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SCW: Stone Cold Wrestling (Debuting Fall 2013)

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Sept 11, 2013

Jim Ross Announces “Retirement” from WWE




Steve Austin, a close friend, invites him down to his ranch…


“Hell, I agree with ya’ JR. It’s horseshit. They never treated you right there. We both know that. You know, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now...The product has gone to shit too. The don’t let the boys be boys anymore Jim. It’s killing the business. I watch it so I can stay relevant on the podcast and what not, but it ain’t what it used to be...that’s for damn sure. I mean giving a guy like Ric Flair a script?! No wonder these guys are greener than grass! They don't know whether shit or wind their watch and the current system ain't teaching 'em shit!


"Jim, I can't do it without you. You have the eye for the talent. You know how to manage an office, a budget, etc. We can do this together...”


...and the conversation went on from there….

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TEWwrestling.com reports…


In a news that’s piquing the interest of the wrestling world Steve Austin has been in lengthy negotiations at Titan Towers with Vince, Stephanie, and Triple H. He has made his intentions known that he wishes to open his own wrestling promotion. After extensive negotiations, Austin has secured rights to some intellectual property belonging to the “Stone Cold” character. It seems for the time being that WWE higher-ups have no issue with Austin’s business venture and all was negotiated in good faith.


Representatives from both parties have been contacted, but no comments are immediately forthcoming. More details as this story develops...

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TEWwrestling.com reports...


Rumors have the wrestling world buzzing right now as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin has actively been negotiating with many of wrestling's top free agents and indy darlings. TEWwrestling.com can confirm the signings of: Matt Morgan, John Hennigan (the former John Morrison), MVP, Ted DiBiase Jr., Brian Kendrick, Johnny Gargano, Jay Lethal, Matt Striker, Colt Cabana, and perhaps what may be the biggest news of all, AJ Styles has informed TNA management that he will not be resigning. More as it develops...

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Just a bit of info about me: I've relatively new to TEW, only discovering GDS the week this game dropped. Since that time I have found myself spending countless hours playing TEW13,trying every mod I could get my hands on. I have stalked these message boards for a few months now. Although I rarely posted, I found myself keeping a tab open here on my browser permanently--scouring multiple diaries, scanning the "Small Questions" thread, etc. I have long wanted to contribute to this awesome community and am finally trying my hand at a diary. I like to think I struck gold with an original idea, but I suppose time will tell.


I have begun writing the first show, and while I am enjoying it, am finding it slow going. I hope to have it up over the next few days. My thinking is starting a Hype thread will keep me from chickening out.


I'm using Fleisch's 2013 Mod (with a few tweaks). I'll update with Preferences, Product Settings, Etc. soon.


Thanks for the early support! I appreciate any feedback I can get!

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TEWwrestling.com reports….


More information has is known today that wrestling icon “Stone Cold” Steve Austin has filed for rights to open his own wrestling promotion. It was the “Bionic Redneck” himself who broke the news on his own podcast. We have transcript highlights below:


SCSA: “I suppose it’s time to address a lot of this speculation about old “Stone Cold” opening his own wrestling promotion. There’s a lot of bullshit floating out there right now...let me break it down for ya...The Toughest Sonnabitch in Wrestling is officially back!”


Gimme ‘Mo: “Are you saying what I’m think you’re saying?”


SCSA: “That’s right! I’ve gone through and cleared all the legal bullshit and let you know that “Stone Cold Wrestling” is opening up this fall. I got a date for our first show: Friday, September 27th. “Stone Cold Wrestling” will be live at Fairgrounds Grandstand Arena out in Orange County. We’ll be presenting a show we’re calling “Ground Zero,” because that sonnabitch is gonna feel like a goddamn bomb went off in the world of pro wrestling! We’re coming to kick ass, drink beer, and put a show on that the working man can be proud of!”


Gimme ‘Mo: “I got to ask the question that I know all your listeners are dying to know...are you getting back in the ring?”

SCSA: “I know a lotta people always asking me if I’m gonna have one more match, whether it’s with CM Punk of for SCW or any other kind of match. Here’s the deal, I ain’t gonna bullshit the working man. My body has wrestled a lot of matches for a lot of federations in a lot of arenas. I gotta a lot of miles logged on the tires. There’s a lot of young bucks out there. I’m been working very closely with two the brightest wrestling minds out there, my Jim Ross and Bruce Prichard, and we got what we think is a pretty deep pool of talent. As it is I’m taking all the Alpha Brain and On It supplements just to keep up with these guys.


“Even without getting in the ring, I got a lot of experience and knowledge that I think I can share with these young studs and help them get to that next level. You better believe that if “Stone Cold” is gonna brand a wrestling promotion it damn well better be the best wrestling promotion going. We’re gonna raise hell on September 27th! You can go to stonecoldwrestling.com and get a preview of the card and make predictions…”

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Stone Cold Wrestling presents: Ground Zero


Prediction Contest:


Johnny Gargano vs. Brian Kendrick

The Briscoe Brothers vs. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong

Dustin Rhodes vs. Doug Williams

John Hennigan, Jay Lethal, and Harry Smith vs. Alex Shelly, Low-Ki, and Sheldon Benjamin

MVP vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.

AJ Styles vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero


**Seeing as this is my first prediction contest, I won't lock myself into any rules, prize guarantees, etc. As I build my momentum, I'm sure I'll develop a procedure and prizes that work for this diary. For now, it's just for fun.**

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<p>Johnny Gargano vs. <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong</p><p>

<strong>Dustin Rhodes </strong>vs. Doug Williams</p><p>

John Hennigan, Jay Lethal, and Harry Smith vs. <strong>Alex Shelly, Low-Ki, and Sheldon Benjamin</strong></p><p>

<strong>MVP</strong> vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero</p>

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Stone Cold Wrestling presents: Ground Zero


Prediction Contest:


Johnny Gargano vs. Brian Kendrick

I like Gargano more, but Kendrick is more well known...

The Briscoe Brothers vs. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong

I simply like Davey and Roderick more

Dustin Rhodes vs. Doug Williams

Both are talented veterans that could really help out the younger members of the roster.

John Hennigan, Jay Lethal, and Harry Smith vs. Alex Shelly, Low-Ki, and Sheldon Benjamin

Hennigan is the biggest name in the match. Also, it's Shelton Benjamin :p

MVP vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.

I like MVP more, but Ted Jr could get a push.

AJ Styles vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

I'd rather Pope win, but AJ is taking this.

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<p>Stone Cold Wrestling Presents: Ground Zero</p><p> </p><p>

Prediction Contest:</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Gargano vs. <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<em>I don't know Gargano...Going with the guy I know...</em></p><p>

<strong>The Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong</p><p>

<em>Brisco Brothers all the way...</em></p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>Doug Williams</strong></p><p>

<em>Agree with Jaysin, talented vets who can help other talent out.</em></p><p>

<strong>John Hennigan, Jay Lethal, and Harry Smith</strong> vs. Alex Shelly, Low-Ki, and Sheldon Benjamin</p><p>

<em>I simply enjoy Hennigan's team more than the other side</em></p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Ted DiBiase Jr.</strong></p><p>

<em>I always enjoyed DiBiase Jr....he deserved more than he got.</em></p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero</p><p>

<em>Bigger name, bigger pay-off for a while in my opinion.</em></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Johnny Gargano vs.<strong> Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Briscoe Brothers</strong> vs. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong</p><p>

<strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. Doug Williams</p><p>

<strong>John Hennigan, Jay Lethal, and Harry Smith</strong> vs. Alex Shelly, Low-Ki, and Sheldon Benjamin</p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Ted DiBiase Jr.</strong></p><p>

AJ Styles vs. <strong>"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero</strong></p>

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