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GAW: Return Of A Legend [ThunderVerse Competition Thread]

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Unfortunately, having not received a promo from the participants the following three participants will be eliminated from the competition; Bruce Carson (SWF Fan), Idris Mwai Fonseca (jesseewiak) and Winston Rollins (James0). Apologies to those three users, however as I'm sure they'll understand the project needs to continue forward.


Thanks to the other five entrants for their submissions, the promos will be posted soon with a slightly amended poll - only one participant will be eliminated from this round and we will now have three, instead of four, rounds.

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Aw damn, was looking forward to Bruce Carson in particular.


I was looking forward to all three, and that's a testament to their three creators. Unfortunately, although I realise that the time of year is a busy one for people, without having heard from them I had to keep the competition going. Not to worry though, all three characters will, of course, still make into the mod as free agents. :)

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Crap on a stick. Between my birthday, uni work and a lack of a proper computer for the last few days through some hard drive issues I completely forgot this was going on. Completely understand the decision from JHD.


My deepest apologies to JHD and anyone that was looking forward to The Brucie Bonus. Only thing I can offer in consolidation is that once the mod gets released, I'll do a diary from the mind of Bruce.


Again big apologies people. Some things just can't be helped.

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Crap on a stick. Between my birthday, uni work and a lack of a proper computer for the last few days through some hard drive issues I completely forgot this was going on. Completely understand the decision from JHD.


My deepest apologies to JHD and anyone that was looking forward to The Brucie Bonus. Only thing I can offer in consolidation is that once the mod gets released, I'll do a diary from the mind of Bruce.


Again big apologies people. Some things just can't be helped.


At least I'm safe in the knowledge I won't lose to you like BAS. :p

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The voice of the iconic Dr. Texas is heard on a computer, asking a question to a rather large man using the shadows as cover. As soon as the voice clip is over, the man walks into the light. Light reflects and bounces off his metallic mask as the Experiment makes his presence known


"What makes me different? I'm the kind of monster that lives in your nightmares. The rest of these guys are nothing, but frail objects. Age hasn't withered me down at all, while the rest of them, complaining about pain and aches. I'm still the Experiment. I can lift a man twice my size and snap him like a twig. I deserve a second chance, but I know people will fear giving me that chance...because no one will be able to take me down once I'm the champion. I'll be a king! Experiment X will rise again. The rest of the scum running against me wouldn't last five minutes in the ring with me. I'm the ultimate physical specimen. I will break you. I want every single opponent I face to look me in the eyes and to look at the hellish nightmare that walks in front of them. I want them to cower anytime they see my face, when they see my mask. I want them to know the pain of being disfigured and hated. I don't care what anyone thinks about me, let alone the idiots that pay to watch me destroy another poor soul every month. I was screwed out of my chance at being on top of the world, now...now I want my revenge."


The big man pauses as a new pair of voices are heard from the computer, this time The Devastators ask their own question. A flash of disgust appears on the Experiment's face as he slowly shakes his head and turns his attention back to the camera


"I wouldn't team with any so called legend. You two jokes would be nothing, but toys for me to break. Why would I waste my time with you two? If I absolutely had to pick, there's only one guy I think could be worthy of being my tag team partner. That man is none other than Casey Skym. I use to watch him get into some of the bloodiest brawls and come out on top. We have something in common, he's called the Zombie and I'm Experiment X...we're both monsters. Together, we'd be unstoppable beasts, but it wouldn't be worth the time to tackle you puny pieces of trash for your garbage titles. Would we stand a chance? Absolutely. Would your old, weak bones be able to handle it? I guess we'll find out when you're both screaming in agony for me to stop."


Experiment X lets out a soft chuckle and sigh as the next voice starts up, this time it's one half of The Flying Bullets, Blair Brunzell, asking a second question regarding tag teams. As the voice clip comes to an end, the Experiment lets out a louder laugh as he starts to speak


"I'd probably be the one who injures my partner! Why would I let someone else slow me down? If he is too weak to continue the battle, then I shouldn't waste my time with him. He's nothing, but a peasant to me by that time. A true man would fight no matter the injury. If my partner can't handle a few broken bones, what good is he to me? The weaker wolf in the pack will get left behind and he'll just starve to death. I could destroy anyone, with or without a partner. There isn't a single person on this god forsaken planet that could stand against me. When I'm the champion, he'll be the one who holds me down, begging for another shot, but his words will only be another worthless voice in a worthless crowd."


Another roar of laughter from the Experiment echoes in the small room. A look of evil stays on his face as he begins to walk off camera. Monstrous growls can be heard in the distance as the camera fades to black





Hollywood, CA:


An overweight bearded man wearing a pair of overalls and a tuxedo t-shirt sauntered over the immaculately white marble floor, stopping just briefly to scratch his pet pig, Princess, behind her ears. She oinked happily, jingling her diamond studded collar as she followed him to the living room, where a video camera was set up to ask a few questions of the former WWWE wrestler.


“Well, Jimmy Jack,” the announcer began, “as you know, you are part of a competition called Return of a Legend.” Jimmy Jack nodded, taking a moment to spit tobacco juice into the Waterford crystal spittoon sitting on the mahogany sideboard. “The first part of that competition,” the announcer continued, “is to answer questions from three legends of professional wrestling. Are you ready?” Jimmy Jack nodded again, giving a gap-toothed grin and trademark thumbs-up to the camera.


“First, from Dr. Texas, ‘So, I’ve been around the block, done it all. But I’ve always changed with the times to survive in this business. You boys, you’re still doing the same old bit, so what makes your act so special to get a second chance and become a Golden Age Wrestler?’"


Jimmy Jack stroked his black goatee and then answered in his thickest Virginian twang. “Welp, I ‘spose it’s like my Uncle Bo once told me – a cat always blinks when you hit it in the head with a sledgehammer.” The announcer’s mouth dropped open and a confused look crossed his face before Jimmy Jack continued. “Ya’ see, I’m the sledgehammer and the fans is the cat. The Trailer Park Trillionaire is timeless – like a Rolex made outta pig s*it.”


“Umm, ok. Thank you Jimmy Jack. Second question, from the Devastators, ‘We’re known as the baddest asses around, but you know what, we’d be nothing without each other. What legend would you wanna team up with to come after our GAW American Tag Team Titles, and what makes you think you’d even have a chance?’”


The pig squealed, as if responding to the question, and Jimmy Jack chuckled. “I know Princess, that’s funnier’n a frog fart in the winter. But about the tag team question – I’d hafta choose Wild Bill Hicock ‘cuz he’s the only sonofabitch who can drink more ‘shine than me! And why’d we win. Hell, me and Wild Bill’d be slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree – the Devastator’s would never catch us!”


“Alright, I guess that makes sense. Sort of. And finally, from Blair Brunzell, ‘Everyone knows me as a tag competitor, but B. Brian Browne is out injured right now. In my shoes, would you wait for your partner to get well again, or strike out on your own?’”


Jimmy Jack leaned slightly to his left and let out a loud “Pffffftttt,” before answering. “First off, I’d likely not take to Blair’s shoes. They’s not a comfy as ma steel-toed Guccis. But for his question, I’d strike out on ma own. Me and Billy Ray and Lee Earl had a good thang back in WWWE, but we done went our separate ways. Like ma Uncle Bo always says, ‘parting is such sweet and sour’.”


“Ok….well, um, I guess that’s all. Thank you for your time Jimmy Jack. Best of luck in the competition!”


As the camera panned away, Jimmy Jack waved good naturedly amidst the opulence of his marble-floored, gold filigreed living room décor as the pig, Princess, squealed in delight.





A question from Dr Texas: So, I've been around the block, done it all. But I've always changed with the times to survive in this business. You boys, you're still doing the same old bit, so what make's your act so special to get a second chance and become a Golden Age Wrestler?


[PsychoTIC is sitting in an abandoned warehouse, the shot is grainy due the answers being filmed on a handheld camera. As the video begins he seems to be rocking back and forward, humming the nursery ryhme "The Animals Went In Two By Two"]


My act? You dare insinuate that I, the great PsychoTIC, am ACTING? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Maybe your time has passed old man. What makes me so special? Why, Mr. Dr. Texas, it's simple. My brain. Why beat someone senseless in the most caveman like fashion to assume domination when it can be done via the mind. I know what makes you people tick. I know how to give you people just a little push. I'll turn Golden Age Wrestling on its head. You people don't realise it, but you already need me, I am your saviour in these changing times. You just don't know it yet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


A question from The Devastators: We're known as the baddest asses around, but you know what, we'd be nothing without each other. What legend would you wanna team up with to come after our GAW American Tag Team Titles, and what makes you think you'd even have a chance?


There is only one true answer to that. The man they call Prophecy. We are kindred spirits, him and I. We both know what it took to survive in the cesspit of WWWE. You so-called "Devastators" wouldn't have stood a chance. But now? Now you want to stand up tall and call yourselves the champions. [PsychoTIC's voice changes from its happy, almost delirious tone to one of pure rage.] YOU. ARE. NOTHING. If you were to stand across the ring from a warrior such as myself, you would know fear. You ask why I would have a chance? You cretins would be the ones without a chance. Brute force will get you nowhere anymore. Raw intellect is what the name of the game is now. You want to act the big tough men because that's all you have. Without it, you are nothing. The difference between you and I? I know when I have nothing. I know how to build and adapt. You act the same now as you do in the 80s and 90s, and for what? Respect? Glory? The feeling of worth? You have nothing left.


A question from Blair Brunzell: Everyone knows me as a tag competitor, but B. Brian Browne is out injured right now. In my shoes, would you wait for your partner to get well again, or strike out on your own?


A partner? A pitiful, pathetic, paltry partner? Why would I need such a thing. Of course I would strike out on my own. I want to know how your heroes cope when faced with a real threat. A threat they cannot see. A threat they cannot comprehend. I wanna see how hard Juggernaut can really be hit. I wanna know why Crash & Burn deserve such a reputation and such wicked names. Can I do that with a partner? Nope. Can I do that by myself? Of course. In your shoes Blair? I'd have retired a long time ago and saved myself the embarassment of being only as good as your partner. You think that man is your ally? Your friend? He'll stab in the back one day Blair.





A question from Dr Texas:*So, I've been around the block, done it all. But I've always changed with the times to survive in this business. You boys, you're still doing the same old bit, so what make's your act so special to get a second chance and become a Golden Age Wrestler?


A second chance? Hah, that's rich coming from a man who has been treated like royalty everywhere he's been. I spent years relegated to dark matches, being paired up with a clumsy oaf pretending to be a vampire, being told to wait my turn for an opportunity that never came. When the WWWE closed no one was calling me up with offers, or asking me to come work in Japan; I spent three years working the indies, waiting for a call that would never come.


Finally I'd had enough, in 2004 I went to Mexico. I didn't have any money, name value, friends, nothing. However I made my opportunity, I embraced the darkness and I discovered power within me that I had never felt before. I rose up the ranks, destroying everyone in my path. The fans hated me, hated what they knew I was capable of, but for six years still they came out each and every night in the naive hope their heroes could stop me.


I made a name for myself in Mexico, but that wasn't enough. You see I've come back to the United States to prove everyone who wrote me off as a joke wrong. I'm here because of people like you, “Dr. Texas,” who have the nerve to ask me why I should get a second chance, when you've had opportunity after opportunity handed to you.


I'm not here to ask for an opportunity. I'm here to make one.


A question from The Devastators:*We're known as the baddest asses around, but you know what, we'd be nothing without each other. What legend would you wanna team up with to come after our GAW American Tag Team Titles, and what makes you think you'd even have a chance?


I neither need nor want to team with any of the so called legends here. However, should you cross me I will take from you far more than just the titles you carry.


A question from Blair Brunzell:*Everyone knows me as a tag competitor, but B. Brian Browne is out injured right now. In my shoes, would you wait for your partner to get well again, or strike out on your own?


If you were wise you'd follow your partner's lead and stay as far from the ring as you can, because when the darkness consumes you all that will be left is a hollow husk of an old man who didn't know when to call it quits.





A question from Dr Texas: “So, I've been around the block, done it all. But I've always changed with the times to survive in this business. You boys, you're still doing the same old bit, so what makes your act so special to get a second chance and become a Golden Age Wrestler?”


“Nothing,” says Ward quietly at first “I do not claim at unseen greatness. I am no shepherd to the sheep.”


“But what I am,” Ward says with an increasingly loud voice “Is judgment. What I am, is punishment. And while the lost and degenerate may sit in the stands and cheer on their chosen champions or boo their designated villains, it matters not to me. All are sinners. All will be judged and purged. Let that be their lesson, and no doubt, their entertainment. Let them marvel at the Reckoning That Is To Come.


A question from The Devastators: “We're known as the baddest asses around, but you know what, we'd be nothing without each other. What legend would you wanna team up with to come after our GAW American Tag Team Titles, and what makes you think you'd even have a chance?”


“Rudy Single… the original sinner!” snarls Ward with heavy mouth-breathing and spittle flying as he leans into the microphone “For all his crimes, for all his sins that he has NOT PAID FOR, he was always my worthiest hunt. I regret his escape more than any. But perhaps … perhaps he can make compensation… perform restitution for his sins. Yes… I would choose him. The *lip curl* “All-Man” Rudy Single.”


“And why would we have a … chance, was it? Heh… I am heaven-sent and hell-bound, Devastators. And you cannot stand against my cause. Justice cannot be denied. Crimes will not be forgotten. And even Legends will be made to suffer.”


A question from Blair Brunzell: “Everyone knows me as a tag competitor, but B. Brian Browne is out injured right now. In my shoes, would you wait for your partner to get well again, or strike out on your own?”


“Partners…” considers Ward as he twists the word in his mouth, as if it disgusts him “Single would be a means to an end. Anyone else will always be a means to an end. I have no equals in my quest, only enemies and disciples. Those to be purged, and those to be uplifted from their decadence and sins. I have but one purpose, Brunzell. And partners are not needed.”

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I agree MichiganHero, all of them are excellent promos. Here's where the readers come in - the vote. Please vote for your least favourite entrant. You are voting for the person you think should be eliminated and not your favourite! Entrants may vote (and lets face it, I couldn't stop them anyway!), but please only vote once (it should stop you from voting twice, but please don't try just in case!). The vote will close on Wednesday 9th January after which one person will be removed from the competition.


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You're a harsh taskmaster, jhd1. I voted for Terrance Ward - not because he's not good, but because he doesn't seem gimmicky enough for GAW.


But I'm stating it now: Jimmy Jack, the Trailer Park Trillionaire, for the win. He's awesome.

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The voting is now closed, so a big thank you to the 16 people who voted! There was one clear favourite in that round who only received one of the sixteen votes, but sadly the person with 6 of the 16 votes and the 'first' person to be eliminated is...Soul Reaver (Tiberious4).


Congratulations to the remaining four participants who go through to Round 2 - the details for the next promo will be up soon. :)

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As with Round 1, the next round will require the four participants to write a promo. After those promos have been posted, there will be a vote and from there two entrants will be eliminated and the remaining two will go through to the final. As the five promos actually came in fairly quickly last time around, the deadline for this round's promo is (perhaps optimistically) Saturday 12th January. Again, if all promos are received before then I will move the project forward slightly. So, on to the 'question'....


As a 'legend' of the sport yourself, please explain which former WWWE or RAWA World Champion you would most liked to have fought one-on-one for the title, why you have chosen him and who would have won the match.


The entry can be in any format you like, and may feature any WWWE or RAWA legend from the relative company's World title lineage.

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First of all let me say thanks to Jhd1 for creating the competition, and to TheEnforcer for creating the awesome renders. No shame in going out to such great promos from the other entrants. I look forward to reading the rest of the contest.


Thanks Tiberious, Soul Reaver was one of may Favorite renders for the competition.

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Great promos in the last round guys. Terrance Ward, being the pick of the bunch for me, although I can't help but like Psychotic as well. It was a shame not to see anything from Bruce Carson though. It would have been nice to see him... to see him, nice. ;)


I must remember though... don't vote for the guys I want to be able to sign next time...

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Unfortunately, Hashasheen has been unable to complete his promo for Round #2 (for understandable reasons, I must add). That means that sadly in order to keep the project moving forward I must announce his elimination from the competition. I'd like to thank Hashasheen for his excellent entry, and I'm sure quite a few people will be relieved that by being eliminated he'll be free to hire from day one! :D


As things aren't really going as planned I am going to bring forward the end of the project and simply make this round the final. The promos will be up later tonight and the voting will begin, only instead of eliminating someone it'll be to decide your favourite (with the two highest vote numbers going into the GAW roster). Hope that's okay with the remaining three contenders.

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The scene opens up to Experiment X pacing back and forth, the menacing man-beast holds a piece of paper in his hands, repeating something under his breath over and over again until he finally comes to a stop, turning his head, and focusing on the camera in front of him


"I could take on any of these so called legends one-on-one. No former champion even comes close to being the masterpiece that I am. I was molded into a monster, a nightmare, a true legend...but time has forgotten the true greats of its time. I am the true Minotaur in the Labyrinth of the wrestling world...only difference is that I haven been struck down, I'm only getting stronger. I would take on the man who made wrestling a joke, turned it into nothing, but a product for the kids, who took out the physical aspect of it all. Former WWWE World champion, Terry Thunder or as 'Thunderhips.' I would have love to of gotten the chance to knock this false king off his throne of lies. I would have taken this man that millions loved, he was a hero to kids, and an envy of every man, but to me...to me he was just as horrible as anyone else. I would have broken that man into pieces and would have gotten to ruin that generation."


A sinister laugh erupts from the Experiment as he looks back at the paper, reading the last line, which cuts off his laughter. A few low growls are heard as he rips the paper in half and turns back to the camera, his menacing demeanor coming back from his last promo


"Who would have won?! Why would you idiots of even put that on there? I was born in a lab, I was trained to be the best, I'm genetically perfect, but you still have to question that? Anyone who says they would lose is nothing, but a coward and not worthy of being in that ring. I was created for moments like these, to separate the strong, gifted, talented from the lowlife, weak, cowardly losers that you people worship. Terry Thunder would have just been another piece of garbage for me to throw around, I've lifted heavier weights. You follow the icons who have the looks and have the money, the ones who can spew catchphrases out, but can never back up their ability when it matters. The misfits like me are ignored, but that's good, we aren't spoiled by the likes of you."


The flush red face of Experiment X starts to lighten up as he slowly makes his way toward the camera, focusing more onto his face, and following each word as he leaves his mouth


"We watched from the underground, the shadows, while you were given power, gold, and money. We had to fend for ourselves, we had nothing, but the will to fight. I watched Thunder steal the spotlight of those who deserved it. I would have been the one to dethrone him and take the title from him, but those days are gone. To remove the face of a generation and promotion from this world, that is why I chose Terry Thunder. Not for his worthless title, not for his power, not for his greed, but to show the world a true monster, to show them the hellish torment that is Experiment X. Though, 'Thunderhips' still has the time to make a comeback and that's enough time for me to retire him for good. He'd be too scared"


The behemoth of a man gives off a wicked grin as he backs off from the camera and begins to walk toward the shadows behind him as the camera fades to black.





Hollywood, CA:


Jimmy Jack, leading his bejeweled pig – Princess – by her diamond-studded collar, tottered over to the interview area set up in his opulent den, pausing only momentarily to scratch his overall-covered backside.


“First off, Jimmy Jack, I’d like to congratulate you on reaching Round Two of the ‘Return of a Legend’ competition,” the announcer proclaimed. Jimmy Jack flashed his trademark thumbs-up and gap-toothed grin towards the camera. “In this round, there is just one question. Are you ready for it Jimmy Jack?”


Jimmy Jack leaned back in his leather recliner, stopping to snag a stray mini corn dog that had evidently wedged itself beside the cushion and pop it in his mouth. “Yessir,” he mumbled, spraying bits of corndog on the disgusted announcer.


“Ok, here we go. As a 'legend' of the sport yourself, please explain which former WWWE or RAWA World Champion you would most liked to have fought one-on-one for the title, why you have chosen him and who would have won the match.”


Jimmy Jack answered immediately, “Hell, I’d like ta’ be pinned by Debbie Monroe, the WWWE Women’s champeen. Does she count?” He turned a brilliant shade of red, highlighting the powder blue tuxedo shirt he’d chosen for the occasion. Princess chortled.


“Well, I guess it could…but how about a former WWWE *men’s* World Title holder? Which one would you have liked to take on for the title when you wrestled for the WWWE in the 1990s?” the obviously frustrated announcer responded.


To this Jimmy Jack took a bit more time to consider his options, stroking the leftover crumbs out of his black goatee. “I ‘spose Antonio Sabatino wouldn’t count neither, since he’d ‘a been real old then. Though I s’pect that I coulda beat him by 1997.” The announcer shook his head in disbelief at the inanity of the Trailer Park Trillionaire. “Ok, how ‘bout Cherokee Warrior. He won that belt just after I left the WWWE in ‘99, but we had a real barnburner of a feud back in about ’96. See, my stratergizing against tha’ Warrior would be like this. I’d wait until he’s just about fixin’ ta hit his Indian Death Drop. And then, just like Uncle Bo taught me, I’d kick him in his…umm…his" Jimmy Jack reached under the cushion and pulled out more forgotten fried food, raising it in the air as he finished his answer "…tater tots. And then I’d pin ‘em and get that thar belt.” He smiled his gap-toothed grin at the announcer, who stood, once more, with his mouth hanging open, aghast at either the interview with Jimmy Jack or, perhaps, the smells wafting from either the interviewee or his pet pig.


“Well Jimmy Jack, once again this has been….enlightening. Best of luck in round two of the competition!”


As the camera panned out to take in the splendor of Jimmy Jack’s den, the Trailer Park Trillionaire picked up Princess, waving her arm goodbye as the picture faded to black.





As a 'legend' of the sport yourself, please explain which former WWWE or RAWA World Champion you would most liked to have fought one-on-one for the title, why you have chosen him and who would have won the match?


[Dim orange lights greet the viewer as the camera swings violently before stopping upon the sight of PsychoTIC standing in the middle of a road. He approaches the camera with a bounce in his step.]


So the masses have seen fit to put me through to another round of arcane questions and ridiculous answers. Bravo. I mean it, you people have seen fit to continue this charade. I'm the only one who deserves this spot, I'm the only one GOOD enough for this spot.


As for your question. It stumped me. It really did. At first I wanted to say "Big Bear" Briscoe, I've always wanted to fight a real, live bear. Once I found out he was a bear, he was of no interest to me. Nah, now. Now the one person I really REALLY want to fight? That honour goes to Terry Thunder. Thunderhips. The undisputed ICON of the masses.


I've got a story about ol' Thunderhips. 1995 it was, and I was just starting out. I was a "good guy" back then, I stood up tall against all the evil that supposedly was in WWWE then. And I'm getting wins, I'm selling merchandise, I'm doing stuff that Drake Richards would NEVER have dreamed of doing. And I get a phonecall saying that Turner Paige himself wants to meet me. So I go to meet him. My mind full of wonder as to what it could be about. I walk in the room. And Terry Thunder is standing there. And he's not happy. Oh lordy lord, he was furious. Ranting about how I'm "showing him up" and ranting about how I shouldn't be doing all the fancy moves and all the fancy tricks.


[PsychoTIC gets angry now and moves away, kicking at the ground.]




The kind of wrestler that wouldn't last six months in the big leagues. I walked out of the office, knowing that I didn't have much stock left in that company. I spent 3 miserable years there. Then one day I get a call. Thunder's long gone by now and we all knew that we didn't have long left.


Suddenly TP thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's talking about how I should be champion. But that never happened.


Terry Thunder screwed my career. There is your reason as to why the one thing I want more than anything is a chance to go face to face with him.


As for who would win? Thunderhips would need a goddamn lawyer to sue for criminal damages after I'm done with him. He'd win of course, disqualifications and all that jazz but that would be a paper victory. I'd be the one left standing, I'd be the one who walked out of that match the true champion.


[PsychoTIC starts to walk away. He stops suddenly and turns back.]


And one more thing, Terry. If you do happen to see this, if somehow one of your little circle of sycophants happens to see this, my dance card is free.


[With that, PsychoTIC shuts the handheld camera, leaving the screen in darkness.]

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With this being the final round, the vote is slightly different. You will be asked to vote for your FAVOURITE superstar. The person with the highest number of votes will win, and the person with the second highest will be the runner up. Remember, the winner will receive an 18 month XPPA contract with GAW, while the runner up will end up on a touring contract with the company.


The deadline will probably be Thursday 17th January but I may extend the deadlin or even bring it forward if it looks like the competition would benefit.



NOTE: Round 2/Final promos are on the previous page.

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