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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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If you wanted to get creative a couple of gunshot holes in the mask to show the calibre of weapon he uses.


Isn't he meant to be named after Excalibur?


Including my vote, that's 3 and a 'sort of' from Beeker for the third option.


I think we can all agree that it's better than his original mask, which makes him look like an exótico from the 1970s. :)

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I arrived to the oddest scene at Marv's this afternoon. All the guys who had arrived early were huddled around a TV backstage, cheering and yelling. Apparently, Lanny had brought in his old Nintendo 64 and SWF No Mercy in, an had organised an 8 player tournament - I'd arrived just in time for the last match, which was Lanny, as Sam Keith, against Damian Dastardly's Christian Faith. After a crazy 20 minute back and forth battle, Lanny won with a proton lock and the whole locker room exploded. I was silently kicking myself for missing out (cause I'd have won, my Angry Gilmore is unstoppable, just saying) and made sure I'd always show up early in future.


It was still a few hours before showtime, and we had the ring up and put together (Lanny had the day off as part of the stipulation of winning the tournament). As our attendances had risen pretty considerably, we'd moved to the secondary function room of Marv's. We didnt quite have the 100+ to fill out the main hall section, but at least we could go off the top rope without risking hitting the roof instead of our opponents.


Harry Simonson was holding a training seminar in the ring that was mainly to benefit the three new guys I'd brought in. The session today was kinda for their benefit, so they could see what PWZ was decide whether they'd be joining us; I wasn't going to make them tryout as I'd seen them work already - there was an indy show at Marv's a fortnight ago where I watched all of them wrestle.


Harry was making these guys and most of rest of the roster run ropes and training drills. I'd done these drills so many times that I could do the whole sequence without thinking. ...Irish whip, armdrag, hiptoss, side headlock, get pushed off, hit the ropes and shoulder block on the rebound. Whoever you just did the moves on would roll out of the ring, then the next person in the drill line would be on top of you straight away, and it'd be your turn to take bumps. It wasn't something you'd ever really use in a match, but it got you used to chaining spots together so at least you'd get your head around never letting matches sag in the middle.


I was watching the new guys though, and it was apparent they were all very green and fresh of out training:



One was an Aussie who had gone over to train at the ZEN Dojo and worked their typical style - fast and smooth. As he did the drill I noticed he ran the ropes a little too fast and he'd rebound at a mile a minute and send the other guy flying with the shoulder block. I made a mental note to tell him to slow down a little.




The second was a kid with a lot of piercings who worked a tag match with what I'm assuming was his long time partner due to their matching tights. He was obviously the weak link in the group but I liked how he took bumps and he had some impressive dives and top rope moves. He'd take a little bit of moulding and experience but I saw a good worker if someone taught him to work. He struggled a bit on the armdrag and hiptoss, but as soon as it was his turn to bump he became a different person. He could make anyone look fantastic.




The third was a huge bodybuilder. He stuck out because he was 6'5", was definitely in better shape than anyone else on the indy show, and had a better physique than anyone in PWZ whose name isn't Nicky Gilbert. He was green like the other two, but had the look to go places, and worked a very old school style - a lot like mine. He was going places. He did the drill perfectly - if not a little too slow. Not that there was anything wrong with that - he came across like a monster - not like the crazy Warmonger (who could actually kill someone) - but a monster that knew deep down he was better than you and wanted you to suffer as he showed you why.


Yep, these guys would do just fine with a little scrubbing up.



Once they were done with their drills and bumps I managed to get in the ring with X-Cal, who I'd be working tonight, Hate, who was putting our match together for us, and Jackson Jackson, who was half-heartedly refereeing for us as he had nothing better to do.


Hatemonger: So I was thinking you guys could work some more of X's springboard stuff into the match - he's pretty good at that. I dunno if you're strong enough Jordan, but there was a spot I used to do back in DIW with their smaller guys where they'd do a springboard crossbody...


Hate motioned to X to crossbody him. X ran to the ropes, and leapt off with a picture perfect twisting crossbody onto Hate, who caught him midair then lifted him into a scoop slam position.


Hatemonger: So, from here, if you can catch him, you can just dump him over the top - get ready, X-


Hatemonger threw X over the top rope, scoop slamming him back first onto the apron.


Hatemonger: Well, you're meant to land on your feet, ya dickhead - and anyway, I turn around, thinking I've dumped him out right - and the crowd eat it up cause they know he's on the apron ready to spring onto me. Then bam, I turn around into whatever gimmick he wants to land on me with, hurricanrana, clothesline, whatever. As long as you can catch him you're golden. Try it.


I nodded at X, silently pleading him to go easy. He was a little taller than me but kinda light. He jumped to the middle rope and twisted, flying towards me. I managed to kinda catch him, underestimating how heavy he actually was with the added momentum and had to fall to one knee, dropping X across my knee in an awkward backbreaker.


Hatemonger: Shit, that was terrible - you can still save it though, just pick him up from there and chuck him over the top.


I laughed and hoisted X back up, then threw him over the top and turned around, dusting my hands off and posing to Knight, my fill in audience who was watching from ringside. I turned around only for X to hit me with a flying clothesline , taking me down mid ring to set up for a lionsault. Jackson tiredly called out the two count as he leant on the ropes, and I kicked out for the near fall. Hatemonger and Knight clapped at X's picture perfect moves.

Hatemonger: So you've got that spot... the finish...


X-Calibre: ...The crossface spot off of the top...


James: ...And the turnbuckle spot. Should be right, we'll just call the rest of it, it's only a short one. I'll just work your legs or whatever.


We all shook hands and then left to go backstage and get geared up right before the doors opened. I kept peering around the edge of the curtain, watching the people trickling in and thanking my lucky stars that people kept showing up month after month. I anxiously counted down the minutes until 7:00 for the show to start, then my music hit to open the show. Like every other match, I silently prayed I'd still be able to walk afterward, slapped myself in the face to hype myself up, and stepped through the curtain...

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Sunday, Week 4, June 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ Desolation Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent





Held in front of 39 people at Marv's Sports Central


Another month, another cosy PWZ show in Marv's Sports Central, and one that marks the end of the crucial first six months of PWZ. Looks like they are here to stay.



Halloween Knight comes down to the ring to open the show. He takes a microphone and addresses the crowd.


Knight: Tonight, for the first time ever, it is up to I, and I alone to defend my PWZ Championship against Maurice Jackson. Last month, not only did I force Maurice Jackson to tap out after already pinning Warmonger, I then added injury to insult by destroying him with a chair after the match. Maurice, my man, it's nothing personal. You see, every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. I am the lion, you are the gazelle: and tonight, in the main event, when the sun comes up, you’d better be running. (C-)


Jordan James vs. X-Calibre


Pretty good opener. The match revolved around James trying to keep X grounded, and X taking to the air and outfoxing James wherever possible. Highlights of the match were when both men were trading blows on the apron, James took a blow to the gut, X turned and ran up the outside of the turnbuckle, springboarding onto James and taking both of them to the floor. Back in the ring, James caught X off a springboard crossbody and dumped him onto the apron, before turning around to work the crowd. X got to his feet and tried for a springboard clothesline, but James caught him on the way down and locked in the crossface, teasing a win, but X rolled through, landed a hard kick to James' head, went to the apron and hit a springboard 450 splash for the win. Very hot opener, X is coming along very well.


X-Calibre defeated Jordan James in 12:08 by pinfall with a Springboard 460. (D)



Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly


I had to pee during this one, and missed out on most of the action, if you could call it that. Mainly consisted of Hate no selling and Damian forcing Blue to take all of Hate's offence for him. Hate hit his finisher on Dastardly, then Flea, which was good for the three.


Hatemonger defeated Blue Flea and Damian Dastardly in 5:08 when Hatemonger defeated Blue Flea by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. (E+)

Warmonger hits the ring and Spine Shatterers Flea. It's a PWZ tradition now! HalloWarped comes out for the save, leading into the next match. (C-)



Warmonger vs. HalloWarped

Solid match, crowd were very hot for it. The story of the match revolved around HalloWarped outsmarting and outwrestling the big man, much to the crowd's dismay. They popped big when War finally caught Hallowarped, and he went to town with a series of big slams and suplexes. Warmonger teased a Spine Shatterer and sent HalloWarped into the ropes. Warmonger lifted Warped up on the rebound, but Warped countered into a brilliant standing Shining Wizard which lead to a double down. Hallowarped go to his feet first and hit his running shooting star press Warp Speed finisher for the 3 count.


HalloWarped defeated Warmonger in 10:35 by pinfall with a Warp Speed. (D-)



Tag Team Championship Match

Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester) vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©

Good match. Smithson and Pinn started the match off, with Smithson taking the big man down repeatedly for the first half of the match. Pinn eventually got fed up and brawled Boo into the Pinn Enterprises corner, then tagged in Artie. Artie showed a fire I havent seen from him before and took Boo down to the mat with a snapmare to chinlock then taunted the crowd, who started to get behind Boo. Boo built up some momentum, but every time he'd almost manage to get away, Artie would drag him back down to the mat and back to the heel corner, laying in the boots. Pinn tags in and locks in a headlock, taunting the crowd, but a crafty Boo manages to slip behind into a waistlock, lifts Dpinn up and throws him down facefirst with an amateur takedown. A stunned Pinn gets to his hands and knees, only for Boo to take a running jump off of his back towards Gilbert for the hot tag! Very cool spot.


Gilbert cleans house off of the hot tag, much to the fans delight. Artie manages to tag back in, only for Gilbert to hit a fisherman's suplex on Artie that's good for the win. Very very good match, Artie's infinitely better in tag matches and the dynamic between the boss Pinn and Artie as the paid lackey is quite fun.


Smithson & Gilbert defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Dumfrey Pinn in 19:35 when Nicky Gilbert defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Smithson & Gilbert make defence number 2 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. (C-)



#1 Contendership Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams

Crowd were livid for this one. Lanny Williams continued to reiterate to the crowd before the match that he'd only need 3 minutes, and that the 20 minute time limit was a joke. Both men tie up in the middle of the ring as the bell rings. Williams immediately hits a single leg takedown and covers for the pin. A suprised Simonson kicks out at two and a half, only for Williams to cover him again for one. Williams, obviously annoyed at not being able to get the surpise win right away, starts to focus the midsection, hitting a number of stiff knees and elbows to the gut that send Harry reeling into the corner. The referee reaches a count of five and pulls Lanny off, only for him to shove the referee aside and continue the assault. The referee threatens a disqualification and Williams finally backs away.


Simonson is slow to his feet and stumbles to centre ring, only to be hit by a dropkick to the knee that takes him to his hands and knees, then a pair of absolutely brutal kicks to the midsection that send Simonson to the outside. The next 10 minutes consisted of Williams getting more and more frustrated at not being able to put Simonson away, and Simonson took an absolutely wicked beating (big overhead gutbusters, getting suplexed stomach first onto the ropes and one of the ringside chairs) but still kept kicking out.


With the crowd behind him, Simonson managed to counter a kick to the stomach into a dragon screw, and began working Lanny's left leg. The rest of the match revolved around Harry protecting his stomach and doing as much damage to Lanny's knee as possible. The finish came when Lanny pinned Harry in the corner and landed a sequence of shoulder charges to Harry's already injured stomach. Harry collapsed in the corner as Lanny taunted a big running spear. Harry gets to his feet using the turnbuckle for leverage and Lanny goes for the spear, but Harry lifts both legs up and Lanny goes under him into the ringpost. Harry twists and rolls Lanny up for a pin and transitions into a single leg crab with 15 seconds on the clock. Lanny teases a tap out, screaming out in agony, then passes out. With 5 seconds on the clock, the refree lifts the arm up once, (4... 3...) still out cold, twice... (2... 1...) still out cold and a third time. The bell rings as Lanny's arm falls limp to the mat a third time. Jackson Jackson officially renders the bout a draw, much to the crowds disapproval.


Harry Simonson drew with Lanny Williams in 20:00 when the time expired. ©



PWZ Championship Match

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson

This main event was absolutely fantastic. Mojax and Knight work brilliantly together, each always one steap ahead of the other one. The match started with chain wrestling, with each wrestler outcountering the other. Halloween took a headlock and sent Mojax into the ropes only to be completely floored by the big ex-rugby player's shoulderblock. Mojax got the crowd on his side and started to lay in punches and forearms, working Knight into the ropes. Mojax whips Knight across the ring, but Knight hits a springboard corkscrew armdrag which takes Mojax to the outside. Knight mocks Mojax's poses and mannerisms, eliciting a chorus of boos.


The match resets and both men lock up again. Knight takes the arm and runs to the ropes, hitting another neat lucha armdrag, then works a dazed Mojax to the corner, unloading with a bunch of huge knife edge chops. Mojax fights back out of the corner only to eat a series of armdrags that sends him back out to the floor and into the first row of the audience, followed up with a very crisp dive to the outside by Knight, who lands on his feet. Knight taunts the crowd, then pulls Mojax out of the audience, only for Mojax to grab a can of beer from one of the fans and crush it over Knights head. Mojax drags a dazed Knight back into the ring and goes for a pin, only getting a 2.


Mojax locks in a chinlock and Knight very slowly fights his way out of it, only for Mojax to change his grip and hit a pinning German suplex for a near fall. Both men fight to their feet and trade blows. Knight lands a high kick that sends Mojax loopy, hits the ropes attempts a flying headscissors only to have Mojax dump Knight facefirst into the canvas. Mojax teases the rolling DDT only for Knight to drop between his legs and hits a low blow in front of the referee for a DQ. Knight retains and the crowd are not happy.


Maurice Jackson defeats Halloween Knight by disqualification in 20:17 after a low blow. Halloween Knight makes defence number 1 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. (C+/69!)


A great match and great event overall, with 3 top notch main events. The DQ ending to the show was a bit of a downer, but the good part is it sets up a rematch down the line, and one I'm definitely wanting to see. Mojax and Knight definitely click and their match was really, really, really good, and the crowd were especially hot for it. I give this show a C overall.

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PWZ 6 Month Report

This is going to be OOC. I was originally going to do it like one of my insider segments but I couldnt find a way to make it work.




Roster Breakdown

Artemis Eyre-Rochester (Midcarder):



Not too much to say about Artie, and I think a lot of 2013 he'll spend trying to find his feet in PWZ. While he has a highly rated gimmick, he sorely needs a full time tag partner, and I've been considering trying to get Thurston Darcy III (his old tag partner from RAW) in, but he's quite expensive and on an exclusive contract. It might be a possibility for season 2 when I hit small and have a bit more cash to throw around. There's been some brilliant ideas for characters for AER and TD3 and I wouldnt mind seeing them come alive and into their own in Season 2.

Blue Flea (Low Midcarder):



Whipping boy. Pot habit seriously hurts his matches, and doesn't really have that much talent to begin with. He isn't developing very well and will be a jobber as long as he's in PWZ unless something miraculous happens. I really only got him in from ZEN because I needed a couple replacement workers, and he works for 90 bucks a month, I can't really complain at that price.

Boo Smithson (Upper Midcarder):



Has a great A* rated machine gimmick and is getting seriously over, especially paired with Nicky Gilbert. He doesn't have the charisma to really become a major player, but I can always cont on him to crank out fantastic matches. I think in the future once he's outgrown the Tag Titles he'll be a great Upper Midcard worker that will prepare new young stars for the big time, and I'll love him for it. He also happens to be Mother Theresa incarnate, probably the nicest person in all of TEW and a future locker room leader.


Damian Dastardly (Midcarder):



Another one with a white-hot gimmick. I want to push this guy to the moon, I really do, but I just don't believe he's ready right now - he's still in his rookie year. Great look, great charisma, and a decent in ring worker. Once he gets a bit more experience under his belt the sky is the limit. While I'm so tempted to make him an evil villian, he's so much better as a cocky young guy, and gets an A* for it. There's good things to come for double D, and I think 2013 will be a start, 2014 is the year where he takes over the world if everything comes together.


Dumfrey Pinn (Midcarder):



I'm not sure where to go with Pinn right now. He has the Pinn enterprises storyline that will carry him through the remainder of the year, but he needs more than that to become a star. I've sort of had him pigeonholed in my head as someone who boosts people up the card, but he's getting close to 40 and won't really have too many opportunities to make a name for himself. I really need to give him more chances to shine in season 2 as he's a very good in ring talent that can talk and has a lot of charisma. He's not as talented as Boo/Harry/Lanny/Knight, or as good on the mic as Knight or Mojax, but he's very close on both ends, and probably my best all-round worker along with Knight, though he has some stamina issues which might keep him in the midcard.


HalloWarped (Midcarder):



Solid midcard heel. He has stamina issues and is very green at this stage of his career, but he usually puts on decent matches. Don't have a lot for him right now, but I'm planning on fleshing him out a bit more in season 2 and hopefully getting him to stand out more on his own instead of under his mentor's shadow.

Halloween Knight (Main Eventer):


Everything he touches turns to gold. He has great chemistry with MoJax, is a good influence backstage, and has a protege to boot - and just happens to be my best all round worker. Could get a good match out of a dead fish, then sell ice to eskimos on the mic afterwards. He's my current champion and deservedly so. Will be top of my card until he dies if I can help it.


Harry Simonson (Main Eventer):



Pretty much the same as Knight, but not quite as entertaining. Has some of the most impressive performance skills in Australia. Needs a good couple of feuds to catapult him into the big time. Good backstage influence.

Hatemonger (Midcarder):



Not really sure what to do with Hate - it's hard because Warmonger is one of the few people I can get good angles out of (which shot him up the card), and I can't really build a tag division right now with such a tiny roster. I sound like a broken record, but I'm expanding my roster from 15 to ~24 when I hit small in 2014/S2 and I'll finally be able to use him in the tag division.

Jordan James (Midcarder):



Since people have been asking, here are my stats:



I used RtG as a baseline, then added 10 years worth of growth. I'm a good worker, but not amazing, I'm around Dumfrey Pinn/Warmongers's level overall (who also have 10 years experience), though Pinn's and War's entertainment stats are quite a bit higher, and my in ring is a bit better. I'm still trying to figure out what it is, but I always get penalised for motivation - maybe I should put myself up the card?


Lanny Williams (Upper Midcarder):



In the same boat as Harry, they're practically identical.


Maurice Jackson (Main Eventer):


Getting super over super quickly, and probably my most entertaining worker. Not super skilled in the ring, but he's only a 4 year pro, and young so there's plenty of room to grow. The game's been screaming at me via news stories and the creative team that he got a very high destiny roll, so I'm gonna run with it. :)


Nicky Gilbert (Main Eventer):



As above. Is actually the most attractive male worker in the entire C-Verse. Is destined to have a long run as a top tier face, and I'm hoping he sticks around for a while.


Warmonger (Upper Midcarder):



Been abusing him in angles since he's the most menacing worker I could hire without pissing off my boss, and he's served me well. Unfortunately, I dont really have any plans for him right now, and he'd be better suited as a solid upper midcard tag team vet with Hate when I get that division sorted.


X-Cal (Midcarder):



Apparently has a high destiny roll in my save as well. I need to get him into some storylines pronto - I have some minor stuff for him soon, but as of next year I want to get him up to Mojax's and Nicky's level.

Backstage (censored stuff is dynasty spoilers):




I got rid of DDP who was my only negative influence, and there's protege relationships popping up left and right, which is great.


Drinking is allowed backstage, smoking and drugs are banned.


User Stats:






PWZ has risen to 5.4% popularity in Eastern Australia. My aim for the end of the year is to hit small. I'll need another 7%, give or take, so I'll be running some double-header shows in the closing months of the year to make sure I get there for 2014.


Plans for the future:


I'm going to be honest, I didn't really book a lot of this game around the dynasty, I was mainly trying to develop as many workers as possible and get high show ratings while getting used to TEW 2013. I've managed to write around it, but my aim for season 2 in 2014 is to put the dynasty first and develop as many compelling characters and stories as I can, and over the course of the year have them all come to fitting conclusions. I'm currently watching a lot of lucha libre, CHIKARA and NXT, and for the 2014 season I'd like to get a bunch of lesser-known or lesser used wrestlers and make them into stars through creative storylines and less hotshot booking.

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Great show, and definitely full of surprises. Looking forward to the next show.


Woud you mind if I used Jordan James as a UC in a mod I'm working on? (I don't really have much done on it yet, though I plan on incorporating some C-verse stuff, and I'm certainly a long way away from the Aussie scene, but I could use more UCs).

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Haha, thank you so much, you're too kind - and I do intend to stick with this for the long haul, even if (God forbid) I only get the chance to do one show a week.




Great show, and definitely full of surprises. Looking forward to the next show.


Woud you mind if I used Jordan James as a UC in a mod I'm working on? (I don't really have much done on it yet, though I plan on incorporating some C-verse stuff, and I'm certainly a long way away from the Aussie scene, but I could use more UCs).


Thanks to you too, and go for it. :)


Azazel yesssssssss


Hey, he's cheap, I can't ask for much more than that. You'll be seeing him sprinkled through the rest of this season, but there'll be bigger things for him come s2.


Excellent stuff. Fun writing, good booking. On a side note, Blue Flea's picture keeps making me giggle. He reminds me too much of an old classmate, I think.


I'm hooked.


Good to hear, I'm trying to balance the fun and my serious booking - there'll definitely be a bit more fun come S2 - for now I'm kinda stuck in the 'serious indy wrestling' growth period that you're kinda stuck in at local if you want to make it anywhere. :D

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Love this diary, hope for it to keep going for a long time!


This is probably the best diary I've been reading. You've got great wrestlers, great youth and really good storylines going on.


Thanks! :D I'll be continuing the rest of this season over the weekend - I've spent the last couple of days trying to figure out my hirings for the next one!

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Downward Spiral




PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped


Tag Team Championship Match - Open Challenge

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. ???


Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard


The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) and ??? vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and ???)


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


News stories:


PWZ Championship controversy!


After what many in Australia are calling one of the best singles matches this year was marred by PWZ Champion Halloween Knight disqualifying himself with a shot below the belt, PWZ Management have offered Maurice Jackson a second chance at capturing the title with a rematch at the next PWZ live event. Neither competitor nor PWZ management could be reached for comment, but it's a given that we'll hear more about this from everyone involved in the ring next show!


PWZ signing spree - Interview with three of PWZ's newest stars



PWZ.NET sat down today with the three newest members of PWZ (Azazel, Barney Mason and Matt Stoppard) for an exclusive interview.

PWZ: Thanks for giving us the opportunity to speak with you all prior to your debuts. Firstly, we'd like for you to introduce yourselves to our online readers, then tell us a little about yourselves. Any of you can go first.


Matt Stoppard: I'll go first, I guess; I'm Matt Stoppard, a 19 year old high flyer from Brisbane. I've wrestled all around the country as one half of The Australian People's Party - or the Australian Party People! for the past year and a half. My partner got signed to Deep Impact Wrestling last month splitting us up, but I was lucky enough to be contacted by Pro Wrestling Zero a week later about joining their roster. Now here I am, ready to wow the PWZ audience with my unique high flying skills.


Barney Mason: Now that metalface has finished his monologue over there that nobody cares about - I'm Barney Mason, 23 years old and from Perth. I made my debut two weeks ago at an independent show and destroyed a useless jobber in less than a minute. Obviously recognizing my talent and wanting to throw more meat to the alpha dog, PWZ signed me on the spot.


Azazel: I'm Azazel, 22 years old and also from Brisbane. I moved to New Zealand last year to train under Halloween Knight at the ZEN Temple Dojo, and now I've come back to Australia to show what I can do.


PWZ: Matt, Azazel - you two are wrestling each other in your PWZ debuts. Any thoughts?


Azazel: Well I think it's pretty obvious - win in my debut match then beat anyone in between the PWZ title, even if I have to beat my former trainer in the process.


Matt Stoppard: Uh, yeah, okay, whatever mate. Regardless of the outcome, I want to impress in my debut and prove that I'm more than just a tag team worker in the future. If that gets the PWZ Championship around my waist, then hell yeah.


PWZ: And you, Barney? You're not booked for a match at the next live event yet...


Barney Mason: Well, I'm glad you idiots realised you should be interviewing me instead of these two dickhead emo kids. No, I'm not booked for a match yet nor do I need to be. PWZ are too worried to put me against anyone 'officially' - cause then whatever happens is their responsibility. Besides, there's plenty of opportunities to make an impact at Downward Spiral - and it's a fitting name, 'cause whoever finds themselves in the ring with me will be spiraling downward pretty famn quickly.


PWZ: There's quite a few open matches at the next show - the tag team champions have no opponents, and Pinn Enterprises and the Apocalypse haven't named their third members for their trios matches...


Barney Mason: Do you really think either of those teams deserve to have me on their side? I don't need to cover myself in warpaint, and do I look like I need money?


PWZ: Er... Fair enough. All the best to all three of you, and welcome to the PWZ family.


PWZ announce #1 Contendership Tournament


In their #1 Contendership match at Desolation last month, Lanny Williams and Harry Simonson left it all in the ring in a 20 minute time-limit classic. For Simonson, it was a matter of honour, and for Williams, it was a way to break out as a singles competitor in PWZ. Unfortunately for both men, the bout was ruled a draw, and PWZ is left with no #1 Contender for the PWZ Championship. In an effort to rectify this situation, PWZ management have scheduled a four man tournament to determine a new #1 contender over the next two shows.


After much deliberation, the four competitors named for this tournament are; Simonson and Williams after their draw proved that they both deserve to be in contention as much as anybody, and after impressive singles victories in their respective matches at Desolation, X-Calibre and Hallowarped. The semi final matches will take place this month at Downward Spiral, with the final match in August being decided in a Ladder match with a contendership contract hanging above the ring.


Big Trios match at next show


Despite losing their Tag Team Championship Match last show, Pinn Enterprises are showing no signs of slowing down. They have apparently picked up a third member (going from a partnership to a 'real' enterpise, ha! -Ed.) and have decided to go right along with business by challenging The Apocalypse and another wrestler of their choosing in a trios match. PWZ management have agreed and made the match official. We'll apparently find out the mystery third members of both teams when the bell rings.


PWZ Address Tag Title Situation - Tag Champs Open Challenge


PWZ Management and the Tag Team Champions Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert have found themselves in a sticky situation this month as there are no contenders for the Tag Team Titles. Per PWZ's title stipulations all titles must be defended at least once per calender month or be vacated. Special circumstances exist like Harry Simonson's monthly title defence being waived due to the Team Australia vs Team NZ match, but PWZ Management have informed the current champions attempt to find a match for the next show or vacate the titles. On that note, Smithson and Gilbert have offered an open challenge to any two members on the PWZ roster. Whether they will defend or not remains to be seen.

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PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson - Halloween Knight retains by being a douche, again.

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams - Hard to choose, actually. Lanny is a legend, but X is a future star.

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped - Can't have both legends go down in one night... can we?

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. ??? - Okay, one of two ways. They find opponents and retain, or they fight no one and they're stripped, leading to a Boo monster push.

Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard - Azazel's better. Probably.

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) and ??? vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and ???) - Either Pinn Enterprises will win, or they'll lose and follow it up with by unleashing unholy hellfire upon PWZ.

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PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson - Gotta agree, champ retains through underhanded tactics.


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams - probably too early to push X too hard. Probably.


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped - More sure of this one.


Tag Team Championship Match - Open Challenge

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. ??? - Barring a big signing that I missed, the champs losing an open challenge would be a huge upset.


Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard - Tough call, but Azazel has a cooler name.


The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) and ??? vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and ???) - Warmonger is going to look like a beast regardless, but Pinn Enterprises needs the rub to get them over as serious tag team contenders, and with a mystery partner, you've got some one to job out with out costing Apocalypse too many problems.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I'd requested everybody on the roster show up early to the venue for once, around lunchtime, though it was probably more for my benefit as I'm usually the last one there. Jackson had picked up the NZ guys, Maurice and Barney from the airport in a minivan and then ordered everyone subway catering. After destroying the 3 plates of subs we all set up the ring in record time (spring included) and got around to doing bump drills and basics the started to put the matches together.


I'd recently put Lanny in charge of putting together everyone's matches. It was something he wanted to do (and I knew he'd be good at it) and it took a lot of the weight off of my shoulders as I was already booking the shows, organising everyone's travel arrangements and finances etc. I'd managed to talk Harry into putting together Lanny's matches and Warmonger would put together matches Harry and Lanny were in. Lanny was top-notch though, and we'd started putting together the card from the opener upward.


We sorted the opener - trios matches are easy to put together honestly, and we were making it short. Lanny carefully scripted Az and Matt's match, then had them run it in front of me. They were still both really green, and the match was pretty bad, looking like something from a typical indy show, but it'd be alright - hopefully the crowd didnt hate it too much. I think they'd both benefit from being with veterans in the future, but I didn't really have a spot for them on the show otherwise, and it's a double debut so nobody would be expecting all that much. The match was mainly there to get them used to working the PWZ style instead of the indy spotfests they were used to doing. Oh well.


The rest of the matches were pretty basic - the tag title match looked like it was going to be pretty cool, honestly, and the tournament matches were pretty vanilla. (though still good - anything with Harry and Lanny in 'em can't be bad, right?) Once we'd finished putting together the main at around 4:30, we realised there was a few hours left until the show - too early to get in full gear. I decided to get everyone together in the sports bar at Marv's and bought a round of drinks - I'd write it up under 'misc. costs' later on. (Jackson Jackson, if you ever read this, I'll pay you back when PWZ hits the big time. Otherwise, thanks for the beer.)


We all started drinking and shooting the shit till Azazel found out that Marv's had a karaoke machine, and chatted up one of the bargirls till she set it up - which turned out to be better than it sounds. We spent the next hour and a half singing, beers in hand... highlights included Warmonger making a pact with the devil and channeling the late James Brown with a ridiculous cover of "I Got You (I Feel Good)", Mojax busting out Lady Gaga's "Poker Face", Halloween Knight and Pinn singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" together, on key in perfect falsetto, and my rendition of The Killers' "Mr. Brightside" (apparently) stole the show - until Azazel showed us why he was so keen to do karaoke by absolutely killing it with "Living on a Prayer", so well in fact that he got a standing ovation from not only us, but random other patrons on the other side of the bar, the barstaff and Marv himself.


So that was our afternoon, and I'm looking forward to tonights show. I'm on soon...

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PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson

- The Dreadlord of the Pumpkin Patch may lose, but even if he does, MoJax won't be keeping the Zero title in Australia. MoJax isn't quite ready for the PWZ belt.


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams

- I hold grudges. X-Cal's old mask still irks me. Plus, X-Cal vs. Knight is a Zen match-up, not PWZero. Let's see how Lanny does... in the main event, as a singles and as the de facto face.


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped

- Because otherwise it's Williams, Simonson again. And as good as that match-up is, let's save it for something bigger than a #1 Contenders finale.


Tag Team Championship Match - Open Challenge

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. ???

- I never bet against ?, which is too bad, because I can't see any team toppling PWZ's very own odd couple of effectiveness.


Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard

- Uh... face paint > piercings in the wrestling ring?


The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) and ??? vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and ???)

- Well fine... two sets of ???s means this is a pick-em. I'll go with the Midcard Monsters for some harmless feel good fun.

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So - you've already read it in my dynasty thread, but I'm more than willing to repeat it right here; there's only one word I've got for this dynasty, and that's "awesome"!


Normally, I'm someone who sets great value upon a story's design and appearance, but you easily manage to make me completely throw away my usual expectations because the content you're delivering is that great!


I am especially referring to your background posts and your ability to give a personality to nearly everyone on your roster. Therefore, I can easily empathize with them and dip into your dynasty without any problem, as I'm feeling like I'm exactly on that very place you describe in the appropriate post. I love your background reports (and it seems to help you a lot that you're a former (?) wrestler yourself), I love your perfectly written show reports, your homepage news stories... hell, I love every single f*cking aspect of your dynasty! So do me a favour and go on with it as long as possible. (:

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I really like this one.


PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson

Knight holds on to the title but Mo Jax time is coming


#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams

The face wins.




#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped

I am all for another Simonson-Williams match.


Tag Team Championship Match - Open Challenge

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. ???



Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard



The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) and ??? vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and ???)

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