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MPWF: What's Old Is New Again

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Your dream is only as possible as the fight you put into it. My dream was to always become a wrestler but the way it came about was not exactly how I had envisioned. Most guys graduate from a big name school or start out in some ones backyard before languishing on the indys before maybe being picked up by a name promotion. In my heart I knew I was never the size to walk into SWF and get a job right off the bat, but my road took a much more unexpected twist then I thought.


At in my senior year of high school I decided to join the exchange program and I headed out to Japan to stay for a year. The first thing I did with my exchange program was go and check out a Japanese wrestling show. Nobody big was on it, it was a small indy one night only show but I was hooked. Luckily my Japanese family was really into it too, apparently it was a family tradition and my counterpart no staying at my home in New York would go to at least one show a month with my host father. When I asked about wrestling Shoji (the father) was more than happy to explain the difference between the types of Japanese wrestling. When I expressed interest in training he appeared shocked. I guess his son loved the sport, but not enough to want to do it.


The deal was as long as I kept my grades up I could train. Now this wasn’t one of the big name schools like Hintoe Dojo or the Ling School but it was certainly a start. I learned fast and I have to say I think my Japanese improved faster with this daily contact then in school. Two days a week for the whole year, dedicated to being the best I could. Added to that I tackled any seminars I could afford to go to to learn more from bigger name workers. One of these Is where I found the next twist in my wrestling career.


At a seminar given by world renown wrestler Super Joshuya I actually had a chance to talk to the man himself. I guess it was easy to get noticed the only non-Japanese face in the crowd but he took the time to speak one on one with me. Now I’ve heard things about how he is ruthless when it comes to making sure he gets what he thinks he deserves, but speaking to me the man really downplayed how great his career was, just that he was doing something he loved. When I spoke of leaving Japan at the end of the year he asked what I intended to do when I got home with my new skills. I told him I’d probably work the indy scene on the east coast and he laughed. Not a mean laugh just, well he thought it was funny. And then he told me in as serious a voice as he could.


“Son you need to get out of the US just like I needed to get out of Japan. If you want to be a real world class wrestler than you need to see the world and wrestle around it.”


Joshuya said he liked me, I think his exact words where I had spirit. So he gave me a number and said when I was finished with school and ready to ply my trade to call this number and the man on the other end would give me a shot. He never said who it was and he warned me against calling before I graduated, lest I ruin the surprise. Actually I think that was kind of a test of my patients. So I did.


It was only a month after I returned that I finished school and graduated and the ink wasn’t dry on my diploma before I was calling the number that had been burning a hole in my pocket. Someone picked up and greeted me in Spanish. Now I’m Hispanic by decent but I don’t speak Spanish well, I was brought up by my mom who’s Irish and I took Japanese in High School. Luckily the person also spoke English and so it was that I had my first phone conversation with Domino the owner of MPWF. Domino invited me down, said Joshuya had spoken highly of me and he’d be willing to give me a shot for a couple of months and see how I did. So From New York to Japan, back to New York and now off to Mexico,


My first few months at MPWF were mostly setting training and setting up the ring during the shows. I actually got to wrestle on a show in October of 2012 getting squashed by Snap Dragon, seeing as my Spanish was coming along but Dragon was from the US and it was just easier. It was in November after the Día de los Muertos show that things really took a turn for the weird, weird but good. Domino was in his office looking over the schedule and shaking his head, MPWF had four regular shows a year, the rest were just spot shows put on when money and time met up right. With the growth of SOTBPW and OLLIE’s joining the alliance COTT which severed MPWF’s ties with CZCW things seemed to be falling apart. Domino took a call and left the schedule on the table, and being the ever so curious 18 year old I was I peaked.


The outline still had the same four shows and nothing else, I stared at the names for five minutes and ideas started pouring through my head. I wrote out a 12 month schedule although I had to move Festival de Campeones back a month to aide in the fluidity of the program. Domino finished his call soon after I finished doodling my ideas. He looked over at the paper I was taking notes at and asked to see it. Most people don’t get to go behind the scenes but Domino is what can only be politely described as a grumpy old man, but I could see his eyes light up a little before he scowled and demanded to know what I thought I was doing. I explained my show formula to him, explaining that people like consistency; they want to see something grow and be built. He grunted and asked for more ideas which I gladly gave him.


When I walked out of the office he had made me the booker for the company, I was pretty sure he was going to fire me before I walked in, all in the name of freeing himself up from tasks that were beneath him as he had been booking the shows himself for years.

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Lucha News



MPWF New Booker, New Signings, New Shows




MPWF is said to be looking to turn their fortunes around as they have promoted someone new to the head booker position. Domino, who has been booking the company since he took over as owner, waived off any comment on whom this might be. The new booker apparently went out straight away and hired some new talent; Amazing Fire Fly, Delirium, El Orgulloso, El Serpiente and La Bestia Purpura have all joined the MPWF roster.


Finally MPWF have released a full schedule for 2013


January Wednesday Wk 2 MPWF Lucha por la Vida (Fight For Life)

February Tuesday Wk 2 MPWF Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma (Dance Of The Warrior Spirits)

March Monday Wk 2 MPWF Festival de la Juventud (Festival Of Youth)

April Wednesday Wk 2 MPWF Festival de Máscaras (Festival Of Masks)

May Tuesday Wk 2 MPWF Festival de Leyendas (Festival Of Legends)

June Saturday Wk 1 MPWF Festival de Campeones (Festival Of Champions)


July Monday Wk 3 MPWF Presentación de los Guerreros (Introducing The Warriors)

August Tuesday Wk 3 MPWF Adelante Hacia Batalla (Onward Toward Battle)

September Friday Wk 3 MPWF El Día Nacional De Lucha (The National Day of Lucha)

October Wednesday Wk 3 MPWF Héroes Caídos (Fallen Heroes)

November Monday Wk 1 MPWF Día de los Muertos (The Day Of The Dead)

December Tuesday Wk 1 MPWF Recuerdos del Pasado (Memories Of The Past)


Although El Día Nacional De Lucha and Día de los Muertos are arguably more prominent events for the company MPWF officials say that their new schedule revolves around Festival de Campeones as the big final show of their year. Festival de Campeones has also apparently been moved back one month to June, when asked why this change took place we were told that it was done to accommodate a better flow for the years’ worth of events.

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MPWF Lucha por la Vida

January Week 2 Wednesday


Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Magnifico vs. Slayyer © vs. Snap Dragon

For Campeón de Lucha MPWF


All eyes have been on Heavy Metal Anarchy who after working his against the onslaught of three Rudos has finally attained a title shot. However Magnifico and Snap Dragon have managed to get themselves in the match as well. This all doesn't bode well for the champion Slayyer he may lose his title even if he isn't pinned, but he is more likely to walk out of the ring alive, than HMA is.


Lobo Solitario vs. Hellspawn 666


La Nueva Era (Ángel De México & Hijo Del Relámpago) © vs. La Corte Real (Chess Maniac & El Rey)

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


Campeónes de Parejas MPWF, La Nueva Era have held on tenuously to the belts as every team in MPWF tries to get a piece of them. This month the last team looking to get their shot La Corte Real look to be the only ones who can beat the duo. If Chess Maniac and El Rey fail La Nueva Era will have beat everyone looking to get at them and a search for new #1 contenders will begin.


Equipo MPWF (Cique Jr. & Luchador Original) and Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr. & León Joven) vs. Las Craituras Salvajes (El Toro De Oro Jr. & La Bestia Púrpura) and La Oscuridad (Delerium & El Serpiente)


Spanish Superfly vs. Hijo Del Mephisto


Hijo Del Mephisto has been out not just to beat Spanish Superfly but to cripple him. The Devil spawn has promised to end Spanish Superfly's career and promises a surprise for the veteran.


Mario Heroic and Soul Taker vs. Varones Americanos (Genio Verde & Hobre De La Energia)


Soul Taker has been Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF for a year with pitch battle at every turn. His most recent foes have been Mario Heroic, Genio Verde and Hobre De La Energia. Unlike Heroic and Taker, Varones Americanos know how to work together and have been using these group tactics to divide and conquero their foes. Now the champ and one of his challenger must team up to beat these villains, but can they work as a unit and get it done.

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<p>Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Magnifico vs. Slayyer © vs. <strong>Snap Dragon</strong></p><p>

For Campeón de Lucha MPWF</p><p> </p><p>

Lobo Solitario vs. <strong>Hellspawn 666</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Nueva Era (Ángel De México & Hijo Del Relámpago) </strong>© vs. La Corte Real (Chess Maniac & El Rey)</p><p>

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF</p><p> </p><p>

Equipo MPWF (Cique Jr. & Luchador Original) and Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr. & León Joven) vs. <strong>Las Craituras Salvajes (El Toro De Oro Jr. & La Bestia Púrpura) and La Oscuridad (Delerium & El Serpiente)</strong></p><p><strong>


Spanish Superfly vs. Hijo Del Mephisto</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mario Heroic and Soul Taker</strong> vs. Varones Americanos (Genio Verde & Hobre De La Energia)</p>

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<p>Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Magnifico vs. <strong>Slayyer</strong> © vs.<strong> Snap Dragon</strong></p><p>

For Campeón de Lucha MPWF</p><p> </p><p>

Lobo Solitario vs. <strong>Hellspawn 666</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Nueva Era (Ángel De México & Hijo Del Relámpago) </strong>© vs. La Corte Real (Chess Maniac & El Rey)</p><p>

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Equipo MPWF (Cique Jr. & Luchador Original) and Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr. & León Joven)</strong> vs. Las Craituras Salvajes (El Toro De Oro Jr. & La Bestia Púrpura) and La Oscuridad (Delerium & El Serpiente)</p><p>

<strong>Spanish Superfly</strong> vs. Hijo Del Mephisto</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mario Heroic and Soul Taker</strong> vs. Varones Americanos (Genio Verde & Hobre De La Energia)</p>

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MPWF Lucha por la Vida


Heavy Metal Anarchy over Magnifico, Salyyer © and Snap Dragon

For Campeón de Lucha MPWF




In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Heavy Metal Anarchy defeated Magnifico, Slayyer and Snap Dragon in 14:20 when Heavy Metal Anarchy defeated Slayyer by pinfall with a Heavy Metal Mash. Heavy Metal Anarchy wins the Campeón de Lucha MPWF title.


Although Magnifico had a majority of the offense in this four way match up, it’s Heavy Metal Anarchy who beat the odds and taking the win. HMA pinned the actual champion Slayyer to prove without a doubt that the win and the Campeón de Lucha MPWF were truly of his own.


Rating: C-


The Americans Speak




Genio Verde and Hobre de la Energia came out to the ring and talked about Soul Taker and Mario Heroic. Verde did most of the actual talking while Energia just looked, well big (in comparison to most Luchadors) and menacing. Verde claimed that not only would one of the two Americans take Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF soon but that in the main event they would destroy the Soul Taker and Heroic because they had no clue how to work as a team, unlike Energia and himself.


Rating: C


Hellspawn 666 over Lobo Solitario




In an extremely poor match, Hellspawn 666 defeated Lobo Solitario in 8:33 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Hell Spiral.


Not exactly a squash match but Hellpawn 666 certainly did appear to take most of the offense in this short bout against the youngster. That match was nothing to write home about but that was mostly because no one had a clue who Lobo Solitario was.


Rating: E

An Enigma Wrapped In A Riddle





The enigmatic Mario Heroic made has way to the ring hooded with the lights turned down and spoke to the crowd with the smooth voice that makes the senoritas swoon. Heroic refuted Genio Verde’s claim that he and Soul Taker would be beat, claiming that the two would put aside their differences for one night to put a stop to the two Americans. Heroic followed this up with a promise to Soul Taker, that although the two would work as one tonight soon it would be he who took the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF from him.


Rating: C-


La Nueva Era over La Corte Real

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, La Nueva Era defeated La Corte Real in 16:17 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Ángel De México defeated El Rey by pinfall with a Mexican Death. La Nueva Era make defence number 2 of their Campeónes de Parejas MPWF titles.


This match was spectacular considering who was involved, if these two teams keep putting on matches like this their stars in MPWF will swiftly rise. Even in straight too losses Chess Maniac and El Rey looked great in the ring. La Nueva Era on the other hand made defense number two and cemented their position as the Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


Rating: C-


Equipo MPWF and Los Tecnicos over Las Craituras Salvajes and La Oscuridad





In an extremely poor match, Equipo MPWF and Los Tecnicos defeated Las Criaturas Salvajes and La Oscuridad in 13:40 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Cique Jr defeated Delirium by submission.


A decent match up even with so many unknowns participating the Tecnicos all veterans of MPWF carried the Rudos and made it look good for the fans. Leon Joven and Delirium both showed their consistency problems but all in all not a bad outing for anyone.


Rating: D-


The Soul Of MPWF





Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF took to the ring to cheers from the crowd. A few moments of displaying the belt and posing for the fans came before he started to have his say on the night’s main event. He said that he agreed with Heroic on one thing, that tonight the two of them would send Varones Americanos back north of the border for all the trouble the two had been causing in MPWF. But Taker promised that neither Heroic, nor Genio, nor Energia would be taking the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF from him anytime soon. The belt would be remaining around his waist for a long time to come as he led MPWF into the future.


Rating: C-


Hijo Del Mephisto over Spanish Superfly




In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Hijo Del Mephisto defeated Spanish Superfly in 25:14 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Satanic Elbow following interference from Delirium. During the match we also had El Serpiente run in and attack Superfly.


The continuation of Mephisto’s attempt to rid MPWF of the veteran Spanish Superfly met with success but only when new comers Delirium and El Serpiente came out to cost Superfly the match attacking him and setting him up for the Satanic Elbow. Mephisto was obviously tiring at the end, and a couple of missteps from Superfly meant this match could have been more than it was but it was still good.


Rating: D+


The Devil’s Secret




With the match over Hijo Del Mephisto wasn’t done with Superfly. He orchestrated an attack against the veteran as he taunted him the whole time. Mephisto told Superfly that to help destroy him he has formed a group, El Demonio Caballeros. His acolytes Delirium and El Serpeinte would be the arms for the devil as he sought to cleanse this world of all who stood in his way. El Demonio Caballeros left Superfly in the ring and he had to be stretchered out by the medical staff.


Rating: E


Varones Americanos over Mario Heroic and Soul Taker




In a match that had some good action and average heat, Varones Americanos defeated Mario Heroic and Soul Taker in 25:30 by two falls too one, with the final fall happening when Genio Verde defeated Soul Taker by submission with a Brain Drain after blatantly cheating.


Heroic and Taker took an early lead in this match much to the delight of the fans who were hoping for a full on defeat of the Rudos. Varones Americanos made their comeback win a little more than half way through the match getting an actual clean pin when Hombre De La Energía it the Texas Backbreaker on Maerio Heroic. The battle from that point on was intense as both teams looked to take a the win and prove their point. A miscue from Heroic who missed a hot tag from Soul Taker allowed Genio Verde to pull El Campeón back and lock in the Brain Drain. Hombre De La Energia put extra pressure on Taker at an angle the ref couldn’t see and he was forced to tap out, leaving Varones Americanos as the winners.


Rating: C+




All in all not a bad show with a spectacular main event and some obvious growth and promise showing in some of the new young talent.


Overall Rating: C



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jack Hood" data-cite="Jack Hood" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35109" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice Show. I have pretty much stayed in Mex since 13' came out it rules! Will be reading.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for reading man. I've always liked mexico too in 2010 I had a lot of time spent playing OLLIE I wanted something new this time around.</p><p> </p><p> 2/6 Jaded</p><p> 3/6 Jingo</p><p> </p><p> Jingo wins a signed copy of Soul Taker's yet to be published book "Ha ha I've got your Soul", actually its an unedited proof so if you could correct the typos and return it I'm sure he'd appreciate it.</p>
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Thanks for reading man. I've always liked mexico too in 2010 I had a lot of time spent playing OLLIE I wanted something new this time around.


2/6 Jaded

3/6 Jingo


Jingo wins a signed copy of Soul Taker's yet to be published book "Ha ha I've got your Soul", actually its an unedited proof so if you could correct the typos and return it I'm sure he'd appreciate it.


Correct the typos!? You clearly haven't read much of my work i wish someone would come along and correct mine for me :o .. But still i'll enjoy Soul Taker's story. :)

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January In Review






CILLs only Story seems to be a dispute between Magik and El Pvao Real


CILL Kings Of Wrestling


El Sultan over El Jaguar to retain the CLL Mexican Championship - E

Oink Perez over Jaugar King to retain the CILL World Women's Championship - D-

Rapido, Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr over Monkey Man, Ragnar the Viking and Aztec Prince - E+

Antonia Andres and Mercedes Gimenez argue backstage - D

Magik over Wildfire Inferno - D-

Fallen Angel over El Pavo Real to retain the CILL World Championship - D-


Overall - D-




EMLL is running one storyline with Aprendiz Jr is looking to take down the wrestling machine DeCipher.


EMLL Rey De Reyes


Guillermo Marcos over Daredevil Aero - E

Decipher hypes his wrestling talent - E+

Snake King over Pyromaniac - E

Death's Head over Cyclops - E-

Delirante talks with Aprendiz Jr - D-

Hijo Del Aguila Americana over Demon King - E

Anarchist over Mascara Delfin - E

Zabra Man over Las Estrella to retain the Capeon de Mexico EMLL - D-

El Bandido terrorizes Carolina - D+

Aprendiz Jr over Decipher - D

El Bandido over Guerrero Muerto to retain the Capeon de Mundo EMLL - C-


Overall - D+




OLIIE has two hot stories going for them at the moment. Phoenix III is looking to bring justice to Phoneix I for having turned on his former companions. And the egotistical Amo Del Gato looks to take out one half of the Montero brothers by destroy Gino Montero.


OLLIE Valvula Reguladora


Los Monteros over Extraordinario Jr and Rafael Ruiz to retain the Campeones de Parejas OLLIE - C

Laberinto Jr over Phoenix III - D+

Mystery PInk hypes herself - C-

Mr. Lucha III over Extranjero Loco - C-

La Hija Del Diablo over Electric Dreamer - E

Amo Del Gato over Huracan Sandoval Jr - C

Wueen Amazon over Aguila Azul Celeste to retain the Capeon de Femenil OLLIE - D

Marcos Flores and El Critico brawl - C+

La Sombra Jr over Phoenix II to retain the Capeon de Mexico OLLIE - D

El Critico over Tricolor Jr - C+

Silver Tiger over Nicolas Lopez to retain the Campeon de Universal OLLIE - B-


Overall - C+




Three big storylines are pumping through the veins of SOTBPW. Pablo Rodriguez is looking to take the Campeon de Mundo SOTPBW from Champagne Lover. El Frueza is fending off attacks from El Demonio who has promised that the devil can take down even the biggest foe. Ultimate Phoenix and Axxis Jr are battling it out to find out who is the best pure athlete in SOTBPW.


SOTBPW Television WK 1 - B-

Main Event: Ultimate Phoenix over El Fuerza - B-


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 1 - B

Main Event: Pablo rodriguez over El Leon - B+


SOTBPW Television WK 2 - B+

Main Event: Xtinction over Ultimate Phoenix - B+


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 2 - B

Main Event: Mayan Idol over El Leon - B


STOBPW Batalla de Las Mascaras


Pre-Show Absolute Power over Green Diamond and California Kid - E+

Pre Show Lobo Blanco over El Heroe Mexicano - C-


The Black Army no contest agaisnt Las Pesadillas - C+

El Leon and Mayan Idol brawl - B

Pharaoh King over Angel of Mercy - C-

Axxis Jr and Ultimate Phoenix argue backstage - B

The Sea Monsters over Masked Lightning to retain the Campeones de Parejas SOTBPW - C-

Capitao Brasil Jr over Scarlet Scarab - D+

Electrico, Xtrinction and The Cannonball Kid over Strongman, Cerebro and Pirata - B

El Frueza and El Demonio staredown backstage - B+

Campeon Jr oover El Alborotador COnfiado - C

Multimillonario over Yellow Flash to retain the campeon de Menor SOTBPW - C+

Champagne Lover and Pablo Rodriguez give duel promos - A

Blood Raven, Hysteria and El Sucio over Mystery Man, Espada Roja and El Heroe Mexicano

El Leon over Pablo Rodriguez - B+

Champagne Lover over El Demonio to retain the Campeon de Mundo SOTPBW - B


Overall - B+


SOTBPW Television WK 3 - B

Main Event: Ultimate Phoenix over Xtinction - B+


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 3 - B +

Main Event: Champagne Lover over Pablo Rodriguez and Mayan Idol - A


SOTBPW Television WK 4 - B-

Main Event: El Demonio over Xtinction - B


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 4 - B

Main Event: Champagne Lover and El Leon over Mayan Idol and Pablo Rodriguez - B+

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<p><strong>MPWF.com</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">MPWF Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma</span></strong></p><p><strong> January Week 2 Tuesday</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Equipo MPWF (Luchador Original & Cique Jr)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">La Corte Real (Chess Manaic & El Rey)</span></strong></p><p><strong> Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</strong></p><p> </p><p> The first of two round one matches for a chance at the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF. La Corte Real already took a loss to La Neuva Era but they put up one hell of a fight and it will be a tough battle for Equipo MPWF to try and take a win here.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Lobo Solitario and El Futuro (Amazing Fire Fly & El Orgulloso)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">Hijo Del Mephisto, Magnifico and Snap Dragon</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Three youngsters look to make a name for themselves by beating some of the veterans of MPWF, but Mephisto, Magnifico and Dragon are certainly no pushovers.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Spanish Superfly</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">La Bestia De Purpura</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> After a loss to Hijo Del Mephisto and his El Demonio Caballeros La Bestia Purpura looks to take advantage of the beat Spanish Superfly.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr & Leon Joven)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">Interncion Maligna (Hellspawn 666 & Slayyer) </span></strong></p><p><strong> Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</strong></p><p> </p><p> The second of the first round matches or a chance at the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF sees Los Tecnicos, fresh of a 8 man tag win going against Interncion Maligna, who have something to prove after Slayyer lost Campeón de Lucha MPWF.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Angel De Mexico, Heavy Metal Anarchy and Mario Heroic</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">El Toro De Oro Jr and La Oscuridada (Delirium & El Serpiente)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> One half of the Campeónes de Parejas MPWF, the current Campeón de Lucha MPWF and the top contender for the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF take on three of MPWF's young talent including the members of of Hijo Del Mephistos, El Demonio Caballeros. </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Hijo Del Relampago</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">Hombre De La Energia</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> With his tag team partner battling for the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, Hombre De La Energia takes on one half of the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF in show stealer Hijo Del Relampago.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:Blue">Soul Taker</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:Red">Genio Verde</span></strong></p><p><strong> Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the tag win at Lucha por la Vida, Genio Verde has brokered himself a shot at the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF. Soul Taker has promised to keep the title around his waist but the battle will be hard.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35109" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px">Equipo MPWF (Luchador Original & Cique Jr) vs. La Corte Real (Chess Manaic & El Rey)</span><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Lobo Solitario and El Futuro (Amazing Fire Fly & El Orgulloso) vs. Hijo Del Mephisto, Magnifico and Snap Dragon</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Sapnish Superfly vs. La Bestia De Purpura</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr & Leon Joven) vs. Interncion Maligna (Hellspawn 666 & Slayyer) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Angel De Mexico, Heavy Metal Anarchy and Mario Heroic vs. El Toro De Oro Jr and La Oscuridada (Delirium & El Serpiente)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Hijo Del Relampago vs. Hombre De La Energia</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Soul Taker vs. Genio Verde</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF</span></p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Equipo MPWF (Luchador Original & Cique Jr) vs. <strong>La Corte Real (Chess Manaic & El Rey)</strong></p><p>

Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</p><p> </p><p>

Lobo Solitario and El Futuro (Amazing Fire Fly & El Orgulloso) vs. <strong>Hijo Del Mephisto, Magnifico and Snap Dragon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Spanish Superfly </strong>vs. La Bestia De Purpura</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Los Tecnicos (Atlantis Jr & Leon Joven)</strong> vs. Interncion Maligna (Hellspawn 666 & Slayyer)</p><p>

Round One For Capenoes de Parejas MPWF #1 Contender</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angel De Mexico, Heavy Metal Anarchy and Mario Heroic </strong>vs. El Toro De Oro Jr and La Oscuridada (Delirium & El Serpiente)</p><p> </p><p>

Hijo Del Relampago vs. <strong>Hombre De La Energia</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Soul Taker</strong> vs. Genio Verde</p><p>

Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF</p>

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MPWF Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma


Just One More Soul…


Soul Taker started off the show giving the crowd exactly what they wanted with his eerie music and entrance. He told them that all the souls of the great champions reside inside the For the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF and that he is the protector of the legacy of all those who passed before him. He is not just the soul taker, but the soul keeper, and the soul of MPWF. The fans cheered until they saw Varones Americanos storm the ring and attack Taker. It was mostly a quick to on one until the Campeón was unable to fight back and then Genio Verde spent some time taunting Taker while Hombre De La Energia continued the assault



Rating: C


Equipo MPWF over La Corte Real

Round One for the Number One Contendership for Capenoes de Parejas MPWF


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Equipo MPWF defeated La Corte Real in 16:29 by two falls to one, with the final fall happening when Luchador Original defeated Chess Maniac by pinfall with an Ultima Dropkick.


The match went just a tad too long for the fans who felt that El Rey didn’t really deserve to be given that much time in the ring. But over than that the ring work for surpassed what I think a lot of the fans were expected. A lot of good back and forth with La Corte Real again showing why one day they might become the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF, but not this time around.


Rating: D


Hijo Del Mephisto, Magnifico and Snap Dragon over Lobo Solitario and El Futuro


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hijo Del Mephisto, Magnifico and Snap Dragon defeated Lobo Solitario and El Futuro in 8:56 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Hijo Del Mephisto defeated Amazing Fire Fly by pinfall with a Satanic Elbow.


Not quite a dominating match but the rudos certainly didn’t give anything to the tecnicos here. Although El Orgulloso was having an off day in the ring which certainly made the match unsalvageable by three top performers, we did see a spark of chemistry between the young luchador and his manager, Gabriela Ortega. Of all the performers Magnifico stood out with a particularly good performance, even though Hijo Del Mephisto took the final win for the rudos team.


Rating: E+


Spanish Superfly over La Bestia Púrpura


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Spanish Superfly defeated La Bestia Púrpura in 14:08 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Spanish Superfly Splash.


This match was a shambles, having seen both workers perform much better in the past it was obvious that Superfly and Bestia were both pretty badly off their game. Although not a squash by any means the young Rudo still took two pinfalls while gaining none for himself.


Rating: D


Dark Knights


As the match came to an end and La Bestia Purpura limped off Hijo Del Mephisto and his goons attacked Spanish Superfly. The beating was quick and brutal and the trio seemed to fade out of the darkness and back into it leaving Superfly down on the floor, again having to be stretchered out before the next match could begin.


Rating: E


Intención Maligna over Los Tecnicos

Round One for the Number One Contendership for Capenoes de Parejas MPWF


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Intención Maligna defeated Los Tecnicos in 15:45 by two falls to one, with the final fall happening when Slayyer defeated Atlantis Jr by pinfall wile using the ropes for leverage, while Hellspawn 666 held back Leon Joven.


Slayyer made up for his title loss last show by stealing a win in the first round match for the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF. The rudos took the early lead getting a quick flash pinfall on Leon Joven. It took a long fight but Atlantis Jr. finally evened up the odds getting the second pin on Hellspawn 666. The final pin came when the dastardly rudos blatantly cheated to steal the third pinfall, unbeknownst to the obviously blind ref.


Rating: D


Round Two Fight


A very quick announcement from the announcers making sure the fans knew that next show would see Equipo MPWF taking on Intención Maligna to see who will be the number one contender for the Capenoes de Parejas MPWF.


Rating: D-


Ángel De México, Heavy Metal Anarchy and Mario Heroic over El Toro Del Oro Jr. and La Oscuridad


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Ángel De México, Heavy Metal Anarchy and Mario Heroic defeated El Toro De Oro Jr and La Oscuridad in 13:50 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Mario Heroic defeated Delirium by pinfall with a Hero Attack.


As with the trios match before the veterans took a decisive although not dominant win over the youngsters. The tecnicos came out on top this time each getting a chance to shine with Ángel De México taking the first pin on one half of La Oscuridad, El Serpiente and Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, Mario Heroic taking the final pin to win the match. Also like the previous trios match the fact that two of the three rudos were almost completely unknown brought the match so far down the veterans could not save it.


Rating: D-


Hombre De La Energia over Hijo Del Relámpago


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hombre De La Energía defeated Hijo Del Relámpago in 25:02 by two falls to one, with the final fall happening by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Although the bout dragged a little in the middle Energia and Relámpago put on a great show for the fans. Hombre De La Energía took the early lead using his power to throw around the smaller opponent before pinning after his fear lariat. Hijo Del Relámpago took the early set back as a sign to go all out and who why he is one half of Capenoes de Parejas MPWF, although his pin was obtained off a misstep by Energia and roll up he still managed to keep the larger man down for the three. Frustration ate at Hombre De La Energia so much so that he had to cheat to take his final pin, but a win is a win.


Rating: D+


Promises, Promises


After Hombre De La Energia’s win, Genio Verde came out to the ring and the two Americans told the fans that what happened to Hijo Del Relámpago is what will happen to Soul Taker. Genio promised that in the main event he would take the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF and put it around the waist of some one more deserving. Verde claimed that someone with his intellect could never be bested by a superstitious buffoon like Soul Taker.


Rating: C


Soul Taker over Genio Verde

For the Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Soul Taker defeated Genio Verde in 25:12 at two falls to one after winning the first, with the final fall happening when Genio Verde was disqualified when Hombre De La Energía ran in and attacked Soul Taker.


The Campeón and the contender put on one hell of a match showing why the two are at the top of their game in MPWF. The bout took its toll on both men leaving them battered and bruised by the end of the match up. Soul Taker took a clean first pin over Genio Verde, which drove the mad genius insane and forced him to pick up the pace. Verde managed to out think Taker, the ref and the fans as he used his partner to hit his deadly lariat while Genio had the ref distracted and stole a pin. But Varones Amerianos went to the well one too many times with their underhanded tactics and Hombre De La Energia got caught in his second attempt to take out Soul Taker, for which the ref disqualified Genio Verde.


Rating: B-


No Good Deed


Furious at his loss Genio verde started by yelling and his partner but seeing that as a losing strategy he quickly turned his attention to Soul Taker. Verde called on Energie to help him lay the boots to Taker giving the Campeón a severe beating. Genio had Hombre hold up Taker so he could hit the Brain Drain on the Campeón and then Energia used the Texas Backbreaker before the two walked off leaving Soul taker lifeless in the ring.


Rating: C-


Overall Rating: C

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Alrigth back from holiday stuff getting myself into the swing of what should continue to be a fun game.


Jaded being the only predictor obviously wins this months prize which is a pair of Lucador Original's Original Tights. The first pair of tights he ever wore as a Lucador and their all yours. Never been washed from his first match but it will be a priceless collectors item (which you may want to keep under glass)


Jaded 5/7



7/13 Jaded

3/6 Jingo


There will of course be the month in review coming up as well as more fun Lucha Libre on its way from MPWF.

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February In Review



Lady Liberty and Calatalina Vasquez both extended their contracts


Unnoted last time were turns by Diamante Negro (to Tecnico) and both Wildfire Blaze and Inferno (to Rudo)


CILL Circo Psycho I


EL Jaguar over Monkey Man - E

Magik comes out to tal El Pavo Real Interrupts - D-

Catalina Vazquez over Jaguar Queen - E-

Uhtred the Viking over Tigre Salvaje Jr - E+

Dragon De Arcos Iris Jr over El Sultan for the CILL Mexican Cahmpionship - D-

Pinky Perez over Lady Liberty to retain the CILL World Women's Championship - D

Magik over Wildfire Inferno - D

Fallen Angel over Wildfire Blaze to retain the CILL World Championship - D-


Overall - D-




After Deseo Oscilar I EMLL rose in stature being touts as a regional company. They immedieately hired Magnifico, Gino Montero, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III. The company immediate announced that Gino Montero would be challenging EL Bandito for EL Campeon de Mundo EMLL. Sadly EMLL immediate fell back to small size when they came in fourth in the regional battle between the growing number of Lucha Libre companies, behind (in order) OLLIE, MPWF and CILL.


Mascara Delfin attacked Pyromaniac turning both men, to Rudo and to Tecnico respectively. Daredevil Aero shook with Zebra Man before exiting the ring cementing his turn to Tecnico and Guerrero Muerto helped Snake King off the mat and they both rasied the title making the Deadman's tecnico turn solid.


EMLL Deseo Oscilar I


Mascara Delfin over Pyromaniac - E

Death's Head over Cyclops - E-

In Ring brawl between El Banditio and DeCipher - D

Guillermo Marcos over Demon King - E

Hijo Del Aguila Americana over Anarchist - E+

Zebra Man over Daredevil Aero to retain El Campeon de Mexico EMLL - E

Guerrero Muerto over Snake King to retain El Campeon de Historico EMLL - D

Aprendiz Jr over La Estrella - D-

El Bandito over DeCipher to retain El Campeon de Mundo EMLL - D+


Overall D




OLLIE's big news that they signed a deal with Canal Tres and will debut OLLIE Acontecimiento Principal in March. Soon after their top star Marcos Flores was signed by SOTBPW and left the company. After only one show OLLIE has decided the Gino Montero versus Amo Del Gato story was not going to work and discontinued it.


Gino was proptyly turned rudo walking out on his trio in their match. AMo Del Gato was turned Tecnico when being beaten and left by his trios partners after retaining the titles.


Last show s mentioned Phoenix I cost Phoenix II a match so they are now feuding and that cemented Phoenix I's turn to a Rudo. Unmentioned was Nicolas Lopez's assault on Silver Tiger causing the dual turn to Rudo and Tecnico respectively.


OLLIE Entermo T Torcido 2013


Phoenix II, Gino Montero and Marcos Flores over Extraordinario Jr, Cosmic Rider and Nicolas Lopez - B-

Dragon Americano and North Star over Disturbed and Extranjero Loco - D

La Sombra Jr over Tricolor Jr to retain EL Campeon de Mexico OLLIE - D+

Amo Del Gato, Rafael Ruiz and Laberinto Jr over Huracan Sandoval, Luis Montero and Mr. Lucha III to retainEl Campeones de Trios OLLIE - C-

Marcos Flores and Nicolas Lopez brawl in the ring - B-

El Critico over Phoenix III - B-

Silver Tiger over Phoenix I to retain the Campeon de Universal OLLIE - C+


Overall - C+




SOTBOW extended the contracts of Mexican Ghoul, Cerebro and Dr Rudo. They also signed Marcos Flores from OLLIE and Hijo Del Mephisto from MPWF, neither started before the last show of the month.


Sadly Ultra Spark Jr suffered a semi-severed spinal column and will be out for over a year and may likely never return to in ring action.


On the Azul Brand El Hijo Espada Roja made a rudo turn. While on the Rojo Brand Pharoah King and El Sucio made turns to Tecnico and El Leon made a big turn to Rudo (I missed when these happened but I'll keep up for next time)


SOTBPW Television WK 1 - B

Main Event: Ultimate Phoenix over Axxis Jr - B


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 1 - B

Main Event: Champagne Lover over Pablo Rodriguez - B


SOTBPW Television WK 2 - B

Main Event: El Frueza over Ultimate Phoenix - B

SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 2 - B

Main Event: El Leon, Champagne Lover and Mexican Beast no contest with Pablo Rodriguez, Mayan Idol and Pharaoh King - B-


SOTBPW Television WK 3 - B

Main Event: Xtinction, El Frueza and Axxis Jr over Ultimate Phoenix, El Demonio and El Hijo Espada Roja - B+


SOTBPW Subdivision I


Pre-Show Devious Doctor Fang no contest against Yellow Flash - E

Pre-Show The Cannonball Kid over El Alborotador Confiado - C-


Masked Lighting over THe Black Army - C

Blood Raven, Hysteria and El Sucio over Boom-Boom, Angel of Mercy and Zoink to retain rhe Campeones de Trios SOTBPW - C

Cerebro over Green Diamond - D-

Major Junta over Jagged - D-

El Heroe Mexicano over El Hijo Espada Roja - C

Pirata Malvado over Mystery Man - B

Electrico defends Jennifer Heats honor to Ultimate Phoenix - B-

Las Pesadillas over The Sea Monsters for El Capeones de Parejas SOTBPW - C+

El Fruez, El Demonio and El Leon argue backstage - B+

Multimillionario over Capeon Jr to retain El Campeon de Menor - B-

Champagne Lover and Pablo Rodriguez argue backstage - A

Champagne Lover over Ultimate Phoenix to retain El Campeon de Mundo SOTBPW

Axxis Jr and Xtinction over El Demonio and Mayan Idol - B


Overall - B


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 3 - B+

Main Event: Champagne Lover over Pablo Rodriguez A


SOTBPW Television WK 4 - B

Main Event: El Frueza over Ultimate Phoenix - B


SOTBPW Lucha Libre WK 4 - B+

Main Event: Champagne Lover over Pablo Rodriguez to retain El Campeon de Mundo SOTBPW

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March Week 2 Monday


Equipo MPWF vs. Intención Maligna

For a shot at Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


Each of these teams has proven they can work as together now its time to show who is the superior opponet. One of these two teams will go on to face La Nueva Era for Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF at next month's show.


El Orulloso vs. ??


A new face will be arriving in MPWF and El Orgulloso looks to make a name for himself by making his first win the defeat of the new Luchador in town.


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era vs. Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes


El Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF and Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF take on one half of Hijo Del Mephisto's old crew and two of the most savage Luchadores to grace the MPWF ring La Bestia Purpura and El Torro de Oro jr.


Mario Heroic vs. Snap Dragon


Mario Heroic and Snap Dragon are both coming off of trios wins last month as they try and cement their spot in next month's upcoming four man ladder match for El Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF. Can Heroic make good on his past promises to get the title or will Snap Dragon be the next up and comer on the MPWF scene.


Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos vs. Magnifico and La Corte Real


Every one but Magnifico is coming off losses from last month and are looking to regain some of the momentum they've lost going forward as they all try and prove they are worthy of any of the MPWF titles.


Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Genio Verde


Genio Verde took a loss to Soul Taker when his underhanded double teaming tactics failed him and now current Capeon de Lucha MPWF Heavy Metal Anarchy looks to capitalize on his momentum and Verde's loss to propel himself toward a second title as he tries to earn his way into the four man ladder match.


Spanish Superfly vs. Hobre De La Energia


With the departure of Hijo Del Mephisto Spanish Superfly is once again free to move onward and upward but Hombre De La Energia wants his shot at El Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF like has partner had last month. The winner of this match will be entered into a four way title ladder match next month.


Equipo MPWF vs. Intención Maligna

For a shot at Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


El Orulloso vs. ??


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era vs. Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes


Mario Heroic vs. Snap Dragon


Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos vs. Magnifico and La Corte Real


Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Genio Verde


Spanish Superfly vs. Hobre De La Energia

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I love how you give us a view of the entire mexican landscape! Great diary.


Thank you very much I'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm writing it for me mostly but it is always nice when some one says they're reading. I like expanding on the world and trying to give a story to the randomness of the AI booking I think it makes my own promotions story more compelling an dnot stuck in its own microcosm.


Secondly I would really like to thank Boltinho for the awesome event logos, this months being my favorite and I will go back and put in the last months ones as well as soon as I get around too it.

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Secondly I would really like to thank Boltinho for the awesome event logos, this months being my favorite and I will go back and put in the last months ones as well as soon as I get around too it.



Very welcome sir. I'll do the rest for you when I can

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Equipo MPWF vs. Intención Maligna

For a shot at Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


El Orulloso vs. ??


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era vs. Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes


Mario Heroic vs. Snap Dragon


Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos vs. Magnifico and La Corte Real


Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Genio Verde


Spanish Superfly vs. Hobre De La Energia

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Equipo MPWF vs. Intención Maligna


El Orulloso vs. ??


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era vs. Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes


Mario Heroic vs. Snap Dragon


Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos vs. Magnifico and La Corte Real


Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Genio Verde


Spanish Superfly vs. Hobre De La Energia

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Equipo MPWF vs. Intención Maligna

For a shot at Los Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


El Orulloso vs. ??


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era vs. Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes


Mario Heroic vs. Snap Dragon


Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos vs. Magnifico and La Corte Real

Heavy Metal Anarchy vs. Genio Verde


Spanish Superfly vs. Hobre De La Energia

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MPWF Festival De La Juventud



Intención Maligna over Equipo MPWF

For the number one contendership for Campeónes de Parejas MPWF



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Intención Maligna defeated Equipo MPWF in 13:31 by two falls to one after losing the first, with the final fall happening when Hellspawn 666 defeated Cique Jr by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


Both teams really wanted this and it was a hard fought battle, but Intención Maligna came out on top using every dirty trick in the book. It was a fairly even battle, with everyone getting their chance to shine. Luchaodre Original and Cique Jr. took the early first fall, but that just casued Salyyer and Hellspawn 666 to redouble their efforts.


Rating: D+


And The Winner Is…



As both teams left the ring the announce team told the audience that next month MPWF Festival de Máscaras Intención Maligna would face La Nueva Era for El Campeónes de Parejas MPWF


Rating: D

??? over El Ogrulloso



In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Acid defeated El Orgulloso in 9:09 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.


El Orgulloso came out to the ring to some minor cheers but Ganriela Oretega was the real start of there duo and her chemistry with the youngster really helped as well. Then the mystery opponent came out, the lights went dark and when they came on a black masked figure was in the ring. The bout started immediately and both men went at each other with great intensity.


The two had a surprising chemistry and the bout was goodc onsidering that they’re both relative unknowns.It could have been even better if El Orgulloso wasn’t showing his problems with consistency. It was a mostly even match but the new comer did take both falls in a row. The ref raised the surprise entrants hand and only a few knowledgeable audience members wer unsurprised at the announcement that the winnrer was international superstar, ACID.




Rating: E+


Soul Taker and La Nueva Era over Delerium and Las Criaturas Salvajes



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Soul Taker and La Nueva Era defeated Delirium and Las Criaturas Salvajes in 13:53 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Soul Taker defeated El Toro De Oro Jr by submission with a Life Force Drain.



Although this match gave every worker some time to shine it was really about giving the three Campenoes a win going into their title matches next month. The tecnicos took two falls to none over the young rudos and Soul Taker in particular came out of the match looking good. Hijo Del Relampago had a few too many missteps which the crowd made sure to point out to him.


Rating: D+


Let Them Come



After the win Soul Taker stayed in the ring to talk to the crowd about the four way ladder match at MPWF Festival de Máscaras. El Campeon told the crowd that it didn’t matter which of members of the roster were going to be in the match, the soul of Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF knew where it belonged and would return to his waist after the match. Taker said that he hoped both Genio Verde and Hombre DE La Energia made it into the match as he had unfinished business with the Americans and the Soul of MPWF must be avenged.


Rating: C


Mario Heroic over Snap Dragon



In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Mario Heroic defeated Snap Dragon in 24:47 at two falls to one after winning the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Hero Attack.


Snap Dragon proved that he could stand up to the might of Mario Heroic if not overcome it In this nail biting action packed match. Both men worked at a quick and fluid pace each getting pins in the first few minutes and then having to fight tooth and nail until Heroic pulled out the last pin after the Hero Attack.


Rating: D+


In America Teams Attack You


As the match ended and Mario Heroic had his hand raised by the ref, Genio Verde and Hombre De La Energia flew down to the ring and began a brutal beating of the first man to win his spot in the four way ladder match. While Energia continues the assault, Verde taunts Heroic telling him that he’ll never be ready for next month’s match, however Verde seemed to get a little lost in the process but all in all the crowd still loved to hate the American workers.


Rating: C-


Magnifico and La Corte Real over Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Magnifico and La Corte Real defeated Lobo Solitario and Los Tecnicos in 13:52 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Magnifico defeated Lobo Solitario by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Like the trios match before it this was a vehicle more to put over the rudos than anything else. Not a dominant match both teams got in some good offense but the rudos got two pins to the tecnicos none, both pinfalls courtesy of Magnifico.


Rating: D-


Genio Verde over Heavy Metal Anarchy



In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Genio Verde defeated Heavy Metal Anarchy in 25:15 by two falls to one after losing the the first, with the final fall happening by submission with a Brain Drain after blatantly cheating.


The Campeón de Lucha MPWF came out swinging getting pinfall over Genio Verde in the first couple of minutes, But rudo fought his way back out getting the second and most importantly final pinfall against HMA, even if he had to use the tights for leverage to steal the win.


Rating: C-


To The Rescue



Varones Americanos weren’t done with their path of destruction because Hombre De La Energia came from the back and he and Genio Verde celebrated by stomping the hell out of HMA. Not long after Soul Taker came running from the back and started to fight the duo off. But It wasn’t till Mario Heroic, the recipient of the early attack limped his way to the ring and cleaned house that the fans well and truly popped. With Hombre De La Enerfia’s match up next Yaler and Heroic walked HMA from the ring to the back keeping a wary eye on the rudos.


Rating: D+


Hobre De La Energia over Spanish Superfly



In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hombre De La Energía defeated Spanish Superfly in 24:50 at two falls to one after winning the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


A decent match with the fans rooting hard againdt Hombre De la Energia, Spanish Superfly got a lot of sympathy heat. This was especially tue when Superfly had to fight back from the first pinfall after Energia’s feared Lariat early in the match. But fight back he did tying up the match and showing he had some life left in his old bones. Knowing he’d never be content with a loss Energia stepped up the attack and finally one out, even if he took a page from his tag partners book and used the ropes to leverage his already bigger mass to hold the pinfall on Superfly.


Rating: C


Four On The Floor (or Ladder)



As the show ended the announcers reminded the crowd that next month at MPWF Festival de Máscaras the 4 Way for El Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF would now be Soul Taker defending against, Mario Heroic, Genio Verde and Hombre De La Energia


Rating: C-


Overall Rating: C-

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That's right folks its a three way tie. Which means Midnightnick, Boltinho and Jingo will all have to find a way to spilt Spanish Superfly's, Spanish Fly. I'll take a don't ask, don't tell policy about what you do with it.


March totals


Midnightnick 5/7

Botinho 5/7

Jingo 5/7




8/13 Jingo

7/13 Jaded

Midnightnick 5/7

Botinho 5/7

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March in review




Although its unclear why Jaguar Queen quit her job at CILL even though she had no other employment lined up. She was replaced a week later with Luchadora Purple Viper who has been working in America the last year or so.


El Jaguar completed a contract extension and will be staying in the CILL midcard for the foreseeable future.


In their continuing battle Magik to an injury facing off against El Pavo Real. The top CILL star is said to have suffered some Knee Ligament Damage. With Magik possibly out for their next show, Dragon Del Arocs Iris Jr has stepped up. With another win to defend his CILL Mexican championship he has proved his worth and it is said he will be starting a program with Wildfire Blaze. Blaze will most likely be assisted by his partner inferno.


Uhtred the Viking turned his back on the ways of the rudo when he refused to attack Dragon Del Arcos Iris jr after his partner Ragnar lost to the you colorful Luchador.


Tigre Salvaje Jr and Diamante Negro may have racked up a win but there was a shock when their partner EL Jaguar allied himself with the heels as they attacked their own partner Monkey Man turning both men Rudo and Tecnico respectively.


CILL Viva Y Deje El Dado


Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr over Ragnar the Viking to retain the CILL Mexican title - E+

Tigre Salvaje Jr, Diamante Negro and El Jaguar over Monkey Man, Aztec Prince and Wildfire Blaze - E+

Pinky Perez ovr Poison Ivy to retain the CILL Wrld Women's Championship - D-

El PAvo Real over Magik - D

Fallen Angel over Wildfire Inferno to retain the CILL World Championship




This time it sticks, with EMLL making the rise to and staying what can only be described as regional status of the backs of some incredible matches by their new hires.


EMLL extended the stay of Guillermo Marcos with the promtion signing the career midcarder to an extension.


EMLL Ningu Escape


Extraordinario Jr over Cyclops - D+

Dardevil Aero over Mascara Delfin - E

Magnifico hypes himself - C

Hijo Del Aguila Americana over Demin King - E+

Mr. Lucha III hypes himself to Carolina - D+

Snake King over Pyromaniac - E

Guerrero Muerto over Death's Head to retain El Cmapeon De Historico EMLL - D-

Zebra Man over Anarchist to retain El Campeon de Mexico EMLL - E+

El Bandito and Gino Montero argue - C-

Gino Montero over Aprendiz Jr - C-

Mr. Lucha III over El Bandito for El Capeon de Mundo EMll - C




The oldest promotion in Mexico saw major setbacks as two of their top stars left the company. Nicolas Lopez resigned with SOTBPW and left the company in the middle of the month. Cosmic Rider wasn't offered a new contract as OLLIE tightened their belt and felt he wasn't worth what he was asking for.


Although he is one of their top stars OLLIE did not use Mr. Lucha III for the entire month of march. Rumor is that the young Luchador will be returning as a rudo which will coincide with his debut as such for EMLL. This repackaging will coincide with a new storyline being bandied about at OLLIE with Mr. Lucha III teaming with Gino Montero against Silver Tiger and Phoenix II


OLLIE Acontecimiento Principal wk 1 - C

Main event: Nicolas Lopez and El Critico over AMo DEl Gato and Silver Tiger - C+


OLLIE Acontecimiento Principal wk 2 - C-

Main event: Silver Tiger over Phoenix I - C


OLLIE Acontecimiento Principal wk 3 - C-

Main event: Silver Tiger over Gino Montero - C-


OLLIE Acontecimiento Principal wk 4 - C-

Main event:El Critico over Phoenix III - C


OLLIE Dia De Todo el Guerrero


Gino Montero over Tricolor Jr - C+

Amo Del Gato, Rafael Ruiz and Laberinto Jr. over Distrubed, Extranjero Loco and Extraordinario Jr to retain El Cameones de Trios OLLIE - C-

Emilia Reyes puts down Silver Tiger - D+

Mystery Pink over Luchadora Original - D

Electric Dreamer and La Hija Del Diablo argue - D+

Queen Amazin over Aquila Azul Celeste to retain El Campeon de Femenil OLLIE - D

Amo Del Gato argues with El Critico - C

Phoenix III over La Sombra Jr for the Capeon de Mexico OLLIE - C-

Phoenix I over Phoenix II - C

Silver Tiger over El Critico to retain the Campeon de Universal OLLIE - B


Overall - C+





Nicolas Lopez and Hijo Del Mephisto both officially signed with and joined SOTBPW making their debut this month same as Marcos Flores who signed with the promotion at the end of February.


In an odd move SOTBPW turned fan favourtie Boom-Boom Jamaica on the pre-Show of week one's SOTBPW Lucha Libre after a humiliating defeat by Pablo Rodriguez. Fan's who weren't at the show were confused when two weeks later he showed up on the heel side of a trios match.


Mystery Man and The Cannonball Kid officially teamed up together as Crash and Burn on the last SOTBPW Lucha Libre of the month, after being in quite a few trio matches before hand. Jagged and El Hijo Del Zonk also formed a team called The Bruisers the week before. Both teams defeated The Black Army to cement their unions.


SOTBPW Television Wk 1 - B

Main Event: Xtinction and El Frueza over Ultimate Phoenx and El Demonio - B


SOTBPW Lucha Libre Wk 1 - B

Main Event: EL Leon went to a no contest against Champagne Lover - B+


SOTBPW Television Wk 2 - B

Main Event: El Demonio over Xtinction - B+


SOTBPW Lucha Libre Wk 2 - B+

Main Event: El Leon over Chapagne Lover - B+


SOTBPW Television Wk 3 - B

Main Event: Ultimate Phoenix over Axxis Jr - B+


SOTBPW Lucha Libre Wk 3 -B

Main Event: Pablo Rodriguez and El Leon over Las Pesadillas - B-


SOTBPW Television Wk 4 - B+

Main Event: Axxis Jr over Ultimate Phoenix - A


SOTBPW Lucha Libre Wk 4 - B

Main Event: El Leon over Mexican Beast - B


SOTBPW En El Borde


Pre-SHow El Hijo Del Zonk over Scarlet scarab - D

Pre-Show Labbu over El Heroe Mexicano - C

XTinction gets into an arguemnt with Nicolas Lopez - B-

Las Pesadilla over El Alborotadro Confiado and Lobo Blanco to retain El Capeones de Parejas SOTBPW - C+

Yellow Flash over Boom-Boom Jamaica - E+

Heroe over Devious Doctor Fang - D

Capeon Jr over Demon Seed - C+

Champagne Lover, Pbalo Rodriguez argue until El Demonio shows up and scares them - A

The Cannonball Kid over Dr Rudo - C+

El Leon sneaks up in Mexican Beast only to have El Frueza sneak up on him -B+

Strongman over Capitao Brasil - C-

Pablo Rodriguez over Pharaoh King - B

El Sucio over Mutimillonario for El Campeon Menor SOTBPW - C-

Champagne Lover over Mayan Idol to retain El Campeon de Mundo SOTBPW - B

El Frueza, Xtinction and Axxis Jr over Ultimate Phoneix, EL Demonio and El Leon - B+


Overall B


Mexican Independent


El Luchador Valiente over Cyclon - E

Miguel Dominguez over Payaso Jr - E-

Cocepcion Gomez over Bizarro - E

Asesino Del Hacha over Diamante Azul - E+

Crazy Miguel over Scorpion - E

Asesino De La Espada over Vincent Romero - E+

La Criatura De La Navidad and Jade Lizard over The Circus of Death - E+

Charron over Hugo Garrido - E+

Miguel Marquez over Grue SLugg - E+

Inca Jr and Rebelde Loco over Los Academia- D

Gonzalo Rubio over Junior Youth - D-


Overall - D-


Pajaro Del Fuego and Powerful Man over Wraith and El Hijo Del Aguila - E-

El Hijo Del Fantasma and Lunatic over Blue Phantom and El Medico - E-

Ursula Saez over Jaguar Queen - E-

Fray aliente Jr and El Jefe Militar over Trickster and Cristobal Pardo - E

Hijo Del Vigilante and Itzamna over Entropy and El Hijo Del Neutron - E-

Elsa Calvo over Arthur Dexter Bradley - E- (That's right ADB got beat by a girl)

Luna Oscura over Luna Clara - F+

Armada and Jose Flamenco over Sunburst and El Ladron - E-

Latin Lion Jr over Phobia - E-

Hypnotiq Jr and El Mitico Jr over Leopard King and Mustang Blanco Jr - E-

Soda De La Uva Jr and Sabra Man Jr over Border Patrol II and Mascara Roja Jr - E-


Overall - E-

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