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Welcome To The Reinvention

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Given how much money we’ve been making, we spend a bit more on production; somewhat bigger bands and bigger celebrities. This is Southern California; people -love- celebrities here.


February 2015, week 2

CZCW Homecoming

Gorski Ballroom


We open with the Xtreme Title in a triangle ladder match, Mobstar defending against Air Attack Weasel and Frantic Ali, who have had their own issues over the last two shows. It’s... a good enough match, I guess, ending with Frantic Ali claiming the title as a new champion (C ). We get another title match as The Night Terrors defeat Going Coastal (D) and then Fox Mask brely manages to defeat Hell Monkey, having to resort to pulling the tights to do so (D+).


Remmy Skye teams with Jonnie Perez to face Peverell and Toma; Jonnie drags the match down a bit, but it’s still perfectly watchable, with Peverell pinning Perez again for the win (C-). Hollywood Bret Starr and Jackpot Jordan defeat Wall of Waves (E), and then it’s full steam ahead.


We get a triangle match between Cougar, Ota, and Parker; Cougar gets the win here, but this was not as good as we had hoped (C ). Finally, it’s the Spoiler Match: When you are pinned or submit, you are still in the match, you just can’t win. Frankie Perez defending against Donnie J, Myself, and Fro Sure. Fro is the first to get pinned, ten minutes in. We all make offers to get him to work for us, but he decides to just sit and watch for a while. Donnie and I work together against P-Dawg, but while he’s down we argue among ourselves who is going to get the pin -- and while we argue, Fro sneaks in and pins the champion, eliminating him. The two continue brawling while Donnie and I try to parse what just happened, and Donnie catches me by surprise to become the new CZCW Champion (C+).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,654

Opposing show: GSW Exile (D+)


There. Let’s see how that shakes things up a bit.


On the next Coastal Zone: Two new champions. Some new feuds. A transition in the future... and one a bit closer than the future.

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Great stuff as usual, always enjoy your work.


I seem to remember the original welcome to coastal zone being saved from the old .400 message boards and put up on a website, I was just wondering if that was still available, would love to read that stuff again.

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Great stuff as usual, always enjoy your work.


I seem to remember the original welcome to coastal zone being saved from the old .400 message boards and put up on a website, I was just wondering if that was still available, would love to read that stuff again.


... I honestly don't know if I still have that. Between website changes and hard-drive changes, I'm not sure what survived.

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Wasn't able to sim any shows this weekend, but...


I seem to remember the original welcome to coastal zone being saved from the old .400 message boards and put up on a website, I was just wondering if that was still available, would love to read that stuff again.


...guess what I found while cleaning up my hard drive?

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Wasn't able to sim any shows this weekend, but...




...guess what I found while cleaning up my hard drive?


A tyre on the end of a rope!?!


Your diary was the first Cornelverse thing I ever read, which helped me decide to actually play a Cornelverse game (after giving up after not understanding why the Lords of War couldn't go for 20 minutes). I'm very much a mark for it.


If I see it again...

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Just popped in to say I'm all caught up now, and that this diary is freakin' great.


Also, I just got news alerts in my game on consecutive days that Citizen X and Fox Mask both signed for IPW. I immediately thought of this diary and had a little chuckle.

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Presented without commentary, due to lack of time:


February 2015, week 3

CZCW Madness

Gorski Ballroom


Of all the strange friendships, Bret Starr and Waylon Walls have been hanging out together. Huh.


Your opening match is for the CZCW Title, Donnie J s Fox Mask. I figure this walks the fine line between “Respecting the CZCW Veterans” and “Put the people I don’t like on first.” It’s an okay match, nothing special, and Donnie retains (C-). We follow it with a Tag Title match, as we move the titles off of The Night Terrors and onto the new Rich and Famous, Jackpot Jordan and Hollywood Bret Starr (D+).


Our third title match in a row has Frantic Ali defend against Air Attack Weasel, and it’s the best of the three; probably will be match the night until we get to me. Ali retains, but Weasel justifies his hiring here (C+). The Perez Boys defeat Brad Peverel and Kid Toma (C-), and then Notorious defeats Going Coastal (D-).


Another random tag match sees Monkey-Skye defeat Steven Parker and Mobstar in a pretty good match (C ), and then the main event: A contendership match between me, Ota, and Cougar. It’s... not as good as I had hoped, but still good, and I win the contendership. (C ).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,698

Opposing show: PWMAX Deathblow (C+)


On the next Coastal Zone: No idea...

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No new shows for now, the wife is using the laptop to play Sims a lot. But in the meantime...


I seem to remember the original welcome to coastal zone being saved from the old .400 message boards and put up on a website, I was just wondering if that was still available, would love to read that stuff again.


I'm starting to post these in the Special Dynasty Forum. I'll try to do a few posts a day during the week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is my firm belief that infinity is actually Adam Ryland posing as a regular user to lure us into the game and into the C-Verse! Oh yeah, i have exposed you! The jigg is up! :D

I'm just kidding. Love your diaries man. Always read them as soon as they come out. They are the main reason for the rare times that i use the C-verse. Love CZCW, fox mask and Remi Skye. Keep up the good work, hope to see you posting in here asap. Cheers!



Edit: Put the strap on fox mask or we riot! :D

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  • 3 months later...

I was going to wait another two weeks so it could be a full four months, but... weeeeeeeee're baaaaaack!


(Long story short: As usual, I had hard drive issues. This time, I was able to save the savegame. However, getting a decent replacement laptop was more time-consuming than I thought, and I, erm, lost the savegame file. Found it recently while looking for something else, figured I'd start 'er up again. Let's see if I remember where I was...)


(Addendum: Looking at the gamestate... what the hell was I thinking??? Oh, well, at least a new A8 with eight gigs of RAM flies through things rather quickly...)



March 2015, week 2

CZCW Uprising

Gorski Ballroom


Tonight's theme is, apparently, guest stars. We start with semi-famous luchadore Marcos Flores coming out and talking for a bit before demanding an Xtreme Title shot. Out comes Frantic Ali, yadda yadda argue, yadda yadda brawl, yadda yadda match (D+). The match is better than the angle, as these two have amazing chemistry -- I may have to consider bringing Flores in full-time. Ali retains, but... yea, Flores may get a contract offer ©.


We move on to Rich and Famous retaining the Tag Titles over Wall of Waves (E+... it's Wall of Waves, of course it's not a good match). We then have a 'big six-man match' with Ota, Skye, and Mobstar on one side and Fox, Toma, and Parker on the other. It's a decent match, some people aren't in good moods, but it's okay, and Mobstar gets the win to hopefully signal to the crowd that we want to move him up the card (D+). We follow that with Masked Cougar defeating Fro Sure in a decent little matchup (C-), and then The Night Terrors defeat Notorious in a match that... doesn't completely suck (D-).


To end the night, we first pair up myself and visiting Cameron Vessey, with Vessey winning by DQ when I'm obviously too much for him to handle so he has to cry to the ref, and then Donnie J retains the CZCW Title over D.C. Rayne in... the same circumstances, a DQ win for the visitor when he insists that this match was suposed to be fought under NYCW rules, not CZCW rules, and complains to the ref. Still, it's a good match, not great, but good. ©


Show rating: C-

Tickets sold: 3,673

Opposing show: GWS Hostile Intent (D+)


On the next Coastal Zone: Citizen X is technically the #1 Contender -- will this be the show he finally books himself back into the CZCW Title? Or will a new CZCW Rules be implemented that could change things forever? Or until it gets rescinded? Or forgotten?

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No new shows for now, the wife is using the laptop to play Sims a lot. But in the meantime...




I'm starting to post these in the Special Dynasty Forum. I'll try to do a few posts a day during the week.


you know what I want to read again from the old .400 site :p

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Okay, so, we’re back. Let’s see how long it takes before I make a major mistake. (For those taking bets the over/under is three shows.)


Between shows, we announce that the new rule about contenderships is that... there are no more contenderships. If you win a ‘contenership match’, you get the right to declare a title match between you and the current champion. There are rules; You must declare it before the show starts; if multiple people declare their matches for the same show, it’s a multi-person match, not multiple matches; and if the champion changes, all current contenders are up a creek without a paddle. So right now, Citizen X can declare a title match against Donnie J for any future show he wants.


So I don’t have to worry about me being the next challenger. Go, me! Booked my way out of that one. Because frankly, Donnie J’s momentum is so low, everyone would expect me to win, and I’d rather win a good match than a foregone conclusion.


March 2015, week 3

CZCW Hostility

Gorski Ballroom


We open with Fro Sure defeating Air Attack Weasel. No title match, no ladders, just a fight, and the crowd is underwhelmed (D). We follow that up with Rich and Famous retaining over Going Coastal (D-) and then I come out and warm up the crowd with a rant against my opponent tonight, Frankie Perez (C-). I should’ve opened the show.


The Xtreme Title match perks people up, Ali defending against Hell Monkey and Moroi of the Night Terrors. It’s a good match that ends in Ali retaining ©. Mobstar gets a win over Fox Mask as we continue ‘Operation: Push Mobstar’ (D+), and then Brad Peverell and Kid Toma beat on Wall of Waves for a bit (D-).


I face and defeat Frankie Perez in a pretty decent match (C-), and then Donnie retains his title over Masked Cougar in a great matchup (C+).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,978

Opposing show: IPW Powerslave (C-)


On the next Coastal Zone: A new signee, a new champion, and a Zone twist on a gimmick match.

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We’ve brought in Earnest Youngman off the advice of our creative team... whoever that is... we’ve even got something resembling a plan for him.


March 2015, week 3

CZCW Power Surge

Gorski Ballroom


Our opening match tonight is Frantic Ali vs Hell Monkey vs Ernest Youngman for the Xtreme Title. It’s a good match given that it involves a relative unknown, and in the end that unknown costs Ali the title. No, we’re not crazy enough to put it on the new guy; Hell Monkey is your new Xtreme Champion (C-).


After that, Rich and Famous put away Notorious (D-), and Steven Parker defeats Mobstar (C- … yes, Operation: Push Mobstar is put on hold). Moroi defeats Fro Sure in a squeaker... or is that stinker? (D). Ota defeats Weasel (D+), and then we get a “Mentor” match. It’s like a Captains Match, only the captain is a veteran and the other two are a tag team. Masked Cougar teams with Going Coastal and Fox Mask teams with Wall of Waves. You can guess who wins. Also, the match sucks (E+).


Our semi-main is a four-way contendership match, pitting Babau against Brad Peverell vs Kid Toma vs Remmy Skye. It’s a good match, with Remmy getting the win and a future title shot (C ). Then in our main event, The Perez Boys want to show they deserve title shots by taking on the champ and a contender, so Donnie J and I have to team up to face them. … That made more sense when I came up with it last night. Regardless, we have a tag match, and it’s painfully average, with Donnie and I getting the win (D).


Show rating: D+

Tickets sold: 3,718

Opposing show: PWMAX Blackout ©


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Some good news comes out of a poor card, a new name shows up, and someone is very unhappy with me...

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Interesting news. Apparently, we’ve outgrown the regional battles. Just as well; we’d be winning them all lately. That may be a sign it’s time to move on soon. I did, of course, say two-three years ago that my intent was to grow this company.


Since we haven’t had anyone come out of the Coastal Resort in a while, I hit the scouting reports to bring in a new jobber. I settle on a guy out of Japan, young guy, former sumo, but he doesn’t wrestle like you’d expect a sumo to wrestle. I don’t know how much I expect from him, but we’ll see what he can do. We also borrow an old friend from two shows ago...


April 2015, week 1

CZCW Ambition

Gorski Ballroom


Our opening match is a “Give these guys something to do” match between Kid Toma, Brad Peverell, and Steve Parker. Apparently they’re motivated to show I need to use them better, and they put on a good match to open the show, with Toma eventually going over. (C ). We follow that up with another Mentors match; this time the teams are Hell Monkey and the Night Terrors vs Mobstar and Rich & Famous. Surprisingly, it’s another good match, with Team Monkey getting the victory and Mobstar looking upset about it (C ).


Fumihiro Ota gets to do a very angry job to the new guy (and if I know the kind of temper tantrum he’s going to throw after this, his replacement as Token Japanese Zoner), Naozane Goto. I was hoping Ota would be willing to put on a good match for his countryman, but, well... I guess he can’t carry everyone (E+). Next up, Remmy Skye goes over Fox Mask in a Nostalgia Special (C-), and then I come out, challenge visiting Marcos Flores to get out of his ringside seat and face me in a match, and then act surprised when he does (D). The resulting match is... fairly good, but we have to win the crowd back after that last stinker, so they weren’t as into it as I’d’ve wanted. I get the victory, and it’s fun to work with the OLLIE Campeon De Trios (C-).


A four-way tag match is next, with Wall of Waves, Notorious, Going Coastal, and... Air Attack Weasel and Earnest Youngman? Well, we had to use them somewhere. The thrown-together team gets the win, in a total display of no confidence in the other teams... erm, I mean, a big push for them (D-). We move into another tag match as The Perez Boys lose to The Warehouse Brothers, in something that should have been a lot better (D+).


And then, our main event as Donnie J takes on Masked Cougar. As expected, Cougar puts on a good match, and Donnie J doesn’t mess it up before he retains the title in a great way to end the show (C+).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,714


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We've got a stacked card that, honestly, impresses even us...

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This should be good. We’re kinda stacking this card, and nearly booked too long of a show -- that hasn’t happened in a long time.


April 2015, week 2


CZCW Spring Break Bash


Gorski Ballroom


We open with a triple-threat match, Fox vs Ota vs D.C. Rayne. He’s not on loan this time, he’s actually signed, and that means he gets the win here as he’s our newest main-event-level talent (C-). We follow that with you two newest undercarders, Youngman and Goto, beating Wall of Waves in a short squash (E+).


Now, into the workrate portion of the card. Frantic Ali beats Steven Parker in a great match (C+), Brad Peveral defeats Air Attack Weasel (D), and Mobstar gets a good win over Remmy Skye (C ). Kid Toma gets a win over Fro Sure (D). Those two good matches? Both pairings can obviously work well together. We may have just struck some gold there...


The Tag Titles change hands as Rich and Famous return them to their previous owners, The Night Terrors in a great little matchup (C ) . These teams bring out the best in each other, it seems. I take on Masked Cougar and show that I can beat anyone Donnie J beats (C ). And finally,it’s Donnie J defending the title against Frankie Perez, and high holy hell, they must have been inspired by the rest of the show, because they blew us all away with this one, with Donnie retaining (B-).


Show rating: C+

Tickets sold: 3,994


On the next Coastal Zone: Being overworked causes Citizen X to grant a rare favor to Fox Mask... as well as make a decision that's been a long time coming.

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“Fox needs a new gimmick.” Great. There’s something I could care less about. Tell him to come up with something on his own. “Isn’t that your job?” Tell him he can book himself a win if he does it himself. “He says okay.” Not a title. “... He says still okay.”


There. One match already booked. This was going to be an easy night.


“Oh, and Ali, Skye, Parker, and both Frankies are out tonight.”


… orrrrrr not. I think it’s time to pull the trigger.


April 2015, week 3


CZCW Combat Zone

Gorski Ballroom


I start the show by announcing that, according to the rules, I have established tonight as my title match... and we’ll be opening the show (C ). Me vs Donnie in front of a crowd I had expected to be cold... but they loved the announcement, and the match is... not as good as I was expecting, but it’s a good opener and I think the crowd enjoyed seeing me take the CZCW Title from Donnie. Yes, I have a plan for it. (C-).


We deflate the crowd with Goto squashing Jonnie Perez (E-), and then Fox gets his match... I told him he can book his own match if he does all his gimmick work himself. Not only does he come up with a great new twist on the Costumed Fox Guy Hero thing, but he books a Mentor Match where he leads the Night Terrors to victory over Ota and Rich & Famous. The guy’s gonna get a lot of support in the back for that one (D+). Next up, Brad and Steve team up to beat Weasel and CLM (since his partner’s gone for the night) and it amazingly doesn’t suck (C-).


For main events, we starts with a four-way Xtreme Title match, Hell Monkey defending agaisnt Fro Sure, Mobstar, and Ernest Youngman. And ye gods, they turn out a heck of a match, best Xtreme match in a long time. Monkey retains, but all four men did that whole Prove I’m good enough to be champ” thing (C+). We finish off the night with Masked Cougar facing D.C. Rayne for the first Contendership threat to my title reign; I may have expected just a little more awesome from this pairing, but they’re still damn good and able to follow that last match and, arguably, beat it. The first name I have to watch out for: Rayne (C+).


Show rating: C+

Tickets sold: 3,790


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: I am champion, and all is right with the world. So maybe we coast for a show...

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So... I’m CZCW Champion again. It’s about time... I’m amazed I held out this long. And yes, I have a plan; no, it doesn’t involve booking myself the longest title reign in history. Although it does involve some high-profile wins against people who’ve been built up to be able to take me down, but I manage to survive. We should be able to get a lot of good matches out of this.


GSW and QAW are going to war. … wow. I wonder why...


CILL is dying... again... RIPW may be dying... Mammoth, of all people, has started a hardcore promotion in Canada... it’s been a strange month, apparently.


May 2015, week 1

CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone

Gorski Ballroom


I’ve told the boys that, as soon as we can sell out the Gorski, we’ll start holding some of our shows elsewhere and start growing. We’ll see how long it takes to get there.


Your opening match: DC Rayne over Fox Mask. What, you thought I’d let Fox keep getting wins? One is enough for now (C ). Followed with Brad Peverell giving Goto his first loss of his Zone career (D-). Skye goes over Ota (D+), Youngman goes over Fro Sure (D), and Cougar goes over Toma. Guess which one of those I’m surprised wasn’t better.


We do triple-threat Tag Title match, Night Terrors vs Rich & Famous vs Going Coastal. It... well, it’s a match, champs retain, time wasted (D). A regular tag is next, with Mobstar and Parker defeating Ali and Monkey, and this is far better (C ). Then, the main event, myself vs Donnie and Frankie Perez. I retain the title, of course, but it’s a decent match and I wasn’t trying to do anything special tonight, honestly (C ).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,884


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The definition of 'phoning it in' for Zone bookers? Triangle Tournament!

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Yeah, it’s been a slow month. Not much to talk about. Um... T-Rex tore his rotator cuff, so USPW loses him for a year. That’s... about it, really. Oh, and P-Dawg is wrestling more of a Japanese style.


Monkey and Rayne are elsewhere tonight, so let’s see what we can come up with...


May 2015, week 4

CZCW In Your Face

Gorski Ballroom


Y’know what? It’s Triangle Tournament night, winner becomes a Contender.


Triangle Tournament Qualifier: Cougar over Ota and Weasel (C-)


Filler: Going Coastal over Notorious and Wall of Waves (E+)


Triangle Qualifier: Steven Parker over Brad Peverel and Fox Mask (C-)


Tag Team Titles: Night Terrors retain over Mobstar and Youngman (C )


Triangle Qualifer: P-Dawg over Toma and Donnie J (C+)


Filler Triangle: Ali over Goto and Jackpot (D-)


CZCW Title: Citizen X retains over Remmy Skye (See, we put this on next-to-last, otherwise if I had lost, the winner of the tournament would lose their contendership) (C )


Triangle Tournament Finals: Steven Parker def. Masked Cougar and P-Dawg (C+)


Show rating: C+

Tickets sold: 3,806


On the next Coastal Zone: Ah, heck, we'll do it right now!


May 2015, week 4

CZCW Flipping the Bird

Gorski Ballroom


We open with a tag match, Donnie and Fox taking on Cougar and Ota. Ota and Fox are both near-constant losers, so the crowd isn’t sure who’ll win, and it makes a nice dynamic that leads to a really good matchup between the two teams. Ota gets the victory over Fox (C+). We then begin our new concept: Since none of the tag teams can seem to get an advantage over the champs, we’re mixing up all the challenging teams until we find a pairing that has a chance to win. The Night Terrors defend first against.. Jonnie Perez and Frankie-Boy Fernandez. It’s not a bad match, perfectly average, and the champs retain (D+).


A ‘big eight man match’ is next; Brad Peverel, California Love Machine, Goto, and Carlos Barrera take on Ali, Fro Sure, Mobstar, and Youngman. It’s better than I expected, and Goto eats the pin when Ali gets the victory (C-). We do an Xtreme Title match between Hell Monkey and Hollywood Brett Starr, and I’m pleasantly surprised -- it’s the match of the night so far, with Monkey retaining (C+). Nobody would want to follow that... so we have a random tag match, with Waves & Weasel taking on Walls and Jackpot. Jackpot gets the win, and we begin to wonder why Walls and Waves even graduated... how long have they been with us, and they’re not learning a damned thing? (E+)


I defend against Stephen Parker, who earned a title shot last show; it’s a perfectly good match, although I think some of the crowd are still getting back from the bathroom break match we had before it. I retain, of course (C ). And then, a contendership match between Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, and Kid Toma. Frankie wins, but everyone seemed to be having an off night and weren’t quite able to match the opener or Xtreme match in terms of excitement (C ).


Show rating: C

Tickets sold: 3,835


On the next Coastal Zone: A new Zoner, a great match, and yes, the two are unconnected...

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I was just complaining about graduates from the Coastal Resort. And here we have another one, named Bullseye. We bring him in, and we’ll put him through his paces, and see if we think he’s worth keeping around.


June 2015, week 1

CZCW Road Rage

Gorski Ballroom


We open with Fox and Remmy doing the job to Toma and Parker. There’s a reason I... like... Fox and Remmy: They’re professionals. They don’t mind losing to guys that’re gonna build this company up. And they put on great matches while doing it (C+).


Next, we get the bathroom break out of the way early, as Goto beats Jonnie Perez and Miguel Rivera (E+). The Night Terrors retain over Thrown Together Tag Team #2: California Love Machine and Jackpot Jordan (C-). Ota gets a surprise win over Frankie Perez -- am I pushing him Well, you tell me... (C ). The Xtreme Title match pits Hell Monkey against Fro Sure and Mobstar; it’s another great match, with Monkey managing to play his opponents against each other to retain (C+). And then Bullseye debuts against Earnest Youngman, who gets the win, and... while it’s not horrid-horrid, it’s not good (E+).


Frantic Ali gets a big win over Donnie J (C ), and then I retain the title over Masked Cougar in a great match to close out the show (B-).


Show rating: C+

Tickets sold: 3,501


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We need a new gimmick match. Will we be inventive, or take the easy way out? ... And will it be worth the time and effort?

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I spend some time thinking of new concepts. The Caged Ladder Match needs to be used again sometime here... we can do another Mentor Match easily enough... but we need something more. So tonight, we introduce... World vs Xtreme. Yeah, I know, it’s not much. I’ll come up with something good by the end of the year.


And D.C. Rayne is always working when we have shows lately. That’s... worrying.


June 2015, week 2

CZCW Surf Slam

Gorski Ballroom


We open with Hell Monkey defending the Xtreme Title against Kid Toma... and this may have been a mistake, because these two put on a match that will probably blow away anything else we do tonight. Monkey retains, Toma’s unhappy, but damn... (B-). We follow that with Going Coastal facing Bret Starr and Simon Waves. Yes, we randomly paired Going Coastal together. Bret gets the pinfall, giving Waves a rare win, and it doesn’t totally suck (D-).


The Night Terrors retain the Tag Titles over Bullseye and Air Attack Weasel; Bullseye looks far better in this match than his debut, but still seems to be missing something (D+). Frantic Ali gets a win over Brad Peverel (C-), and then another scrambled tag match as Jackpot and Rivera defeat Barrera and Walls (D-).


Out semi-main event sees me team with Frankie Perez, only to lose to Donnie J and Masked Cougar; Cougar pins me, then motions like he wants another title shot. That could have gone better -- Cougar and Donnie just don’t seem to work well together (C ). Then, in our main event, it’s World vs Xtreme: Three potential contenders for each title, one big tag match. Whoever gets the pinfall gets a title shot -- so each tag you make could cost you the prize. For the World Title, we have Fox Mask, Fumihiro Ota, and Steven Parker. For the Xtreme Title, we have Fro Sure, Ernest Youngman, and Mobstar. And this match proves one thing: A lot of our Xtreme Contenders should be nowhere near a main event. The match is barely average, and I’m left shaking my head backstage as Parker gets the victory pinfall (D+).


Show rating: D+

Tickets sold: 3,674


On the next Coastal Zone: We have to recover from that show. We have to reorganize the roster. And we have to trim some fat. Who stays and who goes?

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We have nearly a full month off. That cluster of a match is people’s last memory of our shows for over three weeks. I feel bad having booked it. And I made sure all involved were sorry for being part of it.


But we’ve got time for a bit of revamping. Moving people up and down the card. And cutting some dead weight.


Barrera, Rivera, and Walls are all gone. Waves is staying only because Donnie J is vouching for his future. This causes some issues on the lower end of the card, and things bubble up from there.


Our main eventers are now myself, Cougar, Skye, Donnie, Ota, and (when he shows up) Rayne. P-Dawk, Toma, Fox, and Parker are our uppercarders; the midcard is Monkey, Ali, Fro, Mobstar, Hollywood, Brad Peverell, Babau, and Jackpot. Moroi, Weasel, Jonnie, and CLM are lowercarders, and that makes Frankie-Boy, Goto, Youngman, Waves, and Bullseye as our jobbers. Youngman in particular took the brunt of the blame for that main event; he had been showing such promise until then.


After the fat is trimmed, we strengthen the muscles. We’ve been making money hand over foot, so everyone gets a grand. Long-term Zoners get two grand. Should keep people happy. Well, most of them. Donnie’s still mad at me for my booking, and Starr is angry that he’s not the be-all and end-all of this company...


July 2015, week 1

CZCW Battle at the Beach

Gorski Ballroom


Tonight’s show opens with The Night Terrors retaining the Tidal Tag Titles over Brad Peverel and Jackpot Jordan, as we shuffle some more midcarders into the scrambled-tag-team concept. We’re hoping to find a team that works well together, and this one didn’t... Jackpot was obviously expecting someone who worked like Hollywood Bret Starr does, and Brad... well, doesn’t (C-). Donnie J teams up with his new partner Simon Waves to beat Youngman and Weasel, as we see if a regular team with Donnie can get Waves over... or at least to learn something (D). Then, the Xtreme Title match is a four-way between Monkey, Fro Sure, CLM, and Jonnie Perez. Despite the scrubs, it’s still a decent match, with Monkey retaining but Fro almost winning at two different points in the match (C-).


Hollywood Bret Starr defeats Bullseye as we try to get a better handle on his abilities; it’s not a really bad match, but it’s still... well, bad (D-). Fox and Parker team up next, only to be beaten by Skye and Ota; turns out Skye and Ota work great together, while Fox and Parker don’t. All in all, a decent match (C ). Then, I take on both Masked Cougar and DC Rayne, and the three of us tear the house down before I retain my title. (B-)


Show rating: C+

Tickets sold: 3,778


Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Will a Zoner's attitude get them in trouble? And what title belt (or belts) change hands?

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