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[C-Verse 97] [HGC/DaVE] Everybody Knows

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CGC have him locked down to a Written. He's jobbing, and has been since September.


I really hate when that happens. Guy's a complete legend in a territory he never leaves, and somehow he's jobbing in Canada. I usually edit-in a Puerto Rican fed from 1997 to 2007 with him at the head, before FCW starts up.

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The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith

Named team over random pairing

Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

Barnes is more over and has Phil Vibert as a manager

The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)

TNW should beat any team in DAVE at this time

Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero

Professor Nero is the difference maker here

True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss

I really like the Wild Beats team, despite not knowing who American Beast is

Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma

Difficult one here, but I think Acid has a little more going for him here then Stuart

DaVE Tag Championships

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

Another really difficult choice, I think I'll go with The Rebellion just as Tommy and Troy aren't a team, and if anybody is a weak link here it's Troy so, I also think that you'd be wasting Cornell if you put him in as tag champs

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The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith


Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)


Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero


True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss


Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma


DaVE Tag Championships

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

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The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith

- I love your writing PS, but I cannot recall anywhere


Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

- Enjoy the adrenaline shot as they try to wake you up from having a heart attack from a near knifing from Barnes, Teddy.


The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)

- I recognize these guys! Not the Mayhem Midden Express.


Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero

- Metal wins... courtesy of Nero's cane.


True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss

- The Beasts have better masks and... uh... that's all I got.


Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma

- Immortal Driver continues to build its notoriety.


DaVE Tag Championships

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

- I always have and always will mark hard for the Rebellion. And I love the image of how this Japanese style will influence DaVE and elsewhere.

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When the final image of the signature package dies away (Dan Stone Junior and Monty Walker attacking Phil Vibert to secure a match), Mitch Naess is standing before a DaVE banner, immaculately suited as always, DaVE-logoed microphone in hand.


“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Have we got a show for you tonight?”


He grins. “The Danger Zone touched down in Puerto Rico this week, and the fans who made it inside saw an incredible night of action. But because not everyone could be there, we're going to show you a little of what they ran into – but first, if you've been to the DaVE.com website, if your Quicktime files are up to date, you've already seen this, but for the rest of you, this clip went up on Saturday night when we received it from the Bliss State.”

The screen's resolution abruptly lowers; modern fans watching the feed on Stallings' online network get a harsh reminder of what FMV once looked like. Miss Bliss is front and centre, her charges – the Wild Beasts, Roy Stephens, Alex Braun and Acid – lurking behind her in a dingy gym, Braun working a heavy bag while Stephens spots it, Acid stretching, and the Beasts running ring drill.


“For those of you who don't know about the Home of Wrestling, my name is Miss Bliss, the Hardcore Heroine, and these are the people who're working with me to make sure DaVE remains what it should be – the only place to go for real professional wrestling.


“We don't panic when a rookie starts bleeding. We don't swing like we're playing wiffleball. We hit like we mean it and we expect the same in return from anyone who fights us, and if you can't cope with that, you need to leave DaVE and get back to your little league.


“Tomorrow, we're going to be welcoming the True Originals to DaVE. So boys, I hope you're watching, because the Beasts aren't going to be happy unless they get a real challenge, and we're not sure you're the ones to do it. I know you think you're extreme, but you've never had a chance to find out – yeah, that's right, XFW, I went there.


“You're going to learn. Now.”



Back to Naess goes the camera, and he nods. “Strong words from Miss Bliss, and I for one think she's being unfair on the Originals. After all, they've left XFW behind and stepped up to a real match. And what's a real match look like? Some of you at home might remember, but many of you won't.


“Well, here in Puerto Rico they've always loved a bloody fight, and that's what they got early in the night when the Darkness Warriors took on Jack Griffith and a mystery partner. Griffith's regular teammate, Jack Giedroyc, couldn't make it out – but Archangel, usually a lone wolf, didn't want to see Griffith go out solo. So here it is, folks, picking up the match after the first few minutes...”


Griffith is bleeding when the feed begins, reeling from the attack of Raul Darkness, who suplexes him onto a ladder and tags out. Jack continues to take a beating from Jay, but delivers a headbutt to the midsection from his knees, buying him breathing space enough to tag out.


Archangel comes in with fists flying, and Naess and Vibert acknowledge that in terms of skill and power he probably has the advantage on either of Vengeance' former acolytes – but as Raul backs up his brother, they note that this isn't guaranteed to be enough by any measure. The ladder starts to come into play, with Griffith and Archangel both trying their best to beat their opponents – but their opponents' unity is what tips the scale, with Jay Darkness snagging the trophy suspended above the ring – and coming off toward Griffith, bringing it down two-handed to lay him out.

The Darkness Warriors defeated Archangel & Jack Griffith

Rating: D


Naess is still cheerful as he returns to our screens. “Hopefully when Giedroyc returns Jacks Wild will be more successful, as Archangel usually is in solo competition, but it's hard to beat the Darkness Warriors for long, and Jay showed his focus at the end there, ignoring the singles man and focusing on their tag team competition.


“Up next is an experience mismatch that was made by my broadcast partner and boss, Phil Vibert, on behalf of, and I quote under protest, “the future of DaVE” as exemplified by Derek Barnes. Up against him is a rookie, Teddy Powell, who could have gone anywhere BUT,” he pauses, “he came to DaVE. And that kind of determination means I see big things ahead for this kid, even if this debut match didn't go so well.


“Again, we pick up the action partway – and remember, if you want to see full DaVE matches, you need to get to the Danger Zone yourself, or tune in to our regular Pay-Per-View offerings. But if you don't, this is what you're missing.”


Powell is on a roll as the match is joined, knocking Barnes back against the ropes and going to the far ropes for build-up – but Barnes snatches him on the run, twisting with him and nailing him with a spinning spinebuster. He rains down punches, but Powell shifts clear, making it back to his feet and unleashing kick after kick.


“This kid has spirit!” Naess can be heard exclaiming. Barnes isn't as impressed, though; he catches one kick and punches Powell in the crotch, then waffles him with a chair, drawing blood.


Teddy makes it back to his feet – and goes down to a second chair shot. Barnes hits a third for emphasis, places the chair on Powell's chest, and puts one foot on it for an arrogant pin with an edge.

Derek Barnes defeated Teddy Powell

Rating: E+



“A good try by Powell there, but just not enough,” Mitch sails on as the camera returns to him. “Up next are two teams that have been here just a little while – the New Wave, who came to DaVE together, and the Mayhem Express, two veterans looking to prove that together they have what it takes.


“We're picking up here from five minutes into the match. After a fierce early assault by Phantom Zero, the rookies are getting their feet underneath them...”


The Wave tag in and tag out at speed, hitting hard and fast, exiting before too much damage can be done in retaliation. Guide hits a spear – not yet the Guided Missile – on Eclipse that's delivered with enough impact that he's able to flip forwards and land on his feet.


Scout takes on Phantom Zero in a swift sequence of hold-and-counter-hold which lasts right up until Eclipse dives across the ring, nailing Scout with a punch to the head while airborne.


In defence, Guide slides a chair into the ring, and Scout tries for a neckbreaker onto it – but Zero manages to roll clear. The two try a few more things, but maybe a minute later Zero nails a bulldog onto the chair. He pops up, diving onto Guide on the outside, and Eclipse comes off the top with a moonsault for the pin.

The Mayhem Express defeated The New Wave

Rating: D-



Mitch opens his hands as the camera returns as if to say 'what are you gonna do?'. “So, the New Wave had the chance, but they didn't capitalise, and Phantom Zero deserves credit for keeping his head at just the right time.


“But I think we're going to see big things from both of those teams, and if you want to see them wrestle again, the Danger Zone is the place to go, you get me?


“Up next, what was scheduled to be a tag team, but Death of Death Metal is, if you can believe Professor Nero, in the custody of the Pennsylvania Sheriff's Department right now.” He grins. “That's the excuse Nero gave us. I shudder to think what that crazy psycho's actually done – but his brother?


“His brother is facing Lucky Jiggles. Now, Lucky's been down on his luck lately since Jimmy Cox laid out the last of his girls – but the man can fight, learned on the mean streets of Harlem and in the HWA before that died a death. If he can just overcome the intelligent monster and his brainwashed stooge, he's got a chance to get back on the up.


“We pick up after Nero taunts Jiggles to the outside...”


Jiggles is staring down the Intelligent Monster on the outside. Nero swings his cane and Lucky ducks it, firing off a punch into his gut, then slamming him on the outside.


From inside the ring, Metal reaches out and grabs Lucky by the hair, pulling him onto the apron, then into the ring. He hits a suplex, then moves to capitalise – and Jiggles hits a low blow! He holds up the offending fist to the crowds, turning slowly, basking in their applause, and stomps the German on the mat for a few moments.


Metal fires up, throwing him off the ropes and getting a big shoulderblock. Charging again, he turns the pimp inside out with a huge lariat, then pulls him back up by the hair.


Jiggles flips him off, kicks him in the gut, goes for a cutter – and is pulled off from behind. Jimmy Cox hits the Immortal Driver on the pimp, then spits on him and rolls out. Metal covers for the win – and the Immortal Driver has yet to fail to claim a pinfall.

Metal defeated Lucky Jiggles

Rating: E+



“It seems that Jimmy Cox doesn't think his business with Lucky Jiggles is done,” Mitch says. “From his time with the HWA, Lucky has a strong connection to some of our fans – but that's clearly not good enough for Cox, and his position as one of my boss's lackeys, one of the hand-picked 'future of DaVE' means he gets away with a lot.


“But! Up next is another tag match – and yes, when the Danger Zone touches down, it stays for a while. You heard from Miss Bliss earlier about the Wild Beasts, and now you'll see two men, the True Originals, who left XFW behind to face a real challenge.


“Can they topple one of DaVE's stronger teams? Let's find out. As always, we join in progress...”


Highspot is the first of the wrestlers to be seen, soaring through the air in a flying crossbody that takes American Beast down. Mexican breaks up the pin, only to be hit from behind by the self-proclaimed King of the Streets.


On commentary, Vibert grudgingly predicts a win for the Beasts due to superior teamwork while talking up the talent of both former XFW men, saying that they may become two big names 'even in DaVE' when they get a chance to work together better.


Naess agrees thoughtfully as Highspot gets the better in a War of the Ranas (as Mitch puts it) with Mexican Beast, only for American Beast to launch Laramee onto his partner with a big release German. American covers Highspot and picks up the win.

Wild Beasts defeated True Originals

Rating: D-


“I stand by our assessment,” Mitch says as the camera returns to him. “1997 saw DaVE change a lot. We're seeing the future right now, because almost all of the old guard have been beaten out of the company – and those four are a future to be proud of, or they will be.


“And here's two more. One of the anchors of Bliss State is the mystery man known as Acid; a recent deserter from the self-proclaimed 'Future of DaVE' to Easy Emma's New School is Stuart Ferdinand, and while my boss won't like me saying it, Bliss State and the New School are the places I'd look for the real shape of DaVE to come. But what happens when two of them collide?


“We'll soon see. Coming in ten minutes into the battle...”


This is pure Japanese style, super junior against strong style, and as the portion shown opens with Ferdinand kicking Acid hard enough that the front row winces, it's a good outing for the enthusiastic DaVE fan.


Even the valets get in on the action; Emma tries to feed Ferdinand a chair, and Bliss actually dashes the length of the ring in front of the ref to baseball slide the chair back into Easy E's face.


A superplex attempt by Ferdinand leads to him being chopped from the top rope to the mat, and the Acid Rain Bomb swanton finishes.

Acid defeated Stuart Ferdinand

Rating: D+

“And up next,” Mitch says smoothly,” some words from Extreme Champion Monty Walker.”


Walker is seen in the ring, his entrance cut away. The crowd are still chanting.




He lets the chant play out before raising his microphone.


“I missed you too, guys,” he grins, and a roar of support comes up. Monty bides his time, letting the pop reach a peak and start to subside.


“Yeah, I missed you guys. And I'm sorry not to be wrestling tonight, but I don't get the choice. That's all on Phil.”


The crowd aren't happy to hear that. Monty unstraps his title belt from around his waist.


“But I'm going to be wrestling again soon. This month, I take on Dan Stone Junior again... and this is going on the line.” He raises the belt above his head and basks in the pop.


“Me and Dan, we've done that dance before, and we didn't get it settled. But we've also teamed – I mean, you know that. We've been getting used to each other, and I think that means next time around one of us will find a weakness, find a way through, and we can settle this.


“Now, though. Since Dan and me had to wrestle the Devil's Own to close out February, and since Tommy Cornell and the New School seem to hate both of us... I decided to be nice to them.” He looks around, enjoying the audience's brief confusion, and grins.


“I got them a title shot. Tommy and Troy for the Tag Team Championships.


“So New School, don't say I've never recognised your talent. Don't say I've never done you a favour. Because I just did.


“I just booked you an ass-kicking lesson from the Rebellion, and when you wake up afterward... learn to wait your turn. Because if I still have this after March Into Battle, it's going to be your turn to try, your turn to lose.


“And if Dan still has it I bet he feels the same way.


“Or maybe he'll book you another ass-kicking lesson.


“I guess maybe it still sucks to be you.”


He drops the mic and heads through the crowd to the exit.



Mitch smiles again. “You know, I've got to thank the champ, because he just did my job for me. Ladies and gentlemen, this was the main event while the Danger Zone touched down in Puerto Rico.


“I've been Mitch Naess, you've been fantastic, and remember – we're always ready for you to come into the Danger Zone, where you'll see these battles in their entirety. We've got twenty minutes left, so here's the last twenty minutes of the main event.”


Troy Tornado has Miyamae in the corner as the match is joined, working him over with a series of chops, then going for his discus lariat. Miyamae ducks and rolls across the ring, tagging to Shimedzu.


In comes Ken Shimedzu – and in comes Tommy Cornell, too. Shimedzu catches Tornado with a running kick, and Cornell catches him with his Blade Chop – which Shimedzu shrugs off, the two of them going into a hard battle of chops.


Tornado makes his way back to his feet but Miyamae is there. He cuts him off, looking for a Miyamae Spoiler, but doesn't get it; Troy has the move scouted. A rather smooth counter leads to an exploder suplex.


Troy and Cornell try to go to work on Shimedzu, but as Naess points out, he's been in tag matches most of his career. He ducks the kick aimed from behind, picks Tornado as his mark, and bundles himself and Troy out of the ring.


Cornell grabs Miyamae, looking to capitalise, but Natsu is the equal of that, rolling clear and opening up enough space to breathe. They circle, close in, and lock up.


Miyamae fires a knee into Tommy's gut after losing the battle of footing, and the hold breaks. A brutal hook kick staggers the leader of the New School, sending him tottering unsteadily backward, and he tags out to Shimedzu.


The Rebellion combine over the five count, Shimedzu firing off chops, Miyamae hitting kicks, and Cornell is nearly out on his feet. Tornado jumps in with the Star Maker, wiping Miyamae out. He rises and drives Shimedzu away with a spinning backfist.


Troy pushes his advantage; punches, kicks, a dropkick to knock Shimedzu against the ropes, and Cornell takes over. He looks for the Rough Ride, only for Miyamae to dive from the apron, between the ropes, into a spear, wiping Cornell out with Shimedzu falling atop him.


It's another near-fall that sees Cornell kick out smoothly, looking to lock down the Guilt Trip only for Miyamae to pull him off, lifting him to his shoulders – and Tornado nails him from behind with a chair!


A big top-rope elbow later, the New School have their turn to be frustrated by one of their opponents kicking out.


From there it breaks down for a long while. The chair changes hands four or five times, with everyone feeling its wrath, and everyone in the ring. A cavalcade of big moves sees several near falls and several interruptions, when finally Miyamae is dragged down into the Guilt Trip by Cornell.


As the champion fights to hang on, Tornado stomps on him, once, then twice – then Shimedzu spins him around, chops him again, and hits the Shimedzu Skull Drop to pick up the pinfall!

The Rebellion defeated Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado

Rating: C


Show Rating: C-

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  • 6 months later...

Jeez. Like seven months.


...So I wear contact lenses usually. I lost those a while ago and was reliant on a friend's borrowed glasses. For a variety of reasons, it's taken me until recently to get back up to near-full-sight. And near-full-sight has been important, as I had to change the dpi on my computer to read. I wasn't able to run the game.


If people are still interested, I may try and get this started back up, but either way you deserved the explanation.

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Jeez. Like seven months.


...So I wear contact lenses usually. I lost those a while ago and was reliant on a friend's borrowed glasses. For a variety of reasons, it's taken me until recently to get back up to near-full-sight. And near-full-sight has been important, as I had to change the dpi on my computer to read. I wasn't able to run the game.


If people are still interested, I may try and get this started back up, but either way you deserved the explanation.


I'm still here for the ride PS. Hope everything works itself out! :)

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Jeez. Like seven months.


...So I wear contact lenses usually. I lost those a while ago and was reliant on a friend's borrowed glasses. For a variety of reasons, it's taken me until recently to get back up to near-full-sight. And near-full-sight has been important, as I had to change the dpi on my computer to read. I wasn't able to run the game.


If people are still interested, I may try and get this started back up, but either way you deserved the explanation.


I would be THRILLED if this started up again!

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OOC: This was half-finished when the problem set in. It is now finished...


Confusion is rife over the “division” in HollyWeird, and that's not all that surprising. So ahead of Tuesday's HGC: Invincible, we've raided their website roster page and taken a look at the long-term prospects of the wrestlers involved in Invincible.



“The Baddest” Aaron Mustafa

From: Grosse Point, Michigan Billed From: The Motor City

Age: 30 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 9-0-9 / Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Detroit Drop (Sit-out double underhook driver, usually onto a chair)

Theme Song: Puff Daddy ft. The Notorious B.I.G., The LOX & Lil' Kim - It's All About the Benjamins Other Achievements: 2-time and current HGC Hardcore Champion, Power 500 #329


The Baddest has been launched hard, and given a gimmick of a seemingly unstoppable no-nonsense brawler. While it's hard to see him punching through HollyWeird's glass ceiling, he's been spotlighted a lot harder than that win-loss record would suggest. If he can break out of the Hardcore ghetto he could be a major player in 1998



American Fox (The Fox Den)

From: Santa Barbara, California Billed From: The World Of Tomorrow

Age: 24 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 5-0-13 / Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: American Dream (Slingshot Frankensteiner)

Theme Song: Republica, Ready To Go Other Achievements: Power 500 #282


That win-loss record should not an upper midcarder make, but their habit of getting involved in other shenanigans, support from children, merchandise sales, and the crazy stuff they pull out whenever they're in the ring helps the Fox Den stand out. Arguably the weakest of the three, the Coastal Zone trainee is likely to go far for as long as the stable lives.



Babylon “The Demon's Disciple” (Just & Upright Men)

From: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Billed From: The Shattered Palace

Age: 23 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-10 / Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Tower of Babylon (Suplex Lift Piledriver)

Theme Song: Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath Other Achievements: Power 500 #405


Babylon hasn't done much of note since arrival in HollyWeird other than act as Homicide's lackey, and with the arrival of Colossus his ring work became even less of a focus. However, with Colossus taken from Homicide's stable by the rebranding, he has a chance to become much more relevant in the future – if he can just manage it.



Barry Kingman

From: Santa Clara, CA Billed From: Santa Clara, CA

Age: 23 Current Push: Opener

HGC Record: N/A / Avg Match Rating: N/A

Finishers: The Kingman Krippler (Kneeling Camel Clutch)

Theme Song: Daft Punk, Burnin Other Achievements: NYCW United States Champion, Power 500 #372


The latest graduate from feeder league LSW, Kingman is a second generation star of note. Expect a strong series of losses early on, and if he performs as well as we expect, he has a chance to rise – his lack of a gimmick isn't quite unique on the brand, but it's noteworthy. Wrestling very few matches during his NYCW run and not many more with LSW, his Power 500 rating should be considered to have been handicapped compared to most of the HollyWeird roster.



Big Cat Brandon (The Alley Cats)

From: Boston, Massachussetts Billed From: The Streets

Age: 21 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-6 / Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Big Cat Pounce (Shoulderblock with Theatrics)

Theme Song: Rammstein, Du Hast Other Achievements: LSW Tag Team Champion (with Jay Darkness), Power 500 #402


In late 1997, James Brandon was in the right place at the right time; just as the Fox Den's merchandise potential became clear, he had an animal gimmick and look that fitted. Hired on and paired with another strong worker, the fact they're still together and on the same brand as the Fox Den means that it's likely they'll see a lot of work, although I don't expect their win-loss record to pick up greatly for a while – but if this review is teaching me anything, it's that wins and losses mean little in HollyWeird.



Big Cat Jack (The Alley Cats)

From: Elizabeth, New York Billed From: The Streets

Age: 22 Current Push: Opener

HGC Record: 1-0-6 / Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: The Pounce (Diving Shoulderblock)

Theme Song: Rammstein, Du Hast Other Achievements: NYCW Rookie of the Year 1996, Power 500 #422


Slightly smaller than his colleague and slightly more of an all-rounder, Jack is a talent who'll go a lot further once this gimmick runs its course. His Jackhammer suplex has taken a back seat within the Alley Cats, and that's a shame – the upper limit on what this guy can lift makes for a spectacle all its own.



"Ultimate" Blue Sky

From: Mount Vernon, New York Billed From: Mexicali, CA

Age: 22 Current Push: Opener

HGC Record: 0-0-2 / Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Blue Steel (Slingshot Legdrop)

Theme Song: Sash, Encore Une Fois Other Achievements: Power 500 #464


Let's not pretend that that Power 500 entry is based on Blue Sky's work in HollyWeird. On the other hand, the youngster is barely known, but consistently appears in strong matches, and while that's partly due to having effectively taken over for Tom Gilmore as the little guy Dread's annoyed with following Gilmore's injury, it's also a tribute to his own talent. In years to come, he'll be big – the question is whether it's here or whether he just gets there from here.



BLZ Bubb (The Powers Of Hell)

From: Vancouver, BC Billed From: The Deepest Circle Of Hell

Age: 27 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 36-1-4 / Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Hades Bomb (Blue Thunder Chokeslam)

Theme Song: Marilyn Manson, The Beautiful People Other Achievements: 1-time HGC Tag Team Champion, Power 500 #59


A monster who's delivered, he's been booked about as strong as anyone not named Strong and participated in almost as many matches as anyone. Considering that HollyWeird is his first top-tier exposure, we have to give him credit for stepping up. If they focus him more against the more established opposition and he continues studying his craft, Bubb could be a multi-time champion we'd remember fondly by the time he retires.



Brent Hill

From: Carson City, IL Billed From: Chicago, IL

Age: 27 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 11-1-24 / Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: King of the Hill (Frog Splash), Complete Package (Seated Dragon Sleeper)

Theme Song: Chemical Brothers, Block Rockin' Beat Other Achievements: Power 500, #131


It looks like the Next Generation as a team are a casualty of the split, and that's a real shame. However, it leaves Brent free, and if they get behind him, he could be a top guy very quickly. He doesn't have much in the way of weaknesses, and he'll deliver in the ring every time.




From: Canberra, Australia Billed From: The Shadow of Ayer's Rock

Age: 27 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 17-1-8 / Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Giant Choke Slam (...It's a giant choke slam. Whaddaya want?)

Theme Song: Introit & Kyrie – Faure's Requiem Other Achievements: Power 500, #16


Bruce, no longer the Giant apparently. Well, he's a legend. He's young. He's surprisingly capable for a big gun. He currently has a winning average against Sam Strong. I think he'll survive the fracturing of his stable just fine.



“The Devil's Only Saint” Charlie Homicide (Just And Upright Men)

From: Miami, Florida Billed From: The Shattered Palace

Age: 43 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 27-2-12 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Homicide Bomb (Ganso Bomb)

Theme Song: Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath Other Achievements: Former HGC Hardcore Champion, former HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Power 500 #36


The champion the company ignored... but he has some allies, still, and his record speaks for itself. I think 1997 will turn out to have been his career peak, but he can wind down in pride and get a few more main events on the way. And who knows? He has the potential to surprise me, he proved that this year.



“The Insurance Policy” Charlie Thatcher (Peter Valentine)

From: Allenspark, CO Billed From: Boulder, CO

Age: 22 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 10-0-17 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Running Big Boot (Running big boot), Low Blow (punt inna nuts)

Theme Song: Their Law, Prodigy Other Achievements: Power 500, #156


One of a number of people who have, to my total confusion, benefitted heavily from working with Peter Valentine. Charlie's biggest problem is that he's hardly the only big guy around, but his willingness to bump hard and work hard guarantees him steady if mid-card employment. If he applies himself well, he might do even better than that... in the 2000s sometime.



“Too Sweet To Be Sour” Cherry Bomb

From: Vancouver, BC Billed From: Vancouver, BC

Age: 21 Current Push: Womens Division

HGC Record: 0-0-3 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Cherry Bomb (Spinning Double Underhook Bomb)

Theme Song: The Runaways, Cherry Bomb Other Achievements: N/A


One of the few wrestlers to have dropped out of the Power 500 since joining HGC (although only just – she ranked 500 in 1996), the future for Cherry looks financially successful but not exactly high-reward in ring so long as she sticks around. With the HollyWeird Girls split between brands, though, she'll pop up more.



“Man of Faith” Christian Faith

From: Norwalk, CT Billed From: Now Residing In Los Angeles

Age: 31 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 19-2-5 Avg Match Rating: B+

Finishers: Leap of Faith (Corner Avalanche Splash), Test of Faith (Torture Rack)

Theme Song: Iron Maiden, Hallowed Be Thy Name Other Achievements: Former HGC Tag Team Champion, HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Power 500 #4


What a year. What a shocking walkout. What a run since moving company – and what a run beforehand. Christian Faith leaving SWF would not have happened without a fit of temper, we're told, but there's also no chance that he won't be one of HGC's top stars in the future. The company's less than a year and a half old; almost all of its stars are taken from somewhere else. But right now, that's not a bad thing.



Davey J

From: Lancaster CA Billed From: Long Beach, CA

Age: 20 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-17 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Blaze of Glory (Running STO)

Theme Song: Smash Mouth, Walkin On The Sun Other Achievements: Power 500 #272


He's lost the Sweet Sensations tag. So he's got that going for him – but what are they going to do with him? Could go up, could go down. I'm betting down but I'm kind of pulling for the career maker of HGC – a feud with Peter Valentine.



“The Shadow of Fear” Dread

From: Fargo, North Dakota Billed From: Parts Unknown

Age: 36 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 42-1-12 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Dread Bomb (Powerbomb), Dreadsault (Moonsault)

Theme Song: AC/DC, Hells Bells Other Achievements: Power 500 #23


There hasn't really been a proper feud for Dread since his run against Strong, and rumours are that's partly due to KOing the bookerman leading to plans getting torpedoed or otherwise blown off a few times. Still, the man keeps producing, and it's hard to say it's not worth letting him have his fanbase and put on good matches. Don't expect him to budge from the top tier any time soon, but don't expect anything new either.



“The Man Without Fear” Duane Stone

From: Calgary. Alberta Billed From: The House Of Stone

Age: 23 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 13-0-10* Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Alabaster Agony (STF), From Canada With Love (Diving Headbutt)

Theme Song: Europe, The Final Countdown Other Achievements: Ed Henson Memorial Champion, Power 500 #39

* Allegedly these numbers are actually much higher.


Duane's made a name for himself all over again over the winter, embroiled in a feud with Peter Valentine that earned him the nickname of Man Without Fear, taking on Charlie Homicide in a brilliant PPV main event, and teaming on and off with Dark Angel as Mach 2. He's been everywhere, it seems, and he's consistently delivered in the ring. He may need a mouthpiece, but expect that to be remedied soon – I can't see him not heading to the top.



Dusty Streets

From: Greensboro, NC Billed From: Greensboro, NC

Age: 46 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 35-1-21 Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Dust-Off (Front Russian Legsweep)

Theme Song: The Highwaymen, Highwayman Other Achievements: Former HGC Tag Team Champion, Power 500 #29, Carrying Giant Redwood For Months


Despite a lengthy team run alongside Giant Redwood, Dusty registers higher in the Power 500 than Charlie Homicide. Or possibly it's because of the run, as he took backstage resentment and a shocking turn that also saw him pinned immediately by Sam Strong and ran with it, dragging Redwood to things that approached watchable matches. Shorn of Redwood and cut off from his brother, my prediction is that Dusty will occupy a similar role to Valentine this year, but quite possibly not so entertainingly.



Eddie Stardust

From: Yonkers, NY Billed From: Yonkers, NY

Age: 21 Current Push: Opener

HGC Record: 4-0-14 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Star Burst (Exploder Suplex)

Theme Song: Garbage, I Think I'm Paranoid Other Achievements: Former XFW Blood Brothers Champion, Former LSW Tag Champion, Power 500 #298


The Stardusts are a great tag team, and now they've been split up. Eddie still has his kayfabe mother by his side, but a new theme song gives me hope they'll push him slightly more toward the crazy side where he can really show what he can do. I don't know who they pissed off to get this gimmick, but it's time for it to die. A Peak/Mustafa feud on the big stage would be everything I want.



El Bandido

From: Mexico City, Mexico Billed From: The Borderlands

Age: 28 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-1 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Hijack Suplex (Pop-Up Release German Suplex)

Theme Song: Dire Straits, Six Blade Knife Other Achievements: Former Campeon des Trios OLLIE, Power 500 #166


A good solid luchador who looks to have been brought in solely to feud with the Fox Den. Rumours are that he'll align with the Alley Cats soon, while the Fox Den continue to polish their work. Probably a midcarder for life, but with the chance of a run against Mr Lucha later in the year, he's going to make money and raise his Mexican profile at the very least.



Fire Fox (The Fox Den)

From: Spartanburg, SC Billed From: The World Of Tomorrow

Age: 24 Current Push: Upper Midcard

HGC Record: 6-0-13 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Fireball (Springboard Hangtime Punch)

Theme Song: Republica, Ready To Go Other Achievements: Power 500 #243


I could copy and paste from American Fox here, but the fact is I think Fire's upside is the biggest of all of the Den. They're not going to leave the midcard until merch sales flag or the masks come off.



“The Chairman” Frankie Future (The Family?)

From: Pittsburgh, PA Billed From: Brooklyn

Age: 27 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 11-1-12 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Future Shock (Stunner)

Theme Song: The Godfather Waltz Other Achievements: 2-time former Hardcore Champion, Power 500 #253


About breaking even in the ring and turning heads on the microphone outside, the future of The Chairman is a little uncertain now that he and the Hustlers are on separate brands. Will a new Family come together? Even if not, expect him to feature prominently.



“New School” Jason Jackson

From: Santa Clara, CA Billed From: The New School

Age: 40 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 12-0-21 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Three Day Suspension (Stalling Brainbuster)

Theme Song: Aerosmith, Dream On Other Achievements: Power 500 #158


Jason Jackson should not be polling higher than Frankie or the Fox Den, even if he's been on TV all through 1997. He's in the dreaded Spare Face role, and unless something about that changes soon, he'll be collecting paydays and no more. Barely even qualifies as a gatekeeper.



Java (Savage Fury)

From: Java, oddly enough Billed From: The Deadly Tropics

Age: 25 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 6-1-26 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Greetings From The Island (Tribal Dance into Running Splash)

Theme Song: Viki Sianipar, Indonesia Pusaka Other Achievements: Power 500 =169


Java's actually a pretty good wrestler, but you'd have to go to Japan to know it. Savage Fury may seriously benefit from the split, as they're going to jump from the fifth heel tag team to around the third. Jumped 300 places in the Power 500 over his HGC run to date; he could go further if mentor Rip Chord continues to push.



“Still Burning” Joey Flame

From: Seattle, WA Billed From: Seattle, WA

Age: 45 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 11-0-11 Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Flame On (Fisherman's Suplex)

Theme Song: A-Ha, Take On Me Other Achievements: Power 500 #117


Now that he's all the way onto another show to his brother, maybe the Flame split won't be the failure it sometimes feels like. Otherwise, he's the gatekeeper Jason Jackson wishes he was – wins some, loses some, and banks the money. Deserves better.



“The Cleaner” John McClean

From: Philadelphia, PA Billed From: Spartanburg, SC

Age: 23 Current Push: Opener

HGC Record: N/A Avg Match Rating: N/A

Finishers: Clean Out (Cobra Clutch Slam), Stain Removal (Charging Knee Strike)

Theme Song: Foo Fighters, Everlong Other Achievements: Former PPPW Tri-State Tag Champion, Power 500 #367


John spent the second half of the year in LSW, and has received the call-up with the brand divide. We know very little about his upcoming gimmick or how well he'll do, although obviously we can expect some early losses. Personally, I like this guy; he'll never be SWF champion, but he has the chance to be big.



“American Outlaw” Liberty

From: Abilene, TX Billed From: The Unconquered Republic Of Texas

Age: 27 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 20-0-19 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Liberation Slam (Uranage)

Theme Song: Kansas, Carry On My Wayward Son Other Achievements: Former HGC Tag Team Champion, Power 500 #15


The American Outlaw's worked hard this year and it's been rewarded. He's one of HollyWeird's current top guys and if he can shore up his ringwork he's likely to stay there. The fan-dubbed Rebel Virtues team of him and Christian Faith seems to guarantee both continued prominence and serious in-ring maturation is coming.



Mayhem Midden (The One Percenters)

From: Harrisburg, PA Billed From: Route 666

Age: 51 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 9-0-20 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Piledriver (If you need help working out what this is, I am not the man to give it)

Theme Song: AC/DC, What Do You Do For Money, Honey? Other Achievements: Power 500 #210


Midden and the Percenters as a whole seem to have been a casualty of the younger tag teams; they started popping the crowds fast, and that left some of the old guard scrambling to keep up. With fracturing taking place with some of those teams, it's possible that he'll pick up some more wins in future, but honestly I think he's already filed under 'failed experiment'.



“Caliente” Miss Mexico

From: Tampico, Mexico Billed From: Guadalajara, Mexico

Age: 25 Current Push: Women's Division

HGC Record: 2-0-6 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Red Head Press (Moonsault Press)

Theme Song: Savage Garden, I Want You Other Achievements: None


One of the HollyWeird Girls who has yet to stand out, Miss Mexico has the credentials to do it if she can build up people's awareness of her. Until then, look for her to do what she has been; pop the crowd with a couple of high-spots in multi-woman matches then vanish without trace.



“King of Extreme” Monty “The Ghost Who Walks” Walker

From: Pittsburgh, PA Billed From: The Danger Zone

Age: 26 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 28-1-18 Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: The Full Monty (Moonsault), Superkick

Theme Song: Aerosmith, Walk This Way Other Achievements: Former HGC International Champion, DaVE Extreme Champion, 1996 Power 500 #166, 1997 Power 500 #37


There is no part of the Ghost Who Walks that is not grateful to J.K. Stallings for the chance to become the biggest named wrestler in North America who still qualifies as an 'independent' talent in his work with DaVE. He has the crowd, and possibly the bookers, in the palm of his hand, and the people he's wrestling mean that what he's currently doing cannot possibly be his upper ceiling.



“Masked Honor” Mr Lucha

From: Mexico City, Mexico Billed From: Mexico City, Mexico

Age: 37 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 44-0-17 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Master Drop (Stalling Overhead Brainbuster)

Theme Song: Los Lobos, Cancion Del Mariachi Other Achievements: Former HGC Cruiserweight Champion, Former Campeon de Parejas MPWF, Former Campeon de Trios MPWF, Former Trios Invitational Trophywinner, Former Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, 1996 Power 500 #4, 1997 Power 500 #34


Well, you can't say that the most famous active luchador hasn't pulled his weight since coming to HollyWeird. His push has been a bit stop/start, though not as much as his feud with Dread, and his alliance with Electrico has been mostly about getting his hand-picked protege over – but any time he's in the ring, the results are well worth it.



Nemesis (The Powers of Hell)

From: San Diego, CA Billed From: The Deepest Circle Of Hell

Age: 39 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 36-1-4 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Nemesis Arrow (Falcon Arrow)

Theme Song: Marilyn Manson, The Beautiful people Other Achievements: Former HGC World Tag Team Champion, Former SWF North American Champion, 1996 Power 500 #21, 1997 Power 500 #48


One of the bookers, Nemesis has clashed extensively with Sam Strong and wowed crowds in order as long as he's been with HollyWeird. With BLZ Bubb alongside, his tag team looks likely to see more main events in the future, and for a little guy his power and rage are key. We're expecting a resurgence of his aborted war with Christian Faith soon, too.



Night Fox (The Fox Den)

From: Morden, Manitoba, Canada Billed From: The World Of Tomorrow

Age: 23 Current Push: Upper Midcard

HGC Record: 5-0-17 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Nightfall (Top Rope Legdrop)

Theme Song: Republica, Ready To Go Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500 #454, 1997 Power 500 #285


Like the rest of the Fox Den, Night Fox has staying power and to spare provided solely by the mask, but also seems able to make the most of it in the ring, too. The trio are fun to watch, if occasionally a little spotty.



“The Priest of Pain” Pablo Rodriguez

From: Ecatapec, Mexico Billed From: The Confessional

Age: 20 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

HGC Record: 0-0-13 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Final Judgement (Crucifix Slam), Sinner's Salvation (Rolling Armlock)

Theme Song: Iron Maiden, The Evil Men Do Other Achievements: Former Campeon Herencia de Mundo MPWF, Former Burning International Tag Champion, 1996 Power 500 #56, 1997 Power 500 #128


Not a great record yet for the Priest of Pain, but he's excelled in vignettes, giving other high fliers something to be wary of and showcasing both major finishers outside matches. We can only hope to see him pick up the momentum he deserves as 1998 rolls on.



Paul Blood (Young Blood)

From: Port Chester, NY Billed From: Hawai'i, USA

Age: 23 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 12-0-15 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Backflip Face Crusher

Theme Song: Chumbawumba, Tubthumping Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500, #351, 1997 Power 500 #252


There doesn't seem to be an upper limit on this youngster's potential once he really gets rolling. Carrying most of the ringwork for his tag team and embraced by Liberty, he's started strong alongside his fictional brother and is getting plenty of chances to learn from the very best. One of the Invincible brand's names to watch.



“The Man Who Retired Black Cobra” Peter Valentine

From: Minneapolis, MN Billed From: Minneapolis, MN

Age: 34 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 14-0-13 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Heart Breaker (Heart Punch)

Theme Song: Led Zeppelin, Heartbreaker Other Achievements: Power 500 #117


I... I actually look forward to Peter Valentine appearing on my screen. I know; I feel as bad about that as I'm sure you do. But his feuds lately have been brilliant fun to watch, and he's let himself look dangerous and set himself up as the butt of the joke in equal measure. Peter Valentine has found his niche and it's wonderful.



“Phenomenal” Phoenix II

From: Merida, Mexico Billed From: Mexicali, Mexico

Age: 23 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-11 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Northern Lights Suplex

Theme Song: Ash, Angel Interceptor Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500 #320. 1997 Power 500 #284


Like Rodriguez, Phoenix II is a stellar talent who's not getting to do as much as he should. He's routinely a big favourite in house shows, where a lot of the undercard are given much longer to do their thing, and considering how little he's been used he's been part of some great matches. As the Cruiserweight division continues to struggle into something more like an actual division, expect him to become more of a factor on TV.



Richard Blood (Young Blood)

From: Hawai'i, USA Billed From: Hawai'i, USA

Age: 23 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 16-1-28 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Butterfly Powerbomb Pin

Theme Song: Chumbawumba, Tubthumping Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500 #415, 1997 Power 500 #251


He squeaked ahead of his kayfabe brother at the year-end Power 500 for his brilliant work taking a beating before Paul gets the hot tag, but and the two are a strong act, but unlike Paul I don't see him having an unlimited ceiling, though the two of them should do well. The strength og HGC's tag division is one of its appealing factors, and while Young Blood will be casualties eventually, splitting up the Next Generation means that they're going to need these two for white meat babyfaces a while longer.



“The Sicilian Sex Bomb” Rocky Constantino (The Players' Club?)

From: Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Billed From: The Clubhouse

Age: 37 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 5-0-16 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Conclusion (Running STO), Running Knee Drive

Theme Song: Tom Jones, Sex Bomb Other Achievements: Former HGC Cruiserweight Champion, 1996 Power 500 #464, 1997 Power 500 #228


The least entertaining part of the Players' Club, Constantino didn't win his HGC championship, didn't keep it long, and did little to really get anyone's attention before, during or after that couldn't have been done by anyone else. Whether he was chosen as a Cruiserweight Champion to play up a range of styles in the division or simply to clue us all in to the fact Sam Strong doesn't understand the lightweights' appeal is up for dispute, but separated from Mike Kinsey and with his faction cut in half, Constantino will be left to sink or swim.


If they want to go somewhere with him, look for him to ally with Frankie Future and join the Family in some way, or – and this is my personal vote for the only way I see him being interesting – toady up to Peter Valentine.



“The One And Only” Romeo Heartthrob (The Players' Club?)

From: Chicago, IL Billed From: The Clubhouse

Age: 43 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

HGC Record: 16-0-16 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Cupid's Clutch (Grapevined Chickenwing Crossface)

Theme Song: Vikki Carr, Adoro Other Achievements: Fprmer HGC Cruiserweight Champion, Former NYCW World Champion, Former NYCW Tag Team Champion, 1996 Power 500 #48, 1997 Power 500 #118


Heartthrob has barely wrestled at all in 1998, and while he's been a steady presence alongside the Club dealing with one threat or another, that fact stands out. I'm expecting him to transition either to managing Constantino or putting over a youngster in a Loser Leaves Town match soon, and while he's produced some good work with the right opponent, that's probably the smart way to go all the same. Managing Constantino, he'd be wasted, but I think one last good run against a Brent Hill – or making his final fall to Steve Flash a career match – would allow him to go out on the high his long career deserves.



Sidewinder Ricky Dale

From: San Antonio, TX Billed From: The Place of Skulls

Age: 28 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 17-1-23 Avg Match Rating: B-

Finishers: Leaping Lariat, Southern Justice (Uranage)

Theme Song: Gibson/Miller Band, Texas Tattoo Other Achievements: Former TWL Champion, Former TWL Tag Team Champion, 1996 Power 500 #123, 1997 Power 500 #35


I'm a wrestling purist, much of the time, and I have no idea what to make of the feud the former Modern Day Cowboys had this year. It was big, it was brash, it was experimental, and it got them over hard, especially on the heels of Dale's run with Valentine, who as earlier noted has been on fire this past year. With a little help learning his trade from Black Cobra Duane Stone, too, Dale has a lot of the tools needed to stay at the top now he's got there. The only problem is that it's a little crowded, and his new quasi-supernatural gimmick is unlikely to have legs. I reluctantly predict that Dale and Azrael will both be gone inside the year.



“Remarkable” Steve Flash

From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Billed From: Toronto, Canada

Age: 31 Current Push: Main Eventer

HGC Record: 23-0-3 Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Flash Bang (Snap Impaler DDT)

Theme Song: Norman Greenbaum, Spirit In The Sky Other Achievements: Former CGC World Tag Team Champion, Former NOTBPW World Tag Team Champion, Former RPW World Champion, Former CZCW SoCal Champion, 1996 Power 500 #56, 1997 Power 500 #47


His record since signing for HGC leaves little to the imagination. “The Remarkable One” has done what his fans always knew he could; he's electrified fans on the biggest stage imaginable and toppled literal giants where needed to get the victories his career so richly deserves. He came close, even, to a World Heavyweight Championship win, and his featuring as Sam Strong's replacement in Cage Wars also marks him for great things.


If he can beat his promo problems, he's a made man.



Super Joshuya

From: Osaka, Japan Billed From: Tokyo, Japan

Age: 29 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-35 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Due South (Frog Splash), J-Drop (Butterfly Driver)

Theme Song: Shaw Brothers, Ninja In The Dragon's Den Other Achievements: Former Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, Former Campeon de Trios MPWF, Former CZCW SoCal Champion, Former King of the Indies, Former Trios Invitational Champion, 1996 Power 500 #125, 1997 Power 500 #170


That Joshuya's Power 500 ranking stayed so high last year is testament to the old adage that it's not winning or losing but how you win or lose that matters. He's tagged with Mr Lucha outside the company and his astonishing fundamentals have made him a joy to watch even as he almost exclusively ends up on the losing side outside of house shows. With his team with Ota apparently dissolved, however, he may soon struggle unless he can find a way to put the spotlight on himself properly.



“Darkness Personified” Tayler Morton

From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Billed From: Blackest Night

Age: 20 Current Push: Enhancement Talent

HGC Record: 0-0-3 Avg Match Rating: C

Finishers: Shadow Kick (Superkick), Flying Double Knee

Theme Song: Alice Cooper, Poison Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500 #364, 1997 Power 500 #460


Another of what's becoming known online as the House Show Stars, Morton has been a walking punchbag in his few televised appearances but has worked his heart out in other events and dark matches, even winning a battle with Electrico in an Edmonton house show to wake the crowd up. He's got potential, but it's unrealised as yet, though the flying double knee has to be seen to be believed.



The Hype

From: Orlando, FL Billed From: Orlando, FL

Age: 24 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 11-0-21 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Greatest Hits (Punch Barrage)

Theme Song: Twisted Sister, We're Not Gonna Take It Other Achievements: 1996 Independent Wrestler Of The Year, 1996 Power 500 #92, 1997 Power 500 #183


A clear case of squandered potential is forming here. The Hype has the capacity to be a major name in wrestling, but under the current booking he's had more than a year in HollyWeird with nobody given a reason to root for him. He's a generic placeholder face and he's a long way down the list of those.


Hopefully he can change that, but honestly I don't see that happening this year. He could really use some time in the tag ranks to recover and push forward without his losing record on people's minds, especially as he's lost Lady Melissa from his side. For many people she was both of the reasons they paid attention to him.



The Insane Heat

From: Tenton, NJ Billed From: Hell's Kitchen

Age: 27 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 0-0-13 Avg Match Rating: C+

Finishers: Burning Lariat (Short-Arm Repeater Lariat)

Theme Song: The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, Fire! Other Achievements: Former XFW World Champion, 1996 Power 500 #255, 1997 Power 500 #163


Heat has yet to secure a televised win in HGC, but he's stayed popular with the fans, put on good showings, and delivers good matches every time. His Christmas stint as repeated fall guy for the Fox Den made him some friends among the fanbase, too, and showed that he's an excellent big-man jobber, but like the Hype, he surely deserves to be more.


Getting intermittent face reactions, partly due to his theme song.



The Night Rider (The One Percenters)

From: Charleston, VA Billed From: Route 666

Age: 48 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 8-0-22 Avg Match Rating: D+

Finishers: Eagle's Wings (Pedigree)

Theme Song: AC/DC, What Do You Do For Money, Honey? Other Achievements: Former SWF World Tag Team Champion, 1996 Power 500 #360, 1997 Power 500 #198


There's still life in the old dogs yet, but there may not be as much as they'd want you to think. As failing tag teams go, the Percenters are the ones who could most do with kicking to the kerb, and for my money it couldn't benefit better candidates than the Big Cats right now. I'm hoping to see that soon; it won't be as big as it could be, but the Cats need the help and the Percenters need to go before they embarrass themselves.



“Furious” Tom Gilmore

From: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Billed From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Age: 19 Current Push: Out With Injury

HGC Record: 0-0-19 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Aerosault (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Theme Song: Machines of Loving Grace, Golgotha Tenement Blues Other Achievements: 1996 Power 500 #236, 1997 Power 500 #144


Gilmore had as good a year as you can have without leaving jobber status last year, even entering into a storyline with Dread, albeit a one-sided one – but one that showed clear intent to elevate him. Sadly, a bad fall when Dread eliminated him from a December battle royal broke his ankle and another Dread plotline was put on hold, with the chance that we'll see it returned to in a couple of weeks – word has it Gilmore is almost ready to return to the ring.


I don't know about you, but I'm hopeful he'll get a chance to bust out his first win, with the 'furious' moniker newly justified.



Tribal Warrior (Savage Fury)

From: American Samoa Billed From: The Deadly Tropics

Age: 25 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 6-1-28 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Head Hunter Special (Big Boot)

Theme Song: Viki Sianipar, Indonesia Pusaka Other Achievements: Former Burning International Tag Champion, current King of the Deathmatch, Power 500 #255


I have to imagine it annoys an American citizen (even if he couldn't vote back home) to come out to Indonesian theme music when his partner's correctly represented, and honestly there are big parts of Savage Fury's gimmick which make me seriously uncomfortable.



“The Dish Of The Day” Wanda Fish

From: Seattle, WA Billed From: Seattle, WA

Age: 22 Current Push: Midcarder

HGC Record: 1-0-5 Avg Match Rating: C-

Finishers: Blonde Ambition (Kick Rush Into Pirouette Kick), Dish of the Day (Rope Trap Charging Dropkick)

Theme Song: All Saints, Lady Marmalade Other Achievements: Former AAA Tag Team Champion, 1996 Power 500 #189


Fish The Dish has struck it lucky, in a way, but it's our loss. Her AAA matches pushed her all the way to 189 on the Power 500, no easy task in a promotion that runs only twelve shows a year, I can't entirely begrudge her the money; I just wish Peter Valentine wasn't booking her. (Although he might not be, any more.)

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Tuesday night means Invincible television as HGC Invincible debuts! Are you ready for the warriors of the Invincible roster to show what they can do?


Savage Fury and Fox Den kick off our night's wrestling. We don't know yet which combination of Vixen's heroes will be in action, nor what's happening between the two teams, but we do know that the Fox Den demanded this match.


Womens' wrestling is featured next as the HollyWeird Girls enter the ring to do battle. Miss Mexico and Wanda Fish fight to the pinfall or submission.

And after that, more tag teams do battle - Young Blood are face to face with Peter Valentine and Charlie Thatcher in what's sure to be a hard-fought contest. Can we expect the young brothers to rise above the threat posed by the wily and powerful veterans?


A former World Heavyweight Champion is up next, and no less dangerous, as Charlie Homicide is ranged against The Hype. It'll be an uphill battle for the man who wants us to believe in him, but as he tries to inspire, he was always likely to come under fire from the devil's only saint sooner or later.


Six men with their own agendas are featured next, as BLZ Bubb, Duane Stone, Dusty Streets, Mr Lucha, Steve Flash and Teddy Flame are competing, and any one of them could be a World Heavyweight Champion before much time has passed; every single one of them has the drive and the skill required. Who wins tonight might well influence Shane Sneer's decision.


And in our main event, Christian Faith and Sidewinder Ricky Dale team against Bruce and Dread in a battle of courage against brawn. The champion has a capable ally in Dale, but the two they're against are some of the most impressive fighters in all of wrestling...



Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)

They're more interesting, and fit more with the new Nemesis style.


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish

A stronger and more well-known competitor.


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood



Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype

The Hype is intimately familiar with Charlie.


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame

Just a guess, but I find him interesting.


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

Sidewinder is awesome, but he's not quite on that level yet.

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood

Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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Good to see this one back. :)


Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)

I just like Fox Den more plus they do have higher push at the moment according the roster review (and about similar win-loss records as well).


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish

Looks like neither girl haven´t won a whole lot so far so it´s bit of a coin flip to me.

Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood

Young Blood seems to be decent midcard tag team these days but Valentine is still main eventer so he should go over.


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype

Homicide might be "the champion that company ignored" but surely he´s not that much ignored that they job him to another overlooked guy in form of The Hype.


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame

When I doubt I go with main eventer and in this case, roster page says that it´s either Bubb or Flash. Well, I couldn´t find Teddy Flame so not sure about his push, unless it´s meant to be Joel Flame who is in this brand? That said it won´t really matter either way as I won´t be picking either one of the brothers over Flash or Bubb. On those two, I initially was going to go with BLZ Bubb but then I started thinking that this might be a good place to hammer down the fact that Flash is a real deal in this dimension and what better way to do it than have him go over five other guys who are all main eventers/ upper midcarders?


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

So much star power on this one and I could see this going either way. That said, I go with the big guys here as the "giant killing acts" are usually reserved for big shows.

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Fox Den (Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Miss Mexico vs. Wanda Fish


Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine vs. Young Blood


Charlie Homicide w/ Karen Killer vs. The Hype


BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets vs. Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame


Bruce & Dread vs. Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale

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HGC Invincible


Tuesday Week 1 March 1998


Live on C.A.N.N. (Total Rating: 5.89)


Held at the Mayor Street Arena (New England)


Attendance: 12,902



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/KyleRhodes_alt1_zpsf7ecf133.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/JasonAzaria_zps417569ed.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/TeddyFlame_zpsf9161142.jpg


Kyle Rhodes – Jason Azaria – Teddy Flame



As the show begins, to the surprise of many viewers the HollyWeird Girls don't kick things off. Instead, we see Steve Flash arriving at the arena, suitcase trundling behind him on wheels, whence he is blindsided by a charging Rocky Constantino.


The Sicilian sex bomb hits him with a charging elbow, then a couple of rights, and as Flash struggles to recoup under the unexpected assault, he backs off and goes for a running knee drive, only for the remarkable one to sidestep.


Constantino's knees clip one of the secure equipment chests that litter the HollyWeird backstage, and he crashes and burns – but soon recovers, hobbling around in a wide circle and shaking it off. He comes back in with a left, but Flash is ready now and blocks, firing back with lefts and rights of his own only to be cut off by a kick to the midsection.


Constantino tries for the Conclusion, only to be thrown off, and as he comes back in again he's backdropped onto the crate.


It's at this point that backstage staff finally descend, pulling the two apart. Rocky clearly hasn't lost any morale at having lost the encounter, still struggling to get through them and back at Flash – but as Teddy Flame remarks from the third seat of commentary, you've got to wonder where Romeo Heartthrob was during all that...

In the early going, Fire Fox spends most time in the ring, Night Fox perched atop the turnbuckle in his team's corner, eyes firmly on the action. Java tries to get an advantage by yanking on one of the ropes Night Fox has his balance on, but the costumed hero stays upright and almost unmoving and Fire Fox is able to nail him from behind with a forearm.


That doesn't go well with the Indonesian's temper, and even the constitution of a superhero doesn't help Fire Fox much as Java takes it to him, with Fire Fox ultimately squirming clear, vaulting to the second rope, then spinning off into a long-distance enzuigiri kick that staggers the big man.


Meanwhile, Vixen and Night Fox are conversing in low tones, the manageress on the apron and the grappler still atop the turnbuckle. Fire, overconfident, lets Tribal Warrior tag in, and the Samoan catches a cross-body attempt, boosts him effortlessly onto his shoulders, and then – rather than a Samoan drop – hits a jumping powerslam.


Night Fox promptly comes off the top with a missile dropkick to nail the agressor, then rolls out of the ring and returns to his perch. Fire Fox looks to capitalise, but the sheer impact clearly has him dazed, and Savage Fury combine in the corner with a series of quick tags and powerhouse forearm blows and elbows – until Fire Fox ducks one!


He grabs Java on the turn and hits him with a facebuster! Tribal Warrior comes in, but Fire Fox ducks the lariat, steps up on his opponent's corner for momentum, turns, and charges -


Warrior catches him and biels him into his own partner! Night Fox crashes to the floor outside and the crowd roar their approval. Warrior tags back out and Fire Fox faces a mostly-fresh Java, holding him off with a run-and-gun style of offence using speed, the ropes, and copious dropkicks, ultimately baiting both of his opponents into the ring and contriving to rana Warrior into Java.


The Indonesian spills from the ring and Fire Fox finally tags out. In almost his first official action of the match, Night Fox hits the Nightfall on the downed Warrior and makes the pin to secure victory.

Fox Den defeated Savage Fury

Rating: C-

Vixen joins her team in the ring. As Sam Sparrow raises their arms in victory, the trio don't seem interested in reacting to that. Instead they come together, talking in low tones, but one microphone is just close enough to make out Night Fox's work.


“...who they're working for, who trained and equipped them, that's who we want, and I just don't know who they are.”


In something of a change from previous HollyWeird Girls matches, this one is deadly serious from beginning to end, with no fancies or fripperies. It's a straight battle between Modern Mexican and Modern American styles, and it's well enough received – though there are sections of the crowd that voice their displeasure with Miss Mexico when a couple of her translations are a little less than clean and precise.


That seems to rattle her, a little, and well it might; even Rhodes remarks upon the crowd responding in a way they haven't before, or at least, not here. Not in HGC. She rallies, all the same, and some of the crowd are still delivering a formulaic “CA-LI-EN-TE!” chant as she begins her fightback, elbowing clear of a Fish side headlock and nailing a spinwheel kick before going to the ropes.


The charging dropkick is sidestepped, alas, and Mexico's last resurgence is over; even a Red Head Press attempt later on seems less an attempt to win and more a desperation play when she spots an opening.


The Dish of the Day really seals Mexico's fate, but even then she kicks out the once, leading Wanda to resort to a Blonde Ambition to keep her down.

Wanda Fish defeated Miss Mexico

Rating: D+

You can hear a certain trepidation in Azaria's voice as Valentine and Thatcher come to the ring. With his usual consummate professionalism he tries to hide it, but Teddy Flame is new to the announce table and much more willing to simply say what he's thinking.


“If they didn't like the way Caliente wrestles, we might have a riot on our hands with these two. What's got into these people?”


Whatever it is, it doesn't spring up too badly here. Richard Blood gets a little criticism when a volley of chops get nothing but air, but Thatcher and Valentine seem to have been welcomed into the hearts of the Invincible crowd over the course of the winter.


It's hard to believe that the work the two big men are doing is doing down so well, but it is. The Blood siblings play off it as best they can, putting in the boots to Thatcher when they get the chance and taking control for a brief period in the middle, during which Paul's suicide dive onto Thatcher turns heads and brings the audience to their feet.


Richard, however, overplays his hand somewhat; after a few successful technical exchanges against Valentine, he dumps him on the mat with a Russian leg sweep, kips up, and plays to the crowd – and he eats Charlie Thatcher's running big boot. The “Insurance Policy” heads back to the apron after that, but it's fine; Valentine had more than enough time to recover.


He fakes a cover, baiting Paul's top rope splash to break it up – but Valentine moves clear, leaving Paul to add to the punishment on his brother. Peter grabs Paul, slams his head into the turnbuckle, then throws him into Charlie, who anchors him against the turnbuckle with a chinlock, knee braced against the ringpost for leverage..


Valentine turns back to Richard, at that point struggling back to his feet, and gets the Heart Breaker – and, seconds later, gets the pin.

Charlie Thatcher & Peter Valentine defeated Young Blood

Rating: D+



As the match ends, Jason Azaria, the man who knows everything there is to know about everyone who's ever laced up a pair of boots, asks for the production truck to focus the camera back on a specific section of the crowd.


Teddy Flame promptly starts swearing as he, too, recognises the figure watching.


“So the question is,” Azaria says, much of it drowned out by the beeps accompanying Flame's rant, “is he here as a fan, or does he have business with us? I really, really wish I knew... but there really is no way to be sure, is there? Not after Mr Stallings made his... well, changes...”


“Who even is that?” Rhodes asks.


Azaria pauses. “I'll tell you when I find out if legal's cleared his name. But right now, I'm hopeful. Although – why is he on his own?”

Devil's only saint ranged against true believer, it's what Rhodes calls the clash of the two biggest egos pound for pound in HollyWeird, although Flame says he's far from sure Homicide has an ego – he's been talking to him backstage in advance of this announce table gig, and the man has given himself over to a cause, at least in Flame's opinion.


Whatever the case, whenever these two clash the result is better than it otherwise might be. The intangibles are remarkable... The match itself is a brawl, but it's a brawl that seems as real as any from the storied Friedman Building in its heyday; these two men clearly hate each other, and the passion of their punches is as clear and real to see as is the strength of the blows themselves.


Both men have their chances to end this; Homicide first comes close with a charging shoulder tackle that the Hype bounces off so hard he lands on his back, flips, and lands on his front, but the younger man is able to get his foot to the ropes, if not his shoulder up.


The match continues, Homicide bloodying the youngster, which once again brings out that high-pitched cackle of his as he smears the blood from his knuckles across his chest. Hype manages to rally, even going for the Greatest Hits, but Charlie counters, sinking him with the Homicide Bomb in the middle of his combo to guarantee the win.

Charlie Homicide defeated The Hype

Rating: C+



Backstage, and as he wraps his wrists in tape ahead of his match, Dusty Streets is pacing. His gaze flicks up to the camera and he growls quietly in the back of his throat.


“For weeks now, Monty Walker's been acting like he's the best thing in the world. A two-championship man. Well, one of those is gone now, and it's gone now to my old partner. The one I kicked to the curb because I was sick of carrying him.


“What that tells me, Monty, is there might be plenty of talk in you but there ain't no fight to go with it.


“Once I'm done with this match, I'll prove it. Now-”



But the camera cuts away, with Azaria crying excitedly “Sorry to interrupt Dusty there but I've just heard our cameras are on the scene of a breaking situation!”


Backstage, Frankie Future and Aaron Mustafa are brawling. The Baddest has a serious advantage, but Future's found a way to even that out, using an extensible police baton to its fullest advantage.


“That's the second time tonight,” Rhodes laments. “And not even the same guys involved. Who the hell declared Invincible open season?”


“Well, more on that later,” Flame returns. “Excuse me, guys, but they're playing my song.”


As he gets up and climbs through the ropes to his entrance music, Rhodes exhales. “Back to just you and me, buddy?”


“Apparently not.”

“Hello, ladies,” Romeo Heartthrob oozes into the microphone. “I'm here to make your... hearts... throb.”






http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/TysonBaine_zps9c634cca.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DuaneStone_Self.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/DustyStreets_zps445f7d95.jpg

BLZ Bubb vs. Duane Stone vs. Dusty Streets


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/MrLuchaIII_zps35ef880c.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/SteveFlash_zps7ca2eaed.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/TeddyFlame_zpsf9161142.jpg

Mr Lucha vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Flame

Heartthrob's commentary veers between discussion of the women in the front row and discussion of the problem with Steve Flash. The remarkable one himself is faced with some high-level challenges, and as Rhodes says “If there's a longshot here it's our new commentary partner, but really, I'm not sure even he counts. Any of these veterans have a real shot.


Bubb comes in for a little criticism following an attempted double chokeslam on Flame and Lucha that goes a little awry, if by a little criticism you mean the dreaded chant of “YOU F***ED UP! YOU F***ED UP! YOU F***ED UP!” - his grip slipping slightly on the execution of the lift on Flame, who manfully does his level best to tell the story of recovery faster than the big man expected, and looks relieved when Stone cuts him off with a charging lariat.


The big man remains the centrepoint around which the others flex, leading to a moment when, after his third pinfall attempt has to be broken up, the other five look at one another. Flame throws a superkick, after which, staggered, Bubb is brought to his knees with an impactful Dust-Off, followed by the Flash Bang to finish putting him on the mat. Mr Lucha comes off the top with a moonsault, and Stone caps it off with a From Canada with Love.


All five assailants spring back up, look at each other, and the temporary truce doesn't break; it shatters. It's chaos; Flame gets another superkick on Flash, but is immediately pulled down into the Alabaster Agony; Dusty and Lucha engage in a running counter battle as each man tries to land their biggest move before Bubb stirs, and then Steve Flash, getting up, intercepts them both.


He hits “Masked Honour” as the Mexican legend has Dusty in the air for the Master Drop with a dropkick that sends Lucha from the ring, catches Dusty as he falls and turns his fall into a Flash Bang, securing the pin before Stone can notice and break the hold.


Romeo Heartthrob is less than pleased.

Steve Flash defeated BLZ Bubb, Duane Stone, Dusty Streets, Mr Lucha and Teddy Flame.

Rating: B-

Bruce and Dread are stood backstage when the match ends, stood at the monitors, watching it. Bruce looks to Dread, and smiles.


“I tell ya, mate, that crowd...”


“I know,” Dread says quietly. The shadow of fear is always surprisingly quiet. “They're judging everyone who sets foot in the ring.”


“Yeah. Remind you of any place?”


“Japan.” A slow grin spreads over Dread's face. “This isn't the kind of crowd that kisses Sam Strong's a**, kid.”


“I know it, mate. I feel it too. This is our world now.”


Bruce grins. “Let's go show some people what it means ta live in our world.”

There's little in the way of scientific wrestling here. There's power, and heart, and strength and speed, and everyone gives as good as they get. Dread is a long-term veteran, but the other three prove here that they deserve to hang with him, and they appear motivated by the crowd reactions throughout the night to step up their game.


Notably, Christian Faith busts out, as he almost never does outside PPV, the over-the-top-rope suicide dive, but with a twist; he bounces off Bruce, spinning in the air and crashing to the ground.


However, it's not all good for Bruce; he's immediately blindsided by a follow-up leap from Sidewinder, this one from the apron, that's a halfway-successful huracanrana – in that Bruce does end up on his back after a flip, even if it's not pretty.


The Thunder from Down Under swiftly rallies, however, and together the twin titans take the fight back to the man of faith and the modern day cowboy, dominating the match for a long period. It's rare that the World Champion can be considered an underdog, but as Teddy Flame points out, whenever Dread's in the ring everyone else is an underdog, “let alone Bruce”.


“These sides are actually pretty well locked,” Azaria says. “There's only two things that could end this. A lucky break or the heat death of the universe.”


One of those does come first; with Bruce trying to chokeslam Sidewinder out of the ring, the Texan manages to maintain a hold of his own, with both men spilling out – and the top rope breaks. Dread's attempt to gain momentum from the ropes fails, and Faith is on him with Faith Hammer after Faith Hammer, battering him into the corner and nailing the Leap of Faith to ensure the pinfall.

Christian Faith & Sidewinder Ricky Dale defeated Bruce & Dread

Rating: B

Show Rating: B

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“Looking back on it,” Java says cheerfully, with only the barest hint of the original accent he plays up when talking, “I reckon it actually started in our match. People were giving Warrior the absolute s**ts. I mean, we were green as grass, so it made sense, but man, we were hungry, and when we heard we were kicking the brand off we decided to push it, you know? We went beyond what we could actually, reasonably, do.


“We worked out a whole bunch of spots with the Foxes. Mostly didn't blow them, but Warrior fluffed a couple, and thinking about it, the crowd was riding him hard.


“We just figured we were getting good heat. Wasn't until they c****ed all over Miss Mex that we realised.”

“F***ing GNN, man.” Karen Killer throws up her hands. “Apparently the brands had been in the pipeline a long time, and someone ratted a bunch of backstage trivia to GNN.”


Archive footage with the GNN Investigative logo watermarked begins to air. Over footage of Sam Strong and Rip Chord going at it in the ring, young sports journalist Brock Cornish delivers a steady voiceover.


“Our sources inside the newly formed HollyWeird Grappling Company report that behind the scenes, battles as gripping as any they show the public are taking place.


“The biggest culprits are Sam Strong and Nemesis, who've been running power plays against one another since last February, when Nemesis walked straight into a job there after falling out with wrestling tycoon Richard Eisen. On the one side, icon of everything right in the world Sam Strong, and on the other, the man who popularised the new blood-fest style of wrestling in a brutal battle that defied the rules.


“Both man have been given storyline power, and sculpt the flow of the shows. And we've heard that at tomorrow's PPV the company will announce a rebranding of its shows, splitting its roster into two in an unprecedented step for the industry. And it's all to sate their egos.”


A montage of clips begins to play, showcasing moments from the 'invasion', the Fox Den's high spots, and the slick technical work of Mr Lucha, before showcasing the steadier, more methodical work of Peter Valentine and the raw power and slow speed iconography of new team Parks and Wreck.


“With the company split down the middle, it seems likely that Nemesis' brand, airing on Tuesdays, will emphasise fast moves and violent brawls, while Strong's brand will stick to the traditional crowd-pleasers, focusing on character work and larger-than-life heroes triumphing no matter the odds...”


Todd Cusson squints past the camera. “At the time I kinda assumed you were behind the show, boss,” he says. “But, of course, you don't own GNN. Never have. So unless there was some quid pro quo...?”


JK Stallings' voice can be heard off camera, a delighted chuckle. “Seriously? You thought that was me? I never heard that.”


“So... it wasn't?”


“Oh, heavens no. Given how it worked out I wish I'd thought of it, but badmouthing Sam Strong to sell tickets? No way.”


“Well... that raises some questions, doesn't it? I think both shows benefitted from the fact audiences expected different things from them, and I always figured that was your plan.


“If it wasn't... man. There was a rumour it was a top guy with a knife to grind with Strong. Nemesis?”


“I don't think so. They had a bet, and he would've wanted to win fairly,” Stallings says, his voice thoughtful.”


Dread glances sideways shiftily. Then he grins.


The archive footage resumes, as Cornish cheerfully continues, over a freeze-frame of Dread punching Strong, “The word backstage is that Sam Strong wasn't meant to end this match unconscious. But this punch was the last he was involved in this match...”


The freezeframe unfreezes and we see Strong plummet.


“...and that's the result. Sam Strong has lost control of the locker room and the split is an attempt, from what we hear, to keep the peace.”


“People showed up expecting something different straight off,” Cusson continues. “They sort of... mostly got it? And Mr C started rebooking on the fly when he realised.”


“If you watch the promo Bruce and me did on the first episode of Invincible,” Dread says, “it's not the one we were going to do when the show started. Christian and Ricky were stood by ready to come in and argue with us, and it was going to be quieter on our side, and we'd brawl out to the ring.


“But the show was twisting on us, and John boy came over and laid out the change he wanted to make. We'd always hoped to get a savvier crowd that was more about the wrestling, and thanks to the show, we got it almost immediately, and a whole bunch of publicity.


“So John says let's call that out. Let's tell them we recognise how they are and let's move forward with it, and Bruce and me ended up being the vehicle for that because, well...” He sighs. “Christian's only big former employer really didn't fit, you know?”

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