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Are house shows working the way they should?

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I'm not putting this is in a bug or suggestion forum because I'm hoping for feedback.


It seems to me that house shows are not working in a logical way.


We no longer have control over house shows, which would be fine if they worked in a profitable manner.


As a huge company, house shows should be revenue generating machines. You should have house shows going on in your home area that are drawing decent crowds and bringing in good revenue. Yet when I look at the house show report I see that I'm running house shows in Australia, Japan, Europe, Mexico, etc. and making very little revenue.


Is this logical? I can't imagine a large company running house shows regularly outside of their home region. If I want to run shows in the UK, like a mini tour, I should book them as non-ppv events and run the show right?


It just seems that large companies are losing a lot of revenue that they would never punt on in real life with the current system.

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I do think they could be automated better. There is no way a cult company in the USA should be having house shows in Canada that only net them $300. Perhaps they should be restricted to only run in regions where the company has coverage (TV or PPV). Otherwise it makes no sense that my US based company with TV and PPV only in the US is running shows in Mexico and Canada.
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I do think they could be automated better. There is no way a cult company in the USA should be having house shows in Canada that only net them $300. Perhaps they should be restricted to only run in regions where the company has coverage (TV or PPV). Otherwise it makes no sense that my US based company with TV and PPV only in the US is running shows in Mexico and Canada.


Honestly I think they should be restricted to only home regions. They don't gain you pop so I would a company ever want to run them in an area where they make so little>

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House shows aren't just to gain money they are also to stop popularity degradation in regions you don't visit often. Spending most of your time running shows in the US and you have popularity in Canada. Great lets run some Canadian house shows make sure the folks over there don't forgtet who we are.
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Honestly I think they should be restricted to only home regions. They don't gain you pop so I would a company ever want to run them in an area where they make so little>


It's a good way to keep your shows based in one region (especially if you dont have TV) since your wrestlers are more over there, but I just don't think they should go out of the country if your company doesn't have any coverage there, regardless of popularity.

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I don't like the way house shows are handled in TEW2013. It was dulled down to the point where I've completely ignored the feature. I can check for chemistry through pre-show segments just fine. House shows are obsolete in TEW2013. Zero control = zero need to use the feature. In my opinion the way house shows are done now should have been a setting you could tweak. If you wanted full control over the schedule you should still be able to. And if you don't? Well that's what we have for a feature now.


I could care less about my promotion running shows outside of the USA. If I want an all-National promotion that doesn't run shows in Mexico or Canada then I should be able to do that. My promotion shouldn't be running shows in areas that I don't even care about. Especially for minimal profit. Even at Cult I was running shows outside of the US and I'd never be doing that if it was fully my control.


I even liked setting up the schedule so that it made the most geographical sense in terms of traveling from one show to the next. I enjoyed that (even if it made no difference for game play). I doubt many others did but I did. I've been a supporter of expanding house shows for many years. When the Dev. Journal released information about house shows in TEW2013 I was completely turned off.


I love TEW2013. The fact that I only dislike one feature is pretty damn good.

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Just as an example here, one of the advantages of written contracts is that it opens up house shows. However, as currently constructed, you lose money with this because house shows make so little revenue for you.


But if a guy on written was going to be paid anyway once a month, house shows don't cost you any extra worker pay to run, so basically isn't that pure profit not loss?

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Here's the developer journal's note on house shows:




The AI does this 'smartly', automatically running a schedule that doesn't interfere with your events or TV shows and hitting the regions that are either necessary to maintain your popularity (a priority) or you can get good revenue from.


I don't believe it actually IS doing it smartly, or at least not factoring in "good revenue."

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But if a guy on written was going to be paid anyway once a month, house shows don't cost you any extra worker pay to run, so basically isn't that pure profit not loss?


No. By going to written you are paying more than you would for just four or five appearances a month with no house shows. The house show revenue often doesn't offset that as house shows are being run in Australia for an American company and earning you very little money.


I'm not saying it's ALWAYS costing you money to sign a written deal or that House Shows aren't generating any revenue, but some of them are just abysmal.

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You could always try and set yourself to never grow out of national then wait till you grow your own pop up enough to turn it off, not sure if it will work but may happen? Also having people on written also gives you the security of them not getting stolen or having to work elsewhere.
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So, here is a screen shot of the house shows I've "run" as WCW in 1994, a National company in the US.




Look how crazy this is! It's Sunday, Wk 3 of August on a game started on wk 1 of July. So in 7 weeks I've run 8 house shows, with 0 in the United States! I've made less than 20,000 in house show ticket sales in nearly two full months as the second largest promotion in the world.


A promotion my size should be running 2-3 a week in the US alone, bringing in significantly more money than this.

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So, here is a screen shot of the house shows I've "run" as WCW in 1994, a National company in the US.




Look how crazy this is! It's Sunday, Wk 3 of August on a game started on wk 1 of July. So in 7 weeks I've run 8 house shows, with 0 in the United States! I've made less than 20,000 in house show ticket sales in nearly two full months as the second largest promotion in the world.


A promotion my size should be running 2-3 a week in the US alone, bringing in significantly more money than this.

House shows dont increase populatiry... It maintains it. Thats why your attendance sucks
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House shows dont increase populatiry... It maintains it. Thats why your attendance sucks


No, my attendance sucks because house shows are being run in the UK, Mexico, Australia and Canada where I have very little popularity instead of the US where I have a ton of popularity.

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I have no control over where they are held, that's my point. :)


If I could control house show locations I'd never run them there, I'd be running them 3 nights a week in the United States.


I thought you do have control though? Isnt it just Schedule >> House Shows >> ??

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