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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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Monday Week 1 August 2014

Location: OR Moda Center (North West)

Attendance: 11,638

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 5.39




[Michael Cole, John Layfield and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw this week from the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon! What a show we have planned for Raw tonight, including John Cena's first match since defending his title in a Fatal Fourway at BattleGround as takes on the Authority's Favorite Demon Kane in a non title match. Cena's ribs are obviously injured after the attack by Brock Lesnar at BattleGround. Can he survive a match with The Authority's Favorite Demon? That's not the only match already announced for tonight! We will see a first round match in the Cruiserweight title tournament as The Hurricane steps in the ring with Paul London. Both of these men are former WWE World Tag Team Champions here in the WWE. Who will walk away with the victory in singles action and move on to the second round? As if that's not enough, we will also be seeing a high flying contest as Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins takes on Rey Mysterio!]






[The crowd boos loudly as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walk out from the back and head right to the ring. Hunter holds the ropes open for his wife and then steps inside the ring standing beside her. Triple H says that he comes to the ring today with a heavy heart. He says that following Smackdown this past Friday night he was informed of an injury to Sean Waltman. For those doctors in the building, he suffered a simple scapular fracture and he will be out for over two months. This leaves a hole in the Cruiserweight title tournament. Triple H says that he sat down with Stephanie to decide what was best for business to fill that hole in the second round. He lets Stephanie announce that there will be a second chance battle royal at the end of the first round of the tournament to determine who will take Sean Waltman's place. It will feature ten men, including the men who lost in the first round and some who did not make it to compete in the first round. But enough of that, Triple H says. He says that he has to turn his focus to SummerSlam. He has to turn his focus to the man they call the Roman Empire, Roman Reigns. Well, Roman, remember that the Roman Empire fell and that's exactly what's going to happen at SummerSlam. The Roman Empire is going to fall to the ground and be looking up at the lights. But that's only if he makes it to SummerSlam. Next week, Roman Reigns must step into the ring one on one in a street fight against Kane! Triple H might have continued but he looks stunned as several police offers walk down to the ring. The police officers step inside and approach Stephanie McMahon, telling her that she is being placed under arrest for assault and battery. McMahon looks shocked and begins yelling at the police that they can't do that to her. Off-microphone, the police officer reads her the Miranda Rights. She is placed into handcuffs as Triple H looks like he might try to 'save' her but the other officers are there to stop that from happening. Hunter says he's gonna 'call Jerry.' He gets on the microphone and tells Kane that he's in charge tonight. Hunter, Stephanie and the police officers exit the ring and walk up the ramp. Stephanie McMahon is under arrest for assault and battery? What a shocking beginning for Monday Night Raw!]





Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Paul London vs. The Hurricane


[With the shock of what happened to Stephanie McMahon, we move to the ring and the first round matchup in the Cruiserweight title tournament. The match is very fast-paced between both London and Hurricane. London shows some cheating ways as he chokes The Hurricane on the middle rope and then slides out of the ring, catching Hurricane with an uppercut. Back inside the ring, London catches Hurricane with a Legsweep DDT! He makes the cover: One, Two, Foot On The Bottom Rope! The Hurricane survives a signature move of Paul London. London pulls The Hurricane to his feet and catches him with a Superkick, sending The Hurricane back in a corner. London charges in but The Hurricane moves, sending London chest-first into the corner. The Hurricane catches London with a diving neckbreaker and then heads to the top turnbuckle. He waits for London to get to his feet -- frog-style cross body! Hurricane hooks the leg: One, Two, Kickout! Hurricane gets the crowd on his side, pumping them up. The Hurricane charges London and catches him with a Shining Wizard and then quickly pulls him up -- Eye Of The Storm! The Hurricane makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The Hurricane advances to the second round! London advances to the second chance battle royal! A sign goes up in the air: 'Hurricane For WWE Champ!' And why not, right?]


Winner: The Hurricane (Via Pinfall @ 5:45)

Match Rating: D+




[We go from the ring to a hype video focusing on the soon-to-debut Roughhouse Riders. This week, the focus is on inside a dirty seeming gymnasium. The two men are inside the ring with two unknowns and they are shown hitting several moves on these two sparring partners. The smaller one, known as Homicide, catches one of the unknowns with a lariat and then picks him up and tosses him outside the ring. A suicide dive rocks the unknown man and the other two wrestlers step inside the ring. The larger one, Shawn Hernandez, shows his power by striking the unknown opponent with a big boot and then picking him up and bringing him down with a Chokeslam. He is quick to lift the wrestler up and bring him down with a throwing crucifix power bomb! The two men who were on the outside come back in the ring. The Roughhouse Riders strike with the Drive-By and Homicide heads to the top turnbuckle -- frog splash! A referee drops down and makes the three count. The Roughhouse Riders coming soon to the WWE.]





[From the hype video of another tag team, we move backstage where Jason Albert is standing by with the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers. Albert talks about the fact that the time is coming soon that The Steiners must defend their belts against the former champions The Usos. Scott Steiner says that they have never been afraid of a fight. He says that The Steiner Brothers are the best tag team in the entire world in the past, present and until they retire with their walkers, canes and geriatric freaks. More importantly, they are the best brother tag team in existence. As Scott is talking, it seems that The Usos were nearby. Instead of words, they show up, attacking The Steiners! The brawl is on backstage as Jason Albert heads for cover. Scott Steiner is fighting with Jimmy Uso and Rick Steiner is fighting with Jey Uso. Rick barks with each punch he throws on Jey Uso. He grabs Jey by the head and goes to ram him against the wall but Jey blocks the ram and security comes on the scene to break things up before they can get too violent. But these two teams will meet in the ring at SummerSlam!]




[We go from one area backstage to a locker room where the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler is looking in a mirror. He fixes his hair briefly and then turns and comes face-to-face with Kofi Kingston. The two men do a quick staredown and then shake hands. Ziggler congratulates Kingston on his victory over Chris Jericho last Friday night on Smackdown. He warns Kingston, though, that he has heard that Chris Jericho might be looking for revenge for that particular loss. He says that Jericho is not above using a sneak attack on Kingston. So he offers an alliance between the two. He says that he will watch Kofi Kingston's back if Kingston watches his back. Kingston thinks for a moment and then thanks Ziggler for the offer, offering a hand. The two men shake hands and it seems that we have an alliance between these two top competitors, at least where Chris Jericho is concerned.]


Match #2


Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Stevie Richards


[Our second match this evening is the next round of the Rusev Challenge. Can Stevie Richards survive ten minutes alone in the ring with Rusev? The first minute of the match is spent with Richards avoiding contact with Rusev. He uses the ropes, even ducks out of the ring to keep from getting physical with the Super Athlete. Richards poses beside a fan sign reading: 'What's a Alcolade?' The USA chants fill the arena, giving some kind of strength to Stevie Richards. He shows that strength against Rusev, showing that he is not going down easily as he body slams Rusev to the mat and then brings him down with multiple clotheslines. Stevie gets set up in a corner and begins stomping the mat. It looks like he is going for the Stevie Kick! Rusev climbs to his feet and turns -- ducks the Stevie Kick! Rusev takes down Richards with a chop block to the knee. Rusev gives stomps to the fallen body of Richards and then picks him up. He sends Richards to the ropes -- body block brings Richards back to the mat. At the eight minute mark, Rusev grabs Richards -- Release German Suplex! Rusev moves in quickly, stomping the back of Richards and then settling in -- Accolade! Rusev leans back on the hold and Richards tries to hold on. The USA chants grow louder as Richards holds on. We are told that there is one minute remaining! Richards is refusing to submit! Rusev leans back even more -- Richards has to tap out! The bell sounds with only thirty-three seconds left in the time limit!]


Winner: Rusev (Via Submission @ 9:27)

Match Rating: D-




[From the ring, we move to the parking lot area of the Moda Center. The camera focuses in on Roman Reigns, who seems to be talking to someone inside the shadows. This person is not revealed but Reigns tells him that it's good to have him here in the WWE. He tells this person that following SummerSlam, he will be the new General Manager of Smackdown when Reigns defeats Triple H. This person's voice cannot be heard but Reigns seems to be listening. He nods and says that the big reveal will come this week on the show that he will be the GM of: Smackdown. Now, Reigns is glad that he doesn't have to deal with Triple H tonight but he just may have to do that sometime soon. However, his focus is SummerSlam. Believe that.]




[back around the ringside area, 'The Time Is Now' begins to play and the crowd is split between cheers and boos as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena walks out and gives his trademark salute. He walks to the ring and it is worthy of noting that his ribs are still taped up. He steps inside and gets on the microphone. He talks about the fact that the WWE slogan is 'Then, Now, Forever.' That means that the WWE Universe is bigger than any one man. It's bigger than The Rock. It's bigger than Hulk Hogan. It's bigger than John Cena. It's even bigger than Brock Lesnar. He says that he can admit that Brock Lesnar is bigger than he is. Brock Lesnar might even be stronger than he is. But the WWE hasn't always been about who is the biggest dog in the fight. Was Rey Mysterio the biggest dog? Was Chris Jericho the strongest? No, they weren't. But they always had the biggest fight in the match and that is exactly what Cena says he is going to have. Lesnar might be a mercenary but Cena says that he is a champion. With that being said, the champ is here! Cena raises the title belt high in the air to that chorus of cheers and boos from the crowd. The mixture continues when someone else comes out to join John Cena in the ring.]


[Paul Heyman enters the ring and smiles at John Cena. He tells Cena that his name is Paul Heyman and he is the advocate for the man who ended the Undertaker's undefeated WrestleMania streak, The Conquerer Brock Lesnar. Heyman says that Cena has to tell himself that he can defeat Brock Lesnar. After all, that's what Cena tells himself about any opponent. But there is no opponent like Brock Lesnar. Heyman points out that in their match at Extreme Rules last year, Lesnar was still suffering from diverticulitis, a disease that kept him from competing in the UFC. Even then, Cena took a beating like no other and got lucky. But that luck is about to run out at SummerSlam. Cena says that he never relies on luck. He doesn't live on luck. He lives on skill. This brings out the 'You Can't Wrestle' chants from a few fans. Heyman points his microphone toward the chant and says that there's a few people here who would disagree with you. But, Heyman says, he is going to give John Cena a second chance. He says that if John Cena puts the title belt down on the mat and exits the ring and then gets into his car and leaves the arena then Brock Lesnar will let him live to fight another day against another opponent. Heyman tells Cena that he has until the end of the night to make his choice. Then he turns and exits the ring with Cena following shortly after.]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where former wrestler Booker T is standing by with The Rock. Booker asks The Rock about his feud with The Wyatt Family. The Rock says that in the years that The Rock has spent with the WWE, The Rock has never seen any group like The Wyatt Family except maybe Jim Jones. The Rock warns Braun Stowman that if Stowman gets offered any Kool-Aid not to take it. The Rock, however, does say that The Rock will be in the ring on Smackdown this Friday night, The Rock's show. The Rock says that if Bray Wyatt has anything inside that lantern of his that he will step into the ring and go one...on one...with The Great One! Booker starts to ask him another question but The Rock says to be quiet because the millions...and millions of The Rock's fans are chanting his name. Just like that, the 'Rocky' chants get loud inside the Moda Center. The Rock tells everyone to make sure that they tune in this Friday night to watch The Rock lay the smack down on the entire Wyatt Family. If you smellll what the Rock...is cooking.]


Match #3


Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio


[Our third match of the night features Mr. Money In The Bank taking on the high flying Rey Mysterio. The match starts off quickly in the favor of Mysterio as he brings Rollins to the mat with a few kicks, including a springboard dropkick. Rollins rolls out of the ring to recover but Mysterio goes to leap. Rollins moves back out of the way and Mysterio lands on the apron -- Asai Moonsault to the outside! Mysterio stands up and gets cheers from the crowd. Mysterio pulls up Rollins and rolls him back in the ring -- springboard legdrop misses! Rollins strikes Mysterio with a kick to the chest, getting control. Rollins moves Mysterio in a corner and begins striking him with shoulder thrusts to the ribs. He whips Mysterio across the ring and follows in with a corner splash. He makes the cover and gets a two count. Rollins moves in with a rear chinlock, working on wearing down Mysterio. The crowd starts to get behind Mysterio, giving him the strength to get to his feet and brings Rollins down with a belly-to-back suplex! The speed of the match picks up once again and Mysterio catches Rollins with a dropkick, sending Rollins down draped over the second rope. Mysterio goes for the 619 but Rollins grabs the legs and twists him back into the ring, rolling him up. Rollins places his feet on the ropes: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 10:02)

Match Rating: B-




[Seth Rollins picks up the win through nefarious means. He slips out of the ring and goes to grab his briefcase but he is struck from behind by Dean Ambrose! The Lunatic Fringe sends Rollins into the ring post and then into the ring! He reaches underneath the ring and pulls out...a ladder! The crowd cheers as Ambrose slides the ladder into the ring. Ambrose goes in and Rollins bounces off the ropes -- clothesline ducked by Ambrose! Ambrose grabs Rollins -- Dirty Deeds on the ladder! Rollins is knocked out! Ambrose shoves Rollins off the ladder before picking it up and straightening it out. He grabs the Money In The Bank briefcase, climbing to the top of the ladder and raising it high in the air! Ambrose poses with the Money In The Bank briefcase! This could be the scene at SummerSlam if the Money In The Bank ladder is chosen by the fans as their Viewer's Choice. It's up to you to make your vote count and be heard!]




[From the ring, we move to the rafters here in the Moda Center. The camera is focused on Byron Saxton, one of the newest interviewers here in the WWE. Saxton says that he is up here to get an interview with a legend here in the WWE: Sting! Saxton slowly approaches Sting, who is standing there looking down toward the ring. He has his black trenchcoat on and his black baseball bat in his right hand. Saxton moves in and asks Sting about his match at SummerSlam with Randy Orton. Sting ignores him, still looking straight ahead toward the ring. Saxton tries to get Sting's attention again but, again, Sting ignores him. Saxton moves in a little closer and tugs on Sting's trenchcoat. Sting turns suddenly and brings the baseball bat upward, pressing the bat against the chin of Saxton. Saxton's eyes go wide as Sting seems to be staring a hole through the interviewer. Sting straightens his jacket and lowers the baseball bat, using it to point the way out for Saxton. Saxton doesn't ask any more questions. Instead, he heads right out along with the cameraman.]




[From the rafters, we move to a locker room area where Stevie Richards is getting ice on his back. A trainer tells him that he's going to need to heal that up before he wrestles again. Richards nods slowly and then his eyes go wide when someone else walks into the room. That someone else is Bo Dallas! Dallas says that that was a tough loss for little Stevie. He knows how difficult that it can be to come back into a company that has passed you by. But he believes that Stevie Richards can make a come back. All he has to do is BO-LIEVE! RIchards looks at Dallas and shakes his head, telling him to get out of there. Bo Dallas shakes his head, saying that he can truly help Stevie Richards. He can make Stevie Richards an inspiration to millions. Richards says that he is already that inspiration and that the only thing that Bo Dallas inspires is for him to turn the channel. Bo-Lieve that. Dallas gets frustrated and hits Richards on the back before walking out.]


Match #4


The Wyatt Family vs. Goldust and Stardust


[Tag team action is next here on WWE Monday Night Raw as The Wyatt Family take on Goldust and Stardust. Luke Harper starts the match with Goldust. The two men trade punches in the center of the ring. Harper's hits seem to be stronger and he brings Goldust to the mat with a right hook. Goldust is up quickly and brought down with a pair of clotheslines by Harper. Harper picks up Goldust and slams him down before tagging out to Erick Rowan. Rowan chokes Goldust on the second rope before locking in a neck vice. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'I'MMA MAN, I'VE GOT A BEARD!' Goldust begins fighting his way upward, striking Rowan with a couple of elbows to the gut. A double clothesline brings both of them down. They both crawl toward their partners. In comes Luke Harper and Stardust. Stardust strikes Harper with a boot to the face and then a cross body that nets a two count. Erick Rowan comes in and Stardust catches him with the Beautiful Disaster Kick! Rowan rolls out of the ring and Goldust fights him on the outside. 'Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?' The music of The Rock turns all attention to the ramp but it's empty. Luke Harper gets to his feet and Stardust blows the dust into his eyes and then catches him with the Dark Matter! Stardust makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Goldust and Stardust (Via Pinfall @ 7:34)

Match Rating: C+




[We go to the usual office area for The Authority. Instead of seeing Triple H or Stephanie McMahon, this evening we see Kane. Kane talks about being left in charge of Raw and that means that he gets to select some matches for the show or upcoming shows. With that being said, he says that next week is going to see a Pick Your Poison series between Brock Lesnar and John Cena. Brock Lesnar will select the opponent and stipulations for John Cena's match and John Cena will select the opponent and stipulations for Brock Lesnar's match. That is, of course, if John Cena survives tonight in his match with the Authority's Favorite Demon. Kane says that Cena better not be looking forward to his match with Brock Lesnar because tonight on Monday Night Raw just might be the last time we witness him.]




['Theme To 2001: A Space Odyssey' begins to play inside the arena and the crowd rise to their feet as Ric Flair walks out to the ring wearing a ten thousand dollar suit. Flair enters the ring and does a strut from one end to the other, giving a 'Whooooo' that is echoed by the fans in attendance here. Flair says that it is great to be here tonight in Portland, Oregon. He says that he's had a lot of parties here in this town. He says that is what being The Nature Boy is all about. It's about being a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun! One who kisses the girls and makes them cry! He says that there have been two legendary Nature Boys. Himself and the original Nature Boy Buddy Rogers. Those are two tough acts to follow. He can remember when he was chosen to wear the Nature Boy moniker. It was a huge day for him and made him very nervous. But he believes he had an alright career, right? But he says that he believes he has found someone who can walk a mile in his stylish shoes that cost more money than most people's cars. He says that tonight he is going to introduce exactly who that person is. He plans to be in the corner of this man as he wrestles here in the WWE.]






[Ric Flair smiles and laughs as The Miz comes out wearing a suit and sunglasses. The Miz walks right out to the ring and steps inside, offering a handshake and a smile. Flair takes the handshake and The Miz gets on the microphone. The Miz says that there's only one person here in the WWE who can take up the honor of being the next Nature Boy. He says that there's only one person in the world who has the pedigree to be the next Ric Flair, the next Buddy Rogers. That man is 'The Nature Boy' Mike Mizanin! The Miz does the Ric Flair strut side-by-side with Ric Flair, both releasing a 'Whooooo' at the end. Flair taps The Miz on the shoulder and tells him to take off the sunglasses because he wants to look The Miz in the eyes when he says what he has to say. The Miz removes the shades and Flair looks him in the eyes and says that it's not you, Miz. You are not the selection for the next Nature Boy. The Miz looks shocked and then angered by this revelation, demanding to know who Ric Flair chose. Flair invites the next Nature Boy to come to the ring. 'Theme to 2001: A Space Odyssey' begins to play again and a man walks out from the back, face covered by the hood of the jacket he is wearing. The fans are definitely unsure of who this person is. Flair smiles as this person enters the ring and gives a quick strut across the ring. Flair moves in beside him and grabs the hood, introducing the WWE Universe to...]




['The Nature Boy' AJ STYLES! Some members of the crowd pop at seeing the former IWGP Champion and former TNA World Champion in a WWE ring for the first time on television! The Miz kicks at the bottom rope, angrily. Then he tries to move in on Styles from behind. He has his arms set to grab Styles for the Skull Crushing Finale -- Backflip Kick by Styles! It's like he has eyes in the back of his head! The Miz rolls out of the ring and Styles remains inside with Ric Flair. He shakes hands with the Nature Boy and the two men do another strut across the ring. JBL talks about the fact that AJ Styles has won World titles everywhere he has wrestled. But he's never been here in the WWE. He's never been given the Nature Boy title, perhaps the biggest sign of respect that can come from Ric Flair. A sign goes up in the crowd: 'Flair is Wrestling Royalty!' And who can argue with that? We have the brand new hand-picked Nature Boy! Will he be able to match the legends? Only time will tell.]





Match #5


Randy Orton vs. Cesaro


[We are back for another great matchup tonight that could have been the main event this evening. In one corner, we have The Viper. In the other corner, we have the Swiss Superman. The two men lock up to start the match and Cesaro shows off his superior strength by shoving Orton to the mat. The crowd gets behind the King Of Swing as Orton uses the ropes to pull himself up. Another lockup and Cesaro starts the first few minutes of the match off strong, showing a counter for any move that Orton tries to use. The counters lead to Orton slithering out of the ring to catch a breath. Cesaro waits inside the ring for Orton to return. When The Viper does return, he strikes Cesaro with a couple of knee lifts to the gut before pushing him back into a corner. Orton strikes with shoulder thrusts to the ribs and then whips Cesaro into a corner -- reversed! Orton bounces out of the corner and clotheslines down Cesaro. Orton lays in a few stomps to the prone form of Cesaro and then drops a knee to the skull. He slides down and gets a two count in a pin cover. As the match moves forward, Orton begins getting slightly frustrated by the fact that Cesaro continues to kick out. A fan sign is hung in the air during Orton's momentum streak: 'Hi, I'm Orton. I founded RKO news, I won the IC title, I was the youngest world heavyweight champion in WWE history......and I don't win all that much either.']


[Even when Orton hits the rope-hung DDT, Cesaro kicks out at a two count. Orton argues with the referee briefly and then turns his attention back to Cesaro. Around the fifteen minute mark in, Orton steps in for a RKO but Cesaro shoves him off. Orton comes back in and is struck with a European Uppercut! Another Uppercut from Cesaro knocks Orton backward. Orton bounces off the ropes -- dropkick -- NO! Cesaro catches the legs! The crowd pops as Cesaro gets Orton into position for the Cesaro Swing! The crowd counts along with the swing again and again. They get up to fifteen before Cesaro releases. Orton lands on the mat and Cesaro staggers around for a moment. Cesaro adjusts his neck and then moves in on Orton, setting him up for the Neutralizer! Orton fights back and behind the referee's back, Orton hits Cesaro with a low blow! Cesaro releases the hold, almost going down to his knees -- RKO! Orton strikes Cesaro with the RKO following the low blow! Orton makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 20:07)

Match Rating: B-




[Randy Orton picks up the victory. He stands up and moves to the turnbuckle, standing on the second turnbuckle and posing for a booing crowd. Orton turns back toward Cesaro, who is slowly trying to get to his feet. Orton drops down to the mat and begins punching the mat. Cesaro gets to his feet and staggers around. Orton stands up -- RKO -- NO! Cesaro shoves Orton away -- Superkick from Kassius Ohno! Ohno came into the ring from nowhere! The partner of Cesaro makes this big save. Cesaro gets Orton into position for the Cesaro Swing and he begins swinging the Authority's Face of the WWE around and around. At the last twirl, Ohno hits Orton with a dropkick to the head -- it's the move called The Helicopter Crash! The Kings Of WrestleSwing raise their arms up high, getting a moral victory this evening over The Viper!]




[From this area, we move to the backstage locker room area where the locker room is filled with wrestlers like Santino Marella, Kozlov, Sami Zayn and Super Crazy! Santino looks to the camera and says that he's glad to see that everyone is here tonight because they have an announcement to make. With the four of them here, they have something in common. That one thing in common is that they are all Americans. Santino says that he is an Italian-American. Kozlov says that he is a Russian-American here in the Double Double E! Sami Zayn says that he is a Canadian-American. Ole! Super Crazy says 'Soy un mexicano-americano.' The other three kind of look at each other and then at Super Crazy. Super Crazy begins a rant in Spanish and Santino tries to tell him to be quiet because none of them can understand him. Finally, it's Kozlov that has to put some pressure on the shoulder of Super Crazy to get him to quiet down. Santino smiles and says that together they are The Other-Americans! They are proud of their heritage and proud to be Americans! Together, no one can stop them! Individually, well, they try!]




[From one locker room to the office area where the man in charge Kane is standing by with the top contender to the WWE Diva's title AJ Lee. Kane says that he is glad that AJ could join him here in the office. He says that he has an announcement about her Diva's title match this week on Smackdown. He says that he saw her come down and celebrate with that quitter whose name will not be mentioned on this show anymore. He doesn't like that. He also says that he knows that AJ hasn't made many friends in the locker room with the Diva's. Therefore, the WWE Diva's title match on Smackdown will now be a Lumberjill match. AJ says that it's not fair but Kane says he doesn't have to be fair. He's in charge. He makes the rules tonight. The crazy AJ turns her head, smiles and walks off with Kane watching after her for a long moment. Now it's time to head back to the ring.]


Match #6


AJ Lee, Tamina and Layla vs. Paige, Natalya and Kaitlyn


[The semi main event is a tough Diva's contest as we have AJ Lee, Tamina and Layla on one side and Paige, Natalya and the returning Kaitlyn on the other side. During the beginning of the match, a fan holds up a sign reading: 'I CAME TO SEE KAITLYN!' She autographs it before the match. As you might expect, the action breaks down early in the match. All six Diva's inside the ring at once to start things off. When the dust settles, it's Tamina and Kaitlyn in the ring. The daughter of Jimmy Snuka shows some power in this match, including choking Kaitlyn with her boot in the corner. Tamina whips Kaitlyn across and follows in but Kaitlyn gets her own boot up to the face of Tamina. Kaitlyn quickly makes a tag in to Natalya. Tamina tags in Layla and things break down again quickly. AJ Lee and Paige do battle in and then outside the ring. Kaitlyn and Natalya send Tamina over the top rope with a double clothesline. Then Natalya catches Layla with a belly to belly suplex. Natalya moves in quickly and hooks Layla in the Sharpshooter! Within moments, Layla taps out and Natalya has picked up the win for her group!]


Winners: Paige, Natalya and Kaitlyn (Via Submission @ 9:43)

Match Rating: D




[From the Diva's match, we move to a pre-taped interview with the former United States Champion Sheamus. Sheamus says that he has been sitting at home and watching as Rusev holds this Rusev Challenge with anyone who wants to challenge him. Well, fella, you can consider yourself challenged as far as I am concerned, says Sheamus. Sheamus says that he is invoking his rematch clause for the United States title in one week on Monday Night Raw. He says that he wants the entire world to see that when Rusev beat him it was just a fluke. He says that the United States title, not the Russian title, is coming home to Irish America and this Celtic Warrior!]


Match #7


Non-Title Match

Kane vs. John Cena


[it is main event time and what a main event contest we have planned for you tonight! John Cena knows that he needs to pick up the win quickly tonight. The longer this match goes, the longer his ribs are exposed to a possible frontal or posterior assault. Cena goes right after Kane in the ring with punches, leaping up on the big red demon! Cena knocks Kane back in a corner and climbs up, raining punches on the masked man! Cena drops down, cringing for a moment, holding his ribs. He ducks a clothesline from Kane and then sends Kane to the ropes. Cena lowers his head but gets caught by Kane -- DDT! Kane makes a cover: One, Shoulder Up! Kane actually seems a little bit happy about the fact that Cena kicked out. Kane stands to his feet and stomps onto the ribs of Cena twice and then pulls him up and drops him with a backbreaker. The next several minutes are spent with Kane in control both inside the ring and outside the ring. The action outside the ring continues with Kane whipping Cena into the steel steps and then choking him with one hand, being admonished by the referee. Kane tosses Cena back into the ring and as he goes to enter the ring, someone comes walking down through the crowd.]




[Roman Reigns comes walking down through the crowd and leaps the barricade as the action returns to the ring. Reigns stands in a neutral corner at ringside as Kane begins ripping all the taping off the ribs of Cena. Cena gets in a couple of quick-burst offensive moves but Kane continues to go right to the ribs any time that Cena gains some momentum. Kane sends Cena to the ropes and catches him with a leaping clothesline. He makes a cover but only gets a two count. Kane stands up to his feet. He catches Cena with a backbreaker and then looks briefly down into the eyes of Roman Reigns. He stares a little too long at Reigns because when he turns around he gets struck by punches from Cena! Cena is holding his ribs with one hand and firing off punches with the other! The crowd has their 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants loud here in the Moda Center! Cena bounces off the ropes -- flying shoulderblock! He catches Kane a second time! He ducks a punch and brings Kane down with a side-release spin out power bomb! He raises his right hand and gives Kane the 'You Can't See Me!' gesture. Cena poses over Kane but Kane grabs him by the throat! Kane shoves Cena backward and Cena crashes into the referee! Kane sits up and moves to his feet. He approaches Cena and grabs him around the throat -- Choke Slam! Cena lands hard on the mat. Kane drags a thumb across his throat and then picks up Cena, moving him into position for the Tombstone Piledriver -- SPEAR BY ROMAN REIGNS! Roman Reigns spears both John Cena and Kane! Reigns stands over top both fallen men with Cena having landed on top. Reigns grabs the official and tosses him over before he exits the ring and heads up the crowd. The referee makes the count: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 16:56)

Match Rating: B-




[somehow, someway John 'Super' Cena picks up this victory over Kane! Kane rolls out of the ring as the referee raises Cena's arm in victory. Cena holds his ribs, showing that he is still in a lot of pain. Speaking of pain, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins playing and Paul Heyman leads out Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is wearing a shirt that says 'Eat, Sleep, Conquer John Cena.' Lesnar gets to the ring and leaps up onto the apron. John Cena has been barely able to get to his feet before Brock Lesnar enters the ring. Lesnar grabs the arm of John Cena and pulls him in, striking with a knee lift to the ribs. Two more knee lifts follow that and he brings Cena down with a clothesline. Paul Heyman yells to John Cena that he warned Cena. Cena pulls himself up to his knees and throws a couple of light punches to Lesnar that The Conquerer shakes off. Lesnar yanks Cena up and places him on his shoulders -- F5! John Cena is laid out in the center of the ring. Paul Heyman hands Brock Lesnar the WWE World Heavyweight title belt. Lesnar raises it up as he stands over top of the champion John Cena. Lesnar smiles and places the belt over the fallen body of John Cena. Heyman does the sign of the cross and seems to be reading John Cena the final rights as the show comes to a close. We'll see you this Friday night for WWE Smackdown!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Raw is Uncrewed as he got a score of 6/7! Congratulations to Uncrewed! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=5 Wins

2. The Lloyd=4 Wins

Rayelek=4 Wins

4. Smasher1311=3 Wins

Beejus=3 Wins

6. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

17. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. What a show that we have planned for you this week as we continue along the road toward SummerSlam. The American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas plays host to this edition of Smackdown.


-Last Monday night on Monday Night Raw, we began the show with Stephanie McMahon hauled away by several police officers. They stated that she was being arrested for assault and battery. We have learned that it was Brie Bella who pressed charges against her after the slap the previous week on Raw. Stephanie McMahon will kick things off this week on Smackdown. What will she have to say after spending some time in jail?


-Our main event of the evening is a match that was created by what happened to Randy Orton following his match with Cesaro. We will be seeing tag team action as Randy Orton teams up with Kane to take on The Kings Of WrestleSwing! Kane cannot be in a good mood after losing to John Cena on Raw. But The Kings Of WrestleSwing are a great tag team, having won tag team titles around the world. Can they defeat The Viper and The Authority's Favorite Demon?


-Last Monday on Raw Roman Reigns announced that he will be showing up on Smackdown this week. His plan is to reveal the person that he has selected to be the Smackdown General Manager if he beats Triple H at SummerSlam. Who will this person be? Make sure you tune in to find out!


-The Rock announced that he will also be on Smackdown looking to confront the Wyatt Family and the man he considers a brother: Braun Stowman. Bray Wyatt made a video saying that he and his family will be on Smackdown as well. What will happen when these two forces collide?


-We will also be seeing the in-ring debut of the man who Ric Flair has announced will be the next Nature Boy. AJ Styles steps into the ring against the Savior of Misbehavior Corey Graves. Can the young rookie pick up a big win over someone who is groomed by the greatest wrestler of all-time?


-Plus more Cruiserweight Tournament action, The Usos in action, Triple H announces the stipulation for the Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose match and more.


Prediction Listing


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Fun Fan Signs: Corey's Grave was shoveled by Triple H.




I'll frick-a-frack all the damn time I want CJ!

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing

Comments: Double DQ


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red

Comments: Daniels > Red by some way!


CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos

Comments: Where's Jason Jordan?!?!


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara

Comments: Chavo is great, but in the last few years of his WWE run, he was a joke!


Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee

Comments: I find LumberJack/Jill matches can go either 1 of 2 ways... Either brilliant, or pointless!


Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing


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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red

Comments: Wow, you really ARE going free agent crazy :p


CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos

Comments: Usos get a nice win.


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara

Comments: WOO CHAVITO!!!


Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles

Comments: The New Nature Boy picks up his debut victory.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee

Comments: Title stays here for now, at least.


Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing

Comments: Main eventers taking on upper carders makes a main event win.


Fun Fan Signs:

Give us a woo, AJ!


Comments On Previous Show: Really looking forward to seeing where you go with Cena/Lesnar in your universe, since we know how it went IRL. Dangit I had thought of AJ for the Nature Boy, but I underestimated your signing spree! lol can't wait to see how it goes with AJ, and Daniels around now as well.

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing


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TNA Impact Wrestling is taped tonight inside the Show Me Center in Cape Girardeau, Missouri for this week's edition of their television show. The show begins not in the ring or ringside area but backstage where the feuding Bully Ray and Willow are shown in a brawl throughout the backstage area. Bully Ray goes for a power bomb through a table but Willow reverses it, striking Bully Ray with a facebuster through the table! The insane Willow stands tall during this part of the show. Our opening contest features the new team called Standing Room Only. This is a team featuring Kenny King and Rhino. They go up against the TNA World Tag Team Champions The Wolves. A back and forth non-title matchup features big signature moves by both teams. In the end, it the Gore by Rhino that secures a big time victory for Standing Room Only. We move straight into another match where Samuel Shaw goes one on one with Knux. The Menagerie is out around ringside for this contest, cheering on their leader. Knux shows some ability with a cross body. It is the kata-gatame that puts Knux away, though, giving Shaw the victory.


From there, we move to another brawl in the backstage area. This one features two of the Knockouts as Taryn Terrell and Brooke Tessmacher exchange punches with both women saying that they should be the top contender to the Knockouts title. Neither female gets a large advantage as security steps in to break these two up. Speaking of the Knockouts title, Angelina Love has a successful title defense against Brittany when Velvet Sky interferes, setting up Brittany for the Botox Injection. Our semi main event this evening features Willow, who looks a little worse for wear as he takes on Abyss. The toll that the earlier brawl took on Willow is definitely shown here as Abyss is dominant in most of the contest. Abyss catches Willow with a Black Hole Slam to score the victory. Then we move on to our main event where Bully Ray takes on Kurt Angle. The Olympic Gold Medalist shows off his skill in the ring, going for an ankle lock early on but Bully Ray fights back. Bully Ray goes for a shot with the chain but Angle ducks and catches Bully Ray with an Angle Slam. Angle makes the cover and gets the three count as TNA Impact comes to an end.

TNA – Impact – Kurt Angle – Bully Ray


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CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos

Comments: Where's Jason Jordan?!?!


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara

Comments: Chavo is great, but in the last few years of his WWE run, he was a joke!


At the moment, Jason Jordan is in NXT. He is slowly working his way up but at the moment there is not a spot on the main roster available for him. And I can agree that Chavo was definitely a joke during his whole Hornswoggle feud. Hopefully, that doesn't hold him down too much. After all, he's not Kerwin White. ;)


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red

Comments: Wow, you really ARE going free agent crazy :p


Comments On Previous Show: Really looking forward to seeing where you go with Cena/Lesnar in your universe, since we know how it went IRL. Dangit I had thought of AJ for the Nature Boy, but I underestimated your signing spree! lol can't wait to see how it goes with AJ, and Daniels around now as well.


Ohhhhh yeah, I have definitely gone free agent crazy in this one. I have 69 active wrestlers on the roster right now. That doesn't include the men and women I have in NXT or NXT - Canada. Glad to see you're enjoying the Lesnar/Cena program I have running right now. Being able to have the Beast Incarnate any time I want him definitely helps. As far as AJ Styles goes, I was a little surprised that no one picked him to be the new Nature Boy considering their past in TNA. And I have a different gimmick picked out for Christopher Daniels. I hope that people enjoy it.


Daniels -good match up


Daniels and Amazing Red are definitely two great wrestlers and could string together an excellent match. The only thing that they do not have is popularity.


Thank you to everyone who has made predictions thus far. Remember that today is your last day to get in your Viewer's Choice votes. Make sure to rock the vote!

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1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red



CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos



1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara[\B]



Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends[\B] vs. AJ Lee



Randy Orton and Kane[\B] vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing


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WWE NXT Wrestling comes to you live from the Deer Park Convention Center in Deer Park, New York. The NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes comes out and talks up the matches that are scheduled tonight, including the main event where Rick Viktor takes on Aiden English. This speech is interrupted by the presence of WWE Owner Vince McMahon, who makes an appearance on NXT! Mr. McMahon says he came down here to see what all the fuss is about when it comes to NXT. He says that he will be watching to see the best of the future. Dusty agrees and offers Mr. McMahon a front row seat to the action. Mr. McMahon agrees and gets settled in the audience.


The very first match is a fatal fourway match where Simon Gotch takes on Aaron Epic, Colt Toombs and Buddy Murphy. Toombs is a newer wrestler here in NXT but he is the son of Roddy Piper and it shows in his actions in the ring. He uses the thumb poke in the eyes of Aaron Epic. A sleeperhold, much like his father used, gets Toombs the victory over Epic. Then we move into our semi main event where one half of the NXT World Tag Team Champions Konnor O'Brian takes on Solomon Crowe. The match is back and forth as both men look to pick up a victory here on NXT. Crowe catches O'Brian with a headlock driver to score the pinfall victory in what many might see as an upset.


Then we move on to our main event featuring the other half of the NXT World Tag Team Champions as Rick Viktor takes on Aiden English of the Vaudevillains. English is looking to possibly score a NXT World Tag Team Titles match for his team in a singles victory against Viktor. This is a match that seems to have pleased Mr. McMahon. He seems impressed while sitting at ringside. English goes for the That's A Wrap but Viktor rolls out of the way. Within a few minutes, Viktor hits English with the flying European Uppercut! He makes the cover and picks up the victory. Rick Viktor remains celebrating in the ring as the show comes to a close.

WWE – NXT – Rick Viktor


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Friday Week 1 August 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: TX American Bank Center (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 3.03




[This edition of WWE Smackdown begins with a recap video from WWE Monday Night Raw. The focus of the video is on the show's main event as John Cena takes on Kane. The match was a deadly back and forth affair between the two men and saw the referee get bumped toward the end of the contest. Kane set up Cena for the Tombstone Piledriver but Roman Reigns came in and speared both Kane and Cena, giving John Cena the victory. But the show wasn't over. Instead, Brock Lesnar comes out from the back and, once again, John Cena is laid out by the Conquerer, The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar. Other quick highlights of Raw included Stephanie McMahon being arrested at the beginning of the show, the debut of the Other-Americans, Randy Orton defeating Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston create their own alliance to protect each other from backstage attacks by Chris Jericho and the introduction of a new Nature Boy AJ Styles!]




[The crowd inside the American Bank Center are on their feet, booing as one of the principal owners of the WWE Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring. The last time we saw Stephanie, she was handcuffed and led away from the ring at the beginning of Monday Night Raw. It turns out that Brie Bella filed assault charges for the slap that Stephanie McMahon gave her a couple of weeks back on Monday Night Raw. McMahon enters the ring and talks about the fact that she has not been any more embarrassed than she was last Monday when she was arrested and carted out of a WWE ring in handcuffs. McMahon calls Brie Bella out to the ring. Brie Bella comes out to the ring to some cheers from the fans here in the WWE Universe. McMahon publicly apologizes for slapping Brie and asks what she can do to get Brie Bella to drop the charges. McMahon talks about being a role model for her daughters. She says that she cannot face her daughters with a criminal record. She offers Brie her job back in the WWE. Brie says that she wants more than that. She lists off her demands, including her job back, her being placed into the Diva's title match at SummerSlam, her sister getting a Diva's title shot when she is healed from the injury she suffered at the hands of Victoria and one more thing. She says that she wants to be sure that the Triple H/Roman Reigns match at SummerSlam is fairly contested. So she wants a certain wrestler placed as a ringside enforcer for that match. This would include him getting his job back here in the WWE. That man is Dave Bautista! Stephanie blanches for a moment but then she agrees to all the demands. The two women shake hands and then Stephanie shoves Brie to the mat, stomping on her a couple of times. She tells Brie welcome back to the WWE before walking off to boos from this capacity crowd.]


Match #1


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red


[both of these men are new to the WWE, brought in specifically for the Cruiserweight tournament. At the beginning of the match, Christopher Daniels points a walking stick toward Amazing Red and then to the right knee, chanting. Amazing Red begins rubbing that knee and seeming like it is in pain. The bell sounds and what we have is a pretty good match between two excellent wrestlers. Christopher Daniels shows some skill when he strikes Amazing Red with a standing enzuigiri and then a split-legged moonsault that scores a two count. Red does get in some good moves during the match, such as striking Daniels with a Satellite DDT, scoring a two count. Red heads to the top turnbuckle but slips before he can score a move, grabbing his right knee as he lands on the mat. Daniels moves in and catches Red with a move known as Final Rites. Daniels makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Christopher Daniels moves on!]


Winner: Christopher Daniels (Via Pinfall @ 6:10)

Match Rating: D+




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where Renee Young is standing by with The Kings Of Wrestling! Young asks them about their upcoming match tonight with Randy Orton and Kane. Cesaro says that he came within inches of beating Randy Orton in a one on one match but now he and Kane are stepping into Cesaro's world. Cesaro says that there is a reason why he and his partner are called The Kings Of Wrestling, now the Kings Of WrestleSwing. Cesaro says that this man beside him is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. Ohno fakes surprise and says that he is honored that Cesaro would say that. Ohno says that the two of them took out Randy Orton on Raw and he knows that tonight the WWE Universe is looking for a Hero. Tonight they will have one as The Kings Of Wrestling bring down The Authority, if only for just one evening. That should be enough, right? Before the interview is over, Renee Young asks them about their third partner Stevie Richards. Cesaro says that he is recovering after the match with Rusev and will return Monday.]





Match #2


CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger vs. The Usos


[Our second match of the night features two former NXT wrestlers in CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger against the top contenders to the WWE World Tag Team titles The Usos. This match is mostly focused upon the ability and tag team chemistry of Jimmy and Jey Uso. Early in the match, The Usos catch both CJ Parker and Tye Dillinger with dives over the top rope to the floor. They land near a fan whose sign reads: 'I'll frick-a-frack all the damn time I want CJ!' Back in the ring, Tye Dillinger shows some skill when he brings Jey Uso down with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Dillinger heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps -- Frog Splash -- MISSED! Jey rolled out of the way! Jey quickly crawls to his corner and makes a tag. Jimmy comes in with clotheslines and punches for both Parker and Dillinger. Jey gets to his feet and The Usos strike CJ Parker with a double savate kick! A double back elbow and then a double elbow drop are caught on Dillinger. The Usos hit Dillinger with the Alley-Us. Jimmy makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 6:06)

Match Rating: C-




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Stephanie McMahon is talking with Kane. McMahon says that she remembers when Kane offered the mask as a peace offering to her and her husband. She says that she gave Kane the mask back so that the Demon would come back in him. This Monday night, she says that he will be facing Roman Reigns in a street fight. McMahon tells Kane that he needs to make sure that Roman Reigns doesn't make it to SummerSlam. She gives The Demon permission to do whatever he needs to do in order to destroy Roman Reigns. That can include injuring him and putting him on the shelf for awhile. She says she understands what the consequences might be but she is ready to accept them. A smile slowly curves the lips of Kane and he nods. He looks like he is definitely into this thought from Stephanie McMahon. Let's head back to the ring.]


Match #3


1st Round Of WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Sin Cara


[The third match of the night is another match in the 1st round of the WWE Cruiserweight title tournament. The 'Eddie' chants begin with Chavo's entrance as a tribute, of course, to Eddie Guerrero. After a quick opening back and forth segment between the two high fliers, Chavo slides out of the ring and gets on a microphone. Guerrero tells the people to stop chanting for Eddie! He says that he is sick and tired of living in the shadow of his Uncle Eddie! Guerrero re-enters the ring and is a lot more vicious against the high flyer. Guerrero chokes Sin Cara on the middle rope. He bounces off the ropes and comes down right on top of the masked opponent. Sin Cara comes back, hitting Chavo with a double underhook backbreaker. Sin Cara heads to the top turnbuckle -- he leaps for the Senton Bomb but Chavo rolls out of the way. Chavo quickly strikes Sin Cara with the Three Amigos and then heads to the top turnbuckle -- Frog Splash! Chavo hooks the leg: One, Two, Three! Chavo Guerrero advances!]


Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr (Via Pinfall @ 8:19)

Match Rating: D+




[From the ring, we move backstage to a locker room area where Ric Flair is seen psyching up AJ Styles for his first-ever match here in the WWE. Flair tells Styles that he definitely sees the potential in him to become the best Nature Boy in the business, even greater than Ric Flair himself. But it all begins with this first match tonight. Tonight, AJ Styles gets to prove to the world that he is a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun! Tonight 'The Nature Boy' AJ Styles walks that aisle and proves to the world that Ric Flair always makes the right decisions. Whoooooo.]




[The COO of the WWE Triple H comes out to the ring and it looks like it's time to find out which match won the Viewer's Choice for the Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose match. Triple H calls for the Titan-tron to be turned on and a split-screen shows Seth Rollins on one side and Dean Ambrose on the other side. Both seem to be standing, pacing inside a locker room setting. Triple H says that he does not trust the two of them not to fight if they are both out here. That is why he is leaving both of them backstage while he reads the winner of the Viewer's Choice poll. Dean Ambrose says that it doesn't matter which match is chosen. He says he is prepared to beat Seth Rollins with chairs, barbed wire, tables, a ladder, whatever is legal and maybe some things that might be illegal in other states. Rollins says that Ambrose should think before he speaks. But, then, Rollins states that he was always the intelligence of the Shield. Triple H interrupts, saying that's enough. Now let's find out what the SummerSlam match will be. He opens the envelope and reads: The Viewer's Choice Match for Seth Rollins Versus Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam will be a Money In The Bank Ladder Match! Ambrose smiles and begins rubbing his hands together excitedly. Rollins shouts No No No! He clutches the briefcase closer to his body.]





Match #4


Corey Graves vs. AJ Styles


[The Savior Of Misbehavior Corey Graves steps into the ring to do battle with the New Nature Boy AJ Styles. Once inside the ring, Styles does the Ric Flair strut and releases a 'Whoooo' that is echoed by this crowd in attendance. Early in the match, Styles gets Graves in a corner and does the familiar knife-edge chops that have the crowd responding. A sign goes up in the crowd that reads: 'Give us a woo, AJ!' Styles grabs Graves and whips him across -- reversed! Styles does the flip up over the turnbuckle landing on the apron. Graves runs toward him and catches a kick to the head for his trouble. Styles uses the ropes as a springboard --Springboard hurricanrana! Styles brings Graves down with a discus clothesline and then pulls him up -- Styles Clash! Styles shoves Graves over and makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A sign goes up as the three count is made: 'Corey's Grave was shoveled by Triple H!']


Winner: AJ Styles (Via Pinfall @ 6:28)

Match Rating: C+




[From the ring, we are treated to a backstage segment with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler steps out of a locker room and walks toward a soda machine, pulling out a dollar bill. He places the bill inside the machine and gets assaulted from behind by Chris Jericho! Jericho assaults Ziggler with several double sledges to the back. He turn Ziggler around -- Codebreaker! Jericho mounts Ziggler and begins throwing punches until a leg comes onto the screen. That leg belongs to Kofi Kingston as he catches Jericho with a hard kick to the skull. Kingston helps Ziggler to his feet as Jericho pulls himself up -- Trouble In Paradise connects on Jericho! Kingston looks to the soda machine, shrugs and hits a button. He takes a soda and walks away with Dolph Ziggler, leaving Jericho on the ground.]




[The crowd here for Smackdown rises on their feet as The Rock's music kicks in and The People's Champion, The Rock, comes out to The American Bank Center. The Rock enters the ring and leans against the turnbuckle, listening to the crowd chanting his name for a moment. He smiles and says 'Finally, the Rock has come back to Corpus Christi.' The Rock says that he came to Smackdown, The Rock's show for one reason and one reason only. He came to kick some Wyatt ass. The Rock tells Bray Wyatt to bring his candy ass out here to the ring to go one..on..one with The Great One! The Rock leans against the ropes, waiting for Bray Wyatt to come out. The lights go down and the fireflies go up. Bray Wyatt shows up on the Titan-Tron with the lantern, letting Corpus Christi know: 'We're here.' He blows out the lantern and when the lights come back up he is sitting in his rocking chair near ringside. The Rock invites him into the ring but Wyatt says he has no intention of taking The Rock up on his invitation. Wyatt continues to talk but is quickly interrupted by The Rock. The Rock tells Bray to hold off for a moment because the millions...and millions of The Rock's fans are chanting his name. The 'Rocky' chants are loud inside the arena. Bray Wyatt says that he has not come to this building alone. He calls his 'Family' out to the ring but there's no answer. After about a minute, we find out why.]




[Erick Rowan and Luke Harper stagger through the opening at the top of the ramp. They are being assaulted by Goldust and Stardust! Goldust whips Rowan into the barricade and then clotheslines him into the first row! Goldust moves over with his brother and they catch Harper with a double back elbow shot. Stardust catches Harper with the Dark Matter on the ramp! Goldust and Stardust stare down Bray Wyatt now and he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. A double clothesline brings Bray Wyatt down. Goldust and Stardust grab him, dragging him to the ring and then tossing him inside to The Rock! Wyatt charges The Rock and The Rock catches him with a standing spinebuster! The Rock stands over top of Wyatt and looks around, removing his elbow pad and tossing it into the crowd. He bounces off the ropes once and then twice and then...stops.]




[stepping inside the ring in front of the fallen Bray Wyatt is Braun Stowman! Stowman goes face-to-face with The Rock, not backing down from the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The two former best friends exchange that look and The Rock is asking nicely for Stowman to move. He is trying to get through to his friend. It seems like he might be getting through! Stowman begins moving to the side to let The Rock through -- clothesline to the back of the head! Stowman brings The Rock down with that clothesline. He picks up The Rock and body slams him onto the mat, reaching out and helping Bray Wyatt to his feet. Wyatt smiles and goes to pick up The Rock but Goldust and Stardust hit the ring! Stowman sacrifices himself so that Wyatt can roll out of the ring! Goldust and Stardust look ready to attack Stowman but The Rock yells at them to stop. The momentary distraction allows Stowman enough time to escape the ring and stand beside Bray Wyatt. Wyatt yells to the ring 'to follow the Buzzards!']


Match #5



WWE Diva's Title Match

Lumberjill Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee


[it's time for the Lumberjills match for the WWE Diva's title! Due to the specter of the Diva's standing all around the ring, the majority of this match is fought inside the ring. The Diva's quickly exchange holds in the center of the ring with neither wanting to take that big risk. AJ whips Paige into a corner and then runs, looking to hit a spear but Paige moves! AJ spears the post behind the turnbuckle and then falls outside the ring. Natalya grabs AJ and slams her against the ring. Kaitlyn moves around, grabbing AJ and sending her back into the ring, leading to a face-off between Natalya and Kaitlyn briefly. Back inside the ring, Paige lifts AJ and hits her with a short-arm clothesline. Paige sends AJ to the ropes and catches her with a dropkick before making a cover, scoring a two count. Paige sets up AJ for the RamPaige but AJ slips behind her and rolls her up for a two count. The two Divas rise to their feet and AJ catches Paige with a huricanrana, sending Paige down to the mat. AJ heads for the top turnbuckle, climbing to the top and waiting. Natalya climbs up on the apron and shoves AJ down inside the ring! The referee didn't see it as Natalya drops back down! Paige moves in, picking up AJ -- RamPaige! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 7:53)

Match Rating: D




[The bell sounds and Paige has defend the WWE Diva's title successfully against AJ Lee. Paige gets her arm raised but that is quickly changed as she is assaulted from behind by Victoria! Victoria screams in her ear before striking her with the Spider's Web. Victoria looks down at Paige and begins screaming and tugging on her hair. The crazy Victoria grabs Paige and pulls her in -- Widow's Peak! What a finisher! The WWE Diva's Champion is down and out as a result of the actions of her number one contender. At SummerSlam, we will see a three way matchup with Paige, Victoria and Brie Bella for the WWE Diva's title. Who will walk away as the champion?]




[in the backstage office area, Triple H is standing by with Randy Orton and Kane. Hunter begins psyching them up, saying that they should be aggressive tonight in their match. He says that he wants to see the real Viper come out and wrap around the Kings Of WrestleSwing. He says that he wants to see the Demon come out of Kane. They say that you are the Authority's Favorite Demon so prove it tonight. Prove why we have invested so much time in you. Randy, prove why you are the Face of the WWE. If either of you want me to pick you for Raw, you better show me why I should select you at the beginning. Orton talks about the fact that he is a third generation wrestler. He was the youngest man to win the WWE World Heavyweight title. Orton says that tonight the Legend Killer comes out of him. Kane agrees and says that it's time for the Demon to overcome.]


Match #6


Randy Orton and Kane vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing


[it is main event time here on Smackdown as The Authority members take on the Kings Of WrestleSwing. Within the first minute, Cesaro rolls up Randy Orton and scores a two and three-quarters pinfall on Orton, nearly getting a quick and early win. Cesaro stares down Orton and shows him with his fingers just how close Orton was to losing. The two men move in to lock up and instead Orton strikes Cesaro with a knee to the ribs. Orton pushes Cesaro back into a corner and drives three straight shoulders into the ribs of Cesaro. Orton whips Cesaro across the ring but Cesaro explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Cesaro makes a quick tag to Kassius Ohno. Ohno enters the ring and goes right after The Viper. Ohno slips behind Orton -- rolling release suplex! Ohno plays to the crowd for a moment and then ducks a clothesline from Orton. Orton makes a quick tag to Kane and the Big Red Monster comes in, mowing down Ohno with a clothesline. Kane begins the control of The Authority in this match, focusing in on Ohno. Kane and Orton make some quick tags to keep the fresh man in the ring. Around the ten minute mark, Kane and Ohno are outside the ring. Kane sets Ohno against the ring post and goes for a big boot -- Ohno ducks down and Kane strikes the ring post with his boot! Ohno trips up Kane and slides back in the ring, looking to make the tag with his partner.]


[Cesaro is tagged in and he bounces off the ropes, leaping with a suicide dive outside the ring on Kane! The powerful wrestler plays to the crowd briefly before picking up Kane and placing him against the barricade separating the crowd from the wrestlers. A pop-up European Uppercut sends Kane over the barricade and into the front row! Cesaro leaps the barricade and mounts Kane, throwing forearm shot after forearm shot to the head of the Big Red Monster. Cesaro catches the sound of the referee counting and gets to his feet, throwing Kane over the barricade. Both men enter the ring before the ten count comes. Cesaro sets up Kane and shows his power as he lifts Kane and drops him in a double underhook power bomb! Cesaro looks down to Kane and pulls him up slightly, tucking him in and preparing for the Neutralizer! He's about to lift Kane when Randy Orton comes running in. Orton catches Cesaro with a standing dropkick, keeping him from hitting his finisher. Orton drags Kane over to the corner and makes the tag. Orton comes in and grabs Cesaro -- inverted headlock backbreaker! Orton pulls up Cesaro and swings him around the middle rope -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton looks like he might just pick up the win here. Orton drops down and begins punching the mat. The Viper is coiling and ready to strike. Cesaro pulls himself up to his feet -- RK -- NO! Cesaro shoves Orton off and strikes him with a hard-hitting European Uppercut! Both men go down on the mat and begin crawling toward their corner. Cesaro tags in Ohno!]


[Kassius Ohno enters the ring and catches Randy Orton with a discus clothesline. Ohno strikes Kane as well, knocking Kane off the apron. He turns back toward Randy Orton and catches him with a discus big boot! A sign goes up in the crowd in the background reading: 'RANDY KANE OHNO!' Ohno climbs the turnbuckles and he's going for a moonsault -- Orton rolls out of the way! Ohno crashes and burns. Kane enters the ring, ignoring the referee's warnings. He picks up Ohno -- Chokeslam! Kane clotheslines Cesaro off the apron. Orton pulls himself up and sends Ohno to the ropes -- scoop powerslam! Orton makes the cover, grabbing a handful of tights: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Randy Orton and Kane (Via Pinfall @ 18:36)

Match Rating: C




[A big victory for The Authority tonight but it doesn't look like they are done with the Kings Of Wrestling. Randy Orton directs Kane to make sure Cesaro doesn't interfere. Orton sets Ohno in the center of the ring and he backs up in a corner. It looks like he is getting set up for that running punt kick that has taken out many wrestlers here in the WWE! But before he can do so, Roman Reigns and Sting are moving through the crowd toward the ring. Reigns strikes Kane with a baseball bat at ringside. Sting slides into the ring with baseball bat in hand. Orton sees Sting with the bat and he goes right after the Icon. He ducks a swing and rolls out of the ring, escaping the baseball bat wielding of the man called Sting. Roman Reigns enters the ring, standing beside Sting. The ring clears except for one man.]




[There is one man that is still left inside the ring. That man is Roman Reigns. Reigns says that the WWE has seen the beginning of the Roman Empire. That Empire is moving on a direct path toward SummerSlam. At SummerSlam, Reigns says, he is going to run over Triple H and when he picks up that victory he is going to have the ability to select anyone he wants to be the General Manager of Smackdown. He says that he has agreed to let the world know his choice. As a matter of fact, Reigns says, his choice is in the building here tonight. He says that Triple H is going to have to deal with this man in a way that he's done before. Reigns says that after SummerSlam this man will be the new General Manager of Smackdown.]




[The sounds of a car crash can only mean one thing! It's Mick Foley! The WWE return of Mick Foley this evening as he walks out toward the ring. He steps inside and shakes hands with Roman Reigns. He says that he is proud to be right here tonight in Corpus Christi Texas! He says that he was surprised when he got a phone call from Roman Reigns asking him if he wanted to come back to the WWE. He says that he's had some good times here in this company and he's had some bad times here in this company. But, he says, tonight is definitely one of those good times as he is out here showing his support to a man who is going to be the next leader in the WWE. He is showing his support to a man whose family he can respect. He is showing his support to Roman Reigns. Foley shakes hands with Roman Reigns one more time and he says he will be looking forward to seeing what happens at SummerSlam! Have a nice day! Foley gives a thumbs up and celebrates with Roman Reigns as the show comes to a close. Thanks for watching and we'll see you Monday night for Monday Night Raw!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Smackdown is packerman120 as he got a score of 6/6! Congratulations to packerman120! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=6 Wins

2. The Lloyd=4 Wins

Rayelek=4 Wins

4. Smasher1311=3 Wins

Beejus=3 Wins

6. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

17. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-It's time for WWE Monday Night Raw! The ring is going to be filled with the WWE Universe. There will be stars like The Rock, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Kane, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and more!


-As was announced by Kane last week, John Cena and Brock Lesnar will be fighting in Pick Your Poison matches. John Cena will choose an opponent for Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman will choose the opponent for John Cena in a non title match. Just who will they pick to possibly make an iMPACT here in the WWE? Only time will tell. Make sure you tune in to find out!


-Another match set up last week is the match featuring Kane and Roman Reigns. This feud has been moving forward here lately as Kane was given permission by Stephanie McMahon to bring out the full efforts of the demon inside him. With this match being a Street Fight, can Kane eliminate Roman Reigns before SummerSlam or will the former Shield member mow through Kane on the way toward SummerSlam.


-Last week, AJ Styles made his WWE debut as the next-coming of The Nature Boy. This definitely stuck in the craw of The Miz, who saw himself as the next-coming of The Nature Boy. Miz has an opportunity to prove why he believes that he should be The Nature Boy as he takes on AJ Styles on Monday Night Raw!


-Plus Dolph Ziggler, Dave Bautista, Randy Orton, Sting and Kofi Kingston will be in the building, Rusev takes on Sheamus and more! Which superstars will move along the road toward SummerSlam successfully?


Prediction Listing


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA



Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus



Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???



The Miz vs. AJ Styles



Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns



Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena



Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent:


Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent:


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA



Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus



Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???



The Miz vs. AJ Styles



Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns



Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena



Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Big Show


Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Kurt Angle


Fun Fan Signs: The Man They Call STANG!


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA



Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus



Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???



The Miz vs. AJ Styles



Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns



Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena



Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Mark Henry?


Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: CM Punk?

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA



Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus



Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???



The Miz vs. AJ Styles



Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns



Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena



Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Hardcore Holly


Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Hardcore Holly

Bobcore's so hardcore he'll take both on and win with one arm tied behind his back.


Fun Fan Signs:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA



Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus



Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???



The Miz vs. AJ Styles



Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns



Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena



Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Dean Ambrose


Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Seth Rollins


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA

Comments: Kendrick eats The Loss.


Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus

Comments: Probably just barely getting it, as with Stevie last time.


Pick Your Poison Match

Brock Lesnar vs. ???

Comments: Brock smash!


The Miz vs. AJ Styles

Comments: The Mehz. In fact, I'll make that my sign for the week.


Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Roman picks up more momentum.


Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

??? vs. John Cena

Comments: Cena keeps winning his way to Summerslam.


Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: The placement on the card indicates it won't be a main event level match, so I'll go with Show.

Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Orton


Fun Fan Signs:

The Mehz


Comments On Previous Show: Another very solid outing. Stevie almost made it!

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<p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to keep everyone updated on my current situation. Yesterday, I had to go to an emergency dental appointment. It's nothing life-threatening but it is something that is serious to me. I will be on some pain-killers for the next little while but I am hopeful that it won't prohibit me from writing or from reading the wonderful dynasties here at the GDS board. But it has kept me out of work yesterday and today because talking makes me hurt unbelievably bad and I work in a call center where talking is my profession. I want to thank everyone for their predictions and comments on the diary so far. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> I also wanted to let you know that as far as I know jhd1 and I will still be continuing our Bragging Rights diary sometime very soon. With the release of the amazing Thunderverse that jhd1 has worked really hard on, it's going to free up some of his time to return to diaries. The return of Bragging Rights is really up to when our schedules coincide and we can work together to make it return. Also, the last week or more, I have been working on the debut of a third diary to come within the near future. This particular diary will be my take on WCW in 1991. While I am loving this WWE diary and my part in the WWF side of Bragging Rights and I have plans for both of those diaries way into the future, my real love and passion has always been for WCW. Growing up in the southeast and meeting many of those wrestlers in person gave me a real sense of them and how they are and the hard work they do inside the ring. I wanted to write this out to let everyone know where I am standing at the current moment. Onto a couple of comments...</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38250" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Hardcore Holly<p> </p><p> Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Hardcore Holly</p><p> Bobcore's so hardcore he'll take both on and win with one arm tied behind his back.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">Hardcore Holly is definitely an interesting choice for the mystery opponents, especially for Brock Lesnar. I know that Holly and Lesnar have a distinct history in the real world. Will Holly be either of the mystery men? Only way to find out is to stay tuned. Thank you for your comments and your predictions!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38250" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Comments On Previous Show: <em>Another very solid outing. Stevie almost made it!</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">Thank you for your comments, Beejus. I am glad you enjoyed the Smackdown. The shows will definitely be taking on a life of their own following SummerSlam as that is when the brand split will get up and going. I also had hoped that people would be getting behind Stevie Richards in the matchup with Rusev. He came within nearly thirty seconds of surviving and getting a U.S. title match. Could he ask for a rematch in the future? Only time will tell. Thank you, my friend, for your predictions and your comments.</span></p>
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<p>Prediction Listing</p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round</p><p>

Brian Kendrick vs. <strong>KENTA</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match</p><p>

10 Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Rusev</strong> vs. Sheamus</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Pick Your Poison Match</p><p>

<strong>Brock Lesnar</strong> vs. ???</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

The Miz vs.<strong> AJ Styles</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

Kane vs. <strong>Roman Reigns</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

Pick Your Poison Match</p><p>

??? vs. <strong>John Cena</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Extra Point - Who Will Be Brock Lesnar's Opponent: Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p>

Extra Point - Who Will Be John Cena's Opponent: Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p>

Comment: Like I said with TFC's dynasty, Angeldelayette Dynasty? Subscribed. Hope your mouth gets better too. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW_13/PromotionWarsWebsite.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">WWE NXT ROCK THIS COUNTRY RESULTS!</span></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;"> </span></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWE_14/NXT.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> WWE NXT Rock This Country comes to you from the Deer Park Convention Center in New York! What a show we have for you in a night that has no backstage segments, meaning we are all action for you here tonight. The first two matches go by rather quickly and are considered some of the worst matches of the night. But that is still high by the standards of professional wrestling. These two matches see Troy McClain defeat Buddy Murphy and Simon Gotch defeat Jesse Neal. Our one and only Diva's match is next as Shaul Guerrero makes her return to NXT, teaming with Sasha Banks to take on Becky Lynch and Barbie Blank. It is a back and forth tag match that sees action both inside and outside of the ring. The match ends when Guerrero hits Lynch with a Frog Splash, scoring the victory.</span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Our next match is only worth talking about because it features a second generation wrestler in Colt Toombs, the son of Roddy Piper. Toombs scores a victory over Sawyer Fulton by utilizing the Sleeper that he was taught by his father. Two big men meet up next when Bull Dempsey takes on J Bronson. The contest is back and forth and ends when Dempsey injures his knee outside the ring and cannot make it back before a ten count. Another match barely worth noting has Scott Dawson taking on Judas Devlin. Dawson is a take-no-prisoners redneck taking on the intellectual Judas Devlin. Devlin is the one who scores the victory following a small package, surprising the redneck.</span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Now we come to our two main events. The first main event is a fatal fourway contest between Aiden English, El Local, Konnor O'Brian and Adrian Neville. It is a non title match but if someone other than Neville wins, it would definitely catapult that wrestler up the rankings. The match sees all four men gain their advantages, including El Local nearly scoring a pinfall victory over Adrian Neville. Neville comes back and hits El Local with the Red Arrow, making the cover but it is broken up by Konnor O'Brian! O'Brian takes advantage and hits El Local with a full nelson slam and scores a big fatal fourway victory!</span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The second of our main events features Solomon Crowe against Jason Jordan. As one might expect, this is a back and forth contest between two men who severely dislike each other. Jordan tries to keep things in the ring but Crowe has no qualms about taking things outside the ring and sending Jordan into the steel steps. The match moves back in the ring where the athlete Jason Jordan has a decided advantage. The referee gets bumped and this leads to Crowe smashing a tablet computer over the skull of Jason Jordan. Crowe hits the headlock driver and makes the cover, getting the three count and the victory in our main event.</span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="text-align:right;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>TAGS:</strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> WWE – NXT – Solomon Crowe</span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> <hr color="black"></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="text-align:right;"><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:8px;">© 2014 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of Promotion Wars</span></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><p> ===</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="#HEEL" data-cite="#HEEL" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38250" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Comment: Like I said with TFC's dynasty, Angeldelayette Dynasty? Subscribed. Hope your mouth gets better too. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">Thanks a lot #HEEL. Always good to have continued readers no matter where I go with these diaries. I am really having a lot of fun with this one. I hope that it shows. Thanks for your comments about my mouth. I am hoping it gets better as well but it's gonna take some time for my recovery.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> Planning to post the Monday Night Raw show tomorrow. Make sure you get your predictions in!</span></p>
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