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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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Been talking things over with justtxyank, and I may go ahead and try to figure out a way to merge the picture pack I have right now with the nGo one so that all Yank, Hive and I have to do is post updates to it like Yank has been doing for Rising Storms. In any event, we'll get it figured out. ^_^
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Been talking things over with justtxyank, and I may go ahead and try to figure out a way to merge the picture pack I have right now with the nGo one so that all Yank, Hive and I have to do is post updates to it like Yank has been doing for Rising Storms. In any event, we'll get it figured out. ^_^


Let me know because I am going switch the 1983 mod over to your picture pack as we discussed before.

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Let me know because I am going switch the 1983 mod over to your picture pack as we discussed before.


I'll keep you posted for sure. One picture pack that can be shared among your mod, mine, and the ones that justtxyank and Hive have made for the 1990s, will make things a lot easier for the whole community.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Minor update. While it's not complete yet, I decided to go ahead and do some testing, and good thing I did. Without fail, by the end of the week, the WWF went on a mass firing spree. I wasn't concerned at first as it was mostly jobbers until I saw the likes of Bobby Heenan and Mr. Fuji getting released! :eek: I tried putting them on Written deals, and they were still getting fired. Set Vince McMahon's and Pat Patterson's Roster Turnover to Low (which seems true to life anyhow), and they were still on the chopping block. Upped the WWF's money from $1 million to $5 million, and that seemed to do the trick. There are also early week releases in JCP and CWF (Florida territory), but it's pretty much just jobbers, save for Woman, who winds up getting released from Florida early on. Not sure if I need to change anything there or just leave it as is, because I think she wound up leaving Florida anyway in real life.
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Minor update. While it's not complete yet, I decided to go ahead and do some testing, and good thing I did. Without fail, by the end of the week, the WWF went on a mass firing spree. I wasn't concerned at first as it was mostly jobbers until I saw the likes of Bobby Heenan and Mr. Fuji getting released! :eek: I tried putting them on Written deals, and they were still getting fired. Set Vince McMahon's and Pat Patterson's Roster Turnover to Low (which seems true to life anyhow), and they were still on the chopping block. Upped the WWF's money from $1 million to $5 million, and that seemed to do the trick. There are also early week releases in JCP and CWF (Florida territory), but it's pretty much just jobbers, save for Woman, who winds up getting released from Florida early on. Not sure if I need to change anything there or just leave it as is, because I think she wound up leaving Florida anyway in real life.


It's random for me but usually WWF fire the managers even in 1983 mod. Also to fix it Roster size to massive. I know it helped to stop World Class from dumping half their roster in 1983. Is Fuji set to occasional wrestler? Because he teamed alot with Muraco in 85 to 86.

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It's random for me but usually WWF fire the managers even in 1983 mod. Also to fix it Roster size to massive. I know it helped to stop World Class from dumping half their roster in 1983. Is Fuji set to occasional wrestler? Because he teamed alot with Muraco in 85 to 86.


Just set Fuji to be an occasional wrestler sometimes, with manager set to Usually.


And thanks for the tip on roster size. Don't know why I didn't think about that.

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Working on titles and title histories at the moment, and going through the fairly quickly, save for hitting a snag with All Star Wrestling's (Vancouver version) Canadian Tag Team Title history when the number orders got all out of whack. Not sure how the Canadian Heavyweight Title holds up. What I might do is after manually inputting the Canadian Tag Title history, title histories from here on out, I may not worry about the number label, and just make sure that every worker gets synced up and therefore is credited for their reign. After that, setting up dojo graduates, beta testing, and assigning pictures.
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Working on titles and title histories at the moment, and going through the fairly quickly, save for hitting a snag with All Star Wrestling's (Vancouver version) Canadian Tag Team Title history when the number orders got all out of whack. Not sure how the Canadian Heavyweight Title holds up. What I might do is after manually inputting the Canadian Tag Title history, title histories from here on out, I may not worry about the number label, and just make sure that every worker gets synced up and therefore is credited for their reign. After that, setting up dojo graduates, beta testing, and assigning pictures.


Which mod you importing titles from? Bigger pain when you do titles from scratch. If It's 87 mod check Nikolai Volkoff I think it's him. He might have an tag team title reign he shouldn't have. I don't know if that was ever fixed. All Japan All Asian titles are wonky too. Every other reign is vacant.

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Which mod you importing titles from? Bigger pain when you do titles from scratch. If It's 87 mod check Nikolai Volkoff I think it's him. He might have an tag team title reign he shouldn't have. I don't know if that was ever fixed. All Japan All Asian titles are wonky too. Every other reign is vacant.


I think I might have actually imported the All Star titles from Main Event, so it's probably something I meant to fix for an update and never got around to doing. :confused:


I currently don't have 1987 on my PC after the hard drive crash a few months back, though I do have it on my flash drive. Imported the Continental (SECW in your mod) titles from your mod, and so far, so good. ^_^

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I think I might have actually imported the All Star titles from Main Event, so it's probably something I meant to fix for an update and never got around to doing. :confused:


I currently don't have 1987 on my PC after the hard drive crash a few months back, though I do have it on my flash drive. Imported the Continental (SECW in your mod) titles from your mod, and so far, so good. ^_^


It's shocking how many titles disappear in mods the closer you get to present day.

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It's shocking how many titles disappear in mods the closer you get to present day.


Not really. It gets to a point when 30 year old titles that serve no purpose in a modern day mod other than for completionists do more harm to a dataset than good. All they do is slow the game down. There's sacrifices that need to be made and if titles that more than likely aren't going to be used, then there's no reason to add them.

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Not really. It gets to a point when 30 year old titles that serve no purpose in a modern day mod other than for completionists do more harm to a dataset than good. All they do is slow the game down. There's sacrifices that need to be made and if titles that more than likely aren't going to be used, then there's no reason to add them.


That's the method to my madness when it comes to titles. If it's been retired and serves no purpose, then I most likely won't include it. However, if it was reactivated later down the line (even a few years later), then I'll include it in case someone wants to reactivate it.


EDIT: And seeing the titles that EMLL had, I may have to make some sacrifices. Is there really a reason to have both the Mexican National Welterweight and Mexican National Light Heavyweight titles? While in real life, they have different weight classes, it's a bit tough to replicate in TEW, and it seems to be more bloat than anything.

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Man for my mod I cut out a lot of Mexican titles, especially since good information on what promoter controlled them when is hard to come by.


Too many titles in Mexico!


Tell me about it! Lol! I decided to go ahead with the NWA World Light Heavyweight Title since around this time period, it was treated as the most important title in CMLL (EMLL). In fact, right now, it's the company's main event title, and I raised the max weight class to Light Heavyweight. May not be true to life, per se, but again, sometimes with mod-making, we've gotta make sacrifices for smooth gameplay.

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Tell me about it! Lol! I decided to go ahead with the NWA World Light Heavyweight Title since around this time period, it was treated as the most important title in CMLL (EMLL). In fact, right now, it's the company's main event title, and I raised the max weight class to Light Heavyweight. May not be true to life, per se, but again, sometimes with mod-making, we've gotta make sacrifices for smooth gameplay.


Indeed, sacrifices are needed and a few facts skewered slightly to get certain things in the game properly. The belt once held a maximum weight class of 214lb, but was never strictly adhered to anyway, although it was usually always a Lightweight (225lbs and under by TEW terms I think) wrestler that held it. Only exception I can think of to the rule is Vampiro who was 250+lbs when he held it in 2003.


Mexico is a strange beast when it comes to modding - especially their title set up! Part of me wants to add all of the belts currently being fought for under CMLL and AAA to my mod but I'd need to find histories on another 20+ title belts!


By the way, looking forward to this mod when it's released.

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Indeed, sacrifices are needed and a few facts skewered slightly to get certain things in the game properly. The belt once held a maximum weight class of 214lb, but was never strictly adhered to anyway, although it was usually always a Lightweight (225lbs and under by TEW terms I think) wrestler that held it. Only exception I can think of to the rule is Vampiro who was 250+lbs when he held it in 2003.


Mexico is a strange beast when it comes to modding - especially their title set up! Part of me wants to add all of the belts currently being fought for under CMLL and AAA to my mod but I'd need to find histories on another 20+ title belts!


By the way, looking forward to this mod when it's released.


Mexico does have way too many titles I agree. The British title is hard for the fact of not enough info on the titles, or person held a title for 10 to 20 years.

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Mexico does have way too many titles I agree. The British title is hard for the fact of not enough info on the titles, or person held a title for 10 to 20 years.


Thankfully I went with the titles that were easier to track. And I'm almost done with importing titles for active companies. I'm mulling over whether to import titles for future companies so that you don't see things like Wrestler A winning the Top Contender Title. But on the other hand, it would save on data space, and I could always save that for a future update.

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Thankfully I went with the titles that were easier to track. And I'm almost done with importing titles for active companies. I'm mulling over whether to import titles for future companies so that you don't see things like Wrestler A winning the Top Contender Title. But on the other hand, it would save on data space, and I could always save that for a future update.


I have question because I was looking for information on ECWA are you putting them active or setting them for future company? Because the company claims to have been active since 1960's but there is no information on them until the 1990's.


That's up to you but I have noticed the game will create titles for every level. I have seen numerous WWF Top Contender titles.

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I have question because I was looking for information on ECWA are you putting them active or setting them for future company? Because the company claims to have been active since 1960's but there is no information on them until the 1990's.


That's up to you but I have noticed the game will create titles for every level. I have seen numerous WWF Top Contender titles.


There is a way to avoid this actually, but I can't remember what it is lol.


That's something Adam should change for the next one. The game shouldn't automatically create titles necessarily. Plenty of promotions have only had one title and a tag title and some have even had no titles at all.

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There is a way to avoid this actually, but I can't remember what it is lol.


What I've noticed is that the AI tends to retire titles that have too specific requirements for its rosters, eg. having a womens title with only a handful of women on the roster or availabe to hire. The AI then creates a new title of the same level but available for a larger percentage of the roster and gives it a generic name, like Arena or Top Contender title. The same could be said of titles that restrict weight classes when there aren't enough wrestlers eligible for that title. Thus, the Mexican belts with 20+ different weight classes are a bit of a headache for the game.


But the AI doesn't create new belts from scratch from what I've noticed. So if you set a promotion to open with only one singles title and one tag team title, the AI won't create new titles for singles midcard or the like. At least I've never noticed this.


And BTW, excited for the mod. Keep up the good work.

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What I've noticed is that the AI tends to retire titles that have too specific requirements for its rosters, eg. having a womens title with only a handful of women on the roster or availabe to hire. The AI then creates a new title of the same level but available for a larger percentage of the roster and gives it a generic name, like Arena or Top Contender title. The same could be said of titles that restrict weight classes when there aren't enough wrestlers eligible for that title. Thus, the Mexican belts with 20+ different weight classes are a bit of a headache for the game.


But the AI doesn't create new belts from scratch from what I've noticed. So if you set a promotion to open with only one singles title and one tag team title, the AI won't create new titles for singles midcard or the like. At least I've never noticed this.


And BTW, excited for the mod. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for the clarification on that. I seem to remember Adam mentioning that in Tech Support now that you mention it. And thanks for the kind words. It's getting close! :D


I have question because I was looking for information on ECWA are you putting them active or setting them for future company? Because the company claims to have been active since 1960's but there is no information on them until the 1990's.


I think what I'll do is have them open, but with no roster, and only the owner under contract. That's probably going to be the best way to go about it. Speaking of Yet to Open companies, as we all know, you can't set future companies to join an alliance when they open. So for future NWA companies such as Wildside, NWA Mexico, NWA Southwest, etc., I'll most likely work in their name without the NWA included. For example, instead of NWA Wildside, I may just have them be Widside Wrestling (in fact, weren't they NCW before they joined the NWA?). NWA Southwest would probably be something like Southwest Wrestling, and so on and so forth.

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Sorry to double post, but I figured everyone would like an idea of where I'm at and how close this is to completion.


Just have one company's titles to work on, and that's WWC out of Puerto Rico. Then I'll be adding all the dojo graduates that I can find. Not sure how long that will take. As soon as justtxyank is finished putting together the nGo pack, I'll be importing the agers from Rising Storms, and put in some more of my own that take place before 1991. On the subject of nGo, I'll be going through all the workers and assigning pics as necessary. And finally, I'll be going through the alter egos, and doing some watcher game tests.

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