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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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Monday Week 2 August 2014

Location: AL Mobile Civic Center Arena

Attendance: 9,946

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 5.51




[Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and John Layfield welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw in the Mobile Civic Center Arena in Mobile, Alabama. The show begins with 'I Walk Alone' beginning to play in the background and we have the Monday Night Raw return of Batista! He gets a mixed reaction from this capacity crowd as he walks down to the ring and steps inside. He looks around for a moment and then tells the crowd that he did not believe he would ever return to the WWE after his last stay here. He talks about the fact that he quit because Triple H was too focused on the Shield and not focused enough on his career. He still wants to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, whether that is facing John Cena or Brock Lesnar following SummerSlam. That should be the goal of every professional wrestler in the WWE, according to Batista. But that is put on hold briefly as he is called to be the special enforcer for the match between Triple H and Roman Reigns. He says that he has no love lost for either man. That means that he will call things right down the middle. Whoever wins at SummerSlam will earn that win. He says that he can guarantee that. Batista might have continued but his words are interrupted...]





[batista smirks at the arrival of the WWE COO Triple H. Hunter walks down to the ring and steps inside, getting in the face of Batista for a moment and then smiling. He gives Batista a hug and says that it is great to have him back in the WWE. He asks Batista how filming that movie went? Before Batista can answer, he says that he wants to apologize for how things ended between the two of them. He says that it hurt his heart when Batista felt he had to quit and leave the WWE. But he can understand why that is. He says that he understands why Batista quit on him and destroyed Evolution. He also says that at SummerSlam he knows that Batista will do the right thing, that he will do what is best for business. And he says that he knows that when Batista does what is best for business at SummerSlam, Triple H will do what is best for Batista. Batista laughs and asks Triple H if he really thinks he is still that stupid? Batista tells Triple H that he gave him promises when he first returned to the WWE but those promises were not met. Why should he trust Triple H now? Why should he ever trust Triple H again? The argument is interrupted by 'The Truth Reigns!']




[The man who will face Triple H at SummerSlam, Roman Reigns, comes down through the crowd with the black baseball bat in his right hand. He leaps the barricade and then steps inside the ring, getting in the face of his SummerSlam opponent. The two jaw off-microphone for a moment before Reigns smiles and takes a step back. Reigns says that he knows that Triple H will do anything that he can to defeat him at SummerSlam. But he should know that Roman Reigns will do anything to win the match at SummerSlam. That is why Batista is there. He is there to make sure that neither of them dies. That is Batista's job at SummerSlam. Not to mention keeping The Authority at bay. Because, in a fair fight, Reigns says that Triple H cannot beat him. Believe that! Triple H grows angry and says that Reigns is stepping into an area that he's never been. But Hunter says that he's been in these types of battles with the best of them, including the man that Roman Reigns wants as his Smackdown General Manager. Triple H says that he should give Roman Reigns a preview of SummerSlam tonight. He drops a microphone and steps toward Reigns but Batista steps between them. Batista shoves Reigns back in one corner and Triple H smirks. Triple H offers a handshake to Batista but Batista shoves him back in another corner! The Animal keeps the two of them away from each other, forcing them out of the ring. What an explosive way to start out Monday Night Raw! This will be Batista's job at SummerSlam and tonight he proves that he can do what needs to be done.]





Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Brian Kendrick vs. KENTA


[The opening match here on Monday Night Raw features the return of Brian Kendrick and the WWE debut of the man known as KENTA. The match is definitely a high flying contest between these two men as both seem to want to advance to the next round of the tournament. Brian Kendrick very nearly scores the victory when he locks KENTA in a Cobra Clutch with body scissors. But somehow KENTA is able to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Kendrick climbs the turnbuckles and goes for the Shooting Star Press but KENTA rolls out of the way and Kendrick catches only the mat. KENTA moves in quickly and catches Kendrick with a bridging tiger suplex to get only a two count. KENTA brings Kendrick over with a Fisherman's Buster and then heads to the top turnbuckle -- diving double foot stomp on Kendrick! KENTA waits in a corner for Kendrick to get to his feet -- Busaiku Knee Kick! KENTA makes the cover: One, Two, Three! KENTA advances and Brian Kendrick advances to the second chance battle royal!]


Winner: KENTA (Via Pinfall @ 7:02)

Match Rating: D




[From the ring, we move backstage where Renee Young is standing by with Roman Reigns. Renee asks Reigns about the confrontation with both Triple H and Batista earlier tonight. Reigns replies that he was testing Batista to see if he was going to be impartial. Right now, he believes that Batista will see things down the middle. If Batista decides to do something in his role as Special Enforcer, Reigns reminds everyone that he has his own Special Enforcer watching in the rafters. So, no matter what, things are going to be even and Triple H is going to lose. Believe that. Renee asks Reigns once again about his relationship with the man called Sting. Reigns smiles a moment and then walks off, leaving everyone, once again, in the dark about that friendship.]




[From one backstage area, we move to another. This time we move to the locker room of The Rock. He smiles toward the camera and raises The People's Eyebrow. Then he turns to go to his locker. He opens the locker and sees Goldust standing in there, holding the elbow pad close to his body. The Rock laughs and holds up an index finger, telling Goldust to hold on. He closes the door and looks around before laughing and opening the door again. Goldust pops out of one locker and Stardust pops out of another locker. Goldust says that SummerSlam is fast approaching where he teams with a Hollywood celebrity in The Rock to take on an inbred hillbilly family in the Wyatts. Goldust likens this contest to Deliverance without the dueling banjos. Stardust says that the world will be different when they are all in the ring together. The stars will be brighter at night, the sun brighter in the morning. He says that the three of them will shine against The Wyatt Family. The Rock just looks at the two of them and shrugs. He says that at SummerSlam, The Rock, Goldust and Stardust are gonna kick their candy asses if you smell what The Rock is cooking!]




[Lana leads her client Rusev down to the ring for the Rusev Challenge match this evening. She gets on the microphone and says that tonight the Rusev Challenge will be taken by a man who is not even an American. Everyone knows that Sheamus is from some other country that doesn't even matter when compared to the might that is mother Russia. Lana says that like each and every week Rusev wrestles, they will be dedicating this match to the most wonderful leader in the history of the world. Of course that man is none other than Vladimir Putin. She might have continued but she is interrupted as 'Written In My Face' begins to play in the background. Sheamus comes out and he looks like he is ready for a fight.]


Match #2


Rusev Challenge - Non-Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Rusev vs. Sheamus


[Our second match of the night is a Rusev Challenge Match. The rules are simple. There is a ten minute time limit. If Sheamus can survive the ten minutes, he will receive a Russian title shot next week right here on Monday Night Raw! As one might expect, this match is a pure brawl between these two top athletes both inside the ring and outside the ring. Sheamus gets an early advantage and Rusev escapes the ring to discuss strategy with Lana. But Sheamus doesn't give him the opportunity as he follows Rusev outside the ring. He rams Rusev into the ring post and whips him toward the barricade -- reversed! Sheamus slams hard into the barricade and then Rusev bangs Sheamus's head off the steel steps! The USA chants grow loud in the crowd as the action returns to the ring. Rusev whips Sheamus to the ropes -- Samoan drop! Rusev makes the cover but only scores a two count. As the match moves on, Rusev grows increasingly frustrated in not being able to put Sheamus away. When the two minutes left mark is reached, Rusev moves in for the Accolade but Sheamus fights back! Sheamus strikes Rusev with several back elbows, knocking Rusev backward! Sheamus pulls himself up and ducks a clothesline by Rusev -- Irish Curse Backbreaker! Sheamus makes a cover and gets a two count. The one minute left mark is announced! Sheamus tosses Rusev through the ropes and onto the apron. He sets him up and begins striking forearms to the chest of Rusev! Rusev leaps off the apron and meets up with Lana. He looks up in the ring at Sheamus and the bell sounds. Sheamus has lasted the ten minutes! This match is a draw!]


Draw (Time Limit Finish @ 10:00)

Match Rating: C-


[Lana cannot believe that anyone survived ten minutes in the ring with Rusev! She begins berating him outside the ring for allowing this to happen. The words seem to fire up Rusev and he re-enters the ring, coming face-to-face with Sheamus! The two begin exchanging punches in the middle of the ring! Sheamus starts to get control over the Super Athlete! Sheamus picks up Rusev -- White Noise! The crowd cheers as Sheamus moves into a corner, setting up for that Brogue Kick! Rusev begins pulling himself to his feet and Lana grabs the legs of Sheamus from outside the ring! The distraction has Sheamus turning toward Lana and Rusev crushes Sheamus in the corner with a corner splash. He shoves Sheamus to the mat and then a stomp to the back -- Accolade! He has the Accolade hooked on Sheamus! Lana enters the ring and begins berating Sheamus. She slaps him! Rusev releases the Accolade and stands tall, raising the WWE Russian/United States title belt high in the air as his music plays in the background. Lana raises Rusev's arm in victory.]




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where Renee Young is standing by with Ric Flair and the new Nature Boy AJ Styles. Flair says that he heard that there was a party going on in Mobile, Alabama tonight! He says that last week on Smackdown, this man proved that Ric Flair is always right. He says that The Nature Boy AJ Styles proved that he is a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun! Renee turns the interview to Styles' match tonight against a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion The Miz. Styles speaks up for a moment, telling Renee that to be the man, you have to beat the man. He says that tonight when he walks that aisle he is going to prove that he is the best thing going today. He and Flair share a 'Whooooooo' before strutting off, leaving Renee shrugging and laughing.]




[From there, we go to the locker room of the Other-Americans where they are playing last year's version of the WWE video game. Triple H walks into the room and asks how everyone is doing. Super Crazy goes on some rant in Spanish that no one in the room seems to be able to understand. Santino Marella smiles and pats Crazy on the shoulder, using hand gestures to keep him quiet. Santino asks Triple H what-a he wants. Triple H says that he is going to give The Other-Americans a great opportunity this Friday night on Smackdown. He says that one of them will be taking the Rusev Challenge! He says he will let them pick which one. They all look worried and downright scared...except for Super Crazy as he doesn't seem to understand what Triple H is saying. Crazy asks: 'qué?' several times but no one answers him. Instead, Santino, Sami Zayn and Kozlov say that they have arrived at a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock moment. They go into the game but all three of them pick Spock. They look frustrated and say that one of them needs to quit using Spock. Then they turn toward Super Crazy. Santino smiles and says that they have a volunteer. Triple H nods and wishes Super Crazy good luck on Smackdown. Super Crazy asks another 'qué?' having no idea what he has gotten himself into.]




[From there, we move to one more locker room where the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena meets up with former ECW stalwart Tommy Dreamer! Cena shakes hands with Dreamer and asks him if he is ready for tonight. Dreamer says that he has made a career out of going to the extreme. He knows that he is going to have to do that tonight if he plans to last with Brock Lesnar. So, apparently, Tommy Dreamer is John Cena's pick for the Pick Your Poison match! Cena agrees and says that he has set up this match as a Street Fight. So bring your weapons and do your best. He says that's all anyone can ask of him. Dreamer says that tonight he is David and he is going to slay Goliath.]


Match #3


Pick Your Poison Match

Street Fight

Brock Lesnar vs. Tommy Dreamer


[Our next match is a Street Fight as Paul Heyman leads Brock Lesnar to the ring first. Tommy Dreamer pushes a shopping cart filled with weapons to the ring during his entrance. He gets a kendo stick out and slides into the ring. He does a hit and move technique against Brock Lesnar, striking with the kendo stick on the legs and body of The Conquerer. Dreamer avoids Lesnar when he comes running in and gets Lesnar into a corner. Dreamer climbs in the corner and begins striking with cane shot after cane shot! Could David slay Goliath? Lesnar recovers from the cane shots, grabbing Dreamer while he's in that corner and bringing him down with a power bomb! He holds Dreamer and brings him down with a second power bomb! A third power bomb has Dreamer laid out on the mat. Lesnar looks toward Paul Heyman for instructions. Heyman grabs a chair and slides it into the ring. Lesnar grabs the chair and waits for Dreamer to get to his knees -- he clocks Dreamer with the chair! Lesnar plays to a booing crowd. He sets the chair down and picks up Dreamer -- F-5 on the chair! Lesnar slides the chair out of the ring and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brock Lesnar (Via Pinfall @ 8:52)

Match Rating: C




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where AJ Lee is shown, smiling toward the camera. Triple H steps into the locker room and shakes hands with AJ. Hunter asks AJ how she is doing. AJ says she is doing good. She says she is looking forward to another match with Paige for the WWE Diva's title. About that, says Triple H, he has decided that she will not be in the WWE Diva's title match at SummerSlam. There's already three women involved in that match. He asks briefly how her husband is doing but before she can answer he says that he has decided something that will be best for business. In one week here on Monday Night Raw she will be in a handicap match. She will be taking on two of the women in that match at SummerSlam: Paige and Brie Bella. Oh, and if she can beat them, then maybe he will think about adding her into the match at SummerSlam. Good luck. Hunter walks off, leaving an angry AJ Lee.]




[From there we move to another area backstage where we see Seth Rollins walking with that Money In The Bank briefcase. Rollins sees Dean Ambrose, well the back of Dean Ambrose, and he charges, swinging the briefcase and it shatters a mirror. Rollins looks shocked and then turns, catching a boot to the gut by Dean Ambrose! Rollins drops the briefcase and Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds but Rollins somehow slides free. Rollins goes to grab the briefcase but he catches a knee lift from Ambrose. Ambrose shoves Rollins backward, clothesline! Ambrose mounts Rollins, throwing punches as security finally steps in. Security pulls Ambrose back and Rollins pulls himself up, backing off from Dean Ambrose. Ambrose picks up the briefcase and tells Rollins he is forgetting something. Ambrose tosses it at the head of Rollins but Rollins manages to catch it in the air. Ambrose says he will be holding that briefcase after SummerSlam! The two men yell at each other but security keeps the two of them apart.]


Match #4


The Miz vs. AJ Styles


[Our next contest was set up last week when Ric Flair chose AJ Styles as the next Nature Boy instead of The Miz. Needless to say, The Miz was not happy about that decision and tonight he looks to prove that he is the better choice. The match is a showcase for both men in the ten minutes that they are given. The Miz gets control early on and sends Styles to a corner. He charges in and hits the swinging corner clothesline, sitting on the middle rope and staring right down outside the ring to Ric Flair. A fan raises a sign reading: 'The Mehz!' The Miz slides back in and catches Styles with a shinbreaker before going for the Figure 4 Leglock. Styles counters with a small package, getting a two count. The Miz is quickly up to his feet and he catches Styles with a running knee lift. The Miz plays to a booing crowd, giving a strut inside the ring. The Miz picks up Styles and whips him toward the corner -- Styles flips up and over the corner, landing on the apron. The Miz goes for a clothesline but Styles ducks. Styles somehow catches The Miz with a Pelé Kick from the apron into the ring! Styles catches The Miz with a brainbuster and then climbs onto the apron. He gives a strut and a 'Whooooo' before hitting a Springboard 450° Splash! Styles makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: AJ Styles (Via Pinfall @ 10:03)

Match Rating: B-


[The next Nature Boy AJ Styles has picked up the victory over a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion! Styles begins strutting inside the ring, releasing a 'Whoooooo!' The Miz looks frustrated as he was unable to kick out but he manages to pull himself to his feet. He moves in to Styles and grabs him for the Skull Crushing Finale but Styles fights his way free, knocking The Miz back into a corner! Ric Flair enters the ring and lights up the chest of The Miz with those knife edge chops! Flair tosses The Miz to Styles, who kicks The Miz in the gut. Styles pulls The Miz in -- Styles Clash! AJ Styles stands tall over The Miz, shaking hands with Ric Flair and raising his arm as well. The two men strut inside the ring side-by-side. Two Generations of Nature Boys inside this ring.]




[From the ring, we move to the boiler room of this arena. The sounds of the steam can be heard in the background as the camera moves around to find the Devil's Favorite Demon Kane standing inside the boiler room. He talks about the fact that he was unleashed by Stephanie McMahon last Friday night on Smackdown to drag Roman Reigns straight down to hell. Tonight he is going to do just that. Kane looks around and says that this is his home. He says that this is where he feels most comfortable, not inside the ring. So he invites Roman Reigns to come and find him here in the Boiler Room to start their match. That is, if Roman Reigns is man enough to face the Demon on his own turf. Kane says that he would not be surprised if Reigns refuses but either way he will be dragging the Roman Empire straight to hell tonight.]




[The screen goes fuzzy and we are brought to an outside area. This outside area includes a playground where Bray Wyatt is standing by with the other members of The Wyatt Family: Luke Harper, who is on a swing in that sheep's mask, Erick Rowan, who is on top of the jungle gym, and Braun Stowman, who is standing beside Wyatt. Wyatt is sitting on a merry go round. He laughs and says that this is where all the little kids get indoctrinated to play well with others. He says that he never learned to play well with others because he was always in trouble and never allowed to go play with the other kids. But that's alright because he has made his family as an adult. He has made his brothers and sisters right here with his Wyatt Family. That is the difference between himself and The Rock and Goldust and Stardust. He has his brothers and sisters to watch his back. He knows that Braun Stowman will not turn his back on him. He tells The Rock that it's time for him to wake up. It is time for him to realize that his friends, his brothers will never be loyal to him because he is not loyal to them. He says that at SummerSlam, all will come out into the light and be revealed. He will learn that Bray Wyatt has the whole in his hands. Wyatt laughs and swings around the merry go round as the camera fades to black.]




[From there, we are taken to the trainer's area where Tommy Dreamer is being looked at by the doctors here in this arena. He looks to be in a lot of pain. But, then again, he took some hard shots from Brock Lesnar earlier tonight. When the doctor walks away, he is replaced by someone who is definitely not welcomed. That man is Bo Dallas! Dallas tells Tommy Dreamer that he watched him earlier tonight and says that he shouldn't feel bad about losing to someone like Brock Lesnar. David doesn't beat Goliath in the real world unless David BOLIEVES! Dreamer gives an annoyed look toward Bo Dallas. He tells him to please leave, trying to be nice. Bo Dallas doesn't leave, instead he continues trying to tell Dreamer that he will be a victor one day if he simply Bolieves! Dreamer finally has enough and raises his voice, telling Bo to GET OUT! Bo Dallas looks angry and then turns to exit -- STEVIEKICK! Stevie Richards shows up from out of nowhere and levels Bo Dallas with Stevie Kick. Dreamer looks at Stevie, smiles and says now that's something I can Bolieve in.]


Match #5


Street Fight

Kane vs. Roman Reigns


[Our semi main event does not even begin inside the ring. Instead, the match begins in the boiler room as Roman Reigns goes looking for Kane. The room seems to be a maze of pipes and machines that Reigns is having to search through. Reigns finally turns a corner and catches an uppercut from Kane! The Street Fight begins as the two men begin exchanging punches inside the boiler room! Kane starts to get the advantage and strikes Reigns into one of the pipes. Steam comes shooting out and Kane tries to force the face of Roman Reigns into the steam but Reigns fights back. He does his best to hold on so he doesn't get burned. He fires a couple of elbow shots to Kane and then shoves him backward. Reigns staggers toward the exit of the boiler room. Kane follows him like the horror movie monster. Reigns suddenly turns and clotheslines Kane to the ground! He places a couple of well-placed stomps on Kane before grabbing him and dragging him from the boiler room. Within minutes, the two of them are up on the main floor. Reigns tosses Kane in a merchandise area! Reigns charges Kane with a spear -- powerslam by Kane! Kane nails Reigns with the powerslam on that hard floor! He makes a cover but this isn't pinfalls count anywhere!]


[Kane drags Roman Reigns finally to the entranceway and he tries to set up Reigns for the Tombstone Piledriver but Reigns works things around, reversing the Tombstone -- Tombstone Piledriver by Roman Reigns on Kane! Reigns stands to his feet and lets out a war cry, shoving Kane toward the lights on the Titan-Tron. As Kane gets to his feet, Reigns charges and Spears Kane through the lights! A 'Holy Shit' chant breaks out through the crowd as both men disappeared in that backstage area! Reigns is the first man to come staggering out, dragging what looks like the lifeless body of Kane from where they landed. He drags Kane down to the ringside area and then sets him up on the apron. A tired Reigns steps back and then charges -- running dropkick! Kane drops back in the ring and Reigns joins him inside the ring. Reigns makes a cover but Kane kicks out at two! Reigns looks surprised but pulls himself to his feet. He punches the mat, waiting for Kane to get to his feet. The Demon climbs up and catches a Superman Punch! Roman Reigns slides out of the ring and slides a table from underneath the ring! He slides the table inside the ring and joins it inside. He sets the table up in a corner, sliding Kane up against the table before backing up. Reigns charges -- SPEAR THROUGH THE TABLE! Both men are down on the mat. Reigns pulls Kane to the center of the ring and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Roman Reigns (Via Pinfall @ 17:17)

Match Rating: C+




[After that sensational match between Roman Reigns and Kane, the crowd boos as Randy Orton makes his way out to the ring. He steps inside and says that tonight he is going to come face-to-face with his opponent at SummerSlam. He says he wants to come face-to-face with Sting! He invites Sting out to the ring and 'Man Called Sting' begins to play. Definitely an odd one, right? From the back comes a midget dressed as the old-school Sting. The midget has a blonde buzzcut and bright facepaint. 'Sting' walks past a sign in the crowd reading: 'The Man They Call STANG!' 'Sting' enters the ring and Randy Orton welcomes him to the ring. Orton says that he always knew that Sting was a small man. After all the attacks, he is surprised that Sting is meeting him face-to-face. 'Sting' gets the microphone and releases a howl. 'Sting' says that he is the ICON. He is WCW's best. Then again, WCW was always inferior to the WWE. So it's like being the best piece of garbage at the dump. Orton agrees and gives 'Sting' a RKO. The crowd boos and Orton gets on the microphone saying that now that he has dropped the best WCW wrestler to ever compete in the WWE what's going to happen at SummerSlam? Well, it's simple, this is going to happen again. The lights flicker in the building and then a spotlight shines in the rafters where the black and white face painted Sting can be seen watching this mockery. Suddenly, a vulture comes flying down and circles the ring before landing on a turnbuckle. Randy Orton looks stunned and a little scared as he takes a step toward the bird and then quickly exits the ring, shaking his head. The bird flies up to perch in front of Sting. Sting looks down toward Orton, shaking his head and saying nothing. Instead, he taps his baseball bat on the railing in front of him. These two men will go one on one at SummerSlam in just a couple of weeks.]







[When the ring is cleared, Paul Heyman comes out from the back and he has a microphone in hand. He tells the audience 'ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. He says that at the end of SummerSlam he will be the one behind the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. That is because his client, Brock Lesnar, is going to walk away with the WWE World Heavyweight title. He says that tonight he was given a choice as to who will face John Cena in the main event. He says that he could have given a phone call to someone hardcore like Tommy Dreamer or The Sandman or anyone who could come in here and hit John Cena with a chair or with a cane or with any object they pleased. However that would be too easy. That would be too expected. Instead, he has decided that he will cater to a set of fans here in the WWE that consistently chant 'You Can't Wrestle' to John Cena. So there will not be any crazy stipulations in this match. It won't be a street fight or a ladder match or anything of the sort. This will be a wrestling match and my choice is one of the best wrestlers in the world. As a matter of fact, he is a man who comes from Calgary...Alberta Canada. John Cena's opponent tonight is an Impact Player Lance Storm!]


Match #6


Non-Title Match

Pick Your Poison Match

Lance Storm vs. John Cena


[On paper, our shocking main event looks like a match for the ages. The ECW chants are loud from the fans here in Mobile, Alabama. We have a pure wrestling match with one of the best technical wrestlers in the business facing a man who many believe can do it all in John Cena. But, somehow, things just do not go as well as one might think that it should. There is something off in the chemistry of the two wrestlers in the ring but they do their best to make things workable here. Cena starts with a quick advantage and an early Five Knuckle Shuffle. He goes for a quick Attitude Adjustment but Storm wiggles off the shoulders and he shoves Cena into a corner. He follows in with a corner clothesline before Irish whipping Cena across the ring. He nails Cena with a handspring corner clothesline and gets an early one count before Cena kicks out. Storm sends Cena outside the ring and he follows him out. Storm whips Cena into the barricade and then pulls him over to the announce booth where he chokes Cena with a cable! The referee gives him a five count to break the choke and he releases just before five. Storm sends Cena back inside the ring and he catches Cena with a northern lights suplex, getting a two count on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.]


[storm continues to simply out-wrestle John Cena on the mat as the match goes on. It seems like no matter what John Cena tries to do, Storm has a counter for it. Around the ten minute mark, Storm hooks Cena in a one-legged Boston Crab! The crowd seem like they might think that Storm is going to take this one! Storm leans back and Cena cries out in pain. He has never submitted but he hasn't faced a man like Lance Storm before, right? Storm holds the submission hold on Cena for several minutes before Cena manages to get to the ropes. Storm looks upset that Cena got to the ropes and has to make a decision on what to do next. Now nearing the twenty minute mark, Storm moves into a corner, waiting for John Cena to pull himself up. The 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants are loud here in Mobile, Alabama! Cena climbs to his feet and turns -- Superkick -- NO! Cena caught the leg of Lance Storm! He pulls Storm in -- STF! Cena has Lance Storm hooked in the STF! The crowd cheers loudly as Cena stretches Lance Storm in his finisher. Storm raises his arm and it looks like he might tap out! We will never find out, however, because the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar comes in and drops an elbow on Cena. It breaks the hold but also causes a disqualification.]


Winner: John Cena (Via Disqualification @ 20:23)

Match Rating: C-


[John Cena holds the victory but Brock Lesnar seems intent on making him not look like a victor tonight. Lance Storm exits the ring, ignoring Paul Heyman and walking away to the back. Lesnar throws some forearm shots to the back of Cena's head, drawing boos from the crowd. The Conquerer picks up Cena and throws him with a German suplex! Lesnar drags his thumb across his throat. He lifts up Cena and places the WWE World Heavyweight Champion on his shoulders. He turns to all four sides of the ring and the long wait gives Cena some time to recover! Cena fights his way off the shoulders of Lesnar and hits Lesnar with a clothesline to the back of the head! He shoves Lesnar against the ropes and another clothesline sends Lesnar over the top rope to the floor! Lesnar lands on his feet and Heyman walks over, stepping between Lesnar and the ring. Heyman instructs Lesnar to stay back as John Cena is given his WWE World Heavyweight title belt. He raises the belt up high and tonight John Cena stands tall as we end Monday Night Raw! What an ending here, folks! We'll see you this Friday for Smackdown!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this Monday Night Raw are Rayelek, Beejus, #HEEL and Smasher1311 as they got a score of 5/6! Congratulations to Rayelek, Beejus, #HEEL and Smasher1311! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=6 Wins

2. Rayelek=5 Wins

3. The Lloyd=4 Wins

Smasher1311=4 Wins

Beejus=4 Wins

6. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

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World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. What a show that we have planned for you this week as we continue along the road toward SummerSlam. The O'Connell Center in Gainesville, Florida plays host to this edition of Smackdown.


-Our main event this week is a good one as two men look for momentum on the road toward SummerSlam. This week, the man who will face Triple H at SummerSlam, Roman Reigns, takes on the man who will face Sting at SummerSlam: Randy Orton. Both men were born into wrestling families. Both men could use wins as we move toward SummerSlam. But who is going to walk away with the victory?


-In what should be one of the most hard-hitting matches in Smackdown history, Bray Wyatt steps into the ring on the opposite side from the former United States Champion Sheamus. Sheamus has a big match coming up on Monday Night Raw for the WWE United States Heavyweight title. Can he survive a night against one of the craziest WWE wrestlers?


-We are going to see a second chance battle royal with the losers of the WWE Cruiserweight tournament, plus a couple of others who were not in the tournament. There will be a total of ten men in this battle royal. Who can walk out the victor?


-Like last week when Roman Reigns announced his choice for Smackdown GM, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will announce their choice for Smackdown General Manager. Who will it be? Make sure you tune in and find out!


-Plus more Cruiserweight Tournament action, The Usos call out The Steiner Brothers, Rusev in action and more.


Prediction Listing


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio



Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio



Tamina vs. Brie Bella



Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus



Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns



Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM:


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Rey Mysterio


Rusev Challenge Match


Comments: super crazy is no match for the Russian mauler


2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Kofi Kingston

Comments: coin flip and Kofi took heads



Comments: really though, who cares?


Bray Wyatt

Comments: I love Sheamus but Bray has the whole world in his hands


Randy Orton

Comments: again a coin flip for me


Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: JJ Dillon


Fun Fan Signs: The Nature Boy AJ Styles ... Woooooo!

Cruiserweights rule!


Comments On Previous Show: just catching up but I must say I enjoy this quite a bit, other than the return of the brand split. Wasn't a fan IRL but willing to see how you handle things before passing judgment :)

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio

Comments: He's THEE cruiserweight. hah


Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio

Comments: Very hard pick. I pray Parker/Graves don't win, I'd be cool with Red, Kaz, London, Zayn, or Cara too. Can you tell what my favorite wrestling style is? :p


Tamina vs. Brie Bella



Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus



Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns



Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: HBK


Comments On Previous Show: Like the return of Batista.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio



Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio



Tamina vs. Brie Bella



Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus



Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns



Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: HBK

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio


Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy


2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio

Comments: This was a tough choice. There are multiple people in here that I could see winning this match.


Tamina vs. Brie Bella


Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus


Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: I really don't know here, but I don't think you want either of them losing before SS.


Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: I'm going to follow the trend and go with HBK. I thought about Flair, but he's managing the new Nature Boy.


Comments On Previous Show: Those were some interesting choices for the Pick Your Poison matches. I didn't see them coming at all. I am shocked that Cena/Storm graded so low. I would've at least expected the match to be on par with Kane/Reigns. I guess that's just one of those wrinkles that makes TEW interesting.


Hopefully I can get back to reading/commenting for every show again, I've been falling behind lately.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio

Comments: Rey may be bigger than the belt, but he's a bigger star than Tajiri for sure.


Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy

Comments: Rusev drills Crazy to the mat to make up for the draw with Sheamus.


2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio

Comments: Sami would make a really good potential Cruiser champ.


Tamina vs. Brie Bella

Comments: Bathroom break.


Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus

Comments: As big a star as Sheamus is, Wyatt is operating on a much higher level.


Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Roman destroys Randy so he can look like a million bucks into facing 3H.


Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: Eric Bischoff


Fun Fan Signs:

Hook me up, Big Poppa!


Comments On Previous Show: I'm not really shocked to see bad chemistry between Lance and Cena, as I think IRL they wouldn't have gelled well either. Sheamus pulling the draw on Rusev was pretty cool, but I'm not looking for him to take the title.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio



Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio



Tamina vs. Brie Bella

Comments: No Brie Mode


Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus



Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns



Bonus Point - Who Will Be Triple H/Stephanie McMahon's Choice For Smackdown GM: Edge


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio



Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio



Tamina vs. Brie Bella



Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus



Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: SUPER ROMAN wins again!

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WWE NXT - Canada Exile 1 comes to you from the Regina German Club in Saskatchewan Canada! This is the very first show for WWE NXT - Canada and it surely did not disappoint the Canadian NXT fans either. The show begins inside the ring as Canadian Tyson Kidd steps into the ring with the Collegiate star Angelo Dawkins. The match has the fans on their feet as they watch the exciting in-ring and out-of-ring action. Tyson Kidd scores the victory over Dawkins by submission with the Hart Lock. From there, we move to a backstage segment where Ted DiBiase Jr. makes his WWE return as he is seen slipping some money in the pocket of Ryback. Why DiBiase is paying off Ryback seems to be a mystery that will remain unsolved at the present moment. Our second match of the night features a Women's match for the NXT - Canada Female title. Layla and Rosa Mendes are the two women that do battle for that title. After a back and forth match, Mendes hits Layla with the Hell Makeover to become the first WWE NXT - Canada Female Champion.


After crowning a new Female Champion, we move backstage to see a confrontation between two women who want a shot at that title. Emma is shown doing her dancing backstage when she is approached by the woman known as the Alpha Female. The Alpha Female tells Emma that there is no room for dancing in professional wrestling. Emma just ignores her until the Alpha Female slams her against a wall. Alpha Female smiles and walks away. Then we move back to the ring where we see another title match as we see the debut of the WWE NXT - Canada National title. The two wrestlers fighting for this belt are Xavier Woods and Cody Deaner. The crowd is definitely behind Xavier Woods in this matchup. The hillbilly Deaner gets the crowd angered when he nearly scores a victory following a low blow. But Woods fights his way back into the match and catches Deaner with the Lost In The Woods finisher to score the title win. From there we move to another backstage segment. This one features the ever-popular Rob Van Dam going face-to-face with The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry. RVD tells Mark Henry that if he wins the title tonight, he will have to face Mr. Canada Rob Van Dam. Henry looks briefly amused and promises to induct Van Dam in the Hall Of Pain.


A tag team match is next in the ring as we see Adam Rose team up with the Great Sasuke to take on Travis Tyler and Chris Marval. This is a high flying match that the crowd really seems to take to. Rose scores the pinfall on Travis Tyler with the Party Foul and The Great Sasuke joins the party celebration after the match. Don't be a lemon! Be a rosebud! We move right into the next match as we see the WWE return of the Masterpiece Chris Masters as he teams with Ultimo Dragon to take on Justin Gabriel and Fernando. The match looks like it might end when Gabriel hits a 450 Splash but Masters comes in with a chair and hits Justin Gabriel on the back with it, causing a DQ. We move immediately into another match, this time for the NXT - Canada Tag Team Titles as on one side we have Mojo Rawley and Tyler Breeze. On the other side we have Fandango and Colin Cassady. The crowd does a lot of humming of Fandango's theme music during the match. The titles move to the hands of Fandango and Colin Cassady when Cassady strikes Rawley with an East River Crossing. The 6'10" Cassady raises his belt high after the victory.


Now we move to one of our two main events. This first one is for the WWE NXT - Canada Universal title as Diego steps into the ring with the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry. This is definitely a David Versus Goliath match. It's a speed versus power contest as Diego does his best to keep away from Mark Henry. He uses a lot of hitting and moving, frustrating the larger, more powerful wrestler. Diego scores a near fall following an amazing Tornado DDT. Things look to be going in Diego's way until he goes for a diving cross body off the top turnbuckle. Mark Henry catches him and rams him back-first into the turnbuckle. Mark Henry gains control and never releases it, finally hitting Diego with a World's Strongest Slam and scoring the pinfall and the title victory.


The second of our two main events is a tag team contest. On one side we have the team known as RybAxel, Ryback and Curtis Axel. On the other side, we have a makeshift team of Rob Van Dam and R-Truth. This is definitely the match of the night and a match that has the fans really into things. R-Truth does a lot of the face-in-peril work for this match, getting double-teamed by Ryback and Curtis Axel. A bear hug by Ryback nearly squeezes the submission out of R-Truth but the crowd gets R-Truth back into the contest. A quick tag to Rob Van Dam has the high flyer coming in and attacking both Ryback and Curtis Axel. R-Truth rejoins the contest and he sends Ryback over the top rope with a clothesline. He catches Curtis Axel with a What's Up? and Rob Van Dam seizes the moment, leaping with cat-like agility to the top turnbuckle -- Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam hooks the leg and scores the pinfall victory for his team! Rob Van Dam and R-Truth celebrate as the show comes to a close.

WWE – NXT - Canada – Rob Van Dam


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Comments On Previous Show: just catching up but I must say I enjoy this quite a bit, other than the return of the brand split. Wasn't a fan IRL but willing to see how you handle things before passing judgment :)


Thank you for reading and taking the time to get caught up with the diary. I kind of knew that the brand split might be a little polarizing. But one of the main reasons I am bringing the brand split in is because of my large roster. It will allow people to not get as lost in that mid-card shuffle. But thank you for reading and your predictions! Always appreciated!


2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri/Rey Mysterio

Comments: Very hard pick. I pray Parker/Graves don't win, I'd be cool with Red, Kaz, London, Zayn, or Cara too. Can you tell what my favorite wrestling style is? :p


Comments On Previous Show: Like the return of Batista.


There are definitely a lot of great Cruiserweights in the battle royal itself. It was even a difficult pick for me as far as who was going to win the battle royal. But I hope that everyone will be happy with my choice. This battle royal only came about because of the injury to Sean Waltman. As far as the return of Batista, he is a great character to work with. He's got the size and the look of a WWE superstar. Thank you for reading and for commenting!


Comments On Previous Show: Those were some interesting choices for the Pick Your Poison matches. I didn't see them coming at all. I am shocked that Cena/Storm graded so low. I would've at least expected the match to be on par with Kane/Reigns. I guess that's just one of those wrinkles that makes TEW interesting.


Hopefully I can get back to reading/commenting for every show again, I've been falling behind lately.


Comments On Previous Show: I'm not really shocked to see bad chemistry between Lance and Cena, as I think IRL they wouldn't have gelled well either. Sheamus pulling the draw on Rusev was pretty cool, but I'm not looking for him to take the title.


I was personally very shocked with the grade on the John Cena/Lance Storm match. I think I also made that mistake that can happen when you put the referee as the road agent and the road agent as the referee. So I think that is something that brought the grade down as well. The Sheamus/Rusev match will be done on the next Monday Night Raw. Will Sheamus take the title back and defeat the undefeatable Super Athlete? It remains to be seen. But thank you to both of you for commenting and your predictions. I always love reading them all. Please keep them coming.

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TNA Impact Wrestling is taped tonight inside the Broome County Memorial Arena in Binghamton, New York. The taping begins with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley taking on Knux of the Menagerie. A very hard-hitting contest to kick things off here but it also shows the physical dominance of Bobby Lashley. Lashley scores the pinfall victory over Knux with a Thrust Spinebuster and pinfall as M.V.P. looks on happily at ringside. Then we move to another backstage segment between Bully Ray and Willow. The two of them are arguing over who should be the top contender but Bully Ray says he needs to focus on a match tonight, unlike Willow, who is doing nothing tonight. Our second match of the evening features Jessie from the Bro-Mans taking on Manik. A pretty-good fast paced contest between these two men. Jessie doesn't seem to take Manik too seriously, stopping to flex in the middle of the match. Manik takes advantage of this lack of focus and grabs Jessie in a double chickenwing into a double knee gutbuster to get the pinfall win.


Our one Knockouts match this evening features Rebel from the Menagerie against Madison Rayne. Rayne carries much of the match. After all, Rebel is still young inside the ring. Rebel gets out of the Rayne Drop and hits Rayne with a FBG to score the upset victory. A confrontation is shown backstage between Taryn Terrell and Brooke Tessmacher as they both seem to want the use of the same makeup girl. The verbal fight nearly becomes physical between the two women but luckily security breaks things up. Our semi main event sees a tag team match where the heel Abyss teams up with M.V.P. against the TNA World Tag Team Champions The Wolves. This is a battle of power against speed and skill. It ends up being a battle of cheating when M.V.P. uses a crutch from ringside to hit Eddie Edwards behind the referee's back. He scores a big upset pinfall over the TNA World Tag Team Champions!


Then comes the main event. It's a match that surprises some as Robbie E takes on Bully Ray. The Bro-Man shows that he definitely has some skill inside the ring, even surprising Bully Ray by nearly pulling out a victory in some instances. But there is no surprise when Bully Ray strikes Robbie E with a Bully Bomb and scores the pinfall victory to end the show.

TNA – Impact – Robbie E – Bully Ray


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WWE NXT Wrestling comes to you live from the Deer Park Convention Center in Deer Park, New York. The show begins with Diva's action inside the ring as the WWE NXT Diva's Champion Charlotte takes on the mysterious Christina Von Eerie. The 24 year old Von Eerie shows that she has the skills to match up against the second generation wrestler Charlotte. But Charlotte has definitely learned a lot from her father. She takes Von Eerie down to the mat and catches her with the Natural Selection, scoring the pinfall victory over the mysterious newcomer. From there, we move backstage to see three Divas arguing over who should get the next title shot. Those three divas are Barbie Blank, Divina Fly and Naomi. The argument is not settled before we return to the ring.


Our semi main event match features two newcomers to WWE NXT. Those newcomers are Shannon Moore matching up against Rob Terry. Moore does his best to keep away from Rob Terry, using his speed and moves off the turnbuckle to keep Rob Terry on the mat. Moore goes for the Moonsault but Rob Terry catches Moore and lifts him on his shoulder, bringing him down with a running powerslam. Terry makes the cover and scores the victory over the veteran. Then we move to our main event where Adrian Neville is defending the WWE NXT Heavyweight title in a triple threat match between himself, Baron Corbin and Solomon Crowe. Neville proves why he is the WWE NXT Heavyweight Champion as he mostly dominates this triple threat match. He sends Baron Corbin out of the ring and sets up Crowe inside the ring -- Red Arrow! Neville hits his finisher and makes the cover, scoring the three count! Thank you for coming!

WWE – NXT – Adrian Neville


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Friday Week 2 August 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: FL O'Connell Center (South East)

Attendance: 10,831

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.13




['The King Of Kings' begins the show playing through the p.a. system as the crowd here in Gainesville, Florida boos loudly. Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon walk from the back toward the ring. The boos only grow louder as Triple H holds the ropes open for his wife and the two of them enter the ring. A sign is seen in the background reading: 'The Nature Boy AJ Styles ... Woooooo!' The two reigning members of The Authority stand in the center of the ring and Triple H says that last week we saw who Roman Reigns would choose as the Smackdown General Manager if he wins the match at SummerSlam. Hunter tells Mick Foley that he should remain on the sidelines because he is not going to be the Smackdown General Manager following SummerSlam. Triple H says that he would go so far as to guaran -- Stephanie grabs the microphone before he can say that word. She says that that word has bitten the McMahon family before. She says that she refuses to let him use that word. Instead, she wants to introduce the world to who the Authority would select as the new Smackdown General Manager when Triple H defeats Roman Reigns at SummerSlam.]





[The crowd erupts in a mixture of boos and cheers as the Chairman of the Board Mr. McMahon walks out with his power walk down to the ring. The crowd is in absolute shock as Mr. McMahon enters the ring. He shakes the hand of his son-in-law and gives his daughter a hug before letting the world know that he's back in the WWE! He says that his son-in-law called him up and asked him to return as the Smackdown General Manager when Triple H defeats Roman Reigns at SummerSlam and he was very happy to return. However, now that he is back in his promotion, he is not going to be returning to the sideline. This means that if Triple H loses at SummerSlam to Roman Reigns, he will not be on Smackdown. Instead, he will be with his son-in-law and daughter on Monday Night Raw! Triple H and Stephanie both look a little worried about that revelation. But, Mr. McMahon says, Triple H is NOT going to lose at SummerSlam. So they will not have to worry about him taking over Raw, right? Mr. McMahon shakes hands with his son-in-law again and tells everyone to enjoy the Smackdown action. The three leave the ring together.]


Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - First Round

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio


[Our very first match of the evening is a Cruiserweight title tournament match between two veterans of the Cruiserweight division. The match begins with several kicks from Tajiri on Mysterio. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a dropkick but Mysterio moves out of the way. Mysterio tosses Tajiri out of the ring and then charges, leaping over the top rope and landing on Tajiri outside the ring! Mysterio stands up, getting the crowd behind him. Mysterio whips Tajiri toward the barricade -- reversed! Mysterio leaps up on the barricade -- Asai Moonsault! Nice move outside the ring! The action returns inside the ring where Tajiri takes some control. He catches Mysterio in the Tarantula but has to release before the five count. Tajiri goes for the Buzzsaw Kick but Mysterio ducks the kick. Mysterio catches Tajiri with a dropkick to the back, sending him to the ropes. Mysterio looks around to the crowd for a moment before bouncing off the ropes -- 619! Mysterio climbs the turnbuckles -- Frog Splash! Mysterio hooks the legs: One, Two, Three! Rey Mysterio moves on!]


Winner: Rey Mysterio (Via Pinfall @ 6:02)

Match Rating: C




[From the ring, we move to a backstage segment where Mr. McMahon is shown in an office area. Entering the office is Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. Rollins shakes hands with McMahon, saying it is an honor to speak with him in person. Rollins says that he has a lot in common with Mr. McMahon. He talks about the fact that Mr. McMahon is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion and says that he is a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion and Mr. Money In The Bank. McMahon asks Rollins what he wants and Rollins says that as a wrestler he always wants to face the best. So he asks Mr. McMahon to book him this Monday night against John Cena! Mr. McMahon thinks about it for a moment and then agrees to book the match! He wishes Rollins good luck Monday night. But before they leave he pats Rollins on the shoulder and says that there is something that he needs from Seth Rollins. Mr. McMahon picks up the Money In The Bank briefcase and says that the WWE fans voted for him to defend that briefcase at SummerSlam and that's exactly what he's going to do. That means that he will not be allowed to spend the contract until after the match. Rollins looks angry, sputtering out words as Mr. McMahon smiles and walks away with the briefcase.]




[A former Olympic Gold Medalist. The World's Greatest Tag Team. A former four time WWE Champion. A former King of the Ring. A former Grand Slam Champion. Former two time WWE World Tag Team Champions. 'Medal' begins to play in the background of the video as we are shown the pictures, the images of Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. Angle is shown locking on the Ankle Lock on various top superstars, including Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar and more. Then the video flips to show the World's Greatest Tag Team using several of their finishers on various superstars. This group formed a legacy. This group, known as Team Angle, has proven that they are some of the best athletes in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. And they will be making their return this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. So make sure that you are tuned in this Monday night for the return of a legacy.]


Match #2


Rusev Challenge Match

Rusev vs. Super Crazy


[Our second match of the evening features the Russian monster, the Super-Athlete Rusev taking on a member of the Other-Americans Super Crazy. The athletic Super Crazy does his best to keep away from the powerful Rusev, running around the ring to try and tire out Rusev. He manages to knock Rusev back into a corner. He climbs up and begins throwing punches as some members of the crowd begin counting in Spanish. They only get to seis before Rusev walks out with Super Crazy and power bombs him on the mat. Rusev picks up Super Crazy and sends him to the ropes -- body block! The Super Athlete looks to Lana for a moment and lifts Super Crazy -- Samoan Drop! Rusev moves in, stomping on the back of Super Crazy -- The Accolade! Within moments, Crazy has no choice but to tap out.]


Winner: Rusev (Via Submission @ 5:36)

Match Rating: D-




[From the ring, we move backstage where Renee Young is standing by with Sheamus. Young says that Sheamus will have to take on Rusev this Monday night for the United States title. Sheamus says that he proved he can stay one on one with Rusev last Monday night when he survived ten minutes in the ring with that idiot Russian. Sheamus says that Rusev thinks he's unbeatable but this Monday night he is going to prove that anyone can be beaten, fella. This Monday night he is coming for his belt back. Before the interview is over, Bray Wyatt walks over, laughing. Wyatt says that Sheamus needs to think about making it to Monday Night Raw. In order to do that, he has to survive a match tonight with the Eater of Worlds. Tonight, Bray Wyatt says that Sheamus is going to be broken, destroyed and then rebuilt by the power of the Wyatt Family. Wyatt says that Sheamus will be lucky to still be alive Monday night. He laughs and the screen goes to black.]





[inside the ring, the crowd cheers when the former WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos come out, getting the crowd hyped. 'When I say Us - y'all say Os!' They enter the ring and talk about the fact that last month they lost the WWE World Tag Team titles to a veteran team in The Steiner Brothers. They say that they can understand losing to a team that has been around since their father was a baby. After all, they took this team way too lightly but that won't be the same at SummerSlam. At SummerSlam, they are going to regain their WWE World Tag Team titles by beating the adult diapers off Rick and Scott Steiner. The words bring the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers out to the ring. But they don't seem ready to speak. Instead, they came to fight. A sign goes up in the crowd as The Steiner Brothers pass by. The sign reads: 'Hook me up, Big Poppa!' The Steiner Brothers hit the ring! Rick Steiner goes after Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso and Scott Steiner exchange punches. Rick takes down Jimmy with a Steinerline! Jey knocks Scott over the top rope with a clothesline. Jey ducks a Steinerline from Rick Steiner and catches him with a Superkick! Rick rolls out of the ring beside his brother. The Usos look at each other and then bounces off the ropes, diving out of the ring on The Steiner Brothers! The Usos stand tall over the champs this evening. They high five the crowd as they head toward the back.]




[The crowd here in Gainesville, Florida cheer as Dolph Ziggler appears on the screen. The WWE Intercontinental Champion says that they are getting closer and closer to SummerSlam and his title defense against Chris Jericho. Ziggler says that he is going to prove that he is the best Intercontinental champion of all time when he goes one on one with Chris Jericho at SummerSlam in a Finisher's Only match. That means that he is going to have to hit Jericho with the Zig-Zag in order to finish the match. But that's alright because he always loves to show off in the ring. And if he cannot beat him with the Zig-Zag, there's always the possibility of putting Chris Jericho to sleep. But one way or another, this is going to be Dolph Ziggler's SummerSlam moment. And he is going to show off one more time.]




[From there, we move to a hype video featuring the two men who will do battle for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at SummerSlam. A history between the two men is shown that begins around ten years ago when Brock Lesnar and John Cena both showed up in World Wrestling Entertainment. A scene is shown where Brock Lesnar gives John Cena an F-5 against the ring post, breaking his leg in the process. Cena vows to come back and fight and he is shown wrestling Brock Lesnar at Backlash from 2003. Lesnar gains the victory in this match and both men move forward apart from each other. Brock Lesnar returns to the WWE in 2012 and immediately attacks John Cena. John Cena defeats Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules that year but now these two men will meet again at SummerSlam for the WWE World Heavyweight title. Which man will walk away and which man will need to be carried out?]


Match #3



2nd Chance Cruiserweight Title Battle Royal

Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick vs. CJ Parker vs. Corey Graves vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Paul London vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sin Cara vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


[Our next match is a battle royal featuring ten members of the Cruiserweight division. This match includes the debut of Frankie Kazarian, who spends much of the early moments of the match looking into a hand-held mirror, making sure he still looks good. The first elimination was made early on in the match when Sin Cara avoids a CJ Parker finisher called The Taste. He brings Parker over the top rope with a clothesline, causing the first elimination. The battles continue with Brian Kendrick and Paul London teaming together during this battle royal. They manage to eliminate Corey Graves together and then go after Sami Zayn. Zayn catches Kendrick with a Helluva Kick but then is taken over the top rope by Sin Cara and sent to the floor. Sin Cara has a lot of momentum on his side. Sin Cara heads to the top turnbuckle but Kendrick and London both go after him. Using multiple kicks they knock Sin Cara off the top turnbuckle to the floor. London and Kendrick celebrate together but turn right into a double clothesline from Amazing Red. The high flyer catches them with an Asai Moonsault, knocking all three of them over the top rope to the floor! We are left with Frankie Kazarian, Tajiri and Kofi Kingston. Tajiri goes for the green mist on Kingston but Kingston ducks and Kazarian takes it right in the face! Kazarian can't believe it! He's trying to wipe the mist away but Kingston catches him with Trouble In Paradise and Kazarian is sent over the top rope! We're down to Kofi Kingston and Tajiri. Tajiri goes for another green mist but Kingston blocks it with a hand and then Kingston catches Tajiri with a side Russian Legsweep. Kingston plays to the crowd for a moment before hitting Tajiri with the Boom Drop! Kingston picks up Tajiri and tosses him out!]


Winner: Kofi Kingston (Via Over The Top Elimination @ 10:13)

Match Rating: C-


[The crowd is a little surprised as Kofi Kingston picks up the victory! He is moving to the second round of the WWE Cruiserweight title tournament! Kingston gets to the top turnbuckle, posing for the crowd in this victory. He does a somersault back into the ring and gets his arm raised once again by the referee. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Cruiserweights rule!' What a Cruiserweight battle royal this was! This means that Kingston will be moving on to face The Hurricane next week in the second round of the tournament. What a match that should be! And what a victory for Kofi Kingston!]




[The backstage area is shown and we see one of the men who recently returned to the WWE Dave Bautista walking down a hallway. His steps are paused when he comes face-to-face with The Miz! Bautista smirks and tells The Miz to move before he makes him move. The Miz says that he wonders how Bautista even made it into Hollywood. The Miz says that Bautista does not have movie star looks like he does. The Miz says that Bautista is not even close to the same level of superstar that The Miz is. The Miz challenges Bautista to a match. Before Bautista can answer, Triple H walks onto the scene and says that he thinks that will make for a great match next week right here on Smackdown. He says that he thinks that is best for business and will happen next week.]


Match #4


Tamina vs. Brie Bella


[Our next match is a Diva's division match as Tamina takes on Brie Bella. The match seems to be a bathroom break match for many of the fans here in Florida as it receives almost non-existent crowd heat. Tamina uses a few headbutts on her much smaller opponent in Brie Bella. She drops Brie Bella with a vertical suplex and then heads for the top turnbuckle. She leaps with her version of the Superfly Splash but Brie rolls out of the way! Brie catches Tamina with a couple of flying clotheslines and then shoves her back in a corner, bringing her over with a monkey flip! Brie moves in and catches Tamina with a Brie Buster! She makes a cover: One, Two, Three! An upset victory for Brie Bella!]


Winner: Brie Bella (Via Pinfall @ 5:35)

Match Rating: D-




[Renee Young is backstage right now with the Viper Randy Orton. She says that he has a major match tonight against Roman Reigns. She asks him about the match and he says that tonight he is going to be sending a message. That message he is going to be sending is directed right at Sting. Yeah, he had a little bit of fun at Sting's expense last week but he is going to be focused tonight. He is going to be focused on a man that the WWE Universe calls the future of the WWE. But in order to be the future you have to make it through the present. Orton says that Roman Reigns is not going to make it to the future. As a matter of fact, he's not going to survive the night. Orton tells Sting to watch this match tonight because The Viper is going to strike.]


Match #5


Bray Wyatt vs. Sheamus


[Our semi main event contest is a match with some good action as Bray Wyatt takes on Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior gets the early advantage on Wyatt, hitting him with an early White Noise for a two count. Sheamus continues on the assault, going to the ropes but Wyatt catches him with a knee to the gut. Wyatt gains the control and the next few minutes are spent with Wyatt beating down Sheamus. Wyatt sends Sheamus out of the ring and then he goes over to a corner, bending backward and walking a crab walk along the mat before turning back over and exiting the ring. Wyatt tosses Sheamus against the ring post and then slides him back in the ring. Wyatt smiles and catches Sheamus with a short-arm clothesline. He immediately picks up the Celtic Warrior, setting him up for Sister Abigail but Sheamus twists out of the hold. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Wyatt ducks the kick. Sheamus grabs Wyatt and tosses him out onto the apron. He grabs him by the arms and begins hitting him in the chest with forearms. Sheamus brings Bray Wyatt back in the ring and hits the Irish Curse Backbreaker! He moves into a corner, preparing to attack with the Brogue Kick but Rusev is there! Rusev distracts Sheamus by grabbing his ankle. Sheamus and Rusev argue before Sheamus turns back toward Bray Wyatt. Wyatt kicks Sheamus in the gut -- Sister Abigail! Wyatt makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Bray Wyatt (Via Pinfall @ 7:48)

Match Rating: C




[Lana escorts Rusev in the ring and Rusev gives a stomp to the back of Sheamus. He moves in and hooks The Accolade on Sheamus! The crowd boos, USA chants beginning in the background as Rusev pulls back on the hold. Lana yells at Sheamus, even going so far as to slap him! Rusev finally releases the hold and the Russian flag drops down from the ceiling as he stands over Sheamus, raising what he calls the Russian title. Lana raises Rusev's arm and this could be the scene this Monday night on Monday Night Raw when Rusev faces Sheamus.]




[As the fans get ready for the main event, we are taken to a pre-taped segment featuring the two Kings Of WrestleSwing Cesaro and Kassius Ohno. The two of them talk about the fact that the Kings of Wrestling is more than just a name. It is a title that they have both earned wrestling all over the world. But they want to prove this in the WWE ring. How can they do that? By taking on and defeating the WWE World Tag Team Champions. They say that they understand it won't be a title match. However, they still want The Steiner Brothers next week inside this ring on Smackdown. They want to fight the best and that is what's going to happen on Smackdown in one week. Cesaro and Ohno shake hands and then nod to the camera as we fade back to the ring for our main event.]


Match #6


Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns


[This is our main event right here on Smackdown as The Viper Randy Orton steps into the ring with the Roman Empire Roman Reigns. Reigns comes down through the crowd, leaping the barricade where Orton meets him and the two men exchange punches! Reigns strikes Orton with a knee to the midsection and then rams Orton up against the side of the ring. He rolls Orton in the ring and follows him in but Orton strikes with a couple of knees to the ribs. Orton drops Reigns with a standing dropkick and then poses to boos from the crowd. The man known as The Viper follows Reigns into a corner and throws a few punches before whipping Reigns across -- reversed! Reigns reverses it and hits a leaping clothesline on Orton! Reigns with a second leaping clothesline! Orton rolls out of the ring to catch a breather and another man comes down to stand at ringside.]




[The man who stands in the corner of Randy Orton is the man who will face Roman Reigns at SummerSlam Triple H. Orton rolls back in the ring and Reigns catches him with a couple of knees to the midsection. Reigns picks up Orton and body slams him on the mat. Reigns bounces off the ropes -- elbowdrop! Reigns makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Reigns picks up Orton -- Sideslam! He stands over Orton for a brief moment, getting a good crowd reaction. Reigns punches the mat, calling for the Superman Punch! He waits for Orton to get to his feet and stagger toward him -- The Punch is reversed into an inverted headlock backbreaker by Orton! Orton plays to Triple H for a moment before picking up Reigns and going on the offensive. The next several minutes are spent with Randy Orton in control. Around the ten minute mark into the match, Orton strikes Reigns with a rope-hung DDT and gets a two count. Orton moves Reigns over into a corner and waits as Reigns begins to get on all fours. Could he be going for that Punt Kick that has put many wrestlers on the sideline? Orton charges Reigns but Reigns trips Orton up instead!]


[The crowd gets pumped as Roman Reigns seems to be turning the momentum around on Randy Orton. Reigns takes down Orton with a leaping clothesline and then sets him up over the bottom rope. Reigns exits the ring and looks at Orton -- Running Dropkick strikes the head of The Viper! Reigns quickly slides in the ring and scores a two count. The crowd counts along with that but it's only two. Reigns gets to his feet and punches the mat again. He is getting fired up as Orton gets to his feet -- Superman Punch! Reigns connects with the Superman Punch! He picks up Orton -- Samoan Drop! Reigns moves over into a corner and perches there, waiting for Randall Keith Orton to reach his feet. When Orton turns to face Reigns -- Spear! Reigns spears Orton right out of his wrestling boots! Reigns slides in and makes the cover: One, Two, Triple H comes in and breaks up the pinfall, causing the DQ!]


Winner: Roman Reigns (Via Disqualification @ 14:01)

Match Rating: B


[Triple H goes right after Roman Reigns with stomps and kicks on the man who has already been through a fourteen minute match. The man known as The Game brings Reigns down on a knee and then hooks him between his legs -- Pedigree! Triple H slides out of the ring and looks underneath the ring. What is he doing? Triple H comes out from under the ring with a sledgehammer! The crowd boos as Hunter enters the ring and goes right after Roman Reigns with the sledgehammer! He brings it down with a thud on the back of Reigns! Reigns drops down on his stomach and Triple H turns him over onto his back. Triple H looks down at Reigns and then begins hitting him in the skull over and over with the sledgehammer! Roman Reigns is completely passed out! His forehead is busted open by the sledgehammer, leaving him bleeding and down in the ring. Triple H has completely lost it tonight, folks! Hunter throws down the sledgehammer and looks over toward the announce table. He pulls Roman Reigns to the ropes and then out of the ring. Hunter clears off the announce table and lifts a bleeding Reigns up on the table! Reigns is not moving as Triple H hooks him in the Pedigree position -- Pedigree through the table! Reigns is completely done as he lies on the ground in the midst of that table. 'The King Of Kings' begins to play and Triple H stands over the top of Roman Reigns. And this is the end for Smackdown! We'll see you Monday Night for Raw!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this Smackdown are Beejus and Smasher1311 as they got a score of 5/7! Congratulations to Beejus and Smasher1311! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=6 Wins

2. Rayelek=5 Wins

Smasher1311=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

6. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-It's time for WWE Monday Night Raw! The ring is going to be filled with the WWE Universe. There will be stars like The Rock, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Kane, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and more!


-The main event for this week was announced last Friday night on Smackdown as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena will step in the ring with Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. This match has no chance of turning into a title match as Mr. McMahon confiscated the Money In The Bank briefcase from Seth Rollins. But this has the ability to be an excellent match as these two men have such great ability in the ring.


-Another title match this evening will be the United States/Russian title being defended by Rusev against Sheamus. Rusev got the upper hand on Sheamus last week on Smackdown. But will he maintain the 'Russian Superiority' this week on Monday Night Raw when the title is on the line?


-Speaking of Superiority, we will also be seeing the return of Team Angle. Kurt Angle and The World's Greatest Tag Team make their return to Monday Night Raw. Could we see Kurt Angle go face-to-face with Rusev?


-One person who will not be live on Monday Night Raw is Roman Reigns. Following the attack by Triple H on Smackdown, Roman Reigns will not be in the building as he suffered multiple injuries during that attack. This even puts his participation at SummerSlam in doubt. Will he make it back before the biggest pay-per-view match in his career?


-Plus Dolph Ziggler, Dave Bautista, Randy Orton, Sting and Kofi Kingston will be in the building, Kendrick & London take on Goldust and Stardust and more! Which superstars will move along the road toward SummerSlam successfully?


Prediction Listing


Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust

Comments: The Dust Brothers pick up a tough win.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Good as he is, Liger is no young pup, so Devitt moves past him.


Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella

Comments: Some type of miscommunication gives AJ the win.


Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards

Comments: I would have given it to Bo and Damien, but I can't go against Stevie.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus

Comments: Rusev rules gives the advantage to the champion.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian

Comments: This one should be fun, at least.


Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

Comments: SuperCena supercedes anyone.


Fun Fan Signs:

Rusev Rules is more like O'Doyle Rules!

Give me a chance in hell, Vince!


Comments On Previous Show: A little surprised about Vince's apparent agreement to be "only" a GM, I thought when he came out to start the show he was there to bust 3H and Stephanie down a few notches... but I suppose not. Otherwise, highly enjoyable show, can't wait to see the Kings against the Steiners!

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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena



Fun Fan Signs: BRAPADOOO!


Comments On Previous Show:

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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

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Londrick vs. Goldust and Stardust

Comments: Callin' 'em Londrick


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Devitt is amazing


Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus

Comments: I can't get enough Sheamus.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian

Comments: Should could be a great match though.


Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena


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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust

Comments: Cosmic Twins > Hooligans


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Liger has the bigger following in the States, I'd imagine, but this one is hard to call.


Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena


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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust

Comments: Now this is a match I'd love to see...!!! I think Cody's the bigger SSSsssssstaaaaaaaaar though :D


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena


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