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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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Thing is that is how wrestling had been booked except in the WWF. The face always chasing the heel champion. Heels take the loss but get heat back after the match. WWF was total different beast Face always was top guy. In JCP Johnny Valentine, Blackjack Mulligan, and Ric Flair was the top guys as the heel. Vince understood if he wanted to go national that he needed an top face ie Hulk Hogan who could connect with the fans. It was two different philosophies at work. If you look at the IC title Vince kept it on heels for the most part. Dusty was great idea guy and good booker but he needed someone like Vince to reign him in on his ideas. WWF never talked about JCP or other promotions. JCP took shots at the WWF all the time during this time. WCW gave WWF results away but talking crap about the WWF was long standing tradition at that time.


I understand the concept of the face chasing the champion, such as how guys like Ted DiBiase have said that the object for a great wrestling story is that after the hero has been robbed, cheated and everything else by the villain, he finally gets him where he wants him and ultimately beats him. But that didn't seem to happen in JCP. It came off as "the villain is about to finally get his comeuppance... just kidding!"


I was watching one of the NWA (as it was transitioning into being WCW) shows from 1989, and I think it might have been the end of Barry Windham's initial JCP run before he went to the WWF for his all too short stint as the Widowmaker. It was the blow off match between Lex Luger and Barry Windham. Luger wins, but Windham jumps him and beats him down, and Luger practically gets no revenge. Did I mention Windham was on his way out?


Back on topic, I'm going through the companies, Yet to Open ones especially, to make sure everything is up to snuff and trying to avoid conflicting product definitions as it pertains to gimmicks. If something seems off in the final build, feel free to bring it to my attention so I can see if it was an oversight or something I did for balancing things out with the way TEW runs.

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I understand the concept of the face chasing the champion, such as how guys like Ted DiBiase have said that the object for a great wrestling story is that after the hero has been robbed, cheated and everything else by the villain, he finally gets him where he wants him and ultimately beats him. But that didn't seem to happen in JCP. It came off as "the villain is about to finally get his comeuppance... just kidding!"


I was watching one of the NWA (as it was transitioning into being WCW) shows from 1989, and I think it might have been the end of Barry Windham's initial JCP run before he went to the WWF for his all too short stint as the Widowmaker. It was the blow off match between Lex Luger and Barry Windham. Luger wins, but Windham jumps him and beats him down, and Luger practically gets no revenge. Did I mention Windham was on his way out?


Back on topic, I'm going through the companies, Yet to Open ones especially, to make sure everything is up to snuff and trying to avoid conflicting product definitions as it pertains to gimmicks. If something seems off in the final build, feel free to bring it to my attention so I can see if it was an oversight or something I did for balancing things out with the way TEW runs.


Well that wasn't Dusty fault he was fired by then. They horribly booked Luger often in his career. Part of that falls on Ric Flair who from 1981 to the time he left for the WWF held the title for 8 1/2 years. We say Hogan held the title for too long, but Flair was worst. The inmates were running the show and that was the problem. WWF was making stars while JCP failed at every turn. Flair wanted to work with Luger but refused to drop the title to him. Look Steamboat run in 1989 as champion. He held it for couple of months then it went back to Flair. Flair had an death grip on the NWA title and really never let anyone have a long run with it. Just is right the NWA killed itself. George Scott booked until Wrestlemania and lost his job because Hulk Hogan didn't like Scott's booking of one of his friends. I always took that as Brutus Beefcake didn't like the way he was being booked. So he complained to Hogan who confronted Scott about it and Scott lost his job over it.


Dick Slater was helping book Mid Atlantic at this time I thought.

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So, I'm sure it's been said... But, I'm too lazy to look. It looks like you're very close to a release, any idea around how soon?


I'm hoping to have it released by the end of October. Right now, I'm double checking companies, adding dojo graduates, working on alter egos and letting a group of beta testers look for little things and/or anything way out of whack. And once justtxyank has his nGo pic pack done, I'll make sure all the pics are assigned.

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Anybody here with any knowledge as to who the head booker was for Memphis (CWA) around this time period? Did Jerry Lawler already have the book at this point, or was it being booked by Jerry Jarrett? The only downside to having Lawler as the head booker is that it would be almost impossible to sign him to an exclusive contract if you're a bigger company looking to pick him up.
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Anybody here with any knowledge as to who the head booker was for Memphis (CWA) around this time period? Did Jerry Lawler already have the book at this point, or was it being booked by Jerry Jarrett? The only downside to having Lawler as the head booker is that it would be almost impossible to sign him to an exclusive contract if you're a bigger company looking to pick him up.


Tom Rensto booked in 85 until Dundee took over later in the year after leaving mid south.

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Hard to be 100 on it. Dutch had it in 84 and then Hayes had it either right up to or slightly before Eddie graham dies. Then wahoo comes in. He had it for sure by March.


Have you ever heard what JCP did to Florida after Eddie Graham died? Pretty much they sent talent to Florida and Dusty demanded all the money was sent to JCP before Florida got there cut. Even shows JCP talent wasn't on. Well 90 percent of the time they wouldn't send any money back, or it was far less then what it should of been. Florida after awhile said screw

this and kept the money. Crockett didn't buy Florida they ran them out of business. JCP just started running their own shows in Florida without Florida's approval. That information came from interview Buddy Colt did. I think with Georgia Wrestling site.


I thought Wahoo was booking Florida at this time. I thought Hayes took over after Wahoo.

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Have you ever heard what JCP did to Florida after Eddie Graham died? Pretty much they sent talent to Florida and Dusty demanded all the money was sent to JCP before Florida got there cut. Even shows JCP talent wasn't on. Well 90 percent of the time they wouldn't send any money back, or it was far less then what it should of been. Florida after awhile said screw

this and kept the money. Crockett didn't buy Florida they ran them out of business. JCP just started running their own shows in Florida without Florida's approval. That information came from interview Buddy Colt did. I think with Georgia Wrestling site.


I thought Wahoo was booking Florida at this time. I thought Hayes took over after Wahoo.


Paul bearer claims that hayes was the booker right around the time of Eddie Graham's death and that he is who brought him down to Florida. Like I said, timeline is hard to be 100 on because wrestlers are notorious for getting dates wrong.


Wahoo is the safest bet though for mod purposes.


Also, yep heard that story.


Did you hear that larry matysik was going to be the head booker for wcw until jim Barnett tanked him?


Also, Jim Barnett was gay, but unlike pat Patterson apparently Barnett never came onto any wrestlers even though they all knew he was.

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Wahoo is the safest bet though for mod purposes.


Right now I have Mike Graham as head booker because I think it was a safe bet he wasn't going to be working anywhere other than Florida. I'm a little hesitant on making Wahoo the head booker seeing as that he's the current NWA United States Champion for JCP. I might give it a go and see what happens when testing it.

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Right now I have Mike Graham as head booker because I think it was a safe bet he wasn't going to be working anywhere other than Florida. I'm a little hesitant on making Wahoo the head booker seeing as that he's the current NWA United States Champion for JCP. I might give it a go and see what happens when testing it.


I heard Barnett was gay and read story about him in Tennessee involving football or basketball team. Something he would throw parties for them and got in hot water. So he headed to Australia to run WCW.


No I haven't heard Larry Matysik one. Barnett was real shady from my understanding in the 80's.

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Looked through your data. Here are some feds you could add:


Professional Wrestling Federation (in my data): Run by Steve Keirn after CWF closed. One of the many that sprung up from the death of CWF.


Global Wrestling Alliance: Not sure who owned it, but Bob Roop booked it. Started in 1987. Also sprung from the death of CWF. edit: It was owned by Patrick Schaefer. Could also use Red Roberts as the owner. It incorporated May 1986.


Suncoast Pro Wrestling: Another one in Florida. It will be in my next data release. Run by Henry Raines, booked by Boris Malenko (I believe.)


Southern Championship Wrestling (from Georgia): Opened in 1988 by Jerry Blackwell. Pedicino later took over and turned it into Georgia All Star Wrestling before shutting down in 1991. Featured Rick Stewart as announcer.


North American Wrestling Association: This is what became South Atlantic Pro. Opened by George Scott in 1990.

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Looked through your data. Here are some feds you could add:


Professional Wrestling Federation (in my data): Run by Steve Keirn after CWF closed. One of the many that sprung up from the death of CWF.


Global Wrestling Alliance: Not sure who owned it, but Bob Roop booked it. Started in 1987. Also sprung from the death of CWF. edit: It was owned by Patrick Schaefer. Could also use Red Roberts as the owner. It incorporated May 1986.


Suncoast Pro Wrestling: Another one in Florida. It will be in my next data release. Run by Henry Raines, booked by Boris Malenko (I believe.)


Southern Championship Wrestling (from Georgia): Opened in 1988 by Jerry Blackwell. Pedicino later took over and turned it into Georgia All Star Wrestling before shutting down in 1991. Featured Rick Stewart as announcer.


North American Wrestling Association: This is what became South Atlantic Pro. Opened by George Scott in 1990.


Thank you for these. I'll go ahead and add them. I guess I can just rename SAPW to NAWA then?


Also, looking at PWF's product, you might want to either lower their Realism to Low, or keep it where it is (Medium), and raise Mainstream to Medium. Reason being is that with the current set up, fans will expect to see clean finishes.

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Thank you for these. I'll go ahead and add them. I guess I can just rename SAPW to NAWA then?


Also, looking at PWF's product, you might want to either lower their Realism to Low, or keep it where it is (Medium), and raise Mainstream to Medium. Reason being is that with the current set up, fans will expect to see clean finishes.


Thanks for the tip!

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Thanks for the tip!


No problem! I figured that since outside interference has long been a staple of southern style wrestling, what I proposed might be the best way to go. Looking at the analysis after setting Mainstream to Medium and keeping Realism at Medium, the note about "fans will expect to see clean finishes" disappear.

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Another promotion you can add (if you want)


USA Championship Wrestling. It was Ron Fuller's promotion out of Knoxville in 1988 after he sold off the Continental name. Maybe a 1988 start date with Fuller as a required founder just in case Continental is gone by then so you have another potential promotion?


Referee Tommy Weathers should be added. He is in Fuller's promotions at all times.

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Question for the masses. What style would you classify someone like Sabu? Spot Monkey because a lot of his matches were demonstrations of his death defying aerial tactics that more often than not missed? Cruiserweight because of said aerial tactics? Brawler because a lot of his matches were also brawls? Regular Wrestler?
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Spot monkey. Sabu matches had zero psychology, they just moved from spot to spot with little regard to whether it made sense or not.


That's why I was thinking of sticking with Spot Monkey. And also why I lowered his starting selling (he's Yet to Debut in this time period).

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That's why I was thinking of sticking with Spot Monkey. And also why I lowered his starting selling (he's Yet to Debut in this time period).


Sabu was not a spot monkey when he started. He started off as regular wrestler or technician. When he went with his uncle to Japan to do the death matches he began the spot monkey stuff.

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