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AWF: Live The Revolution [ThunderVerse]

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(Heels First)

Herculez vs KISS

Derrick Rollins vs Bryce Christensen

Ricky Fyre & Theo Barkley vs Silva Dolla & Wilson Hancock

Jean-Claude Giroux vs Drake Richards



Casey Skym will deliver his thoughts on the first Casey Skym Challenger, Mitch Mulconry!

AWF Starlets champion Dani talks to Ace Lomax!

Towerblock has something to say to Jean-Claude Giroux!



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Herculez vs KISS

Derrick Rollins vs Bryce Christensen

Ricky Fyre & Theo Barkley vs Silva Dolla & Wilson Hancock

Jean-Claude Giroux vs Drake Richards



Casey Skym will deliver his thoughts on the first Casey Skym Challenger, Mitch Mulconry! He gets a yes because Casey has plans. Evil evil plans. They are also delicious.


AWF Starlets champion Dani talks to Ace Lomax!


Towerblock has something to say to Jean-Claude Giroux!

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I haven´t downloaded this mod to 2013 yet so I´m likely little off with my predictions but I give this a shot anyway.


Herculez vs KISS

I didn´t like KISS in 2010 and I doubt I like him any more this time so Herculez gets the win


Derrick Rollins vs Bryce Christensen

Neither guy didn´t have that strong first performance but they lost to Towerblock and Core so it´s not that bad. To be honest I don´t remember anything about Rollins and only remember that Bruce was in a tag team with his brother. I go with Rollins simply because as far as I know he´s singles guy.


Ricky Fyre & Theo Barkley vs Silva Dolla & Wilson Hancock

Fyre seems to play the cowardly heel part so him leaving Barkley to his own during the match feels likely ending to me.

Jean-Claude Giroux vs Drake Richards

Both have a feud going and neither guy haven´t won a match yet in this diary so it´s pretty close. I go with Giroux simply because he´s heel and thus more likely to cheat. Also I think that Core is little more likely to interfere here than what Towerblock would be too (again because their aligment).

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Solid show, even though my predictions were all pretty much off. Nevermind.


Herculez vs KISS

I suspect Herculez figures more in your plans than KISS does (at least so I'm guessing after VIP's promo).


Derrick Rollins vs Bryce Christensen

Keeps on Rollin'.


Ricky Fyre & Theo Barkley vs Silva Dolla & Wilson Hancock

Hard not to back Fyre since he's on a hot streak (unintended pun), but I figure Barkley could be the weak link here and lose the fall.


Jean-Claude Giroux vs Drake Richards

This one has got Core involvement written all over it.

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*Jean-Claude Giroux Takes On Drake Richards*

*Casey Skym Gives His Views On Mitch Mulconry*

*Joe Havanna Addresses The AWF Audience*





“The Re-Evolution”

-Two youngsters, both with bright futures in the business, squared up in a match that featured solid wrestling, but little in the way of crowd reaction.

-That lack of interest from the audience had little effect on Rollins or Christensen who offered up a fluid technical match that saw both men come close to a victory.

-As is often the case, a mistep was the decider as Bryce Christensen went for a missile dropkick from the top rope that Derrick Rollins just managed to avoid...

-And as Bryce struggled to get back to his feet Rollins knocked him back before hitting his
Rollins Stone (Buzzsaw Kick)
finisher for the victory.








Last week, for the first time in a couple of years I rolled up my sleeves, popped on the elbow pads and wrestled an enormous Irishman in the centre of this ring. As per my self-created rules, Mitch Mulconry, the “Celtic Fire”, the “Irish Behemoth” has not been granted an AWF contract, because this man right here won the match. However, not all is lost because you the fans will have a chance to vote on his future. He fought hard, he fought well, but he didn't fight smart enough. Anyway, go to our website and cast your vote – yes and Mitch Mulconry will stay with the company, no and he can head back to Philly with nothing more than a pat on the back. The results will be revealed on next week's show when I deliver the news – good or bad – to Mulconry.





“World's Strongest Man”
“Rock N Roll Demon”

-The “Rock N Roll Demon” can't seem to buy a win at the moment and that losing streak continued after a torid encounter with Herculez...

-The “World's Strongest Man” appeared to have a point to prove as he set about completely demolishing his opponent in double-quick time.

Herculean Slam (Belly-to-Belly Suplex)
ended this one-sided bout after just five and a half minutes.








Towerblock, as the fans know you've been wanting to get a shot at French superstar Jean-Claude Giroux for a couple of months. Earlier this evening, “The Man In Charge” Casey Skym announced that you'd finally get that chance at New Year, No Limits. Towerblock, what are your thoughts on the matter?



Jean-Claude Giroux has an affliction that seems to plague a number of wrestlers in the AWF today – he thinks he can run his mouth without suffering the consequences. Casey Skym knows that I'm due my shot at Jean-Claude Giroux because that “French superstar” has taken it upon himself to be the class clown. Well every so often the class clown needs to be taught a lesson and if I'm anything I'm bigger, meaner and angrier than Jean-Claude Giroux and I'm the perfect man to take A**-Kicking 101.





“Ice Cold”
“The Boss Man”

-Luke Graves has proven himself a tenacious fighter over the last three months since aligning himself with Silva Dolla and Timothy Hawk.

-That tenacity was definitely needed in this match as veteran Marshal Law used his power and experience to great effect.

-Several times Law set up his
Wrong Arm Of The Law (Huge Lariat)
finisher but each time Graves managed to avoid being clobbered.

-But when Law began to tire, Graves began to take his chances and eventually set up his own finisher,
Your Grave Mistake (Rolling Cutter),
to secure the win.








Hello folks, Ace Lomax here alongside the AWF Starlets champion Dani. Dani, next week we will see a six way match to crown the #1 Contender for your title belt – I know you'll be watching, but do you have any comments regarding that match?



You know, Ace Lomax is a fine name, hun. Whatever happens next week there's only one thing that I can be sure of as I leave Tucson, Arizona – I'll be the Starlets champion. Any one of the girls on the roster has the ability to win that match, Ace, and that's for sure. Personally speaking of course, I'd like to see Jazz win, because someone needs to teach that tramp a lesson and I'm nominating myself to do the honours!






[in Spanish]
If I were you, I'd shut your mouths because I am not going to repeat myself.

[in English]
It is fortunate for you people that I even grant you the opportunity to see me in the flesh. I had offers from around the world and I chose to come here, to prove to you that your heroes are nothing more than cardboard cutouts designed to get a few cheap cheers. In Cuba I am a legend, in Mexico I am the rising star and yet in the United States I am made to “earn my stripes”. I do not need to “earn” any more stripes. Just because you 'fans' do not believe that wrestling exists outside of these four walls does not mean that beyond this city I am not one of the most successful young wrestlers around. Casey Skym and Ezekiel Trillion are trying to make me work my way up the company, but they forget that on talent, on personality, and on entertainment value I start at the very top. They spend all their time making matches for Timothy Hawk and Drake Richards that they forget that Joe Havanna is sitting in the dressing room just WAITING for the chance to destroy someone inside this squared circle. Well I'm tired of waiting and playing these stupid games. Next week someone in that locker room is going to step in this ring with me and they are going to lose.

[in Spanish]
If anyone has the guts to take me on, of course.






[The action cuts backstage where the cameraman is setting up for a short interview with Vincent I Parker. However, as the cameraman counts down from five, an enormous crash gets the attention of everyone nearby...it's Herculez! The man mountain comes charging through the narrow corridor of the Tucson City Ballroom, knocking an unnamed official flying and colliding with some force into Parker. The two end up in a mess of flailing arms and kicking legs before a number of road agents and referees pull them apart. As the segment ends we just about hear Herculez make Parker a promise; “You'll be hitting home runs with a broken arm before I'm through with you Parker!”]






-With four good wrestlers, all striving to prove themselves against their rivals this match had the potential to be a great one...

-However, that determination was tempered by a four-way hatred and before the match had really started to flow it had spilled to the outside.

-The referee began counting the four men out but having lost track of who was the legal man on either team was forced to restart several times when one or the other entered the ring.

-While the referee's attention was focused on Dolla and Barkley brawling on one side of the ring he completely missed Hancock nail Fyre with a steel chair...

-But failing to see one illegal move didn't really matter, because by then Barkley had begun to attack Dolla's ankle with the steel steps!

-As the chaos entered the ring, the referee was knocked to the floor as two Irish whips from opposite ends of the rings caught him right in the middle...

-By the time the referee had come to, Fyre and Barkley were double-teaming the United States champion while Adrienne tended to her bruised client, Wilson Hancock.

-With carnage reigning supreme, the referee had no choice but to throw the match out as a no contest!






[After Chaperone reveals that Casey Skym will be revealing the PPV line-up on next week's show, the action cuts to a backstage corridor where Mountain Albert and Nikita are stood by with their thoughts...]



Next week I will face Timothy Hawk for MY AWF WORLD title. Casey Skym and you pathetic fans - do you seriously think that this streak of nothing from Iowa, Timothy Hawk, can even HOPE to stop me!? I am the AWF World champion, I am a TWO-TIME United Promotions Japan Tag champion. I have fought hordes of men in the Ozeki Summit that are bigger, stronger and brighter than Timothy Hawk. Casey Skym has made his rules and he better live by them - bring it on old man, I'll fight anyone, anywhere, anytime. And that also applies to Timothy Hawk, but you better make sure you step up your game babyface or you'll be eating pre-chewed food for the rest of the year!


[Off-screen we hear a cough, and the cameraman (followed quickly by Albert and Nikita) turns in its direction to reveal “The Man In Charge” Casey Skym!]



Do you know what I like about this little feud you have going on with Timothy Hawk. The passion. Both of you really, REALLY, want to hurt the other. However, while I'm all for pain during a wrestling match, these good fans pay their money to see a clean fight and I'm not always convinced that you can achieve that. So you see, next week you go one-on-one with Timothy Hawk for the World title, but it's also going to have a special guest referee, just to make sure you both play by the rules. Who is the referee going to be you ask? Why, that would be your's truly, this man right here...ME!





“Parisien Playboy”
“The Icon”

-Two enormously talented individuals in a match that has main evented many AWF PPVs in the past.

-That experience provided both men with a good starting point and while Giroux focused on Richards' notoriously frail back, Richards aimed straight for the previously-separated shoulder of the Frenchman.

-Unfortunately, Richards seemed a little off his game – as has often been the case of late – and the match wasn't the classic that many expected.

-In a back-and-forth that raged for thirteen minutes, both men took control for periods of the match.

-Richards thought he had the match won when he went for the
Top Rope Rushmore (Top Rope Crossbody)

-...but Giroux managed to roll through into a pin of his own!

-Similarly, Giroux went for his own finisher, the
Playboy Press (Lifting Spinebuster)
, just a couple of minutes later...

-...but somehow Richards managed to turn it into a small package!

-Soon it look as if neither competitor would get the better of his opponent when the lights went out...

-...and CORE appeared at the top of the ramp!

-The big man climbed into the ring, hitting Drake Richards with a chokeslam...

-...and then a Korah's Parable (Elevated Powerbomb) to make sure Richards wasn't likely to leave the ring without the help of a few EMTs!




[Core wrenches a microphone from the hands of a nearby ring attendant...]



DRAKE RICHARDS! Do you think that this is a game? That I don't mean what I say? Do you think that somehow you will fare better next time? I made you bleed all over this very ring mat. I made you scream in pain. I beat you. Yet you claim that it wasn't fair. It wasn't even. You had an injury, a problem, a reason. I am the Devil's Nightmare, the most brutal man in sports entertainment and no matter where you meet me, when you meet me, I WILL ensure that you spend the rest of your career remembering the night that the Fallen Angel erased your name from the tomes of legends.

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Thanks again for all the predictions, and welcome to Zergon who made his first picks for this round! As mentioned previously, the current plan is for the prediction contest to last eight shows, with the leader at the end of that time winning the chance to select their very own Casey Skym Challenge competitor (and the outcome of that match). Here are the results after the second prediction contest...


1st Place with 6 points


2nd Place with 5 points

MichiganHero and TheEnforcer!

3rd Place with 4 points

MJStark, Sebsplex and Midnightnick!

4th Place with 3 points


5th Place with 2 points

NoNeck and Zergon!

6th Place with 1 point



If, as is often the case, I've missed anybody out or given you the wrong score just shout and I'll amend the list! Expect the card for show 4, and this week's Brian Jack round-up, to be posted later today, or possibly sometime tomorrow

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You've clearly given me the wrong score. 1 point is not AWESOME at all. I am not impress... with myself...


Enjoying this one so keep it up! Love your take on the AWF and how much it differs from the directions I'm going in my own game.


Thanks BP! I'm enjoying the game a lot actually, and surprisingly I'm only a couple of shows ahead in-game. Normally I can't resist the urge to press on and I end up three months ahead of the show I'm posting! It's partly down to a lack of time over the last couple of weeks but I think it is working pretty well for my booking and for the diary. Eventually I'm going to have to start up a non-diary game, I think, but I'm at a loss so far as to what that might be :D

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Thanks BP! I'm enjoying the game a lot actually, and surprisingly I'm only a couple of shows ahead in-game. Normally I can't resist the urge to press on and I end up three months ahead of the show I'm posting! It's partly down to a lack of time over the last couple of weeks but I think it is working pretty well for my booking and for the diary. Eventually I'm going to have to start up a non-diary game, I think, but I'm at a loss so far as to what that might be :D


I know that feeling. In Gureisu, I book a card and then leave the save game alone for a week until I go and book the next card. Lather, rinse, repeat. :p

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Excellent prize jhd. Makes me determined to win so one of my many favourites gets a shot.


Thanks Michigan. It'll be a fun prize for me too, as usually my prediction prizes are non-diary related (such as alts etc.). Of course, I could end up with someone I don't want on the roster (like Jack Bodydrop if MJ wins!) but it'll be fun to work around if nothing else :p


I know that feeling. In Gureisu, I book a card and then leave the save game alone for a week until I go and book the next card. Lather, rinse, repeat. :p


The new pre-booking feature helps a huge amount too, as I can add in the major angles and matches once I've finished a show and then if I come back a few days later I know what my plans were without having to hunt down a notepade file! I find it gives me time to write up the show too (or at least the major angles) which help me to book the next show more logically than I would simply working off "A taunts B".

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Thanks Michigan. It'll be a fun prize for me too, as usually my prediction prizes are non-diary related (such as alts etc.). Of course, I could end up with someone I don't want on the roster (like Jack Bodydrop if MJ wins!) but it'll be fun to work around if nothing else :p




The new pre-booking feature helps a huge amount too, as I can add in the major angles and matches once I've finished a show and then if I come back a few days later I know what my plans were without having to hunt down a notepade file!


Jack Bodydrop couldn't hold any of my guys flippy dippy jockstrap! :p


Yeah, I pretty much book the whole card via pre-booking now. Booking is definitely easier in this game than any of the other games.

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Thanks BP! I'm enjoying the game a lot actually, and surprisingly I'm only a couple of shows ahead in-game. Normally I can't resist the urge to press on and I end up three months ahead of the show I'm posting! It's partly down to a lack of time over the last couple of weeks but I think it is working pretty well for my booking and for the diary. Eventually I'm going to have to start up a non-diary game, I think, but I'm at a loss so far as to what that might be :D


I'm the opposite - my typical approach is to book in the game as I go with a diary. I rarely get ahead of the writing, which has both positives and negatives. The frustration there is to have a slow-moving game. Its actually not wanting to do that which that is one of the reasons I haven't tackled a diary in 2013 and likely won't for some time. Not the only reason, but one of them.

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AWF Shockwave saw it's second viewership rise in as many weeks as it brought in an average rating of 2.61 over its 90 minute slot, a rise of 0.02 over the previous week. PWI, however, had a bumper week as it hit a nine-month high of 2.98 (a rise of 0.11 over last week's show). Integrity, Tradition & Honour featured a PWI Television title change as Ethan Paro defeated Lukas Meunecker, while the show was headlined by a star-studded six-man tag which saw Ryan Doherty and the Van Holt Brothers come out on top against the team of James Gilmour-Hart, Seb Curtis and Bobby Ruiz.

2013 WAR SO FAR: PWI 3 – 0 AWF



To fall out with the booker of the promotion you work for is one thing. To fall out with the owner is another. To fall out with the man who is both booker AND owner is career suicide. Enter Jameson Spear, who got into a huge argument this week with Seattle Wrestling Alliance owner and wrestling veteran Les Gotch. As is usually the case, the argument is thought to centre around Spear's relatively slow climb up the roster with Spear claiming he was led to believe that he would be the person to take over from Christian Alexander (who moved to PWI in 2012). Gotch, who is famously patient with his young charges, has refused to fire Spear but industry veterans expect the youngster to be on a tight leash for the next few months.



According to reports, prior to this week's filming of AWF Shockwave Chaperone was once again at the centre of a major fallout when he pulled a tasteless prank on a junior member of the backstage team. The crew member was said to have been left in tears by the prank, with Chaperone supposedly filming the incident on his phone and showing it to the rest of the roster. Sources inside the AWF claimed that despite Chaperone's punishment amounting to little more than a slap on the wrist, the veteran took exception to being told what to do and sulked for the rest of the evening.




Derrick Rollins
def. Bryce Christensen -

ANGLE: Casey Skym Reveals His Thoughts On Mitch Mulconry's Performance Last Week

def. KISS -

ANGLE: Towerblock Taunts Jean-Claude Giroux

Luke Graves
def. Marshal Law -

ANGLE: Dani Talks About Next Week's Starlets #1 Contenders Match

ANGLE: Joe Havanna Makes Open Challenge

ANGLE: VIP Beaten Down By Herculez

Ricky Fyre & Theo Barkely
Silva Dolla & Wilson Hancock ended in a No Contest -

ANGLE: Mountain Albert and Nikita Taunt Timothy Hawk

ANGLE: Casey Skym Books Himself As Special Guest Ref For Hawk vs Albert Next Week!

Drake Richards
def. Jean-Claude Giroux via DQ -

ANGLE: Core Taunts Drake Richards


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(Heels First)


AWF TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Herculez vs Marco De Francesco ©

OPEN CHALLENGE: Joe Havanna vs ????

Theo Barkley vs Wilson Hancock

AWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Mountain Albert © vs Timothy Hawk w/Casey Skym as Special Guest Referee



Casey Skym will reveal whether the first Casey Skym Challenger, Mitch Mulconry has earned an AWF contract!

AWF's starlets division enters a six-way match for the #1 Contendership!

Vincent I Parker comments on being the victim of a Herculez attack last week!



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AWF TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Herculez vs Marco De Francesco ©

OPEN CHALLENGE: Joe Havanna vs ????

Theo Barkley vs Wilson Hancock

AWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Mountain Albert © vs Timothy Hawk w/Casey Skym as Special Guest Referee



Casey Skym will reveal whether the first Casey Skym Challenger, Mitch Mulconry has earned an AWF contract! Come on, he has to. AWF needs a big pale Irishman! Just think of the possibilities!

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AWF TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Herculez vs Marco De Francesco ©

With Herculez attacking Parker in last show I figure that Parker would respond in kind here and cost Herculez this one.


OPEN CHALLENGE: Joe Havanna vs ????

Now to me this is quite interesting match as it will largely tell if Havanna can actually back-up his words in-ring or if he´s all talk no action type. I think it´s the first choice since he already has a win over Winters.


Theo Barkley vs Wilson Hancock

Pretty much a coin flip to me.


AWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Mountain Albert © vs Timothy Hawk w/Casey Skym as Special Guest Referee

No title change yet.

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AWF TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Herculez vs Marco De Francesco ©

OPEN CHALLENGE: Joe Havanna vs Towerblock

Theo Barkley vs Wilson Hancock

AWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Mountain Albert © vs Timothy Hawk w/Casey Skym as Special Guest Referee Double Count Out

I feel a "Dusty" Finish coming in this one!:D

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