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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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WWE NXT Wave of Mutilation is a match that is filled with matches and has no backstage promos or videos. The first two matches are pretty short and feature quick victories by Bull Dempsey over Braun Stowman and Judas Devlin over Troy McClain. Then we move to our only female match of the night where two newcomers step into the ring as a tag team. Those two newcomers are known as Divina Fly and Lei'D Tapa. They take on The Funkadactyls team of Cameron and Naomi. Lei'D Tapa shows her strength during the match but it is Divina Fly that is caught in the Spider Twist by Naomi and has to tap out, giving The Funkadactyls the victory.


The next two matches are definitely better received by the fans. In the match following the women's match, CJ Parker does battle with Kalisto. The match is fast-paced and high flying, able to keep the attention of the fans in the arena. The ending comes when Kalisto goes for a sunset flip but Parker sits down and grabs the ropes, scoring the cheap victory. The next match features two internet fan favorites as 'The One Man Rock Band' Heath Slater takes on 'The Internet Champion' Zack Ryder. These two men have the second best match of the night here as they go back and forth in the ring. Slater scores a near fall with a snapmare driver. But in the end it is Zack Ryder hitting the Rough Ryder to score the victory.


Here lately in NXT, the NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension have been dominant in their bouts with the tag teams in NXT. Here at Wave Of Mutilation, they take on the makeshift team of Tyler Breeze and Jason Jordan. It looks several times like The Ascension just might be losing the belts here on this show. However, there is a reason why they are the champions. They strike with the Fall Of Man and Jordan goes down with the pinfall. The semi main event features two men who are known by the fans around here but don't seem to be very popular in The Great Khali and David Otunga. The match is back and forth with Otunga actually bringing Khali down to the mat. But it is Khali that scores another victory when Titus O'Neil comes in and attacks him, causing a disqualification.


Tyson Kidd comes running to save The Great Khali and that leads to our main event match between Titus O'Neil and Tyson Kidd. Early on, Tyson Kidd shows some strength when he brings O'Neil down with a brainbuster and scores a near fall. The middle portion of the match belongs to Titus O'Neil as he taunts the crowd by barking. O'Neil hits Kidd with a splash in the corner but Kidd drops down, avoiding a big boot. Kidd slides in behind O'Neil and hits him with the backcracker. Kidd goes to the top and goes for a Shooting Star Press but O'Neil moves out of the way. Within moments, O'Neil strikes Kidd with the Clash Of The Titus. O'Neil gets the victory and celebrates as the show goes off the air. Thank you for watching NXT's Wave Of Mutilation!

WWE – NXT – Titus O'Neil


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WWE Intercontinental Title Battle Royal

Bo Dallas, Bray Wyatt, Chris Jericho, Corey Graves, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Prince Devitt, Ryback, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Stardust and The Hurricane

Bonus Point: Last Person Eliminated: Dolph Ziggler.

Comments: Damn, it's because he's so Inspirational! All the other wrestlers are going to win a battle royal one day, all they gotta do...is BOLIEVE!


Bo Dallas is definitely inspirational! Can he take that inspiration to win the WWE Intercontinental title? All you have to do is BO-LIEVE hard enough, right?!


WWE United States/Russian Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Kozlov

Comments: Kozlov isn't sticking around is he? Also, pair Kozlov with Santino, please!


Comments On Previous Show:

I like this project dude! I'm finding how the nostalgia acts(Victoria, Nash, Steiners) fit into today's WWE very interesting


Kozlov is actually sticking around. I signed him on a three year written deal so I plan on having him around for quite awhile. The old tag team with Santino is definitely an interesting thought. Of course, I won't give away anything more than that.


I am glad that you're enjoying the project. I definitely have quite a few nostalgia acts but they are acts that I really have enjoyed and feel like they can still remain relevant here in the 2014 WWE. Something big is definitely happening on the Raw following the BattleGround pay-per-view. Of course I cannot give it away but it will definitely be a change to the current WWE.


Comments On Previous Show: I liked seeing Jericho pick up the win here, also OMG LYGAH!!! Still curious as to where this Sting/Roman thing is going, at this point I'm guessing that Sting is taking Reigns under his wing?! But it can still go so many different ways!


Hey Beejus. Am glad that you enjoyed seeing Y2J actually pick up a win versus John Cena. Of course I am keeping him in the top tier because that is where he belongs. And, yes, I am bringing in Jushin Liger as part of my Cruiserweight division. Another of the nostalgia acts that I believe can be used in today's WWE. And, yes, I agree, There's so many different ways that the Roman Reigns/Sting thing can go. The only way to find out where it's going is to tune in!


NXT Comment: Does Del Rio hate you now? I can't imagine he was too happy about that loss.


As far as I know, Del Rio doesn't hate me. The NXT loss was something that was created by the CPU as I am not running NXT as they are the developmental promotion. It was definitely a surprise to see the win by Neville over Del Rio but it helped Neville increase in popularity.


Just to let everyone know, WWE BattleGround will be posted either today or tomorrow. Hope everyone enjoys it.

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Ah stupid Titus O'Neil!!! Really like the idea of writing up your NXT results like that. It's excellent to read stuff like this in a big time WWE Diary :D


In all honesty though, I would like to see more youngsters wrestling, rather than Khali, Otunga, O'Neil, and others. Guessing that you probably sent them there as you don't want to use them but can't sack them due to long, expensive contracts.


I'd like to see Neville, Zayn, Breeze, ENZO AMORE, etc main eventing NXT events :D Loved Neville going over Del Rio though!! Amazing!!

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Sunday Week 3 July 2014

Location: ND Fargodome (Mid West)

Attendance: 25,000

Overall Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 7.70




[WWE BattleGround kicks off with a roundtable panel featuring all former World Champions. From left to right it includes Booker T, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and The Rock! The panel begins discussing the main event contest for the WWE World Heavyweight title. They all seem to agree that the odds are against John Cena retaining the title tonight because two of the three opponents are former World champions. The third one is a strong up-and-comer in this promotion. The Rock states that he believes his family member, Roman Reigns, is ready to hold the World title and he believes that Reigns gets the title tonight. Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan believe that John Cena will somehow beat the odds and retain the title. Booker T says he doesn't think The Authority will allow John Cena to retain and says he believes the title will go to the dangerous Viper Randy Orton. With the panel wrapped up, we move to the ring for our first match on the card.]


Match #1


Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose


[The very first match here in the Fargodome is a grudge match between two former members of The Shield. These two wrestlers know each other very well so the first few minutes of the match is spent with hold and counterhold as the two men feel each other out. Neither man wants to be the first man to make a mistake in this match. Ambrose gets the advantage, striking with a pendulum elbow on Rollins and Rollins rolls out of the ring to take a breather. But Rollins doesn't get much time to catch his breath as Ambrose dives through the ropes, catching Rollins with a suicide dive to the outside! Ambrose is quickly to his feet, grabbing Rollins and tossing him back inside the ring. The action returns to the ring where Ambrose begins stomping his foot on the mat and the crowd claps along with the stomps. Ambrose focuses in on an armbar on Rollins, keeping Rollins grounded on the mat for the next several minutes. The momentum changes when Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds but Rollins slips out and behind Ambrose. Rollins brings Ambrose over with a German Suplex with a bridge: One, Two, Kickout! Rollins moves into the control for quite awhile, scoring several near falls along the way but he cannot seem to keep Ambrose's shoulders on the mat for a three count. Ambrose has a couple of bursts of momentum during this time period but it is always stopped by Rollins, usually with an illegal hold or a low blow behind the referee's back. Around the fifteen minute mark, Rollins brings Ambrose down with an enzuigiri kick before heading to the top turnbuckle. Rollins leaps with a 450 splash but there's nobody home for Seth Rollins! He hits all mat and Ambrose has the crowd behind him as he uses the ropes to pull himself up. One fan raises a sign high in the background: '"Loose Cannon" Dean Ambrose!' Ambrose catches Rollins with several kicks and then lifts him up on the top turnbuckle. Ambrose climbs up -- double underhook superplex! Ambrose rolls over into the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Somehow Seth Rollins got that shoulder up! Rollins quickly rolls out of the ring once again but Dean Ambrose goes out with him. Ambrose tries to smash Rollins against the ring post but Rollins blocks it and sends Ambrose into the ring post instead! Rollins grabs his Money In The Bank briefcase and backpedals up the ramp. He passes by a fan with a sign in the air reading: 'SETH ROLLINS, WE COMMIN' FO' YOU SUCKAH!' Ambrose is slow to recover but he begins chasing Rollins toward the back as the referee counts both men out of the ring.]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Count Out @ 20:04)

Match Rating: C+




[The match is over but Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins don't seem to care as they do battle back into the backstage area. Ambrose catches up to Rollins backstage and the two men exchange rights and lefts as they brawl in the backstage area. Rollins tosses Ambrose over a table and across to a floor. His eyes are wide and wild as he seems to be trying to figure out where to go next. He runs toward a large door that has a big window in it, showing the outside. Ambrose pulls himself up and comes chasing after Rollins. Ambrose grabs Rollins and slams him head-first against the door and then the door is opened and the two men spill outside the building! Triple H shows up on the scene, shoving Ambrose down from behind. Hunter grabs Rollins and yanks him inside the building, closing and locking the door. After a moment, Ambrose is shown right up against the door, trying to turn the knob and unable to get inside the building. Triple H grabs a security guard and tells him to guard the door and not to let Dean Ambrose in tonight. Seth Rollins smiles and pats his briefcase, saying tonight might be the night he cashes in.]




[From that backstage area, we head to another backstage area where Renee Young is standing by with John Cena. Cena opens the interview by stating that the Champ is here in Fargo, North Dakota. Renee asks Cena about his title defense tonight. Cena says that he wants to thank both Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan for having confidence in him and betting on him earlier tonight. He says that he is going to make sure that their wagers pay off tonight even though he is facing not one wrestler, not two wrestlers but three wrestlers tonight. Cena says that he has lost some momentum by losing to Chris Jericho last Friday night but there's nothing to be ashamed of in losing to a great athlete like Chris Jericho. Cena calls Jericho one of the best wrestlers in the world. But, he says, there is only one WWE World Heavyweight champion and that man is the leader of the CeNation. He says that tonight hustle, loyalty and respect is going to mean he wins.]


Match #2



WWE United States/Russian Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Kozlov


[Our second match of the night is also our first title match of the evening as the brand new United States/Russian Champion Rusev takes on his latest rival Kozlov. The former Russian Mauler Kozlov starts the match off quickly against, Rusev, surprising the champion. Kozlov grabs Rusev by the arms and begins headbutting him over and over again as the USA chants fill the arena. Kozlov catches Rusev with a fallaway slam for a two count. Kozlov gets distracted by Lana and that gives Rusev a chance to recover. Rusev strikes Kozlov with several forearm smashes and then a spinning heel kick that drives Kozlov to the mat. Rusev continues to move straight ahead on Kozlov, beating the Russian turned American into the mat again and again. Rusev sets up Kozlov in the corner and then rushes in with a running hip attack to the skull of Kozlov. Rusev taunts the crowd as a sign goes up reading: 'Rusev looks like a wild bear!' Rusev turns back to Kozlov and brings him down to the mat with a Samoan drop. Within moments, Rusev locks in the Accolade. The referee asks Kozlov if he gives up but Kozlov refuses to give in. Eventually, it would seem that Kozlov has passed out from the pain. The referee checks in with Kozlov one more time before calling for the bell and stopping the match, giving Rusev a successful title defense.]


Winner: Rusev (Via Referee Stoppage @ 10:20)

Match Rating: D-




[When the ring is cleared, Bray Wyatt shows up on the titan-tron, lit on the screen by his usual lamp. 'We're here!' He blows out the light and then he comes from the shadows, walking toward the ring by himself. He steps inside and laughs, saying that he has the whole world in his hands. That means that he has you and you and you. He points out members of the crowd, particularly ones who have Rock shirts on. He says that he even has The Rock in his hands. He talks about how The Rock is dangling on a rope over the fiery pits of hell and it is only his own good graces that allows The Rock to dangle. But he also talks about a surprise that he has for The Rock, so he invites 'The Great One' down to the ring. The Rock makes an entrance that has the crowd going wild. He walks right down to the ring and steps inside, coming face-to-face with Bray Wyatt. He asks Wyatt if he really thinks he has The Rock in his hands? Before Wyatt can answer, The Rock says 'It doesn't matter if you think you have the Rock in your hands.' The Rock says that Wyatt has empty hands and an empty mind. But The Rock says that The Rock will humor Wyatt and come out here to get a surprise. Wyatt smiles and says to 'bring him out.' The lights turn off and the fireflies come out, with cell phone lights being turned on.]




[The lights return and Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are standing in the ring but they are not the only ones. A wide-eyed man, who JBL recognizes as Braun Stowman from NXT, is also standing there with the Wyatt Family. The Rock looks absolutely in shock at the arrival. There definitely seems to be more to this arrival than meets the eye. Wyatt tells them to get him and a three on one assault begins by all three men. Stowman picks up The Rock and brings him down with a body slam and then a splash on the mat. Bray Wyatt announces the newest member of The Wyatt Family before picking up The Rock and landing Sister Abigail's Kiss. The Rock is, once again, laid out by The Wyatt Family as they stand over top of his prone form. Bray Wyatt laughs and tells The Rock that he never expected this of his friend, huh? He tells The Rock that he is bringing war upon his head. He says that The Rock's world is about to end. Then he leads The Wyatt Family out of the ring, including the new Braun Stowman.]


Match #3


Mark Henry vs. Cesaro


[Our third match of the night brings forth two of the strongest men in the wrestling business as 'The World's Strongest Man' Mark Henry steps in the ring with Antonio Cesaro. Henry assaults Cesaro before the sound of the bell, splashing him in the corner. Henry picks up Cesaro and body slams him to the mat. The World's Strongest Man immediately plays to a booing crowd, yelling at them about the Hall of Pain. Henry tosses Cesaro out of the ring and joins him outside. He rams Cesaro against the ring post and then whips him across to the barricade. Cesaro holds his back for a moment and Henry charges in. Cesaro springs forward with a European Uppercut that rocks the charging Mark Henry. Cesaro yanks Mark Henry up and drops him with a spinebuster! The crowd cheers, solidly on the side of Cesaro. Cesaro breaks the count and then tosses Mark Henry back in the ring and he joins his opponent inside the ring. Cesaro shows his power by lifting Mark Henry onto the top turnbuckle. He takes a moment to breathe and then climbs up, hooking Mark Henry for a Superplex but Mark Henry fights back with punches. A headbutt nearly sends Cesaro to the mat but Cesaro holds on and gives Henry a couple of European Uppercuts and finally lands the Superplex! Cesaro looks around for a moment and then grabs the legs of Mark Henry. A fan sign goes up immediately: 'World's Strongest Swing!!!' Cesaro shows unbelievable strength as he gets Mark Henry around for a Cesaro Swing for three rounds before dropping him back down. At around the eleven minute and a half mark, Cesaro picks up Mark Henry -- Neutralizer! He drops Mark Henry with his finisher. Slowly he crawls over to make the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Cesaro (Via Pinfall @ 11:45)

Match Rating: B-




[The match is over and Cesaro rises from the mat, getting his arm raised in victory. Cesaro might have the victory but Mark Henry does not look happy about taking the loss. Henry pulls himself up and assaults Cesaro from behind with a double sledge to the back. Mark Henry catches Cesaro with a big boot and roars, drawing in boos from the crowd. JBL remarks that Mark Henry is like a Silverback gorilla. Henry pulls Cesaro into position for the World's Strongest Slam but he is unable to hit the move. Why? Because he catches a face full of Stevie-Kick! Stevie Richards has arrived on the scene, making his return to the WWE! Henry drops Cesaro and catches another Stevie-Kick from Stevie Richards! But Stevie Richards is not alone. Kassius Ohno is out in the ring with Richards. He strikes Henry with a KO, a discus elbow smash that sends Mark Henry through the ropes to the floor. Ohno shakes hands with Cesaro and then with 'Dancing' Stevie Richards. JBL calls Richards the original King Of Swing! The three men raise their arms in victory before exiting the ring as Cesaro gives a hug to his former tag team partner Kassius Ohno.]




[From the return of two men to the WWE, we go backstage where Byron Saxton is standing by with Kevin Nash and Roman Reigns. Saxton steers the direction of the interview in the way of the Fatal Fourway match tonight. Nash says that Roman Reigns is ready to win the WWE World Heavyweight title. He says that he doesn't just pick anyone to join the Wolf Pack. Nash, alluding to Dean Ambrose, tells Triple H that there's more than one way to get inside the building. Roman Reigns says that tonight is his night. Tonight is a battleground and he is made for war. He says that he is going to prove that he is an alpha wolf of the Wolf Pack. That proof will come with the WWE World Heavyweight title. Believe that.]


Match #4



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The Steiner Brothers


[Our next match of the evening is a contest for the WWE World Tag Team titles as The Usos defend against the veteran tag team of The Steiner Brothers. The Steiner Brothers are former two time WWE World Tag Team Champions. They defeated Money Inc. to win both of those title runs. The Usos start the match hot as they usually do, forcing both Steiner Brothers to drop out of the ring to catch their breath. But there are no time-outs in professional wrestling. The Usos prove this when they both go for a suicide dives outside the ring. Jimmy hits Rick but Scott avoids the hit by Jey and then tosses Jey back in the ring. Scott Steiner begins working over Jey Uso, focusing on the back of Jey with moves like a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He uses solid, quick tags with his brother, keeping a fresh man in the ring while keeping Jey in their corner. Both Rick and Scott Steiner send Jey over with overhead belly-to-belly suplexes. But Jey continues to kick out. The crowd begins the Uso chant, trying to get Jey back into things. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'The Usos, They're FAT!' Around the eight minute mark, Rick Steiner goes for a double underhook suplex but Jey manages to lift Rick over in a back body drop. Both men are crawling toward their corner. Rick tags in Scott and Jey leaps to tag in Jimmy! Jimmy comes in with punches and clotheslines and body slams for both Steiner Brothers! Jey quickly comes back in and we have a wild brawl between these two teams. Rick and Jimmy spill outside the ring. Inside the ring, Scott rakes the face of Jey and then strikes him with the Steiner Flatliner. Scott makes the cover but Jey isn't the legal man! The referee drops down anyway and begins the count as Scott grabs a handful of tights: One, Two, Three! We have new WWE World Tag Team Champions!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 10:05)

Match Rating: C-


[Jimmy Uso rolls in the ring and begins arguing with the referee, saying that he is the legal man. Scott Steiner hits a Steinerline to the back of the head on Jimmy Uso! Scott brings Jimmy over with a Dragon Suplex and then motions to his brother Rick Steiner. Rick tosses Jey Uso out of the ring and then climbs the turnbuckles as Scott lifts Jimmy on his shoulders -- Diving Bulldog by Rick Steiner! They bring Jimmy Uso to the mat and the referee brings the WWE World Tag Team titles into the ring. The belts are handed to The Steiner Brothers and they raise the belts to boos from the crowd. Rick runs around the ring barking and then drops to all fours with Scott standing over him flexing his large muscles and then kissing the gold belts. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'Give Steiner a talk show!' We have new WWE World Tag Team Champions right here at BattleGround!]




[We go from a controversial ending to the locker room of The Authority where Triple H is psyching up both Randy Orton and Kane for their Fatal Fourway match later on tonight. Hunter tells Randy Orton to prove why he is the Authority's choice for the face of the WWE. Hunter tells Kane to watch Randy Orton's back and to remember that this night is no DQ and no count out. That means that anything goes. That means that Kane has the right to bring out the demon in himself if that's what it takes for The Authority to walk away with the gold belt tonight. Hunter says that tonight they prove that John Cena doesn't deserve to hold the gold. Tonight, The Authority proves that they are the ones in control. Hunter says that if Sting interferes in the match, to take him out as well. He says to do what you have to do to win the match.]


Match #5


Victoria vs. Nikki Bella


[Our next match is a slight grudge match as the Authority's appointed Diva Victoria takes on Nikki Bella in one on one action. As Nikki makes her entrance, she pauses to give a hug to her sister, Brie Bella, who is in the front row, watching tonight's BattleGround pay-per-view event. Stephanie McMahon stands in the corner of The Authority's Diva: Victoria. The match is a solid back and forth contest with both Diva's maintaining some control in this fairly short for pay-per-view match. Victoria shows off some ability by bringing Nikki over with a snap suplex and then a standing moonsault that gets a two count on Nikki. When Nikki fires back, she uses a jumping snapmare and a leaping clothesline. Reaching the seven minute mark, both Divas are down following a double clothesline. Both females are slowly getting to their feet as Stephanie McMahon distracts the official. She slips a chair in to Victoria, keeping the referee's attention. Victoria swings the chair, striking Nikki in the legs with that chair! The chair is slid out of the ring and Victoria strikes Nikki with the Widow's Peak. Victoria makes a cover as the referee turns around: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Victoria (Via Pinfall @ 7:56)

Match Rating: D+




[Victoria picks up the win here tonight over Nikki Bella. However, she doesn't seem to be finished here tonight. Victoria grabs the chair that she used earlier in the match and swings it down, striking Nikki in the side with the chair. Then she looks to the leg and she begins tying Nikki's right leg in the chair! She is looking to injure the member of The Bella Twins! Brie Bella cannot just sit back and watch. She attempts to jump the barricade but is grabbed by security. Stephanie McMahon directs security to hold her back and she can only watch as Victoria climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps on the chair, snapping the leg of Nikki Bella! The crowd boos but Victoria seems to be happy enough as Stephanie McMahon enters the ring. Stephanie raises the arm of Victoria as EMTs enter the ring to help out Nikki Bella. Stephanie tells security to take Brie Bella out of the building. After all, she will want to visit her sister in the hospital, right?]


Match #6




WWE Intercontinental Title Battle Royal

Bo Dallas, Bray Wyatt, Chris Jericho, Corey Graves, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Prince Devitt, Ryback, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Stardust and The Hurricane


[it is time to decide a brand new WWE Intercontinental Champion. Twenty men enter this battle royal, including the return of Rey Mysterio and the debut of Prince Devitt. When the bell sounds, there is action all over the ring as all twenty wrestlers want to be the last man standing. The first elimination comes rather quickly when Fandango drops Sheamus with a Russian Legsweep. He dances for a moment and is quickly grabbed by Ryback and the monster catches Fandango with a Meat Hook Clothesline and then tosses Fandango out of the ring. Fandango is eliminated! The match continues and ten minutes into the contest, the next four wrestlers are eliminated. Those wrestlers are Corey Graves (by Goldust), R-Truth (by Bray Wyatt), Sin Cara (by Prince Devitt) and Bo Dallas (by The Hurricane). Dallas lands right in front of a fan with a sign reading: 'I Bolieve in Bo Dallas!' and another fan right beside that fan with their sign reading: 'And I Bolieved in the Shield!']


[As the battle royal continues, Chris Jericho gets tossed through the ropes to the floor. He is not eliminated but he complains about a knee injury, calling an official and a doctor over to take a look at his knee while the action continues inside the ring. Ryback catches Rob Van Dam with a Meat Hook Clothesline and then turns his attention to Goldust. He grabs the elbow pad from Goldust, laughing and taunting Goldust with The Rock's elbow pad. Goldust is almost begging for Ryback not to hurt it. Ryback shrugs and tosses the elbow pad out of the ring. Goldust goes leaping for it and Ryback helps him over the top rope to the floor. Goldust is eliminated! Stardust sees his brother leaping over the top rope and tells his brother that he'll save him. He comes running over and Ryback eliminates Stardust, as well. Stardust has been eliminated! The fights continue in the ring. Rob Van Dam comes to after the Meat Hook Clothesline earlier and hits Prince Devitt with Rolling Thunder! On another side, Bray Wyatt hits The Hurricane with Sister Abigail's Kiss. Wyatt lifts The Hurricane and tosses him over the top rope to the floor below. The Hurricane has been eliminated! Chris Jericho remains outside the ring, being looked at by doctors as inside the ring we are still seeing more eliminations. Prince Devitt and Bray Wyatt are both eliminated by Rob Van Dam. A fan raises a sign toward Prince Devitt that reads: 'Is Prince Devitt related to Earl Robert?' Devitt turns his nose up at the fan and walks to the back. Other eliminations leading to the top five, include Damien Sandow (by Kofi Kingston), Rob Van Dam (by Ryback), Sheamus (by Ryback), The Miz (by Dolph Ziggler) and Ryback (by Rey Mysterio).]


[Our final five men are Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Rey Mysterio, Curtis Axel and Chris Jericho. Though Jericho has been outside the ring for most of the match. Inside the ring, Curtis Axel is paired off with Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston is doing battle with Dolph Ziggler. Axel gives Mysterio a snapmare and then a rolling neck snap in shades of his father. Axel picks up Mysterio and tries to eliminate him but Mysterio holds on to the top rope. Dolph Ziggler moves in and throws some punches to Axel, turning his attention to the third generation star. Ziggler locks the Sleeper on Axel and Axel's arms flail around as he tries to get free of the hold. On the other side, Kofi and Rey Mysterio do battle. Kingston catches Mysterio with a leaping clothesline and then the Boom Drop! He lifts Mysterio and goes for Trouble In Paradise but Mysterio moves out of the way! Mysterio catches Kingston with a hurricanrana, which sends Kingston over the top rope to the floor. But, wait, Kingston lands on his hands! He is doing a balancing act on his hands to get back to the ring! When he gets close, suddenly, Chris Jericho jumps up and shoves Kingston backward, forcing both of Kingston's feet to hit the floor. Kofi Kingston is eliminated! Near Jericho, there is a sign raised in the air that reads: 'Jericho = Assclown!' Inside the ring, Dolph Ziggler has released the Sleeper and is now going one on one with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio goes for the same Hurricanrana that sent Kingston over the top rope but Ziggler holds on to the top rope and lands on the mat. Mysterio moves in but Axel moves in behind Rey and tosses him over the top rope to the floor! Rey Mysterio has been eliminated! Curtis Axel and Dolph Ziggler are left in the ring, while Chris Jericho remains outside the ring, unnoticed. Axel and Ziggler do battle, including Axel hitting a Perfect-Plex on Ziggler. Axel tries to eliminate Ziggler but Ziggler drops onto the apron and slides back in the ring. Axel rushes back toward Ziggler and Ziggler ducks, sending Axel over the top rope. Axel lands on the apron! Chris Jericho grabs the leg of Curtis Axel, yanking him down. Curtis Axel is eliminated! Dolph Ziggler raises his arms in celebration when Chris Jericho sneaks inside the ring. Jericho comes from behind Ziggler but Ziggler ducks a grab attempt by Jericho! Ziggler knew it was coming! Ziggler locks Jericho in a Sleeper! Jericho struggles in the hold and moves toward the ropes. He holds on to the top rope, trying to lift Ziggler over the top. Ziggler is forced to release the Sleeper and drops down behind Jericho -- Zig Zag! Ziggler hits the Zig Zag! He grabs Jericho and tosses him over the top rope. Jericho tries to hold on but a dropkick from Ziggler sends Jericho down! Chris Jericho has been eliminated!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Over-The-Top-Rope @ 29:46)

Match Rating: B-


['Here To Show The World' begins to play as Dolph Ziggler falls back to the mat, exhausted. Chris Jericho slaps the barricade in frustration before he heads to the back. Inside the ring, The Show Off is handed the WWE Intercontinental title belt and he sits on his knees, raising the belt above his head. The crowd cheers the hard work of Dolph Ziggler to get to this point. Ziggler points to a sign in the crowd: 'Looking For Bad News? See the person next to me.' Into the camera, he tells Bad News Barrett that whenever he wants a title shot, he can have the shot. Ziggler finally gets to his feet and moves to each of the four corners, raising the belt high to cheers from the fans. He finally exits the ring and heads for the back, high fiving some fans along the way. The Show Off has WWE gold once again.]


Match #7



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee vs. Natalya


[Our semi main event contest features three of the top WWE Divas in the game today as Paige defends the WWE Diva's title against AJ Lee and Natalya. Following that great battle royal means that the WWE Diva's does not have as much heat from the crowd as it might have otherwise and it seems that some fans use this time as a bathroom break before the main event contest. All three women are in the ring at one time but AJ Lee seems content to step back and watch Natalya and Paige do battle. After some back and forth wrestling, Natalya and Paige both turn on AJ Lee, hitting her with a double clothesline and a double backbreaker! AJ gets tossed out of the ring and Natalya hits some forearm strikes to Paige. Natalya brings the WWE Diva's Champion to the mat with a belly-to-back suplex and then grabs her legs, turning her over into a Sharpshooter! Paige raises her hand, looking like she might tap out. The pain in that hold is excruciating. Suddenly, AJ Lee dives in the ring and grabs Natalya by the back of the head, throwing her backward to get the hold released. AJ mounts Natalya and throws some punches before slamming her head backward into the mat several times. A fan sign is raised, reading: 'Paige is very pale!' AJ releases the mount, climbing to her feet but before she can do anything else, she is grabbed from behind by Paige -- Paige Turner! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Broken Up By Natalya! A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'Turn the Paige!' Natalya catches Paige with a powerslam and then goes for the Sharpshooter on AJ Lee! Natalya leans back in the hold but Paige is back up within thirty seconds and she kicks Natalya in the gut -- RamPaige! The Cradle DDT connects and Paige covers Natalya: One, Two, Three! Paige retains her WWE Diva's title!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 9:56)

Match Rating: D+




[it is almost time for the main event. But before we head to the ring we go this hype video for the main event contest. The ladder match at Money In The Bank is shown where John Cena scores the victory by climbing the ladder and becoming the brand new WWE World Heavyweight champion! The next night on Monday Night Raw, Triple H tells John Cena that at BattleGround he will have to defend his WWE World Heavyweight title against three other men. Those three other men are Randy Orton, Kane and Roman Reigns! All of these men have had some momentum builders recently. The most recent coming on Smackdown where Randy Orton hit John Cena with a RKO and then stood over top of the WWE World Heavyweight champion as Smackdown went off the air. But what part in this match will The Authority play? What part will Sting play? We will find out...right...now!]


Match #8




WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Fatal Fourway Match

John Cena defends vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. Roman Reigns


[Of course, in this Fatal Fourway match, we have three veterans of the ring and one young up and comer that has the seal of approval from a lot of the veterans, including The Rock, Kevin Nash and Sting. Roman Reigns is the first man to come down to the ring, leaping the barricade and standing inside as the fire explodes and Kane comes out. Kane walks to the ring and as soon as he enters the ring he is attacked by Roman Reigns! The two big men exchange rights and lefts in the center of the ring. Reigns takes down Kane with a clothesline. He looks around and then punches the mat, shouting out as he prepares for the Superman Punch. But before he can unleash that powerful punch, he is struck from behind with a chop block by Randy Orton, who came running down to the ring! Orton instructs Kane and the two of them begin stomping on Reigns. Orton grabs the leg of Reigns and sets it on the bottom rope just as 'The Time Is Now' begins to play. Orton leaps and comes down hard on the leg of Reigns as Kane moves to meet the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Cena slides in the ring and exchanges punches with Kane. Cena has a speed advantage on Kane and it comes into play here as he avoids a goozle attempt and kicks Kane in the gut -- DDT! Cena makes a cover on Kane: One, Kickout! Randy Orton moves over as Cena is getting to his feet and Orton catches Cena with a few kicks and then sends him to the ropes -- snap powerslam! Orton makes the cover: One, Two, Shoulder Up!]


[The Fatal Fourway match continues with the 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants loud and proud here in North Dakota. Roman Reigns has been sent out of the ring and whipped into the steel steps and the barricade. Returning inside the ring, the Authority duo of Randy Orton and Kane turn their focus on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. Kane crushes Cena in the corner with a corner clothesline and then goozles him. He lifts Cena into the air -- Chokeslam! Cena is down in the center of the ring! Roman Reigns climbs up on the apron and Orton motions Kane to take Reigns down. Kane goes over to knock Reigns off the apron and Orton makes a cover: One, Two, Broken Up By Kane! Kane knocked Reigns off the apron and then saw the cover and was able to break it up before a three count! The crowd watches as Randy Orton and Kane argue for a moment. Then the attention is turned back to Cena. Orton catches Cena with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Kane exits the ring and goes after Roman Reigns at ringside. Kane smashes Reigns back-first into the ring apron and then rakes the face to boos from the crowd. Inside the ring, Orton sets up Cena with his legs on the ropes, going for the Rope-Hung DDT. Cena struggles, though, and gets to his feet. He ducks a punch attempt and then drops Orton with a spinning side slam. He gives the 'You Can't See Me' gesture and then bounces off the ropes -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Roman Reigns comes in and hits Cena with a big boot, sending both Cena and Orton spilling to the mat. The lights begin to flash and dim and violin music begins to play.]




[A spotlight shows Sting watching the match from the rafters! After a moment, he begins working his way down toward the ring through the crowd. Sting jumps the barricade and strikes Kane in the gut with the baseball bat! He slams the bat over the back of Kane! A second baseball bat is tossed inside the ring to Roman Reigns. Sting moves in behind Kane and uses the baseball bat to choke the larger man. He is using that bat to drag Kane toward the back! The lights suddenly turn off in the arena. When the lights return, Kane and Sting are nowhere to be found! This leaves Roman Reigns, Randy Orton and John Cena left inside the ring. In the ring, Reigns strikes Orton with the baseball bat and then locks in a half Boston crab while Cena locks in a cross face! Who would get the win if Orton tapped out? The match is now reaching the twentieth minute between these four athletes. No one knows where Kane is, though. It seems that he was taken away by Sting! A sign is raised in the crowd, reading: 'SPEAR EM' REIGNS!' Reigns and Cena release the holds and face off in the ring. Cena throws the first punch but the two men exchange blows in the center of the ring. Reigns starts to get the advantage and he brings down Cena with a Samoan drop but he grabs his knee. He cannot make the cover! Reigns uses the ropes to pull himself up and he calls for the Superman Punch on Cena! Reigns moves in but is caught with a snap powerslam by Randy Orton! Orton makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!]


[As the match moves forward, all three of the men who are left seem to be completely worn out. They are all moving slower in the ring than they did in the beginning of the match. Orton catches Roman Reigns with the Rope-Hung DDT and gets in position to give him a RKO. Reigns is very slow to pull himself back up, struggling to get up, especially with that injured knee. Orton looks outside the ring and then back toward Reigns. He strikes Reigns with a knee to the side of the head, sending him outside the ring. As Orton and Reigns are outside the ring, Kane has returned! He is looking completely beaten up but he is staggering toward the ring. Orton sets Roman Reigns up on the Spanish announce table -- RKO THROUGH THE TABLE! The crowd goes absolutely crazy! Orton strikes Roman Reigns with a RKO through the table! Both men are down as Kane enters the ring to do battle with Cena. Kane goes for a Choke Slam on Cena but Cena reverses and hits Kane with an Attitude Adjustment! Cena makes the cover: One, Two, Broken Up By Randy Orton! Orton made it back in the ring just in time! Orton sets up Cena for the RKO -- RKO on John Cena! The crowd is in utter shock as Orton crawls over to make the cover on Cena: One, Two, The Pinfall Is Broken Up By Sting! Sting has arrived back on the scene! He yanks Orton up by the hair and pulls him in -- Scorpion Death Drop! Orton is dropped to the mat. Sting looks around at all the fallen wrestlers both in and outside the ring. He turns without a word and exits back through the crowd.


[John Cena begins to stir on the mat. He grabs the ropes and pulls himself up, walking right into a goozle by Kane! Cena breaks the goozle with a couple of sharp kicks and then lifts Kane up one more time, screaming loudly as he brings Kane over in an Attitude Adjustment! Cena and Kane are both down on the mat, breathing heavy. Orton is slow to move but he is stirring slightly. Roman Reigns is slowly pulling himself out of the table debris as the match continues. John Cena gets to his feet and moves over to Randy Orton -- Attitude Adjustment right on top of Kane! Cena makes the cover on The Viper: One, Two, Three! John Cena retains the WWE World Heavyweight title!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 28:52)

Match Rating: B




[somehow, some way John Cena has defied the odds and retained the WWE World Heavyweight title! But it's not his music that plays next. Instead, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins and out from the back comes Brock Lesnar lead by his advocate Paul Heyman. Heyman is all smiles as he leads the Conquerer down to the ring where John Cena has just gone through a war. Cena is barely able to stand as he is given the WWE World title belt. A defiant John Cena doesn't back down from the Beast Incarnate, though. Instead, he goes right at Lesnar with rights and lefts. Everything that Cena has left is fired at Lesnar but Lesnar absorbs it and then strikes Cena with clubbing forearms and punches, knocking Cena backward into a corner. Lesnar kicks Cena in the gut and then lifts him up over his shoulders -- F5! Cena is laid out in the center of the ring by the Beast Incarnate. Paul Heyman stands by and then checks Cena's pulse and says that he thinks Cena is dead. That makes Lesnar smile and just for fun he gives a second F5 to John Cena! A random sign is shown in the background: 'Rellik is killer spelt backwards!' Brock Lesnar grabs the WWE World Heavyweight title belt and raises it high as Paul Heyman raises Lesnar's other arm in victory. As the two men stand there, 'The Second Coming' begins to play.]




[it's Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins! Could he be coming out here to cash in his title shot tonight? John Cena is definitely going to need some medical assistance after the match and then the attack by Brock Lesnar. Cena looks completely unconscious on the mat. Seth Rollins is moving toward the ring with that briefcase in hand. The crowd rises in a corner of the arena. It's Dean Ambrose! The Lunatic Fringe somehow made it back into the arena! Rollins starts to run toward the ring to beat out Ambrose. He leaps on the apron but is met face-to-face with a Beast Incarnate. Brock Lesnar smiles and wags his finger at Seth Rollins. The look on Lesnar's face is almost daring Rollins to try and enter the ring. Off-microphone, Paul Heyman yells to Rollins that John Cena belongs to Brock Lesnar. Rollins has wide eyes and he pauses before leaping off the apron back to the ringside area and then beginning to backpedal up the ramp away from Brock Lesnar. Dean Ambrose stands at the barricade and motions to Rollins that he will give him a free pass tonight if he wants to go through Brock Lesnar. Rollins shakes his head several times, holding on to the briefcase. The show ends with Brock Lesnar's music playing as he stands tall inside the ring, Ambrose remains with the fans and Seth Rollins disappearing to the back.]

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Ah stupid Titus O'Neil!!! Really like the idea of writing up your NXT results like that. It's excellent to read stuff like this in a big time WWE Diary :D


In all honesty though, I would like to see more youngsters wrestling, rather than Khali, Otunga, O'Neil, and others. Guessing that you probably sent them there as you don't want to use them but can't sack them due to long, expensive contracts.


I'd like to see Neville, Zayn, Breeze, ENZO AMORE, etc main eventing NXT events :D Loved Neville going over Del Rio though!! Amazing!!


I am glad that everyone is enjoying my write-up of the NXT results. I didn't want to just do a generic A Beats C as I have done in previous diaries. Especially since the NXT guys are ones that will be called up to the WWE in the future. But I can understand wanting to see more youngsters wrestling on the show. Even with those guys in NXT, right now, I have 78 active wrestlers according to the Ideal Roster button. But that is building toward something...


I would definitely love to see guys like Neville, Zayn, Breeze, etc. main eventing NXT events. Maybe they will be soon. After all, Neville got a win over Alberto Del Rio. That was a truly amazing experience. Hope it leads to more main event wins for the NXT guys. As far as guys like Otunga/Khali/O'Neil they can be expected to be in NXT for the foreseeable future at the moment unless something comes up in my mind as it did for Braun Stowman.

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this BattleGround is packerman120 as he got an almost perfect score of 9/10! Congratulations to packerman120! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the pay-per-view!


1. packerman120=4 Wins

2. The Lloyd=3 Wins

Rayelek=3 Wins

4. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Smasher1311=2 Wins

9. JShmoopy=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

14. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

crackerjack=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We are one day removed from WWE BattleGround, which took place in the Fargodome in Fargo, North Dakota. WWE Monday Night Raw is sure to be an explosive affair with all of the fall-out from BattleGround. Set to be in the building include wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and more!


-Speaking of the two former Shield members, Triple H has announced that these two men will go one on one in the main event of the show. It will be the first one on one match between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns since Seth turned on Reigns and Dean Ambrose to join The Authority. Can the speed of Rollins counter the power of the man with the Superman Punch?


-Last night at BattleGround, John Cena retained the WWE World Heavyweight title by defeating three other men in a Fatal Fourway match. But he didn't leave the ring under his own power. Following that match, Brock Lesnar assaulted John Cena and left the WWE World Heavyweight Champion laying. Paul Heyman has announced that he and Brock Lesnar will be in the building. What will happen if John Cena makes it to the building?


-Triple H has sent out a memo that he and Stephanie McMahon will have a major announcement on this episode of Monday Night Raw that will change the face of the WWE. What could this major announcement be? The only way to find out is to make sure you tune in to Monday Night Raw on Monday night on the USA network.


-In what should be a rough and tumble six man tag team match, The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) team with new member Braun Stowman to face off with Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio. Can the high flying unit of Matadores and Mysterio defeat the power of The Wyatt Family or will the crazy Wyatts walk away with a victory in Braun Stowman's first match on Monday Night Raw?


-The Usos lost their WWE World Tag Team titles last night at BattleGround. It has already been announced that they have invoked their rematch clause for SummerSlam against the new WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers. The Usos will be in action on this Monday Night Raw as they face the returning team of Paul London and Brian Kendrick.


-The very first match in the Cruiserweight title tournament will be held this week on Monday Night Raw. The Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Liger will be stepping into the ring against former NXT star Corey Graves. Graves has been letting everyone he knows know that he is not afraid to take on Liger. Can youth prevail over experience?


-Plus an interview with The Rock, Chris Jericho will be in the building, Damien Sandow takes on Kofi Kingston and more! Which superstars will end July with a bang?


Prediction Listing


1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



London & Kendrick vs. The Usos



Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston



The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio



Victoria vs. Emma



Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Sometimes here at Promotion Wars we do have to give some unfortunate news. That can include releases from the biggest promotion in the world. WWE.com has made the announcement that Jo Jo Offerman has been released from her contract with the WWE. Offerman was signed with the WWE back in May of 2013 and immediately assigned to the cast of Total Divas, the reality show featuring divas from the WWE. She has only wrestled a handful of matches since her debut in the company. Her stay in Total Divas lasted only a single season. She was replaced by Summer Rae. We here at Promotion Wars wish her nothing but happiness in her future endeavors.

WWE – NXT – Jo Jo Offerman


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Prediction Listing


1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Liger gives Graves a good rub here.


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments: Build them up for the rematch with The Steiner Bros.


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: LOL


The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Stowman gets his first win...and...why the fuzz is Mysterio here?


Victoria vs. Emma

Comments: Unfortunately, because I love Emma.


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Seth DQs himself.


Fun Fan Signs: ''I still Bolieve!''


Comments On Previous Show: A good Battleground, all in all, with the only bad result IMO being The Usos losing the belt to The Steiners...but then, if I know you well, you are going to give them a huge storyline and make me change my mind. Also, DON'T STOP BOLIEVING!

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: You've put over vets before, so I see Liger hanging around a bit longer


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments:Get their momentum back


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston



The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Gotta put the new wyatt guy over


Victoria vs. Emma

Comments: Keep the train running until Victoria goes against Brie


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Ambrose interferes.


Fun Fan Signs: "My client, Barockkkkkkkkk Lessssnar"


Comments On Previous Show: Hyped that the steiners won, and intrigued by what's happening with sting.

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments: Love Londrick but they need to get back on track


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston



The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio



Victoria vs. Emma



Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Shenanigans!!!


Fun Fan Signs: Braun's gonna kill you!!!


Comments On Previous Show: Loved Battleground! Particularly Victoria vs Nikki and the Ambrose/Rollins match! Oh and that Ziggler is now Champ :D :D... But Releasing JoJo Offerman... Are you crazy?!?!?!?! :D lolol

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Corey can manage a loss to Liger.


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments: A nice comeback win.


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Kofi wins one!


The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio

Comments: The Hispanic Connection doesn't stand much chance.


Victoria vs. Emma

Comments: Aww, but I like Emma :(


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Roman is the man from the Shield.


Fun Fan Signs:

Let's Dance Emma!


Comments On Previous Show:

Surprised to see the titles wins by the Steiners and Dolph, what the hell is up with Sting though? Amusing to see Brock basically deny the MITB holder of his prey, good because I really don't see Seth ready to carry the belt yet.

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



London & Kendrick vs. The Usos



Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston



The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio



Victoria vs. Emma



Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Double DQ


Fun Fan Signs: $9.99 A Month Maggle!


Comments On Previous Show: Definately A Great PPV

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



London & Kendrick vs. The Usos



Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston



The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio



Victoria vs. Emma



Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: I don't know how I feel about Corey Graves. But we haven't seen Liger before and Graves has done things, so he gets the nod.


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments: Oh hell yes, the return of The Hooligans! (really wish they'd gotten to use that name)


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Since you're high on Kofi and all.


The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Los Matadores and Mysterio aren't really doing anything.


Victoria vs. Emma

Comments: Victoria seems to be being made to look strong.


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Justice has a name. And the name that it has, besides justice, is Roman Reigns.

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1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Not sure how long you have Liger, but you could just be using him to get Corey over a bit here. I'm not sure how popular Liger is in America at this time, so this one is actually tough.


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: The Battle of The Jobbers!


The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio


Victoria vs. Emma


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: This is tough, both of them are in the midst of strong pushes and this for sure won't be a pinfall victory. I can see this match ending in a cluster.

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Comments On Previous Show: A good Battleground, all in all, with the only bad result IMO being The Usos losing the belt to The Steiners...but then, if I know you well, you are going to give them a huge storyline and make me change my mind. Also, DON'T STOP BOLIEVING!


I'm glad that you enjoyed BattleGround over all. The return of The Steiner Brothers and their victory over The Usos was something that I knew would be polarizing among the readers. I am a huge fan of The Steiner Brothers tag team and truly believe that they are the best tag team in the history of the business. So, to me, it was an easy call, though I will admit that they are definitely past their prime. And, don't worry, I will never stop Bolieving! Thank you for your comments and for reading!


Comments On Previous Show: Hyped that the steiners won, and intrigued by what's happening with sting.


As I said in my comments earlier, I knew that the Steiners win would have some happy and some not so happy. Glad to see that I was right on that. As far as the happenings with Sting, things will definitely become more either shadowed or into the light with this Monday Night Raw. Thank you for your comments and for reading!


Comments On Previous Show: Loved Battleground! Particularly Victoria vs Nikki and the Ambrose/Rollins match! Oh and that Ziggler is now Champ :D :D... But Releasing JoJo Offerman... Are you crazy?!?!?!?! :D lolol


I am glad that the Diva's match and the opening match really came off well. Dolph Ziggler was always my choice for the Intercontinental champion as I was planning this diary. It's a belt that I believe the Show-Off deserves. Releasing Jo Jo Offerman was one of the easiest things I've ever done. lol. Thank you for your comments and for reading.


Victoria vs. Emma

Comments: Aww, but I like Emma :(


Comments On Previous Show:

Surprised to see the titles wins by the Steiners and Dolph, what the hell is up with Sting though? Amusing to see Brock basically deny the MITB holder of his prey, good because I really don't see Seth ready to carry the belt yet.


I like Emma as well, my friend. She has a contagious spirit that I hope will play well in this diary. As I said above, though, more will be coming out on Sting this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. And I thought it might make people laugh when they see Brock Lesnar deny Seth Rollins. Would you want to have to go through Brock Lesnar? I sure wouldn't. As always, thank you for reading and commenting.


Comments On Previous Show: Definately A Great PPV


I appreciate your comments on the pay-per-view. As always, feel free to pick out aspects, both positive and negative, if you wish. I am always interested in what the WWE Universe has to say. Thank you for your commenting and reading!


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos

Comments: Oh hell yes, the return of The Hooligans! (really wish they'd gotten to use that name)


I had hoped people would enjoy the return of London and Kendrick, though they are coming in as heels now instead of faces. They were and are a great tag team that should figure into the expanding tag team picture here in the WWE. Thank you for commenting and for reading!

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Monday Week 4 July 2014

Location: WA Spokane Memorial Arena

Attendance: 10,759

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.67




[This edition of WWE Monday Night Raw begins with a highlight/recap video from last night's WWE BattleGround. The highlights include the double count out between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, which ends with Ambrose being locked out of the building. Other highlights include Rusev's first Russian title defense, the arrival of Braun Stowman as the newest member of the Wyatt Family, the debut/return of Kassius Ohno and Stevie Richards, The Steiner Brothers winning the WWE World Tag Team titles for the first time since 1993, Victoria injuring the leg of Nikki Bella, Dolph Ziggler winning the Intercontinental title battle royal, Paige's successful defense of the Diva's title, John Cena's Fatal Fourway win to defend his WWE World Heavyweight title and then the attack by Brock Lesnar on Cena.]




[inside the Spokane Memorial Arena in Spokane Washington Michael Cole, John Layfield and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw. As they are talking, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins and out from the back walks Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. The two men walk directly to the ring and step inside where Heyman has the microphone. 'Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for the man who ended the WresteMania undefeated streak of The Undertaker Brock Lesnar! I am the one behind the one in twenty-one and one.' But, Heyman says, he is not out here to talk about that fact. After all, people can watch it over and over again if they purchase the WWE Network for only $9.99. He says he is out here to give the fans what they want, what they need. Or, rather, he is here to remove from the WWE what the fans do not want to see. And that is that they do not want John Cena as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion any more. Heyman says that the man standing beside him is the man that can do what three men last night at BattleGround could not do. Heyman says that Brock Lesnar already did what twenty one people could not do at WrestleMania. So, Heyman says, Brock Lesnar is announcing his intent to face, defeat and conquer John Cena at SummerSlam and become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion.]






[Paul Heyman's words are interrupted by the music of The Authority and more specifically Triple H. Hunter does not stop at the top of the ramp. Instead, he walks right down to the ring and steps inside, looking at Paul Heyman for a moment and then getting right into the face of Brock Lesnar. Neither man backs down from the other. Then Heyman draws attention when he asks Hunter if he is here to make the match official for SummerSlam. Hunter finally takes a step back so he can talk and says that he did NOT come out here to make that match official. But he did come out here because he did not forget that Brock Lesnar broke his arm last year at SummerSlam. So, he decided, he is simply not in a giving mood when it comes to Brock Lesnar. Instead, tonight, Brock Lesnar is going to have to EARN a title match in a Fatal Fourway contest in our main event. Triple H announces that the other three members of that contest are Randy Orton, Kevin Nash and The Rock! Heyman laughs and says that he understands what Triple H is saying. He says that Brock Lesnar will do his dirty work and take out Kevin Nash tonight. But, then, Lesnar gets Cena at SummerSlam and he will conquer the title. Triple H says that it's fine as long as Lesnar can win tonight.]





Match #1


1st Round Of The Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Corey Graves vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


[Our very first match of the evening is the first match in the brand new Cruiserweight title tournament featuring Corey Graves and Jushin Liger. The man known as The Savior of Misbehavior starts out strong against the Japanese legend. He focuses in on the knee of Liger, keeping the quicker man grounded on the mat, including locking in a single leg Boston crab. He leans back on the crab but Liger refuses to submit. Graves releases the hold and sends Liger into a corner. He runs in and hits a corner clothesline. Then he whips Liger to another corner. He charges in but this time Liger moves out of the way and Graves strikes the turnbuckle chest-first. Liger brings Graves down with a Frankensteiner and then heads to the top turnbuckle -- frog splash! Liger hooks the leg: One, Two, Kickout! Liger is up quickly and pulls Graves up -- Liger Bomb! But Liger isn't finished. He is up quickly again and hooks Graves -- Brainbuster! Liger floats over and makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! Jushin Thunder Liger moves to the second round!]


Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger (Via Pinfall @ 7:55)

Match Rating: D+




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Renee Young is standing by with Brie Bella. The focus of the conversation is on Brie's sister Nikki. Brie says that her sister is at home right now recuperating from the injury given to her leg by Victoria. Brie says that the doctors are still running tests on the leg to determine exactly how much damage was done. She also says that Nikki would like to thank the WWE Universe for their outpouring of support during this tough time. Stephanie McMahon steps in, interrupting the interview. Stephanie says that Brie is a conniving little bitch. Stephanie shows footage of how Brie Bella flirted with the security guard last night at BattleGround to open the door and allow Dean Ambrose back into the building. Stephanie slaps Brie Bella and then lets the WWE Universe know that Brie is still not a member of the WWE roster so she should not even be here. Stephanie calls for security, who step in before Brie can retaliate on Stephanie. Three security guards escort Brie Bella from the building.]




['Here To Show The World' begins to play and the crowd rises on their feet, cheering as the brand new WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler comes out and walks to the ring, high fiving a few fans on the way down to the ring. He steps inside and is given a microphone where The Show-Off begins by thanking the WWE Universe for their support. He says that he could not have done this without them. Ziggler talks about the fact that he is now a two time Intercontinental champion. He says that the last time he held this title was back in 2010 where he defeated an amazing wrestler in Kofi Kingston for the title on an episode of Smackdown. Now, he says, he has defeated 19 other men to show himself off. He is not only a show off but a show stealer. He is the best Intercontinental champion of all-time. Why? Because he is the ultimate Show-Off. He is going to be a fighting champion and will fight anyone who wants to step into the ring with...]






[Y2J Chris Jericho comes out from the back to interrupt Dolph Ziggler. The crowd boos Jericho as he walks down to the ring and steps inside. Ziggler tells Jericho that he's interrupting HIS time. Jericho says that's funny considering Dolph Ziggler is interrupting his time as Intercontinental champion. Jericho talks about having a master plan at BattleGround and it didn't include a bleached blonde ruining his victory celebration. Jericho says that he planned to come out here tonight and welcome everyone to Raw Is Jericho before he shows off his newly won Intercontinental title. But that didn't happen because Dolph Ziggler got in the way of this victory. So, since Dolph is going to be a fighting champion, Jericho insists on getting a title shot at SummerSlam! Ziggler says he has no problem with that but if they are going to wrestle at SummerSlam then they are going to steal the show. That means they need another stipulation for their match. Ziggler has an idea for a match that hasn't been done before. Just like when Chris Jericho invented the Money In The Bank Ladder Match, Ziggler says he is going to go one step further. He says that at SummerSlam he will defend his WWE Intercontinental title against Chris Jericho in a Finisher's Only match. What this means is that the match can only end by pinfall or submission when a finisher is used. Ziggler says he will use his Zig Zag or his Sleeper and Jericho can use that little Walls Of Jericho thing or CodeBreaker. Jericho agrees but adds in that Ziggler's pretty face will never, ever be the same again! Jericho goes for a cheap shot but once again Ziggler sees it coming and blocks a punch. He fires on Jericho and then sends Jericho over the top rope with a clothesline. Ziggler celebrates and we have a SummerSlam match!]




[in the backstage area, interviewer Jason Albert approaches the new WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers. Albert congratulates them on beating The Usos at BattleGround but says that The Usos have invoked their rematch clause for SummerSlam. Scott Steiner says that it doesn't matter when the two teams face off because he and his brother are the greatest tag team of all time. He says that they have proved it by becoming the WWE World Tag Team Champions twenty years after the last time they held the titles. Scott says that The Usos are losers and are not in the league of The Steiner Brothers. Scott compares them to their 'old man,' saying that Rikishi could never win the big one and that his sons have inherited that gene. Jason asks Rick for any comments and he simply says that the Dog-Faced Gremlin is going to go Cujo on the Usos. He jogs in a circle, barking out as we get thrown back to the ring for our next match.]


Match #2


London & Kendrick vs. The Usos


[The second match of the evening is a very intense fast-paced contest as The Usos battle against the returning former WWE World Tag Team Champions in Paul London and Brian Kendrick. All four men begin the match in the ring and get paired up on opposite sides of the ring. London and Kendrick gain an advantage and try to whip The Usos against each other but Jey leap-frogs over Jimmy and Jimmy spears London. Jey takes down Kendrick with a clothesline. London and Kendrick exit the ring to take a breath but they are assaulted with dives over the top rope by The Usos! The crowd is solidly in the corner of Jimmy and Jey. The match gets settled inside the ring and shows some various double teams by both sides. London and Kendrick drop Jimmy with a double flapjack. An assisted standing moonsault scores a two count on Jimmy Uso. Both London and Kendrick go for flying kicks but Jimmy avoids them and makes the tag to his brother. The Usos show their double team skills when they bring Paul London down with a double superkick. London rolls out of the ring, leaving Kendrick with both Usos. The Usos set up Brian Kendrick -- Alley-Us! Jimmy makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 8:17)

Match Rating: C




[back to the backstage area, we are taken to where Renee Young is standing by with the members of The Wolf Pack. Renee tells Roman Reigns that he must be disappointed in losing last night at BattleGround. Reigns says that he will have a lot more opportunities at the World title. However, tonight is about his focus on his former partner and friend Seth Rollins. He says that he has not forgotten what Seth Rollins did to him and Dean Ambrose and he will be getting his revenge tonight. Believe that! Kevin Nash is next to talk and he hypes his presence in the number one contenders match this evening. He says that Triple H is sending Brock Lesnar to take him out? Well, he's the guy that ended the undefeated streak of Goldberg. That means he can beat any man at any time. Tonight he beats three to head to SummerSlam. The last man, Dean Ambrose, says that he's looking forward to seeing the match between Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. He says he will be watching the back of Reigns and that he will still be ensuring that Rollins does not cash in that Money In The Bank briefcase. Renee starts to ask Roman Reigns about his seeming friendship with Sting but Reigns says this interview is over and walks off without answering those questions.]




[back around the ringside area, Damien Sandow comes out from the back and walks to the ring with a microphone in hand. He tells all the mouth-breathers in the crowd that they need to shut their mouths and listen to the intelligent words that he has to say. He enters the ring, saying that tonight he is taking on someone who is of lower intelligence in Kofi Kingston. He is quite sure that Kofi could not spell the word cat using a dictionary. But, Damien says, that is alright because tonight the only word that Sandow needs to spell is 'win.' Because he is a winner and tonight he proves that in the ring against Kingston. Tonight, Kofi Kingston, you will learn what it is like to take a look at the lights. You're welcome.]


Match #3


Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston


[Our third match of the evening has the fans solidly in the corner of Kofi Kingston, especially after the promo by Damien Sandow right before the match. The match, itself, is pretty short and isn't anything to write home about. Early on, a sign is shown in the background: '$9.99 A Month Maggle!' Sandow shows some skill, bringing Kingston to the mat with a corkscrew neckbreaker and then hitting the Cubito Aequet for a two count. Sandow goes for the Terminus but Kingston manages to fight his way out of the hold. Kingston drops Sandow with a float-over DDT and then looks down at the fallen Sandow. He calls for the Boom Drop and it connects, scoring a two count when Sandow gets the shoulder up. Kingston springboards off the second turnbuckle with a cross body on Sandow, scoring another two count. He steps back into a corner and when Sandow rises to his feet, Kingston strikes with the Trouble In Paradise! He quickly turns that into the S.O.S., holding Sandow's shoulders down on the mat: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Kofi Kingston (Via Pinfall @ 5:42)

Match Rating: C







[We move to the office of the WWE COO Triple H where he is standing by with Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. Rollins complains about Brock Lesnar standing in his way of cashing in the briefcase. Hunter asks him if he really wants to tangle with a guy like Brock Lesnar. Of course, Rollins has no wish to tangle with Lesnar. The conversation turns to Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins says that the only way he is going to be able to cash in the briefcase is by getting rid of Dean Ambrose. Hunter agrees and says that he has come up with a match for SummerSlam that will do just that. He says that he is placing Rollins and Ambrose in a Viewer's Choice match at SummerSlam. He will pick a match, Rollins will pick a match and Ambrose will pick a match. The WWE Universe will vote on which match they will participate in. Those match types will be revealed this week on Smackdown. Rollins agrees and says he knows just the match that will be selected.]




['Voices' by Rev Theory begin to play as The Viper Randy Orton comes walking to the ring. He is looking more and more upset as he steps in the ring and is given a microphone. He starts yelling into the microphone about how he was screwed out of his rightful place as the WWE World Heavyweight champion last night at BattleGround. Still photos are shown of the attacks by Sting during that match against the two Authority members. Orton says that he is sick and tired of Sting coming down from those rafters only to disappear back up in them. So, he says, he wants a match at SummerSlam against Sting! He says that Sting has not been here in the WWE so he doesn't know what the Viper is capable of. He says that there is a reason they used to call him the Legend Killer. Sting is just another legend that will fall to the RKO if he accepts the match. The lights dim and a spotlight shines in the rafters showing Sting standing there. Sting points his black baseball bat toward the ring and then nods, showing his acceptance of the match. Wow! Sting's very first match in the WWE at SummerSlam...against Randy Orton!]




[A sit-down interview becomes the next focus here on Monday Night Raw as Michael Cole interviews The Rock. The interview was pre-taped before the show aired so has no allusions toward The Rock's match tonight. Instead, Cole asks The Rock about his relationship with Braun Stowman. The Rock talks about Stowman being a former strongman and that is where The Rock met him. The Rock says that Stowman is a good man and became a fast friend of The Rock. He says that they quickly became like brothers and that is why The Rock introduced Stowman to the WWE and got him a job down in NXT. The Rock says that he watched as Stowman was getting better in the Performance Center and down in NXT. He says that he believes Stowman didn't need him looking over his shoulder. But The Rock says that The Rock didn't think that Stowman would turn on him and allow himself to get brainwashed by Bray Wyatt. The Rock vows to clear the mind of Stowman and get him back on the side of the right and the good if you smell what The Rock is cooking.]


Match #4


The Wyatt Family (Braun Stowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) vs. Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio


[A six man tag team match comes next as three members of The Wyatt Family take on Los Matadores and Rey Mysterio. This is another classic matchup of speed with Matadores and Rey and power with The Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt stays at ringside, sitting in a rocking chair. Matadores and Rey start the match fast, including Rey catching Rowan with a hurricanrana that sends him out of the ring. Rey bounces off the ropes and hits Rowan with a baseball slide kick. Rey comes back in and tags out. Fernando climbs the turnbuckles and leaps but Rowan catches him and runs him back-first into the apron of the ring before depositing him back inside. The Wyatt Family make quick, frequent tags in and out, keeping a fresh man in. Stowman shows some very basic moves in this match like the vertical suplex and a body slam and an elbow drop for a two count. Late in the match, the match breaks into a pier six brawl with all six men doing battle in the ring and then outside the ring. Rowan catches Diego with a big boot and then a chokeslam before making the cover and gaining a three count for The Wyatt Family.]


Winners: The Wyatt Family (Via Pinfall @ 9:26)

Match Rating: C-


[Bray Wyatt enters the ring as it is cleared of everyone except The Wyatt Family. A fan raises a sign that reads: 'Braun's gonna kill you!!!' and Bray points out the sign as being the truth and a sign of things to come. You see, Bray Wyatt says, he did not come here to bring peace. He did not come to bring happiness. He came to bring a sword. He came to brew war among the people. He says that war is something that everyone can understand. It is inevitable. War turns man against man and brother against brother. He says that this war, this war on the sheep of World Wrestling Entertainment has turned this man (Braun Stowman)'s brother against him. Rocky, you claim that you were as close to this man as a brother but that is not the way that he says it. Wyatt says The Rock abandoned this man in NXT and the Performance Center. But Bray Wyatt lifts this man up and shows him the light and the truth. Wyatt says that this man is another of his brothers in a family built by war and not by blood. He says that The Rock will feel Braun Stowman's pain. And The Rock's life will cease to be a Hollywood script. Wyatt says that the pain begins tonight. Then he drops the microphone and heads toward the back with the rest of The Wyatt Family.]







['King Of Kings' by Motorhead bring out the WWE COO Triple H and one of the principal owners of the WWE, his wife Stephanie McMahon. They pass a fan with a sign reading: 'I still Bolieve!' Hunter holds the ropes open for Stephanie and enters after her, holding a microphone up. He pauses to take in boos from the crowd and then says that there is a brand new era beginning very soon in the WWE. The more that things change, the more they stay the same. He says that sometimes mistakes are made and those are mistakes that he has to live with or mistakes that he can make right because that is what is best for business. He says that he knows that he promised a major announcement this evening on Monday Night Raw and it is time for that announcement. He says that the announcement is that following SummerSlam this year, we are going to see the return of the Brand Split here in the WWE. That means wrestlers will wrestle either on Raw or on Smackdown but not both. On the Raw and Smackdown following SummerSlam there will be a draft held between the GM's of Raw and Smackdown to determine the top twenty selections, ten on each show. Raw and Smackdown will also have separate pay-per-view style shows alternating months aside from several which will include both brands. Those that will include both brands include: Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series. Now, of course, myself and Stephanie will be the General Managers of Monday Night Raw. I will let Stephanie tell you the GM for Smackdown.]




[before Stephanie McMahon can make the announcement, they are interrupted by 'The Truth Reigns' and Roman Reigns walks through the crowd and down to the ring. He leaps the barricade and enters the ring, staring down at Triple H. Stephanie takes a step back and tells Reigns that he needs to get out of the ring because this isn't his time. Reigns smirks and says that he makes his own time. But he didn't come out here to talk to Stephanie. He came out here to talk to the head of The Authority Triple H. How do you kill a snake that has come into your garden? You remove the head. That is what Roman Reigns plans to do and he challenges Triple H to a match at SummerSlam. Stephanie says that her husband doesn't wrestle anymore. He is an owner. Reigns smirks and talks about Triple H hiding beneath the skirt of his wife. He should have known that Stephanie wears the pants in the family. Triple H goes nose-to-nose with Reigns and says that he never backs down from a fight. Reigns says that the match is set for SummerSlam, then. But he wants to make it even more important. He says that he wants Triple H to sign a contract saying that the winner of their match decides the Smackdown General Manager. Stephanie is quick to agree but Hunter asks what is in it for him. Reigns asks what Hunter wants. Hunter says that if, no when, he wins, Reigns will not be able to challenge for any titles for one year. Is Reigns confident enough? Reigns agrees and says he will walk away with the win. Believe that. The confrontation does not become physical as Reigns exits the ring and heads back through the crowd.]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where we find Cesaro, Stevie Richards and Kassius Ohno. Cesaro shakes hands with both of them, thanking them for having his back last night at BattleGround. Richards says that the Original King Of Swing, Dancing Stevie Richards has to watch out for the new King Of Swing, right? Ohno says that he has always had the back of his partner. He pats Cesaro on the shoulder and says that they need to turn their focus on the WWE World Tag Team Champions held by the two grumpy old men. Richards says that Ohno and Cesaro use to team together as the Kings Of Wrestling. Now that the three of them are together they can be called the Kings Of WrestleSwing! Cesaro rolls his eyes but Richards seems very happy about his choice of name. Cesaro and Ohno share a quick look and Cesaro says 'why not?' WWE here come the Kings Of WrestleSwing so you better watch out!]


Match #5


Victoria vs. Emma


[Our first Diva's match this evening has Emma dancing her way down toward the ring. She dances with a fan who has a sign reading: 'Let's Dance Emma!' Then she heads into the ring where she faces off with Victoria. Emma shows that she is not going to be a push-over for the veteran Diva, taking things right to Victoria in the early-going. She even manages to lock Victoria in the Dil-Emma but has to break before the five count. Emma starts to go for the Emma-Lock but Victoria pokes her in the eye to break that up. Victoria gets to her feet and yanks Emma to the mat with a hair-pull takedown. Victoria moves Emma to the center of the ring and catches her with a standing moonsault. She yanks Emma up and catches her with the Spider's Web and then calls for the finisher. One more time Emma is yanked to her feet and Victoria catches her with the Widow's Peak. Victoria makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Victoria (Via Pinfall @ 5:58)

Match Rating: D




[We go to the backstage locker room area where we see Goldust clutching the elbow pad that he received from The Rock. Stardust walks into view of the camera and tells Goldust that he has seen their destiny written within the stars. He says that he was watching the sky last night and the constellations were out. He saw the stars form two perfect faces of the two men that he and Goldust should be facing to help out their good friend, The Rock. To paraphrase, Stardust says, he is going to make them an offer that they cannot refuse. Goldust looks to his brother and tells him to 'go ahead, make my day.' Wyatt Family, Stardust says, you can't handle the truth. That truth is written within the stars and the gold dust that flows within the veins of this family. Next week on Monday Night Raw, The Dust Brothers against The Wyatt Family. If you build it, they will come. Stardust blows dust into the camera as we head back to the ringside area.]




["Ревът на лъва (Roar of the Lion)" by CFO$ begins to play and the crowd begins booing loudly, raising the chants of 'USA, USA, USA.' Lana leads the WWE United States/Russian Champion Rusev down to the ring and steps inside. She has a microphone and begins berating the crowd in Russian before turning her words to English. She states that the stupid American flag is a symbol. It is a symbol that is hated in each and every other country. She says it is a faded banner for a ruined nation that is no longer at the top of the list of countries in the world. That is why Rusev will not carry a United States title. Instead, he carries the symbol of strength and determination. He carries the Russian title. She says that she has brought Rusev out here for a purpose tonight. She says that she has been speaking with him and they have decided to begin a Rusev Challenge beginning this week on Smackdown. The rules are simple. If anyone can stay within the ring for ten minutes with Rusev without losing, then they will receive a Russian title shot. If they lose then they are dropped to the bottom of the rankings. She says that the bottom of the rankings will begin filling up this Friday night on Smackdown. She says that Rusev will crush anyone and everyone who stands in the ring opposing him. She wishes good luck for survival before her music begins playing again and she leads Rusev to the back.]





Match #6


Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns


[Our semi main event is a match that many fans have been waiting to see since Seth Rollins turned on The Shield and joined The Authority. Mr. Money In The Bank enters the ring and faces off with his former friend. Kane stands at ringside in the corner of Seth Rollins. Rollins shows his confidence when he slaps Reigns across the face! Reigns just smiles for a moment and goes after Rollins but Rollins slides out of the ring to keep from getting caught by Reigns. Rollins uses a lot of stalling tactics in the early-going to frustrate Reigns. It seems to work as Rollins has Reigns chase him outside the ring. Rollins slides in and Reigns follows but Rollins strikes with stomps and a few double sledges to the back of Reigns to keep the larger man down. Rollins rakes the face of Reigns along his boot and then picks up Reigns, tossing him in a corner. Rollins strikes with a flying forearm smash in the corner and then begins laying into Reigns with several kicks, ending with an enzuigiri kick that brings Reigns to all fours. Rollins moves in and locks Reigns into a Boston Crab, leaning back in the hold, having Reigns raise his right hand but he refuses to tap. The next several minutes have Rollins maintaining his control. A few offensive bursts by Reigns are quickly stopped either by Rollins or by Kane when Rollins has the referee's attention. At around the ten minute mark, Rollins heads to the top turnbuckle. He looks down at Reigns, preparing to leap but somehow Reigns pushes himself up and crotches Rollins on the turnbuckle!]


[The crowd is solidly behind Roman Reigns as he climbs the turnbuckle and brings Rollins over with a Superplex! The crowd pops but both men are down on the mat, trying to catch their breath. Rollins crawls toward the ropes to try to pull himself up. Reigns rolls out of the ring and lines up Rollins -- Running dropkick outside the ring by Reigns! The crowd cheers as Reigns plays to the crowd for a moment. He enters the ring and lifts Rollins into the air, pressing him overhead. After three presses, he drops Rollins onto his shoulder and brings him down with a powerslam! Reigns stands up and punches the mat. He's preparing for that Superman Punch! Rollins slowly pulls himself up -- Superman Punch connects! The crowd cheers as Reigns moves back into a corner, setting up for the spear. Kane moves around to that corner and grabs the legs of Reigns, yanking him down to the mat and then crotching him on the ring post! The crowd boos but this was right in front of the referee so the bell sounds.]


Winner: Roman Reigns (Via Disqualification @ 16:42)

Match Rating: C-




[The bell has sounded but the fight isn't over. Seth Rollins exits the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in. He directs Kane and The Authority's Favorite Demon grabs Roman Reigns and brings him up and down to the mat with a Chokeslam! Rollins places the steel chair down, preparing to slide it underneath the head of Roman Reigns but that plan is changed as Dean Ambrose comes running toward the ring! Ambrose slides in the ring and Rollins tosses the chair to Ambrose. Ambrose catches it and Rollins gives a superkick to the chair and it cracks against the skull of Ambrose. Rollins and Kane begin stomping on the prone form of Dean Ambrose. Rollins pulls Ambrose up and strikes him with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Ambrose is down. Kane slides the chair underneath the skull of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins heads to the top turnbuckle! The lights suddenly dim and then fill into darkness. After a few moments, the darkness gives way to light and Sting is in the ring! Rollins leaps off the turnbuckle and Sting strikes him with a baseball bat shot to the gut! It's a home run for Sting! Sting turns and works over Kane with the bat before dropping him with a Scorpion Death Drop! Sting has dropped two members of The Authority tonight!]




[We move from the ring to a hype video of one of the newest WWE tag teams that will be coming soon to the WWE. The team Roughhouse Riders, talk during the interview about growing up on the streets and how the two of them were best friends growing up. They talk about the fact that they had to fight for every single scrap of food that they got. They lived in housing that probably should have been condemned. Shawn Hernandez says that when he asked for a pet, his mother let him keep a pet rat in the house instead of getting him a dog or a cat or anything else because they couldn't afford any other pet. But they talked about the fact that they didn't let their past ruin their present or their future. They say that they have grown up as proud Latino Americans. They are proud of their culture and their heritage. Now they are bringing the pride here to World Wrestling Entertainment. They say that they are going to prove that your past doesn't have to dictate your future. And that begins very soon here in the WWE.]


Match #7


#1 Contenders Match To WWE World Heavyweight Title

Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton vs. The Rock vs. Kevin Nash


[Our main event could be a pay-per-view main event as all four men are given their own separate entrances. Paul Heyman is the only manager to come out and stand at ringside, representing his client Brock Lesnar. The bell sounds and the four men look around before they begin to pair up. In one corner are Randy Orton and The Rock. In another corner stand Brock Lesnar and Kevin Nash. Lesnar and Nash are exchanging heavy hitting punches with neither man wanting to back down from the other. Lesnar strikes with some body shots in the corner, driving knees into the chest of Nash. The 6'3" Lesnar lifts Nash up on his shoulders, trying to end things early, perhaps, but Nash gets to his feet. Nash yanks up Lesnar and drops him with a Snake Eyes and then a big boot to bring Lesnar down to the mat. On the other side, Randy Orton and The Rock are battling back and forth until The Rock gets an advantage. The Rock throws three punches, a spit on his fist and a punch that sends Orton scattering out of the ring. The Rock takes a few steps back and bumps Nash. The two men turn and immediately begin throwing punches. The Rock ducks a punch and lifts Nash -- Samoan Drop! The Rock plays to the crowd before the screen begins filling with static.]





[When the screen comes back, The Wyatt Family is filling the ring and attacking The Rock. But The Rock is not backing down from them! He catches Erick Rowan with a float-over DDT and then kips up to his feet. He ducks a big boot attempt by Luke Harper and sends Harper flying over the top rope to the floor below. The Rock and Bray Wyatt come face-to-face but Braun Stowman steps between them, protecting Bray Wyatt. Randy Orton strikes The Rock from behind and then drops him to the mat with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton ignores the Wyatt Family as he focuses in on the task at hand. That task, of course, is winning the #1 contendership and heading to SummerSlam to challenge John Cena. Orton talks with Brock Lesnar, forming an uneasy alliance. Orton holds The Rock and Lesnar begins throwing heavy handed punches to the head and then the body of The Great One. The Wyatt Family all exit the ring and stand back to watch. Orton pushes The Rock toward Lesnar and Lesnar yanks up The Rock -- F5! The Rock is planted! Orton moves in to make the cover: One, Two, Broken Up By Brock Lesnar. Lesnar catches Orton with a headbutt and then shoves him backward. The two men come face to face but get caught with a double clothesline by Kevin Nash! The next few minutes are spent with Kevin Nash in control of the match. Nash drops Randy Orton with a Jackknife Powerbomb but Orton manages to roll out of the ring before he can be pinned. The distraction allows Lesnar to move in and throw Nash with a release German Suplex! Down at ringside, Sting has made his presence felt, using his baseball bat to hold Randy Orton out of the ring, choking Orton with the bat.]


[Outside the ring lies The Rock and Randy Orton. The Rock was a victim of an F-5 by Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton was a victim of a Jackknife Powerbomb by Kevin Nash. Inside the ring, Brock Lesnar has control over Kevin Nash. Lesnar brings Nash over with a snap suplex and then he sets Nash up on the top turnbuckle. Lesnar climbs up and hooks the Wolf Pack leader -- Superplex connects! Paul Heyman is looking happy at ringside as he gives instructions to his client Brock Lesnar. Lesnar lifts Nash and brings him over in a release German Suplex. Lesnar mounts Nash and throws punches, busting Nash open. A small amount of blood trickles down Nash's forehead. Lesnar lifts Nash and brings him back to the mat with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Nash is down and is barely moving at this point. The Rock manages to climb onto the apron but he is knocked backward by Lesnar with a clothesline. The Rock crashes onto Randy Orton and Sting! All three of them are down! Paul Heyman tosses a chair inside the ring to Brock Lesnar. As we are nearing the twenty five minute mark of this match, Lesnar sets the chair down and lifts Kevin Nash -- F-5 onto the chair! Lesnar smiles, he enjoys inflicting pain and that much is obvious. Lesnar gives Nash a second F-5 on the chair and then makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! Brock Lesnar wins!]


Winner: Brock Lesnar (Via Pinfall @ 25:10)

Match Rating: B




[The bell has sounded and we have a brand new #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight title! That man is the Conquerer Brock Lesnar! A fan raises a sign in the air, reading: 'My client, Barockkkkkkkkk Lessssnar!' Paul Heyman enters the ring and raises the arm of Lesnar. There's a pile of bodies both inside the ring and outside the ring. Off-microphone, Heyman yells that he told everyone that Lesnar will be victorious. The same thing will happen at SummerSlam. Suddenly, 'The Time Is Now' begins to play. The crowd rises on their feet with both cheers and boos as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena walks out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp. His ribs are heavily taped but he raises the title belt high in the air. Brock Lesnar smiles and stares at John Cena, seemingly inviting Cena to come down to the ring and get face-to-face. Cena makes no moves to come to the ring. Instead, the two men just stare at each other as the show goes off the air.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this Monday Night Raw are crackerjack and Beejus as they got a perfect score of 6/6! Congratulations to crackerjack and Beejus! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=4 Wins

2. The Lloyd=3 Wins

Rayelek=3 Wins

4. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Smasher1311=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

10. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

15. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

Uncrewed=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. What a show that we have planned for you this week coming off the heels of the great Battleground pay-per-view. The Alex G. Spanos Center in Stockton California plays host to this edition of Smackdown.


-Triple H stated that Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins will be meeting in a Viewer's Choice match at SummerSlam. Triple H will choose a match, Seth Rollins will choose a match and Dean Ambrose will choose a match. Then it will be up to the WWE Universe which match is selected. The Universe will have one week to make up their mind.


-Our main event features two wrestlers who were in the Intercontinental title battle royal as the daredevil antics of Kofi Kingston go up against the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-A Chris Jericho. Last week, Jericho picked up what many people call an upset win when he defeated John Cena. Will we see another upset this week or will the veteran Jericho pick up a big victory?


-The WWE Intercontinental title will be on the line as the brand new fighting champion Dolph Ziggler takes on Curtis Axel. Axel is a third generation wrestler with the pedigree of a top WWE superstar but he hasn't yet found his groove here in the WWE. Can he pick up the Intercontinental title tonight against The Show-Off?


-We will see two matches in the first round of the Cruiserweight title tournament. One of those matches will feature a wrestler that is very familiar to WWE wrestling fans. We will see the in-ring return of the wrestler known as Sean Waltman as he takes on Sami Zayn in the first round of the tournament. In the other match, two wrestlers that long-time WWE fans may not yet be familiar with but they will be. Those two wrestlers are The Great Sasuke and Prince Devitt, who was also in the Intercontinental title battle royal.


-Plus The Rusev Open Challenge, Roman Reigns is in the building, Paul Heyman has some words, The Divas, The Kings Of WrestleSwing and more.


Prediction Listing


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Prince Devitt vs. The Great Sasuke



Rusev Open Challenge

10 Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match

Rusev vs. Xavier Woods



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Sean Waltman vs. Sami Zayn



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Curtis Axel



The Miz and Corey Graves vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston



Fun Fan Signs:


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Prediction Listing


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Prince Devitt vs. The Great Sasuke



Rusev Open Challenge

10 Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match

Rusev vs. Xavier Woods



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Sean Waltman vs. Sami Zayn



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Curtis Axel



The Miz and Corey Graves vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston



Fun Fan Signs: WrestleSwing for TAG CHAMPS!


Comments On Previous Show:

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Prince Devitt vs. The Great Sasuke



Rusev Open Challenge

10 Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match

Rusev vs. Xavier Woods



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Sean Waltman vs. Sami Zayn



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Curtis Axel



The Miz and Corey Graves vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston



Fun Fan Signs: Devitt's Gonna Kill You!


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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Prince Devitt vs. The Great Sasuke

Comments: Devitt has seemed a bit more like you're behind him, but this is a toss-up.


Rusev Open Challenge

10 Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match

Rusev vs. Xavier Woods

Comments: Rusev crush!


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Sean Waltman vs. Sami Zayn

Comments: As much as I like Waltman, I have a feeling he's here to bleed overness and leave.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Curtis Axel

Comments: I have a feeling this would be an awesome match to actually watch.


The Miz and Corey Graves vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing

Comments: I can't figure out what you're doing with Corey Graves, so I'll give this one to the named team.


Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Tough to call, but if this match is clean, Jericho is the winner.

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