - I'd probably try to build the company around him if Joey wasn't my user avatar.

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NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Ring Generals vs The Southern Stars©


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

KC Glenn vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©


The Old School Principals (Masked Mauler & Rick Sanders) vs Honest Frank & Steve Flash


Roger Cage vs A Mystery Opponent


NYCW Empire Title

Matthew Keith vs "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota©

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NYCW Tag Team Titles

The Ring Generals vs The Southern Stars©

they are your top tag team, barring making the Keiths a permanent duo, but the title may not change hands


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title

KC Glenn vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Glenn still paying dues


The Old School Principals (Masked Mauler & Rick Sanders) vs Honest Frank & Steve Flash

I give this to those with more overness


Roger Cage vs A Mystery Opponent

i'm tempted to say Devine, but I recall Devine being in your original NYCW diary. So I am going to go with Acid, or possibly Edd Stone, as those are a couple of fairly central characters in what are two of the top diaries from the past


NYCW Empire Title

Matthew Keith vs "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota©

Keith needs about 2 years of build before he is really a serious challenger

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