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You probably scored lower than your pop overall (so... 72.9 beats 72.0000001):D


No, I get that, but how the hell do I manage such an atypical product from the trends (which is false; I'm sure I'm at least neutral) that less than two points' difference leads to a popularity drop?

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An Open Letter to Media and Professional Wrestling


I am god.


Let me get the grandiose gestures and oh-so-common posturing out of the way.


I am better than you.


In every way, my company, the Supreme Wrestling Federation, is better than every other professional wrestling company in the world.




I am more influential than anyone just by virtue of being alone at the top. I could produce terrible shows, I could use only six people every night, and still anyone in the world would prefer to work for me than anyone else.


Anywhere else.


Yes, barring the fools that are loyal to a particular company and ignoring those currently contracted exclusively to a company-which, I remind you, is a temporary inconvenience.


I am able to steal anyone from anywhere at any available opportunity.


Let that sink into your mind while I continue, yes?


You can call me anything. Call me conniving, a cheat, dictatorial, narcissistic, brave, proud, glorious. Call me anything. I am still bigger than you. And thus, I am better.


Even Australia pales in comparison to me; every worker there would rather work here, and they will be able to do so at my whim. Japan? The same. The Isles, Europe, Mexico, Canada. I am god.


This is a challenge to everyone. Rather, not a challenge, but a statement: I will crush you. Whether I like you or not, I will make your company look second-rate. Mainly because it is second-rate. For those that I do, actually, have a real distaste for? That is, 21st Century Wrestling-to a lesser degree, true-TCW, USPW, Burning Hammer, and Wrestling Engine-and anyone that I've forgotten, as the list seems short--ah yes! OLLIE! You are one such being!---you are done. I will end you. You will cease to exist as I drain you of your present, your future, your popularity, your talent. Your potential. It is mine.


Do not. Do not. Cross me.


As a pre-emptive little bonus, I hereby officially reach out to South of the Border Professional Wrestling. I said before you remind me of my own little company. You have the best wrestler in the world. You have risen quite admirably. You have one opportunity to join me. Refuse, and this is war.


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Richard Eisen, SWF


The buy-rate of When Hell Freezes Over was 4.26; I expect Supreme Challenge to hit at least a 5.0, especially now that we are larger. Furthermore, Friday, Week 2, January is the official date that we took over the world.




Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Dragon del Arco Iris Jr for $1,920 developmental.




Jerry Eisen will be taking a break for the next month; while he still has some big morale issues, this will at least keep from from getting any more angered in the interim month.


Remo and Randy Bumfhole have minor issues; I will end the latter's tag team storyline (which is not helping enough with our fanbase, anyway) to send him on a two-week vacation. He is now back to normal. As for Remo? He will have to deal with it. No time off, and surely no cash advance; he hasn't earned it.

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To: Ryu Kajahara

Subject: I am negotiating with everyone on your roster


Dear Ryu Kajahara,


When-not if, when-they join my company, they will leave you.


And I will probably fire them almost immediately.


Your company is dead.


-Richard Eisen

My other name is Richard.


Well, no, but I was making a joke. Because hey is that Patrick Stewart?

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Well ****.




In other news, Arnold Westberry has taken over Sam's developmental territory; good man for the job, fine agent, if a bit abrasive. Kids might not like him much.




U-Demand Canada will not work with us due to our already having a rival PPV deal. Fine; I would rather have had our current deal, anyway.


CZCW are taking a chance, it seems, on Marc DuBois. The man is a cancer that is going to kill them; he has already been blackballed by Richard, (obviously) myself, and Sam Strong. I assume that he would not be welcome up North for either major company as well. While he would do some good South of here, there's no way in hell Mr. Ibanez is pulling for him-when you have Champagne Lover, you don't need anyone else-and Mr. Soler and Domino probably are a bit more family-friendly than a drug addict would imply.


But hey, if CZCW can get past his clear shortcomings, he's clearly their biggest star (would be). Drop some losses to big stars e.g. Fox Mask he's with Richard now and Remmy Skye, same; turns out Matt Sparrow is their top dog now you have that popular put on someone more reliable.


Not like was ever bad in the ring; aside from some more work on his psychology, he had all the talent to be a huge star. Then he decided to be a moron. Worse than Peter, mind you; drinking is far, far less worse than chronic soft drug use and incidents with the law. Until Texas Pete gets a DUI, I can always say he's not Marc.


And if he gets a DUI, I will fire him promptly and make sure nobody hires him. Because not only is he not that talented, not only does he have a drinking problem, but at that point, he is a danger to the general populace and broke the law.


Yes, he is on the bubble for me. Those "rumors" are fairly accurate.




The unfortunate part about Richard's recent rant is that he was fairly accurate. While we are the second-most important company in the world (and fifth most influential behind Burning Hammer and the Border twins), we are a distant second-place. We are not hitting International for at least a year, easily. Canada has not grown to accept us that much.




So yes, Richard will have at least a year of killing the industry. Which, given their schedule...


Let us say that we are akin to the ludicrous display last night. The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in. That. Is what is going to happen. Eisen walks it in, we all lose, and everyone has their little laugh.


****ing wanker.




Press Release:

TCW Signings!


Greg Black for $10,000 written

Ford Gumble for $4,640 written


Ford Gumble dropped to Lightweight (+3 Athleticism, +3 Power, +4 Star Quality, +3 Sex Appeal)

Light-Heavyweight would also have given him improvements, btw

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Sam Strong, USPW


So Richard made the jump. Good. Always wanted my home to succeed. Now to watch him burn it to the ground...


In more appealing news, Arnold Westberry took over the "ownership" of my little developmental territory. Good for him, good for us. As for the Stones, since I'm keeping an eye on them, looks like Alysian Scottsfield jumped back to his home for them. Good for him, good for them. Wood Brothers really rocked it back then; a bit similar to a Canadian Demons of Rage, I think.




Giant Redwood tried to buy me a plane ticket to see some show. Since I'm pretty sure the rest of the locker room would be a bit ticked at such obvious sucking-up-not that I mind, just that you have to politick right-I pawned them off to Danny. Given that they're friends, doesn't look too odd.


And I have a wife. What sounded like a strip club-and I'm not doing any research to back it up-probably would be bad. Then again, Babes of Sin City lasted awhile and was a real hit with some of the ladies...




Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Grunt for $6,820 written

Stink for $7,270 written

Man Mountain Cahill for $7,610 written

Paul Steadyfast for $5,790 written

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


House of Stone, the developmental territory, got an owner! Alysian Scottsfield put on their first show. How was it...


HoS Ambition...


8 people in attendance (low, but understandable)

Devyn Renaud over Hugh Acrie

Flash over Cal Sanders for the "HoS Big Gold Belt" title. O...kay?


Show was rated a 48 of 100, which is actually incredible for their size. Understandable due to the talent I sent them, but this implies that the company will prosper.


But only two matches? Scottsfield...you're weird.




American Option or MySelect USA? I went with USA earlier (Option obviously dropped negotiations) due to their higher tolerance for riskiness. Not that I intend to push things, but I have the ability to do so. That is good. More freedom is almost always better than less.


Oh, and the companies are the same size. That...that would be important information.




As Lord James King currently is paddling in the mire of not having a sustained program, I feel I should give him a-wait, what?


When did I send him...





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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


2 weeks. Found my notes. Need to...probably need to put that on my schedule.




Oh. Right. Big City Brawl is tomorrow. No big deal. Not like THAT'S THE PAY-PER-VIEW OR ANYTHING!


I need to rest for a moment...

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Alex DeColt, CGC


Sayeed Ali joined us, and Jett's making the plane ride over here tomorrow.


Also, Richard Eisen is here and he's really mad. Richard Eisen's here and he's really angry.


I jest, but oh wait, no I don't. This is bad. Wanna know how bad?




Granted, the agreement with Jeremy will blunt some of the damage, but unless we can out-Eisen Richard Eisen, (our products are similar, for those of you who are reading this [and really, who would that be to which this would apply?{Given that one cannot answer that question, "to which this would apply," until they read the rest of the parenthetical statement, meaning I probably should have formatted this better. Given that these are more of my personal notes, thoughts-as-they-come, I'm not too concerned with formatting}] at a later date and we have since been killed off. Given that I doubt Richard's going to fall, and I also doubt his company will change much, we have a similar style with less risque elements and more angles. Had. We had. Given that you're reading this in the future, meaning that now, this now, my now, is the past. Your past.) we're royally screwed.


Speaking of being royally screwed, there's a joke that Ricky told me the other day. On an unrelated subject, Ricky might be sporting a black eye at the next Title Bout Wrestling.














We signed with American Option for 6 months at 90% revenue to them. Wait, sorry; that's not the great/insane news. That's...good, definitely good news, enough for a press release, (or not; who really cares?) but not enough for multiple single-word paragraphs. Particularly due to it being a "Tiny" carrier for us, effectively. Until February, hopefully.


Press Release:

CGC Signings!


Hannah Potter at $7,180 written

That would be the big news.

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Let us say that we are akin to the ludicrous display last night. The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in. That. Is what is going to happen. Eisen walks it in, we all lose, and everyone has their little laugh.


****ing wanker.




Then Tommy, be Tottenham.


Win with flair.

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Then Tommy, be Tottenham.


Win with flair.


IT Crowd. That was the reference. And somehow I referenced somebody that's a people.


Also for the record, it was actually Patrick Stewart on TV. And the joke was that he was being a dick.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


I pity those who email me, as my servers are slow. For example, Mr. Eisen sent me a delightful little threat. Cute.








Oh. That...oh.




To: Richard Eisen

Subject: Re: Pillaging my roster


Dear Mr. Eisen,


Aside from the fact that literally every endeavor you have made to ruin me has backfired on you, this recent display of aggression should anger me, as opposed to make me laugh.


I began laughing, of course.


Then I saw that you did not hire Burning EXILE.


You want to crush my dreams, Richard? Give him a contract. A long, guaranteed, main event contract. Or development. I don't care. Contrary to your belief, my sole goal in life is not to watch as you apparently ram you **** not into my ass, but into a light socket. Rather, and I believe these words might be mistranslated to a degree because technically speaking, we cannot speak, I do not mean that my life's goal is to watch you insert your sexual apparati into light sockets. That is entirely irrelevant, except insomuch as that is what you have been doing for some time.


No, my goal is to make Burning EXILE into nothingness. He does not belong in the industry, as he is...he is, clearly, the most basic example of what not to do IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.


Hiring him would quite clearly, then, anger me.


So make your choice: do you want to try to ruin me by conventional means-which, again, is the ****-in-the-socket story-or, OR, do you want to actually ruin my life?


I will give you a hint: electrocution and elocution are only four letters apart.


Or so I hear, as, again, Japanese and English. Not the same.


At all.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


To: Jeff Nova

Subject: Richard Eisen


Dear Mr. Nova,


Apparently Richard feels I am his biggest rival, as he approached 34 people on my roster in negotiations. That, or, perhaps, he knows he could easily kill my company. Given that we are allies, I feel this information ought to be shared with you.


The obvious solution is that I use cheap workers you trade to me until I can rebuild my roster. That is, if Richard can succeed in pulling everyone away from me. In truth, cutting my roster in half would not be harmful at all. Given my size, I can survive with even the worst among my people.


I have a reputation of being something of a mad genius. Creative and motivatiing, I have survive-nay, thrived-amidst conditions that many predicted would end my company. I feel they should have been correct, if you must know.


Yet if I can succeed in getting Wrestling Engine to last-clearly I can, as I have done so-then I can survive the greatest of roster pillagings.


It is possible I will need some of your help soon, but do not try to dissuade me from my plans. They will be most fruitful. And no, I am not renegotiating with anyone.


-Ryu Kajahara

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Big move for Japan!


It appears the Modern Japan Movement have added to their ranks!


At the behest of Ryu Kajahara, invitations were sent to every other Japanese company. One might ask why one would even bother with BCG, and also, moreso, why one would add companies to a movie doing away with touring schedules when said negotiated companies have touring schedules.


Kajahara illuminated his decision:

If Richard Eisen wants to rid the world of the Wrestling Engine, he will have to rid the world of Japanese wrestling. Not that such would be impossible, to be accurate, but I seem to remember a prominent American noting when Pearl Harbor bombed the Germans, or something like that.


Do you want it to be D-Day all over again, Mr. Eisen?




We have no words.


New Additions:


Hinote Dojo

Pro Wrestling SAISHO

btw, a brief Google indicates Steiner might have been trying to quote Animal House.

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Tristram Day, RAW


This is being kept out of the media for whatever reason-to my understanding the story having mainstream attention would not be a problem, but no one involved would prefer such a scenario-but Richard Eisen has already agreed with The Australian Sports Network to not directly attack our company. That is, no stealing talent from us.


He hopes, I believe, to spread to The A.S.N. at some future point. I would be amicable to that arrangement.


Before tonight's show, I secured Swoop McCarthy for $11,820 per month, exclusively written. Excellent. Now I have him for seven years.

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RAW Attitude!


Frogue Element vs. Manhunter


Monday Next vs. Mark Misery


Swoop McCarthy vs. Lynx


Quizzical Mark Question/Quiz Master vs. Nicky Gilbert/Rod Sullivan


Debonair David Peterson/Dumfrey Pinn vs. Heath Murdock and Horton Ravenwood


Brodie Lachlan vs. Molokai Milk




Belushi consoles Drucker!


Swoop hits on Vicki!


The Captain chases Croft!


Steele destroys Wayne and Robbins!


Goode destroys Wayne and Robbins!


Ravenwood, Murdock, Autumn Movie Parody!


Skyscraper destroyes Frogue!

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Jeff Nova, 21CW





And why is .bmp not supported by phobucket? WHYYYYY


That .06 loss in rating isn't good either.


To: Ryu Kajahara

Subject: Eisen's stealing Adam Matravers and Dark Angel, among others


Dear Ryu Kajahara,


We're ****ed.


-Jeff Nova

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


Turns out that I can easily beat Richard for two reasons:


1. My offers are for more money due to the workers having far more popularity in the Isles than elsewhere.


2. I genuinely forgot what I was going to say.


Monetarily speaking, it's not worth it. I have to give everyone 8 times the amount of money they currently receive, but I only have 5 shows. So...yes. This is bad.

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Remember that one time when I kept a backup save of my game fairly frequently?


Yeah, turns out that was a good thing as I appear to have corrupted my main save. Will be checking it later today to see if I just did something really, really stupid.


Mind, given the data in this thread I can fairly reliably recreate the save, but...


Edit: Backup was from before I read the emails as Nova; given that I was trying to brand out the roster, I have lost...I guess 5 seconds-worth of time? Anyway, too bad I'm going to wait until later to mess with that. trollolol thanks adam for the help though.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


Because I sure as hell need it, what with 18 too many people, here's a current list of the roster, divided by brand:



Adam Matravers

Bam Bam Johansson

Buff Martinez

Bulldog Jack

BW Eddie


Daniel Black Francis

Dark Angel

DJ Reason

Dunton Hall

Edward Cornell

Harry Wilson

Hercules Johansson

Hugh de Aske

Jay B

Jeff Nova

Joey Beauchamp

Jonathan Faust

Joss Thompson

Karl Dexter

Kashmir Singh

Kathleen Lee

Kelvin Badberry

Kevin Jones

Leo Price

Luke Cool

Melanie Florence

Michael Gregory

Nate Manchester

Neville Jones

Petey Barnes

Phillip Cooper

Phoebe Plumridge

Pit Bull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones

Steve Smith

Stevie Stoat

Tara Green

The Steamroller

UK Dragon (in a day)

Wade Orson




Billy Robinson

Don Henderson

Fink Finkleton

Jacob Bailey

Kelly Martin

K'Lee Hawkins

Lance Martin

Laura McKenna

Leigh Burton

Merle O'Curle

Oleg Dorosklov

Ricky Storm


Viktor Beskov

Walter Morgan

Yuri Illiakov




Alton Vicious

Beast Bantom


Brickhouse Balder

Cliff King

Danny Patterson

Dwayne Dark

Emma Evans

Harley Neill

Highland Warrior

Igor Ivanoff

Ivan Ivanoff

Jeffery McPeterson

Joe Simpson

Keith Adams

Liz Sweetheart

Matthew Macks

Michael X


Riddick Jordan

Robert Etchinson

Scotty Gregory

Uppercut Bailey

War Machine



And...huh. Maybe I need to do some trading. Oh well.Speaking of oh well, GUESS WHO BOOKED PEOPLE THAT DON'T WORK FOR HIM YET?!

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RAW Attitude!




Swoop McCarthy just performed without a script the best possible way I think anyone could have performed. Superb. Absolutely exceptional.


Vicki, meanwhile, appears to underperform, hence why this initialization of the love triangle with her, Swoop, and Mark was before the televised proceedings. For that matter, Mark did alright overhearing Swoop hit on Vicki.



Brodie Lachlan vs. Molokai Milk


Although I wanted this to be a scripted, open affair between two workers taking every measure to win.


Instead, I get a well-booked squash as I learn Brodie is far from ready for the ring. Which is fine with me.



Rahmel Goode surprises Kerry Wayne backstage, hitting I believe a powerbomb or suplex of some sort. As Captain Wrestling II comes in for the save, he takes what is a clothesline, I believe. He goes down, and Goode continues his devastation. Excellent. This is good fuel for the Battle Lines story.



The Master Minds vs. The Next Big Things


Spin Doctor and Quizzical Mark Question don't click, but he does a good job with him.


Quiz Master, for what it matters, is good as a wrestler. I want him to do well. However, Nicky Gilbert is going to be a star for us in a few years, so I kept his victory open, and scripted.



Captain Wrestling II, slowed by the previous attack, finds Montgomery Croft backstage. Unfortunately, Croft gets to a car ahead of his pursuer, screeching away into the night.


Apparently I mixed a storyline, as I see no progression from this.



Swoop McCarthy vs. Lynx


I need to check Swoop's status after this show; while it was supposed to be scripted domination, preliminary reports indicate this was not, strictly speaking, a "squash." Unfortunate.


Will Tuddenham is a subpar referee.





I accidentally kept Ravenwood, Murdock, and Gleeson's movie parody on the main show!



Monday Next vs. Mark Misery


Decent; Misery wins a scripted, "good" match for his girlfriend. In a moment, anyway. Perhaps next show.



Skyscraper reams Frogue Element, to use the slang for "nearly kill".



Frogue Element vs. Manhunter


The two work well in the ring, which is good for his Echo feud-which continued. Skyscraper interfered in this match, but Manhunter looked to have things well under control. Frogue appears to be in trouble, which is what I needed.



Luke Steele kills Kerry Wayne and Loxley Robbins. Good work.



Echo vs. Blake Belushi


Two secondary title-holders; Echo takes the excellent match due to his expertise in singles' competition.



Captain Wrestling II and Kerry Wayne cut a good promo, carried more on their popularity than any particular skill on the microphone. I hope Swoop's work below his position does good, as he far more deserves the main event spot, currently.





15-Man Battle Royal


Alyx Macquarie, Angus McMiller, Artemis Eyre-Rochester, Black Flash, Bob Shrunkle, Cole Taylor, D-Pod, isaac Taylor, Lone Rider, Mace Mueller, Mercenary, Pookie Possum, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, and Thurston Darcy III were in the match.


Darcy III won, Alyx was the last elimination, and Isaac Taylor had the most eliminations.



I need to be more careful...

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