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NWF: Another Cornellovolution!!!!!!!!!!!

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                                                          Saturday, Week 3, February 2013
                                                          Caledonian Club (Scotland)
                                                          Attendance - 300 (Sold Out)  


Welcome to the Battlefront. We are here at Caledonian Club, Scotland and I, Bernie Evans welcome you to the show alongwith my partner- Philip Bescott.


It seems my colleague is lost at the moment. Anyways we have two title matches tonight and both of them triple threat matches. But first, we need to go back where the Franchise Player is ready for us.


Well what do we have here now?? Nobody conducting my interview. Well, I believe nobody has the qualifications to hold the mic upto a person of my stature, so as painful as it seems, I need to do this one all by myself. Don’t worry folks, as the true professional, I will do my job now here and afterwards in the ring.

The crowd gives a loud reaction obviously unhappy at Cornell’s remarks.



Billy, you escaped last month and you think you can petition the board to give you a title match just because I couldn’t beat you. Billy, the fact is you also couldn’t beat me so, you are in no way superior to the Franchise Player. And what the hell was the board thinking involving that bloody pirate in our personal battles. Just because he beat that old hag who was relevant maybe 2 decades ago, Hugh thinks he has a chance. Well, you can up the numbers but you can’t one-up the Franchise Player.

Grade: 47 

As soon as Cornell has finished his rant, we see Hugh barging in and spearing the hell out of Edward Cornell. He smirks at the carnage he has caused and walks away. 

Grade: 44 

In a poor match, Glen Ward defeats Alton Vicious when he locked in his Judo-Choke Sleeper and Vicious couldn’t get out of it.

Winner: Glen Ward (via submission)
Grade: 21 


Jon once again looked good in the match and it took a top rope Fisherman’s Suplex from CJ to put down Sharp.
Winner: Curtis Jenkins(via pinfall)
Grade: 32 


Both the members of Heath & Sharp looked good in solo roles out there and Martin Heath also gave good competition to Barry before he locked up his feared Powerbomb Deathlock and finished the match.
Winner: Barry Griffin (via pinfall) 
Grade: 33 


In an open match, all the three teams shined in their efforts. The first big moment came when both Highspot and Lowlife delivered stereo suicide dives to the other 4 competitors.


The first attempt at climbing up the ladder was also made by Highspot but with three rungs to go, Suicide Agent rushes into the rung and climbing up the ladder quickly, he delivers a huge belly to belly suplex.


Genocide tries to capitalize on the situation but is instead pulled down by Davey London and is put in the London Bridge. Seeing nobody else in a position to make a move, Davey Celtic quickly climbs up the ladder and grabs the tag titles thus becoming the inaugural champions.

Winner: Anglo-Scots Connection(via retrieval of item)

Grade: 37



A video is shown depicting the ongoing situation regarding the Heavyweight Title match. The video ends with the attack by Hugh De Aske on Edward.
Grade: 41 


Initially, Edward is reluctant to get into ring and he lets Hugh and Robinson fight, preferring instead to watch from the sidelines. But his plan does not go well for long as after driving Robinson to the ground , he drags Edward (who was taunting the fans)  by his hair inside the ring.  He then delivers a few haymakers which rocks Edward.


Hugh was clearly the man to watch out clearly dominating the match. The end of the match came when after taking care of Edward and sending him out of the ring, he indulges in some back and forth action with Robinson before he gets the upper hand and rocks Billy with some brutal uppercut. Seeing him down, he delivers his Cross-Bones Driver. But at the end moment, Edward rushes in and floors Hugh de Aske with a Singapore Cane. He then throws away  before the referee can see him and pins Aske to win the title.


Winner: Edward Cornell (via pinfall on Aske)

Grade: 50


                                                       SHOW RATING: 45
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Thanks Effect, i did not like the presentation of my 1st show so i changed it. Glad you liked it.



Post Show Notes:


February profit: 13,191 $


Current Storylines


1. Heavyweight Title Race - 50/D+ (Current Heat)

Participants - Edward Cornell, Billy Robinson, Hugh De Aske, Barry Griffin


2. Tag Title Race - 37/D-

Participants - All Tag Teams

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March Into War


Sharp & Heath vs. Youth Bandits



Sharp & Heath have been winning new fans every time they are in the ring for their tag team work .They get another chance when they take on Youth Bandits. Will they come up with another good performance and this time eke out a win??




Barry Griffin vs. Jonni Lowlife




Hugh De Aske vs. Johny Highspot



Last month was baptism by fire for Sharp & Heath when they debuted in their singles match both against high profile opponents. This time, it’s the chance for YNFT to do the same. Can they succeed where Sharp & Heath failed.



Dynamic Duo Championhip Ladder Match: Anglo-Scot Connection vs. Elimination Agents


Last month we crowned our first Dynamic Duo Champions when Davey London retrieved the belt. But there’s no sitting back for them as they defend their newly won title this month against Elimination agents in another ladder match.




NWF Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match: Edward Cornell vs. Billy Robinson


Billy Robinson gets another shot at Heavyweight title which has infuriated Edward Cornell. He proclaims that Billy has failed to beat him in two straight months. How can he possibly get another shot?? Things are getting heated up between this two and you can be sure Edward will be letting his anger out during the show. Also seeing the previous match between these two which resulted in double DQ, a No Disqualification stipulation has been added.

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                                                            Saturday, Week 3, March 2013
                                                            Paddington Club (Southern England)
                                                            Attendance: 300 (Sell Out) 
Welcome to March Into War. We have been making waves and we will continue to do so. There’s a great lineup of matches once gain for all you fans tonight but nothing is more epic than another confrontation between Billy and Edward.
Let’s face the facts Bernie. Billy will never be solid enough to win any match against Edward, let alone a title match.

The bickering between the two continues and we head to our first match.


Sharp&Heath vs. Youth Bandits

Jon and Martin continue showing excellent chemistry as a team and they make short work of the Youth Bandits when Martin pins Cannonball with a Flying Fist Drop. They are improving in leaps and bounds as a team and soon enough, they will be leading contenders for the tag straps.
Winner: Sharp & Heath (Martin Heath via pinfall on Cannonball Logan at 11:26)
Grade: 34



Barry Griffin vs. Jonni Lowlife

It was a training match for Jonni as Barry is our best ring general so far. We got decent in-ring action in the match before Barry made him tap via a Power bomb Deathlock.
Winner: Barry Griffin (via submission at 12:25)
Grade: 35



Dynamic Duo Championship Ladder Match: Anglo-Scots Connection vs. Elimination Agents

A ladder match between two of our best tag teams resulted in some fast slick action and we saw some innovative spots like the usage of ladder as a ramp by Suicide Agent and clotheslining Celtic off the ladder and a spectacular plancha off the ladder by Davey London which helped them retain their title.
Winner: Anglo-Scots Connection (via retrieval of item by Davey Celtic at 13:53)
Grade: 34



Johny Highspot vs. Hugh De Aske

On the other hand, this match wasn’t as good as the Barry-Jonni match as it was evident that these two does not work well in the ring. Hugh finished this up with a Cut-Throat Driver.After the match, we suddenly see Hugh De Aske getting violent for no reason and destroyed Highspot by giving him two Cut-Throat Drivers and the last one through a table that he had set up. 
Winner: Hugh De Aske (via pinfall at 11:51)
Grade: 32 /
Post Match Attack:18 



Well, it seems Hugh is becoming a degenerate day by day. Last month, he had attacked Cornell before the title match and now tonight, he damaged Highspot severely. What will come of it?? 
Well, I fear for the roster if Hugh keeps this conduct.

We see once again Cornell making his way to the ring smirking and taunting the ringside fans.


Well, hello everybody and please welcome your icon, your champion and the one and only Edward Cornell. Now, Billy, you had to become an errand boy to get a title shot didn’t you. What did you do Billy?? Did the household chores, took it in the back or babysit their kids, huh Billy. But, let me tell you one thing, you can do whatever you want and get yourself a title shot but you will never get the title as I will always be ONE STEP AHEAD.
Grade: 62 

Billy Robinson couldn't stand anymore and he rushes to the ring and Thesz presses Edward to the ground before rocking him with an array of punches. 
NWF Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match: Edward Cornell vs. Billy Robinson

Due to no disqualification stipulations, match was raised to a different level. Edward tried to use every weapon he can find to hurt Billy but he would have none of it. Billy was fighting with a lot of determination foiling every attempt of Edward Cornell to use weapons. Billy even kicked out of Black Lightning. Just when it looked like Edward will tap to Capital City Crucifix, we see a huge beast of a man walking down the aisle.


He calmly walks into the ring and delivers a monstrous Choke Bomb to Billy. Due to the bout being no DQ, referee is unable to do anything. The pin becomes a formality as Edward retains his title.

Not satisfied with this, Edward instructs the big man to assault some more. He delivers a gigantic Choke Bomb through the announcer’s table to Billy. After that heinous attack, several EMT’s and other staff came running to Billy’s aid.
Grade: 41 



So, I told you. I told each and everyone of you that I will always be ONE STEP AHEAD. So, meet my personal enforcer cum bodyguard cum friend, Bruno, better known as Bad News Bruno because he is bad news for everybody. Ha Ha Ha

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As I went through my finances, I jumped with joy as we had made over 39K in 3 months. So, I was sitting on a lot more money than we started with. I decided to put this money in good use, but what should I do?? Perhaps a second show in another area, perhaps in Scotland!! But I did not wanted just a normal show. I wanted something that people would sit up and take notice. I wanted something that can start a legacy , something that people will remember for a long time. I racked my brains trying to come up with some idea when I got a call.



Nick Adams, our road agent was calling. Good grace, sometimes life can be so good. When you are stuck up in something, you need a helping hand and this call has given me that opportunity.I took the call.


Nick: Hey Eddie, I saw that we had made a substantial amount of profits in our 1st 3 months of operations. Want to do something about it??


Eddie: Wow, Nick you just took the exact words out of my mouth. I was thinking the same before your call. But I could not come up with anything.


Nick: I have an idea.


Then, Nick mentioned his idea to me which I felt was a great one and so, I called him to my apartment. Nick came in the evening and we finalized everything over drinks and football (watching EPL on TV).

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We thank all our fans for welcoming us with open arms. We have been growing constantly and successfully so far as a company and we thank all of you for that.


Now, UK wrestling industry have always been about achievements, about opportunities, about steely determination of wrestlers, about giving their best for the fans who love them so much.


Ever since the monopolization by 21CW, this industry has been put on it’s deathbed. Most of the wrestlers out there are finding it hard to make ends meet, doing odd jobs to make a living and driving many others away from wrestling.


Now, that is about to change. We maybe a small company but we still care about this industry, care about the wrestlers who make this industry. So, we have decided to give an opportunity, create a platform, carve a legacy which will be remembered for a long time.


With this in mind, we present to you:




10 workers who have been working in the indy circuits are given an invitational contracts to participate in this one night tournament. They, combined with 2 handpicked members of roster will be fighting for the crown.

The format consists of 4 first round triple threat matches where, the winner of each match qualify for the semi-finals.


The person who wins this tournament will get a guaranteed PPA contract from NWF. In case of a roster member winning the tournament, the best outside performance as decided by NWF management will be awarded a contract. More than one people may be given a contract based on their performance.

So, people come witness history being made.




OOC: Thanks to MetalGear_Yoshi for making the event logo.

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                                                          Saturday, Week 2, April 2013
                                                          Caledonian Club (Scotland)
                                                           Attendance - 300 (Sell Out) 


Welcome to the 1st ever edition of King of Indies-UK. This is history in the making folks, as it is first of its kind in UK.

Yes indeed and the prize in contention is a guaranteed contract from NWF.
Yes, one wrestler’s life will be changed forever.
We see the brackets come up on the screen and we proceed to the start of the tournament.
King of Indies-UK Q.F.1: Arthur T.Turtle vs. Axl Grease vs. Crusher von Steinberg
Arthur shows his technical prowess dominating the ex-MOSC rockstar wannabe Axl and grounding him with a number of holds and suplexes. Though, this comes after they had double teamed against the big Austrian, Steinberg and sent him reeling outside where he was put through table with a high impact cross body from Axl (supported by Arthur who held Crusher on the table). Arthur hits his Shell Shocker on Axl for the finish.
Winner: Arthur T. Turtle (via pinfall on Axl Grease in 11:03)
Grade: 28

King of Indies-UK Q.F.2: Brilliant White vs. Matthew Macks vs. Maxx
A clash between three different styles, this was a clusterf**k. We saw some high risk spots from Brilliant White, some impactful top-rope moves from Matthew Macks and double suplexing by Maxx.
In the end, Macks delivered his Red Lightning (Air-Bourne) on Brilliant White to move into the semis.
Winner: Matthew Macks (via pinfall on Brilliant White in 10:51 )
Grade: 25

King of Indies-UK Q.F.3: Curtis Jenkins vs. Gordon Leve vs. Bali Daljit
This match saw NWF's Curtis Jenkins take on "The Israeli Prospect" Gordon Leve and 2009 graduate of ROF Dojo, Bali Daljit. In the best match so far of the tournament, Curtis hit Gordon Leve with his Fisherman's Suplex for the win.
Winner: Curtis Jenkins (via pinfall on Gordon Leve in 11:46)
Grade: 32 

King of Indies Q.F.4: J.K.Lee vs. Liam Lutz vs. Dwayne Dark
In the final quarter final, we saw one of the first graduates of National School of Wrestling, Dwayne Dark takes on NWF's J K Lee and the brawler from Manchester, Liam Lutz. In what was a poor match, Dwayne Dark won the match after hitting J K Lee with his signature Darkness Falls (spinning T-Bone suplex).
Winner: Dwayne Dark (via pinfall on J K Lee in 11:32)
Grade: 22 

Folks, we saw exciting action in the quarters tonight and it is about to intensify when we go to our semis which will start just now.

King of Indies-UK S.F.1: Curtis Jenkins vs. Arthur T. Turtle
CJ took on The Turtle Package in the 1st semi-final with both looking to win early. CJ was dominating the match in early minutes which changed when Turtle hit his Shell Shocker (double knee backbreaker) on CJ. It seemed over for CJ but he kicked out of the pin. Shocked, Arthur pummeled him with haymakers and went for another Shell Shocker but CJ blocked the attempt and hit his own Fisherman Suplex out of the blue and kept on the bridge to get the pinfall and the win. 
Winner: Curtis Jenkins (via pinfall in 13:41) 
Grade: 34 

King of Indies-UK S.F.2: Mathew Macks vs. Dwayne Dark
In the final semi-final we saw "The Irish Daredevil" Matthew Macks take on Dwayne Dark. Macks tried hitting his high-flying offense but Dwayne would have none of it. Even though, Macks managed to hit some offense but it was all Dwayne and he finally finished it in 13:38 with a Darkness Falls.
Winner: Dwayne Dark (via pinfall in 13:38)
Grade: 26 


The time has come now. We started the night with 12 and we are now down to the final two. Who will win the big one?? 

We see video of the performances of two finalists so far which clearly depicts that though CJ had been having good matches but Dwayne had been more dominant so far.
Angle Grade: 18 

King of Indies-UK Final Ladder Match: Dwayne Dark vs. Curtis Jenkins
It was a close match, closer than Dwayne had faced all night. Though, both were tired after fighting two matches and still having to fight, Curtis was feeling it more because both his previous matches had been tough.
Ultimately this became the downfall for him as he could not get any power behind his Fisherman's Suplex which helped Dwayne to counter it and follow up with Darkness Falls. From, there on, it was easy for Dwayne to climb the ladder and retrieve the title. It also helped that physically, Dwayne was in better shape than Curtis. 
Winner: Dwayne Dark (via retrieval of belt in 14:36)
Dwayne Dark becomes the King of Indies-UK 2013
Grade: 30 



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After the success of King of Indies-UK 2013, NWF is pleased to announce that they have offered contracts to Dwayne Dark (King of Indies Winner) and Arthur T. Turtle



New Worker Bios




Name: Dwayne Dark


Age: 23 (3 year pro, Young Lion)


Style: Brawler


Size: Middleweight


Achievements: 2010 graduate of National School of Wrestling, 2013 winner of King of Indies-UK


Bio: One of the first graduates of National School of Wrestling, he came to wrestling to escape from the life of petty crimes that he had been lured in. A decent athlete with legit boxing skills, he joined 21CW in 2010 after turning pro but his lack of charisma proved to be a big obstacle as after 2 uneventful years with them, he also became the first of the National School graduates to be released. After working the independents for some time, he got a break when he was invited to participate in the King of Indies-UK tournament. He ended up winning it and as per the stipulations, is now a regular member of NWF roster.


Push: Midcarder


Finisher - Darkness Falls (spinning T-Bone suplex)







Name: Arthur T. Turtle


Age: 31 (13 year pro)


Style: Cruiserweight


Size: Lightweight


Bio: Turtle is a solid worker, more known for his all-blue costume and hair. He had yet to achieve anything significant so far but his performance in the King of Indies-UK grabbed the attention of NWF management who were happy to include him in their roster.


Push: Midcarder


Finisher: Shell Shocker (Double knee backbreaker)

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NWF has always believed in the concept of wrestling without borders, where anyody can wrestle anywhere they please and there will be no restrictions, where anybody can watch any promotion they pleases and there will be no barriers.


The internet has gone a long way into realizing this and people can now watch matches of any promotions they please but not every promotion can do this regularly. We are a small and a growing company and we face the problems very often as every growing company does. We are not the only one, there are companies similar to us in every corner of the world, who face the same difficulties as we do and walk the same path as we do.


Also, when we start becoming popular, we become an obstacle for the bigger companies that have made turned wrestling into a money making avenue. They have never cared for the real fans, never cared for the real wrestling but all that is about to change because NWF is proud to present to you




An alliance of like minded group of companies, who are small in size but big in heart, who cares for wrestlers, who care for wrestling.


The other 3 founding members of Trans-Border Wrestling Alliance are:



Comite Internacional de Lucha Libre (Mexico) - Freedom Carribean Wrestling (Puerto Rico) - Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (USA)


Alliance Rules:

1. Cannot run shows in another member's home region.

2. Can use Alliance Loan to borrow workers from other members.

3. Can use Talent Trades with any other member.

4. Will take no damage from other members in regional or national battles.

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The first piece of business in the Alliance has been done as one of CILL's star has taken exception to Hugh De Aske's table breaking ways and has challenged him to a Tables match in the upcoming NWF show, Deathblow.


The card for the show:


1. Sharp & Heath(Jon Michael Sharp + Martin Heath) vs. Northern Lights(Alton Vicious + Riddick Jordan)

2. Barry Griffin vs. Curtis Jenkins vs. Arthur T. Turtle

3. Tables Match: Hugh De Aske vs. ???(CILL roster member)

4. Elimination Agents(Suicide Agent + Genocide Agent) vs. Your New Favorite Team(Johny Highspot + Jonni Lowlife)

5. NWF Heavyweight Championship Match: Edward Cornell vs. Davey London

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                                                             Saturday, Week 4, April 2013
                                                  Paddington Club (Southern England)
                                                  Attendance: 300 (Sell Out) 

Welcome folks once again to National Wrestling Federation, to our second show of this month, Deathblow. After the success of King of Indies, which was won by Dwayne Dark, we focus our attention back to the stars of NWF and there is a big announcement coming up as NWF management has appointed a new GM who will take control of NWF.
It doesn’t matter Bernie whoever comes in but the fact remains that our champion is unbeatable.

Just then we hear some generic pop music and see a petite blonde lady gracing the entry ramp and she walk towards the ring with a mic in her hand.

Good Evening everyone hope you are warming up for the action here. Sorry to interrupt the proceedings like this but you don’t mind being interrupted by a beautiful lady do you?? Anyways, my name is Melanie Florence and I have been appointed as the GM of NWF and from today onwards, I will be taking care of everything. Now, down to the business. The NWF board has been disappointed with the recent actions of Edward Cornell and so…….

Just then, we see Edward coming out of the entry point.

Hey, Mel. It’s good to see you. You look pretty though that is more to do with the layers of makeup that you have put on and nothing else. So, you have got a job. Good, now remember one thing lady, I am the one who signs paychecks here so don’t get into my wrong side. So, come on leave all this duties in the capable hands of mine and do what you are hired to do, dress hot, do some fanservice and promote our shows the way that you know.

It never gets old, Eddie isn’t it. As soon as you see a lady in a position of power, you start panicking and talk all nonsense gibberish to throw her off but let me remind you Mr. Cornell that I am directly contracted to the NWF board and not to you so, you don’t have any say in my decisions nor my job. So, I am here to do my first piece of match making and Eddie, you will face our tag champions, The Anglo-Scots Connection in a triple threat match for your title and your lackey, Bruno is banned from entering into your match. If we see him even close to the ring, you will be stripped of your title.

Oh, really. You think that will stop me. I don’t need Bruno for this. I can handle both of those dancing fools alone.

Very well Cornell, very well. I will be watching closely.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Melanie Opening Angle: 31
Melanie + Eddie back and forth: 47 

After that heated start to the night, we go on to our first match.

Sharp & Heath vs. Northern Lights

In another good display by Sharp & Heath, they clock their second victory in a row when Jon Michael Sharp hits Alton Vicious with his Flying Cross Body.
Winner: Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp via pinfall on Alton Vicious in 11:11)
Grade: 27


Barry Griffin vs. Arthur T.Turtle vs. Curtis Jenkins

The participants of King of Indies are given a rude welcome back by our resident professor of wrestling who took both of them to school and finally finished the match when he made Curtis Jenkins submit via a Powerbomb Deathlock.
Winner: Barry Griffin (via submission on Curtis Jenkins in 11:36)
Grade: 31



We see one half of the tag champions, Davey Celtic walking down through the corridor trying to find his locker room when suddenly B. N.Bruno comes in like a heavy tank rolling in and absolutely grinds Celtic to the ground. He continues delivering some stiff punches and chokebombs him through the production equipment.
Bruno attack on Celtic: 40 


We have received word from our medical staff that Davey Celtic has been brutally attacked and will be unable to take part in the main event tonight. I can’t believe that Edward will stoop to such a low to get ahead.

Hey, Edward did not attack. It was Bruno and probably he did it to take out his frustrations at not getting a match tonight and nothing else. 


Your mind is really that shallow huh Philip. Really??


I am just stating the facts.


The fact is Edward once again broke the rules and used Bruno to his advantage. But this will not be taken lightly. I can assure you that London will be looking for revenge. Just like in the next match, where seeing the behavior of Hugh De Aske , one wrestler of CILL have taken exception to it and challenged him to a Tables match.


Well, this I would say has been a good decision by NWF, the alliance thing which enables us to watch wrestlers from other parts of the world in this NWF ring.

We see some cheap smoke bombs burst on the entryway through which a luchador with a very colorful mask jumps up.



Oh Wow, look at him. He is the current CILL Mexican Champion and a second generation luchador, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. Now, that is a great challenge for Hugh to overcome.

Tables Match: Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Hugh De Aske

Well, it was evident from the start that these two meshed well together in the ring and the match showed that. Dragon started the match on a fast pace hitting Hugh with a barrage of ranas and planchas which sent Hugh reeling to the floor. Sensing his opportunity, he went for a springboard hurricanrana but was countered into a brutal sit-down powerbomb by Hugh. From there onwards,the degenerate personality of the Belgian as he beats Dragon from pillar to post and finished off with a power bomb through a table.
Winner: Hugh de Aske (by sending Dragon through a table in 14:37)
Grade: 37


Elimination Agents vs. Your New Favorite Team

Another solid match between these two for the #1 Contendership for the tag titles. Elimination Agents take this one when Genocide pins Lowlife with a hanging powerslam.
Winner: Elimination Agents (Genocide Agent via pinfall on Jonni Lowlife in 12:42)
Grade: 36




As mentioned before, due to the actions of Edward's bodyguard, Davey Celtic has been sent to the hospital and the main event will be a one-on-one between Eddie and London. I still cannot believe he will do such a thing.


Be careful what you preach Bernie. Don’t forget, he is the one who signs your paychecks. You may very soon be seeing the unemployment line if you continue spouting nonsense against Cornell.

Commentator's hyping up of main event: 50 

NWF Heavyweight Championship: Edward Cornell vs. Davey London

Davey London takes the fight to Edward Cornell clearly angered by the earlier attack on his partner and pummels him with everything he has. Edward is clearly the underdog of the match as he hardly gets a shot on London who is clearly dominating the match. London looks to finish the match with a top rope super Diamond Cutter which he has named Rocks of London but Edward brings out his brass knuckles and punches London on the face without referee seeing it. The pinfall was just academic after that and Edward once again retains his belt.
Winner: Edward Cornell (via pinfall in 14:56)
Grade: 50

We see Bruno joining Edward in the ring.


You thought that pitting me against two people will bring downfall. Well, sorry about that but you are forgetting something, I am Edward Cornell, the icon, the legend, the harbinger of Cornell-o-volution. I had promised you that revolution is coming and it has commenced. So, remember one thing everybody, whatever you do, I will be ONE STEP AHEAD.

Cornell self-hype: 58 

                                               SHOW GRADE: 46
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With the last event showing the impact that Trans-Border Wrestling Alliance can have, this month NWF ups the stakes in their event Ultimate Challenge:


1. Billy Robinson vs. Bad News Bruno

Billy Robinson has returned after the beating he received in the hands of Bruno and is now ready to fight him. Can he take down the monster??


2. Your New Favorite Team vs. Sharp & Heath

With two victories in a row, Sharp & Heath are looking a dangerous team. Can they complete a trio of win, that too against YNFT??


3. Barry Griffin vs. Dwayne Dark

Just like last month, Barry Griffin welcomes the King of Indies winner Dwayne Dark this time. Can Dwayne follow up his tournament win with a victory over our resident professor of wrestling??


4. Lucha Libre Rules: Hugh de Aske vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.

Frustrated over his loss last month, Dragon has challenged Hugh to a traditional Lucha Libre i.e 2/3 falls match. Can Hugh eke out a victory this time around??


5. NWF Dynamic Duo Title Cage Match: Anglo-Scots Connection vs. Elimination Agents

After last month, Davey Celtic and Davey London are back together and this time they defend their titles once again against Elimination Agents but the stakes are higher as it is a Cage Match.


6. NWF Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match:Edward Cornell vs. Malili Umaga

After Melanie failed to contain Edward last month who is still the champion,she used the contacts of the Aliiance to get a formidable opponent for Edward this time around. Can Edward outsmart the Samoan??

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                                             Saturday, Week 3, May 2013
                                         Paddington Club (Southern England)
                                             Attendance – 300 (Sold Out)

This time the show opens with a video preview of all the important matches shown on the card.
Grade: 30 


We see our GM, Melanie Florence backstage in her makeshift office when Billy Robinson, who is making his return to the NWF after that attack on him by Bruno two months ago, comes upto her and requests for a match against Bruno. Melanie accepts the request.
Grade: 34


Billy Robinson vs. Bad News Bruno

Billy Robinson clearly wrestled like a man possessed and managed to make Bruno tap to his Capital City Crucifix submission move.
Winner: Billy Robinson (via submission in 8:05)
Grade: 30

After the match, Billy clearly enjoying his win looks to inflict more damage to Bruno but Bruno will have none of it, he is nicknamed Bad News for a reason and he destroys Billy once again slamming him on the turnbuckles and Chokebombing him on the guard rails.
Post Match Attack: 42

Sharp & Heath vs. Your New Favorite Team

Sharp & Heath came out riding on high momentum, waving their Union Jacks to the ring, looking for their 3rd victory in a row but were put down by the experienced pair of Highspot & Lowlife when they took advantage of Sharp & Heath’s showboating and Highspot finished the match with a Frog Splash on Sharp.
Winner: YNFT (Johny Highspot via pinfall on Jon Michael Sharp in 9:32)
Grade: 35



Barry Griffin vs. Dwayne Dark

Barry welcomes this time the King of Indies, Dwayne Dark and even though, Dwayne puts up a good fight, he is no match for our resident professor of wrestling and submits to the Powerbomb Deathlock.
Winner: Barry Griffin (via submission in 12:23)
Grade: 33

Next up, was the rematch between Hugh de Aske and Dragon del Arco Iris this time in a Lucha Libre setting.


Lucha Libre(2/3 Falls) Match: Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Hugh de Aske

Dragon once again started the match on a high note, pummeling Hugh with a barrage of kicks, ranas and other offenses and almost gets the 1st fall when he hits his Dragon Driver but gets only two. From there on, once again, Hugh goes into degenerate mode, handing out vicious strikes and kicks and getting the 1st pinfall when he hits his patented Skull and Cross Bones ( GTS) on Dragon. Soon after, he does not waste any time and finishes the match by hitting his Cut-Throat Driver for the 2nd and final fall. 
Winner: Hugh De Aske (via 2 straight falls in 11:40)
Grade: 40



NWF Dynamic Duo Championship Cage Match: Anglo-Scots Connection vs. Elimination Agents

The stakes being higher, this match was supposed to be good but disappointed the crowd big time. It was a clusterf*ck with everybody hitting their offenses. The ending came when Suicide was about to escape the cage but London quickly climbs up and grabs him and throws him down to the mat. Celtic then delivered his Cannonball Legdrop on Suicide while London stopped Genocide from interfering.
Winner: Anglo-Scots Connection (Davey Celtic via pinfall on Suicide Agent in 13:24)
Grade: 33


A music video is shown to hype up RIPW’s Malili Umaga, which chronicles his best matches to date and his journey in RIPW so far.
Grade: 39


NWF Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Malili Umaga vs. Edward Cornell

In what was the best match of NWF till date, Umaga displayed all the potential that we heard about him and really took Cornell to the cleaners with his stiff strikes and kicks. Edward once again found himself in an underwhelming position and tried to disrupt Umaga’s momentum by getting out of the ring and making Umaga come after him. But Umaga was also smart, preferring to stay in ring and waiting for a mistake on Cornell’s part. With Edward complaining to referee against Umaga and his stiff strikes, Bruno enters the ring from the back and slams the title on Umaga’s face before Chokebombing him on the turnbuckle. Edward grabs the opportunity and climbs up the ladder to retain his title once again.
Winner: Edward Cornell (via retrieval of item in 16:38)
Grade: 56 

                                                                SHOW GRADE: 48
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Hey dude (: just wanted to let you know that I regularly follow your dynasty and like it. That said, I'm havin' some problems with really "getting" several characters as they're a little colorless, a little generous. Surely, it's rather difficult to develop them as much as a Sports Entertainment product could do, but some more detailed match reports with that point out how the participants act in different situations should probably do it (;
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Thanks, Xendarii and Effect for loving the dynasty.


Xendarii, yes i am aware that i have not developed all the characters properly or as much as i like. Actually, i wanted to first set up the main storyline of the promotion, that being Edward's egomaniacal personality and willing to do anything to keep the belt on him and of course to some extent Bruno as the menacing bodyguard for the champ and NWF's constant attempts to dethrone him. I hope that is coming through so far!! Is it??



Now, hopefully with that out of the way, i can tell you some interesting characters and storylines are coming. So, hopefully soon enough you can start getting into the characters more.

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Xendarii, yes i am aware that i have not developed all the characters properly or as much as i like. Actually, i wanted to first set up the main storyline of the promotion, that being Edward's egomaniacal personality and willing to do anything to keep the belt on him and of course to some extent Bruno as the menacing bodyguard for the champ and NWF's constant attempts to dethrone him. I hope that is coming through so far!! Is it??

It certainly is (:

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As i went to TEW.com to update myself on all the wrestling news from all over the world, i got a rude shock as i saw a host of other companies being opened up in the Isles. Wow, we have inspired so many but that means the wrestling scene becomes crowded and now it's a mad race for survival. Let the race begin.


The companies are:



Name: Blackpool Glitz


Owner: Tyler Baker


Booker: Don Henderson


Location: North(British Isles)


Style: Attitude Entertainment


Bio: Opened by Tyler Baker, who has once again invested in a promotion after he had to hand over his 21CW to Jeff Nova 7 years back. It treads a fine line between family entertainment and stag party thrills.






Name: Big Top Wrestling


Owner: Geordie Jimmy Morris


Booker: Walter Morgan


Location: Ireland(British Isles)


Style: Sports Entertainment


Bio: Larger than life characters travelling around the world together to wow ignorant punters out of their hard-won money. This is basically the modus operandi of BTW as their shows are based on different varieties of workers and high amount of gimmick matches. What's more, they operate on a touring schedule. Doesn't get more bizarre than this.







Name: Camden Underground


Owner: Highland Warrior


Booker: Highland Warrior


Location: South(British Isles)


Style: Cult Entertainment


Bio: After the demise of MOSC, Highland Warrior could not sit quietly for a long time and founded Camden Underground, featuring the same setup as MOSC.






Name: Guildford-6


Owner: Punisher Paul Hughes


Booker: Steve Smith


Location: South(British Isles)


Style: One-on-ones


Bio: A workrate based company inspired from ROF, they focus only on head to head action. The top 6 contenders take on new challengers and should they lose are replaced by that challenger







Name: PICT


Owner: Bulldog Jack


Booker: Bulldog Jack


Location: Scotland(British Isles)


Style: Respect for Wrestling


Bio: A promotion similar to NWF as in they offer the same kind of product. They use mainly Scottish wrestlers, along with a handful of workers from other nations.







Name: ZEN-London


Owner: Ken Flanagan


Booker: Ken Flanagan


Location: South(British Isles)


Style: ZEN style


Bio: The latest in the successful franchise of crazy, OTT wrestling promotions following in the footsteps of the original ZEN sees a branch open in the multicultural, urban melting pot that is London.





So our immediate competitors were ZEN-L, Guildford-6, Camden Underground who had set up shop in our home ground.

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Dwayne challenges Griffin


Dwayne has challenged Barry Griffin to a rematch. As per his interview, this is what he had to say:


Dwayne: Well, i don't care if you are the professor of wrestling. For me, you are an old hag who still cannot get the fact that his time is over. The time is ripe for us to take centre stage. I am the King of Indies and i can wrestle circles around you. So, i challenge you to another match at Respect and Tradition and this time i promise you will be seeing the real King.


Barry Griffin mentioned that he will give his answer on the day of the show.




Elimination Agents vs. Curtis Jenkins & Arthur T. Turtle


After having one of the best matches in this year's King of Indies, both Curtis and Arthur T. Turtle have failed to find many opportunities to wrestle. So, they have decided to pool their resources together and fight in the Dynamic Duo division. Their first opponents, Elimination Agents.




Tables Match: Hugh de Aske vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr.


After decimating Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. in two straight matches, now CILL's Tigre Salvaje Jr. has challenged Hugh in his own match. He has vowed to salvage CILL and his friend's reputation by defeating Hugh. Can he??





NWF Heavyweight Championship: Edward Cornell's next challengerl


After once again, Edward managed to retain his belt with the help of Bruno, our GM, Melanie is said to be furious and she held a press conference unveiling the next challenger for Edward.


Excerpts from the interview:


Melanie: We have been disappointed with Edward's actions. He had been defaming our title right from the beginning. You even managed to outlast Umaga and that too, because of your bodyguard. Now, another rising star of RIPW has not taken this lying down and he has challenged for the NWF Heavyweight Championship. So, this time i am giving a warning. If Bruno or any one from your side even walks down the ramp during your match or try to injure Raphael before the match, you will be stripped of your title and furthermore, you will not be able to fight for the title for indefinite period of time.



We tried contacting Edward for his response and he had this to say:



Edward: What does that b**** think of herself?? Does she own the company?/ I am the owner and i can do anything i please. I am a man of promises. I had promised that revolution will come and you have witnessed it. I will say this over and over again that i will always be ONE STEP AHEAD.





The card for the next event, Respect and Tradition has been finalized:


1. Barry Griffin vs. Dwayne Dark


2. Tables Match: Hugh de Aske vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr.


3. Elimination Agents vs. Curtis Jenkins + Arthur T. Turtle


4. Dynamic Duo Championship Match: Anglo-Scots Connection vs. Your New Favorite Team


5. NWF Heavyweight Championship Match: Edward Cornell vs. Raphael

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                                             Saturday, Week 3, June 2013
                                              Paddington Club (Southern England)
                                              Attendance – 300 (Sold Out)



The show opens backstage where we see NWF’s professor of wrestling, Barry Griffin standing with a mic.


In NWF, they call me the professor of wrestling. You want to know why, because I can take on the top wrestlers around the world and put them through moves that most of you can’t even name and some street rat comes in and claims that he can wrestle circles around me. Well, you got disappointed last month and you will get disappointed once again. So, why wait for later?? Let your lesson begin now.

Grade: 23 

Barry Griffin vs. Dwayne Dark

Barry came to the match focused on his opponent while Dwayne came to the ring smirking all the way, enjoying the fact that he had got under the skin of his opponent.

The match, as usual with these two, was exciting to watch and flowed effortlessly between the technical wizardry of Barry Griffin and street smart brawling of Dwayne.

The ending came when Dwayne goes for a running clothesline but was stopped by a kick to the gut by Barry and then he goes for a Powerbomb Deathlock but Dwayne avoids it and low blows his opponent in the full view of referee to draw DQ. Dwayne left the ring smiling wickedly having denied Barry a clean win.
Winner: Barry Griffin (via DQ in 12:50)
Grade: 37




Next up, we see the debut of Curtis Jenkins and Arthur T. Turtle in the Dynamic Duo division as they team up to take on Elimination Agents.


No interest,none of the wrestlers will amount to anything other than cannon fodder for others especially those face painted freaks, don’t know what NWF saw in them.

Elimination Agents vs. Curtis Jenkins + Arthur T. Turtle

Elimination Agents are fast becoming anchors of our tag division. They are having solid matches with everybody. This was another example. Genocide Agent finished the match pinning Arthur with a Hanging Powerslam.
Winner:Elimination Agents(Genocide Agent via pinfall on Arthur T.Turtle in 10:32)
Grade: 34



A music video is shown showing the journey of Anglo-Scots Connection as the champs so far, especially focusing on their slick tag team maneuvers and all their victories so far. It also highlights their dominance in the division and the fact that nobody has been able to pose a challenge so far.
Grade: 30




The fan favorite YNFT came to the ring once again playing to the crowd and high fiving with the ringside fans.

In the match also, they started on full acceleration hitting high risk moves in tandem like stereo suicide dives on both Celtic and London and a springboard crossbody by Highspot to take out both his opponents.

Lowlife even managed to hit his Low Down on Celtic but London came to the rescue. A few moves later, the match saw a turnaround when London moved just in time to send Highspot crashing and burning in his Frog Splash attempt.
Celtic quickly recovered and finished the match with a Cannonball Legdrop on the prone Highspot.
Winner: Anglo-Scots Connection (Davey Celtic via pinfall on Johny Highspot in                                                                13:01)
Anglo-Scots Connection makes defence no. 3 of their Dynamic Duo Championship
Grade: 36




Next up, another challenge for Hugh. This time it’s Tigre Salvaje Jr. from CILL.


Doesn’t matter whether it’s tiger, lion or panther. Hugh will make them run with their tails between their legs.

Tables Match: Tigre Salvaje Jr. vs. Hugh de Aske

Hugh comes to the ring as usual in his pirate costume, this time even with a cutlass in his hand. He looks every bit the Dread Pirate as he claims to be.

With the change in appearance, Hugh also underwent change in attitude as he showed lot of aggression in this match, never allowing Tigre to hit and instead completely decimating his smaller opponent. He finished the match with a Cut Throat Driver through a table.
Winner: Hugh de Aske (via sending Tigre Salvaje Jr. through table in 12:36)
Grade: 40



Hugh picks up his cutlass after the match and does a throat slit looking very dangerous. He picks up the mic.


I can hav all ‘dis guts fer garters n ya still feed me ‘dis scurvy bilge rats. Any mor of ‘dis lan’lubb’rs, I’ll be droppin’ dem strat to the great grand sea beastie.

Grade: 35


After that intense promo from Hugh, we see our champion Edward Cornell in the middle of the ring.

Day after day, month after month Mel puts a roadblock in front of me in hope of wresting the championship away from me but they fail everytime. They can’t seem to get a simple fact through their thick head that I am the champion, I am the icon and I will always be one. Now, they have brought in another rug rat from RIPW to fight me. Well, it doesn’t matter because just like others he too will learn the same thing that I will always be ONE STEP AHEAD
Grade: 33 

Raphael hits an array of moves on Edward. He hits a short arm clothesline, followed with a kick to the gut and finally a double arm DDT but Edward keeps rising up. One thing we have to admit is, Edward has high resilience. He will always rise up after getting beaten and he continues to do so against Raphael.

Raphael manages to hit Cupid’s Arrow on Edward but he kicks out. He goes for another but is countered by Edward and instead he hits his Black Lightning on Raphael. This time, Raphael kicks out. Sensing that he may not get much opportunity to win, he grabs Raphael and pins him keeping his legs on ropes and to everyone’s surprise, referee administers an extremely fast count and just like that, Edward remains the champion.

Holy Hell!!!A screwjob.
Winner: Edward Cornell (via pinfall in 16:22)
Edward Cornell makes defence no. 4 of NWF Heavyweight Championship
Grade: 44


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