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Bischoff/Austin has to be settled at Survivor Series!


Unforgiven was a very good show, honestly in TEW context that's the best way for Kane/Shane to have gone down. Not sure the match rating would've been too kind to Shane. Surprised at Matt winning the IC title, but I don't hate it. I'm hoping Christian moves forward into the main event soon :)

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Pro Wrestling legend, behemoth, former champion...ahh hell it's Hulk Hogan and that's really all you have to say isn't it? The Hulkster stopped by the Bubba the Love Sponge show and spent an hour taking calls and was surprisingly candid. Among his notable quotes:


"Let's call it like it is. Me and Vince McMahon both used each other over the years to make a hell of a lot of money but to have it go down like it did was just BS."


"Would I like to fight Vince? To quote Steve Austin, oh hell yea I would but I'd rather it be in the street where his writers can't protect him."


"Working the Rock last year was a blast. Great guy, he's got the best feel for the business and the crowd that I've ever seen. I'd have loved to have had him in the old days we could have made money for a decade."


"WWE right now is loaded with talent but they don't have that spark. They don't have one guy pulling the train like they had with me or with Austin. They need to find 'the Man' and run to the bank."


Hogan closed the interview hinting that he may be talking to other wrestling companies for a return to the ring.

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Monday; September, Week 4 - MCI Center - Washington, DC





Raw opens to a long white limousine approaching the MCI Center in Washington, DC. When it arrives the driver goes and lets Linda McMahon out. As soon as she steps out of the car a man runs up carrying flowers. He tells her they are “courtesy of Mr. Bischoff”. Linda looks at the flowers, looks at the guy holding them, rolls her eyes and walks away without ever taking them. Grade: 52




Instead of going to the usual Raw opening and pyro Evolution’s music hits as World Heavyweight Champion Triple H leads Randy Orton, Batista and Ric Flair to the ring. They stand in the ring with victorious smirks on their faces.


Triple H: “Oh how hard it is to be humble…right Naitch? When you’re Evolution! Last night was almost as perfect a night as it can get. In one night we proved our dominance. In one night we showed the whole world why we are the it factor in this business. And it ended almost perfectly for us. But we are not a group who is content to rest on our laurels, no, instead we are a group that is determined to finish the job.


Bill Goldberg may have gotten lucky to win the battle against Big Dave last night but tonight he loses the war. Eric Bischoff has booked Goldberg in a rematch with Batista here tonight and I promise you one way or the other that war ends tonight.


But that was the one blemish on an otherwise glorious night. I told you all that I would defeat Scott Steiner and keep this belt. I promised the world that I would stand tall when Unforgiven was over. And that is exactly what I did. For as long as I stand I will dominate Raw. I will NEVER lose this title. And tonight Randy and I will finish what we started last night and take out Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner.


But as great as my night was I have to concede there is one person here who had it much better than I did. Randy Orton showed the world that he is the real next big thing, sorry Brock, when he killed the legend of the Heartbreak Kid and to the victor goes the spoils.”


(Triple H laughs and hands Orton the microphone).


Orton: “And oh how spoiled I was. I have to confess I am barely awake tonight because I was getting spoiled all night long by the newest member of Evolution…Ladies and Gentlemen…..Trish Stratus!!”


Trish’s music hits and she comes out with an evil smirk and bows at the stage. She almost skips down the aisle never taking her eyes off Randy Orton. Ric and Triple H hold the ropes for her as she gets into the ring and runs right into Orton’s arms and plants a big kiss on him. Orton, confident and pleased, hands her the microphone.

Trish: “Well this is a surprise, right? I mean who ever would’ve thought we would see the day that Trish Stratus would join the most dominant group in the history of Sports Entertainment? And all day long I’ve heard one thing “why, Trish, why?” well, why not? You see people I simply fell in love and I mean how could I not? Look at him! Randy Orton is beautiful, he is talented, he is so damned sexy and he tires me out each and every night since we got together. Quite simply he is the perfect man, he is the Evolution of this industry and now, with the Diva of the Decade by his side, we are the power couple of the WWE. Nobody can touch us now. And one day, when I want it, I will have the Women’s Title back around my gorgeous waist, Randy will have the World Title around his – when Triple H is done with it of course – and we will own this company for years to come. Nobody can touch us now. Because we are evolution ….”


Randy: “and Evolution”


Triple H: “owns the WWE.”


Evolution take hands and raise them high, proudly showing their dominance over Raw. Grade: 88





In the back we see new Women’s Champion, Lita, glaring at a monitor watching the opening go down. She leaves her locker room and she will defend her Women’s Championship….NEXT. Grade: 69






Raw comes back and JR & King take us back to Unforgiven where Lita surprised the world and answered Molly Holly’s challenge and became the Women’s Champion. Grade: 69





Women's Championship

Jazz vs Lita ©


Jazz dominates for a lot of this match but then Lita takes control and they brawl to the floor. Finally back in the ring Lita goes for a cross body from the top rope and misses. Jazz grabs her and sets her up for a standing crab but Lita is able to reverse it and roll Jazz up for the 1..2..3.


Winner by Pinfall and still Women's Champion: Lita Grade: 57


Following the match Molly Holly runs out and attacks Lita. Jazz soon joins in and while this is happening we see Trish Stratus come out and help Lita clear house. After realizing who helped her out, Lita, takes the title, glares at Trish with mistrust and walks away leaving Trish standing in the ring. Grade: 70




In the back we see Linda McMahon in her office. She hears a knock and opens the door. Standing there is the same assistant from before with a case of beer saying “compliments of Mr. Austin”. Linda shakes her head, sighs and slams the door without ever taking the beer. Grade: 77




We see the Dudley Boyz walking to the ring. Raw says goodbye…next. Grade: 50







In the back we see Lita walking down the hall. Trish runs up behind her and spins her around.


Trish: “What was that about?”


Lita: “I could ask you the same thing.”


Trish: “What do you me..”


Lita: “What the hell are you doing, Trish? Have you hit your head or something? Orton? Evolution? Have you lost your mind?


Trish: “No, I just fell in love. You’ve been gone a long time Lita. And hey, I’ve never judged your relationships.”


Lita: “Whatever. If that’s what you want to do then I can’t control it. But why did you come out there tonight?


Trish (looking hurt): “Because we’re friends.”


Lita (looking doubtful): “Whatever.”


She walks off with Trish looking on. Grade: 68





http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/WWE/Raw/rawpreviewweek4stilltocome_zpsdf7167a7.jpg Grade: 76




JR & King take us back to last night and we see how La Resistance stunned the world and defeated the Dudley Boyz. They tell us that La Resistance has flown back to Paris to celebrate their victory and will be here next week. Grade: 54




Bubba and D-Von come out to a thunderous ovation. As they stand in the ring a video package of some of their biggest moments in WWE and ECW show up on the titan tron. Bubba and D-Von have some tears in their eyes as they watch. Following the conclusion of the video the fans chant “Thank You Dudleyz” and they grab a microphone. Bubba says “there is only one thing left to say…thank you.” They drop the mic and high each other and then D-VON KICKS BUBBA IN THE BALLS!


As Bubba is down D-Von looks at him with hatred and goes out of the ring and grabs a chair. He slides back in and as Bubba gets up D-Von blasts his brother in the head busting him wide open. He spits on Bubba and walks to the back with the crowd shocked. Grade: 55




In the back we see Goldberg headbutt a door. His return match against Batista is next. Grade: 69






http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/WWE/Raw/raweek1octoberbumper_zpsb4f76445.jpg Grade: 70




Goldberg vs Batista


This match never really happens because almost as soon as it starts Ric Flair, Randy Orton and Triple H rush to the ring while Trish Stratus stays ringside shouting encouragement as they attack Goldberg. It’s a 4 on 1 mugging and Goldberg fights back for awhile but before long he just cant take it. Trish hands Triple H handcuffs and they cuff Goldberg to the ropes and take terms wailing away on Goldberg. Goldberg breaks one cuff and grabs Hunter by the throat but then he is attacked by Orton and Batista. Flair and H grab a table and set it up in the ring. Trish uncuffs Goldberg and Triple H nails him in the head with a sledgehammer. Batista picks the unconscious Goldberg up and Batista bombs him through a table. At this point officials, Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner race to the ring. Evolution bails but the damage is badly done.


Winner by Disqualification: Goldberg Grade: 71





In the back we see Chris Jericho walking to the ring but looking around clearly nervous that Nash could be here. Grade: 79






In the back Christian storms into Matt Hardy’s locker room. He demands a rematch and is told that Matt is a fighting champion but DC isn’t worth it. Christian can have his title shot but it will be next week in Chicago. Grade: 63




The Hurricane vs Chris Jericho


Jericho dominates most of the match but then Hurricane gets his come back. Soon Jericho gives him a poke to the eye and takes control again. The Hurricane misses a shining wizard and Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. As Hurricane is about to tap out Kevin Nash’s music hits and Jericho immediately lets go. Jericho goes to the ropes and looks to the stage but no Nash. When he turns around Jericho is drop kicked in the knee and Hurricane hits the Shining Wizard for the surprise 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall: The Hurricane Grade: 72


Following the match an enraged Jericho attacks Hurricane and locks in the Walls. As he refuses to let go, Kevin Nash, jumps over the railing and into the ring behind Jericho. He delivers a big boot to the back of Jericho’s head and goes for the Jackknife but Jericho rolls out and backs up the ring. Nash checks on Hurricane and points at Jericho as Y2J retreats. Grade: 79




JR & King inform us that Goldberg has been taken to a local medical facility following the destruction by Evolution. Grade: 80




Triple H & Randy Orton high five each other as they head to the ring for our main event…next. Grade: 73





Raw returns and the camera finds Eric Bischoff in his office, pacing back and forth when the door opens. When he turns and sees it’s Stone Cold Steve Austin he doesn’t know whether to yell or cry.


Bischoff: "What the hell do you want?"


Austin: "I just wanted to come in here and tell you how pathetic you really are. Bribing that woman with flowers?"


Bischoff: "Me?! You tried to give her beer!"


Austin: "Maybe she’s thirsty! You ever think of that?"


Bischoff: "You know…maybe I’ve been approaching this whole thing from the wrong direction. It’s a win-win for me tonight."


Austin: "Oh yea?"


Bischoff: "Yea. Either way I never have to see you again."


Austin: "Well if that’s the way you feel I guess I should just say may the best man win."


Bischoff: "…Really?"


Austin pulls out two cans of beer, opening them both and handing one to Bischoff. Bischoff seems to be at ease but when they toast Austin hits his can so hard Bischoff is doused in beer.


Austin: "You might want to get cleaned up before we hit the ring. You look really unprofessional right now."


Austin leaves as Bischoff scowls, squinting through the beer.

Grade: 84





Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner vs Triple H & Randy Orton


A wild brawl and eventually each side is on the floor fighting with each other. The finish comes when Orton is given a German Suplex on the floor by Steiner into the barricade taking him out. Triple H sees this from the ring and when he turns around he is hit with the Sweet Chin Music. Shawn covers for the 1…2….3.


Following the match Shawn and Scott celebrate as Evolution is down on the ground licking their wounds – this war is not yet over.



Winners by Pinfall: Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner Grade: 73




In the back we see Linda leave her locker room. Decision Day is…NEXT. Grade: 52




Linda comes out and says enough of the “presents”. Bring out Eric and Steve and lets get this over with.


Austin comes out first all confident – he shakes Linda’s hand. Bischoff comes out scared to death and still wet from the beer and he comes down and tries to give Linda a hug. She pushes him off of her after holding her nose from the smell of the beer bath.


Linda says that when she gave Austin the job and made them Co-General Manager’s she thought it would work out. Instead she was wrong and it was the worst decision for Raw. Well tonight she is here to rectify that mistake.


Stone Cold has brought excitement back to Raw and we have seen some of our best numbers since Austin was named Co-GM. But he also brings controversy and to be quite frank not everything has been roses – particularly Kane. The fact is that Steve is the one that set that monster off and look at the damage he has done to Raw. Austin cannot do that again going forward if he keeps this job.


Eric Bischoff is a son of a bitch. (Crowd cheers and Eric winces) But he is someone who gets results. He brought ruthless aggression to Raw, he innovated with the Elimination Chamber and he has been a very successful General Manager for Raw. But the fact is that Bischoff also helped play a role in Kane’s destruction of everyone, Eric sexually harassed myself, continues to show favorites in his role as an Executive and perhaps his time has indeed come to an end.


“Well, Gentlemen, the board has decided and Eric Bischoff…..”


Eric gets on the ground begging. He says “please, please I know I’ve done wrong but if you give me one more chance”. Austin calls him pathetic and that angers Bischoff who gets in his face and says that if he had his chance he would kick that smirk off of Austin’s face right now. Austin laughs at him for that which enrage’s Bischoff.


Eric slaps Austin right in the face and Austin grabs him by the hair. Linda gets in the middle of it and pushes them back and Austin grabs a microphone. He tells Linda if she will oblige one last request – stay this decision because Stone Cold has a better idea. How about at Survivor Series in 7 weeks Stone Cold puts his career on the line – one on one – against Eric Bischoff.


Bischoff looks stunned and scared but Linda says if he agrees to that then the board wont fire either of them here tonight and instead Raw’s fate will be decided in 2 months in that match. Bischoff has no choice and says “you’re on”.


Linda says “Gentlemen you both agree and now that match is on. At Survivor Series it will be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Eric Bischoff. The winner is the permanent General Manager of Raw.”


As Linda leaves Austin delivers a stunner to Bischoff and does a beer bash as Raw goes off the air. Grade: 92



Final Show Grade: 82




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Coming from Joe Louis Arena in Detroit Michigan this week’s Smackdown promises to turn up the dial on action and aggression.


For several weeks Rhyno and the Undertaker have been waging a war, capped off last week by the man-beast’s attack on the Phenom leaving him down and out. The Undertaker is out of action indefinitely but Rhyno will be on Smackdown looking for another victim.


For months Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar have gone at each other without fear and this week Angle teams with Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio in a non title match against the World’s Greatest Tag Team, two people Angle is very familiar with. Paul Heyman, the evil mastermind behind the Big Show and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar says he’ll be on hand for Smackdown. What does that mean for the Olympic Gold Medalist?


Tune in tonight on UPN at 8/7c for the most action packed show on television!




Announced Matches:


- Taijiri vs Paul London in the last opening round bout of the Cruiserweight #1 Contender Tournament


-John Cena vs Chuck Palumbo


-Rhyno vs Chavo Guererro


-World’s Greatest Tag Team versus Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio in a non-title match

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[A video is shown of last week’s show spotlighting the ongoing fued between both Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle as well as Rhyno and the Undertaker.]






[Following the opening package and cursory shots of the crowd Michael Cole and Taz welcome us to the show. They hype Rhyno’s attack on the Undertaker last week and then go into super hype mode on tonight’s main event: Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio against the World’s Greatest Tag Team.]





Brian Kendrick vs Nunzio


Some quick action in this one with both men trading move for move and counter for counter. What was shaping up to be a good one is ruined however when Matt Morgan comes walking down to the ring and begins laying waste to both men and the referee calls for the bell.


No Contest via Outside Interference






[The monstrous Morgan isn’t done as he decimates bothsmaller men, flattening Kendrick with a big boot to the head and then delivering standing powerbomb to Nunzio. He surveys the carnage and just smiles as he leaves the ring.]






[backstage Sable is in Mr. McMahon’s office working out as he lustfully watches.]


Vince> You know the best thing about last week? When you made Stephanie join the Sable Kiss my Ass Club.


Sable> If you think that was something, wait till No Mercy….and after No Mercy.


[Her alluring smile seems to turn Vince on more. Thankfully we go to commercial before it becomes too much to bear.]








[backstage Stephanie McMahon and Kurt Angle are finishing a conversation.]


Stephanie> Kurt, I love the idea. Chair match, Submission match, and a ladder match. Consider it done.


Angle> Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a match to get ready for.


[He walks off and one has to wonder what Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman’s response to Angle naming the terms of the Three Stages of Hell will be.]






[A replay is shown of Rhyno’s attack on the Undertaker last week. Michael Cole goes on to announce that the Undertaker will be back on Smackdown next week.]






Rhyno vs Chavo Guererro


Chavo is brave, he is valiant, he doesn’t know what the word surrender means. He’s also woefully overwhelmed by the more powerful Rhyno and once the bigger man catches the smaller man the writing is on the wall and the match ends with a Gore.


Winner by Pinfall: Rhyno






[Paul Heyman and the Big Show are backstage with Torrie Wilson. Heyman launches into a tirade before she can even ask a question.]


Heyman> Week after week, time after time, this man is set up by our so-called General Manager Stephanie McMahon. Well he and I have had enough. This is the largest Superstar in the history of the WWE. He is one of the most frightening, strongest, and most dangerous men on the planet. So from now he’s going to start calling his shots. Hey big man, what’re you going to do first?


Show> Whatever I want Paul…whatever I want.


Heyman> Oh and by the way Torrie some people should be thankful for being the luckiest people on the planet. Lucky that Brock Lesnar is on Smackdown instead of Raw, or else they'd have to change their name to Extinction.








[stephanie McMahon is walking down the hallway checking some papers when Sable comes out of nowhere to attack her from the blindside. They scrap for a few minutes before being pulled apart. Stephanie orders that Sable be ejected from the building and banned from all Smackdown events until No Mercy. The officials are wary to carry out her orders but she puts the fear of her in them and an unhappy and protesting Sable is literally carried out.]








[John Cena comes down to the ring sporting a Barry Sanders jersey]


Cena> Well lookie here it’s big Chuck Palumbo, the enforcer of the FBI. From what I heard from the Rock you prefer cake to the pie. Yea keep looking mean in that ring and mumblin’ those words, I’ll shut you up proper, and let you swallow my sword. The FBI is a joke and you? You’re just a putz. So let’s get this over so you can suck on my….


[Cena holds the mic up letting the crowd finish it.]






John Cena vs Chuck Palumbo


Cena dominates the match, only suffering through a few minutes of Palumbo’s offense. He ends it with an FU in the middle of the ring.


Winner by Pinfall: John Cena






[As Cena’s music plays Eddie Guererro comes down to ringside and sneaks over to the timekeeper’s table to retrieve his belt but Cena cuts him off and when Eddie charges him, Cena scoops him up and delivers an F-U on the outside. Cena retrieves the belt and heads back as Guererro writhes in pain.]








[A vignette plays showing a board room with a long onyx table. There’s a dozen men seated and talking amongst themselves but then we hear heavy doors open and they instantly become silenced. We see the familiar set of legs and heels walk past them and take the seat at the head of the table. The camera revolves so that we don’t see her face. The logo on the back of her high backed chair matches the one from the office last week.




The man sitting to the right of the woman looks at the others as she steeples her fingers.]


Man> Gentlemen (he says chomping his gum), the first order of business is the takeover of WWE.






Taijiri vs Paul London


London starts strong but Taijiri’s underhanded tactics, always out of the sight of the referee begin taking their turn. Taijiri nearly is disqualified for not releasing the Tarantula but he begs off and the referee warns him. He stalks London and when the time is right he strikes with a series of brutal kicks finishing with a Buzzsaw to the temple. The cover is elementary.


Winner by Pinfall: Taijiri






[backstage Shaniqua is not pleased by the Bashams loss to the APA last week. They can’t even get a word in as she berates them, smacking her tassled whip in her hand. She tells them that their behavior is unacceptable and now they’ll get their punishment. She closes the door to the dressing room before we can see what that punishment is.]








[A graphic is shown hyping next week’s first semifinal match in the Cruiserweight tournament: Akio vs Ultimo Dragon.]






[backstage the camera catches sight of the APA who are both fuming about the attack that was laid on them by the WWE Tag Team Champs. They promise each other that at No Mercy they will leave no doubt.]






Non Title Match

Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio vs The World’s Greatest Tag Team


Great match between these two teams. The champs contain Mysterio in their corner for much of the contest but he makes the hot tag to Angle who goes to town on Benjamin and Haas, sending the over the ropes with a double clothesline. It’s then that Brock Lesnar hits the ring with a chair, whacking Angle over the back, then swinging at Mysterio who comes off the top. Angle and Mysterio are down as Lesnar lays shot after shot on them, finally tossing the chair with a satisfied grin and Paul Heyman raises his champion’s arm.


Winners by Disquaification: Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio




[Lesnar is taunting Angle who’s down on the mat but he doesn’t see Chris Benoit coming down the aisle. Lesnar turns and is met with a flurry of punches, kicks, and chops from the Crippler, who sends Lesnar from the ring but there’s only one problem….Paul Heyman is still in the ring. He tries to sneak out but Benoit catches him before whipping him into Angle who delivers an Angle Slam. Lesnar is howling in anger as Benoit applies the crossface to Heyman, Angle and Mysterio standing guard taunting Lesnar to come back in and save his man. The show goes off the air with an angry and frustrated Lesnar staring down Angle from outside the ring.]






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-RAW on SPIKE TV scored a 7.37 (last week 7.14)


-Smackdown on UPN scored a 7.36 (last week 7.42)





- Jazz and Molly Holly defeated Stacy Keibler and Jacqueline


-Matt Hardy defeated Goldust in a non-title match


-Test defeated Rosey





-Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Akio and Sakoda


-Newcomer Christopher Daniels (who reportedly suffered a small hamstring injury) defeated Funaki


-Billy Kidman defeated Jamie Noble





-Teddy Long and Steve Lombaridi were released from their contractual duties this week.


-D-Von's heel turn was a complete success in the eyes of the Agents and backstage people.


-WWE allowed Randy Orton to go “off script” and it worked well. They view it as a step forward in his maturation process.


-WWE is considering hiring a second set of production staff so that Raw and Smackdown have their own staffs and can run shows independently of each other. Right now the same crew produces both TV shows which is why they are usually within a car drive away from each other.


-WWE sees a lot of potential in the hurricane - expect him to get a continued push as evident by his defeat of Jericho on RAW.


-Vince McMahon was not pleased by this week’s Smackdown show. While the overall ratings were not horrible McMahon was said to be very upset with how several segments were received and has ordered a few minor storylines to be altered if not eliminated completely. Needless to say the glimpse we had of Matt Morgan or the question as to what happened to the Bashams may never be answered. It’s also unlikely we’re going to see more than one cruiser match per show as those tended to be lower rated.

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Who is the Interim General Manager?


Last week's Raw ended with a stunner (literally) of an ending. While all of Raw prepared to find out who would be fired what came out of the confrontation between WWE CEO Linda McMahon and Raw's Co-General Managers Eric Bischoff and Stone Cold Steve Austin was an epic encounter slated for Survivor Series next month in Texas. At Survivor Series the fate of Raw will be decided when Austin and Bischoff collide in a one on one match. But WWE.com has learned that until that match happens neither man will serve as General Manager. Instead the board has a appointed an Interim GM of Raw who will be revealed when Raw goes on the air LIVE from Chicago, Illinois.


Who is the Interim GM of Raw? Find out Monday at 9/8c on SPIKE TV!

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October 2003 Update




Co-General Manager: Eric Bischoff

Co-General Manager: Stone Cold Steve Austin


World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

Intercontinental Champion: Matt Hardy

-WWE Unforgiven Sept Week 3 (Christian)

Women's Champion: Lita

-WWE Unforgiven Sept Week 3 (Molly Holly)

World Tag Team Champions: La Resistance (Renee Dupree & Sylvain Grenier)


Al Snow---Announcer

Batista (H)

Booker T (F)

Bubba Ray Dudley (F)

Chad Patton---Referee

Christian (H)

Chris Jericho (H)

D-Von Dudley (H)

Earl Hebner---Referee

Gail Kim (H)

Garrison Cade (H)

Goldberg (F)

Jack Doan ---Referee

Jacqueline (F)

Jazz (H)

Jerry Lawler---Announcer

Jim Ross---Announcer

Jon Heidenreich (F)

Jonathan Coachman

Kane (H)

Lillian Garcia---Ring Announcer

Lita (F)

Mark Henry (H)

Mark Jindrak (H)

Matt Hardy (H)

Mick Foley----Personality

Mike Chioda---Referee

Miss Jackie (H)

Molly Holly (H)

Randy Orton (H)

Ric Flair (H)

Rob Van Dam (F)

Robert Conway (H)

Rodney Mack (H)

Rosey (F)

Scott Steiner (F)

Shannon Moore (H)

Shawn Michaels (F)

Spike Dudley (F)

Stacy Keibler (F)—Personality

Stevie Richards (F)

Test (H)

The Hurricane (F)

The Rock (H)

Theodore Long (H)--Manager

Trish Stratus (H)

Val Venis (F)

Victoria (H)

William Regal (H)




Arn Anderson

John Laurinaitis

Michael Hayes

Tony Garea

Sgt. Slaughter

Dean Malenko






General Manager: Stephanie McMahon



WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar

WWE United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero

WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Champions: The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)


Akio (H)

A-Train (H)

Billy Gunn (F)

Billy Kidman (F)

Bradshaw (F)

Brian Hebner—Referee

Brian Kendrick (F)

Charles Robinson ---Referee

Chavo Guererro (F)

Chris Benoit (F)

Christopher Daniels (H)

Chuck Palumbo (H)

Danny Basham (H)

Dawn Marie (H)---Manager

Doug Basham (H)

Edge (F)

Funaki (F)

Hardcore Holly (F)

Jamie Noble (H)

Jimmy Korderas----Referee

John Cena (F)

Johnny Stamboli (H)

Justin Roberts ---Ring Announcer

Kurt Angle (F)

Matt Morgan (H)

Michael Cole ---Announcer

Mr. McMahon---WWE Chairman

Nick Patrick ---Referee

Nidia (H)--Manager

Nunzio (H)

Orlando Jordan (F)

Paul Heyman (H) ---Manager

Paul London (F)

Rhyno (H)

Rikishi (F)

Ron Simmons (F)

Sable (H)

Sakoda (H)

Scotty 2 Hotty (F)

Shaniqua (H)---Manager

Taijiri (H)


The Big Show (H)

The Undertaker (F)

Tim White----Referee

Torrie Wilson----Interviewer

Ultimo Dragon (F)

Zach Gowen (F)



Dave Finlay

Dave Hebner

Gerald Brisco

Jack Lanza

Pat Patterson

Ted Dibiase

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Monday; October, Week 1 - Allstate Arena - Chicago, IL





Raw opens to a video package highlighting last week’s Decision Day that never happened. It shows Bischoff and Stone Cold trying to buy Linda’s affection with gifts and cuts to the confrontation where Stone Cold and Bischoff agree to a match at Survivor Series. The video then cuts to showing all the Raw roster in various poses with the words “TONIGHT – A Interim GM is Here” and ends with Bischoff and Stone Cold and Linda’s face’s superimposed over the Raw logo. Grade: 84




We cut to live in the arena where every single Raw superstar, Raw referee, Raw backstage personnel and Raw announce crew including JR, King, Mickie James and Lillian Garcia are in the ring. They are waiting for an announcement. Grade: 75




The normal Raw opening video package cues up and the pyro hits and the crowd comes alive from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois on a history making night.




The Raw staff and superstars are in the ring and still no interim GM. Finally after a few minutes “I’m Back and Better than Ever” hits and out comes Raw Co-GM Eric Bischoff. He walks down to the ring and orders everyone out. They all bail out and surround the ring.


Bischoff: “Well it seems that Linda McMahon’s handpicked Interim GM has decided not to arrive. I guess that just goes to show that you can’t find good help just anywhere. That is why Mr. McMahon hired me 15 months ago to run this place and it is why in 7 weeks at Survivor Series I will do whatever I have to do to defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin and remain here. But since this “interim GM” has chosen not to show, I guess it is up to me to do my jo….”


A car crash is heard and the crowd in Chicago comes to life as Mick Foley comes out from the back. Eric Bischoff looks like he is about to throw up as Foley has a microphone in his hand.


Foley: “Uh excuse me, Eric, I’d like to apologize for my late arrival but you see I was finalizing a few things with Linda McMahon over the phone and I can see it is imperative to get something straight. I have been chosen to be the Raw Interim General Manager effectively immediately and that means you are now standing in my ring so before I have to come down there and throw you out myself perhaps its time you take your leave.”


Bischoff looks furious but resigned. He exits the ring and heads up the ramp and when he gets face to face with Foley he glares at him while Foley smiles and waves as Eric sulks his way to the back.


Foley: “Well now that that is taken care of I am here to make a few announcements. You see Smackdown has their own pay per view in a few weeks called No Mercy but I am a competitive guy and I believe in Raw. So that is why I have decided Raw needs to have a special show.


A super show if you wheel – that one was for you Dusty.


And being an old school guy I used to have a favorite show, a super show that happened only once in awhile and in between pay per views, where the best feuds would clash. Where the best champions would be show cased. So two weeks from tonight, six days before Smackdown’s pay per view, in Pittsburgh, PA – Raw is going back to that time when Raw Presents: The Clash of the Champions!!!!


And on that night every championship on Raw will be defended and that includes yours, Hunter. (The camera cuts to Triple H at ringside looking cautious.) But seeing as you, with help from your gang, took out Goldberg last week, and due to that he is not here tonight by the way, and since you’ve screwed Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels and everyone else in your way I have thought of an idea.


Here tonight – in that very ring – you will find out who will challenge you for the World Heavyweight Championship at Clash of the Champions. Because Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner will compete for the right to challenge you for the belt. (Triple H is furious).


Oh….so will Batista and Randy Orton because those four competitors will compete in a fatal fourway match.


Have a nice day!!!”


Foley leaves and Triple H goes from furious to stunned. He looks at Batista and Orton who are right by him and they glance at HBK and Steiner. The realization of how much Foley might have screwed him is hitting home as we go to commercial. Grade: 85





Raw returns and Triple H is throwing things in his locker room. He is screaming that Foley cant do this and Ric Flair is trying to calm him down. Grade: 73





Mark Jindrak vs Booker T


Pretty much a squash match. Booker T hits the spin-a-roonie and easily wins the contest.


Winner by Pinfall: Booker T Grade: 73



Following the match La Resistance comes down and they attack Booker T. They lift him up and hit the Bonsoir and then look down at the unconscious Booker T. Grade: 60




JR & King take us back to the confrontation between Christian and Matt Hardy last week. Christian’s Intercontinental Championship rematch is…Next. Grade: 69






In the back we see Mick Foley sitting on his couch playing a demo version of THQ’s newest release, “WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain”, he is playing as Goldberg vs Randy Orton. Booker T storms into the locker room demanding retribution over the La Resistance attack. Mick scratches his chin and says “Book, I feel ya. Here’s what I’m gonna do – if you can find yourself a tag team partner at Raw’s Clash of the Champions you can fight La Resistance for the World Tag Team Titles.” Booker is pleased at that and as he leaves we see Goldberg spear Orton and get the 3 count which Foley provides commentary on saying “ooh that’s gotta hurt”. Grade: 70





Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs Matt Hardy v1 © w/Shannon Moore


A fantastic match that goes through a commercial break. The pendulum swings back and forth several times and there is a lot of high flying. Halfway through the match Shannon Moore is ejected from the ring for interference which allows Christian to get a near fall and then take the lead. Christian goes for the unprettier but Matt reverses that into a bridge for a 2 count. Both men down and spent Christian goes up for a splash but Matt rolls out of the way. He hits the Twist of Fate and Christian kicks out at 2. They trade reverals of small packages and then Matt hits one more Twist of Fate and that does it as Matt Hardy retains in a hard fought win.


Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Matt Hardy Grade: 61





We see the monster Kane, back in shackles, being escorted through the back and heading to the ring as we go to commercial. Grade: 69






http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/WWE/Raw/rawpreviewoctweek1stilltocome_zpscf0db397.jpg Grade: 76




JR & King inform us that following his brutal assault by Kane at Unforgiven, Shane McMahon, was taken to a Hershey PA hospital. He was eventually flown to shock trauma and suffered “extensive and major throat damage” at the hands of Kane. On Tuesday of last week Shane underwent surgery to repair the damage and his return, if ever, is unknown. Grade: 75




The pyro hits and Kane is escorted out by police once again. JR & King tell us that given what he has done WWE has decided that Kane is no longer free to walk around backstage. He will be under lock and key at WWE events until further notice.


Rosey vs Kane


Rosey, back in his 3 Minute Warning Clothing, tries to match up to the monster but it really isn’t much of a fight. Kane goes for Rosey’s throat almost immediately and kicks at his knee bringing the big man down. On the ground Kane pounds Rosey’s head against the mat and sticks his thumb in Rosey’s eye and throws him into the ropes and kicks him in the face. A chokeslam later and this mauling is over.


Winner by Pinfall: Kane Grade: 55


Kane, instead of allowing himself to be handcuffed again, goes out and under the ring and grabs a wrench. He throws the ref out and prepares to hit Rosey when the lights go out. When they come back, ROB VAN DAM, is on the top turnbuckle holding a chair. He throws it at Kane who catches it and RVD flies off and kicks the chair right into Kane’s face. Kane charges RVD but RVD ducks and back kick’s Kane who falls to the floor. RVD does a rolling thunder over the top rope and collides on Kane and starts pummeling him. Officials race down and pull Van Dam off of Kane who is crawling and racing away from ringside and from the returning and violent Rob Van Dam. Grade: 67




JR & King take us back to the shocking turn of D-Von Dudley last week over his brother. We are told Bubba Ray is not here tonight but D-Von will speak to Mickie James….Next. Grade: 54






We come back and see Kane about to be handcuffed again when he is hit in the back with a chair by RVD. Van Dam is like a man possessed back on Kane beating the hell out of him as officials, this time including Mick Foley, race to the scene and pull Van Dam off and physically hold him down. Kane throws himself into the paddy wagon to escape and the vehicle speeds off away from Raw. Grade: 80




In the back Matt Hardy walks down the hallway and eyes The Hurricane. He tells Hurricane that his match with Christian is how its done. Hurricane glares at Matt as he walks away acting cocky. Grade: 68




Mickie James is with D-Von Dudley and she asks how could he turn on his brother like that. D-Von tells her he is not surprised that she and all the morons out there would see it that way but the fact is that it was Bubba Ray who broke up the Dudley Boyz. If Bubba hadn’t allowed his emotions to get the best of him and make that stupid challenge it wouldn’t matter if they were tag team champions or not because they would still be together. Bubba Ray is the one who threw 10 years of hard work down the drain because he is a hot head. Well he screwed with their livelihood and cost D-Von the money that would’ve come with being 17 time tag team champions. If Bubba thinks so little about them that he would put them in that situation without even talking to D-Von then why the hell would D-Von care about Bubba? D-Von isn’t the bad guy here…Bubba Ray Dudley is and before it’s all said and done? Bubba’s gonna pay. Grade: 46





Ivory vs Trish Stratus w/Randy Orton


Randy Orton accompanies her and holds her hand as they come down to the ring. Trish’s ring work is much more slow and methodical and evil now. Orton regularly distracts the referee as Ivory gets the upper hand and finally Randy grabs Ivory by the hair and starts to pull her through the ropes. As the ref forces him to let go Ivory stumbles back in the ring and is hit in the back of the head with the Chick Kick. The ref has no choice but to count the 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall: Trish Stratus Grade: 62


Following the match Randy holds Ivory up and Trish slaps her around a bit until Lita runs out. Randy goes to hit Lita but Trish wont let him. Instead she simply tells him that they should leave. As Lita checks on Ivory Trish backs away with regret on her face. Grade: 59




In the back Chris Jericho is walking to the ring. He will hold a Highlight Reel with Kevin Nash….Next. Grade: 76






Raw returns to find Triple H storming back into his locker room and tells Flair that Foley won’t change his damned mind. Flair, annoyed, tells Triple H that it doesn’t matter who wins tonight. Triple H is the champ and he can beat anyone’s ass, so what is he afraid of? Triple H says he doesn’t like that two of his guys could screw him and take away his belt. Flair has no answer for that and sits back down. Grade: 75




Chris Jericho comes out and says that tonight’s guest on the Highlight Reel is Kevin Nash. He calls for Nash to come out but Kevin doesn’t. Jericho looks surprised so he asks for him again…no Nash. Jericho says that is typical Kevin – attacking a man from behind like he did last week but doesn’t have the guts to face him man to man. Jericho says that is why Y2J is the highlight of the night and why he is the King of the World baby and if Nash was here Jericho would punk him out. On the titantron we see Nash’s face who says “is that right, Chris?” Nash explains that Jericho knew full well that Kevin wasn’t going to be there tonight because of prior commitments and he tried to embarrass him. But Jericho just made a huge mistake because it sounds like he just issued a challenge….”right, Mick?”


Foley comes out and tells Kev that’s what it sounds like to him. So Jericho wants to punk out Nash – ok he will get his chance. Next week, live on Raw Chris Jericho will take on Kevin Nash, in a No Disqualification Match. Nash smiles and Jericho tears apart his set as he realizes he has no place to run next week. Grade: 74





Raw returns to a match as it is just about to begin.


Garrison Cade vs Val Venis


The match is going on and as soon as it appears Val is going to win after hitting the money shot, MARK HENRY, comes from the crowd and into the ring. He clotheslines Val from behind and attacks and destroys both men. Henry delivers the World’s Strongest Slam to both of them and puts them together and big splashes them. As he pounds his chest like a gorilla we see Jonathan Coachman walk down the aisle clapping. He gets in the ring and raises Henry’s hand and it is clear The Coach has his man.


No Contest Decision Grade: 50




We see Triple H talking to Orton and Batista. They promise him they know what to do and leave. Triple H looks nervous and the main event….is NEXT. Grade: 77





Fatal Fourway Match - Winner to Challenge Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship at Raw Presents: Clash of the Champions

Randy Orton vs Scott Steiner vs Batista vs Shawn Michaels


From the beginning Batista and Orton work as a tag team and attack Steiner and HBK. After a beat down Batista goes for the pin and Orton breaks it up. This spurs an argument and soon the two members of evolution are at each other and that allows Michaels and Steiner to get back in it. Before long it’s a brawl and eventually its left to Michaels and Steiner who shake hands and then go at each other. They trade near falls but Steiner locks Michaels in the Steiner Recliner. This brings in Batista who hits Steiner with the Batista Bomb. HBK is back up and superkicks Batista who falls through the topes to the floor. Orton tries to go for the RKO but Michaels ducks and Orton is in Steiner’s arms who belly to belly suplex’s him over the ropes onto Batista. Steiner turns around and is hit with the Sweet Chin Music for the 1…2…3.


Winner by Pinfall and the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels


After the match Steiner is up, furious, and gets face to face with Michaels. Eventually they shake hands and he leaves as Evolution back peddles. As Michaels celebrates in the ring Triple H comes out. The two old friends/foes have an intense staredown as they will meet at Clash of the Champions as Raw goes off the air. Grade: 79



Final Show Grade: 80




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Here is the current card for:



Monday Night - Week 3, October - LIVE on SPIKE TV


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H © w/Ric Flair



World Tag Team Championship Match

Boker T & ??? vs La Resistance ©

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Following last week's main event which saw Paul Heyman humiliated and reportedly injured by a returning Chris Benoit the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar has in a rare move demanded a match with the title on the line against Benoit. Everyone knows the Crippler is tough as nails but can he withstand Lesnar's fury?



Announced Matches:


*Brock Lesnar © vs Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship

*Eddie Guererro © vs Orlando Jordan for the US Championship

*Akio vs Ultimo Dragon in a Cruiserweight tournament semifinal

*Bradshaw vs Shelton Benjamin

*The Bashams vs Rikishi and Scottie 2 Hotty

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[A video is shown of last week’s show and specifically the ending of the show which saw Chris Benoit’s surprise return and Paul Heyman flailing in the Crippler Crossface as Lesnar looked on.]






[We see Rhyno back in the parking lot, pacing back and forth. No sign of the Undertaker yet but it’s clear he’s spoiling for a fight.]






[The opened video package plays and we’re then taken to the announcer’s table. Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to the show and hype the big main event for the evening. Brock Lesnar will defend the WWE Championship against Chris Benoit. They talk about all that surrounds the match then shift their attention to the Cruiserweight semi final match between Akio and Ultimo Dragon which is next!]






Akio w/Sakoda vs Ultimo Dragon


Martial arts are on full display in this one and though Sakoda tries to help his partner, Ultimo Dragon uses his veteran skills and quick attacks to take control and he puts Akio away with a bridged german suplex.


Winner by Pinfall: Ultimo Dragon









[John Cena is walking backstage, the United States Championship belt over his shoulder when Eddie Guererro comes from behind a door, whacking Cena over the back with a chair. Guererro keeps attacking Cena before collecting his belt after so many weeks. He leaves…and Cena begins to get up when Guererro rushes in and connects with a solid chairshot to the head which flattens Cena. Guererro shows complete disdain for Cena before spiking the chair and leaving with the gold.]






[A graphic shows that next week we’ll see the last semi final match. Taijiri versus Funaki for the right to face Ultimo Dragon and become the #1 contender for Rey Mysterio’s Cruiserweight Championship]






Bradshaw w/Farooq vs Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas


Bradshaw uses his strength early but some underhanded double teaming from the tag champs help Benjamin take the advantage over. Finally Farooq has seen enough and he takes out Charlie Haas on the outside. Benjamin is distracted by it, and when he turns around he walks into a Clothesline From Hell.


Winner by Pinfall: Bradshaw






[Rey Mysterio is backstage walking along when he is absolutely blasted by Brock Lesnar coming from the blindside. Lesnar lays into Mysterio screaming at him and asking if he thinks last week was funny. Soon officials flood the area and force Lesnar away.]










[Vince and Sable are in Stephanie’s office when the GM walks in. She wants to know what Sable is doing in the building and Vince informs her that Sable is his guest. But since Stephanie has proven she’s a liability with her temper he thinks she should be the one to take a night off. Before she can argue a few police officers arrive and Vince orders them to escort her from HIS building.]






[Michael Cole and Tazz remind us that it won’t be long until we see Brock Lesnar defend his WWE Championship against Chris Benoit.]






United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs Orlando Jordan


This one isn’t even really a contest. Jordan is outmatched and even when he shows glimpses of what he may be in a few years the veteran champion takes back the momentum and finally finishes him with the Frogsplash.


Winner by Pinfall and still United States Champion: Eddie Guererro






[back in the lot the Undertaker as arrived as he zooms up on his bike. No sooner as he’s off the bike that Rhyno attacks but the Undertaker appears to have been expecting it. The two brawl back and forth before the Undertaker gets the advantage and before it’s all done he chokeslams Rhyno onto the hood of a nearby car. Taker informs Rhyno that if he thinks this is bad, wait until No Mercy.]










[backstage Kurt Angle finds Chris Benoit and tells him he’d be happy to be in his corner tonight. Benoit accepts and they part ways.]






[backstage Paul Heyman, wearing a neck brace, is with Torrie Wilson.]


Torrie> Mr. Heyman are you alright?


Heyman> Alright? ALRIGHT?! (he grimaces and holds his neck). Torrie do I look alright? I was viciously attacked last week while people cheered. People rooted for Chris Benoit to break my neck but you know what I’ll heal. You know who won’t? Chris Benoit won’t because tonight he’s going to step in the ring with the most dominant champion in WWE history. Brock Lesnar isn’t here to defend a title, he’s here to avenge me tonight. He’s going to do what he does best….destroy someone. And Benoit won’t be able to just put his hands on me. Oh no, he’ll have to deal with Brock Lesnar in the ring and right by my side on the outside…a giant standing seven feet tall and weighing five hundred pounds. You got lucky last week but tonight Benoit…your luck runs out.






Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs the Bashams w/Shaniqua


The Bashams have a new look on their way to the ring, wearing matching black leather masks, and being lead to the ring by Shaniqua as she pulls them along on dog collars and chains. She unhooks them and the match begins. The Bashams are unusually aggressive in the match relying on power moves and brute force. They also interchangeably come in and out of the ring without tags which frustrated Rikishi to no end. Doug…or maybe Danny Basham hits a Demoltion-style guillotine elbow drop from the second rope as Danny..or maybe it’s Dough holds Scotty. Before Rikishi can intervene he’s attacked and kept from breaking up the pinfall.


Winners by Pinfall: The Bashams:






[We see another vignette for the mystery woman. The gum chomping man with short blonde hair is with her but we still don’t see her face. He does all the talking, saying he’s lined up clientele for her to choose. A well manicured hand taps something on the paper and it brings a grin to his face. He promises her that next week he’ll personally bring “them” into the fold.]










[Michael Cole tells us that early reports are that John Cena suffered a possible concussion at the hands of Eddie Guererro and has been taken to a local hospital.]






[in his dressing room, Kurt Angle is ready to go help Chris Benoit but when he turns tries to push the door open it won’t budge. Angle begins to pound on the door but to no avail. Now we see on the other side of the door, the Big Show and Paul Heyman and a dumpster blocking Angle’s door. It’s clear they’re pleased with themselves as they walk off, and all we hear is Angle screaming.]






WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman and the Big Show vs Chris Benoit


Benoit and Lesnar go at each other from the opening bell giving each other all they can take. Whenever possible Big Show on the outside takes a shot behind the referee’s back. Benoit begins to build momentum when he reverses an Irish Whip he sends Lesnar into the referee who falls to the outside. Dazed, Lesnar is taken down with a German Suplex and Benoit locks on the Crossface. Lesnar holds out but begins tapping but there’s no ref. Then the Big Show entered the ring, picking Benoit up by the back of the neck and delivering several headbutts. The referee sees the attack and calls for the bell.


Winner by Disqualification: Chris Benoit






[The Big Show isn’t done. As Lesnar sits in the corner, enjoying what he’s seeing Big Show delivers one, then two, then three big chokeslams to Benoit. As the program goes off the air, the Big Show and Brock Lesnar look down at Benoit with matching smirks.]






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RAW on SPIKE TV scored a 7.14 (last week 7.37)

Smackdown on UPN scored a 7.48 (last week 7.36)





*Referee Jack Doan is expected to sign a new deal with WWE this week.





*WWE is interested in expanding their developmental infrastructure. Rumor is that they may go in-house and create their own sometime in 2004 rather that partner with another entity such as OVW.


*The feeling backstage at Smackdown this week was 180 degrees different from last week. Vince McMahon was said to be much more upbeat about the flow of the show and the stories being told.


*Plans are in the works for a new stable either for the end of 2003 or 2004 consisting of 4 "unknowns".


*Just as RAW is having Clash of the Champions the same week as Smackdown's No Mercy PPV, viewers should expect Smackdown to hold a similar event the week of RAW's Armageddon.


*Edge is on track for a return following WrestleMania XX.


*WWE is high on the progress of Matt Hardy and Randy Orton who have shown a sharp increase in popularity amongst fans over the last month.

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Last Monday on Raw we found out that the Interim General Manager of Raw is none other than WWE legend, Mick Foley! And Foley wasted no time in making monumental changes to Raw when he announced that on Monday Week 3, October, Live on Spike TV, Raw will present the return of the Clash of the Champions. As we found out at the end of a phenomenal fatal fourway match that closed Raw; Shawn Michaels has won the right to challenge Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Clash in what will be another chapter in this storied rivalry. This Monday with only 7 days to go until the Clash; Triple H and HBK will come face to face to sign the contract for their match. What will happen when these former best friends turned biter arch-rivals step into the ring to sign their contract?


Two weeks ago on Raw D-Von Dudley shocked the world by betraying his brother, Bubba Ray. Last week he explained his actions by saying that it was in retaliation for Bubba costing the Dudley Boyz their career. This week on Raw the brothers will be in the building for the first time and Bubba will be in action against Randy Orton.


Finally as, announced by Interim GM Mick Foley, Chris Jericho's weeks long slandering of Kevin Nash will come to a head when he meets Big Sexy one on one in a No Disqualification Match. With it now time to put up or shut up for Y2J can he escape this confrontation with Nash?


Raw is one week away from the return of the Clash of the Champions. Don't miss this show before that epic special when Raw is LIVE from the Mohegan Sun Arena this Monday at 9/8c on Spike TV!


Confirmed Matches:

Kevin Nash vs Chris Jericho in a No Disqualification Match

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Randy Orton w/Ric Flair & Trish Stratus


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The pair who were floundering on the undercard of Smackdown caused an uproar at a recent untelevised event. Jordan was scheduled to take on Rhyno when he no-showed the match. The confusing part was he was known to be in the building. A subsequent search of the backstage area located him in a storage room along with Guenard in a....compromising position. Stephanie McMahon who was on hand at the show fired the pair on the spot. It is unknown what that means for Jamie Noble who was managed by Guenard.

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It has been a long time since I've read a diary properly - I seldom find time to work on my own now :(. But you have sparked my interest! Great time period (the WWE roster then was the best roster I've ever seen) and this looks very interesting. I'll be following when I can. Keep up the good work, chiefs ;).


Quote The Raven


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Monday; October, Week 2 - Mohegan Sun Arena - Uncasville, CT




Raw opens to a highlight of last week focusing on the reveal of Mick Foley as the Interim General Manager of Raw, the announcement of Raw’s Special “Clash of the Champions” and Shawn Michaels winning the fatal fourway to become the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. It ends with a “TONIGHT” graphic showing Michaels and Triple H to come face to face for the contract signing. Grade: 78




In the back we see Scott Steiner down and Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista and Ric Flair are running away. Evolution clearly has attacked Big Poppa Pump. Grade: 80




Cut to the Raw opening video montage from Union Underground and the pyro and the crowd coming to life as we are live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut.




JR & King welcome us to Raw and begin to promote the contract signing….


"Well, well, well"


Jonathan Coachman's voice can be heard as JR and King promote the opening of Raw. We see Coach with a microphone as he and Mark Henry walk through the crowd and step over the barricade and enter the ring.


"Last week on Raw I shocked the world, didn't I? You see ladies and gentlemen I promised you that thanks to Eric Bischoff I would have a chance to be more than the guy in waiting for JR's spot as the voice of Raw. I told you all that I would find my guy...and here he is.


For those of you who don't really know who he is I wouldn't blame you because though he has been here for seven years, this company has never done anything with him. This company has never seen the potential that lies within this man. They have never seen the mean streak that is inside the World's Strongest Man. Oh sure they've tried to make you people like him by calling him the Sexual Chocolate instead of who he truly is.


The fact is ladies and gentlemen this man, Mark Henry, is not a nice guy. He is not a fun loving guy. And he is not your average wrestler. This man is a monster. This man is a brute. This man has spent the last seven years in this company hiding his true nature.


But no longer.


From this moment on let it be known that Mark Henry is here on Raw for one reason and one reason only: to take whatever he wants. Let it be known that anyone who stands in this man's way will suffer. They will be beaten and then they will be broken. And just to prove our point - tonight, I promise you, before this night is through...some unlucky Raw star will be broken compliments of Mark Henry."


Henry just looks angry and vicious as Coachman drops the mic and escorts him back through the barrier and through the crowd. Grade: 45





JR & King take us back to last week where Rob Van Dam returned to Raw and attacked Kane brutally before Kane was able to escape. They tell us that tonight, RVD, will address Kane LIVE on Raw. Grade: 70




As part of the build to tonight’s contract signing we take a look back at various Triple H, Shawn Michaels moments and the first one is the very beginning of DX. The night Triple H and Michaels united on Raw in 1997. JR & King remind us tonight they will come face to face for their contract signing. Grade: 76







Raw returns to Lita coming to Trish who is in Evolution’s locker room. Lita asks Trish what was last week about, Trish tells her that just because she has fallen in love with Randy Orton does not mean that Trish will abandon her friends. Her and Lita have been tight for over two years and that will not change which is why she prevented Randy from doing anything to her. Lita (mockingly) says “thanks” and walks out with Trish telling her “I will always be right behind you. Nothing’s changed”. Lita stops and for a moment we see the confusion on her face as she wants to believe in her friend but she shakes her head and walks out. Grade: 67





World Tag Team Championship

Stevie Richards & Spike Dudley vs La Resistance ©


A squash match. Stevie is hit with the Bonsoir and got a 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall and still World Tag Team Champions: La Resistance



Following the match Booker T’s voice is heard and we go to the titan tron where Booker is in the back in La Resistance’s locker room. He has the French flag in his hands and says “Boys I found my partner” and hands the flag to…..Goldust! Goldust grabs it and talks about how pretty the blue is and how he likes blue and how it does funny things to him. “But you know what else does funny things to me? Putting more gold on this body. So next week – Clash of the Champions – Booker T and the Golden One will do funny things to you naughty boys and become champions once more.” Booker T looks a little creeped out before saying “Now Can You Dig That, Sucka?” – La Resistance looks scared as they have their challengers for next week. Grade: 57




Another HBK/HHH moment: Playing strip poker live on Raw. Tonight they will come face to face for their contract signing. Grade: 81






We return and see Spike Dudley talking to Bubba Ray. He tells him that D-Von isn’t here tonight and to please talk to D-Von and fix this. Bubba tells Spike that Spike is their brother, and he loves him, but not to ever mention D-Von’s name around Bubba again. He tells him to go tell their “brother” that when he least expects it – Bubba will have his revenge. Grade: 42





JR & King take us back to last week where we see Hurricane and Matt Hardy’s confrontation. They inform us that at Clash of the Champions the Hurricane will challenge for the Intercontinental Championship against Matt Hardy. Grade: 66





Shannon Moore vs The Hurricane


Great back and forth match. Halfway through Matt Hardy comes out to cheer on his MF’er and tries to distract Hurricane. As Hurricane is yelling at Matt, who is now on the apron, Shannon charges from behind. Hurricane, using his hurri-senses obviously, sidesteps and pushes Shannon into Matt which sends the IC Champion to the floor. Shannon turns around and is hit with the Shining Wizard for the 1..2..3.


Winner by Pinfall: The Hurricane


Following the match Hurricane has grabbed the IC Title and pretends to put it on while Matt and Shannon are backing up the aisle with Matt screaming that the belt is his. Grade: 52




We cut to the back and see Kane sitting in the back of an armored truck shackled. There are cops with Tasers pointing at Kane. Foley walks up to him and looks Kane in the eyes and vows to him tonight that if he does anything out of line he will live to regret it. Kane just smirks and Foley walks away. Rob Van Dam will address Kane…Next. Grade: 71






JR & King take us back to earlier tonight where Steiner was beaten up by Evolution. We are told that he has been taken to an area hospital and will not be here on Raw tonight. Grade: 73




RVD comes out and says that for several weeks he has sat at home because of Kane. At Summerslam Kane delivered a tombstone on Rob on steel stairs and for a few days RVD couldn’t feel his legs. Thankfully it was just a stinger and Rob is rearing to go but he is here tonight to apologize. He wants to apologize to the fans and to the entire WWE because RVD made a mistake: He thought there was good in Kane. He thought there was a human being.


But RVD was dead wrong and now he will end the monster he let out and into the worl….the titan tron cuts to the back to the truck and we see the shackles are snapped and the guys with the Tasers are down. The lights go out and pyro hits and out comes Kane which sends the camera men and production staff running.


RVD slide out from the ring and grabs a chair and is back in it before Kane gets there. RVD throws the chair at Kane’s head and starts attacking. Kane and RVD brawl all over the ringside area and Kane grabs RVD to deliver a chokeslam onto the steps but RVD squirms out and drop kick’s Kane who drops head first onto the steps. RVD runs over to the ring bell and grabs the hammer and as he is about to hit Kane Mick Foley comes out. Foley begs Rob to listen to reason and says this is not the way.


But he will tell him what is – next week - Clash of the Champions Live – Kane versus Rob Van Dam – Steel Cage Match. RVD smiles and walks away while Kane starts to stir and looks ready for murder. Grade: 60





We go to another Shawn, Triple H match and that is Shawn Michaels dancing on the Raw announce table celebrating with DX in 1998. Grade: 79




In the back we see Randy Orton and Trish kiss. Orton faces Bubba Ray Dudley…Next. Grade: 78





Bubba Ray Dudley vs Randy Orton w/Trish Stratus & Ric Flair


A long back and forth match. Trish tries to interfere, Ric tries to interfere. Eventually both are thrown out and Randy is left alone. Eventually Orton is thrown into the turnbuckles and Bubba challenges for a splash but Randy pulled the ref in between them sandwiching him. Bubba hits the Bubba bomb but the ref is down. D-Von runs down, clearly he’s here, and hits Bubba in the head with what looks to be a pipe. Bubba backs up and is nailed with the RKO as the ref comes to. 1…2…3.


Winner by Pinfall: Randy Orton


Following the match D-Von backs up the ramp smiling as his deception. Bubba is looking furious. Grade: 79





We see Chris Jericho & Nash walking to the ring in a split screen. Their No DQ Match is NEXT. Grade: 81






Raw returns and D-Von is running down a hallway. Bubba, with a trickle of blood, is giving chase throwing things along the way. Grade: 50






No Disqualification Match

Kevin Nash vs Chris Jericho


Jericho brutalizes Nash for a bit but then Kev gets the advantage and when Jericho goes for a lionsault with the chair on Nash, Big Daddy Cool simply lifts the chair up and Jericho crashes into it. He goes for the Jackknife and hits it and just as he’s about to go for the pin we see Mark Henry coming over the ring steps. Henry gets in the ring and charges Nash from behind. Nash drops and Henry grabs a chair and wails away on Nash’s back. Eventually Coachman sets the chair up and Henry delivers a World Strongest Slam onto Nash onto the chair. Chris Jericho watches all of this and then quickly crawls over and gets the 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall: Chris Jericho Grade: 86


Following the match Jericho looks stunned as Henry and Coachman leave. Officials race out to check on Nash. Grade: 72




The final HBK/HHH moment airs which is Triple H betraying Shawn last year on Raw with the fake DX Reunion. The contract signing is…Next. Grade: 74






Mick Foley is in the ring and the ring has been set up for the contract signing. He says he has the Contract in his hands and invites out the #1 Contender Shawn Michaels and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. The two men come out and they sit down face to face at the table from each other. Foley places the contract in front of them and Shawn speaks first.


HBK: “You know, Hunter, I have been watching these clips that have aired tonight about you and I and it cannot be denied that we have history. Some of it is good and some of it is bad but what that history tells me is that I know you better than anyone knows you in the world. The truth, Hunter, is that without me you would not be where you are. Without me you would not know all that you do. I taught you how to become a main eventer. And I taught you how to become a champion. I taught you all that you know but I did not teach you all that I know.


And the truth is that time is running out for me. Last year I came back and through the grace of God I survived two back injuries, one in 1998 and one by you to win the World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber. It should have been the fairy tale ending for ol’HBK but you had to ruin that and take the belt away after just one month. And that don’t sit well with me. So listen up – I taught you all that you know – but there is still more for me to teach you, boy, and next week to coin a phrase HBK will take you Triple H to school. And when that is over I will once again be the Showstopper….the Icon….the Main Event and THE Heavyweight Champion of the World.”


Shawn signs the contract.


Triple H: “Oh you think so, huh? Well I too was watching those clips and you know what I saw, Shawn? I didn’t see a great friendship, I didn’t see a mentorship, I saw someone pushing me to the side and stealing my spotlight. You say you taught me all that I know, I say that you were simply holding me back. And once you got that boo-boo on your back or lost your smile or whatever the hell other excuse you used when you didn’t get your way guess what happened….I stole the show.


I took over DX and I made led it to the top of the mountain. Me, Shawn, not you. And while you were at home finding your religion and being an out of shape family man I was main eventing Wrestlemania and having Iron Man Matches with The Rock and running Stone Cold Steve Austin over with a car.


I was becoming the Game and I was becoming That Damn Good.


Now you think you taught me all that I know but the fact is Shawn I changed the entire damn game while you were out of sight. You think you know who I am but the fact is Shawn you don’t know a thing about me – you never did and you will never understand just how far I will go. This? This belt around my shoulder? This is the air that I breathe. This is the blood that flows through my veins. It is my obsession and I will do anything and I don’t care if I have to go through the depths of hell to pull it off but I will do anything to hold onto this belt.


I took pity on you last year but no more. You come at me next week at the Clash and try to take my reason for living away from me? I will put you in the damn grave.”


Triple H signs the contract.


HBK: “Well then if you wanna put me in my grave how about you try right now?” Grade: 100



Shawn and Hunter get face to face and just then Flair, Batista, Orton all come from under the ring and surround it. Foley yells at them to stay out of the ring as HBK slaps Triple H in the face. Triple H and Shawn fight and Evolution hits the ring grabbing and attacking Shawn. Foley has gets in and tries to break up the fight but Flair gives him a low blow and pushes him out of the ring. On the floor we see Orton pick Foley up and deliver a RKO onto the floor. In the ring Michaels is fighting off Batista, Triple H and Flair but eventually he can’t fight off 3 men. Batista picks up Shawn and delivers a Batista-bomb through the table. Orton picks him up and hits the RKO. Triple H finishes him off with the Pedigree and Evolution stands tall over the body of Shawn Michaels, with Interim GM Mick Foley on the floor, as Raw goes off the air. Grade: 82



Final Show Grade: 88




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Here is the announced card for:



Monday Night - Week 3, October - LIVE on SPIKE TV


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H © w/Ric Flair

Intercontinental Championship

The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy v1 © w/Shannon Moore


Steel Cage Match

Rob Van Dam vs Kane


World Tag Team Championship Match

Booker T & Goldust vs La Resistance ©

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