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For people who have played 10+ year saves.

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So for people who have played long saves, what kind of development have you seen from A.I workers? Any particular style of worker really carry an AI company in your experience? What types of workers stat wise/personality wise get really popular?


Im curious as Im a full year in Genadi's Golden Age Mod and really the overness seems to be very static across the board...so far I've seen Dingo Warrior round out his popularity a bit and gain a mild amount of pop(he's likely majorly held back by his organization, it remains to be seen if the WWF, AWA, or JCP will sign him...although sneaking a look at AWA's finances and they seem headed to bankruptcy and JCP has a bankrupcty inducing narrative)....I think he could be a game bust if he isn't signed at least by WCW by the time he's in his mid 30s...if the WWF never signs him. I have no interest in him as he's a sloppy worker, horrible backstage guy and he's not already over to balance out his horrible in ring work which is an emphasis in my company...plus I have Arnold who's similar but a positive influence and puts people over.



The only other guy I see who has gained considerable overness under the AI is Shawn Michaels under the AWA...in his Rockers team, he's become a legitimate main eventer across the US...with an overness in the high 60s(starting from the 30s I guess). Other than that most have been static or actually losing popularity due to careless booking. Hogan has already lost 4 pop and been supplanted by Andre the Giant due to being booked oddly and losing a lot on television(despite having an extremely long title reign).....



What's your experience with long term overness and the AI?

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Definitely not any 10 year saves, but in a year and a half ROH got Kevin Steen from a 40 pop up to an 84, while Matt Hardy went from 60 (?) to 90. WWE got Zack Ryder from a 65 up to 90. Outside of that, I didn't notice anything although I didn't check.
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I'm 2 1/2 years in on my WCW lives mod. The WWF(e) has really stayed the same. They're relying on the same main events pretty much every week (Brothers of Destruction vs Power Trip). They really haven't put any new workers over. Looking over the roster, the only people who have gained overness have been Triple H (5 points - 95 to 100), Roddy Piper (5 points - 75 to 80), and Matt Hardy (2 points - 70 to 72).


I'm not sure how Piper's gained 5 points. He's a manager and I don't know who he's managing. Hogan's lost 4 points from 92 to 88 because they've been jobbing him. Everyone else has pretty much stayed the same for the past year.


By the looks of things, WWE will pretty much continue with the same cards until some of their roster starts retiring. They will continue to make money because they have the same shows and using the same workers. They won't get penalized because they keep having the same matches every week. Basically, they won't make a change until they're forced to...Which should result in a drop in their popularity when they don't have new main eventers to take the places of guys like Taker or Hogan.

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