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Steve DeColt: Dynasties Destroyed and Legends Reborn

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Jacob Jett © vs. Sayeed Ali - please, I can smell the Pack interference brewing

Steve DeColt vs. Davis Wayne Newton - A DeColt does not lose to some guy named Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske

Rajah vs. Remmy Skye

Eric Blackley vs. Too Hot

Nelson Callum vs. Clutch McKane

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Drop Kix - Drop Kix for days!

Acid II vs. JOJI - JOJI NUMBER ONE! JOJI the Winner!

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Presents...No Limits!



Terry Smith and Ted Ross


Terry Smith: "Hello everyone and welcome to...NO LIMITS! I'm Terry Smith and with me as always is my commentating partner, Ted Ross."


Ted Ross: "Yes, yes, hello. It is I, the great one, Ted Ross."


Smith: "Yeah, great alright."


Ross: "Shut up nerd. You wish you were half the man I was."


Smith: "Oh, I don't even know if I would want that."



Acid II vs. JOJI


  • Acid came out looking strong tonight, looking for his first win in 4C just like JOJI
  • Acid was making JOJI look like the rookie in the match, dominating JOJI for a majority of the match
  • Even when it appeared the tide was going to turn, a failed springboard dropkick lead for the set up for a huge throwing tiger suplex from Acid
  • JOJI shot up from the impact, only to get roped into an Acid Rain Bomb (Double underhook piledriver) which gave Acid his first win

Winner: Acid II via pinfall (Acid Rain Bomb)

Time: 4:28

Rating: 10

Other notes: Looking good guys! Though, it's mainly because the crowd doesn't care about lower carders.


Ross: "There we go! That's what it's all about! Acid is on his way to the top!"


Smith: "It's just one win, Ted, one win."


Ross: "All of the legends start off with just one win and soon enough, Acid II will be even more popular than the other one!"


Smith: "Haha, well, if he puts on another performance like he just did, he could possibly be."



Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Drop Kix


  • Drop Kix's inexperience was actually a huge upside in this match
  • Ca$ino kept trying to use a mix of submissions and fast strikes to slow down Kix
  • But Kix's high energy was burned up doing his best to get out of each hold and respond with a hit of his own
  • Despite a large enziguri from Nathaniel, Drop Kix just wouldn't stay down
  • Getting frustrated, Ca$ino dropped his guard, allowing Drop Kix to send Nathaniel into the corner
  • A clothesline followed by a bulldog was the perfect set-up for Drop Kix's Cannonball Legdrop (Diving somersault leg drop) to end the match

Winner: Drop Kix via pinfall (Cannonball Legdrop)

Time: 5:51

Rating: 27

Other notes:


Smith: "What a move! The first time I saw this I got chills and the second time, I still have them!"


Ross: "Oh, I don't care for that crap! He's going to hurt himself more than his opponent...on second though, yeah! Keep doing that!"


Smith: "You're terrible, Teddy."


"Wild Animal" by Rival Sons hits the speakers as the crowd starts to boo for the man who is following the music...



Nelson Callum


Nelson walks down the ramp in a flashy attire, glaring and mocking each fan that tries to say something to him. The verbal beatdowns come to an end as Nelson demands for a microphone and slowly makes his way into the ring, making sure not to step on his fur coat


Nelson Callum: "Shut up! Understand that you're staring at the man...the icon...the soon-to-be legend...Nelson Callum. The guy every man is jealous of and the man every woman wants. Voted sexiest wrestler alive by numerous magazines and websites, but, you already know that just by looking at me! In just a few brief moments, I'll be facing...what's his name...Clutch McKane? Yes, that's it. The man with the fashion style of a 12 year old and the haircut of some 90s one-hit wonder boy band. The only thing worth mentioning with McKane is that sweet piece of beauty that he drags behind him, Katie Cameron, I believe. Honey, I'll give you a chance to drop that zero and get with this hero."


Clutch McKane doesn't take this very well as he rushes to the ring with Katie in tow. Nelson is caught by surprise as McKane takes charge into the ring, spearing Callum and laying into him with punch after punch. Andy Gordy hurries into the ring to pull Clutch off of his opponent and allowing Nelson some time to collect himself. The ravishing Nelson Callum removes his fur coat with grace and carefully puts it down, yelling at Andy Gordy for putting his hands on it. Clutch doesn't lose eye contact with Nelson and gets face to face to him, Gordy separates the two, allowing Nelson the chance to spit right into the face of Clutch


Ross: "Heh, I like this guy!"



Nelson Callum vs. Clutch McKane


  • As he wipes the spit off his face, McKane is blindsided with a kick to the face from Callum
  • Despite the early kick, Callum gets thrown around by an angered McKane
  • Ringside, Katie Cameron cheers and roots for her client, who is still in control of the match
  • A Pedal To The Medal (Running single leg high knee) nearly knocks Nelson out cold and it is followed with a pinfall
  • However, the pin is stopped as McKane gets up to see Leftie Wilkes taking hold of Katie Cameron and taking her to the back
  • McKane rushes for the ropes, but gets pulled back into the Honey Trap (Anaconda Vise) which forces Clutch to tap out

Winner: Nelson Callum via submission (Honey Trap)

Time: 7:35

Rating: 24

Other notes: Still no love for McKane by the crowd


Ross: "Looks like we've got ourselves two victories tonight!"


Smith: "And how do you figure that?"


Ross: "Nelson beat this chump and Leftie saved the girl from this chump."


Smith: "I think I'd be worrying for Katie Cameron right about now."



Eric Blackley vs. Too Hot


  • Still riding low on his losing streak, Too Hot slummed out to the ring
  • Blackley came into this match looking for an easy win, but Too Hot had other plans
  • Too Hot controlled this match, not looking like his usual playful, electric self, but a man possessed
  • Blackley managed to come back into the match with a few quick grapples that kept Too Hot on the mat
  • One of the highlights of the night came when Eric went up top and wasn't able to launch off as Too Hot hit an enziguri
  • Hunched on the top turnbuckle, Too Hot jumped up and hit his Hot Mess (Corner Hurricanrana) to send Blackley onto the mat
  • Too Hot crouched in the corner, waiting for his opponent to stand back up
  • Once Eric was kneeling, Hot shot out of the corner, looking to deliver a boot to Blackley's face, but Blackley ducked it
  • Too Hot came right back with a Heat Seeking Missile (Reverse roundhouse) to the back of Eric Blackley's skull

Winner: Too Hot via pinfall (Heat Seeking Missile)

Time: 7:18

Rating: 33

Other notes:


As soon as the match came to an end, Too Hot called for a microphone and got one. There still was no smile or even a flash of happiness on the face of Too Hot.


Too Hot: "I've had a blast guys, it may not look like I am having the best time right now, but it's time for me to move on. Not from 4C, but from Too Hot. For far too long, I've never been taken seriously, and now as I see my career winding down, this could very well be my final stretch. I love everyone and I love Too Hot, but for now, I'm Jason Evans."


The crowd cheers and applauds for Jason, as a smile finally reappears on his face. He takes a moment to embrace the love from the fans and starts to make an exit, but stops midway through the ropes as a funky beat hits the PA



TJ Bailey


The former member of Too Sweet and longtime friend of Too Hot, TJ Bailey, comes out to the ring with a microphone in hand


TJ Bailey: "Now I know...this man ain't gonna leave everyone without one final act, now is he?"


A smile emerges on the face of Evans as he looks to his former partner making his way to the ring. TJ Bailey slides into the ring and steps face-to-face with his former tag team partner


Bailey: "Now...how about we give these people a show?!"


The whole building erupts as the fans start to chant "Too Sweet" while Evans looks down at the mat, trying to think, and within a few moments, he raises his head back up to stare his friend in the eyes


Too Hot: "Too Hot may be gone, but he wants to leave everyone with one final splash. Hit it!"


A funky beat comes over the PA system as the artist formerly known as Too Hot busts out into a dance set with Bailey that the crowd loves. Once the beat starts to die down, Evans and Bailey embrace in a hug in the center of the ring. As the duo start to make an exit, Jason picks up his bucket hat and starts to head for the back. Evans stops along the way and plants his hat right onto a lucky kid, as everyone cheers for the memory of Too Hot and for the emergence of Jason Evans


Ross: "That was....that was so damn beautiful! Someone get me a tissue!"


Smith: "Oh, learn some respect, will you? I, for one, will congratulate Jason and I must say, I look forward to seeing what he's got in store. Too Hot may be gone, but the memory lives on."


Ross: "Oh, boo-freaking-hoo, some flash dancing idiot wants to be taken seriously, oh, that's the story of the year."



Rajah vs. Remmy Skye


  • Rajah had started off the match with an impromptu rap dedicated to Remmy Skye, but was surprisingly cut off by Skye
  • Skye kicked off the match with a series of DDTs that did a number on Rajah
  • Rajah would get back at Skye with a few DDTs of his own followed by a quick pinfall
  • The pacing of the match was very even, both men got a large offensive assault on one another, but neither could hold each other down for the pin
  • Despite his losses from The Pack, Remmy was in fine form tonight as he started to take control of the match halfway through it
  • A sudden quick powerbomb from Rajah would daze Remmy, giving time for Rajah to get up top
  • Rajah launched for his VIP Pass (Split-legged corkscrew moonsault), but only met the cold, hard, unforgiving mat as Remmy rolled out of the way
  • Showing off his own aerial skills, Skye went up to the turnbuckle himself, and successfully hit his Skye Diver (High-angle senton bomb)

Winner: Remmy Skye via pinfall (Skye Diver)

Time: 10:24

Rating: 49

Other notes:


Smith: "What a great win by Remmy here and with an added bonus of no Pack members deciding to interrupt the match."


Ross: "Yeah, but at least they would have saved us from this snore fest."


Smith: "Snore fest? What match were you watching, partner?"


Ross: "The one between your mom and sister."


Smith: "..."


Ross: "Yeah, that shut you up."


Smith: "You're dead to me."




4C Hardcore Championship Match

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske


  • An early attack by de Aske kicked off the championship match
  • de Aske fought to reclaim what he lost only a couple of months ago
  • A DDT onto a trash can nearly ended the match, but Flynn was still fresh enough to break the pin
  • Despite being for the Hardcore Championship, the two didn't use very many weapons to their advantage
  • Outside of a trash can and steel chair, very little was used, but the chair was used to the nearly break the back of Flynn
  • Chris fought back to regain control of the match after using various submissions to force Hugh to limp
  • Flynn started to use his size advantage against the former champion and it worked like a charm
  • Finally adding in some hardcore flare, chair shot after chair shot to Hugh's back
  • As the match started to wind down, everyone was a witness to Chris Flynn sending Hugh de Aske crashing onto two steel chairs set up with a suplex
  • With Hugh struggling to get his breathing back, Flynn saw the chance to lock in his patented Flynn-Lock (Crossface), forcing Hugh de Aske to tap out
  • Flynn's celebration was cut short as Acid II came out with a chair in his hand
  • The champ didn't know what hit him as Acid banged the chair against Flynn's back, sending him onto the mat
  • Acid put Flynn's belt in the middle of the ring and picked up Chris
  • Acid Rain Bomb (Double underhook piledriver) right onto the championship!

Winner: Chris Flynn via submission (Flynn-Lock)

Time: 12:04

Rating: 41

Other notes: Some great chemistry tonight despite a bit of ring rust from de Aske.


Smith: "That's the second time we've seen Acid attack Chris Flynn after a match, do you think he's still bitter about that loss way back when?"


Ross: "Bitter? No, the man is just looking for a championship and quite frankly, can you blame him?"


Smith: "Yes...I can, he just picked up his first win tonight. He has no right trying to take down the champ after he fought for his title!"


Ross: "Who is the crybaby now, Terry?"


As the crowd starts to quiet down, "Locust" by Machine Head blares across the building as Steve DeColt begins to make his way to the ring, microphone in his hand



Steve DeColt


The hate from the crowd hails down onto DeColt as walks down the ramp. His demeanor is very natural and calm despite the outside world showing their hate. Steve climbs into the ring and waits as the crowd starts to get quiet. Once there is complete silence, Steve brings the microphone up to his mouth, but stops as the crowd starts to boo yet again


Steve DeColt: "Everyone here needs to learn to quiet down when royalty steps into the ring. Last week a certain man called me out and issued a challenge, which, as you can tell, I've accepted. This man, who, let me remind everyone, is a nobody and will continue to be a nobody, lost his only chance at a title. Granted, he lost due to some...minor interference, but let's be realistic, he wasn't going to grab that title anyways. Let's all be honest, if Davis had won and still called us out, you'd all just be booing him, but because he lost, you all view him as an underdog, as a force looking to overthrow us."


DeColt laughs as the crowd boos. A grin appears on his face as he looks around the ring and patiently awaits for the crowd to get silent once again, but that time never comes


DeColt: "You're all a bunch of hypocrites, but that's alright, promotions and relationships are built on that kind of stuff. You see, you can get kicked out of your family, get brought into another family, and get treated like your one of their own. You can then drive up to their home on Christmas Eve and see that family who kicked you out. You can't really process it at the moment, but figure it like this, you're a kid who has been bouncing around from orphanage to orphanage. You finally find your good home, you think you can grow up there, but then your real parents show up, to try and work something out between you, like they didn't abandon you. However, idiots like you and Davis Wayne Newton can't see that."


The crowd starts to get riled up, banging on the steel barriers to create as much noise as possible to shut DeColt up, but Steve doesn't seem to mind as he keeps on his one-sided conversation


DeColt: "I see you're all growing restless. Just monkeys waiting to be fed is all you are. Well, boys and girls, it's feeding time!"


Steve drops the mic as he turns toward the ramp entrance, crouching down, and waiting for his opponent



Steve DeColt vs. Davis Wayne Newton


  • The first match for Steve DeColt was a bit of a shock to the veteran as the younger Davis Wayne Newton took him to town
  • Steve's power would play a large factor in this match as he was able to toss Newton around like a ragdoll
  • But Newton's speed would be an even bigger factor, as he was able to quickly wear down DeColt's old body
  • Despite their usual hatred for Newton, the crowd was really behind him during this match
  • A series of dropkicks to the chest followed by a quick clothesline lead to a quick pin by Newton, but it didn't even make it to the one count
  • As the two fought for a victory, Steve's experience slowly started to edge out the youth Davis holds
  • DeColt attempted a powerbomb on Newton, but only wound up on the mat due to a hurricanrana
  • Newton would try to capitalize on his chance to control the match, but he ran face first into a huge boot by Steve
  • The Pack member would spend the next few minutes just throwing Wayne across the ring and into the turnbuckles
  • Red welts started to form from being thrown into the turnbuckle numerous times and DeColt used that to his side, as he stepped on Newton's back
  • A flash of luck showed up as Newton managed to quickly rope DeColt into a Fisherman's suplex
  • Only a two count and after the pin, Steve DeColt was angry
  • DeColt didn't waste time as he dropped Newton with a DeColt Roar (Rolling Elbow), not once, not twice, but three times
  • After the third one, Newton was picked up for a DeColt Stampede (Burning Hammer) to bring an end to the match

Winner: Steve DeColt via pinfall (DeColt Stampede)

Time: 15:48

Rating: 67

Other notes: Felt pretty good out there and Newton helped put together a great match


Smith: "Oh, man, what a move! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope Newton is okay."


Ross: "Who cares about Newton? He knew what he was getting into. He's lucky his jaw isn't broken!"


Smith: "Have some respect for once, Newton is trying to save us!"


Ross: "From what? I love The Pack!"


Smith: "Yeah, well, I don't imagine they love you that much. Remember what Faith said? Everyone is a target. You're no exception."




4C Championship Match

Jacob Jett © vs. Sayeed Ali


As Steve DeColt makes his way up the ramp, "Them Bones" by Alice In Chains plays, and Jacob Jett walks out with the 4C Championship over his shoulder. Steve stops right next to Jacob, not making eye contact to him, the only thing DeColt does is pat the gold plate on the championship belt, and then proceeds to the back. All Jacob does in response is look at Steve as he leaves then continues down the ramp, greeting the fans ringside and giving high fives all around the steel barrier.


The crowd starts to die down, but gets right back at it again once

hits, causing them to erupt into a huge roar of boos for Sayeed Ali. The heavyweight makes his way down the ramp, ignoring everything around him, but keeping his focus locked right onto Jacob Jett and his championship belt. Sayeed climbs into the ring and starts to make his way toward Jacob Jett, but is stopped by Andy Gordy, who tells Ali to make his way back to his corner.


Andy Gordy takes the championship from Jett and holds it up high in the center of the ring. Jacob hops in his corner, awaiting for the bell, staring at the opponent across the ring who is removing his signature black du-rag, prepping for the match that is about to take place. Andy gets ready to call for the bell when...





Christian Faith


Everyone's attention turns to Christian Faith as he makes his way out of the black curtain. He stares at both Sayeed Ali and Jacob Jett, who are both ready for a fight, but start to drop their guard as Faith walks around ringside, just to sit right next to Terry Smith and Ted Ross. Ross tries to make contact to Christian, but just gets ignored as Faith keeps his eyes on the match, which Andy Gordy finally starts.


Sayeed starts off the match with a couple of boxing combos straight to Jacob Jett's body. Jacob manages to push Ali away and send him back with a dropkick to the chest, but it barely affects Sayeed. Jacob then hits another dropkick to the knees of The East Side Assassin, which does hurt the challenger and sends him into the corner. Jett backs up and runs into the corner, only to meet Sayeed's fist in his face.


Despite his size advantage, this match was very even with a lot of back and forth action, neither man really claiming a huge offense. The champion saw a good amount of action as he tried using his speed to weaken the legs of Sayeed Ali, but couldn't get too close to him for long as his fists were the biggest threat in the match. The whole time this match is going on, each man would peak a look at Christian Faith once in awhile during the match, to just see that he was quietly sitting and watching.


The tide of the match started to turn to Jacob Jett's favor as he hit a Jett Engine (Cutter) to daze the heavyweight then followed it up with a second Jett Engine. This wasn't enough to take down Sayeed, but a fast running dropkick straight to his knees was enough to cause the giant to tumble down. Jacob posed for the crowd and motioned heading up top. As soon as he climbed the top rope, Christian Faith made his presence known by standing up, causing Jacob to lose focus on his task. That would lead to his downfall as Sayeed Ali came back, lifting Jett off the corner, and hitting him with a G.B.H. Driver (Package piledriver)








Much to the amazement of both the crowd and Sayeed Ali, Jett was able to kick out of the finisher. Ali quickly picked up Jett and put him up on the turnbuckle. As Sayeed went up top, Jett came alive, and kicked the challenger in the gut, sending him back onto the mat. Jacob would then wrap his arm around Sayeed's head and hit a tornado DDT from the turnbuckle. With no hesitation this time, Jacob went right up to the turnbuckle and set up for his finisher. Jett got insane air as he went for his Emergency Landing (Shooting star press), which connected right onto Sayeed Ali








Once the match was over, Andy raised Jacob's hand, but Jacob wasn't met with the victory he wanted. Christian Faith had use the 4C Championship to bash the front of Jacob Jett's forehead, causing the champ to get busted open. Christian threw Andy Gordy out of the ring and started to lay into Jett with stomp after stomp. Sayeed Ali slowly got up and Faith took notice, turning around to look at the fallen opponent. Sayeed just stared at Faith for a brief moment, locking eye contact, but soon made his exit from the ring as Faith went back to stomping Jacob Jett. The crowd went from joy to hate within seconds as they watched The Pack leader dominate their champion and then leave the ring to grab a microphone.


Christian Faith: "The champ's first successful title defense. It went pretty well if I do say so myself, but there was a lot of areas he could improve in. Like being able to take a hit from a piece of jewelry, but I guess you could blame me for surprising him. Let's use poor Jacob here as an example of what we're here for. See, Jacob was the prince turned king, and he wants to protect his gold and land from any form of invaders. How noble of him and how heroic if I may, but his supporting cast of lackeys is no match for a pack of wolves...for the four horsemen, whatever Biblical reference you prefer to use. We're not invaders, you can't see it like this, but in reality, we're helping you. We know what is good for you, but you're all to ignorant to see a sign when it stands in front of you. You all want your worthless dignity and respect that gets you absolutely nowhere in life."


The crowd continues booing Faith as he stands in the center of the ring, casting a shadow over the hurt champion. Faith's face continues to remain emotionless as he stares out into the crowd, never really focusing onto one thing


Faith: "Call us whatever you please. The Pack, Kingdom of Faith, wolves, horsemen, monsters, or whatever else, just know that when everything comes falling down, we'll still be standing tall. Gold in our hands or not, we plan to get our message across. Regardless of who you are, you stand in our path to glory. Just know that we're not alone, it is not just these four wolves, but a whole army. It's never too late to jump and save yourselves, but judging by how I see the majority of you scum...you wouldn't even be considered. This is an open call to anyone backstage. Claim your allegiance to us now. Be spared the pain and suffering these fools will face. Join the brotherhood and embrace your true form, let nothing hold you back, let no one hold you back. Be free from the business that controls you and save yourself from shame. Whether it be family business or some ass**** up at the top of the world, trying to shove a bunch of sh-"


Faith's microphone cuts out and he throws it down in a fit of anger. The crowd begins to cheer and applaud as Christian bitterly stands in the center of the ring.


Ross: "I want to join! Let me into the brotherhood!"


Smith: "I don't even think you'd pass the physical portion of it, partner."


Ross: "I'll remember that when I'm standing next to the kings, you little weasel."


Smith: "Well, it would look as if we have a full on war. Who will come out and join this Pack? Only time can tell, be sure to check 4C.com and be sure to check back here, same time, next month. I'm Terry Smith, he's Ted Ross, and this has been 4C wrestling."


As the camera starts to fade out, the last shot the camera gets is Christian Faith standing tall in the ring, screaming "We are The Pack!" over and over again with the crowd booing right behind him.



Acid II d. JOJI (10)

Drop Kix d. Nathaniel Ca$ino (27)

Nelson Callum's promo on McKane (30)

Nelson Callum d. Clutch McKane (24)

Too Hot d. Eric Blackley (33)

Too Sweet reunion (33)

Remmy Skye d. Rajah (49)

Chris Flynn © d. Hugh de Aske (41)

Steve DeColt's promo (72)

Steve DeColt d. Davis Wayne Newton (67)

Jacob Jett © d. Sayeed Ali (58)

Christian Faith's promo (86)


Prediction Results


Psycho Sam 20/33

TakerNGN74 19/33

DanMTheMan 18/33

CageRage 17/33

Midnightnick 10/16

3rdStringPG 7/15

The Lloyd 7/8

ohiodevil 3/7

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Ross: "I want to join! Let me into the brotherhood!"


As the camera starts to fade out, the last shot the camera gets is Christian Faith standing tall in the ring, screaming "We are The Pack!" over and over again with the crowd booing right behind him.


Prediction Results


Psycho Sam 20/33

TakerNGN74 19/33

DanMTheMan 18/33

CageRage 17/33


.....so, between the four who have predicted every show there is only one correct prediction separating each of us from moving up in my imaginary brackets.... AWESOME, means I've got to be more careful with who I select from now on.... also, can I order one large "Pack Follower" t-shirt from the company website? I want to support the Kings!

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OCC: It's a close race alright. I'll have to come up with a pretty wicked prize since it's this close.







4C: "Hello everybody and welcome to the official 4C Podcast. Today is a bit of a landmark for us here at 4C, we're getting a chance to interview a member of The Pack...that man is Steve DeColt."


Steve DeColt: "Make it fast."


4C: "Yes...well, last month we saw you take on the young Davis Wayne Newton in a close batt-"


DeColt: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me cut you off there. A close battle? Is that what you were about to say? You mean when I nearly broke that kid's jaw, it was close? When he was on the mat, looking up into the ceiling, looking for a God to save him...you think that was close?"


4C: "Prior to that, Newton gave you a bit of a fight, wouldn't you agree?"


DeColt: "What are you even talking about, junior? I had that match in the bag from the start. He may have gotten a few hits here and there, but in no way was he going to win that match. My experience alone was enough to destroy that punk. Now people are calling him some kind of anti-hero, like he's taking charge against The Pack. You wanna be let in on a little secret?"


4C: "Uh...yeah! Sure! Absolutely!"


DeColt: "When we first came to 4C, we had been scouting this place out for a long time. Once we arrived in January and made our presence known, little Davie came running up to us and was begging us to let him join our little crew and when we said no, he threw a fit. As a result, we had to tame him in that main event a few months back. Despite what Faith said, the way I see it, no one here is worthy enough to join our cause. That's okay though, we've got a few recruits heading our way."


4C: "Oh? Do you care to elaborate?"


DeColt: "I could tell you, but that'd ruin the fun. Just know that by next month, at Best Of The Best 18, we've got two new Pack members looking for their prey. Speaking of Best Of The Best, we've got ourselves a little problem."


4C: "What do you mean? What do you and the rest of The Pack have planned?"


DeColt: "Oh, I'm hurt, you instantly assume we're going to do something bad. You idiot! We're trying to save you! Your little 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, has decided to tuck his tail in between his legs and make a break for it."


4C: "You mean, our Jacob Jett?!"


DeColt: "Of course! Now, I can say this...he left because he was afraid of us, but I think being honest is a lot more fun. He saw a bigger paycheck elsewhere. CGC. Do you hear that people? Your champion, the man who was gonna beat The Pack, has left you. He has abandoned you. I hope you can finally get something through your thick skulls. We're trying to save wrestling! He's just in it for the money and glory, the fame. He never cared for you, he never cared for anyone at this company. All he was worried about was what was printed onto his check after each month."


4C: "I think I speak for everyone...I...I'm at a loss for words here."


DeColt: "Good. Now you'll finally shut up. I've decided to go ahead and make a little plan for Best Of The Best. With no champion...who will you people root for even if he steers you into the dirt? Who?! Pathetic. I went ahead and organized a star packed main event. Four men will compete for the 4C Championship and I think it's going to be exciting. Now, it wouldn't have been fair to put myself, Jack, Jack, and Faith into it, so I had to mix it up and add some flare into the match. Christian Faith, Remmy Skye, Antonio Del Veccio, and, well, myself naturally."


4C: "That's not fair! You can't do that!"


DeColt: "Oh, I guess you're right. What do I know? I just know I have three of the biggest factors in the wrestling world and myself acting as enforcers to this company, shielding you all from the outside world. With his poster boy gone, I don't think Troy has very many options other than to listen to me and The Pack. I also went ahead and threw in a few other wildcards into the card, but you'll have to wait for that."


4C: "You...you can't...4C will not be stopped by you...you'll be brought down!"


DeColt: (laughing) "That's cute. You think some false heroes and greedy competitors will come out and save you all! Fools! All of you...just do as your told, cheer for who you're told to cheer for, and just be upset when you realize The Pack is right. We are the Kings...we are the Gods...we are The Pack!"



Days Before



There we were, backstage, enjoying a nice day at the office when suddenly Jacob decided to drop a bomb on us.


"I'm going to CGC."


All I could say, yell, scream, was what...over and over again. I couldn't believe it. He had just defended his title and his feud with us was going to make him a star. If he had signed with anyone else, I don't think I would have been as mad, but CGC? CGC. Like Alex himself came down here and personally punched me in the jaw, then handed a contract straight to Jett.


"You weasel! You're going to be nothing there! Do you understand that?! Do you?!"


Christian was trying to hold me back, but all I could see was red. Jett kept his head down. Christian tried giving me some words of advice, "Steve, just calm down, it's a good thing for him. He's going to get exposure he needs, it's a good thing. Not for us maybe, but for him."


"Forget him! Do you understand, Faith, where he signed?! Canadian Golden Combat. Owner, Alex DeColt. You both knew damn well this was going to be our main money maker and it was going to take us to the top! But no...damnit, no! You rat...you bastard...who else is Alex trying to take?! I trusted you! I told everyone to put the title on you and this is what I get? I get this?!"


"Steve, honestly, it's nothing personal, it's just business. I love 4C, I loved getting a chance to work with you, Faith, and everyone else, but I just need to go I think. A fresh start and time on TV, I mean...I'm sorry, but I have to."


"Alright...alright. Go! But so help me God, if I somehow find out that you've been trying to get someone else...scouting or whatever, I'll come up there myself and....listen. You're done here. When you're working the dark shows, jobbing out to every single person there, and wishing you were back here...you're screwed buddy. Done! When 4C is standing on top, I can promise you that you won't!"


Anger was all that was running through my blood. I really did like Jacob, but CGC. That's just something I can't respect a man for doing. I know damn well I'd rather be working for nothing then working with Alex or Jeremy. By the time I had finally calmed down, Jacob had left, and a crowd started to form around Faith and me. Christian was putting on his usual backstage locker room leader schtick and here I was, standing, looking at the door Jett walked out of. Our champion is gone and we're back at step one.


I hate everyone.

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June 2013: Midyear Update





4C Championship



Defences: N/A

Current Contender: Christian Faith/Remmy Skye/Antonio Del Veccio/Steve DeColt

Previous 5

Jacob Jett (4)

Antonio Del Veccio

Sayeed Ali (3)

Jacob Jett (3)

Sayeed Ali (2)




4C Tag Team Championship


Thunder & Lightning (3)

Defences: 5

Current Contenders: N/A

Previous 5

The Gilbert Brothers (2)

TJ Bailey and Chris Flynn (2)

Thunder & Lightning (2)

The Gilbert Brothers

Thug Life (3)



4C Hardcore Championship


Chris Flynn

Defences: 1

Current Contender: N/A

Previous 5

Hugh de Aske (2)

Eric Blackley (2)

Jason Thunder

Leftie Wilkes

Hugh de Aske









Row 1: Acid II - Antonio Del Veccio - Chris Flynn - Chucky Dorrance - Clutch McKane

Row 2: Davis Wayne Newton- Drop Kix - Eric Blackley - Hudson Drake - Hugh de Aske

Row 3: Jason Evans - Jason Thunder - Jesse Gilbert - Joe Gilbert - JOJI

Row 4: Josh Jones - Leftie Wilkes - Lightning Lomas - Morgan Malone - Nathaniel Ca$ino

Row 5: Nelson Callum - Nigel Svensson - Rajah - Remmy Skye - Sayeed Ali

Row 6: Soaring Eagle - TJ Bailey



The Pack

Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Steve Decolt, Jack Giedroyc





Acid Pain

Acid II and Chucky



TJ Bailey & Chris Flynn



The Gilbert Brothers

Jesse and Joe Gilbert



Thunder & Lightning

Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas


Staff and Crew



Andy Gordy - Head Official



Grant Truman - Road Agent



Heather B - Manager



Katie Cameron - Manager of Clutch McKane



Ted Ross - Colour Commentator



Terry Smith - Play-by-Play Announcer



Troy Winner - Owner

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Best Of The Best 18





4C Championship Match

Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt



Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali



Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton




4C Hardcore Championship Match

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah



#1 Contender Match

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???


Also featuring...

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim


Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team?

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt - I....I can't decide.....either Faith or DeColt....... uhm Faith? If not Faith, my choice would have been DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton - THE PACK RUNS WILD!!!!

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah - I say that the new member of The Pack interferes in this match

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ??? - I never go against the Question Marks....NEVER

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? Mystery Team is.........uhm, The Amazing Bumfholes?

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Was gonna go with Nash, but I think you had something planned with Jett as Champion (the bastard) and I think Skye is a good replacement for that storyline...

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Both tricky matches, not sure how popular Nash, X-Pac and Hogan are in Canada... I know Hall is huge, but he's your user character so won't mind losing ;)

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? I'm gonna go wiiiithh... Hot Stuff from 21CW (Buff Martinez and Jay B)

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? Greg and Matthew Gauge/Keith

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? Death Row

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge

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Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt

Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali

Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah

The Gilbert Brothers vs. ???

Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans

Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones

Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle

Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson

Acid II vs. The Pilgrim

Bonus: Who is the mystery team? Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge

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Hey guys, just giving an update to let you know the show is nearly finished. I've just got the semi- and main events left to write. Thanks for following along so far, I know it's only been 5 shows and will soon be 6, but this is my most successful dynasty as sad as that may sound. This show specifically I'm really looking forward to posting and it probably is my favorite show I've ever written.


Special thanks to anyone who voted for me and 3rdStringPG for nominating me for my first time ever. You guys rock. So this is the 24 hour update warning thing to get your predictions in.

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Presents...Best Of The Best 18!



Terry Smith and Ted Ross


Terry Smith: "Hello everyone and welcome to The Best! Of! The! Best!"


Ted Ross: "18!"


Smith: "Correct you are, partner, and tonight, well, what a hell of a card we have in store for all you lucky fans watching tonight. Every single member of The Pack in action, Hardcore Championship action, and a mystery tag team making their debut tonight."


Ross: "And even the little matches on this card are making me excited! You know I don't get easily excited!"


Smith: "For some reason, you're right, I know that for sure, Ross."


Ross: "This got real awkward, real fast."


Smith: "I agree! Let's focus on something else and let's look at our first match!"



Acid II vs. The Pilgrim


  • Acid wastes no time on the fresh blood, striking hard at The Pilgrin
  • The bigger debutant tries to fight back, but Acid has already tasted victory
  • His anger shows from his losing streak haunting him, having to be pulled away many times by Andy Gordy
  • Showing an impressive feat of strength, Acid lifts Pilgrim up for the Acid Rain Bomb (Double underhook piledriver) to finish the match

Winner: Acid II via pinfall (Acid Rain Bomb)

Time: 6:49

Rating: 9

Other notes: Well, yeah, I don't know what I expected.


Smith: "Wow, Acid is really looking like a man possessed."


Ross: "Being a laughing stock can turn a man insane, Terry. Acid is just doing what's best for Acid."


Smith: "Yeah, but is The Pilgrim even moving?"


Ross: "Ehh...doesn't look like it. Occupational hazard."



Chucky Dorrance vs. Nigel Svensson


  • This match awkwardly starts off, both men showing a lot of ring rust
  • Nigel's size proves to be a huge factor in this match, having more strength to lock in quick submissions
  • Chucky doesn't give up so easily, fighting back with dropkick after dropkick
  • Dorrance knows one slip up could end this match against a technician like Svensson
  • And his worrying proves to be his downfall, after missing a springboard clothesline, Nigel quickly got in position
  • Svensson took Chucky to the mat with his signature Hyperextension Arm Lock

Winner:Nigel Svensson via submission (Hyperextension Arm Lock)

Time: 6:36

Rating: 25

Other notes:


Ross: "Oh, come on!"


Smith: "Another win for the Swedish sensation, Nigel Svensson!"


Ross: "Lucky win. That guy just caught a lucky break."


Smith: "More like, Chucky could have gotten a break, but luckily he tapped out!"


Ross: "..."


Smith: "What?"


Ross: "Save the humor for me."


As Nigel leaves the ramp, "Wild Animal" by Rival Sons hits the PA system in which the crowd responded by screaming out their boos, and out comes everyone's least favorite...



Nelson Callum


Nelson walks down the ramp wearing a grey fur coat, strutting down the ramp, mocking every male fan, and checking out every female, making 4C liable for a sexual harassment suit. Callum doesn't care though, as he snatches a microphone from the time keep, and carefully enters the ring, hanging his coat on the turnbuckle post


Nelson Callum: "Ladies and germs, it is me, the most handsome man to ever grace your eyes...Nelson 'The Eighth Great Wonder' Callum. Last month, I took what's his face to the cleaners and this month? I don't think much will change. Same fists in a new face is all. My great legacy here will continue and you all will remember me as the greatest man to ever walk into 4C and you're soon to be greatest 4C Champion. I'm no stranger to gold...ladies."


A wink followed by a suggestive pelvic thrust is done by Nelson, causing the women in the audience to actually get more vocal than the male fans, showing their utter disgust and hatred for Nelson.


Callum: "Oops, did I hit a nerve? Don't worry ladies, I wouldn't even hit you with a ten foot pole....well, except you."


Nelson then proceeds to single out a audience member, a blonde woman in a black dress, who she responds to Nelson by giving him the bird. Callum shrugs it off and turns away from her, focusing on his next message


Callum: "Tonight, I'm taking on Soaring Eagle. An American Indian. Not the 'OoooOooooOoooo Turka Turka Bollywoooood' kind of Indian, but the 'Oh wawawa oh wawawa' kind."


To finish off his stereotyping, Nelson competes the act with a mockery of a Native American war cry, then dances around the ring as if this was some 1930s Western. Having seen enough, Soaring Eagle came stomping out of the curtains, making his way down to the ring.



Nelson Callum vs. Soaring Eagle


  • The mockery of his people didn't stop, as Nelson continued to poke fun at Eagle
  • And would regret it as the Native to America started bashing Callum with a chop after chop to his chest
  • His hide was almost blood red and Soaring Eagle actually ended up breaking skin
  • Enraged by seeing his own blood, Nelson turned into a different man, dishing his own attack onto Eagle, multiple fists to the skull
  • Andy had to pull both men off one another, but that didn't stop the two as they charged each other as soon as Gordy was out of the way
  • Nelson set Eagle up for a suplex, but Soaring Eagle hit a suplex of his own
  • But he didn't stop there, Eagle lifted Nelson up for one more suplex and then another!
  • Eagle went up top, screaming with his own war cry, and jumped off to hit his finisher
  • However, Callum had another idea, hitting Eagle mid-air with a dropkick
  • He then scrambled over to the fallen Eagle and locked in the Honey Trap (Anaconda Vise)
  • Eagle struggled for life and tried reaching for the ropes, but he gave into defeat

Winner: Nelson Callum via submission (Honey Trap)

Time: 7:40

Rating: 28

Other notes: Not the best match, but hey, the crowd likes Soaring Eagle.


Smith: "I'm a Canadian man and even I feel disrespected and disgusted by Nelson Callum!"


Ross: "You're forgetting to add in wimp."


Smith: "Oh, so original, partner."



Hudson Drake vs. Josh Jones


  • Josh Jones came out looking like a star in this match, completely taking control of Hudson Drake early on
  • Despite Hudson's best efforts, Jones was acting like a veteran of the game, countering every attack by Drake
  • Just as it seemed the pace was going to even out, Josh Jones hit a thunderous enziguri to stagger Hudson
  • Quickly bouncing off the ropes, Josh took Hudson off his feet with a stiff clothesline
  • Signaling for the end, Jones lifted up Hudson Drake with strength for his Canadian Backdrop (High angle belly-to-back suplex)

Winner: Josh Jones via pinfall (Canadian Backdrop)

Time: 8:59

Rating: 25

Other notes:


Smith: "I'll tell you this, I never get tired of that suplex. If Josh winning is what it takes to see it more, then let me be the first to say, go Josh!"


Ross: "Easy fan boy."


Smith: "You're one to talk, did you get your Pack tattoo yet?"



Leftie Wilkes vs. Jason Evans


  • Coming out to a more serious tone, formerly Too Hot, Jason Evans came out looking for a battle
  • Leftie Wilkes came out sporting a t-shirt with "I've Got Her" printed on it, a message to Clutch McKane
  • No flashy moves from Evans tonight as he took Leftie on
  • Both men got a fair amount of attacks in, with no one getting a clear advantage early on
  • Jason finally took control of Leftie, reversing a DDT into a suplex
  • The crowd was 100% behind Evans as he embraced his new goal in life
  • But he might have let the crowd get to him, as a surprising belly-to-back suplex
  • Leftie grinned as he saw Evans down, climbing to the top rope
  • He didn't see Evans running at him, connecting with the Hot Mess (Corner Hurricanrana) sending Leftie flying off the turnbuckle
  • Stomping his feet on the mat, Jason waited for Leftie to recover and as soon as he did
  • Jason took off, charging full speed at Leftie, but Wilkes was a step ahead, wrapping Jason with a schoolboy
  • That didn't stop Evans, as he got right out of it, and took Wilkes out with a Heat Seeking Missile (Reverse roundhouse) to his skull

Winner: Jason Evans via pinfall (Heat Seeking Missile)

Time: 9:15

Rating: 33

Other notes:


Smith: "Looks like Jason Evans is really trying to distance himself from Too Hot and he's trying to prove a point out here."


Ross: "And a win like this will help his cause, I suppose."


Smith: "Yea-hey! Wait a minute! Look who is running down the ramp!"



Clutch McKane


Smith: "He's coming right after Leftie!"


Clutch slides into the ring and jumps right onto the downed Wilkes, laying punch after punch right into him. The crowd cheers as McKane lays into Leftie, but turns to boos as half the roster comes out to separate the two. As soon as they are on their feet, Leftie smiles and starts talking trash to Clutch, ending his sentence by spitting at him. Clutch breaks free of the crew holding him back and delivers a Pedal To The Medal (Running single leg high knee) right to Leftie's face


Smith: "Pedal To The Medal! Pedal To The Medal!"


Ross: "Get that animal out of here!"


Clutch is held back again and both men are taken backstage, Leftie smiling the entire time right at McKane.


Ross: "Ha! That scrub can't affect Leftie! My man!"


Smith: "Shut up. Now, we've got that tag match to look at partner. Who do you think the mystery tag team is?"


Ross: "Easy. Scout and Guide!"


Smith: "...I'm speechless. That is easily the dumbest thing you've said all day."


Before Ross can reply, a rocking guitar rift hits the speakers as

starts to play. The camera snaps to the ring, focusing on the Gilbert Brothers already standing in the ring, discussing a plan for whoever their mystery opponents are



Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge with Heather B


The crowd cheers as the brothers make their way down the ramp, sporting huge smiles as they slide into the ring. The two huddle in the corner, talking over a game plan, and deciding who starts the match off first. Greg nods and stands in the ring as Matthew steps out onto the apron



#1 Contender Match

The Gilbert Brothers vs. Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge


  • The announcers dub this match 'The Battle Of The Brothers'
  • Joe and Greg start off the match, both locking up early on
  • The Gilberts use their speed as their main force behind their attacks
  • It doesn't bother the sons of Sam Keith much, as they show shades of their father in the match
  • Starting to fall, the Gilbert Brothers use some of their twin magic to confuse Andy Gordy and get a fresh man in
  • Jesse started to stomp a hole into Greg, who was struggling for his brother, screaming for the tag
  • Once Andy tore Jesse away, Greg used his last ounce of strength to leap and tag in Matthew
  • Keith showed that he could take on the twins by himself, dishing a forearm smash to Jesse and a dropkick to Joe, sending him into the outside barrier
  • With Joe outside, Keith lifts up Jesse in a powerbomb position, raising him high up
  • Matthew backs up into his corner, Greg slapping his back for a tag, and hoping up onto the turnbuckle, jumping off with a clothesline/powerbomb combo
  • Greg went for a pin, only to have it broken up by Joe, but Joe gets taken down with a big boot from Matthew
  • The Keith kids high five each other and lock the twins in a dual Proton Lock (Achilles lock)
  • Losing which twin is which becomes a problem for Andy, but it doesn't matter for long as Jesse and Joe tap

Winner: Matthew and Greg Keith/Gauge via submission (Proton Lock)

Time: 12:33

Rating: 40

Other notes: Atta boys. The saving grace of the night so far.


Ross: "Oh great, more losers."


Smith: "Yeah, I agree with you there, Teddy. Gilberts keep on losing."


Ross: "No, I meant those two nobodies!"


Smith: "Oh, you mean the kids of legendary Sam Keith? Yeah, you're right, who are they?"




4C Hardcore Championship Match

Chris Flynn © vs. Huge de Aske vs. Rajah


  • The match starts with Rajah missing, just Flynn and Aske trading blows
  • The two carry the match, fighting for the championship title
  • After a clothesline sends de Aske outside, Chris Flynn starts to head outside for a suicide dive, but is stopped midway through the ropes by a chair from Aske
  • Crashing outside, Aske begins to just hammer down chair shot after chair shot to Flynn's abdomen
  • As the action continues in the ring, Rajah entrance at the top of the ramp, sporting a huge smile
  • The two in ring don't see Rajah and keep fighting as Rajah slowly makes his way down the ramp, picking up a table along the way
  • Rajah sets the table up outside of the ring and jumps onto the ring apron, but only meets the sole from Hugh and Chris as they hit a combined superkick, sending Rajah straight through the table
  • Near the end of the match, Chris sets de Aske into the corner, connecting with a huge superplex off the turnbuckle onto a trash can
  • Rajah finally makes his way back into the ring, only to see both men clearly out of it
  • He takes his chance and heads up top
  • VIP Pass VIP Pass (Split-legged corkscrew moonsault) straight onto Chris Flynn
  • A huge expression of shock came across Rajah's face as Hugh de Aske pulled Rajah off of Flynn
  • Trying to fight off de Aske was too much to ask for Rajah, as Hugh walked over to the center of the ring, where two chairs were set up
  • And Rajah came crashing down onto the chairs by a Cut-Throat Driver (Electric chair driver) by Hugh de Aske for the win

Winner: Hugh de Aske via pinfall (Cut-Throat Driver)

Time: 14:17

Rating: 44

Other notes:


Clearing the wreckage out of his path, the defeated Chris Flynn made his way to the black curtains to exit. However, he was met at the top by an foe he'd learn to hate even more



Acid II


The two locked eye contact and Acid lifted up the bottom of his mask, revealing a sinister smile, clearly mocking Flynn. Acid continued to taunt and mock Flynn until he angered the former champ, causing him to run head on at Acid. Prepared, Acid calmly waited for Chris to get near and spit a green mist straight into the eyes of Chris Flynn, causing him to collapse, screaming in agony.


Smith: "What a monster! The man just lost his championship and you had to do this?"


Ross: "What are you trying to say, Terry? Chris ran toward Acid! He deserved it!"


Smith: "Hardly! The man was mocking him and Chris just wanted to shut him up."


Ross: "Maybe he should have used his title to cover his fac-oh wait! Haha!"


As officials help the blinded Chris Flynn off the stage, a new song hits the speakers. As

plays, the crowd watches eagerly to see who walks out and as soon as they see who it is, they quickly turn



Jack Giedroyc


The English Pack member walks down the ramp with a cocky grin and microphone in his hand. One of the more silent members of The Pack, tonight he looks like he'll be speaking as he slides into the ring and looks around the whole building at the sold-out crowd, all of them showing their disgust with him and The Pack.


Jack Giedroyc: "Davis Wayne Newton. A chap who thinks he has it all, the looks, the talent, and the potential. The one we rejected, the one who begged to join us, and the one who is now your leading savior since that jackass Jett ran off. With your leader gone and a Pack reject acting as the leading force against us...heh. Maybe you'll get a better draw next time, eh?"


Giedroyc continues his cocky act, not letting anyone phase him, and he continues to speak without missing a beat


Giedroyc: "And here I am. I've been hearing around both the fans and the cowards backstage that I'm considered the weak link in the group. Yet, I've wrestled more than one else in The Pack. Which, granted, that's only two matches, I've won them both. Remmy Skye, twice, and Antonio Del Veccio! Current championship contenders and former champ in Antonio's case, but that doesn't matter. You see, I'm not here for the gold and glory like my fellow Pack mates might be. I'm here to prove a point for myself and to show someone back in America what should have been, what could have been, and now...what will never be."


Jack turns to the main camera, erasing his grin and the enjoyment in his eyes, turning serious and a fire brewing in his eyes


Giedroyc: "You'll all see the wrath of God. I'm looking right at you, Eisen. I hope yo-"



Davis Wayne Newton


His sentence stops as his microphone is cut off and

hits the speakers, the fans instantly cheering as Davis Wayne Newton makes his way down to the ramp. Jack's attention snaps to the ramp and he begins to stare down Newton, who is doing the same as he heads toward the ring.


Once Newton slides into the ring, both men get into each others face, shoving back and forth, shouting whatever trash they can spew out before Andy Gordy gets between them. Being put into a corner, Jack shouts out and calls Newton nothing, but a "pretty boy", angering Davis. With both men in a corner, Andy calls for the match to start



Jack Giedroyc vs. Davis Wayne Newton


The two waste no time getting a head start at one another, meeting in the center of the ring with a double clothesline. Both get up at the same time and meet again with a double dropkick, only connecting with the boots of the other man. Giedroyc comes at Newton, but meets the mat after a quick hip toss from Davis. "The Triple Threat" lives up to his name, quickly wrapping Jack's head into a headlock. The match really starts to pick up when Jack lifted up Newton for a back suplex straight onto the turnbuckle, causing Davis to drop the hold.


Still peeved at getting cut off, Jack wouldn't give Newton a chance to fight back, stomping the 25 year old right in the chest. Andy started to count, but it didn't bother Jack as he looked intent to injure and didn't care for a victory. By the time Andy had gotten to a 4 count, Jack backed off, only to start right back up, forcing Andy to restart the count. Having seen enough after another 4 count, Andy gets in the way, and starts to usher Jack away.


DWN uses this downtime to regain composure and uses the ring ropes to brace himself back up. Once the referee gets out of Giedroyc's way, he makes a running start for Newton, but the younger man was ready, pulling down the ramp, and sending The Pack member out of the ring. Quickly hoping over the rope and landing on the apron, Davis waits for Rouge to turn around. When he does, Davis starts running and leaps off the apron, driving his knee right into the face of Jack Giedroyc.


Smith: "Whoa! Look at that! I think that knee busted Giedroyc's nose!"


Ross: "I...I think you're right! Oh man, that doesn't look good!"


Jack tries his best to recover in the corner, holding his nose, trying to prevent anymore blood from flowing out, but he isn't given that chance as Davis grabs his hair and tosses him back into the ring. Not moving much, all Jack can do is just stare up into the ceiling as he tries to regain control of the match. Andy looks at Jack and asks if he's okay, in which Giedroyc nods, blood running down onto his chest. Giedroyc uses the ring ropes and Andy Gordy to help get back on his feet, smearing blood onto Andy's zebra shirt.


Davis bull rushes Rouge into a corner and quickly moves to the center, driving his knee right into Jack's face. In response, the British star flops to the mat, and lets Newton cover him for the pin








A collective gasp is heard around the audience as they stand just as stunned as Newton. Davis grabs onto Jack's hair once more and lifts him to his feet, but Jack is ready this time, sending a few hard shots right into the stomach of Davis. Flashes of life finally start to show up in Giedroyc as he hits a fast DDT onto his challenger. Jack stumbles a bit after the move, clearly affected by the pain from his possibly broken nose, and blood loss.


Giedroyc slaps the back of the head of a recovering Newton, signaling for his finisher. Stalking his pray like an animal, Jack finally lures his victim into his trap, the Crashing On (Bridging cradle suplex), hooking Newton's limp leg.


Ross: "Yes! Crashing On! Crashing On!"


Smith: "Come on, Newton, break out of it! For 4C!"








The bell rings, the crowd boos, and Rouge slowly gets up, smiling at his fallen opponent. He wipes the blood from his mouth and nose area then crouches down, painting a bloody cross right onto Davis Wayne Newton's chest. Giedroyc stares at the cross briefly before making an exit, heading toward the back.


Winner: Jack Giedroyc via pinfall (Crashing On)

Time: 14:02

Rating: 57


Ross: "Long live The Pack! Another great victory!"


Smith: "Jack might have won this battle tonight, but his nose sure didn't."


Ross: "Shh, shh! Don't let them hear you say that. Do you enjoy living?!"


Smith: "I'm not scared of a few big time failures."



Sayeed Ali


comes over the PA and for the second time tonight, the crowd cheered for a man they would normally hate, but their hatred for The Pack outweighs everything as Sayeed Ali makes his way down the ramp. Despite the crowd actually showing support for him, Ali ignores it all, and just focuses toward the ramp for his opponent.



Jack Bruce


As soon as Sayeed's theme cuts, the crowd starts to boo even before the next one can play. Once it hits, "Hollywood" by Junkyard, the crowd turns up the volume and maxes it out as Jack Bruce struts out from behind the curtains, sporting a zebra bandana and black sunglasses. Bruce finishes off the look with a smirk across his face and he even strokes his dyed blonde handlebar mustache that accompanies his black everything else.


Once Bruce is in the ring, he studies his opponent, and happily extends his right hand, offering some kind treaty to Sayeed Ali. A few awkward moments pass by as Sayeed is still standing in his corner while Bruce keeps his hand out with a smile. After a bit more time, Jack shrugs and says "Your funeral" to Sayeed, backing up into his own corner. With both men secured, Andy signals for the bell



Jack Bruce vs. Sayeed Ali


For the first time in a long time, Sayeed Ali is actually facing someone who is almost as big as him. Jack Bruce quickly shows up to give Sayeed a challenge, working in some punches that put Sayeed in a bit of a haze, but it doesn't take long for Ali to fight back, sending Jack nearly off his feet with a huge uppercut.


Sayeed Ali fights with a bit of a personal grudge against The Pack, while they didn't exactly cost him a title last month, they got way too close for comfort. He had no problem with that tonight, as he showed his brawling skills against Jack Bruce's Hollywood face. Though, Jack wasn't looking forward to have a busted face like Giedroyc in the match before, so he fought back with a bunch of shots to Ali's kidneys, causing him to lose his grip on Bruce.


It's fair to say everyone was surprised to see Jack Bruce hold his own against the brutal, ruthless Sayeed Ali. Most of the match didn't even feature any grappling or submissions, but a contest to see who could punch harder. After a sharp hook from Ali, Bruce found himself wrapped up in the big man's arms for a bear hug.


Ross: "He's gonna kill him! Let him breath damnit!"


Smith: "Sayeed Ali has the bear hug locked in tight. This could be the end!"


Pain was visible across Jack's face as he struggled for air and struggled to get out of the move. Just when it seemed over, Jack fought back, dishing some vicious headbutts straight to Ali's skull. It took about three solid hits for Ali to let go of Bruce and both men were feeling a bit dizzy after the headbutts. Bruce began to hammer down shots straight to the face of Sayeed Ali and appeared to be finally gaining control of this match. The fans on the other hand, looked to mess up Jack by starting a huge chant, screaming "S-W-F" over and over again. Trying not to lose his cool, it was clear to see that Jack was bothered by the chants a bit, allowing Sayeed to surprise Jack with a Gorilla Press Slam.


The match went on and around the finish of the match, Jack Bruce was finally in full control of the match. Any time it seemed like he was going to lose it, he just staggered a round a bit, trying to shake off the cobwebs from all of Sayeed's strikes. A kick to Sayeed's stomach was followed by Bruce struggling to pick up Ali. His face turned red as the strain was visible, but the man managed to do it, hitting a New York Minute (Side Death Valley driver). Jack quickly went for the cover








It seemed like the whole building exploded as the sound of the crowd made it impossible to hear anything else. Jack Bruce stood in the center of the ring, arms held high, but his victory was short lived as the crowd started another "SWF" chant. The victor's face turned sour, but within a few moments, a smile was back and he raised his middle fingers in the center of the ring, proceeding to rotate around, showing every fan his love.


Winner: Jack Bruce via pinfall (New York Minute)

Time: 13:42

Rating: 60


Smith: "Oh yeah, real classy move there, Bruce."


Ross: "If these idiots out here won't shut up, he'll at least give them a message to remember!"


Smith: "These idiots pay for your paycheck."


Ross: "I know! The fools are paying for me! Haha!"


Once the ring had cleared out, the fans grew quiet as tension filled the air, everyone was waiting for the main event. All of the lights shut off and the building is completely dark, causing camera flashes to pop up all over the crowd.


Ross: "Did we forget to pay the electric bill?"



Remmy Skye


A few seconds pass before a colorful array of lights swarm the arena as

hits. Everyone in return cheers as their fan favorite makes his way out. Remmy Skye has his usual smile on his face as he comes down the ramp, slapping fan's hands, and leaping into the ring, posing for cameras.



Steve DeColt


That smile soon vanishes as "Locust" by Machine Head roars out as do the crowds hisses and boos. Steve DeColt walks out from behind the curtain, smiling despite the hate that surrounds him. About midway to the ring, that smile disappears into a solemn appearance as DeColt climbs into the ring, looking across the ring at Remmy Skye.



Antonio Del Veccio


plays and the crowd returns to cheering as Antonio Del Veccio steps out, but lacking his cheerful self as he walks down to the ring, eyes locked onto Steve DeColt. Antonio slides into the ring and keeps his eyes onto DeColt, pointing and shouting some unkind words to him.



Christian Faith


The crowd starts right back up when Christian Faith walks out to "Balls To The Wall" by Accept playing behind him. Faith stands tall at the top of the ramp, raising his arms up high as if he had already won. The veteran slowly makes his way down the ramp, looking at both Remmy Skye and Antonio Del Veccio. He climbs over the top rope and heads toward his Pack brother, Steve DeColt. The two discuss something that the cameras can't pick up and turn to face their opponents.


Andy Gordy makes his way to the center of the ring, hoisting the 4C Championship up high. Everyone's attention turns to the golden belt as it gets put into the sky. As soon as Andy gives the belt off to an outside crew member, the four competitors all stare each other down with the exception of The Pack. Andy goes to each man, checking their boots and whatever else to see if anyone has any foul tactics in plan. After securing everyone, Andy looks toward the time keeper, and calls for the match




4C Championship Match

Christian Faith vs. Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Steve DeColt


As soon as the bell rings, Antonio and Remmy charge at Christian Faith, quickly taking down the big man in a corner, dishing punishment to him. DeColt hurries to the aid of his fellow Pack member and pulls away Remmy Skye, throwing him across the ring. The cameras focus on two battlefields, Antonio taking on Faith and Skye taking on DeColt. This is how the majority of the match goes, each party giving it their all.


With Christian Faith towering over Antonio Del Veccio, he had to be smart and was able to use his small size to his advantage, quickly avoiding Faith's attempts to grab him. Del Veccio began using his knowledge of Faith as a weapon, targeting the veteran's knees with dropkicks and swift kicks. He couldn't get too close as Faith could easily stop his offense with a power move, but he stuck to his plan, work on the legs.


On the other side of the ring, Steve DeColt's experience proves to be his upper hand in his battle against the fleet-footed Remmy Skye. Unlike Del Veccio, Remmy really has no area to try and weaken DeColt, so he instead tries to use series of fast grapples to slow down the Canadian superstar. DeColt breaks down Remmy's attacks and starts to toy with the younger opponent, tossing him around the ring like a rag doll.


The fans can see that Faith is really struggling to fight back against Del Veccio after his knees have been attacked and weakened. Faith starts to just wait for Antonio to slip up and Christian gets his chance when Antonio tries for a take down grapple. The Pack leader just lifts up Antonio and throws him into the turnbuckle, causing the Italian star to jump out of the corner in pain right into a huge boot from Christian. He then puts his boot on top of Antonio and Andy slides down for the pin






And Remmy Skye rushes over to push Christian off of Antonio. Christian and Steve contain Remmy, each Pack member laying punch after punch into Skye. The duo pick up Remmy and hit a double suplex on him. When the two turn around, they get a surprise from Antonio Del Veccio who has launched himself off the ropes with a crossbody, taking down both men. Realizing that The Pack won't face each other, Antonio extends his hand out to Skye, and helps pull the contender up to his feet.


What started as a four-way has now turned into a tag team match-up as each team fight for one championship. The struggle for gold continues and everyone is fighting for their lives more than the championship. Speed vs. experience becomes one of the highlights of the night. The speedy challengers use lightning fast attacks to throw the veterans off.


The tides of the match finally start to turn in the favor of The Pack. Christian Faith is stuck in a corner, ganged up by Skye and Del Veccio, but DeColt is back on his feet after an assault from the duo. He pulls Del Veccio off of Faith and takes him out with a DeColt Roar (Rolling Elbow). Noticing his partner is missing, Skye turns around, only to meet a second DeColt Roar (Rolling Elbow) from Steve. Sensing the end is near, DeColt rolled over Antonio Del Veccio, and went for the pin






But before Andy Gordy can hit the mat for a third time, Christian Faith picks DeColt up. The two glare at one another, getting face to face, showing an unseen hate within The Pack


Smith: "Uh-oh. It doesn't seem like DeColt really liked that."


The two men start to shove one another back and forth. The crowd is completely silent as they possibly watch The Pack dissolve right in front of them. They start shouting words at each other and DeColt goes for another pin on Antonio, but only gets pulled off for a second time. Steve gets back on his feet and pushes Christian Faith one more time. In response, Christian Faith slaps DeColt across the face, causing DeColt to go flying, acting as if he had just been shot. Faith then goes on to put his boot on top of Antonio. Confused as everyone as, Andy counts








The whole building roars in anger as Christian Faith triumphantly raises his hands up high as Steve DeColt walks up beside him. Faith turns to DeColt and the two hug in the middle of the ring, followed by Steve raising Faith's hand in the air as Andy Gordy hands over the title to Christian. The legend shouts at Andy and demands that he wraps it around his waist, which Andy does in disgrace.


Ross: "Yeah baby!"


Smith: "Oh, what the hell!"


The celebration gets cut short as Remmy Skye gets back to his feet with Antonio Del Veccio by his side. The two jump The Pack and start to beat them down



Jack Giedroyc and Jack Bruce


The other Pack members run down to the ring, helping relieve Christian and DeColt from Remmy and Antonio. The four brawl in the middle of the ring as more start to pour out from the back



Drop Kix, Davis Wayne Newton, and Josh Jones


Three more run down to the aid of the 4C roster, jumping into the ring, and brawling with The Pack. Even though they're outnumbered, The Pack still held their own, clearing the ring of some of the wrestlers.


Smith: "Good God! This is a full on war!"


Ross: "Someone help The Pack!"



Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge, and Nelson Callum


Another trio comes running down the ring, looking to help take off the pressure from their fellow 4C wrestlers. Once they get to the outside of the ring, they slide in, and get into the brawl. They're helping eliminate everyone attacking The Pack!


Smith: "What?! The Keiths are in on this too?!"


Ross: "Not just them, Nelson Callum too! The Pack is evolving!"


The Pack soon clears out the ring and as the dust settles. The cameras go around the ring, looking at wrestlers who have fallen victim to The Pack, and all of the other chaos that surrounds the ring. The cameras then cut back to the ring and focuses on a disturbing scene that will become an image to shock 4C for a long time.





The Pack


Christian Faith breaks out from the crowded ring and stands up front, microphone in his hand.


Christian Faith: "The Pack is here. My brothers and sister, we've come so far, and now we've finally made it. Alone, we are great, together, we're unstoppable. I know it took awhile for you all to finally embrace your roles, but you've followed the rules and now, you're in. Now, I hold the gold, I am the top dog in 4C."


Faith hands the microphone over to DeColt and points toward his new belt, smiling like a demon


Steve DeColt: "The greatest ensemble of talent to ever come together. While us Four Horsemen, legends, or whatever get older, these three only get younger. We've got the brains, muscle, talent, charisma, potential, and the looks. The Pack grows stronger everyday. 4C is just the start, soon, everyone will be begging to join The Pack and soon, they'll be fearful of us and they'll regret letting us walk. For now, let's introduce our newest members. We've got The Pack Brothers, Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge with their beautiful manager, Heather Brooks! We've also got the Lone Wolf, the Ravishing Lone Wolf, I might add, Nelson Callum!"


The new members stand still, nodding as each of their names are called. DeColt appears to be the only person in the whole building with a bright smile across his face.


DeColt: "We are Kings! We are Gods! We are...The Pack!"


The rest of The Pack shouts out "The Pack" as DeColt drops the microphone. The Pack stands strong in the middle of the ring as Christian Faith and Steve DeColt hold their hands up high.


Ross: "Yeah baby! Now accept me!"


Smith: "Lord, please help us. We need some reinforcements."


Ross: "Nothing can stop The Pack, Terry! You hear me? Nothing!"


The event starts to fade out, with the last image being of Christian Faith holding onto his championship.



Acid II d. The Pilgrim (9)

Nigel Svensson d. Chucky Dorrance (25)

Eric Blackley d. Clutch McKane (28)

Callum promo on Eagle (30)

Nelson Callum d. Soaring Eagle (28)

Josh Jones d. Hudson Drake (25)

Jason Evans d. Leftie Wilkes (33)

Matthew & Greg Keith/Gauge d. The Gilbert Brothers (40)

Hugh de Aske d. Chris Flynn © and Rajah (44)

Giedroyc promo on Davis Wayne Newton (71)

Jack Giedroyc d. Davis Wayne Newton (57)

Jack Bruce d. Sayeed Ali (60)

Christian Faith d. Remmy Skye, Steve DeColt, and Antonio Del Veccio (72)

The Pack reveals new members and speaks (84)


Prediction Results


TakerNGN74 28/44

DanMTheMan 27/44

CageRage 24/44

Psycho Sam 20/33

Midnightnick 17/27

3rdStringPG 15/26

The Lloyd 12/19

JShmoopy 9/11

ohiodevil 3/7

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July 2013





We're At War


Last month, 4C and all of its fans saw a very disturbing image that will most likely be remembered as one of the most shocking moments in 4C history and will serve as a landmark of destruction. Pack leader, Christian Faith, stood tall in the ring surrounded by his minions as he held onto his newly won 4C Championship. As we watched our 4C roster try and save our company, we saw The Pack grow in size and in a response to contain The Pack, 4C owner Troy Winner gave us a 4C.com exclusive.


Troy Winner: "The Pack is running wild and it's clear to see that they plan on staying here, causing as much mayhem and destruction that they possibly can. They say they want to help purify wrestling and make it what it once was, no flashy lights or soap opera wrestling, but it seems like they're focused more on destroying a company I hold near to my heart. If Christian Faith and The Pack want a war, well, damn it, you've got one! Claiming you don't fear anything? Ha...when I show you my army, then you'll be afraid."


It would seem as if 4C was in fact at war! Just who is in this "army" that Mr. Winner is talking about? For the time being, we just have to put a lot of trust into Mr. Winner and his decisions as well as the army that is coming to protect 4C.



Tag Teams Galore!


It what could appear to be an attempt to keep The Pack from grabbing the 4C Tag Team Championships, we welcome three new talented tag teams from all across North America. Up first is Babau and Moroi who form the mysterious cult team, The Night Terrors. The weird duo finish off opponents with their combined Sleep Paralysis (Running big boot (Babau) / Elevated cutter (Moroi)) that really knocks people out.


Next on the list are semi-masked men, dubbing themselves The American Cobras, consisting of Red Cobra and Blue Cobra. They don't seem like the friendliest duo, but they wouldn't join The Pack, then they'd have to be The Can-Am Cobras. The two finish off foes with their Cobra Strike (Super kick (Blue Cobra) / German suplex (Red Cobra)) that leaves their victim a nasty mark.


And the last duo are from below the border, no, not America, below THEIR border. Mr. Lucha III, who is trying to recapture the glory of the mask, teams up with Kid San Juan, who is trying to build his own legacy. They're known as Los Salvadores and they'll live up to their name, I assume, if I spoke Spanish. Once they get in sync, they tend to end a match with their Revolution Missile (Double missile dropkick) that really rockets them to a win. I apologize for all of these puns. not really





As of the first of July, Hudson Drake and Nathaniel Ca$ino were let go from their contracts. We here at 4C thank them for all of the entertainment they have given us and we wish Hudson and Nathaniel the best in all their future endeavors.


The Spotlight



Jason Evans

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 182 lbs.

Record: 2-4-0


This month we take a look into the brand new Jason Evans, formerly known as Too Hot. Coming off of a losing streak, Evans finally decided to break from Too Hot and focus on one final run at some championship gold. We've seen two impressive victories from Jason and it doesn't seem like he lost any steam as he looks to balance out his win-loss record in the upcoming months. Will a championship shot be possibly in line for Jason Evans? Well, if he keeps up his current performance, there's bound to be something shiny at the end of the tunnel for him. Could we see Too Sweet reform by the end of the year and them finally reach the goal for tag team gold? Or will Evans rise to the top on his own?


Around The World

(June to Mid-July 2013)

  • Jacob Jett left 4C to pursue a career at CGC earlier in the month, leaving 4C as champ
  • Saionji Omura, Sadaharu Jimbo, and Alfredo Menendez all left the wrestling industry in June.
  • Slow two months.

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Iron Man Challenge


http://i.imgur.com/tBFBkpG.jpg/http://i.imgur.com/EdIgEGA.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/xRE1f7l.jpg /http://i.imgur.com/geH5Hxs.jpg

4C Championship #1 Contender Tournament Final Match

30 Minute Iron Man Match

Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton



4C Championship #1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Match

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton



4C Championship #1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Match

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye




4C Tag Team Championship Match

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers



Huge Mystery Signing!

Rajah vs. ???


Also featuring...

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee)

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My predictions are as follows:

  • Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton
  • Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton
  • Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye
  • Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers
  • Rajah vs. ???
  • Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey
  • Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones
  • The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores
  • Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson
  • Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) - The Mystery Signing is.....BIG SMACK SCOTT!

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This should be fun. :D



Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers - Normally I'd go for the champs this early on, but not against Sam Keith's kids when they're part of the hot heel stable...

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) Marc DuBois - ...and 4C effectively renames itself 420C by hiring "Doobie Brother" DuBois who hopefully isn't a lost cause yet!

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Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson

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Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) Marc DuBois

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Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) Marc DuBois

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Really enjoying the diary, great job so far. One question, Have you actually turned Newton?


Sayeed Ali/Remmy Skye vs. Antonio Del Veccio/Davis Wayne Newton

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Sayeed Ali vs. Remmy Skye

Thunder & Lightning © vs. The Pack Brothers

Rajah vs. ???

Nelson Callum vs. TJ Bailey

Chucky Dorrance vs. Josh Jones

The Night Terrors vs. Los Salvadores

Acid II vs. Nigel Svensson


Bonus: Who is the mystery signing? (Hint: Former SWF employee) I'm going to go out on a limb and say Enforcer Roberts

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