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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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National Champion Match

Francis Burke © vs Pink Spider (ZEN)

Burke won´t drop his newly won belt on first defense against an outsider.


Ultimate Punishment


Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

Despite Burke being the current champ I actually see Robertson as your top face thanks to the fact that he´s feuding with both Septimus and Horne. Still 2 vs. 1 is too much for Frankie to deal with so he falls victim for another beatdown.


Also in Action


Matty Wills vs Vortex

Vortex seems to be doing well and I doubt Wills is able to stop him.


Heaven and Hell vs Warp-Jump (Toady and Hallowarped) (ZEN)

I could see this one going either way but I guess ZEN guys need to get a win somewhere and this looks like a good spot for that.


D-Pod and Suburban Legend (ZEN) vs Dexter Mattell and Damian Dastardly (ZEN)

Mattell is one of your top talents so I go with him again.

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National Champion Match


Francis Burke © vs Pink Spider (ZEN)


Ultimate Punishment


Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

Somehow he is going to do it ... Come on Frankie you can do it kid!

Also in Action


Matty Wills vs Vortex

Heaven and Hell vs Warp-Jump (Toady and Hallowarped) (ZEN)


D-Pod and Suburban Legend (ZEN) vs Dexter Mattell and Damian Dastardly (ZEN)

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Francis Burke © vs Pink Spider (ZEN) - sif lose to some outsider

Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne - Frankie's good, but not good enough to beat the Stubby Horne.

Matty Wills vs Vortex - Vortex good. Matty who?

Heaven and Hell vs Warp-Jump (Toady and Hallowarped) (ZEN) - I figure the ZEN boys have to win something in order for this whole thing to work.

D-Pod and Suburban Legend (ZEN) vs Dexter Mattell and Damian Dastardly (ZEN) - You've stated before you like the look of Mattell, and Dastardly has great potential. This could go either way, but I'm going with Mattell for the push.

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Bad Boys of Australia: Enter the ZEN


Laird Lounge


16 Attendees


The Lounge is set up much the same, but it seems the CD player has been upgraded to a small, beat up laptop that rests next to London Platten now so he can play music a bit easier without having to skip about a CD to find the right theme. About the same number of fans if not one or so less than the last show are surrounding the beat up ring waiting to see just what ZEN brings to the table tonight.




The show kicks off with the new National Champ, Francis Burke, coming out along with Melissa Abernathy. He is all smiles as he holds hands with this valet and he wears the belt proudly around his waist as he grabs the microphone before helping Melissa into the ring and then getting into the ring himself.


Francis: "Some might say I won the title with a little help. The same can be said for Sulphur since it seemed some people around here want to hand pick their champion. Well, I guess in a way I did have help from Frankie in the end. If not for him I wouldn't be addressing you all as the champ."


He adjusts the belt some and gives it a pat as the smile widens.


"I can't live in the past. I must look to the future and tonight I get to show I deserve this title. Pink Spider, I am sure you are a tough guy and I respect a man that is comfortable dressing up in pink. I can't let the fans of this company down so tonight you better bring you A game. I know I will."


The fans reacted pretty well. It might have helped that Francis had some nice arm candy with him. Melissa doesn't need to really talk. Her smile and looks are enough to give Francis help.


Rating: 37






Matty Wills with Rose Wills vs Vortex


Rose was not with Matty last time around, but London mentions that she is the twin sister of the young wrestler. She looks to be rooting him on from ringside and offering moral support as he takes on the dangerous Vortex. The latter is slow to get to the ring and once more seems more interested in bothering Platten than actually going to the ring. Matty has to come after Vortex and toss him into the ring to get things started.


Rose and Matty work together well as far as having a manager around. That should be no surprise given they have grown up together and are twins. Matty also was the one more controlling the pace of the match and Vortex for the first time really looked challenged. When he did start to get the upper hand he failed to notice Adrian McGhee coming out looking annoyed. It seems ever since he was thrown in a tag match with Vortex a bit of a rift has started to evolve. Vortex doesn't seem to care and he pays Adrian little attention.


Matty is showing he can hang with anyone so far he has been put up against and given some more time he might be able to become a star. His youth gets the better of him in this case he was perhaps taking Vortex a bit too lightly and he wasn't prepared for the underhanded tactics. When tangled up and the ref out of position he was able to cheap shot Matty in the mommy-daddy button and follows up with a swinging DDT.


Winner: Vortex


Rating: 17






Almost as soon as the bell rings Adrian jumps in and attacks Vortex. The two start to go at it, but given their both known heels the fans are a bit unsure who to get behind as they clash and fight before staff manages to break the two up.


Rating: 16






Heaven and Hell vs Warp-Jump


Heaven and Hell finally get a match up with a team that is more the same style and size as they are and it pays off. They also continue to improve as a team and show great potential while getting to deal with an experienced combo in Hallowarped and Toady. The highlight was Azazel leaping onto the top rope then performing a double rotation shooting star press onto Toady and Hallowarped when they were trying to recover on the outside. It allowed for Australian Devil to roll Toady in and puts the ZEN invader away with a Tumbleweed Legdrop from the top turnbuckle. Heaven and Hell finally pick up their first victory.


Winner: Heaven and Hell


Rating: 18






Frankie Robertson comes out on his own knowing he very well may be a dead man walking. He was being punished for his interference in the title bout and he is about to face Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs on his own. He does snatch the mic and he walks around the ring as he rubs at the back of his head.


"You all probably think this might be the last you see of me. Alot of you probably thought you saw the last of me two months ago when I was beaten down by several people, yet here I am."


He grimaces as he lowers his hand and he looks about. He eyes the few fans gathered and he takes a deep breath.


"I am not going to back down. Stubbs thinks I wronged him and it seems he can't seem to get over the fact I beat him. Well come and get me. I will take you both on. You can try all you want, but you can't end my career."


The mic is handed back to London and for a guy that isn't much of a talker it seems the fans got behind the little bit he had to say.


Rating: 23






Frankie Robertson vs Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs[/b


Really for a match involving Big Daddy Horne this could have been alot worse. It was more centered on Septimus and Frankie going at it, but if Frankie started to get too much momentum Septimus would quickly tag in the big guy to try and soften Frankie up before tagging back in. It was a valiant effort on his part, but taking on the two veterans was wearing on the patience of the younger wrestler.


The frustration got to him and in the end while trying to fight back against Septimus he blatantly thumbed him in the eye then nailed him in the groin. He quickly jumped at Big Daddy Horne and knocked him off the apron before going outside. A chair was grabbed and the ref calls for the bell while Frankie slams the chair on the head of Big Daddy Horne and then goes after Steptimus who is retreating to the back.


Winnger via DQ: Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 19




Frankie ran in back after Septimus, but he quickly came tumbling back out and dropped his chair. Sulphur emerged with Taniko Jo commanding him to go after Frankie. It looks like the big man is not happy about what happened last month and he is going after Frankie for paybacks. He manhandles Robertson and tosses him into a pile of unoccupied chairs, there are plenty, where Frankie lays there in a heap as he is checked on. Sulphur just raises his arms in the air as Taniko mocks the fallen Frankie. He just might be in over his head.


Rating: 43






SubUrban Legend and D-Pod vs Damian Dastardly and Dexter Mattellwith Ceri Dordevich


Both teams could work as a tag team in the long term if they ever ended up in the same company for an extended period of time. D-Pod and Legend came out freestyle rapping with one another instead of any real entrance theme while the cockiness of Damian and Dexter go all so well together. They all also are pretty charismatic individuals that can keep the fans interested even if for the most part their ring work is still a work in progress.


Alot of distractions here by the heels and Ceri did well to be a good distraction that allowed for alot of double teaming from Dexter and Damian. As much as D-Pod and Legend tried to overcome it, they fell victim to the dirty tricks of the heels. The match ended when Dexter Mattell ended up locking on his STF on Legend while Dastardly kept D-Pod away from his partner. Legend failed to make it to the ropes after trying to fight out and eventually had to tap out.


Winners: Damian Dastardly and Dexter Mattell


Rating: 22








Bad Boys of Australia National Championship: Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Pink Spider


What was a good bout could have perhaps been better. There was just something about the two that didn't seem to click once they started to lock up. It is uncertain if it was a clash of styles or just timing issues. Given some of the other performers involved with the company it didn't fully stoop to unwatchable levels. It was pretty much just as good as the previous tag match, but if they could have gotten on the same page this could have been the best match the tiny promotion has had yet.


It almost looked like a surprise win for Pink Spider at one point as the ref even seemed to make a mistake and count to three, but quickly said it was only a two and the match went out. Francis keeps true to his word and he hits the Flying Flip Neckbreaker on Pink Spider to get the pin and makes his first defence of his title a successful one.


Winner and Still Champion: Francis Burke (Defenses: 1)


Rating: 21




- Zen helped out overall. Will they be back and when?


- Who will step up to challenge Francis next?


- Can Heaven and Hell gain some momentum and get another win?


Final Rating: 23

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From the Blog of Frankie Robertson




Hey everyone,


It has been a few months since I have posted anything so I apologize to any readers I actually have. It is the first time in awhile I have to get something off my chest.


I have been wrestling for eight years and I can tell you it is full of ups and downs. Always trying to get booked. Always trying to get noticed. Dealing with assholes and dealing with genuinely good people. I would have to say the biggest up for my career was at the start of this year. I was signed by Bad Boys of Australia and after all these years of hard work I was at least going to make a decent paycheck and somewhat regular employment. It was satisfying and it was all I ever really wanted. Who knew? Perhaps one day it would lead me to going to somewhere like APW or the like once people saw what I had to offer.


That high came with a big low. My first match started a large downward spiral as I seemed to anger Septimus Stubbs. The man is a veteran and has been wrestling almost as long as I have been alive. I respect that about him, but to have him call me a rookie when I have been wrestling longer than almost anyone else in that locker room save for him and Big Daddy Horne feels like a slap to the face.


I go out wanting to perform and entertain. They seem like they are intent on trying to end my career. Now Sulphur wants to come at me too. Fair enough, I did cost him the title. I was caught up in the moment and really I have nothing against the guy until the other night when he attacked me when I was going after Stubbs.


So Stubby, Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne? I am putting you all on notice. I wanted to be a nice guy. I wanted to be someone that got a proper shot. Now you threaten to take away what I love? I don't think so. Sulphur? It starts with you. I want you in the ring and I want to prove I can beat you fair and square. As for you two old bitterass veterans? Well if you try to interfere I have a surprise or two as well. I may have enemies, but damned if I don't have friends.



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Headline: New Talents for Bad Boys of Australia


It seems that the wallet of Big Daddy Horne has been opened to allow some more new faces to be seen in his new promotion. The crowds are still small, but some names might be able to draw a few more in to see just what the promotion has to offer. So far we have confirmed five new signings as of the time of this article and there is a chance we may see more from the sounds of it. So far the hirings are the following:


The Australian People's Party: Marcus Kerr and Matt Stoppard are a new team that have popped up and apparently they landed on the radar of the small promotion. Not much is known other than the two are good friends and Marcus Kerr in particular seems to be very good despite being a rookie.


The Drifters: It seems a tag division is in the making at this rate. Sinner and Mercenary have been popping up at indy shows for several years now and they seem to finally find a regular pay date in Big Daddy's house.


Michael Rheur: Another talent that has spent several years doing various indy shows. He adds some technical skills to a roster mostly known for brawlers and high fliers. Perhaps also a veteran presence to help with the developement of younger talents.


It seems all men are scheduled to debute at the next show which is titled Payback's a Bitch. Below you can find the card. Once again the event will be held at Laird Lounge which seems content on allowing the company to keep using it as a venue.


Bad Boys of Australia: Payback's a Bitch


National Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Dexter Mattell




Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson


Bad Blood


Vortex vs Adrian McGhee


Also in action:


D-Pod vs Michael Rheur


The Australian People's Party vs Big Daddy Horne


The Drifters vs Heaven and Hell


Septimus Stubbs vs Matty Wills


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- Drifting Dom retirement plans: No more drifting.


- Comedian going crazy? Mass firing spree after mass hiring spree


- Fuzzy Freeman finds car after three years. Parked on top of house.

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Michael Rheur?! Awesome choice. I recently started a 0/0/0/0 and he was one of the first I hired.



Francis Burke vs Dexter Mattell - Francis is better than Mattell right now.

Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson - Either a big push or a big goodbye.

Vortex vs Adrian McGhee - Vortex is much more interesting.

D-Pod vs Michael Rheur - Rheur's good for getting people like D-Pod over.

The Australian People's Party vs Big Daddy Horne - I see them stamping their presence on the company in a big way.

The Drifters vs Heaven and Hell - Not all the new talent can win.

Septimus Stubbs vs Matty Wills - A typical case of jobbing to the stars.

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National Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Dexter Mattell

Too early for a title change.




Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson

I could see this one going either way but I go with Robertson simply because I have heel winning most of the other matches.


Bad Blood


Vortex vs Adrian McGhee

With heel vs. heel I assume that this is pretty short feud and Vortex seems to be the one getting a push so he picks up the victory here too.


Also in action:


D-Pod vs Michael Rheur

Debut win for Rheur


The Australian People's Party vs Big Daddy Horne

Not sure how over Horne is in 2013 but I assume he´s too over to lose here even in hanticap match, besides he´s the owner wo you don´t want to anger him.


The Drifters vs Heaven and Hell

I had Drifters in my own 0/0/0/0 game back in 2010 and at least back then they were quite good high menace pair. That said if they want to be taken seriously they need to win over Heaven and Hell.


Septimus Stubbs vs Matty Wills

I don´t see Stubbs losing here.

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Show will be up in a few hours after I get some rest. Given an increased work load I have had less time to devote to this as I would like. Might be shifting to where I just run the show on Sunday and spend the rest of the week peppering in some posts here and there when I get time.
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National Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Dexter Mattell




Sulphur vs Frankie Robertson


Bad Blood


Vortex vs Adrian McGhee


Also in action:


D-Pod vs Michael Rheur


The Australian People's Party vs Big Daddy Horne


The Drifters vs Heaven and Hell


Septimus Stubbs vs Matty Wills

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If you liked this article you may also like:


- Drifting Dom retirement plans: No more drifting.


- Comedian going crazy? Mass firing spree after mass hiring spree


- Fuzzy Freeman finds car after three years. Parked on top of house.


My favorite here is the Fuzzy Freeman reference. Sounds so much like him. Dude may have a lot of air in his hair but he's a good egg. I generally enjoy booking him when he's on my roster.

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Bad Boys of Australia: Payback's a Bitch


Laird Lounge


17 Attendees


The crowd is about at the same size as it has been the past few months. There is no real increase, but it seems those that do come in are actual fans of the product and are buying tickets in a reliable manner. London is welcoming everyone for coming out to the show and he actually seems to have a wireless mic now instead of a beat up one plugged into a shoddy amp that was next to his desk. Maybe the cord on the old one finally gave out due to all the manhandling.






Dexter Mattell once again seems to be the first one out this evening and Ceri Dordevich is hanging on his arm. The mic is handed off and the pair climb into the ring where Dexter can address the small crowd gathered.


Dexter: "It seems tonight I can fix the one little stumble I have had since coming to this company. Tonight I get to show that loss was a fluke and it should be me that holds the National Title and not Francis Boring. You all deserve a much better champ. Not one that almost lost to some masked man running around in pink."


Ceri holds out a hand and plucks the microphone from Dexter before he can say more and she seems intent on speaking for him.


Ceri: "And if you didn't see last month, Francis, my man here easily handled his opponents and got a big win just like he will get another big win tonight. Enjoy that belt for the next little bit because later tonight we will be relieving you of that weight."


The pair laugh and toss the mic back out to London as they slip out of the ring and spend some time mocking the crowd. He even teases getting into it with a fan that oddly has a Lone Shark mask on. Wait, that isn't really him is it?


Rating: 27






Big Daddy Horne vs The Australian People's Party


This is the first look of one of the new tag teams brought into expand the roster and they have the unfortunant task of having to 'wrestle' Big Daddy Horne. The initial consensus could be that Kerr really has talent despite his young age and Stoppard has alot of work to do. They do work well as a tandom, though and with a few good double teams they actually had the fans thinking they could pull out a win here. That is until Kerr tries to go to t he top turnbuckle and Big Daddy Horne manages to push him to the outside of the ring and take him out. That leaves Stoppard in there to get manhandled and eventually fall victim to the Big Daddy Splash.


Winner: Big Daddy Horne


Rating: 18






Septimus Stubbs is out for his match, but it seems he has a few words to say to the crowd before his opponent comes out. He sort of shoves London a bit as he takes the mic and he moves to get in the ring where he jumps up to sit on a top turnbuckle.


"So Frankie decides the best way to try and tell me he is coming after me is through some shitty ass blog that no one reads? Hell, I didn't know the shitsticker even knew how to type up until someone directed me to his website."


He just gives a bit of a sadistic grin as he rubs at the top of his bald head and he lets out a small chuckle.


"Well do what you want, kid. I am not scared of you and don't you forget who you are dealing with. Who are your friends? That fat **** out there in the audience? Or maybe that APW fanboy over there in the shitty mask? Hell, I call your bluff. Just watch what I do here if you got time to not be quaking in your boots from having to fight Sulphur tonight. It is what you and your 'friends' can expect to deal with."


Rating: 24






Septimus Stubbs vs Matty Wills with Rose Wills


Matty does have a bright future. The guy really can wrestle, but he just needs to deal with being low on the totem pole for now. Even so he has put on a good string of matches despite them all being losing efforts. He manages to start off with some good offense and actually has Septimus on the ropes, but an eyerake and a few questionable choke holds allow Stubbs to take over the match. Will never fully recovers and his attempts to gain momentum always seem stopped before he can ever really get going. One Stubby Piledriver later and the youth is on the losing end again.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 20






Vortex vs Adrian McGhee


The fans couldn't get too into this match. Both men are heels to begin with and while both have bright futures, they should be wrestling other people with more experience rather than themselves. The match is at least a short one and a good bit of it is Vortex just frustrating Adrian by lurking about the ring and sitting with the fans or getting uncomfortably close to London to rub his shoulders.


It isn't until Adrian goes out after him that the match begins. They brawl on the outside for a bit and Adrian actually gets control for the better part of the match. Vortex does take a beating well and it even seems he is playing possum in alot of cases. Much like the end where Adrian was going for a suplex, but he soon finds a knee to the gut and things getting reversed into a swinging DDT. Vortex continues his winning streak and he lays on top of Adrian while whispering something in his ear before slinking out and laughing a bit to himself.


Winner: Vortex


Rating: 10






Sulphur and Taniko Jo are out next. Adrian is still stumbling to the back before Sulphur pushes him into a few of the crowd and continues on his ring to climb onto the apron and hold the ropes for Taniko who has the microphone now.


Taniko: "Frankie Robertson wanted this match? He is a foolish man. Sulphur and Taniko Jo still aren't happy with him costing us the match for the National Title. You couldn't beat Sulphur last time and now you want a shot at him again?"


She just laughs some and lightly strokes a hand along the chest of the large wrestler.


Taniko "Don't worry, Frankie. I told Septimus and Big Daddy to stay away. Taniko Jo knows Sulphur doesn't need help. Do you baby?"


She holds the microphone up to him and Sulphur just eyes it dubiously. He only utters three words in a rather angry tone.


Sulphur: "Frankie Robertson....DESTROY!"


Rating: 51






Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Frankie Robertson


Frankie comes out and looks ready to rumble with a chair in hand. Sulphur backs away and Taniko gets the hell out of dodge when Frankie runs in and brandishes that chair as if ready to strike. He just smirks as Wayne stands between both wrestlers and eventually the chair is dropped and kicked outside.


The bell rings and Frankie goes right after the much larger Sulphur and starts to unload with several punches and kicks that barely seem to phase the big man who just keeps pushing Frankie away. Finally a charge is met with a big boot from Sulphur who begins to do a very good Big Daddy Horne impression of slow paced manhandling. Taniko Jo is just laughing from the outside as Sulphur controls the match with ease. He goes to put Frankie up on his shoulders for perhaps a death valley driver, but Frankie squirms and manages to slip about and actually lock on a dragon sleeper.


Taniko is going nuts and Sulphur attempts to knock Frankie off by running into the turnbuckles back first, but Frankie holds on in a rather tenacious manner. The big man eventually slumps to one knee....two knees! He is down on the mat! Wayne raises the big, meaty arm of Sulphur three times and it seems he is out as Taniko Jo starts waving towards the back.


Winner: Frankie Robertson


Rating: 15






Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne come out and they look ready to tear into Frankie who is waiting in the ring and actually shouting 'Come on, ****ers!' to them both as they make their way to the ring. Septimus is starting to get in when the fan wearing the Lone Shark mask gets out of his chair and uses it to whack Big Daddy Horne across the back. A surprised Septimus turns about which ends up being a bad idea because Frankie pulls him into the ring and starts to go to town on him. Big Daddy is hit with the chair a few more times and goes stumbling back while Septimus is tossed out of the ring. The masked man climbs into the ring and stands tall with Frankie and keeps the chair held in one hand as the other reaches up to pull off the mask to reveal a new face a few of the fans seem familiar with and a face Big Daddy Horne is very familiar with. One he doesn't seem happy about seeing at all.




Switchblade and Frankie taunt the two older wrestlers who decide for now to retreat and regroup while the two men in the ring shake hands and Frankie thanks his new ally.


Rating: 39






D-Pod vs Michael Rheur


After all the chaos the crowd is treated to a bit of a slower paced match. D-Pod continues to look for a win while Michael Rheur looks to impress in his debute. Rheur also uses a style that is pretty unique compared to most of the roster as he has a more technical style approach. He shows off several different holds and fancy suplexes on D-Pod. D-Pod never seems to find any chance to get himself going and he is just worn down by the veteran quickly. Rheur soon applies his Munich Stretch submission on the helpless D-Pod who has no choice but to tap out.


Winner: Michael Rheur


Rating: 19






Two rather mean looking individuals come out next as The Drifters make their debute for the promotion. Sinner seems fine jawjacking with the crowd and threatening to get into a fight with them while Mercenary seems more calm and collected as he moves over to snag the microphone away from London Platten. He doesn't even bother to get in the ring, but rather stay close to the fans so he can get up in their face from time to time.


Mercenary: "For those of you who don't know we are The Drifters and we just happened to drift right into this place at the right time. We see alot of small men trying to act big and give Big Daddy Horne problems. Well we are here just to do what we do best and that is dominate. Be it tag competition or singles. Me and Sinner here are going to just make ourselves at home and it starts tonight. Time to punch some punks in the facemeats, mate."


He slaps Sinner on the back and tosses the mic back to London. The two get in the ring and the just seem amused as their opponents come out to face them.


Rating: 51






The Drifters vs Heaven and Hell


Heaven and Hell got their first win last month, but this time around it is a much tougher task. They work well together, but Sinner and Mercenary have been teaming for a few years now and hold an edge not just in in ring experience, but also tag team experience. The high fliers are also tasked with taking on much bigger men and that truely might be their undoing. Sinner actually catches Australian Devil when the latter attempts to dive over the top ropes and outside onto his opponent. He just dumps the Devil onto the floor and leaves Azazel without a partner as he tries to take down Mercenary. A big clothesline downs Azazel and then he is picked up by Mercenary who delivers the Redemption Bomb and gets the win for his team.


Winners: The Drifters


Rating: 19









Bad Boys of Australia National Title


Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Francis Burke © with Melissa Abernathy


A rematch of the semifinals of the tournament that ends up being much better than the first encounter and overall the best match the promotion has managed to put together to date. The fans are starting to get a bit more behind Francis Burke and Dexter Mattell is just settling into his heelish role ver comfortably. Both managers help their respective client out as well and in this case Melissa does well at making sure Ceri doesn't get involved.


A good amount of back and forth action as both men seem to be showing that they could come out of this the winner. Dexter even breaks out a rare high flying move when he does a missile dropkick on a dazed Burke. He locks on the STF soon after and thinks he has the win, but Burke doesn't tap and eventually makes it to the ropes. Dexter just tries to pull him back to the middle of the ring to lock it on again, but Francis breaks free and almost gets a win with a schoolboy.


Back and forth the pair go and they are given a good amount of time compared to most matches, but also short enough to keep the crowd interested and not show any of the weaknesses of both competitors. Burke hits Dexter with a rather vicious European uppercut to daze him and then he nails the Fliying Flip Neckbreaker to retain once again. Melissa climbs in to celebrate with her man as Ceri pulls out the defeated Dexter and tries to console the poor baby.


Winner and Still Champion: Francis Burke (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 27





- The match quality continues to improve as experienced workers are being brought in to work with the rookies.


- Dexter and Matty Wills really are starting to show they can be the future of the company. Perhaps sooner than later with Dexter.


- Who will get the next shot at Francis Burke? Sulphur since he is Big Daddy's favorite it seems? The undefeated Vortex? Perhaps one of the newcomers?


- Switchblade is here to help Frankie. Is it going to be enough?


Overall Rating: 28

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Early June, 2013


Wally's House of Fun




Post celebration for the birthday held for one Septmus Stubbs. The still spry 44 year old is handling a buzz pretty well, but despite all the fun had earlier it seems things have taken a more serious turn now that it is down to just him and Big Daddy Horne sitting at a table having a few drinks. The large man looks much like he did the day he showed up at Stubby's house all those months ago. Drunk and seemingly out of it.


"Yer shittin' me, mate."


"I....I'm not. I didn't lie when I said I was starting this company, right?"


"Well I thought you were, but okay. This is totally different. This don't sound like you at all."


The big man nods his head and he reaches for his mostly empty glass of whiskey before upending it. He almost slumps forward right onto the table as he slams the glass back down.


"No more joking. I am set on it. I usually leave you the book, but we will do this my way."


Septimus still seems rather dubious to what he has heard. His brow furrows and he scratches at a cheek idly as he ponders things.


"Okay, mate. This job has been kinda refreshin and what do we got to lose? We'll do it."

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Web Interview with Francis Burke




Francis Burke recently sat down with Perth Web Wrestling and we got to ask him a few questions about his current dealings with Bad Boys of Australia and being their first champion.


PWW: So who approached you to be part of the initial roster?


Francis: Septimus Stubbs called me up one day. He has ran a few shows in the past that I worked for and we always got along. I thought it was a joke at first that Big Daddy Horne was starting a company, but then I got a contract offer when I met up with them and I figured why not? I got steady work and overall it has been a nice enviroment in the locker room.


PWW: How did the pairing of you and Melissa Abernathy come along?


Francis: I never actually met her until about a week before our first show. We were working out who was going to do what and they thought we would work well together. So far people seem to like it so we are just going to run with it for now.


PWW: What about winning the National Title? Did you expect to win it?


Francis: I was very honored to be the first champion and it wasn't an easy road. People might not know it, but we do have some good talent that just needs exposure. I think we are growing with each show and really starting to look as an alternative in the Western Australia scene. I hope to hold the title for quite some time and show I can be the face of a promotion.


PWW: You have alot of roster members that have less than two years experience. Who do you think really will be a big name?


Francis: That...wow. That is a tough one. I really like alot of the new guys. I would say Dexter Mattell stands out and I think others see that too. I say Matty Wills is right up there with him. Those two I have seen work in the ring for practice and they really make me believe they will move on to do great things.


PWW: We saw you got traveled to ZEN back in May to make an appearance. What was that like?


Francis: Oh amazing. The thing about ZEN is they are so different to anything else you will see in Australia. I like to think we are pretty different too, but nowhere near as zany. I got to wrestle Damian Dastardly and that was alot of fun. I will go back again if they would have me.


PWW: One final question. Who would you like to defend your title against next?


Francis: There are alot of opponents out there. Where we got some new guys in the competition is becoming even tougher. Michael Rheur is a personal favorite of mine. We got to wrestle a few years back and he got the better of me. Now maybe that I am older and wiser I can get back at him. Would love to wrestle Septimus Stubbs as well. The way he can still work at his age is incredible. I hope I can be fourty-four and wrestle like him.


PWW: Thanks alot for stopping by Francis. Good luck at the next show.

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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia Celebrate Six Months


It may not sound like much, but a company started by Big Daddy Horne had alot of nonbelievers that thought they would maybe make it one or two shows before he gave up. Instead coming up they celebrate six months of active competition that has seen them gain popularity and stay in business to where they have even managed to expand their roster.


Many think it is to the savvy mind of Septimus Stubbs who has been head booker and the one hiring all the talent. Starting off with a smattering of somewhat known names and many rookies he has somehow made a viable and entertaining product with the likes of Sulphur, Frankie Robertson and current National Champion title holder Francis Burke.


Recently a flux of veterans on the indy scene have joined up and even an old face from APW joined up in Switchblade. It also seems they have a friendship with ZEN which will allow talents to show up on both sides whenever they are needed. Where they go from here remains to be seen, but so far it seems the Bad Boys of Australia will stick around at least for a few months longer. Below is the announced card for their show this month.


Bad Boys of Australia: No More Mr. Nice Guy


National Championship Match:


Francis Burke vs Vortex


The War Continues:


Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


Also On the Card:


Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur


The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters


Dexter Mattell vs Azazel


Sulphur vs Matty Wills


If you liked this story you may also like:


- No Laughing Matter: Jester Out of ZEN after Ring Fire


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National Championship Match:


Francis Burke vs Vortex

I could see Vortex winning this one but I still doubt it even if he´s more of the guy that Horne would like to see as champ. :p


The War Continues:


Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

Nice to see Switchblade here, he´s one of my favorite workers in Australia. Still I´m not sure if him and Frankie are over enough to win against Horne so I go with draw instead.


Also On the Card:


Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur

Devil haven´t been winning many tag matches and he certainly aren´t going to win many singles matches either.


The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters

I´m likely wrong about this but faces need to win somewhere in the undercard and this just looks like the best spot for that.


Dexter Mattell vs Azazel

Mattell is one of your top guys while Azazel is a jobber.


Sulphur vs Matty Wills

Wills might be talented but I don´t see him getting his first win against Sulphur.

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National Championship Match:


Francis Burke vs Vortex

- I like Vortex's bizarre antics but he isn't ready for the main event slot. Go back to creeping out the openers.


The War Continues:


Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne

- Likely by DQ or count-out as Switchblade needs to be made to look a thread to BDH! AKA not like something BDH would use to pick his teeth with after a good BBQ.


Also On the Card:


Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur

- I do not know how AusDev is... but I shall be informing Looney Toons shortly.


The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters

- Having given the best promo in the company's (short) history, damn rights the Drifters spoil the Party.


Dexter Mattell vs Azazel

- Glasses > Half-paint.


Sulphur vs Matty Wills

- BDH approves his prediction.



- Armando Guerro Changes Style, But Still an Asshole - Unexpected quote of the dynasty so far! :D

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Francis Burke vs Vortex - 'vex isn't ready.

Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne - Frankie is a good worker and Switchblade needs to make his stamp.

Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur - Rheur for National Championship

The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters - I'd say so.

Dexter Mattell vs Azazel - "Raw Sex" vs. shit ring name.

Sulphur vs Matty Wills - Sulphur gets an epic revenge push after not winning the Championship. Or you know, just continues to lose horribly until he quits...

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National Championship Match:


Francis Burke vs Vortex


The War Continues:


Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne


Also On the Card:


Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur


The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters

Had a good start ..

Dexter Mattell vs Azazel


Sulphur vs Matty Wills

Always going to pick Sulpher .... Right i'm not off to put on my Sulpher tee, whilst listening to his theme music over and over ...

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Bad Boys of AUstralia: No More Mr. Nice Guy</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Laird Lounge</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

18 Attending</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The fans don't seem to be increasing over the months, but they aren't going down either. It is much the same amount of groupies. The Sulphur groupie is still front and center and this time around there is a person with their face painted with half like Azazel and the other half as Australia Devil. Seems like Heaven and Hell has gotten themselves a fanboy despite usually being on t he losing end of things.</p><p> </p><p>

The fans are also treated to a short match before the show itself starts up properly. Adrian McGhee and D-Pod worked a quick match just to entertain those gathered as the last bits of the announcing table setup are put in place and London has time to make himself look dapper. It wasn't a very pretty match so it was probably good that it happened before the camera started to film for the DVD release of the show.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img14/8195/septimusstubbs.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img37/4149/bigdaddyhorne.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show proper starts off with Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne coming out to a few boos. The big man doesn't really need to say much as his size really speaks for him much like it does for Sulphur, though his age has started to have some effect. Even so he is an impressive sight and when teamed up with all the scars that Septimus has they still pull off a rather imposing look despite both being in their mid fourties. Septimus grabs himself a mic and he stalks around ringside as he addresses the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

Stubby: "My my my. I am guessing we are supposed to be afraid for some reason. Little Frankie went to go find himself someone to help him out and of all the people that was the best he can do?"</p><p> </p><p>

There is a bit of a chuckle then a suddenly insane look in the eyes of Septimus as he almost looks ready to just sling the microphone into someone's face.</p><p> </p><p>

Stubby: "You want to embarass us? Use a chair and surprise us from behind? Well not tonight. You wanted to fight us so bad then you two will get a big old ass whipping from me and Big Daddy Horne here. So count those minutes down. It isn't long until you two gotta face us. We got an ambulance waiting right outside for ya tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

The microphone is dropped on the table and he stalks off as he motions of Big Daddy Horne to follow. The large man does stop and he picks up the mic himself to speak into it briefly.</p><p> </p><p>

BDH: "We end this tonight. If not things are going to get very bad for you, Frankie."</p><p> </p><p>

He sets the mic back down and he trundles off backstage as well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 41</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img824/7803/australiandevil.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img842/3594/michaelrheur.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Australian Devil vs Michael Rheur</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Rare singles action for the Devil and this match might show why. While he and Azazel work well together it seems that when expected to go at a match alone Devil has a hard time keeping up. If not for Rheur controlling most of the match this could have been pretty sloppy. Then again that might be exactly why he was set to face off against the veteran. Rheur managed to keep the high flier grounded most of the match and really worked over the left leg of Australian Devil. Devil on the other hand only managed maybe one or two of us usual high flying moves and he spent most of the match on the mat before tapping out to the Munich Stretch.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Michael Rheur</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 18</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img18/8569/sulphurm.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img688/6660/tanikojo.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sulphur and Taniko Jo come out next as it looks like the big man is ready for his match. Of course Taniko Jo cannot seem to let the chance to grab that microphone pass her up. It seems she talks into more to hear herself than to let the fans hear what she has to say.</p><p> </p><p>

Taniko: "Taniko Jo is tired of how Sulphur is being treated. This man should be your champion. He should be the one in the main event. Not having to fight some no name like tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

She seems very pouty at the moment and she pats her man monster in a soothing manner.</p><p> </p><p>

Taniko: "Poor Sulphur baby. Frankie Robertson is at fault. We will get him back, but for now we take care of business. Taniko Jo want you to impress so you get shot at title."</p><p> </p><p>

The monster just nods his head and he climbs into the ring. He cracks his knuckles and he stares down both Matty and Rose as they come out and to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 50</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img18/8569/sulphurm.jpg</span>with<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img688/6660/tanikojo.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img694/16/mattywills.jpg</span>with<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img339/1172/rosewills.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Matty Wills with Rose Wills</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Matty will one day to really get his time to shine. Right now it is all about paying the dues and one of those dues is having to deal with the likes of Sulphur. His inexperience combined with the plodding style of the big man made this a typical Sulphur match. People come to see him for his size and appearance and they will never come to see him wrestle. A valiant effort on Matty's part sees him for the most part beaten all around the ring before being finished off by a Depths of Hell</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Sulphur</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 13</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img248/5374/vortexu.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img560/8100/londonplatten.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Looks like sometime during the match Vortex has skulked out from the back and was wandering around. As usual he ended up near London who seems to really be his favorite person. London is doing his best to try and ignore Vortex, but given the fact Vortex is draping on him and has his face right up next to London's face makes it very hard to do so. A rather nervous London picks up the mic and speaks into it.</p><p> </p><p>

London: "S...so! Excited about your championship match tonight?"</p><p> </p><p>

The question is met with silence and the strange wrestler just seems intent on staying uncomfortably close as London fumbles with trying to turn things into an interview once again.</p><p> </p><p>

London: "It must be exciting. This is your biggest match to date and you are on a winning streak."</p><p> </p><p>

More silence is the response and finally after a few awkward moments of silence he leans into the microphone.</p><p> </p><p>

Vortex: "I got a friend."</p><p> </p><p>

That is all he says and he suddenly gets up and casually saunters back towards the back while London looks perplexed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 15</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img14/8195/septimusstubbs.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img37/4149/bigdaddyhorne.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img18/7356/frankierobertson.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img594/2219/switchbladev.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne vs Frankie Robertson and Switchblade</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This is probably one of the more anticipated matches of the evening and both sides get a good reaction from the small crowd. Frankie has really become something of a workhorse for the promotion and he might really be the top face despite not being in the title hunt at the moment. Switchblade also seems to have settled in well enough and there are no signs of rust since he was released from APW.</p><p> </p><p>

This match isn't meant to be pretty either. There are no flips, no amazing submission holds or anything like that. It is a straight up fistfight between the four and it takes the referee several minutes just to get it down to two men in the ring. Septimus does most of the work for his side and he does well in dealing with both the younger opponents. Big Daddy Horne only comes in when it seems that the other team is getting the upper hand and he quickly swings things back into the heel's favor with his sheer power and size.</p><p> </p><p>

Switchblade does catch the big man off guard at one point though and he uses a few dropkicks to actually push the big man back to the ropes. He bounces off said ropes and dives right at Big Daddy Horne to take both of them out of the ring. Both are slow to get up and Switchblade makes it back to the ring first. He tags in Frankie who goes after Septimus and tugs him into the ring and starts to fight with him. Big Daddy Horne is still the legal man at this point and gets back in the ring to get Frankie from behind. He bullies the smaller man for a bit, but Frankie starts to fire back and he fails to see Septimus slap the big man on the back and tag himself in. He grabs Frankie and pulls him into a pin while hooking a leg onto the middle rope for leverage and Big Daddy Horne manages to stop Switchblade from making the save as Septimus gets the three.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 22</p><p> </p><p>

*****</p><p> </p><p>

Switchblade continues to beat on Big Daddy and try to get to Septimus. Frankie himself gets up quickly and he catches the retreating Stubbs and the four men brawl around the ring some more as the referee tries to break them up. Finally both the heels manage to get out of the ring and try to recover as Frankie and Switchblade remain in the ring. There is shouting heard, but given the crowd's size it can all be heard.</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie: "**** this! **** this! I want you and you both in a singles match. I am ****ing tired of this. This will end!"</p><p> </p><p>

Septimus seems ready to fire back, but actually Big Daddy Horne puts a hand on his chest to hold him back and he points towards Frankie.</p><p> </p><p>

BDH: "You want us each in a match? Next show you get Septimus Stubbs. If you lose you are fired. If you win then you get me the show after. If you lose that you are fired."</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie seems dubious and he looks to Switchblade which also seems highly dubious of what is being offered.</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie: "**** that. What do I get if I win? Closure? I just want to wrestle and you ****ers can't let me do what I want. I am losing it and I want this over!"</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie seems irate and Big Daddy Horne remains quiet as if he is thinking. It is something that seems unusual from the big man and even Septimus Stubbs seems surprised by it.</p><p> </p><p>

Stubby: "Mate, what the fu-"</p><p> </p><p>

He is cut off by Big Daddy Horne who seems to have come to some sort of conclusion.</p><p> </p><p>

BDH: "You beat Septimus you get me. You beat me it will be over. You keep your job and I will retire. You little snot nosed punk. I have dealt with shitstains like you all my career. That is why I am more than fine than putting it up against your job. I can beat you. That is even if you can get passed Septimus here."</p><p> </p><p>

Septimus is looking shocked and for a few brief moments he seems to have lost that spark of insanity that he is notorious for. Frankie and Switchblade also seem surprised, but before really he can think on it and before Big Daddy Horne can change his mind the reply is shouted.</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Robertson: "You're on! You don't know what you two got yourselves into!"</p><p> </p><p>

Big Daddy Horne is quiet, but seems confident as he puts a large hand on Septimus Stubbs' shoulder. He motions for them to leave and they leave Frankie in the ring with Switchblade who seems to be asking Frankie if he really knows what he is doing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 33</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img820/4950/dextermattell.jpg</span>with<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img87/5850/ceridordevich.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img818/2/azazel.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Azazel</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

While Australian Devil struggled a bit Azazel actually looked to do a bit better on his first singles performance in a few months. Him and Dexter actually worked together rather well and if not for the fact that both men are still relatively green they did a good job at keeping the crowd interested despite having to go on after one of the bigger matches of the card. It is a pretty even contest that saw Azazel look as if he was going to score an upset win until Dexter distracted the ref and allowed Ceri to push Azazel off the top rope when he was going for a dive. Dexter quickly jumped on his prone opponent and locked on the STF to get the submission win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Dexter Mattell</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 19</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img811/7478/marcuskerr.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img4/8750/mattstoppard.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Both Marcus Kerr and Matt Stoppard are on the way to the ring for their match, but Kerr stops to get the microphone on the way and he rolls into the ring with it.</p><p> </p><p>

MK: "What is up Laird Lounge!? Tonight the Australian People's Party is here to entertain and wow. Matty Long Legs why don't you tell them to expect."</p><p> </p><p>

Kerr does have some charisma, but Stoppard actually seems abit more timid on the mic despite trying to play along.</p><p> </p><p>

MS: "They can expect a win from the team here to wrestle to their delight. The Australian People's Party are here to make an impact."</p><p> </p><p>

MK: "That is damn right my friends. We are here to do whatever we can for you the fans and win or lose we know one way to to do this. Like Andrew WK we will always party hard! Woo!"</p><p> </p><p>

The two are energetic and they get a decent enough reaction given they still haven't had much exposure. Of course their good mood might be ruined very soon.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 15</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img811/7478/marcuskerr.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img4/8750/mattstoppard.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img515/6453/sinner.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img341/8644/mercenaryw.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Marcus and Matt are both still green and really Marcus should do most of the work for the team for now. He looks a bit better as a whole and if anything Matt should be used as the face in peril because he can take bumps really well. That is something that comes in good use when dealing with a team like the Drifters who are all about tossing smaller guys around and beating on them. They enjoy the punishment they are handing out so much they don't even seem to listen to the referee's warnings. Wayne really has no other choice than to disqualify The Drifters after repeated attempts were ignored. Probably not the way that The Australian People's Party wanted to get their first win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners</strong>: The Australian People's Party</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 16</p><p> </p><p>

*****</p><p> </p><p>

After the match The Drifters continue to beat on the poor youngsters and even Wayne gets tossed from the ring where he scurries away to avoid any more violence. He hides behind London and his seat until Mercenary and Sinner get bored beating on the two faces and leave.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 36</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img18/5342/genericchampionship.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img202/754/francisburke.jpg</span>with<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img705/1672/melissaabernathy.jpg</span>VS<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img248/5374/vortexu.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>National Championship Match: Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Vortex</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Francis and Melissa are out first and Vortex doesn't come out the normal area, but instead out from the door leading to the outside of the lounge. He keeps mumbling about his friend and stalks about the ring a few times before rolling in. He sits in the corner and when the bell goes off he doesn't even move. Francis is unsure how to approach this and as he starts to close in that is when Vortex jumps forward suddenly and takes Francis to the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

He has control of the match for the early part and really getting to work with someone like Francis shows there is a pretty good wrestler waiting to get out. Some more matches with someone of his calibur could make Vortex really come into his own. If not just for the weird antics he could perhaps have put Francis away a few times. Instead he kept pausing in the middle of his offense and looking around as if waiting to see someone. He even goes out and crawls under the ring for a bit as if searching. That is what gives Francis time to recover and when Vortex emerges he is met with a dive to the outside that takes him into the front row of seats.</p><p> </p><p>

The distractions seemed to be the end for Vortex and he never fully gets back in control like he was. Instead Francis builds momentum until he manages to hit his Flying Flip Neckbreaker and get a pin. Francis retains again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and Still Champion</strong>: Francis Burke (Defenses: 3)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 24</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Francis barely gets to heft his title in victory when someone quickly hits the ring and attacks him from behind.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img842/3594/michaelrheur.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Michael Rheur beats on the tired Francis as Melissa screams for him to stop. He looks angry about something and says nothing while continuing his assault. He locks on the Munich Stretch and taunts Melissa to come and try to save her man. He finally releases then holds the belt up for a few moments. He gives it a kiss then drops it on top of the passed out Francis before walking off.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 33</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

- Did Frankie bite off more than he can chew?</p><p> </p><p>

- Who the hell is Vortex talking about?</p><p> </p><p>

- Rheur seems to like Francis' belt. Has he done enough to get a shot?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Final Rating: 30</strong></span></p>

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A short video has been showing up on several wrestling websites as of late. One that starts with a hand camera shakily panning about a dark room that looks like it might be a basement somewhere. There is just a bit of low snickering of one voice that is a bit hard to recognize while the other sounds like it might be Vortex of Bad Boys of Australia fame.


"Where are you friend. We got work to dooooooooooo."


More snickering is heard and the camera darts about as if it is searching through the eyes of the rather strange wrestler as it peeks about corners and eventually comes to rest on a rather dark corner. It almost looks like he has the cap on. That is until two red eyes start to peer out from the corner and there is more of that snickering that turns into a cackle from whoever those glowing eyes belong to.


"Oh there you are. Come meet your new family."


Vortex as well begins cackling and then the camera shuts off. The video itself has gotten quite a bit of a reaction and has perhaps given Bad Boys of Australia some new interest from fans that did not know about the company.

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