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NJPW/ROH War Of The Worlds:


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship -

'Best In The World' CM Punk © vs. 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles


'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura vs. 'Mr Wrestling' Kevin Steen


IWGP World Tag Team Championship -

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs. The Briscoes


Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yohei Komatsu vs. Adam Cole & Matt Hardy



Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Masato Tanaka & Yujiro Takahashi vs. Michael Elgin, Tomasso Ciampa, Silas Young & Matt Taven


NWA World Heavyweight Championship -

Roderick Strong © vs. Satoshi Kojima


Non-Title Match -

Alex Shelley © vs. Jay Lethal


IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship -

The Young Bucks © vs. reDRagon vs. The American Wolves vs. Bad Influence

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NJPW/ROH War Of The Worlds Predictions -


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship -

'Best In The World' CM Punk © vs. 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles

You're basically booking Styles as a "Jobber to the stars" guy, **** matches but loses most of them, can't see that changing here.


'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura vs. 'Mr Wrestling' Kevin Steen

Nakamura should win this, but I imagine a good match that should help Steen gain pop. in Japan


IWGP World Tag Team Championship -

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs. The Briscoes


Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yohei Komatsu vs. Adam Cole & Matt Hardy

Can't see a scenario where Tanashi losing this match is possible or smart.



Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Masato Tanaka & Yujiro Takahashi vs. Michael Elgin, Tomasso Ciampa, Silas Young & Matt Taven

CHAOS just has too much talent


NWA World Heavyweight Championship -

Roderick Strong © vs. Satoshi Kojima

No need to take the title off Strong yet.


Non-Title Match -

Alex Shelley © vs. Jay Lethal

Non-Title initially made me thing Lethal, but I can Shelley winning here.


IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship -

The Young Bucks © vs. reDRagon vs. The American Wolves vs. Bad Influence

My gut says Wolves, but they haven't been booked strong here, winning would seem like a "fluke", so I'll go with Bucks to retain.



I do feel like Styles is being under-utilized sorely, and him main eventing here seems "out of nowhere". That being said...I just read all 14 pages in about an hour, so I'm clearly enjoying the overall product your putting out. Best of luck going forward, I'll be reading.

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The write-up is taking a while, this one's a biggie. It's probably going to be another 24 hours before I get it up. The only hint I'm dropping is that one title changed hands... but I'm not going to tell you which one. :D


I do feel like Styles is being under-utilized sorely, and him main eventing here seems "out of nowhere". That being said...I just read all 14 pages in about an hour, so I'm clearly enjoying the overall product your putting out. Best of luck going forward, I'll be reading.


I signed him as a Lower Midcarder so in my defence I've had to get the Japanese audience familiar with him even though I can see where you're coming from. He's only a few points off being a Main Eventer now, he's got hugely over despite losing matches, that's just how good he is.

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NJPW-ROH War Of The Worlds

Sunday, Week 1, September 2014

Live on PPV at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas!

Attendance: 9,199


Commentary Teams

Samurai TV: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.

Cablevision & Starchoice: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


KUSHIDA & Daichi Hashimoto defeated Ryusuke Taguchi & Hayato Jr. Fujita in tonight's dark match. Grade: 62 ©


The show opens and straight away, Living Colour's

'Cult Of Personality' fills the arena -




















And CM Punk emerges to a standing ovation as he makes his way down to the ring flocked by a Bullet Club entourage of Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson & Bad Luck Fale.


A "Welcome Back!" chant begins to ring out as CM Punk clutches a microphone and removes his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship from his waist so he can hold it over his shoulder as he talks.


CM Punk: "Boy it's great to be back in an ROH ring again."


Punk laughs and then pauses so as not to interrupt a "CM Punk!" chant.


CM Punk: "You know, it's funny to me, AJ Styles has had so much to say about me, about how he's going to 'quote', humble me. But all he is to me is another guy that just so happens to be in my way. He's just another obstacle to overcome, another name to add to my record of people I've beat. I told everybody I was going to win this belt and I did, every time I say I'm going to do something, I go and do it. Whether you want to believe me or not, it's undeniable, I am the Best In The World! [Pauses] Tonight, I will give AJ Styles the beating of his life and I will pin him, one two three. And who knows, maybe then, he will show me the respect I DESERVE! I have entered the American Bank Center as the Champion and in three hours time, I will leave the American Bank Center as the Champion and that's a fact."


Grade: 85 (B+)





IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship ~ Four Corners Elimination Tag Match

The Young Bucks © vs. reDRagon vs. The American Wolves vs. Bad Influence

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


We kick the in-ring action off here in style with a match featuring lots of fast tags and big high-flying spots. Every competitor has an opportunity to shine and show what they can do, and it's The American Wolves that score the first elimination when they connect with the Force Of Nature on Frankie Kazarian picking up the 1 - 2 - 3 and in turn, eliminating Bad Influence. Shortly thereafter, The Young Bucks hop in the ring and toss Davey Richards to the outside where he's taken out by Kyle O'Reilly who single leg dropkicks him from the apron! Eddie Edwards is then quickly put away by Matt Jackson who picks up the pinfall after the More Bang For Your Buck and eliminates The American Wolves.


We're now left with the defending champions and ROH's tag champions, reDRagon. The two teams go and forth inside and outside the ring and just as The Young Bucks are set to put Bobby Fish away, Kyle O'Reilly interjects and pushes Matt Jackson off the top rope onto the guard rail! Nick fights on alone trying to better both men, but a Flying Fish Hook from Bobby Fish leaves The Young Buck in prime position to be taken up for the Chasing The Dragon and after a Roundhouse Kick from Fish, O'Reilly drops Nick Jackson straight down with a Brainbuster as Red Shoes Unno counts the one, the two and the three!


Winners: reDRagon (14:42)

Grade: 74 (B-)


Post match, reDRagon lift the IWGP Junior Tag Team Championships aloft and leave the ring to a standing reception as we go back to Bobby Cruise for our next match…



Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


After that opener, it's no surprise that the fans are a little tepid for this one. They give Shelley a rousing reception though, and a "Welcome Back!" chant fills the American Bank Center to mark Shelley's first appearance in a ROH ring in over four years, and only his second appearance in six years. The match is nothing special though and Jay Lethal picks up the victory thanks to a Lethal Injection, leaving him in line for a possible shot at Shelley's IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.


Winner: Jay Lethal (13:03)

Grade: 66 (C+)





NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Roderick Strong © vs. Satoshi Kojima

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


A fairly odd dynamic here, Strong is a heel in ROH and the fans just aren't that familiar with Kojima. They get into the action though because the match is great. Kojima mounts a comeback from Strong's early assault and just as he's setting up his Lariat, BJ Whitmer hops in the ring and attempts to interfere… he tries to clothesline Kojima but he ducks and then simply Lariats him out of his skin! Now he goes for one on Strong but the defending champion ducks underneath it and has Kojima in some serious discomfort after a Death By Roderick but the challenger kicks out at 2. After some back and forth action, Strong asserts his advantage with the Strong Breaker and then locks on the Strong Hold as Kojima taps out to the submission again!


Winner: Roderick Strong (14:39)

Grade: 78 (B)




Okada, Ishii, Tanaka & Yujiro vs. Elgin, Ciampa, Taven & Young

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


The biggest ovation here was the loud roar when Okada emerged from behind the curtain, although Michael Elgin was also very warmly received by the ROH faithful. CHAOS dominate the match for the most part, mainly due to the fact that Silas Young has no intention in co-operating with his team. Eventually, the referee just loses total control as an all-out brawl ensues and then that quickly manifests into a game of one upmanship. There's a flurry of finishers that ends when Okada is left one-on-one in the ring with Matt Taven. Taven attempts the Climax, but Okada slips out, turns him around and takes him out with the Rainmaker as CHAOS pick up the victory.


Winners: CHAOS (14:54)

Grade: 76 (B-)



Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yohei Komatsu vs. Adam Cole & Matt Hardy

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


This is one of those matches that is definitely harmed by an unusual story as Cole & Hardy do everything in their power to remove Tanahashi from the match. It means that most of the action is focused around Komatsu taking an unholy beating until the young lion is eventually able to make the tag. Tanahashi rallies back alone but soon struggles with the numbers game - he hits Matt Hardy with the Sling Blade and climbs up top for the High Fly Flow but Adam Cole yanks his foot out as he lands crotch first on the top turnbuckle. Komatsu tags in and gets a near fall with a Butterfly Suplex, but it's not long before Adam Cole has the advantage and the ROH Champion picks up the pinfall after the Florida Key.


Winners: Adam Cole & Matt Hardy (13:41)

Grade: 64 ©





IWGP World Tag Team Championship

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs. The Briscoes

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


It's no surprise that The Briscoes are the fan favourites here, but they're outweighed considerably by their opponents and Goto & Shibata use their power advantage smartly to take control early on. Later on in the match, Shibata interrupts Mark's Redneck Kung Fu with a killer Discus Back Punch that leaves 8-time ROH Tag Champion in a heap on the canvas. However, The Briscoes nearly pick up something of an upset on numerous occasions, with Goto having to interject at 2.9 when Mark Briscoe nails Shibata with the Froggy Bow. Just as Jay is setting up the Jay Driller, Shibata is able to counter the move into a Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker before connecting with the Penalty Kick. Mark tries to break the pinfall attempt up, but Goto holds him back just long enough for the Champions to retain.


Winners: Goto & Shibata (17:20)

Grade: 77 (B-)


The Briscoes were so close, they put a great fight and the American Bank Center fittingly rewards their effort with a round of applause as we move on to our semi main-event.



'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura vs. 'Mr. Wrestling' Kevin Steen

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


Dream match number uno? There's no collar-and-elbow tie-ups here, these two waste no time meeting in the middle of the ring and just trading blows. The match is a very good one, it's basically 20 or so minutes of two guys just beating the absolute crap out of each other with Nakamura controlling the match but the fans really buy Steen as the underdog. Nakamura pulls off one of the most innovative counters of all time when he reverses the Package Piledriver by breaking Steen's grip before transitioning into a Cross Armbreaker but 'Mr. Wrestling' is able to break to reach the ropes. The two meet in the middle of the ring again and begin trading blows again just as they did at the start but Nakamura stuns him with a Spin Kick as Steen drops to one knee and he is then clattered with the Boma Ye as the 'King Of Strong Style' picks up the victory.


Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (19:50)

Grade: 80 (B)


As part of tradition, a short video plays on the big screen chronologically displaying every holder of the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. From Brock Lesnar, to Tanahashi, to Nakanishi, to Makabe, to Okada to current champion, CM Punk.


There's a real big fight feel to this match, not just the build-up, the promos and the video packages but even the entrances. AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring flocked by best friend Christopher Daniels and his friend Frankie Kazarian with all three of them wearing some of Styles' P1 merch. CM Punk gets the bigger pop of the two and is accompanied to the ring by good friend Doc Gallows and 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson. The ring is filled with eight people - the two competitors, their entourage, Tiger Hattori and now Bobby Cruise begins the formal introductions.




Cruise: "Ladies and gentleman, the following match is your main event of the evening and it is for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, standing in the corner to my left, he is the challenger. He hails from Gainesville, Georgia and weighed in this morning at 213 lbs. He is 'The Phenomenal One', A! J! Styles!"


And Styles pulls down his hood before posing to a collection of cheers, jeers and claps.


Cruise: "And now, standing in the corner to my right, he is representing the Bullet Club and is the reigning and defending IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! He is from Chicago, Illinois and weighed in this morning at 218 lbs, he calls himself the 'Best In The World'… ladies and gentlemen, C! M! Punk!"


The tension builds as the senior official, Tiger Hattori, checks for illegal objects and both guys consult their entourage at ringside. Hattori asks if both men are ready and they both nod...


Grade: 72 (B-)





IWGP World Heavyweight Championship

'Best In The World' CM Punk © vs. 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles

60 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


The bell rings to a huge roar and we are underway. After some fast-paced back and forth chain wrestling, AJ Styles has CM Punk in trouble as he dropkicks him to the outside and then takes him out with a Suicide Dive. It's the last moment of joy that the challenger has for a while though, because CM Punk wisely slows the pace down and keeps AJ Styles grounded to negate his explosive offence. Punk focuses part of his attack on AJ Styles' left arm, the arm he attacks with his Anaconda Vice. Every time Styles tries to get some breathing room, Punk is quick to grind him down again. Eventually Styles is able to mount a comeback and rally back when he shocks Punk with a Snap Suplex onto the turnbuckles.


Now Styles enjoys some time in control as he decks Punk with a Springboard Forearm Smash before a Brainbuster brings him his first near fall. Styles then begins to get vicious as he stamps away at Punk's left leg and he then locks on the Calf Killer! Gallows and Anderson desperately try to enter the ring but Daniels and Kazarian are there to grab them and prevent them from interfering. But Punk resourcefully finds his own escape when he slips to the ropes and forces a break. The damage has been done though as Punk is slow back to his feet and Styles instantly goes back on the attack before attempting to lock on another Calf Killer but Punk grabs the top rope blocking the move. Hattori separates the two but like a shark smelling blood, Styles charges in only to be caught with a straight Roundhouse Kick to the head! After a Knee Strike and a Bulldog, Punk gets another 2-count and then picks up another near fall after a Diving Elbow Drop and he signals that it's now time for the Go To Sleep…


Punk hoists Styles up and throws him off his shoulders but 'The Phenomenal One' counters with a Tornado DDT! It's time for the Styles Clash as AJ Styles takes Punk up straight off the canvas but the 'Best In The World' counters out with a Hurricanrana. Both guys rush back to their feet but Styles takes Punk out with a Discus Clothesline and makes the cover as the crowd follow along… 1… - 2… only 2! AJ Styles once again goes for the Styles Clash but CM Punk climbs upwards and blocks the move, so Styles drops him straight down on his head! Styles covers again, 1… - 2… but Punk just slips his shoulder out before the 3! Styles is in disbelief as he rallies back with a series of strikes but Punk takes him down with an STO and locks on the Anaconda Vice in the middle of the ring! This time it's Gallows and Anderson stopping interference as they hold back Daniels and Kazarian at ringside but Styles refuses to submit despite the pain that must be surging through his neck and his already damaged left arm. He fights the submission with all his might as he scraps away trying to get to the ropes… Styles kicks his legs… - and just manages to drape a foot over the bottom rope!


'The Phenomenal One' needs the ropes to get back to his feet and he takes refuge in the corner but Punk charges at him and strikes him right on the chin with a huge Knee! And then he hits another! And then one more! Styles is out on his feet as Punk takes him over his shoulders again, but once again Styles counters the Go To Sleep with an Inside Cradle! The crowd follow along with the 1… - the 2… - but Punk once again kicks out! Styles is back to his feet first and goes for a Pele Kick… - but Punk dodges it. Styles lands on his feet but Punk simply clocks him with a huge Elbow Strike straight to the face and takes Styles back up on his shoulders once more… and this time the Go To Sleep connects! Tiger Hattori counts, the fans count, Anderson and Gallows count… the 1, the 2 and then the 3!


Winner: CM Punk (26:46)

Grade: 94 (A)


CM Punk is joined in the ring by Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, Bad Luck Fale and The Young Bucks as a Bullet Club celebration begins in the ring. The fans throw some confetti in the ring, perhaps ironically since they're probably not supposed to like the group. Amidst the celebrations, AJ Styles slowly re-enters the ring… The Bullet Club turn and cautiously look at AJ Styles as he approaches CM Punk and stares him down in the middle of the ring…


Punk looks over his shoulder and says something to Matt Jackson who grabs the extra Bullet Club T-Shirt they bought to the ring. Punk holds it out, inviting AJ Styles to take it and join their group. 'The Phenomenal One' stands in the middle of the ring and pauses, thinking about whether he should accept the invitation or not. After a short pause, AJ Styles backs away and leaves the ring as the show closes with Bullet Club celebrating in the ring.


Grade: 86 (B+)


Show Grade: 89 (B+)

Buy Rate: 0.80

This show increased our popularity in 24 regions.




Results Summary -


IWGP JR. TAG: reDRagon defeated The Young Bucks, American Wolves & Bad Influence (New Champions)

Jay Lethal defeated Alex Shelley

NWA WORLD: Roderick Strong © defeated Satoshi Kojima (1st Defence)

Okada, Ishii, Tanaka & Yujiro defeated Elgin, Ciampa, Taven & Young

Adam Cole & Matt Hardy defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yohei Komatsu

IWGP TAG TEAM: Goto & Shibata defeated The Briscoes (2nd Defence)

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Kevin Steen

IWGP WORLD: CM Punk © defeated AJ Styles (3rd Defence)


It seems the show was a little unpredictable because here are the prediction contest results -


Wolfman84: 6/8

Uncrewed: 5/8

PhenomenalPat: 4/8

Daulten6: 4/8

Packerman120: 4/8

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Preview - NJPW on TV Episode #14

Tuesday, Week 2, September 2014


We're back in Japan for another episode of NJPW on TV just two days after that huge PPV in the US that saw CM Punk retain his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship against AJ Styles. There's some new matches announced for Destruction too with reDRagon defending their newly won IWGP Junior Tag Team Championships against The Young Bucks and TenKoji will be defending their NWA World Tag Team Championships against Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer. That's now seven matches set for the PPV at the end of September.


But, we're not there yet. This tuesday will see Kota Ibushi graduate from Junior to Heavyweight when he takes on the experienced Takao Omori, it's a brave move from the 'Golden Star' but one has to believe he has all the tools to be a big success. We'll also see the debut of the NEVER Tag Team Champions, Shigehiro Irie and Keisuke Ishii. They're known as Team Dream Futures and the two young lions will have a tough test on their hands when they go up against the IWGP Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders, Tomohiro Ishii & Masato Tanaka.


In our final match of the evening, Shinsuke Nakamura will go one-on-one with Hiroyoshi Tenzan and the 'King Of Strong Style' has promised he has an announcement to make…


NJPW TV #14 Predictions -


Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan


Tetsuya Naito vs. Doc Gallows


Team Dream Futures vs. Tomohiro Ishii & Masato Tanaka


Kota Ibushi vs. Takao Omori


TAKA Michinoku vs. Hayato Jr. Fujita


NJPW Destruction card so far...

Note: Card is subject to change. Please make predictions when the full card is official.


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship -

'Best In The World' CM Punk © vs. 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito


Tokyo Dome Main Event Contract -

'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada © vs. Bad Luck Fale


IWGP Intercontinental Championship -

'Real Rock 'n' Rolla' Prince Devitt © vs. Tomoaki Honma


IWGP World Tag Team Championship -

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs. CHAOS (Masato Tanaka & Tomohiro Ishii)


NWA World Tag Team Championship -

TenKoji © vs. The Decade (Roderick Strong & BJ Whitmer)


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship -

Alex Shelley © vs. La Sombra


IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship -

reDRagon © vs. The Young Bucks

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NJPW on TV! Episode #14

Tuesday, Week 2, September 2014

Live on Nippon TV! at the Hiroshima Gymnasium!

Attendance: 10,000 - Sell Out!

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


'Unchained King Kong' Togi Makabe defeated Daisuke Sasaki in tonight's dark match. Grade: 73 (B-)



TAKA Michinoku vs. Hayato Jr. Fujita

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


We hop straight into in-ring action as newcomer Fujita takes on the veteran TAKA. This appears to be very much Fujita's match, he never really looks to be in any serious danger and takes control of the match with a series of stiff kicks before an Implant DDT leaves Michinoku in prime position for Fujita's finisher, which just so happens to be the Boma Ye. He looks for it but TAKA dodges out the way before tangling up his opponent with the referee… and then TAKA delivers a low blow to his young opponent behind the referee's back and rolls him up for the 1 - 2 - 3!


Winner: TAKA Michinoku (11:58)

Grade: 64 ©


TAKA may have stolen the singles victory, but Fujita will have learned a valuable lesson tonight.



'Golden Star' Kota Ibushi vs. Takao Omori

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


We waste no time jumping straight into our next match. Ibushi has been primed for a heavyweight run for a while now, ever since G1 Climax 23. Omori dominates early on and starts humiliating Ibushi by kicking him when he's down and telling him he should back to fighting Juniors. The 'Golden Star' rallies back though and shows off his flashy offence before breaking out a Lariat that looks like it should be a Street Fighter move. Ibushi lays Omori out with a Scoop Slam and then finishes this one with a Phoenix Splash for the pinfall win.


Winner: Kota Ibushi (12:47)

Grade: 67 (C+)


As the ring is cleared and we swap referees, we go to the announce table where Shinpei Nogami informs our television audience that Kazuchika Okada will take on one half of The Young Bucks, Nick Jackson next week.



Team Dream Futures (Shigehiro Irie & Keisuke Ishii) vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Masato Tanaka)

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


Irie is close to 250 lbs whilst Keisuke Ishii is just under 180. Irie is very much a puroresu type wrestler, but he can really move at a brisk pace when he needs to. Keisuke Ishii works that stiff Junior style, he likes to kick people down to size and tends to finish his matches with a Double Underhook Brainbuster, it's known as the Michinoku Driver although it's not to be confused with the one that TAKA Michinoku uses, which is more of a scoopslam. But anyway, on to the match. As you can imagine, Team Dream Futures don't get a whole lot of offence in here as the two CHAOS representitives isolate Keisuke Ishii. Eventually, he's able to make the hot tag and Irie jumps in and rallies back, picking up a two count on Tomohiro Ishii after a big Lariat. Although the two young lions put up a good fight in the closing stretch, Masato Tanaka ensures victory for his team with a Roaring Elbow followed by a Dangan Bomb and picks up the pinfall on Irie.


Winners: CHAOS (12:13)

Grade: 69 (C+)

Note: Ishii vs. Ishii will have to happen one day.


We break away from the in-ring action as the

Bullet Club theme rings out around the Hiroshima Gymnasium…












And it's the 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson that emerges first with a microphone in hand, flocked by the entourage of Doc Gallows, Bad Luck Fale & Prince Devitt. Anderson is a fluent Japanese speaker, he spends a lot of time in the country, especially now. The group enter the ring as Anderson begins his promo…


Anderson: "At Destruction in two weeks time, my man over here [Points to Bad Luck Fale] will absolutely destroy Okada! After the Bad Luck Fall, you will never ever see Okada again. We've fooled around with him long enough now, we took his beloved Championship but he just keeps coming back for more. Mark my words, it's now my personal mission to make sure Okada doesn't make it to Wrestle Kingdom. I don't give a f**k what we have to do, whether we have to break every bone in his stupid little body, he will not be getting his belt back! Okada! Give up your match, or we will give it up for you."


Doc Gallows' match is up next, so the Bullet Club give him the 2sweets before leaving him alone to face Naito.


Grade: 80 (B)



'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito vs. Doc Gallows

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


This is a rematch from the first G1 Climax PPV where Gallows pulled off a huge upset pinning Naito with the Gallows Pole after he missed the Stardust Press. No such luck this time around for the Bullet Club member though, this is an inspired Naito performance and although the big man makes him work for it, there was only ever going to be one winner here. Gallows is laid out with the Gloria and then the Stardust Press gives Naito his sixth consecutive victory.


Winner: Tetsuya Naito (13:49)

Grade: 75 (B-)



'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


Incredibly, Nakamura looks fresh as a daisy for this one, he's showing no signs of damage or fatigue from his tough match with Kevin Steen on Sunday. This is a good match, Tenzan looks better than he's ever looked here and hangs with Shinsuke for most of the match. Unfortunately, the longer this one goes on, the more it plays into Nakamura's hand and Tenzan really begins to tire in the closing stretch. After a Single Leg Dropkick from the second rope, Nakamura smashes his opponent 3in the face with the Boma Ye and picks up the pinfall victory!


Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (18:14)

Grade: 82 (B)


Post match, Nakamura takes a microphone from ring announcer, Kimihiko Ozani. He talks about how long it's been since he's held the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship and how he feels it's his destiny to hold it soon.


Nakamura: "If Naito gets a shot, where's mine? I beat CM Punk, am I next in line if Punk beats Naito? I've beat Naito, so if he wins I also deserve a shot at him. But I can't focus on that Championship until I get one thing out the way… Tanahashi! I want… actually no, I NEED to beat you before I can even focus on IWGP gold. Nobody will argue, we have to do this once more. I want you at Destruction. [Pauses] YEAOH!!!"


And with that Nakamura drops the microphone and continues his victory celebration to Subconscious as we close the show.


Grade: 86 (B+)


Show Grade: 80 (B)

TV Rating: 5.54

This show lost us popularity in 8 regions.




Results Summary -


TAKA Michinoku defeated Hayato Jr. Fujita

Kota Ibushi defeated Takao Omori

Ishii & Tanaka defeated Team Dream Futures

Tetsuya Naito defeated Doc Gallows

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Hiroyoshi Tenzan


Both predictors had the same picks so we have a tie -


Uncrewed: 4/5

Wolfman84: 4/5

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Hey just read through all of this a few days ago, just wanted to say I'm a fan, and it inspired me to start a Shane McMahon buys AJPW game.


Haha that's some dedication, thanks for reading. What year are you playing your Shane O'Mac game? I'd love to hear about that, it sounds interesting.

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Preview - NJPW on TV Episode #15

Tuesday, Week 3, September 2014


The IWGP Tag Team Championship takes center-stage this week as one half of the champions, Katsuyori Shibata, will face one of his challengers, Masato Tanaka in our main event of the evening. With Goto & Ishii at ringside, and with what is sure to be a heated affair in the ring, will tensions boil over? Speaking of tensions, Kazuchika Okada will continue his rivalry with the Bullet Club when he takes on Nick Jackson. Destruction opponents Prince Devitt and Tomoaki Honma will collide in tag team action, with the former tagging with Doc Gallows and the latter tagging with Togi Makabe.


KUSHIDA will make his first televised appearance in two months, he was of course absent for the G1 Climax, but he will face off against the man he faced in the Best Of The Super Juniors final, Mistico and we will kick off our show with the new IWGP Junior Tag Team Champions making their first appearance in Japan when they face off against The American Wolves in our opening match.


NJPW TV #15 Predictions -


Katsuyori Shibata vs. Masato Tanaka


Kazuchika Okada vs. Nick Jackson


Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma vs. Prince Devitt & Doc Gallows


KUSHIDA vs. Mistico


The American Wolves vs. reDRagon

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Playing it with the July modern day mod, it was a hard start with an aging roster, but I hired some younger Japanese guys, and then hired some great international talent, like RVD and AJ Styles. I put together a stable with them and a team of Lance Hoyt and Rene Dupree named Gaijin Horror, about to debut The Miz, who I nabbed from WWE, with them.


Also just grabbed Kurt Angle from TNA got a few more weeks before he is back from injury though, I think I am going to have be on the Japanese side though out of respect for them, along with CM Punk.

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Playing it with the July modern day mod, it was a hard start with an aging roster, but I hired some younger Japanese guys, and then hired some great international talent, like RVD and AJ Styles. I put together a stable with them and a team of Lance Hoyt and Rene Dupree named Gaijin Horror, about to debut The Miz, who I nabbed from WWE, with them.


Also just grabbed Kurt Angle from TNA got a few more weeks before he is back from injury though, I think I am going to have be on the Japanese side though out of respect for them, along with CM Punk.


I don't envy you there, you have a tough task on your hands because AJPW's roster is pretty bad. Suwama and Jun Akiyama are about the only two you have that are even remotely talented, although Joe Doering always seems to develop into a very good wrestler over time. If you haven't already, go sign Daisuke Sekimoto, he should be working for W-1. I'm not sure what his stats are but he's a very good wrestler in real life.

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NJPW on TV! Episode #15

Tuesday, Week 3, September 2014

Live on Nippon TV! at the Sendai Gymnasium!

Attendance: 7,000 - Sell Out!

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Kota Ibushi & Team Dream Futures defeated Daisuke Sasaki, Daichi Hashimoto & Ryusuke Taguchi in tonight's dark match. Grade: 63 ©



American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) vs. reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


We hop straight into in-ring tag action and this is an important match for both teams with the American Wolves desperately looking to improve their fortunes and reDRagon looking to head into Destruction with some momentum before they meet The Young Bucks. This match is a very good one, largely thanks to a great crowd that eat up every minute of this back-and-forth action. The American Wolves look to put this one to bed with the Force Of Nature but O'Reilly interjects and saves his partner from the Powerbomb/Double Knee Backbreaker combo before Eddie Edwards finds himself locked in the ARMageddon Cross Armbreaker! Richards breaks up that submission but it's only a matter of time before he eats the Chasing The Dragon and Bobby Fish picks up the pinfall.


Winners: reDRagon (13:27)

Grade: 75 (B-)


It's another frustrating defeat for the American Wolves, but reDRagon are slowly beginning to look invincible.



KUSHIDA vs. Mistico

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


These two met in the BOSJ final but Alex Shelley has since stolen both of their thunder and now both have to work their way back up the ladder. It's an uninspiring performance from Mistico tonight, who doesn't seem as sharp as he maybe should be and thus, KUSHIDA is able to control the match for the most part. But after escaping from his opponent's Hoverboard Lock attempt, Mistico finds the La Mistica out of the blue and KUSHIDA has no choice but to tap out to the Fujiwara Armbar.


Winner: Mistico (11:35)

Grade: 67 ©


We take a break from in-ring action as we jump to the announce table where Shinpei Nogami and Milano Collection A.T. inform the viewing audience that the match between Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura was made official on the New Japan website over the weekend. A brief video package on the big screen informs the 7,000 in attendance that the match is now set for Destruction.






Grade: 77 (B-)



Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma) vs. Bullet Club (Prince Devitt & Doc Gallows)

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


We return from a commercial break in the middle of Prince Devitt's entrance, just so those with a HD TV can enjoy the majesty of the RnR light-up jacket. Honma and Makabe get very good reactions, hardly a surprise considering we haven't visited this region of Japan since June. The match isn't really anything special though, there's some great exchanges between Devitt and Honma but that's about all. Gallows tags himself in, much to Devitt's disapproval and it's not long before Makabe drops the King Kong Knee Drop and Honma finishes him off with a Diving Kokeshi for the pinfall win.


Winners: Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe (13:36)

Grade: 72 (B-)


We return from a commercial break with a cameraman pacing towards the Bullet Club locker room backstage. The door is left open amid a heated argument as the camera peeks inside the locker room. Prince Devitt and Doc Gallows are the two shouting back and forth with Karl Anderson and Tama Tonga desperately trying to prevent the argument turning physical.


Devitt: "Why did you 'tink ya could win the match eh?! I had those two t**ts exactly where I wanted 'em and you ruined it!"


Gallows: "Because it's a tag match!"


Devitt: "Fale is my partner! Not you! I am never taggin' with you again."


Devitt grabs his bag and his Championship and storms out the locker room before the camera shows the lone Irishman waltzing off down the corridor and then a dejected, divided Bullet Club locker room.


Grade: 66 ©



'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada vs. Nick Jackson

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


Nick and Matt Jackson were absent for the Bullet Club locker room bust-up, perhaps for the best. Nick's early heel antics give him some early control but this is nothing more than a showcase for 'The Rainmaker' who is a class apart from his opponent. Nick tries to hang every step of the way but his singles inexperience shows when he allows Okada too much time to recover and ends up paying dearly for it. A German Suplex is followed up by a Rainmaker and Okada picks up the pinfall.


Winner: Kazuchika Okada (12:38)

Grade: 82 (B)


Okada begins to celebrate in the ring but Matt Jackson hops in and blindsides him! The Young Buck stomps away and puts a beating in but Okada is able to recover and fights him off with one of his signature Dropkicks. Just when 'The Rainmaker' thinks he's safe, Karl Anderson, Tama Tonga and Doc Gallows hit the ring and start their attack! Gedo tries to interject and save his client but the Bullet Club promptly floor him too. With the G1 Climax winner subdued and hurt, Bad Luck Fale takes a slow jaunt down to the ring and joins his Bullet Club brethren. He puts an exclamation mark on the beatdown by finishing Okada off with a Bad Luck Fall as the gaijin stable stand over their unconscious opponent.


Grade: 80 (B)


It takes a while for the Bullet Club to leave the ring but eventually they get bored of celebrating and we go to a commercial break. During that, Okada and Gedo are attended to by a flock of ringside attendants and medical staff and are helped to the back as we begin setting up for our final match of the evening.



Katsuyori Shibata vs. Masato Tanaka

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


For a TV main event, this sure happens to have a big fight feel with Goto & Ishii at ringside. The bell rings to a big roar, the crowd have not been deflated at all by the Okada beatdown, they are instead excited to see these two butt heads. The match is everything you would expect from these two, a hard-hitting battle with lots of near-falls and unique exchanges. Tanaka tries to put Shibata away with a Sliding D just past the halfway mark but the Tag Champion kicks out at 1. Tanaka attempts a Roaring Elbow but Shibata blocks it and replies with a stiff Big Boot that reduces Tanaka to a heap on the ring mat. A forearm exchange ends when Shibata nails his opponent with a Discus Back Punch but Tanaka catches him charging in with a big Belly-To-Belly Suplex. Both guys begin to tire and the match becomes more of a scrap, but it comes to a fitting end with Tanaka evades the Penalty Kick and smashes his opponent hard with a Roaring Elbow before a Dangan Bomb picks up the all-important one, two, three.


Winner: Masato Tanaka (20:15)

Grade: 82 (B)


We close off for the night with Goto attending to Shibata in the ring as Tanaka & Ishii backpedal up the ramp staring their Destruction opponents down from afar.


Show Grade: 80 (B)

TV Rating: 5.52




Results Summary -


reDRagon defeated American Wolves

Mistico defeated KUSHIDA

Makabe & Honma defeated Devitt & Gallows

Kazuchika Okada defeated Nick Jackson

Masato Tanaka defeated Katsuyori Shibata


Four predictors this week with nobody backing Makabe & Homna surprisingly -


Captain2: 4/5

PhenomenalPat: 4/5

Uncrewed: 3/5

Wolfman84: 2/5


I just wanted to extend my appreciation for your nominations, votes and continued predictions. I was delighted to win Mod DOTM. It wouldn't have been possible without you guys, so I thank you for that. This diary will continue until I do Wrestle Kingdom, there's no way I'm stopping until that show is done.

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Preview - NJPW on TV Episode #16

Tuesday, Week 4, September 2014


We're on the home stretch now, the final destination on the road to Destruction. But don't you go assuming that we'll tone things down, we have as hot a show as ever for you this week. In our final match of the evening, the 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito will have a tough challenge on his hands when he meets 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson. This is just days before he meets CM Punk and there's every possibility that Naito could suffer the same treatment from the Bullet Club that Okada suffered last week. Talking of Okada, we should have an update on his condition although we can confirm that he won't be present in person.


Furthermore, Hiroshi Tanahashi will be taking on Yujiro Takahashi, who will obviously be looking to do his CHAOS stable-mate Shinsuke Nakamura a favour before Saturday. After Shibata and Tanaka met last week, it'll be Hirooki Goto and Tomohiro Ishii's turn to do battle this week. Satoshi Kojima will face BJ Whitmer in a singles match and we'll be opening the show with a tag match when Alex Shelley will team with Tama Tonga to take on La Sombra & BUSHI.


NJPW TV #16 Predictions -


Tetsuya Naito vs. Karl Anderson


Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yujiro Takahashi


Hirooki Goto vs. Tomohiro Ishii


Satoshi Kojima vs. BJ Whitmer


Alex Shelley & Tama Tonga vs. La Sombra & BUSHI

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He really did hate those pesky Japanese after all...




Uh-oh... They're $400,000 in debt, but yet they still rejected a takeover bid.



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NJPW TV #16 Predictions -


Tetsuya Naito vs. Karl Anderson


Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yujiro Takahashi


Hirooki Goto vs. Tomohiro Ishii


Satoshi Kojima vs. BJ Whitmer


Alex Shelley & Tama Tonga vs. La Sombra & BUSHI


I don't think I've commented yet but really been enjoying this. Last couple of months I've gotten into NJPW a fair bit so this has helped.

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I don't think I've commented yet but really been enjoying this. Last couple of months I've gotten into NJPW a fair bit so this has helped.


Welcome aboard, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)




NJPW on TV! Episode #16

Tuesday, Week 4, September 2014

Live on Nippon TV! at the Fukuoka International Center!

Attendance: 10,000 - Sell Out!

Commentary Team: Shinpei Nogami & Milano Collection A.T.


Togi Makabe, Hayato Jr. Fujita & Daisuke Sasaki defeated Manabu Soya, Ryusuke Taguchi & Daichi Hashimoto in tonight's dark match. Grade: 63 ©

Note: This was Manabu Soya's main roster debut, I couldn't hold him back in NEVER any longer.



Bullet Club (Alex Shelley & Tama Tonga) vs. La Sombra & BUSHI

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


We kick this one off with Tonga and BUSHI, but the match is basically all about La Sombra and Alex Shelley who will meet at Destruction this Saturday. The two have a great fast-paced exchange in the ring, but that comes to an abrupt end when Tonga blindsides the La Sombra from behind much to the chagrin of our capacity crowd. In something of a surprise result, Shelley schoolboys BUSHI and pulls on his tights as La Sombra is being held back from entering the ring, Tiger Hattori doesn't notice that though and counts the 1 - 2 - 3 as the Bullet Club steal the win.


Winners: Alex Shelley & Tama Tonga (11:17)

Grade: 64 ©


Shelley & Tonga hastily head up the ramp back to their dressing room. After Devitt's argument with Gallows last week, it's probably a good job that they didn't face defeat tonight.



Satoshi Kojima vs. BJ Whitmer

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Tiger Hattori


Roderick Strong has been a thorn in Kojima's side for a little while now. He took his NWA World Heavyweight Championship and then retained in the rematch and now he's challenging for Kojima's NWA World Tag Team Championship. BJ Whitmer will be his partner, but unfortunately he's a relative unknowner to the Japanese audience and they see that this match will only be going one way. The action is good but the Cozy Lariat connects and Kojima picks up a fairly routine victory.


Winner: Satoshi Kojima (13:46)

Grade: 69 (C+)


Post-match, Roderick Strong hops in the ring with his NWA World Heavyweight Championship… he clutches his belt in both hands as Kojima turns around…












But Tenzan slides in and spears Strong out of his boots!


The Championship belt slides across the ring as Strong desperately scrambles on the mat to grab it back and rolls to the outside before heading up the ramp with his tail between his legs. He may have been thwarted this time, but Strong is 3 from 3 against Kojima & Tenzan and he may well make it 4 from 4 on Saturday.


Grade: 68 (C+)



Hirooki Goto vs. Tomohiro Ishii

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


We saw Tanaka beat Shibata last week, so Goto gets a win back for his team here right? Well, not quite. There was never any way we were going to get a winner within the time limit here, these two are simply too resilient. They throw virtually everything at each other, but Goto isn't able to hit his Shouten Kai and Ishii can't find his Brainbuster, and thus, the two are able to survive most of each other's signature moves. Towards the end of the match, Goto slams Ishii down on his face with the Ura Shouten but his opponent slips his shoulder out before the 3 and the bell rings shortly afterwards signalling a tie.


Winner: Time Limit Draw (15:00)

Grade: 74 (B-)


After a short post-match staredown between Goto and Ishii, we cut to the announce table where Shinpei Nogami informs our viewing audience that Okada suffered no further injuries than a minor concussion at the hands of Bad Luck Fale and the Bullet Club last week. He will be at Destruction, but for safety purposes, he was pulled from last week's house shows and he won't be present for any of this week's live events either.


You have to watch Destruction to get your Rainmaker fix.



Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yujiro Takahashi

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Red Shoes Unno


Yujiro has improved quite considerably over the last few months, he's starting to bring a few new things to the table, such as his submission-oriented period of control here. Of course, the match was only ever going one way, Tanahashi is way out of Yujiro's league and shows his class more and more as the match goes on. There's some good back-and-forth action towards the close with Yujiro eventually resorting to blatant cheating to try and get ahead but after a Sling Blade and then a High Fly Flow, Red Shoes Unno counts the 1, the 2 and the 3 and Tanahashi picks up the win and with it some momentum heading into Destruction.


Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi (13:54)

Grade: 81 (B)



'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito vs. 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Marty Asami


We waste no time hopping straight into our main event and unsurprisingly, it's a pretty damn good one. Anderson plays the dastardly heel, he rakes eyes, he uses the ropes and just refuses to give the fans what they want. He even flips the bird at them, tells them to shut up and spouts obscenities at his Japanese opponent. Of course, this all just leads to the moment where Naito kicks his ass and the fans receive that moment with a huge cheer of approval. Anderson once again brings Naito down though and once again slows the pace and annoys our capacity crowd, he really does play to them masterfully during these sequences. But Naito knows what they want and mounts a comeback as we head into a fast-paced final 5 minutes. The 'Machine Gun' thinks he has it won when he connects with the Swivel Gun Stun but Naito instinctively pulls his shoulder up before the 3. Anderson looks for the Gun Stun again but Naito blocks it and slams him down with the Gloria before climbing up top and doing further damage to Anderson's sternum with the Stardust Press as the entire arena counts along with Marty Asami's one, two and three.


Winner: Tetsuya Naito (20:45)

Grade: 86 (B+)


Oddly enough, Karl Anderson just exits the ring post-match and heads straight up the ramp as Naito celebrates.


But then… Cult Of Personality rings out across the Fukuoka International Center…




















And the 'Best In The World' CM Punk emerges from behind the curtain.


He takes a slow walk down the ramp to the ring as Naito cautiously stands his ground, wearily looking around to make sure he isn't blindsided by a member of the Bullet Club.


Punk is alone though and he slides into the ring clutching his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder before getting right in Naito's face. The staredown is tense, even more so when Punk raises his title belt above his head and tells Naito that, "This is as close as you'll ever get to this belt. On Saturday, you are going to sleep". Punk then turns his back on Naito, perhaps knowing that the 'Stardust Genius' would never hit somebody from behind, and leaves the ring heading back up the ramp. We close the show with Punk running his mouth posing with his Championship as Naito eyes daggers at the Champion from a distance.


Grade: 83 (B)


Show Grade: 83 (B)

TV Rating: 5.73




Results Summary -


Shelley & Tonga defeated BUSHI & La Sombra

Satoshi Kojima defeated BJ Whitmer

Hirooki Goto drew with Tomohiro Ishii

Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Yujiro Takahashi

Tetsuya Naito defeated Karl Anderson


A predictable episode this week, with perfect scores being denied only by the time limit draw -


Christmas_Ape: 4/5

Uncrewed: 4/5

Wolfman84: 4/5

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Preview - NJPW Destruction

Saturday, Week 4, September 2014


We've been on the steady road to Destruction for a while now and it's finally time for the Kawasaki Stadium to rock, cheer, boo and jeer.


In our main event of the evening, the self-proclaimed 'Best In The World' and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk will be defending his title against a man that beat him on the day of the G1 Climax finals, the 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito. Punk has told his opponent that he will be put to sleep whilst Naito has said very little, he's refused numerous interviews instead electing to focus on his training and preparation. After a failed challenge in January - is the big one destined to evade Naito? Or will he conquer his demons and climb to the top of the ladder?


In our semi-main event, the 'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura will take on Hiroshi Tanahashi in their fourth match of the year. He's lost three times to him this year, but after beating CM Punk and Tetsuya Naito, Shinsuke has maintained that he first has to beat Tanahashi before he can even think of moving on and challenging for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. The stakes have also been raised, the winner of this one will be headlining Kings Of Pro-Wrestling in October so who will better handle the pressure on Saturday night?


He might have won the G1 Climax, but there's no guarantee that Kazuchika Okada will be headlining Wrestle Kingdom on January 4th. Prince Devitt issued the challenge and Okada accepted, he will be defending his contract against 'The Underboss' Bad Luck Fale. After an attack at the hands of the Bullet Club just twelve days ago, it remains to be seen what condition 'The Rainmaker' will even be in come Saturday night.


Elsewhere, it's time for Masato Tanaka and Tomohiro Ishii to challenge for the IWGP World Tag Team Championships when they take on the reigning and defending champions, Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata. Prince Devitt will put his IWGP Intercontinental Championship on the line against the great underdog, Tomoaki Honma. Satoshi Kojima will look to get rid of a thorn in his side when he teams with Hiroyoshi Tenzan to defend their NWA World Tag Team Championships against Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer of The Decade. Alex Shelley makes his first defence of the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship against La Sombra whilst reDRagon look to do the same against former Champions, The Young Bucks.


In a newly announced match, KUSHIDA will team with relative newcomer Hayato Jr. Fujita to take on the masked duo of Mistico and El Desperado.


NJPW Destruction Predictions -


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship -

'Best In The World' CM Punk © vs. 'Stardust Genius' Tetsuya Naito


Kings Of Pro-Wrestling #1 Contendership -

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. 'King Of Strong Style' Shinsuke Nakamura


Tokyo Dome Main Event Contract -

'The Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada © vs. 'The Underboss' Bad Luck Fale


IWGP World Tag Team Championship -

Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata © vs CHAOS (Masato Tanaka & Tomohiro Ishii)


IWGP Intercontinental Championship -

'Real Rock And Rolla' Prince Devitt © vs Tomoaki Homna


NWA World Tag Team Championship -

TenKoji © vs. The Decade (Roderick Strong & BJ Whitmer)


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship -

Alex Shelley © vs La Sombra


IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship -

reDRagon © vs. The Young Bucks


Mistico & El Desperado vs. KUSHIDA & Hayato Jr. Fujita

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