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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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<p>So I just read all this yesterday and I'm loving it! Love the very indy style of reporting, the backstage happenings and the focus on the Australian scene...I wish the real-life Aussie scene was a bad ass as this!! </p><p> </p><p>

As for predictions.</p><p> </p><p>

PWZ Championship Ladder Match</p><p>

<strong>Halloween Knight©</strong> vs. Maurice Jackson</p><p> </p><p>

Sorry MoJax, but Knight hangs on just a bit longer. The ladder match stipulation is great!</p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contendership Tournament Final Ladder Match</p><p>

Harry Simonson vs. <strong>Lanny Williams</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I actually have NO idea...I'd love to see another draw, but pretty TEW prevents Ladder Matches ending in a draw? I'll go with Lanny, though, despite the potential Heel vs Heel.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert</strong> vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artiemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James)</p><p> </p><p>

You want to push X-Cal and Smithbert need some momentum. James is there to take the pinfall, keeping Pinn and AER strong.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hallowarped</strong> vs. Matt Stoppard</p><p> </p><p>

Never really liked Stoppard (I'm a Marcus Kerr fan, myself), and I feel like Knight's protege is a project for the future.</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea vs. <strong>Azazel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Face or Heel, you aren't going to risk pushing pothead Flea, since his matches will always be affected. Both are pretty sucky tough.</p><p> </p><p>

PWZ Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. <strong>The Strong Bads (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

New champs are not losing this soon...but it will not be clean...someone will take Warmonger out, leaving Hatemonger in a 2 on 1 situation.</p>

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Sunday, Week 4, July 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Wrestlepocalypse Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent





Held in front of 41 people at Marv's Sports Central


PWZ are back for their second show this month at Marv's with a huge double ladder match main event. Let's get right to it.



PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. The Strong Bads (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason)


Crowd were super hot for this one, wanting to see TSB get their teeth kicked in. War and Hate didn't disappoint, taking turns unloading sets of power moves on Dastardly. Mason got a heel hot tag and cleaned house, then went to work on Hate, easily winning the strength game. An injured Hate managed to bail out, making War the legal man. The two giants battled it out mid ring, leading to a War getting whipped into the heel corner, squashing the ref in the process. With free reign, TSB double teamed War, then Hate. As the referee came to, Mason locked on his full nelson for the tapout victory.


The Strong Bads defeated The Apocalypse in 12:18 when Barney Mason defeated Warmonger by submission with a Full Nelson. Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly make defence number 1 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. (D)



Maurice Jackson is out to the ring next, cutting a promo on Halloween Knight.


Mojax: Y'know, for the last two months - I've flown up from Sydney to get a chance at becoming the PWZ Champion, only to arrive here, at Marv's Sports Central, in Brisbane, put on my tights, lace up my boots, put on my pads, my lucky headband, some Jean Paul Gautier Le Male for luck and to make me smell damn fine, am I right ladies?


Mojax steps through the ring ropes onto the apron and calls the only attractive PWZ fan that isn't my missus over to him and crouches down so that she can smell him, she nods and agrees that he does indeed smell good. Mojax continues;


And then walk through that curtain and put on the match of my life, two times now, only to come up short on the title belt that means so much to me because Halloween Knight is too chickenshit to just lay down and be pinned when he knows that he's been bested. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of smelling like a Champion, but not being one. But tonight.... TONIGHT! Finally - I get the chance to put a definitive end to the bullshit I've had to go through for the last two months. As much as I like kicking your arse pillar to post Knight, I think it's time for me to be the Champion that I smell like. Whether you show up or not, I'm going to become the new PWZ Champion. And when I do? I'm not going to only retain on referee bumps and disqualifications, oh no. I'm going to be what PWZ needs, and that's a fighting champion. A fighting champion that smells damn fine! (D+)



Blue Flea vs. Azazel


Absolute spotfest from start to finish. Honestly a bit hard to keep track of and went a bit too fast for the crowd to get involved. After rolling away from an Azazel moonsault, Flea went to the top and hit a 450 for the win.


Blue Flea defeated Azazel in 2:49 by pinfall with a Flea For Your Lives. (F)



Halloween Knight's music hits, and he's walks through the curtain, PWZ Championship in hand - he's showed up for his match tonight, and he has a microphone in hand to address PWZ Management and Maurice Jackson:


Halloween Knight: I've done a lot of thinking since Downward Spiral. In the last two weeks, since PWZ management finally decided to make me put up or shut up, I've thought about leaving PWZ behind me, taking this pretty silver belt back to New Zealand and never coming back. You know what? You can replace me, and you can make a belt just like this one, but it's not gonna be the same, no no. I think you all seemed to forget that I put my body on the line in the first place to win this belt, that I scaled a ladder and unhooked it from this very ceiling. Then I kept thinking, and I realised; you've all played right into my hands! You've called me a coward, and you've called me a cheat. I've corrected you time and time again that I'm neither, just a little messed up in the brain from from too many chairshots - and now you're telling me that I get to have a match with no disqualifications? Where I can inflict as much pain as possible? In a match I've proven to be my specialty, and a match where I've won the title before? Hell yes! I'm messed up, sick, twisted, whatever you wanna call it - but I'm not stupid. You've fallen into my trap, and tonight, yes, I will play fair - you think this is on your terms, PWZ? No. It's on mine. (C+)



Hallowarped vs. Matt Stoppard


Not much more than an awkward extended squash. Stoppard didn't get a lot of offence in, but made Warp look good and managed to get the crowd to sympathise. Hallowarped drew the match out, cockily goading Stoppard to keep getting up, only to show off more of his lucha moves. After having enough of toying with the rookie, Warped hit a stiff-sounding enzuigiri (honestly, sounded like a gunshot) then his running SSP finisher for the pinfall.


HalloWarped defeated Matt Stoppard in 8:13 by pinfall with a Warp Speed. (E)



Pinn Enterprises are out to the ring next to cut a promo;


Jordan James: We here at Pinn Enterprises have an eye for talent. Upon reviewing the matches at Downward Spiral, Pinn Enterprises assessed that three members of the PWZ roster have no talent.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester: Furthermore, these three members of the PWZ roster have no redeeming qualities, and smell like four day old underpants.


James: How does that work? Forward... backwards...


Artie: ...Inside-out forwards, inside out backwards.


James nods in agreeance/discovery.


James: Additionally, Pinn Enterprises recommends that X-Calibre, Nicky Gilbert and Boo Smithson leave the wrestling business and return to their former careers of being a gimp, a stripper and a hobo.


Artie: Wait... which one is which? Ow!


Pinn wallops both of his employees upside the ears.

Dumfrey Pinn: What these two imbeciles are trying to say is; Boo? Nicky? You're losers - when you were tag champions I was considering asking you to join Pinn Enterprises, but you obviously dont have the coglioni. And X-Calibre? You -are- a coglione! We're going to have to... 'remove' the three of you from PWZ - it's just good busine-


X-Calibre, Boo and Nicky's music hits, and they cut off the promo, leading to; (D+)



X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James)

X-Calibre and James started this one off, only for X to be dragged into the Pinn corner for an extended beatdown. With the crowd solidly behind the faces X managed to fight his way out of a James front facelock, then ran up the heel corner, springboarding onto Pinn and AER on the apron, taking all three of them to the floor. With X out of the ring, Nicky jumps in as the legal man and hits a trio of clotheslines. Boo bails to the floor, and helps X beatdown Pinn and Artie. Back in the ring, Nicky hits a Fisherman's Suplex on James for the three count.

X-Calibre and Smithson & Gilbert defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester, Dumfrey Pinn and Jordan James in 7:40 when Nicky Gilbert defeated Jordan James by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (D-)



After the match, Nicky Gilbert celebrates with the female fan from the Mojax promo, pulling her from her seat. Nicky kisses her on the cheek then dances with her, twirling her around, much to her boyfriend's annoyance. She's left flustered and breathless ringside, which gets a lot of laughs from the predominantly male crowd. (C-)



#1 Contendership Tournament Final Ladder Match

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


Obviously not wanting to take too much away from the main event, Harry and Lanny mainly kept this bout a technical showcase, keeping the group of workrate smarks behind me happy. Lanny brought a ladder into play after laying Simonson out with a release German. Lanny got halfway up only for Harry to recover and they duked it out 3 rungs from the top of the ladder. Lanny hit an eye rake and a kick to the head over the top of the ladder in a cool spot. Harry lost his balance, but recovered by jumping to the top rope, then hit a twisting springboard dropkick to the ladder. Harry crashed down hard to the canvas, dazing himself, but Lanny held onto the ladder, putting a foot out onto the top rope to stop him and the ladder falling completely, and impressively sprung back from the top rope, resetting the ladder upright, leaving Lanny within reach of the title. Harry was unable to get back to his feet in time, and Lanny grabs the contract.


Lanny Williams defeated Harry Simonson in a Ladder match in 20:13 when Lanny Williams retrieved the #1 Contendership Contract. ©



PWZ Championship Ladder Match

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson


This was a completely different match from the semi-main - Knight interrupted Mojax's entrance with a hard chairshot to the back of the head, then started brawling with Mojax on the outside. Anything and everything that could be used as a weapon was - it was obvious that Knight had been looking for a hardcore influenced match for a long time and he'd be happy to defend his title in this sort of environment, perhaps his plan all along. Knight continued to dominate on the outside with numerous weapon spots - the ring bell, microphone cables, folding chairs, non-folding chairs and the ladder itself. While Knight slowed his offence momentarily to taunt the ringside fans, Mojax slowly rose to his feet behind Knight and motioned for the fans to move. Mojax tapped Knight on the shoulder, then showed his rugby heritage with an enormous spear tackle on Knight as he turned around, sending both wrestlers and two rows of chairs (non-folding) sprawling into the wall of the venue, leading to a long double down and PWZ's first "holy shit" chant. They grow up so fast.


Mojax emerged from the pile of chairs first and teased the finish, heading straight to the ring and setting up the ladder, only to be cut off by Knight, resetting the brawl mid ring. Knight kicked the ladder over, obviously enjoying himself too much to want to finish, and continued to assault Mojax with whatever he could get his hands on. Knight bailed out and cleared off the music/timekeeper table and dragged it next to the apron, then rolled in and teased an over-the-top-rope suplex through the table only for Mojax to reverse, dumping Knight hard onto the prone ladder instead.


Mojax dragged Knight's body off of the ladder and set it up again, getting almost to the top before Knight recovered and climbed up after him. Mojax and Knight traded fists atop the ladder, and after a teasing what seemed like endless suplex variations, Mojax locked in a front face lock and leapt off the ladder sideways, hitting a modified version of his rolling DDT finisher, almost like a facefirst suplex, that sent Knight through the table on the outside and Mojax down to the canvas inside the ropes. With Knight truly down and out in the wreckage of the table on the outside, Mojax took his time to scale the ladder and unhooked the PWZ title as the crowd came unglued. Another fantastic match from these two and a fantastic ending to the show.


Maurice Jackson defeated Halloween Knight in a Ladder match in 19:47 when Maurice Jackson retrieved the item. Maurice Jackson wins the PWZ Heavyweight title. (B-)


Just another brilliant show, PWZ never fails to deliver. This was easily the best Australian show so far this year, even factoring in RAW's pay per view offerings. We have a new PWZ Champion, and new contender in Lanny Williams, and The Strong Bads solidifying themselves as Champions. I give Wrestlepocalypse a C+ overall.

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Fantastic show, Belton! Especially that well-written Main Event that seems like a match I'd be happy to see in real life. Only missed the commentary after the promos, 'cause you always used them well to give us some background information on how the crows was reacting and such stuff - please take that up again, I loved it!


It's great that you let MoJax win the title. Seems like my predictions weren't too bad :D

I'm looking forward to your next show (:

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Fantastic show, Belton! Especially that well-written Main Event that seems like a match I'd be happy to see in real life. Only missed the commentary after the promos, 'cause you always used them well to give us some background information on how the crows was reacting and such stuff - please take that up again, I loved it!


I'll put the promo commentaries back in for the next show, thanks for your feedback. :)

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Trying a different style of match announcements here, relying on straight previews over internet stories. Let me know what style you prefer.



PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Up In Flames




PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©


After impressive showings in their respective ladder matches at Wrestlepocalypse (and Halloween Knight stripped of his scheduled title rematch by PWZ Management due to repeated disqualifications) the pain and sacrifice both of these men endured comes to a head in this match. New champion Maurice Jackson has vowed to be a 'fighting champion', eager to defend his belt against all comers. Lanny Williams is aiming to make a name for himself as a singles competitor after breaking out of the tag ranks and winning a hot streak of matches to qualify as the new contender. Will Jackson have 'New Champion's Luck' or will Williams' ruthless determination and momentum be too much for the self proclaimed sweet smelling hero to handle? Find out when this volatile situation goes Up In Flames!


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Both teams are coming off of hot wins in this much anticipated rematch. Both teams have agreed to lucha rules, with 2/3 falls and a time limit in an effort to see who truly is the better team. Can The Strong Bads prove that they are more than a flash in the pan, or will odd couple Gilbert and Smithson demonstrate that they are the kings of the tag division?

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson


Having taken exception to Pinn Enterprises' bullying of the PWZ roster, Harry Simonson has issued a challenge to Dumfrey Pinn to face him in singles competition.

Azazel vs. Warmonger


A confident and cocky Azazel has challenged fellow facepaint connoisseur Warmonger to a singles match at Up In Flames. PWZ Management has organised funeral arrangements.


Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea


After a crushing loss that lost him the PWZ title with no chance at a rematch, Halloween Knight is looking to redeem himself against fellow NZ high flyer Blue Flea. Flea has a lot of momentum at present, becoming a surprise fan favourite and coming off of two straight wins. A win over the former champion would be a highlight of Flea's career thus far.


Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard


Will hungry rookie Matt Stoppard be able to topple PWZ's resident young veteran Jordan James? Or will James' experience be the key to victory?


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre


Upset over Pinn Enterprises' loss at Wrestlepocalypse, Artemis Eyre-Rochester is perhaps trying to get back in his boss' good books by taking X-Calibre on one-on-one.


HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger


Trying to silence rumours that he's being carried by his tag partner, Hatemonger is in singles contention this month against HalloWarped, who has impressive momentum after competing in the #1 Contendership tournament and a win over PWZ rookie wrestler Matt Stoppard last month.


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


Prediction Box:


PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson

Azazel vs. Warmonger

Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea

Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard

Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre

HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger

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PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©


I could see a swerve and MoJax being screwed by Knight...but really, MoJax will hold the title for a while.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Love The Strong Bads...so good!! Smithbert will make them look good though.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson


Simonson wins...then gets destroyed by Pinn Enterprises.


Azazel vs. Warmonger


Bitch, please...


Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea


(See Above)


I would rage so hard if Flea wins!


Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard


Stoppard regains some momentum after last weeks loss.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre


AER sneaks out with a win...slippery little sucker...


HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger


HalloWarped becomes even more legit after a big win over the big man.

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I just realised I should probably be doing a running tally of predictions, but I might have to leave it for the end of the season. The prize will probably be something graphical, a belt/logo/banner/etc. unless some of you can think of something better :)
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I never wanted to suggest that 4100 words was too much writing, just that it is a LOT of writing for early days in this fed and I'm looking forward to reading many more entries. I fear that if you continue with an output like that - a bigger roster will mean days or weeks between shows. I fully support bigger write-ups when deserved - like the HKnight/MoJax matches. I wasn't saying write less, just don't get yourself burned out.


My other quibble would be way it appears the ZEN invasion has been abandoned. :( I didn't care about Blue Flea - he was there because he fit in the overhead luggage compartment but I liked the initial invasion rivalry. Ah well.


On with the show.


PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©

- I fear a lengthy MoJax reign.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert

- I relish a lengthy Strong Bads reign... 2/3 falls in 15 minutes seems to invite a time limit draw.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson

- Portly Pinn shocks PosterBoy Simonson!


Azazel vs. Warmonger

- Welcome to Hell Azazel.


Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea

- Knight breaks the back of the blue flea!


Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard

- Not even 'will job to the popcorn seller' bookerman will job to Stoppard... yet.... I hope.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre

- New(er) mask = bad day for Arty... he needs to visit Ye Olde Sod.


HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger

- The Warp of Hate.

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Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson © - MOJO! MOJO! MOJO!

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert - Hard to say. You don't want the 'Bads losing momentum and same goes for BooBert. Maybe the Bad's give this one up via DQ to retain.

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson - Pinn Enterprises distract Harry, Dumfrey gets the flash Pinn. (pun intended)

Azazel vs. Warmonger - Yeah well, obvious...

Halloween Knightvs. Blue Flea - Unless Halloween Knight has turned into a giant douche backstage, which I highly doubt, I can't see him dropping this one, regardless how many wins Blue Flea has.

Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard - Keep James valuable to the crowd, job to someone like Halloween Knight or Warmonger.

Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre - Hard to tell, both great characters. X seems to fit the product better and has more potential than AE-R, though.

HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger - It's clear that War carries Hate and it would be good to see HalloWarped pushed and maybe teamed up with his mentor.

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PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©

The only reason for MoJax losing his title on his first show as champion would be an interference by Halloween Knight, I suggest. But I hope this won't happen, as I really want to see him with the belt.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert

That's gonna be a time limit draw. That way, your champions can retain their titles, but you can make Boo and Nicky look strong.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson

I'm pretty sure that Dumfrey will receive support by his stable members, and therefore it's likely to be a victory by disqualification for Harry.


Azazel vs. Warmonger

You can't make War lose if you don't want to venture his authenticity, so he'll beat the hell out of Azazel.


Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea

Come on...


Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard

Your user character could need a little push. Or at least, by way of variety, a victory over another guy who's not over. (;


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre

Seems to be a good night for Pinn Enterprises, I suggest.


HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger

I guess that you want to build up HalloWarped in a way, and as Hatemonger seems to be stuck behind his tag team partner's back forever, this could be a major victory without killing the momentum of one of your most important guys.

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OOC: So the part of Australia I live in has been getting smashed quite hard by tropical storm Oswald over the weekend (I'm sure some of the other Aussies following this thread have heard about it/are in it) and I've had no power for three days. Here's backstage segment I wrote just now, at 2 in the morning, the first time I've had power in nearly 72 hours. Least my house isn't flooded like a few of my mates further north. :/ I'll probably get the next show up tomorrow or the day after.


From the desk of Jordan James:




I arrived early at Marv's - it'd become somewhat of a tradition now - only to find that the back roller door and stock cage had been unlocked and opened. I set my bags down and walked through the backstage curtain to find the ring completely set up, and Lanny and Nicky training together. This was intense though, and unlike any training session I'd been a part of - neither of them even noticed me walk to ringside. Lanny yelled at Nicky to come at him, only to hit a hard snap head drag, a shoot-style hip toss then segue into a hard scoop slam. The hollow boom-clang of the plywood and steel supports shuddering from the impact echoed around the empty room - each ring is like a musical instrument, and every bump a song - as Lanny taunted Nicky by gently slapping his face, laughing and helping him back up to his feet. Nicky had another shot, taking Lanny down with a double leg take down, only for Lanny to scurry backwards and take a sleeper. Nicky countered into a hammerlock by slipping out the back, then hit a hammerlock scoop slam of his own, taking Lanny down this time.


Lanny: Good! About f*cking time you got some fire in you!


I coughed subtly, and they both noticed me.


James: What are you guys doing here so early? It's half past eleven in the morning! And you set up the ring already?


Lanny: Well shit, you can do it next time mate, it took us over an hour... I wanted to get in some training with Nicky, and figured now was the best time.


James: Heh, Nicky, how much are you paying him?


Nicky: I'm not-


Lanny: Well, I've been wrestling since before the two of you started first grade, and I figured everything up here...


Lanny pointed to his head, then to the canvas;


Lanny: Should stay in here. One day I'm gonna retire, settle down with the missus and the kids, and everything I've learned in the last twenty years isn't gonna help me, so I'm passing it down.


Nicky: It's been a massive help - God, hard work, but I'm already feeling more confident in here.

James: I gotta say, I wouldn't have minded someone with Lanny's experience helping me out when I started... I got trained by Lone Rider then got straight into the indies, and look where that got me.


Lanny: Speak for yourself, twenty years and I'm still working in front of fifty people. I dunno, Nicky's had experience in RAW and I think he can make it there eventually. How many people have you worked in front of there? five grand?


Nicky: Er, ten thousand actually... it was my first pay per view on the actual card in the opener. I've done so many god damn dark matches I've lost track of those though.


Lanny: Jesus. You're real lucky the scene's so hot right now mate... wrestling's never been over here till the last couple years, and I'm "too old for TV" as they so kindly put it. C***s.


James: Well you're not too old for PWZ. If you're still around in a year or two, I'll get you in front of those five thousand people. I promise.


Lanny: Yeah, yeah... I reckon Nicky can make it big though - you've got the look they want, the rats like ya too and I'm sure you'll stop being a shit wrestler soon, heh.

Nicky: Thanks for the kind words, I spose.


Lanny: Don't want you getting a big head. Break's over, we've got what, an hour before everyone else rocks up? Quick, put me in a side headlock.


I left them to it, and taped the match card to the wall backstage, Lanny's voice ringing out through the curtain as he barked orders to Nicky...


Lanny: No, keep your head up, don't look at me when you've got me in a hold, that looks weak as hell... what the f*ck are you doing with your feet... are you a ballerina? Jesus!

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As I've been the terrible combination of sick and busy the past four or five days, i didn't even really notice you were behind. Glad to hear you're doing okay, and being from Carolina original, and now smack in the middle of Tornado Alley and a massive floodplain, I'm well acquainted with adverse weather conditions, so I can certainly empathize.
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It's good to hear that you're alright and I truly hope your friends are and will be, too and none of you'll have to face major problems (a flooded house could be declared one, though).


Very nice backstage conversation - that's why I absolutely love your dynasty. It's great to see your characters develop and hopefully you'll go on like that for a long, long time!

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Alright, show's nearly written, just have the main event to do and all the formatting, but before I go to bed, here's the prediction tally:


Scoring, in no particular order, N/E means ineligible for percentage winner:


[font="Courier New"]Midnightnick 	8/13 	61%
We are APW 	7/11 	63% 	N/E
Griddlecakes 	25/38 	65% 	Aggregate winner so far
Jaded 		6/6 	100% 	N/E
Beeker 		16.5/21 79% 	Percentage winner so far
phoxy 		10.5/17 61%
kanegan 	5/6 	83% 	N/E
Xendarii 	5/6 	83% 	N/E
shawn waters 	4/6 	66% 	N/E[/font]


Interesting Facts:


I give one point for a correct prediction or if the match has an odd finish, half a point if you pick a winner and the match is a clean draw, and two points if you correctly call a draw.


Griddlecakes has predicted seven out of eight shows, and along with Jaded is the only person to correctly predict an entire show, though Griddles did it twice.


Unsurprisingly, Griddlecakes has also predicted the highest number of matches so far, and is the current aggregate winner predicting 25 and a half matches correctly out of a possible 38.


The percentage score is going to be a bit controversial, but I've decided that: if you predict greater than 25% of shows in a season (this season has 13 shows, I'll round down to 3) and you have the highest percentage of correct predictions overall, you'll also get a prize.


The two winners at the end of the season can either hire a person to the roster, or have me make them a belt/logo/banner/whatever. If you can think of any better prizes, let me know (sing you a song? I dunno)

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Sunday, Week 4, September 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Up In Flames Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 45 people at Marv's Sports Central


After a two month hiatus, PWZ are back at Marv's for another show packed with eight matches, including Lanny Williams taking on new (transitional?) champ Maurice Jackson, a big rematch between Gilbert/Smithson (who really need a name for their team (Hot and Hobo? Sex and Tech? I dunno) and Team Strong Bad as well as a stacked undercard. Should be fun.


Maurice Jackson is out to the ring first to cut a promo on tonight's challenger for his title, Lanny Williams.


Mojax: Lanny Williams, for eighteen years, eighteen long long years you've been in this ring, kicking asses and taking names. Eighteen years, God damn. Your career can legally drink in Australia - that's something special. Hell, your career could have a two year old child if it had made bad life decisions. And speaking of bad career life decisions, you chose to come to PWZ, Lanny. You chose to split with your tag partner, and you chose to work your way up the card and challenge for the title I won two months ago. All terrible decisions, cause you're gonna get your ass whooped tonight. You gotta realise that it's my time to shine now Lanny.


Story time with Maurice: Back in 1995 I came to an indy show in Sydney and I watched you wrestle. Hell, back then I was head of the Lanny Williams fan club, but I had to resign because I was so lonely... Look, the fact of the matter is: I've been wrestling a little less than two years and I'm already at the top of the best damn wrestling federation in Australia - it's time for you to move on. Tonight, I'll help you along with that. When you're lying flat on your back on that canvas, staring up at the lights after I've pinned you for three, thinking "Damn, Maurice Jackson smells so good, and he just whooped my ass, maybe I should retire..." maybe you should.(C-)


Super entertaining face promo to open the show on a high note, with some decent pops/laughs (especially the poor life choices, smelling good and fan club line) and still managing to hype the main event without burying Lanny too much.



HalloWarped vs. Hatemonger

Not a terrible match by any means, just felt a little like both men were going through the motions. Hallowarped was up to his old tricks, trying to outfox the bigger Hate by lashing out with martial arts kicks and his superior speed, headscissoring and huracanranaing (is that a word? it is now) Hate around the ring. Hate got off a series of power moves, teasing a victory with the crowd solidly in his corner, but it wasn't enough - Warp finished this one with a roundhouse kick to the skull out of nowhere into his running shooting star press for the pin.


HalloWarped defeated Hatemonger in 7:54 by pinfall with a Warp Speed. (D-)


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. X-Calibre


Odd combination of styles here, with Artie cockily trying to keep X grounded, tugging on his mask and laying in punches to good heat, only for X to build up into a big springboard move only to be cut off again by Artie, who relished outsmarting the 'flippy floppy lucha moron', as he called X. Couldn't have put it better. Pinn Enterprises surrounded the ring about 5 minutes in, distracting X to the point where Artie hit the Brat Packer from behind for an easy three count.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester defeated X-Calibre in 7:46 by pinfall with a Brat Packer. (E+)


At the conclusion of the match, Pinn Enterprises all rushed the ring and laid boots into X-Calibre. Warmonger's music hit and he rushed out for the save with Flea and Hate in tow. Hate was still selling his head from his prior match. (yay continuity) Pinn Enterprises bailed out of the ring and exited through a side door of the venue. The Apocalypse and Flea help X to his feet and Warmonger extended his hand for a handshake. X accepted, and Warmonger raised X's armm in celebration. It looks like X-Calibre might be joining them from this point forward. (C-)


Halloween Knight vs. Blue Flea


Not a bad match. Blue Flea got a great face reaction at the start of the match, and the action itself was decent. Flea took an early advantage, surprisingly, and hit a big series of spotty offence but couldnt get more than a two count. Flea went to the top and teased a 450, only for Knight to cut all his momentum off by running up the corner and hitting a top rope slap to the face that Blue sold by flipping a good three metres across the ring to an enormous pop. It was all downhill from there, with Knight eventually locking in the Pumpkin Patch for the tapout victory. The crowd was completely gutted at Flea's loss, cheering him up to his feet after the match.


Halloween Knight defeated Blue Flea in 7:38 by submission with a Pumpkin Patch. (D+)


Jordan James vs. Matt Stoppard

James tried his best to get the crowd into this one, but it's hard when the marky crowd didn't really care about Stoppard. It wasn't helped that the match wasn't particularly good, with Stoppard looking a bit lost in the ring, leading to James taking the match to the canvas for a series of painful looking holds, culminating in a Crossface for a submission victory.

In an extremely poor match, Jordan James defeated Matt Stoppard in 7:45 by submission with a Crossface. (E+)


Azazel vs. Warmonger


Pretty much just an extended squash. Wasn't much to it outside of Warmonger throwing Azazel around like a ragdoll and posing and flexing for pictures. A bit too long for what it was, honestly.


Warmonger defeated Azazel in 8:26 by pinfall with a Spine Shatterer. (E)



Dumfrey Pinn vs. Harry Simonson

Started out decently, Pinn had some huge heat after orchestrating the beatdown on X-Calibre earlier in the show, and Simonson took control after winning a test of strength. Pinn fought back, using his power to counter a Simonson suplex, dropping him crotch-first on the top rope which led to a drawn out sequence where Pinn would 'accidentally' hit Simonson in the groin with nearly every move - inverted atomic drops, very low stomps to the 'abdomen' on the mat, etc. Simonson, selling his little Harries, regained some momentum after a dropkick to Pinn's knee, then locked in a single leg crab out of desperation. Just as Pinn was about to tap out, Jordan James and Artie of Pinn Enterprises hit the ring, resulting in a disqualification. Simonson retaliated, beating James and Artie down two on one, then dumped them outside to the floor before retreating backstage. James and Artie recovered and checked on Pinn, only for Pinn to shove them angrily and insult them, obviously furious that they got him disqualified and then couldn't even beat Simonson down.


Harry Simonson defeated Dumfrey Pinn in 11:59 by disqualification when Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Jordan James interfered. (D)


During the intermission, the babyfaces came out to ringside with a big red bucket with 'New Ring Fund' scribbled in sharpie on the side. They offered to pose for pictures or sign autographs for fans in exchange for a donation - which also entered them into a raffle for a free DVD and a shirt. Warmonger grabbed a pair of kids after their parents donated and posed for a photo with them in a headlock, looking extra mean. Nicky Gilbert was the unofficial money leader, posing with every female in the crowd and half the guys to boot. Let's just say I probably own a couple of the new turnbuckle pads - I marked out and got photos with everyone. Don't judge me, it's still real to me dammit! ©


PWZ Tag Team Championship Rematch - Lucha Rules, 2/3 falls, 15 minute time limit

The Strong Bads© vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Crowd were super hot for this rematch, eager to see TSB be dethroned. The action was non-stop for the opening minutes, with both teams taking advantage of not needing to tag in or out (I'm pretty sure PWZ uses these rules all the time, but since this match was promoted as lucha rules both teams went all out with it) and there was no clear advantage till a miscommunication by TSB resulted in them literally butting heads. Gilbert used the opportunity to dump DD right on his head with a fisherman's buster for the first fall. Clearly annoyed, TSB got serious. Working like a well oiled machine, TSB hit a series of double team moves on Boo, leaving him laid out, then Mason used DD as a weapon, picking him up and throwing him like a lawn dart into Gilbert who was waiting on the apron, taking Gilbert and DD down to the floor. Left alone with a still hurting Boo, Mason locked in the Full Nelson for the second fall, tying it up at 1-1 with 90 seconds left on the clock. Both teams scrambled to get the final fall in the last 30 seconds with a sequence of quick takedowns and pins, but the time ran out, and TSB retain.

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert drew with Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly at one fall each in 15:00 when the time limit expired. (D+)



PWZ Championship

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson ©


Great match - not quite on par with the phenomenal Knight/Mojax matches from the last few months, but still very good. Lanny had obviously taken offence to Maurice's comments earlier in the show, working pretty stiff and commenting to the crowd every time he bumped Mojax that the only thing that was gonna shine tonight was Lanny's boots as he kicked Mojax's ass, among other references - pretty entertaining.


Mojax finally got a head of steam, clubbing Lanny in the corner with a series of forearms, then hit a spear after a very lengthy setup, milking the crowd for as long as they continued to cheer. Mojax hit a series of big power moves, building the crowd to a fever pitch, only for Lanny to cut him off and kill the mood by somehow reversing a scoop slam into a figure four leg lock. They teased a submission victory, Mojax using his strength to pull them both to the ropes only for Lanny to lay in punches to Mojax's face and knees and drag them back to the middle.


Mojax finally reached the ropes to break the hold. Lanny made a second attempt on the figure four only for Mojax to grab his head and roll backwards, dragging both of them up to their feet and setting up for Mojax's rolling DDT which was good for 3.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Maurice Jackson defeated Lanny Williams in 19:32 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. Maurice Jackson makes defence number 1 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. ©


Pretty good show, book ended by Maurice Jackson, whose recent work has been very entertaining. The undercard dragged a little with a couple of dud matches, but the solid tag and main redeemed it. (C-) overall.

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Yay, all predictions correct! Do I get an additional point for correctly calling the disqualification of Dumfrey Pinn? :D just kidding.


Good show, especially a very nice promo of MoJax and obviously two very good matches at the end. It's good to see that you brought back the angle commentaries, as I said, I really like them. Looking curiously forward to the next show (:


Edit: Oh, by the way, "Hot and Hobo" sounds extremely great to me! x'D

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From the desk of Jordan James:




The donation bucket to go towards a new ring, my idea, was a huge success. It was win/win - fans got to get pictures with the wrestlers and had a chance at winning a shirt and a DVD, and PWZ got closer to replacing our horrible ring. From roughly 50 people we raised 200 dollars (nowhere near enough, but it helps), and as a bonus for us, everyone who wanted a DVD/shirt but didn't win one ended up buying a DVD or a shirt (or both) anyway. I decided to give a little back, and got the whole roster out to the ring after the show, set up a few tables, and held a miniature fan convention. It was really fun, actually, despite Lanny's moaning about having to do it right after losing the main event - whether it's interacting with kids or smarky neckbeards, you really get the sense that they appreciate what you do in the ring for them. An interesting question came up from a couple of the smarter fans about whether Knight was going to being more ZEN workers in, which gave me an excellent idea. I managed to get Knight alone for a second and dragged him backstage.




James: A couple of those guys got me thinking about maybe bringing a couple more of your ZEN guys over... Who's your main champ at the moment over there?


Knight: A high flyer called Necromancer, decent heel... pretty sure he'd be keen to work over here since the other guys who work PWZ won't shut up about how fun it is.


James: How bout we trade one for one? Hmm... I wouldn't mind doing a couple champ vs. champ matches, and it'd give them both someone new to work with, we're kinda low on over heels right now, and I don't feel comfortable turning anyone. Would you be fine with that?


Knight: Yeah, we're low on faces, actually, and if Maury goes over or vice versa we can always have a second visit.


And that was settled. I got on the phone with Necromancer right there and then (I forgot about the time difference in New Zealand, and woke him up - hell of a first impression) and he was happy to come over as long as I never called him at night again. Well, that was our main event sorted for Halloween Horror, our next show and first ever double header weekend - all I had to do now was decide which night to put it on. Decisions, decisions...

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Halloween Horror Double Header Weekend




Night 1


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson


#1 Contendership for the PWZ Tag Team Championship

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea


Night 2


Dumfrey Pinn v Matt Stoppard


Jordan James v Boo Smithson


ZEN Master Champion vs. PWZ Champion Special Attraction Match - PWZ Championship on the Line

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


News stories:


Massive 'Halloween Horror' Double Header Weekend Preview


In an unprecedented first in Australian wrestling, Pro Wrestling Zero have announced an experimental concept for the final calendar quarter of 2013. The next three PWZ events will be held as double headers which will cram two shows into a single action packed weekend, culminating in PWZ's huge first Anniversary show in mid-January. The first of these weekends is Halloween Horror, held in the final week of October.


On night one, Artemis Eyre-Rochester takes on Harry Simonson. After Eyre-Rochester and Jordan James interfered in Simonson's match last month, Simonson appealed to PWZ Management to take either man on in singles competition, leading to this booking. A win over Simonson would be a massive boost for Eyre-Rochester, but whether Pinn Enterprises gets involved or not remains to be seen. Also on night one, Halloween Knight and HalloWarped take on The Apocalypse for the #1 Contendership to the PWZ Tag Team titles. The Apocalypse have been unsuccessful so far against the upstart powerhouse and current Tag Champions The Strong Bads, and this match is important for them as it is likely their final opportunity to contend for the belts. Halloween Knight and protege HalloWarped, both very impressive singles contenders in PWZ recently, are tagging together for the first time since April, confident that they can beat the Apocalypse and go on to win the Tag Belts for themselves.


Night one's main event features a match for the PWZ Tag Titles; The Strong Bads defend against a fresh team in X-Calibre and Blue Flea, who are looking to avenge The Apocalypse's recent loss against TSB. Can X-Calibre and Blue Flea do what their bigger allies couldn't? Or will The Strong Bads continue their complete domination of the Tag Division? More interesting still is if Flea/Calibre and The Apocalypse win both of their matches - will a match for the titles break their impromptu alliance up, or be a match for respect?


Night two features more unmissable action, with Dumfrey Pinn taking on rookie Matt Stoppard, who has yet to win a match. Can Stoppard defy the odds and pull off his first win against the big man, or will 'The Boss' and his cronies prove too much to handle? Also in action is Jordan James taking on Boo Smithson in what should be a mat classic, as two of PWZ's technical masters face off to prove who's the better man. And finally, to cap off a huge weekend: PWZ Heavyweight Champion Maurice Jackson collides head-to-head, mano-e-mano with New Zealand's premier wrestler, ZEN Master Champion Necromancer for the PWZ Championship. Can Maurice Jackson succeed against this massive threat, defending title, honour and country against the 'Monochrome Menace'? Or will Necromancer leave the country as a double champion?


PWZ.NET Wants to hear from you!


PWZ.NET prides itself on being the #1 source for all PWZ information, and is in a unique position to be able to offer exclusive insider interviews and similar content, and we'd like to know what you'd like to see. Some ideas we've come up with are;


monthly spotlights on wrestlers, referees, titles, the PWZ ring, the PWZ productions team, etc. featuring statistics and fun facts,

more exclusive interviews with wrestlers YOU pick,

exclusive blog posts from a wrestler(s) based on fan demand,

or any other ideas that YOU, the PWZ fans, can think of.


Submit your ideas, votes or interview/blog wrestler choices below!

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From the desk of Jordan James:




One thing I hadn't really considered since opening PWZ was the fact that I'd need to advertise and promote the product - it was a miracle that we were drawing 40+ people to our shows at present, and it was wholly from word of mouth between die-hard wrestling fans. Every other company I'd ever worked for put flyers everywhere they could, whether it was on bus stops or local notice boards - hell, I recall at one point in ARW we used to even do street drops, where we'd drop a couple guys off at an intersection right near the venue and we'd all walk separate ways with a couple hundred flyers each, chucking em in letterboxes. On that note, I really needed to take some proper photos for flyers.


There was a girl that had been at the last few shows who had quite an expensive-looking DSLR camera - and her Facebook listed her as the 'owner' of (her name here) Photography, which seemed good enough for me. It also helped that she marked out when I offered her the job and said she'd do it for free - apparently taking photos of built dudes with their shirts off is her idea of a good afternoon. She arrived after training once everyone had changed into their gear. Obviously we needed Mojax on there since he was the champ, but I'd have to decide who else got face time on the flyer by drawing straws. To be safe, I got pictures of everyone. We queued everyone up in front of a blank off-white section of wall at Marv's. Some highlights;



Artie played his heel character up, fashioning a convincing monocle and pipe out of random crap we had lying around. Unfortunately, he had an aversion to the camera flash, and took every photo with his eyes shut, making him look like a classy stoner. We managed to get one shot that kinda worked where he was winking. Whatever.



HalloWarped was like a puppy at a barbeque, far too excited for his own good and spent the better part of an hour trying to choose an outfit. "Should I wear these tights..." holding up a black pair of his signature half-and-half tights; "Or these ones?" who owns sequinned stripper pants? Warped does, apparently. The more you know, right?


Hate and War posed together, of course, but it was impossible to get both huge guys in frame without having something in the background spoil the wide shot. First it was an EXIT sign, then a sign for the Men's toilets - we shot them in front of the backstage curtain instead, which went see-through under the flash, revealing a faint outline of a naked HalloWarped getting changed. We went with the exit sign - easier to photoshop out than Warped's balls.


Matt Stoppard is allergic to looking intimidating, unless you count looking like he should be in an alley somewhere wearing a trenchcoat with nothing on under it. Lanny suggested that it might be a good gimmick for the kid.



The absolute highlight of the shoot was the photographer trying to get Halloween Knight to 'smile more'. UNDER A MASK. There aren't many people that make Flea seem bright, but there you go. It turns out that she wanted him to broaden his face to show off his mask more, but it had us all in hysterics at the time... "No, wider. Smile more. Wider!"



Nicky Gilbert spent his entire time in front of the camera shamelessly flirting with the photographer. She reciprocated, maybe a bit too much - I smell a restraining order in the near future. She did manage to compose herself enough to actually take one shot, and it was perfect - but that's probably Nicky's fault, photogenic motherf*cker.


With that done, we crowded around a laptop and reviewed the photos, my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard. I plan to get these flyers done up by the next show - I just have to figure out a cheap way to get them printed, then distrubuted. Keep an eye out for them!

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