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WWF 1994: Growing Pains

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The Bushwhackers vs. The Heavenly Bodies

The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Nikolai Volkoff


The Smoking Gunns vs. Well Dunn


Fatu w/Samu, Afa, and Lou Albano vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/IRS and Ted DiBiase

Lex Luger vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


#1 Contender's Match - WWF Championship

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. Owen Hart w/Jim Neidhart


Keep up the good work sir!

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WWF Creates Developmental Territory; Other Signings: Week 1, August 1994




WWF Creates Developmental Territory; Other Signings

Week 1, August 1994


With an abundance of workers on their roster, the World Wrestling Federation has opened a developmental territory called Midwest Wrestling Association. It will run out of Ohio and will feature many of the enhancement talent and opening stars currently in the WWF, along with older stars who will be working as trainers. The current roster is as follows:


Adam Copeland

Barry Hardy

Duke Droese

Jacques Rougeau (trainer)

Jim Powers


Mike Sharpe (trainer)


Pat Patterson (trainer)

Rene Goulet (trainer)

Reno Riggins

Sparky Plugg

Tony DeVito

Tony Garea (trainer)


WWF has also released news that it will be in contact with other independent wrestlers regarding developmental contracts. These include Ace Conner, Allen Sarven, Glen Jacobs, Michael Alfonso (known as The Gladiator in Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling in Japan) and Tony Norris.


Finally, WWF has announced that contracts have been completed with Davey Boy Smith, John Layfield, and The Warlord. These new faces should be making an impact on WWF television in the near future.


World Championship Wrestling has released a pair of names the WWF may be looking at as well. Former world champion Ron Simmons has been released from his contract, and WCW could not come to an agreement with Cactus Jack on a new deal, having him walk out. The WWF is highly rumored to be interested in at least one of these stars, but no contract has been offered to either.



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Hey man, thought I'd return the favor for you predicting on my diary :) hope you enjoyed reading it :) I love yours... I hope you sign Ron Simmons and Mick Foley... Also, one question... Who is Barry Hardy please?! "/


The Bushwhackers vs. The Heavenly Bodies


The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Nikolai Volkoff


The Smoking Gunns vs. Well Dunn


Fatu w/Samu, Afa, and Lou Albano vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/IRS and Ted DiBiase


Lex Luger vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


#1 Contender's Match - WWF Championship

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. Owen Hart w/Jim Neidhart

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RAW: Monday, Week 1, August 1994



WWF Monday Night RAWMonday, Week 1, August 1994

Selland Arena, Fresno, CA


The opening video plays as Jim Ross welcomes the television audience to Monday Night RAW!


To kick off the show, the music of "The Macho Man" Randy Savage hits over the loudspeaker as he comes out to the roar of the crowd. Savage plays to them a little bit before stepping into the ring. Lord Alfred Hayes is waiting in the ring with a microphone. He talks about how he wants Shawn Michaels to come out to the ring without Diesel and face him like a man.


Shawn Michaels comes out by himself and the two face off with the crowd buzzing. They trade insults for a bit before getting a bit heated.


Randy Savage: You wanna fight me right now Shawn? Right here in front of these fans? I'll show you who's the cream of the crop right now!


Michaels laughs at him and Hayes tries to calm them down, but out of nowhere Diesel hits the ring from the crowd! He attempts to hit Savage, who ducks and he nails Michaels! Savage lands a series of punches to his head before clotheslining the big man over the top rope to the floor! The crowd goes wild, with Savage standing tall!


RATING: 80 (B)

Notes: Shawn Michaels clearly enjoyed the freedom to go off-script and performed well. Randy Savage did a masterful job of improvising interactions with the crowd.



http://i.imgur.com/nhDUjb4.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/1lubuot.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/YmDtp08.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/1xOjumA.jpg

The Smoking Gunns vs. Well Dunn


In a quick tag-team bout, The Smoking Gunns were able to take down Well Dunn. They won with the Sidewinder in about three minutes.


RATING: 42 (D)

Notes: 2:48. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.



As The Smoking Gunns celebrate their victory in the ring, two big men run to the ring and attack them! Vince McMahon and Jim Ross identify the two men as former WWF wrestlers The Barbarian and The Warlord! The team once known as the Powers of Pain beat down on the Gunns. The Warlord powerslammed Bart onto Billy and The Barbarian went to the top rope, landing a diving headbutt onto the two before walking out.


RATING: 59 ©

Notes: None.



After a commercial break, the camera panned to the commentators, who stated that President Gorilla Monsoon had an announcement. This announcement is that because of their recent friction, Monsoon will allow Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels to take their frustrations out -- but not on each other. Over the course of the next two weeks, Savage and Michaels will each have a match. The competitor's opponent will be chosen by his rival.


A graphic is then shown, hyping up next week's matchup between The Macho Man and Shawn Michaels' chosen opponent, "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel!


RATING: 77 (B)

Notes: None.



http://i.imgur.com/DdfZ3bX.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/N09LJJb.jpg

Fatu w/Samu, Afa, and Lou Albano vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/IRS and Ted DiBiase


Continuing their mini-series from Superstars, one-half of the Million Dollar Corporation faced off with one-half of the Headshrinkers. This one, however, ended more decisively. While the referee did his best to maintain control on the outside of the ring, Bam Bam finished Fatu off in about five minutes with the Greetings from Asbury Park!


RATING: 62 ©

Notes: 5:02. Afa did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match.



After the match, Samu and their managers check on Fatu while The Million Dollar Man grabs a microphone and stood in the ring with it, boasting about the dominance of his team.


Ted DiBiase: I don't care who you are, I own the best tag team the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen! Hahaha...there is absolutely no one that my Bam Bam Bigelow and IRS can't beat! No one!


At this point, the lights go out and the crowd goes nuts. Moments later, they turn back on and The Undertaker is standing in the ring! He lands a couple of punches on Bam Bam and IRS before the two high-tail it out of the ring with DiBiase! Furious, the Million Dollar Corporation heads backstage while the Undertaker stands in the ring, staring coldly after them.


RATING: 78 (B)

Notes: Ted DiBiase clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off-script and performed well.



The camera cuts backstage, where Razor Ramon knocks on the closed locker room door of Randy Savage. Savage answers and the two begin to talk about next week.


Razor Ramon: I just wanna let you know Randy, that next week, if Shawn tries any funny stuff...I got your back mang. You can count on "The Bad Guy, no doubt."


RATING: 89 (A)

Notes: Razor Ramon did a masterful job of improvising interactions with the crowd.



A video package plays, highlighting the events that occurred when Lex Luger saved Tatanka from a beatdown by Crush last week on RAW.


RATING: 63 ©

Notes: None.



http://i.imgur.com/bmgdyFC.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/VZS691b.jpg

Lex Luger vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


This was a matchup of powerhouses. The two brawled for a good while, with Crush actually picking up Luger for a military press slam in an impressive display of power. The end of the match saw Bob Backlund come down to the ring to distract Crush, who then turned around into a huge Forearm Smash from Luger for the win!


RATING: 57 (C-)

Notes: 6:51. The announcing quality lifted the match.



Backstage, Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart kick in the not-quite-closed door of the WWF Champion Bret Hart, who gears for a fight. Owen laughs.


Owen Hart: Don't you worry brother, I didn't come in here to fight even though we all know I'd smack you around, I just wanted you to know that I am gonna go out to the ring right now, pin that fat slob Yokozuna, and then I'm gonna have wins over the biggest wrestler in the WWF AND the WWF Champion. You should just give me the title now, brother, and save yourself the embarrassment at Summerslam! WOO!


RATING: 82 (B)

Notes: None



http://i.imgur.com/FVhY6EM.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/hZNT0fz.jpg

#1 Contender's Match - WWF Championship

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. Owen Hart w/Jim Neidhart


In an uncharacteristically heel-heel main event, Owen found himself in the ring with a man almost three times his size. Owen was able to keep himself out of Yokozuna's grasp for the early portion of the fight, working in kicks and punches. The big man eventually caught his leg on a kick and floored him, gaining control. The match went on for about ten minutes, with both men escaping his opponent's finisher. Late, Neidhart snuck the ring bell into the ring as Owen was down near the corner. Since the referee was checking on Yokozuna, he did not see it. Neidhart got up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring, distracting the referee. As Yokozuna went to attack Owen, "The King of Harts" turned around and smashed the bell over the big man's head! He slid it out of the ring and made the cover for the three count!


RATING: 69 (C+)

Notes: 11:58. Match of the night. Mr. Fuji did some good work at ringside.



After the match, Owen immediately fled from the ring with Neidhart while a furious Mr. Fuji pled with the referee. Owen jumped up and down repeatedly screaming "I did it! WOO!" in celebration, while hugging Neidhart as the show ended!


RATING: 77 (B)

Notes: None.




Notes: This show increased our popularity in 9 regions. This show lost us popularity in 11 regions.


Quick Results


The Bushwhackers vs. The Heavenly Bodies – 39 (D-)

Notes: 4:24. Tom Prichard seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Tom Prichard is improving in Performance skills.


The 1-2-3 Kid def. Nikolai Volkoff – 52 (D+)

Notes: 3:45. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


The Smoking Gunns vs. Well Dunn


Fatu w/Samu, Afa, and Lou Albano vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/IRS and Ted DiBiase


Lex Luger vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


#1 Contender's Match - WWF Championship

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. Owen Hart w/Jim Neidhart


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus: 11/12 (92%)

Jon Snow: 10/12 (83%)

BoomKing: 5/6 (83%)

The Lloyd: 5/6 (83%)

Minarin: 9/12 (75%)

#HEEL: 4/6 (67%)


OOC: Owen and Yokozuna put out a really disappointing match. Threw off my entire rating and wasted that A segment from Razor and Savage.

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Superstars Preview: Saturday, Week 1, August 1994



WWF Superstars of WrestlingWeek 1, August 1994

Wheeling Civic Center, Wheeling, WV


On Superstars this week, Rick Martel will go one-on-one with Scott Taylor!


After making a big impact on RAW, the Powers of Pain (The Warlord and the Barbarian) will see their first action as a re-formed team on Superstars against Rich Myers and Barry Horowitz!


The 1-2-3 Kid will take on the fearsome and unpredictable Adam Bomb, who recently ditched Harvey Wippleman, citing that he is a lone wolf and an uncontainable explosion waiting to happen!


Finally, can Tatanka overcome his recent misfortunes against Jeff Jarrett, or will the sneaky country music star be able to overcome his adversary?



Quick Match Preview


Scott Taylor vs. Rick Martel


Rich Myers and Barry Horowitz vs. The Powers of Pain


The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Adam Bomb


Tatanka vs. Jeff Jarrett



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Scott Taylor vs. Rick Martel


Rich Myers and Barry Horowitz vs. The Powers of Pain


The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Adam Bomb

I only say Bomb because of the whole "lone wolf" thing you talked about in the preview.


Tatanka vs. Jeff Jarrett

Double J makes for a solid upper midcard hand, but he needs to stay somewhat strong to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Superstars: Saturday, Week 1, August 1994



WWF Superstars of WrestlingWeek 1, August 1994

Wheeling Civic Center, Wheeling, WV


The highlight video plays at the beginning of the show and we are set to begin, welcomed by the commentary team of Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes!


RATING: 76 (B-)

Notes: None



http://i.imgur.com/kQKGNCy.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/lDPz0n8.jpg

Scott Taylor vs. Rick Martel


Superstars kicked off with a match between Rick "The Model" Martel and a man going by the name of "Hot Shot" Scott Taylor. Martel finished him off quickly, locking in the Boston Crab for a submission.


RATING: 45 (D)

Notes: 3:49. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rick Martel looked good out there.



Next up, "Macho Man" Randy Savage takes part in a pre-taped interview where he talks about his opponent this upcoming Monday night, Diesel. He says that it doesn't matter who Michaels throws at him, he's gonna show Shawn what it takes to be a real superstar in the World Wrestling Federation.


Randy Savage: Big Daddy Cool they like to call him, yeah, but if you Diesel, or if you, Shawn, think that the Macho Man! ...is afraid, or is gonna back down, you're in for a biiig surprise because I'm gonna drop that big elbow and take out the giant! And you, Shawn, I know you're gonna be grandstandin' and hot doggin' around outside the ring, but if you get in my way Michaels, the Macho Man is gonna make sure you're on your rear end staring up at the lights -- just like I'm gonna do at SummerSlam!


RATING: 79 (B)

Notes: Randy Savage improvised well throughout the segment.



http://i.imgur.com/fD7KMaC.jpg?1?6650http://i.imgur.com/ivFhWVI.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/amt2j5Q.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/JMmN45E.jpg

Rich Myers and Barry Horowitz vs. The Powers of Pain


In their return to the World Wrestling Federation, The Powers of Pain completely overmatched their opponents. After toying with them and enjoying their time in the ring, the Powers of Pain mercifully put their opponents away following a Warlord powerslam on Myers and a Barbarian diving headbutt.


RATING: 40 (D-)

Notes: 5:17. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Barbarian and The Warlord showed excellent chemistry teaming together.



Backstage, Johnny Polo stands with his new tag team, Excellence. Polo talks about how these two guys are going to be the face of the World Wrestling Federation in the future because they've got everything going for them.


Johnny Polo: These people right here in West Virginia have no idea what it's like to be like these guys. They look in the mirror and see their fat disgusting selves, and then they turn on Monday Night RAW and look at their fat, disgusting Tag Team champions, the Breadshrinkers, and they idolize these savages. On the other hand, these guys right here have the three things that any great tag team needs. They've got the talent, they've got the youth, and they've got a manager who knows a thing or two about the WWF Tag Team titles! One could say that their future looks...Excellent. Hahaha!


RATING: 61 ©

Notes: Johnny Polo improvised well throughout the segment.



A video plays highlighting the WWF Championship feud between Bret "The Hitman" Hart and his brother, Owen Hart. A match is announced for RAW that will pit Bret in a non-title matchup against the monster Crush!


RATING: 78 (B)

Notes: None.



http://i.imgur.com/kAaQQWC.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/15cvhEM.jpg

The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Adam Bomb


Facing an uphill battle, the 1-2-3 Kid looked down and out for the first part of the match against the loose cannon Adam Bomb. Without Harvey Wippleman, Adam Bomb seemed re-focused, and controlled a great deal of this match despite the Kid continuing to fight back. The match ended when the Kid flipped through the Atom Smasher and locked in a small package for the upset!


RATING: 54 (C-)

Notes: 7:01.



Enraged, Adam Bomb immediately attacks The 1-2-3 Kid and puts the boots to him. He lands a big powerslam before lifting the Kid up and landing the Atom Smasher. Standing above the Kid, Adam Bomb raises his hand and lets out a primal scream of three words - Carnage. Destruction. RUIN!


RATING: 50 (D+)

Notes: None



Backstage, Jim Cornette stands with his client, Crush, looking very sinister and menacing. Cornette talks about Crush's upcoming opportunity against the WWF Champion, Bret Hart.


Jim Cornette: You see every week what Crush does to his opponents, Bret. Crush has been gettin' a raw deal in the World Wrestling Federation, and that's about to change! He comes out every week and smashes people into oblivion and gets nothing but a little paycheck and a pat on the back but GUESS WHAT! This Monday night, the fans are finally gonna get to see what they came for! This man next to me has no fear and no conscience, and you're going to find that out when he picks ya up, slams ya to pieces, chews ya up and spits ya out in two nights on RAW! And you Bret, will fear the destructive force that is Crush!


RATING: 71 (B-)

Notes: Jim Cornette clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off-script and performed well.



In the hallway in the back, Razor Ramon runs into his rival Diesel as well as Shawn Michaels. Razor and the pair get into a bit of a war of words, with Razor telling Diesel that he's coming for the gold Diesel's got around his waist. Diesel laughs and says that come SummerSlam, Razor won't even have the gold he wears around his neck because just like he took the Intercontinental Title from Razor, he's gonna take his chains and he's gonna throw them in the trash so they can be just like the guy who wears them -- garbage!


This incites Razor, who gets in Diesel's face and the two begin to shove each other. Officials and wrestlers pour out of their locker rooms and break up the fight before the two could come to blows.


RATING: 77 (B)

Notes: None



http://i.imgur.com/iMQGccU.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/pjGbeDc.jpg

Tatanka w/Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Jeff Jarrett


Tatanka looked focused and ready for his match here on Superstars. While Jarrett tried to weasel his way out, Tatanka looked extra vicious and was attacking Double J with chops that we've never seen from the Native American. Jarrett gained momentum for a while after an eye rake, but Tatanka was able to end up on the strong end for most of the match. He landed a Samoan Drop and his mentor, Chief Jay Strongbow told him to go for the cover, but instead he picked Jarrett up and nailed another Samoan Drop for the win!


RATING: 61 ©

Notes: 7:43. Match of the night.



After the main event, the theme music of Ted DiBiase hit as he came out to the ring along with his Million Dollar Corporation of Bam Bam Bigelow and Irwin R. Schyster. He stands in and talks to Tatanka, telling him that his time is coming to an end because his new prized possession, Lex Luger, is going to destroy him at SummerSlam. Tatanka stares him down and responds.


Tatanka: Hey "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, you might have bought both of these guys, and you may have bought Lex Luger, but I'll tell you right now...money doesn't buy heart. I will fight you Bam Bam, you IRS, you DiBiase, or even Lex Luger anytime, anywhere and I am going to prove at SummerSlam that I am the toughest wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation!


Tatanka slams the microphone to the ground and walks out to an eruption of cheers as the show comes to a close!


RATING: 69 (C+)

Notes: None




Notes: None


Quick Results


Scott Taylor vs. Rick Martel


Rich Myers and Barry Horowitz vs. The Powers of Pain


The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Adam Bomb


Tatanka w/Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Jeff Jarrett


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus: 11/14 (79%)

Jon Snow: 7/10 (70%)

#HEEL: 4/6 (67%)

Minarin: 6/10 (60%)


OOC: Sorry for the delay! I'm finally done with finals and having finished college until the fall, I'll hopefully have more time to put into this. Hopefully RAW can be put up much sooner this time.

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I've been reading this, you're doing a good work by now, and i think the reason for that disappointing Hart-Yoko match was because it was Heel vs Heel. But the ratings are not making the diary bad, of course, keep up the good work :)
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Hey man, thought I'd return the favor for you predicting on my diary :) hope you enjoyed reading it :) I love yours... I hope you sign Ron Simmons and Mick Foley... Also, one question... Who is Barry Hardy please?! "/


I just realized I never responded to this, and I don't want to spoil anything but I definitely have my sights set on at least one of those two guys, although I don't know quite if or when I'm gonna pull the trigger on negotiations.


Barry Hardy is a guy who ran through some indies teaming with Duane Gill as The Lords of Darkness in the early 90s, and won a couple of tag titles but he was essentially a jobber in the WWF, WCW, and ECW.


I've been reading this, you're doing a good work by now, and i think the reason for that disappointing Hart-Yoko match was because it was Heel vs Heel. But the ratings are not making the diary bad, of course, keep up the good work :)


Yeah, I figured that was what the issue was, but I didn't think the match would take that much of a hit from it. Oh well, I've got some pretty solid matches planned up to and including SummerSlam, so these ratings should be heading upwards I hope :cool:


Thanks for the support guys!

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RAW Preview: Monday, Week 2, August 1994



Monday Night RAWWeek 2, August 1994

Conte Forum, Boston, MA

This Monday night, RAW is packed with a few huge matchups that could lead to a shift in the future of the company!


The first matchup of the night will pit Excellence against The Bushwhackers! Can the newcomers defeat one of the most popular tag teams in WWF history?


Second, Kwang will go one-on-one with "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon!


On Superstars, it was announced that the WWF Champion Bret Hart would take on Crush, who is looking to make his biggest impact yet in the World Wrestling Federation! Under the guidance of Jim Cornette, can Crush get himself one step closer to gold?


In our main event of the night, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage will face off with Shawn Michaels' chosen opponent, "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel! Will Savage be able to take down the Intercontinental Champion?


Tune into RAW this Monday night for some can't-miss action!


Quick Match Preview


The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. The Powers of Pain


The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. JW Storm


The Bushwhackers vs. Excellence w/Johnny Polo


Razor Ramon vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


Randy Savage vs. Diesel w/Shawn Michaels



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The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. The Powers of Pain


The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. JW Storm


The Bushwhackers vs. Excellence w/Johnny Polo


Razor Ramon vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


Randy Savage vs. Diesel w/Shawn Michaels

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WWF Speculation, Possible SummerSlam Card?: Week 2, August 1994




WWF Speculation, Possible SummerSlam Card?

Week 2, August 1994


Adding to the previous report that they added up a new territory, the World Wrestling Federation officially reached contract agreements with independent wrestlers Ace Conner, Allen Sarven, The Gladiator, Glen Jacobs, John Layfield, and Tony Norris. All will reportedly be assigned to MWA immediately upon their arrival.


What role these new workers will play in the World Wrestling Federation is as of yet unclear, but what is clear is that SummerSlam will air in three weeks and the card is shaping up to be a great one. The current match catalogue is as follows:


Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - WWF Championship

Razor Ramon vs. Diesel - WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Headshrinkers vs. The Million Dollar Corporation - WWF Tag Team Championship

Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels

Lex Luger vs. Tatanka


Among other rumored matches are Crush taking on Bob Backlund in a re-match from In Your House and an as-of-yet unknown pay-per-view debut for the Powers of Pain. Something else unknown at the moment is whether or not The Undertaker will get into the ring at SummerSlam. It's hard to imagine that the WWF would leave such a high profile name off of one of their flagship events. But with three weeks left, his imposter vanquished, and the Million Dollar Corporation already tied up in a match for tag team gold, who can the dead man do battle with? There seem to be little options, but time will tell what the WWF's plans are. SummerSlam will be live in three Sundays from now!


Feel free to keep predicting and leaving comments, they're always appreciated! Show should be up in the next day or two.

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The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. The Powers of Pain


The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. JW Storm


The Bushwhackers vs. Excellence w/Johnny Polo

Razor Ramon vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


Randy Savage vs. Diesel w/Shawn Michaels

thanks to Shawn's interference which should heat up his match with Savage even more

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RAW: Monday, Week 2, August 1994



WWF Monday Night RAWMonday, Week 2, August 1994

Conte Forum, Boston, MA


The opening video plays as Jim Ross welcomes the television audience to Monday Night RAW!


http://i.imgur.com/N3KwNmz.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/rp9zHpD.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/a8Cf5qe.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/DzRg1j3.jpg

The Bushwhackers vs. Excellence w/Johnny Polo


In a match where the Bushwhackers delivered a couple of stiff shots to the newcomers, Excellence came out victorious when Rob Van Dam wowed the crowd with a split-legged Moonsault to Luke!


RATING: 39 (D-)

Notes: 2:47

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Johnny Polo did some good work at ringside. Bushwhacker Butch was really off his game tonight.



Next up is a graphic displaying the main event for the evening, which pits “Macho Man” Randy Savage against Diesel, the hand-picked opponent of Shawn Michaels!


RATING: 79 (B)

Notes: None



After a quick commercial break, ”The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase stands in the ring, flanked by his cronies Bam Bam Bigelow and Irwin R. Schyster. He talks about how people have been telling him he's afraid of The Undertaker. People have been saying he has nightmares about The Undertaker. He says that he has bigger fish to fry and he doesn't care about The Undertaker. He points to the two men next to him and says that he has to deal with his big investments first, who are going to take the Tag Team Championships at SummerSlam. DiBiase says his favorite colors are gold and green, and he has no interest in darkness--


At that moment, the lights go out. The crowd goes wild and fans begin to hold up lighters, awaiting what comes next. A funeral bell chimes and the eerie voice of Paul Bearer is heard over the PA system.


Paul Bearer: Millllion Dollar Man Ted DiBiaseee...you may want to re-think your prioritieeess...because your worst nightmare has come true. My Undertaker and I spoke with Gorilla Monsoon, ohhh yesss... and he told us that at SummerSlam, the Undertaker WILL step in the ring for a match. That match...will be in a place where there will be no escape, no aid, no one to interfere. It will be inside a fifteen-foot-high steel cage...and his opponent...will be YOU, Ted DiBiase! OHHHH YESSSS!


The lights suddenly turn on with the crowd going wild and the entire Million Dollar Corporation looking bewildered! Not only that, but The Undertaker is standing in the ring! DiBiase high-tails it out of there as The Undertaker takes on both Bam Bam and IRS! He clears the ring of the two of them and DiBiase runs, terrified, to the back!


RATING: 75 (B-)

Notes: Ted DiBiase clearly enjoyed the freedom to go off-script and performed well.



http://i.imgur.com/Aa8kq2j.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/B4FnApg.jpg

Razor Ramon vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Our next matchup pitted “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon against Kwang, and it ended pretty quickly. Within five minutes, Kwang had been hit with a Razor's Edge and Razor picked up the victory!


RATING: 70 (C+)

Notes: 4:59.



In a short little announcement, Jerry “The King” Lawler told the audience that on Superstars, there would be a special King's Court where Lex Luger speaks in the ring about whether or not he has sold out to Ted DiBiase!


RATING: 75 (B-)

Notes: None.



Next up, Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart came to the ringside announce table to watch Bret's upcoming match.


RATING: 79 (B)

Notes: None.



http://i.imgur.com/xWHfftt.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/VZS691b.jpg

Bret Hart vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette


In the third matchup of the night, the vicious Crush took on the WWF Champion. The match went back and forth for about ten minutes, with Crush controlling a good portion of it. He made a solid impact against the champion, who was clearly reeling for a while. Bret's heart, however, would not let him quit. He fought back against the big man's power and strength with some technical moves. Bret countered a running knee lift with a drop toe hold, gaining control. He began to work on the legs of Crush, but when he went to lock in the Sharpshooter, Crush pushed him all the way across the ring!


The end of the match came when Jim Cornette began distracting the referee. Bret got involved with the two, but as Crush went to attack him from behind, Bob Backlund rushed to the ring and got Crush's attention! He poked Crush in the eyes, and as soon as he recovered, Crush shot a death glare at Backlund and began to chase him! Backlund ran all around the ring once before heading to the back with the monster in hot pursuit! To Crush's chagrin, however, he was counted out and Bret Hart picked up the victory!


RATING: 81 (B)

Notes: 10:22. Match of the night.



With Bret standing in the ring declared the winner, Owen is livid and he, along with Jim Neidhart, slide into the ring and begin to attack the champion. The two men put the boots to Bret, who is helpless in the middle of the ring after being blindsided.


Owen gets ready to lock in the Sharpshooter with The Anvil egging him on, when all of a sudden a familiar face runs out of the crowd and Owen and Neidhart look shocked! It's The British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith! They immediately run as the Bulldog has made his return, looking vicious as he stares them down. He then tends to Bret as the segment comes to a close.


RATING: 72 (B-)

Notes: Bret Hart looked good. Jim Neidhart underperformed.



http://i.imgur.com/2P2ejTC.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/F1y0HVz.jpg

Randy Savage vs. Diesel w/Shawn Michaels


Randy Savage took the fight right to Diesel at the start, hitting him with some quick punches and even knocking him off his feet with a shoulder block. The two battled back and forth with Diesel looking for an early Jacknife that Savage punched his way out of. Savage was preoccupied with Michaels at ringside for a good while as well, and that led to a huge boot by Diesel that nearly knocked the Macho Man out cold. After a two count, Randy somehow kicked out. Savage ended up back in control and was on top looking for a double axe handle when Diesel ducked out of the way, knocking the referee to the ground!


The finish came a couple of minutes later when Shawn Michaels slid in the ring behind an unsuspecting Savage. When the Macho Man turned around, Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music – on Diesel! Savage ducked out of the way and tossed Shawn out of the ring! He woke up the referee, went to the top and hit the Flying Elbow for the victory!


RATING: 78 (B)

Notes: 18:02. There were times where there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. Diesel is improving in Rumble skills.



The show comes to a close with Randy Savage celebrating his victory in the ring and a livid Shawn Michaels helping his bodyguard to the back. Who will Savage pick for Michaels to face next week?!


RATING: 77 (B)

Notes: None.




Notes: This show increased our popularity in 9 regions. This show lost us popularity in 11 regions.


Quick Results


The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. The Powers of Pain – 68 (C+)

6:38. The Barbarian is improving in Technical skills.


The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. JW Storm – 58 (C-)

4:06. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of The Undertaker stood out as being good. JW Storm is improving in Performance skills.


The Bushwhackers vs. Excellence w/Johnny Polo


Razor Ramon def. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Crush w/Jim Cornette – count out


Non-Title Match

Randy Savage vs. Diesel w/Shawn Michaels


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Smasher1311: 6/6 (100%)

Beejus: 16/18 (89%)

Jon Snow: 10/12 (83%)

The Final Countdown: 5/6 (83%)

olympia: 5/6 (83%)

BoomKing: 5/6 (83%)

The Lloyd: 5/6 (83%)

Minarin: 9/12 (75%)

#HEEL: 4/6 (67%)


OOC: A little disappointed in Savage/Diesel. Guess that's what I get for calling it in the ring, I figured I might take a risk. I'm happy with the Bret/Crush and Razor/Kwang results though. Could've been better as a whole, but I felt this is one of my best shows so far.

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Superstars Preview: Saturday, Week 2, August 1994



WWF Superstars of WrestlingWeek 2, August 1994

Seattle Center Arena - Seattle, WA


This week's episode of Superstars will be a big one!


First, The Rock 'n' Roll Express will take on Well Dunn in some tag team action!


After his shocking return on RAW, The British Bulldog will take on Kwang, who came out on the losing end against Razor Ramon the other night!


Finally, Bob Backlund will go one-on-one with Jim "The Anvil Neidhart! Two men involved in the fracas surrounding the Bret Hart/Crush matchup on Monday will face off in the main event of the night!


Also, we will have a very special King's Court, where Jerry Lawler promises to get the truth out of Lex Luger as to whether or not he's a member of the Million Dollar Corporation!



Quick Event Preview


The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. Well Dunn


The British Bulldog vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman


Bob Backlund vs. Jim Neidhart


King's Court with Lex Luger



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The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. Well Dunn

RNR are timeless... Gotta go with them


The British Bulldog vs. Kwang w/Harvey Wippleman

Bulldog any day.


Bob Backlund vs. Jim Neidhart

Neidhart has a bit more mileage in the ring than Backlund but I could be wrong here.

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Lost track of this for a bit, but I am back again, you are one of two diaries I find interesting enough to comment on :)


Thanks for the support! I can't wait to end some of the real life storylines I still have going so I can get to what my vision actually is! There's some twists and turns coming - some probably expected, others I'm sure are unexpected. Stay tuned :D


I got everything right, yay! [?]


Guess I have to stop booking so predictably like WWF did in '94 haha.


Also who knew that this influx of predictions would come for a measly little Superstars episode :p

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