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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar


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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar

Comment:Lesnar wins by interference or something.


Comments on Previous Show:AMAZING

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar


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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: The Chosen Ones interfere to cause the win for Team Roids. Oh wait.


Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Dupree rules. (Rhyno also does, but I don't think you shot vignettes of Dupree for nothing, so...)


WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Snitsky helps Matt again.


Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian

Comment: Big challenge, big win.


If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar

Comment: I do think that Edge will win right here. Heyman might have him enter as #1 after having Brock DQ himself in this match to cause an Edge win.


Comments on Previous Show: It's definitely good with small pictures, but I got to ask, where do you get the time to cut EVERY picture to that size? :eek:

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: Interesting team of Stiener and Jindrak...


Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Dupree is awesome!!


WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar

Comment: And maybe he gets a different match?! Gahh I don't know now!!


Comments on Previous Show: Smaller pics is something I've used since day one of my WWE diary (maybe more like day 7, but still early days!!) I love the new pics you've done though! Tyson Rude for instance looks awesome!!


And to Smasher - you can also edit picture sizes before you upload them to sites like photobucket, and can do hundreds at a time :) PM me if you want me to talk you through it :)

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Comments on Previous Show: It's definitely good with small pictures, but I got to ask, where do you get the time to cut EVERY picture to that size? :eek:


imgur has a built-in image editor that allows you to rescale images.


Yeah Smasher, what MHero said. I may have run this diary for 2 years (!!) so far, but I actually do have a life :D All I have to do is add "s" to the end of the URL and it becomes smaller, "b" and it becomes larger. I typically use the setting without either letter, which is their standard 150x150 size.


Comments on Previous Show: Smaller pics is something I've used since day one of my WWE diary (maybe more like day 7, but still early days!!) I love the new pics you've done though! Tyson Rude for instance looks awesome!!


I wish I could take credit for them! I started using the new update of nGo: Generations because I love the way they look. justtxyank has done a much better job than I ever could, I was just waiting for someone to get to some of these workers with the Organic background. I'm glad you like the new ones!

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak

Comment: My gut says Steiner & Jindrak do end up winning this match but my heart REALLY doesn't want to see them win haha


Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: He just won the title back no way he loses it right? RIGHT?


Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar

Comment: people are loving the lesnar winning brigade, I'll go with Edge here then.


Comments on Previous Show:

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar



Comments on Previous Show:

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Steiner and Jindrak - This is a team I feel I can really get behind.

Dupree - This seems like a really big win that he could get over an established vet, I really can see you giving Rene an even bigger push in 2005.

Matt Hardy - Matt Fact: Matt Hardy looks better on Television while holding a title.

Christian - A huge win for the champ.

Edge - Edge is definitely staying in the Rumble.

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Non-Title Match

Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak



Rhyno vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy ©



Non-Title Match

Big Show vs. Christian



If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

Edge vs. Brock Lesnar


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WWE SmackDown: Week 2, January 2005



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, January 2005

Kemper Arena; Kansas City, MO


We're welcomed to the show by our co-hosts Michael Cole and Tazz, accompanied by fireworks! Cole states that merely 72 hours remain until the Royal Rumble, but before the pay-per-view, we're going to get to some fallout from last week. They play a quick video of
Brock Lesnar
a match against
Eddie Guerrero
, holding
Paul Heyman
hostage along with
Big Show
. Tazz says there's gonna be hell to pay tonight, but before he can expound upon that thought, he's interrupted by "
," signaling the arrival of the WWE Champion.


80 (B)

: None.



"Captain Charisma"
makes his way out to the ring alongside SmackDown's General Manager
Paul Heyman
Luther Reigns
, none of which appear to be too content with what went down last week. Christian grabs a mic first and is the most emotional of the trio, having been embarrassed in the ring. The gist of what he has to say is that Edge was 'lucky' Christian can't get his hands on him this week due to the restraining order Heyman placed on Christian's brother. "Captain Charisma" says that Edge blew his only chance of ever facing Christian for the WWE Title by getting this restraining order put out, and that he is an embarrassment to their family, unlike Christian. And it doesn't matter what happened last week, because Christian is going to prove why he's the greatest WWE Champion in history when he finishes that burrito-eating Eddie Guerrero this Sunday.


Heyman takes the mic next and chastises Edge, Rhyno, and Big Show for their actions last week and says that imposition and threatening of bodily harm doesn't fly on Paul Heyman's SmackDown. He says there will be consequences for the three of them; each man will be in action here tonight. Rhyno will go one-on-one with "The French Phenom" Rene Dupree. Big Show will face off in a non-title match against...Christian! (This prompts a furrowed brow from the champion, but Reigns pats him on the back and he suddenly regains his confidence and composure.) And finally...Edge is going to step in the ring with "The Next Big Thing" Brrrock....Lesnar. And not only that, but if Edge loses...he can kiss his chances in the Royal Rumble


91 (A)

: The tension mounts...



As we transition away, Cole and Tazz note that the GM is in a sour mood right here tonight. But these aren't the only matches he's made; one has been announced for next week:
Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman
will defend their WWE Tag Team Titles against
The Chosen Ones
! However, first they will take on
Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak
in a non-title bout, and that's next!



Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson
Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak


Jindrak and Steiner, Cole announced, are looking to make an impact in the loaded tag team division here on SmackDown. Tazz likes their chances, as Steiner is a powerhouse and Jindrak is a 'blue-chippuh.' They looked cohesive against the WWE Tag Team Champions, and were it not for the referee catching Steiner's low blow to Kidman, he and Jindrak just may have won this thing. However, a DQ loss was the best they could get.


This infuriated Steiner. After the bell, he snaps, and along with Jindrak, they orchestrate a vicious assault on the champions! Torrie pleads with Scott as he locks Kidman in the Steiner Recliner. Jindrak catches Mysterio with a Spinebuster and with Kidman's neck and back in an immense amount of pain, Steiner finally lets the hold go. He's in a bad way, however, and Torrie is on the verge of tears watching Kidman be hauled away on a gurney by medical officials. Steiner and Jindrak flex in front of her as the champions are left broken and battered. We head to a commercial break with this somber scene inside the ring.


59 © / 73 (B-) / 64 ©

: None.



When we come back,
has already made his entrance for his match. "
" hits and his opponent,
Rene Dupree
walks out in his kingly attire...with a microphone. "The French Phenom" says that he knows the fans missed him last week, but his kingly duties disallowed him from showing up. He says that because he is already royalty, a Royal Rumble victory this Sunday is a formality. However, in preparation for his Rumble victory this weekend, Rene says he will
be competing against a man as reckless as Rhyno. Rhyno is taken aback by this and wants the 20-year-old to meet his maker inside the ring. Dupree laughs at the crowd's jeering, saying that he went ahead and found a replacement to take on Rhyno right here, right now...



Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Cole noted that even with time to prepare, facing off with "The World's Strongest Man" is tough to prepare for, but Rhyno had no chance to even think about it. However, his fighting spirit kept Henry from dominating this one; Rhyno caught Henry off-balance and hit a side belly-to-belly suplex on the big man, but only got a two count! It took a distraction by Charlie Haas and Lance Storm to lead a momentarily unfocused Rhyno into the World's Strongest Slam and a victory for Mark Henry, who looks powerful going into the Royal Rumble match.


69 (C+) / 70 (C+)

: None.



A compilation of the previous
vignettes airs. As the footage changes faster and faster we learn that "The Fighting Irishman" will debut next week right here on SmackDown! Cole and Tazz express their excitement, and they wonder who he's gonna challenge first!


71 (B-)

: None.



Next up, we hear from
"The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena
backstage. He essentially lets Amy Weber know that he ain't worried about Muhammad Hassan because when "ya boy" throws that clown over the top rope to the floor, he gon' wish he never crawled outta that cave he came from!


85 (B+)

: None.



As we head back to the ring, "
" plays and we're treated to the entrance of the Television Champion,
Matt Hardy
. He walks out alongside
his associate
, and before his title defense, he grabs a mic. He announces to the audience that for the past few weeks, he's been sifting through his fan mail and all of the applications for people looking to be his new Mattitude Follower (MFer) and he finally found the right guy. The man to his right goes by the name of
Alan Bane
, and he is a pretty "Big MFer." This man has sent "The Sensei of Mattitude" e-mails for months, wanting to become his protege and learn exactly what it means to be Mattitudinal. Hardy says that Bane still has a lot to learn, but make no mistake about it - the Mattitude Era has begun!




Ron Simmons
Matt Hardy © w/Alan Bane


Bane proved his worth here in a title defense for Matt Hardy, Version 1.0. The newly crowned 2-time TV Champion was able to sneak out a victory here when he feigned an injury so "The Big MFer" could lay Simmons out with a running big boot. A Twist of Fate did the trick as Hardy retained.


After the match, Hardy and Bane add insult to injury, stomping on Simmons' prone body. This prompts
Hardcore Holly
to hit the ring in a rush, chasing off both of the aggressors! He checks on Simmons while Bane smiles sadistically and Matt raises his championship in the air arrogantly.


72 (B-) / 64 © / 73 (B-)

: Matt Fact: Matt enjoys playing Tony Hawk's Underground 2 in his spare time.



In the back,
is near his locker room when he's approached by
Eddie Guerrero
. Guerrero thanks Edge for helping him out last week against Christian and Brock, and he says if he wants Eddie to be there for him, Eddie's got his back. Edge is clearly in a focused zone ahead of his match against Brock Lesnar later on tonight, and that comes off as aggression in this context. He tells Eddie that he doesn't want his help tonight, but he does want
thing from him. This Sunday, he wants Eddie to beat the living hell out of Christian and take
the WWE Championship.


86 (B+)

: None.




Big Show


As the bell rang, Cole wondered what the purpose of this match was, but Tazz knew that Heyman had something up his sleeve with this one. While Christian did take a bit of a beating, the WWE Champion actually looked pretty good overall. This solid contest was interrupted by Luther Reigns, who distracted the referee so Christian could bash Show in the head with the WWE Title! He slid it out of the ring and picked up an enormous win heading into the Rumble!


After a Heyman-ordered beatdown begins following the bell,
Eddie Guerrero
sprints out from the back! The #1 contender clears Reigns from the ring and then gets into it with Christian! Eventually, the numbers game catches up to Eddie as Luther Reigns attacks again from behind. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the lights go out! The crowd comes unglued as
The Undertaker
appears in the ring! Christian bails immediately as "The Phenom" gets his hands on Reigns just days before the pay-per-view! He clotheslines Reigns out of the ring and Guerrero starts to gesture in an animated manner, getting the crowd even more hyped up. 'Taker and Guerrero lift Big Show to his feet as this alliance-for-a-night stares down at Christian and Reigns, high-tailing it to the back!


81 (B) / 85 (B+)

: None.



As we come back from a commercial, Michael Cole reports that a new match has been signed for this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. Because of the events which took place earlier tonight,
Matt Hardy
Alan Bane
will step into the ring with the hard-hitting veteran duo of
Ron Simmons
Hardcore Holly
! Tazz thinks it's gonna be an ass-kickin' matchup, and he can't wait to see Holly get his hands on Bane and Hardy!


Next, the commentary team sends us to a vignette where SmackDown superstars talk about their chances in the Royal Rumble. We hear from the likes of
Brock Lesnar
Big Show
Kurt Angle
(who says he'll beat Lesnar tonight),
Booker T
Rey Mysterio
, and
John Cena
all the various reasons why
will be the one to go on to WrestleMania and walk out of Hollywood the WWE Champion!


70 (C+) / 84 (B+)

: None.




Edge must win to keep his Royal Rumble spot

Brock Lesnar


This match reignited a heated rivalry from 2004, where Edge had only claimed one victory over "The Next Big Thing." Lesnar overpowered Edge throughout the contest, but Edge would simply not stay down. He whittled away at the defenses of Lesnar, finally catching him off-guard with an Edgecution! Brock
kicked out, and Edge pulled hair out of his head in agony. He ended up taking an F-5, but put his foot on the rope to stay alive! The match would finally end when Edge hit three consecutive Spears to put Brock down and retain his spot in the Rumble!


Cole and Tazz can't believe that Edge was able to pin Lesnar! Edge celebrates for the fans, gesturing for the WWE Championship around his waist! He intensely raises his hands and his celebration is our lasting image before we fade to black; this Sunday is the Rumble!


84 (B+) / 89 (A)

: None.



86 (B+)

: The Rumble is up next! I think SmackDown's got quite a few interesting stories going on, and I hope people are ready to see some stuff play out at the pay-per-view.


Quick Results


Non-Title Match

Kidman and Mysterio w/Torrie Wilson
vs. Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak; DQ


Rhyno vs.
Mark Henry


WWE Television Championship

Ron Simmons vs.
Matt Hardy © w/Alan Bane


Non-Title Match

Big Show vs.


If Edge loses, he forfeits his spot in the Royal Rumble

vs. Brock Lesnar



The current Royal Rumble card is as follows:


WWE Royal Rumble 2005 Card

Sunday, Week 2, January

(card subject to change)


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal,
Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton


Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Women's Championship

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Melina vs. Trish Stratus


Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane


No DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

packerman120 - 16

Happy0wns - 16

Kijar - 16

Smasher1311 - 14

thebest2427 - 14

Frootloop - 14

jscotty - 13

crackerjack - 13

Ben_Ditch05 - 11

Russelrules44 - 11

The Lloyd - 11

Uncrewed - 11

Midnightnick - 10

lukess11 - 10

Beejus - 10

BHK6 - 10

AMarc9-8 - 6

The_CoC - 5

Johnny_Boombatz - 4

TomTEWFan - 2 (welcome!)


We've got a packed leaderboard here, maybe the Rumble can clear some paths for someone? There will be quite a few opportunities for the 'cream to rise to the top,' to borrow a Macho Man phrase :D


The Rumble preview will be up sometime tonight!

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WWE Royal Rumble Preview: Sunday, Week 2, January 2004



WWE Royal Rumble

Sunday, Week 2, January 2005

Save Mart Center; Fresno, CA


This Sunday, both RAW and SmackDown will proudly present the annual Royal Rumble pay-per-view, live from the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California! The final, official card for the event is as follows:



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz
The Widow Makers


How We Got Here:
The Widow Makers burst onto the scene as a tag team a couple of months ago, instantly coming after arguably the top dogs in the division. Stamboli and O'Haire have staked their claim to dethrone the experienced Dudleyz, but they have met resistance; can The Dudley Boyz fend off the young guns in this sure-to-be hard-hitting affair?






Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons
Matt Hardy and Alan Bane


How We Got Here:
Matt Hardy and Hardcore Holly have problems dating back to November, and when Holly captured Hardy's Television Title at Armageddon, "The Sensei of Mattitude" found a way back to the top of the mountain. This was accomplished thanks to a man the
of a mountain, his "Big MFer" Alan Bane. After an attack by the pair on Ron Simmons this past Thursday, Hardcore Holly enlisted Simmons as a partner to take on the Mattitude Era at the Rumble!





Casket Match

The Undertaker
Luther Reigns


How We Got Here:
Since Survivor Series, these two behemoths have been at each others' throats. Reigns has a win over The Undertaker and vice versa; but this will surely be the end of this rivalry. Luther Reigns (with the help of the Lords of the Ring) has already closed a casket shut on "The Deadman" once; will he be able to shut the door on this feud once and for all?






Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita ©
Mickie James
Trish Stratus


How We Got Here:
Lita has defended her Women's Title against all challengers since becoming champion. Her friend, Mickie James, provided special guest refereeing for her match against Trish Stratus which ended with a disqualification, and Melina pinned the champion in a tag team match. With chaos ensuing regarding the #1 contendership, Mick Foley decided 'the more the merrier,' making it a Fatal 4-Way! Which of these exciting, athletic ladies will walk out with the gold?






Eddie Guerrero
Christian ©


How We Got Here:
"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero spent the better part of the year as WWE Champion, but at Armageddon he was defeated inside the grueling Six-Man Hell in a Cell after a hell of an effort. Christian came out of that night with the championship via the Money in the Bank stipulation, and now he has to defend it against a man who he did not beat for the title. Can Guerrero regain what he could not live without, or will Christian cement his legacy as a legitimate WWE Champion?






Shawn Michaels ©
Randy Orton


How We Got Here:
When "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton won a #1 contender's Battle Royal this past month, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels immediately stepped to the defense of his fallen friend and enemy, Triple H. A month ago, Randy destroyed "The Game" from the inside of Evolution alongside Batista, and he seems poised to become the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history. But Shawn has taken on all comers and has not backed down from either Orton or "The Animal." When the two men step inside the ring, will "The Heartbreak Kid" be able to continue his miracle renaissance or will the third-generation superstar cause it to come to a screeching halt?




30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal,
Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno
, ???, ???, ???, ???


How We Got Here:
What is there to say? Thirty men. One ring. Over the top rope. Who's going to WrestleMania 21?!




Quick Match Preview


Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal,
Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno
, ???, ???, ???, ???




Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?


What will be the first televised match on the main card?


How many titles will change hands?


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?


Will any match end in DQ or count-out?


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match?


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match?


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match?


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.*


20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: Edge's time will come soon.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Guerrero vs Christian


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly and Simmons vs Hardy Bane.


What will be the first televised match on the main card? The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers


How many titles will change hands? 1.


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? 0.


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Cena, Edge, Lesnar and Batista.


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Edge.


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Lesnar.


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.* Mordecai, (please let this happen.) Scott Steiner, Honky Tonk Man and Jake Roberts.


20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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Quick Match Preview


Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane

Comment: New Debut and TV Champ. They should win...


No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers

Comment: Huge fan of the Dudleys so I'm gonna usually choose them


Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Taker is my all time fav and I can't see him putting Reigns over here in a casket match.


WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina

Comment: Lita retains with help from Mickie... but afterwards Mickie turns.


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©

Comment: He just won it, off of MITB. If he loses it now it really makes the win look like a fluke.


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Shawn's been doing fantastic for you. Unless you plan on Randy vs Batista for Mania I don't see Randy winning here.


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: Edge vs Christian at Mania seems like what you're going for, but this also allows Edge to go over to Raw and take on HBK.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Shawn vs Randy


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? HH and RS vs MH and AB


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Taker vs Reigns. Seems like a nice match to start of with.


How many titles will change hands? 0


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Mordecai in the Royal Rumble. And Mickie turns on Lita after the match.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? No


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Edge, Batista, Rock, Kane


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Jericho. A great veteran who... well he's Jericho


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Brock Lesnar. He's a Beast for a reason


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.*

Mordecai, Kevin Nash, Triple H, DDP

20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???


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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: Hard pick. Benoit, Jericho, Kane, RVD, Rock, Lesnar, Edge, Angle, and Rhyno are good options though. :p


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?



What will be the lowest rated match of the night?

Simmons' Team vs. Hardy's Team


What will be the first televised match on the main card?

Divas Fourway


How many titles will change hands?



Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?



Will any match end in DQ or count-out?



Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match?

Kane, Jericho, Benoit, Lesnar


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match?



Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match?



Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.*

Big Daddy V, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Jerry Lawler

20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane

Comment: I mean, they have to win here to make themselves credible, right?


No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers

Comment: They need that big win, and the No DQ makes me thing shadiness will be involved.


Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Pfft, Taker can't be buried before Mania!


WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina

Comment: Guess: Lita turns heel and joins Matt.


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©

Comment: Eddie got his run, but it's Captain Charisma's time, babay!


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton

Comment: Let's get a new RAW champ. Michaels has been good, but the future is now in Randy Orton


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, Triple H - AKA ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: I thought long and hard on this. Edge is too obvious. Kane vs. Orton wouldn't sell. Rock vs. Orton, yawn. So I came up with this theory. Triple H is back, and we're getting HHH vs. Orton at the Main Event of WM21 babay!


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Eddie/Christian


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly and Simmons vs. Hardy and Bane


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Dudleyz/Widows


How many titles will change hands? 2


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? After Mickie wins the Women's title, Lita turns on her.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? No


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Triple H, Kane, Edge, Rob Van Dam


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Chris Benoit


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Kane


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.*

Triple H, DDP, Mordecai, Kevin Nash


20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane

Comment: There was no pic of Bane in the preview, or Simmons! :p But he's the size of a mountain, so he has to help Hardy beat the veterans right?


No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: It's a casket match!


WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©

Comment: He's going to have such a slimy Title reign!


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: I think I see Edge winning and turning heel to fight Michaels! :D



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? HBK vs Orton


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Dudleyz vs Stamboli/O'Haire


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Four Way Divas Title Match


How many titles will change hands? ONE


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? I said Edge above, but not tonight... Later on.. so NONE


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Christian will win by DQ setting up a 'Mania re-match


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Edge, Lesnar, HHH and Batista


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Jericho


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Lesnar


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.*

Mordecai, Bryan Lloyd, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash!

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton



30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Royal Rumble


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Womens Match


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Taker vs Reigns


How many titles will change hands? 1


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Modercai debuts


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Christian vs Eddie by DQ. Eddie wins


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Edge, Lesnar, HHH and Batista


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Bryan Lloyd


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Lesnar


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.* Modercai, Kevin Nash, Bryan Llyod and Triple H

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Grudge Match

Hardcore Holly and Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy and Alan Bane



No-DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers



Casket Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Women's Championship

Fatal 4-Way Match

Lita © vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Melina



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©



World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton

Comment: This should set up Orton vs Triple H @ Mania Right?


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Participants: Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, William Regal, Big Show, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Edge, JBL, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Mark Henry, Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, ???, ???, ???, ???

Comment: my bold is triple h lol


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? - Michaels vs Orton


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? - Simmons/Holly vs Hardy/Bane (I could see the womens match being here too)


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Women's Title Match


How many titles will change hands? 1


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Well one debut, andd idk CM Punk?? (HE'S GOTTA BE AROUND MAN HE'S JUST GOTTA BEE311315)


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Pretty sure the Christian v Eddie one will.


Who will be the final four in the Royal Rumble match? Triple H, Batista, Johnny Nitro & Edge


Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble match? Johnny Nitro


Who will have the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble match? Batista


Name the four mystery entrants. One point per correct prediction.* - Oh God, uhm The Tonga Kid(lol), Triple H, CM Punk & BART GUNN!!!!!




20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - Two are from the past and have not appeared thus far. One is a debut. One is a current member of the roster.

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