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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes


Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

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Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???

- I don't expect a clean win so both sides maintain their momentum going into the PPV. It'd be nice for Lex Luger to return and be the 4th guy. I think he got hosed toward the end of WCW with them continually turning him heel. He was over HUGE as a face in 1997 and they totally killed it. However, in the game world, Luger would be a total flop for the high-profile match, so who knows!


Non Title

Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Sons Of The South


Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman vs. The Mamalukes

- You're trying to get them over, God bless you. This will allow Kidman/Rey to pick up the more important PPV win. If you're able to get the Mamalukes over in this game, you're a genius. I've never been able to for some reason.


Mark Jindrak vs. Shane Helms


El Mesías vs. AJ Styles

- El Mesias and Mark Jindrak being on a collision course would be like Andre the Giant and Vader colliding.

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Week 4, September, 2002

Live from Orleans Arena in Paradise, Nevada

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)









This week's edition of Monday Nitro kicks off with the three confirmed members of Team Eric Bischoff--Kanyon, Ric Flair and Scott Steiner-- along with the owner himself. Bischoff says that, as everyone knows, tonight is the final Monday Nitro before Fall Brawl, which means that the two WarGames teams must be completed by the end of the night. In other words; Sting has until the end of the show to find his fourth and last team member, if he can even find a fourth. Bischoff says that in the ring with him are three exceptionally talented men; Kanyon, the superstar of the future. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, one of the greatest of all time. And "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, the Genetic Freak. Bischoff says that he has no doubt that these three men, along with their still-to-be-announced fourth member, will lead Team Eric Bischoff to victory at Fall Brawl and then every single member of Team Sting can forget about getting any World Title shots any time soon because it's not gonna happen!






"Seek and Destroy" by Metallica suddenly starts playing, interrupting Bischoff and hailing the arrival of the man called Sting. A few moments later Sting walks out from the back flanked by his two confirmed WarGames teammates, Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page. The superstar trio makes their way down to the ring where Eric Bischoff is telling Kanyon, Steiner and Flair to keep calm as the owner of WCW apparently doesn't want this to turn into a brawl. Sting, Goldberg and DDP stands face to face with Kanyon, Steiner and Flair in the ring and, after an intense moment of silent stares, Sting calls for a mic. Sting says that Bischoff doesn't have to worry about whether or not they're going to be able to find a fourth member because they've already found one! They know exactly who their fourth member is going to be and he'll be ready to go later tonight in the main event. Sting says that Bischoff has a lot of faith in his team, but he's got even more faith in his team. Unlike Bischoff, whose team members are in this match for nothing more than their own selfish greed, his team members are in this match, and in this fight, because they believe in the cause, because they believe that WCW needs to change in order to thrive to its fullest extent again. Sting says that he trusts Goldberg and DDP to have his back, but can Ric Flair trust Kanyon? Can Scott Steiner trust Ric Flair? Sting says that the problem with a team that consists of people who only cares about themselves is that trust can never be established...and a team is nothing without trust.


Eric Bischoff replies that, in his experience, trust and friendships comes and goes, but money and ambition lasts a lifetime. He says that he would not have chosen Kanyon as his team captain if he didn't have faith in his ability to get the job done, and he wouldn't have allowed Flair and Steiner to join the team if he didn't believe they were up to the task. And as for WCW needing to change, Bischoff says he finds it laughable that people like Sting, Goldberg and DDP think they know what's best for WCW better than he does. This is his company, he built it into a powerhouse in the mid-nineties and he saved it when the company was THIS close to going under. And now...now he's rebuilding the company and getting it to a point where it is better than ever. So why doesn't Sting do all of these people the courtesy of telling them the truth; that his motivations for being in this match are just as selfish as he claims Kanyon, Steiner and Flair's to be.


Sting is about to say something but DDP asks for the mic and Sting is more than happy to hand it to him. DDP says that, as smart a guy as Bischoff is, he can be unbelievably stupid. He says that he knows for a fact that the fan are sick of tired of the numbers game always prevailing in WCW. He says he knows that the fans are sick and tired of Eric Bischoff picking his favorites and helping them every step of the way instead of providing a level playing field for everyone on the roster. And as far as his reasons for being in this match, DDP says that he would have joined Sting no matter what because it's exactly like Sting said; they do this because they believe it's the right thing to do. But Page does have one more reason to be in this match....he's in this match because he wants to kick Kanyon's ass all over this ring!


The crowd pops and Kanyon looks outraged at DDP's words, and yet he still keeps a safe distance between himself and his former best friend. Bischoff then says that they can stand out here all night long but the reason he is out here was to announce that Sting has until the end of the show tonight to find and anounce a fourth team member. Everything else will be settled this Sunday night at Fall Brawl. And as far as tonight goes...the winning team in tonight's main event will also win the rights to entry number three, five and seven in the WarGames match.


With that huge announcement made in regards to tonight's main event and its impact on the WarGames match this Sunday night at Fall Brawl,Bischoff drops the mic and leads his team out of the ring, leaving Sting, DDP and Goldberg standing in the ring as Tony and Mike wonder who the fourth member of each team is going to be, or if perhaps one of the teams will have to go shorthanded into Fall Brawl. (B+)






We cut to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with Lance Storm and Ted DiBiase. Joey asks Storm about his match aganst Rey Misterio Jr. at Fall Brawl with a US Title shot on the line, and Ted DiBiase boasts that Joey is talking to the next WCW United States Champion right now and that Rey Misterio Jr. is just a bump on the road. Joey asks about Storm's thoughts on the attack we saw last week on Rey Misterio Jr. by Guido Versace and his allies, and he wonders how that might affect Misterio's preparations prior to his match against Storm. An offended Lance Storm says that he doesn't need Guido Versace or anyone else taking care of his business for him because he is more than capable of doing that himself. With that clear message from Storm, Joey sends us down to ringside for our opening contest. (D+)






The opening contest saw the Filthy Animals reunite as Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman teamed up to take on The Mamalukes, Big Vito and Johnny The Bull. Rey and Vito started things off while Antonina barked instructions to the Mamalukes at ringside and urging them to hurt Rey and make him pay. It was, however, Rey Misterio who got the better of Vito early on, using his speed and quickness to keep Vito guessing. Rey tagged in Kidman, who picked up right where Rey left off. It was all Misterio and Kidman in the first few minutes of this one, but an Antonina distraction of the referee and a nasty kick to the back of Kidman's head by Johnny The Bull turned that around. The Mamalukes controlled the next several minutes of the match, using frequent tags as they isolated Kidman and kept him far away from Rey, with Antonina shouting instructions and taunts at ringside. Kidman eventually managed to fight back into it, however, and he made the tag to Rey Misterio Jr. who came in and went to work on the Mamalukes, much to Antonina's frustration.






Guido Versace and Chuck Palumbo then hit the ring and attacked Rey Misterio, putting an end to the momentum he was building, but also an end to the match as the referee had no choice but to call for the disqualification.



Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman defeated The Mamalukes at 7.44 by disqualification when Guido Versace and Chuck Palumbo got involved ©



For the second week in a row this new stable has taken out Rey Misterio Jr. and the crowd boos as the Italians make their way back up the ramp.







Suddenly Shane Douglas' music hits and Douglas makes his way out from the back, dragging Torrie Wilson along with him. Douglas rushes down to the ring where both Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman are down and, unsurprisingly, Douglas targets Kidman despite Torrie's pleas for him not to. Douglas starts putting the boots to Kidman until Torrie jumps onto Douglas' back in a desperate attempt to stop the attack. Douglas is able to get Torrie off his back--quite literally--and he warns her not to do that again. Torrie then slaps Douglas, much to the delight of the fans, but Douglas is far from amused. He grabs Torrie's arm and tells her that he is going to accept Kidman's challenge for a match at Fall Brawl, and that Torrie is going to be right there by his side, watching from the front row, when he puts an end to her boyfriend's career! Douglas then pulls Kidman to his feet and pulls out one of his old finishing moves as he delivers a vicious looking Franchiser (shoulder jawbreaker) to Kidman! Douglas then spits on Kidman, grabs a crying Torrie Wilson by the arm and drags her back up the entrance ramp as Kidman is absolutely out here. (D-)






A few moments after Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson disappears into the back, Lance Storm's music hits and The Impact Players runs down to the ring, drawing yet more boos from the crowd. Their tagert is, also unsurprisingly, Rey Misterio Jr., who is still down following the attack by the Full Blooded Italians. Mike Awesome picks Rey Misterio Jr. up and drives him into the mat with a devastating Awesome Bomb! Rey is just as out of it as Kidman is but the Impact Players aren't done as Lance Storm flips Rey onto his stomach and then Storm applies the Canadian Maple Leaf on his Fall Brawl opponent. Rey is screaming in pain as Storm is looking to inflict as much damage as possible here just a few short days before Fall Brawl. Tony and Mike are both requesting for someone to come out here and put a stop to this before it is too late but it doesn't look like anyone is coming. That is until.....









"The Cat" Ernest Miller, of all people, suddenly comes running down to the ring! "The Cat" hits the ring and immediately ducks a Mike Awesome clothesline and nails Awesome with a thrust kick. "The Cat" then turns his attention to Lance Storm, but Mike Awesome then clobbers "The Cat" from behind and it's a two on one situation for the Impact Players.






It's Crowbar!!! The deranged Crowbar hits the ring and comes to the aid of "The Cat" as Tony and Mike both note the recent goings-ons between these two men. Together "The Cat" and Crowbar are finally able to drive the Impact Players from the ring, saving both Rey Misterio Jr. and possibly Billy Kidman from taking any more damage than they have already taken here tonight, and "The Cat" is obviously a bit surprised to see Crowbar standing in the ring with him as Mike Tenay notes that Crowbar vowed to make it up to "The Cat" and this is certainly one way to do that. (D)






AJ Styles was up against the odds in this one as Tony noted that El Mesías has only been defeated by one man so far in WCW and that man is Goldberg. Still, to his credit, Styles came out fully determined to meet the challenge, but after an initial flurry it was the seemingly nearly unstoppable Mesías who took control. AJ Styles continued to show heart by attempting to fight back, but in the end it was in vain as El Mesías put Styles away with the Mesías Driver, picking up yet another impressive win.



El Mesías defeated AJ Styles at 5.50 by pinfall following a Mesías Driver (D+)





Following another largely dominant victory by El Mesías, The Minister enters the ring with a mic in his hand. The Minister announces that there is indeed going to be another victim at Fall Brawl. Who is it going to be? Whoever they decide to make their next victim! Because THAT is how powerful, how unstoppable, El Mesías truly is! (D)






We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is joined by the three confirmed members of his WarGames team, Kanyon, Scott Steiner and Ric Flair. Bischoff seems to be worried about who Sting's fourth team member is and both Kanyon and Flair looks like they share his concern. Scott Steiner is not concerned, however, and he says that it doesn't matter who their fourth member is because he'll kick their ass no matter who it is and then he'll expect to be rewarded. Steiner then walks off as Bischoff, Kanyon and Flair exchange looks of what could be concern...leading Tony and Mike to wonder if Team Bischoff even has a fourth member yet??? (B)






Much like El Mesías in the match before, Mark Jindrak has been dominant as of late and Shane Helms, much like AJ Styles, was up against the odds. Helms did manage to get in a lot more offense than anyone has been able to get in on Jindrak lately, but in the end his fate was the same as Jindrak re-established his dominance, hit the Mark Of Excellence and then locked in his Tazzmission-like submission hold and forced Helms to tap out.



Mark Jindrak defeated Shane Helms at 6.10 by submission with a Tazzmission (D)






Following the match we cut to the back where Joey Styles has caught up with the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Booker T. Joey asks Booker about his match against Shawn Michaels this Sunday night at Fall Brawl, and Booker says that after listening to Shawn Michaels last week he is more determined than ever to shut Michaels up at Fall Brawl and beat him for the title. Booker says that Shawn thinks he is somehow entitled to special treatment but nothing could be further from the truth and Shawn Michaels better show up at Fall Brawl ready for a fight because he's gonna get one, now can you dig that? Joey confirms that he can indeed "dig that", and Booker says that this Sunday night at Fall Brawl, he will beat Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship and, unlike Shawn Michaels, he'll strive to be worthy champion. (C+)




Non Title Match





This one started off with Shawn Michaels telling both Dustin Rhodes and BG James that they made a big mistake last week by getting involved in his business. Sons Of The South weren't about to be intimidated, however, as Rhodes told Michaels to "shut up and fight". This was a very good, back and forth match that saw all four men putting in strong performances. Mike Tenay noted that Dustin Rhodes and BG James might not have reached the heights in their careers yet that Shawn Michaels had, but they were a very good tag team that knew how to work together, which was something that Michaels and Kanyon did not have on their side. The match went back and forth throughout, with neither team able to hold the advantage for very long at the time, and that seemed to frustrate the World Champion more and more as the match progressed.






The Outsiders then made their way down to ringside and the announcers noted that Nash and Hall would challenge Sons Of The South for the Tag Team Titles Sunday night at Fall Brawl. The Outsiders just lurked around at ringside at first, but their presence was a huge distraction for the Tag Team Champions, who constantly had to look over their shoulder, and it seemed to be only a matter of time before Nash and Hall would strike--which is exactly what happened. With the referee distracted by Shawn Michaels, Nash and Hall tried to involve themselves in the match but Rhodes and James were ready for them! The Champs were able to fight off The Outsiders, but then BG James turned around and walked right into a Kanyon Cutter and the turncoat picked up the one, two, three.



Shawn Michaels and Kanyon defeated Sons Of The South at 11.41 by pinfall when Kanyon pinned BG James following a Kanyon Cutter after the Outsiders got involved (B)






Following the match Shawn Michaels, flanked by Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Kanyon, grabs a mic and says that this Sunday night at Fall Brawl the four men in the ring right now are going to do a clean sweep. World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champions and WarGames winner...they're gonna walk with everything and leaving nothing on the table while Booker T, Sting and Sons Of The South will be left with absolutely nothing. And if Booker T thinks that he's got a shot of winning the World Title this Sunday night then he's kidding himself. Booker T isn't even in the same league as Shawn Michaels--the greatest wrestler in the history of the business--and this Sunday night at Fall Brawl he'll not only defeat Booker T...he will embarrass and humiliate Booker T! (C+)



As Monday Nitro returns from commercials we do so as Tony and Mike talk about how it is almost main event time.






Ric Flair and Scott Steiner both make their entrances and they stand in the ring waiting as "Self High Five" starts playing, bringing out Diamond Dallas Page to a great pop from the crowd. Page stands on the stage and waits as the tension builds, both among the fans and with Steiner and Flair in the ring--who is the fourth man of Team Sting? Then the music hits and out to join DDP walks....







Sean O'Haire! True to his word, Scott Steiner doesn't appear to care much at all, but Ric Flair is absolutely beside himself in the ring as Tony and Mike notes that Flair has been doing everything he possibly can do avoid Sean O'Haire these past months, but there will be no avoiding O'Haire tonight or at Fall Brawl. DDP and Sean O'Haire walks side by side to the ring as Team Sting now has four members, but Team Eric Bischoff still only has three.






Sean O'Haire wanted to star this one against Ric Flair, but Flair had no intention of stepping into the ring with O'Haire. With Scott Steiner instead starting, DDP then wanted to start as well as Tony noted the long-standing issues between Steiner and Page. This was another very good match that saw DDP and O'Haire take the early advantage as Page got some sweet revenge on Steiner, delivering rights and lefts and finally knocking him down with a HUGE right handed punch. Page tagged in O'Haire who went right to work, showing no fear of "Big Poppa Pump" as he droves his knees into Steiner's midsection repeatedly, then exchanged a few choice words with Ric Flair. DDP tagged back in but Steiner fought his way back into the match, hitting a couple of belly to belly suplexes, a belly to back suplex and a pumphandle slam before tagging "The Nature Boy" in. Flair went to work with chops, punches and a vertical suplex before focusing the majority of his offense on the legs of Diamond Dallas Page. Steiner and Flair maintained control for several minutes, wearing DDP down using a potent mix of Flair's ability to wear down a bodypart and Steiner's brute strength and outright nastiness. Flair then went for the Figure Four, but DDP was able to kick Flair off and finally make the tag to Sean O'Haire. Flair immediately bailed out of the ring when O'Haire entered and O'Haire and Scott Steiner began exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Flair tried to sneak up on O'Haire from behind, but DDP was back to his feet and he cut him off, threw him out of the ring and followed. With Page and Flair fighting at ringside and Steiner and O'Haire in the ring, the referee lost control of the match and he was busy with DDP and Flair outside the ring when....






"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett suddenly slid into the ring. Sean O'Haire turned around and....Jarrett smashed his trademark guitar over the head of O'Haire!!! Somehow O'Haire was still on his feet but he staggered right into a Steiner Flatliner from "Big Poppa Pump" and Jeff Jarrett just helped Steiner and Flair steal a win here as Steiner covered O'Haire for the win.



Scott Steiner and Ric Flair defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire at 13.36 by pinfall when Steiner pinned O'Haire followed a Steiner Flatliner after Jeff Jarrett got involved (B)






The match is over but the fighting has just begun as Jarrett joins forces with Steiner and Flair to continue the assault on DDP and O'Haire, leaving little doubt about the fact that Jeff Jarrett is the fourth member of Team Eric Bischoff.






Kanyon hits the ring as well and now all four members of Team Bischoff are in the ring.






But Sting and Goldberg aren't far behind and now all eight WarGames participants are in the ring. Steiner and Sting are going at it, Goldberg and Flair, Kanyon and DDP and Jarrett and O'Haire! All eight men are fighthing it out here and no side seems to be gaining a clear advantage. (B-)






Booker T is out! Booker T joins the fight in the ring, coming to the aid of his allies in Sting's Alliance, but Booker T is not the last mn to join this huge brawl.






The nWo, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, all run down the ramp and joins the brawl as well, and just like last week Monday Nitro comes to an end with a HUGE brawl and bodies everywhere and all Tony Schiavone can do is urge everyone to tune into Fall Brawl this Sunday night ONLY on pay per view!!!!! (B+)




Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.77 (new record)

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Fall Brawl Preview





Torrie Wilson's Managerial Services On The Line







Shane Douglas defeated Billy Kidman at Bash At The Beach to win the right's to have Torrie Wilson as his manager after Douglas became convinced that having Torrie by his side was crucial to his in-ring success. Douglas' stint with Torrie as his manager has not been as successful as he might have imagined, however, and when Billy Kidman returned to WCW the night after Souled Out his sights were firmly set on Shane Douglas. Kidman wanted a rematch--a chance to get his girlfriend back by his side--but Shane Douglas refused, saying that he had already defeated Kidman and he had the prize to show for it, too. Kidman would continue to insert himself into Douglas' business, even costing Douglas a shot at the US Title when Kidman distracted Douglas during his US Title Number One Contender Qualifying match against Rey Misterio Jr. Douglas finally accepted Kidman's challenge by attacking him following a Tag Team match on Nitro and telling Torrie that he was going to end her boyfriend's career at Fall Brawl, and she was going to right there at ringside to watch it happen. Will Billy Kidman get the revenge he is so desperately seeking and once again have his girlfriend by his side? Or will Shane Douglas make good on his promise to end Kidman's career once and for all?




WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match





Lance Storm defeated "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Shane Douglas to earn themselves this chance to secure a future shot at Booker T's United States Championship. Will Lance Storm capitalize on the damage he and Mike Awesome inflicted on Rey Misterio Jr. this past week on Nitro and earn himself another shot at the US Title? Or will Rey Misterio find a way to overcome the odds and walk away with the win? And considering their recent issues with Rey Misterio Jr., what impact, if any, will Guido Versace and his italian allies have on this one?




WCW Cruiserweight Championship







In a late addition to the Fall Brawl card the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., is set to defend his title against the winner of the ten man battle royal that is set to take place on the Fall Brawl preshow. Will Chavo's lengthy reign as champion continue past Fall Brawl? Or will the lack of proper preparation time finally be the thing that does the champion in?




WCW Tag Team Championships







The Outsiders were granted this match by WCW owner Eric Bischoff at the request of Shawn Michaels in an attempt to get Nash and Hall back on the same page as the World Champion, which is exactly what it did. Michaels, Nash and Hall are back on the same page and can potentially all be wearing gold by the end of Fall Brawl. But the Tag Team Champions have made it perfectly clear that they have no intention of laying down for the Outsiders, even going so far as to coming to the aid of Sting's Alliance during a wild brawl against the nWo two weeks ago on Nitro. Will Dustin Rhodes and BG James thwart the Outsiders' quest for tag team gold and continue their reign as champions? Or will Kevin Nash and Scott Hall once again wear the coveted WCW Tag Team Championships around their waists?




WarGames Match





So much is on the line in this one. If Team Sting wins then Sting gets another shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc, but if Team Eric Bischoff wins then every single member of Team Sting will go all the way down to the end of the line of contenders and none of them will get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship any time soon, as per Eric Bischoff's words. Team Bischoff will have the man advantage throughout the match as they secured themselves entry number three, five and seven in the match this past week on Monday Nitro when Ric Flair and Scott Steiner defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire in the main event so Team Sting, much like Sting's Alliance in general, will have the odds against them. Teamwork in crucial in this match but there are so many personal issues in this one as well; DDP and Kanyon, DDP and Scott Steiner, Sting and Kanyon, Ric Flair and Sean O'Haire, Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett....no matter what happens you can be sure that this will be one heck of a match. But who will stand victorious when all is said and done? Team Sting? Or Team Eric Bischoff?




WCW World Heavyweight Championship







Some might say that it is about time that Booker T receives a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The nWo were using the numbers game to dominate WCW, putting beatdown after beatdown on Sting and Diamond Dallas Page, but all that changed when Booker T returned to WCW after sitting out the suspension he was unfortunate enough to "win" during the Big Risk/Big Reward ladder match at Greed. Booker T allied himself with Sting and Diamond Dallas Page and changed the battlefield of World Championship Wrestling. Ever since Booker T has been a loyal part of Sting's Alliance, standing firm against the nWo while achieving great success in the ring, even winning the United States Championship in a match against nWo member Scott Hall. Booker earned this opportunity by winning a three way number one contender's match on Nitro that also involved Diamond Dallas Page and "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. His opponent? The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels won the World Title in his very first match ever in WCW and has held the title ever since. The excitement was at an all time high when Shawn Michaels made his WCW debut, but the fans have since been constantly disappointed by Michaels' actions, choosing to low road of relying on help from his friends, The Outsiders, and his relationship with WCW owner, Eric Bischoff, despite Michaels' obvious skill and ability. Will Shawn Michaels' reign as WCW World Heavyweight Champion continue? Or will we crown a NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion at Fall Brawl?




Fall Brawl Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match?


Who will submit in the WarGames match?


How many titles will change hands?


Which match will be the main event?

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? Sting


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Jarrett


How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will be the main event? Michaels vs Booker T

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Fall Brawl Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match?Sting


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Kanyon


How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will be the main event? WCW World Heavyweight title match

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T

Ol' Booker's a nice challenger, but I think there is very little chance he wins. HBK retains!


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)

Excited to see O'Haire in there. Sting wins, giving us Sting/HBK III


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders

Creative Control, brother.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal

I've learned not to bet against Chavo


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Rey takes it, dragging Booker into this FBI/Rey feud


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman

This one seems to be dragging, and hopefully it's at its conclusion. Though a swerve may shake up the scenery, it would also mean more Franchise.




Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore

It's him or Tajiri for me.



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? The Stinger


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Steiner, building the tension.


How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will be the main event? War Games

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Fall Brawl Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

F.B.I stopping Rey


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? Sean O'Haire


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Ric Flair


How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will be the main event? Wargames

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? Sting


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Scott Steiner


How many titles will change hands? 0


Which match will be the main event? Wargames

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? Sting!


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Jarrett


How many titles will change hands? None


Which match will be the main event? Wargames

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Fall Brawl Card


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Booker T


WarGames Match

Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire) vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. The Outsiders

- Creative Control Nash will make it difficult to lose under any circumstances to the SoS. This is the problem with putting him in any title program other than the World title.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal

- I'm digging Chavo's reign. I know it's got to end sometime, but hoping he lasts at least until Starrcade.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match

Lance Storm vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- Storm could be your next...big...thing.


Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line

Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman

- I have more interest in Torrie Wilson than either competitor. For obvious reasons.





Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore



Bonus Questions:


Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? Sting


Who will submit in the WarGames match? Ric Flair


How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will be the main event?

- I've been trying to think of what I would do. Ratings wise, the World title is the safe bet for the main event. Booker/HBK will deliver. In real life, War Games would be the obvious choice for the main event. The issue with the game is you're putting a big chance with War Games by throwing O'Haire and Kanyon in there. Of course, I don't know everyone's listed popularity either. Based on all that, I still have no clue. I'll say you'll finish the show with the theme; War Games

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm happy to announce that, aside from a few last bits and pieces, Fall Brawl is fully written and I will be posting it in roughly 24 hours. So if you want to get your predictions in for this show and haven't done it already, that's roughly how long you've got to do it. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>Hm, could've sworn I'd predicted here.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<em>Shawn Michaels</em> © vs. Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

WarGames Match</p><p>

<em>Team Sting (Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire)</em> vs. Team Eric Bischoff (Kanyon, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett)</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Tag Team Championships</p><p>

Sons Of The South © vs. <em>The Outsiders</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<em>Chavo Guerrero Jr.</em> © vs. The winner of the preshow battle royal</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match</p><p>

Lance Storm vs. <em>Rey Misterio Jr.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Torrie Wilson's Managerial Sercives On The Line</p><p>

Shane Douglas vs. <em>Billy Kidman</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Preshow</p><p> </p><p>

Winner Gets A Shot At The Cruiserweight Championship At Fall Brawl</p><p>

Aguila vs. AJ Styles vs. Air Paris vs. Aries vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yun Yang vs. <em>Yoshihiro Tajiri</em> vs. Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions:</p><p>

Who will get the submission victory in the WarGames match? <em>Goldberg</em></p><p>

Who will submit in the WarGames match? <em>Jeff Jarrett</em></p><p>

How many titles will change hands? <em>One</em></p><p>

Which match will be the main event? <em>WarGames, send the fans home happy.</em></p>

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Fall Brawl Preshow Results


Daffney defeated Angel Williams and Cheerleader Melissa in a three way match (E+)

Chuck Palumbo defeated Norman Smiley (D+)

Shane Helms won the battle royal to earn a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship at Fall Brawl (D)







Week 4, September, 2002

Live from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada

Attendance: 15.000 (sellout)




Before we go live inside the sold out MGM Grand Arena Garden, the show kicks off with a pair of videos hyping up the two huge main event matches that are set to take place tonight; the WarGames match and the match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.


The first video starts with the footage of WCW owner Eric Bischoff announcing the return of the WarGames match and revealing Kanyon as his WarGames team captain. We see shots of Kanyon recruiting "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair to his team, and then we see the footage of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner joining team Bischoff by attacking Sting and Diamond Dallas Page with a lead pipe during the main event two weeks ago on Monday Nitro. We then move on to see shots of Sting, Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page fighting the members of Team Bischoff at the end of Nitro two weeks ago, showing a stalemate between the two teams. Finally we see the footage of Sean O'Haire being revealed as the fourth member of Team Sting, and of Jeff Jarrett showing up during the main event and blasting O'Haire with his guitar, helping to secure the win for Team Bischoff and the rights to entry number three, five and seven during the WarGames match tonight. The video comes to an end with a shot of all eight WarGames participants and a voiceover by Tony Schiavone saying that it's going to be all out war at Fall Brawl. (B-)




We transition on to video number two which highlights the long-standing issues between the nWo and Sting's Alliance and it shows the footage of how Booker T earned the right to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight when the nWo got involved in the number one contender's match on Nitro. We see footage of Booker T and Shawn Michaels trading words, and then we get several shots of the chaotic brawls that has taken place at the conclusion of the last two editions of Monday Nitro. The video comes to an end with a couple of audio recordings; one of Booker T vowing to bring the fight to Shawn Michaels and Fall Brawl, and one of Shawn Michaels saying that Booker T isn't even in his league. (B-)







As the videos come to an end we are inside the arena where a massive fireworks display hails the beginning of Fall Brawl and it brings the fans to their feet. We see some shots of the excited sold-out crowd and then the camera lingers on the image of the massive steel cage that hangs above the two rings that have been set up for tonight. We then join our announce team for this evening; Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay. Tony welcomes everyone to the two thousand and two edition of WCW Fall Brawl, and then he introduces his broadcast partner, "The Professor" Mike Tenay. Tony and Mike do a quick rundown of the card for tonight's event, focusing primarily on the two huge main events. They also talk about the steel cage that looms high above the ring, noting that it, along with the extra ring, will both be used later tonight in the WarGames match as Team Sting faces Team Eric Bischoff. Tony then they send it down to the ring as the nWo music starts playing and the opening match is about to get underway.




WCW Tag Team Championships








As Hall and Nash took their time deciding who should start the match, Tony and Mike used the opportunity to talk about how the Outsiders got this opportunity tonight, saying that basically they were handed the title shot by Eric Bischoff at Shawn Michaels' request in order for Shawn to get back in the good graces of the Outsiders, something which both Tony and Mike obviously disapproved of. The Outsiders finally agreed that Scott Hall was going to start the match and, true to himself, Hall kicked things off by throwing his toothpick into the face of Dustin Rhodes and then laughing about it. Dustin took one look at the crowd and then opened up on Hall with several right handed punches that rocked Hall. Rhodes whipped Hall into the ropes and caught him with a sleeper hold as Tony noted that Rhodes and James had been very vocal about how they were not going to back down from the Outsiders and Rhodes certainly lived up to that early on in this one. Hall managed to elbow his way out of the sleeper, only to get leveled by a clothesline and Hall rolled out of the ring as the Outsiders regrouped on the floor. Hall re-entered the ring and locked up with Rhodes in the middle of the ring, eventually forcing Rhodes into the Outsiders corner. The referee called for a clean break but he naturally didn't get one, and when the referee was busy admonishing Hall, Kevin Nash took advantage by choking Rhodes behind the referee's back. After that it was all Outsiders for the next several minutes as Hall tagged in Nash who unloaded on Rhodes in the corner with knees and elbows. Nash hit a snake eyes in the corner and then drove Rhodes into the mat with a sidewalk slam for a two count. Nash tagged Hall back in and Hall hit a fallaway slam for another two count. Hall landed several punches on Rhodes and then followed up with a belly to back suplex for a third near-fall as Mike Tenay noted that Rhodes desperately needed to get to his partner, BG James. Hall was downright toying with Rhodes at this point, slapping him around and talking trash before knocking him down with another huge haymaker. Hall then signaled that it was all over and set Rhodes up for the Outsiders' Edge...but Rhodes managed to prevent that by backdropping Hall. Hall was first to his feet but Rhodes hit a series of elbows to the gut of Hall and then hit what Mike Tenay called a "desperation bulldog". Having taken a lot of damage, Rhodes finally managed to get to BG James for the hot tag. James took the fight to Scott Hall, using Hall's head as a punching bag and then hitting a DDT. Kevin Nash tried to get involved again, but he only got one foot over the top rope before James was there to grab and shake the ropes and give Nash an uncomfortable ride, to say the very least. BG James turned his attention back to Hall, but Hall grabbed James and, perhaps accidentally, pulled James right into the referee, who went down. Nash and Rhodes both entered the ring as well and all four men were going at it when...






The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, suddenly ran down to the ring. Unaware that Shawn Michaels was headed to the ring, Dustin Rhodes clotheslined Scott Hall over the top rope and followed after as both men brawled outside the ring. Michaels slid into the ring and stalked BG James, poised and ready to strike. James finally turned around and.....SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!!!



But WAIT! BG James ducked out of the way and Michaels accidentally nailed Kevin Nash instead! Michaels couldn't believe it but the crowd absolutely loved it--that is, until the bell suddenly started ringing...there was a moment of confusion, but then the Outsiders were announced as the winners of the match as the result of a disqualification as the referee had woken up just in time to see Michaels superkicking Kevin Nash.




The Outsiders defeated Sons Of The South at 11.56 by disqualification. Sons Of The South retains the WCW Tag Team Championships ©






The match is over but nobody is really happy with this one. The Outsiders are technically the winners but they didn't win the Tag Team Titles. Sons Of The South are still the champions but they didn't win the match. And Shawn Michaels is still staring in disbelief at Kevin Nash, who is still down in the ring. Scott Hall climbs back into the ring and, finally realizing what just happened, he stares at Shawn Michaels who quickly retreats back up the ramp as Tony and Mike wonders what the fallout of this situation is going to be. (B-)






Once the Outsiders have cleared the ring, all that remains are Dustin Rhodes and BG James, the WCW Tag Team Champions. The champs receive a nice round of applause from the sold-out crowd but it is obvious that they are not happy with the outcome of the match. Tony and Mike both discus what they consider to be a bad call on the part of the referee, disqualifying Sons Of The South when it was obvious that Michaels wasn't trying to help them and that they had nothing to do with it. But then things quickly go from bad to worse for the Tag Team Champions when...





The team of KroniK, Brian Adams and Bryan Clark, suddenly hit the ring. Rhodes and James ready themselves for a fight, but they are far from one hundred percent after their match against The Outsiders and Adams and Clark quickly get the upper hand. Adams and Clark proceed to hit their "High Times" double chokeslam finisher on both Dustin Rhodes and BG James, sending an unmistakable message to the Tag Team Champions that KroniK still very much has their eyes on the titles. But while all of this is going on in the ring...






"The Three" makes a surprise appearance and Tony notes that, aside from Ken Anderson's brief stint as an announcer, we haven't seen The Three for months. As the trio makes their way toward the ring, Mike Tenay brings up Ken Anderson's brief stint as announcer again, pointing out that Anderson had made some comments regarding the Tag Team Champions and the Tag Team Titles at Souled Out, something about how they should enjoy their reign as champion because you never knew when things might change. Could this have been what he was talking about?


The Three do not enter the ring, however, as they instead make their way over to the time keeper's table and....THE THREE ARE STEALING THE TAG TEAM TITLES!!! Cena grabs one, Anderson the other and then they, along with Samoa Joe, make their way back up the ramp as both Tony and Mike are outraged on commentary. KroniK stands tall in the ring, having laid out Sons Of The South, The Three disappear into the back with the Tag Team Titles and Fall Brawl just turned out to be one hell of a bad night for the WCW Tag Team Champions. (D+)




Torrie Wilson's Managerial Services On The Line





Billy Kidman was not lacking for motivation in this one. Not only did he have the chance to get Torrie back as his manager, but he had the chance to finally get some payback on Shane Douglas for what Douglas had done both to Kidman and to Torrie. Kidman was absolutely unstoppable early on in this one, using his emotions and his rage to fuel him as he took it to Douglas, who was on his heels. Kidman hit a trio of perfectly executed dropkicks and a springboard crossbody as Torrie cheered him on at ringside, making no attempt to hide who she was supporting. Kidman then hit a tornado DDT on Douglas for the first near-fall of the match. Looking to build on that momentum, Kidman climbed to the top rope and tried for a missile dropkick but Douglas managed to move out of the way and Kidman crashed and burned. Douglas finally had a chance to catch his breath, and then he began putting the boots to Kidman. Douglas hit a belly to belly suplex, a jawbreaker and russian legsweep to put himself firmly in control of the match--and then he took the time to tell Torrie that now he was going to make good on the promise he made on Nitro to end Kidman's career. Douglas looked for a repeat performance of this past Nitro when he set Kidman up for another Franchiser, but Kidman fought out of it and rolled Douglas up for another two count. Both men got back to their feet at the same time and Kidman ducked a clothesline attempt and hit the BK Bomb on Douglas, who again kicked out after two. Kidman then went up top for the Shooting Star Press, but for the second time tonight Kidman's high-risk style came back to bite him as Douglas moved out of the way. Both men were down and as the referee began his count Tony wondered just what would happen if both men were counted out here? Who would Torrie manage then? Shane Douglas was back to his feet at the count of seven, however, and he looked right at Torrie as he signaled that this one was over, but first he demanded that Torrie got up on the apron. Torrie slowly did so and Douglas demanded "good luck kiss", but Torrie was having none of that. Douglas then tried to force a kiss on Torrie, but Torrie slapped the taste right out of his mouth, much to the delight of the fans. Douglas looked furious, but before he could do anything he was spun around by Kidman, who nailed another BK Bomb. Kidman then climbed to the top rope and this time the Shooting Star Press was right on the money--1...2...3!!!!



Billy Kidman defeated Shane Douglas at 13.48 by pinfall following a Shooting Star Press. Billy Kidman wins Torrie Wilson's managerial services (D)






This match wasn't scheduled to take place and it did not start in the ring either as El Mesías jumped Marty Jannetty backstage. Mesías proceeded to beat Jannetty through the backstage area, down the entrance ramp and into the ring where The Minister demanded that a match be started. This match was largely just a "slaughter" of Jannetty as Mesías seemed to enjoy beating the hell out of him while The Minister looked on approvingly outside the ring. Mesías drove a seemingly helpless Jannetty into the mat with a full nelson slam and the referee looked like he was seriously considering putting an end to this impromptu match out of concern for Jannetty's well-being. Mesías then went for a huge corner splash but Jannetty just barely managed to move out of the way, finally showing signs of life in this one. Jannetty hit a couple of forearm shots and a standing dropkick, but Mesías remained on his feet. Jannetty then hit a spinning heel kick, but Mesías remained on his feet, although he was staggering a bit. Jannetty bounced off the ropes again looking to continue his flurry, but Mesías drove him into the mat with a spinning side slam. Mesías then put Jannetty away with the Mesías Driver (Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb) for another dominant win.



El Mesías defeated Marty Jannetty at 7.40 by pinfall following a Mesías Driver (D)






All four members of Sting's WarGames team are gathered in the back where Sting is giving them a final peptalk before their huge match later tonight. Sting says that tonight is all about sending a message to Eric Bischoff that all of his games and his tricks aren't going to cut it anymore. Sting says that it is two thousand and two, not nineteen ninety seven, and the gang mentality and the preferential treatment of certain people isn't going to be accepted anymore. Tonight Team Sting stands not just for themselves, but for all of WCW and every single fan all around the world who is sick and tired of Eric Bischoff's way of "doing business". Tonight the war continues and tonight....IT'S SHOWTIME!!!! (B)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship








Shane Helms earned this opportunity by outlasting nine other men and winning the preshow battle royal earlier tonight and he was looking to make the most of that opportunity here. Chavo told Helms, in no uncertain terms, that Chavo is the greatest cruiserweight alive today and that Helms might as well just lay down and get it over with quickly. Helms actually looked like he was contemplating Chavo's offer, but he was merely luring the champion in and he caught Chavo by surprise with a rollup that almost put an end to Chavo's reign right there. Chavo got back to his feet but walked right into a dropkick and that sequence set the tone for the next several minutes of the match as Chavo always seemed to be a step late--or Helms a step ahead, if you will. Helms came THIS close to hitting his Vertebreaker finisher, but Chavo managed to shift his weight and get out of the move at the last second, but the champion was obviously rattled. The "close encounter" seemed to be a wake up call for Chavo, who fought with a renewed sense of urgency, but just as it looked like Chavo was getting the upper hand, Helms would fight back into it again. The finish to this one came when Helms went for the Vertebreaker for a second time, but Chavo was able to spin out of it before Helms could lift him up and Chavo caught Helms with a rollup while grabbing hold of the ropes to ensure the continuation of his title reign.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Shane Helms at 9.49 by pinfall with a surprise rollup while holding the ropes. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship ©



Chavo Guerrero Jr. presses the Cruiserweight Championship title belt tightly against his chest as Tony and Mike talk about the near-panic in Chavo's eyes during that match when he realized how close he came to Shane Helms ending his reign as Cruiserweight Champion. Mike Tenay notes that Chavo is closing in on the one year mark of his title reign and that, judging by his reaction tonight, he is far from ready to lose that championship. But as Tony adds, losing that title isn't entirely up to the champion alone, which he seemed to realize here tonight.






We head to the back where Team Eric Bischoff is gathered in Bischoff's office, along with the WCW owner himself, who is giving a peptalk to his troops as well. Bischoff says that tonight is about sending a message to Sting and his allies that they don't run WCW, Eric Bischoff does. Bischoff says that Sting thinks he can dictate what is best for WCW but the only one who gets to dictate anything in WCW is Eric Bischoff. And he has every confidence that Kanyon, Flair, Steiner and Jarrett will go out there tonight and make him proud. He has every confidence that after tonight, Sting, Goldberg, DDP and Sean O'Haire can forget all about the World Heavyweight Championship because they won't be seeing it for a long time. And when Kanyon has led Team Eric Bischoff to victory, Bischoff promises that every single one of them is going to be richly rewarded for their efforts. (B-)




WCW United States Championship Number One Contender's Match





As Misterio and Storm traded holds in the early parts of this one, Mike Tenay talked about the potential of both men, saying that, in his opinion, both men could easily be future World Champions and winning this match and getting a shot at the US Title could be a big step in that direction. This was very much a match of speed, quickness and technical wrestling, of holds and counter holds, and it went back and forth pretty much throughout. Mike Tenay pointed out that this was an interesting matchup because Rey Misterio Jr. is obviously one of the best--if not the best--high-flyer today, but Lance Storm's technical knowledge and ability is second to none. With the match being as even as it was, it began to seem more and more likely that what would tip the scales in the end could be the man outside the ring; Ted DiBiase. DiBiase grabbed Rey's foot when he came near the ropes, distracting Rey long enough for Storm to capitalize and put himself firmly in control of the match. Storm hit a spinning heel kick, a jawbreaker and a backbreaker to further establish his control, and then he went to work on Misterio's legs, which Mike Tenay noted was smart because not only was he softening Rey up for Storm's patented Canadian Maple Leaf submission maneuver, but it he took away Misterio's legs he would also take away much of Rey's offense. Storm then hit another backbreaker and a german suplex and then he locked in the Canadian Maple Leaf. Rey screamed out in pain but he refused to give up, even though Storm applied as much pressure as he could. Rey fought against the pain and finally made it to the ropes, but Storm did not break the hold until a count of four. Storm pulled Rey back to his feet and even though he could barely stand, Rey began to fight back. Rey hit a couple of punches on Storm, and both Tony and Mike noted that it was rare to see Misterio throwing punches like that and they wondered just how badly his leg was hurt. Rey tried to pick up the pace, but his leg buckled under him and DiBiase called for Storm to go back to the Canadian Maple Leaf, which is exactly what he did. But again, and despite the pain, Rey refused to tap out, much to Storm's growing frustration. Storm broke the hold, pulled Rey to his feet and hit a northern light suplex, but Rey kicked out after two. Storm pulled Rey back to his feet again, but this time Rey grabbed Storm's head and dropped down to hit a jawbreaker. Rey hit a couple of kicks to the back of Storm's left leg and then connected with a tornado DDT as the crowd rallied behind him. Both men got to their feet at the same time, Storm charged, Rey jumped, bad leg and all, and hit a hurricanrana, holding on for the pin but Storm kicked out after two. Tony praised both men for their effort here and Mike Tenay was quick to agree. Rey continued to build momentum by stringing more offense together, and then he bounced off the ropes looking for...something, but Storm hit a huge tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Misterio! Cover...1...2....NO! Rey kicked out and Storm pounded the mat in frustration. Storm then set Rey up for what looked like a powerbomb maybe, but Rey hit a handful of quick punches to escape the move. Rey bounced off the ropes and hit a headscissor takedown. Rey then bounced off the opposite ropes and...SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA!!! 1....2....NOOO!!!!! Storm kicked out! With Storm and Misterio both down in the ring, Ted DiBiase motioned toward the back...






And the crowd booed as Mike Awesome made his way out. Tony and Mike both complained as well, saying that they were enjoying such a terrific match and now the Impact Players are going to screw Rey Misterio Jr. over. Ted DiBiase issued some instructions to Mike Awesome and then DiBiase made sure to grab the referee's attention, giving Awesome free reign. Mike Awesome entered the ring and set Rey up for the Awesome Bomb....but Rey reversed it! Instead of suffering an Awesome Bomb, Rey Misterio hit a hurricanrana that sent Mike Awesome flying out of the ring! The referee turned his attention back to the ring just as Lance Storm launched a superkick to Misterio....but he missed--ROLLUP by Misterio!...1...2...3!!!!!!



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Lance Storm at 15.03 by pinfall with a rollup. Rey Misterio Jr. earns a shot at the WCW United States Championship ©



Rey Misterio Jr. quickly rolls out of the ring and makes his way back up the ramp, not hanging around and giving the Impact Players--or anyone else-- a chance to attack. Tony and Mike puts the effort of both Rey and Storm over and Tony once again notes that Rey Misterio Jr. will now get a shot at Booker T and the WCW United States Championship at a later date.






We cut to the back where the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, is seen looking focused and intense as he prepares for his title defense later tonight against Booker T. Tony starts to talk about what happened earlier tonight during the Tag Team Title match, but he suddenly stops talking when...






Kevin Nash and Scott Hall walks into Shawn Michaels' locker room. Nash wants to know what the hell happened out there tonight, but Shawn says that now is not the time to talk about that--he's got a match to prepare for. Nash says that now is exactly the time to talk about it, but Shawn replies that he was obviously trying to help but things...didn't quite work out that way. Nash is clearly not happy with that response and asks if that's all Shawn's got to say, and Shawn says that he has a World Title to defend later tonight so he really doesn't have time for this right now. Shawn then grabs the World Title and walks off, leaving Nash and Hall with no real answers to their questions, at least for now. Tony comments about the obvious tension within the nWo, saying that it looked like things had gotten better these past weeks, but now that tension seems to be at an all time high after what happened earlier tonight. (B-)



As we cut back to ringside the massive steel cage is slowly being lowered down to the ground as Tony informs us that the hotly anticipated WarGames match is coming up next; Team Sting versus Team Eric Bischoff. Mike Tenay adds that the WarGames match is one of the most grueling and brutal matches in all of WCW and he can't wait to see what will happen tonight as there are so many personal issues tied up in this match. They then go over the rules of the match; two men will start the match and every two minutes another wrestler will join the match. Team Eric Bischoff will have entry number three, five and seven--meaning that they will have the two on one, three on two and four on three man advantage during the match. The two teams are free to choose the order of entry within their own team, and the match can only end once all eight competitors have entered the match, and only by submission. Tony then sends us to the ring announcer as the first entrant of team Eric Bischoff is about to make his entrance.



"The following contest is the WarGames match! Introducing first, representing Team Eric Bischoff....he is "The Chosen One"....JEFF JARRETT!!!!!"



<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CE7xS3uPwlM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




As Jeff Jarrett walks down to the ring as the man chosen by Team Eric Bischoff to start the match, Tony and Mike talk about how Jarrett was revealed as the fourth member this past Monday on Nitro when Jarrett helped Ric Flair and Scott Steiner to defeat Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire by smashing his guitar over O'Haire's face--the win that gave Team Bischoff the man advantage during the course of this match. With "Double J" in the ring, we now await to see who is going to start the match for Team Sting.



"And introducing next, representing Team Sting....the CAPTAIN of Team Sting himself....the man called...STING!!!!!!"



<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TKdA9RqwGSQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Sting walks out from the back to a thunderous ovation from the sold-out crowd. As Sting heads down toward the rings, Tony and Mike talk about how this is typical of Sting, leading by example by starting the match as the Team Captain. Tony notes that Sting has so much riding on this match, but so much responsibility also. If Team Sting wins then Sting gets a World Title shot at Halloween Havoc, but if Team Sting loses then all four members of the team lose their chance to challenge for the World Title for the "foreseeable future" according to Eric Bischoff. Mike Tenay adds that that is probably exactly why Sting has chosen to start this match; he knows how much Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Sean O'Haire are risking to be out there with him tonight and Sting is showing them that he is not taking that for granted at all.


With Sting and Jeff Jarrett in the ring, it is time to sound the bell and get the WarGames match underway.




WarGames Match





The crowd was into this one right from the start as they chanted Sting's name as the bell sounded and the match got officially underway. Sting and Jarrett circled each other for a bit as Mike Tenay talked about the importance of strategy in this match, both in terms of the number of entry on the teams but also in terms of how to stay fresh, which is even more important for Jarrett and Sting as they, as the only two people, are going to be in this match from start to finish. Sting and Jarrett finally locked up and Sting overpowered "Double J" and shoved him back into the ropes. Jarrett looked a bit stunned by the display of strength, and as Sting flexed at Jarrett, Mike Tenay noted that Sting was trying to get into the mind of Jarrett. They locked up again but this time Jarrett drove a knee into the gut of Sting, the nailed him on the jaw with a straight right hand. "Double J" was all smiles as he looked at the crowd while pointing to his head, indicating his superior intelligence, which was all well and good except for the fact that the Stinger wasn't fazed at all. Jarrett turned back to Sting only to be nailed with a HUGE right hand that knocked Jarrett on his ass. Sting then opened up on Jarrett, hitting a series of straight right handed punches, backhanded punches and then a dropkick that took Jarrett off his feet. Sting then began putting the boots to Jarrett as the clock began counting down from ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one....






"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is the second entrant for Team Eric Bischoff and as Flair approached the cage and the referee opened the door for him, Mike Tenay talked about how the WarGames match changes on the fly, like now when Sting is suddenly faced with a two on one situation for the next two minutes. Flair entered ring number one as well and started chopping away at Sting, but the chops seemed to have a limited effect at best. Realizing this, Flair stopped chopping and started begging off instead and, despite his extensive experience in dealing with Flair, Sting fell prey to "The Nature Boy"'s distraction long enough for Jarrett to come from behind with a chop block. Sting went down and then Jarrett and Flair pounced on the Stinger, literally kicking every part of his body as Mike Tenay noted that this is where the numbers advantage comes into play and there is nothing Sting's teammates can do except wait for the clock to run out. Flair and Jarrett both began dropping elbows on Sting and then they pulled him to his feet. Flair put Sting back on the mat with a vertical suplex and then Jarrett hit a diving elbow from the second turnbuckle. Jarrett then took a page out of Lance Storm's playbook as he applied a single leg Boston Crab, while Flair grabbed hold of Sting's arm and locked in an armbar as Mike Tenay noted that Flair and Jarrett were picking Sting apart here. As the punishment of Sting continued the clock again began counting down....ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...






Sean O'Haire sprinted down the entrance ramp and slid into ring number one, eager to come to Sting's aid. O'Haire sights were set on Ric Flair, but Flair apparently wanted no part of O'Haire as he fled to ring number two. Jarrett tried to sneak up on O'Haire, but O'Haire was ready for him, hitting a perfectly placed sidekick that rocked Jarrett's jaw. Jarrett staggered backwards into the ropes and came right back into a Sean O'Haire spinebuster. O'Haire then headed for ring number two and Ric Flair, but the veteran Flair was all over O'Haire as soon as he tried to enter the ring. Despite Flair's best efforts, O'Haire still managed to get back to his feet, but then Flair dropped to his knees and hit a low blow, then DDT'ed O'Haire. As Flair went to work on Sean O'Haire in ring number two, Sting had gotten back to his feet in ring number one and he and Jeff Jarrett began exchanging punches. They went back and forth for a bit until Sting gained the upper hand. Sting hit a pair of inverted atomic drops and then took Jarrett down with a neckbreaker. Sting then headed for ring number two where Flair was lighting up O'Haire's chest in the corner with some big time chops. Sting grabbed Flair from behind and....SCORPION DEAHTDROP! Flair never saw it coming. Sting quickly checked on O'Haire, and as two of them surveyed the two rings the clock began counting down again...ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...






"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner made his way out and both Sting and Sean O'Haire headed for ring number one to meet "FreakZilla" as he entered the cage. Steiner saw both men waiting for him but he went right for them anyway. The fresh man Steiner put up one hell of a fight and held his own against Sting and O'Haire until Jeff Jarrett hit a low blow on Sting from behind. Jarrett then went to work on Sting as Steiner hit a belly to belly suplex on Sean O'Haire. Steiner then did a couple of quick push-ups on the floor of ring number one, then pulled O'Haire back to his feet and hit another belly to belly suplex. Steiner also hit a third and a fourth belly to belly suplex, and then he called out to the fans for a show of respect but got nothing but boos in return. As Steiner continued working over O'Haire, Ric Flair slowly got back to his feet in ring number two and made his way to ring number one where he targeted Sean O'Haire. Steiner and Flair pulled O'Haire to his feet and drove him face and stomach first into the massive cage that surrounded both rings as Tony noted that he was surprised it took this long for someone to use the cage as a weapon. Steiner and Flair drove O'Haire into the cage again...and again...and were preparing to do it for a fourth time, but Sting put a stop to that, nailing both Steiner and Flair with right handed punches. Sting tried to fight off both men, but then Jarrett nailed him from behind again just as the clock began to count down...ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...






It's Diamond Dallas Page! DDP hurried down the entrance ramp and joined the fight as ring number one was really filling up with all six current participants in the same ring. Jeff Jarrett was the first to meet DDP, but he walked right into a Diamond Cutter! Scott Steiner then charged at DDP but Page ducked, spun around and went for another Diamond Cutter....but Steiner just shoved him off and Page went face first into the steel cage, busting him open. Steiner hit a release german suplex on Page, then got into a mounted position and began pummeling Page's forehead, deliberately trying to bust him open even more. Sting was down, O'Haire was down, Jarrett was down...the carnage of the match was not hard to see and now Steiner and Flair began to work DDP over as Team Eric Bischoff was in firm control of the match at this stage. Sting then got back to his feet and he grabbed Steiner and pulled him off DDP, but Ric Flair was right there to again make it a two on one situation. Steiner and Flair began to work Sting over in the corner but suddenly Sean O'Haire came charging in. O'Haire nailed Flair with a hard right hand shot and then he grabbed "Big Poppa Pump" and hurled him into the steel cage. Flair got back to his feet just in time to eat another punch and then O'Haire grabbed Flair and hit a military press slam. Jeff Jarrett finally got back to his feet after eating a Diamond Cutter, but he walked right into a Widow Maker from Sean O'Haire. O'Haire then grabbed Scott Steiner and threw him into ring number two. O'Haire waited for Steiner to get to his feet and when he did....O'Haire bounced off the ropes and, in an impressive feat of athletic ability, O'Haire jumped from ring number one, over the ropes and into ring number two, nailing Steiner with a shoulder tackle. The crowd roared with approval, but then the clock started counting down again...ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...






The captain of Team Eric Bischoff is out last for their team, prompting Tony and Mike to talk about massive difference in the leadership of the two teams; Sting started the match for his team while Kanyon chose to come in last. Kanyon was pushing a shopping cart in front of him but the contents of the cart was hidden by a blanket. As Kanyon reached the door to the cage he removed the blanket to reveal that the shopping cart was filled with weapons; one of Jeff Jarrett's guitars, Scott Steiner's lead pipe, a couple of kendo sticks and a garbage can lid. Kanyon began loading the weapons into ring number one as Tony pointed out that there was nothing the referee could do about it due to the nature of the WarGames match. Kanyon then entered the ring and tossed the lead pipe to Steiner and the guitar to Jarrett, before grabbing a pair of kendo sticks smacking them hard across the back of DDP. Ric Flair grabbed the garbage can lid and nailed Sting with it, and in ring two Scott Steiner drove the lead pipe into the gut of Sean O'Haire and then brought the pipe down across O'Haire's back. With DDP down in ring one and O'Haire down in ring two, Ric Flair and Kanyon pulled Sting to his feet and held him there as Jeff Jarrett smashed his guitar over Sting's head. Team Eric Bischoff was in complete control here with the introduction of weapons into the match and Tony and Mike both agreed that they didn't necessarily agree with the strategy, but it had been extremely effective nonetheless. Then, as all four members of Team Bischoff stood dominant in the ring, the clock began to count down for the final time and the "Goldberg" chants had already started...ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...






Goldberg wasted absolutely no time charging the ring even with all four members of Team Bischoff just waiting for him in ring one, and all of them armed with a weapon. Goldberg hit ring one and Jeff Jarrett immediately tried to use a kendo stick on Goldberg but....SPEAR!!!!! As Goldberg got back to his feet Ric Flair nailed him across the back with another kendo stick....but it had no effect whatsoever on Goldberg! Flair's eyes went wide in horror as Goldberg just stared at him. Flair tried to explain himself but Goldberg grabbed Flair by the thoat, lifted him high above his head and then sent him crashing to the mat with a military press slam. Now it was just Kayon and Steiner versus Goldberg, but that quickly became just Steiner and Goldberg as Kanyon fled to ring two. Goldberg and Steiner stared each other down as Mike Tenay noted that this was a callback to Starrcade where Goldberg and Scott Steiner battled for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and Tony Schiavone said that these two could be the two most dominant men in the business today. The crowd was on fire and ready to see these two men do battle again, and when they finally locked up in the middle of the ring with a collar and elbow tie-up, after Scott Steiner somewhat surprisingly had tossed his lead pipe aside, the excitement was at an all time high. They went back and forth for a bit, with neither man able to overpower the other and just as it seemed like we had hit a stalemate, Kanyon climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a missile dropkick to the back of Goldberg's head. The crowd booed, but Kanyon simply pointed to his head, proclaiming his own impressive intelligence. Scott Steiner and Kanyon then began to work Goldberg over. Steiner hit a belly to belly suplex, and then Kanyon followed up with a DDT. Scott Steiner then pulled Goldberg to his feet and irish whipped him toward Kanyon, but Kanyon never got to hit whatever he was looking to hit as Goldberg exploded into Kanyon with a HUGE Spear! Scott Steiner began to stalk Goldberg, but Sting suddenly popped up behind Steiner, grabbed him and hit the Scorpion Deathdrop! Sting then grabbed Steiner's legs and....SCORPION DEATHLOCK!!!! Sting had the Deathlock applied for a while but Steiner refused to tap out and then Ric Flair finally broke the hold and all hell broke loose.


Sting, DDP and Sean O'Haire were now doing battle with Jarrett, Flair and Kanyon. Steiner was still down after being locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. Goldberg then grabbed Kanyon and literally threw him from ring one to ring two, and Goldberg then turned his attention to Jeff Jarrett as a bloodied Diamond Dallas Page followed after Kanyon into ring two. Page began unloading with rights and lefts on the man who was once his best friend, and then DDP took him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Meanwhile, in ring one, Ric Flair managed to lock in the Figure Four Leglock on Sean O'Haire, but Sting was there to break it up. Scott Steiner then clobbered Sting from behind and tossed him into the steel cage, but then Steiner turned around and walked right into a....SPEAR!!!!! Goldberg called for the Jackhammer but as he bent down to pull Steiner back to his feet, Jeff Jarrett ran up and hit a fameasser on Goldberg. With Goldberg down, Jarrett and Flair looked to capitalize when Sean O'Haire suddenly nailed Jarrett with a perfectly placed kick to the jaw. O'Haire then grabbed Flair and.....WIDOW MAKER!!!! Jeff Jarrett got back to his feet and....a second WIDOW MAKER!!!!!! Sean O'Haire was on fire, but then Scott Steiner charged in and clotheslined both O'Haire and himself into ring two. DDP and Kanyon were now battling in ring two, as were Steiner and O'Haire. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair were down in ring one, along with Sting and Goldberg. In ring two Kanyon had gotten a hold of one of the kendo sticks and he was now using it on his former best friend, the crimson faced Diamond Dallas Page, using the kendo stick all over DDP's upper body and landing shot after shot. Scott Steiner hit a belly to back suplex on Sean O'Haire as ring two, at least for the moment, belonged to Team Bischoff.


In ring one Goldberg and Ric Flair were both getting back to their feet and Flair was the first to strike, hitting a series of knife edge chops on Goldberg. The chops seemed to have limited effect, however, so the "Dirtiest Player In The Game" went downstairs with a nasty looking lowblow that most definitely had an effect. With Goldberg doubled over, Flair hit a DDT and then quickly applied the Figure Four Leglock. Flair applied as much pressure as he could and Goldberg was obviously in pain, but he wasn't tapping out. Sting then got back to his feet and he quickly broke up the Figure Four and began unloading on Flair. With Flair dazed, Sting whipped him into the corner and his not one, not two, but THREE Stinger Splashes! Flair staggered out of the corner and then collapsed as Sting climbed to the top turnbuckle and leaped onto Flair with a diving splash--but Jeff Jarrett was right there to pull Sting to his feet and.....STROKE!!!! Jarrett hit the Stroke--but what the hell?!?!? The crowd went absolutely crazy and Jarrett couldn't believe it as Sting got right back up on his feet, seemingly unaffected by the Stroke despite the impact of the move and the length of this brutal war of a match. Jeff Jarrett tried to beg off, but was then damn near cut in half as Goldberg came from out of nowhere and hit another Spear!!!! Sting then grabbed Jarrett's legs and....SCORPION DEATHLOCK!!!! Jarrett was fighting it with everything he had, and Scott Steiner tried to come to his aid and break up the hold but he was cut off by Goldberg. With Goldberg and Steiner brawling, and with Flair down and Kanyon still fighting Diamond Dallas Page, Jarrett finally had no choice but to tap out and end this brutal, bloody war.



Team Sting defeated Team Eric Bischoff at 26.02 by submission when Sting forced Jeff Jarrett to tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock. With Team Sting's victory, Sting earns a World Title shot at Halloween Havoc (B)






Following WarGames we head to the announce table where Tony and Mike talk about what we just witnessed. Mike Tenay notes that the WarGames match is known as one of the most brutal matches in the business and tonight's match certainly didn't disappoint. Mike also puts over the effort of all eight men involved in the match, and Tony Schiavone says that, as a result of the WarGames match, Sting will now receive a World Title shot at Halloween Havoc, but who will Sting be facing? Shawn Michaels or Booker T? Tony says that we're going to find out in just a moment as we still have tonight's main event to come as Shawn Michaels faces Booker T for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Mike Tenay brings up what happened earlier tonight during the WCW Tag Team Championship title match where Shawn Michaels accidentally superkicked Kevin Nash, costing the Outsiders their shot at the Tag Team Titles, and he wonders what kind of mindset the World Heavyweight Champion will be in, especially after that confrontation he had with Nash and Hall earlier tonight as well. Tony says that we know that Booker T has been waiting for this opportunity for a while now and, win or lose, he knows that Booker will leave it all in the ring tonight. Tony then sends us down to the ring announcer as the introductions for our main event are about to get underway. (B)



"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Introducing first; representing the New World Order, he is the reigning and defending WCW World Heavyweight Champion--and the "Greatest Wrestler In The History Of The Business"--SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!"



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The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back to nothing but boos from the crowd and Tony and Mike talk about how excited the fans were back when Shawn Michaels debuted in WCW, but also about how disappointed they have been with Michaels ever since with him always choosing the low road, the easy way out. Michaels enters the ring and poses proudly with the World Heavyweight Championship as Mike Tenay notes that Shawn Michaels has held the World Title since winning it back in April at Spring Stampede when he defeated Diamond Dallas Page in Michaels' first ever match in WCW. Tony and Mike also talk about the fact that nobody can deny that Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest of all time, but his reign as champion has been mired in controversy.



"And introducing next, the challenger; he is the current WCW United States Champion....BOOOOOOKEEEERRRRR T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



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The challenger receives the exact opposite reaction of the champion, hearing nothing but cheers from the sold-out crowd as he makes his way toward the ring. Tony and Mike talk about how successful Booker T has been in his career, about the many, many championships he has won in WCW, and even now he is the reigning United States Champion. Mike Tenay says that very few people have won as many championships as Booker T, and he adds that it was the return of Booker T that evened the battlefield between the nWo and Sting's Alliance, and tonight Booker T has the well-deserved opportunity to become the World Heavyweight Champion again. With both champion and challenger in the ring, the referee calls for the bell to get our main event of the evening underway.




WCW World Heavyweight Championship







The main event of the evening started off with the champion getting in the challengers face and informing him, in no uncertain terms, that he was way out of his league and that he might as well just lay down and spare himself a world of hurt. Booker T patiently listened to everything Shawn Michaels had to say and gave him his thoughts on the matter; a straight right hand to the jaw of Michaels'. Furious at this show of disrespect, Michaels attempted to charge Booker, but Booker hit a drop toe hold and, adding a bit of insult, Booker slapped the back of the champion's head, much to the delight of the crowd. Michaels got back to his feet and was obviously hot as he spewed insults at Booker, but Booker T's response was simple and straight to the point; "shut up and fight". Michaels collected himself and then both men locked up in the middle of the ring, with the bigger and stronger Booker T gaining the upper hand. Booker forced Michaels back into the ropes, but then gave the referee the clean break he was asking for. Michaels, furious at being outdone, then slapped Booker T across the face before quickly bailing out of the ring before Booker could get his hands on him. Tony questioned the wisdom in making Booker T angry here, but Mike Tenay added that it could work to Michaels' favor if Booker T lets his emotions get the better of him here. Michaels took his time outside the ring, letting Booker T wait for him before finally re-entering the ring as the referee reached the count of eight.


Back in the ring Michaels and Booker locked up again, but this time Michaels' drove knee into Booker's gut before Booker could overpower him again. Michaels hit a couple of knife edge chops, an inverted atomic drop and then a standing dropkick to finally take the challenger off his feet. Michaels returned the favor as he slapped the back of Booker's head, then followed it up with a vicious stomp. Michaels then pulled Booker back to his feet and hit a snap suplex. Michaels covered, but Booker easily kicked out after one. Michaels then applied a headlock as he slowly tried to wear the challenger down. Booker T fought against it, however, and eventually got back to his feet and hit a belly to back suplex, finally forcing Michaels to break to hold. Michaels was first to his feet but when he approached Booker he walked right into a HUGE right handed punch from Booker that snapped Michaels' head back. Booker with another right hand....and another...Booker then went for a third, but Michaels ducked and hit a belly to back suplex. Michaels then climbed the turnbuckle and waited for Booker to get to his feet and when he did, Michaels jumped and hit a diving double axe handle. Booker went down, Michaels, but Booker kicked out after two. Michaels hit a bodyslam on Booker, then climbed the turnbucke again, this time looking for a top rope moonsault....but Booker rolled out of the way and Michaels crashed and burned hard.


Both men were down and the referee began his count, which reached seven before both men made it back to their feet and began trading blows in the middle of the ring. Booker got the better of the exchange and forced Michaels back into the corner where Booker climbed to the middle turnbuckle and began raining punches on Michaels as the crowd counted along...one...two...three...four...five...but six never came as Michaels managed to grab and pull at Booker's leg, sending Booker face first into the top turnbuckle. Michaels hit a trio of inverted atomic drops, then bounced off the ropes and hit a flying forearm smash. Kip-up by Michaels, who then called for the Sweet Chin Music. Booker T was slow to get back to his feet and when he did.....SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!---NOOO!! Booker T just barely managed to avoid it! Booker then spun around and hit an outside crescent kick on Michaels who bounced off the ropes and right into a flapjack. Cover by Booker, but Michaels kicked out after two. Booker then pulled Michaels to his feet and hit an Alabama Slam, then he climbed to the top turnbuckle and waited for Michaels to get back to his feet again and hit a missile dropkick. Booker covered for another near-fall, but Michaels was able to kick out after two. Booker went back up top again and Mike Tenay commented about the dangers of going to the well one too many times, but this time it paid off as Booker T was able to hit the Harlem Hangover. Booker then covered Michaels again...








Michaels again managed to kick out. Booker T seemed to be feeling it as he did a spinaroonie to get back to his feet and then called for the Bookend as Tony and Mike wondered if we were seconds away from crowning a new champion. Booker stalked Michaels as Michaels slowly got back to his feet, looking for the Bookend but....SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!! Michaels pulled a Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere! Booker was down and Michaels ever so slowly crawled into the cover...








Booker just barely managed to get his shoulder up in time and now both men were down as the referee began his count....1...2...3...both men began to stir...4...5....6....both men were trying to get back to their feet....7...8...Booker was back to his feet first, with Michaels following right after. Both men looked exhausted as they began trading blows in the middle of the ring again. Booker then grabbed Michales--Book End? No! Michaels blocked it! Michaels then stepped back and--Sweet Chin Music? No! Booker T sidestepped it! Booker then nailed Michaels with a spinning wheel kick. Is this Booker T's moment???






The turncoat Kanyon suddenly hit the ring carrying the World Title belt and he proceeded to blast Booker T in the back of the head with it in full view of the referee. The referee ordered Kanyon out of the ring, but he didn't call for the bell, which Tony and Mike both applauded--albeit briefly--sa Booker T's shot at the World Title shouldn't be stolen away from him like that. Unfortunately Booker seemed to be dazed as he staggered back to his feet after having his bell rung by Kanyon, and Shawn Michaels was just waiting for him to turn around and....SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!! Michaels then draped an arm across Booker's chest....









Shawn Michaels defeated Booker T at 18.21 by pinfall following a Sweet Chin Music after Kanyon got involved and hit Booker T with the World Title belt. Shawn Michaels retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B)



And with a shot of Kanyon handing the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title belt to Shawn Michaels, Tony and Mike signs off as WCW Fall Brawl comes to an end.




Final Show Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.23

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<p>Overall, another great show. I'll break it down with the good and the bad. Starting with the bad;</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Bad:</strong></span></p><p>

- Kidman & Douglas' match rating. God bless you for trying, but these two will never get over and will be nothing more than a jobber for future stars (AJ Styles)..</p><p> </p><p>

- Rey Mysterio winning. I'd prefer Storm was the victor, but if this allows him to move into the main event picture, I'm fine with it.</p><p> </p><p>

- The number of run ins/interference. I know this is WCW and you're doing a fantastic job of portraying it that way...But this is also a fresh start for Bischoff running a company. Think of all the innovating things he did when he <em>first</em> took over WCW before the likes of Hogan, Hall, Nash, etc got in his ear. This is again one of those times he's running the company (and now actually owns it in your universe) without having someone else in his ear. The guy's a business genius, albeit a very influence-able genius...But when he doesn't have someone in his ear, he knows how to run a company successfully. Build on that.</p><p> </p><p>

- War Games as the build-up to the main event. Look, I'm not criticizing. I more than likely would have booked it the same exact way you did. I know why you booked it that way and I'm fine with it. Hell, I'm actually shocked HBK/Booker pulled the same rating as War Games. What did it for me was how you wrote up the matches. As usual, you did a great job with the write up, but as I was reading War Games, I thought "yeah, this is the main event." And then I was left wanting more going through the actual main event. The title match should always be the last match on the card, but I think it just is more of a thumbs up to how you wrote up the War Games match.</p><p> </p><p>

And more importantly, <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Good:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

- Chavo retaining. Chavo retaining, Chavo RETAINING! It's gotten to the point that he could be the Cruiserweight champion for the duration that WCW is in business and I'd be happy with it. Add in that he's not even being billed as a credible champion makes it even more great. It's too bad this isn't actually happening. He'd probably be over quite a bit.</p><p> </p><p>

- Lance Storm losing. I know...Above I said it was bad Rey won....But as long as this allows Storm to move into the main event and be a credible threat and eventual champion, I'm just fine with it. I cannot buy Rey as anything over Upper Midcarder and food for the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

- The Outsiders not winning the tag titles. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing them have it, but they would both be a nightmare for you whenever you wanted to take the titles off them. Trust me, I know from experience dude...</p><p> </p><p>

- <strong>SELLOUT</strong></p><p> </p><p>

- HBK's win. Booker's a fantastic champion, but he's the US champion. Putting both titles on him doesn't make sense at this point. Additionally, hopefully this finally results in Sting winning the title at Halloween Havoc. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Overall a great show. You're making great progress with WCW and I can't wait until you start to nip at the heels of WWE. I can't wait til you move into 2003. I know I've said that so many times, but that's when the real fun starts.</p>

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<p>This month's prediction contest had 11 different people predicting on at least one show during the month. I'm pretty sure that's a new record and I'm absolutely sure that I'm thrilled with this number, so thanks to all of you for that! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

That being said, the winner of this month's prediction contest is;</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Crackerjack with 26 hits.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Satyr24, Beejus and The Lloyd all shared second place with 23 hits</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

And Henderson came in third with 22 hits.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Thanks again to everyone who predicted, and congratulations to Crackerjack--your prize will be in your inbox within the next few days.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/WCW5.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Backstage News And Notes - Post Fall Brawl Edition</span></strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WCW Fall Brawl 2002 drew a 1.23 buy rate, making it the third most viewed WCW pay per view since the return, behind Bash At The Beach 2001 (1.28) and The Great American Bash 2002 (1.27). Management is said to be happy with the pay per view overall, even if there is rumored to be a general feeling that the event did not quite live up to the internal expectations. According to our reports, Shawn Michaels and Booker T were both complimented on their match during the post-show meeting, with the feeling being that they produced a good main event despite being put in the unenviable position of following the WarGames match. Kanyon also received praise for his work in the WarGames match and his work in general, which management is said to be very happy with.</p><p> </p><p>

A lot of WCW wrestlers have renewed their contracts with the company over the past few days, including several of the top stars; Goldberg, Sting, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall have all signed multiple year contract extentions. With all six of these huge stars sticking around (and not going elsewhere), WCW is not going to be lacking in star power any time soon. In addition to these huge stars the following wrestlers have also extended their contracts with WCW; Rey Misterio Jr., Chuck Palumbo, Crowbar, Ernest "The Cat" Miller, Rick Steiner, Dustin Rhodes, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Lance Storm, Norman Smiley, Mark Jindrak, Bam Bam Bigelow and Yun Yang. Mike Tenay (announcer), Torrie Wilson (manager), Terry Taylor (road agent) and Stevie Ray (Power Plant trainer/announcer) have also resigned with the company on the non-wrestler side of things.</p><p> </p><p>

It appears that management's efforts to get the backstage environment in WCW under control have been successful as this past month has been very quiet in terms of incidents. The only thing that got any kind of attention was a Jeff Jarrett interview in which Jarrett proclaimed that he alone was carrying WCW on his back. While this comment certainly caught management by surprise, given Jarrett's current position in the company, the general feeling is that there is no heat on Jarrett whatsoever and that the comments are mostly seen as harmless--and a little strange, all things considered.</p><p> </p><p>

We are hearing rumors that WCW might be looking to add a 13th pay per view to the schedule for 2003. Details are scarce at the moment, but word has it that the current plan is to run the event in early 2003.</p><p> </p><p>

With Fall Brawl in the books the next time WCW will be live on pay per view will be for Halloween Havoc. We already know that Sting will be challenging for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at the event, and more big matches are expected to be added to the card, maybe even as soon as on this upcoming edition of WCW Monday Nitro.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/WCWNitro4.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Preview</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Less than 24 hours after Fall Brawl went off the air, WCW Monday Nitro will be coming to you live from Reno, Nevada, and what a show this is looking to be. The tension within the nWo seems to be at an all time high after Shawn Michaels inadvertently superkicked Kevin Nash during the Tag Team Title match at Fall Brawl, costing the Outsiders their chance to become Tag Team Champions. Nash and Hall got no answers from Shawn Michaels last night, but can be sure they will be looking to get those answers on Nitro. Team Sting won the WarGames match at Fall Brawl and Sting is now set to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc. What will the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, have to say about that? And what will WCW owner Eric Bischoff have to say about his team losing last night? And as if all of the fallout from Fall Brawl wasn't enough excitement, two huge singles matches have also been signed for Nitro; Booker T defends his WCW United States Championship against Rey Misterio Jr., and the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Sting, will go one on one with the nWo's Scott Hall.</p><p> </p><p>

So don't forget to tune into WCW Mondy Nitro to see all of this and much, much more! </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sting vs. Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

<em>WCW United States Championship</em></p><p>

Booker T © vs. Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire</p><p> </p><p>

Billy Kidman vs. Shawn Stasiak</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. Mark Jindrak</p><p>


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<p><strong>Sting</strong> vs. Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>Booker T ©</strong> vs. Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Sanders vs. <strong>Sean O'Haire</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman </strong>vs. Shawn Stasiak</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Mark Jindrak</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Sting</strong> vs. Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>Booker T © </strong>vs. Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Sanders vs. <strong>Sean O'Haire</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman</strong> vs. Shawn Stasiak</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Mark Jindrak</strong></p>

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- Kidman & Douglas' match rating. God bless you for trying, but these two will never get over and will be nothing more than a jobber for future stars (AJ Styles)..


I'm kinda torn on how this feud turned out. The original idea wasn't too far from how it ended up playing out, but the fact that these two have awful chemestry in the ring in my game kinda made me second guess the feud. Originally there was going to be more stuff with Shane mistreating Torrie while Kidman was away, setting up for his return, but at one point I wasn't even sure I was going to continue the feud so it kinda fizzled out a bit. Then I decided to go ahead with it after all and it was...okay-ish.



- The number of run ins/interference. I know this is WCW and you're doing a fantastic job of portraying it that way...But this is also a fresh start for Bischoff running a company. Think of all the innovating things he did when he first took over WCW before the likes of Hogan, Hall, Nash, etc got in his ear. This is again one of those times he's running the company (and now actually owns it in your universe) without having someone else in his ear. The guy's a business genius, albeit a very influence-able genius...But when he doesn't have someone in his ear, he knows how to run a company successfully. Build on that.


Oh I completely agree with you on Bischoff. The thing with him right now is that I'm trying to portray him as sort of a "my way is the right way" kind of guy who is convinced that the right thing for WCW is for Shawn Michaels to be champion, even if he has to stack the deck to get what he wants. Who knows, maybe he'll realize the error of his ways eventually....maybe :D



- War Games as the build-up to the main event. Look, I'm not criticizing. I more than likely would have booked it the same exact way you did. I know why you booked it that way and I'm fine with it. Hell, I'm actually shocked HBK/Booker pulled the same rating as War Games. What did it for me was how you wrote up the matches. As usual, you did a great job with the write up, but as I was reading War Games, I thought "yeah, this is the main event." And then I was left wanting more going through the actual main event. The title match should always be the last match on the card, but I think it just is more of a thumbs up to how you wrote up the War Games match.


I went back and forth on this right up until I was booking the show and even then I still wasn't sure which match to put last. I generally feel that the World Title match should always go on last, but obviously there can be exceptions. I'm glad you enjoyed the WarGames as I really tried to make it special.



- Chavo retaining. Chavo retaining, Chavo RETAINING! It's gotten to the point that he could be the Cruiserweight champion for the duration that WCW is in business and I'd be happy with it. Add in that he's not even being billed as a credible champion makes it even more great. It's too bad this isn't actually happening. He'd probably be over quite a bit.


I'm a huge Chavo fan and he's been doing great things for the Cruiserweight division and the Cruiserweight Title. I do see him moving up the card eventually, however, so his reign as champion probably won't last forever (even though part of me would love that as well :))



Overall a great show. You're making great progress with WCW and I can't wait until you start to nip at the heels of WWE. I can't wait til you move into 2003. I know I've said that so many times, but that's when the real fun starts.




Big time thanks to Henderson for the feedback on Fall Brawl. I love getting feedback and hearing what worked and what didn't work so well for people, and I wanted to add my thoughts on a couple of them.

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