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Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014)

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Jennifer Cornell sits in the backseat of her town-car outside of the arena, having her driver pull to a spot on the edge where she can see the other cars as they arrive. And when Wolf Hawkins’ oversized black pick-up truck comes roaring in, they throw their lights on and pull into his way immediately, blocking the parking spot he had intended to pull into. Jennifer hops out and is already at fever pitch.



JC: “After everything I’ve done for you, after everything being associated with the Cornell name has done for you in this business, you are just going to leave me hanging at a press conference, saying your name? People laughed at me!”



WH: “I told you….”



JC: “We had an agreement.”



WH: “YOU had an agreement…..I said I didn’t want to be involved in anything that’s between you and Tommy. You guys are my friends. Both of you.”



JC: “He is not your friend, Wolf. As much as you believe the show he puts on, the character he portrays, Tommy Cornell is not your friend. He is and has always been deathly afraid of you…worried that you’d grow out of his shadow and leave him stuck in yours.”



WH: “You’re full of shit, Jenny, stop just saying things trying to….”



JC: “How many World Title runs have you had? How many World Title shots have you gotten?”



WH: “……”



JC: “You’re always backing him up, tagging with him, reforming the Syndicate with him…..even when you were a champion, he tried to overshadow you with his faction war, didn’t he?”



WH: “……”



JC: “He trained you, but did he ever show you how to apply the “Rough Ride” or taught you how to do your own version of the “Guilt Trip”? There’s a reason for that, Wolf.”



WH: “No, he never did.”



Jennifer climbs up onto the side of Wolf’s pick-up so she can look him directly in the face.



JC: “When I’m running TCW, you’ll be a World Champion, and it will mean something.”



WH: ”I’m not like I used to be. Partying, unfocused……..playing second fiddle. I’m ready to be THE man. It’s time for a new era….”



JC: “You’ll be the new face of TCW, Wolf. All you have to do is win the World Title on Sunday at Total Mayhem for TCW and keep GNN out of our business?”



He takes a second, stone faced, before nodding.



Jennifer smiles.








Mighty Mo vs. Charlie Thatcher



MN: “It looks like Wolf Hawkins is going to come through for TCW after all. When Jennifer Cornell put it on him that way, he couldn’t say no.”



SB: “She appealed to his sense of loyalty more than anything else.”



The three massive men that make up, DOA, Rocky Golden, Mighty Mo, and Atlas, dressed in their usual black combat fatigues, simultaneously jump out of a black hummer in the street and hit the building, coming through a side entrance tonight. Charlie Thatcher is already in the ring waiting for DOA, looking over his shoulder, trying to figure out where they could be coming from. And when they storm the ring, these two mammoths go right for each other and bang heads for the short, but intense battle. Thatcher tries to exchange punches with Mighty Mo, but DOA’s enforcer takes a punch better than anyone and eats several overhand rights and lefts trying to get close to TCW’s Head of Security. Thatcher leans himself onto the ropes and comes off hard with a forearm shot that drops Mo to one knee. But when the big bearded man tries to do it a second time, Mo gets back up and catches him coming off with a spinning sidewalk slam, pounding him viciously into the mat with all of his weight.



MN: “WOW!”



The ref takes his time with the count.



MN: “Will this be the scene when DOA faces Law & Thatcher and the New Wave for the World Tag Team Titles at Total Mayhem?”



SB: “I wouldn’t doubt it. The guys in DOA are young, huge, and hungry. The New Wave ? They have been all over the place…and Charlie Thatcher has gotten his butt whipped three weeks in a row. Can Law carry him against both DOA monsters? The titles are ripe for the picking.”



MN: “All good points, Sammy. We’ll find out if you’re right this Sunday night.”










Both members of the New Wave sit backstage on opposite sides of their dressing room. Guide is clearly hurting from his beating at the hands of Ino last week and gets up and grabs his bag, presumably to head to the trainer’s room before his match. Scout pulls out his ear buds and holds up his hand.



Scout: “You haven’t said anything about the team since you told me you weren’t having fun anymore. I was going to ask…..”



Guide: ‘Wait.”



Scout: “……”



Guide: “I think when we lose these tag team titles….we should go our separate ways. No bad blood, no grudges, nobody putting anybody through any barbershop windows….just Guide doing his thing and Scout doing his.”



Scout: “…….”



Guide: “No hard feelings, bro.”



Scout: “Well……since I haven’t given life after the New Wave any thought, let’s do our best to hold onto them past Total Mayhem, okay?”



Guide: “Roger that.”



Scout: “And good luck out there tonight.”



Guide: “Don’t go getting arrested again if I lose.”








Troy Tornado vs. Harry Allen vs. Guide



MN: “So, the New Wave are done when they lose the titles?”



SB: “I think Guide really likes this singles wrestling thing and wants to see how far he can take it.”



MN: “Maybe so, but many an iconic tag team has broken up and become two directionless midcarders; they never learn.”



This turns out to be a great match with a lot of fun spots. Harry Allen catches Guide’s first flying shoulderblock attempt with a spinning rana that rolls the New Waver to the floor. Tornado dives first, splattering the confused Guide with a slingshot cannonball that brings the fans to their feet. But Allen steals the show with a running two footed dropkick from the top rope to the floor that flips Tornado head over heels and leaves the Elvis fan standing tall.



SB: “He just ran the top cable like a tightrope! I’ve never seen that before!”



MN: “TCW IS innovation!”



When the action returns to the ring, the throttle stays cranked. Guide begins using his size advantage to bully his smaller opponents a bit. Tornado takes a big shoulder-breaker and rolls to the floor, letting Guide work Allen over for the next few minutes while he recovers. When he does get back into the fray, it is just after Guide has blown up Harry Allen with his trademark top rope shoulder-tackle. The opportunistic Tornado deftly slips in behind him and buries him with a front facelock DDT. He drags him into the middle of the ring and springs onto the top turnbuckle, taking flight and hitting a ring-shaking mad air flying legdrop, which nets him the three count.



MN: “That’s another win for Troy Tornado, Sammy, and that one was a test.”



SB: “If it was a test, he passed it, with flying colors.”



As his music plays, Troy Tornado, sweating from the match, rolls onto the apron and comes over to the broadcast location. He grabs the open headset beside Sammy Bach and puts it onto his head.



TT: “This Sunday night at Total Mayhem 19, I’m putting myself on the card. I left an open contract in the office for anyone on the planet to come in and sign on the dotted line. All a tornado can do is cause damage; this one is touching down at TM19 and blowing s**t up!”











A vignette plays, showing highlights of Ricky Dale Johnson’s career in TCW. He has beaten them all, every big name, and the footage is the proof; RDJ holds up every belt that TCW has to offer in the closing montage. The music is a classic hit and gets a bump from the crowd because of its recognizability. He is a grand slam champion; he is a gritty, tough as nails, savvy ring veteran who is coming back, refocused, for one last run at the top. RDJ will return at Total Mayhem 19.







Jay Chord vs. Brent Hill



MN: “How about that? RDJ. Ricky Dale Johnson, is coming back to TCW at Total Mayhem!!”



SB: “I hope, for his sake, that he has taken care of whatever personal stuff he had going on that kept him from being one hundred percent focused in the ring. He was a good talent once, a World Champion, but I’m going to remain skeptical until I see some proof he’s back to being the old RDJ.”



Jay Chord and Brent Hill are very evenly matched in every area except time in the business. Where Jay is still in his early years, regardless of his pedigree, Hill has hundreds upon hundreds of matches of experience to draw from. For some reason, of late, he has been pulling from the old school heel book of tricks a bit too liberally, and this outing is no different. When Jay Chord, his eyeliner runny from the sweat of being under the lights, looks to be setting Brent up for his legacy DDT, Hill turns himself between Chord and the ref and boxes the youngster below the belt with a short elbow. Chord yelps and bows over, giving Hill the chance to cradle both of his opponents legs and roll him up for a surprising three count.



SB: “Again with the dirty tricks; Hill has more up his sleeve than a senator!”



Jay Chord follows referee Sam Sparrow across the ring, limping as Brent Hill’s celebrates, and he is not happy. Sparrow just shakes his head and pats his hands together, mimicking the rhythm of his count as Chord pleads his case. He just shakes his head. Chord shoves him, so Sparrow drops quickly and rolls to the floor, heading for higher ground before things escalate further. Hill celebrates up the aisle as Chord continues his tantrum, flailing around on the mat and yelling at the top of his lungs.



SB: “What a brat this guy is. No wonder he has no friends.”



MN: “He does have a point though; Hill hit him low and stole the match by doing so. What a dirtbag.”













Joey Minnesota manically works out while Danny Jillefski stands to the side and loudly yaks on his phone.



JM: “This program has been drawing ratings, and they are getting better week by week….but once the network guys are running the show? It’s going to be going straight to the top. NUMBER ONE!”



Joey drops the loaded barbell he was pressing to the padded floor of his workout station. He has never looked better.



DJ: “No, I’m sure of it…….we’ve got the right guy. I’m standing with him right now…..”



He nods at Joey, who towels off.



DJ: “…the next World Heavyweight Champion.”







Atlas vs. Law



MN: “That’s what I was afraid of. These corporate suits from the network….like Danny Jillefski… trying to take over our operation, as if they know the wrestling business better than we do.”



SB: ”We don’t have time to worry about that right now; DOA is in the house again!!!”



Atlas hits the ring like a house on fire, unleashing a huge barrage of punches and kicks and trying to suck Rick Law under the wave of it all. But Law is a superior wrestler with a lot of size of his own and is able to quickly turn the tables on the massive but very inexperienced DOA big man. Law shows his raw power by lifting the stunned Atlas onto the top turnbuckle and superplexing him back off.



SB: “That was unreal. I hate him, but Law is a beast.”



Even with Rocky Golden pounding the mat from the floor and trying to rally him, Atlas can barely get to his feet so Law lines him up.



MN: “Here it comes.”



When Atlas turns around, Law has a step on him, having bounced himself off of the ropes for momentum. He absolutely explodes into a “Long Arm of the Law” and the force of it flips Atlas onto his face. 1-2-3.



MN: “And with his blue lights flashing in the background, Rick Law gets a big head of steam heading into that tag team title three way. He just buried Atlas.”



SB: “But his partner has been taking a beating of late; every one of those teams is coming in with a legitimate chance to win and a legitimate excuse for why they lost.”









The Calgary Bulldogs

Dan Stone jr. & Jeremy Stone

Total Combined Weight: 490 pounds

Debut Year: 1990/1984




If you followed Canadian wrestling at all over the last three decades, you are familiar with its first family, the Stones. Patriarch Dan Stone sr’s children are now in their wrestling primes and putting their own stamps on the wrestling business. With Dan sr passing the ownership torch of NOTBPW to his daughter Victoria, many of the other Stone children took the opportunity to wrestle outside of the company for the first time in years while she remakes the brand in her own image alongside head booker Pete Michaels.



“I’ve dominated in Japan, I’ve dominated in Mexico, and I’ve dominated in Canada. The US wrestling scene is all that’s left. And being back in a tag team with my brother? It’ going to make it all the sweeter when we win the most important tag team titles in the country, the TCW World Tag Team championships.” – Dan Stone jr.



Dan jr. and Jeremy Stone are the two most decorated Stone brothers and, far and away, the crown jewels of the family. While Jeremy prefers a more mat based attack, Dan is the epitome of balance and boasts one of the largest catalogs of offensive moves on the planet. In fact, Pro Wrestling Hits ranked Dan jr. as the third best wrestler in the entire world in their last yearly rankings. Jeremy ranked 25th. Some of their matches against each other have been called the greatest of all time by some wrestling journalists.



“I’ve never had a nickname that stuck. ‘The Canadian Wrestling Machine’, ‘Excellence’; they all fell by the wayside because just hearing my name, Jeremy Stone, said all that needed to be said.”- Jeremy Stone



As a tag team, the Calgary Bulldogs have been a force in Japan of late, tearing through a tour with BHOTWG, winning their tag team titles early on in the run and losing them on the last show. In the ring, they are as fluid as brothers should be with a plethora of double team moves. Their “Stone Attack” (Hart Attack Tandem Clothesline) is a pinpoint strike and usually results in a victory.



“We are going to take care of business in the ring, but we’re going to have someone coming with us to take care of our business outside of the ring. You know him, he’s from Calgary, Alberta, Canada….by way of Philadelphia, PA! See you at Total Mayhem 19!” -Dan Stone jr.






As Mitch and Sammy get set for the main event, getting set to talk about that bomb that just dropped….



MN: “From Calgary, Alberta, Canada???….by way of Philadelphia, PA??? I know who that is!! I know who he means!!”







Mitch is stopped by the familiar music of GNN, the Total Sports Network, as it blares through the arena’s speakers and a smiling, bordering on gloating Danny Jillefski waltzes down the ramp and finds his way to the broadcast location. People already hate him and boo accordingly. He shoots his cuffs as he sits down beside Sammy Bach, carefully putting a headset onto his head.



DJ: “Good evening, gentlemen. Let’s do a bang up job, shall we? This is going to be a great warm-up match for GNN’s main-man “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota.”








Joey Minnesota/Tommy Cornell vs. Bryan Vessey/Ino



MN: “Ummm…………I’m, ummm…. I guess I’m just going to keep going with the script.,….It’s main event time and this one should be a doozy. What will happen when each man in our upcoming bout is paired with his Total Mayhem opponent; can either squad operate as a tag team?”



DJ: ”A ‘doozy’, eh? When GNN takes control of things around here this Sunday night, and I’m pretty much become the boss, I’m going to start looking for someone with a bigger vocabulary than yours to take your place.”



SB: “Glad to see you too, Danny.”



MN: “Don’t count us as people who are glad to see you, sellout.”



SB: “Hey! Don’t pull me under the bus with you. I like my job. “



There are so many things boiling under the surface in this match between all of the competitors that it starts out very tentatively, with no one wanting to make the first mistake. Tommy is very obviously wary of his partner and tries to go hold for hold with both Bryan Vessey and Ino in the early stages of things.



He’s the best, but there’s never an opening with either. And soon he is eating a flurry of backhand chops like everyone else.






Ino goes through a catalog of suplex variants before positioning Cornell in the corner and bouncing his head off of the second turnbuckle with his trademarked running facewash. For the first time, Joey Minnesota enters the fray, bombing across the ring and bailing Tommy out.



SB: “Another second or two and it was almost time for a BURNING HAMMMMMMAAAA!”



MN: “It might be the most devastating move in TCW.”



Minnesota however, is not the legal man, and gets ushered back out of the ring by referee Sam Sparrow, giving Vessey and Ino the chance to go back to work on the World Champion. But suddenly, it is their turn to start jawing at each other; Ino shoves Vessey on the apron, drawing a slap and a yell from his brother Larry, ever present at ringside. In seconds, everything has fallen apart, with all four men going crazy and looking in every direction.



MN: This tag-team match seems to have turned into a four way!!!”



DJ: “Think of the ratings!”



Minnesota attempts a split-legged moonsault from the top rope to the floor onto everybody, but is caught by his own partner Tommy Cornell who runs him into the ringpost, leaving him gasping for air and holding his crotch.



MN: “That’s his own partner!”



On the other side of the ring, after reversing an irish whip and burying both Bryan and Larry Vessey into the guardrail, Ino hoists Bryan onto his shoulders and BURNING HAMMMMMMAAAA ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!”






Sam Sparrow freaks out and starts counting.



MN: “What’s Joey doing?”



Joey, now somewhat recovered, is rooting around under the ring. It takes a while, but finally, he pulls out a gargantuan ladder. Tommy gets to his feet, but barely acknowledges the ladder, shooting his gaze up the ramp.



SB: “Holy hell. It must be a twenty-footer!”






“MN: “This kind of thing doesn’t happen in TCW! We’re a WRESTLING company!”



DJ: “This is what the people want!”



On cue, TCW security swarms the ring and the bell starts ringing. Tommy and Joey try to keep fighting while a few security thicknecks surround Ino, who is snorting and hovering over the downed and very likely unconscious Bryan Vessey. Everything is far from settled. The ladder never comes into play.



MN: “This is madness. Going into Total Mayhem 19, with the very fate of the company at stake, this is what we are left with.”



SB: “Chaos.”



DJ: “I loved it! What a show! Bravo!!”



MN: “Call your local cable or digital TV providers; Total Mayhem 19; this Sunday night! Cornell versus Wolf Hawkins versus Joey Minnesota….Old School TCW vs. New Era TCW vs. The Network!! Only one will win; only one will control TCW!!!








© 2014

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Jennifer Cornell Convinces Wolf to Represent TCW (A)




New Wave Near Their End as a Team? (B-)




RDJ Returns Vignette (B)




Jillefski/Minnesota Promo (B+)




Calgary Bulldogs Profile (B)


Danny Jillefski Joins Broadcast team (B)





Show Grade: B+


TCW TV Rating: 5.41 (+.11)



SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.90 (-.08)



© 2014

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SuperOwens" data-cite="SuperOwens" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Looks like the story you want to tell is just starting to ramp up.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hallelujah, my man. Hal-le-lu-jah.</p><p> </p><p> And fasten your seatbelt. TM19 is afoot.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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BREAKING NEWS: Vengeance Goes on Hiatus




As announced via his FaceSpace fan page, SWF superstar Vengeance has now left the company and will be taking an indefinite leave from the business. His contract with the SWF lasts for another eight months, but most folks in the know are treating it as a “battery recharge” for the veteran, saying they believe he will return to action in a few weeks. Some backstage sources, though, are worried it may be something more permanent.



When reached for comment, SWF Head of Creative, Christian Faith said, “We’ll just keep rolling along. The SWF is a machine. We love when Vengeance haunts our broadcasts, but….next man up, I guess.”



With Vengeance due to receive a World Title Match against the seemingly unbeatable Marat Khoklov, one wonders who the Russian Monster next challenger will be, as, over the last few weeks, Vengeance has left SWF’s best in his wake and seemed to be on a collision course with the World Champion.



The loss of Vengeance is made even more difficult when coupled with the unexpected walkout of Jack Bruce, who left a handshake agreement on a contract extension blowing in the wind to bolt to the rising CGC. As a result, SWF is said to be in scramble mode, trying to lock down all of their upper-end talent and having their eyes on a handful of workers from outside the company.





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Hey NoNeck,


While I don't frequently comment (here or anywhere else) please know I am a daily lurker! I love what you're doing here! Your version of TCW feels very different from the way I way play it in my own diary.


I'm really intrigued at this Vengeance story. Maybe it's nothing more than you updating on us on your game world, but I found it interesting that it was a TCW published news item--not a 3rd party site.


Skull DeBones in TCW? I never dreamed of such a thing...


Anyway--Keep it up man! It's original and fun to follow!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingRider" data-cite="RingRider" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey NoNeck,<p> </p><p> While I don't frequently comment (here or anywhere else) please know I am a daily lurker! I love what you're doing here! Your version of TCW feels very different from the way I way play it in my own diary. </p><p> </p><p> I'm really intrigued at this Vengeance story. Maybe it's nothing more than you updating on us on your game world, but I found it interesting that it was a TCW published news item--not a 3rd party site. </p><p> </p><p> Skull DeBones in TCW? I never dreamed of such a thing...</p><p> </p><p> Anyway--Keep it up man! It's original and fun to follow!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comment, RingRider. I feel like I am beginning to hit my stride with this and have finally put things into place the way I want wanted when I started. Funnily enough, and I'll address it in character in an upcoming Mitch post, but this Total Mayhem (and everything that's been leading up to it) is all in anticipation of Total Mayhem 20, next year's event. I have a hard time not being long winded with my storytelling. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As for Skull DeBones, I'll keep that under my hat and let it play out in the story, but I will say that Mitch has been spending serious money in game and has really strengthened the roster. I'd suspect he's signed the better part of ten new employees. Would Skull fit in TCW? Maybe not the <em>old</em> TCW....<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I do use those PWHITS articles to try to flesh out the rest of the game world. In addition to what's going on between SWF and TCW, there's the USPW issue (can't make the leap into the big two, bleeding money), the shift of power in Canada (CGC running neck in neck with aged and uninspiring NOTBPW), and the booming united states independent scene (IPW, CZCW and the newest addition, the combined PSW and NYCW, New Steel Wrestling, putting on amazing shows and bringing out indy fans like it is twenty years ago). There's a lot going on and I'm enjoying watching it play out.</p><p> </p><p> Plus, I have set the stage for a few awesome things should certain people sign certain places and trigger certain narratives. Landmines everywhere; the wrestling world could be dragged through the mud over the next couple of years.</p><p> </p><p> Anywho, glad you're onboard. </p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Interesting if u get vengeance in tcw ... I've done it but im sure u would have more succes than me


I'm not sure about that.


But Total Mayhem 19, TCW's biggest event of the year, would seem like the perfect place for a debut of this magnitude would it not?





Thought I'd let anyone following this in on a near miss I had this past weekend. I was pouring a glass of wine and it tipped over into/onto my laptop keyboard and cooked it instantly.



Now, I have learned many lessons in the past with computers and their unpredictable lifespans and had been backing up the TEW save game religiously, so everything game wise is fine. But I wasn't being so good with my diary word document.



I like to write storylines in big chunks, so I have stuff pushed out at least two months (and sometimes up to twelve, as I already have TM20's main event booked) in my word document that I fill in around. Luckily, I was able to recover the thing from the hard drive, right up to the last keystroke I made the night before. But for a couple of days I was biting-my-nails nervous.



Note to writers of fun things: back it up-everytime!



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Now, I have learned many lessons in the past with computers and their unpredictable lifespans and had been backing up the TEW save game religiously, so everything game wise is fine. But I wasn't being so good with my diary word document.



I like to write storylines in big chunks, so I have stuff pushed out at least two months (and sometimes up to twelve, as I already have TM20's main event booked) in my word document that I fill in around. Luckily, I was able to recover the thing from the hard drive, right up to the last keystroke I made the night before. But for a couple of days I was biting-my-nails nervous.



Note to writers of fun things: back it up-everytime!




Glad to hear you had back-ups. Don't forget about Dropbox or Google Drive. I use both (sometimes I use Google Docs, sometimes I use Word, I'm weird like that) and they sync my documents between my home PC, work PC, and my phone. It's convenient.

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“Signing Phil Vibert to a contract was a no-brainer in my mind. And, for the record, he had nothing to do with creative at all. His role was strictly as an onscreen character. There’s no denying he’s one of the best managers of all time. He could get a loaf of bread over. But I know everyone thought I’d be looking over my shoulder. Truth is, I couldn’t be happier to add someone of his caliber to the roster.”








“I’d be worried if I were Mitch. You know that old saying about how having too many cooks in the kitchen can spoil a meal? Once you add Phil Vibert to your kitchen, the timer is set. Your meal is doomed to be spoiled in….three years’ time. Oh, I’m sure, in the short term, he’ll get everyone a bump and the interweb fans will rave about how edgy the product is…..But then, when it all seems to be going well…..it’ll get stale, all of it at the same time, and you’ll wonder just what the hell you’re watching. He did it with DAVE and he did it with CGC. Those are facts.”







“I know Mitch said all the right things, but having Vibert involved in any capacity would seem to undermine him, like he’s not ready to do the job on his own.”






“We went on a bit of signing bender, because we could, and Phil Vibert’s name happened to be on the list of folks that were available. Having him come in with the Calgary Bulldogs rushes them to the top of the tag division and gives me gold in and out of the ring whenever they are booked. From one guy to another, Christian Faith should worry about his own problems.”






“Yeah, he’s right, there was no doubt about it, we were in full ‘circle-the-wagons’ mode after Vengeance left, and I do owe him an apology for that shot. I saw that TCW was bringing in the Stones brothers and was a little jealous----but hey----at least it wasn’t another one of our guys going out the door straight to a competitor. The Jack Bruce fiasco hurt me, personally. Never saw it coming....and it shot CGC straight to the top of my shit list.”






“You’ve got to get these guys to sign on the bottom line. There’s no trust; no honor among thieves.”






“I’m old school. When I shake your hand, it means something. More than any document from a limp wrist in an expensive suit, a handshake is about honor, who you are as a man. I’ve been operating that way since way before I took the book from the boss.”






“If I were Faith, I’d go back around the locker room with a lawyer and make sure that anyone else he has a handshake agreement with signs an actual contract. That’s asking for trouble.”









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It is upon us.


The one event on TCW's yearly schedule that always raises the bar, Total Mayhem, is here. In this, the nineteenth installment of the annual supershow, the stakes could not be higher. Who will walk away from TM19 with control of the company? Will Tommy Cornell, the deposed CEO but still World Champion be able to regain his spot at the had of TCW's table? Will his now ex-wife Jennifer, the new CEO, cement her spot as the person to lead TCW into the future, with longtime yet conflicted Cornell family friend Wolf Hawkins as her in-ring representative? Or will GNN's rep, Danny Jillefski, be coming out of left field, with "The Prototype" Joey Minnesota in his corner, as the man who will put the sports network's stamp on TCW going forward?


The tag titles are on the line. The number one contendership is on the line. Old feuds will be reborn. New feuds will begin. Surprises? Yes sir.


It only comes once a year, and this one will be an event for the ages.


What will the landscape of Total Championship Wrestling look like when UPRISING goes on the air 48 hours later?




Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen








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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-

Network control somehow makes sense -- and the nobody wins outcome is interesting for Vilbert to play on.

Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match

Ino has way more upside.

New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-

Time for DOA to take a major title.

Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract

Troy is just too high up on that card, mang.

The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert

Bulldogs are way, WAY more over.

Rocky Golden vs. RDJ

Dominant DOA takes the Dub.

“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

Genetic Freak has been hyped to much not to win in his first PPV.

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Quick Query NoNeck: Is Tommy Cornell's divorce fully kayfabe, or is the Storyline shoot on a literal game event?


They've broken up in ~1/3 of my saves, so life could imitate art, and we'd be reading HHH-Stephanie McMahon all over again. (Oddly, not as often as Jessie/Gilmore who are consistently split up within the year)

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Quick Query NoNeck: Is Tommy Cornell's divorce fully kayfabe, or is the Storyline shoot on a literal game event?


They've broken up in ~1/3 of my saves, so life could imitate art, and we'd be reading HHH-Stephanie McMahon all over again. (Oddly, not as often as Jessie/Gilmore who are consistently split up within the year)


It's happened in my saves before, but this one, I set up in the editor prior to starting the game. Basically, it's the foundation of the whole story, so I wanted to be sure and I think this next show, TM19, really sets us on that journey.


I'm curious to see, with the predictions, how people think the main event is going to play out. It was one of the first ideas I had when constructing this diary.



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Quick Query NoNeck: Is Tommy Cornell's divorce fully kayfabe, or is the Storyline shoot on a literal game event?


They've broken up in ~1/3 of my saves, so life could imitate art, and we'd be reading HHH-Stephanie McMahon all over again. (Oddly, not as often as Jessie/Gilmore who are consistently split up within the year)


Or Sean Mc-Fly and Victoria Stone. The C-Verse isn't a happy place...:(

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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert

Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

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You know, I've been trying to lay off the "last call for predictions" or "twenty-four hour warnings" because I've read here on the boards that it makes a few folks get all antscy in their pantsy.


But I feel finding this buried and one slot away from the third page because someone's blowing up the board by predicting on things at a pace of one per minute gives me special dispensation.


Consider this my "twenty-four hour last call for predictions warning".



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You know, I've been trying to lay off the "last call for predictions" or "twenty-four hour warnings" because I've read here on the boards that it makes a few folks get all antscy in their pantsy.


But I feel finding this buried and one slot away from the third page because someone's blowing up the board by predicting on things at a pace of one per minute gives me special dispensation.


Consider this my "twenty-four hour last call for predictions warning".




Screw people complaining, you've written more than a few chapters on the guide to writing dynasties. You can do as you please as far as I'm concerned. :p


Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contact


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>I hope to see this up soon, so I'll toss my prediction in the mix.</p><p> </p><p>

Tommy Cornell vs. <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong> vs. Wolf Hawkins</p><p>

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ino</strong> vs. Bryan Vessey</p><p>

#1 Contender Match</p><p> </p><p>

New Wave vs. <strong>DOA</strong> vs. Law & Thatcher</p><p>

-World Tag Team Title Match-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs. Open Contract</p><p> </p><p>

The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. <strong>Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky Golden</strong> vs. RDJ</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens</strong> vs. Harry Allen</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JShmoopy" data-cite="JShmoopy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hope to see this up soon, so I'll toss my prediction in the mix.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's coming. I'm a perfectionist about stuff like this, which I find strange, because in most parts of my life I'm a "that's good enough" type of dude. Plus, I think I've said before that I write things in groups or larger chunks. Since early last week, things have been pouring out and I've been trying to take advantage. The output has been astounding, but I keep going back to layer more things into Total Mayhem every day.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I think it will end up being worth it. I hope so anyway. I feel like the next set of shows are going to end up being some of the best I've ever written.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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