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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T

My figuring is that Scott is going to get jerked around by Bischoff until the point he turns face and demolishes everyone. Page had his shot, and also should be in WarGames against Kanyon. And also, it sounds like you aren't booking toward a US title match at Fall Brawl, and that would likely be because the champ is going to be occupied elsewhere.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Lance Storm vs. Ernest Miller

Rey vs Storm will be a hot match, for sure!


Mark Jindrak vs. Matt Sydal

Always love me a Jindrak push.


The Jung Dragons vs. Billy Kidman and Aguila

Kidman tips the scale here for me.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Lance Storm vs. Ernest Miller


Mark Jindrak vs. Matt Sydal


The Jung Dragons vs. Billy Kidman and Aguila

I love Kidman though :(

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T

Shawn/Booker seems like a nice transitional contest


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

No love for the french fries here


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Lance Storm vs. Ernest Miller

No love for the cat here either

Mark Jindrak vs. Matt Sydal


The Jung Dragons vs. Billy Kidman and Aguila

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Monday Nitro Card


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T

- I'm gonna go with the longshot and here's why; DDP and Booker will be in War Games. Steiner's had his tension with Bischoff and the NWO. Steiner's on the verge of a face turn and a match against HBK not only is intriguing, but also gives HBK a filler opponent until Halloween Havoc.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- Rey's a solid Upper Midcarder to have and a great underdog.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Lance Storm vs. Ernest Miller

- Don't underestimate Storms capability in the World Title picture. With the right...Ahem....Flair, he could have a huge popularity boom. Take it from me...I know from experience....Dude....


Mark Jindrak vs. Matt Sydal


The Jung Dragons vs. Billy Kidman and Aguila

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


The Mamalukes defeated Air Paris and Norman Smiley (D-)

Mike Awesome defeated Marty Jannetty (C-)

Jeff Jarrett defeated Shane Helms ©








Week 2, September, 2002

Live from Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, California

Attendance: 8.641 (sellout)







Monday Nitro kicks off as we join what tonight is our announce team duo of Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay. Tony welcomes everyone to another exciting edition of WCW Monday Nitro and he talks about tonight's show, first and foremost the three way main event for the right to challenge Shawn Michaels for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Fall Brawl. Tony and Mike discuss each competitors chances of winning the match and both men agree that Diamond Dallas Page is coming into the match at a disadvantage because he is still suffering the after effects of Scott Steiner's attack a couple of weeks ago at Souled Out. Tony says that Scott Steiner has looked unstoppable of late and while Mike agrees, he also points out that Booker T has been on fire since returning to WCW following his suspension at the Greed pay per view. They both agree that it looks like it is going to be down to Booker and Steiner, but they also note that DDP has the heart of a champion and that it would be a huge mistake to ever count Diamond Dallas Page out. Tony then sends us down to ringside for our first match of the night.







Torrie Wilson looked happier than she has looked in a long time as she accompanied Billy Kidman to the ring for this one as Kidman teamed with Aguila to take on the Jung Dragons in cruiserweight tag team action. Mike Tenay noted that this was an important match for both teams with the Dragons looking to establish themselves in the tag team division, and both Kidman and Aguila looking to earn another shot at Chavo Guerrero Jr. and the Cruiserweight Championship. As one would expect from these four men, this was a high-flying, fast-paced matchup that saw both teams putting in solid performances in a match that went back and forth throughout. In the end it was Kidman and Aguila who picked up an important win here as Kidman hit the Shooting Star Press on Kaz Hayashi, which was enough for the three count.



Billy Kidman and Aguila defeated the Jung Dragons at 7.49 by pinfall when Kidman pinned Kaz Hayashi following a Shooting Star Press (D)



Torrie Wilson joins Billy Kidman and Aguila in the ring to celebrate their win, but the celebration is cut short when Shane Douglas' music suddenly starts playing.






Douglas makes his way out from the back and stands at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in his hand. Douglas says Torrie may be too blonde to understand this, but by running around with Kidman instead of being by his side she is in breach of her WCW contract. He reminds Torrie that he beat Kidman for the contractual rights to Torrie's services as a manager in WCW and right now she is violating her contract. Douglas says that Torrie has exactly one minute to march her "sweet little ass" down the entrance ramp and stand by his side...or he'll be taking this matter to Eric Bischoff. A distraught looking Torrie Wilson exchanges a few words with an irate looking Billy Kidman, and Kidman then calls for a mic of his own and proceeds to lay out a challenge for Douglas; a rematch between the two of them at Fall Brawl with Torrie's managerial services on the line. Douglas just laughs at this notion, however, and refuses the challenge outright, saying that he's already beaten Kidman and he's got the prize to show for it, so why should he bother giving Kidman another shot? Douglas then repeats his demand that Torrie join him right now or he will go to Eric Bischoff and, with seemingly no other choice, Torrie exits the ring and joins Douglas at the top of the stage, looking absolutely miserable as she does so. Douglas then grabs Torrie's arm and drags her into the back while Billy Kidman can do nothing but watch in regret. (D-)






We cut to the back where the WCW Tag Team Champions, Dustin Rhodes and BG James, are walking down a hallway toward their locker room, but when they enter their locker room they find that they have a couple of unwanted visitors....






The Outsiders, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, are chilling in the Tag Team Champions' locker room, which does not sit well at all with Rhodes and James. The four men stare at each other for a few seconds before Kevin Nash breaks the silence by saying that Rhodes and James better shine those belts up nicely before Fall Brawl because those babies will be coming home with them, and since Rhodes and James are the ones carrying their titles for them until Fall Brawl, it is their responsibility to make sure they are in pristine condition for when the true champs win their titles back. Scott Hall says that those titles will be coming home with the nWo at Fall Brawl and it will be just...too....sweet! Dustin Rhodes and BG James are not backing down, however, and James asks how the Outsiders can possibly be the "true champs" when they couldn't even earn a title shot for themselves but had to rely on their buddy, Shawn Michaels, to help them get one? Nash and Hall just laughs off the comment, but Dustin Rhodes says that if Nash and Hall think that they're just gonna waltz into Fall Brawl and take their titles then they are very much mistaken. The smiles disappears from the faces of the Outsiders, and the four men stare at each other again before Scott Hall finally adds a "we'll see about that, punk" and the Outsiders leaves the locker room as Tony Schiavone takes the opportunity to remind everyone that Sons of the South will indeed be defending the WCW Tag Team Titles against the Outsiders at Fall Brawl! (C+)






This one started off with Tony and Mike talking about Mark Jindrak's impressive and dominant performance last week, and Jindrak picked up right where he left off in this one, absolutely dominating from start to finish while looking as focused as determined as he has ever looked. Jindrak again won with his Tazzmission-like submission hold in another impressive showing.



Mark Jindrak defeated Matt Sydal at 2.43 by submission (D-)



The announcers again put over the hugely dominant performance by Mark Jindrak, saying that they have seen a whole new side to Mark Jindrak these past two weeks and he has looked impressive, to say the very least. Tony then informs us that we're heading to the back where something is apparently going on....






We head not just to the back but all the way out to the parking lot where Sean O'Haire is seen arriving at the building. He starts toward the entrance but he doesn't get far as Bam Bam Bigelow shows up out of nowhere and attacks O'Haire as Tony Schiavone notes that these two men are picking up right where they left off last week. The scene is chaotic, to say the least, as O'Haire and Bigelow are throwing each other into the parked cars and using whatever they can get their hands on to punish each other, with O'Haire even picking up a half-full trash can and driving it into Bigelow's back, sending the garbage flying all over the place. Security finally arrives on the scene to pull these two large and angry men apart, but it doesn't look like we have seen the last of the issues between these two men--not as long as Bam Bam Bigelow stands between Sean O'Haire and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. (D+)






As we head back into the building a graphic pops up on screen to hype up the huge main event that is still to come later tonight as Scott Steiner, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page faces off with a shot at Shawn Michaels and the World Heavyweight Championship on the line. That match is coming up later tonight and you DO NOT want to miss it! (B)








We head to WCW owner Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is joined the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, and Kanyon. Bischoff wants to know if Michaels is sure that his problems with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are a thing of the past and Michaels confirms that he's talked to both of them and everything's golden. Bischoff then turns his attention to tonight's main event and Shawn is not happy about Bischoff adding Scott Steiner to the mix, but Bischoff says that he didn't really have a choice in the matter. Shawn doesn't like that answer one bit, saying that Bischoff is the freakin' boss and he always has a choice. Bischoff says that just because he's the boss it doesn't mean that he doesn't have to do things he doesn't really want to do sometimes, but he assures Michaels that the situation is still under control. Bischoff then says that he has something to tell them about tonight's main event, but the feed cuts out before we can actually hear what it is. (B-)





WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Qualifying Match





The winner of this match would go on to Fall Brawl to compete in a US Title number one contender's match and both men came into this one ready to make the most of this huge opportunity--"The Cat" even kept his dancing to a minimum in this one. It was a solid match that saw Storm take control early on, using his vast technical ability to maintain control. "The Cat" was able to fight back into it, however, making the most of his martial arts knowledge to literally kick his way back into the match. "The Cat" even went for the Feliner, but Storm was able to duck the kick at the last second. Storm then went for the Canadian Maple Leaf, but Miller got to the ropes before Storm could lock the hold in properly.






Suddenly Lance Storm's Impact Players partner, Mike Awesome, made his way down to ringside and things looked bad for "The Cat", who was putting in a spirited effort against the talented Lance Storm. Right on cue, Ted DiBiase distracted the referee's attention, allowing Mike Awesome to enter the ring--but what's this?!?!?






Crowbar suddenly charged down the entrance ramp and entered the ring, going right after Mike Awesome with a spinning heel kick.....but Awesome moved out of the way and Crowbar ended up nailing "The Cat" instead! Awesome then clotheslined Crowbar over the top rope and exited the ring just as the referee turned arond, right in time to see Lance Storm applying the Canadian Maple Leaf on "The Cat" in the center of the ring. With nowhere to go, "The Cat" had no choice but to tap out.



Lance Storm defeated Ernest Miller at 11.38 by submission when Miller tapped out to the Canadian Maple Leaf. Lance Storm advances to the US Title number one contender's match at Fall Brawl ©



Following the match Crowbar, realizing what just happened, hangs his head in shame as slowly walks back up the entrance ramp. Tony and Mike both agree that Crowbar came down to the ring to help "The Cat", but he ended up making a bad situation worse for Miller, who lost out on his chance to earn a shot at the United States Championship. Tony also mentions that he has been informed that Sean O'Haire and Bam Bam Bigelow have both been banned from entering the building tonight which, if nothing else, should make "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair a happy man.






We cut to a dark and remote corner of the building where The Minister and El Mesías are lurking in the shadows. The Minister looks at the camera and says that two weeks ago at Souled Out, El Mesías took the legendary "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith and beat him so bad that the Bulldog was left utterly defenseless and completely at the mercy of El Mesías. He says that El Mesías beat Davey Boy Smith so badly that the referee had to stop the match out of fear for the long-term health and well-being of "The British Bulldog". A sinister laugh escapes from the Minister's lips before he proclaims that El Mesías' list of victims will only continue to grow and that he is only just getting started in making his mark on WCW. The only question is; who is going to be El Mesías' next victim? (D+)







Elsewhere in the back Sting's alliance is gathered in their locker room where Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page are both getting ready for their number one contender's match later tonight. Sting and Goldberg are there as well and all four men are going over the gameplan for tonight's main event--specifically how to avoid whatever Eric Bischoff and company has planned. Sting says that there is no way that Bischoff, Michaels and the rest of them won't try to use this match to gain an advantage before the title match at Fall Brawl and it is up to the four of them to stop that from happening. DDP says that he doesn't care if it's him or Booker who faces Shawn Michaels at Fall Brawl, but he's gonna make damn sure that it's not Scott Steiner. Booker says that he and DDP are gonna do their part in the ring, but it's up to Sting and Goldberg to watch their backs. Goldberg says that if Shawn Michaels, Kanyon or anyone else gets involved in the main event then they're gonna be next! Sting then gathers everyone together and says that he's counting on them--or as many of them as are available, depending on the outcome of tonight's main event--to be on Team Sting for the WarGames match. Goldberg says there is nothing he wants more than to stick it to Eric Bischoff, and both Booker T and DDP are, of course, in as well, but Sting says that he hopes after tonight that he'll still be looking for one more team member because that would mean that either DDP or Booker will be facing Shawn Michaels at Fall Brawl. (B)





WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Qualifying Match





This one was almost over as quickly as it began as Shane Douglas decided to turn and shout some instructions to Torrie Wilson at ringside just as the bell sounded, which Rey Misterio Jr. took advantage of by rolling Douglas up from behind and Douglas just barely managed to kick out in time. This was a solid match with two very different styles on display as the high-flying Rey Misterio Jr. tried to quicken the pace whenever possible, while Shane Douglas looked to slow things down any chance he got. The match went back and forth depending on who was able to dictate the pace, and Tony and Mike reminded everyone that the winner of this match would go on to face Lance Storm at Fall Brawl for a shot at the United States Championship. Following several minutes of domination, yet being unable to put Misterio away, a frustrated Shane Douglas began shouting instructions to Torrie again, apparently demanding that she provide him with some kind of weapon, which Torrie obviously did not want to do.






Billy Kidman suddenly made his way down to ringside and his presence immediately got Douglas' attention, who began shouting at Kidman to "get the hell out of here". This was the second time Shane Douglas made the mistake of taking his eyes off Rey Misterio and this time he paid the price for it as Rey bounced off the ropes and hit a Springboard Hurricanrana on an unsuspecting Douglas, rolling him up into a pinfall attempt in one smooth and sweet motion and picking up the win.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Shane Douglas at 11.47 by pinfall following a Springboard Hurricanrana. Rey Misterio Jr. advances to the US Title number one contender's match at Fall Brawl ©



Shane Douglas is absolutely furious as he realizes that Billy Kidman just cost him his chance to earn a shot at the United States Championship and he starts screaming at Kidman, who only has one thing to say to Shane Douglas as he makes his way back up the entrance ramp; "you and me...at Fall Brawl!". Tony and Mike wonder if Kidman's actions tonight will perhaps make Shane Douglas change his mind about Kidman's challenge for a match at Fall Brawl, with Mike Tenay saying that Kidman is obviously trying to get under Douglas' skin and goad him into accepting the challenge, but will it work?







In the back Kanyon is with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who is looking relaxed and happy now that Sean O'Haire is not in the building tonight. Kanyon says that, as team captain of Team Bischoff, it is his responsibility to build the strongest team possible for WarGames and he couldn't think of a better person to have on his team than "The Nature Boy" himself, so Kanyon is officially offering Flair a spot on Team Bischoff. Flair says that Kanyon is a smart kid for coming to him, but he's just got one question for him; why should he lift a finger of help Eric Bischoff? What is in it for "The Nature Boy"? Kanyon says it's funny that Flair should ask because he was talking to Bischoff about this and, if Flair agrees to be part of Team Bischoff, then Eric Bischoff has agreed to officially put an end to Ric Flair's year-long ban from challenging for the World Title--a ban that otherwise would not end until April of next year. Flair says that, in that case, as soon as he gets written confirmation from Eric Bischoff that the ban is over...then "The Nature Boy" will be a part of Team Bischoff at Fall Brawl! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (B)





WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Match





Diamond Dallas Page wasted no time going after Scott Steiner in this one, still having a major score to settle with "Big Poppa Pump" after Steiner's brutal ambush of DDP at Souled Out. Page had the upper hand for a moment, but Steiner went after the injured ribs of DDP and that immediately halted Page's momentum. Booker T then spun Steiner around and the two of them began trading blows as Tony and Mike wondered if Booker and DDP were going to team up against Steiner--it would be smart strategy, but it wouldn't exactly be the level playing field that they have been looking to create in WCW along with Sting and Goldberg. The answer to that question came when Booker T and DDP came face to face in the ring. The two men briefly shook hands and then the fight was on and from there this was a straight up three way match with no alliances either way. All three men had periods of time in which they dominated the match, and all three men also scored at least one near-fall during the match. As the match neared the ten minute mark "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner began to really take over the match, hitting a series of Steinerlines on both Booker and DDP. Steiner hit a belly to belly suplex on Booker T and then kicked him out of the ring, choosing to focus once again on the injured ribs of Diamond Dallas Page. Steiner pulled Page to his feet but, like he has been known to do over the years, DDP pulled a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere and drove Steiner into the mat. Both men were down, with Booker T down outside the ring, and DDP slowly began to crawl toward Steiner to make the cover....and then all hell broke loose.






Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Kanyon all hit the ring and Kanyon, the turncoat, immediately set his sights on his former best friend Diamond Dallas Page as he began to stop away on Page. The Outsiders went to work on Scott Steiner, rolling him out of the ring and driving him back first into the guardrail. Booker T slowly made his way into the ring and tried to come to the aid of DDP, but a Sweet Chin Music from the World Heavyweight Champion prevented that from happening. The boos in the arena were deafening, but those boos soon turned to cheers when the cavalry arrived.






Sting and Goldberg hit the ring but with Booker T and DDP already down they were facing a four on two situation, and while they put up one hell of a fight it was only a matter of time before the numbers game caught up to them. But as Michaels, Nash, Hall and Kanyon were busy beating down Sting and Goldberg....the bell suddenly sounded.




Booker T defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner at 15.39 by pinfall (B)



Confusion reigns supreme for a moment but a replay reveals the reason why Booker T was declared the winner of the match; after being hit by the Sweet Chin Music by Shawn Michaels, Booker T fallen to the floor of the ring but his right hand had landed on top of Diamond Dallas Page, which is what prompted the referee to make the three count.



The match may be over but it doesn't look like the nWo and Kanyon are finished as Nash and Hall pulls Booker T to his feet and holds him as Shawn Michaels hits a second Sweet Chin Music on the man who is now the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship! Booker goes down in a heap and now it is DDP's turn as Kanyon pulls him to his feet and mocks Page with his own Diamond Cutter sign...before driving Page to the mat with a Kanyon Cutter! Two down and two to go as Kevin Nash sets Goldberg up for the Jackknife Powerbomb....and hits it! And finally Scott Hall pulls Sting to his feet and hits the Outsiders' Edge!







Sting's alliance is laid out in the ring and Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Kanyon stand tall and seemingly united as Tony notes that the nWo are back on the same page and they are back in a big way. (B)




And with that, WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end.




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.73

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Fall Brawl - The Card So Far

No predictions yet, card not yet finalized




WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, ???) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, ???, ???)


WCW Tag Team Championship

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

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Monday Nitro Preview




Last week's Monday Nitro ended with a show of strength by the nWo and Kanyon who laid out every member of Sting's alliance. With the nWo seemingly back on the same page, and with the turncoat Kanyon on their side, what does this mean for the future of WCW and Sting's alliance? This week's show is headlined by a WarGames preview match as Sting and Diamond Dallas Page faces off against the two announced members of Team Bischoff, Kanyon and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Which side will pick up the win, and some big time momentum, just two weeks before Fall Brawl?


Also on the show; Scott Hall faces one half of the tag team champions, Dustin Rhodes, Sean O'Haire and Bam Bam Bigelow are finally allowed to fight it out, Guido Versace makes his in-ring debut, and much, much more!


So don't forget to tune into WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes

I hope, but doubt


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Monday Nitro Card

Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page

- DDP and Sting will have to get some of their momentum back, but I'm not so sure about this choice. Maybe by DQ?


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes

- Again, I'm not predicting a clean win.


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

- Not into this one at all.


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders

- 2 of the 3 are receiving pushes versus 1 of the 3 getting a push. I'd say the team with the most pushes wins.


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak


Just out of curiosity, how far ahead of these write-ups are you in the game?

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Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page

Kanyon and Ric Flair get tested as a team. I could see Kanyon walking out, but I feelin' a DQ via interference here


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes

Creative Control brother


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

More like Bum Bum amirite?


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders

Chavo/Shane/Sanders is one of the strangest trios i've ever seen


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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WarGames is getting more and more interesting as it gets closer!


Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Kanyon and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Hall vs. Dustin Rhodes


Parking Lot Brawl

Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Aguila vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders


Jamie Knoble vs. Mark Jindrak

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Just out of curiosity, how far ahead of these write-ups are you in the game?


Typically I'm not very far ahead as I tend to book a show in the game, then do the write-up. Right now I am a bit ahead though as I just recently booked Fall Brawl, but generally speaking where I am in the write-ups is where I am at in the game, more or less.



And on a side note, Monday Nitro is good to go and should be up later today! :)

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Rick Steiner defeated Matt Sydal (D)

The Impact Players defeated Norman Smiley and Air Paris (D+)

Jeff Jarrett defeated Marty Jannetty (C+)





Week 3, September, 2002

Live from Lawlor Events Center in Reno, Nevada

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)






As Monday Nitro goes live we immediately head to the announce table where our announce team again consists of just Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay as there is no sign of Ken Anderson, who sat in for Dusty Rhodes for a couple of shows. Tony welcomes everyone to another exciting edition of WCW Monday Nitro and says that tonight's show promises to be a great one! Tony then brings up the main event of Sting and Diamond Dallas Page versus Kanyon and Ric Flair, saying that whoever wins that match could have a big psychological advantage going into Fall Brawl and the WarGames match. Mike Tenay notes that Team Sting has three of its four members in place; Sting, Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page, while Team Bischoff only has two members so far; Kanyon and Ric Flair, and he wonders if one or both teams will add a new member tonight.







Booker T's theme suddenly starts playing and the response from the crowd is nothing but cheers as the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Booker T, makes his way out from the back. As Booker heads to the ring, Tony and Mike talk about the ending of last week's show and the way in which Booker T won that match with Shawn Michaels getting involved and Superkicking Booker, who then accidentally landed with his hand on top of DDP. Tony wonders what Booker T has to say about that whole situation and Mike notes that they won't have to wait long to find out because Booker T is calling for a mic.


Booker says that what happened last week was a joke. He says that there was nothing he wanted more than to win that match and earn a shot at the World Title, but he didn't want to win it like that. What Shawn Michaels did last week was---Booker is suddenly cut off as the nWo theme starts blasting through the speakers, drawing nothing but boos from the crowd.







After a few seconds the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, emerges from the back with a confident smile on his face and a mic in his hand. Shawn signals for the music to be cut and, once the boos die down, he says that Booker T obviously still doesn't get it, just like Sting doesn't get it, just like Goldberg doesn't get it and just like Diamond Dallas Page doesn't get it. The fact of the matter is that the nWo runs this place and the one and only thing that matters is what they want. It doesn't matter what Booker T wanted or didn't want last week--the only thing that mattered was what Shawn Michaels wanted. Shawn says that Booker T, just like the rest of Sting's so called alliance, just keeps banging their heads against the wall and they never learn from their mistakes. If they were smart they would have given up a long time ago, but apparently they're just not that smart--or maybe they're just SUCKAS for punishment.


Booker then gets back on the mic and says that he actually does get it. He gets it loud and clear and what he gets is that Shawn Michaels is a coward who would rather jump someone from behind than face him face to face like a man. He says that he gets that Shawn Michaels is nothing but a punk who needs his buddies to fight his battles for him, and he gets that at Fall Brawl...Shawn Michaels is gonna get his ass kicked!


Booker then drops the mic and challenges Shawn come down to the ring right now--an idea that the sold-out crowd in attendance absolutely loves, but the World Heavyweight Champion has no intention of doing so. Shawn instead raises his mic and says that Booker T should be thankful that he's even getting this match because if it wasn't for Shawn there is no way Booker would have ever won that match. So maybe instead of running his mouth, Booker should be thanking Shawn for granting him a few moments in the spotlight. But make no mistake about it; as thankful as Booker should be rigth now, he won't be thankful at Fall Brawl when he goes one on one with the greatest wrestler who has ever lived because at Fall Brawl...Booker T is going to be embarrassed and humiliated and there's not a damn thing he can do about it!


Shawn then drops the mic, sends an nWo style crotch chop Booker T's way, and then heads to the back as neither Tony or Mike are surprised that Shawn Michaels didn't want to step into the ring with Booker T here tonight, saying that despite his obvious abilities, Shawn Michaels seems to always choose to take any and all shortcuts he can find. Mike Tenay notes that Shawn Michaels won't be able to duck the challenge of Booker T at Fall Brawl where they will go one on one with the coveted WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line! (B)






Billy Kidman demanded to start this one with Shane Douglas, but Douglas had no intention of giving Kidman what he wanted and Kidman started with Mike Sanders instead. Kidman started off hot, putting Sanders on the defensive with an impressive flurry of high-flying offense, but a well-timed knee to the back from Douglas turned the tide of the match and Douglas, Sanders and Guerrero controlled the next several minutes of the match, making frequent tags and isolating Kidman from his partners as Torrie Wilson looked in with concern outside the ring. A confident Shane Douglas then took his eyes off Kidman for a moment to taunt Torrie, but that was exactly the opening Kidman needed. Kidman fought back with rights and lefts and then finally hit a dropkick and made the tag to Aguila, who hit the ring and began clearing house, nailing both Douglas, Sanders and Chavo with perfectly executed dropkicks. Aguila hit a spinning heel kick on Sanders, but was then caught from behind by Douglas who hit a DDT. Douglas picked Aguila up and set up for the Pittsburgh Plunge, but Aguila blocked it and drove Douglas face first into the mat. Aguila then tagged in Shane Helms who hit a huge DDT on Douglas, then clotheslined Sanders over the top rope. Helms whipped Douglas against the ropes and hit a dropkick, but Helms didn't see Chavo making the blind tag. With the referee momentarily distracted by Stacy Keibler, Chavo nailed Helms with a lowblow from behind and hit the Gory Bomb for the pinfall victory in a competitive match.



Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders defeated Shane Helms, Billy Kidman and Aguila at 8.26 by pinfall when Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Shane Helms following a Gory Bomb ©



Chavo, Sanders and Douglas celebrates as they make their way back up the ramp along with Stacy and Torrie, while Kidman and Aguila regroup with Helms in the ring. Kidman then points at Douglas and repeats his desire to face Douglas at Fall Brawl, but Douglas just smiles and pulls Torrie in close, taunting Kidman with the fact that she is his manager and not Kidman's.







We cut to the back where "The Cat" Ernest Miller is seen walking up to Crowbar. "The Cat" wants to know what the heck Crowbar was thinking last week and Crowbar immediately apologizes, saying that he wanted to help "The Cat" but things didn't exactly go as planned. Crowbar vows that he is going to make it up to "The Cat", but "The Cat" says that he doesn't want Crowbar to "make it up to him"--he just wants Crowbar to leave him alone. "The Cat" then walks off, leaving Crowbar looking like a man with a lot on his mind as we cut back to the ring. (D)






Mark Jindrak has made short work of his opponents the last couple of weeks and tonight was not much different as Jindrak once again largely dominated his match. Jamie Knoble did manage a couple of flurries of offense, but in the end he too fell victim to the "Tazzmission"-like submission hold that Mark Jindrak has been using as of late, and Knoble quickly tapped out.



Mark Jindrak defeated Jamie Knoble at 4.41 by submission with a Tazzmission-like hold (D)



Tony and Mike again put over the impressive showing of Mark Jindrak, and Mike Tenay notes that he actually tried to ask Jindrak about the recent change in his demeanor, as well as his new submission hold, but he says that he could not get Jindrak to speak with him. Tony notes that actions sometimes speaks louder than words and that Jindrak's actions of late speak volumes. Tony then sends us to the parking lot area where our next match has apparently already begun.




Parking Lot Brawl





We joined this one just as Sean O'Haire clotheslined Bam Bam Bigelow over the hood of one of the parked cars, sending Bigelow crashing to the unforgiving concrete floor, and it was a fitting introduction to what was a vicious and brutal battle between two huge men who just don't like each other very much. O'Haire drove Bigelow's head into the side of another parked car, then grabbed a nearby trash can and drove it repeatedly into Bigelow's back, leaving a huge dent in the trashcan. O'Haire grabbed Bigelow and looked to irish whip him into another car, but Bigelow reversed it and sent O'Haire chest first into the side of the car, then charged after him and crashed into O'Haire with a huge splash, squashing O'Haire between Bigelow's own weight and the parked car. Bigelow then picked O'Haire up and looked to deliver a piledriver on the concrete floor, but luckily for O'Haire he was able to block it and hit a backdrop on Bigelow, who landed back-first on the hard concrete floor. Bigelow then slowly got back to his feet, but he staggered right into Sean O'Haire who grabbed Bigelow, picked him up and hit a Widow Maker on the hood of one of the parked cars. Bigelow bounced off the hood and landed on the concrete floor where O'Haire pinned him for the three count and the win in a brutal match.



Sean O'Haire defeated Bam Bam Bigelow at 9.58 by pinfall following a Widow Maker (C-)






We cut to Sting's Alliance's locker room where all four members of the alliance are gathered as they discuss who the fourth member of Team Sting is going to be. Booker T says that he is willing to pull double duty at Fall Brawl if need be, but Sting immediately says that he wants Booker T to focus one hundred percent on Shawn Michaels and the World Heavyweight Championship. DDP says that they'll find a fourth member, but they're sure as hell not gonna make Shawn Michaels' job easier for him by having Booker go through a brutal match like WarGames before his World Title match. Goldberg then brings us back to the question at hand; who is gonna be their fourth man? Who has the guts to stand up to Eric Bischoff? Sting says that he actually does have someone in mind, but the camera cuts away before we can hear who it is. (B)






Back in the ring it was time for the debut of Guido Versace, who was accompanied to the ring by his sister, Antonina. Tony and Mike talked about how they knew little about Guido Versace, but Guido quickly impressed them by taking the fight to Rey Misterio Jr., showing a particular viciousness as he clotheslined Rey to the mat and began putting the boots to him. Guido maintained control for the next several minutes, utilizing a more mat-based style than most of the WCW cruiserweights. Rey Misterio Jr. would eventually make his comeback, however, as he managed to pick up the pace of the match and once Rey began to fly around the ring, Guido was in trouble. After a couple of near-falls, Rey finally caught Guido by surprise when he countered a powerbomb attempt into a rollup and that was enough for the win.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Guido Versace at 8.01 by pinfall with a surprise rollup ©






The match is over and Rey Misterio Jr. has won, but Guido and Antonina are far from happy as Rey just ruined Guido's WCW debut. Antonina motions toward the back and after a few moments....






The Mamalukes, Big Vito and Johnny The Bull, runs down, hits the ring and attacks Rey at Antonina's orders. The Mamalukes tries to beat Rey down but Rey is fighting back and it looks like he is actually getting the better of the Mamalukes, but then another person hits the ring and nails Rey from behind with a vicious clothesline....






It's Chuck Palumbo!!! With Rey down after being blindsided by Palumbo, Antonina orders all of them to attack Rey, and Palumbo, Vito and The Bull all starts putting the boots to Rey as Tony and Mike are both outraged by this cowardly display. With Rey beaten down, Guido Versace steps in and orders Vito, The Bull and Palumbo to back up and Guido then grabs Rey, pulls him to his feet and hits the Kiss Of Death (inverted double underhook facebuster) on Misterio. With Rey down, Guido, Antonina, Vito, The Bull and Palumbo all stand tall in the ring as Tony Schiavone notes that it looks like we have a new stable in WCW and they just sent one heck of a message. (E+)






A graphic pops up on screen to remind everyone who the huge main event tag team match that is still to come later tonight as Sting and Diamond Dallas Page takes on "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and the turncoat Kanyon who used to be part of Sting's Alliance until he turned on them at Souled Out. Tony and Mike talk about how much both Sting and DDP wants to get their hands on Kanyon after what he did at Souled Out, but they also point out that they have to be careful not to let their emotions get the better of them because Kanyon and Ric Flair are a formidable team and if Sting and DDP are distracted, Kanyon and Flair will make them pay. So stay tuned because that match is coming up later tonight live on Monday Nitro! (B-)






Both Scott Hall and Dustin Rhodes brought their tag team partners with them to ringside for this one and Tony quickly noted that these four men will face off at Fall Brawl with the WCW Tag Team Championships on the line. Tonight it was Hall and Rhodes one on one, but with both Nash and James on the outside it seemed inevitable that this wasn't going to remain one on one for very long. Scott Hall started things off in classic Scott Hall fashion by throwing his toothpick in the face of Dustin Rhodes. Hall then laughed in Rhodes' face, but Rhodes responded by slapping the taste out of Hall's mouth and from there the fight was on. It was an even, back and forth match that saw both men get roughly the same amount of offense in, but every time Rhodes looked like he was building some serious momentum, Kevin Nash would interject himself into the match and turn the tide back in Hall's favor. After Nash got involved for the third time, BG James finally had enough and ran around to the other side of the ring and attacked "Big Sexy". With Nash and James brawling outside the ring, Dustin Rhodes was able to hit a Bulldog on Hall in the ring but the referee was distracted by the the events outside the ring and thus Rhodes had to settle for the crowd counting one, two, three. Meanwhile outside the ring, Nash hit BG James across the back with a steel chair and then tossed the chair to Scott Hall just as Dustin Rhodes came out to confront Nash. The referee put himself between Rhodes and Nash and told Rhodes to get back in the ring. Rhodes reluctantly did so, but Nash kept the referee's attention and so the referee never saw it when Scott Hall blasted Rhodes with the steel chair. Hall then got rid of the evidence and set up for the Outsiders' Edge just as Nash backed off and the referee turned his attention back to the ring. Hall then hit the Outsiders' Edge and picked up the win.



Scott Hall defeated Dustin Rhodes at 10.45 by pinfall following an Outsiders' Edge after using a Steel Chair ©



As The Outsiders makes their way back up the ramp, celebrating their win and taunting Sons Of The South, Tony and Mike are both disgusted by the Outsiders' antics here tonight, calling it "classic nWo tactics" as they screwed Dustin Rhodes over. Tony says he hopes that Sting's Alliance is successful in their attempt to put an end to the nWo because he is getting "sick and tired of watching the nWo pull this crap each and every week".






We cut to the back where Kanyon and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair are standing by. Kanyon says that turning his back on Sting's Alliance at Souled Out is the best decision he has ever made. He says that he went from being just another soldier in Sting's Alliance to being the the WarGames team captain of WCW owner Eric Bischoff's WarGames team. Kanyon says that Sting's Alliance did nothing but hold him back and now that he has dumped all of that dead weight, the sky is the limit for him and tonight he and "The Nature Boy" are gonna give everyone a preview of what's gonna happen at Fall Brawl when they beat Team Sting and stand victorious in the ring. "The Nature Boy" then speaks and he says that both tonight and at Fall Brawl he is going to prove to the world that he is still the man and after he and Kanyon beats Sting and DDP tonight, they'll go on to Fall Brawl and win WarGames and then "The Nature Boy" is gonna be on top of the world and then he'll be coming for the World Title! WOOOOOOO!!!!!! Flair then walks off and Kanyon looks a bit worried about that last comment of Flair's before he too walks off and Tony informs us that the main event tag team match is coming up next! (B)






Diamond Dallas Page wasted no time going after Kanyon in this one, but Kanyon quickly tagged out of the match, apparently wanting no part of his former best friend. Page instead started the match against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and the two of them traded holds in the middle of the ring until Flair stuck his thumb into DDP's eye. Flair then went to work on DDP with a series of chops and some shots to the ribs, which still seemed to be bothering Page. Then, with Flair in control of the match, Kanyon was more than willing to tag in and he proceeded to slap DDP across the face before decking him with a big hand handed punch. Kanyon then yelled insults to Sting as well, who immediately entered the ring and wanted a piece of Kanyon. The referee did his job and got Sting back out of the ring, but while he was doing so Kanyon and Flair double teamed DDP in their corner, much to Sting's frustration. Kanyon continued to disrespect DDP at every turn but eventually it became one slap too many as DDP responded with a series of punches and then hit the big discus punch to finally take Kanyon off his feet. Kanyon tagged in Flair, but Flair couldn't get to DDP before he made the tag to Sting. Sting took over the match, nailing Flair with rights and lefts, an inverted atomic drop and finally a DDT. Sting hit a pair of Stinger Splashes on Flair in the corner and then set up for the Scorpion Deathdrop, but Kanyon was there to prevent that from happening. Kanyon unloaded on Sting with several right handed punches and then went for the Kanyon Cutter...but Sting was able to block it and shove Kanyon off right into the waiting arms of Diamond Dallas Page and.....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!!






Just when things were looking good for Sting and DDP, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner suddenly hit the ring, lead pipe in hand, and he proceeded to drive the pipe into DDP's already damaged ribs, leaving the referee no choice but to call for the DQ.



Sting and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Kanyon and Ric Flair at 13.19 by Disqualification when Scott Steiner got involved (B)






The match is over but Scott Steiner isn't done as nails Sting with the lead pipe as well! Kanyon and Ric Flair then join Steiner in the assault, leading both Tony and Mike to conclude that "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner is the third member of Team Eric Bischoff!






Booker T and Goldberg then charges down the entrance ramp and hits the ring, coming to the aid of their allies, Sting and Diamond Dallas Page. Goldberg Spears Ric Flair and then joins Booker T in going after Scott Steiner and Kanyon. Chaos reigns supreme on Nitro, but it is about to get even worse as....(B)






The nWo arrives on the scene! Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall all hit the ring and, unsurprisingly, their main target is Shawn Michaels' opponent at Fall Brawl, Booker T. Sting, DDP and Goldberg are trying to fight off Kanyon and Ric Flair in order to help Booker T against the nWo, and Scott Steiner is taking shots at anyone and everyone who gets in his way, with the exception of Flair and Kanyon. It is a bad situation for Sting's Alliance for sure, but then....






The WCW Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, suddenly comes down to join the fray and they go right after the Outsiders, who they have a major score to settle with after what happened earlier tonight. There is action in the ring, outside the ring and, unfortunately, we are out of time, but Tony Schiavone urges everyone to tune into next week's Monday Nitro for more WCW action!!!! (C+)




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.74

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Monday Nitro Preview



It is the final edition of Monday Nitro before Fall Brawl and you absolutely DO NOT want to miss this show. Not only will the final two members of the WarGames teams be revealed, but two HUGE tag team matches have been signed as well; the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, will be in action on Nitro as he teams up with Kanyon to face the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner will team up in the main event to face Diamond Dallas Page and the fourth member of Sting's WarGames team, who will be revealed prior to the match.


All of this and much, much more, so don't forget to tune into this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes


Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

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Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes

Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

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Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???

The tension! Both teams need a fourth man, who could it be?!


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South

If it were the Outsiders, I could debate it going to SotS. But with the World champion on the other side, no way.


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes

Really dig this new stable of Italians. One could even say that it is... Full Blooded Italians?


Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms

Jindrak isn't about to drop this one.


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

I could perhaps see AJ picking up a big win, but I doubt it. El goes over here.

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Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???

Interested to see who ??? is. Hoping it isn't just Goldberg, but someone new to throw into the fray


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South

Poor SoTS are just outclassed in this one


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes

Weird build-up for me, as Rey should be doing bigger stuff shouldn't he?

Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms

The push continues!


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

The Push continues!

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