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I'm pretty sure that as long as you have wrestled 5 matches in the appropriate calendar year that you are eligible for the Power 500. Doesn't matter if you are male, female or even a non-wrestler being forced into the ring... as long as you've got the matches, you can be on there.
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Do they have to be singles matches or can they be any matches? The reason I ask is I had wrestlers who I made primarily tag team specialists who wrestled at least 10 matches and didnt make the Power 500 - yet there were about 50 spots in the 500 that were vacant.
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What determines ones placement on the 500? Is it match quality? Popularity? A little of both?


I mean could one "Cheat" and get lets say champagne lover to be number 1 every year if he just wrestles 5 A+ matches?


In theory you could but would it be worth it to keep someone that talented (and over) out of the ring just to make sure he wins wrestler of the year?

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In theory you could but would it be worth it to keep someone that talented (and over) out of the ring just to make sure he wins wrestler of the year?


If you want him in the Hall, yes. Although I think one appearance is enough to be able to guarantee it.


Also if you want to troll the world, yes.


Also...well, I guess you'd have to split him up on PPVs to prevent ring rust.

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