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NWA/TNA 2002 - Stories From the Asylum

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Back story:-


In March 2001 the Wrestling World would change for ever, Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation acquired long term rivals World Championship Wrestling from AOL Time Warner, ending the Monday Night Wars that had changed the wrestling landscape since 1995 when Nitro first went head-to-head with Monday Night Raw. Shortly after Extreme Championship Wrestling, who had been struggling financial since having their national TV deal with TNN cancelled as the network favored WWF Raw, finally filed for bankruptcy and cemented Vince McMahon dominance over the wrestling world.


From these ashes new companies would rise the first launched in October 2001 under the name World Wrestling Allstars. Operating out of Australia they looked to fill the void left by the collapse of WCW and ECW they focused on signing the talent WWF didn't take on some of the names included Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Devon Storm and Sting. They would look to tour in Australia, Europe and the United States in their attempt to become a major player in the wrestling world.


The next new company to come onto the scene was Ring of Honor, after ECW fall the video company RF Videos was left without a best seller. Rob Feinstien owner of RF Videos decided to step up to the plate. The idea was he would produced his own wrestling show and then distribute the made for DVD/VHS exclusively via his own website. His first event "The Era of Honor Begins" took place on February 23 2002 from the ECW Arena. After a successful first show the company are looking to fill the void in the Philadelphia area that was left behind by the collapse of ECW


The last new promotion is NWA/TNA, after the collapse of WCW Jeff Jarrett, his father Jerry Jarrett and their friend Bob Ryder came up with an idea of a wrestling promotion that would air solely on PPV. Jeff Jarret was the only one of the group to take the idea seriously. Jeff Jarrett pursued this idea raising the money to launch the promotion. On May 28th 2002 in preparation the National Wrestling Alliance striped Dan "The Beast" Severn of his NWA World Heavyweight Championship and shortly after the Shane Twins Mike and Todd vacated the NWA World Tag Team Championship at the request of TNA Management as both belts would become exclusive to TNA Wrestling.


A weekly PPV Deal has now been and NWA/TNA is ready to go live, costing $10.00 a week can this new concept change the world of wrestling or without national TV exposure is TNA Wrestling doomed to fail?


WWA, ROH and NWA/TNA are all looking to dethrone Vince McMahon at the top of the ladder who will survive and who will fall.


Database Info:- upgraded version of Genadi April 2002 mod created for TEW2010:-



- changed to starting date to June 2002 just as the weekly PPV started.

- Added roster used on there first show, as closely as possible however some of the woman don't appear to be in the database

- Added PPV Deal for TNA along with Wednesday night show.

- Updated gimmicks and names to hit the era

- Update WWF and ROH titles holders

- Add angle pack from default TEW database

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- Scott Hall -won Wednesday June week 1, NWA/TNA Weekly PPV #1-


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NWA World Tag Team Championship

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Lenny Lane & Bruce

The Rainbow Express



NWA/TNA - Roster :-


Main Event Roster


Jerry Lynn

Ken Shamrock

Scott Hall



Jeff Jarrett


Upper Mid-card



Brian Lawler

Ron Killings




Low Ki







AJ Styles


Christian York

Joey Matthews



Jacques Rougeau Jr

Pierre Ouelette

Bo Dupp

Kid Kash

Lenny Lane


Stan Dupp



Lower Mid-card/opener/Enhancement Talent


Chris Harris

James Storm




Jorge Estrada


Sonny Siaki


Tag Teams


Americas Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm)

The Dupps ( Stan and Bo Dupp)

The Rainbow Express (Lenny Lane and Bruce)

The Badstreet Boys (Christian York and Joey Matthews)

The New Church (Slash and Tempest)

The Flying Elvis's (Sonny Siaki and Jorge Estrada)

The Quebecers (Jacques Rougeau Jr and Pierre Ouelette)


None Wrestling Staff :-


Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Jerry Jarrett

Jeremy Borash

Joel Gertner

Don West

Ed Farrara

Mike Tenay

James Mitchell

Micky Jay

Mark Johnson



ShopNWA/TNA.com DVD stand :-


NWA/TNA Weekly PPV #1 June 2002

NWA/TNA Weekly PPV #2 June 2002

NWA/TNA Weekly PPV #3 June 2002

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The Pro-wrestling Illustrated News Stand

bringing you all the latest news from WWF, WWA, ROH and from Japan.



PRO Wrestling Illustrated

Issues #1 in stores soon

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png" rel="external nofollow">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a><p> <strong>TNA Wednesday PPV Perview </strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In the First ever episode of NWA Total None-stop Action we set out to crown a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. As Jeff Jerrett takes on the worlds most dangerous man Ken Shamrock and Konnan faces "the outlaw" Scott Hall the two winners meeting in the Main Event to crown the new champion.<p> </p><p> Also the X-Division Title will be decided as AJ Styles faces Low-Ki, Ron Killings and also Jerry Lynn to deiced who is the first champion in a four way Elimination match-up, and four up and coming tag team will look to impress and get in with a shot of becoming the new NWA Tag Team Champions, all this and more on NWA/TNA PPV $9.99 on DirecTV</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match</strong></p><p> Jeff Jerrett VS Ken Shamrock</p><p> </p><p> Americas Most Wanted VS The Dupps </p><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match</strong></p><p> Scott Hall and Konnan</p><p> </p><p> The Rainbow Express VS Christian York and Joey Matthews</p><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA/TNA X-Division Title Elimination Match</strong></p><p> AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS Ron Killings VS Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA Heavyweight Championship Main Event</strong></p><p> <em>winner of Jeff Jerrett and Ken Shamrock</em> VS <em>winner of Scott Hall and Konnan</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>(And with that I'm of to bed feel free to post predictions as I start the game properly tomorrow.)</em></p>
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<p><strong>Jeff Jerrett</strong> VS Ken Shamrock</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Americas Most Wanted</strong> VS The Dupps </p><p> </p><p>

NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match</p><p>

<strong>Scott Hal</strong>l and Konnan</p><p> </p><p>

The Rainbow Express VS<strong> Christian York and Joey Matthew</strong>s</p><p> </p><p>

NWA/TNA X-Division Title Elimination Match</p><p>

AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS <strong>Ron Killings</strong> VS Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p>

NWA Heavyweight Championship Main Event</p><p>

winner of <strong>Jeff Jerrett</strong> and Ken Shamrock VS winner of Scott Hall and Konnan</p>

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<p><strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> VS Ken Shamrock</p><p>

<em>*just so you know it is Jarrett, and I don't see Shamrock taking this one, just because, lol don't know why..</em></p><p>

<strong>Americas Most Wanted</strong> VS The Dupps </p><p>

<em>Can't see them losing here, as I have no idea who the Dupps are.</em></p><p>

<strong>Scott Hall</strong> and Konnan</p><p>

<em>hoping to see Razor get that World Title finally</em></p><p>

The Rainbow Express VS <strong>Christian York and Joey Matthews</strong></p><p>

<em>Indy experience ftw, they also go by "The Badstreet Boys"</em></p><p>

AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS Ron Killings VS <strong>Jerry Lynn</strong></p><p>

<em>I have a feeling AJ takes this, but Jerry was definitely the best around that time, glad to see the X-division here! </em></p><p>

Jeff Jarrett VS <strong>Scott Hall</strong></p><p>

<em>Say hello, to the champion</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="petecrimson00" data-cite="petecrimson00" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> <em>Can't see them losing here, </em><em><strong>as I have no idea who the Dupps are.</strong></em></p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Stan Dupp is WWE's Trevor Murdoch. Not too familiar with Bo Dupp, however...</p><p> </p><p> Anyway,</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match</p><p> <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> VS Ken Shamrock</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Americas Most Wanted</strong> VS The Dupps </p><p> </p><p> NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match</p><p> <strong>Scott Hall</strong> and Konnan</p><p> </p><p> The Rainbow Express VS <strong>Christian York and Joey Matthews</strong></p><p> </p><p> NWA/TNA X-Division Title Elimination Match</p><p> AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS <strong>Ron Killings</strong> VS Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p> NWA Heavyweight Championship Main Event</p><p> <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> VS Scott Hall</p>
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<p>Just popped in to say the diary looks interesting and I'll be following along as much as I can.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="3rdStringPG" data-cite="3rdStringPG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Stan Dupp is WWE's Trevor Murdoch. Not too familiar with Bo Dupp, however...<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bo Dupp is Otto Schwanz. He and Jack Dupp aka Mike Maverick are the original Dupps. They worked mostly on the east coast. Primarily the Carolinas I believe. And I'm not sure about Schwanz but I know Maverick wrestled for OMEGA. I think Schwanz did as well. Don't quote me on that.</p>
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NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match

Jeff Jerrett VS Ken Shamrock

Owner, so obvious win here


Americas Most Wanted VS The Dupps



NWA Heavyweight Title First Round Match

Scott Hall and Konnan


The Rainbow Express VS Christian York and Joey Matthews


NWA/TNA X-Division Title Elimination Match

AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS Ron Killings VS Jerry Lynn

Experience should win here


NWA Heavyweight Championship Main Event

winner of Jeff Jerrett and Ken Shamrock VS winner of Scott Hall and Konnan



(And with that I'm of to bed feel free to post predictions as I start the game properly tomorrow.)


Also any chance you can release the data would love to give this a go myself.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Preshow Dark Match</strong></p><p> <strong>Sonny Siaki VS Justice </strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell ring as the two men get underway, Siaki start with some chops to the chest of the giant but Justice wont budge an inch. Siaki tries to then go from the charging the giant down but just runs into Justices big boot, the crowd look dead about watching two jobbers in the opening contest face off against one another. After very little offense on Siaki part, Justice hits the spinning side slam to pick up the victory via pin-fall. <strong>F+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png" rel="external nofollow">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Mike Tenay:-</strong> Welcome everyone to the new era in professional wrestling, Welcome everyone to NWA/TNA as tonight we look to crown a New NWA World Heavyweight Champion.<p> </p><p> <strong>Don West:-</strong> Thats right 4 of the NWA best battle tonight live on PPV but only one can come out winner, this is Total None-stop Action.</p><p> </p><p> Jeff Jarrett music hits and he makes his way down to the ring receviving a heels reaction from the crowd</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jeff:-</strong> Cut my music! You know none of you people in this crowd would be here tonight if it wasn't for me. The only reason any of you got a ticket tonight was to see me in action. I'm the only star in NWA/TNA I should be given the World Heavyweight Title but instead I have to fight people like Scott Hall! A man thats failed to win the big one in every promotion he has worked for. Then you have guys like Ken Shamrock a MMA reject! </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ken:-</strong> Hold on a second, Jarrett you talk about being the chosen one? Well these great fans here in Tennessee don't want to here you, I don't want to here you so why don't we stop the talking and get onto the ass kicking.</p><p> </p><p> Ken Shamrock steps into the ring for the opening bell - <strong>C</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NWA World-heavyweight Championship First Round Match-up </strong></p><p><strong> Jeff Jarrett VS Ken Shamrock</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell rings and Ken Shamrock walks up toe-to-toe with Jeff Jarrett getting right into his face with a standoff. He dares Jarrett to go for the cheap-shot that he dose, Shamrock counter however with some stiff punches that the crowd are loving. Jarrett tries to escapes by rolling to the outside but Shamrock follows him, tracking him down and throwing him back into the ring. Shamrock is in full control during the opening few minutes of the contest, even hitting the Ankle lock early but Jarrett managed to get to the ropes to avoid tapping out. Jarrett finally managed to turn the tide after a rake to the eye before hitting the Stroke, he covers Ken Shamrock but is unable to put him away. Jarrett pleads with the referee that it was a three count as Ken Shamrock comes with a shoulder barge, Jarrett moves out the way knocking down the referee, as he checks on the ref Jarrett rolls to the outside getting his Guitar. Jarrett lines up the Acoustic Equalizer laying out Shamrock he throws the Guitar piece outside of the ring before hitting the cover to win and advance into tonight's main event. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Jeff Jarrett doesn't let off after the match stopping away at the Worlds most Dangerous man. The crowd then stand on their feet as The Outlaw Scott Hall makes his way down to the ring. A clothesline from Hall takes Jarrett down and he roles out of the ring retreating. Hall throws his tooth pick as he stares Jarrett down. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>America's Most Wanted VS The Dupps</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell rings as two of the NWA brightest Tag Teams gets us underway. America's Most Wanted dominate the early going against the redneck Tag Team the Dupps. The Quick Tags between James Storm and Chris Harris have them showing great chemistry in the early going of the match and the crowd in Tennessee are clearly behind America's Most Wanted. Towards the mild of the match the Dupps start to build some moment coming back into things and isolating Chris Harris in the conor. They successful cut the ring in half for a few minutes before Harris makes the hot tag to James Storm, The Tennessee cowboy runs in clearing house with the Dupps until Bo hits James his a hip-flask, the referee calls for the bell ending the match. <strong>E </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Cameras go backstage and we see AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn talking in the back ahead of the X-Division fatel-4-way later on this evening.<p> </p><p> <strong>AJ Styles:-</strong> Jerry I just want to say thank you for this chance, If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in TNA Wrestling tonight but don't get me wrong. Now that I am here I am looking to make an Impact by become the first NWA/TNA X-Division Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Lynn:-</strong> AJ I have known you for a while you're a good kid. Win, lose or draw tonight you have a bright future in this industry. The X-Division will steal the show tonight. </p><p> </p><p> Jerry Lynn offers his friend AJ Styles a handshake before we head back down towards the ring. <strong>D+</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NWA World-heavyweight Championship First Round Match-up </strong></p><p><strong> Scott Hall VS Konnan</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell rings in the second NWA Tournament match-up. Scott Hall gains the advantage from the beginning and the crowd are really getting behind him. With Hall chants ringing around the Nashville Fair Grounds. Konnan fights back however hitting a springboard arm drag. as we get towards the middle of the match Konnan has leveled the playing field. He used is running low-angle dropkick to lay hall out before looking for Tequila Sunrise. He locks in the submission move as Hall is in pain. He struggling to fight through the pain but eventually get to the ropes forcing the referee to break to hold. Hall sells the pain in his leg limping when he eventually gets back to his feet. The end of the match comes when Hall lifts Konnan out and nails the Outsides Edge, he gets the pin-fall victory advanced on the face Jeff Jarrett in the main event however he leaves limping. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> --</p><p> </p><p> We are backstage and we see to Apolo backstage. He is leaving the locker-room the door swings open and it hits Tempest in the face. Tempest falls to the ground as Apolo walks off down the corridor. Tempest gets back to his feet looking disgusted. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p> A video package is played before the X-Division Title Match. The video shows clips from the independent scene of all the wrestlers involved in the match before we head back down to ringside to crowd the first ever X-Division Champion. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/TNAXDivision_zps83e50971.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/TNAXDivision_zps83e50971.jpg.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/TNAXDivision_zps83e50971.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/TNAXDivision_zps83e50971.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NWA/TNA X-Division Championship.</strong></p><p><strong> AJ Styles VS Low Ki VS Ron Killings VS Jerry Lynn</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell rings and this X-Division match is finally underway. The action is fast pace with neither of the four men getting and advantage over the other one. Each of the four guys and using high-risk moves just adding to the level of action we are seeing in the ring. The first man out of the four to fall is Low-ki after a cradle pile-driver from Jerry Lynn and a pin-falls sees him eliminated from the competition. Shortly after AJ Styles is also eliminated after Ron Killings gets the pin-falling bring us down to the final two. Jerry Lynn hits a Spike DDT on Ron Killings setting him up for the Moonsault. He lands the move and covers Killings but is only able to get the two count. He singles for the cradle pile-driver and picks Killings back up. Killings however fights back before hitting a dropkick. Jerry Lynn is down and Killings see his chance heading to the top-rope before hitting Hangtime, a 450 splash. He covers Jerry Lynn and the referee makes the count as he wins the belt. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Joel Gertner is shown backstage with a microphone the Rainbow Express are standing next to him.<p> </p><p> <strong>Joel:-</strong> This team was outcast by WCW, they were ignored by WWF, because they swing for a different side but no more will these man be held back by the Homophobic views and back stage politics. Tonight we are here in NWA/TNA and once The Badstreet Boys are out of the way, they will claim the NWA World Tag Team Championship. <strong>E</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Rainbow Express VS The Badstreet Boys.</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Badstreet boys start of strong forcing the rainbow express into a corner after some good offense by Christian York. Bruce tags in his partner Lenny Lane. Lane gets the advantage as Joey Matthews gets involved and the match breaks down into an all out brawl, before Lane can get the pin-fall getting a short match with some good action after about 5 minutes in the ring. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Father James Mitchell makes his way down to the ring. He grabs the microphone as he looks to address the audience here in the TNA Asylum. <p> </p><p> <strong>James Mitchell:-</strong> Apolo earlier tonight you disrespected once of my clients. You disrespected Tempest. Well you don't disrespected The New Church or its members and when you hit him in the face earlier on tonight that's what you did. So Tempest sent me out here to challenge you to a match next week on TNA-PPV</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong> Apolo:-</strong> Tempest wants a match next week, good he is got one. I showed up to NWA/TNA looking for a fight and to make a name for myself and I'll go though anyone and everyone to get my hands on the NWA World Heavyweight Championship including you and your New Church. <strong>D-</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/nwaworld_zps0c76ffc0.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/nwaworld_zps0c76ffc0.jpg.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/nwaworld_zps0c76ffc0.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/nwaworld_zps0c76ffc0.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a><p> <strong>NWA World Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p><strong> Jeff Jarrett VS Scott Hall</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The bell rings and the main event of the evening is underway. The crowd are clearly behind Scott Hall as he looks to win his first ever World Championship. Halls get and early advantage in the match after the Fallaway Slam. He stomps away at Jarrett who rolls to the outside much like he did when Ken Shamrock had the advantage in the first match. Scott Hall follows him before Jarrett comes back with an Irish-wip into the steel ring post leaves him on the ground. Jarrett stomps away throwing Hall back in going for the early pin attempt but Hall manages to kick-out at 2. the Middle part of the match turns into Jarrett's hand as the crowd are going crazy counting down ever near pin attempt, they are really into this main event. Much like in the opening contest the referee is knocked down, Jarrett used this chance to look for the Acoustic Equalizer, He has Hall lined up as the crowd stand on there feet Ken Shamrock slides into the ring attacking Jarrett from behind. Shamrock takes the guitar and uses in on Jarrett. He singles to the Camera and says "Not again!" as hall crawls his way over for the cover Shamrock leaves the ring. The referee counts but can only get to two before Jarrett kicks out. The two men then race to get back on their feet, when they do they eventually battle before hall can set up the Outsiders Edge, He hits it and the referee counts the 3 count. Scott Hall wins the World Championship. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the Match Jeff Jarrett roles to the outside as Ken Shamrock grabs the NWA Heavyweight Title. He presents the belt to Scott Hall before rasing his hand. Confetti falls from the ceiling as Scott Hall celebrates winning the big one on his first night with NWA/TNA. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall Show Rating:-</strong> D- increased popularity in 9 regions, lost popularity in 2</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1201.beta.photobucket.com/user/Takehikomits/media/NWATNA_zps10306308.png.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png" rel="external nofollow">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb347/Takehikomits/NWATNA_zps10306308.png"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>TNA Wednesday PPV Perview</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Last Week on NWA/TNA Scott Hall finally became the man when he beat Jeff Jarrett to win the vacant NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Now Wrestling’s Real Outlaw looks to make his first defense of that belt against the dog face gremlin Rick Steiner, with Ken Shamrock and Jeff Jarrett laying in wait all hell will break loses in the Asylum.<p> </p><p> The Vacant NWA World Tag Team Championship will also be on the line as The Rainbow Express and America’s Most Wanted both coming off victories on last week’s show look to face off against one another. These two tag-teams have all the moment at the moment so either one of these can pick up the vacant tag team belts. Also Ron Killings won the NWA/TNA X-Division championship; tonight he teams with Psicosis against AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn. If AJ or Jerry Lynn can pin Ron Killings they will be in contention, however Psicosis will also be looking to get the first shot at Ron Killings X-Division title. Can the two men work together, or will this one turn into an all out war. </p><p> </p><p> Turn in for this and much more on next week’s NWA/TNA PPV DirecTV $9.99</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:-</strong></p><p> The Rainbow Express VS America’s Most Wanted</p><p> </p><p> Low Ki VS Brian Lawler</p><p> </p><p> Apolo VS Tempest</p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn VS Psicosis and Ron Killings</p><p> </p><p> <strong>NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-</strong></p><p> Rick Steiner VS Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So if I have counted this correctly the standing should be:-<p> Texasrangers13 = 4-6</p><p> Petecrimson00 = 4-6</p><p> 3rdStringPG = 4-6</p><p> Olback = 3-3</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The winner gets to book pre-book an NWA/TNA World Heavy-weight Championship match for the first show in August</strong></p><p> </p><p> Shame we don't have NASCAR Drivers and Toby Keith in the DATEBASE!</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p>America’s Most Wanted (AMW was massively over in the asylum)</p><p>

Brian Lawler (Tennessee's own)</p><p>

Apolo (I loved Apolo/El Leon)</p><p>

AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (though pick, ill go with Lynn)</p><p>

Scott Hall (until his drinking becomes a problem)</p><p> </p><p>

Side note: Tempest is Devon Storm if I recall. And yes, add Hermie Sadler. Haha</p>

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NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:-

The Rainbow Express VS America’s Most Wanted

Low Ki VS Brian Lawler


Apolo VS Tempest. Double DQ or Count out.


AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn VS Psicosis and Ron Killings


NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-

Rick Steiner VS Scott Hall

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<p>NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:-</p><p>

The Rainbow Express VS <strong>America’s Most Wanted</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Low Ki</strong> VS Brian Lawler</p><p> </p><p>

Apolo VS <strong>Tempest</strong>. Church interferes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn</strong> VS Psicosis and Ron Killings</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-</p><p>

Rick Steiner VS <strong>Scott Hall</strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>also any chance that you can release this data?<p> </p><p> as i would love to pay this mod</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't have anywhere to upload the database to but if you look under this website <a href="http://www.ewwarehouse.info/" rel="external nofollow">http://www.ewwarehouse.info/</a> at the 2010 mods you kind find the original database by Genadi it doesn't take to long to edit, story-line and event names you just import from the default.</p><p> </p><p> Create the PPV deal and the weekly event. The thing that takes the longest is setting up the roster but a bit of research shouldn't take you more than an hour then you're good to go. If you do this you might want to run a watcher game first just to make sure everything is OK.</p><p> </p><p> In my watcher game while testing the database it was interesting that within a few moments TNA launched "Combat TV" and grew from the 7th biggest to the 2nd in the space of 1 and a half years.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mitsunari" data-cite="Mitsunari" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35128" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't have anywhere to upload the database to but if you look under this website <a href="http://www.ewwarehouse.info/" rel="external nofollow">http://www.ewwarehouse.info/</a> at the 2010 mods you kind find the original database by Genadi it doesn't take to long to edit, story-line and event names you just import from the default.<p> </p><p> Create the PPV deal and the weekly event. The thing that takes the longest is setting up the roster but a bit of research shouldn't take you more than an hour then you're good to go. If you do this you might want to run a watcher game first just to make sure everything is OK.</p><p> </p><p> In my watcher game while testing the database it was interesting that within a few moments TNA launched "Combat TV" and grew from the 7th biggest to the 2nd in the space of 1 and a half years.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks. Look forward to reading the diary</p>
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Dark Matches

Justice VS Jorge Estrada


A short pre-show match between the two young guys. The actions between the two of them is decent, Justice is pretty dominate in the match however the crowd aren't really interested in seeing two people they class as jobbers, Justice wins the match in about 5 minutes after hitting the black hole slam. F


The Dupps VS The Badstreet Boys


A good showing in this pre-show dark match by both teams. The match has some great action and it should have helped them both get over as a tag team. The two teams did there part in warming up the crowd before going live. There was no winner of this contest as they wrestled to a 15 minute time-limit draw a soild performance by both teams. D-



The Lights in the Arena go down as Jeremry Borash is in the ring. He takes the microphone and introduced the Legend Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. After bowing to the fans and taking in the applause he takes the microphone from Jeremry Borash and address the people in Charles Koch Arena.


Ricky:- 1989 Ric Flair VS Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. Chicago Illinois. I remember that night like it was yesterday as I defeated Ric Flair to win my first and only NWA World Championship. It was a special moment in my career that I'll never forget. Now when the guys at TNA Wrestling contact me about becoming the new General Manager I jumped at the chance so I could have the honor of being apart of moments like this. So I would like to introduce you all to the new NWA Heavyweight Champion of The World. Wrestling Real Outlaw, Scott Hall.


Scott Halls music hits and he makes his way down to the ring in-front of a standing ovation. He grabs the microphone.


Hall: Hay'll say Hello to the world heavyweight champion. You know I have been in a lot of promotion and I have had my share of issues over the years but standing here as the NWA Heavyweight Champion is the crowing achievement in my career. Tonight I make my first title defense against, Rick Steiner but I'll fight.


Ken Shamrocks music hits and he makes his way down to the ring like he is dressed to wrestle. He gets into the ring and takes the microphone from Ricky the Dragon Steamboat.


Ken: Last Week I got screwed by Jeff Jarrett in the opening contest. I had the match won before Jeff hit me with that Guitar now I find out that Rick Steiner is given first shot at that belt. Ricky do the right thing, name me in the main event so I can get whats rightfully mine that NWA World Championship.


Jeff Jarrett appears on the stage with a microphone in hand;


Jeff: You talk about being screwed Shamrock! You had no business coming out here last week during the main event. I had Scott Hall beaten last week until you stuck your nose in were it don't belong. Now you ask about doing the right, Ricky if you want to do the right thing name me the number one contender to that World Heavyweight Championship.


Hall: Yo Chico, now it seems like you want a shot Ken and you wants a shot Jarrett so how about you to face off next week and the winner, gets there match against me for the NWA Championship?


Ricky: Hall I like where you are coming from so I'll make it official. Next Week Jeff Jarrett will face Ken Shamrock and the winner of that match. Will face the winner for Scott Hall VS Rick Steiner for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. C-


Low-Ki VS Brian Lawler


The opening match of the night sees Low-Ki take on Brian Lawler a victory for either man could put them in contention for the X-Division Championship. The crowd are really into this match-up as Low-ki opens up Lawler with them stiff kicks to the body that made him famous. Brian Lawler is getting some decent offense of his own, the end of the match comes when Brian Lawler nails Low-ki with a super-kick. before going up top for the diving leg-drop after some show voting. D+


we head backstage to were Joel Gertner is with his Tag-team the Rainbow Express


Joel:- Tonight is the night that see my men fight for that for the World Tag Team Championship. Well these boys behind me know a thing or two about tag teaming and I got a good feeling that we are walking out of here with them belt. America's Most Wanted these guys will have haunted your dreams turned to nightmares but no fear. Tonight we leave here world tag team champions. E-


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NWA World Tag-Team Championship

The Rainbow Express VS America's Most Wanted


The World Tag-team Championship match gets underway. After so early moment from America's Most Wanted they cut the ring in half trapping James Storm in there comer. Bruce stomps away at him as Lenny Lane interferes, Chris Harris tried to help out his partner but the referee comes in and stops him allowing The Rainbow Express to get in some double team moves. Despite trying to gain cheap heat from the crowd, the fans don't seem to be interested the whole match seems to be very poorly put together. James Storm finally makes the tag to his partner Chris Harris. After the hot tag he tares though the Rainbow Express before hitting the spear on Lenny Lane. He gets the cover but Joel Gertner distracts the referee before throwing a foreign object to bruce. Bruce used the object laying out Chirs Harris and Lane rolls on-top of him allowing the Rainbow Express to pick up the win and the NWA Championship. E+


Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles are back stage being interview about the X-Division Tag Match up later on this evening.


AJ Styles: Ron Killings! Last week you outlast myself and Jerry Lynn in a match for X-Divison championship. Well congratulation on that one but that's the past. Now tonight me and my friend here Jerry Lynn team up against you and Psicosis and Ricky Steamboat tells me that whoever score the pin tonight becomes the number one contender for you're championship.


Jerry Lynn: Hold on there AJ, I said last week your a good kid you were given your opportune last week to show the world and you did that. With me and you teaming up there isn't anyone in the locker room that can beat us. Now it doesn't matter if its me or AJ that's gets the pin tonight we are coming for you and that belt Killings. D-


The lights go out in the Arena and James Mitchell makes his way down to the ring followed by Tempest.


James Mitchell: Apolo I told you last week when you disrespect the one member of The New Church you disrespect us all. Tonight is you're judgement day Apolo at the hands of Tempest. E


Apolo VS Tempest


The two men face off against one another with Apolo showing his impressive strength he manages to get the better of Tempest. Tempest wants no peace of the puertorican in the early going to the match-up. While on the outside he is receiving words of encouragements from his manager James Mitchell. When Tempest finally gets back into the ring he his taken down buy a powerful belly-to-belly suplex from the large Apolo, before Mitchell distracts the referee. This allows Tempest to get some offense of his own going as he hits a nasty looking dropkick. The middle of the match is pretty even as Tempest heads for his finishing move. the Falling inverted DDT, he heads for the pin but Apolo kicks out at two. Apolo gets back on his feet and hits a fireman carry cutter before getting the win ending a good solid match between the two. D-


Before Apolo and celebrate Slash hits the ring, attacking him from behind. He stomps away as an embarrassed Tempest gets back to his feet. Tempest once more hits the falling inverted DDT laying out Apolo in the middle of the ring much to the enjoyment of James Mitchell at ringside. E-


AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn VS Psicosis and Ron Killings


The Semi-main event of the evening gets underway with Psicosis facing off against AJ Styles. Styles gets the early moment going as Psicosis is unable to keep up with his opponent. Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles makes quick tag between the two of them. When Psicosis is finally able to make the tag Ron Killings jumps down from the ring apron then X-Division champion wants nothing to-do with AJ Styles or Jerry Lynn this evening. There is clearly friction between the two men as Psicosis is being left out to dry by his tag team partner. Without help AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on defenseless Psicosis earning his team the victory and also himself a shot at Ron Killings X-Division Championship. D-


AJ Styles celebrated after getting the pin-fall his partner Jerry Lynn shakes his hand in congratulation now he has won the number one contender-ship for the X-Division gold. D-


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NWA World Heavy-weight Championship

Scott Hall VS Rick Steiner


The crowd are on there feet for the main event of the evening, Scott Hall makes his first title defense against Rick Steiner. The bell rings and both men tie up, Steiner get the early advantage with the boot before planting the champion with a DDT. The challenger then show votes as Hall gets back to his feet. Hall waits for Steiner to turn around before using a DDT of his own to lay out the challenger. The crowd eat up the action in the ring with dueling chants between champion on challenge. The men are both evenly match with near falls, falling for both of them as the title match progresses. Towards the end of the match Jeff Jarrett makes his way down the entrance way, his presence at ring side is clearly causing a distraction. Before the referee is knocked down, Jeff Jarrett see this chance to grab the NWA title from the officials at ring side and get into the ring. He tries to hit Scott Hall the man who beat him last week but misses nailing Rick Steiner with the belt. Jarrett turns around as Hall kicks him and sets him up for the outsiders edge. Hall throws Jarrett out of the ring before getting the pin on Rick Steiner, 1...2...3... Scott Hall retains in his first defense of the title, match of the night by far D+


Hall has no time to recover as Jeff Jarrett tries to attack him from behind. The Champion goes down and Jarrett is saying that he is the next NWA Champion posing with the championship belt. Ken Shamrocks music hits and much like last weeks he runs down to the ring, the two number one contenders exchange blows before Shamrock sends Jeff Jarrett to the outside. Ken Shamrock wants Jeff Jarrett as he retreats back towards the locker room. C


Overall Show Rating:-D increased popularity in 9 regions, lost popularity in 2


((I have to say I am slightly disappointed in some of the segments in this show. I was planning to have America's Most Wanted chase the tag titles for a while, but a E+ rating is just poor! not to happy about that one.


Apolo and Tempest put on a decent match but the segments around it were poor with the beat down and the James Mitchell interview. Have high hopes for Apolo moving up the card so he better start pulling in some higher segments performance if he ever wants to be in the main event.


Scott Hall had a decent showing of himself as champion match of the night by far. He is already a little bit of a problem back stage, hope he doesn't run as champion as I have plans to bring in a new contender and a second storyline at the top of the card outside the hall, Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock feud))

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Last week on NWA/TNA Scott Hall made his first defense of the NWA Heavy-weight championship in a match with Rick Steiner, but not before Jeff Jarrett got himself involved in the match-up. A beat-down and save by Ken Shamrock left Jarrett fuming, as Ken wanted a piece of "the Chosen One" Now the two of them face off in a number one contenders match for Scott Hall's Championship.


Also AJ Style's got the pin-fall in a tag team match earning himself a shot at Ron Killings X-Division championship. AJ Style this week will be looking to cash in the shot, can he win the X-Division Championship or this opportunity pass him by.


Finally The Rainbow Express won the vacant NWA Tag Team Championship. Now with the gold around their waist, The Dupp's, The Badstreet Boys and America's Most Wanted face off to decided who gets first shot at them Tag Team Belts all this on more on next weeks edition of TNA Wrestling only on PPV.


Apolo and a partner of his choice VS Slash and Tempest


Kid Kash VS Low Ki


NWA World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match

The Badstreet Boys VS The Dupp's VS America's Most Wanted


Brian Lawler VS Jerry Lynn VS Sabu


NWA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles VS Ron Killings


NWA World Championship #1 Contenders Match

Ken Shamrock VS Jeff Jarrett


OK so updated the prediction table

Texasrangers13 = 8-11

Olback = 5-11

Petecrimson00 = 4-11

3rdStringPG = 4-11

Timber = 2 - 11


I'll link both shows to the main page when I remember how to do that...

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Apolo and a partner of his choice VS Slash and Tempest


Kid Kash VS Low Ki

always liked Kid Kash


NWA World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match

The Badstreet Boys VS The Dupp's VS America's Most Wanted


Brian Lawler VS Jerry Lynn VS Sabu


NWA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles VS Ron Killings


NWA World Championship #1 Contenders Match

Ken Shamrock VS Jeff Jarrett

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The Rainbow Express VS The Flying Elvis's


The Flying Elvis's take on the tag team champions in the pre-show match up. Its a one sided match as the Rainbow Express are in control from started to finish. Bruce gets the pin on Sonny Siaki ending the match in convincing fashion. Another poor performance from the companies tag team division E+



The fireworks go off in the Nashville Fairgrounds as we go live on PPV. Once the Fireworks have stopped Jeff Jarretts music hits and he makes his way down to the ring grabbing one of the microphones from ringside.


Jeff: Shut my Music off! NWA Officials I am here tonight to get whats rightfully mine. The only match I should be in tonight is with Scott Hall. I proved on this program a few weeks back that Ken Shamrock isn't on my level. I've pinned him 1,2,3 in the middle of this ring once I shouldn't have to come out here and pin him again. So Ricky Steamboat I know your back stage so I demand you come out here and give me my title shot right now!

Ken Shamrocks music hits and the world most dangerous man appears on the entrance ramp.


Ken: Jeff Jarrett would you do everyone here in Nashville a favor a shut the hell up whines you sound like a little bitch! I was a champion before I am into this industry, I have been a champion ever since I step inside that ring. Hell I made a name for myself making little ass-wholes like you tap-out and tonight its your turn.


Jeff: You're going to make me tap-out? Ken Shamrock this isn't MMA, We aren't inside a cage here! This is a wrestling ring! this is my world! I'm the chosen one and after you tap to the figure-four leg-lock tonight, I'm run your ass out of the National Wrestling Alliance, Out of the Wrestling world and lock your ass back in the cage where you belong.


Ken Shamrock has heard enough and starts making his way down to the ring. He slides in as Jeff Jarrett slides out the other side wanting nothing to do with the world most Dangerous man at the moment. As the segment ends we are reminded that the two of them will meet tonight to deiced the number-one contender for Scott Halls World Championship. C


Brian Lawler VS Jerry Lynn VS Sabu


The bell rings on the opening contest of the evening the triple threat X-Division match-up. The match starts off with Brian Lawler taking down Sabu with a dropkick. He heads for the kick pin-fall but Jerry Lynn breaks the count before picking up Brain Lawler. He delivers some big right hands sending Lawler out of the ring before turning around into Sabu, uses an take-down hold before hitting Jerry Lynn with a Moonsault and again tries to get the pin. The fans are really enjoying the action between these three X-Division Stars with the dueling chanting going along. The end of the match comes when Sabu springboard moonsault to the outside taking out Brian Lawler. He rolls inside looking for a put away Jerry Lynn but Lynn is waiting, he sets up the cradle piledriver and wins the match. D


After the match Jerry Lynn rolls to the outside celebrating the victory. Sabu gets back to his feet and is clearly pissed at losing his first ever match in NWA/TNA. He heads to the outside were Brian Lawler is still down from the springborad moonsault. He picks lawler put hitting him with some big right hands and taking him down to the ring. Sabu looks under the ring for a table before rolling it to the inside. He sets the table up in the corner placing Brian Lawler against it before running leg dropping him though the table. The crowd in Nashville boo as Brain Lawler body lays beaten in the table wreckage. D-


The Badstreet Boy's VS America's Most Wanted VS The Dupp's


The second match of the evening see's three teams battling for a shot at the Rainbow Express's tag team championship. The match starts with America's Most Wanted taking on The Dupp's the two teams put on a decent display but they both seem to be lacking any moment, the crowd is pretty dead at the moment. Eventually James Stock makes the tag to Christian York, after some quick tagging the moment is clearly in favor of the Badstreet Boy's they get a pin to eliminate the Dupp's who are struggling to get over with the current hillbilly gimmick they have. That leaves America's Most Wanted and The Badstreet Boys. Chris Harris is isolated in the conor they double team until he is able to make the hot tag to James Storm comes in to little reaction. It doesn't make any difference as The Badstreet Boy's put America's Most Wanted away shortly after. The best team out of three struggling for moment at the moment but another poor tag team match-up E+


The Camera's cut backstage and we see Konnan down on the ground, with blood coming down his face. The commentators speculate about who could have carried out the attack on Konnan. D


Low-Ki VS Kid Kash


We head back to the X-Division for the next match-up. Kid Kash starts of strong on his debut with the company showing to high pass offense that we have come to expect from the X-Division. Low-ki heads to the outside to regroup before getting back into the ring and hitting some stiff kicks of his own. The contest between the two of them is fairly even the end of the match comes when Kid Kash sets up Low-Ki with the Money Maker, he hits the double under-hook pile-driver and heads for the pin-fall attempt but Low-Ki kicks out at 2. Cash is pissed with the referee allowing Low-Ki to get back to his feet, Kid Kash turns around and Low-Ki takes him down to the mat before locking in the Dragon's Clutch, Kid Kash taps out a good strong entertaining match from both wrestlers. D-


We head backstage and we see Apolo getting ready for this match against The Disciples of The New Church; Konnan appears on screen his head bandaged from the beat-down he received earlier in the evening.


Konnan:- Apolo tonight you have the New Church! I want to be you're partner and get revenge for what happened before.


Apolo:- You want the New Church, then I'll be proud to call you my tag team partner. Let go!


With that Apolo heads towards the ring and Konnan follows him. D


Apolo and Konnan VS The New Church


The match starts off with Apolo and Konnan on-top of thing. Apolo once again is showing his impressive strength taking down Tempest with easy. He makes quick tags to Konnan allowing the double team as Apolo and Konnan face the ring cut in half. The two face's are getting a decent reaction from the crowd as Apolo appears to be starting to get himself over after a good display in his match the week before. Eventually Tempest is able to tag in Slash from the outside and it's The New Church turn to take the upper hand with them isolating Konnan on the inside. James Mitchell is doing a good job of the heel manager distracting the referee allowing for the double team, but the team work between The New Church is sloppy as Slash and Tempest seem to have little chemistry together. Apolo gets the win by hitting the Fondo Del Abismo a side slam move ending the match-up. E+


The New Church attack Apolo and Konnan after the bell beating them down. The go on and destroy the two Face's leaving them lying in the middle of the ring. James Mitchell stands over the destroyed Apolo and Konnan laughing before raising the arms of his team in victory. E


NWA X-Division Championship

Ron Killings VS AJ Styles


The bell rings to get this X-Division Championship match underway. The crowd are clearly behind AJ Styles as he takes the champion down before sending him to the outside. AJ Styles follows him over the ropes taking out the champion before rolling him back into the ring. "TNA, TNA, TNA" the crowd chant as AJ Styles keeps up the offense before being cut off by a low blow that allows Killings to take the upper hand before nailing AJ Styles with one of his signature Spinebusters. He tries for the count but only manages to get a 2 before AJ Style's kicks out. As the match continues on Jerry Lynn makes his way down to the ringside. The finish comes when AJ Styles heads up-top looking for the Frog Splash, he miss hitting the mat allowing Killings to get back to his feet, this time its Killings chance to go high risk as head looks to hit Hang Time. Killing nails to 450 splash getting the 3 count to retain the X-Division Championship. D+


Ron Killings exits the ring as Jerry Lynn gets in and helps his partner to his feet. AJ Styles pushes him away and then starts yelling at Jerry Lynn


AJ Styles: Its you're fault! It's your fault I'm not X-Division Champion right now! I want you next week Jerry Lynn, I want to prove I'm the better man!


AJ shouts as he leaves the ring walking back stage holding his head. Jerry Lynn looks confused as to what just happened between him and his best friend. D+


Ken Shamrock VS Jeff Jarrett


The main event of the evening between Ken Shamrock and Jeff Jarrett. Scott Hall is down at ring side as the special guest commentator for the match-up. the bell rings as the two of them try to work a very technical wrestling match. The exchange submission moves on the mat as each of them try to make the other tap like they said they were going to do early in the show. The first break comes for Jarrett when he gets a low blow whilst the referee is distracted, before looking for the stroke. He hits the move looking to cover Shamrock but he is able to kick out before getting back onto his feet ware he his the Cradle Suplex. The crowd are loving this and are really getting behind Shamrock as he gets a near fall of his own over Jeff Jarrett. Eventually Ken Shamrock is able to lock in the ankle lock submission holder, Jarrett tries to fight his way to the ropes but can't he is fading though the pain before tapping out of the worlds most dangerous man, a solid main event performance from both guys and match of the night. C


Scott Hall gets up from the announce table and makes his way into the ring. Hall comes face to face with Shamrock as the champion and the number one contender stare each other door in the ring. Hall reaches out his hand in respect Shamrock looks at it for a second as the crowd wait for him to accept the handshake as a sign of respect. Ken Shamrock turns away and heads up the ramp shouting he'll see Scott Hall next week. C-


Overall Show Performance = C-

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It’s a night of Champions this Wednesday night on TNA PPV as all the NWA Title belts will be on the line. Fresh of a victory last week over AJ Styles, Ron Killing look to defend his X-Division Championship. Killings is undefeated in single action since TNA Wrestling began can he keep his winning streak alive with another successful title defense.


The Rainbow Express also make their first defense of the titles against The Badstreet Boys. The Badstreet boys defeated three other teams last week to earn the shot at the gold. They are currently on fire as a team but can they rise to the top of the mountain or will the Rainbow Express keep the tag team gold


And in the main event, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as the world’s most dangerous man Ken Shamrock takes on Wrestling Real Outlaw. Ken Shamrock had to go through Jeff Jarrett last week to earn his spot. Now can he get the job done and win his first world championship or will Scott Hall retain and what role will Jeff Jarrett play as the demands another shot at the gold.


Plus the fallout from AJ Style and Jerry Lynn and so much more, be sure to catch NWA/TNA next week on PPV check local listings for details.


NWA X-Division Championship:-

Ron Killings VS Low-ki


Brian Lawler VS Sabu


NWA Tag-Team Championship:-

The Rainbow Express VS The Badstreet Boys

Konnan VS Tempest


AJ Style VS Jerry Lynn


NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-

Ken Shamrock VS Scott Hall


Updated table for this month predictions:-


Texasrangers13 = 8-17

Olback = 8-17

Petecrimson00 = 4-17

3rdStringPG = 4-17

Timber = 2 - 17


now as it being the last show of the month i have some extra question that i like to here to answer to:-


Scott Hall is the current NWA Heavyweight Champion but who would you like to see take the belt away from him?


#1: Jeff Jarrett

#2: Ken Shamrock

#3: Sabu

#4: Apolo

#5: None of the above, please say who you would like to see with the belt.


My Creative Team has found me five so called "hidden gems" who would you like to see me bring into NWA/TNA


#1: Glenn Gilberti

#2: Jim Steele

#3: CM Punk

#4: Chris Candido

#5: Brian Kendrick


and the last question, Ron Killings and Low-Ki face each other for the X-Division Championship but who should be next in line to get a shot at the champion whoever that may be;


#1: Jerry Lynn

#2: Brian Lawler

#3: AJ Styles

#4: Kid Kash

#5: None of the above; please list who you think should be given an X-Division Championship shot.

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NWA X-Division Championship:-

Ron Killings VS Low-ki


Brian Lawler VS Sabu


NWA Tag-Team Championship:-

The Rainbow Express VS The Badstreet Boys


Konnan VS Tempest


AJ Style VS Jerry Lynn


NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-

Ken Shamrock VS Jeff Jarrett

Isn't Scott Hall the champion? If this is a typo then I'd go Scott Hall, if not, then Ken Shamrock


1) I'm would happily see Hall hold the belt for a long time, but eventually I'd go Jarrett


2) Might be the easy choice but I'd still pick Punk.


3) I like Lynn, Styles and Kash, but despite Lawler... if I had to pick I'd go Lynn.

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NWA X-Division Championship:-

Ron Killings VS Low-ki


Brian Lawler VS Sabu


NWA Tag-Team Championship:-

The Rainbow Express VS The Badstreet Boys


Konnan VS Tempest


AJ Style VS Jerry Lynn


NWA World Heavyweight Championship:-

Ken Shamrock VS Scott Hall


Scott Hall is the current NWA Heavyweight Champion but who would you like to see take the belt away from him?


#1: Jeff Jarrett

#2: Ken Shamrock

#3: Sabu

#4: Apolo

#5: None of the above, please say who you would like to see with the belt.


My Creative Team has found me five so called "hidden gems" who would you like to see me bring into NWA/TNA


#1: Glenn Gilberti

#2: Jim Steele

#3: CM Punk

#4: Chris Candido

#5: Brian Kendrick


and the last question, Ron Killings and Low-Ki face each other for the X-Division Championship but who should be next in line to get a shot at the champion whoever that may be;



#1: Jerry Lynn

#2: Brian Lawler

#3: AJ Styles

#4: Kid Kash

#5: None of the above; please list who you think should be given an X-Division Championship shot.

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