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1991: Rising Storms

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Everything is looking good so far. Great job on the agers! ^_^


One thing that is only a minor issue, but should Shawn Michaels have the relationships with his Klique friends at this point? Or is it more of a gameplay thing, to make it more likely that they'll get to work together in the same company?


EDIT: While on the subject of HBK, should he really have his negative personality traits this early on? I don't seem to recall him really becoming a problem till about 93 at the earliest. I could be wrong, though.

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Shouldn't Jimmy Hart be in the WWF managing the Nasty Boys.I know he was managing them by Wrestlemania, they used his motorcycle helmet to knock out one of the Hart Foundation to win the title. I'm pretty sure he managed them from the beginning of their run in WWF.
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Terri Runnels is a "non wrestler", but has autopushes in WCW as a member of the Women's Division because she has "occasional wrestler" set to sometimes.


I don't know much about her, but did Missy Hyatt really do color commentary? I've only ever heard of her managing. She keeps autopushing to color for some reason.


Other than Kimberly being absent, that's all I've noticed so far.

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Terri Runnels is a "non wrestler", but has autopushes in WCW as a member of the Women's Division because she has "occasional wrestler" set to sometimes.


I don't know much about her, but did Missy Hyatt really do color commentary? I've only ever heard of her managing. She keeps autopushing to color for some reason.


Other than Kimberly being absent, that's all I've noticed so far.


Good catch on issue 1.


On issue 2, yes, Missy Hyatt did color and was doing that at this point. I don't think she would go to managing again for awhile. She did announcing with Gordon Solie if you can believe it!

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No Kimberly Page? She was a big part of DDP's feuds, especially the one that finally made him a star(Randy Savage feud).


I imported her from CotT for my game, but figured she was worth mentioning.


Kimberly's not in the data at all? I can't imagine that I deleted her?


Very bizarre and will be fixed.

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ROH Pure title isn't assigned to ROH. And Why isn't NWA World Tag Team title in WCW?


Rob Van Dam, a Light Heavyweight?


ROH title fixed, RVD fixed (Definitely point these out if you find them. I tried to catch as many as possible)


As for the NWA Tag title, the NWA no longer recognized the WCW Tag Champions. I went back and forth on how to recognize the NWA/WCW title issue and decided that I preferred to have people's histories show NWA title histories if they won them before WCW recognized the belts as their own.


Example: Greg Valentine's title history will show that he was an NWA tag champion with Ric Flair, not a WCW tag champion. Piper's history will show he was an NWA US champion, not a WCW US Champion.

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Just early morning looking around thoughts; Rob Van Dam and Paul Levesque have popularity issues still, RVD as said before had only been wrestling short time (not in Japan) and Levesque hadn't even debuted yet, so 40's in areas is not realistic imo (I expect a simple oversight). Also the weight settings, just looking at these two again seem wrong, wrong way round infact, RVD is listed as LH and Trips as MDW, which at this time, and throughout career in truth isn't the case, imo. :) EDIT: just seen mentioned above, soz.


Whilst I'm posting and before I continue I am sorry for the likely unhelpfulness of this next bit of feedback, its probably more of a mod making point in general, but I find, especially with the young/rookie/debuting wrestlers, that their stats across the board are beyond their current ability at this time of their careers. RVD, as just one example, after one year in business has B- Aerial (same as Brian Pillman, whom at this point was still very much a high flying Brian, RVD started out extremely martial arts striking based rather than what I would say is aerial), A- Flashiness (higher than young luchadors Psicosis and Super Crazy, despite his kicks being flashy it would seem wrong imo at this point for him to have higher grade here, although this is the least wrong grading), D+ Brawling (Jake Roberts has 55 to RVD's 53), C+ Power (slightly higher than Super Heavyweight Kamala's C and same as the solid Arn Anderson's C+), C- Hardcore (same as veteran brawlers Stan Hansen and Terry Gordy, whom should certainly have higher hardcore grades than a wrestler whom at this point hadn't shown any hardcord tendencieses or had been involved in such matches/environments), C- Menace (higher than grizzled veteran Greg "The Hammer" Valentine's D+) and C Psychology (same as Owen Hart whom debuted 4 years earlier).


All random comparisons but to me shows how some of the mods grades in general are off, which can be said with most mods imo, but I understand how much time these things take and how hard it is to balance things, especially when using other mods as bases etc...... again cheers for hard work getting next version out, hope something I've posted ends up being useful, even if its just a few tweaks here and there, as I understand wholesale changes to wrestlers stats on mass scale could be crazy work.

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Yeah probably best to start of at Middleweight on reflection, watching his WCW debut against Keith Cole though, whom is often listed at around 260lbs, from memory, Trips looks somewhat bigger, definitely taller and more muscular, plus commentary cany help but mention his big built body, and he was into bodybuilding a decent amount before debut into wrestling. That said yeah Middleweight is probably best starting weight, just seems weird both (RVD & Trips) being in same weight category but I forget the higher and lower brackets within such labeling, my bad.
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Absolutely helpful post.


On Triple H, what weight would you think he should be at? MW is 230-260. Triple wasn't bigger than 260 at this point do you think?


HHH was a middleweight at this point in his career.


RVD should be a lightweight in 91. He didn't hit middleweight until late 90's early 2000's.


Sounds like a lot of stats need to be tweaked espescially on younger workers of this time.

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Whenever I try to look at the database info for this mod, it says runtime error 3343, unrecognized database format. The game then crashes and won't open until I delete the database manually. I installed it the same way I do every other mod and have never had a problem with it before. Does anybody else have the same sort of issue?
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I would recommend lowering the pop on a lot of younger guys as the game takes into account other countries pop in dealing with I am to big for you. As TWA I wasn't able to hire Finlay, Benoit, or a few others, but was able to hire Pillman. So a bit of a down tweaking, is probably in order.
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Whenever I try to look at the database info for this mod, it says runtime error 3343, unrecognized database format. The game then crashes and won't open until I delete the database manually. I installed it the same way I do every other mod and have never had a problem with it before. Does anybody else have the same sort of issue?


This happened to me when I installed version 1.0.


I closed out TEW 2013, copied over the database, and open TEW 2013 again. This fixed my issue.

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I would recommend lowering the pop on a lot of younger guys as the game takes into account other countries pop in dealing with I am to big for you. As TWA I wasn't able to hire Finlay, Benoit, or a few others, but was able to hire Pillman. So a bit of a down tweaking, is probably in order.


I'll look into popularity for some of those guys, but just spitballing it, I don't think it is all that strange that Fit Finlay and Chris Benoit would rather work overseas than for TWA in the US.

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Yeah whilst pop needs looking over generally I think its not completely wrong that the likes of Beniot and Finlay were slightly out of reach initially. Looking over their 1991 cards shows they had ability to use some well known more domestic based/popular guys than Beniot etc..... that said TWA had a cancelled card in January of 1992 that was scheduled to feature Beniot and some more foreign based/inclined workers.
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I looked at Finlay and Benoit in particular, and honestly I think their pop ratings are pretty good. I tweaked them a little bit, but Finlay and Benoit were both pretty exclusively working outside of the US at this point. Benoit was working Japanese tours like crazy and even worked Mexico, but didn't work the US much if at all.


Recall that at this point in the US small wrestlers were not getting much love. Ole Anderson hated WCW signing Art Barr because he didn't think he could use a wrestler that size.


As for pop ratings in general, I did a lot of work for 2.0 to get them balanced with CVerse, and I generally really like the game plays. I played several months as both WCW and the WWF to see how it played out and I think I've hit a good balance. Gameplay seems fun to me as either company, not getting depressed by match ratings, free agents tend to be properly rated, etc.


I haven't heard from anyone that they are finding the game to be out of whack pop wise or stat wise (except young workers that were not re-rated obviously)

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Yeah to be fair the popularity is now not in need of major overhaul, of course few tweaks here and there are bound to come up with such vast number of workers, like I'm not sold on Missy Hyatt having pretty much same pop in States as some of the top line wrestlers, such as Steamboat to name one.


On the stat side, I do still think adjustments across board needs looking at, but regardless game is nicely playable as is, which is of great credit to work done. One way I found useful of getting a decent overview of mods workers, as editor cany filter by each skill, is to move start date to in future when all workers are present, 2014 say, then delete all things needed to mean no errors, load a new game and use the filter within workers area to get greater idea of whom is where with regards to all the different skills, especially the higher end. Like for example in the excellent hardcore skill department it brings up Abdullah, Onita, Kasai, Foley, New Jack and Funk, from that you can use your opinion of each to see if any need adjusting based on the point of their career the mod is, or likewise if you think someone should be rated as excellent in hardcore and isn't there, then make adjustments upwards. New Jack for example should be just debuting in 91 or 92, in game he is actually set to Jan 1981, has D's and C's in pop across states, and has some stats that imo are beyond his ability at this time or in truth ever (A in hardcore so early in career seems too much, as does D- flashiness, all the mic/charisma/acting stats start to high imo (B+ to B-), C- in both basics and psychology seem very generous even if we were talking about him in his prime, as does the D+ in safety).

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Yeah Berry, the guys who worked ECW are the ones in particular that I completely missed for reworking in the last version. New Jack, Saturn, Kronus, etc. I've been working on all the ECW alumni for the next release. As I backed this up from 1994 I need to redo those guys and simply forgot them.


Steamboat v Missy is an example of Steamboat being rated wrong popularity. He needs to go up as he could join any promotion and be an instant upper mid carder or main eventer. (It's not his popularity's fault that the WWF was mad at him and made him The Dragon!)


Missy was VERY over in WCW at this point though and was used on tv all the time. I think one thing mod makers have missed in general is how over managers/announcers need to be. I looked at workers like Emma CHase and Jesse in the default for Missy and went under that because SWF is bigger than WCW.

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One more little thing, there are a few guys, Raven being the one I am thinking of right now, who are using their future gimmick, as a default, Raven doesn't become Raven until 1995, it's just a little thing to look at, as you go through to maybe put his default as Scotty the Body with his alternates being Johnny Polo, Scotty Flamingo and Raven.


I can't remember if there are more guys like this, but this was the one I noticed

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One more little thing, there are a few guys, Raven being the one I am thinking of right now, who are using their future gimmick, as a default, Raven doesn't become Raven until 1995, it's just a little thing to look at, as you go through to maybe put his default as Scotty the Body with his alternates being Johnny Polo, Scotty Flamingo and Raven.


I can't remember if there are more guys like this, but this was the one I noticed


Explain what you mean? I thought I put Scotty the Body in there as the one he would use to a certain age?


Edit: Just ran a sim test and he hasn't worked anywhere as anything but Scotty the Body in 1991. His default name is Raven, but if the AI signs him he is using the Scotty the Body name. He hasn't signed with WCW or WWF where the other two alter egos exist so I can't see if he uses them.

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