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Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014)

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Thank you for your purchase of TCW TOTAL MAYHEM 19. It will be broadcast live TONIGHT at 8PM EST.



Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen






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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ


“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen


I'd Figure I'd Throw In A Last Second Prediction

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Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins

–World Heavyweight Title/Control of TCW Triangle Match-


Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Match


New Wave vs. DOA vs. Law & Thatcher

-World Tag Team Title Match-


Troy Tornado vs. Open Contract


The Beau Brothers w/ Emma Chase vs. Calgary Bulldogs w/ Phil Vibert


Rocky Golden vs. RDJ

“Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen

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Show #7






Total Mayhem XIX

Live from the SOLD OUT MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV









We see a long shot of some southern farm land in all of its glory. Tall grass blows, cows and horses do their thing, and the low six o’clock sun shines sideways.



“Places like this get into your blood; they become part of who you are.”



There’s a country football field, freshly mowed, lights on. Might as well be in your hometown.



“Varsity linebacker for four years, all-state, got a sniff from Georgia, but no scholarship. I practiced with them for a month before I ran out of money. I lived out of my truck for a few weeks without anyone knowing. Coaches found out. I went home. Back to work on my Daddy’s farm. What can you do, right?”



On the edge of that football field, a beat-up red pickup truck sits idling, with the radio on. A man sits in the back, his legs stretched out. He is blonde, tan, and very lean. He obviously works for a living. You can see it in his hands.



“Looks like I’ve got one more shot to follow my dreams and maybe make something out of myself….instead of punching a clock and drinking at the same bar every Friday night until I die.”



“TCW……I hope you are ready for Sawyer Sanders, because Sawyer Sanders is definitely ready for TCW.”





Kevin Stevens vs. Harry Allen



MN: “Looks like another bright young star is on the horizon here in TCW.”



SB: “Only the best of the best even get a chance. He better be ready for competition unlike any he’s ever seen.”



MN: “I agree. And….hold on…..get a load of this guy right here.”



Mitch trails off as Kevin Stevens walks out onto the stage. He is unbelievably huge, oiled and ripped to the bone, and wearing the tiniest white workout shorts. Harry Allen’s eyes grow to the size of silver dollars as Stevens gets close to the ring-his shadow weighs fifteen pounds. He is enormous. And when the bell rings, Stevens throws his towel into the crowd and goes right for Allen. It is no contest. There is a running slam into the turnbuckles, and running boot, and a turnover backbreaker before Stevens lifts the beaten Elvis impersonator/superfan onto his shoulder and spikes him into the mat with a vicious powerslam. The three count is quickly in the air and Stevens gets back to flexing.



MN: “That man is e-freakin-normous. I didn’t even know humans could grow to look like that.”



SB: “TCW doesn’t give titles for looking great though. If they did, I’d hold all the belts.”



MN: “You’re so smooth, look at you go.”










While The Cali Dragons stretch out in the ring, getting loose for their upcoming action, they get a nice response from the hot Las Vegas crowd. As their music dies down, Jay Chord broods his way out onto the ramp, his dark hair mockingly slicked perfectly over to the side.



“I sit backstage by myself. Like always. By myself. Did you see me? Alone.”



The fans boo him.



“People laugh and yak, and carry on. But not me. I’m always by myself. BY MYSELF.”



He looks like he’s about to smile, but doesn’t.



“Not anymore.”



His punk guitar riff heavy music hits and out walks a man with long black hair, black eyeliner and lipstick, and baggy black pants. Jay reaches out and high fives him.





Fallen vs. Cali Dragons



SB: “I love the Cali Dragons, Mitch.”



MN: “You’ve gone on record as saying such, Sammy, but I’m sure they appreciate the extra mention.”



The Cali Dragons start out by whipping both Chord and Skye into the ropes and scoring with tandem dropkicks and a pair of back elbows. It is so sudden, it gives off the vibe that the whole match is going to be a fast paced affair. But as soon as the referee restores order and Jay Chord gets control, the pace slows to a crawl. He and Skye tag in and out, and take full advantage of the transition time to stomp Frankie Perez into oblivion. But for the most part, they keep everything rest-holdy and white bread basic.



SB: “What is this? BO-RING!”



Perez rallies. He ducks a clothesline and catches Chord coming off of the ropes on the rebound with a spinning back kick. The ensuing pin nets him a two and a half and sends him in for the kill instead of looking for the tag.



The thing about Jay Chord’s DDT is that it can come out of thin air most times…and this is one of those times. While Perez leans out, trying to decide between his finisher or making the tag, Chord reels him in, double underhooks the arms and SPLAT, right on his face. Mikey James isn’t even through the ropes before the three count is in the air; it is that shocking and abrupt an end. Remmy and Jay, devoid of emotion, slink backward up the ramp.



MN: “Anything can happen in TCW. Debut your new partner, win your match. Sounds so simple.”



SB: “Too bad they are so boring. The Remmy Skye I used to know on the indies was called the ‘king of the ladder match’. This guy’s feet were glued to the ground.”





















Mitch and Sammy sit behind the special raised broadcast location about three quarters of the way up the ramp. Both look great in their traditional black tie tuxedos. And as they smile, the camera slowly cranes into position in front of them and the TM theme music fades.



MN: “It’s an event so big, we can only do it once a year. Hello everybody, welcome to the sold out MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada, and tonight TOTAL MAYHEM 19 is for all the marbles.”



SB: “That’s right Mitch, it’s not just for the World Heavyweight Title; it’s for control of the company. Everybody has an equal shot. I know who I’m pulling for, and I know you fans at home have your favorites, too. The only thing left to do is pull up a chair, crack an adult beverage, and watch the world burn, TCW-style!”



MN: “Let’s go to the ring and kick off Total Mayhem 19!!”






The Beau Brothers vs. Calgary Bulldogs



MN: “And this is one the internet wrestling community have been dying to see; these two teams tore up the Canadian indies just a few months ago.”



Phil Vibert struts down between Jeremy and Dan Jr. smiling his somewhat slimy sports agent smile and already running his mouth at Emma Chase from the base of the ramp.



MN: “These two have long had a bitter rivalry, Sammy, and it looks like it took all of five seconds to get started again.”



The Beau Brothers don’t even wait for the Bulldogs to get their maroon and white warm-ups off before they strike, laying into the Canadian veterans with a barrage of punches and kicks. Emma Chase lets Phil know that her men have the upper hand during the match’s early going, loudly yelling across the ring at him while Broderick and Skip tag in and out, keeping Dan Jr isolated and on the mat in several boston crab variations.



SB: “I can’t even tell them apart; which Beau is which?”



Suddenly, there is a little bit of breathing room for Dan and he erupts, rolling through on one of the crabs and pulling Beau clear across the ring before tagging out and hopping onto the apron without letting go of his opponent’s foot. As Jeremy climbs to the top, Dan twists Skip Beau up with a dragon screw through the ropes, sending him tumbling backward. Jeremy comes crashing down with a double axe-handle and slides back into the ring, looking for the other Beau.



Broderick catches him coming in though, flying off of the apron with a ferocious springing shoulder-tackle. But Jeremy’s years of discipline kick in and, as Beau leans in, he wraps his arms around the young buck’s head and locks in the “Stone Hold”. Broderick holds on for a few seconds, but with Dan on his brother on the floor and Phil arguing with the sexy-as-hell Emma at the base of the ramp, there is no one to save him and nowhere to go. He taps.



MN: “What a match! And what a bitter rivalry that Phil Vibert and Emma Chase have. I had no idea it was as bad as it is. These two teams will cross paths again.”










A quick promo hyping the brand new TCW training center that’s being built in Florida to go along with their soon be announced official development territory/ child company. It shows the planning and the building of the project in time lapse photography. Everything is coming together ahead of schedule. It will be THE premier, state-of-the-art facility for pro wrestling development and will have no peer on the planet.





As Troy Tornado stands in the ring, decked out in special red, white, and blue pay-per-view tights, waiting to see who will come down the ramp and accept his open challenge, there is a stirring in the crowd. The people begin to part as someone pushes their way through.



MN: “I know who that is! What is he doing here? I just saw him on SWF TV last night!”






With his dirty blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, MARC DUBOIS throws a leg over the guardrail and motions for a microphone. The attendant fumbles with the ring announcer’s mike before flipping it to DuBois, who keeps his eyes on Troy Tornado as he climbs up the steel steps and onto the apron.



MDB: “Do you know who I am?”



A few pockets of fans go nuts. They DO know him.






He points at Troy Tornado.



MDB: “I’m going to give you three seconds to get out of my ring, Troy, or I’m going to sign your open contract and make you the first of many.”



Tornado bends over laughing and sits, holding the far-side ropes open enough for a backstage staffer to come bouncing through with the TCW competition contract, which DuBois signs with enthusiasm.



MDB: “I was going to talk, but I can send my message just as clearly through you.”






Troy Tornado vs. Marc Dubois



SB: “I have been in the ring with Marc DuBois and he is as good as advertised. In between those ropes, there aren’t more than a handful of wrestlers as talented.”



MN: “But Troy Tornado has gotten himself on quite a roll of late, and even though DuBois was dominating SWF, the competition level is a step higher here in TCW.”



SB: “He was their Shooting Star Champion, wasn’t he?”



MN: “He still is!!”



This match blows the hinges off of the crowd. It is relentless, non-stop action. It is exactly the type of match TCW fans live for. Marc DuBois is as advertised; there is a smoothness to his offense, even when it is high impact. But Tornado is also firing on all cylinders, stepping out of a tilt-w-whirl suplex attempt in stride and leaping onto the top cable, turning the springboard into a hurancanrana.



A few minutes later, an attempt at the same springboard into a rana by Tornado leads to the spot of the night as DuBois catches him and then holds him up on his shoulders while climbing through the ropes, dropping him on his face with an unbelievable electric chair drop on the apron.






As Bach is marking out, DuBois is climbing, flipping over backward with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor. The ringside fans pump their fists as both men roll around on the mats.






When things get back into the ring, there are about a dozen near falls, and the crowd nearly wears themselves out counting along.



SB: “They’ve warmed up to DuBois in a hurry, haven’t they?”



MN: “To be fair, they didn’t really like Troy Tornado that much anyway.”



Tornado ducks his head for a backdrop---but DuBois is a step ahead and locks in the overhead cravat facelock, quickly twisting them both over with a “Hero’s Welcome” hitting the mat with such force that Tornado’s head bounces. The three count is a formality.



MN: “I’m impressed.”



Before Sammy can even get in a word, DuBois rolls to the floor and produces the SWF Shooting Star Championship belt. He raises it overhead for just a second….before walking it back behind the broadcast location and depositing it in the trash can.



SB: “We’re reading you loud and clear, buddy. Message sent.”
















A promo video rolls hyping next month’s pay-per-view event, “Excessive Force”. The catchphrase for the event foreshadows an upcoming announcement.



“Six men. One million dollars. One chance of a lifetime.”














Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. New Wave vs. DOA


-World Tag Team Title Match-



MN: “These three teams have put each other through the ringer for the last few months. Tonight, we will finally have some closure. And the titles are on the line.”



SB: “And if they lose the titles, the New Wave, one of the most decorated tag teams in the business, have said they will each go their separate ways.”



MN: “I’m a fan of theirs, always have been, and I hope they make it through the night. I can’t really imagine the business without them.”



The two massive men that make up DOA: Mighty Mo, and Atlas, dressed in their usual black combat fatigues, simultaneously jump out of a barely stopped black hummer in the street and storm the building, coming through the main entrance and running through the casino before appearing in the building’s eaves.



When they get to the ring, the bell sounds. And for a time, all six men are in the ring. Guide and Scout are a well-oiled machine and it shows in the execution of their plan; they systematically knock both other teams out of the ring with double team move flurries and bounce around on the ropes, playing to the very appreciative Las Vegas crowd.



SB: “That’s why they are the tag team champions, Mitch!”



Control is restored and all the teams get a bit of time to shine. When he is finally tagged in, Rick Law is dominant, owning the ring and running Guide into the canvas. He tosses him overhead with a nasty belly-to-belly suplex and drills him with a kneedrop before covering him, getting only two. Scout charges the ring, but gets blown over the top rope to the floor by Atlas who followed him in, shadowing his movements before striking with his huge running boot. Referee Sam Sparrow’s head is spinning.



MN: “It’s chaos in there! Absolute chaos!”



Guide tries to tag the nearest hand, that of Mighty-Mo. He misses wildly, but it is close enough for Mo, who leans his heft over the top rope and rumbles toward Law. He ducks a ‘LAoTL’ and comes off the ropes on the other side, spinning around Law and squashing him with his mighty sidewalk slam. He waits for the count, but Sparrow shakes his head and points to Guide. Charlie Thatcher hurdles across the ring and tackles Mighty Mo, dumping them both over the top rope.



SB: “Can you tell this is for the tag-team titles? What-a-match!”



Guide crawls toward his corner where the still-rung-up-from-Atlas’-boot Scout stands on wobbly legs, holding the tag rope and leaning with his arm outstretched. However, noticing Rick Law’s downed form on his way to his own corner, Guide can’t help it and gets to his feet and pulls Law up, motioning to Scout to get in position for their tandem missile shoulderblocks.



Law quickly whips Guide into the ropes and destroys him with a “Long Arm of the Law” before Scout could make the tag. TCW’s Head of Security slides into place on top of Guide. As the referee counts, Scout comes flying through the ropes, trying to break it up, but he gets intercepted by Charlie Thatcher. He can’t stop the count.



MN: “I don’t believe it! Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher have just won the TCW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES!!”



Law and Thatcher raise the belts as their siren-laden music plays. Mighty Mo and Atlas stand, huffing and puffing, their faces twisted and angry, at the base of the ramp and watch the new champs celebrate. Meanwhile, on the floor near the timekeeper’s table, Guide begins to come to. His partner longtime partner, Scout, holds his head and sits up on one knee beside him. They help each other up and lean against the barricade, getting glad-handed by the ringside fans before their last trip back up the ramp as a tag team.



MN: “This is a historic moment folks; one of the best tag teams in the history of this sport is no more.”










As we wait for RDJ’s entrance, nostalgically familiar music plays….Is that....”Legitimate Patriot”??????







...and out onto the stage walk RIP CHORD and SAM STRONG.



It is pandemonium. The fans, old and young alike, pop like mad for the three legends as they stand side by side in front of the Total Mayhem background. Sam Strong has a microphone and takes his time letting the fans cheer him before he even starts.



SS: “Relax jack, we’ve only got a few minutes to make this happen.”



Just his voice and delivery makes the crowd cheer again. It is a good moment.



SS: “If there’s a wrestling hall of fame, you know damn well that the two men standing up here were in on the first ballot.”



Chord nods as the crowd pops some more.



SS: “Tonight, one of those guys, one of my guys…..a legend, Ricky Dale Johnson, climbs back into that ring and takes one more run at the top.”



The fans cheer.



SS: “One day he’ll be in the hall of fame, but tonight, there’s work to be done. Ladies and gentlemen…..RICKY DALE JOHNSON!!!”



The legends part and RDJ walks out, wearing white leather chaps with tassels over his white trunks. His white cowboy hat with a gold band is hung low over his eyes.












Rocky Golden vs. RDJ



SB: “There’s not a lot of animosity between these two men. There’s no feud. This one is about good old fashioned competition.”



MN: “And their overall ranking, too. A win here for one of them would surely slot them in right behind the number one contender and well with arm’s reach of the TCW World Title.”



DOA’s music hits and Rocky Golden appears way up in the cheap seats in his very familiar black combat fatigues and headband. The spotlight hits him as he makes his way through the fans and gets to ringside.



RDJ takes his tie taking off his special entrance attire. His jazzed up from the huge ovation and legend studded entrance and puts Golden through the paces, emptying out his offensive bag, so to speak. The armbar clothesline, the three straight suplexes, and the punching ten count in the corner: Golden eats them all and, for a second or two, legitimately looks like he might be on his way out. But by ducking a wild elbow, Golden gets his own head of steam and drills RDJ with a jumping knee that stops the feel good story dead in its tracks. Golden whips him into the corner and comes charging in, getting some good air before hitting a splash. And when Johnson comes staggering out of the corner Golden lifts him overhead and gets the submission following his torture rack backbreaker/torture-rack combo.



MN: “I feel bad for RDJ; he really wanted to come in and steal the show tonight. After all that pomp and circumstance….this one’s got to hurt.”



As Rocky Golden exits through the crowd, RDJ just sits in the ring entranced, staring at his hat in the corner like it’s glowing only to him.










Danny Jillefski and a bevy of high rollers sit in a posh backstage locker room that’s doubling as a GNN network party central for some of the city’s A-listers. There are hot women draped all over various casino types on the leather furniture that’s set up all around the room.





Over in the corner, a floor length tri-folding mirror is set-up with a couple of lights. Standing in front of it, slowly curling a cable and getting a great pump is the ultra-ripped Joey Minnesota. Eventually the shot settles on Joey’s face in the mirror.



“it’s been coming for months.”



“there is no one but me and you, tommy.”



“wolf hawkins is just going to get in my way.”



“things that get in my way don’t stay in my way.”



“i don’t care about any television network. getting into this position is all that matters.”



“tonight, I put an end to tommy cornell.”



“tonight, I win the tcw world heavyweight championship.”













“I’m getting word that there’s something going on in the back. Wait? What? In TCW?”











Bryan Vessey vs. Ino

-#1 Contender Match-



This starts backstage, for all intents and purposes. When cameras arrive, Ino is on top of Bryan Vessey in the doorway of his locker room, dropping bombs onto the longtime veteran. Larry Vessey runs up and pulls off his loafer, looking for a way in before Charlie Thatcher and TCW Security arrive and fill in the hallway.



MN: “That was pretty quick for the ‘ol security staff considering they haven’t had much practice.”



SB: “I know. It’s been over two years without so much as a peep.”



There are thick-necks in security t-shirts everywhere, but Ino and Vessey don’t care. They’re relentless in trying to scrap their way toward the other one. At some point, the security guys decide it will be easier to guide them toward the ring than it will be to separate them entirely, so they pretty much herd the two men onto the stage and direct them toward the squared circle. Referee Baby Jamie fares no better, trying to get them to come down the ramp and get into the ring is impossible and they take a number of detours including a brutal battle near the timekeeper’s area that sees Vessey run Ino through the steel steps.



Things finally get into the ring and, even after the brawl they just went through, both men bring their “A” game and attempt to out-wrestle the other. They go back and forth. Vessey’s suplex roll call does not suffer even with a three hundred plus pound opponent, and his spinning Olympic slam draws a two and three quarters count that sucks the air out of the fans. Yet every attempt to lock him into his trademark STF ends with Ino somehow getting to the ropes, driving Vessey batty.



When Ino gets back to his feet, he yells at Vessey to challenge him and the two begin trading chops in the middle of the ring. The referee winces when each chop hits.



SB: “You do not want to trade chops with Ino, that’s for damn sure.”



Sammy is right- Ino begins blasting Vessey until he backpedals into the far-side corner, covering up. One spinning back kick drops him, seated, against the bottom turnbuckle.






With a bloodthirsty look on his face, Ino charges, viciously bouncing Vessey’s head off of the second turnbuckle with his trademarked running facewash.






“One minute. One minute remaining in the contest.”



SB: “The referee must’ve started the clock when they came out onto the stage.”



MN: “He had to have. That adds up perfectly.”



Ino lifts Vessey onto the top turnbuckle. They battle a bit, with Vessey going to great lengths to not get superplexed. But after they grapple, Ino slips down a step, grabs Vessey’s arms, and drives him into the mat with a huge splash mountain bomb.






He quickly rolls it over and locks Bryan in a koji-clutch. The veteran begins reaching out for anything he can grab.



MN: “This is trouble.”



SB: “I’ve never seen Ino break out that hold on American soil.”



Vessey bites Ino and both men roll away in pain.



The referee begins a backward ten count that crowd gets behind. Ino, bleeding profusely from his nose from the bite, gets to his feet and tries to pull Vessey onto his shoulders for a “BURNING HAMMMMA!!” but doesn’t drop him to the canvas until the bell is already ringing.



SB: “If this had gone another minute, I think Ino would’ve won.”



MN: “I agree. But, as it stands, we don’t have a clear-cut number-one contender.”



SB: “Of course there will be a rematch, though Mitch. Especially after how good that last match was.”










As he stands backstage, waiting for the Total Mayhem 20 travel package promo to play on the live screen before the main event, Wolf Hawkins lowers his eyes when Tommy Cornell walks out into the on deck circle to do a pre-match interview for the website.



Then he doesn’t.



He yells across the concrete backstage tunnelway.






“I don’t need you to protect me anymore, you asshole!”



“I don’t need you to be in my corner anymore!!”



“I’m not going to be held back by you….or stuck in your shadow….EVER AGAIN!!!”



Tommy scowls at Wolf and walks right up him, getting in his face. They both puff up and glare at each other. But just before it comes to blows, Tommy softens and pulls his hands down.



“What did she tell you?”






“And you believed her?”







“Oh man…….You believed her.”



Tommy’s music hits and his entourage pulls him away toward the opening. Wolf eyes him the entire way, still glaring.







“REPRESENTING Total Championship Wrrrrrestling…..Hailing from Orlando, Florida…weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds… the only graduate of the Cornell Wrestling Dojo…….he is a former TCW World Heavyweight Champion……..WOOOOOLF HAWWWWWKINS!”


“To my right…representing GNN, the Total Sports Network…originally from Albany, New York but fighting out of San Diego, California….officially listed at six foot-two…..two hundred and thirty pounds with only 4% bodyfat…..”THE PROTOTYPE” JOEY MINNESOTA!!!”








Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Wolf Hawkins


-TCW World Heavyweight Title Match-



MN: “What a physique on Joey Minnesota. He looks unbelievable.”



SB: “And look at Wolf Hawkins. His eyes are focused squarely on Tommy Cornell. This match has so many sub-plots, I can barely keep them all straight.”



MN: “Well, personal issues aside, and they’ve all got ‘em with each other, this match’s not just for the World Heavyweight Championship, it’s for control of the entire company.”



This proves to be an odd three way dance right out of the gate. Usually, these types of bouts breed strange bedfellows, with loyalties being decided moment to moment. But in this much ballyhooed main event, for the first twenty-five minutes at least, none of the men come to the aid of any other. It is truly every man for himself.



Tommy Cornell, for all of his recent faults, is really on top of his game, showing some chain wrestling sequences with Wolf Hawkins that he hasn’t broken out in years, capping the finale off with a tumbling roll-through schoolboy rollup turned into a powerbomb when Tommy lifts the flat-backed Wolf off the mat. It is a massive show of strength that is overshadowed by his yelling at Jennifer, who bitches at him from the floor.



MN: “They are so nasty to each other now, it’s amazing to think of how they were just a year ago, at Total Mayhem 18.”



SB: “Young and in-love, right?



“The Prototype” breaks up a fistfight on the floor between Tommy and Wolf with a superman dive through the ropes that leaves everyone down. Joey is the first to his feet and quickly runs Hawkins headlong into the nearside barricade, dumping him into the front row before going back and rolling Tommy in the ring. From there Joey unleashes all of the pent up energy he accumulated chasing Tommy this past year. There is the side slam, the best snap suplex in the biz, the flying head-butt, and the belly-to-back with a bridge that nets a two count. But, even though he appears worn from the whipping, Cornell keeps coming. When he catches Joey with a sneaky Russian leg sweep and then decks him with a running european uppercut, the thirteen time World Champion pops back up and appears rejuvenated, a pocket of fans here and there supporting him. But Joey, up on his knees, complains and tells the referee that Tommy pulled his hair.



Jillefski, knowing what’s at stake, freaks out and hops up onto the apron, pleading with the referee to watch Cornell as Wolf, now back in the ring, and Joey exchange punches and head toward history.



With Sam Sparrow on the other side of the ring trying to get Danny Jillefski off of the apron, Jennifer Cornell’s banter with Tommy ramps up and the two begin yelling at each other. It gets heated. Jennifer climbs the ring steps and, without hesitation, hauls off and blasts Tommy with a slap across the face that spins him around.





-Wolf shoves Joey away, rears back and steps into a “Bad Moon Rising” (superkick).



-Joey, seeing the superkick coming, pulls the disoriented Tommy in front of him at the last second and lets him eat it flush in the jaw. He then locks him up and buries him with a “Downward Spiral” for good measure.



MN: “Oh my god, did you see his neck bend at the end of that? He might need medical attention.”



SB: “A superkick AND a Downward Spiral? He’s going to need medical attention for sure.”



With Tommy twitching, Wolf is slow to do anything; he acts stunned and stuck in some imaginary mud, just staring at his downed mentor.



MN: “All that rage and then, faced with the reality of it……what do you do when it’s real?”



Both Jennifer and Jillefski climb up onto the ring apron, appearing to argue. Sam Sparrow glides over, but just the distraction of the spectacle proves to be enough for Joey to slide in beside the fogged out Wolf and spike him with a “Downward Spiral” of his own.



MN: “I don’t believe it! Wolf was calling for medical help from the back and Joey got him!”



Joey slides up on his belly and covers Wolf Hawkins, mashing his hand into Wolf’s face as he does so. Both Danny Jillefski and Jennifer Cornell stand on the apron, smiling and counting along with the referee.






The bell rings and Joey throws his fists into the sky. His music plays; Jillefski and Jennifer Cornell get the TCW World Heavyweight Championship from ringside and present him with it, draping it over his shoulder and clapping as he hugs it. It is a rare show of emotion for “The Prototype”.



MN: “They were in it together the whole time, Jennifer’s new TCW and the network, GNN! They had to be! The whole goddamned time!”



SB: “We’ve all been taken for a ride. Jennifer Cornell, you can go to hell.”



The celebration continues as medical workers strap Tommy Cornell to a back board and wheel him, via stretcher, up the ramp and into a waiting ambulance. The lights flash and the big beast of a vehicle begins rolling out of its spot and down the ramp toward the exit.



MN: “And, after what we’ve just seen, for Tommy Cornell, that ambulance right there may be his last ride. We might not have always seen eye-to eye, but thank you for all that you’ve done for TCW, sir. Godspeed.”



SB: “Do you think he has a broken neck?”








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Great show, very entertaining! With Ino and Vessey's background, that finish was perfect. It will be very interesting to see who comes out on top in that feud. The main event was also great. Let's go Joey!


Also, are you using an alternate Paul Huntingdon render for Marc Dubois? I am fairly new to the series so I could be wrong, just wondering.

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Great show, very entertaining! With Ino and Vessey's background, that finish was perfect. It will be very interesting to see who comes out on top in that feud. The main event was also great. Let's go Joey!


Also, are you using an alternate Paul Huntingdon render for Marc Dubois? I am fairly new to the series so I could be wrong, just wondering.


Thanks, JShmoopy! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I took a lot of time with it trying to get it just right, so I'm excited to be getting some of the feedback I'm getting.



Good eye, by the way, that was a Paul Huntingdon re-render that I'm using for DuBois. It seemed close enough, features wise and I've never really cared for any of the canon DuBois renders. Plus, in my games, Huntingdon usually runs with the Aristocrat gimmick and those re-renders don't really fit that.



And also....I love the re-render in question. ;)



Finally, so as not to double post for no reason, I want to thank KnowYourEnemy for throwing TM19 a nomination in the DOTM thingy we have here on the boards. Always feels good to know your writing is hitting home with the folks that are reading it. It feels really good.



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Finally, so as not to double post for no reason, I want to thank KnowYourEnemy for throwing TM19 a nomination in the DOTM thingy we have here on the boards. Always feels good to know your writing is hitting home with the folks that are reading it. It feels really good.



This was probably my favorite C-Verse PPV of the year so far. As great as the writing was, the booking here was the star of the show -- Tommy is kept over and is the default #1 Contender when he returns, allowing for an immediate Cornell-Minnesota feud.


It does feel reminiscent of the NWO "invasion" -- in a good way. A competing companies wrestler beating a former champion [Marc DuBois], traditional "faces of the company" losing on PPV to a non-traditional wrestler [RDJ losing to Golden], 'outside forces' taking over the company with the help of a loose alliance [Jennifer Cornell and Danny Jillefski working together], and "the TCW guys" losing just about every match [with the one notable exception being the Vessey-Ino draw].


To continue the analogy, Guide [or Thom Barrowman] is my early pick to be "sole TCW" guy left standing ala WCW Diamond Dallas Page in '97. I have to think the forthcoming feud will be huge, and Thom is good enough to handle the work rate in TCW.

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This was probably my favorite C-Verse PPV of the year so far. As great as the writing was, the booking here was the star of the show -- Tommy is kept over and is the default #1 Contender when he returns, allowing for an immediate Cornell-Minnesota feud.


It does feel reminiscent of the NWO "invasion" -- in a good way. A competing companies wrestler beating a former champion [Marc DuBois], traditional "faces of the company" losing on PPV to a non-traditional wrestler [RDJ losing to Golden], 'outside forces' taking over the company with the help of a loose alliance [Jennifer Cornell and Danny Jillefski working together], and "the TCW guys" losing just about every match [with the one notable exception being the Vessey-Ino draw].


To continue the analogy, Guide [or Thom Barrowman] is my early pick to be "sole TCW" guy left standing ala WCW Diamond Dallas Page in '97. I have to think the forthcoming feud will be huge, and Thom is good enough to handle the work rate in TCW.



Coming back to something like this is delightful. :)


You make a ton of valid observations and some of what you've said is uncanny in its accuracy. And some of it is stuff I've never even considered. For your sake as a reader, I won't tell you which is which, but thank you for picking up on all the little things.


Your commentary on Barrowman got me thinking more about his role going forward. Would you consider him a TCW guy or is he kind of on the second team? Does he have any canonical background anywhere else significant?


I've got the PPV wrap up/grades and then a shoot interview segment to get to before the next show. Glad to know folks are reading.



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Your commentary on Barrowman got me thinking more about his role going forward. Would you consider him a TCW guy or is he kind of on the second team? Does he have any canonical background anywhere else significant?


I'm not 100% on this, but I think Guide and Scout were in DaVE.

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Pre Show



Sawyer Sanders Promo (D+)




Jay Chord Introduces New Partner (C+)





Live Show



Mitch and Sammy LIVE OPEN (B)




TCW Training Facility Promo (C+)


MARC DUBOIS Debuts; Answers Open Challenge (B)




Excessive Force PPV Promo Video (B-)




Legends Entrance for RDJ (B)




Joey Minnesota Promo (B+)


Confusion at the Broadcast Location (B+)




Wolf and Tommy cross paths backstage (B+)


Special Introductions (A*)






Show Rating: B+



Buy Rate: 4.01 (+.39)










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Coming back to something like this is delightful. :)


Your commentary on Barrowman got me thinking more about his role going forward. Would you consider him a TCW guy or is he kind of on the second team? Does he have any canonical background anywhere else significant?



Scratch what I said about Barrowman -- looking at the stat splits, clearly Finch is the superior worker, and his stamina, performance and technical skills are good enough to hang with the big boys. I remember the new wave fit the tag team stereotype of one great worker and a passable one, and I seemed to forget which one it was.


The New Wave were initially part of DaVe before being poached by TCW, and were a vital part of the tag division in that promotion. Scout and Guide fight with "TCW" style more than say, a Rocky Golden, who feels like a giant outcast in the land of Supreme. Golden got his big break with TCW, but the either member of the New Wave looks more at home fighting against, say, Wolf Hawkins or Tommy Cornell. I consider them staples of TCW because of they "fit the mold" of Tommy's 'anti-SWF' product. They're gritty, realistic, no-nonsense workers with strong fundamentals.


Regardless, three-six months without Cornell is going to redefine TCW -- Tommy is the undisputed face of the company, and the Syndicate have been the dominant stable for six years -- and sans Tommy, a new identity has an opportunity to form.

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(San Diego, CA)- Former TCW Owner and World Champion Tommy Cornell’s career ended last night at Total Mayhem 19 following a broken neck-- an injury that left him briefly without movement and feeling -- suffered in the show’s main event in which he took on Wolf Hawkins and new champion Joey Minnesota. Representatives for Cornell say that he has already undergone a grade five spinal fusion surgery, which fused his C-3 and C-4 vertebra together, and that he will be tested for paralysis when he comes out of the medically induced coma he is currently in. When reached for comment, Cornell’s protégé and opponent in the match that ended his career, Wolf Hawkins, said that he was at the hospital, waiting for further information.



Tommy Cornell was a thirteen time TCW World Heavyweight Champion and was widely considered to be the best wrestler of his generation. He purchased HGC and renamed it TCW, going head to head with SWF. He went public with the company and became its CEO in late 2012. The boost in revenue gave TCW the financial wherewithal to stand toe-to-toe on even ground with their Supreme rivals for the first time ever.



The last show he will have ever been on, last night’s Total Mayhem 19 is said to have shattered TCW pay-per-view buy rate records.




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(San Diego, CA)- Former TCW Owner and World Champion Tommy Cornell’s career ended last night at Total Mayhem 19 following a broken neck-- an injury that left him briefly without movement and feeling -- suffered in the show’s main event in which he took on Wolf Hawkins and new champion Joey Minnesota. Representatives for Cornell say that he has already undergone a grade five spinal fusion surgery, which fused his C-3 and C-4 vertebra together, and that he will be tested for paralysis when he comes out of the medically induced coma he is currently in. When reached for comment, Cornell’s protégé and opponent in the match that ended his career, Wolf Hawkins, said that he was at the hospital, waiting for further information.



Tommy Cornell was a thirteen time TCW World Heavyweight Champion and was widely considered to be the best wrestler of his generation. He purchased HGC and renamed it TCW, going head to head with SWF. He went public with the company and became its CEO in late 2012. The boost in revenue gave TCW the financial wherewithal to stand toe-to-toe on even ground with their Supreme rivals for the first time ever.



The last show he will have ever been on, last night’s Total Mayhem 19 is said to have shattered TCW pay-per-view buy rate records.





HOLY S***! HOLY S***! :eek:

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“People have a tendency to recreate history to fit their own needs.”



“But I took a lot of shit for this pay-per-view.”



“I took a lot of shit from people who complained that the show was just ‘thrown together’. Like I was doing it some sort of disservice by not having it planned out three years in advance.”



“I took a lot of shit for the Marc DuBois belt-in-the-garbage thing.”



“And I took a lot of shit for the finish of the main event.”



“I’ll answer them in order.”



“First off, the show wasn’t thrown together so much as it was being used to set us on our way toward Total Mayhem 20. I needed to get some things started, moved out of the way, or finished before I could get to what I was really planning to do, so I used TM19, reputation or not, as a transition show. Sorry.”



“I mean, it was still huge in scope, with all of the bells and whistles due an event of its size, but it didn’t really have a lot of storyline endings for the fans, which had become customary. Next year’s will. Not to mention the fact that I didn’t exactly have the luxury of using it as a back-cover kind of show with all that was going on for us. There was just no chance of that. So you play the hand you’re dealt. I was satisfied with it. I know what’s to come.”



“Second…the belt in the garbage? That got a rise out of people? After all of the low brow, sucker punch, and dirtball things that SWF have said about TCW over the years, me deciding to have one of their ex-guys drop one of their lower end belts in the trash is a big deal? Really? F*ck that. We weren't in it to come in second; we’re in it to win it. The Eisen’s only have ‘philosophical differences’ with things they didn’t think of first. If dropping that POS title in the garbage made them mad….good. It meant I was going about things the right way.”



“Not to mention…..it was DuBois’ idea. He hated those guys. I gave him the space they never would and he paid me back in spades.”



“And the main event…..to those who criticized the match, please remember all of the masters I serve. Then, check the list, long and hard, and notice your name isn’t on that list. Get it?”



“People lost their minds over that match, about what happened to Tommy especially, and it was terrible.....but it left me with an open end. I had a booker’s fantasy staring me in the face. I had a blank slate in the main event, which meant I could finally reform the company the way I wanted to.”








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Tune in this Tuesday night on GNN for all of the fallout from Total Mayhem 19. We have a new World Heavyweight Champion. We have a new Corporate power structure. And, for the first time in recent memory, we are without the now retired Tommy Cornell. Who will use TM19 as a springboard into superstardom? Who saw TM19 as their last hurrah? Where does TCW go from here? Two nights after the most watched pay-per-view event in TCW history, TCW Uprising hits the airwaves live at 8pm. It's can't miss television.



Marc DuBois vs. Troy Tornado

-TM19 Rematch-


Law & Thatcher vs. DOA

-World Tag Team Title Match-



Brent Hill vs. Thom “Guide” Barrowman



Fallen vs. Cali Dragons









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Live on GNN Sports

From: Denver, Colorado


















We see a long shot of some southern farm land in all of its glory. Tall grass blows, cows and horses do their thing, and the low six o’clock sun shines sideways.



“Places like this get into your blood; they become part of who you are.”



There’s a country football field, freshly mowed, lights on. Might as well be in your hometown.



“Varsity linebacker for four years, all-state, got a sniff from Georgia, but no scholarship. I practiced with them for a month before I ran out of money. I lived out of my truck for a few weeks without anyone knowing. Coaches found out. I went home. Back to work on my Daddy’s farm. What can you do, right?”



On the edge of that football field, a beat-up red pickup truck sits idling, with the radio on. A man sits in the back, his legs stretched out. He is blonde, tan, and very lean. He obviously works for a living. You can see it in his hands.



“Looks like I’ve got one more shot to follow my dreams and maybe make something out of myself….instead of punching a clock and drinking at the same bar every Friday night until I die.”



“TCW……I hope you are ready for Sawyer Sanders, because Sawyer Sanders is definitely ready for TCW.”







Fallen/Kevin Stevens vs. Cali Dragons/Harry Allen


MN: “Getting another look at that promo from Sawyer Sanders that aired originally on Total Mayhem 19’s pre-show.”



SB: “I’m into it. Can’t wait to see him. He’ll be part of GNN’s new web show that starts next month called NXT which will feature TCW’s stars of the future. But we’ve got business to attend to in the ring, don’t we? Six man business?”



MN: “And six-man tag team matches breed strange bedfellows, don’t they? Neither regular tag team has much of anything in common with their third partners.”



SB: “Well, they all want to win. That’s something. It’s more than enough to reason to go out and bring your A-game.”



The Cali Dragons and Harry Allen really want to push the pace of the match, but again, Jay Chord and Remmy Skye’s insistence on sticking to rest-holds and very basic old-school offense not only slows things down to a crawl, but infuriates the fans as well, who want to see the Dragons fly. Mikey James finally escapes a spinning toe hold attempt by Chord and tumble-rolls into his corner, tagging in Frankie Perez who hits the ring as hot as the sun.



SB: “Watch out! Frankie Perez is like a cannonball when he gets going like this! Anything in his path is in trouble!”



Perez decks both Chord and Skye twice each with flipping clotheslines and tags in the still shaken James, who climbs up to the top rope, not knowing that Chord has tagged in the ‘Genetic Freak’ who stands flexing behind them.



MN: “Oh no.”



Stevens levels Perez and James with a running boot and a turnover backbreaker apiece, tossing them both to the floor before he catches Harry Allen and perches him on his shoulder, spiking him into the mat with his vicious running powerslam. 1-2-3!



SB: “Stevens is an animal! And it looks like Jay Chord’s brother in eyeliner is on the same page as he is! Someone else that marches to the drummer of the world's saddest band.”



MN: “They are going to find themselves right in the mix in the tag team division before long.”










The Beau Brothers arrive at the building; Broderick leads the group, sneering and not taking off his sunglasses when he gets inside, and Skip walks with his arm around the always smoking-hot Emma. Emily Queen stands with a microphone, just inside the door to the catering area, but the entourage passes right on by without so much as a look in her direction.


EQ: “Well, I guess we’re not getting a comment from the Beau Bros after their loss at Total Mayhem…..and who knew that Emma Chase was dating one of them….which one was that? Broderick? Skip?”







The camera angle is low and, from around the corner, the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Joey Minnesota, arrives via a long black limo that pulls about three feet onto the red carpet that leads to the talent entrance. When he gets out, in black slacks and a tight black t-shirt, he is trailed by CEO Jennifer Cornell and GNN Network Rep Danny Jillefski. Rounding out the group and providing the muscle are TCW Head of Security Rick Law, and the CEO’s Personal Bodyguard Charlie Thatcher. The whole group makes its way through the backstage area, under the watchful eyes of a host of cameras, stopping for nothing until they finally hit the stage, their new music blasting. Jennifer Cornell, looking fierce in a black pantsuit, produces a microphone and waits out the fans, who boo her mercilessly, before beginning.



JC: “I’m sure that by now, even the slow ones among you have figured out that the network and I were in cahoots the whole time. The press conference, the picking of representatives……hahaha! You suckers. Not only will our partnership usher TCW into the new millennium, but did you see that? The way that we handled things has given us an almost clean slate from which to work from. We took out a lot of trash at once.”



Danny Jillefski takes the mike from her and shakes her hand. Some folks begin throwing wadded up programs and empty beer cups toward them. No one acknowledges it.



DJ: “GNN’s biggest concern in pursuing a partnership with TCW was Tommy Cornell himself. Tommy is gone from this business forever. And, with competent leadership, the sky is the limit for this company.”



Knowing full well he is referring to her estranged, possibly paralyzed husband, Jennifer just smirks.



JC: “Now I could stand here and gloat about the success of our merger, and the group it created that stands before you that we’ve dubbed SYNGERY. Or I could pat us on the back for how we walked out of Total Mayhem with both the World Heavyweight Title and the World Tag Team Titles.”



All three men raise their belts high overhead. Jillefski claps. The trash rains on.



JC: “I could do that. But what I really want to gloat about is….how badly I played Wolf Hawkins.”



JC: “Did you see how easy it was for me to turn you against Tommy, Wolf? You were seeing red every time you looked at him and it was all because of me. Why couldn’t you help him? Are you wondering if YOUR superkick was the move that broke his neck? Did you think that then, in that moment? Did you? Did you even think at all? You have always been a huge tool, Wolf, and how easily I worked you proves what everybody backstage thinks of you…what everybody in the whole entire business thinks of you….that you’re a nice guy, but you’re a dummy.”



Everyone with her bursts out laughing. Except Joey. Joey never laughs.



JC: “A huge DUMMY. That’s you, Wolf. You want to know why you’re not the top guy. That’s why. You’re a party boy….I’m sorry, a reformed party boy or whatever. No one’s buying it. No one cares. You’re a cardboard cutout. You’ll never be the man, Wolf. Because you’re a DUMMY!”



Jillefski slithers back out into the front of the group and takes center stage.



DJ: “Now, before you start sending thank you cards, this whole thing didn’t happen because of Danny Jillefski or Jennifer Cornell. This didn’t happen because of Tommy Cornell. And this didn’t happen because of Joey Minnesota or SYNERGY.”



DJ: “This happened….because of you. You fans are the ones who keep tuning in to Supreme TV each and every week and keep them just ahead of us in the TV ratings race.”






DJ: “What that says to me is that you prefer that style of ‘sports entertainment’ to the traditional product that TCW was about. And in today’s business economy, you either adapt or you die.”



JC: “So….now that everyone is on the same page, the front office, the board of directors….”



DJ: “AND….the NETWORK…..”



JC: “…..we’re going to give you exactly what you want.”



DJ: “Welcome to the new TCW.”






The show open seems to roll by quicker than usual before the shot goes to the broadcast location. Mitch and Sammy are still processing the finish of Total Mayhem 19 and the opening moments of tonight’s show that explained it all.



They shuffle papers and clear their throats before beginning, slogging through the uncomfortable duty of describing Tommy Cornell’s injury.



MN: “….that he has already undergone a grade five spinal fusion surgery, which fused his C-3 and C-4 vertebra together, and that he will be tested for paralysis when he comes out of the medically induced coma he is currently in.”



SB: “…….”



MN: “To the business at hand then,…..after their time limit draw at Total Mayhem, we are happy to announce that next week’s UPRISING main event will be a rematch for the number one contendership, pitting Bryan Vessey against Ino. You’ll want to tell your friends and family not to miss that one.”



SB: ““And I’m just getting word that tonight’s main event has just been signed….and it’s a barnburner, compliments of SYNERGY, ……Wolf Hawkins against Bryan Vessey!”



MN: “Less than forty eight hours removed from Total Mayhem, how will these athletes’ bodies respond to another high level match so soon after the last one?”



SB: “Let’s find out.”






MN: “Fresh off of losing the World Tag Team Titles with his longtime partner Scout, Thom, “Guide” Barrowman has jumped feet first into the singles ranks and tonight, he draws veteran Brent Hill as his opponent.”



SB: “Hill is also still trying to find his footing as a singles wrestler; what an ironic booking for Barrowman to get.”



MN: “I’m curious about what Hill is going to try to do to skirt the rules this week, too. It’s always something lately.”



SB: “I’m curious, but not worried. He’s kind of like the cartoon coyote out there. It almost never works in his favor; it always seems blows up in his face.”



Hill starts the match with an eye rake at the bell and goes on from there, trying to stay one step ahead of Barrowman, who looks to be focused and in great shape regardless of the beating he took at Total Mayhem 19. He keeps Barrowman down, scoring with an over-the-knee backbreaker into stalling head scissors combo that makes the former tag team champion squirm.



But Barrowman reverses out of a face-lock chicken wing and goes to work on Hill, pinning him face-first on the mat and raining forearms and elbows on him. But with his free arm, Hill reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. When he gets up, he tells the referee that Barrowman was on his hair and, while the official checks in with the former New Waver, he goes into his trunks and fills his right hand with some white powder.



But before he can turn it around and fling it into Barrowman’s eyes, Hill squints and thinks he spots something in back of the arena. He points. Barrowman comes up from behind him, slaps the powder up in the air and rolls him up in a school boy for the win.



SB: “But what was it? What did he think he saw, that’s what I want to know!”



MN: “I didn’t see anything but you can bet I’m going to have a look at the footage.”









Cameras peek around a corner, hearing the distinct, booming voice of Rocky Golden. When the lens focuses, it shows Jennifer Cornell, flanked by Charlie Thatcher, listening to him.





Suddenly there is a hand on the camera. It is Rick Law. He shoves it, and the cameraman holding it, straight up in the air and quickly carries it around the corner, stuffing him into large trash bin. We lose the feed and go to commercial.





Law & Thatcher vs. DOA


-World Tag Team Title Rematch-


SB: “I get paid to say the things that we all think, right?”



MN: “You do, yes.”



SB: “Okay then. Here goes. For all the bluster they came into TCW with, DOA has been in a holding pattern for quite a while now, haven’t they?”



MN: “I hear you. It’s like they can’t win the big one.”



SB: “They can’t win the big one and their focus is somewhere else. When they debuted, they had an agenda. They seemed to have a plan, even if it was just kicking ass.”



MN: “And lately?”



SB: “None of that; none of that eyes on the prize mentality.”



MN: “And who knows what to think about that meeting we just saw backstage between Rocky Golden and Jennifer Cornell.”



SB: “I wonder if SYNERGY is still recruiting. You heard what they said, their corporate motto: you’re either adapting or you’re dying.”



The massive men that make up DOA: Mighty Mo, and Atlas, dressed in their usual black combat fatigues, simultaneously jump out of a barely stopped black hummer in the street and rush the building. But just like at Total Mayhem, Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher are ready and meet them head-on, trading punches with them in the middle of the ring. Mighty Mo eventually pushes Thatcher over the top rope and goes to work double teaming Law. Their moves are huge and effective- a double backdrop seems to put Law up high enough to touch the lights.



MN: “The new tag team champions are in trouble.”



SB: “And look up there on the stage. It’s the Calgary Bulldogs!”





Dan Stone Jr., Jeremy Stone, and Phil Vibert stand on the reflective steel stage and decide to watch the end of the match from up there. Vibert yaks on his phone most of the time, working on some business deal.



Thatcher uses the distraction and tags himself in, going on a roll and landing huge overhand rights like bombs three or four at a time onto both members of DOA. But it’s when he sneakily tags Rick Law back in that proves to be his best move. Neither Atlas nor Mo see Law get a running rebounding start and come raging with a full head of steam toward them. At the last second, Thatcher pulls Mighty Mo off of his feet and under the bottom rope. Simultaneously, Law crushes Atlas with a “Long Arm of the Law” lariat, barely having to hook his leg to get the three count. He taunts the downed Atlas, spittle dripping from his mouth as he does so.



MN: “The champs, SYNGERGY’s muscle, looked pretty good out there. They are really turning into a top notch team.”



SB: “But the cost of being champions means having teams like the Calgary Bulldogs breathing down your neck twenty-four-seven.”



MN: “For sure; you beat one team and there’s already a line out the door to be next.”













Scout passes Guide in the back, as Guide heads to the trainer’s room to get a rubdown following his win. They nod at each other. It is awkward. But when Scout gets to the locker room and checks the big board, looking at tonight’s line-up, and realizes he’s not booked, it feels like the life has been sucked out of him.



Is this what life after the New Wave is going to be like?



From behind…..





Robert Oxford puts up his hands, not punching, but in a defensive pose. Scout is ready and draws back top swing, but Oxford yells out.



RO: “Whoa there, bud. Just calm down. I came to talk to you.”



Scout drops his hands slowly.



RO: “Look son, I’ll cut right to the chase. You know me. We’ve both been up and down the same roads. I’m a tag team specialist with a pedigree and I have nobody to team up with, no matter who I’ve tried out. You’re a tag team specialist who just got out of a long term gig, and you’re not sure what comes next. Now, I get it; I do. But I want you to know that the best thing that you could ever do is just get right back on the horse and start another hall-of-fame team. Get it?”



Scout: “……”



RO: “Just so you know, I meant with me. A team with me.”



Scout: “You’re insane.”



RO “Am I? Check this out. I bought it on my way here. Just in case.”





Scout surprisingly laughs and it breaks the tension. He puts his arm around Oxford and the two talk as they walk out of the range of the camera.






A quick replay of Marc DuBois’ unexpected arrival in TCW (and victory over Troy Tornado) at Total Mayhem is capped off with slow-mo footage of him dropping the SWF Shooting Star Title belt in the garbage can behind the broadcast location.







Marc DuBois vs. Troy Tornado



SB: “The guy certainly knows how to make an entrance, doesn’t he?”



MN: “No question about that, Sammy. I don’t know which got more play on the internet, his match against Troy Tornado or what he did afterward to the SWF Shooting Star title.”



SB: “Sacrilege. You don’t do that to another company’s belts. I bet he is the most hated man in the locker room over there right now. It’s just something that you don’t do.”



This rematch has the whole building buzzing from the second the first man’s music hits. And it seems to pick up right where there pay-per-view bout left off. Tornado breaks out a gravity defying frog splash amidst the match’s first run and nearly steals the whole thing before it really, really gets going.



Each man has a run, each man builds up to the point where they can hit the other with their finisher, each man kicks out of the other’s signature move.



The roar of the crowd upon DuBois kicking out of the cover after Tornado’s huge air legdrop is huge. But Tornado strips off his no sleeves t-shirt and motions to the crowd that he’s going to…….HERO’S WELCOME!!!!



MN: “That came out of nowhere!”



But as DuBois gets into position to cover Tornado, the referee calls for the bell.



SB: “So did that.”



The ring announcer stands to tell everyone that the timekeeper has informed the referee that the match has reached its television time limit. DuBois snorts and shakes his head before rolling to the floor and heading back up the ramp. Troy Tornado remains in the ring, flat on his back, trying to shake the cobwebs loose.



MN: “Regardless of the wack-a-doo finish, that was a great match, fans!”



SB: “And Marc DuBois is, again…..as advertised.”



MN: “You said that last week.”



SB: “I know, I’m trying to start something.”










Larry Vessey watches his brother Bryan pace in a backstage hallway, just a few minutes before his main event showdown with Wolf Hawkins.



Emily Queen makes her way down an adjacent hallway and Larry jogs over and gets her attention.



LV: “Maybe you weren’t planning on it, but maybe you’ve got time for an interview with the next number one contender?”



He half jerks her by the wrist, half leads her back to Bryan, who is waiting in full promo mode.



BV: “Not too excited about having to wrestle Hawkins again. I’ll tell you that much. Seems like something to keep me busy more than anything else.”



Emily shrugs.



BV: “But I’m going to do what I always do….and that’s give you a five star match. Two in three months against the same guy, if anyone’s counting. And then the power’s-that-be can do their best to try to screw me out of another opportunity.”



Larry leans in, chewing on a toothpick.



LV: “Just like they always do, brother.”



BV: “Just like they always do.”



BV: “But not this time. I’m going to finish off whatever’s left of Wolf Hawkins, the shell of Wolf, and then I’m going to show the entire world….I’m going to expose Ino and show everyone what a flavor-of-the-month he really is and send him back to Japan in a box.”



LV: “Then there won’t be no one left standing between you and the World Title.”



BV: “No, there won’t be, will there?”








Bryan Vessey vs. Wolf Hawkins



MN: “Bryan Vessey sure is focused on getting another shot at the World Title, isn’t he?”



SB: “Almost as focused as he is on ‘someone’ keeping him down. It’s absurd. He was just in a number one contender match at Total Mayhem.”



MN: ‘Beating Wolf Hawkins here, no matter how distracted Wolf might be from the whole Tommy Cornell situation, would go a long way into getting him even closer to that conversation.”



SB: “He’s still got to beat Ino next week.”



This plays itself out as a near fantasy main event, although both men start off a bit slow. Wolf is slower than Vessey to get his engines running at full throttle and ends up having to suffer through the first half of the match on the mat, getting twisted and worked over. Vessey even breaks out a dragon sleeper that he latches onto Wolf just a bit too close to the ropes. The same thing happens when Vessey tries to latch on his trademark STF. Both times it is close, Wolf somehow gets to the ropes.



SB: “He really is a world class level worker, isn’t he?”



MN: “One of the best. But his problem has always been with his attitude not anything in the ring.”



With Larry gnawing on a toothpick and loudly urging him on at ringside, Vessey whips Wolf into the ropes, but the suddenly resilient Cornell protégé comes off with some spring in his step and tries to hit Vessey with a “Bad Moon Rising” (superkick). But Vessey is all over it, ducking and going behind, and flattening Hawkins with a bridged Vessey-Plex.



1……2……2 ½!



Wolf pops up after the near fall and the crowd is behind him. He reels off a pair of punches and hits the ropes, coming off with a huge flipping dropkick that is point perfect. Staggered, Wolf runs Vessey across the ring and throws him over the top rope to the floor. In two steps, he is on the top turnbuckle. Bryan is just getting to his feet below. But Wolf takes another two or three seconds before jumping and it gives Larry plenty of time to clear Bryan out of the way and let Hawkins hit the steel barricade flush.



MN: “OH MY!”



Suddenly the ringside fans start chanting.






SB: “Oh no. I was afraid this was going to happen.”






Vessey is already in the ring waiting when Hawkins gets to his feet on the floor. Although they’ve been at it for the last thirty seconds, it is as though Wolf is hearing the chant directed at him for the first time.






His eyes glaze over a bit as he rolls back into the ring…..right into another Vessey-Plex. This time, the veteran isn’t taking any chances and quickly flips his position, locking Wolf into the STF. Hawkins, stone faced, reaches out for the ropes with his free arm…once….and then he starts tapping.



MN: “How about that, Sammy?”



SB: “That was a great win for Bryan Vessey, Mitch. It’s always important to back up the talk and tonight, there’s no doubt he did. He’ll be coming into that number one contender rematch next week with Ino with a full head of steam.”



Vessey and his brother celebrate on the ramp, high fiving each other and heading to the back with mile-wide smiles. Larry even pops a fresh toothpick. Wolf Hawkins lazily stares off into space as he sits on the ring apron. The logo settles in the corner of the screen as the close up on him moves in.






MN: “And poor Wolf Hawkins. I get the feeling he lost more tonight than just a match.”














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“First off, the show wasn’t thrown together so much as it was being used to set us on our way toward Total Mayhem 20. I needed to get some things started, moved out of the way, or finished before I could get to what I was really planning to do, so I used TM19, reputation or not, as a transition show. Sorry.”



“I mean, it was still huge in scope, with all of the bells and whistles due an event of its size, but it didn’t really have a lot of storyline endings for the fans, which had become customary. Next year’s will. Not to mention the fact that I didn’t exactly have the luxury of using it as a back-cover kind of show with all that was going on for us. There was just no chance of that. So you play the hand you’re dealt. I was satisfied with it. I know what’s to come.”


Has to make me wonder what was planned, edited and what was happenstance. This is quickly becoming my favorite diary on the boards -- I was a huge fan of Secrets of the Ring with Nemesis and love how creative these diaries are.

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Has to make me wonder what was planned, edited and what was happenstance. This is quickly becoming my favorite diary on the boards -- I was a huge fan of Secrets of the Ring with Nemesis and love how creative these diaries are.


I'm glad to know you're enjoying it, KnowYourEnemy, and that people are getting out of it what I put into it.


There's been very little in-game editing, although there are a few obvious ones, like the GNN thing and a couple of promotions I added and augmented. I'm also always trying to add new venues, just to change things up. So yeah, only a little. Or maybe a little bit more than a little. :)


I write everything with a long term plan in mind. In the case of this diary it's Total Mayhem XX. I also tend to write the shows in groups of three to seven or eight, all at once, so I'm constantly able to go back and forth and add layers to things that are weak in the first run through. I like to think some of this stuff lends itself to a second reading, as there are little bits of foreshadowing everywhere.


It doesn't have anywhere near the longevity of a couple of my past diaries, but it's quickly becoming my favorite. I feel like I'm just getting to things now.



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Mitch and Sammy Live Show Open/Cornell Update (B+)




Rocky Golden Meets with Jennifer Cornell? (B+)




Scout Talks with Robert Oxford (C+)


Replay of DuBois Trashing SWF Belt (B-)




Bryan Vessey Backstage Interview (B)





Show Grade: B+


TCW TV Rating: 5.95 (+.54)



SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.70 (-.10)





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