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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws

Comments: Should be a good one to put over the Usos.


Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores

Comments: Rusev Drago continues to roll over competition.


Fatal Fourway Match

Tornado Match

Chris Jericho vs. Corey Graves vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara

Comments: Even being in the match should be great for Graves.


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Interesting match between two former stars now turned JTTS.


Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Seth run-in, I'd figure.


Fun Fan Signs:

Hellfire could be really useful around 4:20!


Comments On Previous Show: Really liked seeing the Steiners make their return.

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Wow at that RAW :D But where was the return of Stevie Blackman, or Maryse :p joking ofc, but great show Angel.


Comments On Previous Show: WOW! :D


Comments On Previous Show: Loved the Koslov thing. Thought he was going to join them!! :D There was a lot of returns/debuts and I enjoyed it!


Comments On Previous Show: So many returns! :D


Comments On Previous Show: Really liked seeing the Steiners make their return.


Thank you to everyone for the positive comments on the last Raw show. It's one that I had been really looking forward to writing and putting here on the diary to get your feedback. I wanted to give the show that really big fight feel and I am thinking that I succeeded in that respect. I know that it was a lot of returns/debuts in one show. However, I am hoping that I made each one seem special in it's own right. I can honestly say that there will be more debuts/returns as the diary moves forward. But I have some definitive long-term plans for the diary even going as far as to what I am selecting to be the WrestleMania main event for WrestleMania XXXI. That means I already have the Royal Rumble winner picked out in my mind and who will be the title-holder at WrestleMania XXXI barring any changes that need to be made due to injuries/contracts/etc.

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws



Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores



Fatal Fourway Match

Tornado Match

Chris Jericho vs. Corey Graves vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara



Kane vs. Rob Van Dam


Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: I came to see Yoshi Tatsu!

Bo has one huge arse bo-ner!


Comments On Previous Show:

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws

Comments: The NAO aren't full time enough to warrant the tag belts.


Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores

Comments: Rusev crush Primo & Epico


Fatal Fourway Match

Tornado Match

Chris Jericho vs. Corey Graves vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara

Comments: Jericho > Ass Clowns and/or Graves


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Remember 10ish years ago when RVD convinced Kane to take his mask off?


Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: I could see Ambrose winning via Nash interference, but Orton is probably too over to lose.


Fun Fan Signs: "I BO-lieve!"


Comments On Previous Show: Wow, so many awesome returns. Rusev/Kozlov is awesome, Jericho/Ziggler should be awesome, Nash leading the former SHIELD as The Wolf Pack is awesome, Bo Dallas promos are awesome. Rock is the perfect opponent for Wyatt, just like Cena should have been. And that doesn't even start on Henry/Cesaro (World's Biggest Cesaro Swing?) and Sting returning...Can't wait to read more.

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws


Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores


Fatal Fourway Match

Tornado Match

Chris Jericho vs. Corey Graves vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam


Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose


Comments On Previous Show: Holy comebacks Batman! The Rock, The Steiners, Kevin Nash, Sting (STING IS IN THE RAFTERS!! STING IS IN THE RAFTERS!!), Kozlov, Jericho... You packed a TON into this show. Zach Ryder even made an appearance lol.


Also, I don't know what his contract is like in game, and I know I'm pretty much in the minority on this, but I like that Brock Lesnar doesn't show up every week. I remember in the 80s, Hogan showed up at PPVs and Saturday Night's Main Event, but week to week he wasn't always there. He was an attraction. I feel like it's a nice throwback to that time. I know that you will book him in your own way, just making a bit of a random comment I guess.


Finally, do ADR and RVD have bad chemistry? I would have expected a match between the two to do better than a C-. I guess RVD could be in decline. Also, that E+ match combined with the proceeding HHH promo could have had some adverse effects as well. For all of ADR's attitude (and charisma) problems, he is a very strong in-ring worker. He could probably carry anyone to a pretty decent match.

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TNA Impact Wrestling comes from Macon City Auditorium in Macon Georgia and what a show they have this week. The show begins with what was a wild brawl or catfight in the words of Joey Styles between Taryn Terrell and Velvet Sky. There was a lot of hair-pulling and scratching as these two women brought out their claws. Velvet has the advantage at the end, sending Terrell to the mat with a Beauty-T. This leads into the first match of the night that sees two X-Division wrestlers going at it. Samoa Joe and Manik put on a decent showing with the crowd solidly in the favor of Joe. The chants of 'Joe's Gonna Kill You' fill the arena when Joe hooks the Muscle Buster and he gets a three count on Manik.


Following the win by Samoa Joe, we go backstage to find Bully Ray and Willow looking face-to-face. Bully Ray asks Willow if he thinks he can beat Bobby Lashley for the TNA World title. In his own odd way, Willow responds in the positive. Bully tells Willow to prove it and a match between the two men is signed for this Sunday's Destination X pay-per-view event. The Menagerie comes out next for our second match of the night. This one features The Freak going one on one with Marshall Von Erich. The fans really didn't care for this match and it shows as many of them disappeared from their seats. Many of them didn't get to see The Freak score the win following a Freakbuster.


In the backstage area, Kurt Angle sits down and has a talk with Bobby Roode and Magnus following their brawl last week. Magnus doesn't spend much time there, instead, walking out on the TNA Authority Figure. Roode and Angle shake hands and the two men agree that Magnus needs to be taught a lesson. The TNA Knockouts title is on the line as Angelina Love defends against the challenge of Brittany. The crazy Brittany shows some underrated skills in the ring but the match is mostly focused on the TNA Knockuts champion. Loves scores the victory after some hair spray and a Botox Injection.


Our next match, the semi-main event is for the TNA X-Division title as Sanada defends the belt against the challenge of Kenny King. The winner is set to face Austin Aries at Destination X. The match is back and forth with Sanada scoring a near fall following a top turnbuckle moonsault. King fights back and gets a little help from M.V.P. at ringside. A crutch shot from M.V.P. leads to King hitting the Coronation on Sanada and we have a brand new X-Division champion as we head into Destination X!


Our main event match is a tag team encounter as Gunner teams with Austin Aries against Magnus and Bobby Lashley. Gunner is announced as Lashley's opponent at Destination X for the TNA World title. Lashley is rarely in the ring for this match, seeming content to let Magnus do the heavy lifting against both Gunner and Aries. Magnus shows his considerable skill in the ring, nearly scoring a victory over both Gunner and Aries. The match ends in a no contest when Bobby Roode, Willow, Kenny King and M.V.P. all come down to the ring and it's a wild brawl to finish the night between all of these compeititors.

TNA – Impact – Gunner


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Comments On Previous Show: Wow, so many awesome returns. Rusev/Kozlov is awesome, Jericho/Ziggler should be awesome, Nash leading the former SHIELD as The Wolf Pack is awesome, Bo Dallas promos are awesome. Rock is the perfect opponent for Wyatt, just like Cena should have been. And that doesn't even start on Henry/Cesaro (World's Biggest Cesaro Swing?) and Sting returning...Can't wait to read more.


Hey Rayelek! Thanks for the comments. I am glad that you enjoyed my huge Raw show this week. I definitely agree that The Rock is the perfect opponent for Bray Wyatt and can just see their promos in my head and I hope they are coming out well on paper here. I am glad that you have predicted and that you are enjoying the diary. As always, feel free to make any comments moving forward.


Comments On Previous Show: Holy comebacks Batman! The Rock, The Steiners, Kevin Nash, Sting (STING IS IN THE RAFTERS!! STING IS IN THE RAFTERS!!), Kozlov, Jericho... You packed a TON into this show. Zach Ryder even made an appearance lol.


I definitely stacked the deck in this show. I just hope that I didn't turn anyone off because of all the returns. But everything seems so positive and I am very thankful for that.


Also, I don't know what his contract is like in game, and I know I'm pretty much in the minority on this, but I like that Brock Lesnar doesn't show up every week. I remember in the 80s, Hogan showed up at PPVs and Saturday Night's Main Event, but week to week he wasn't always there. He was an attraction. I feel like it's a nice throwback to that time. I know that you will book him in your own way, just making a bit of a random comment I guess.


Brock Lesnar has a Special Attraction clause in his contract in the game. He also has Creative Control, which always drives me crazy. lol. But I am glad that you're enjoying the way I am booking him. His appearances should feel like something special.


Finally, do ADR and RVD have bad chemistry? I would have expected a match between the two to do better than a C-. I guess RVD could be in decline. Also, that E+ match combined with the proceeding HHH promo could have had some adverse effects as well. For all of ADR's attitude (and charisma) problems, he is a very strong in-ring worker. He could probably carry anyone to a pretty decent match.


No chemistry issues in that match. I, also, expected a higher grade between the two. However, sometimes that happens and I am glad that the game shows that. You can have the best wrestlers in the world put on a snoozefest from time to time. I am definitely a fan of ADR. I just have to find the right spot to use him going forward. But don't expect him to leave my WWE any time soon. lol

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I only just noticed I won the predictions for RAW :D


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws



Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores



Fatal Fourway Match

Tornado Match

Chris Jericho vs. Corey Graves vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara



Kane vs. Rob Van Dam



Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose


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Friday Week 2 July 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: OH Savage Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.15




[WWE Friday Night Smackdown is brought to you on tape delay from Savage Arena in Toledo, Ohio. Michael Cole and John Layfield welcome everyone to the show and state that they have a lot to talk about after this past week's Monday Night Raw. After all, so many wrestlers made their return or debut this past week, including Sting, The Steiner Brothers, Kevin Nash, Vladimir Kozlov and Corey Graves. The camera catches a sign in the background behind the announcers: 'Bo has one huge arse bo-ner!' They talk about the fact that The Rock will be making his WWE return to Smackdown here tonight as he looks to confront The Wyatt Family. What a confrontation that should be after Monday Night Raw and The Wyatts laying out The Rock. If that wasn't enough, there was a return to the WWE of the group known as The Wolf Pack. The group was originally formed by Kevin Nash. As of Monday night, though, there are two new members in that of Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. All those returns can overshadow the fact that tonight they will have a match featuring Randy Orton against Dean Ambrose. They talk about Dean Ambrose joining the Wolf Pack this past Monday night. So Ambrose has two men to watch his back tonight in this match. Speaking of The Wolf Pack, their music begins to play in the background.]




[Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose head toward the ring through the crowd as cheers reign throughout the audience for the brand new version of the Wolf Pack. They leap the barricade and step inside the ring with Nash getting a microphone. His first words, of course, are 'Wolf Pack in the house!' The crowd cheers and a 'Wolf Pack' chant breaks through the audience. Nash gives the Wolf Pack sign, touching fingers with both Reigns and Ambrose. Nash says that very soon at BattleGround, they are going to see a brand new WWE World Heavyweight Champion and that man is standing in the ring. That man has an amazing pedigree in the WWE, being a family member of such men as The Rock, Yokozuna, The Wild Samoans and others. But now Roman Reigns has a group around him to make sure that The Authority doesn't screw him out of the World title at BattleGround. Nash says that they will definitely make sure that BattleGround ends with a worthy champion walking away with the gold. Big Sexy hands the microphone over to Roman Reigns and Reigns says that Nash took the words out of his mouth. He says that at BattleGround he will step into the ring with three men who are former World Heavyweight Champions. He is the only one who has not held the title. But that changes at BattleGround. Reigns says that he will prove that he is worthy not only to be the WWE World Champion but to be a member of the Wolf Pack. Believe that!]






[The crowd boos as this new Wolf Pack is interrupted by the presence of the WWE COO Triple H. Hunter remains standing at the top of the ramp and states that Kevin Nash made one of the biggest mistakes in his life when he turned against The Authority. He says that Nash talked about their past last week. Only, Hunter says that he has grown up from that past and is now in control of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Hunter says that this type of control is what they were fighting for, not fighting against. He says that he does know Kevin Nash very well. He knows that Nash might interfere in tonight's main event between Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton. That would not be best for business. Therefore, he is making the executive decision to ban both Kevin Nash and Roman Reigns from the building. He calls for security and several security members walk down toward the ring. The Wolf Pack seems like they are waiting for that security force, ready to fight. A seemingly endless number of security team members flood the ring. Reigns takes out one with a Superman Punch. Nash grabs one and hits the Snake Eyes. Ambrose hits one with the Dirty Deeds. But the numbers game eventually holds strong and the security team members escort Nash and Reigns out of the ring and up the stage, disappearing to backstage.]





Match #1



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The New Age Outlaws


[Our opening match features a veteran tag team in the New Age Outlaws stepping foot inside the ring with the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos. The match is a brawl in the beginning with all four men doing battle inside the ring. The announcers talk about another veteran tag team that made their return on Monday Night Raw: The Steiner Brothers. They attacked The Usos and will now face The Usos at BattleGround for the WWE World Tag Team titles if The Usos win this match tonight. The Usos send both members of The New Age Outlaws outside the ring. The Usos strike with stereo dives over the top rope, taking out both Outlaw members outside the ring. As The Usos celebrate the dives, a sign is shown in the background: 'I came to see Yoshi Tatsu!' Back inside the ring, The Outlaws take a brief spot of momentum. Billy Gunn strikes Jimmy Uso with a spinning side slam that captures a two count. Jimmy avoids a Fame-Ass-er attempt by Billy Gunn and quickly strikes him with a Samoan drop. Both men move to their corners and tag out to their partners. Jey comes in with a head of steam, striking Road Dogg with a superkick and then a leaping shoulderblock for Billy Gunn. The Usos build up their momentum, tossing Billy Gunn out of the ring. With The Road Dogg in the ring, The Usos strike him with an Alley-Us! Jey makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! The Usos with a successful title defense!]


Winners: The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 8:23)

Match Rating: C-




[We go from the ring to the backstage office area where Triple H is standing, looking eye-to-eye with Rob Van Dam. Hunter asks RVD what he wants and RVD talks about the attack by Brock Lesnar on Monday Night Raw. The fans at home are shown brief moments from that attack on Raw. When we go back to the office, Hunter asks RVD how he is feeling. He says that he been in the ring with Lesnar before so he knows how bad you can feel following Lesnar's attack. RVD says that he is mostly angry that he would be selected for an attack by a former mentor like Paul Heyman. He asks Triple H for a match with Brock Lesnar this Monday night on Raw. Triple H looks surprised, almost stunned at the match request. He asks RVD if this is what he really wants. RVD says it is and that he plans on getting revenge for the attack one on one. Triple H shrugs and agrees to the match this Monday night on Raw. That is, of course, if Rob Van Dam survives tonight. He reminds RVD that he will be facing The Demon Kane tonight here on Smackdown. If RVD survives tonight, it will be Brock's first match on Raw in a very long time.]







[The focus turns to the backstage area where Byron Saxton, the newest interviewer for the WWE, is standing by with the WWE United States Champion Sheamus. Saxton asks Sheamus about his participation in the Intercontinental title battle royal at BattleGround. Sheamus talks about the fact that he has been the WWE United States Champion for quite some time. He says that he is willing to defend that title against anyone at any time. But at BattleGround he will be inside the Intercontinental title battle royal to determine a new Intercontinental Champion. Sheamus says that he plans to unite the IC title and the U.S. title to make a brand new United Continental title belt, fella. Saxton then asks him who he thinks should get the next shot against him for the United States title. Sheamus takes a moment and then says that he will take on any man that wants to step into the ring with him and face the Brogue Kick. He says that the Celtic Warrior fears no man stepping in the ring with him, fella. In fact, he challenges anyone who wants to come face-to-face with him next week right here on Smackdown and he will put the U.S. title up for grabs.]


Match #2


Handicap Match

Rusev vs. Los Matadores


[Our second match of the evening is a handicap match as Los Matadores takes on the hero of the Russian federation, the Super-Athlete Rusev! Diego starts the match against Rusev and tries to use some speed to offset the power advantage that Rusev has. Diego uses a hit and move tactic early on, making some quick tags in and out with Fernando, keeping Rusev off-balance. The two Los Matadores make their big mistake when they go for a double vertical suplex on the powerful Russian. Rusev shows his power by blocking the suplex and then lifting both Diego and Fernando with a double suplex of his own. Rusev sends Diego out of the ring with a jumping thrust kick. He, then, turns his focus on Fernando. Lana watches outside the ring with a smile as Rusev turns Fernando inside out with a release German Suplex. With Rusev in control in the ring, Lana yells at a fan holding up a sign reading: 'I love double double E!' Rusev lifts Fernando up and sends him to the ropes, striking him with a body block. Rusev continues the attack by landing a swinging side slam. Lana calls for the ending and quickly Rusev hooks Fernando in the Camel Clutch known as The Accolade. Within moments, Fernando is tapping out.]


Winner: Rusev (Via Submission @ 5:33)

Match Rating: D




[We go to the backstage interview area where the WWE World Hevyweight Champion John Cena is standing by. Cena talks about the fact that at BattleGround he will be forced to defend his WWE World Heavyweight title against three other men. Two of those men are former WWE World Champions and the third is one of the hottest up-and-coming wrestlers in the business today in Roman Reigns. He talks about the fact that he doesn't have to be pinned or forced to submit to lose his title. All it takes is for someone to knock him out of the ring and then pin someone else. He says that is the only way that he would ever lose this title because he refuses to be pinned and refuses to submit. He talks about the fact that he has never quit since he has been in the WWE and that will never change. He says that someone would have to kill him or knock him out to get this belt from around his waist. He might have said more but he is interrupted by the presence of Paul Heyman. Heyman, with a smile, says 'Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Paul Heyman, the advocate of the man who ended the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania: Brock Lesnar.' Heyman tells John Cena that he better hope and pray to whatever god he believes in that he loses the match and the title at BattleGround. Because if he wins and keeps his title then he will have to take on the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Cena shakes his head and says that he is going to do everything in his power to win at BattleGround because he has defeated Brock Lesnar before and he will do it again at SummerSlam if he has to. Brock Lesnar might be a beast incarnate, but according to John Cena, he is still a man and a man can be beaten. Heyman actually laughs at those words from John Cena. He says that he wishes Cena good luck because there's no one else that he'd rather see get conquered at SummerSlam than John Cena. Heyman smiles and turns and walks off. Cena just stares at him as we cut away.]




[The focus turns to another backstage area where we come across a brawl in progress between Mark Henry and Cesaro! The two men are already exchanging punches back and forth with neither of them backing down from the other. These may be two of the strongest men in professional wrestling. Michael Cole wonders exactly why Mark Henry attacked Cesaro last Monday night but Cesaro definitely seems to be looking for revenge. Cesaro ducks a punch thrown by Henry and shoves Henry up against a wall. He strikes him with punches to the ribs and then backs off a little, running forward and throwing another punch to the ribs -- Henry moves! Cesaro ends up punching the wall instead! Cesaro grabs his hand in pain and Henry hits Cesaro with multiple headbutts, sending Cesaro down to his knees. Mark Henry grabs a nearby wooden chair and swings it, breaking the chair over the head and body of Cesaro. Cesaro takes the hard chair shot and falls to the floor. Once again, Mark Henry stands tall over Cesaro. Henry, once more, welcomes Cesaro to his Hall Of Pain. He warns Cesaro that he is just getting started.]





Match #3


Fatal Fourway Match

Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sin Cara vs. Corey Graves


[A fatal fourway match is next as we see the return of Chris Jericho to Smackdown taking on Dolph Ziggler, Sin Cara and Corey Graves, who made his debut Monday night on Raw. With what happened on Monday Night Raw last Monday these four men are definitely itching to do battle here. In this fatal fourway preview of the WWE Intercontinental title battle royal, all four men are legal inside the ring. The first pinfall or submission will get the victory. As one would expect, the match begins with the four men pairing up. Ziggler and Jericho exchange punches while Sin Cara throws kicks to Graves and Graves tries to move in to hit the masked man with some punches. Ziggler knocks Jericho into a corner and climbs up, raining punches down as the crowd counts along. Elsewhere, Sin Cara ends up sending Graves out of the ring. Cara bounces off the ropes and hits a diving crossbody over the top rope to the floor onto Graves! Both men are slow to get to their feet. When they do, Ziggler comes diving through the ropes to take down both men! Jericho sees the opportunity and climbs the turnbuckles. When all three men down there get to their feet, Jericho leaps and a cross body is completely missed and Jericho lands hard on the floor! Jericho grabs his knee in pain, rolling around on the floor. Officials quickly move over and EMTs step in to help Jericho to the back to get that knee looked on. But the match continues inside the ring. A fan raises a random sign in the background: 'I BO-lieve!']


[The action returns inside the ring where Dolph Ziggler and Sin Cara take turns working over the newcomer Corey Graves. Sin Cara hits a handspring back elbow on Graves in a corner. Then he whips Dolph Ziggler in, who catches Graves with a corner clothesline. Graves staggers out of the corner and Ziggler locks in a sleeper! Ziggler drives Graves down to his knees and Sin Cara strikes with a dropkick to the face of Graves, forcing a break of the Sleeper by Ziggler. Ziggler gets into an argument with Sin Cara. Instead of talking, Cara strikes with a couple of kicks on Ziggler! Sin Cara kicks Ziggler in the gut and then pulls him in for a Northern Lights Suplex, drawing a two count on the pinfall. Cara tosses Ziggler out of the ring to the floor and turns back to Graves. Sin Cara catches Graves with an Asai DDT! He makes the cover: One, Two, Foot On The Ropes! The referee calls for a break on the pinfall. Sin Cara gets to his feet and quickly ascends to the top turnbuckle. He leaps -- Falling Star! The high-angle Senton Bomb does NOT connect! Graves moved out of the way at the last moment and Sin Cara crashes hard. Graves lifts Sin Cara up into a fireman's carry position, transitioning that into a backbreaker. He makes a cover but only gets a two count. He goes for the Lucky 13 move but The Show-Off comes off the top rope with a missle dropkick that breaks the hold attempt and sends Graves stumbling outside the ring. Ziggler turns his focus back to Sin Cara, pulling the masked man up -- Zig Zag! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Dolph Ziggler gets the win but JBL complains about the injury to Chris Jericho, making it unfair that he takes a loss in this match tonight.]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 11:44)

Match Rating: C




[The action goes from inside the ring to the backstage office area where the focus is on Stephanie McMahon. Very quickly, Stephanie is joined in the office by Nikki Bella. McMahon thanks Nikki for joining her here in the office. She says that she hopes Nikki Bella enjoyed her handicap match last Monday on Raw. Nikki says that she gave it her all but two wrestlers is very difficult to take on by herself, especially with the talent of two WWE Divas. McMahon agrees with that and says that Nikki should be very angry at her sister, Brie, for being so selfish and abandoning her here in the WWE. Now, this Monday night on Raw, McMahon says that she had a very special match planned for Brie Bella because she does think ahead and so this match was ready to go before Brie decided to be selfish and quit the WWE. Since Brie is no longer here in the WWE, Nikki will simply have to take her place in this mysterious match. McMahon wishes Nikki good luck in that match. However, she will need more than luck to defeat the woman that has been chosen to face her. But no one except Stephanie and that woman will know who she is until Monday Night. With that being said, Stephanie tells Nikki to leave her office. Nikki rolls her eyes and turns, walking off, leaving Stephanie with a smile. Who is this mysterious opponent, asks Michael Cole. JBL says they will find out along with everyone else this Monday.]




[We move from the backstage area to the ringside area as the camera begins panning around the fans here in Ohio. The fans all around the arena are shown as Michael Cole and JBL hype the main event match between Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose. Suddenly, the lights dim throughout the arena and the sound of violin music begins to play. The cameras turn their focus up into the rafters of the Savage Arena. Standing in the rafters with a baseball bat in hand is Sting! The crowd goes wild for the appearance of this former WCW World Champion! Sting has his black and white face paint on and the black leather trenchcoat. Cole talks about Sting making his WWE debut last Monday night on Raw doing much the same thing, standing in the rafters and watching the action. Cole and JBL speculate on just why Sting is here but no one knows for sure except Sting himself. Just like on Raw, no answers are given as to Sting's appearance here in the WWE. Why is here? Maybe we will find out soon. The music turns off and the spotlight dims to darkness before the lights come back up and we are ready for our next match.]


Match #4


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam


[Our fourth match of the evening features one of the four wrestlers who will be battling for the WWE World title at BattleGround against one of the participants in the Intercontinental title battle royal in Rob Van Dam. The match is back and forth and features some good action by both men. RVD is definitely not one hundred percent after the attack by Brock Lesnar last Monday night and Kane takes advantage of that early and often. Early in the match, RVD sends Kane to a corner and then somersaults forward, leaping up and trying a monkey flip but Kane holds on. Kane grabs the legs of RVD and drops him with a power bomb! The crowd boos as The Big Red Monster looks down at RVD. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'Hellfire could be really useful around 4:20!' Of course, Kane will be focused on the hurt back of Mr. Friday Night. Kane catches RVD with a backbreaker and then a big boot to the face. RVD tries to fight back but Kane is relentless on the attack. Kane picks up RVD and grabs him around the throat -- Chokeslam! Kane makes the cover: One, Two, Kane pulls RVD up! The crowd boos, trying to get RVD to respond to a 'RVD' chant. Kane stands up and looks down at RVD. Michael Cole says there is an evil look in the eyes of The Devil's Favorite Demon. He picks up RVD and lifts him on his shoulder, setting him up for a Tombstone Piledriver! RVD, though, has other plans as he wiggles down the back of Kane and shoves Kane to the ropes. Kane bounces off and RVD lowers his head too soon. RVD catches a boot to the head and Kane quickly lifts RVD on his shoulders again -- Tombstone Piledriver connects this time! Kane makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 11:19)

Match Rating: B-




[We go from the ring to the backstage area where Booker T is standing by to interview a team that made their return last Monday night on Monday Night Raw: The Steiner Brothers! Booker welcomes the Steiners back to the WWE. Scott grabs the microphone and tells Booker, that has-been, to get out of his locker room and hit the bricks. Booker looks like he might go toe-to-toe with both Steiners. However, instead, he just decides to leave without a physical confrontation. Scott looks into the camera and says that Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up. Holla if you hear me! Scott says that he and his brother have come back to the WWE for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to win the WWE World Tag Team titles from an undeserving team like The Usos. Scott talks about having spent some time with the father of the Usos. As a matter of fact, he talks about how Rikishi begged him for some of his freaks back in the day and that he eventually had to turn down Rikishi because he just wasn't any good. He says that his freaks would come back to him and beg him not to send them with someone so mediocre again. Scott says that he always watches out for his freaks. Scott says that The Usos have inherited Rikishi's gene of mediocrity. He says that at BattleGround there will be new tag team champions and that will be Scott Steiner and his brother Rick. Because even today The Steiners are the best tag team in the world. Holla if you hear me!]


Match #5


Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose


[it is main event time and what a match we have signed for this Smackdown main event as Randy Orton from The Authority takes on Dean Ambrose from The Wolf Pack. Early in the match, Michael Cole says that he has been told that a six man tag team match will be signed for WWE Monday Night Raw this Monday as The Wolf Pack takes on The Authority. Inside the ring, Ambrose strikes Orton with a discus lariat and then mounts The Viper, throwing punches. The referee steps in, warning Ambrose about the punches but Ambrose doesn't seem to care. Ambrose gets to his feet and lays in a couple of stomps as Orton rolls outside the ring to the floor to catch a breath. That moment is quickly interrupted when Ambrose goes flying with a suicide dive outside the ring, bringing Orton down to the floor. Ambrose stands up and poses for the crowd before picking up Orton. He whips Orton into the barricade, charging in. Orton ducks and sends Ambrose over the barricade and into the first row where fans duck to get out of the way. Orton rolls in the ring and back out to break the count. He walks over to Ambrose and brings him over the barricade the hard way with a vertical suplex. The suplex hits the floor hard and even Orton is feeling the effects. Orton yanks Ambrose up and begins choking him on the barricade, yelling at a fan in the first row. Orton releases the choke and whips Ambrose into the steel steps. Ambrose trips over the steps and lands hard on the other side. He is definitely in a lot of pain right now. The crowd's boos grow louder, though, as three men walk out from the back.]




[Those three men are Triple H, Seth Rollins and Kane. Triple H applauds the work by Randy Orton as the three men surround the ring on three sides. Orton sends Ambrose back inside the ring and begins laying in stomps on Ambrose. The last one strikes Ambrose in the face, Orton pushing down on Ambrose with his boot. Orton grabs the top rope and moves his boot onto the throat of Ambrose, the boos reigning in. The referee steps in and Orton breaks at a four count. Orton gets the referee's attention and Seth Rollins throws a punch to Dean Ambrose from outside the ring. The crowd boos loudly at this outside interference. Orton comes back and locks Ambrose in a headlock, swinging over and bringing Ambrose to the mat, scoring a two count. Both men slowly get to their feet and Orton catches Ambrose with a full nelson slam! Orton makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Orton yells at the referee and then pulls Ambrose to his feet. He sends Ambrose outside the ring and then hooks him in a rope-hung DDT position. But before he can land the move, Ambrose drops his feet to the mat and swings around, rolling up Orton: One, Two, Kickout!]


[Dean Ambrose catches Randy Orton with a DDT of his own, getting the crowd on their feet. Ambrose exits the ring, climbing to the top turnbuckle. He looks at Orton, waiting for The Viper to get to his feet. Orton stands and turns around -- double axehandle from Ambrose to Orton! The crowd cheers as Ambrose hits a snap elbow drop, scoring a two count pinfall on Orton. Orton rolls out of the ring but Ambrose quickly follows him outside the ring. Ambrose chases Orton around the ring but takes a clothesline from Kane! Triple H has the referee's attention so the referee did not see the sneak attack. Kane rams Ambrose into the ring post before tossing him back inside the ring. Orton climbs in, looking very arrogant as he poses, drawing in loud boos from the crowd. Orton pulls Ambrose up and swings him outside the ring, getting Ambrose in the rope-hung DDT position one more time -- Rope-Hung DDT connects! Ambrose is down in the ring and Orton rolls over onto his stomach, beginning to pound the mat with his fists. Orton begins to stand up, waiting for Ambrose to join him -- RKO -- NO! Ambrose blocks the RKO attempt and gets Orton in position for Dirty Deeds. Triple H climbs onto the apron and Ambrose releases Orton, going after Triple H. Hunter drops down, still holding the referee's attention, though. Ambrose turns back to Orton -- briefcase shot by Seth Rollins! The crowd boos as Rollins slides out of the ring. Orton pulls Ambrose to his feet -- RKO! Orton makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 17:07)

Match Rating: B+




[The four-on-one advantage by The Authority scores the victory for Randy Orton tonight. The crowd boos as Triple H, Kane and Seth Rollins join Randy Orton in the ring for the post-match celebration. The four men begin to stomp on the fallen Dean Ambrose, drawing in more boos from the crowd. After all, The Wolf Pack are banned from being in the building tonight so Ambrose has no one to save him tonight. Triple H guides the attack, motioning for Kane to hit Ambrose with a choke slam. Kane grabs Ambrose around the throat and Ambrose manages a kick to Kane -- a second kick -- a third one breaks the grip around his throat. Ambrose tries to move in but Seth Rollins catches Ambrose with a low blow from behind. The crowd boos the Pearl Harbor job by Seth Rollins. Hunter continues to orchestrate things as he has Kane grab Ambrose by the throat again. Kane is choking Ambrose and Ambrose is slowly running out of fight. Suddenly, the titan-tron lights up showing the parking lot of the arena and all of the attention, including the attention in the ring turns toward the video screen.]


[The voice of Kevin Nash tells Triple H that he's not so sure if Triple H should do that or not. The camera pans to the left, showing a very large monster truck in the parking lot with the Wolf Pack painted on the side. In the driver's seat is Roman Reigns! Nash asks Triple H if he recognizes the car in front of them. The camera zooms in, showing a very expensive looking car that is obviously owned by Triple H. Nash tells them that if they want the car to survive tonight then they will exit the ring and leave Dean Ambrose alone. Triple H tells Kane to stop as he still has Ambrose by the throat. Hunter, Rollins, Kane and Orton all step back and exit the ring at the direction of Triple H. Ambrose pulls himself up using the ropes and leaves through the crowd. Nash tells Triple H that he is so gullible. Then the monster truck drives forward, crushing the King Of King's vehicle underneath the truck! The crowd cheers as Triple H goes crazy at ringside! The Authority turn and run, heading toward the back to get a good look at what happened to Triple H's car. But we are not done yet.]






[Following a commercial break, the music of the man who invented the Smackdown name, The Rock, begins to play. The crowd here in Ohio are standing on their feet as the man with many names walks down toward the ring and steps inside. He pauses for a moment as 'Rocky' chants break out throughout the arena. A sign is raised in the background: 'We want a Rock!' He raises the microphone up slowly and says that finally The Rock has come back...to Smackdown! The Rock says that The Rock is very happy to return home to the WWE. He says The Rock is happy to get things started again toward another title run by the People's Champion. Wouldn't everyone here in the arena and the fans watching at home like to see John Cena Versus The Rock number three? The fans cheer at the thought of that matchup. But, The Rock says, The Rock needs to turn some attention to the group that interrupted his return to Monday Night Raw this past Monday night: The Wyatt Family. The Rock invites all three members of The Wyatt Family to the ring so that he can talk to all three of them. He says that he doesn't want to interrupt their dinner of beans and franks over a fire in a trash can but if they can climb out of their cardboard boxes on the street and enter the ring he wants to come face-to-face with the three of them right here on Smackdown.]






['Live In Fear' begins to play and out from the back comes Bray Wyatt leading out the other two members of The Wyatt Family. The three men walk slowly and carefully down toward the ring. As they walk, The Rock tells them not to hurry on The Rock's account. The three members of the Wyatt Family enter the ring and face-off against The Rock. The Rock says that The Rock's glad they came down here when The Rock called them. The Rock's about to tell them what The Rock wants to say but first of all the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans are chanting The Rock's name. (Rocky, Rocky, Rocky). Now, last Monday Night, you and your dirty shirt guys had some things to say about The Rock and the people. You said that The Rock has followers. Of course, The Rock has followers. The Rock has many followers...on twitter at @TheRock. But the people are the ones who have chosen The Rock to be the People's Champion. That is why they walk alongside The Rock. That is why they support The Brahma Bull. But I've been taking up a lot of time here. The Rock has said some of The Rock's peace. Now The Rock wants to know what you are thinking, Bray Wyatt...it doesn't MATTER what you are thinking! What matters is that you stepped on the wrong side of the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, the best in the present, future or past and gonna end tonight by whooping that homeless ass Great One! The Rock drops the microphone and begins throwing punches, taking The Wyatt Family off-guard. He catches Luke Harper with a clothesline over the top rope. He tries for The Rock Bottom on Erick Rowan but Rowan elbows his way out. The 6'8" Rowan catches The Rock with a pumphandle backbreaker. Bray Wyatt walks over to the turnbuckle and then bends over backward, crab-walking toward The Rock. Wyatt laughs as he moves The Rock into position for Sister Abigail's Kiss. But before he can hit the move, here comes the cavalry!]




[surprisingly, the cavalry comes in the form of Goldust and Stardust! The two Rhodes brothers knock Harper into the barricade outside the ring and then climb in to be met head-on by Erick Rowan. They duck a double clothesline by Rowan and Stardust blows some dust in the eyes of Rowan! Rowan is blinded by the 'dust' and gets kicked in the gut and then brought over in a double suplex by Goldust and Stardust. The moment gives The Rock time to recover and he fights his way out of the Bray Wyatt finisher. The Rock catches Bray Wyatt with a kick to the gut and then a Standing Spinebuster! The Rock is quickly up and stands over Wyatt, looking ready to hit The People's Elbow! He removes an elbow pad and instead of it going to the fans, Goldust quickly grabs for it and takes it, momentarily distracting The Rock. Goldust holds the elbow pad tight to his body, showing a definite claim to it. The Rock shrugs and bounces off the ropes once, twice but before he can hit the People's Elbow, Luke Harper reaches in and pulls Bray Wyatt out of the path of The People's Elbow. The Wyatt Family stands outside the ring, while The Rock, Goldust and Stardust stand inside the ring. The team inside the ring celebrate as the show comes to a conclusion. Why did Goldust and Stardust help The Rock? Maybe we'll get some answers this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. Make sure you tune in to the USA network where we will see matches already signed such as Brock Lesnar versus Rob Van Dam and The Authority versus The Wolf Pack! As we come to a close, a random sign is seen in the background: 'We want Maryse!']

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Smackdown is jhd1 as he was the only one to get a perfect score of 5/5!


1. codeydbw=2 Wins

The Lloyd=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

packerman120=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

7. JShmoopy=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

14. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We are less than one week away from WWE BattleGround. We are coming to you live from the John E. Worthen Arena for this go-home episode of WWE Monday Night Raw! After last week's episode which saw the return of many wrestlers such as Sting, The Steiner Brothers and Kevin Nash, this week's episode promises to bring you the same type of action that you expect from Monday Night Raw.


-The main event has already been set by the WWE COO Triple H. On one side of the ring we will have the three members of the group known as The Authority: Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins. On the other side of the ring comes the group known as The Wolf Pack: veteran wrestler Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. This should be an explosive match between these two teams as we prepare for our Fatal Fourway match at BattleGround, including several wrestlers in this match: Roman Reigns, Randy Orton and Kane.


-Last week, Brock Lesnar made his return to the WWE in a big way. He stepped into the ring while Rob Van Dam was in there and gave him a triple power bomb and a F-5. On Smackdown, RVD asked Triple H for this match tonight and Triple H agreed to the contest. Can Rob Van Dam get revenge against the man known as The Beast Incarnate? Or will Brock Lesnar prove his dominance in this match.


-In a very special sit-down interview, Michael Cole interviews Rey Mysterio. Mysterio has missed some time due to injury and surely has a lot to say. Michael Cole has said that this interview, which was taped last week, is a very interesting watch.


-Right here on Monday Night Raw, we are going to see a power lifting contest between two of the strongest men in the World Wrestling Entertainment. Hosted by Booker T, the two participants in this match are the man known as The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry against Cesaro. Cesaro is considered to be one of the strongest men in the WWE. Can he out-lift the World's Strongest Man?


-Our WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena has been placed in a match here on Monday Night Raw that Triple H has said will be a good warm-up for him as he gets set to defend the title at BattleGround. Cena's opponent is none other than the high-flying Kofi Kingston. Kingston could really shoot his way up the rankings by defeating John Cena in this non title bout. But Cena could also build a lot of momentum for BattleGround. Of course, Seth Rollins is always lurking around with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Is this the week that he cashes in?


-The show will be opening up this week with the arrival of former WWE World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. Punk has been gone for a very long time and has said he has a very special announcement to make here tonight on Monday Night Raw. What will this announcement be? How will it effect the landscape of the WWE?


-The undefeated Bo Dallas defends his unbeaten streak against Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus defends the WWE United States Title against Fandango, Nikki Bella faces a mystery opponent selected by Stephanie McMahon, The Wyatt Family will be here, Rusev and Lana are sure to be here plus much more! Make sure you tune in to the USA network on Monday night for Monday Night Raw!


Prediction Listing


Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler



Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige



Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena



Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango



Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler



Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige



Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena



Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango



Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)

Comments: DRAW


Fun Fan Signs: Steve Blackman for Wolf Pack!

Bo will bo-ne Ziggler!



Comments On Previous Show:

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler



Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige



Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango



Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)



Fun Fan Signs: Ve love Double V Double V E! (That's how Cesaro would say it.)

We Want Elijah Burke!




Comments On Previous Show:

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler



Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige



Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena



Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango



Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)


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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: I BOlieve!


Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige

Comments: Layla seems like the odd woman out.


Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena

Comments: Kofi is such an easy JTTS.


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke

Comments: Wow, Sasuke? Bringing in the big guns to put Corey over, eh?


WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango

Comments: Fandango had his fifteen minutes of fame, now he jobs to oblivion.


Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Pretty easy one to figure, the only way Brock doesn't destroy is if he gets DQ'd.


The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)

Comments: Kane seems built to take the fall here.


Fun Fan Signs:

I turned my back on the Wolf Pack, I'm not in a body bag


Comments On Previous Show: Seemed like a pedestrian show, but that's okay for Smackdown. Also, may have just been coming off such a big Raw. Regardless, a solid show.

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler



Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige



Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena



Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango



Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)



Fun Fan Signs:

Don't tear your quad Nash!

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Jericho costs Dolph this one, unless he's legitimately injured.


Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige

Comments: So much potential for this to be a great match with the Divas involved. Nattie & Paige are more talented though, so they get the pick.


Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena

Comments: Is Kofi suddenly a heel? This should be interesting either way.


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke

Comments: Seems like it could go either way, but I get the impression Graves isn't supposed to be just a jobber.


WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango

Comments: Sheamus is more over, but I'd still like to see more from Faaaaaahn Daaaaaaaahn Ghoooooo!


Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: The Conqueror takes this one easily over Mr. Monday Night.


The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)

Comments: This is hard one to pick, but I'm definitely hoping that The Wolf Pack get one back against The Authority.

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Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler


Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige


Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke


WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango


Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam


The Authority (Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins) vs. The Wolf Pack (Kevin Nash, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose)

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WWE NXT Wrestling begins with a women's match as Bayley takes on Sasha Banks. The match is a true back and forth contest between the two women as they both look to raise themselves in the rankings of the women's division. This is also a rematch from last week. We also see the same result as Banks catches Bayley with the move known as Bankrupt. She makes the cover and gets a three count.


In the backstage area, Big Show talks with NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes about his future here in WWE NXT. Dusty Rhodes tells Big Show that he's glad to see him here in NXT and that he can be a big help to showing the ropes to all of the next generation of wrestling superstars. After all, these new superstars have to learn how to do the clubbering thing right. Show agrees but says he has some things to take care of tonight against both Alberto Del Rio and Justin Gabriel.


Our semi main event match features The Great Khali in action as he takes on the one man rock band Heath Slater. The match is not as great as anyone would want to see but fairly good here in WWE NXT. Slater does get some moves in and actually looks good for a decent part of the match. Khali, however, scores the pinfall following a Khali chop.


The main event is a good one as it features Big Show teaming with Big E against Alberto Del Rio and Justin Gabriel. The match sees a lot more technical movements on the side of Del Rio and Gabriel and more brawling on the side of Big Show and Big E. The crowd definitely gets into this match as Del Rio focuses on the arm of Big E. The ending comes as all four men are in the ring. Big Show is taken out of the ring with a double clothesline by Del Rio and Gabriel. Del Rio scores the pinfall when he takes Big E over with a bridging German Suplex. The night ends with Del Rio and Gabriel celebrating their victory.

WWE – NXT – Alberto Del Rio


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Monday Week 3 July 2014

Location: IN John E. Worthen Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,156

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.51




[This episode of Monday Night Raw begins with a hype video recap of the happenings on WWE Smackdown this past Friday night. The focus of this recap video is on the main event match between Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose. Of course earlier in the night, Triple H banned both Kevin Nash and Roman Reigns from the building. This led to some interference by The Authority helping Randy Orton score the victory on this night. But the team known as The Wolf Pack got the last laugh as Kevin Nash and Roman Reigns drove a monster truck outside the arena over the limousine of Triple H! The Authority could not believe that and ran to the back to see the damage.]




[This episode of Monday Night Raw features the commentary of Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield and Jerry Lawler! Cole welcomes everyone to the John E. Worthen Arena in Muncie Indiana for the show this evening which should be a great one! The three announcers discuss the main event for this evening which is scheduled to be a six man tag team match between The Authority and The Wolf Pack. The Wolf Pack seemed to have gotten the best of The Authority last Friday night on Smackdown. Will The Authority have an answer to The Wolf Pack tonight? That remains to be seen. We are also six days away from BattleGround where John Cena will defend the WWE World Heavyweight title in a Fatal Fourway match against Randy Orton, Kane and Roman Reigns. A fan standing behind the announcers raises a sign reading: 'We Want Elijah Burke!' As the announcers continue to talk, they are interrupted by some very familiar music.]




[The crowd breaks out in a chant of 'CM Punk, CM Punk, CM Punk!' as they recognize the music that is playing. The attention turns to the top of the ramp where the crowd goes crazy as we see the return to a WWE ring of CM Punk. Punk walks out from the back and calls out 'It's Clobbering Time!' He walks toward the ring and steps inside with a microphone in his right hand. He drops down in the middle of the ring, sitting cross-legged as he listens to the crowd cheering his return. He says that it's good to be back here in Indiana and good to be back in a WWE ring. He says that he has been sitting at home and doing a lot of thinking. He says that he has been given the live microphone this night to speak his mind. He says that he has only one pipe bomb left in him. That pipe bomb is that tonight is the last night you will ever see him in a WWE ring. He says that he has accomplished everything that he could ever want to accomplish in a WWE ring...aside from main eventing WrestleMania. But, he says, those types of main events are reserved for part-time guys like The Rock and Brock Lesnar and all of those other guys that head off to Hollywood and Ultimate Fighting and failed attempts at the NFL. He says that he wants to thank all of his fans for allowing him to compete in front of them. He stands to his feet and looks like he might be ready to exit the ring when music begins to play.]






[The crowd looks toward the top of the ramp where AJ Lee walks out and heads right toward the ring. The announcers don't seem to know why she is here at first. Then JBL talks about AJ Lee being the wife of CM Punk. AJ skips around the ring and then shakes her head, entering the ring by sliding underneath the bottom rope. She looks at CM Punk and takes the microphone from him. She tells her husband that she is very thankful for what the WWE has given the two of them. After all, the WWE is the reason that the two of them met. She drops the microphone and jumps in his arms, the two of them sharing a kiss. Punk smiles, exiting the ring with AJ Lee in his arms. The two of them pause at the top of the ramp with Punk looking back toward the ring, back toward the crowd. Then he disappears to the back with his wife.]





Match #1


Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler


[Our first match of the evening features the undefeated Bo Dallas taking on The Show-Off Dolph Ziggler. The opening match features some good offense by both men as they look to secure some momentum heading into the Intercontinental title battle royal at BattleGround. Dallas catches Ziggler with several running knee drops and makes the cover, scoring a two count on the Show-Off. Dallas plays to a booing crowd for a moment and then sets up Ziggler for the Running Bo-Dog but Ziggler pushes Dallas off. Dallas lands on his feet and turns into a superkick by Ziggler. Ziggler makes the cover and draws a two count. An upset fan raises a sign reading: 'Bo will bo-ne Ziggler!' Ziggler gets the rest of the crowd behind him as he looks down toward the man who's motto is to Bo-Lieve. Ziggler hooks a Sleeper on Dallas. Dallas struggles in the hold but he might be going out! Dallas drops to his knees but then turns, bringing Ziggler over with a belly-to-back suplex. The ending segment of the match comes as Bo Dallas goes for a second Running Bo-Dog. For the second time, he is pushed off by Ziggler -- Zig-Zag! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 8:25)

Match Rating: C-




[The undefeated streak of Bo Dallas has been ended on this Monday Night Raw six days before BattleGround! JBL cannot believe that this 'great' winning streak has been ended by anyone! Dolph Ziggler gets his hand raised but he turns right into a Codebreaker by Chris Jericho. Jericho had snuck into the ring as Ziggler got his hand raised. Jericho smiles as he looks down to the fallen Ziggler. He grabs the legs and turns Ziggler over into the Walls Of Jericho! He sits back and Ziggler begins tapping out due to the pain of the hold. But this isn't a match. It's a Pearl Harbor job to say the least. Jericho releases the hold after a couple of minutes and stands tall, looking down to the fallen Dolph Ziggler. He laughs and shakes his head before exiting the ring and ignoring the boos that echo from the crowd to the man known as Y2J.]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Booker T is standing by to interview the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Booker asks Cena about his upcoming title defense in six days at BattleGround against three of the top WWE athletes in the business. Cena says that the champ is here! He also says that he will be able to say the exact same thing one week from tonight when Monday Night Raw begins. As a matter of fact, he guarantees that he will walk away from BattleGround with the WWE title belt still around his waist. That means that he guarantees to beat three of the toughest men in the WWE. Everyone knows about how tough The Viper is. He has the smarts and cunning of a snake. Though Randy Orton may have the vision of a snake, you can't see me. Then there's the Devil's Favorite Demon. Or should he say the Authority's Favorite Demon. He says that he's beaten Kane before and BattleGround will be no different. Then there's the former member of the Shield: Roman Reigns. Reigns is young and hungry. But he doesn't know what it takes to hold this WWE World title. He will learn in this match as Cena says he will do whatever it takes to keep the title. Booker asks for a few brief words about Cena's match tonight against Kofi Kingston. Cena says that Kofi is a great athlete and he shows it every year at the Royal Rumble. But this isn't over the top rope. This is pinfall, this is submission, this is the CeNation.]




[The crowd cheers some as Nikki Bella comes down to the ring for her mystery match against an opponent selected by one of the principal owners of the WWE: Stephanie McMahon. As Bella is stretching in the corner, the music of the Billion Dollar Princess begins to play and out comes McMahon. McMahon walks down to the ring and steps inside, telling Nikki that her opponent tonight is already here in the building. But she wanted to come out one more time and explain why bad things are happening to her. It is all because her sister, Brie, abandoned her during this time of need. She says that Brie is a coward and chose to leave the WWE because of her husband. She put her own needs and her husband's needs over her own flesh and blood, over her own sister. Stephanie says that this kind of betrayal is unforgivable. She says she doesn't know what she would do if her brother betrayed her in this fashion. As Stephanie has Nikki's attention, another woman comes down to the ring through the crowd.]




[This woman is recognized by long-time fans as Victoria. Victoria enters the ring behind Nikki. Nikki slowly turns and catches a superkick by Victoria! The crowd boos as Victoria shakes hands with Stephanie McMahon. She picks up Nikki and hooks her -- Widow's Peak! The move connects, sending Nikki face-first on the mat. The crowd boos even louder as Victoria wipes off some sweat and throws it down on the fallen Nikki Bella. She walks over and holds the ropes open for Stephanie McMahon and Stephanie smiles, exiting the ring. Victoria follows her to the back. It looks like we might not get a match here tonight but Victoria has definitely made an impact six days away from BattleGround.]




[From the ring, we head to the backstage area where Triple H is standing in his office. He has a big smile on his face after watching what just happened with his wife in that ring. He says that the last 'match' has inspired him to make a decision on another match tonight on WWE Raw. Up next is a tag team match pitting Layla and AJ Lee against the WWE Diva's Champion Paige and Natalya. He states that if Layla or Natalya pick up the win in this match, they will be added in to the WWE Diva's title match at BattleGround. So that would make it a triple threat match for the Diva's title. He says that he hopes you're enjoying Monday Night Raw as he makes the decisions that he knows are Best For Business.]





Match #2


Layla and AJ Lee vs. Natalya and Paige


[Paige and AJ Lee begin this tag match and are definitely reluctant to make any tags to Layla and Natalya. They do not want to risk their one on one match at BattleGround to become a triple threat match. So this match looks more like a one on one match between Paige and AJ Lee as the two Divas go back and forth. Paige gets a control over AJ Lee during the match, locking her in a Cloverleaf in the center of the ring but AJ refuses to give up. She shakes her head and begins pulling herself toward the ropes. AJ nearly gets to the ropes when Layla reaches in and tags herself in, striking Paige from behind with a clothesline! The fresh Layla shows some definite control, scoring a two count following a springboard cross body! Layla plays to the crowd for a moment but this gives Natalya a chance to tag herself in. Natalya rushes in with a series of clotheslines on Layla. The crowd is solidly behind Natalya as she brings down Layla with a powerslam! Natalya knocks AJ off the apron and then grabs the legs of Layla -- Sharpshooter! Layla struggles briefly and then has to tap out! Natalya will join AJ Lee and Paige at BattleGround!]


Winners: Natalya and Paige (Via Submission @ 9:43)

Match Rating: D+




[The screen goes a little snowy and filled with static before it shows darkness. In the darkness comes the light of a lantern showing the faces of Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt smiles and laughs about last week's return of the man known as The Rock. Wyatt talks about how The Rock thinks he is coming back home but there is no home for a man that has abandoned his family. He says that The Rock will never be welcomed back into the place that he considers his home because this family will destroy him. Wyatt promises a surprise for The Rock if he dares to show up at BattleGround. He wonders if The Rock is strong enough to follow the Buzzards. He finally warns The Rock that he will be there. Then he blows out the light and leaves the screen in darkness.]




[From The Wyatts we move to The Authority where Triple H is standing within his office. He adjusts his tie and says that he has to make certain decisions here in the WWE that the fans may not appreciate. But he knows that they are Best For Business. Sometimes, though, he gets to make decisions that the fans may actually appreciate on the outside. He says that he believes that this will be one of those moments. He says that he has recently been looking all around the world for some of the greatest talent to come here to the WWE. Some of this talent has been bigger men and some of this talent has been smaller, faster men. Therefore, he has made the decision to revive the WWE Cruiserweight title. He says that next week right here on Monday Night Raw a tournament will begin that will end at Summerslam to crown a new WWE Cruiserweight champion. He says that he is looking forward to seeing these wrestlers compete as he brings in men from all around the world to find the greatest Cruiserweight wrestler.]




[A hype video begins highlighting one of the newest teams to arrive in the WWE. This team will be known as The Roughhouse Riders. The video shows these two men in a darkened city, hitting knuckles and then moving into an alley where they stop a man from robbing an old lady. They toss this robber up against the wall of a building and tell him that robbing doesn't pay. They say that it definitely will not pay when they arrive in World Wrestling Entertainment. The larger man looks into the camera and says that the tag team division in the WWE is about to get rough.]


Match #3


The Steiner Brothers vs. Los Matadores


[The very first WWE tag team match for The Steiner Brothers in many years right here on Monday Night Raw as they take on Los Matadores. The match breaks up early on as all four men do battle in the ring. The Steiner Brothers send both members of Los Matadores outside the ring with Steinerlines and then Rick runs around barking before dropping to all fours. Scott Steiner stands over his brother, flexing his muscles. The match is definitely a show-off for The Steiner Brothers, focusing on their remaining chemistry inside the ring as partners. Scott shows some great moves, including catching Fernando with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, throwing Fernando all the way across the ring! Diego comes running in and is cut off by a Steinerline from older brother Rick. He swings behind Diego and catches him with a German Suplex, throwing Diego across the ring. El Torito enters the ring and is sent to the mat with a Steinerline by Scott! The crowd boos loudly as Scott took the bull down and then locks on a Steiner Recliner on El Torito! Torito is tossed out of the ring after the Recliner and the match continues until Diego is caught by Scott with a top-rope Frankensteiner! Scott makes the cover, scoring the three count.]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 6:23)

Match Rating: C-




[The Steiner Brothers might have scored the victory but it's the music of The Usos that begins to play as Jey and Jimmy run down toward the ring. They meet the Steiner Brothers head-on inside the ring and exchange punches back and forth, standing toe-to-toe with the veteran tag team! Jey ducks a Steinerline attempt by Rick and then takes him over the top rope with a clothesline! Jimmy and Jey team together to send Scott over the top rope! The two Usos look at each other in the ring and begin the 'Uso' chant that the crowd gets into. The Usos bounce off the ropes and leap over the top rope, catching both Steiner Brothers with diving crossbodies on the floor outside the ring! The crowd goes nuts, cheering on The Usos as the WWE World Tag Team Champions stand tall on this night.]




[After the ring has cleared, 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play and out from the crowd comes one of the participants in the Fatal Fourway at BattleGround for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: Roman Reigns. He walks down through the crowd and leaps the barricade before climbing inside the ring. Reigns has a microphone in hand and he says that in six days he is not just going to beat one man. He is going to beat two men. He is going to beat three men. He is going to walk out of a BattleGround as the brand new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He says that John Cena can talk about his CeNation, Randy Orton and Kane have The Authority but it doesn't seem like he has anything or anyone backing him up. At one point in his life, he had men like Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins watching his back. That was, until he realized that Superman doesn't need anyone watching his back. Superman can do this job alone. But then he got approached by Kevin Nash about becoming a member of the Wolf Pack. Who could turn that down? He says that when he wins the WWE World Heavyweight title at BattleGround, he is not finished there. He is coming for the man known as The King Of Kings. He is coming for the head of The Authority. He is coming for Triple H. Believe that.]


[As Roman Reigns stands in the ring, the lights dim and the sound of violins begins to play. The crowd get on their feet as the spotlight shows standing in the rafters the man they call Sting! Instead of standing in the rafters as he did last week, Sting begins walking down through the crowd, following much the same path that Roman Reigns did when he walked to the ring. Sting climbs over the barricade and Reigns watches as Sting enters the ring, carrying his baseball bat. Sting gets right in the face of Roman Reigns but Reigns doesn't back down. Sting raises the baseball bat, pressing it to the chest of Reigns, pushing Reigns backward a few steps. Reigns looks down at Sting as Sting turns the bat the other way around, handing it to Reigns. Reigns takes the bat and Sting turns his back to the former Shield member. Reigns looks around to the crowd for a moment and then taps Sting on the back with the baseball bat. He hands the bat to Sting and smiles a moment before he exits the ring and moves back through the crowd.]




[We move from the ring to the back where Renee Young is set to interview Kofi Kingston. Renee tells Kofi that tonight might be one of the biggest matches of his career as he takes on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. Kofi says that this is the biggest match of his career without a doubt. It's even bigger than when he faced Randy Orton. He talks about the fact that the WWE title picture always seems to be a little too white bread in this company. However, tonight, a man of color will step into the ring against the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Even though this match is non title, Kingston says that he will prove that he deserves a title match in the future. Kingston says that tonight he will drop the boom on John Cena.]


Match #4


Non Title Match

John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston


[This is a match that could easily be a main event anywhere in this country or any other country. The 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants come out early in the match and often throughout the match. Before the match can begin, Cena offers a handshake to Kingston but Kingston slaps away Cena's hand. He seems a lot more focused in this match than his usual fun-loving persona would have him show. The man from Ghana West Africa nearly scores an early win after he brings down Cena with a hurricanrana and scores a two count in the first few minutes of the bout. The match is fairly open between the two wrestlers as both of them get to show their talent inside the ring. Ten minutes into a back and forth match, Kingston strikes Cena with a SOS in the center of the ring. Kingston makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Kingston slaps the mat angrily, wondering what he has to do to put John Cena away! Kingston drops Cena with a Russian legsweep and then heads to the top turnbuckle. Kingston leaps and catches Cena with a cross body block but still only gets a two count! Kingston goes for Trouble In Paradise but Cena avoids the kick. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion hits Kingston with a running, leaping shoulder block. He hits it again! He ducks a punch and brings Kingston down with a spinning side slam and then raises his hand -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Kingston slowly gets to his feet and Cena raises him up -- Attitude Adjustment! Cena makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 14:54)

Match Rating: B-




[John Cena has been through a rough and tumble match tonight against Kofi Kingston. Cena looks definitely worse-for-wear as he pulls himself up using the ropes. He has been in a war for nearly fifteen minutes. 'The Second Coming' begins to play and Cena smirks as Seth Rollins comes out from the back carrying his Money In The Bank briefcase. He is stomping his way down toward the ring with this briefcase but he gets blindsided...by a fan? No, wait, that's no fan! Dean Ambrose has leaped the barricade, bringing Rollins down! Ambrose promised never to let Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase! Ambrose throws punches and Rollins rolls the mount over. Both men are throwing punches as security and the fun police come down to the ringside area to break these two men up. JBL says that John Cena is lucky here tonight! Security hold back Ambrose and Rollins, escorting them both to the back.]





Match #5


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke


[Our fifth match this evening features two men who will be competing in the Cruiserweight tournament as Corey Graves takes on a wrestling legend in The Great Sasuke. JBL schools the other two commentators on the correct pronunciation of Sasuke. Sasuke shows his great ability when he sends Graves outside the ring and then leaps over the top rope in a suicide dive, a move normally done through the middle and top rope. Sasuke catches Graves with a low angle savate kick from the apron to the floor! The match returns to the ring where Sasuke goes for a tornado DDT but gets pushed off by Graves. Graves takes down Sasuke with a clothesline. Within a few minutes, Graves hook Sasuke in the Lucky 13. Graves holds on to the ropes to get some extra leverage and Sasuke has no choice but to submit, giving Graves his first win here on WWE Monday Night Raw!]


Winner: Corey Graves (Via Submission @ 6:25)

Match Rating: D-




[When the ring is cleared, Booker T calls out both Mark Henry and Cesaro to the ring. With Cesaro's entrance, he pauses by a fan sign that reads: 'Ve love Double V Double V E!' Henry and Cesaro look like they are both ready to fight but Booker T steps in between them, telling them that this is not about fighting. It's about weight-lifting. In the ring is a weight-lifting bench and Booker T says that Mark Henry will go first. Mark Henry has them add more weight to the dumbbell. He slides in underneath the weight, lying on the weight bench. The World's Strongest Man easily does ten reps. He sets the weight back up and then tells Cesaro to beat that. Cesaro shrugs and has them add more weight. The Swiss Superman moves underneath the weight and begins his own lifts. He gets to eight reps with more weight than Mark Henry did when Henry grabs the weight. He pushes it down on the throat of Cesaro! Cesaro is choking and struggling with Mark Henry to get the weight off his throat. Henry finally shoves the weight to the side and catches Cesaro with a big boot to the side of the head. Booker T calls for officials to come and stop this but they only get there after Mark Henry hits Cesaro with the World's Strongest Slam! The crowd boos as the officials finally pull Mark Henry away but Cesaro has definitely taken some pain in the Hall Of Pain tonight.]




[From the ring, we head to the backstage area for an interview with everyone's favorite inspirational leader Bo Dallas. Dallas says that, yes, he lost tonight against Dolph Ziggler and it looked awful but that's not a bad thing. You see, everyone loses every now and then. It's how you respond to that loss that determines whether you're a winner or a loser. He says that he is going to respond to the loss by winning the WWE Intercontinental title at BattleGround this Sunday. Dallas says that he can beat the nineteen other men that will be in the ring with him. All he has to do is Bo-Lieve!]


Match #6



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Fandango


[The crowd sings along with Fandango's music when he and Layla dance down to the ring for this United States title match against Sheamus. During the match, it is announced that the winner of this match will face Rusev on Smackdown for the WWE United States title. The winner of this match is never really in doubt as Sheamus has control for the majority of the match. Sheamus scores a two count following an Irish Curse backbreaker. Fandango tries to escape to the outside of the ring but gets caught by Sheamus. Sheamus holds him on the apron and begins giving those forearm shots as the crowd counts along. The match returns to the ring where Fandango is struck with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus makes the cover and gets the three count!]


Winner: Sheamus (Via Pinfall @ 5:31)

Match Rating: C+




[With the ring cleared, Lana brings Rusev from the back and the two of them enter the ring. Lana says that ever since she has arrived in this putrid state of Indiana she can only think of one thing. That is leaving the state of Indiana. But she has also been thinking about the superheroes that you stupid Americans worship. Men like Batman and Superman. Men who could never stand up to the Russian Superheroes like Omega Red and Colossus. She says that you stupid Americans are ignorant to what is truly considered the best in countries other than the USA. Other people worship the power that is the might of Mother Russia. She says that Russia doesn't need people like Superman to save them. Instead their Superheroes go out and take over other lands. They are men like Vladimir Putin.]




[At this point, the man known as Kozlov comes from the back for the second week in a row to interrupt Lana. Kozlov enters the ring and has a microphone saying that the Double Double E Universe only wants to do what is best for their promotion. And what is truly best for business is for someone to shut Lana and Rusev up. Lana points out that it has to be a Russian to step up for America and for the WWE. Kozlov points out that he is proud to now be an American. He says that he is an Immigrant that has come to this great nation and become a true American. Kozlov begins leading a USA chant before he gets blindsided by Rusev! Rusev brings Kozlov to the mat with a clothesline and begins stomping on him. Lana guides Rusev to hook on the Accolade! Rusev begins to hook on the hold when....]






[The crowd cheers loudly as The Hurricane comes running out toward the ring and slides inside. Rusev releases Kozlov and The Hurricane gets right into Rusev's face! He is jawing with the Super Athlete! The Hurricane dodges a punch and begins hitting Rusev with forearm smashes, surprising the Russian Brute! The Hurricane kicks Rusev below the belt and then makes the signal for The Hurri-Chokeslam! The Hurricane grabs Rusev by the throat but there's no way he can get Rusev up for a chokeslam can he? Rusev is struggling in the goozle hold but Kozlov is up! Kozlov grabs Rusev by the throat -- Double Hurrichokeslam! Rusev is sent to the mat and Lana slaps The Hurricane across the masked face. The Hurricane feints a punch and Lana trips over Rusev, falling to the mat. Lana and Rusev exit the ring while The Hurricane and Kozlov celebrate with USA chants filling the arena!]




[We head to a sit-down interview that was recorded earlier today between Michael Cole and Rey Mysterio. The interview begins with questions about Mysterio's physical ability. Mysterio talks about the fact that he has been injured a lot within the last few years. But he is working hard at coming back from those injuries and he feels like he is going to make a full comeback this Sunday when he steps in the ring with nineteen other men in the Intercontinental title battle royal. Cole talks about the fact that Mysterio is a former two time WWE World Heavyweight Champion, a former two time Intercontinental Champion and former three time Cruiserweight Champion. Mysterio says that he is going to become a three time Intercontinental Champion this Sunday night and he is going to do it for the fans and for viva la Mexico!]


Match #7


Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam


[The first match on Monday Night Raw for Brock Lesnar in a very long time is against the man known as Mr. Monday Night and the whole show Rob Van Dam. Paul Heyman stands at ringside in the corner of Brock Lesnar. Behind Heyman, a fan holds up a sign reading: 'BORRRRRKKK!' Inside the ring, RVD starts out quickly with kicks on Lesnar, keeping Lesnar back away from him. RVD knocks Lesnar back into a corner and then does a roll toward that corner, leaping up but Lesnar catches RVD. Lesnar throws RVD but RVD lands on his feet! The catlike agility of RVD is on display as he bounces off the ropes and catches Lesnar with another kick to the side of the head. RVD brings Lesnar to his knees following a dropkick to the knee. RVD bounces off the ropes and another dropkick to the head brings Lesnar to the mat. RVD is bringing the match right to Lesnar! Heyman looks in shock outside the ring. RVD goes to the turnbuckles and climbs -- Split-Legged Moonsault -- Lesnar got the knees up! RVD crashed and burned with the split-legged moonsault and Lesnar takes control. The Beast Incarnate strikes RVD with multiple German Suplexes, releasing the last one, sending RVD halfway across the ring! Lesnar throws RVD into the corner and catches him with a corner clothesline! RVD staggers out of the corner and Lesnar lifts RVD up -- F-5! RVD is planted in the ring and Lesnar makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brock Lesnar (Via Pinfall @ 11:10)

Match Rating: C




[The focus turns to the Titantron and the backstage area where Goldust and Stardust are standing. Goldust holds the elbow pad that he took from The Rock on Smackdown and says that the universe has deemed to give him a gift. Goldust says that this is a gift from the stars, from the movie star known as The Rock. He says that this for them saving the scene for The Rock. Stardust looks upset that he hasn't gotten anything like Goldust has. He tries to reach for the elbow pad but Goldust pulls it away. Stardust hisses at Goldust and Goldust chomps at Stardust. Stardust says the next scene will belong to him. He says that the world will never forget the name of...Stardust!]




[in the office area, Triple H is hyping up the three members of The Authority that will be stepping into the ring against The Wolf Pack tonight. Hunter turns to Randy Orton and says that there is a reason that he was once called The Legend Killer here in the WWE. Hunter tells Orton to kill the legend that was once Kevin Nash. Then he turns to Seth Rollins and tells Rollins that if he ever wants to cash in that Money In The Bank briefcase, he will have to destroy Dean Ambrose for good. He says that Ambrose will never let him cash it in as long as he is around. So tonight make sure that Dean Ambrose doesn't survive. Then he turns to Kane and says that The Authority's Favorite Demon should be able to destroy some newcomer like Roman Reigns. He says that he trusts Kane to make sure that Roman Reigns does not come after him. Tonight the Wolf Pack becomes just another memory and that is Best For Business.]


Match #8


The Authority vs. The Wolf Pack


[This six man tag team match is more like a war than a match, especially in the first few minutes as all six men are in the ring and doing battle. Referee Mike Chioda tries to get some control and get several wrestlers out of the ring. Eventually, that occurs, leaving Kevin Nash and Kane in the ring doing battle. Nash has some control in the beginning, striking Kane with punches and then a big boot to the head, bringing Kane down to the mat. He tosses Kane out of the ring and then joins him out there, whipping Kane into the ring post! Nash rolls back in the ring and tags out to Roman Reigns. Reigns drops off the apron as Nash rolls Kane back in the ring and in the early going Reigns catches Kane with that dropkick outside the ring. Reigns rolls back in and makes the cover, drawing a two count. Reigns tags in Ambrose and the two of them catch Kane with a double suplex. Ambrose keeps control for about a minute before the momentum turns. That momentum turning when Ambrose goes for a move off the top turnbuckle and he is caught with a punch by Kane! Kane tags out quickly to Seth Rollins. A fan raises a sign reading: 'Steve Blackman for Wolf Pack!']


[seth Rollins is quick to attack Dean Ambrose inside the ring, keeping his former Shield partner on the mat. Rollins catches Ambrose with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle and then points to a sign in the crowd that reads: 'I turned my back on the Wolf Pack, I'm not in a body bag!' Rollins definitely seems to agree with that fan. Rollins yells at Nash and Reigns. Reigns starts to enter the ring but Nash stops him, shaking his head and keeping Reigns from distracting the referee. Nash shows his veteran instincts in that moment. Rollins shrugs and tosses Ambrose outside the ring, distracting the referee himself as Kane and Randy Orton drop down. Orton whips Ambrose into the barricade. Kane tosses Ambrose into the ring where Seth Rollins continues his assault on his former partner. Rollins makes a tag and in comes Randy Orton. The Viper moves in and catches Ambrose with an inverted headlock backbreaker, scoring a two count on Ambrose. Orton plays to the crowd as he continues the momentum on Dean Ambrose. Orton strikes with a couple of European uppercuts on Ambrose and then goes for a RKO! -- but Ambrose pushes Orton off! Ambrose catches Orton with a clothesline that sends both of them down to the mat. The crowd is behind The Wolf Pack as Ambrose crawls toward the corner. A sign goes up in the crowd: 'SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!' as Ambrose tags in Roman Reigns and Randy Orton tags in Kane!]


[Roman Reigns comes in with punches for Kane, Randy Orton AND Seth Rollins! In comes Kevin Nash as a sign goes up in the crowd: 'Don't tear your quad Nash!' Reigns and Nash go side-by-side against The Authority! Reigns hits Kane with a leaping clothesline and then punches the mat. Kevin Nash shoves Randy Orton toward Roman Reigns -- Superman Punch! Reigns shoves Seth Rollins toward Kevin Nash -- JackKnife Power Bomb! That leaves only Kane! The Authority's Favorite Demon rolls out of the ring but he is followed by Roman Reigns! Kane and Reigns exchange slugs outside the ring! Dean Ambrose pulls himself up and goes right after Seth Rollins! Ambrose mounts Rollins, throwing punches! Nash is struck from behind by Randy Orton -- RKO! Orton takes Nash down with the RKO! Orton rakes the face and eyes of Ambrose as Rollins rolls out of the ring. Reigns clotheslines Kane over the barricade and into the first row as the referee calls for the bell.]


Winners: Draw (Via Double Count Out @ 15:50)

Match Rating: B




[The referee has thrown the match out by double count-out. But neither The Authority or The Wolf Pack seem to care about that! Surprisingly, they are joined down at the ring by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Cena slides in the ring and brings Randy Orton down with a double leg, throwing punches to the skull of Orton. Orton fights back, getting to his feet and dropping Cena with a RKO! If this happens at BattleGround, Randy Orton could be the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion! Seth Rollins comes back in the ring and sees Cena down on the mat. He looks around before offering the briefcase to referee Mike Chioda! Is Seth Rollins cashing in the briefcase tonight?!?! Mike Chioda takes the briefcase and begins handing it outside the ring but instead of the timekeeper getting the briefcase, Dean Ambrose takes it! Ambrose slides inside the ring and strikes Seth Rollins from behind with the briefcase! Ambrose looks down at John Cena and shrugs before turning his attention back to Rollins -- RKO! Orton strikes Ambrose with the RKO! Orton stands up -- SPEAR BY ROMAN REIGNS! Roman Reigns spears Randy Orton right out of his boots! Reigns throws up the Wolf Pack sign before turning -- Goozle by Kane -- Chokeslam! Kane drops Reigns with a choke slam! The Big Red Monster stands tall in the center of the ring as the show goes off the air. Could Kane be your next WWE World Heavyweight Champion?]

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Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena

Comments: Kofi is such an easy JTTS.


I can agree that Kofi can be labeled a JTTS in today's WWE. Which is kind of sad considering what a great athlete he is. The question becomes, can I bring him up from being a JTTS to eventually being a believable title contender?


Corey Graves vs. The Great Sasuke

Comments: Wow, Sasuke? Bringing in the big guns to put Corey over, eh?


Sasuke is definitely a big gun in the new Cruiserweight division. Simply because he lost in this match, though, doesn't mean he isn't a top contender in the division. But, yeah, in this match, I do hope he put Corey over.


Comments On Previous Show: Seemed like a pedestrian show, but that's okay for Smackdown. Also, may have just been coming off such a big Raw. Regardless, a solid show.


I can understand where Smackdown seemed a little more pedestrian. After all, it's Smackdown and thus hasn't had a huge match in awhile. Also any show would probably look pedestrian when it comes to following that huge Monday Night Raw the previous week. But I hope that everyone enjoyed the Monster Truck angle in that show.


Fun Fan Signs:

Don't tear your quad Nash!


I just have to say that this sign made me laugh. :)


Non Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena

Comments: Is Kofi suddenly a heel? This should be interesting either way.


Kofi is technically not a heel here...at this moment. This was simply a 'Warm-Up' match signed by Triple H to try to wear John Cena down six days away from BattleGround. As said earlier, Kofi is a great wrestler and deserves more than he has gotten in the WWE so far.

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Raw is packerman120 as he was the only one to get a perfect score of 7/7!


1. packerman120=3 Wins

2. codeydbw=2 Wins

The Lloyd=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

7. JShmoopy=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

14. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. What a show that we have planned for you this week as we head on our way toward WWE BattleGround!


-We are just a few days away from the WWE BattleGround pay-per-view and all four members of the Fatal Fourway for the WWE World Heavyweight title will be in the building. What will they have to say and who will they be competing against? Make sure you tune in to find out.


-We already know that one of the members of the Fatal Fourway, Randy Orton, will be in action here on Smackdown as he goes one on one with Kofi Kingston. Kingston took a difficult loss last Monday night against John Cena. Can he rebound here on Smackdown and defeat The Viper?


-We also know that we are going to see a WWE United States Title match here on Smackdown. The current champion, Sheamus, issued an open challenge last week and that open challenge has been answered by the undefeated Rusev. How horrible would it be for the U.S. WWE fans if the United States title went into the hands of the Super-Athlete? What would that do for his BattleGround contest with Kozlov?


-We will also be seeing two of the wrestlers who will be competing in the over-the-top-rope battle royal at BattleGround go one on one in action here on Smackdown. The Miz recently made his return to the WWE but doesn't seem to have made as big a splash as he might have hoped. He gets the chance to right that as he takes on The Show-Off Dolph Ziggler. With Chris Jericho around, will Ziggler simply be watching his back too much to defeat The Miz?


-Plus Cesaro takes on Ryback, Chris Jericho is in the building, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and more! Make sure you tune in to the SyFy Channel for WWE Smackdown on Friday night.


Prediction Listing


Ryback vs. Cesaro



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Rusev



The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler



Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Ryback vs. Cesaro



WWE United States Title Match

Sheamus defends vs. Rusev



The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler


Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston



Fun Fan Signs:

Victoria the She Devil


Comments On Previous Show: Enjoyed the Kozlov and Hurricane VS Rusev segment, as well as the Punk segment that he says goodbye to the WWE.

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