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PSW - default product challenge

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I enjoy giving myself goals when i play the game so my goal is to not touch the PSW product in any way shape or form and see how successfull PSW can be. (i always tweak the product and it is alot easier to play PSW)


I selected Mitch Naess as my Avatar.

I decied to give RM Stones a go at being our referee

I bring in Reese Paige to be our road agent.


We need 20 workers


I changed my mind about a dozen times on who i should or shouldn't have.


I thought about going with the 20 cheapest workers i could find and try building them up (may be the best thing to do in the grand scheme of things) I can not fire some of these guys I really like them. I also got rid of the bad personalities backstage we are going to have enough problems without that. I also got rid of the guys who where on time decline. I brought

in 1 stud the rest are low level guys.


For those who are familar with my dynastys/booking I usually have guys i roate to be the last two matches of the show. Right now those guys are

Madman Boone, Greg Black, Matthew Keith, and Nelsum Callum.


Remmy Skye, Stephen Parker, Ash Campbell are interchangeable right now as i expect to lose some guys in the near future although if i lose more than 3 i could be in trouble.


The next group of guys We have a couple veterans in Mad Dog Mortimer and

Deadbolt- we change his name to Deadman


We have our deathmatch ready guys

Top Dolla


Vikki Victoria

Weird Waldo Odlaw



marvell malloy

Storm Spillane

Melvin Otto

Extreme Deluxe

High Flying Hawaiian

Outlaw Wes Revell

Joffy Laine


So there are our 20 guys.

did i cut out enough of the buget to make some money?

We will find out at the end of the month.


I am thinking if i can get our 4 deathmatch guys over enough we could be onto something...

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<p>thanks for reading Swagger</p><p> </p><p>

We have 100k in the bank </p><p>

68 backstage rating</p><p>

good guys</p><p>

ash campbell</p><p>

extreme deluxe</p><p>

high flyin hawiian</p><p>

mad dog mortimer</p><p>

madman boone</p><p> </p><p>

marvel malloy and storm spillane are best friends</p><p> </p><p>

Titles I retire the National and Tag Team titles</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone is our current champion</p><p> </p><p>

the match times are 8/12/20 with 90% match ratio</p><p> </p><p>

I expect alot of our gimmicks to bomb </p><p> </p><p>

PSW January 2013 attendance 1000</p><p> </p><p>

Phobia over Outlaw Wes Revell </p><p>

the rowdy fans made no secret of their hatred for Phobia</p><p>

The very vocal crowd treated Outlaw Wes Revell with utter contempt</p><p>

There seemed to be a lack of flow to the match which took away from the drama</p><p>

The match brought the crowds mood down</p><p>

rating 10</p><p> </p><p>

This may be the worst opening match i can rember booking</p><p> </p><p>

Vikki Victoria over Melvin Otto </p><p>

the rowdy fans made no secret of their hatred for Melvin Otto</p><p>

the match fell apart after a bit with no rhyme or reason to the moves</p><p>

this match brought the crowds mood down</p><p>

rating 7</p><p> </p><p>

oh dear god this is really bad</p><p> </p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw over Joffy Laine</p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw seemed off his game</p><p>

Joffy Laine was really off his game tonight</p><p>

Great chemistry ++++++</p><p>

rating 17</p><p> </p><p>

well that is a postive thing right there</p><p> </p><p>

Top Dolla over Extreme Deluxe </p><p>

Top Dolla off his game</p><p>

rowdy fans hate Extreme Deluxe</p><p>

there was a lack of flow to the match</p><p>

brought the mood doown</p><p>

rating 10</p><p> </p><p>

Storm Spillane over High Flying Hawaiian </p><p>

bought dragged in the middle</p><p>

rating 15</p><p> </p><p>

wow the fans didn't hate anything that time</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye over Ash Campbell rating 52</p><p>

match lifted the crowd</p><p> </p><p>

Stephen Parker over Nelson Callum 45</p><p>

Parker and Callum off their game</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman in a deathmatch 41 (titlematch)</p><p>

both were visibly tiring toward the end </p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black over Matthew Keith 55</p><p>

Greg Black and Matthew Keith don't seem to click it made for an awkward bout</p><p>

the match lifted the crowd</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 49</p><p> </p><p>

Our 2 best guys have negative chemistry. </p><p> </p><p>

GSW make offers for Matthew Keith and Ash Campbell</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black and Matthew Keith get i presume to be touring offers</p><p> </p><p>

We made 19k for the month so that was a good thing </p><p> </p><p>

I have to say that the show was kinda painful </p><p> </p><p>

the popularity changes</p><p>

Stephen Parker gains 2 to 36</p><p>

Outlaw Wes Revell lost 1 to 3</p><p>

Phobia gained 4 to 4</p><p>

Vikki Victoria gained 2 to 2</p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw gained 2 to 2</p><p> </p><p>

It is a little strange to book a pop based fed without angles</p>

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<p>Joffy Laine has become a protege of Madman Boone</p><p> </p><p>

PSW February 2013 attendance 1,000</p><p> </p><p>

Vikki Victoria over Melvin Otto 6</p><p>

Phobia over Outlaw Wes Revell 10</p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw over Joffy Laine 20</p><p>

Top Dolla over Storm Spillane 16</p><p>

Steven Parker over Nelson Callum 52</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Deadman 44</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Ash Campbell 48</p><p>

Greg Black over Madman Boone 60 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 54</p><p> </p><p>

tried a couple angles in the preshow to see if can help get some pop for our guys</p><p> </p><p>

We got alot of work to do here</p>

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<p>Outlaw Wes Revell is a protege of Madman Boone</p><p> </p><p>

PSW: March 2013 attendance 1,550</p><p> </p><p>

Vikki Victoria over Melvin Otto 6</p><p>

Phobia over Outlaw Wes Revell 9</p><p>

Weird Waldo Oldaw over Joffy Laine 18</p><p>

Top Dolla over High Flyin Hawaiian 12</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Deadman 39</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Ash Campbell 49</p><p>

Steven Parker over Nelson Callum 54</p><p>

Greg Black over Madman Boone 63 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 57</p><p> </p><p>

After the first 3 months we netted</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone gained 5 points of popularity</p><p>

Steven Parker gained 5 points </p><p>

Matthew Keith gained 2 points</p><p>

Remmy Skye gained 2 points</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black no gain </p><p>

Ash Campbell no gain</p><p>

Nelson Callum no gain</p><p>

Deadman no gain</p><p> </p><p>

The main heels didn't have a successfull run here</p>

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<p>Melvin Otto is a protege of Madman Boone</p><p> </p><p>

I shorten the length of the show to 90 minutes</p><p> </p><p>

PSW: April 2013 attendance 1971</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Top Dolla 36 (deathmatch)</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Nelson Callum 44</p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 50</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 65 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 59 </p><p> </p><p>

PSW: May 2013 attendance 1940</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman 42 (deathmatch)</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Nelson Callum 44 (bad chemistry)</p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 57</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Greg Black 63 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 60</p><p> </p><p>

PSW June 2013 attendance 1874</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith over Nelson Callum 53</p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 63</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 76 (title match)</p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman 44 (deathmatch)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 52 </p><p> </p><p>

The deathmatch was supposed to be first but i am thrilled with </p><p>

a 76 rated match</p><p> </p><p>

we added a weekly show to build up for our monthly event which helped alot</p>

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<p>PSW: July 2013 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith over Deadman 50</p><p>

Madman Boone over Ash Campbell 53</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 66</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 74</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 70</p><p> </p><p>

PSW August 2013 attendance 193 (oppsie)</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith over Deadman 45</p><p>

Madman Boone over Ash Campbell 47</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 58</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 66 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 63</p><p> </p><p>

PSW September 2013 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith over Deadman 52</p><p>

Madman Boone over Ash Campbell 54</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 75</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 78' (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 75 </p><p> </p><p>

another 3 month period and nothing bad happens </p><p> </p><p>

The question about when to get to cult is an issue on one hand</p><p>

I would love to try to get Greg Black, Steven Parker, Remmy Skye</p><p>

Ash Campbell, Nelson Callum on written deals but I am less </p><p>

familar with 2013 and the cost of going to cult so i don't think i will</p><p>

be rushing toward it and if i lose a few guys on the way i will deal</p><p>

with it then.</p>

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I've seen a few of your other diaries and like the fact that they are about the grades and improvements to workers. It'll be good to see what you do with PSW. What match types are you using, is it just the hardcore matches in the default data or did you create your own 'standard' match type?
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<p>thanks for reading Spud1305</p><p> </p><p>

I created an extreme deathmatch very high risk that alot of guys except for Remmy Skye, Deadman and Madman Boone will do.</p><p> </p><p>

Then i did the next level down which most guys fight in except for Melvin Otto, Mad Dog Mortimer, and High Flyin Hawaiin.</p><p> </p><p>

So then there is a wuss match type for those guys.</p><p> </p><p>

I am having a heck of a time getting guys over almost all of my gimmicks flopped. Greg Black vs Remmy Skye or Steven Parker just keeps getting better. All 3 of them now are around 65 popularity in the tri state region.</p>

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<p>TCW falls to cult size no real reason but they will be back</p><p>

when cooling period is over</p><p> </p><p>

PSW October 2013 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman 46</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Ash Campbell 61</p><p>

Steven Parker over Nelson Callum 73</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 76 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 73</p><p> </p><p>

PSW November 2013 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman 46</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Ash Campbell 61</p><p>

Steven Parker over Nelson Callum 76</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 79 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 76</p><p> </p><p>

PSW: December 2013 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone over Deadman 41</p><p>

Matthew Keith over Ash Campbell 59</p><p>

Steven Parker over Nelson Callum 77</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 81</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 77</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone is now on the time decline list</p>

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<p>Year 1 report</p><p> </p><p>

44 prestige</p><p>

73 momentum</p><p> </p><p>

543k in the bank</p><p> </p><p>

importance tri state 57 great lakes 20 (2 need to be 47 for cult)</p><p> </p><p>

Overall we have had some improvement in our worker quality,</p><p> </p><p>

Popularity (tri state region)</p><p>

Ash Campbell 28-46</p><p>

Deadman 22-31</p><p>

Extreme Deluxe 9-13</p><p>

Greg Black 52-66</p><p>

High Flyin Hawaiian 8-15</p><p>

Joffy Laine 0-25</p><p>

Mad Dog Mortimer 6-14</p><p>

Madman Boone - 42 - 47</p><p>

Marvel Malloy 9-22</p><p>

Matthew Keith 34-48</p><p>

Melvin Otto 0-1</p><p>

Nelson Callum 29-64</p><p>

Outlaw Wes Revell 4-20</p><p>


Remmy Skye 42-64</p><p>

Steven Parker 35-65</p><p>

Storm Spillane 9-26</p><p>

Top Dolla 10-23</p><p>

Vikki Victoria 0-16</p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw 0-17</p><p> </p><p>

We have made some gains (little dissapointed in some)</p><p> </p><p>

Debating on moving Storm Spillane into Madman Boone's spot</p><p>

probally not yet but something will have to be done soon.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>PSW: January 2014 attendance 3246</p><p> </p><p>

Ash Campbell over Madman Boone 52</p><p>

Mathew Keith over Deadman 54</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 77</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 80 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 77</p><p> </p><p>

PSW: Febuary 2014 attendance 3,327</p><p> </p><p>

Top Dolla over Phobia 26 </p><p>

Mathew Keith over Marvel Malloy 57</p><p>

Ash Campbell over Strom Spillane 46</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 77</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 82 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

PSW: March 2014 attendance 2000</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith over Outlaw Wes Revell 43</p><p>

Ash Campbell over Joffy Laine 49</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Nelson Callum 69</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 71 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 68</p><p> </p><p>

not sure why the ratings dropped off in march </p><p> </p><p>

not sure what to do for the next 3 months at this point</p>

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<p>As we could be approaching pop caps did a little rundown of our prospects</p><p> </p><p>

steven parker one to watch sky is the limit exception in ring talent</p><p>

matthew keith handled carefully really fine in ring performer</p><p>

remmy skye potential break out star very good wrestler</p><p>

nelson callum handled carefully a big star in the future realy fine in ring performer</p><p>

ash campbell potential break out star very good wrestler</p><p>

storm spillane dark horse very very good wrestler</p><p>

extreme deluxe dark horse pretty good in ring performer</p><p> </p><p>

matthew keith also shows on the next big things list.</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black is too old to show but he is in the mix.</p><p> </p><p>

With Madman Boone, Deadman, Phobia, Top Dolla, Vikkie Victoria and Weird Waldo Odlaw have been very disapointing. I spent a year building them up.</p><p>

Angles with our top guys. While the was some improvement when they actually wrestle a match the ratings stink. I think have a deathmatch in a hardcore promotion needs a bigger bonus or something. I can put marvel malloy vs storm spillane and get a better rating with less hardcore type match.</p>

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<p>spent a week running tests bascially trying to get overness where it needs to be and putting on better shows. As it stands right now I am not satified with my current roster but I am not going to build up guys for TCW and SWF so I have decieded to get to cult and if i go under then i go under. I want to lock up guys and build them up and hopefully so new workers can help us down the road.</p><p> </p><p>

With Boone showing decline and Deadman being a dissapointment I have decided to move some workers around.</p><p> </p><p>

top 8 faces</p><p> </p><p>

Steven Parker</p><p>

Remmy Skye</p><p>

Matthew Keith</p><p>

Storm Spillane</p><p>

Madman Boone</p><p>

Joffey Laine</p><p>

high flyin hawaiian</p><p>

vikki victoria</p><p> </p><p>

top 8 heels</p><p> </p><p>

greg black</p><p>

ash campbell</p><p>

nelson callum</p><p>

marvel malloy</p><p>


top dolla</p><p>

outlaw wes revell</p><p>

weird aldo odlaw</p><p> </p><p>

the jobbers</p><p> </p><p>

melvin otto</p><p>

extreme deluxe</p><p>

mad dog mortimer</p><p>

phobia</p><p> </p><p>

i have broken my roster into groups of 4 to try to manage wins the jobbers are not going to get them. Extreme Deluxe does show on the hot prospect list but until he is able to put on a match that doesn't tank he is jobbing.</p><p>

I have a heel angle and a face angle with 8 guys with the most popular one getting rated on popularity and the others just trying to get a rub off him.</p><p> </p><p>

Marvel Malloy is only 2 points of popularity behind Deadman with alot less effort. Storm Spillane is 14 points behind but pushing guys on the decline has always bit me in the behind on past games so i am not going to waste</p><p>

more effort in trying to get him over even though i really like both guys characters.</p>

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  • 1 month later...

after being distracted trying different things in TEW 13 here is the next 3 month block of results


PSW April 2014 attendance 2000


matthew keith over deadman 58

ash campbell over madman boone 42

steven parker over nelson callum 71

greg black over remmy skye 78 (title match)


rating 72


PSW May 2014 attendance 3,986


marvel malloy over storm spillane 38

matthew keith over ash campbell 64

steven parker over nelson callum 77

greg black over remmy skye 74(title match)


rating 75


PSW June 2014 attendance 4175


marvel malloy over storm spillane 51

matthew keith over ash campbell 67

steven parker over nelson callum 78

greg black over remmy skye 82(title match)


rating 81


I not as worried about losing talent now although my show grades will still suffer. I believe as long as i can keep 4 of my top 6 or replace with good enough workers i can get the grades to keep growing.

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  • 1 month later...

after being very distracted by other games (most noteably ws3)


I got the hankering to play more TEW.


To bring everyone up to speed it is the end year 2 and PSW is now cult sized.


TCW stole Matthew Keith and Nelson Callum so i pushed to get to cult and get guys locked up on written deals


Alex Braun founded a new promotion XWA (was going to try to bring him back to do color)


I need to increase the roster size i put out some offers for cheap guys (under 2k per month written deals) I try to lock up all our key players as well

so we can add house shows to the mix.


No awards for PSW thought we had a shot at most improved promotion but USPW beat us out for that.

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<p>our current prime time players who we are focusing our shows on are</p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Skye popularity 83. He is listed as #1 showstopper and we count on him to give us good matches also #5 in ring generals.</p><p> </p><p>

Steven Parker popularity 79 He is our #3 showstopper and #2 ring general</p><p>

i think he gives us the best matches night in and night out out of anyone on the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday popularity 58 he is the 3rd most over face he seems to be doing well in the promotion so far (was a replacement for matthew keith)</p><p> </p><p>

Storm Spillane popularity 56 he is 4th on ring generals and has shown continued improvement. If i had lost Remmy or Steven he would have gone into main eventing.</p><p> </p><p>

Heels </p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black popularity 88 our #1 draw is also our #2 show stopper and #1 ring general and our champion. He does not work house shows but his name is all over our best matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Ash Campbell popularity 76 he is the #4 showstopper. He seems to have a larger degree of variance in his match ratings than i expect both good and bad. He is in line to be our top heel after Greg.</p><p> </p><p>

Air Attack Weasel popularity 61 showstopper #5 and ring general #3 and a personal favorite worker of mine. Brought in to take Nelsum Callum's spot and has done ok so far. Not sure he is in line to main event but who knows how far his popularity will go because i sure have no issue making the great Dave Wallace the face of PSW.</p><p> </p><p>

Marvel Malloy 44 popularity maybe my biggest dissapointment this year. I gave him a spot and while he has improved some he has shown the least improvement of the great 8 that we focus our shows on. He is the top contender to lose his spot.</p><p> </p><p>

Deadman and Madman Boone are still with us (and uppper midcarders but don't usually feature on the big shows and if they show up only job no push is planned for either of them in the future due to age and prior performance)</p><p> </p><p>

Other workers of note</p><p> </p><p>

Chester Varelans 20 year old entertainer graduate of TCW School of Pro Wrestling in August of 2014 . He is a postive influence backstage has 96 basics 96 69 star quality and 62 charisma. I don't know where he will cap at but he sure will have a job with PSW for as long as he wants. Signed a 10 year written deal for 1620 a month.</p><p> </p><p>

Deuce Deadline 22 years old a liberal and i like him although i am not sure he will get a top spot on talent alone 10 year 1620 deal</p><p> </p><p>

Drake Young 24 years old and another guy i like he can work the mic like a pro not sure where his skills or popularity will take him but i am rooting for him. 10 year 1620 deal</p><p> </p><p>

Mutant 20 year old graduate of the piledriver school of wrestling he is a big brawler 77 star quality and 66 charisma not sure how bright his future is but figure he is worth a look. 10 year 1620 deal</p><p> </p><p>

Xavi Ferrera 20 year old has 81 selling 76 charisma and 74 star quality i like his shades so i signed him 10 year 1620 deal</p><p> </p><p>

Finally Midnight Prowler 21 year old 73 charisma 72 star quality signed a 10 year 1620 month I don't have alot of hopes for his future but I needed to bring in 6 guys for the roster and he looked like the best of the cheap options left.</p><p> </p><p>

High Flyin Hawaiian 22 years old 37 popularity but he went on multiple japan tours and has shown signifigant improvement. If he could play a heel i may be inclined to see how he compares to Marvel Malloy in his spot.</p><p> </p><p>

Joffy Laine 23 year old who has been doing color duty with his 90 charisma he can work the mic but his in ring skills and 47 popuarlity (may be capped) kinda put an end to a push i was giving him although he is a solid weekly event guy.</p><p> </p><p>

Weird Waldo Odlaw 29 popularity 43 been given a push to challenge Marvel Malloy although has improved in skill i don't think he can be trusted to a regular spot just yet.</p><p> </p><p>

Top Dolla 21 years old 36 popularity could maybe work into a spot down the road while he didn't respond to an early monster push he has worked his way into some consideration down the road.</p><p> </p><p>

as a company with are 14th in the world with a 66 prestiage and 92 Momentum (must have gotten a nice bonus for hitting cult it is not like we have put on 90+ rated shows)</p>

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<p>PSW January 2015 attendance 1,571 (opps forgot to hold it in tri state)</p><p> </p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Deadman 56</p><p>

Air Attack Weasel over Madman Boone 58</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Ash Campbell 67</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 72 (title match)</p><p> </p><p>

overall rating 71 </p><p> </p><p>

It was a decent show for the area but is below what it should have been</p><p>

not a good month to mess up income wise as its our first full month being cult sized. (we only made 5k last month so i am expecting a loss this month now)</p>

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<p>w4lru5- yes i have a weekly show called Monday Mayham</p><p>

i built up the Great Lakes area. The show is basically Remmy Skye, Steven Parker, Ash Campbell and Greg Black beating guys who are not in the monthly main event. I did give Joffy Laine a biker gimmick and had him dominate a bunch of squash matches (90 charisma) but he seemed to get stuck at 47 popularity so he didn't make it to the big show.</p><p> </p><p>

I have my guys locked up now on written contracts now and i wish i still had Keith and Callum but at least i have 4 guys who seem to have good enough pop cap and are able to go in the ring enough to maybe get us to National.</p>

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<p>PSW February 2015 attendance 10000</p><p> </p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Marvel Malloy 77</p><p>

Air Attack Weasel over Storm Spillane 80</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Ash Campbell 78</p><p>

Greg Black pep talk 91</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 98 (title match)</p><p>

Remmy Skye pep talk 84</p><p> </p><p>

Overall rating 92</p><p> </p><p>

our best match and best show ever!</p><p> </p><p>

we did lose 15k last month but that will not be an issue going forward</p><p> </p><p>

we do want to get our shows on ppv at some point so will have to work on that</p><p> </p><p>

as happy as i am with the Black/Parker match i expected a higher rating from Skye/Campbell.</p>

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<p>PSW March 2015 attendance 12,695</p><p> </p><p>

Air Attack Weasel over Storm Spillane 83</p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Marvel Malloy 81</p><p>

Remmy Skye over Ash Campbell 85</p><p>

Greg Black pep talk 95</p><p>

Greg Black over Steven Parker 98</p><p>

Steven Parker pep talk 92</p><p> </p><p>

Overall Rating 94</p><p> </p><p>

we made over 300k by staying in our home town </p><p> </p><p>

The Midnight Prowler started trouble backstage and we send him packing</p><p> </p><p>

We decided to bring in both Frantic Ali and Fro Sure neither wanted big money and are both should be able to at least fill in (although i have hopes that Fro Sure can be more than that). Either way they are both young and will have a chance to develop and we shall see from there.</p>

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<p>PSW: April 2015 attendance 15,000</p><p> </p><p>

Storm Spillane over Marvel Malloy 82</p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Air Attack Weasel 88</p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 85</p><p>

Greg Black pep talk 96</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 85 (title match)</p><p>

Steven Parker pep talk 86</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 86</p><p> </p><p>

So far i can sum up PSW as a series of success and failures. I have been giving different workers pushes on the weekly show to see if any can improve on my "stopgap" workers of Spillane, Malloy, O'Farraday and Weasel.</p><p>

Malloy must have heard his spot was in jeapordy as he has started responding to being in angles with Greg Black. I actually am pretty happy with all 8 of them atm.</p><p> </p><p>

Deadman, Madman Boone, Melvin Otto, Oulaw Wes Revell, Phobia, Top Dolla, Vikki Victoria, Weird Waldo Odlaw, Mad Dog Mortimer, Joffy Laine. I think all of these guys have hit their ceiling but will still get a look here and there (for momentum purposes) but i don't think any have a future on our big events.</p><p> </p><p>

Extreme Deluxe - believe it or not he has a very good destiny stat and has been listed as our top prospect even bringing in the new talent he still is one to watch but i am afraid i may be watching him turn 30 before i ever give him a real shot although i have made an effort to push him on every show now his 38 popularity and sub 60 selling makes him a long shot but made in a couple years.</p><p> </p><p>

Chester Varelans- He may be our brightest light for the future. His popularity is already 21 his basicis hit 100 and 97 selling means he is at the very least a good jobber to have around and is a postive influence backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

Frantic Ali-seems to have gotten a high destiny stat on the hot prospect list popularity has jumped to 45 fastest riser in promotion.</p><p> </p><p>

Fro Sure-popularity is 51 (it was higher than Frantic Ali's to begin with he worked for NYCW) i haven't been keeping track but if i remember correctly he may be capped here and I had much higher expectations for him than Frantic Ali but it seems i may have had them backwards.</p><p> </p><p>

Xavi Ferrera - was going to get pushed but do to personality quirks has issues with some of our risky angles/matches which has put him on the back burner.</p><p> </p><p>

Drake Young, Mutant, Deuce Deadline- has not made signifigant progress</p><p>

although have not given up on them.</p><p> </p><p>

Just a note that of the list of guys i thought were capped i looked at them a little more closely and it seems Weird Waldo Odlaw is not capped and is the best of the bunch of them popularity wise although he is nothing special in the ring his 81 selling may allow him to get some decent matches he is 29 and when given a written contract he said he can't do house shows but i will be keeping a closer eye on him going forward and make an effort to see how high his popularity can go since it has not stopped going up yet.</p>

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<p>PSW: May 2015 attendance 14,859</p><p> </p><p>

Stom Spillane over Marvel Malloy 81</p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Air Attack Weasel 85</p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 83</p><p>

Steven Parker pep talk 88</p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 81 (title match)</p><p>

Greg Black pep talk 94</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 83</p><p> </p><p>

Wow i would never have thought that a Spillane/Malloy=Black/Skye</p><p>

Looking at the popularity and ratings i still don't fully get it.</p><p>

It was quirky O'Farraday vs Weasel = MOTN</p><p>

which was the same as last month but i thought it was a fluke but </p><p>

I seem to be overlooking something. I think i need to add dirt sheet</p><p>

info to the next month and see if that sheds light on things.</p>

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<p>PSW- has sorta gone mainstream i did not change the product but i did get a TV show on East Coast Today which is shown in 4 regions which will allow us to build up some popularity. I will continue our monthly events in the Great Lakes region which in time should allow us to get into a bigger network and PPV down the road. Not sure how it will affect our bottom line had to give the network 100% of the revenue but doing multiple shows every week is not really a sound option with our product although not impossible if its something we have to do down the road i may try it again (tried a 2nd show to make it easier to keep track of winning streaks but guys started needing time to heal)</p><p>

We can't use are high risk matches and angles so i go with the wussy angle i created and normal matches. On TV we have 70% match/angle ratio vs 90 so it allows us to get everyone on screen for an angle at some time in the show which should help popularity across the board.</p><p> </p><p>

PSW June 2015 attendance 5000</p><p> </p><p>

for giggles i put mad dog mortimer on color in the preshow battle royal and he has postive chemistry with Mitch Naess (we will have to see how high his charisma goes but for now Joffy Laine has a stranglehold on the postion with his 91 charisma)</p><p> </p><p>

Storm Spillane over Marvel Malloy 74 </p><p>

dirt sheet notes </p><p>

+storm spillane star quality</p><p>

+storm spillane high morale</p><p>

+marvel malloy bonus for charima</p><p>

+marvel malloy bonus for high morale</p><p>

+being well booked</p><p>

+content risk being high</p><p>

-storm spillane poor gimmick</p><p>

-marvel malloy poor gimmick</p><p>

(the ratings are a little down as our workers are not as popular in Great Lakes region) </p><p>

Findlay O'Farraday over Air Attack Weasel 85</p><p>

+Finlay charisma</p><p>

+AAW high morale</p><p>

+AAW high momentum</p><p>

+segment well booked</p><p>

+content risk high</p><p>

-Findlay inconsistancy (said he was off his game tonight)</p><p>

-Findlay poor gimmick</p><p>

-AAW poor gimmick</p><p>

-AAW chemistry(motivation)</p><p> </p><p>

Steven Parker over Ash Campbell 82 </p><p>

+Parker charisma</p><p>

+Parker Star quality</p><p>

+Parker high morale</p><p>

+Parker high momentum</p><p>

+Parker chmistry (motivation)</p><p>

+Campbell charisma</p><p>

+Campbell star quality</p><p>

+Campbell momentum</p><p>

+well booked</p><p>

+content risk high</p><p>

-Parker poor gimmick</p><p>

-Campbell poor gimmick</p><p>

-lack of selling </p><p> </p><p>

Steven Parker pep talk 90</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black over Remmy Skye 87 (title match)</p><p>

+Black charimsa</p><p>

+Black morale</p><p>

+Black chemistry (motivation)</p><p>

+Skye charisma</p><p>

+Skye star quality</p><p>

+Skye morale</p><p>

+title prestiage</p><p>

+well booked</p><p>

+content risk high</p><p>

-Black inconsistency</p><p>

-Black poor gimmick</p><p>

-Skye poor gimmick</p><p>

-lack of psychology</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black pep talk 87</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 86</p><p> </p><p>

I think i need to try to get 8 workers with 86+ psychology and selling. I would have said it isn't possible but since one of the recent patches i have noticed a difference in wrestler development and generation so i am very curious what we will look like 10 years from now. Adam Ryland has made tew13 a huge time sink for me for the forseeable future (i want to start a MAW game and USPW game while continuing my PSW game)</p>

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