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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter



John Cena vs. Elijah Burke

Comment: I think I'd explode if my boy Burke won this one!!!


Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari

Comment: And if Kidman and Rey won here... OH WHAT A NIGHT!!!


Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree



Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable


Comments on Previous Show: Loved the Evolution bit at the end of the show... very interesting...

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  • Replies 1.7k
  • Created
  • Last Reply

Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter



John Cena vs. Elijah Burke



Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari



Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree



Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable


Comments on Previous Show: Great storyline with Evolution right now. Interested to see where Triple H goes from here now that he can't challenge for the WHC. Good stuff.

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Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter



John Cena vs. Elijah Burke



Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari



Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree



Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable


Comments on Previous Show:

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Confirmed Match Preview


Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter



John Cena vs. Elijah Burke



Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari



Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree



Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable

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Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers

Comment: The former champs just don't cut it.


John Cena vs. Montel Porter

Comment: Squash.


John Cena vs. Elijah Burke

Comment: Double squash.


Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari

Comment: Tough one to call. Daivari seems like he could eat the fall.


Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree

Comment: Big win for the King here.


Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable


Comments on Previous Show: Go Flair! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter

Comment: lol


John Cena vs. Elijah Burke

Comment: lol


Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari

Comment: Gotta keep Hassan strong, right?


Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree

Comment: Dupree's not on their level yet, I think


Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable

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Londrick vs. The Basham Brothers



John Cena vs. Montel Porter



John Cena vs. Elijah Burke



Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari



Big Show and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree



Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL w/Sable

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WWE SmackDown: Week 3, September 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 3, September 2004


The opening video, backed by "Rise Up" performed by Drowning Pool plays as Michael Cole and Tazz greet us from ringside. They let us know that a champion versus champion match will be our main event as
Eddie Guerrero
takes on
John "Bradshaw" Layfield


84 (B+)

: None.



The show kicks off with the arrival of
Ron Simmons
to no music whatsoever. He walks down to the ring as the commentators remind us that Paul Heyman said his situation would be solved this week. Simmons grabs a microphone and a chair, placing it in the ring. Simmons sits down and starts to talk about how he wants to get this over with now. He calls Heyman out to the ring, and says that he's gonna sit in this chair in the middle of the ring until Paul gets out there. After about a minute,
Paul Heyman
makes his way out to the ring.


Heyman, looking smarmy as always, has a microphone in hand as he steps inside the ring. He explains to Simmons that he wants to get this show on the road, and because of that, he has an announcement to make. Heyman admits that yes, he erred in firing Simmons and that it was a breach of his contract to terminate him. If Simmons were to bring this to court, he'd certainly win and Heyman would lose his job and a lot of his money, putting his own family in danger. However, Heyman has reached a settlement with an outside source to buy out the rest of Simmons' contract, placing Ron under his own umbrella. He points over to the ramp to introduce the benefactor, who now owns Ron Simmons' reinstated SmackDown contract:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gq57fn840rg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Oh no! It's
John 'Bradshaw' Layfield
! Simmons' former best friend and tag team partner walks out to the top of the ramp along with
The Cabinet
, as the five associates walk down to the ring. Bradshaw tips his ten-gallon hat to the crowd and to Ron himself as Heyman exhibits an evil smirk in the ring. Ron can't believe it and starts to protest, saying there's something up here and that this ain't happening. Heyman reassures him that everything about this transfer is legal and irrevocable. If he wants to keep his job on SmackDown, Simmons has to work for Bradshaw.


JBL extends backhanded compliments to his former drinking buddy as Simmons' most recent rivals, The Chosen Ones, taunt him as well. Sable stands by the United States Champion smirking as he extends his hand toward his ex-partner. After a long hesitation, Simmons finally lowers his head and grabs JBL's hand for a handshake. Bradshaw's music hits again as The Cabinet exits the ring along with their newest (reluctant) member.


72 (B-)

: Shaky legal concepts, but whatever, this is wrestling, not a courtroom.




The Basham Brothers


The opening contest featured tag team action between two of SmackDown's better teams. As they have a few times this year already, Paul London and Brian Kendrick were able to defeat the Basham Brothers when London rolled up Danny!


After the match, The Bashams lay down a brutal, sore beating on London and Kendrick. The commentary team notes that the twin brothers haven't had much go their way as of late, and their frustrations are clearly taken out on their opponents, as they flatten the two of them and send them soaring out of the ring.


62 © / 48 (D+)

: 7:52.



In the back,
Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman
are warming up for their match against Hassan and Daivari later on tonight. They're located by the WWE Tag Team Champions,
Lance Storm and Charlie Haas
, whom they'll take on at No Mercy in a couple of weeks.


Storm and Haas wish them luck tonight, because this is the only time they're gonna have a chance to win a tag team match anytime soon. They reiterate their credentials as an undefeated team on SmackDown and the most dominant Tag Team Champions in history. Mysterio and Kidman retort by telling them to keep those belts warm for them.


59 ©

: None.



A video reminds us of the recent confrontations between
JBL's Cabinet
and the challenger for the United States Title,
John Cena
. Cena's got two matches -- and they're up next.



John Cena
Montel Porter w/The Cabinet


With the entire Cabinet harassing him from the outside, "The Doctor of Thuganomics" found himself in a deep hole. Porter looked to wear him down and did so, drawing this one out for a few minutes. Just when Montel tried to finish him off, Cena put a rally together and ended with the F-U for a relatively fast, but exhausting victory.



John Cena
Elijah Burke w/The Cabinet


As soon as the bell rang to end the previous match, Burke slid in the ring and put the boots to Cena. Burke looked to pick up where his tag team partner left off, and the former US Champion found a couple of his flurries stopped by distractions or interference from the outside. Elijah looked for a roundhouse kick and was caught into a small package for the win!


The Cabinet was shocked! John Cena defeated both Montel Porter
Elijah Burke back-to-back! Cena rolled out of the ring and headed up the ramp as soon as possible, with Bradshaw and his minions seething at ringside. Ron Simmons could be seen flashing a bit of a smirk as "The Doctor of Thuganomics" backed up with a smile on his face!


59 © / 75 (B-) / 67 (C+) / 69 (C+)

: 6:07 (first match). 6:20 (second match).



is backstage with Josh Mathews who wants to know his thoughts on facing
Scott Steiner
at No Mercy. Edge calls him a jacked up piece of trailer trash and doesn't thing that "Big Poppa Chump" has a shot at beating him. Steiner steps into the frame, lurking nearby, as he delivers a set of unintelligible insults toward his Canadian opponent. Steiner says he's gonna break Edge in half with the Steiner Recliner and there ain't a damn thing Edge can do about it.


77 (B)

: None.




Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio
Muhammad Hassan and Daivari


The #1 contenders looked to prove themselves against two men who have yet to lose on SmackDown. Hassan expressed discontent last week about not being involved in the Tag Team Turmoil match to determine #1 contenders. Kidman and Mysterio used their fluid teamwork to avoid being completely isolated by Hassan and the surprisingly competent Daivari. Among the high-speed chaos toward the end of the match, the Lords of the Ring came down to ringside and distracted Kidman, who turned around into a Reverse STO from Hassan for a tainted defeat!


60 ©

: 7:43.



Matt Hardy
has some words for the TV Champion in the back. "The Sensei of Mattitude" says that week after week he proves that his matches are 'must-see TV' and that there's no better SmackDown superstar to represent the show than Matt Hardy. That's why he's challenged Stevie Richards for the title next week in a rematch from a couple of weeks back. If Stevie has any
, he'll accept, says Hardy.


71 (B-)

: None.



In the office of
Paul Heyman
Luther Reigns
stands imposingly at the door. There's a knock and it turns out to be
Bryan Lloyd
, who isn't here for a fight. Bryan says that the deck was stacked against him last week and that he wants Brock Lesnar again at No Mercy because he knows he can beat him. Heyman chuckles to himself and reminds Lloyd that Brock is challenging for the WWE Title at No Mercy, to which Bryan responds with a smirk of his own and says that Luther Reigns will do. Heyman and Reigns both laugh as the match is booked for No Mercy - Luther Reigns goes one-on-one with Bryan Lloyd! Bryan says that he'll be the one with the last laugh when he makes Reigns tap out, smiling and walking out of the office.


71 (B-)

: None.



Rene Dupree
has on his cape and crown as he admires himself in a mirror.
Kurt Angle
, tonight's tag team partner, comes up next to him and says that even though he protested against having to team with a Frenchman, Angle thinks they should get on the same page. Dupree asks if the reason for that is because he knows the French king will embarrass him in the ring? Kurt says the only contest Rene could beat him in is a race - as long as there's a battle going on behind the starting line. The bickering continues until it's time for the match itself!



Big Show and Booker T
Rene Dupree and Kurt Angle


The team of "The World's Largest Athlete" and Booker T were much more on the same page than their counterparts, who tagged themselves in frequently as they were in control. Dupree spent most of his time prancing around the ring toying with Booker T as Big Show waited on the outside like a caged animal. He eventually received the hot tag, and after a little bit of a tussle with Angle, had Dupree's scepter cracked over his head, allowing the Olympic Hero to pin him for the victory!


76 (B-) / 81 (B)

: 11:28.



After a commercial break, a set is up in the ring for the inaugural episode of everyone's favorite game show:
Yang Time
Jimmy Yang
is in the ring, introducing the rules of a game which will involve Jamie Noble and Nunzio taking on The Colons on how much they know their family member. The two teams come out and Yang says that the rules are simple: he's going to ask a question of what the partner likes, does, has, or something of the like. The person asked the question has to answer it, and if they answer what their partner wrote down, they get a point! First to three points is victorious. Yang's partner,
Ultimo Dragon
, is the reluctant scorekeeper who looks incredibly bored as he sits in the corner.


Yang's first question is for Carlito and Eddie. He asks Eddie: what TV show did Carlito watch last? Carlito writes down his answer and Eddie responds: Star Trek: Enterprise, of all shows...... Carlito raises his board which says Star Trek: Enterprise (right here on UPN!) as he grins, scoring a point for his team. Jamie Noble is asked what his cousin Nunzio's favorite food is...and Noble says pizza very quickly (obviously, Nunzio was in the FBI). Nunzio smacks himself in the head and raises up his paper: "Spaghetti and Meatballs with Mama's Homemade Italian Sauce"! Noble can't believe it as a loud buzzer rings and the two bicker about their 'family get-togethers.'


Question #2 for the Colons is another breeze, as Carlito correctly answers Eddie's favorite way to have a potato prepared: baked, with sour cream and bacon on top. Nunzio and Noble accuse them of cheating as Nunzio is promptly unable to answer Noble's favorite movie correctly ('it ain't The Godfather? What's wrong witchu?').


Before The Colons can answer their final question, Nunzio and Noble charge them and attack! Despite Dragon and Yang trying as hard as they can to diffuse the brawl, both teams go at it and Noble cracks Yang's microphone over Carlito's head! Nunzio knocks Eddie out of the ring as they escape the host and the scorekeeper, heading back to the backstage area.


50 (D+)

: None.



There's a quick video surmising how the
Eddie Guerrero
match came about, and the commentators told us that it's up next, but Guerrero has a few words in the back beforehand.


Eddie quickly talks about how in a couple of weeks he's gonna beat Brock Lesnar just like he did at SummerSlam, but tonight he focuses on a man that thinks he represents the United States of America. Really, Eddie says, what Bradshaw is doing to Ron Simmons is the opposite of what America does. America provides freedom and a new life for men like Eddie Guerrero. Men who have had hard lives elsewhere come to America for improved conditions and a chance. A chance to achieve their dreams. A chance to become WWE Champion,


75 (B-) / 76 (B-)

: None.




Eddie Guerrero
John 'Bradshaw' Layfield w/The Cabinet


This non-title match saw Bradshaw's third appearance of the night, and he spent most of his time trying to evade Eddie's attacks, rolling outside and 'regrouping' with the Chosen Ones. He sarcastically asked Ron Simmons for advice a couple of times, and Simmons simply looked down and did not answer. Eddie got his hands on JBL for a few minutes, and as he fended off distractions from The Chosen Ones, he climbed up to the top rope for the Frog Splash and was thrown from the top turnbuckle onto the barricade by
Brock Lesnar
! This one was thrown out by the referee, with Guerrero declared a DQ victor.


Lesnar grabs the incapacitated Guerrero and rolls him back in the ring. After laying a quick but brutal beating on him with fist after fist to the skull, Lesnar watches as
Paul Heyman
makes his way down to the ring with
Luther Reigns
. Heyman grins, getting into the ring with a microphone.



"Mr. Guerrero...I said, Mr. Guerrero? Oh right, you can't hear me because Brock Lesnar just bashed your brains in. Just like he's going to do the first Sunday of October at No Mercy. And in that main event, there is only one man that can be the official and ensure that you don't cheat to keep that title around your waist. The Special Guest Referee for your match against Brock Lesnar at No Mercy will be...
Paul Heyman


77 (B) / 96 (A*)

: 12:27.



84 (B+)

: None.


Quick Results


vs. The Basham Brothers


John Cena
vs. Montel Porter w/The Cabinet


John Cena
vs. Elijah Burke w/The Cabinet


Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs.
Muhammad Hassan and Daivari


Big Show and Booker T vs.
Kurt Angle and Rene Dupree


Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match

Eddie Guerrero
vs. JBL w/The Cabinet; DQ


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

michgcs - 36

Bad News Fryer - 35

Midnightnick - 34

thebest2427 - 34

The Lloyd - 34

Beejus - 33

Smasher1311 - 33

Kijar - 29

TheBigBad1013 - 25

SpecialDelivery - 19

Russelrules44 - 14

jscotty - 10

daulten6 - 9

Samuelftw - 9

packerman120 - 8

#HEEL - 7

Consrvtve - 4

The Final Countdown - 4


Blodxye - 2


The current No Mercy card is as follows:


WWE No Mercy 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 1, October

(card subject to change)


WWE Championship

Special Referee: Paul Heyman

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Grudge Match

Edge vs. Scott Steiner


WWE Tag Team Championship

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman vs. Lords of the Ring ©


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Luther Reigns


Slight hiccup by mich on a pretty predictable card and the contest winner is pretty much wide open heading into the final week! Also, question: does anyone actually read the B-Shows or should I stop writing them up? It's not really a pain to write them up, but I feel everything could be streamlined if I don't write them.

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 4, September 2004



Monday, Week 4, September 2004


After months of crusading to rid RAW of Shawn Michaels' hypocrisy and a lone defeat at a pay-per-view, "The Big Red Machine" Kane will get his chance to finish the World Champion tonight in a title match! Will Shawn be able to pull out a victory? Will Randy Orton, Triple H, or Christian factor into the matchup?


Other action includes: Randy Orton and Batista taking on the Dudley Boyz, Shelton Benjamin going one-on-one with Robert Conway, and Jeff Hardy facing off with Johnny Nitro!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: That dastardly Nitro will win by shennanigans


Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: With Mickie's help


The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show: Loved Smackdown. JBL's cabinet is far more talented than it was in real life. Hope The Chosen Ones continue to do well though, and you don't always use them as fodder for JBL's rivals like against Cena... Heyman as guest referee for Guerrero/Lesnar should be interesting. and I can't wait to see what Bryan Lloyd does to Luther Reigns!!

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Confirmed Match Preview


Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Raw is Nitro (This kid belonged in WCW).


Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier

Comment:Shelty B


Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Comment: Not sure here, could go either way.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane

Comment: Meet Randal Keith Orton


Comments on Previous Show

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane


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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show:

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane


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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Comment:Tempted to go with The Dudleys because of the tension in Evolution, but I think Randall and Big Dave will pull it out


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show:

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Nitro picking up this win should be awesome.


Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier

Comment: Shelton is on a bigger path.


Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Mickie helps Lita pick up the win again.


The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Comment: Should be a really nice brawl.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane

Comment: No contest, so they can continue this at the next Raw PPV.


Comments on Previous Show: Good stuff as usual man, and that special ref idea is really brilliant! ;)

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane


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That's what you get for over-analyzing things :o


Confirmed Match Preview


Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: This should be good!


Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Is she over enough?


The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Comment: I can see Flair getting involved for a DQ or something


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane


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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier



Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show:

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Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: JoMo has been on the losing end for a bit now...perhaps a good win right here?


Shelton Benjamin vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier

Comment: Sounds about right.


Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Should be a good match.


The Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Comment: I echo Beej here.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane

Comment: Either this or a draw.


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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 4, September 2004



Monday, Week 4, September 2004


Jerry "The King" Lawler and "Good Ol' JR" are here to welcome us following the introduction video and they hype the action we've got tonight. The final week of September is here, and with Halloween inching ever closer,
Shawn Michaels
will face a nightmare here tonight when he defends his World Heavyweight Title against


89 (A)

: None.




Jeff Hardy
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


These two both put some great athleticism on display here, with "The Hollywood Hotshot" Johnny Nitro matching Hardy move-for-move. Melina made her presence known and got directly involved in the finish as she distracted the referee while Hardy went for the Swanton Bomb. Jeff jumped down, and by the time the situation was diffused, he got caught with the inverted swinging neckbreaker for a statement win by Nitro!


After the match, Melina picks up a microphone and gets into the ring. She stands by her man and calls out Chris Jericho, saying that Nitro deserves a title shot. Y2J didn't pin him last week because he can't beat him. Johnny had the match won. Nitro takes over by saying he's everything Chris Jericho wishes he was -- a handsome, athletic, superstar celebrity. And if there's one thing that Jericho is
, it's a champion.


70 (C+) / 79 (B)

: 8:22.



After a commercial,
Triple H and Batista
hit the ring sans Randy Orton. Clad in designer suits, they get in the ring and Triple H picks up a microphone. Making no mention of Orton (despite a small 'Ran-dy Or-ton!' chant from some of the 'Legend Killer' fans in attendance), Hunter instead focuses on calling out Chris Benoit. He says that "The Rabid Wolverine" made a big mistake stepping into Evolution business once again, asking if he remembers that last time he got 'concussed' (really, he tested positive for steroids a second time) and was out for a month.


As "The Game" plods onward, "Thus Sprach Zarathustra" hits and
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
is out to a roaring ovation! He gets right in the ring with his former running buddies and starts to talk. He tells Hunter and Batista that no matter how hard they try, no matter how much they actually learned from him over the past two years, they can't out-cheat "The Dirtiest Player in the Game," and that Ric is gonna use every trick in the book to raise hell on Evolution for the rest of his career. Batista steps up and Flair slaps him across the face and goes after him, with Triple H soon attacking Ric, but
Chris Benoit
hits the ring to run them off! Flair and Benoit stand in the ring and shake hands as neither side is very damaged, but the good guys get the crowd going! This isn't gonna end anytime soon!


91 (A)

: None.




Shelton Benjamin
Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier


One-half of the World Tag Team Champions went up against one of the fastest rising superstars of the roster in Shelton Benjamin. Conway and Grenier wreaked havoc for the lone wolf Benjamin, but Shelton was the one getting the last laugh when he Superkicked Grenier off the apron and hit the T-Bone Suplex to Conway for the win!


After the bell rings, Conway and Grenier jump Shelton from behind! They put the boots to him and look to hit him with the Au Revoir, but
Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy
hit the ring to make the save! They fend off the Tag Champs and help out Shelton Benjamin in the ring.


77 (B) / 64 ©

: 7:40.



locker room is the site of the next segment, and it's where Randy Orton and Batista are experiencing a bit of tension over their match tonight. Batista questions Orton's loyalty, saying that the past two times that Evolution needed him, Randy wasn't there. And now they're getting embarrassed by a guy who should be in a nursing home. Randy continues to get berated until Triple H steps in. "The Game" says what happened in the past doesn't matter. Randy is a member of Evolution and the two of them are the future of this business. They have to focus. They have to worry about The Dudleyz tonight because another embarrassment is unacceptable. Triple H says to keep their eyes on the prize. They are the most dominant faction this business has ever seen and there's a reason for that. Orton and Batista quit their bickering for the time being.


78 (B)

: None.



"Captain Charisma"
is with Jonathan Coachman, who asks him if he's thought about cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase here tonight, with Shawn Michaels defending against Kane. Christian says of course he's thought about it, he's always thinking about it. He can cash that in next Wednesday at 2:00 in the morning if he wants to. He can cash in on Michaels or he can teach that big red moron Kane a lesson too. The fact of the matter is, Christian says when he cashes in that briefcase, whether it's tonight, next week, or any night until SummerSlam next year, it's going to be the dawn of a new era in the WWE. The Era of the Peepulation.


92 (A)

: None.




Lita w/Mickie James
Gail Kim


These two good wrestlers locked up here, and Gail was impressively able to keep the champion grounded for a sizable portion of the match. However, Gail wasn't able to put her away, and the resilient Lita was able to notch a win with the Twist of Fate in the end.


After the match is a commercial break, but we head backstage where
Mickie James
is jumping for joy with
nursing her aches and pains from the match.
enters the screen and says she saw what Lita said last week and that she agrees, the match at Unforgiven shouldn't have ended that way. She sends an intimidating look toward Mickie, who stares daggers through her in return, and Victoria and Lita eventually agree to a rematch in the future before the challenger walks off.


55 (C-) / 74 (B-)

: 6:29.



In the back,
Mr. McMahon
is in his office, as he's on the phone with someone. Vince tells them that they're not allowed on the show yet, but apparently hears something he likes and allows the person to come on the show next week to make their announcement. Who could this be?


81 (B)

: None.



It's time for our semi-main event!
The Dudley Boyz'
music hits as Bubba Ray and D-Von are ready for action! As they walk down the ramp, however, they're hit from behind by
Batista and Randy Orton
as the two members of Evolution beat down the former World Tag Team Champions. D-Von is sent careening into the steel steps by Batista as Bubba Ray is rolled in the ring by Orton.



The Dudley Boyz
Batista and Randy Orton


Despite being assaulted prior to the match, The Dudley Boyz showed a lot of guts and heart in this one. Even though they were overpowered by Batista and the deceivingly strong Randy Orton, Bubba and D-Von continued to fight back with the hearts of champions. However, Evolution looked sharp and Batista planted D-Von with a Batista Bomb for the pinfall victory.


75 (B-) / 79 (B)

: 12:23.



A graphic confirms that there will be an announcement next week on RAW, but there's no information as to what it will be, or who the announcement will be made by! Tune in next Monday!


72 (B-)

: None.



In the back,
Shawn Michaels
talks to Todd Grisham about his match in a few moments. He says that "The Big Red Machine" is finally gonna get his wish, but 'be careful what you wish for,' because "The Heartbreak Kid" has been in this situation before, and monsters have fell to his feet. Shawn says 'don't hunt what you can't kill', and while he may be the prey tonight, Kane had better watch out because he doesn't want to see what happens when he corners a desperate animal.




Shawn Michaels ©


The crowd buzzed for the culmination of this months-long rivalry between "The Big Red Machine" and "The Heartbreak Kid." The match delivered everything that could have been expected, with the two going to war inside the ring. Kane worked over Michaels' notoriously injured lower back and looked poised to flatten his opponent and become the World Champion. At one point, Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music to Kane, but the monster kicked out! The challenger, like a big evil bad guy in a horror movie, kept coming back for Shawn over and over again. Just when it looked like he might be able to pick up the victory, Kane was hit from behind by...Randy Orton?!


Batista slid inside the ring alongside Orton and started to attack Michaels as the bell rings to throw out the matchup! The two men from Evolution stomped out their opponents until Randy went outside to get a chair. He slammed it across the back of Kane viciously and repeatedly, actually putting the big man out! Batista picks up the champion and holds him up, prompting a chair shot to the face which busts Michaels wide open! "The Legend Killer" heads to the outside, grabs the World Heavyweight Championship, and holds it high above his head and the limp body of Shawn Michaels as we head out of our broadcast!


92 (A) / 91 (A) / 100 (A*)

: 22:16.



92 (A)

: This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.


Quick Results


Jeff Hardy vs.
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Shelton Benjamin
vs. Robert Conway w/Sylvain Grenier


Non-Title Match

Lita w/Mickie James
vs. Gail Kim


The Dudley Boyz vs.
Batista and Randy Orton


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels ©
Kane; ended in chaos


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Bad News Fryer - 39

michgcs - 38

Midnightnick - 38

The Lloyd - 38

Beejus - 38

thebest2427 - 37

Smasher1311 - 37

Kijar - 33

TheBigBad1013 - 28

SpecialDelivery - 19

Russelrules44 - 18

jscotty - 14

daulten6 - 13

Samuelftw - 9

packerman120 - 8

#HEEL - 7


Consrvtve - 4

The Final Countdown - 4

Blodxye - 2


One show left and Bad News Fryer takes the lead! There's still 7 people with a shot to take this one, with only one SmackDown remaining in the month. Beejus was the only one to pick the no contest (sorry Smasher) and earned a crucial point that really tightened up that race to the finish. Hope you guys enjoyed the show, and the SmackDown preview is next! Any guesses as to what the announcement might be?

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