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NJPW Kizuna Road

Saturday, Week 3, July 2014


IWGP World Heavyweight -

"Best In The World" CM Punk © vs Hiroshi Tanahashi



"King Of Strong Style" Shinsuke Nakamura vs "Stardust Genius" Tetsuya Naito



IWGP Intercontinental -

Prince Devitt © vs "Anti-Aging Star" Yuji Nagata



Jushin Thunder Liger vs "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada



IWGP World Tag Team -

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs Guns & Gallows



NWA World Heavyweight -

Satoshi Kojima © vs AJ Styles



IWGP Junior Heavyweight -

Kota Ibushi © vs KUSHIDA vs Alex Shelley



Minoru Suzuki & Killer Elite Squad vs Yujiro Takahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Masato Tanaka



IWGP Junior Tag Team -

The Young Bucks © vs Forever Hooligan


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NJPW Kizuna Road

Saturday, Week 3, July 2014

Live on PPV at the Toda Motorboat Race Place!

Attendance: 25,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Togi Makabe, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ryusuke Taguchi defeated Toru Yano, YOSHI-HASHI & Gedo in tonight's dark match. Grade: 66 (C+)



IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship Match

The Young Bucks © vs Forever Hooligans

A good but slightly disappointing match opens the show, this one just doesn't live up to its potential. It's the Forever Hooligans who start the match on the front foot after an early Tope Con Hilo leaves both The Bucks laid out on the outside. Romero is the one to be isolated before the action heats up in the final third with a lot of near falls but it's the defending Champions who start to get the better of the challengers. Alex Koslov is laid out with a Spike Tombstone Piledriver leaving Romero alone to fight both the Jackson brothers. A More Bang For Your Buck finishes this off one and The Young Bucks move on to six successful defences.

Winners and STILL IWGP Junior Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks (13:44)

Grade: 66 (C+)



Minoru Suzuki & Killer Elite Squad vs Yujiro Takahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Masato Tanaka

Everybody is on their game here for an extremely entertaining six-man tag match. The action begins outside the ring and quickly spills into the crowd and back up the entrance ramp. When the action returns to the ring, Suzukigun target and isolate Yujiro who has a really heated exchange with his G1 Climax day one opponent, Minoru Suzuki. After successive lariats, Yujiro is able to make the tag to Masato Tanaka as he and Ishii turn the tide of the match back to CHAOS. Yujiro and Suzuki start fighting on the outside and end up disappearing into crowd as Ishii picks up the pinfall after a Vertical Drop Brainbuster to Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Winners: Tomohiro Ishii, Yujiro Takahashi & Masato Tanaka (14:23)

Grade: 78 (B)



IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Kota Ibushi © vs KUSHIDA vs Alex Shelley

Shelley turned on his tag partner KUSHIDA at Dominion and has since joined Bullet Club. From the get-go, it's obvious that neither Ibushi or KUSHIDA want Shelley in the ring. Every time he tries to make any offence, he is instantly double teamed and tossed out the ring. Shelley plays it smart though, he waits on the outside and only gets involved when he has to and because of that, he remains fresh as both Ibushi and KUSHIDA expend a lot more energy. Spurred on as the crowd's favourite, KUSHIDA locks the Hoverboard Lock on Shelley and despite his best effforts to escape, it's Ibushi's interjection that prevents a submission when he breaks up the hold. Ibushi and KUSHIDA go toe-to-toe once again with the latter getting the better and after a Backbreaker, KUSHIDA climbs up to the top rope… and connects with the Midnight Express! As the referee counts one… and then two… Shelley dives on top of both guys from the top rope with a Frog Splash! He rolls KUSHIDA out of the way and covers Ibushi himself! One… two… three!

Winner and NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion: Alex Shelley (14:50)

Grade: 70 (C+)



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

Satoshi Kojima © vs AJ Styles

Bruce Tharpe has been trying to take the NWA World Heavyweight Championship off Kojima since he won it in January and has so far enlisted the help of Big Daddy YumYum, Rhino and now AJ Styles. Once again, this is another very good match to add to Kojima's impressive record so far this year as him and Styles toss the formula out the window from the get-go. There's no long period of the heel working over the face, the action here is open all the way throughout the match as both guys show off an impressive array of counters. Styles goes for a Hurricanrana but Kojima folds him up like an accordion with a Powerbomb, Kojima goes for a Cutter but Styles blocks it and counters that into a Reverse DDT. The quick pace is certainly more suited to the younger AJ Styles but Kojima shows no signs of tiring. With Styles hurt after a Spinebuster, Kojima takes off his Elbow Pad and goes for the Lariat… but Styles ducks… Pele Kick… misses! And then AJ Styles turns around right into a decapitating Lariat that leaves him out cold as Kojima picks up the victory and a fifth successful title defence.

Winner and STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Satoshi Kojima (15:59)

Grade: 78 (B)



IWGP Tag Team Championship Match

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs Guns & Gallows

A much better match than the one these two teams had at Dominion, it was physical then and even more so tonight. Goto has been the one that's played the face in peril in his team's recent matches, but this time it's Shibata that ends up isolated in the Bullet Club's half of the ring. Guns & Gallows give him very little space to execute any offence, leaving Shibata limited to the occasional knee or forearm smash. Goto riles the crowd up and it's not long before the entire Toda Motorboat Race Place is chanting vehemently for Shibata to make the tag. Gallows whips him into the corner but Shibata charges and takes him out with a Kitchen Sink followed up by a Lariat. All it took was a few seconds of breathing space and now Shibata makes the tag! Goto comes in and just like his tag partner, he begins to kick at anything within his personal space. The closing stretch becomes increasingly tense as both teams need to pull out something special to put the other away. Guns & Gallows begin setting up for the Magic Killer on Goto but Shibata interjects and decks Anderson with a straight kick to the face! Goto quickly hits the Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker on Gallows as Shibata picks up the pinfall after a Penalty Kick leaving Bullet Club to go back to the drawing board.

Winners and STILL IWGP Tag Team Champions: Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata (18:06)

Grade: 79 (B)



Jushin Thunder Liger vs "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada

This match was slightly hampered by time constraints, although Liger will argue that it was probably too long. Just like last week, Okada sets a brisk pace from the get-go but Liger is able to slow it down and works over Okada's legs with a series of different holds and locks. It's not just pointless mat work, Liger is trying to keep Okada grounded and keep the pace at a level he can handle. The heart and resolve of The Rainmaker is really tested when Liger follows up on a Surfboard with a Figure Four Leg-Lock but Okada is able to pull himself to the ropes and force a clean break. Despite the sharp pain he must be feeling in his knees, thighs and ankles, Okada blocks a Powerbomb attempt and lifts Liger straight up over his back before connecting with the Reverse Neckbreaker. But even that leaves Okada clutching at the knee he just used to jar Liger's neck. Jushin continues to target the right knee, but he just can't stop The Rainmaker from hitting his signature moves. A Flapjack is proceeded by the Heavy Rain and Liger is put through some intense pain of his own when Okada locks him in the Red Ink but he's never tapping out, he simply has very little to lose here. As Liger begins to tire, Okada seems to go from strength to strength and once he connects flush on Liger's chin with his signature dropkick, it's obvious the end is in sight. Okada pulls Liger back to his feet, grabs his right arm from behind, swivels him around and connects with the Rainmaker to put this one to bed once and for all.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada (17:23)

Grade: 82 (B)


It's now time for the intermission! Togi Makabe joins Shinpei Nogami and Milano Collection A.T. at the broadcast table as the crowd file out in an orderly fashion to collect refreshments. Among their topics of discussion are the three matches we have left tonight as well as the upcoming G1 Climax where Togi Makabe will face a stiff challenge against Prince Devitt in the first day.

Grade: 74 (B-)



IWGP Intercontinental Championship Match

Prince Devitt © vs "Anti-Aging Star" Yuji Nagata

Bad Luck Fale is in Devitt's corner at ringside, just to stand there with his shades on and look menacing. In recent months, Devitt has begun to evolve out of the Junior division and has gradually begun to put on a little bit more weight and muscle mass to help him compete with the heavyweights. Even some of the toughest can't compete with Nagata though, one of the most popular Japanese wrestlers of the last 20 years. The story here is relatively simple, Nagata wants to turn this match into a slugfest whilst Devitt is more interested in keeping the pace quick so he can hit and run. There's some brief exchanges on the mat and a few Nagata Lock attempts, but Devitt is able to successfully see them off. Nagata attempts a lot of different moves to try and get the 3 count, from an Exploder Suplex all the way through to a Cross Armbreaker but he never manages to hit the Backdrop Hold that has bought him many victories. On the other hand, Devitt's signatures moves are just plain lethal. He hits every single one of them from the beautiful Falling Overhead Kick, to the Diving Double Foot Stomp all the way through to the Prince's Throne. But it's the Tornado Enzuigiri that leaves Nagata practically dead on his feet as Devitt quickly follows that up with the Bloody Sunday. He covers Nagata and picks up the 1 - 2 - 3 in what was an extremely impressive outing for Bullet Club's leader.

Winner and STILL IWGP Intercontinental Champion: Prince Devitt (20:49)

Grade: 83 (B)



"King Of Strong Style" Shinsuke Nakamura vs "Stardust Genius" Tetsuya Naito

What a fantastic match. These two could wrestle all show long and I don't think anybody would complain. This rivalry has gained some serious traction since their first match at Wrestling Dontaku and the crowd are split straight down the middle, there's a sea of Nakamura chants just as there's an equal number of Naito chants. The action starts slow but both guys tease signature moves early on as Nakamura misses the Boma Ye just as Naito fails to lock on the Koji Clutch. The crowd eat up every minute of the back and forth action as Nakamura takes control with a myriad of knee strikes, which leads to Naito working over those knees to try and shut him down. Nakamura's comeback is met with a molten hot crowd reaction, and that adrenaline rush allows him to shut off the pain as he begins kicking the absolute life out of Naito. The Stardust Genius refuses to back down though and he ducks a Spin Kick before nearly ending Nakamura's career with a nasty Dragon Suplex that gets a very close two count. Naito goes up top and begins looking for the Stardust Press, but as soon as he leaps Nakamura gets his knees up! And Nakamura nails him with the Boma Ye!


One… two… thr - NO! Naito kicks out at 2.999!


Just as the Stardust Genius gets back to his feet, Nakamura leaps from the second rope looking for a Diving Boma Ye but this time Naito dodges out the way and leaves Nakamura flat on his back! With Nakamura dazed, Naito brings him back to his feet and slams him with the Gloria before he quickly follows that up with the Stardust Press from the top rope!


One… two… thre… - NAKAMURA KICKS OUT! The crowd explode at that kick out as both lie motionless on the canvas in a sea of applause from the Toda Motorboat Race Place. As both Naito and Nakamura drag themselves back to their feet, both know that it's probably only going to take one move to put the other away. Naito goes for a German Suplex but Nakamura gets to the ropes only for Naito to answer with a roll-up… 1… 2… no! Nakamura kicks out… ducks a half-assed Lariat attempt… and then connects with a Running Boma Ye!!! Naito drops to the mat like a sack of potatoes as Nakamura makes the cover… one… two… three!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (27:55)

Grade: 97 (A)



IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match

"Best In The World" CM Punk © vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

Well, that previous match probably should have been the main event because it's practically impossible to follow that. Punk and Tanahashi start the match slowly and keep the pace quite slow for a while, which provides a welcome moment for the crowd to tune out for a little while and recharge their batteries for what is sure to be quite a main event. Tanahashi takes control early on and just as he worked over Okada's arm in their two PPV matches in 2013, he applies that same psychology to CM Punk's left knee, the one he uses to hit the GTS. Punk manages to escape to the outside and takes a breather on the outside and tries to get the blood flowing back through that left knee. Punk tangles with the referee and low blows Tanahashi out of the ref's sight. This is the turning point as CM Punk keeps New Japan's ace grounded with a variety of headlocks, facelocks and leglocks so the "Best In The World" can spend some time recuperating that left knee. After a good 10 - 15 minutes of scientific wrestling, the pace begins to quicken as Tanahashi connects with a Flying Forearm followed up a German Suplex that brings the first two count of the match. Punk blocks a Dragon Suplex attempt and swivels out before countering into a quick DDT that leaves Tanahashi stunned. Punk goes for the GTS, but it's a little too early and Tanahashi is able to block that his knee and counter it into a Dragon Screw that leaves Punk in excruciating pain. The action heats up as Punk begins to get more and more vicious delivering a tirade of knees to Tanahashi in the corner before connecting with a Bulldog that brings another near fall. But Tanahashi quickly rallies back with a Straitjacket German Suplex and then manages to hit the Dragon Suplex on the second attempt with both of those moves bringing him two more near falls. The momentum swings back Punk's way after a few clotheslines and then he gets another near fall after a Diving Elbow Drop from the top rope. Perhaps sensing victory, Punk goes for another GTS but Tanahashi counters it with Sling Blade! Now on the top rope, Tanahashi goes for the High Fly Flow… but Punk rolls out the way leaving his opponent to crash and burn! With Tanahashi a little weary, Punk takes him on his shoulders for a third GTS attempt and this time he's successful! Lateral press, 1 - 2 - 3!

Winner: CM Punk (33:09)

Grade: 90 (A)


Having just made his second successful defence of the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, CM Punk celebrates in the ring as Cult Of Personality fills the arena. Bullet Club fill the ring with each member but Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows & Tama Tonga clutching championship gold. This stable have well and truly climbed to the apex of New Japan now, leaving everybody wondering that if Tanahashi can't dethrone them, who can?

Grade: 82 (B)


Show Grade: 89 (B+)

Buy Rate: 2.17

This show increased our popularity in 19 regions.

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Prediction Results:


Wolfman84: 7/9

Captain2: 6/9

smurphy1014: 5/9


Nakamura vs Naito is my best ever match, the highest rating I've ever got in my entire history of playing TEW. This is the first time I've ever played more than 3 months with a company above cult though. Punk vs Tanahashi is my third best match on this save so far and Kizuna Road got my highest buy rate. I'll have the predictions up for the G1 Climax up in the near future, I'm looking forward to that.

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Tuesday, Week 4, July (NJPW On TV!) -

Block A: AJ Styles vs La Sombra

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs Doc Gallows

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs Tomohiro Ishii

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Satoshi Kojima


Thursday, Week 4, July (PPV 1) -

Block A: Prince Devitt vs La Sombra

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs AJ Styles

Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs Tomohiro Ishii

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs Doc Gallows

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Togi Makabe

Block B: CM Punk vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Tomoaki Homna vs Masato Tanaka

Block B: Yujiro Takahashi vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Karl Anderson

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Hirooki Goto


Saturday, Week 4, July (PPV 2) -

Block A: Tomohiro Ishii vs AJ Styles

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs La Sombra

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Satoshi Kojima

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Doc Gallows

Block B: Tomoaki Homna vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Karl Anderson vs Masato Tanaka

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: CM Punk vs Hirooki Goto


Tuesday, Week 1, August (NJPW On TV!) -

Block B: Karl Anderson vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Roderick Strong

Block B: CM Punk vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Masato Tanaka


Thursday, Week 1, August (PPV 3) -

Block A: Togi Makabe vs AJ Styles

Block A: Tomohiro Ishii vs Doc Gallows

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs Satoshi Kojima

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs La Sombra

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Katsuyori Shibata

Block B: Yujiro Takahashi vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: Masato Tanaka vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Roderick Strong

Block B: CM Punk vs Karl Anderson

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Hirooki Goto


Saturday, Week 1, August (PPV 4) -

Block A: Tomohiro Ishii vs La Sombra

Block A: Doc Gallows vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs Satoshi Kojima

Block A: Prince Devitt vs AJ Styles

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Tetsuya Naito

Block B: Karl Anderson vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Masato Tanaka

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: CM Punk vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Roderick Strong


Tuesday, Week 2, August (NJPW On TV!) -

Block A: Doc Gallows vs Satoshi Kojima

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs La Sombra

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Tomohiro Ishii

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs AJ Styles


Thursday, Week 2, August (PPV 5) -

Block A: Togi Makabe vs La Sombra

Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs AJ Styles

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs Katsuyori Shibata

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Doc Gallows

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Tomohiro Ishii

Block B: Yujiro Takahashi vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Minoru Suzuki vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Karl Anderson

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Masato Tanaka

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs CM Punk


Saturday, Week 2, August (PPV 6) -

Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Katsuyori Shibata vs Tomohiro Ishii

Block A: Doc Gallows vs La Sombra

Block A: Tetsuya Naito vs AJ Styles

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Prince Devitt

Block B: Masato Tanaka vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Karl Anderson vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: CM Punk vs Shinsuke Nakamura


Tuesday, Week 3, August (NJPW On TV!) -

Block B: Minoru Suzuki vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Karl Anderson

Block B: CM Punk vs Masato Tanaka

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Tomoaki Homna


Thursday, Week 3, August (PPV 7) -

Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs La Sombra

Block A: Tomohiro Ishii vs Togi Makabe

Block A: Doc Gallows vs AJ Styles

Block A: Prince Devitt vs Tetsuya Naito

Block A: Kazuchika Okada vs Katsuyori Shibata

Block B: Karl Anderson vs Roderick Strong

Block B: Masato Tanaka vs Yujiro Takahashi

Block B: Hirooki Goto vs Tomoaki Homna

Block B: CM Punk vs Minoru Suzuki

Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

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NJPW on TV! Episode #8

Tuesday, Week 4, July 2014

Live on Nippon TV! at the Namihaya Dome!

Attendance: 10,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Tomoaki Homna & KUSHIDA defeated YOSHI-HASHI & Gedo in tonight's dark match. Grade: 68 (C+)



Block A

AJ Styles vs La Sombra

An exciting, but largely spot based match between two midcarders. The crowd aren't all that into this, although they do pop when La Sombra gets a very close 2 count with an awesome Springboard Dragonrana. He goes for a Frankensteiner as Styles is dazed on the top turnbuckle, but the Phenomonal One blocks and counters it into a Super Styles Clash that connects right in the middle of the ring. To nobody's surprise, AJ Styles picks up the all important 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: AJ Styles (13:28)

Grade: 69 (C+)



Block A

Katsuyori Shibata vs Doc Gallows

A good old slugfest and the fans eat up every moment of it. These two just have an all out fight, there's nothing fancy here. Despite his size advantage, Gallows ends up taking one hell of a beating and can do nothing when he's locked in Shibata's Octopus Stretch. Sensing he needs to be in some shape to actually complete the G1, Gallows taps out as both guys leave the ring knowing they'll be sore in the morning.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata (12:57)

Grade: 78 (B)



Block A

Tomohiro Ishii vs Tetsuya Naito

Another very good match from these two, but not quite as good as their MOTYC at The New Beginning. If anything, this is just a match to show how much Naito has progressed and improved since he started his rivalry with Nakamura. He pulls out all the stops here and despite Ishii's best efforts, he can do nothing to counter Naito's Gloria. The Stardust Press connects and Naito kicks off his G1 in style.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito (16:04)

Grade: 82 (B)




We interrupt the in-ring action for a short video package on the big screen. The video largely hypes up the matches that will take place on the first G1 Climax PPV show in two days time, with most of the spotlight being shone on the Tanahashi vs Goto main event.

Grade: 80 (B)



Block A

Prince Devitt vs Togi Makabe

The pace and agility of Devitt vs the experience and power of Makabe. This ends up being a great match as the crowd rally behind Makabe, who comes within one move of winning the match when he goes for the King Kong Knee Drop but Devitt is able to take evasive action and rolls out the way. Devitt quickly gets to work captilizing on that mistake - Tornado Enzuigiri, Bloody Sunday, the fat lady sings.

Winner: Prince Devitt (14:14)

Grade: 85 (B+)



Block A

Kazuchika Okada vs Satoshi Kojima

We close the day with another superb match, every near fall is met with raucous applause and there's a lot of them. Kojima goes for his Lariat but Okada ducks under, he goes for the Rainmaker but Kojima instead beats him to the punch with a left arm Lariat. Kojima goes for a second Lariat, this time with the right arm, but Okada catches him with his signature Dropkick. Kojima is bought back to his feet and finished off with The Rainmaker as Kazuchika Okada picks up the victory.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada (18:03)

Grade: 87 (B+)


Show Grade: 86 (B+)

TV Rating: 4.95

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Was curious as to how you would tackle the G1 Climax but that schedule is great! Great show as well, and never got to say it but congrats on the Nakamura/Naito match.


Thank you! I've been planning it for a long time, since I finished booking and writing Dominion in fact. But I think it's gonna go great :D And yes, the stars aligned on that match, I was very happy with that 97 :)

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Before the show begins, let's take a look at the two blocks so far






NJPW G1 Climax PPV 1

Thursday, Week 4, July 2014

Live on PPV at the Kawasaki Stadium!

Attendance: 30,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


KUSHIDA & Mistico defeated Gedo & YOSHI-HASHI in tonight's dark match. Grade: 75 (B-)



Block A

Prince Devitt (2) vs La Sombra (0)

We kick off the night with an awesome, fast-paced match between two very talented high-flyers. La Sombra seeks a huge upset here and uses his high-octane offence to try and stun Devitt long enough to hit the Brilliante Driver (a Schoolboy Driver). But the Intercontinental Champion manages to find answers to all of the luchador's questions. La Sombra goes for a Springboard Hurricanrana but Devitt catches him in mid-air with a Double Knee Facebuster! The Bloody Sunday soon follows and it's Prince Devitt that picks up the victory.

Winner: Prince Devitt (11:33)

Grade: 84 (B+)



Block B

Masato Tanaka vs Tomoaki Honma

The bell rings and what follows is a war between two tough Japanese studs that just refuse to give up. There's a slight lack of chemistry between the two though and they just don't quite click, as evidenced by a few awkward moments but other than that the action here is extremely entertaining. These two destroy each other with stiff strikes but the crowd are firmly behind Honma who feeds off that energy and starts taking control once the 10 minute mark has passed. He connects with the Diving Headbutt but Tanaka kicks out at Two, and in perhaps the most important moment of the match, Honma manages to block a Roaring Elbow before striking Tanaka with one of his own. With Tanaka stunned and tired, Honma takes him up in the Vertical Suplex position before dropping him on his head with a Screwdriver! 1 - 2 - 3!

Winner: Tomoaki Honma (13:01)

Grade: 82 (B)



Block A

'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito (2) vs Doc Gallows (0)

Gallows comes down to the ring with his left arm taped up, he's still feeling the pain from Shibata's Fujiwara Armbar that had him submitting just two days ago. Naito sees that as a potential weakness and tries to work over that arm but Gallows uses his size and power advantage to keep the 'Stardust Genius' at arm's length. Gallows largely employs a ground and pound strategy here with stomps and power moves that bring him quite a few near falls. Of course, Naito does mount a comeback and manages to lift the big man up and connect with a German Suplex that leaves everybody in the crowd in shock. Naito leaves Gallows flat on his back following a running Dropkick and now he climbs to the top rope… he goes for the Stardust Press but Gallows rolls out the way! Naito is bought back to his feet… Gallows Pole connects! One… two… three!


Gallows exits the ring to a stunned silence from our sell-out crowd after pulling off a monumental upset!

Winner: Doc Gallows (15:15)

Grade: 75 (B-)



Block B

'Best In The World' CM Punk vs Roderick Strong

This is of course Roderick Strong's G1 debut, and he has a challenge on his hands because CM Punk is the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. It's a great showing for ROH's representive and member of The Decade though as StrongRod puts up a very good fight despite Punk's early dominance. Strong uses his large array of Backbreakers to put some serious hurting on Punk who writhes in pain after an Argentine Backbreaker that gets a very close near fall but Strong isn't able to capitalise because Punk twice evades the Stronghold. Roderick looks for a Death By Roderick when he puts Punk in the fireman's carry position but Punk manages to slip out, duck a clothesline and then connect with a straight kick to the head that leaves Strong in a heap on the mat. Punk climbs to the top rope and pays homage to the 'Macho Man' Randy Savage before connecting with a Diving Elbow Drop! 1… 2… Strong kicks out! There's a short burst of offence from Strong but it's evident that Punk is now in control and that's emphasized when he hits his Running Knee in the corner followed by a Bulldog. Punk brings Strong back to his feet and connects with the Go To Sleep, One… - Two… Three. The result was never really in doubt.

Winner: CM Punk (12:36)

Grade: 84 (B+)



Block A

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles (2)

There's such a clash of styles here (no pun intended), but yet these two manage to put on a great match. AJ is put through his paces early on, his offence is totally ineffective and Shibata simply floors him with some trademark chest kicks. But the Phenomenal One lives up to his nickname when he catches Shibata with a perfect Springboard Forearm Smash and then gets to work trying to inflict enough damage on his opponent to connect with the Styles Clash. After the Phenomenon DDT, Styles looks for his finisher but it's evidently too early because Shibata simply hoists AJ up on to his shoulders before dropping him with the Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker. It's the turning point that Shibata needed who seeks the PK twice, but Styles is alert enough to get out of the way both times. AJ connects with a Pele Kick but he only just catches Shibata on the head who promptly decapitates Styles with a Lariat. At the third attempt, the Penalty Kick finally finds its mark and Shibata puts AJ away to take home two more points.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata (13:41)

Grade: 84 (B+)



Block B

Yujiro Takahashi vs Minoru Suzuki

Unfortunately this is the worst match of the night. It wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it's obvious that these two just aren't particularly exciting. With no members of CHAOS or Suzukigun at ringside, these two just get straight down to wrestling and it's Suzuki who dominates as he takes the action to the mat. He seeks some early submissions but Yujiro is able to successfully negotiate his way out of them before he makes a comeback on a vertical base. The entire complexion of the match is changed when Yujiro dodges a Big Boot and takes Suzuki out with a German Suplex that damn near leaves him out cold. Yujiro wastes no time following that up with the Tokyo Pimps and picks up the 1 - 2 - 3!

Winner: Yujiro Takahashi (13:08)

Grade: 74 (B-)




We take a break from the in-ring action as a video package plays on the big screen. The emphasis is mostly placed on the fact that CM Punk will take on Hirooki Goto in the main event of PPV 2 on Saturday. If Goto can knock off Punk, you have to think he'll be in line for a future shot at Punk's IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.

Grade: 86 (B+)



Block A

Tomohiro Ishii (0) vs Satoshi Kojima (0)

Honma and Tanaka was a war earlier on and these two do their absolute best to out-stage that. Ishii stands toe-to-toe with Kojima as the two battle back and forth and try to grind the other into submission with elbow strikes. Ishii manages to win most of those exchanges but Kojima always comes back with something stronger like a DDT or a Spinebuster. As Kimihiko Ozani announces that the match has already gone 10 minutes, these two instantly begin pulling out all the stops to try and pick up the pinfall. Ishii gets near falls with a Powerbomb and a Superplex before Kojima rallies back with his Corner Chops and then a Diving Elbow Drop. Ishii ducks Kojima's signature Lariat before he nails him with one of his own, but he doesn't take Kojima down! He goes for another, but Kojima ducks, runs to the ropes and connects with the Lariat! 1 - 2 - 3!

Winner: Satoshi Kojima (14:38)

Grade: 81 (B)



Block B

'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura vs 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson

After having such a fantastic match with Tetsuya Naito at Kizuna Road, Nakamura keeps that momentum rolling here with another great match, this time against a bonafide main eventer in Karl Anderson. The start is surprisingly tentative, with both guys perhaps a little weary of each other's quick signature moves. Anderson targets Nakamura's left leg and begins working that over viciously to try and negate the Boma Ye as well as Nak's knee-based arsenal of strikes. Despite all of his hard work on that leg, Anderson fails to see a well disguised Spin Kick from Nakamura and that allows the 'King Of Strong Style' to crouch in the corner and get the circulation back through that knee. Nakamura rallies back with a Single Leg Dropkick from the second rope and follows that up with a Reverse Powerslam. From this point on, Anderson is only able to find short bursts of offence and stops targeting that left leg, which proves to be a big mistake because Nakamura damn near knocks him out with a big Running Knee in the corner. With the crowd firmly behind him, the 'King Of Strong Style' cracks Anderson in the back of the head with a Boma Ye! 1…… 2…… no! 'Machine Gun' kicks out! Nakamura waits for him to start getting back up again… Boma Y- no Anderson rolls out the way! He goes for the Gun Stun… but Nakamura counters the Cutter into a Backstabber! Nakamura backs away, surely this time… Anderson tries to get back to his feet… he's on one knee… Boma Ye straight to the face! 1… 2… 3! The ref may as well have counted to 10, Karl Anderson was never kicking out.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (17:11)

Grade: 92 (A)



Block A

'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada (2) vs 'Runaway King Kong' Togi Makabe (0)

How do you follow a very good match like that? Put on another. Okada could put on a 4 star match with a broom. This match goes against the grain as Makabe dominates the early exchanges and looks to put Okada away early with a German Suplex, before following up with a big Lariat that Okada barely kicks out of before the 3. 'The Rainmaker' takes a breather on the outside and consults his manager Gedo for advice, but Makabe keeps the pressure on and follows him outside. Okada is whipped back first into the guard rail before Makabe clotheslines him into the crowd! Sensing he could pick up a countout victory, Makabe rolls back into the ring and waits patiently as referee Red Shoes Unno continues his count… We get to 14 and Okada still hasn't climbed over the guard rail…


15… Okada just manages to drag himself back to a vertical base… 16… he's now successfully bundled himself over the rail… 17… Okada tries to crawl but falls flat on his chest… 18… he begins a slow crawl and manages to get his hand on the ring apron… 19… Okada drags himself back to his feet…… and rolls back into the ring just before the 20! 'The Rainmaker' takes some more punishment but it's not long before he mounts a comeback with a Flapjack, then Heavy Rain, followed by the Reverse Neckbreaker and then a Diving Elbow Drop. 'The Rainmaker' goes for a Tombstone but Makabe powers out and counters into a Gutwrench Powerbomb! 1… 2… Okada kicks out! Makabe goes for another Lariat but Okada catches him with his signature Dropkick! Now it's time for the Rainmaker… Okada grips the arm… turns Makabe around… but the 'Runaway King Kong' beats him to the punch with a Lariat of his own! Makabe climbs up top, looking for the King Kong Knee Drop but Okada nips up back to his feet and catches Makabe with a Dropkick! Okada takes Makabe down over his back and hits another Reverse Neckbreaker before signalling that it's time for the Rainmaker! He brings Makabe back to his feet, grabs his arm… swivels him round… the Rainmaker connects! Okada hooks the leg and picks up the all-important pinfall victory!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada (17:58)

Grade: 92 (A)



Block B

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Hirooki Goto

Goto is not the kind of wrestler to wrestle long matches, in fact, he's one of those that wrestles short matches because his offence is just that damaging. Not tonight though, he's pushed to the absolute limit by Tanahashi and this one ends up running a long length. Goto is seeking to pick up a big victory, a potential upset and the all important 2 points over one of Block B's favourites, if not THE favourite. Tanahashi dominates the early exchanges and looks to pick Goto apart from head to toe with different submissions and painful looking strikes. Back to a vertical base now and Goto rallies back with a tyrade of Elbow Strikes that leave Tanahashi dazed before he takes him out with a Lariat! Goto spends some twice stretching and getting the blood flowing back through his legs and arms before irish whipping Tanahashi into the corner. Goto looks for a Spinning Heel Kick but Tanahashi moves out the way! We begin a back and forth sequence of counters now, Goto goes for a Belly-To-Back Suplex but Tanahashi swivels out, looks for a Dragon Suplex but Goto breaks his grip only to be hit with a Straitjacket Geman Suplex instead! 1… 2… no! Tanahashi goes for the Sling Blade but Goto swivels round and counters out, before Goto attempts a Discus Lariat but Tanahashi ducks and finishes the sequence with an Enzuigiri!


Goto rolls to the outside and Tanahashi climbs up top… Goto gets back to his feet only to be by a High Fly Flow Crossbody! Tanahashi rolls his opponent back into the ring and goes back up top again… High Fly F-no! Goto gets his knees up! He brings Tanahashi back to his feet and takes him up in a Gutwrench Backbreaker Rack before dropping Tanahashi into a Swinging Side Slam Facebuster, a move he calls the Ura Shouten!




The kind of move that calls for plastic surgery.


Goto covers him… One… Two… Tanahashi gets his shoulder up! Goto whips Tana into the corner, Spinning Heel Kick connects and that's quickly followed up by a Belly-To-Back Suplex and another close 2 count! Goto gets two more near falls with a Brainbuster and then a German Suplex before it's time for the Shouten Kai. He takes Tanahashi up, but Tana floats over and escapes! To the ropes now and Tanahashi looks for a Sling Blade but Goto moves out the way and takes Tanahashi up on his shoulders… Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker! Penalty Kick! One… two… thr - NO! Tanahashi just rolls his shoulder up! Goto goes for another Shouten Kai but Tanahashi counters it into an Inside Cradle! One… two… no! Both guys get back to their feet but Goto decaptitates Tanahashi with a Lariat! And now for a third Shouten Kai attempt and this time Goto connects! One… two… three!

Winner: Hirooki Goto (28:09)

Grade: 89 (B+)


Show Grade: 89 (B+)

Buy Rate: 1.74

This show increased our popularity in 19 regions.

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I'm not planning anything special in this regard, but feel free to predict if you want. It might be a while before the next show is up.




NJPW G1 Climax PPV 2

Saturday, Week 4, July 2014


Block A: Tomohiro Ishii (0) vs AJ Styles (2)


Block B: Tomoaki Honma (2) vs Roderick Strong (0)


Block A: Tetsuya Naito (2) vs La Sombra (0)


Block B: Shinsuke Nakamura (2) vs Yujiro Takahashi (2)


Block A: Kazuchika Okada (4) vs Doc Gallows (2)


Block B: Karl Anderson (0) vs Masato Tanaka (0)


Block A: Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs Togi Makabe (0)


Block B: Hiroshi Tanahashi (0) vs Minoru Suzuki (0)


Block A: Prince Devitt (4) vs Satoshi Kojima (2)


Block B: CM Punk (2) vs Hirooki Goto (2)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Event%20Logos/G1Climax-400_zpsd0b5c2a0.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>NJPW G1 Climax PPV 2</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Saturday, Week 4, July 2014</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Live on PPV at the Osaka Castle Hall!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Attendance: 16,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Ryusuke Taguchi defeated Hayato Jr. Fujita in tonight's dark match. </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Grade: 72 (B-)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/TomohiroIshii_zpsbd913b4a.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/AJStyles_zps067ef338.jpg</span><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Tomohiro Ishii (0) vs. 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles (2)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> A very good match opens the show as this one gets the crowd buzzing for what is sure to be a long night of wrestling action. Ishii's record currently sits at 0-2 so he's desperate for a victory here. AJ starts the match by keeping Ishii's explosive offence at bay by targeting Ishii's right arm. Ishii tries to make a comeback, but Styles simply goes back to that right arm and stops Ishii in his tracks. All it takes is one mistake though and the entire complexion of the match is changed, and that happens when Ishii moves out the way of a Springboard Forearm Smash and subsequently folds Styles over with a German Suplex. It's the breathing space he needed and Ishii soon begins to dominate before picking up a very close near fall with a decapitating Lariat. Styles mounts some desperate offence but there's only one winner here and after a Brainbuster, Ishii picks up the 1 - 2 - 3 and joins the scoreboard.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Tomohiro Ishii (13:01)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 79 (B) </strong></span></p><p></p></div></div><div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/TomoakiHomna_zps597792b6.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/RoderickStrong_zps91d814ec.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Tomoaki Honma (2) vs. Roderick Strong (0)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Honma is a real ground and pound wrestler, a tough cookie who's wrestled his fair share of deathmatches in his career. Strong is definitely more the technically proficient wrestler of the two, which along with his array of backbreakers and gutbusters, causes some serious problems for Honma here. This is just like a boxing match, you do the body work and it pays off in the long run. Honma hits Strong with an elbow in the corner, then a Bulldog and he signals it's time for the Diving Headbutt! Honma climbs up top… tilts his head… drops… but Roderick moves out the way! And then nails Honma straight in the face with a Sick Kick! Strong brings Honma back to his feet and connects with the Strong Breaker! - 1 - 2 - 3!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Roderick Strong (13:24)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 75 (B-) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/TetsuyaNaito_zpscd11ebb9.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/LaSombra_zps18479a75.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito (2) vs. La Sombra (0)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> We move from a match between two hard-hitting realistic wrestlers to two very athletically gifted talents who put on an absolutely excellent match here. The main story here is La Sombra trying to prove that he's on Naito's level, who just looks to bully the luchador into submission. The match starts with 'Naito!' counts, but they gradually change corners and start rooting for the underdog. Every move La Sombra does is met with a huge reaction and he maybe would have picked up the win had Naito not countered out of his attempted Brilliante Driver. The Gloria connects and Naito puts this one to bed with the Stardust Press.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Tetsuya Naito (12:46)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 86 (B+) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/ShinsukeNakamura_zps0fd9f3ce.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/YujiroTakahashi-2_zps2f9d5876.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura (2) vs. Yujiro Takahashi (2)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> I said in my last show that Okada could have a good match with a broom, but Nakamura is fast proving that he's the MVP of this year's G1 Climax. These two CHAOS members shake hands before the bell rings, but that's where the niceties end because they proceed to beat the crap out of each other for nearly 15 minutes. Yujiro tries to hang with the 'King Of Strong Style' and is actually successful for a while, but that all changes when Nakamura nails him with a Single Leg Dropkick. Yujiro attempts the Tokyo Pimps but Nakamura slides out the back door and nails him straight in the face with a Boma Ye! With Yujiro down to one knee, Shinsuke follows up with another Boma Ye to the back of his head! 1 - 2 - 3! </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (14:56)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 91 (A) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/KazuchikaOkada_zpsb8773b63.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/DOC_zps4db5c4e8.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada (4) vs. Doc Gallows (2)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Gallows pulled off a huge upset on Thursday when he pinned Tetsuya Naito, can he follow it up with another? The big man enjoys some early control over Okada, largely thanks to his size and power advantage. 'The Rainmaker' fails to get anything going until he finally manages to get some breathing space after a Flapjack leaves Doc Gallows flat on his stomach on the canvas. Despite the American outweighing Okada by a near 60 lbs, 'The Rainmaker' has no real issues lifting the big man onto his shoulders for Heavy Rain and then over his back for the Reverse Neckbreaker. He even manages to German Suplex Gallows and then follows that up with a Diving Elbow Drop. Gallows fights back with a Big Boot and looks for the Gallows Pole, but Okada slips out, grabs his arm, swivels him around and connects with The Rainmaker! Okada makes the cover and the referee counts the 1, the 2 and then the 3!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Kazuchika Okada (13:19)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 81 (B) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/Gedo_zpsed2b2d27.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/KazuchikaOkada_zpsb8773b63.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> As we go to intermission, a backstage interviewer finds a victorious Okada and asks him for his thoughts. Before 'The Rainmaker' can answer, Gedo enters the frame, steals the microphone and says that he'll be the one conducting the interview. What follows is more of a comedy sketch than an actual interview as Okada says that he was the one 'directing the chaos" tonight and that his next opponent, La Sombra, will be sent back to the shadow he emerged from.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Grade: 87 (B+)</strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/HiroshiTanahashi_zpscceabf27.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/MasatoTanaka_zps01117265.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> A video plays on the big screen to advertise five Block B matches that will take place on Tuesday live on NJPW on TV! Karl Anderson will take on Tomoaki Honma, whilst Hirooki Goto will do battle with Roderick Strong. Shinsuke Nakamura will battle Minoru Suzuki in what is sure to be an interesting contest. IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk will go one-on-one with Yujiro Takahashi and in our main event, Hiroshi Tanahashi will collide again with Masato Tanaka.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Grade: 77 (B-)</strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/KarlAnderson_zps2a72e0f4.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/MasatoTanaka_zps01117265.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson (0) vs. Masato Tanaka (0)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Neither of these two picked up a victory on Thursday as Karl Anderson was defeated by Shinsuke Nakamura and Masato Tanaka was defeated by Tomoaki Honma, so you can imagine that both go all out to try and pick up a victory here. After having a potential match of the tournament two days ago, Karl Anderson delivers another great performance here. Tanaka deals a lot of punishment early on, but the 'Machine Gun' proves he's just as tough as his opponent and fights back with a Spinebuster that even Double A would have been proud of. There isn't a particularly great story here, or a lot of psychology on display, instead this is just a battle of endurance. Tanaka kicks out of the Gun Stun, but he's put away for the 3 after Anderson climbs to the second rope and hits a devastating Diving Gun Stun. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Karl Anderson (14:32)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 83 (B) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/KatsuyoriShibata_zps87032da0.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/TogiMakabe_zps1e107155.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs. 'Unchained King Kong' Togi Makabe (0)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> This is the customary hard-hitting, battle arts, strong style, bachi bachi match of this show. This is a true battle from start to finish and one that leaves both in pain once the dust has settled. Shibata kicks the absolute crap of Makabe, but the 'Unchained King Kong' gives it him back twice as hard. The real turning point is when Makabe is able to follow up on a big Lariat with a dangerous-looking German Suplex and Shibata is very slow to get back to his feet. Makabe lays him out with a Powerslam before the King Kong Knee Drop gives the 41 year-old his first 2 points of the tournament after successive defeats.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Togi Makabe (13:41)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 83 (B) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/HiroshiTanahashi_zpscceabf27.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/MinoruSuzuki_zps45704f51.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> You have to think that the longer this goes on, the more it favours Suzuki after Tanahashi's 28+ minute match just two days ago. Suzuki takes control early on and looks to put some serious hurting on his opponent with a Figure Four among other painful submissions. Tanahashi makes a swift comeback and instantly seeks a victory as he goes for the High Fly Flow but Suzuki gets his knees up! Suzuki locks on a sleeper before he quickly looks for the Gotch Piledriver but Tanahashi puts the brakes on and makes his escape thanks to a back drop. Tanahashi looks to run to the ropes but Suzuki pulls him to the canvas by his hair! MiSu taunts and showboats to the crowd but he turns right into a Sling Blade! Tanahashi climbs up top, High Fly Flow! 1 - 2 - 3!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi (12:32)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 84 (B+) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/PrinceDevitt_zps483608ca.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/SatoshiKojima_zps050cfb49.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Prince Devitt (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> A slight let-down compared to what we've seen already, but that's largely because this ends up being a little sloppy and disjointed. Devitt has beaten Tanahashi, Nagata and Makabe, three New Japan veterans, but he's still a long way from the finished article since his evolution from the junior division. Kojima rattles the Intercontinental Champion early on with a big shoulder block and that's a sign of things to come because Kojima puts in a remarkable performance here. Devitt connects with a Tornado Enzuigiri before going for the Bloody Sunday but Kojima blocks it and hits a DDT of his own. After a Diving Elbow Drop, Kojima sets up for the Lariat, he goes for it… but Devitt ducks, grabs his arms and goes for another Bloody Sunday but Kojima counters out again! To the ropes, Kojima Lariat! 1 - 2 - 3!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: Satoshi Kojima (13:50)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 78 (B) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37919" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/CMPunk-2_zps6b0f1036.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/VS2_zpsfb32d472.jpg</span><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/Roster/HirookiGoto_zpsc97a79d6.jpg</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Block B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>'Best In The World' CM Punk (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (2)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> Straight off the back of beating Tanahashi in a 28+ minute main event just two days ago, Goto seeks an early win here just like Tanahashi managed earlier tonight against Suzuki. Goto is out the block straight away and dominates the first five minutes. He picks up a close near fall off a Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker before looking for the Shouten Kai but Punk kicks his legs and manages to escape. The momentum shifts to the 'Best In The World' who takes control on the mat and puts Goto through his paces. After dodging an attempted knee in the corner from Punk, Goto counters back with a Spinning Heel Kick and follows that up with a Belly-To-Back Suplex. He then picks up near falls with a Discus Lariat and a German Suplex before setting up the Ura Shouten… but Punk slips out and Roundhouse Kicks him straight in the head! Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Goto slips out and looks for a Lariat but Punk ducks, takes him up on his shoulders… Go To Sleep!!! 1 - 2 - 3!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Winner: CM Punk (15:28)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Grade: 88 (B+) </strong></span></p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Show Grade: 86 (B+)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong> Buy Rate: 1.27</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> This show increased our popularity in 19 regions.</span></p></div><p></p>
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NJPW on TV! Episode #9

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2014

Live on Nippon TV! at the Kobe World Hall!

Attendance: 10,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Toru Yano, YOSHI-HASHI & Gedo defeated Captain New Japan, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Hayato Jr. Fujita in tonight's dark match. Grade: 63 ©



Block B

'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (2)

The show is opened in good fashion with a hard-hitting contest here, with the crowd firmly behind Honma. But he suffers his second successive defeat when Anderson kicks out of the Diving Headbutt before connecting shortly after with the Gun Stun.

Winner: Karl Anderson (12:45)

Grade: 80 (B)



Block B

Hirooki Goto (2) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Roderick Strong has been something of a surprise package so far, delivering good matches and even picking up a victory over Honma. He puts up a great fight here and pushes Goto to the limit, but the Tag Team Champion puts this one to bed with a Shouten Kai.

Winner: Hirooki Goto (14:27)

Grade: 77 (B-)




The action is interrupted as a video package plays on the big screen. New Japan Pro Wrestling will be coming to America in September for a cross-promotional show with ROH! On that show, CM Punk will be making his first wrestling appearance in the US since he walked out of WWE and will be defending the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship against AJ Styles!

Grade: 68 (C+)



Block B

'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

A wrestling clinic is staged here as this one is more of an MMA fight than an actual wrestling match. After a 12 or so minute fight, MiSu seems to have it won when he locks on a Rear Naked Choke but Shinsuke gets a rope break and promptly puts Suzuki away for the 1 - 2 - 3 after a Boma Ye.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (12:33)

Grade: 86 (B+)



Block B

'Best In The World' CM Punk (4) vs. Yujiro Takahashi (2)

Not quite the 91 that Nakamura got out of Yujiro but this is still a good match. For the second night in a row, Yujiro eats knees to the face but refuses to give up or back down. He even counters out of the Go To Sleep and hits Punk with an Olympic Slam but he isn't able to follow it up with the Tokyo Pimps. Punk follows up a Roundhouse Kick with the Go To Sleep and keeps his perfect record in check.

Winner: CM Punk (13:44)

Grade: 78 (B)




The in-ring action is interrupted once more as the matches for Thursday's PPV are hyped. Shinsuke Nakamura will go one-on-one with Hirooki Goto in what should be a fantastic main event. In the semi main-event, Kazuchika Okada will clash with one of CMLL's premier luchadores, La Sombra.

Grade: 78 (B)



Block B

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Masato Tanaka (0)

A fantastic match to close the show, Tanaka is suited to short matches like this and Tanahashi almost always delivers the goods, he's one of the most consistent wrestlers the wrestling world has ever seen. This is an open, very close match that sees Tanaka pull out all the stops to try and pick up some points but he just can't keep Tanahashi down. After two successive High Fly Flows, Tanahashi picks up the 1 - 2 - 3 and registers his second victory of the G1.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi (15:05)

Grade: 92 (A)


Show Grade: 87 (B+)

TV Rating: 4.84

This show increased our popularity in 8 regions.





Block B:

CM Punk (6)

Shinsuke Nakamura (6)

Hirooki Goto (4)

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4)

Karl Anderson (4)

Yujiro Takahashi (2)

Roderick Strong (2)

Tomoaki Honma (2)

Masato Tanaka (0)

Minoru Suzuki (0)

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G1 Climax is awesome right now and having matches just you're having! Every show so far has had at least a 85 match.


Yeah, I've been enjoying the bits I've watched :p


I'm really happy with how mine's going, some match grades have really surprised me. I have some really big matches coming up. Okada vs. Naito should get close to the big 100.

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Just started looking at this. What's the story behind punk? :D


Welcome aboard Dault. :)


Punk was recruited by Bullet Club in April and attacked Okada, which instantly earned him a title shot. He won the title at Wrestling Dontaku a month later. He just couldn't retire without having won the IWGP Championship. :D

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NJPW G1 Climax PPV 3

Thursday, Week 1, August 2014

Live on PPV at the Toda Motorboat Race Place!

Attendance: 25,000 - Sell Out No Vacancy

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Hayato Jr. Fujita defeated Kazushi Sakuraba in tonight's dark match. Grade: 72 (B-)



Block A

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Doc Gallows (2)

It's always disappointing when a dark match registers a higher grade than your opening match, but frankly I'm not surprised. Ishii does his best and they pull out an half-way decent match but this is nothing too special. After thirteen minutes of back and forth action, Gallows picks up the victory thanks to the Gallows Pole.

Winner: Doc Gallows (13:21)

Grade: 70 (C+)



Block B

Yujiro Takahashi (2) vs Tomoaki Honma (2)

Essentially a battle between Yujiro's technical prowess and Honma's incredibly tough head. Honma wins most of the battles, but somehow ends up losing the war. He hits almost everything in his repertoire, from the standing headbutt, to the diving headbutt, straight through to his Brainbuster but Yujiro blocks a Piledriver attempt and decks Honma with an Olympic Slam. The Tokyo Pimps soon follows as Yujiro picks up the all-important 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: Yujirp Takahashi (12:26)

Grade: 73 (B-)



Block A

'Unchained King Kong' Togi Makabe (2) vs 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles (2)

The third match in a row between two wrestlers that have won only one of their first three matches. AJ works a quick pace from the get-go and manages to avoid some early Lariat attempts from Makabe, and although the 'Unchained King Kong' does manage to hit a Powerbomb, it's obvious that Styles has him well-scouted. When Makabe is able to fight out of the Styles Clash, AJ is forced to improvise and picks up the pinfall thanks for a Springboard 450 Splash.

Winner: AJ Styles (13:24)

Grade: 83 (B)



Block B

Masato Tanaka (0) vs Minoru Suzuki (2)

As if the fortunes of the first six wrestlers weren't bad enough, you have a winless Masato Tanaka here taking on Suzuki and his 2 points. So of course, it's only fitting that Tanaka busts out all the stops to finally get some points on the board. Suzuki's main aim is to try and get Tanaka to submit, but that's near impossible, he never goes down without a fight. Suzuki shows some heart of his own when he kicks out of the Roaring Elbow and Tanaka's Dangan Bomb, but the Diamond Dust is just enough to keep Suzuki down for the 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: Masato Tanaka (13:06)

Grade: 79 (B)



Block A

'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito (4) vs Satoshi Kojima (2)

This was the match that kept on giving, and if it was slightly longer, it probably would have been one of the best matches of the G1 so far. But alas, it sits comfortably among the rest of the B+ matches. Naito tries to trade blows with Kojima from the get-go, but finds that the NWA World Champion is a lot tougher than expected. The 'Stardust Genius' lives up to his nickname and turns to Plan B, instead using his explosive offence like his dropkicks and his array of suplexes. Kojima dodges a Flying Forearm and goes for his signature Lariat but Naito ducks under and lays him out with a Dragon Suplex. Just for good measure, Naito connects with the Gloria before he hits the Stardust Press and picks up the pinfall victory.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito (13:20)

Grade: 87 (B+)



Block B

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs Roderick Strong (2)

It's no secret that years of being New Japan's ace have taken a toll on Tanahashi's body, and wrestling Roderick Strong will certainly do that mid-section no good. That's StrongRod's target, the lower spine and the gut of Tanahashi and boy does he dish out a beating. The crowd rally behind Tanahashi and it's not long before he begins fighting back, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by a Death By Roderick. Strong goes for the Stronghold but Tanahashi wisely gets to the ropes and sets about making sure he's not in danger again. For the final 5 minutes, these guys go back and forth with numerous pinfall attempts on both sides that leave the fans on the edge of their seats. Strong even gets his knees up on a High Fly Flow attempt but Tanahashi once again evades the Stronghold before flattening Strong with the Sling Blade. Tanahashi hits the High Fly Flow for the 1 - 2 - 3, but Strong has certainly made quite the impression here.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi (14:59)

Grade: 89 (B+)




As we go to intermission, Tanahashi is interviewed backstage and praises Strong for putting one hell of a fight, before sympathising with the RoH representive for coming up just short. He's then asked about his match on Saturday, where he'll face Yujiro Takahashi and Tanahashi simply replies that the CHAOS member has no chance of beating him because he knows at least 5 ways to counter out of the Tokyo Pimps.

Grade: 87 (B+)




As members of the crowd make their way back to their seats, a video plays on the big screen detailing that Saturday's main event will see 'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada clash with 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito! Don't miss this one fans!

Grade: 84 (B+)



Block A

Prince Devitt (6) vs Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Devitt continues to rack up victories, which is very surprising given his size but he proves exactly why he's been so successful here. He's just so god damn resourceful and that Tornado Enzuigiri is fast becoming as devastating at Shawn Michaels' Super Kick or Daniel Bryan's Busaiku Knee. Shibata basically kicks the crap out of Devitt, but the Intercontinental Champion refuses to back down and gives it back to him twice as hard each time. Eventually, Shibata manages to ground his opponent for the Penalty Kick but Devitt moves out the way and connects with the Tornado Enzuigiri before the Bloody Sunday picks up the all-important 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: Prince Devitt (14:01)

Grade: 82 (B)



Block B

'Best In The World' CM Punk (6) vs 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson (4)

Well, this was disappointing. I think everybody expected better from these two, but this match just doesn't deliver. Maybe it's the fact that both are Bullet Club members, which means the crowd just don't know which guy to root for. Neither of these two hold anything back though, they know that points are up for grabs and at the end of the day, they both want a Bullet Club guy to win the G1. In an apparent showing of disrespect, Karl Anderson slaps CM Punk! The 'Best In The World' retaliates by going for a Roundhouse Kick but Anderson blocks it and hits the Gun Stun! 1… - 2… no! Punk kicks out! Sensing he's in real danger, Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Karl Anderson busts out an absolutely incredible counter as he rotates all the way round and connects with a Gun Stun off Punk's shoulders! 1… - 2… - 3! 'Machine Gun' has only gone and pinned the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion…

Winner: Karl Anderson (14:48)

Grade: 76 (B-)



Block A

'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada (6) vs La Sombra (0)

Basically the best match of La Sombra's career. Okada makes the Luchador look a million bucks and the crowd are totally into the idea that La Sombra could knock 'The Rainmaker' off here, as evidenced by their raucous reaction during pinfall attempts. La Sombra turns to desperation, he needs points and he resorts to pulling Okada's tights in a Backslide but he only gets a 2-count. Close but no cigar. La Sombra is spiked on his head in a Tombstone before Okada sets up for the Rainmaker but the masked Mexican counters into a Dragonrana! 1… - 2… no! Okada gets back to his feet only for La Sombra to begin setting up the Brilliante Driver… but Okada drops down behind him, grabs the right arm, swivels him round… RAINMAKER! Nobody kicks out of that, 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada (13:06)

Grade: 91 (A)



Block B

'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs Hirooki Goto (4)

When these two met in the New Japan Cup quarter-final, it was Nakamura who was victorious in a very good match. Despite having chemistry, it's odd that this match pails in comparison to Nakamura vs. Yujiro. Goto has already knocked off Tanahashi, so it should come as no surprise that is a very even, very close match from start to finish. Nakamura looks for the Boma Ye on numerous occasions, but Goto has learned his lesson since their last encounter and manages to take evasive action every time. As we pass the 15 minute mark, Goto has taken total control of the match after a Ura Shouten leaves Nakamura laid out on the canvas. The 'King Of Strong Style' gets back to his feet and manages to make a slight connection with a Boma Ye but it's not enough to put Goto away for the three. Nakamura goes for his finisher again but Goto beats him to the punch with a Discus Lariat that damn near takes Shinsuke's head off! Nakamura is bought back to his feet on spaghetti legs as Goto hits the Shouten Kai and picks up another big upset victory to close the show.

Winner: Hirooki Goto (16:53)

Grade: 81 (B)


Show Grade: 83 (B)

Buy Rate: 1.54

This show increased our popularity in 11 regions.





Now let's take a look at the standings after four matches...



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I won't be posting a show until probably Monday, so I thought it was necessary just to catch up on some behind the scenes developments.


- I've sent YOSHI-HASHI down to NEVER, my developmental promotion. Unless he dramatically improves, his contract will not be getting a renewal when it's up. A board of 50's isn't enough for Japan's premier wrestling promotion.


- Captain New Japan has signed a contract extension, but I've bumped him down from a written deal to a PPA. He's a useful midcarder that can be used once a month, I felt no need to cut him loose.


- Kazushi Sakuraba will be leaving the promotion at the end of August. He's just dead weight. Funnily enough, I think I've used him once in 5 months and I've been paying him $8,000 per month. I feel totally ripped off.


- Hayato Jr. Fujita has been working dark matches, making him my first development call-up. I've been very impressed with him and will make him a permanent feature of my Junior division from now on.


- NJPW on TV has been renewed for two more seasons. A name change should be imminent now it's clear this show is here to stay, although I don't like how I made it exclusive to Nippon TV. I could be expanding into the US :(


- I'm thinking of introducing a new Championship. After watching Dragon Gate for such a long time, I like the idea of having a Trios belt and feel it could give some of my midcarders something to fight for. More on this as it develops.


- Last but certainly not least... I've signed Trent Baretta to a written deal. He's my only Next Big Thing and I've basically just been paying him to work the occasional dark match because I was hoping he would get plenty of work on the indies. He's worked all of about 15 shows in 5 months, which isn't enough and is clearly stunting his development. I'm very excited to now make him a permanent part of my roster and he's already reported to NEVER.

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NJPW G1 Climax PPV 4

Saturday, Week 1, August 2014

Live on PPV at the Kawasaki Stadium!

Attendance: 30,000 - Sell Out!

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Mistico defeated Hayato Jr. Fujita in tonight's dark match. Grade: 76 (B-)



Block B

'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson (6) vs Minoru Suzuki (2)

Although the curtain jerker features two wrestlers that are both traditionally villains, the crowd are red hot from the get-go. As you can imagine, there's a lot of underhanded tactics on display and that plays right into the hand of Suzuki who manages to out-cheat Karl Anderson. MiSu works over Anderson with various submissions, most of them targeting the right arm, the one the 'Machine Gun' uses for his Gun Stun finishing move. Anderson fights valiantly, but he never really gets any momentum going and is forced to submit when Suzuki has him locked in an Octopus Stretch.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki (14:26)

Grade: 80 (B)



Block A

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs La Sombra (0)

He stood toe-to-toe with Okada, and it's clear that that match has really lit a fire under La Sombra who comes out here and puts in his best performance of the tournament so far. Ishii is surprised at various moments throughout the match not only by the agility of his opponent, but how La Sombra is able to use his speed to counter out of moves, he's a very slippery opponent. La Sombra lands on a feet when Ishii tries to spike him with a German Suplex, and then picks up an upset victory when he counters a Powerbomb attempt into a nasty Sunset Flip Powerbomb of his own that is just enough to pick up the 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: La Sombra (13:02)

Grade: 75 (B-)



Block B

Hirooki Goto (6) vs Masato Tanaka (2)

There's nothing quite like watching two guys just beat the crap out of each other. This would be the match of the night on most wrestling cards, but it's not even close compared to what's left to come tonight. These guys give absolutely everything they've got and leave it all in the ring, this match was truly a spectacle. But, it's Masato Tanaka picks up the victory after a Diamond Dust and the fans are left wondering when we'll see these two clash again.

Winner: Masato Tanaka (13:53)

Grade: 87 (B+)



Block A

Doc Gallows (4) vs 'Unchained King Kong' Togi Makabe (2)

A bit of a throwback match to earlier in the year when Makabe fought Gallows twice as part of the tag team rivalry between Bullet Club and Great Bash Heel. This is the same hossfight that took place at Invasion Attack, only this time it's Gallows that comes out on top. The match is actually quite formulaic, with Gallows simply working over Makabe, in, and outside the ring. Makabe's comeback is met with a rousing reception and despite Gallows stunting his momentum briefly, a King Kong Knee Drop follows a Lariat as Makabe picks up the win and doubles his points tally.

Winner: Togi Makabe (13:23)

Grade: 80 (B)



Block B

'Best In The World' CM Punk (6) vs Tomoaki Honma (2)

Honma's G1 debut has been a little fruitless thus far, but he does continues his string of good performances here against the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. Punk shows his class with a variety of counters and to nobody's surprise, he completely out wrestles Honma. The 'Best In The World' dishes out some nasty punishment including some stiff knee's straight to Honma's jaw, but like a true underdog, Honma just refuses to give up and shows some incredible resilience. However, when Punk hoists him up on his shoulders and connects with the Go To Sleep, it's lights out as the referee counts one, two and then the three.

Winner: CM Punk (14:08)

Grade: 84 (B+)



Block A

Prince Devitt (8) vs 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles (4)

The prospect of this match was always a mouthwatering one, but I don't anybody expected it to be THIS great. The match of the tournament so far, these two work an incredibly quick pace and the fans are molten hot from start to finish. Even something as small as a leapfrog is met with a chorus of cheers and the counters in this match are simply incredible. Styles focuses his attack on Devitt's legs, knowing that he can't do any of his moves when he's not on a vertical base. Styles goes for the Calf Killer but Devitt manages to claw his way to the ropes. The damage is further emphasised when Devitt foolishly goes for the Double Foot Stomp and finds himself writhing in agony despite connecting perfectly with Styles' ribcage. 'The Phenomenal One' goes for another Calf Killer but the Intercontinental Champion manages to evade it for a second time and shuts out the pain just long enough to hit his devastating Tornado Enzuigiri before quickly following it up with the Bloody Sunday for the 1 - 2 - 3!

Winner: Prince Devitt (13:11)

Grade: 93 (A)



We go to intermission as the crowd file out to grab refreshments or take a much needed toilet break, there's certainly been no filler matches for that kind of thing so far. But, our TV audience and those still in attendance are treated to a video package that hypes up Tuesday's TV main event, a Block A match between 'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada and 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles!

Grade: 72 (B-)



Before the show resumes, we have another short video package that hypes up another match happening on Tuesday, as the 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito will go one-on-one with the 'Unchained King Kong' Togi Makabe!

Grade: 79 (B)



Block B

Hiroshi Tanahashi (6) vs Yujiro Takahashi (4)

This was really not the night that Yujiro wanted to be off his game and he's justly punished for it. Tanahashi takes the initiative and leads Yujiro to a very good match here and although there are moments where Yujiro reminds his opponent not to get complacent, this match was only ever going one way. When Tanahashi hits the High Fly Flow after the Sling Blade, he picks up as routine a victory as he's ever achieved in his nearly 15 year career.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi (13:37)

Grade: 80 (B)



Block A

Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs Satoshi Kojima (2)

A typical Shibata match where psychology is thrown out the window so these two guys can have something of a bar fight. Shibata kicks and elbows his way into the ascendency but Kojima instantly rallies back and puts an exclamation mark at the end of his comeback with a Diving Elbow Drop before signalling for his Lariat. As he comes off the ropes and charges at Shibata, the Tag Champion is able to block his lariat and returns fire with a headbutt. After a Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker lefts Kojima stunned, Shibata puts this one to bed with the Penalty Kick.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata (14:30)

Grade: 83 (B)



Block B

'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs Roderick Strong (2)

Despite only one victory, Strong has made something of a lasting impression in New Japan and it's not so farfetched to believe he might be sticking around for a while once the G1 is over. The crowd are firmly behind Shinsuke though and so it's no surprise that Strong instantly shuts them up by taking control early on. Every time the 'King Of Strong Style' gets an adrenaline rush and starts fighting back, Strong strikes him in the gut or the back and has Nakamura down on the canvas wincing in pain. Strong goes for his Stronghold submission finisher but Shinsuke counters it into an Inside Cradle! 1… - 2… no! Nakamura rallies back and considering Strong did no work on his legs, Nakamura basically knees his way back into the ascendancy. He goes for a Boma Ye but Strong takes evasive action and goes for the Death By Roderick only for Nakamura to slip out and hit Strong with a Backstabber! Strong slowly starts getting back to his feet… but Nakamura wipes him out with a BOMA YE! 1… - 2… - 3!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (15:19)

Grade: 86 (B+)



Block A

'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada (8) vs 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito (6)

Another great match here, but surprisingly, it's not match of the night. The action here is crisp from start to finish, these two guys know each other well having fought in the first of two main events at Wrestle Kingdom eight months ago. On that night, Naito's main aim was to lock on the Koji Clutch, but that's now a move he rarely uses and he finds a lot more success here using his puroresu skills to grind Okada down. 'The Rainmaker' makes a comeback and runs through his arsenal but Naito has his dropkick well scouted and clings to the ropes leaving Okada to crash and burn. Towards the closing stretch, Okada looks for the Rainmaker but Naito counters into a Victory Roll and very nearly picks up the 1 - 2 - 3! Naito goes for a Dragon Suplex, but Okada swivels out, goes behind, grabs Naito's right arm and turns him round… but Naito ducks the Lariat and connects with a Dragon Suplex! Sensing victory, Naito brings a weary Okada back to his feet just to send him straight back down to the canvas again with the Gloria. The Stardust Press connects and Naito picks up a big victory knocking off the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion to close the show.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito (18:05)

Grade: 87 (B+)


Show Grade: 86 (B+)

Buy Rate: 1.32

This show increased our popularity in 19 regions.





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