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Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014)

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This Tuesday night on GNN, UPRISING TV gets the corporate treatment and enters the "new era" of TCW. Coming off of last week's barnburner of a show and standing less than three weeks from EXCESSIVE FORCE on PPV, there are still many things left unsettled and many questions left to be answered. Who will be the number one contender and challenge Joey Minnesota at EXCESSIVE FORCE? Will it be the wrecking ball Ino or the calculating veteran Bryan Vessey? What's going on between Rocky Golden and SYNERGY? Is the sport's newest supergroup recruiting a new member? Would Golden leave DOA for greener pastures? What in god's name did Brent Hill see in the arena last week that scared him? Plus two tag teams debut: Scout agrees to partner up with Robert Oxford for another go at the tag team titles while Harry Allen has brought his fellow pompadoured elvis fiend/longtime friend Ford Gumble into the fold in TCW. The two teams will make their debuts against each other when TCW Uprising hits the airwaves live at Tuesday at 8pm. All of that, AND TCW will be announcing the first two entrants in the Million Dollar/Title Contract Golden Briefcase match. It's can't miss television....and it's on GNN!



Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

-#1 Contender Rematch/No Time Limit-



Cali Dragons/ Marc DuBois vs. Troy Tornado/Fallen



Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden



Brent Hill vs. Thom Barrowman



Old Wave vs. Flying Elvises









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Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

-#1 Contender Rematch/No Time Limit-

This is a toss-up -- I think Ino gets this one for face/heel.


Cali Dragons/ Marc DuBois vs. Troy Tornado/Fallen

Cali just lost last week, and Troy has been jobbing to Marcy Marc -- I think Fallen gets the victory for him, they seem to be getting a good push.


Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden

Golden is slightly better here.


Brent Hill vs. Thom Barrowman

Hill is too old to get a push -- he's usually on time decline in CV14. Now, if this were his younger partner...

Old Wave vs. Flying Elvises

The Old Wave will take the victory here... have no idea who the elvises are, but I'm guessing they don't shake, rattle or roll out a win here.

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Old Wave [/b]vs. Flying Elvises

The Old Wave will take the victory here... have no idea who the elvises are, but I'm guessing they don't shake, rattle or roll out a win here.



I stuck a description of the Elvises into the show preview.



".....while Harry Allen has brought his fellow pompadoured elvis fiend/longtime friend Ford Gumble into the fold in TCW."


Also, so as not to double post, I just noticed that this diary has gone over 10,000 views, which is great and keeps the writing furnace hot. I appreciate people getting behind this. My next goal number is 100,000; let's enjoy the ride together.



:) :) :)

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Ino vs. Bryan Vessey

-#1 Contender Rematch/No Time Limit-


Cali Dragons/ Marc DuBois vs. Troy Tornado/Fallen


Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden


Brent Hill vs. Thom Barrowman


Old Wave vs. Flying Elvises


I've been meaning to comment on this for a while, just wanted to say this is a great story you have here. The main event story is really strong and the little mid card sprinkles you are tossing out there are entertaining as well - New Wave break up, Dubois/Tornado, emo-Jay Chord. You also have a lot of tag teams, very different from what TCW starts with, which is something I like. I wish there was more of a focus on tag team wrestling these days (admittedly it is getting better). Overall, great work here, I'm definitely reading.

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I've been meaning to comment on this for a while, just wanted to say this is a great story you have here. The main event story is really strong and the little mid card sprinkles you are tossing out there are entertaining as well - New Wave break up, Dubois/Tornado, emo-Jay Chord. You also have a lot of tag teams, very different from what TCW starts with, which is something I like. I wish there was more of a focus on tag team wrestling these days (admittedly it is getting better). Overall, great work here, I'm definitely reading.


Thanks a lot, JShmoopy. Glad to know you're enjoying the story here. I'm very partial to tag team wrestling and am always trying to think of new ways to bring in a team or how to take two workers I'm not using and make them into something. Must have something to do with the fact that I grew up on mid-eighties wrestling where tag teams and midcard titles mattered.



As far as the mid card stories, I'm just starting to get a good feel for some of the guys who didn't stand out character-wise right out of the gate. Having so many acts that have stories worth telling is a great problem to have. Over the next few shows, expect a few more side stories to start popping up.



Keep on readin'.




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Live on GNN Sports

From: Pasadena, CA






This week’s show open is vastly different. A new theme song and graphical package. A new stage and set, complete with a massive HD screen. Pyro. Lots of it. New ring colors: grey with black apron. New ring rope color: Red. The steel barricades and floor mats have been replaced with a continuous flat black wall and high density mat system.






When the up-front stuff ends, we head, via ceiling strung cable-cam, to the newly styled broadcast location. And when we arrive, it is worth nothing that there is a third person sitting with Mitch and Sammy.



MN: “Welcome to a new era in TCW, a new era in Uprising TV; tonight GNN’s crown jewel goes corporate.”



SB: “And welcome to the third member of our broadcast team, formerly the backstage interview expert here; it’s Emily Queen.”



EQ: “Having a woman on the broadcast team appeals to a very key demographic that the network is trying to target. I’m very happy to work for them. I’d like to especially thank Mr. Jillefski, my boss, for the opportunity.”



MN: “Oh, I see how this is going to be.”



SB: “All this time, I thought I could maybe be more funny or that Mitch needed to brush up on his Mexican wrestling move names….turns out we just need a MILF to get us onto the announce teams’ Mt. Rushmore. Welcome aboard, fake rack.”



EQ: “I realize sitting next to someone that’s prettier than you is a rarity, Sammy, but from now on ….it’s going to happen every week. Learn to deal with it.”







A man in a skin tight, all white uni-tard and heavy face cream comes prancing down the aisle and hops into the ring, interrupting the new announce team’s getting to know you session. The man looks up at the lights and crouches down quickly, blocking his eyes. He scrambles to the edge of the ring and produces some cucumber slices which he puts over his eyes.



DMOL: “My face is….well, look at me….my face is my everything. I’m as pretty as a summer day is long. Under these harsh conditions, the lights, the cameras….I have to do whatever I can to protect myself…..”



He has a huge mirror and a vat of hand sanitizer with him that he squirts in the direction of the apron cameraman, getting some on the main camera’s lens.



Suddenly all the lights turn red.



SB: “What the hell?”



A low baseline rumbles and a massive white bodypainted beast begins slithering down toward the ring, flicking his tongue at fans along the way.



SB: “What the frig is this? A vampire?”



EQ: “This? This is sports entertainment. This is the future.”



SB: “Unbelievable.”








Dermot O’ Logical vs. Messiah



SB: “So who do I root for?”



EQ: “Just be happy you have a job.”



Messiah is huge and absolutely rolls over his skin obsessed opponent, slamming him a couple of times, drilling him with a big boot and then dropping him for good with an “Asian Spike” (taped thumb to the throat). But before he can even get in position to make a cover…..



Ino slides into the ring and reels off three or four punches and a huge chop on the surprised vampire. The chop is so vicious, it sends him tumbling back into the turnbuckles. Ino drags Dermot O’ Logical, still mostly out of it, on top of the vamp in a heap in the corner. Before the announcers can even say it, Ino has gotten a head of steam and bounced both DMOL’s and Messiah’s head off of the second turnbuckle with his brutal running face wash. He motions to the ringside attendant for a microphone. He is breathing hard and is cranked right up.



Ino: “Bryan Vessey, you bit a chunk out of my nose, you sonofabitch; tonight, I’m taking that pound of flesh back! AND THEN SOME!”











New TCW backstage interviewer (and former GNN intern) the bubbly Haley Buck waits outside of the talent entrance, near the parking garage, intent on getting a comment from Rocky Golden about the meeting between he and Jennifer Cornell last week. When it comes screeching in and the three massive men that make up DOA: Rocky Golden, Mighty Mo, and Atlas, dressed in their usual black combat fatigues, simultaneously jump out of the barely stopped black hummer in the spot closest to the building, Haley is right there waiting. But Rocky holds out his gloved hand and cuts her off before she even asks a question.



RG: “DOA does its talking in the ring.”







Marc DuBois/Cali Dragons vs. Troy Tornado/Fallen



MN: “Can’t wait to see that Rocky Golden/Rick Law match we have scheduled for later on.”



SB: “My source backstage says that Golden is shoot upset and that he feels like Rick Law disrespected Atlas and Mo after their match last week.”



EQ: “Your source? Everybody knows Jorge; he’s the caterer.”



SB: “…..”



MN: “Let’s just focus on the action in the ring, shall we, and I’ll tell you what, in a match like this, no one wants to make the first mistake.”



False. This match is so out of control, nobody has time to make mistakes. No matter how much Fallen try to slow the pace of the match, having four other athletes in the match who prefer the high octane end of things tends to make the match move at a much faster pace.



Mikey James, rallying, thinks he has the match won at about the six minute mark after burying Troy Tornado with a handspring back elbow and then catching him wobbling around with a stiff spinning back kick. James tags Perez, who suplexes Tornado and then reaches out and tags his Cali Dragon partner back in, drawing a what-the-hell shrug from Marc DuBois.



In fat, DuBois has words with Frankie Perez about his lack of any ring time a few minutes later; Chord and Skye knock them both to the floor while Troy Tornado scores with a running elbow on Mikey that leaves him lying flat on his back.



MN: “He’s going to need some help. I don’t think he can kick out of this!”



In seconds, Tornado is high in the air, and seems to take forever to come down before crashing to the mat with his huge air legdrop. Mikey James just twitches as Tornado makes the cover. 1.2.3.



Perez, still angry about the slight, shoves DuBois on the floor. He leans over and……“Heroes Welcome”!!! It splatters him on the shiny part of the new ringside flooring and barricade system.



SB: “That will not endear him to an already skeptical locker room.”



MN: “He has a point though. Perez and James were working that match like they didn’t have a third partner.”









A video rolls as soon as Mitch gets done talking. We are in a gym. Actually, calling it a gym does it a disservice, as it is essentially, a laboratory filled with the most modern weight equipment and personal monitoring devices available.



On a treadmill, hooked up to about a dozen wires and probes and wearing a facemask designed to monitor his breathing, TCW World Heavyweight Champion, “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota, runs at a decent clip, barely breaking a sweat or registering anything on the monitors.



Nearby, the undeniably huge “Genetic Freak” Kevin Stevens, stares at a monitor, watching Joey’s progress. As Joey evens out even more, Stevens types something into the keyboard in front of him and the treadmill begins to incline. More. More. MORE.



And while Joey begins exerting himself a bit more, the monitors still don’t register much at all. Stevens is all smiles as it comes to a stop.



KS: “Now that he is with GNN, under the watchful eyes of SYNERGY, all Joey will have to do is focus on is training and wrestling; SYNERGY will take care of everything else.”



Stevens turns back toward Joey and holds up one finger. Joey begins running again.



KS: “I mean….they already hired me to train him. Ask your bros, bro; everyone knows I’m the best.”







Old Wave vs. Flying Elvises



SB: “Just when you thought ‘The Prototype’ couldn’t get any bigger, couldn’t get any more ripped, SYNERGY hires a guy like Kevin Stevens to be his personal trainer.”



EQ: “It’s good to be the king, Sammy. SYNERGY takes care of their own.”



SB: “Yeah, I read that in their pamphlet.”



If you like tag team wrestling matches with a southern-fried flavor, this one is for you. There is just something so smooth about both of these teams as they work, tagging in and out so fluidly, you’d think each squad had been together for years. In the Elvises case, Allen and Gumble have been working together on and off for some time, sure. But Oxford and Scout’s tag-team prowess, regardless of partner, is even more noticeable, as this is their first match as a unit….ever.



MN: “These guys might be onto something here, you two.”



They drop Allen with a double drop toe-hold, stomp him in the back, and then, getting a head of steam from the ropes, drill him in the face with double low dropkicks.



SB: “Some serious continuity from these new partners.”



Scout dominates the next stretch with some superior high impact offense, scoring with flying lariats and then powerbombing both pompadoured high flyers into the turnbuckles. Harry Allen, cradling his head, rolls to the floor, leaving Ford, spread eagled, alone in the ring. Scout tags Oxford, who hops into the ring and quickly lifts Ford onto his shoulders, motioning Scout to the top turnbuckle before getting into position. Scout only takes a second before he launches himself from the top, hitting Ford Gumble with a perfect flying shoulderblock that knocks him off and flips him onto his face. Oxford, the legal man, is immediately on top of Gumble, getting the three count and the win for his brand new team.



MN: “And how about that, Oxford knew Scout was comfortable with that top rope shoulderblock and tossed his finisher aside so that they could use Scout’s together.”



EQ: “I didn’t even know Oxford had a finisher; probably haven’t seen it for eight or nine months. I thought all of his matches usually ended with him on his back, getting counted out.”



SB: “Not tonight.”










Brent Hill stands wide-eyed just inside his locker room door on full alert looking for something or someone. His match is next, and he is being cautious. When he leaves the safety of the doorway, he runs toward the backstage on-deck area, knocking over a coffee toting intern on his way, his eyes everywhere but in front of him. His music hits and he bolts for the ring without even giving the now coffee covered intern a second look.






Brent Hill vs. Thom Barrowman



MN: “Just what did Brent Hill see out there last week?”



SB: “I don’t know, but it scared the beejeezus out of him. I mean, look at him.”



EQ: “He needs to pay attention to the man across the ring from him or Thom Barrowman will have beaten him two weeks in a row.”



Hill comes out and is even worse than he was backstage. Too many open spots and shadowy corners where something could hide. When he gets to the ring, Barrowman is on him instantly and takes the next ten minutes or so putting him through the ringer. Every time Hill even gets a sniff of an advantage, he starts looking around in the crowd, paranoid; his inattention allowing Barrowman to regain the edge.



And when he gets an opportunity, with Hill punchdrunk from a clothesline in the corner, Barrowman strikes, coming out of a crouch and spearing Hill out of his boots. 1….2…3!



MN: “That was something new. What a spear from Barrowman!”



SB: “And two wins in a row to get his singles run really started. Good for him.”



EQ: “I’m still curious about what is occupying Hill’s mind.”



MN: “I didn’t see anything tonight. Not a single thing, did you?”











Emma Chase, looking super-hot and wearing a short red skirt and heels, leads the Beau Brothers, Skip and Broderick, to the ring and quickly demands a microphone.



EC: “Listen up, geeks. Eyes up here.”



The fans love to hate her and, as she tries to pull up her top, they bury the trio with boos.



EC: “I brought this team, the Beau Brothers, to TCW from Canada to contend for the world tag team titles. I did not bring the here to get stuck wrestling the same relics from yesteryear that we were fighting in barns north of the border.”



She runs her finger up her cleavage.



EC: “Now, I can be your baby doll…..”



He face turns from seductive to terrifying.



EC: “…..or I can be a BITCH!”



Fans start chanting it. The censors battle them for a few seconds.



EC: “And if we don’t get another match against the Calgary Bulldogs, so we can prove to the world we’re on their level, we’re going to hold this show hostage and kick in the teeth of whoever comes out to the ring.”





Cameras go backstage where Dan and Jeremy watch film in one of the production trailers, having set themselves up a small folding table that is covered with open notebooks of various size and age. Phil Vibert finishes a cigarette outside the trailer and flicks it away as he hears from a backstage person about the Beau Brothers’ challenge, letting the smoke blow behind him.



“What do you guys think?”



Dan and Jeremy barely come up for air long enough to give Phil the nod, going right back into their scouting. So Vibert buttons his coat and makes the trek into the building, coming out beside the ramp with a microphone in his hand. Both Beau Brothers stand on turnbuckles, their arms crossed.



PV: “The Calgary Bulldogs have bigger fish to fry than you little nothings….but my rivalry with the whore behind you…. is a well-known one…and any chance I get to shove her face in shit is a chance I have to take.”



Skip and Broderick freak out and start out after Phil but they are quickly held back by Emma Chase, who just smirks.



PV: “That said, Dan and Jeremy, who have already beaten you once here and a dozen times in Canada, have given me the authority to accept your little challenge. In two weeks, at the PPV, before we start petitioning the higher-ups for a shot at the tag titles, we’ll take you greenhorns to school one last time and maybe teach your girlfriend a lesson about letting sleeping dogs lie.”






Rocky Golden vs. Rick Law



MN: “Things are serious between Phil Vibert and Emma Chase.”



SB: “And things are about to get serious right here in the ring, Mitch. This one is going to be a collision of two bulls.”



They match up really well historically, that much is true. But on this night, Rocky Golden is much more aggressive and determined from the outset to prove a point to Rick Law and dominates the entire match doing so. Everything culminates with his torture rack backbreaker/torture rack combo that is really a sight to see, especially given Law’s size.



Charlie Thatcher barks at Golden from the floor, slowly ambling up the steps after Law has tapped. But even before Mighty Mo and Atlas can make their way down the ramp, Golden has drilled Thatcher with a boot to the face before the CEO’s Personal Bodyguard HAS EVEN GOTTEN IN THE RING.



MN: “Wow, Rocky Golden is on the warpath. Remind me to never do anything that makes him angry.”



Golden pie-faces Law again on his way by before hopping to the floor and celebrating with the two other members of DOA. Rick Law sits up in the ring, having lost and being thoroughly beaten in the process, and smiles, nodding as DOA’s music plays.



MN: “I wonder what that grin is about.”











Wolf Hawkins, in his street clothes with the collar of his jacket pulled up high, steps off an elevator on the critical care floor of the hospital. He slowly counts off room numbers as he makes his way down the hallway, his shoes squeaking on the super clean surface.



When he gets to 444, he stops and takes a deep breath. But when he goes to go in, he hesitates, taking a step back. He tries again, but the same thing happens. He sighs and steps back, shoves his hands into his pockets and goes quickly back down the hallway the way he came, slipping onto the elevator just before the door closes. The duty nurse just shakes her head and looks at the patient chart, to see who almost had the visitor. Her finger runs down the ledger until….



Room 444: Cornell, Thomas









A short, graphically based package rolls, announcing the first two men selected to participate in the first ever Golden Briefcase Match at EXCESSIVE FORCE. And they are:





Bryan Vessey vs. Ino

-#1 Contender Rematch/No Time Limit-



MN: “So the first two superstars in TCW’s once in a lifetime Golden Briefcase Match are Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois.”



EQ: “Yawn. A guy who hasn’t been here for more than two minutes and TCW’s DUMMY.”



SB: “….or a homegrown TCW superstar and former World Champion….AND…. one of the most exciting wrestlers on the planet. You know, or that.”



Our main event lives up to its billing as these two prove that they are indeed the two at the top of the heap, waiting for their shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship and its new holder, Joey Minnesota. Vessey and Ino leave it all out there.



MN: “Don’t forget fans, this A+ match isn’t on tonight’s taped Supreme TV. This match is LIVE on TCW UPRISING!”



EQ: “…..on GNN!”



Bryan Vessey is a brave man and stands front and center, in the wake of Ino’s tidal wave of an offensive assault. It is brutal. Ino hits him with every stiff shot he has.



He throws him to the floor and nails him with a running clothesline from the apron. But Larry runs interference for a few seconds before running away from the Japanese monster and soon Bryan is on Ino’s back and running him

into the turnbuckle post, knocking him senseless.



MN: “This match is one fall, to a finish, fans. There will be no time limit; there must be a winner.”



EQ: “And now’s not the time to get careless; don’t make mistakes….just get back to work.”



Vessey rolls him back into the ring and begins going to work on him on the mat. But Ino’s will is so strong that, even while nursing some sort of shoulder issue from being rammed into the post, he fights out of every single attempt of Vessey’s to lock in the STF.



SB: “You’re going to have to do something really bad to him to get him to stay down. That man is a beast.”



MN: “And that seems like it’s been happening to Vessey a lot lately. He’s having trouble keeping people in his STF.”



It all happens so fast from there. One second Vessey is trying again to lock Ino in the STF, the next Vessey is reeling from a barrage of chops and finds himself down in the corner, leaning against the buckles.






Vessey’s head has barely stopped bouncing off of the turnbuckles before Ino has him up on his shoulders for a BURNING HAMMMAAA!!! Larry Vessey jumps on the ring apron, but neither Ino nor the referee notice. The three count is decisive.



MN: “Koshiro Ino has finally locked up the number one contender spot! What a match!”



SB: “Which means he’ll be headed for a showdown with ‘The Prototype’ at EXCESSIVE FORCE, you guys. That’ll be huge!”



EQ: “Ino’s barely better than Bryan Vessey. In three weeks, when he gets in the ring with Joey Minnesota, he’ll realize pretty quickly that he’s way out of his league.”


















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The Queen Joins the Team (B)




Ino Hypes Main Event versus Vessey (B+)




Joey Minnesota Training Video (B+)




Hill Freaks out Backstage (B-)




Beau Bros Hostile Takeover; Bulldogs Accept PPV Challenge (B-)




Wolf Hawkins Visits Tommy Cornell’s Hospital Room; Leaves (B+)


Golden Briefcase Promo: Two Added (B)





Show Grade: B+


Show TV Rating: 5.95 (0.00)


SWF Show Grade: B


SWF TV Rating: 7.52 (-0.18)





© 2014

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BREAKING NEWS: Sean McFly Goes on Indy Tour; Signing w/NSW, WHW, IPW, MAW.




“Have you ever seen him live?”- Nick Champion- USPW World Champion


“One of the top three or four wrestlers in the world….”- Jeremy Stone


“The best wrestler I’ve ever seen.”- Rip Chord


“The best wrestler I ever faced.” – Steve DeColt


“He took me to my first hour.” – Johnny Bloodstone


“I still study his matches.” – Elemental II




(Seattle, WA )- Generally regarded as one of the best wrestlers of his generation, Sean McFly, just may be coming to an arena near you at some point over the next month. Following the expiration of his NOTBPW contract, and a week and a half vacation, the multiple time champion has agreed to a record number of indy appearances over the first forty-five days of his newfound free agency, having only four off days during the stretch.



His impending arrival in NSW, WLW, and IPW has already set off dream match possibilities that have internet fans losing their minds.



However, McFly’s general personal demise cannot be avoided in writing an article about him, as the once squeaky clean legend appears to have developed some frayed edges in recent years. While there have never been any official reports, there have long been rumors about how his continued dependence on painkillers following back surgery in 2010 has, from time to time, affected his performances.



Tickets for the individual shows McFly will appear on will be made available through your favorite local promotion’s traditional medium.






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One week into the new sports entertainment era of TCW, we have a true, honest to goodness number one contender. After his win over Bryan Vessey, Ino is set to take on World Heavyweight Champion “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota at EXCESSIVE FORCE. This week on UPRISING TV, SYNERGY has placed the enforcer Rick Law in Ino’s path. It should be a hard hitting main event. Plus, earlier in the broadcast, a critical seven team tag invitational, Thom Barrowman in action, the latest on SYNERGY’s flirtation with Rocky Golden, and the next three entrants in the Million Dollar/Title Contract Golden Briefcase Match are revealed. Can you afford to miss this week's only LIVE prime time professional wrestling show? Who knows what will happen? It's TCW and it's LIVE on GNN!!






Ino vs. Rick Law



DOA vs. Calgary Bulldogs vs. Beau Brothers vs. Cali Dragons vs. Fallen vs. Old Wave



Thom Barrowman vs ???










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  • 3 weeks later...





The show goes live amidst a crazy pop-pop-popping of pyro and the Dallas crowd, having waited a long time for TCW to return, goes insane. The cameras pan the crowd before squaring up on the broadcast location and framing the team- Mitch Naess, Sammy Bach, and Emily Queen.



MN: “Ladies and gentlemen, Ino is our new number one contender, and, as announced on TCW.com….”



EQ: “…and GNN.com….”



MN: “….Ino will face “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota in the main event of Excessive Force in two weeks.”



Sammy Bach tries to get something in, but he is drowned out by the brand new bassline of Marc DuBois’ TCW theme music as the former SWF stalwart walks out to the ring, microphone in hand.





MDB: “My former employers have said some really nasty things about me since I threw their meaningless championship in the garbage where it belongs. Now, given that we are on national TV, I’d like to say some nasty things about them.”



As he gets set to start in on them:



“Hold on for a second there, new guy.”





Bryan Vessey, accompanied by his toothpick chewing brother, Larry, walks out onto the stage, looking like he has already broken a sweat in the backstage training area.



BV: “I don’t think anyone wants to hear you run your mouth about anything, turncoat. I know none of the boys in the back think too much of you…..”



Larry laughs loudly behind Bryan and then goes back to chomping on his toothpick.



BV: “I think people want to see whether you deserve to be in the same ring as one of the best wrestlers in THIS promotion…..not whether you can talk your way through dumping another company’s title in the trash. No matter whose belt it is, that’s disrespect for this business that I can’t stand by and watch happen.”



DuBois nods. He is not surprised; he knows where this is going.



BV: “Now…..I’m going to walk down there. And we’re going to get a referee out here. And we’re going to have a match. And I’m going to kick your ass, Doo-Boys. Understood?”







Bryan Vessey vs. Marc DuBois



MN: “I didn’t expect this to happen, but I’m not complaining either.”



EQ: “Big things are always happening on GNN!”



SB: “The chip on Vessey’s shoulder is astounding. Just when I think it can’t get any bigger…. He couldn’t stand seeing someone dump a title in the trash? BS, he couldn’t stand seeing someone else in the spotlight.”



EQ: “Well, in Vessey’s defense, DuBois has already been put in the Golden Briefcase Match only two weeks after joining the roster. And now he’s going to open Uprising? Not so fast. Pump the brakes a bit. Have some respect.”



In the middle of one of the oldest wrestling barns in the world, and the former homebase of TWL, the fans are treated to an outstanding opening contest. DuBois fires quickly out of the chute, landing a pair of dropkicks and immediately looking for the “Hero’s Welcome” as Vessey scrambles around trying to pull himself together. But the vet maintains as his brother yells instructions and slowly brings the self-proclaimed “Best in the World” down to the mat, focusing on his left leg. There is a pseudo-clinic in submission wrestling until Vessey is careless attempting to whip DuBois into the turnbuckles.



DuBois rolls through and then bounces up, landing an enzugiri square to the back of Vessey’s head. He is quick to try a cover. Two and a half. Vessey gets to his feet and is immediately on the left leg of DuBois again, bringing him back down with an ankle lock.



SB: “One of the things that we can agree on about Bryan Vessey is that he sees openings most other people don’t. He’s a craftsman.”



But this time, DuBois rolls Vessey up, nearly getting a stunning three count in the process. When he comes up for air, Vessey yells at the referee, giving DuBois another attempt at the “Hero’s Welcome”. But Vessey blocks it and the two tumble through the ropes as they scrap. They both come up swinging after they shake off the effects of the fall. But very quickly, their fight takes them over the barricade and into the front row. The ref, having started counting when they hit the floor, hits ten and calls for the bell, but the fight continues.


MN: “I know I said it at the outset of the match….but I really didn’t expect this.”



SB: “From these two mat warriors? A double count-out? No. I’d have never predicted that. But they’ll fight again another day. And I’ll have a front row seat and my popcorn handy.”



EQ: “And Vessey deserves to be in that Golden Briefcase Match, you guys.”



MN: “We’ve got an update on that coming up after the next break, fans. Stay tuned.”














A short, graphically based package rolls, announcing the next three men selected to participate in the first ever Golden Briefcase Match at EXCESSIVE FORCE. And they are:



Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden, and Troy Tornado






Thom Barrowman, wearing some flashy new red and yellow trunks, jogs down the ramp and out to the ring and motions for the ring announcer’s microphone. But when familiar music hits….



“Oh my god!”






“It’s Double A!! He’s back!!!”



EQ: “What’s he doing here?”



Aaron Andrews, on the shelf for a number of weeks, comes out onto the stage looking jacked and sporting scruffy hair and a beard. The fans give the homegrown star a warm welcome back. He motions to Barrowman that he’d like to “get-it-on”; the referee shrugs and calls for the bell.







Aaron Andrews vs. Thom Barrowman



SB: “Double A is a blue chipper if there ever was one. It’s going to be good to have him back.”



EQ: “No….he WAS a blue chipper four years ago and I don’t think he’s never reached any of that potential everyone droned on about. Too bad, so sad. There will be more like him. Probably one coming up pretty soon in that Sawyer Sanders you guys like so much.”



Spirited is the perfect word to describe this one. Thom Barrowman is not too keen on being interrupted and goes right for Andrews at the bell. But considering he hasn’t been in action for a bit, Andrews shows no rust, but a lot more focus as he goes through his offense. It stays super stiff throughout until Barrowman misjudges a flying tackle and finds himself face down on the mat. Double A slinks in and wraps his arms around Barrowman’s, flipping over and bridging into a Cattle Mutilation. Barrowman yells out in pain and taps his right hand crazily against Andrews’ arm, ending the match. As his music plays, and after he shakes hands with the defeated Barrowman, he grabs a microphone.



AA: “Seven weeks ago, when Atlas spiked me into this mat with a powerbomb, I blacked out. In the back, the doctors told me I had sustained a concussion and would have to go home. I thought I might not come back. The brain is such a fragile thing; I have a young family to think about.”



He pauses.



AA: “But when the docs gave me the green light to come back, without restriction…..I realized I dodged a bullet. I’m going to pour my soul into this business again. I’m going to outwork everyone, I’m going to out-study everyone, I’m going to show everyone why just a short time ago, people said I was this company’s NEXT BIG THING!”



The fans cheer.



AA: “And before I go, I know there’s only one spot left in the Golden Briefcase Match at Excessive Force and there are a bunch of guys in the back that think they deserve it….well, guess what? I’M TAKING IT!!! If you’ve got a problem with that, I’ll see you out here, in the ring.”











With a recent radio hit playing in the background, a crew of four smoking hot dancers slink around the stage in TCW on GNN t-shirts and not much else. We go to commercial before you get to see too much.






When the show returns, Danny Jillefski, flanked by the massive bulk of Charlie Thatcher, stands just outside Synergy’s palatial backstage locker room finishing up an interview for the web page with new backstage interviewer Haley Buck by bragging about TCW’s TV ratings since Total Mayhem. As they get set to part ways, the door to the locker room opens and…..





Rocky Golden walks out, Jennifer Cornell’s holding a contract as she says goodbye to him. Jillefski just winks at Haley Buck as Golden walks away.












DOA vs. Calgary Bulldogs vs. Beau Brothers vs. Cali Dragons vs. Fallen vs. Old Wave



SB: “Now I’m convinced. Rocky Golden has got to be being recruited by SYNERGY, hasn’t he? There can’t be any other explanation. What was that contract?”



EQ: “If SYNERGY wants him, SYNERGY will get him.”



MN: “I think we should hear it straight from Rocky Golden before we jump to any conclusions.”



Six teams means all out chaos. And the teams that have issues between them are quick to go after each other. The Calgary Bulldogs and the Beau Brothers brawl all the way to the floor while the Cali Dragons and Fallen go at each other in the ring.



Jay Chord pins Frankie Perez in the corner and drills him in the midsection with knee after knee after knee until Remmy Skye comes railing across the ring and monkey flips Perez back into the middle of the ring.



DOA don’t legally get into the match until about the eight minute mark. Robert Oxford comes flying off of the top rope over the back of the Atlas and tries to bring him down with a sunset flip. But he doesn’t even struggle; Atlas grabs hold of Oxford’s throat and pins him to the mat, getting a two and three quarters count. It nearly ends the match and seemingly sucks the will out of the crowd. Dan and Jeremy begin rallying soon after Oxford reaches out and tags the first hand within his reach. Jeremy Stone fires both Skye and Chord into the mat with full nelson bombs and looks to lock-in the Stone Hold on Chord, but Mighty Mo trucks across the ring and breaks up the cover, which leads to every available hand getting into the ring again.



MN: “Holy crap! Where should I look?”



When it all becomes too much for referee Baby Jamie, he calls for the bell and throws out the match, but the twelve men continue to battle even as it rings incessantly in the background. Baby Jamie signals to the back and Charlie Thatcher, along with a horde of TCW security staffers, rumble out to the ring, looking to restore order. Or so it appears. As security separates all of the combatants, Thatcher and about four of his minions begin pounding on Atlas and Mighty Mo.



SB: “What the hell? This is police brutality!”



It continues unfolding on a split screen. Some of the security staff usher the teams to the back while Thatcher and his boys continue to work over DOA. We go to commercial with Sammy Bach screaming into his headset.



SB: “And where is Rocky Golden? His DOA teammates are taking a pounding and he’s nowhere to be seen!”



STOPPAGE @ 16:04







Brent Hill is being super careful backstage, trying to peek around every corner as usual, as he heads to the catering area. He looks around. Nothing is out of the ordinary; it’s the same faces as always. He lets his guard down a little and grabs a pre-made sandwich from the table nearest to the door. When he turns around, he is standing face to face with….






Hill sputters as he talks.



BH: “It’s…..you! Wait….why? WHY ME?”



The masked man shows no emotion and draws his hand back. But as Brent Hill flinches, the man snatches the sandwich from his hands and disappears into the shadows.



The whole exchange only takes a second or two. Some concerned backstage folks run up to Hill, having heard his gasps. But Hill can only point down the hall, which leaves them scratching their heads because there is nothing to see. Hill just acts confused.



Hill: “It was him.”



They laugh it off, going back to whatever they were doing.



Hill: “He was here….and he took my sandwich.”






Wolf Hawkins rides the hospital elevator up to Tommy Cornell’s floor yet again and steps out into the hallway with a seemingly renewed confidence. But as he closes in on Tommy’s door, his gait slows and he comes to a complete stop just a few feet short of the knob. The machines bleep and blip from behind the door and Wolf just stands there. It is silent. Until.





It’s Tommy Cornell Jr. He is a bit smaller than his father, but bears a striking resemblance to him nonetheless. His face is sullen.



“You can’t go in either, huh? I’ve tried almost every day.”



Wolf lets out a slow breath and puts his arm around Tommy Jr., opening the door and going into the hospital room together. It swings shut behind them and all we see is the silhouettes of the two men against the backlight of the glowing monitors, their heads low.







We are back in the same super-modern training laboratory/gym as last week. And once again, hooked up to about a dozen wires and probes and wearing a facemask designed to monitor his breathing, TCW World Heavyweight Champion, “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota, does clean and jerks with a heavily loaded bar. Even though it is fairly strenuous work, it is barely registering anything on the monitors.



Nearby, the undeniably huge Kevin Stevens, tabbed by SYNERGY as Joey’s personal trainer, stares at a monitor, watching Joey’s readout and nodding as he checks boxes on a clipboard. An assistant walks up to Joey with a syringe as he drops the weight and takes a drink of water. Under Stevens’ watch, the assistant gives him the dose, right in the left buttock.



KS: “Cutting edge stuff right there, bro. 100% legal.”



KS: “I mean…I’m on it.”



Joey claps his hands and begins going at another set of clean and jerks, this time with even more vigor. Stevens smiles and goes back to watching the monitor.






MN: “Good lord. I don’t think I like the smirk that was on Stevens’ face at the end of that.”



EQ: “Relax, Naess. He’s just excited to have someone to train that has the gifts Joey Minnesota has.”



SB: “What, like SYNERGY bankrolling everything?”



EQ: “Can’t hurt.”



SYNERGY’s head of security, Rick Law, jumps Ino at the opening bell, as though that was his plan since he got the match. And it is a smart move; keeping Ino on the run keeps him from getting any of his stiff-as-heck offense in while Law goes to work.



SB: “Looks like Law is trying to make-up a bit for that embarrassing loss last week to Rocky Golden. He’s all over Ino tonight.”



But Law’s attempt at a turnover backbreaker seems to offend Ino more than it hurts him. The Japanese monster roars and pounds his chest before coming in hot with a running forearm that stops Laws completely. A flurry of chops leaves Law in the corner where he meets the same fate as many others, getting his head bounced off of the second turnbuckle by Ino’s enormous running facewash.






Instead of going straight for the Burning Hammer, Ino slowly makes his way to the top turnbuckle and comes flying off with a splash that shakes the ring. He roars again and throws his arms out to the side, his entire body rage-flexing at once. He pulls Law up onto his shoulders. BURNING HAMMMMMAAAAAAA! Cover…….1,2,3!



MN: “Ino’s roll continues.”



SB: “Vessey last week, Law this week; Ino’s going to be ready for his title match at EXCESSIVE FORCE! Those are big names!!”



EQ: “I still disagree. Joey has been in training; I don’t see how he could get any better than he is. Our World Champion is on a different level.”



MN: “I’m not so sure about that, Emily. But I hope that wherever his training center is located, he is watching tonight and that he saw that match. This is not the same Ino from six months ago. This INO’s…..GONNA KILL YOU!”










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Vessey Walks in on DuBois SWF Speech/Show Open (B)




Golden Briefcase Hype/ Three Men Added (B)

Andrews Returns; Interrupts Barrowman (C+)




Double A Takes Last Spot in Golden Briefcase Match (C+)


Uprising Girls Debut ©


Haley Buck’s Inside Scoop: Golden Being Courted by SYNERGY? (A)




Brent Hill Accosted by Mystery Man (B-)


Wolf Visits Tommy’s Room Again; Runs into Tommy Jr. (B)


Joey Minnesota Vignette (B+)






Show Grade: B


Show TV Rating: 5.95 (0.00)


SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.48 (-0.04)





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http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/tlTkoaNi_zps78175b9c.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/JenniferCornell_zps76aff8fb.jpg



Danny Jillefski beams as he stands on the far side of the top floor office at the sky-scraping GNN building in Atlanta, GA. As Jennifer Cornell looks out the floor to ceiling windows that make up an entire side of the palatial room, Jillefski walks toward her, motioning to a stack of papers in his hand.



DJ: “Have you seen our ratings? We’re gaining more ground every week!”



Jennifer doesn’t even turn around to respond, keeping her gaze on the skyline.



JC: “I was never really worried about the big picture. It’s the details that are important when it comes to the day-to-day stuff. That's what makes or breaks any business.”



Danny nods, knowing what she means instantly.



JC: “Do you think that Rocky Golden is going to take our offer, yes or no?”



He shrugs.



JC: “That’s my opinion, too.”



He lowers the stack of papers and walks toward her.



JC: “Someone of his stature could throw SYNERGY over the top. He’s been underused his entire career. With he and Joey under our watch…..bringing in buyrates and ratings…we’d never look back.”



She turns around and sits down behind the desk, running her hands over the smooth-topped glass surface.



JC: “Schedule another meeting with him for before next week’s Uprising TV….and bring GNN’s checkbook.”



He pulls GNN’s checkbook out of his breast pocket and smiles.



DJ: “One step ahead of you.”



She doesn’t smile back.



JC: “Never think that.”








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There’s only one episode of UPRISING TV remaining before EXCESSIVE FORCE on PPV and do we have a main event for you this week. Heading into his World Title showdown with the raging number one contender Ino and his partner Wolf Hawkins, “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota will step into the ring alongside the man that SYNERGY is aggressively pursuing to join their elite group, DOA’s Rocky Golden. If Golden has indeed joined the ranks of SYNERGY, the pairing could very well be unstoppable. But has he signed on the dotted line? Plus, SYNERGY’s head of security and one half of the World Tag-Team Champions, Rick Law, will face one of the best professional wrestlers of the last decade, Dan Stone Jr. Brent Hill will also be in action-will his appearance draw out the mysterious masked man? And a bunch of other fireworks will undoubtedly pop off as we get everything set for EXCESSIVE FORCE. TCW on GNN…..DON’T MISS IT!!!!




Joey Minnesota/Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins/Ino


Rick Law vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Brent Hill vs. Aaron Andrews


Troy Tornado vs. Frankie Perez


Harry Allen vs. Mikey James vs. Jay Chord vs. Scout








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Just got caught up on this one. After having put TEW down for a bit, I know what I'm breaking out this weekend...


Joey Minnesota/Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins/Ino


Rick Law vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Brent Hill vs. Aaron Andrews


Troy Tornado vs. Frankie Perez


Harry Allen vs. Mikey James vs. Jay Chord vs. Scout

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Just got caught up on this one. After having put TEW down for a bit, I know what I'm breaking out this weekend...



Glad to have you onboard BigJay. Equally glad to help rekindle your interest in the greatest wrestling game known to man.


Slowly but surely, it seems like we're starting to grow our audience here, which is awesome, and I thank you guys for it. I know I don't have The Real Vince Russo as my writing partner, or even that Bill Watts' Fart-in-a-Jar I saw on Ebay, but I do have some of JR's BBQ sauce in my fridge....and that counts for something in the diary gimmick rankings, doesn't it?



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Next show is right around the bend. Hope you're enjoying the build up to EXCESSIVE FORCE.


I wanted to let everyone know that after this PPV, I'm going to be adding in some extra stuff concerning some of the other companies to flesh out the game world a bit more. In particular, I'll be paying attention to SWF (for obvious reasons) and CGC.



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Show #11







Haley Buck waits outside the arena for the SYNERGY limo to arrive. And when it does, she finally gets the payoff she’s been waiting for. After Danny Jillefski and Jennifer Cornell get out, the door on the other side opens and out steps Rocky Golden. Jillefski and Jennifer each shake hands with Golden as they are met by Charlie Thatcher and his gaggle of TCW bodyguard/henchmen. They go toward their office’s back entrance while the massive leader of DOA walks toward the regular talent entrance.



Haley can’t resist and comes out from where she and her cameraman were hiding, thrusting a microphone in Rocky Golden’s face. He isn’t even shocked.



RG: “I’ll give you the story you’ve been chasing, Haley. But I’ll do it like we do things in DOA----ON OUR TIME---IN THE RING!!”







Mikey James vs. Scout vs. Jay Chord vs. Harry Allen



EQ: “I can’t wait to hear his announcement. I think SYNERGY might’ve landed the really big one.”



SB: “I don’t know. When he said DOA, he said ‘we’. That means something.”



MN: “These four men won’t have their partners to lean on tonight like they will in the four team scramble at Excessive Force, but I bet it’ll be just as fast paced.”



SB: “And courtesy of that crazy multi-team tag match last week, there is a lot of new issues, old wounds reopened, and bad blood.”



EQ: “You haven’t even heard the best part yet. Wait until later on tonight when the stipulation for their tag scramble match is announced. The bosses are doing a great job shaking things up around here.”



Harry Allen and Mikey James have a hurancanrana-off in the match’s first moments and it sets the spot filled pace for the rest of the match. Jay Chord, as usual, tries his best to slow things down, but Scout’s renewed energy makes up for it by rarely giving Chord a window to do anything. In fact, he has Chord on the run, back flipping and bridging out of his attempt at a DDT, and blows him up with a running shoulder tackle. James comes flying across the ring, casting out a wild spinning back kick that catches Allen coming in. Scout shoves James out of the ring and rolls up Chord for the three count.



SB: “That’s how fast it can happen in TCW! Wow! What a match!”



EQ: “I liked the Elvis guy, but no one else really POPPED to me.”



SB: “I bet it was the sequins. They drew your eyes didn’t they? I’ve heard that sort of thing happens to simple folk.”











With another recent radio hit playing in the background, our crew of four smoking hot dancers return again this week, slinking around the stage seductively in naughty schoolgirl outfits. They get a bit more time than last week and they get right into it, really interacting with some of the college guys in the back row near the stage.









Once again we are back in the same super-modern laboratory/gym as the last two weeks. And once again, hooked up to about a dozen wires and probes and wearing a facemask designed to monitor his breathing, TCW World Heavyweight Champion, “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota, runs on a steeply inclined treadmill with dumbbells in his hands. Even though it is ridiculously strenuous work, it is barely registering anything on the monitors.



Nearby, the barn-door sized Kevin Stevens, tabbed by SYNERGY as Joey’s personal trainer, stares at a monitor, yet again watching Joey’s readout and nodding as he checks boxes on a clipboard and flips between pages. A hot red haired lab assistant walks up behind Joey with a syringe as he climbs off of the treadmill. Under Stevens’ watch, the assistant gives him the dose….Joey’s jaw tenses and his veins raise up. He hops back onto the treadmill and begins sprinting, battling the machine as it climbs steeper and steeper.



Stevens smiles.



KS: “He’s ready. Let’s head to the building.”







Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill



MN: “He had reinvented himself into the maestro of the smiling cheap shot, the groin kick, the cut corner, yet for the last couple of weeks he’s been the company’s biggest scaredy cat…here comes Brent Hill.”



EQ: “And did you see what happened to him last week? That masked man? His sandwich?”



SB: “A masked man, huh? Brilliant, SYNERGY. Vampires, skin care obsessives….and now a masked man? How far are we from having a man in a lobster suit in our main events?”



EQ: “I’m documenting all of your anti-SYNERGY spew, just in case you’re wondering. Every word.”



Brent Hill steals a sign from a bubble-blowing kid on his way down the aisle and tears it in half. He goes on from there, really going full old-school heel even before the opening bell.



MN: “This guy. Ugh.”



Since his return, Aaron Andrews has been a step quicker and tonight he runs the always distracted Hill through the ringer. After nearly snapping him in half with a spectacular tilt-a-whirl shoulderbreaker, Andrews turns Hill over and locks in his new finisher, the cattle mutilation submission hold. As Hill yells out and tries to wiggle toward the ropes…..






….the Masked Man appears from out of nowhere at ringside and snatches the stolen sign from Hill’s corner. In a flash, he is up the aisle, returning it to its beaming owner and putting his hat on the youngster next to him to boot. And then just like that, he is gone. Hill’s face twists into a special type of anger as he watches it all go down while being submitted in a terribly painful move. As the victorious Andrews goes back up the ramp with his arms raised, Hill rolls to the floor and gets a microphone.



BH: “Listen, whoever you are. I’m tired of this! Masked Man! You want me so bad? Meet me in the ring at EXCESSIVE FORCE.”












We are shown a graphic with four teams overlaid on the dark background. The teams: The Flying Elvises, The Old Wave, Fallen, and The Cali Dragons pop up one-by-one over and over again.



MN: “The tag team tornado match at EXCESSIVE FORCE has been made into a Double Jeopardy match where the winning team will receive a title match on UPRISING TV….while the losing team…..will be fired.”



All the teams pop back up one more time before finally all getting knocked down like target ducks.






Marc DuBois leans back, all business, in a hallway nook backstage, about to do the brand new TCW LIVE podcast, when an enraged Bryan Vessey comes flying up out of nowhere and splatters him with a steel chair. The blast sends him over the table and clears all of the podcasting equipment off of it onto the floor.



BV: “Throw THAT in the trash, new guy!”



Hearing the bootsteps of a mass of TCW security coming from the next hallway, Vessey tosses the chair aside, studies his handiwork for one more second, and runs away. Mitch, Sammy, and Emily close things out as we go to commercial.



MN: “With their draw last week fresh in his mind and what’s at stake Sunday when they step into the ring….”



SB: “I know. I get it, too. Plus, when you think about Vessey’s ego and his…need to cling and clutch…onto his spot….I get it. He’s the only guy who is desperate one-hundred percent of the time.”



EQ: “This new TCW is a bit more lawless, isn’t it? I like that.”






Troy Tornado vs. Frankie Perez



MN: “We return to TCW UPRISING with what should be a fabulous match between two guys who can really fly.”



EQ: “Troy Tornado has had some great matches since he returned to full time competition here in TCW; even his losses have been close calls. He’s my sleeper pick to win the Golden Briefcase.”



SB: “He can’t be looking past the daredevil Frankie Perez here. Getting surprised by someone hungrier than you on live TV is not a good way to go into a pay-per-view.”



Tornado touches down in Phoenix and is all over Frankie Perez from the opening bell onward. Every time the high-flying Cali Dragon looks like he might get some footing, Tornado’s edge shows and he counters, keeping Perez on the defensive. He gets plenty of time to shine before a flipping neckbreaker gives him the opportunity to climb to the top turnbuckle and come flying off with his ridiculous air flying legdrop. When it connects, Perez shudders. The pin is expectedly easy.



MN: “Just like that, Troy Tornado is victorious! He looks ready for his date with destiny!”



SB: “Running Frankie Perez around the ring and having a legit chance in the Golden Briefcase match are two different things. The other five guys in that match are at the top of the heap.”



EQ: “But Tornado just looks…so…good.”









The spotlights begin searching around the arena until it settles on the section in the balcony where the three members of DOA begin making their way toward the ring. Dressed in their usual black combat fatigues, the three huge men push their way through the crowd until the can hop the retaining wall and climb up into the ring.



Rocky Golden motions for the ring announcer’s microphone and smoothly catches it when it’s flipped his way.






The fans cheer, but it doesn’t feel like their usual pop, even with the TCW.com commercial break app announcement that DOA is getting another shot at the tag team titles this Sunday at Excessive Force.



RG: “Now, I know what everyone wants to talk about ……and I wanted to have my brothers join me in the ring when I talked about it for the first time.”



Atlas and Mighty Mo nod. They have been curious, too.



RG: “The question on everybody’s mind is….is Rocky Golden going to join SYNERGY?”



The fans boo.



RG: “God knows it is true that Danny Jillefski and Jennifer Cornell have made me a very generous financial offer….. and over the past few weeks, they have sweetened the pot…repeatedly…. and I have been listening. The check they offered me about an hour ago was borderline insane.”



Golden walks up to Atlas and Mo.



RG: “But if joining them means abandoning my fellow soldiers in the battle to do what’s right…..what is CORRECT……in the battle to win all the gold here in TCW…..I CAN”T DO IT!!!”



The fans cheer. It’s their usual pop plus a little bit extra.












Even more. The fans are maxxed out. It is deafening. Pop of the night. Like they got when they debuted.






All three men throw a hand in the air as Golden drops the microphone. Unified. Their music plays for a long while and they slowly make their way back through the fist-pumping fans and into the building’s shadows.







Rick Law vs. Dan Stone Jr.



MN: “Well, I guess that answers that question.”



EQ: “Does it?”



SB: “Rocky said he can’t be bought, Emily. That’s all SYNERGY has is money.”



EQ: “Wrong. They have muscle. What about Rick Law? He’s one half of the tag team champions and he is a beast.”



SB: “I don’t think anyone can strong-arm Rocky Golden into any decision.”



Rick Law really has his hair up in this one, looking much more crisp and precise than he has in recent weeks. He rolls out the red carpet for Dan Stone and buries him with his brutally stiff offense. His rarely seen belly to belly/ gut wrench flapjack combo nets him a two and a half and leaves Dan Jr. wobbly.



MN: “Law is on fire tonight!”



SB: “I bet having an opponent with the pedigree of Dan Stone has brought out the best in him.”



Dan waits for his opportunity, and when it comes, he ducks a running boot and rebounds off the ropes behind Law-catching the bigger man with a bulldog and then following up with a kneedrop and an angry looking armbar.



Law’s tag team partner Charlie Thatcher, looming at ringside, starts up the steps toward the ring, but with Phil Vibert’s blessing, Jeremy Stone, clad in his white with maroon pinstripes windsuit, sprints around the ring and intercepts him, getting in his way on the apron and engaging in a fierce chest to chest staredown.



But then….







Emma Chase and The Beau Bros. appear onstage. Skip and Broderick are huge and they glisten, uber-tan, under the stage lights.



MN: “These guys are going to get into it one more time at Excessive Force. And….on cue, Emma and Phil start getting into it.”



They yell obscenities at each other from the ramp and Rick Law takes advantage, waiting until Stone walks him into the corner and attempts to seat him on the top rope for a superplex. With the ref’s attention still on the Thatcher/Jeremy staredown, and the Emma/Phil insult fest, Law drops to one knee and drills Dan with a shot in the beanbag. As Stone grimaces and backpedals, he eats a “Long Arm of the Law” and succumbs to the pin.



EQ: “Oh yeah! Big win for SYNERGY!!”



SB: “Wow, you don’t even try to pretend, do you, you shill?”



MN: “Rick Law might’ve used his position in the company to his advantage….but he earned himself this win; he didn’t dominate it, but it was just a tick below that level. Very impressive……….”






MN: “……and fans, I’m getting word that the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Joey Minnesota, one of four men involved in tonight’s huge tag team main event……”



SB: “Which is coming up NEXT, Mitch….”



MN: “….....has arrived. Let’s go backstage where “The Prototype” is making his way into the building, and presumably, toward the ring.”









Being led toward the building by his massive personal trainer Kevin Stevens, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Joey Minnesota is as intense as usual. With the entrances of the other three wrestlers happening on split screen, we follow Joey on his way through the backstage area. He pauses to strip off a windsuit in a hallway before taking a shortcut out onto the stage, the silver piping on his black trucks catching the light.



His music is a couple of beats late but he makes up the time by posing with the TCW Title belt, really playing it up underneath the blue light show that accompanies his entrance by dumping a bottle of water over his head and storming toward the ring ahead of his cavalcade.






Joey Minnesota/Rocky Golden vs. Ino/Wolf Hawkins



MN: “Two of these men are in the main event at Excessive Force, for the World Title, the other two, in the Golden Briefcase Match.”



SB: “Buckle up, TCW fans!”



Tonight’s headlining match, which looks great on paper, proves to be an awkward affair, mainly based on the interpersonal issues between everyone involved. Everyone looks great individually, it’s more a matter of there being no flow when the tags are made; all the parties involved are wary of the others. Also notable is how Rocky Golden, at least in the early going, defers to his partner at every turn.



MN: “Rocky Golden said he wasn’t available to be bought….but he’s getting along pretty well with SYNERGY’s crown jewel.”



The new champion is on point during his longest stretch in the ring, when he pretty much owned Wolf Hawkins, capitalizing on Wolf’s slipping off of the top rope to snap suplex him twice.






Danny Jillefski and Jennifer Cornell, shadowed by Charlie Thatcher, share a laugh at ringside as the crowd chants it right in Wolf’s face. He can only blink and try to process it all before Joey’s top rope flying head-butt almost nails him and almost ends the match.



SB: “The height he gets! The impact of that! Skull to skull!!”



Ino is in the ring as soon as the ref starts counting and breaks up the pin easily. It draws Rocky Golden back into the ring and then a four way brawl breaks out. Ino tackles Minnesota, his opponent at Excessive Force, leaving Golden with the dazed Hawkins. He grabs Wolf by the throat, lifts, and holds him up high for a second –taking in the fans’ cheering- before chokeslamming him hard against the canvas.






Wolf kicks out after a long two, but Golden, seeing Ino and Joey still trading fists on the floor, thinks for a few seconds.



MN: “Is he going to end it?”



He lifts Wolf to his feet, and grabs him by the throat…. but Ino, seeing Golden going for his finisher, comes barreling into the ring – tackling him. The two roll around and exchange punches. Joey slides into the ring, almost silently, stepping in next to the confused Wolf Hawkins.



“Downward Spiral!”



Wolf is pancaked by the sneaky Joey. The three count is quick and “The Prototype’s” theme music is in the air before Golden and Ino stop beating on each other. Joey rolls to the floor, marching over to the ring announcer’s table to collect the World Title belt. When he gets back to the bottom of the ramp, he is met by the still cranked up Rocky Golden who just glares at him. Golden motions to the ring and asks Joey why he didn’t let him finish it. Joey shrugs and starts to walk away but Golden takes step toward him and gets right in his face. Joey, instantly agitated, sticks out his jaw and the two just eye each other before the entire SYNERGY family, including about six security guys, pour in and stop things from going any further.



SB: “This just got INTERESTING!”



Ino angrily jumps into the fray and starts everything over again, forcing the security guys to have to regroup before pulling all three men apart. Golden eventually pushes through all of them and makes his way back toward the ring, hopping the retaining wall and leaving through the crowd as is DOA’s custom.



MN: ‘Wow! There’s so much happening!”



Wolf Hawkins is still in the ring, on his knees, looking blank, the loser, looking like he is still trying to process everything that went down tonight. Last week. Last month. And as the show goes to close, the crowd serenades him again.




















© 2014

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Rocky Golden arrives with SYNERGY; Haley Buck Gets Her ANSWER (B)




UPRISING Dancers Return (C+)


“The Prototype” in the Lab (B)




Hill Challenges Masked Man (B-)


DuBois Jumped by Vessey (A)




Golden Rebuffs SYNERGY; Stays with DOA (B+)




World Champion Arrives (A)




Post Show Segment – B+





Show Grade: B+


Show TV Rating: 6.01 (+0.06)


SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.28 (-0.20)





© 2014

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